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Swasthvritta Vigyan

(As per latest CCIM syllabus)

Author: Nidhi Gupta and Dr. Manish Agarwal

Salient Features :
1. Strictly as per the latest CCIM syllabus issued by CCIM, New Delhi.
2. Contains tables and pictures for easy explanation.
3. Color pictures for clear understanding of the procedure.
4. Covers the ayurveda and modern portion.

For order, please contact

ISBN: 978-93-86735-16-4, PRICE: 395.00
Chaukhambha Sanskrit Ayurveda Bhawan
380A, Gali no17, Laxmi Nagar
Mangori Walon Ki Bageechi
Bramhpuri Jaipur-302002
Near National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur

For Bulk Order, please contact +91 63783 85704

Brajratnadas Prachyavidya Granthmala

mJemLeJe= òe efJe%eeve
(Text Book of Swasthvritta)
(YeejleerÙe efÛeefkeâlmee kesâefvõÙe heefj<eod veF& efouueer Éeje mJeerke= âle veJeerve hee"Ÿe›eâceeveg meej)

Dr. Nidhi Agarwal
NDDY, M.D. (Swasthvritta)
RGPG: Paprola (H.P)
Associate Professor
Deptt. of Swasthavritta


Dr. Manish Agarwal

M.D; Ph.D (RS&BK)
NIA: Jaipur (Raj.)
Associate Professor
Deptt. of (RS&BK)

Post Box No. 1150
K. 37 / 116, Gopal Mandir Lane
mJemLeJe=òe efJe%eeve
Text Book of Swasthvritta

Edition : First, 2019

© Copyright Reserved

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(Near Maidagin) Varanasi-221001 (India)
Telephone : 0542-2335929
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Also can be had from:

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Øees0 ([e0) šskeâ Ûevo "ekegâj
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Skeâ Ss mee Meem$e pees mkeemLÙe keâes yeveeS jKeves leLee jesieeW mes yeÛeves kesâ GheeS yeleeS meceepe keâer DeekeMÙekeâlee
yeve ieÙee nw ~
DeeÛeeÙeeX ves mkemLeke=le MeeKee keâes De}ie mes ~fkekeâefmele keâj Fmekesâ Delebie& le~foveÛeÙee& , $e+leg ÛeÙee& Deeefo ~fkeefYeVe
ÛeÙee& ÙeW , meoJe=òe, jmeeÙeve, Ùeesie, meeceeefpekeâ mkemLeke=le, Øeeke=âeflekeâ~f Ûeefk eâlmee~f ke<eÙeeW keâes jKee nw~ Fme~fo Mee ceW
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ke=âefle keâer meheâ}lee keâer keâecevee keâjlee ntb~
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Disposal of solid waste
(viÊO; fuZewyu)

(i) Types of solid waste

(ii) Storage of refuse
(iii) Collection of refuse
(iv) Methods of disposal of solid waste
(v) Bio- Medical waste
(vi) Objective of BMW management
(vi) Categories of BMW
(viii) Hospital waste disposal
(ix) Bio-Medical Waste Management in India

Health professionals need to have a basic 2. Market refuse: e.g. putrid vegetable and
knowledge of subject since improper disposal of animal matters etc.
wastes constitutes a health hazards. The health 3. Domestic refuse : e.g. ash, rubbish (pieces
professional may be called upon to give advice in of papers, clothes, wood, metal, glass and
some special situations, such as camp sanitation dust), garbage (waste arising from the
or coping with waste disposal problems when there kitchen,)
is a disruption or breakdown of community health 4. Industrial refuse: e.g. toxic chemical
services in natural disasters. compounds
The waste products of the community living 5. Stable (A building in which domestic
are refuse, human excreta and sewage. animals are sheltered and fed): e.g. animal
dung and left over animal feeds from
animal stables.
Refuse is a solid waste, material that cannot
Storage of refuse
be reused. It is also called as trash or garbage. It is
unwanted and no longer reusable unless it can be 1. The galvanized steel dust bin with close
converted to another form through recycling. For fitting cover is a suitable receptacle
example metals and glass can be recycled. (Container) for storing refuse. The
capacity of a bin will depend upon the
Type of solid waste
number of user and frequency of
1. Street refuse: e.g. leaves, straw, papers, collection.
animal dung etc. 2. Refuse is stored in the paper sack, and the
272 LoLFko`Ÿk foKku
sack itself is removed with the contents for ordinary dumping in that the material is placed in
disposal and a new sack is substituted. a trench or other prepared area , adequately
3. Public bins: for large number of people. compacted, and covered with the earth at the end
They are usually without cover in India, of the working day.
and kept on concrete platform, 2-3 inches It is of three types
above ground level. (i) Trench method
Collection of refuse (ii) Ramp method
The method of collection depends upon the (iii) Area method
funds available. House to house collection is the Chemical, bacteriological and physical changes
best method of collecting refuse, but in India in occur in buried refuse. Normally it takes 4 to 6
majority of places there is no house to house months for complete decomposition of organic
collecting system. The collection methods normally matter into an innocuous (Harmless) mass.
practised in this country need drastic revision and
improvement in the interest of better hygiene.
The collected refuse transported in refuse Area Landfill
collection vehicles to the place of disposal.

Methods of disposal of solid waste (Rural &

The choice of a particular method is governed
by local factors such as cost and availability of land
and labour. The methods are

1. Dumping
Refuse is dumped in low lying areas partly as Fig. 61 : Sanitary land fill
a method of reclamation of land. 3. Incineration
Drawbacks of dumping Waste destruction in a furnace by controlled
burning at high temperature is called incineration.
(i) The refuse is exposed to flies and rodents It removes water from hazardous waste, reduce its
(ii) It is a source of bed smell and unsightly volume and convert it in to ash. It is the method
appearance of choice where suitable land is not available. But
(iii) Refuse is dispersed by the action of wind it has limited application in India.
(iv) It contributes to the pollution of surface
and ground water.
4. Composting
Composting is a method of combined disposal
2. Sanitary land fill of refuse and night soil or sludge. It is a process of
It is most satisfactory method of refuse disposal recycling decomposed organic material into a rich
where suitable land is available. It is differs from soil known as compost.
Disposal of solid waste 273

Microorganism (ii) Mechanical composting (Aerobic method)

Water Air
The refuse is first cleared of salvageable
materials such as rags, bones, pieces of metals,
Organic waste woods, glasses etc. and then powdered in a
e.g. Newspaper, pulveriser. It is then mixed with human night soil
leaves, grass, fruits, vegetables, in a rotating machine and incubated for 4-6 weeks,
kitchen waste etc. at the end of which the entire process of
composting is complete by the action of
carbon dioxide Heat temperature, moisture, pH and aerobic bacteria.
The mixture gets changed to compost.
Compost 5. Manure pits
Methods The individual householder should have a
(i) Bangalore method (Anaerobic method) “manure pit” where in the daily domestic refuse is
dumped and covered with earth after each day’s
Indian Council of Agricultural Research at the dumping. When one is filled other pit should be
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, a method used. After about 4-6 months, the refuse is
(hot fermentation process) has been developed. converted into compost, which can be used to the
field as manure (Compost or fertilizer). This
method is preferred in rural areas, where collection
The trenches are dug. First a layer of refuse about and removal system of refuse is absent.
15cm. thick is spread at the bottom, over this night
soil is added corresponding to a thickness of 5 cm. 6. Burial
Then alternate layers of refuse and night soil are added
This is suitable for small camps. This is also
in the proportion of 15 and 5 cm respectively. The
the same as trench method, but in trenches, only
top layer should be of refuse, at least 25 cm. Then
the refuse is dumped and not the human excreta.
the heap is covered with excavated earth.
At the end of each day the refuse is covered with
Within about a week intense heat is generated earth. When the trench is filled, new trench is dug
to about 60 0C, persisting for about 2 to 3 weeks
out. After 4- months the compost is removed and
killing all the pathogens and the parasites. The lignins
used as manure.
and cellulose are broken down. The end products
acted upon fungi and anaerobic bacteriae, resulting
in harmless, odourless, innocuous humus mass, called
“Compost”, which has high manorial value.
Top layer of Refuse (25 cm.)
Trench for

Night soil layer (5 cm)

Refuse layer (15 cm)
Bangalore Method of composting Fig. 62 : Burial pit
274 LoLFko`Ÿk foKku
Bio- Medical Waste Cat-9 Incineration ash ( e.g. ash generated from
incineration of biomedical waste)
Biomedical waste (BMW) is defined as a waste
Cat-10 Chemical waste (waste of disinfectants,
generated during diagnosis, treatment,
insecticides etc.)
immunization of human beings or animals or in
research activities pertaining thereto or in the
production or testing of biological. Thus BMW Hospital waste disposal
encompasses a wider category of waste and includes The basic principle is that the wastes are
waste from veterinary institutions and slaughter disposed in most hygienic and cost-effective
houses also. manner, by methods which at all stages, minimise
risk to healthy environment. Government of India
Objective of BMW management
has prescribed certain procedures and guidelines
1. To reduce the infectious, hazardous as follows:
nature of waste.
2. Reduce the volume of BMW. 1. Collection of wastes
3. Prevent misuse and abuse of BMW. The waste should be collected and stored in a
4. To recycle the waste. thick, non-corrosive, disposable plastic bags of
adequate size, which may kept in a hard plastic
Categories of BMW
container of suitable size covered with a lid. A list
There are 10 categories of BMW as follows— of common wastes to be deposited in the container
pasted on the container. The container need to be
Categories Waste
cleaned with hot water frequently.
Cat- 1 Human anatomical waste (e.g. tissues,
organs, ampulated parts, body parts, 2. Source segregation
placenta etc.)
Segregation simply means separation of the
Cat-2 Animal waste (e.g. tissues, organs, waste
waste into different categories. The hospital wastes
generated in veterinary hospitals and
of different categories are best segregated at source
animal houses etc.)
by personnel who generate the waste and collected
Cat-3 Microbiology and biotechnology waste
(e.g. laboratory cultures, specimens, vaccines,
into appropriate plastic bags kept in colour coded
human and animal cell culture, toxins etc.) containers.
Cat-4 Waste sharps ( both used and unused e.g.
3. Transportation
needles, syringes, scalpels, blades, glass)
Cat-5 Discarded medicines and cyto toxic drugs Within the hospital, the plastic bags
Cat-6 Solid waste (waste contaminated with blood containing the waste may be tied well and
and body fluids such as cotton swabs, transported by handcart to a storage point.
bedding, dressings, plaster casts etc.) Recyclable waste may be transported to
Cat-7 Solid waste ( e.g. Catheters, IV sets, suitable areas for temporary storage from where
tubings, blood bags etc.) they can be sold periodically.
Cat-8 Liquid waste ( e.g. waste generated from Designated vehicles used for external transport
laboratories, washing, cleaning, house-
of wastes should be road worthy and carry the waste
keeping etc.)
in covered container.
Disposal of solid waste 275

4. Storage Categories Treatment

Daily hospital waste from different sections Cat-1 Incineration/ Deep burial
of the hospital awaiting final disposal are stored in Cat-2 Incineration/ Deep burial
a storeroom. The storeroom should be away from Cat-3 Local autoclaving/ microwaving/
the service area and should be dry & well secured. incineration
Cat-4 Disinfection/chemical treatment/
5. Treatment autoclaving/microwaving/ mutilation
Treatment modifies the wastes before final and shredding
disposal. It is a technique which decontaminates Cat-5 Incineration/destruction and disposal
in secured landfills
the wastes to destroy spores of bacillus, resulting Cat-6 Incineration/ autoclaving/ microwaving
in reduction of volume and making the waste Cat-7 Disinfection by chemical treatment/
unrecognizable with minimum handling and autoclaving/microwaving/ mutilation/
transportation. shredding
Cat-8 Disinfection by chemical treatment and
discharge in to drains
Waste Generator
Cat-9 Disposal in municipal landfill
↓฀ Cat-10 Chemical treatment and discharge into
(Hospital) drains for liquids and secured landfill
↓฀ for solid.
Collection of Wastes Bio-Medical Waste Management in India
Segregation in colour
Bio-medical Waste (Management and
Handling) Rule 1998, prescribed by the ministry
coded poly bags
of Environment and Forests, Government of India,
↓฀ came into force on 28th July 1998. This rule applies
Transportation by Hand cart to to those who generate, collect, receive, store,
a storage place dispose, treat or handle bio-medical waste in any
↓฀ manner. The BMW should be segregated in to
Store room at hospital It should be away containers/bags at the point of generation of waste.
from service area The categories of BMW, treatment & disposal
option, colour coding & type of container are
Transportation by approved special vehicle to the described in table given below:
treatment paint.

Unloading and Treatment Disposal
temporary storage at Incineration, Recycling &
CBWTF Autoclaving and landfill
Common Biomedial
waste treatment and
disposal facility
276 LoLFko`Ÿk foKku

Colour coding Type of container Waste category Treatment

Yellow Plastic bag Cat 1, 2,3, 6 Incineration/

deep burial
Red Disinfected container/ Cat 3, 6,7 Autoclaving/
plastic bag microwaving/
chemical treatment
Blue/white translucent Plastic bag/ Cat 4, 7 Autoclaving/
puncture proof microwaving/
container chemical treatment
and destruction /
Black Plastic bag Cat 5, 9, 10 Disposal in secured

Yellow Red White Black

Fig. 63 : BMW disposal
Biomedical wastes containing container label with Bio hazard symbol & Cyto toxic symbol.

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