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July, 2021

Prof. Liat Korn

List of ISI Publications

1. Korn Liat, Bonny-Noach Hagit, Tesler Riki, Koren Gideon, Nissanholtz- Gannot Rachel
(2021). Risk and protective factors associated with multi problem behaviors of Ethiopian
young-adults in Israel. Accepted at: Health & Social Care in the Community.

2. Korn Liat, Koren Gideon, Yaakov Ayelet, Madar Galit, Blau Ayala (2021).
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Childbirth Preparation Courses on Women’s Self-
Efficacy among Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Religious Women in Israel: healthcare-

3. Korn Liat, Bonny-Noach Hagit, Gideon Koren, Nissanholtz- Gannot Rachel

(2021). Health complications after body art reported by Israeli adults. Israel
Journal of Health Policy Research.
4. Koren, G., & Korn, L. (2021). The Use of Methylphenidate for Cognitive
Enhancement in Young Healthy Adults: the Clinical and Ethical Debates. Journal
of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 41(2), 100-102.
doi: 10.1097/JCP.0000000000001336

5. Korn Liat, Haynie L. Denise, Luk W. Jeremy, Kellienne Sita, Simons-Morton G.

Bruce. (2021). Attitudes, beliefs, and age of Cannabis use onset among adolescents
and young adults. Journal of School Health. 91(1):50-58,

6. Zigdon Avi, Koren Gideon, Korn Liat. (2020). Characteristics Related to Choice
of Gynecologist Among Ethiopian Immigrant Women in Israel. Healthcare,8, 444;

7. Segal, Z., Kalifa, D., Radinsky, K., Ehrenberg, B., Elad, G., Maor, G., Lewis, M.,
Tibi, M., Korn, L., Koren, G. (2020). Machine learning algorithm for early
detection of end-stage renal disease. BMC Nephrology, 21(1)1-10.

8. Segal Zvi, Radinsky Kira, Elad Guy, Marom Gal, Beladov Moran, Lewis Maor,
Gillis Plia, Ehrenberg Bar, Korn Liat, Koren Gideon. (2020). Development of a
machine learning algorithm for early detection of opioid use disorder.
Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, 8(6), p.e00669.

9. Koren, Gideon, Korn Liat. (2020). Chloroquine-Covid 19; Introducing to Medical

Students the Clinical Pharmacology of Drug Repurposing. International Journal
of Medical Education,11:155-157.

10. Kostya Pinski, Rivkin Michael, Korn Liat. (2020). Multi-pharmacy and its
relation to health-related quality of life in old age. The journal of Gerontology, 1.
11. Tesler Riki, Kolobov Tatyana, Korn Liat, Shuval Kerem, Levin-Zamir Diane,
Marques Adilson, Harel Fisch Yossi (2020). Trends in Tobacco Use among
Children and Adolescents in Israel, 1998-2015. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
2020, 17, 1354; doi:10.3390/ijerph17041354.

12. Schusterman Olga, Borochov Smadar, Goody Nava & Korn Liat (2020). Use of
Methylphenidate as a mediator between gender and early signs of eating disorders
Among undergraduates in Israel. Health Promotion in Israel. 7; 35-43.

13. Wolf Liat, Cohen Inbar, Korn Liat (2020). Associations between hours of gaming
and health and social outcomes among undergraduate students. Social Issues in
Israel. 29(1); 7-34. DOI:

14. Koren, Gideon, Korn Liat, Cem Kaplan. (2020). Late Prematurity and Child
development; Sharpening the Upper Edge. Motherisk International Journal. May,

15. Yehidi Roee, Hay-levy Mori, Nakdimon Idan, Bar Aviad, Korn Liat. (2020). Bed
bugs: characteristics, health repercussions and prevalence in IDF and worldwide.
Harefuha Hazvit.

16. Ben-Ami, Noa, Korn, Liat. (2020). Associations between backache and stress
among undergraduate students. Journal of American College Health, 1-7.
DOI 10.1080/07448481.2018.1515753.

17. Korn Liat, Hassan-Vichman Kinneret, Yusuf Nizmit, Komeransky Nadya,

Davidovitch Nitza (2019) Non-Medical Use of Prescription Stimulants for
Treatment of Attention Disorders by University Students: Characteristics and
Associations. Med Sci Monit, 25;1-10, DOI: 10.12659/MSM.913973.

18. Korn Liat, Haynie L. Denise, Luk W. Jeremy, Simons-Morton G. Bruce. (2018).

Prospective Associations between Cannabis Use and Negative and Positive Health
and Social Measures Among Emerging Adults. International Journal of Drug
Policy, 58, 55-63. DOI 10.1016/j.drugpo.2018.05.003

19. Korn Liat, Bonny-Noach Hagit (2018). Gender differences in deviance and
health risk behaviors among young-adults undergraduate students. Substance Use
& Misuse, 2;53(1):59-69. DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2017.1323924
20. Nissanholtz- Gannot Rachel, Bonny-Noach Hagit, Korn Liat (2018). Knowledge
attitudes and behavior patterns regarding body modifications in Israel: tattoos,
piercing and subcutaneous implants, Social Issues in Israel, 25;180-208.

21. Korn Liat, Ben-Ami Noa, Azmon Michal, Einstein Ofira, Lotan Meir (2017).
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Health Promotion Intervention Program Among
Physiotherapy Undergraduate Students. Med Sci Monit 2017; 23:3518-3527.
DOI 10.12659/MSM.902864.

22. Cohen Sara, Levy Einav, Korn Liat (2017). Cannabis use among undergraduate
students at an academic institution in Israel Trends between 2009-2015 and Health
and Social Characteristics. Harefuah, 156(5): 330.

23. Nissanholtz- Gannot Rachel, Bonny-Noach Hagit, Korn Liat (2017). Behavioral
Patterns and Perceptions Relating to Body Modification in Israel: Tattoos,
Piercings, and Subdermal Implants. Journal of Behavioral Addiction, 6(1): 38-39.

24. Korn Liat, Weiss Yossi, Rosenbloom Tova. (2017). The Relation between
Driving Violations and Health Promotion Behaviors among Undergraduate
Students: Self Report of On Road Behavior. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2017 Apr
14:0. DOI  10.1080/15389588.2017.1316842.

25. Kuklinsky Boris, Zonshtein Victoria, Mikhailova Rozitta, Korn Liat (2017). The
relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI), a self-perception of health, eating
habits and physical Activity among undergraduate students at the University Ariel:
Comparison Between 2009-2015.Health Promotion in Israel, 6:42-51.

26. Zukerman Gil, Korn Liat, Shapiro Ephraim, Fostick Lea (2017) Avoidance
behavior following terror event exposure – effects of Perceived Life Threat and
Jewish Religious coping. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 55(3), 516-
530. DOI  10.1111/jssr.12283.

27. Korn Liat, Davidovich Nitza (2016). Relationship between Access to Higher
Education and Academic Fraud- Patterns of behaviors, perceptions and
characteristics of students reporting academic fraud, Social Issues in Israel,

28. Korn Liat, Davidovich Nitza (2016). The profile of academic offenders: Features
of students who admit to academic dishonesty. Medical Science Monitor. 2016
Aug 29;22:3043-55. DOI  10.12659/MSM.898810.

29. Zukerman Gil, Korn Liat & Fostick Leah (2016). Religious Coping and Post
Traumatic Stress Symptoms Following Trauma- The moderating Effects of
Gender. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, Advance online publication. DOI

30. Haller-Hayon Orit, Korn Liat, Magnezi Racheli (2015). The Contribution of the
Health Management Studies Program to the Professional Status of the Graduates.
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health DOI:10.1515/ijamh-

31. Zukerman Gil & Korn Liat (2014). Post-Traumatic stress and world assumptions-
The effects of religious coping. Journal of Religion & Health

32. Korn Liat, Shaked Yael & Fogel-Grinvald Haya (2014). Problem Behaviors
among Israeli undergraduate students: Applying Jessor's Problem Behavior Theory
(PBT) among young adult students Front. Public Health 2:273. DOI:

33. Korn Liat & Billig Miriam (2013). Health-risk behaviors and a healthy lifestyle
among students from different environmental and cultural backgrounds
International Journal on Disability and Human Development. 12(3):267-81, ISSN
(Online) 2191-0367, ISSN (Print) 2191-1231, DOI: 10.1515/ijdhd-2012-0135.

34. Korn Liat & Bonny-Noach Hagit (2013). Health Risk and Deviant Behaviors
among Students in an Academic Institution in Israel. International Journal of
Child & Adolescent Health 6(2):191-201.

35. Korn Liat, Gonen Ester, Shaked Yael & Golan Moria (2013). Health perceptions,
self and body image, physical exercise and nutrition among undergraduate students
in Israel. PLoS ONE 8(3): e58543. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0058543.

36. Korn Liat & Zukerman Gil (2011). Affective and Behavioral Changes Following
Exposure to Traumatic Events- The moderating effect of religiosity on avoidance
behaviors amongst students studying at a high level of exposure to terror events.
Journal of Religion & Health 50(4):911-21. DOI: 10.1007/s10943-011-9502-8.

37. Magnezi, Racheli, Korn Liat & Reuveni Haim (2011). The use of Outsourcing of
Israeli Medical Centers. International Public Health Journal 4(1):383-96.

38. Greenberger Chaya & Korn Liat (2011). Child Injuries among Orthodox
Communities in Israel. International Journal of Child & Adolescent Health

39. Korn Liat & Bonny-Noach Hagit (2011). Health Risk and Deviant Behaviors
among Students in an Academic Institution in Israel. Journal of Social Issues in
Israel 12: 112-143.

40. Korn Liat & Billig Miriam (2011). Effects of the Location of One’s Residence on
Health Risk Behaviors, and Healthy Lifestyles: A Comparison between Students
Living in Judea and Samaria and between those living in other regions. Journal of
Judea & Samaria Studies 179-200.

41. Craig, W., Harel-Fisch, Y., Fogel-Grinvald, H., Dostaler, S., Hetland, J., Simons-
Morton, B., ... & Pickett, W. (2009). A cross-national profile of bullying and
victimization among adolescents in 40 countries. International journal of public
health, 54(2), 216-224. DOI 10.1007/s00038-009-5413-9.

42. Korn Liat & Magnezi Racheli (2009). Knowledge and Attitudes toward Anorexia
Nervosa and Self Body Image among Young and Older Women in Israel.
International Public Health Journal 1(2):1-9.

43. Korn Liat, Hemmo-Lotem Michal & Endy-Findling Liri (2009). Safe
Communities for Children- Insights from a pilot program for preventing
unintentional injuries. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine & Health

44. Korn Liat & Magnezi Racheli (2008). Cigarette and Nargila (water pipe) use
among Arab Israeli high school students: Prevalence and determinants of tobacco
smoking. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 8:517-25. DOI: 10.1100/tsw.2008.71.

45. Korn Liat, Harel Fisch Yossi & Amitai Gabriel (2008). Social and Behavioral
Determinants of Nargila Smoking among Israeli Youth: Findings from the 2002
HBSC Survey. Journal of Substance Use 13(4):225-38. DOI:

46. Hemmo-Lotem, Michal, Merrick Efrat, Endy-Findling Liri, Abu Freh Aziza,
Jinich-Aronowitz Claudia, Korn Liat & Merrick Joav (2005). Child Injury
Prevention: An Intervention in the Bedouin City of Rahat.
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 5:596-608. DOI 10.1100/tsw.2005.70.


47. Harel-Fisch Yossi, Korn Liat, Fogel- Grinvald Haya, Ben-David Yifat, Nave
Shanny (2010). Youth in Israel–an International Perspective: Mental and Social
Well-Being and Risk Behavior Trends 1994–2006, Findings from the 5th
International HBSC Survey (2006). Fifth national research finding summary 2006,
Health Behaviors in School-aged Children (HBSC) A World Health Organization
Cross-National Study, Ramat-gan: Bar-Ilan University.


48. Vieno Alessio, Pavlova Daria, Leal-Lopez Eva, Korn Liat, Charrier Lorena,
Canale Natale, Tesler Riki (2020). Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis use. In book:
Spotlight on adolescent health and well-being. Findings from the 2017/2018
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey in Europe and Canada.
International report. Volume 1. Key findings (pp.26-29). Publisher: WHO
Regional Office for Europe

49. Korn Liat & Bonny-Noach Hagit (2012). Health Risk and Deviant Behaviors
among Students in an Academic Institution in Israel. In: University and college
students: Health and development issues for the leaders of tomorrow. Edited by
Daniel TL Shek, Rachel Sun and Joav Merrick. Chapter 14, pp 163-76.

50. Greenberger Chaya & Korn Liat (2011). Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of Jewish
Ultra-Orthodox mothers as related to toddlers' safety in the home environment. In: Child
and Adolescent Health Yearbook 2011. Editors: Joav Merrick Chapter 41, pp 439-58.

51. Korn Liat & Magnezi Racheli (2011). Chapter 22: knowledge and Attitudes toward
Anorexia Nervosa and Self Body Image among Young and Old Women in Israel. In:
Merrick J. (Editor) Public Health Yearbook 2009. Nova Biomedical. Health and Human
Development. Chapter 22, pp 255-66.

52. Korn Liat & Harel-Fisch Yossi (2008). The Nargila Smoking Phenomenon among Teen-
agers in Israel. Youth in Israel, 2005. Ed: Rahav, G., Wozner, Y., and Faisal, A., Tel-Aviv,
Ramot, pp 87-114.


1. Korn Liat (2016). Health, mental and social well-being and risk behavior
patterns Among students at Ariel University. Research report. Summary of initial
findings of the 2015 study and trends between the years 2009-2015 Ariel
University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health Systems
Management. With corporation of Dr Hagit Bonny-Noach and Prof. Miram Billig.
The research report was conducted with the assistance of funding expenses and
support of the Ariel University in Samaria And R & D in Samaria and the Jordan
Valley. 289 Pages.

2. Korn Liat (2011). Substance Use among Students at the Ariel University Center
of Samaria. Ariel University Center of Samaria, Faculty of Health Sciences. 96
pages. Finding report presented to The Israel Anti-Drug Authority.

3. Korn Liat (2010). "Health, Emotional and Social Wellbeing, and Risk Behavior
Patterns among students at the Ariel University Center of Samaria", Initial study
finding summary for 2009. Department of Health Management, School of Health
Sciences, Ariel University Center of Samaria. January, 2010.

4. Korn Liat (2010). Health behaviors and risk among students From the Ariel
University Center in Samaria Who live in Ariel and Samaria. Research report.
Ariel University Center of Samaria, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of
Health Systems Management. The research report was conducted with the

assistance of funding expenses and support of the Ariel University Center in
Samaria And R & D in Samaria and the Jordan Valley. 78 Pages.

5. Korn Liat (2005). “The Nargila Smoking Phenomenon among Teen-agers in

Israel: a Sociological Analysis”. Doctorate Thesis in the Department of
Sociology and Anthropology. Bar-Ilan University. Ramat-Gan, Israel.

6. Harel Yossi, Korn Liat & Fogel-Grinvald Haya (2005). “Smoking among
Adolescence”. Chapter B. In: Ministry of Health, Israel. Health Minster Report on
Smoking in Israel 2003-2004. Publication num’ 236. Pp 14-20.

7. Korn Liat, Endy-Findling Liri & Hemmo-Lotem, Michal (2005). Evaluation of

Children Injury Prevention Intervention of Removing Environment Obstacles in
the Bedouin City of Rahat. Beterem- National Center for Children Safety and
Health. Publication No. 1017. Findings Report.

8. Harel Yossi, Korn Liat & Fogel-Grinvald Haya (2005). “Ramat-Hashron

Adolescents- Preliminary Analysis Report of the Findings from The Evaluation of
Risk Behavior Patterns and Injuries Among Teen-agers”. Department of
Sociology and Anthropology. Bar-Ilan University. Ramat-Gan, Israel. Findings

9. Gitelman Victoria, Korn Liat & Endy-Findling Liri (2003). “Childhood Injuries
in Israel: ‘Beterem’ National Report 2002”. Ed: Hemmo-Lotem Michal & Liri
Endy-Findling. ‘Beterem’ Organization.

10. Harel Yossi & Korn Liat (2002). “Maccabim-Reut Adolescents- Preliminary
Analysis Report of the Findings from the Evaluation of Risk Behavior Patterns
and Injuries Among Teen-agers”. Department of Sociology and Anthropology.
Bar-Ilan University. Ramat-Gan, Israel. Findings Report.

11. Korn Liat (2001). “The Influence of Holistic Intervention Program on School
Perceptions and Health Risk Behaviors among High School Students in
Maccabim Reut”. Master in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Bar-
Ilan University. Ramat-Gan, Israel.

12. Harel Yossi, Molcho Michal, Lash Dina & Korn Liat (2000). “Maccbim-Reut
Adolescents: A National Status, Preliminary Analysis Report of Findings from
The Evaluation of Risk Behavior Patterns and Injuries Among Teen-agers”.
Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Bar-Ilan University. Ramat-Gan,
Israel. Findings Report.

13. Harel Yossi & Korn Liat (2000). “In-depth Report on Leisure Time and Sport
Activities, Maccbim-Reut Adolescents, Evaluation Risk Behavior Patterns and
Injuries among Teen-agers”. Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Bar-

Ilan University. Ramat-Gan, Israel. Findings Report.

14. Harel Yossi & Korn Liat (2000). “In-depth Report on violence, Maccbim-Reut
Adolescents, Evaluation Risk Behavior Patterns and Injuries among Teen-agers”.
Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Bar-Ilan University. Ramat-Gan,
Israel. Findings Report.

15. Harel Yossi & Korn Liat (2000). “In-depth Report on injuries, Maccbim-Reut
Adolescents, Evaluation Risk Behavior Patterns and Injuries among Teen-agers”.
Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Bar-Ilan University. Ramat-Gan,
Israel. Findings Report.

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