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It’s easy to confine addiction to just drugs and alcohol, but people also compulsively engage in activities

such as sex, video gaming and shopping, amongst others. Not surprising – human nature. but I think
drugs are one of the most commonly abused substances in the world. An estimate puts the number of
drug abusers and addicts in the UK at more than 440,000 – and that number continues to grow. There
are many drugs that a person can become addicted to; from prescription medications to illicit
synthesised substances, the prevalence of drug misuse has always been a societal issue.Different drugs,
whether prescription medications or illegal substances can all elicit a wide range of sensations for its
users. From relaxed, calming moods, to high energy and feelings of euphoria, most drugs can create a
false sense of security. Abusing drugs can cause damage to your physical and mental health, as well as
your life in general. You’ll be at risk of experiencing health complications associated with the drug you’re
abusing. Your social life will also be affected, as you could spend all of your earnings trying to acquire
drugs, experience relationship issues and be unable to hold down a steady job.

Exposure to alcohol-related cues increases the craving for alcohol, for example, TV programs,
advertisements at events, etc. On the other hand, financial influence, such as taxation, makes drinking
less attractive. People going through a stressful period in their life may value drinking alcohol more
highly because it helps to alleviate their negative feelings. The drinking removes, at least temporarily,
the stress of anxiety. Exposure to alcohol-related cues increases the craving for alcohol, for example, TV
programs, advertisements at events, etc. On the other hand, financial influence, such as taxation, makes
drinking less attractive.

A long time ago, drugs were a serious problem for my neighborhood's local government. But in recent
years, that has improved dramatically. That is clearly visible. I remember, when I was a child, every time
I went through the alleys, passed the electric poles, people could see needles lying everywhere. And this
is not only unsightly but also makes residents worry about where they're living. And in recent years, this
is no longer the case, the government's efforts are worthy of recognition.

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