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What to Say When to Say It What it Means

When I start to do
Bismillah. In the name of Allah.

None has the right to be

The greatest words
La ilaha ill-Allah, worshipped except Allah and
for me to recite
Muhammad-ur-Rasul Allah. Muhammad is the Messenger of
Allah (pbuh).

When the name of

our Prophet May Peace and Blessings of
Sall-allahu'alaihi wa sallam.
Muhammed is Allah be upon him.
mentioned to us.

Bismillahi tawakkaltu In the name of Allah, there is no

When I go out from
alAllah wa la haula wa strength nor power except with
my home.
quwwata illa billah. Allah.

If I plan anything in
In sha Allah. If Allah wills, I will do so.
the future.

Raditu billahi Rabban wa I am pleased with Allah as the

bil-Islami dina wa bi In the morning and Lord and Islam as the religion
Muhammadin sall-Allahu evening. and Muhammed (pbuh) as the
alaihi wa sallam Nabiya. prophet.

Bismillahi was-salatu was In the Name of Allah and

salamu ala Rasulil Allah When I enter the (pbuh), O Allah! Open for me
allahummaftah li abwaba mosque. the gates of your (rahmatika)
rahmatika. mercy.

Bismillahi was-salm ala In the Name of Allah and

When I step out of
Rasulil Allah Allahuma inni (pbuh), O Allah I ask You from
the mosque.
as'aluka min fadlika. Your Favors.

Audhu billahi minash- At the time of I seek refuge with Allah from
Shaitan-ir-rajim. anger. the Satan, the cursed one.
When anyone
May Allah give you a better
Jazak Allahu khairan. favors me with

When I am a guest
O Allah! Feed him who fed me
Allahumma at'im man and dine at the
and give him drink who gave
at'amani wasqi man saqani. table of another
me drink.

Dhahabaz-zama'u wabtal- Thirst has vanished and veins

When I break my
latil 'urooqu wa thababatal are moistened and the reward is
fast in Ramadan.
ajru insha' Allah. established, if Allah wills.

Bismika Allahumma amutu When I intend to With your Name, O Allah I die
wa ahya. sleep. and live.

Allahumma inni a'udhu bika

When I enter the O Allah, I seek refuge with you
minal khubuthi wal
toilet. from the bad evil Jinns.

Allah is sufficient for us and He

Hasbun-Allahu wa Ni'm-al- When I face any
is the best disposer of affairs
Wakil. enemy.
(for us).

Peace be upon you, the dwellers

As-salamo alaikum dara
When I visit a among the believing people;
qaumin-mo mineen wa inna
Muslim graveyard. and if Allah wills we are also to
in sha Allahu bikum lahiqun.
join you.

La ba'sa tahurun insha' When I visit a sick Never mind, it is a purifier if

Allah. person. Allah wills.

Innalillahi wainna ilaihi When any affliction Truly! To Allah we belong and
raji'un Allahumma ajirni fi occurs to me. truly to Him we shall return. O
musibati wa akhlif li Allah! Compensate me for my
khairran minha. hardship and provide me a
substitute of it.

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