Homeroom Guidance Module 2

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Quarter 1- Module 2:

Accepting the Individuality of Others

Let’s Try This

Persons Description
Lively or Nurturing or Conservative Thinker or Planner or
Reserved? Disciplinarian? or Liberated? Doer? easy-go-lucky?
1. Alex Lively Nurturing Liberated Doer Easy-go-lucky
2. Vice Ganda Reserved Nurturing Liberated Doer Planner
3. Ivana Alawi Reserved Nurturing Conservative Doer Planner

Processing Questions:

1. Were you able to fill out all related descriptions for each person? Which of the descriptions is the most

Yes. For me, the most observable description would be being lively or a reserved person.

2. What is the most difficult description to observe? Explain.

The most difficult description to observe is if a person is a nurturing person or disciplinarian because we
cannot easily identify which he/she belongs just by observing them in a short amount of time. We need
to be a family member or a close friend to any of these people for us to say that he/she is a nurturing or
a disciplinarian.

3. What can you say about the differences that you observed among these three persons?

From what I can perceive, I can totally say that these people are not wholly similar and have a number of
differences that make them unique and distinct personality.
Let’s Explore This

Situation Physically Emotionally Socially Spiritually

1. A new classmate with a If he or she has a I will tell him no I will not be I will let him know
physical disability problem disability can ever ashamed for being that God has a
performing such hold him/her back his/her friend, and purpose for each
action like to succeed. I will introduce thing he did.
walking, I will him to other
lend him a hand people.
so my friend can
accomplish it.
2. A friend who lost his I will stay by his I will comfort him I will surround him I will tell him that
parents due to accident side and talk to for his loss with fun and his parents are
him. encouraging always watching
people to ease the for him and God
pain he's suffering will help him get
from the loss of his through this.

3. A neighbor who chose to I will offer him a I will tell him he I will help him find I will let him know
stop schooling for financial help to can definitely a job he can do by that God will
employment the best of my succeed on his asking people who guide him in his
ability chosen path. I know. chosen path and
in every step of
the way.
4. A sibling who spends Convince him to Encourage him to Introduce him to Let him join a
most of his/her time play some keep healthy by my friends who bible study
playing online games physical staying active to like going instead of playing
activities or any any physical outdoors and play online games.
sports outdoor. activity. sports.
5. A friend who plans to Meet him Console him and Bring him to an Go to church and
leave their house because somewhere and let him rethink adult relative or pray with him so
of a family problem. talk to him about all the individual so we his mind will
about the family things including can ask opinions become calmer
issue. his choices or on how to deal and can
plans. with the situation reevaluate his
my friend is facing. plans, as well as
asking the Lord to
resolve the issue
6. A new group member Be with him and Cheer him up and Bring the new Encourage him to
who loses hope because of have deep talks give some group member participate in a
many problems so he will not encouraging into contact with a religion
feel that he is words. person I knew who counselling.
facing the overcame
problems alone. problems in his life
and did never let
hope disappear so
he will be
7. A cousin from an ethnic Stay by her side Treat her well and Introduce her to I will ask the God
group who is still adjusting always and ask let her feel the different to give her more
to her new school her about having belonged so she students I know strength and
any discomfort will be more and let them confidence for
so I can assist. comfortable. befriend her and her to easily
Make it known to take her to the adjust in her new
her that she is not places inside the school.
the only person campus.
who is trying to
adjust so it will not
be awkward and
hard for her
8. A relative who is Have a serious Give him words of I will go with him I will seek advices
confused with his gender discussion with wisdom about to ask adult people to church
preference the relative and gender or family members members and
ask him what do preferences and about his pray to God so he
he thinks his encouraging confusion so we will not be
gender opinions about it. can receive more confused
preference is, so opinions and clear anymore.
I can let him out the confusion
know that it’s that’s been
okay to choose bugging his mind.
whatever he
9. A classmate who I will assist him Motivate and I will ask the Bring him to a
experiences social in lectures with inspire him that he people who youth religious
discrimination due to his the best of my can do better. discriminated him event so he will
poor academic ability and to stop it because more motivated. I
performance maybe plan to their actions may will ask the Lord
have a group cause serious to give him better
study for a more harms to his understanding
enjoyable mental health. I for all the lessons
learning. will introduce him that will be
to bright and discussed and
kindhearted guidance to get
friends of mine. through them all.
10. An older sibling who I will show how I will let him know I will join him in Participate in
needs help on time him how I that time asking adults and bible studies with
management manage my time management can seeking advice, family members
carefully and be hard but especially to our and help him ask
also giving him a possible if you are parents, on how the Lord to give
list on what discipline enough. they successfully him discipline in
important I will encourage manage their managing his
factors should him to feel time. time correctly.
be considered in focused and make
him celebrate
time whenever he
management. succeeds doing a
scheduled time, so
he will feel
accomplished and

Processing Questions:

1. What do you notice with your answers?

I noticed that my answers are based from my real-life experiences and other people’s real-life experiences.

2. Which of the situations is the most difficult to handle or manage? Explain.

A friend who plans to leave their house because of a family problem. Since, it is not appropriate to meddle
in other family’s problems, especially every family has its own different problems.

3. What type of support or help is the easiest to provide? Explain.

For me, it would be helping them emotionally. It is because people have feelings, and these feelings can
be also felt by another person by putting themselves into the shoe of the affected person. Once you
understand what they felt, you can fully pick what appropriate type of emotional support the person

4. What have you realized after doing this activity?

People have different problems they are facing. Seeing these suffering people, it is ideal to help those
people and provide any support for them.
You Can Do It


Respecting the beliefs Accepting the different Value their opinions. Stop posting negative
of my family. beliefs of my comments about
classmates. someone online.
Not judging the clothing Not judging them with Don’t be mean to other Avoid making fun of
style of each family the scores they get people. someone online.
member. from tests.
Don’t say negative Avoid backstabbing my Avoid being rude to Appreciate and share
things when you don’t friends. other people. the uniqueness of
agree with them. people and their posts.
Understand that each Honoring and giving big Stop giving Stop taking
family member has its respect to school staffs inappropriate looks on discriminating
own different opinion. and teachers. how other people videos/pictures and
dress. posting it online.
Don’t compare your Not bullying a student Give compliments to If you disapprove or
abilities and be boastful with how he/she looks. other people in public. don’t like someone’s
to your family post, it is better to keep
members. your opinion to

Processing Questions:

1. How do you compare your answers in each column?

Every answer in each column has different approaches that is according to the setting where it belongs.
Even though they are different, all the policies have the same goal that is to respect individual

2. Given the current situation, how do you intend to practice them?

I will try to apply them in my daily life as much as I can. I will not just disregard them since its outcome
would be significant to the society.

3. What made you practice such ways to respect individual differences and care for others?

The thing that made me practice such ways to respect individual differences and care for others is my
hope for an understanding and beautiful world where people can become freely who they want.
What I have Learned

How should we celebrate our individual differences?

In this world full of individual differences, one should set his sight for a joyous place where
people can be who they are without being discriminated against. It is an ideal place that everyone is
hoping for. For many people, achieving a world like this would be impossible but that is not true. A
world like this is possible if everyone cooperates and plays each of their parts in the community. If
you’re asking what is the best course in attaining this world, it will be celebrating our differences.

There are many obvious and non-obvious ways of celebrating individual differences. An obvious
way to celebrate individual differences is by participating in festivals like Mardi Gras in Australia for
people who are in the LGBTQ community and other more celebrations of different groups in the society.
We can let people know about our uniqueness by posting it online without being ashamed and scared
by showing them exactly who we are. Using our similarities and finding a common ground also helps in
nurturing a world full of individual differences without discrimination. By doing both of them, we can
form a harmonious relationship and union of common people where we will not feel we’re alone and

Numerous people don’t know that they are already celebrating individual differences because
these non-obvious ways remain unnoticed and not given enough attention by people. Accepting that
we are all different is not an obvious way of celebrating individual differences. It is because there is no
standard or observable action when people accept the differences of individuals. Admiring ourselves,
considering where others come from, and being open-minded with others are efforts we produced for
the celebration of individual differences. Being open-minded means that your perspective of things is
not bounded, like instead of lecturing people and making a scene about what are the standard things
in this world, you will try to respect them by remaining quiet and understanding.

To sum things up, we should be understanding enough and learn the unique qualities everyone
has. Learning about our differences creates a sense of unity to all people and soon enough, creates a
community where free expression of individual differences is observable. That’s why it is important to
understand and appreciate the differences of people and treat these as a single step because every
great accomplishment starts with a first step.
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