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& ew%20folder%20(2)/Book/DAS-Mukharjee.pdt.pdf as your default brow: by Art. 69, if tan @ be not numerically greater than 1, 7 —4n <0 < +i (the principal value of @ being considered) + 2 | D Pageview AX Read aloud VW’ Draw WF dighlight GREGORY'S SERIES AND EVALUATION OF 7 71. Gregory’s Series. , To expand i in powers of tan 6. (-in < 0 < +32), ase We have, i tan o= #80 9 ee cos@ gM ig .". by componend® and dividendo, we have ‘Taking logarithms of both sides (considering the princi- pal value only) 210— log (1 +4 tan 6)—log (1-é tan 6) =i tan 0-4/3 tan*0+di* tan*o— —(~é tan 6— bi” tan*9— 44° tan” =2i {tan 0-4 tan’o+¥ tan‘e— tan 0—{ tan*6+4 tan" - oh ad.int.--- (1) where -in<0< +}, €1%20(2)/Book/DAS-Mukhasjee.odf-pdf {8 Page GREGORY'S SERIES AND EVALUATION OF 7 AS Read aloud |‘ Draw F Highligh Q Erase 71. Gregory’s Series. f To expand 8 in powers of tan 8. (-in < 0 <+4x), isin OL We have, étan 0= aba 8 ing logarithms of both sides (considering the princi- pal value only) are 910 log (1 + i tan 6) log (1—¢ tan 0) rt =i tan 6-41" tan*6 + $2 i —(-i tan 6-45" tan" — 42° tan “) by Art. 69, if tan 6 be not numerically greater than 1, i.e., if —ta < 0 < +42 (the principal value of 6 being considered) =2i {tan @-% tan*9 + % tan“@- ‘+ Omtan 6 -§ tan"9+} tan"o— where -in <6 < +iz. () €1%20(2)/Book/DAS-Mukhasjee.odf-pdf + 2] @| ® Page AS Read aloud |‘ Draw F Highligh Q Erase ‘Taking logarithms of both sides (considering the princi- pal value only) 970 = log (1 +4 tan 6)— log (1-¢ tan 6) =i tan 0-447 ton*6 + 43° tan®9 —(-é tan 0-42" tan"o— 44° ten’ by Art. 69, if tan @ be not numerically greater than 1, i.¢., if —te < 0 < +4 (the principal value of 6 being considered) =2i {tan 6-% tan°9 +% tan®@— +=}. “ O=tan O-§ tan*6+% tan°6—~'-ad. inf. - (a) where in <0 < tis. This is called Gregory's Series." Putting tan @=«, so that @=tan"7z, the above series may be written as tan” *xex = jx*4 fx? = + (=) = st ~ (a) where -1 << @< +1 and tan”?z has its principal value. “This series was first given by James Gregory (1688-1678), Professor ‘at Edinburgh, for obtaining the approximate value of . Paste styles | Editing Clipboard Prove that, * = 4 Page lof! 18words prem ENS DYT Teme Talibri (Body) Y12. YA A Aay BI U ~ ee x, x Font eee a Ye (ROA 4 2) {1 papbcede AaB A-%-A- SSE -O-5- Normal || 1 No 5 com 5 alt als G-22412 a= ) “(a7 aaa" s*a8 7 3°78 578 4 Prove —Hhact i s 4 At “ito” 5 5 Th = 7 eT 2 a) ees.)

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