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Harmful content

Children often see age limits as a barrier to enjoyment, but it is important to discuss why age limits are
in place. For example, many social media sites and video hosting platforms are not appropriate for users
under 13, because they contain content aimed at older audiences. Some children may come across
harmful content by accident through innocent searches, downloading apps or clicking on links sent by
others. Sometimes they may seek this content out of curiosity. Make sure your child knows that clicking
on strange links from pop-ups can be risky as they don’t know where the link will take them and what
they might end up seeing.

Harmful content generally involves information, images or videos that can be upsetting, misleading,
promote dangerous behaviours or are directed at adults. This includes:

 Violence (for example, graphic images or videos)

 Adult sexual content and pornography
 Misinformation (for example, misleading or dangerous information that can promote harmful
 Hate (for example, promotion of extreme views or hate towards groups)

Exposure to some types of content can model inappropriate or harmful behaviours and can convince us
that these behaviours are normal and accepted. This can influence us directly through engaging in
behaviours that may be harmful to ourselves, or it can influence how we behave towards other people.


Unconsciously (or sometimes, consciously), you provide personal details you would not share otherwise
on your social media accounts. Information such as your full name (including your middle name), date of
birth, hometown, pet names, interests and hobbies, nature of work, and home or office address are just
some of the personal details you post on your profile. Criminals can easily manipulate these details to
commit fraud.

You also put yourself at risk for identity theft when you post updates of your activities on your social
media accounts. Posting that you’ll be out of town on the weekend might attract burglars. Opportunists
will steal not only valuable items (jewelry, gadgets and cash) from your home, but also documents
containing your personal and banking information. This could very well be the start of your identity theft

It’s addictive

This is observable in social media usage; when an individual gets a notification, such as a like or mention,
the brain receives a rush of dopamine and sends it along reward pathways, causing the individual to feel
pleasure. Social media provides an endless amount of immediate rewards in the form of attention from
others for relatively minimal effort. The brain rewires itself through this positive reinforcement, making
people desire likes, retweets, and emoticon reactions. This continuous use eventually leads to multiple
interpersonal problems, such as ignoring real life relationships, work or school responsibilities, and
physical health, which may then exacerbate an individual’s undesirable moods.

Addictive social media use will look much like any other substance use disorder and may include mood
modification (i.e., engagement in social media leads to a favorable change in emotional states), salience
(i.e., behavioral, cognitive, and emotional preoccupation with social media), tolerance (i.e., ever-
increasing use of social media over time), withdrawal symptoms (i.e., experiencing unpleasant physical
and emotional symptoms when social media use is restricted or stopped), conflict (i.e., interpersonal
problems ensue because of social media usage), and relapse (i.e., addicted individuals quickly revert
back to their excessive social media usage after an abstinence period).

Last words

When you are spending time on social media, you may overlook the various risks that come with it. It’s
fun and it’s a time-waster…you are too entertained and too pre-occupied to notice the negative impact
it is having on you and your life – until it’s too late. If you would like to make sure that you don’t face
these particular risks and downsides, look into safe online habits and limit the amount of time you spend
on social media. There’s so much more to life than just staring at a screen!


How long is too long on social media? (chau)

According to statistic data, the average usage for social media among internet users is around 144
minutes per day. But how much is too much?It’s hard to say precisely, as there are few comprehensive
studies. However, some research suggests that limiting ourselves to just 30 minutes per day could lead
to improvements in wellbeing.


To be honest, I also used to be addicted in social media, and I believe that more than one of members in
this class also suffer the same my circumstance in the past. We couldn’t deny the benefit of media social
brings to our modern life, but we must learn to control ourselves from attraction of social media. To be
concious before too late

How can I improve my mental wellbeing?

If social media is getting you down, there are plenty of ways you can boost your mental and physical
wellbeing. Identifying negative thought patterns, practising mindfulness, and paying attention to your
diet and nutrition can all help you feel better about things.

In recent years, the world became a social media era while there appropriate 3 in
7 billion people in the world using Facebook in particular, and this number could
still increase. Therefore, this is an example for influence of social media nowaday.
We admit that these social media fields have brought to us many benefits, then
make our life more interesting. A social network is sucking like an illusive social
when you find your tribe you can retrieve another benefit of social networking
sites, and that is finding people with common interests. The search functions on
these websites allow you to scan people’s profiles quickly and find individuals
with similar likes and dislikes to yourself. Then you can reach out and start
building a relationship with these people. One more pro of social media that
could easily recognize during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses were
faced with closing their doors completely or moving their business online. Many
businesses moved online. The ability of businesses to laser target potential
customers has proven to be a major benefit of social media to small mom-and-
pop businesses. Since the business can create a personal of their ideal customer,
then advertising on social media allows them to only spend money showing their
advertisements to people who may actually make a purchase and are interested.
And so the teenage way of life has completely changed from what it was only
twenty years ago. Now, there is a dramatic decrease in face-to-face
communication, which reduces our generation’s ability to interact with others on
a speaking level.
Sure, they’re great, incredibly useful, and fun time-killers. But the way people
abuse them, and turn them into mini social control rooms is frankly awful
Children often see age limits as a barrier to enjoyment, but it is important to
discuss why age limits are in place. For example, many social media sites and
video hosting platforms are not appropriate for users under 13, because they
contain content aimed at older audiences.
Harmful content generally involves information, images or videos that can be
upsetting, misleading, promote dangerous behaviours or are directed at adults.
Exposure to some types of content can model inappropriate or harmful
behaviours and can convince us that these behaviours are normal and accepted.
This can influence us directly through engaging in behaviours that may be harmful
to ourselves, or it can influence how we behave towards other people. Secondly,
we have to accept that social media is addictive. This is observable in social media
usage; when an individual gets a notification, such as a like or mention, the brain
receives a rush of dopamine and sends it along reward pathways, causing the
individual to feel pleasure. As a result, one of consequences is that we get
confused with our real and meaningful relationships that we have and the ones
that are more casual that we make at social media.

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