Unit-1 To 5 MPOB

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Meantng of Manaeyemen ¢ >— Management Isa povem fn vohtch an Indfvfdual penon tod prep of tnch'viduel Can accepts tfsiv respon sbi te 4o mun an onsaken Sreckvely. “they Cotrtrol all he ackivtlts of an reganisahio, by Pertormting VatOU Fuinoty ou of an Organteaty, Pawogemenk motivate: OY te ale work Sfhectivel a for achetin objectives and goals oF an orgovisakion. J t bets Deco releng to father of mat peter Etmeg Managemut Keo multe —perrpore organ thal manager buatnen ond mange mana get rnd manages WOM aud worl. a) -AlLoralrng to, Mary Parter Pole F ° mM [s ce prvceny of getting things Clone th uglh pe f Scanned with CamScanner Mane aoa process anol Organ taadan hal 0 9 levels | {I Vite f? psa lovrotyouhe Yeizissls wnsio2 lanorqg.n () Top level [2 PAlivectoss Ces . Ww mide (eel — dlept heads , Bon ope 3 ty lovo [evelpe™ vel Te aT aI Mana: agement} — is ‘ in a et toa ips a hy. ugin. rect an clo el ion aa miroskg + pacinael tvol chavackexrstics at management S¥ 0 ots & od Daov bp nial, universal Scanned with CamScanner © abo) | cM ‘ a al rama = @ epptonal at Qnelteative / \ epee ental decision Lowe SV, ipoaktng ites) gor i moe SD (atys by Cu all is) ips % snonrogemen te ie ae Jaan) aha oniaM * tit sates ete | MS Joon} 4 ands J hee. th Rare oct : “a ire | | halle ryatapran loytiro advance tae) Scanned with CamScanner Fal The process, oF re \ THloted ree fm an 6 temall neat ‘| ere) ea guch activities to a managen CoOEbe able at? mont seakey rani t— urs boo4- i; pee ond 994 | il Fertuchion ttme Staffing mefet—=to~determind vacanol postifon its Be off tled io wlth Employees {0 ap organtaation: vecultemeal, ibd agement gAppracal __ panei re (* cea ne Acs cores aia ltwnsbabhna hy nssSec ge Scanned with CamScanner eek) \2- satel Scanned with CamScanner ta) pescepline | § DAL M Fs 9 @ w ae ot command. bein’ apt 9 tunity of Nisekion ey £ 4 Peres Ub) Subprdinatio nat Crmbeves © bo WF Bo rinat () Repuneratton Poser ab y, 195 ve (8) Centralizatto ‘oY aut thority: ) Sealaréehatn U9 yOudenaprrs bard oeup9 LoroersqystoL ty eile ievaquar JARS) “bar 2 sited binst cured ty ta Cen avid ah Brae. Upece ) ayo TNO 13 Biber) MOD 403.1 okt) [SIMEON Vecropataitay sb0c~ m work) te sy ptithis Bey Ses oe Lonorter ator a ee by Roialle SPS en SET t on ieee 0B Bou eireenae te t ever. Preece f method and rd chatty veyyepyoductto me t0 tte es a inetlees ; nus pops nd Scanned with CamScanner Role of a Manaqyer Driacry vo Sthere ase to ma yaiealienett t CA ‘be wed ‘to oTdentibtedd eDiffere | : inebtas J cooidpysaumed 0) ron Ty iis See ( ue ies cP) evshave seta! ee a 3 teade, allsttua 3) Moeeneb eo iia G vt col) Lrat son es n eer yest! fs Scanned with CamScanner , ao a ra skills fora Manolgeat3 Kats | \ 1 SVE MENTT ethnical eRe Peo soa tI aohont ke i bsbivid 20 Eerpersona] } ‘ af tobJorl 4.42, “Cone fu teat laa f | sae ot le Leb sna zi ins MOPATNCY fs) Skil okymg 143 tv’ or ies “a | bs teihate Glin Us Jqgus As py, on ae beg Scanned with CamScanner Tt & a. Cthteal ott ca frome. wore: for, ced fnduatry aa Def tne, principle, gis, aK vostfell Stabe hol clesis “rrodel er of | gan Nie’ pivided Ose ng - Chai | At439¢ a) ike iherae eae 7 aj 3 Prtmonsy, Scanned with CamScanner Recent —lyenety atin mdi, gemnent practiee, ) uae ot Globalization —... @, (0 out svde Consy lta ; ) TORE ocd visit) din) seo}. Sains ced brgaiing 4 ArEMctod tnbelupence aind -pulsmation } prfartty of Employee Cont tnou Education S) prowded upclated troming -fa utlitres 4] Scanned with CamScanner URE a planning Dee s- narra, fr vole dleve logement oF fore Cask , objective, pall, programms, proveclure. amd bet : “ ' tf o¢ pening é lenheg o : | Setstpy ; iO ©! @) purpose Promise plans 1 Prtorstioy A “pusipose 2 BS 7109 9 | gheckive._ Pee Pee me 2 Miaghpe TE state, is as how ia rsTT estar he | eds Bets orciomicakion — fs isdBounir \ : Rored on profytaborttey “rough “| fo provket ghove | | CT Ws axternenr of strength § Scanned with cam Scanner woectkners of = chris oe a ‘Brsedl ‘on @ Krowledae ond estupttons of the “ie $=] pole $= 3. i a a = Shis are qiraral “shan fae te ee on pergornel 2 + fmonciol pple anti pe se nepolin, “poh ey bal artes polreres Seon: | aan, thts Aste the Taare owd > cts ae { noe ‘! Scanned with CamScanner ass ett ihn Plone sag) eames Alteynective Selectng Bert = Scanned with CamScanner yal eee splccty iis of pleanerg Scanned with CamScanner 3 = = 8 S n £ Ss lO is s is 3 = = 8 3 ww Mhasseltey, wes 4 | erty rw | KO Depaiten entatfor) :— N88 tee | SE TEE aimed of drutdeng,. the lage Hfanctconal OTgani'sc Hon , Entors tie y and * Plea tb ie A3¢ Fin stl ergs Lintsaung wos 0 epartmena tmen ation to ei, felon ns [Jan og 34 sq WY) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner () Deparhmnentetion buy een |e TE fnvalvey. « 1 to 3 (qr £ of achiva Lye 0 sh oF M1 tale 0 & Bayt of me. of “there vid (7 Departmunterbion, iby ouralbes von, | * pevon, »P&form. Same, Autier or Atvfeled Grote vise 6 in Smal the J gre ups and ven Peteon . unde Bont wl nasupemeitoor 0 @ rae e Depart mentation by mMoarteting jl” chonmelic: Le Rita) 29} wen ody 4 Scanned with CamScanner i i 7 fmplo ue and !'Control. “them | eaatlyng 1 OM fh) ab erequere) a Piet teva! ry range seskitl ste" Control,” ruide: Spanof Conty PsN mote “okey Fall ‘woot fence * Can Operate ir a Wiele ? asipaih 62"'Comtyo \etaure a manage, can LoCo trot & ’ pee Of Beat prvisciaen pa orditod tq? Bethe ce re layer of inawenment ; “Stops th-fom deo vii Affe Httve manner Litlow.edis priuntcosion) Be. pelegatton sh Bectitre tiaaHOD Scanned with CamScanner be delegated (2) Tk nls teh aro ete ‘Pat sian. tmpostan E *wnettae “Dectsfon of fan Enter Ova Jy oy fetta Hyer Hey paar Ws reporstty owt [ay authertty oh = be es rrespomsfbitity js Delegated +40 sub- Ordimates, B34 es 3 WIT) SD fy sey te Scanned with CamScanner a Decision making det : ~Neordding +o philp kotlen, "A Deefsion MOY be cefinecl ar a Consefous ‘Choive | oo alternative Course of action. eet CE by a ¢ nis cc 4 ro besfue ee fas Ay, ane Scanned with CamScanner GO Decision moaleing Procers ¢—_ £ gorkno tuo a ee \U) Tdertfy the clecrsCon (peg 2) aoe vel } Sh Mamet e bp Vende pall Ndentity a evnatives: ei : cathy : : y . sao wetant ofr evideng i” (oni pspoqnat Long ‘ robs? le pie 3f Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner coromunfCation + +tuwe ny Communitation tia Ai dik >t mal stluckuve :— sony ‘ ST cep glo wm se F Tot. olf + tO | 7 ae yyovndad | Scanned with CamScanner ‘unit ~ ~ir Leming NN, Def — Dorks Letargld hong Direction omnd tho they sy The management cfocute a on alirectin, Behavfowy of Eraployee “through rel oer wheortes Of, orpokvation ri inp seaey > wu paling Shem of _rootv Reosnion 4 stejorg yp "prysleal_ Dee reed see ree tome yi Feed ehelie, Hering. 0. ™ 10; Sage needy i - Y gecurtiy ok | tol “fro Peto ‘andi die) ig. Pragnkasn, ' 1 ; Jani ns potthiony, sltelped SODM, other: sity re sotf esteam need Scanned with CamScanner ~~ SA CUA Rabig ys ss | ae sel ® Ae Hori i) Repreaitting a role qnodtel ta ethers... ok phy an LP (Gerber. two ocho. ctor theory OF mottvection. oongtteeebe 9H 0 \ fr eo Benettts ineidin’ tl neers eae rd sos a tork’’ Londcror , » compet “petieter, sSecaustty Wal oF tons 3 pee Re cag ition pn oda, a, —__ stole ms es ponst bility challaging aasementy , promot 0 troni-— 2B vicelettand “theory of of Mottvatt He tountified sore “moywators thab of achtevements . Relieved tn a need Domfnat mrtiveter characteristic b patemat (wTaker Caletlated fee toachiel Yous Ca) Fy a SttONG Need to Lard ard accept Ing goals Scanian with CamScanner bss : Less onde Lap movctonnk altiriy kuy Uke to crecetved regula a \, 14; back! On- » steven iprof Female Achkivemant: Qpaliaton | ( Faygg,, .Gobiab ovecticminovver , wipe jaapeler® 0 i aCompetibt on wey. ‘ b as “i R (a) talents 461 belong tp zhi qe epi thee hiqlars} oprtgkeions spoke ats (oboe un ce anit: ; & power ty wont te Contato fluence Saar y ferged andl it sas ang priory hanllslsom (8) pat bavi? vetovijoce tnalenot wabpotain bobnlyslesy want ai Ay " draatavides ¢ parse Boo (%) s ageyin Eryp Sai ae Scanned with CamScanner Aes Porter ane Losoler. modp of Moxtwatton) A RAN 4 Snettutelial Behavfour fo raleferrmmned bya . CombMachon> of Ufeebor of: wat and ey aearane Lath tinoepeo gale est & }% priieinn waQesy And ae jo_2}00 Im plait (W) leader fs not uy * seatjatin fs Conterned | Lath “the” neeckary\ for eranagey ali'ffetenk” clekegnoctions 2 esc race th an eects (2 A leader “igre sy, mane’ ey tof follors a parteutay Set of .,| the tar othe sehuclul values attotted to» hin (6) -A leader performs Ce) manager Pee “paus,; (nine neg? | testes letttovenrtly on maine, etrectyvelyand eS succentully LDA leader fc respected \D A maroger ts ver pected for his achievement} Bx hts cuutnorty Scanned with CamScanner - ee. (9 furore prospec nad |(8) The present Scerape predictions ane viewed | Anel setting (We! +» by 7 feailict pet | ObSewvedt By einai, , { sans) A (84 £1) spileqediy Fosgate an | ( @# mana apron in Peeplan (toy emplogee, worktg (tinoles ay leadlok love” BO MROLs Lat fa Kis ee v t aoa ay pi2abo be } Joa 2 abnak A WY ie ) + le a wo ROS 7 f cee pases “Xe va long range Woy Prleader rratnly euky “Aleition ‘a oh al FT oe ms ethene argcneary. cash folgwelsoor i vile aaler': FESMIRV Scanned with CamScanner 4 Leeder shi Lp cn x5) Cals\se yitadiey 7 = layahity. Woe cah ne Ml korn A \ i cy IN i “nd . > Coountabele és ' Data & be ferminoction : R- eoengy 4 Entra emen€: Ss) Respece ooo H., Sel# Cofidence . Mon Po orable € Humble, an P > Pater rey a! rnevation| \ ee Apert UBpsoueerke » nas, of efective leaden son Cpiferent, penona lh ‘charaten!. of seca \y og Scanned with CamScanner tha hay s sigh | | yore aloes aes teadsnship Style: Oy ie The (eacker is one who cesitlees — ou cheers ton makin pervs to heave gives orders fo engl: bey Bs 1) Demo orate een a peiee leader t thup stile ph oh alo the vt ey Pritt im altacksit alectcfons Sovw-: 1h awl bot open ‘for rep of peop share” Ydleas peeh e™ abe le seats, oh) ects, (pFree_ Ret teal She phy £ 00f. Free olom “the tebe “chat lectstin make quthowtly to A Sub-ordrried he ds fol * oltveck avid “hatdly. npakes" any coi +o Yhe over all Effort - ty, 3}. j : ald Scanned with CamScanner Lexcershp eget AS ‘mdi sheer "beoains Move wn tthe tazok amd, ago \, + Theovteg P CUineM “rstantid ie noe Paya | the techn que, “of maneaement but atthe HYPE OF leaclen found tn burtners, and a whats Categonie, those ' leacler felt nto» ‘he Penos. behavior Emerge, tn leaden ans they Start Lehatithg tn sta thten | uneler Stmit lar cio sl had fe Sep Afrecting amd bave, subortendtes “Ths 2] Mop Bes Sale that there Dre ry Man rlecoler chip shyla ou there nase, stideng alt these: peters” rs Enprehiey AiWtoult “thee! ofov thee |» poryore “ol | Stuckey tw leader shy ee a brigclly olathe Into “hee i * igaitelihy isteyfes | “te her or behavtercil © patter Wat “a (ecdlei”” Bbplse ato- obit te clined the bebhaviowy'of! member 1 fni ans snterpitse “for athievtrg Hay, or gomiactttion, doaelh ats krnpyon oa). —_ ‘Scanned with CamScanner She Style of feacle, hep. isha () Comp rom empromite dple ¢ ce : the! compronaive.r mer a x qoeat aa ot Concer. to -both the “atk and tHe. pepe Cererpective. ofthe sttuationsy suihfteh cemancl 4 ps ete ts PRS Anetkionas vant maken. ‘ : 4 54. elon} zaapd (2) Mey ayes ea ; : OY DARséPon aay | fea L perio ushos qs ment iitiny Genter “4 alg COUR he ofeyralo:c {better =? whe avalon, harmony On enol fo.j HEsehe? he baled tyeolineny fs his. sLovs., Conger, : Ley tou . ea U . pasate : wed ber egy Budo cvacive otee eaves o U rs ee ‘Cette de Mou saLithorttaryany” leader. thts leaclerst one tora, centializtes the aleefsion,. maakctng popoer, An-ohinerele Towel. aves aacltst cto sis smeployer rasndialto fnstse hat. they uld.be, Seyset He decrees!” ~ypeecer for whe grep deermtned ry, Ine doe. nok defege auth Fly emo rurymtC, whole nishavot bimetelfcte enipleck ~ths eniplelia, +0 Pee. nfm Megalys oma Wnt novela? Soe heim) ordi ndoarandh cdikep +e se@e- Scanned with CamScanner . er —— anetr, Suggertions oF. actutee, Such leactiche, st neqattve Becatte TNs Followers ,are..On tnforped | prgecure Ant Faid Of leaders auctlortty cputocratic leaclt, hap ee Spay yond. (3) v) stick - ~utoerat to \ “A “shitet ai atthe bs one . gghos spelen ibs th] ve gattve tnflueprer anol give arder, whteht mut be oloeyedt by the, Suboretinate, vwstthaott PEON His cspaethaluto€ fnflasnorng sub- or | dinate be havtour are: mihyough nee (Bene voleng flstocet en A benevolent autocrat 4 &. oe sien} es i ONe, whoi UIs} g th! rey productivity And, ia clereloping i fet henran ‘elation she , Often metered 5 | aH" plrhalttee, sg sastontte te oe | Alvant, loyecs get wy ne Emel aoe oe Wis ef xt) eralised au | eats ts - a Be, Seriona are ssa si nag Le peak © heargranr -makrng ~qusteles: \y Covtrp|fe{. Vv vedpacki bo | te awidsaaaas (2) | Scanned with CamScanner fa @ Fee 0 aaa Dicadvanbager UW Behdbibe Mot Ute Strietney.« I said’ eqative notional eae doe bala: ih Absithethos Sheed \s, Vist la) lack of motivation, lots Proved, Sepa and Teeth atect prgtntiat) Effin (8) cthereotes pp Se6 pe for) Lelia ond Mitlative. fey poig On Deserterstyfesa! (ys? Deven ey) gn fe rho iy vt ly sd Paster thipootant Abe to thoy, \peepter a aie Here eek ‘tpvoluta | 2 (0 the estfamte of syhle g°eep Aine! Bence - a Pastives en pad bp OPP’ ach, nl the abore lereder shepi ‘Style carte be Called! *, Elteetie becaws e “Yan EtCective li eal Erpecked fy give: mancenittht an cern to hus pe ple, tau And rhe ottuation th Lshiel he toda Hevea pautve bpheek'n may bente » Cerlaby Stiealisiny» Dahan shoul ie shinee coher to be active ee Aled: 4 ths “suction We o Aemaniole. se} OW a3 its) ene cuttve nie epee penton oreo \ : ft goody weweentiver Jeddeutaee Scanned with CamScanner Bes oni ee | Concern: fev both the taik an d “the peep depencleng Om mthe Sltehation: Such managers axe geek Meotvaton who see hegh Standards se cognl ys. individual ae ; Emphouire team butletrin 8) Developer etule ren Develo oo. pai dD vo PA Res tpl faite tr he oud he’ 6. aa “t " * peopl abvtoculy Ie flerehas and ighty NORRIE lof th ctevelopr Ie piety ome abo gre However Fee 1. ms to be posted kehind . is qe ate clevelon, pegple tr the Ohlective cf Co Cot,’ A : ae be ah aurhn Om piettng Hee Stee CFF recently oy AMA . < 9 fffecttye leads, Can afford, to. Meglece the falRsopue on cath? alt ae U4 CY Buxeau cratic of (és—.3 aaa’) vf Nop A THe ile of, lead stp hev no contd rie *, for the, teh ‘they are more fockii i and ea the gut omd publre Sector leady, Ship. Scanned with CamScanner ® spextttctpeative... tor), Demoevartic\style q \ A participative. type of. teeter nes a) per Concern ior his group: “ne! achive! vely i _Porttoipater M sthin aicetv tery eestor ‘Be and gets optnf on from) tle | ry perl, Shares felear att, -tlem Vali: seth ty —the of ceftves vox thes ga ottcd, leade hag d v: P 7 Comte cence’ whence: | ve vite. vFnr! hig! fot vey em -Crttrow, Greta see VOeebee a Yo ol iso makin \, Aieeteg MC Th a gH | Hea, haa e. lou v9, dead, pours Imereddie, Te ace tance, tom -9 sunt) | Me realy eeesfeanes dy Ny a) ue pyd 98 Hh (a) ar He eee, wd “sugges oF ela ane Covtolereal fer clea tom making 5 htgable. smottvethiel Pavel Come i TH yx ; 8) DE! aedeiod ¢ aa No! of “pee of emph i bs) Goad ‘dationshi by eo ribs, feaclen agdithes ation, s Cam otk place nail wal 52. NG Ase dup Scanned with CamScanner t te : pe odlven’O9 t— W Tower leve{ of tmp nol unde stand ~Ia Commglen nature of Orga omd henee ~theky peelepaeae Cannot be! elective. ; 2) “the a < “ts vi leacter isles, i can at ime he dl a 6 eS ay ct ste “Puls canak presarey from , | Affferen ¢' Ope yoy am Meet tl "pea «Mey moti be tiie craigs, fo Contribute . end la face, rele, s le am. “Hevea the leader entrucits “the ‘elaknton Motka’ng authority. 4o his euberdincte;« He aloes Not alrrect and shord ly, make’ cay ts Contribution Hl over eet! effort: He, aucun sto power anal lanes ie fo Le “suborde Date to establish whe goals aud Weak ut He plan to “eat tee eal. “ta grr BSuatty Coftdbrenees “ihe | Cut tle seen og \ etog "intone | “encl retital ushtetr-k, ae GF Hee pep. POGUE Ye peotom v “fob! “thes style Obes) lebolocship ifs ‘Scanned with CamScanner : Sheen Ap OM ; jolonde paces tr Aleesipn making, " ad opted pry Mtns Rub oo clmneites Nave HR geneere lea re sto afschan ge Mes bor Verpown TlH rey Oneal ave hegh ‘4 Conpetng. ‘ aud cluety Com ces Od motivate" fee re ae Out : aly clreetie, by it, te Manage , : 1 , JO. Sueb, trifaneéss Of course Alay : 1 Ebay.) Oo HOF Sak ox Or fourel “fo be fare, () Hera | has sbyle tS hed Vath veel red tn burthes Concerns a rdit S) reas eye Likert’ Fouy Saums of locas shy a y n PO Saplochative ng eb ostate Con sutabid it api PusthottatNe optak eysem nn Prete ate “pen ; System r i : : “he job “ef srnglogce feito cebfetinndy dlecl’s fon fede “he ; managess he, Sabor dis. Tee. notated tO the fe face \y- dof Jpn eat eb 2 —— Scanned with CamScanner er —Eeseee he OR lent frothy ttatin a Beevorsn' Moriarty 16 fee ws The cheistore ave vmpalel hy t mana jemen t+ tmployer me mottvatd ty iquuercl ‘eather. thaws lb Gaol, + the: frformat’on -f flows oom top to bo torn | ” but BL ts estre'cfed “what manancgeniay want to heaa?”: | Consulterttve Ryko — [ Management will Conctrack to We , there "Sib ordinater fold armel, Op for they. he fs Close se lated to hurrean a the eects lou oelation pee. tuth Pond S Pe Te per ne ef “Rhenaqerient | have Pomplote Cor File, fn clue Sub-oveltnatey” an I" they sco Confortart: mie eee Apt eed en Uirr Reo 3305 1F b pve of crolkron UP nlpraril- papalgega Srrtt- Gringe4 as Scanned with CamScanner — Cone -fov ucktoy 4 ; for | preach. | Tmproversshal a eae rere iRaes boven concern tor _ peep onal penclucti TSN novat bon. open ‘ea No pet ewe’ \t alpen ur syn) “arogrant, have. a a ¢ F a “hee Concern for manpower and low Concern fi Produchion: Mant py much atiertion -to secuxttic and Conform of. fmployecs productive sryle (1) 2 Manage ment ustrg “phe syle pore trove Employees Airugh we Scanned with CamSeanner Py et and. purishmerch Yo. Achivedt, Coriavion goals This | | iy wed tm Care of erists eng middle ot cthe pad. st le (as)a- ‘Dtits balances b) company gpetl ond workers Lt ts & equal Concern both people ond production themgt shoritd | Rb rer bea tr erpanitan oF busts | Ulorriogeroun , ey , Fearn style (4,4) 25-5. the management: smaimbatn et : sy “eee ont) els on prockudton: In Yh qeorrct ps Copiiebunnd! pr eeibatecy Def t— Contre ts checking eater ph agamist! “Stardareh, “with at View to. adequali Proqiees a and gciiauey pedo, Panes Of Contra! , jo) estabusheng standariols: Agidivtos (a Measuring Perfomantes<:: (3) Determine tthe uhether pisenant ina she standards wy Takeng comrective achion, | e - Scanned with CamScanner ee rgeaeay stu etasti contro |’ “techni ghee ro) | ares ~ (Relaked smoney el wt ee Pretlitate pepe temeni fompan’ ee and swatution of: organisational vathivele whith — & ed fn. ‘an terme. | TE ese _omerted ’ Ob jective : vo 4 iipupsbs | AD uclgel | al tested "should d i ppl for establish goats . “Spreceetiano cote) qauttecdes os 3 Scanned with CamScanner vet nu : i 7 = ty = a> roars = 8 - § € O¢ eros PS ae’ pop ge ee: dy 3 2 #6 § &- Bayo lpy 2 frdojonds Ee. i : ae ronan con a es : cpbyra — php pre dabpoa doa dabyrg . 4eberd HOTA «Pow YAO 4hpra aby ayes v proyend {bea » aenpgpadeg eqpetn | Mamras angen ad ay ~? T wre porde A t a a jl "see > , cpbya . gobprs 42bPad 0, : 4 bp sa. ti nals — eR bers “Ciel frag youmge © | Goma, oR tS yebpne Scanned with CamScanner > Nom Budgetary Corto! techniques s— “These, Sefers “to. all stechniques of Crh) Sther ~than~-technrapies fn Buclge tary Contry) \ i" Break - even analysts | tro prt gaol \ Prot Same Thventory trol. (storage : a er fn Bound andavt ®) Statistical Bata> analysts. marie & o ol; -F. W personal obsewatton: (ape yerng) (8 PPC [Pmduction pla ong Conti ) lOMIs (Management tnfostnodtion Sper ey ©) tuman Rorousice “Actoun : ® Perrgcpm (Progece eed [Catto Rath methoal Ly peter of tem y tion Rina el Tee —— ; 1 Se Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Unt-y Dyaanisation Behaviou e Dee, — Ovganisatt ov pelahiou Ge aleve ctl Concerned uu tth Unoler on Standing, predictions | and: control of hurry _bs behavtoun x Drder sha ay “real Behav fours "BEKO Environment i Sy lege || Wet Zeomomic Concletiory 5 he alex! * sttuccttoms (potttfeal) — Educctlon Cautue, ‘ é aitltites® > motdtal talus. psy cholo ee siarsorsal F parchuctes: Value Tern ile > Teaxot ng : m raming SH Ravoord agers ” * Thdrutduel’” Behavtouy ' ts The srerulh ‘eh faalal ae = thal fnbvaction lus: {ndtvtcluce} BHovaceeitn ar Envivongrintal. rerracten'stte » phic pata “ pceurts. weGt Scanned with CamScanner f seal bevelopement of oxganisattoned Ae Histon"eal pehavious 3 ‘ Ge a Fe he Srdurtrial Se Human "i managen chaleg V ay | pabvemnen : " noorernt “she quia Thelluothome ‘Ratseq Depression Experiment Tyadeuni Spon endend.. yee. 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Pasion post onrel present Situcttion, i L Scanned with CamScanner owt fate , (9 swor analyst (® Sapir tory comple, i) SMBRT principles Cb) tréerorty complex + Transactional ane ts thalhy Pt ts a ~fowrm of mnoeleyn, 'Ps chalo aes Eromine, “a Pevonls » relation Shipe ag Pn tevartioan. : : y ceacheld ¢° ee ; . : = Te Teprerent — ait Bath recorale Ky thar are Dteect tink: frotevenl Even ben a “Evenk. Oberved by. Child. Buottng Ptret- feve ears, ‘ Ww gavenk et Tt * Consite! Of Beeoaclon a Galcenet Event observed Prcet! Srperterced by a ebyla from bith 49 -ttrst Tyco + Tints secorden Ore Nob Ftlter ang line by tls chsta, “He. O%, Stmply a ‘achived Spectre geals we tron undpecfed ~ttme » Frame. Ent meee HR Lhe clerk ¥ wi lie, Sofa formal Group t— e : Scanned with CamScanner

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