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A Survey of Machine and Deep Learning Methods

for Internet of Things (IoT) Security
Mohammed Ali Al-Garadi, Amr Mohamed , Senior Member, IEEE, Abdulla Khalid Al-Ali , Member, IEEE,
Xiaojiang Du , Fellow, IEEE, Ihsan Ali , and Mohsen Guizani , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The Internet of Things (IoT) integrates billions of I. I NTRODUCTION

smart devices that can communicate with one another with min-
HE RECENT progress in communication technologies,
imal human intervention. IoT is one of the fastest developing
fields in the history of computing, with an estimated 50 billion
devices by the end of 2020. However, the crosscutting nature of
T such as the Internet of Things (IoT), has remarkably tran-
scended the traditional sensing of surrounding environments.
IoT systems and the multidisciplinary components involved in IoT technologies can enable modernisations that improve
the deployment of such systems have introduced new security life quality [1] and have the capability to collect, quantify
challenges. Implementing security measures, such as encryption,
and understand the surrounding environments. This situation
authentication, access control, network and application security
for IoT devices and their inherent vulnerabilities is ineffec- simplifies the new communication forms among things and
tive. Therefore, existing security methods should be enhanced humans and thus enables the realisation of smart cities [2].
to effectively secure the IoT ecosystem. Machine learning and IoT is one of the fastest emerging fields in the history of
deep learning (ML/DL) have advanced considerably over the computing, with an estimated 50 billion devices by the end of
last few years, and machine intelligence has transitioned from 2020 [3], [4]. On the one hand, IoT technologies play a crucial
laboratory novelty to practical machinery in several important
applications. Consequently, ML/DL methods are important in role in enhancing real-life smart applications, such as smart
transforming the security of IoT systems from merely facili- healthcare, smart homes, smart transportation and smart edu-
tating secure communication between devices to security-based cation. On the other hand, the crosscutting and large-scale
intelligence systems. The goal of this work is to provide a com- nature of IoT systems with various components involved in
prehensive survey of ML methods and recent advances in DL the deployment of such systems have introduced new security
methods that can be used to develop enhanced security methods
for IoT systems. IoT security threats that are related to inherent
or newly introduced threats are presented, and various potential IoT systems are complex and contain integrative arrange-
IoT system attack surfaces and the possible threats related to each ments. Therefore, maintaining the security requirement in
surface are discussed. We then thoroughly review ML/DL meth- a wide-scale attack surface of the IoT system is challenging.
ods for IoT security and present the opportunities, advantages Solutions must include holistic considerations to satisfy the
and shortcomings of each method. We discuss the opportuni-
security requirement. However, IoT devices mostly work in an
ties and challenges involved in applying ML/DL to IoT security.
These opportunities and challenges can serve as potential future unattended environment. Consequently, an intruder may physi-
research directions. cally access these devices. IoT devices are connected normally
Index Terms—Deep learning, machine learning, Internet of
over wireless networks where an intruder may access private
Things security, security based intelligence, IoT big data. information from a communication channel by eavesdropping.
IoT devices cannot support complex security structures given
their limited computation and power resources [5]. Complex
security structures of the IoT are due to not only limited
computation, communication and power resources but also
trustworthy interaction with a physical domain, particularly
Manuscript received August 12, 2018; revised July 28, 2019, November 12, the behaviour of a physical environment in unanticipated and
2019, and February 27, 2020; accepted April 5, 2020. Date of publication unpredictable modes, because the IoT system is also part
April 20, 2020; date of current version August 21, 2020. This work was of a cyber-physical system; autonomously, IoT systems must
supported by NPRP under Grant 8-408-2-172 and Grant 12S-0305-190231
from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). constantly adapt and survive in a precise and predictable
(Corresponding author: Amr Mohamed.) manner with safety as a key priority, particularly in settings
Mohammed Ali Al-Garadi, Amr Mohamed, Abdulla Khalid Al-Ali, where threatening conditions, such as in health systems, might
and Mohsen Guizani are with the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar (e-mail:; occur [6]. Moreover, new attack surfaces are introduced by;; the IoT environment. Such attack surfaces are caused by the
Xiaojiang Du is with the Department of Computer and Information interdependent and interconnected environments of the IoT.
Sciences, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 USA (e-mail: Consequently, the security is at higher risk in IoT systems
Ihsan Ali is with the Department of Computer System and than in other computing systems, and the traditional solution
Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, may be ineffective for such systems [7], [8].
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia (e-mail:
A critical consequence of the extensive application of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/COMST.2020.2988293 IoT is that IoT deployment becomes an interconnected task.
c 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Visvesvaraya Technological University Belagavi. Downloaded on January 22,2022 at 06:00:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

For example, IoT systems should simultaneously consider algorithms refer to recent advances learning methods that
energy efficiency, security, big IoT data analytics methods utilise several non-linear processing layers for discriminative
and interoperability with software applications [4] during the or generative feature abstraction and transformation for pattern
deployment stage. One aspect cannot be ignored when con- analysis [10]) for IoT security that can provide researchers
sidering advances in another [4]. This integration provides and developers a manual guide to developing an effective and
a new opportunity for researchers from interdisciplinary fields end-to-end security solution based on intelligence. This survey
to investigate current challenges in IoT systems from dif- also aims to highlight the list of challenges of using ML/DL
ferent perspectives. However, this integration also introduces to secure IoT systems. Section II provides an overview of gen-
new security challenges due to the distribution nature of IoT eral IoT systems, but the purpose of such an overview is to
devices, which provide a large and vulnerable surface. This summarise the method used by the IoT model and its charac-
characteristic of IoT devices presents many security issues. teristics for increasing security risk. The summary points are
Moreover, the IoT platform generates a large volume of valu- provided at the end of Section III. Section IV presents the
able data. If these data are not transmitted and analysed IoT security properties and threats and discusses the poten-
securely, then a critical privacy breach may occur. tial vulnerabilities and attack surfaces of IoT systems (IoT
Applying existing security protection mechanisms, for attack surfaces are categorized into physical device, network
example encryption, authentication, access control, network service, cloud service and Web and application interfaces).
security and application security, is challenging and inad- Moreover, we discuss a new attack surface caused by the IoT
equate for large systems with several connected devices, environment. In Section V, we discuss the most promising
with each part of the system having inherent vulnerabilities. ML and DL algorithms, their advantages, disadvantages and
For example, ‘Mirai’ is an exceptional type of botnets that applications in the IoT security and then present the compar-
has recently caused large-scale DDoS attacks by exploiting ison and summary table for the reviewed ML/DL methods at
IoT devices [7], [9]. Existing security mechanisms should be the end of each section. Section VI discusses and comprehen-
enhanced to fit the IoT ecosystem [7]. However, the imple- sively compares the application of ML/DL methods in securing
mentation of security mechanisms against a specified security each IoT layer, and a summary table of the studies that used
threat is quickly conquered by new types of attacks created by ML and DL for IoT security is presented. In this section,
attackers to circumvent existing solutions. For example, ampli- we also present the enabling technology of ML/DL deploy-
fied DDoS attacks utilise spoofed source IP addresses for the ment for IoT security. In Section VII, the issues, challenges
attack location to be untraceable by defenders. Consequently, and future directions in using ML/DL for effectively secur-
attacks that are more complex and more destructive than Mirai ing IoT systems are presented and classified; the challenges
can be expected because of the vulnerabilities of IoT systems. are related to IoT data issues, learning strategies, operations
Moreover, understanding which methods are suitable for pro- under the interdependent, interconnected and interactive envi-
tecting IoT systems is a challenge because of the extensive ronments, possible misuse of ML and DL algorithms by
variety of IoT applications and scenarios [7]. Therefore, devel- attackers, inherent privacy and security issues of ML and DL
oping effective IoT security methods should be a research and inherent properties of an IoT device. These challenges
priority [7], [9]. prevent the implementations of effective ML/DL methods for
As shown in Figure 1, having the capability to monitor IoT IoT system security (i.e., computational complexity or secu-
devices can intelligently provide a solution to new or zero- rity vs. other trade-offs) and are presented as future directions.
day attacks. Machine learning and deep learning (ML/DL) are Furthermore, we present other future directions, such as inte-
powerful methods of data exploration to learn about ‘normal’ grating ML/DL with other technology (e.g., edge computing
and ‘abnormal’ behaviour according to how IoT components and blockchain) to provide reliable and effective IoT security
and devices interact with one another within the IoT envi- methods. Section VIII presents the conclusions drawn from
ronment. The input data of each part of the IoT system can this survey. The key contributions of this survey are listed as
be collected and investigated to determine normal patterns of follows:
interaction, thereby identifying malicious behaviour at early • Comprehensive Discussion on the Potential
stages. Moreover, ML/DL methods could be important in Vulnerabilities and Attack Surfaces of IoT Systems:
predicting new attacks, which are often mutations of previous We discuss various threats and attack surfaces in IoT
attacks, because they can intelligently predict future unknown systems. The attack surfaces are categorized into physical
attacks by learning from existing examples. Consequently, device, network service, cloud service and Web and
IoT systems must have a transition from merely facilitating application interfaces, with several examples of security
secure communication amongst devices to security-based intel- threat and potential vulnerabilities for each attack
ligence enabled by DL/ML methods for effective and secure surfaces. We also discuss a new attack surface caused
systems. by the interdependent, interconnected and interactive
Figure 2 shows a thematic taxonomy of ML/DL for IoT environments of IoT systems.
security. The remaining parts of the paper adopt the clas- • In-Depth Review of the ML and Recent Advances in DL
sification presented on the thematic taxonomy. The present Methods for IoT Security: The most promising ML and
survey comprehensively reviews ML/DL algorithms (Even DL algorithms for securing IoT systems are reviewed,
though DL is a ML sub-field, in this paper ML algorithms and their advantages, disadvantages and applications in
is referred to that require engineered features, while DL IoT security are discussed. Furthermore, comparisons and

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Fig. 1. Illustration of the potential role of ML/DL in IoT security.

summary tables for ML and DL methods are presented security requirements. Roman et al. [21] discussed security
to provide learned lessons. and privacy in the distributed IoT context. These researchers
• Application of ML/DL for Each IoT Layers: The appli- also enumerated several challenges that must be addressed and
cation of ML/DL for securing perception, network and the advantages of the distributed IoT approach in terms of
application layers is reviewed. The works reviewed are security and privacy concerns. Survey [22] reviewed evolving
compared on the basis of the type of learning method vulnerabilities and threats in IoT systems, such as ransomwar
used, the type of attack surfaces secured and the type attacks and security concerns. Xiao et al. [23] briefly consid-
of threats detected. The enabling technologies of ML/DL ered the ML methods for protecting data privacy and security
deployment for IoT security are discussed. in the IoT context. Their study also indicated three challenges
• Challenges and Future Directions: Several potential in future directions of ML implementation in IoT systems (i.e.,
research challenges and future directions of ML/DL for computation and communication overhead, backup security
IoT security are presented. solutions and partial state observation).
The following subsection discusses related works to high- Other survey papers such as [24], [25] focused on the uses of
light the major differences of this survey from the previous data mining and machine learning methods for cybersecurity to
survey on IoT security. support intrusion detection. The surveys mainly discussed the
security of the cyber domain using data mining and machine
learning methods and mainly reviewed misuse and anomaly
A. Related Work detections in cyberspace [24], [25].
Several researchers have conducted surveys on the IoT Various classes of artificial intelligence approaches were
security to provide a practical guide for existing security vul- studied [26] in the perspective of a context-aware framework,
nerabilities of IoT systems and a roadmap for future works. and the possibilities of implementing those strategies in IoT
However, most of the existing surveys on IoT security have not systems were examined. Nevertheless, the study did not focus
particularly focused on the ML/DL applications for IoT secu- on the role of DL in context reasoning. A survey of ML tech-
rity. For example, Surveys [11]–[17] reviewed extant research niques for WSNs was provided [27]. The main focus was to
and classified the challenges in encryption, authentication, study ML approaches in the practical aspect of WSNs, such
access control, network security and application security in as routing, localization and clustering, as well as impractical
IoT systems. Granjal et al. [18] emphasised the IoT commu- aspects such as security and QoS. The application of DL in
nication security after reviewing issues and solutions for the the design of WSNs were discussed in [28]. DL approaches
security of IoT communication systems. Zarpelão et al. [19] were emphasised [29] with respect to network traffic control
conducted a survey on intrusion detection for IoT systems. systems. However, this effort focuses on network organization
Weber [20] focused on legal issues and regulatory approaches and varies from our work that emphasises on ML and DL
to determine whether IoT frameworks satisfy the privacy and approaches for IoT security.

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Several classical ML methods were studied [30] along with machine-to-machine connection, machine-to-man interaction,
advanced methods containing DL for handling common big and man-to-man activities.
data. In particular, the association of different ML approaches
with signal processing methods were emphasised to process
and investigate appropriate big data applications. A com- C. IoT Security
prehensive review focused on state-of-the-art approaches of Various IoT applications have different kinds of industry
DL [31]. The review covered the open research challenges of standards and specifications, yet no unified IoT security stan-
different proposed solutions along with their evolution and dards have been developed. Various organizations, such as
uses. The fundamental principles of numerous DL models IEEE and ETSI, attempt to create IoT standards for secu-
were analysed with their uses and advances of DL in certain rity. The development of security standards in IoT has been
applications [32], such as computer vision, pattern recognition reported [4]. Current IoT-based frameworks are standalone
and speech processing. A survey of development in DL was in small networks, whereas relatively few frameworks are
conducted for recommendation models, which play a vital role known for large-scale networks. As the development of IoT
in mobile advertising [33]. reach maturity, small networks converge into a large network.
Numerous effective ML practices were also used in self- A large IoT network requires complex measures for secu-
organizing networks [34]. The study discussed advantages and rity. Solving those security challenges will be crucial towards
disadvantages of different approaches, and provided future sustainable IoT development.
research directions in this domain. Challenges and opportu- IoT structure is broadly categorized into three layers,
nities of integrating artificial intelligence into future network namely, application, network and perception layers. A few
designs were likewise discussed [35]. The importance of IoT solutions also utilise different support technologies for
artificial intelligence in 5G environment was emphasised. networks, such as network processing, third-party middleware,
Data mining for network intrusion detection was discussed and distributed technology, as a processing layer. These layers
in [36]. Inherited research challenges were also emphasised of IoT structure were also explained in an analysis of potential
for such applications. Multimedia mobile application was threats and requirements to secure IoT architecture [5], [6].
also reviewed using DL [37]. State-of-the-art DL practices
in speech recognition, language translation, mobile ambient
intelligence, mobile security, mobile healthcare and wellbeing II. TAXONOMY OF ML/DL FOR I OT S ECURITY
were covered. A survey was similarly conducted on recent ML/DL for IoT security can be categorized and compared
state-of-the-art DL approaches used in different applications through multiple parameters. Figure 2 represents the taxonomy
for data analytics in IoT [38]. for IoT security using ML/DL. IoT security can be classified
However, in contrast to other surveys, our survey presents into the following five categories: IoT system, IoT security
a comprehensive review of cutting-edge machine and recent threats, learning methods for IoT security, ML/DL for layers
advances in deep learning methods from the perspective of IoT security and finally the issues, challenges and future directions.
security. This survey identifies and compares the opportuni- Detailed explanations of each category are given below.
ties, advantages and shortcomings of various ML/DL methods
for IoT security. We discuss several challenges and future
directions and present the identified challenges and future A. IoT System
directions on the basis of reviewing the potential ML/DL The key attributes that differentiate IoT security issues
applications in the IoT security context, thereby providing from traditional ones are its ubiquity and wide deployment
a useful manual for researchers to transform the IoT system as a distributed network. These attributes of heterogeneity and
security from merely enabling a secure communication among complexity lead to difficulties in ensuring IoT security. This
IoT components to end-to-end IoT security-based intelligent study presents challenges and highlights the research oppor-
approaches. tunities in IoT security. New research areas and their possible
solutions are likewise previously discussed in [39].

B. Overviews of IoT
IoT [14] consists of many context-aware products and B. IoT Security Threats
technologies, ranging from analogue and digital sensors to Each IoT layer is vulnerable to security loopholes and
global positioning systems (GPS) and radio frequency iden- their activities. These activities can be active or passive and
tification devices (RFID), near field communication (NFC) can start from remote systems or internal networks (insider
sensors, weather detectors and emergency alarms. All these attack [1]). An active attack disturbs the operation of running
IoT devices collect data, process and communicate in real services, whereas a passive attack enumerates IoT network
time. Such real-time communication is often subject to mon- information without disturbing the live service. All layers
itoring, connecting and interacting with many systems. These of IoT devices and services are vulnerable to denial of ser-
IoT devices store critical information ranging from sound data, vice (DoS) attacks. As a result, the device and network
light intensity, temperature reading, electricity consumption, resources become unresponsive and degrade customer service.
mechanics movements, chemical reaction to impact, biologi- The following paragraphs cover a detailed analysis of the
cal changes and geo-location. IoT devices are employed for security problems corresponding to each layer [40].

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Fig. 2. Thematic Taxonomy of ML/DL for IoT Security.

C. Learning Methods for IoT Security are classified based on data, learning strategies for effective
Learning methods for IoT security have been grouped into IoT security, ML and DL challenges, integrating ML/DL with
ML, DL and RL methods. ML methods consist of supervised other technologies for IoT security, ML/DL for securing IoT
and unsupervised approaches. The supervised approaches are interdependent, interconnected and social environments, com-
further categorized into DT, SVM, NB, KNN, RF, AR and EL. putational complexity and security versus trade-offs in IoT
Moreover, the unsupervised method only consists of two meth- application.
ods, which are K-means and PCA. DL methods are also
grouped into supervised, unsupervised and hybrid approaches. III. OVERVIEW OF THE I OT S YSTEM
Supervised approaches consist of CNN and RNN methods.
This section provides an overview of the general IoT
Unsupervised approaches also consist of AE, RBMs and
systems. However, the objective of this section is to highlight
DBNs methods. Lastly, hybrid approaches consist of GAN and
the characteristics of IoT systems that may increase secu-
EDLNs methods. No further categorization was found under
rity risk. The summary points are provided at the end of this
RL methods.
IoT converts a physical object from a conventional object to
D. ML/DL for Layer Security
a smart object by utilising technologies, such as communica-
In this parameter, the layers are categorized into ML/DL tion technologies, Internet protocols and applications, sensor
perception layer security, ML/DL network layer security, networks and ubiquitous and pervasive computing [41]. The
ML/DL application layer security, and enabling technology implementation of a flawless IoT system is crucial in the
for ML/DL deployment for IoT security. academe and industry due to the wide range of applications
that can enable the execution of smart city concepts through
E. Issues, Challenges and Future Directions billions of connected smart devices [42]. The IoT model
Under this parameter, we present a list of issues, chal- can be defined as the interconnection of massive heteroge-
lenges and future directions for using ML and DL methods neous devices and systems in diverse communication patterns,
to mitigate security weaknesses in IoT systems. The issues such as thing-to-thing human-to-human or human-to-thing

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[13], [41]. The IoT architecture consists of physical objects C. Middleware

that are integrated into a communication network and sup- A middleware aims to effectively represent the complex-
ported by computational equipment with the aim of delivering ities of a system or hardware, thus allowing developers to
smart services to users. The IoT architecture generally has focus only on the issue to be solved without interruption at
three layers, namely, application, network and perception [14]. the system or hardware level [48], [49]. These complexities
This architecture can be further taxonomized for simplicity are commonly related to communication and computational
and improved analysis, as shown in Figure 3. Each level is issues. A middleware offers a software level amongst appli-
described in the following subsections. cations, the operating system and the network communication
levels; it enables cooperative processing. From the compu-
A. Physical Objects tational perspective, a middleware offers a level between an
The physical object level involves IoT physical sensors. application and the system software [45], [48], [50]. Its main
The main function of physical objects is to sense, collect and functions can be summarized as follows. First, it enables coop-
possibly process information. This level adopts sensors and eration between heterogeneous IoT objects so that the diverse
actuators, such as temperature, humidity, motion and accelera- categories of IoT can interact with one another effortlessly
tion sensors, to implement diverse sensing functionalities. The through middleware assistance [45], [48], [50]. One of key
plug-and-play mechanism must be applicable at this level to roles of middleware is to provide interoperability between
configure heterogeneous sensors [41], [43], [44]. IoT sensors the IoT devices. Second, a middleware must provide scala-
are resource-constrained devices because they have limited bility amongst several devices that are likely to interact in
battery capacity and computational capability. Understanding the IoT realm. The future growth of IoT devices should be
the sensor data delivered by these objects is a key step in handled by the middleware by providing vital modifications
achieving a context-aware IoT system [26], [45]. A large part when the organization scales [45]. The third function is device
of the big data of IoT is generated at this level. The increase discovery [45] and context awareness, which should be pro-
in IoT devices and the extensive increment in data volume vided by a middleware to support the objects’ awareness of all
indicate a positive correlation between the growth of big data other surrounding IoT objects. A middleware should provide
and of IoT devices. Effective analysis of the big data of IoT context-aware computing to understand sensor data. Sensor
can result in improved decision making for a highly secure data can be utilised to obtain the context, and the obtained
IoT implementation. context can be used to provide smart services to users [26].
One of the promising applications of ML/DL methods The last function is to provide security and privacy to IoT
is perception-layer authentication. Traditional physical-layer devices because the data collected by IoT devices are gener-
authentication techniques apply assumption checks and relate ally related to humans or an industry. Security and privacy
the randomness and exclusiveness of the radio channel concerns must be addressed in such circumstances. A mid-
between ‘Alice’ and ‘Bob’ to detect spoofing attacker ‘Eve’ dleware must construct mechanisms to provide a secure IoT
in a wireless network. Nonetheless, such an approach is not system [45].
always practical specifically in dynamic networks [46].
D. Big Data Analytics
B. Connectivity The huge amounts of data produced or captured by IoT are
One of the main objectives of the IoT platform is to con- extremely valuable. ML can play an analytical role in build-
nect heterogeneous sensors cooperatively and subsequently ing intelligent IoT systems to deliver smart services in the
provide smart services [41]. The sensors implemented in the IoT realm [51]. Big data are created [52] by several physical
IoT platform are resource-constrained because they are pow- objects that are used in various IoT applications. However,
ered by batteries and have a limited computation and storage physical devices produce volumes of data that should be anal-
capability [45], [47]. Therefore, IoT sensors must work with ysed in real time to acquire useful knowledge. To obtain
low-power resources under a lossy and noisy communication insights from these data, researchers [51]–[57] have discussed
environment [41]. The following connectivity challenges are different methods of integrating big data analytical methods
encountered in the deployment of IoT devices. with IoT design. Unlike traditional analytical methods, ML
• The first one is providing unique IPs to billions of devices and DL can effectively derive unobserved insights from big
connected to the Internet. This challenge can be mitigated data and convert big data into useful data with minimal human
by incorporating 6LoWPAN that uses IPv6. assistance [52]. Analytical methods can be categorized into
• The second challenge is developing low-power commu- three: descriptive, predictive and perspective analytics [52].
nication for transmitting data generated by sensors. Descriptive analytics is used for analysing data to describe cur-
• The third challenge is implementing effective routing pro- rent or past events. Predictive analytics is used for analysing
tocols that consider the limited memory of sensors and data to predict the future based on the patterns that occur
support the flexibility and mobility of smart objects. in current events. Prescriptive analytics is used for analysing
The recent communication technologies employed in data to make decisions by examining various real scenarios
IoT are 6LoWPAN, Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4, WiFi, and providing a set of recommendations to decision makers.
ultra-wide bandwidth, RFID and near-field communication The big data related to the behaviour of IoT systems are vital
(NFC) [41]. in building ML/DL to secure IoT systems.

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Fig. 3. IoT architecture.

E. Applications Moreover, IoT sensors are widely used to monitor daily

IoT has several applications. The commonly known applica- health-related activities. A smartphone is usually employed
tions include smart healthcare, smart transportation, smart grid to monitor health-related activities, such as daily activity
and smart building. These applications are briefly discussed in (number of steps, walking and running distance and cycling
the following subsections. distance), and sleep analysis. IoT has prodigious opportunities
1) Smart Healthcare: IoT devices have become popular in to potentially advance healthcare systems and a wide range of
health applications in recent years. The IoT system is rapidly applications [61]. The recent development in traditional medi-
becoming a key instrument in healthcare [58]. IoT devices cal devices towards interactive environment medical devices
are used in healthcare sectors to closely observe and record can be further advanced by the IoT system by connecting
patient conditions and send warnings to the concerned health- implanted, wearable and environmental sensors collaboratively
care system in critical circumstances to provide a rapid and within the IoT system to monitor users’ health effectively
timely treatment to patients. Internet of medical things (IoMT) and ensure real-time health support [58]. However, securing
devices have been adopted in approximately 60% of the health- IoT systems remains a critical issue [62], [63], and further
care sector [59]. IoMT is believed to have a significant role investigation is required to securely implement IoT devices in
in transforming the healthcare field by empowering the evolu- healthcare.
tion from disorganized healthcare to synchronized healthcare. 2) Smart Transportation: Smart or intelligent transport
In 2015, 30.3% of 4.5 billion IoT devices are IoMT devices. systems have become attainable with the help of IoT systems.
This number is estimated to rise to 20–30 billion IoMT devices The main objective of smart transport is to manage daily
by 2020. traffic in cities intelligently by analysing data from well-
However, in contrast to other applications, the IoT in health- connected sensors located in different places and implement-
care systems must be secured whilst providing flexible access ing data fusion (data from CCTV, mobile devices, GPS,
to devices to save lives in emergency cases. For example [60], accelerometers, gyroscope-based applications and weather
an individual who has an implanted IoT-based medical device sensors). The data are then explored and integrated to pro-
has experienced an emergency situation where he/she suddenly vide smart choices to users [64]. Moreover, the data analytics
must be admitted into a hospital rather than only regularly of smart transport can implicitly enhance shipment schedules,
visiting. In this case, the staff at the new hospital must be advance road safety and improve delivery time [52].
able to access the implanted IoT-based medical device eas- 3) Smart Governance: IoT can facilitate smart gover-
ily. Therefore, a complex security requirement may be not nance. Integrating data from different governmental sec-
acceptable, and the security method must consider and bal- tors can provide authorities with abundant information from
ance between security and flexible access during emergency a wide range of sensor data (from weather-related data to
situations. security-related data). The huge amount of data generated

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by IoT sensors can overcome the limitations of conventional this level is to effectively utilise the data captured, transmitted
monitoring systems in an exceptional manner, thereby pre- and analysed at different levels of the IoT model to improve
senting a knowledge-based system from information fusion social and economic growth. The analysis of big data gen-
sources that compiles and correlates data from different erated by IoT devices can be incorporated into the business
sectors to deliver an optimal decision considering multiple objective at this stage to identify factors that can improve the
perspectives. business outcome and create optimal strategic business plans.
4) Smart Agriculture: IoT systems can be applied to
improve the agriculture sector. IoT sensors can be imple-
mented to enable real-time monitoring of the agriculture sector. G. Lessons Learned
IoT sensors can collect useful data on humidity level, tem- The major contribution of Section III is an overview of IoT
perature level, weather conditions and moisture level. The systems by generally describing an IoT system, highlighting
collected data can then be analysed to provide important real- its characteristics and systems that may increase security risks.
time mechanisms, such as automatic irrigation, water quality Furthermore, from the above discussions, we can conclude that
monitoring, soil constituent monitoring and disease and pest the nature of IoT systems can increase security risks because
monitoring [65]. of the following reasons.
5) Smart Grid: The latest development in power grids was • By nature, IoT is a multipart model with various applica-
achieved by using the IoT platform to construct a smart grid tions that have diverse requirements. This nature demon-
in which the electricity between suppliers and consumers is strates the massive complexity of such systems through
handled smartly to improve efficiency, safety and real-time extensive IoT applications, from smart homes, smart cars,
monitoring [66]–[68]. The IoT platform plays a significant to smart healthcare. These drivers and various IoT appli-
role in effective grid management. Applying IoT technology cations can present a challenge whilst developing an
in a smart grid can help prevent disasters, decrease power effective security scheme. An effective security method
transmission to enhance the reliability of power transmission proposed for a specific application or requirement may
and minimize economic losses [69]. Moreover, analysing the be unsuitable for others with different requirements.
data generated by IoT sensors can help decision makers select • IoT systems are vastly heterogeneous in protocols, plat-
a suitable electricity supply level to deliver to customers. forms and devices that are accessible worldwide and
6) Smart Homes: IoT components are used to realize smart consist mainly of constrained resources, construction by
homes. Home IoT-based machines and systems (e.g., fridge, lossy links [7], [8] and lack of standardization. Such fea-
TV, doors, air conditioner, heating systems and so on) are now tures of IoT systems become bottlenecks that prevent
easy to observe and control remotely [41], [70]. A smart home the development of effective and generalized security
system can understand and respond to surrounding changes, schemes.
such as automatically switching on air conditioners based on • IoT devices can be designed to autonomously adapt to
weather predictions and opening the door based on face recog- the surrounding environment. Consequently, IoT devices
nition. Intelligent homes should consistently collaborate with can be controlled by other devices [7]. In such cases,
their internal and external environments [71]. The internal an effective IoT security must not only be proposed to
environment involves all home IoT devices that are man- secure each device independently but also to provide an
aged internally, and the external environment involves objects end-to-end security solution.
that are not managed by the smart home but play important • IoT generates valuable data, which can be analysed
roles in the construction of the smart home, such as smart to understand the behaviour of individuals and their
grids [41], [71]. daily activities. Therefore, policymakers can use such
7) Smart Supply Chain: An important application of IoT information to adjust their products smartly and satisfy
technology in real life is the development of easier and more individual preferences and requirements. However, this
flexible business processes than before. The development in result can turn IoT devices into eavesdropping devices
IoT-embedded sensors, such as RFID and NFCE, enables the that capture user information including biometric data,
interaction between IoT sensors embedded on the products and such as voices, faces and fingerprints that can aid in IoT
business supervisors. Therefore, these goods can be tracked device intrusion.
throughout production and transportation processes until they • Physical attacks can increase by implementing IoT
reach the consumer. The monitoring process and the data gen- systems because most of the physical things of IoT
erated through this process are crucial in making appropriate (e.g., sensors) may be ubiquitously and physically reach-
decisions, which can in turn improve machine uptime and the able [21], [72]. Physical threats may likewise be caused
service provided to customers [68]. by unintended damage from natural disasters, such as
floods or earthquakes, or disasters caused by humans,
such as wars [73], [74]. Therefore, an effective secu-
F. Collaboration and Business Objective rity solution must be context-aware and consider such
At this level, IoT service is delivered to users, and the characteristics of IoT systems.
data captured and analysed at the lower levels are integrated • IoT systems do not have exact boundaries and are con-
into the business objective. This level mainly involves human stantly adjusted whilst new devices are added due to user
interaction with all of the levels of the IoT model. The aim at mobility. Such characteristics allow the IoT model to

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continually expand possible attack surfaces and introduce Integrity: Data from IoT devices are generally transferred
several vulnerabilities. through wireless communication and must be changed only
Therefore, methods that can comprehensively understand by authorised entities. Integrity features are thus fundamental
and gain knowledge on the behaviour of things and other in ensuring an effective checking mechanism to detect any
IoT components within such large systems are required. modification during communication over an insecure wire-
However, ML/DL methods can predict the expected behaviour less network. Integrity features can secure the IoT system
of a system by learning from previous experiences. Therefore, from malicious inputs that might be used to launch structured
applying ML/DL methods can significantly advance the secu- query language (SQL) injection attacks [79]. A deficiency
rity methods by transforming the security of IoT systems from in integrity inspection can allow for modification of the
simply facilitating secure communication between devices to data stored on the memory of IoT devices, which can affect the
security-based intelligence systems. main operational functions of the physical devices for a long
time without being detected easily. IoT systems have various
integrity requirements. For example, IoT implantable medi-
IV. I OT S ECURITY T HREATS cal devices require effective integrity checking against random
IoT integrates the Internet with the physical world to pro- errors because they affect human lives directly. Loss, errors or
vide an intelligent interaction between the physical world modification of information in several circumstances can lead
and its surroundings. Generally, IoT devices work in diverse to loss of human lives [60], [80], [81].
surroundings to accomplish different goals. However, their Authentication: The identity of entities should be perfectly
operation must meet a comprehensive security requirement in established prior to performing any other process. However,
cyber and physical states [73], [75]. IoT systems are complex due to the nature of IoT systems, authentication requirements
and contain multidisciplinary arrangements. Therefore, main- differ from system to system. For example, authentication
taining the security requirement with the wide-scale attack should be robust in an IoT system where a service needs
surface of the IoT system is challenging. To satisfy the to offer robust security rather than high flexibility. Trade-offs
desired security requirement, the solution should include holis- are a major challenge in developing an effective authentica-
tic considerations. However, IoT devices mostly work in an tion scheme. For example, the trade-off between security and
unattended environment. Consequently, an intruder may phys- safety in IoT medical devices is that both security and safety
ically access these devices. IoT devices are normally connected must be balanced when designing an authentication scheme.
over wireless networks where an intruder might expose private Similarly, the trade-off can be between an effective authentica-
information from the communication channel by eavesdrop- tion scheme and battery-based devices or between privacy and
ping. IoT devices cannot support complex security structures security [82]. Therefore, an IoT system requires an effective
because of their limited computation and power resources [5]. authentication that can balance system constraints and provide
Therefore, securing the IoT system is a complex and challeng- robust security mechanisms [83].
ing task. Given that the main objective of the IoT system is Authorsation: Authorisation includes granting users access
to be accessed by anyone, anywhere and anytime, attack vec- rights to an IoT system, such as a physical sensor device.
tors or surfaces also become accessible to attackers [21], [76]. The users may be machines, humans or services. For exam-
Consequently, causing potential threats to become more prob- ple, the data collected by sensors should only be delivered
able. A threat is an act that can exploit security weaknesses to and accessed by authorised users (authorised objects and
in a system and exerts a negative impact on it [5], [77]. service requesters) [13], [84]. In other words, an action must
Numerous threats, such as passive attacks (e.g., eavesdropping) be performed only if the requester has satisfactory authorisa-
and active threats (e.g., spoofing, Sybil, man-in-the-middle, tion to command it. The main challenge in authorisation in IoT
malicious inputs and denial of service (DoS)), might affect environments is how to grant access successfully in an environ-
the IoT system. Figure 4 shows the potential attacks that can ment where not only humans but also physical sensors (things)
affect the main security requirements (authentication, integrity should be authorised to interact with the IoT system [12]. In
non-repudiation, confidentiality availability and authorisation). addition, in handling huge amounts of data in such a heteroge-
The following main security properties should be considered neous environment, the data must be protected throughout the
while developing an effective IoT security method. sensing and transmission process and should be made available
Confidentiality: Confidentiality is a vital security charac- only to authorised parties [85].
teristic of IoT systems. IoT devices may store and transfer Availability: The services delivered by IoT systems must
sensitive information that should not be revealed by unautho- always be available to authorised entities. Availability is
rised individuals. Medical (patient related), personal, industry a fundamental feature of a successful deployment of IoT
and military data are highly confidential and must be secured systems. However, IoT systems and devices can still be
against unauthorised access [5], [78]. However, in specific rendered unavailable by many threats, such as DoS or
scenarios, such as IoT medical devices, although communi- active jamming. Therefore, ensuring the continuous availabil-
cations are encrypted and data are confidentially stored and ity of IoT services to users is a critical property of IoT
transferred, attackers can still sense the existence of the phys- security.
ical device and can even track the holder. In such a situation, Non-Repudiation: The non-repudiation property is meant
the location confidentiality of the holder is exposed and put at to provide access logs that serve as evidence in situations
risk [60]. where users or objects cannot repudiate an action. Generally,

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Fig. 4. Potential threats in the IoT system.

non-repudiation is not considered a key security property for communication, deny services and so on. Attacks may include
many IoT systems [5]. However, non-repudiation can be an a sequence of interventions, disruptions and modifications.
important security property in specific contexts, such as pay- For example, potential attacks on an IoT system (shown in
ment systems where both parties cannot repudiate a payment Figure 4) may involve the following active attacks: imperson-
transaction [5]. ation (e.g., spoofing, Sybil and man-in-the-middle), malicious
For an effective IoT security scheme, the security properties inputs, data tampering and DoS. An impersonation attack is
above should be considered. However, these properties can be intended to impersonate an IoT device or authorised users. If
exploited by several security threats, as shown in Figure 4. In an attack path exists, active intruders can attempt to partially or
the following subsection, we briefly discuss potential security fully impersonate an IoT entity [21]. Malicious input attacks
threats to understand how different security properties should are intended to insert malicious software into the targeted
be maintained in a secure IoT environment. IoT system. This software will run a code injection attack.
The injected malicious software has a dynamic nature, and
new types of attacks are constantly introduced to violate IoT
A. Threats in IoT components remarkably because IoT systems have a naturally
Security threats can be categorized as cyber and physical. large, well-connected surface [22], [88]. Meanwhile, data tam-
Cyber threats can be further classified as passive or active. pering is the act of intentionally changing (deleting, changing,
The following subsection provides a brief discussion of these manipulating or editing) information via unauthorised oper-
threats. ations. Data are commonly transmitted or stored. In both
1) Cyber Threats (Passive Threats): A passive threat is situations, data might be captured and tampered, which might
performed only by eavesdropping through communication affect the significant functions of IoT systems, such as chang-
channels or the network. By eavesdropping, an attacker can ing the billing price in the case of an IoT-based smart grid [89].
collect information from sensors, track the sensor holders, Many types of DoS attacks can be utilised against IoT. These
or both. Currently, collecting valuable personal information, types range from conventional Internet DoS attacks that are
particularly personal health data, has become rampant on the established to deplete the resources of the service provider
black market [75]. The value of personal health information and network bandwidth to signal jamming that targets wire-
on the black market is $50 compared with $1.50 for credit less communication. Distributed DoS (DDoS) is a severe DoS
card information and $3 for a social security number [75]. where several attacks are launched with different IPs, which
Moreover, an attacker can eavesdrop on communication chan- makes discriminating it from normal traffic of normal devices
nels to track the location of the IoT device holder if its challenging compared with the attack with a huge traffic form
communication channel is within range [86], [87], thus causing signal or limited number of devices that is easier to discrimi-
a violation of privacy. nate from normal traffic and devices. Although different forms
Active Threats: In active threats, the attacker is not only of DoS attacks exist, they have a common aim: to interfere
skilful in eavesdropping on communication channels, but also with the availability of IoT services [19]. IoT systems have
in modifying IoT systems to change configurations, control billions of connected devices that can be exploited through

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Fig. 5. IoT attack surfaces.

destructive DDoS, such as Mirai. Mirai is an exceptional type in real time; this bridges the interaction between virtual and
of botnets that has recently caused large-scale DDoS attacks actual worlds. Consequently, these tiny physical devices can be
by using IoT devices [7], [9]. expended in an exceptionally wide range of applications [90].
2) Physical Threats: Physical threats can be in terms of However, most physical devices suffer from many security-
physical destruction. In these threats, the attacker generally related issues. Another unit of physical device surface is the
does not have technical capabilities to conduct a cyber-attack. sensor node. Sensor nodes mainly consist of sensors used for
Therefore, the attacker can only affect the reachable physical sensing and actuators used for actuating devices in accor-
objects and other components of IoT that lead to terminating dance with specified instructions. Sensors nodes commonly
the service. By adopting IoT systems, these types of attacks have high latency.
may become wide-scale because most of the physical objects Most physical devices are resource-constrained and contain
of IoT (sensors and cameras) are expected to be everywhere valuable information, which makes them a potential surface
and physically accessible [21], [72]. Physical threats may also for attackers; for example, they can be exploited to track their
be caused by unintended damage from natural disasters, such holders, flooding them with many access requests that cause
as floods or earthquakes, or disasters caused by humans, such DoS or other attacks, such as eavesdropping, spoofing and
as wars [73], [74]. counterfeiting [92], [93]. Moreover, this surface is highly vul-
nerable to physical threats because it is the most physically
B. Attack Surfaces accessible surface for an attacker.
In this section, we discuss possible IoT system attack sur- 2) Network Service Surface: The IoT system contains phys-
faces and the potential threats related to each surface. As ical objects (sensors and actuators) that are connected through
shown in Figure 5, IoT attack surfaces can be categorized wired and wireless technologies. Sensor networks (SNs) are
into physical device, network service, cloud service, Web and significant resources for realizing IoT systems. SNs can be
application interface. The new IoT environment introduces constructed without an IoT system. However, an IoT system
threat surfaces. cannot be constructed without SNs [26], [94]. An IoT system
1) Physical Device Surface: Physical devices, such as consists of SNs and a wired network, thus creating a large-
RFID, are a main part of IoT systems. In an embedded commu- scale network surface. Such a wide network surface can be
nication system, RFID plays a significant role in implementing potentially vulnerable. Moreover, IoT systems face new secu-
microprocessors for wireless communication [90]. The key rity threats that are inherited from wired and wireless SNs.
characteristic of RFID tags is automatic identification through These new threats are introduced when traditional networks are
a unique identifier that involves fast information transmission directly integrated into IoT networks. The direct integration of
between tags (RFID is tagged to an object that can be anything, a wireless SN into an IoT network poses several issues because
from human to animal) and readers [91]. The main function traditional networks are no longer secure within IoT envi-
of RFID technology is to supervise the process of objects ronments; for example, the resilience of WSNs (the sensors

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within a WSN openly provide its information to external par- insecure storage [106]); (2) insufficient integrity controls at
ties) makes this network completely vulnerable to attacks in the data level that can result in security threats by avoid-
IoT environments [26], [94]. ing the authorisation process to directly access the database
Other threats can be designed by attackers to target [106], [107]; and (3) a security threat may exist in all visu-
the routing protocol that may lead to network failure. alization software which can be utilised by intruders (e.g.,
Accordingly, designing a secure routing protocol is impor- the vulnerability of a virtual server might allow a guest OS
tant to IoT system security [92], [95]. Attacks can also to run codes on the host). Consequently, the vulnerability of
be launched at a port by searching and examining open the virtual server could be exploited to allow the elevation of
ports. Detection of open ports can encourage attackers to privileges [106], [107].
launch an attack on the services operating on these open Cloud computing has substantial consequences on
ports. Such an attack can extract detailed information about information privacy and confidentiality. Privacy and confi-
the network, such as IP address, MAC address, router and dentiality risks differ significantly according to the terms and
gateway [9], [96]. conditions between the cloud service provider and the cloud
IoT has expanded network connectivity, mobility and collab- service consumers. However, the integration of IoT devices
oration between users. Such features increase network service with cloud computing introduces several privacy concerns,
surfaces, leading to frequent security risks and attacks, such as such as exposing highly confidential data (e.g., personal
hacking, interruption, acknowledgement spoofing, DoS, man- medical data of the holder or home-based sensor data).
in-the-middle attack protocol tunnelling and interception [97]. Privacy is a vital factor that prevents users from adopting
Furthermore, the Internet network, which is a key component IoT devices. Therefore, development should be accompanied
that connects IoT devices, has different players ranging from with effective privacy protection for a successful IoT system
business subscribers to individual subscribers and from a local deployment [108]–[110]. Moreover, multi-tenancy, which
network area (LAN) to a worldwide network area (WAN), is one of the main features of cloud computing, can cause
thereby connecting a wide range of devices and servers [98]. security threats that may lead to private information leakage.
On the one hand, the Internet can provide a wide range of Multi-tenancy allows multiple users to store their data using
services and applications that can work in synergy with the the cloud via the application interface (API). In such a con-
information collected from sensors to achieve a fully func- dition, the data of several users can be stored at the same
tional IoT system for providing intelligent services. On the locality, and data in such an environment can be accessed by
other hand, the continuous use of traditional Internet protocol one of these users. By either hacking through the loop holes
(TCP/IP) to connect billions of objects and devices world- in API or inserting the client code into the cloud system, an
wide is highly vulnerable to numerous security and privacy unauthorised operation attack can be launched against the
threats, such as viruses, intrusion and hacking, replay attack data [106]. Authorised cloud users might also misuse their
and identity theft [13], [61], [99]. permissible access to gain unauthorised privileges and launch
3) Cloud Service Surface: Cloud computing provides a set attacks, such as internal DoS. Such attacks can be called
of innovative services that are introduced to offer access to insider attacks [96], which can introduce a critical trust issue
stores and processes for obtaining information from anywhere when the cloud is integrated with IoT.
and at any time; accordingly, the requirement for hardware 4) Web and Application Interface: Most services provided
equipment is either limited or eliminated [100]. Cloud com- by IoT systems provide users remote access via the Web or
puting can be defined as enabling remote access to shared mobile applications. For example, in a smart home, the smart
service resources [101], [102]. Cloud computing can serve as things that are connected to home appliances are designed
a platform that can be used as a base technology to realize the to be controlled by users using their mobile applications or
vision of IoT [103]. Cloud computing has significant charac- by webpage interfaces in a few cases. Mobile applications
teristics that can benefit IoT systems, such as computational have also been developed for smart cars, watches, belts, shoes,
and energy efficiencies and storage, service and application glasses, lights, parking and other things that are becoming
over the Internet [103]. The integration of cloud and IoT offers IoT-based devices controlled by mobile applications. With the
great opportunities for IoT systems. IoT can benefit from the rapid development of IoT, virtual and real worlds are being
unrestrained resources of the cloud, thereby overcoming the integrated, and soon the difference between the two worlds will
main constraints of IoT, such as computational and energy become undefinable. IoT devices can interact with one another
capabilities [104]. The integration of cloud and IoT offers in real time. This scenario can be ultimately achieved with
opportunities for the cloud as well. The cloud can use an the help of smartphone applications [111]. Smartphones have
IoT device as a bridge to be integrated into real-life applica- become ubiquitous because of the extensive services they pro-
tions through a dynamic and distributed means, consequently vide to users through their applications. Android-based devices
supplying cloud services to a large consumer base [103], are among the popular smart devices. They have captured
[105]. However, with the integration of cloud and IoT systems, a massive market because of their open architecture and the
several security concerns arise because such a distributed popularity of their application programming interface (APIs)
system is vulnerable to numerous attacks, such as (1) mali- among developer groups [112], [113]. However, the open
cious attacks that can manipulate flaws in data security to nature of mobile operating systems permits users to down-
obtain unauthorised access (e.g., cross-site scripting (XSS), load diverse applications involving malicious applications that
SQL injection flaws, cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and are uploaded by a third-party to online application stores

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without thorough security checks [112], [114]. The grow- the IoT medium. Consequently, an attacker can launch rapid
ing popularity of Android-based devices and other operating and destructive attacks that may not be easy to control. To
system devices has attracted malware developers, followed by illustrate the impact of this scenario, an experimental case was
a huge increase in Android malware [112]. Malware devel- conducted in [117], where an infection attack was launched by
opers can control smartphones by utilising platform vulner- exploiting the popular Philips Hue smart lamps. The malware
abilities, extracting private user information or constructing was diffused by moving directly from one lamp to the adjacent
botnets. Furthermore, Android applications may release pri- lamp through wireless connectivity provided by the built-in
vate information carelessly or maliciously. Consequently, their ZigBee and physical proximity. The researchers [117] found
functioning behaviours, operational models and usage patterns that the global AES-CCM key can be used to encrypt and
should be recognisee to develop practical security methods authenticate new firmware without knowing any real updates
for mobile devices [112]. Mobile devices are exposed to risks on smart lamps by using cheap available equipment. This
and threats, such as bluesnarfing, bluejacking, eavesdropping, situation shows how vulnerable such devices are, even the
tracking and DoS [13], [89], [115]. devices produced by a well-known company that applies reli-
5) New Attack Surfaces Introduced by IoT: In this sec- able cryptographic methods for security. Such attacks can start
tion, we discuss new attack surfaces introduced by the IoT at a single point at any location and may end up infecting
environment. the entire city, thereby allowing the attackers to control the
a) Threats caused by IoT interdependent environ- lights of the city or use IoT lamps in DDoS attacks [117].
ment: With the rapid growth of IoT objects, the collaboration Consequently, an infection attack may spread rapidly to large-
between objects has become more automated and require less scale devices and components due to the interconnected nature
human involvement. IoT objects no longer merely interact with of IoT systems.
one another like devices within a network. Many IoT devices c) Social IoT environment: The Social Internet of
nowadays are designed to achieve the vision of a smart city, Things (SIoT) was introduced recently to integrate social
such that many of these devices are controlled by other devices networking into IoT. The basis of such integration is that each
or depend on the operational condition of other devices or thing (object) can obtain preferred services through its social
the surrounding environment. For example, if a GPS sensor objects called friends in a distributed manner with just local
is aware of the traffic situation in a different road from the information [118].
user’s home to work and the user’s health condition (asthma) Consequently, the threats caused by this IoT environment
is known, then the GPS should select the route from the user’s can be related to privacy concerns that may cause exposing
home to work that is most suitable for his health condition (less sensitive information about the objects when integrated into
traffic and air pollution) based on the health information and a social network of IoT devices [119].
traffic and pollution sensors. Similarly, [116] provided another
example where a sensor senses that the indoor temperature is
raised and a smart plug senses that the air cooler is turned off;
then, the windows automatically open. Such interdependent C. Lessons Learned
processes are common in applications that utilise IoT devices IoT systems are complex and contain multidisciplinary com-
to achieve a fully automated process. In this environment, the ponents. As such, providing effective security requirement
targeted IoT device may be unreachable by an attacker, but the with the wide-scale attack surface of IoT systems is chal-
attacker could modify the operation mode of another device or lenging. To satisfy the necessary security, the solution should
its sensing parameter through the environment that has direct incorporate holistic considerations. However, this approach
interdependence to launch a threat [116]. Therefore, attacking leads to several challenges. For instance, IoT devices typi-
one surface, such as reducing the temperature or manipulat- cally work in an unattended environment. Consequently, an
ing pollution data, can cause severe effects on other sensors intruder may physically access these devices. IoT devices
whose operations depend on the information from these sen- are normally connected over wireless networks where an
sors. In such an interdependent environment, the attacker can intruder may expose private information from the communica-
select the weakest nodes in the systems to interrupt the entire tion channel through eavesdropping. In addition, IoT devices
systems. cannot support complex security structures because of their
b) Interconnected environment: IoT systems connect bil- limited computation and power resources [5]. Section IV
lions of devices. This architecture does not only expend the discusses the main security properties that require consider-
surface of the attack but also the magnitude of the attack. ation in developing effective IoT security methods, namely,
With these densely interconnected devices, an infected thing confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorisation, avail-
can become a destructive attack that infects numerous things ability and non-repudiation (see Figure 4 in Section IV
at a large scale, thus affecting a large part of a city. This sit- for further description). The description shows potential
uation of nuclear destruction of technology can be described threats in an IoT system. Here, we also provide privacy
as ‘IoT goes nuclear’ [117]. Research [117] shows that IoT and threats examples, such as collecting data (e.g., eaves-
devices, even with secured industry-standard cryptographic dropping and tracking users) and attack examples (e.g.,
methods, may be exploited by attackers to produce a new- impersonation of the programmer and IoT Objects, man-in-
fangled category of security risks that can be circulated from the-middle) and the categories to which they belong (see
one IoT device to all its physically connected devices through Figure 4).

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V. R EVIEW OF M ACHINE L EARNING AND D EEP data in RL are assumed to indicate whether an action is right
L EARNING A PPLICATIONS IN I OT S ECURITY or not; if an action is not right, then the problem remains until
Learning algorithms have been widely adopted in many the right action is discovered [120]. Thus, RL is trial-and-error
real-world applications because of their unique nature learning.
of solving problems. Such algorithms handle the con- In this section, we discuss the most promising ML and DL
struction of machines that progress automatically through algorithms in IoT security perspective. Firstly, we discuss the
experience [120]. Recently, learning algorithms have been traditional ML algorithms, their advantages, disadvantages and
widely applied in practice. The current advancement of learn- applications in IoT security. Secondly, we discuss DL algo-
ing algorithms has been driven by the development of new rithms, their advantages, disadvantages and applications in IoT
algorithms and the availability of big data, in addition to security.
the emergence of low-computation-cost algorithms [120]. ML
and DL have advanced considerably over the past few years,
A. Machine Learning (ML) Methods for IoT Security
starting from laboratory curiosity and progressing to practi-
cal machinery with extensive, significant applications [120]. In this subsection, we discuss the common ML algo-
Even though DL is a ML sub-field, in this paper ML meth- rithms (i.e., 1) supervised ML, 2) unsupervised ML, 3) semi-
ods is referred to that require engineered features, while supervised ML, and 4) reinforcement learning (RL) methods.
DL methods refer to recent advances learning methods that 1) Supervised Machine Learning: In this subsection, we
utilise several non-linear processing layers for discriminative discuss the common supervised ML approaches (i.e., deci-
or generative feature abstraction and transformation for pattern sion trees (DT), support vector machines (SVM), Bayesian
analysis [10]. algorithms, k-nearest neighbour (KNN), random forest (RF),
Generally, learning algorithms aim to improve performance association rule (AR) algorithms, ensemble learning) and their
in accomplishing a task with the help of training and learning advantages, disadvantages and applications in IoT security.
from experience. For instance, in learning intrusion detection, a) Decision trees (DTs): DT-based methods mainly clas-
the task is to classify system behaviour as normal or abnormal. sify by sorting samples according to their feature values.
An improvement in performance can be achieved by improving Each vertex (node) in a tree represents a feature, and each
classification accuracy, and the experiences from which the edge (branch) denotes a value that the vertex can have in
algorithms learn are a collection of normal system behaviour. a sample to be classified. The samples are classified starting
Learning algorithms are classified into three main categories: at the origin vertex and with respect to their feature val-
supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning (RL). ues. The feature that optimally splits the training samples is
Supervised learning methods form their classification or deemed the origin vertex of the tree [126]. Several measures
prediction model on the basis of a learnt mapping [120] and are used to identify the optimal feature that best splits the train-
produce by observing the input parameters. In other words, ing samples, including information gain [127] and the Gini
these methods capture the relationships between the input index [128].
parameters (features) and the required output. Therefore, at Most DT-based approaches consist of two main processes:
the initial stage of supervised learning, learning examples are building (induction) and classification (inference) [129]. In the
needed to train the algorithms, which are then used to predict building (induction) process, a DT is constructed typically by
or classify the new input [121]. Recent prodigious advance- initially having a tree with unoccupied nodes and branches.
ment in supervised learning engages deep networks. These Subsequently, the feature that best splits the training sam-
networks can be viewed as multilayer networks with thresh- ples is considered the origin vertex of the tree. This feature
old units [120], each of which calculates the function of its is selected using different measures, such as information gain.
input [31], [122]. The premise is to assign the feature root nodes that maximally
Although many practical realisations of DL have originated reduce the intersection area between classes in a training set,
from supervised learning methods for learning representa- consequently improving the discrimination power of the clas-
tions, recent works have achieved progress in improving DL sifier. The same procedure is applied to each sub-DT until
systems that learn important representations of the input with- leaves are obtained and their related classes are set. In the
out the necessity of pre-labelled training data [123]. These classification (inference) process, after the tree is constructed,
learning algorithms are unsupervised learning methods, which the new samples with a set of features and unknown class are
are generally intended to analyse unlabelled data. The objec- classified by starting with the root nodes of the constructed
tive of an unsupervised learning algorithm is to categorise the tree (i.e., the tree constructed during the training process) and
input data into distinctive groups by examining the similarity proceeding on the path corresponding to the learnt values of
between them. the features at the inner nodes of the tree. This procedure
The third common type of ML is RL [124], [125]. RL algo- is sustained until a leaf is acquired. Finally, the related labels
rithms are trained by the data from an environment. RL aims (i.e., predicted classes) of the new samples are obtained [129].
to understand an environment and discover the best approaches Researchers in [129] summarised the main points for sim-
to a given agent in different environments [27]. The training plifying DT construction. Firstly, pre-pruning or post-pruning
data in RL are halfway between those of supervised and unsu- is applied to the tree to reduce the tree size. Secondly, the space
pervised learning. In place of the training samples in which of the states searched is adjusted. Thirdly, the search algorithm
the right output is provided for a specified input, the training is enhanced. Next, the data features are reduced by removing

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or disregarding redundant features through the search process. regression are effective in detecting known and unknown
Finally, the structure of the tree is converted into an alternative attacks, performing better than traditional methods used for
data structure, such as a set of rules. The main weaknesses of attack detection in smart grids.
DT-based methods are summarised as follows [129]. Firstly, In another research direction, SVM was recently used
they require large storage because of the nature of construc- as a tool to exploit device security. The results in [140],
tion. Secondly, understanding DT-based methods is easy only [141] showed that ML methods can break cryptographic
if few DTs are involved. However, certain applications involve devices and that SVM is more effective in breaking cryp-
a massive construction of trees and several decision nodes. In tographic devices than the traditional method (i.e., template
these applications, the computational complexity is high, and attack).
the underlying model for classifying samples is complex. c) Bayesian theorem-based algorithms: Bayes’ theorem
A DT is used as a main classifier or collaborative classi- explains the probability of an incident on the basis of previous
fier with other ML classifiers in security applications, such as information related to the incident [142]. For instance, DoS
intrusion detection [130], [131]. For example, a previous study attack detection is associated with network traffic information.
proposed the use of a fog-based system call system to secure Therefore, compared with assessing network traffic without
IoT devices [132]. The research used DT to analyse network knowledge of previous network traffic, using Bayes’ theorem
traffic to detect suspicious traffic sources and consequently can evaluate the probability of network traffic being attack
detect DDoS behaviour. (related or not) by using previous traffic information. A com-
b) Support vector machines (SVMs): SVMs are used mon ML algorithm based on Bayes’ theorem is the Naive
for classification by creating a splitting hyperplane in the Bayes (NB) classifier.
data attributes between two or more classes such that the dis- The NB classifier is a commonly used supervised classifier
tance between the hyperplane and the most adjacent sample known for its simplicity. NB calculates posterior probabil-
points of each class is maximized [133]. SVMs are notable ity and uses Bayes’ theorem to forecast the probability that
for their generalization capability and specifically suitable a particular feature set of unlabelled examples fits a specific
for datasets with a large number of feature attributes but label with the assumption of independence amongst the fea-
a small number of sample points [24], [134]. Theoretically, tures. For example, for intrusion detection, NB can be used
SVMs were established from statistical learning [133]. They to classify the traffic as normal or abnormal. The features
were initially created to categorise linearly divisible classes that can be used for traffic classification, such as connec-
into a two-dimensional plane comprising linearly separable tion duration, connection protocol (e.g., TCP and UDP) and
data points of different classes (e.g., normal or abnormal). connection status flag, are treated by the NB classifier indepen-
SVMs should produce an excellent hyperplane, which deliv- dently despite that these features may depend on one another.
ers maximum margin, by increasing the distance between the In NB classification, all features individually contribute to the
hyperplane and the most adjacent sample points of each class. probability that the traffic is normal or abnormal; thus, the
The advantages of SVMs are their scalability and their capa- modifier “naïve” is used. NB have been used for network intru-
bilities to perform real-time intrusion detection and update the sion detection [143], [144] and anomaly detection [145], [146].
training patterns dynamically. The main advantages of NB classifiers include simplicity,
SVMs have been widely used in various security applica- ease of implementation, applicability to binary and multi-
tions, such as intrusion detection [135]–[137], and are efficient class classification, low training sample requirement [147] and
in terms of memory storage because they create a hyperplane robustness to irrelevant features (The features are preserved
to divide the data points with a time complexity equal to independently.). However, NB classifiers cannot capture useful
O(N 2 ), where N refers to the number of samples [24], [134]. clues from the relationships and interactions among features.
In relation to the IoT environment, a study [138] developed The interactions among features can be important for accu-
an Android malware detection system to secure IoT systems rate classification, particularly in complex tasks in which the
and applied a linear SVM to their system. They compared interactions among features can significantly help the classifier
the detection performance of SVM with other ML algorithms, increase its discrimination power among classes [148].
namely, naïve Bayes (NB), RF and DT. The comparison results d) k-nearest neighbour (KNN): KNN is a nonparametric
showed that SVM outperformed the other ML algorithms. method. KNN classifiers often use the Euclidean distance as
Such results confirmed the robust application of SVM for mal- the distance metric [149]. Figure 6 demonstrates KNN classifi-
ware detection. Nevertheless, additional studies are essential cation, in which new input samples are classified. In the figure,
to investigate the performance of SVMs with enriched datasets the red circles represent malicious behaviours, and the green
and datasets that are created with different environments circles represent the normal behaviours of the system. The
and attack scenarios. Moreover, comparing the performances newly unknown sample (blue circle) needs to be classified as
of SVM with DL algorithms, such as convolutional neu- malicious or normal behaviour. The KNN classifier categorises
ral network (CNN) algorithms, in such a situation may be the new example on the basis of the votes of the selected num-
interesting. ber of its nearest neighbours; i.e., KNN decides the class of
In a previous work, an SVM was used to secure a smart unknown samples by the majority vote of its nearest neigh-
grid, and attack detection in a smart grid was empirically bours. For instance, in Figure 6, if the KNN classification is
studied [139]. This research showed that the ML algorithms based on one nearest neighbour (k = 1), then it will categorise
SVM, KNN, perceptron, ensemble learning and sparse logistic the class of the unseen sample as normal behaviour (because

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algorithms substantially differ. Firstly, DTs normally formulate

a set of rules when the training set is fed into the network,
and this set of rules is subsequently used to classify a new
input. RF uses DTs to construct subsets of rules for vot-
ing a class; thus, the classification output is the average of
the results and RF is robust against over-fitting. Moreover,
RF bypasses feature selection and requires only a few input
parameters [24]. However, the use of RF may be impractical in
specific real-time applications in which the required training
dataset is large because RF needs the construction of sev-
eral DTs. RF algorithms have been used for network intrusion
detection and anomaly detection [161], [162]. In a previous
study [163], RF, SVM, KNN and ANN were trained to detect
DDoS in IoT systems, and RF provided slightly better clas-
sification results than did the other classifiers when limited
feature sets were used to avoid additional computational over-
head and improve the applicability of the system to real-time
classification. RF was trained using features obtained from
Fig. 6. KNN working principle. network traffic with the purpose of correctly recognizing IoT
device categories from the white list. The authors extracted and
manually labelled network traffic data from 17 IoT devices.
These devices belonged to nine categories of IoT devices
the nearest cycle is a green cycle). If the KNN classification is and adopted to train a multi-class classifier using RF algo-
based on two nearest neighbours (k = 2), then the KNN clas- rithms. The study concluded that ML algorithms, in general,
sifier will categorise the class of the unseen sample as normal and specifically RF, hold practical significance in correctly
behaviour because the two nearest circles are green (normal identifying unauthorised IoT devices [164].
behaviour). If the KNN classification is based on three and four f) Association rule (AR) algorithms: AR
nearest neighbours (k = 3, k = 4), then the KNN classifier algorithms [165] have been used to identify an unknown
will categorise the class of the unknown sample as malicious variable by investigating the relationship among various
behaviour because the three and four nearest circles are red cir- variables in a training dataset. For example, let X, Y and Z
cles (malicious behaviour). Testing different values of k during be variables in a dataset T. An AR algorithm aims to study
the cross-validation process is an important step to determine the relationship among these variables to discover their cor-
the optimal value of k for a given dataset. Although the KNN relations and consequently construct a model. Subsequently,
algorithm is a simple classification algorithm and effective for this model is used to predict the class of new samples. AR
large training datasets [150], the best k value always varies algorithms identify frequent sets of variables [24], which
depending on the datasets. Therefore, determining the optimal are combinations of variables that frequently co-exist in
value of k may be a challenging and time-consuming process. attack examples. For example, in a previous study [166],
KNN classifiers have been used for network intrusion detection the associations between TCP/IP variables and attack types
and anomaly detection [151]–[156]. Considering the IoT envi- were investigated using ARs, and the occurrence of various
ronment, a study [157] proposed a model for the detection of variables, such as service name, destination port, source port
U2R and R2L attacks. The model reduced the dimensionality and source IP, were examined to predict the attack type.
of the features to enhance efficiency using two layers of feature The AR algorithm reported in [167] exhibited favourable
reduction and then applied a two-tier classification model that performance in intrusion detection. The researchers used
uses NB and KNN classifiers; the proposed model showed fuzzy association rules in an intrusion detection model,
good detection results for both attacks. Another research which yielded a high detection rate and a low false positive
developed intrusion detection system-based KNN [158]. The rate [167]. However, compared with other learning methods,
developed system was meant for use in classifying nodes as AR methods are not commonly used in IoT environments;
normal or abnormal in a wireless sensor network (WSN), thus, further exploration is suggested to check whether an
which is an important unit of IoT systems; the proposed system AR method can be optimized or combined with another
exhibited efficient and accurate intrusion detection. technique to provide an effective solution to IoT security.
e) Random forest (RF): RFs are supervised learning The main drawbacks of AR algorithms in practice are as
algorithms. In an RF, several DTs are constructed and com- follows. Firstly, the time complexity of AR algorithms is
bined to acquire a precise and robust prediction model for high. Association rules increase rapidly to an unmanageable
improved overall results [159], [160]. Therefore, an RF con- quantity, particularly when the frequency among variables
sists of numerous trees that are constructed randomly and is decreased. Although several different approaches have
trained to vote for a class. The most voted class is selected been introduced to tackle the issue of efficiency, they are not
as the final classification output [159]. Even though the RF always effective [168]. Moreover, AR algorithms are based
classifier is constructed mainly using DTs, these classification on simple assumptions among variables (direct relationships

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and occurrence). In certain cases, these assumptions are cluster. The algorithm iterates these steps until no sample that
inapplicable, especially to security applications, in which can modify the clusters exists [179], [180]. The main limita-
attackers usually attempt to imitate the behaviour of normal tions of k-means clustering are as follows. Firstly, the user has
users. to select k in the beginning. Secondly, this algorithm assumes
g) Ensemble learning (EL): One of promising direc- that all spherical clusters have an approximately equal numbers
tions in ML is EL. EL combines the outputs of numerous of samples. The k-means algorithms can be applied to anomaly
basic classification methods to produce a collective output detection by distinguishing normal behaviour from abnor-
and consequently improve classification performance. EL aims mal behaviour by feature similarity calculations [181], [182].
to combine heterogeneous or homogeneous multi-classifiers Muniyandi et al. [183] proposed an anomaly detection method
to obtain a final result [169]. At the initial stage of ML using k-means with DT (i.e., C4.5 DT algorithm). However,
development, every learning method has its advantages and the performance of k-means was less effective than those of
achievements in specific applications or with specific datasets. supervised learning methods, specifically in detecting known
Experimental comparisons in [170] found that the best learn- attack [184]. Unsupervised algorithms are generally a good
ing method differs by application. The underlying learning choice when generating the labelled data is difficult. However,
theory used for a classifier depends on the data. Given that the the application of clustering methods, in general, and k-means
nature of data apparently changes with the application, the best in particular, to IoT system security is still at its infancy and
learning method that suits the given application data may not should be explored further.
be the best for other applications. Therefore, researchers have Unsupervised ML methods have many applications in secur-
started combining different classifiers to improve accuracy. EL ing IoT systems. For instance, k-means clustering was used for
uses several learning methods; thus, it reduces variance and is securing WSNs by detecting intrusions [185]. In a study on
robust to over-fitting. The combination of different classifiers Sybil detection in industrial WSNs [186], a kernel-oriented
can provide results beyond the original set of hypotheses; thus, scheme was proposed to differentiate Sybil attackers from
EL can adapt well to a problem [171]. However, the time com- normal sensors by clustering the channel vectors. A clus-
plexity of an EL-based system is more than that of a single tering algorithm showed the potential to preserve private
classifier-based system because EL comprises several classi- data anonymisation in an IoT system [187]. The use of cluster-
fiers [172], [173]. EL has been effectively used for intrusion, ing to develop data anonymisation algorithms can significantly
anomaly and malware detection [174]–[177]. advance data exchange security [187].
A previous study [178] showed that the time complexity b) Principal component analysis (PCA): PCA is
of such learning models can be reduced to make them suit- a feature-reduction technique that can be applied to trans-
able for devices with limited hardware resources, such as form a large set of variables into a reduced set that preserves
IoT devices. the authors proposed a lightweight, application- most of the information represented in the large set. This tech-
independent, ensemble learning-based framework for detect- nique converts a number of probably correlated features into
ing online anomalies in the IoT environment. The proposed a reduced number of uncorrelated features, which are called
framework aims to tackle two issues: 1) accomplishing auto- principal components [188]. Therefore, the main working
mated and distributed online learning approaches to identifying principle of PCA can be utilised for feature selection to realize
anomalies for resource-constrained devices and 2) evaluating real-time intrusion detection for IoT systems; a previous work
the proposed framework with real data. The study reported proposed a model that uses PCA for feature reduction and
that the ensemble-based method outperformed each individual adopts softmax regression and KNN algorithm as classifiers.
classifier [178]. The author reported that the combination of PCA with these
2) Unsupervised ML: In this subsection, we discuss the classifiers provided a time- and computing-efficient system
common unsupervised ML approaches (i.e.,k-means clustering that can be utilised in real time in IoT environments [189].
and principal component analysis (PCA)) and their advantages, c) Semi-supervised ML: The most common ML
disadvantages and applications in IoT security. approaches is supervised ML, which achieved their learn-
a) K-means clustering: K-Means clustering is based on ing from the training process on labelled data. In the one
an unsupervised ML approach. This method aims to discover hand building predictive models using labelled data is time
clusters in the data, and k refers to the number of clusters to consuming, expensive and require human efforts and skills.
be generated by the algorithm. The method is implemented In the other hands, the objective of unsupervised learn-
by iteratively allocating each data point to one of the k clus- ing that works on unlabelled data is often of exploratory
ters according to the given features. Each cluster will contain nature (for example clustering, compression). Therefore, by
samples with similar features. The k-means algorithm applies introducing semi-supervised approach, the researchers aim
iterative refinement to generate an ultimate result. The inputs to solve the issue of creating huge labelled data that is
of the algorithm are the number of clusters (k) and dataset, needed for training supervised ML algorithms by augmenting
which contains a set of features for each sample in the dataset. unlabelled data [190], [191]. Consequently, Semi-Supervised
Firstly, the k centroids are estimated, and then each sample is Learning uses both labelled and unlabelled data for train-
assigned to its closest cluster centroid according to the squared ing a ML classifier. However, it is important to note that
Euclidean distance. Secondly, after all the data samples are even though semi-supervised learning sounds like an effec-
assigned to a specific cluster, the cluster centroids are recalcu- tive solution to the issues of both supervised and unsuper-
lated by computing the mean of all samples assigned to that vised approaches, semi-supervised learning may not success

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to provide detection accuracy that achieved by supervised B. Deep Learning (DL) Methods for IoT Security
machine learning. Therefore, there only few studies that Recently, the applications of DL to IoT systems have
used semi-supervised apaches for IoT security. For exam- become an imperative research topic [198]. The most vital
ple, Authors in [192] developed a semi-supervised multi- advantage of DL over traditional ML is its superior
Layered Clustering ((SMLC)) approach for the detection and performance in large datasets. Several IoT systems produce
prevention of network intrusion. SMLC has shown to be a large amount of data; thus, DL methods are suitable for
effective to learn from partially labelled instances at the such systems. Moreover, DL can automatically extract com-
same time accomplished a detection performance compara- plex representations from data [198]. DL methods can enable
ble to that of supervised machine learning for detection and the deep linking of the IoT environment [29]. Deep link-
prevention System. Authors [193] in proposed an Extreme ing is a unified protocol that permits IoT-based devices and
Learning Machine(ELM)-based Semi-Supervised Fuzzy C- their applications to interact with one another automatically
Means (ESFCM) method that integrates a Semi-supervised
without human intervention. For example, the IoT devices in
Fuzzy C-Means with the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)
a smart home can automatically interact to form a fully smart
classifier to enhance efficient attack detection in IoT.
home [198].
d) Reinforcement learning (RL) methods: Learning from
DL methods provide a computational architecture that
the surrounding environment is one of the first learning
combines several processing levels (layers) to learn data
methods humans experience. Humans naturally start learn-
representations with several levels of abstraction. Compared
ing by interacting with their environment. RL is inspired by
with traditional ML methods, DL methods have consider-
the psychological and neuroscientific perspectives on animal
ably enhanced state-of-the-art applications [10]. DL is a ML
behaviour and of the mechanism by which agents can enhance
sub-field that utilises several non-linear processing layers for
their control of the environment [124], [125]. RL involves
discriminative or generative feature abstraction and transfor-
making an agent learn how to map situations to actions appro-
mation for pattern analysis. DL methods are also known
priately to achieve the highest rewards [125]. The agent does
as hierarchical learning methods because they can capture
not have previous knowledge of which actions to implement
but has to learn which actions produce the most rewards by hierarchical representations in deep architecture. The work-
attempting them through trial and error. The features ‘trial’ ing principle of DL is inspired by the working mechanisms
and ‘error’ are the main and unique features of RL. Thus, the of the human brain and neurons for processing signals.
agent continues to learn from its experience to increase its Deep networks are constructed for supervised learning (dis-
rewards. criminative), unsupervised learning (generative learning) and
RL has been implemented to solve several IoT issues. the combination of these learning types, which is called
Studies by [194], [195] proposed an anti-jamming scheme that hybrid DL.
is based on reinforcement learning for wideband autonomous In the following subsections, we discuss the common
cognitive radios (WACRs). In [194], information about sweep- DL algorithms (i.e., 1) supervised DL, 2) unsupervised DL,
ing jammer signal and unintentional interference was used 3) semi-supervised DL, and 4) deep reinforcement learn-
to distinguish it from other WACRs; RL was used with this ing (DRL) methods).
information to learn a sub-band selection policy accurately to 1) Supervised DL (Discriminative Learning): In this sub-
evade the jammer signal and interference from other WACRs. section, we discuss the common supervised DL approaches.
Similarly, in [195], an RL method based on Q-learning was CNNs and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are examples of
trained to effectively avoid jamming attacks sweeping over discriminative DL methods.
a wide spectrum of hundreds of MHz in real time. In the a) Convolutional neural networks (CNNs): CNNs were
same direction, [196] used RL to develop an anti-jamming introduced to reduce the data parameters used in a tradi-
scheme for cognitive radios and integrate the scheme with tional artificial neural network (ANN). The data parameters are
deep CNN to improve the efficiency of RL in a large number reduced by utilising three concepts, namely, sparse interaction,
of frequency channels. A similar scheme against aggressive parameter sharing and equivariant representation [199].
jamming was proposed using deep RL in [197], in which jam- Reducing the connections between layers increases the
ming was considered activated in an aggressive environment, scalability and improves the training time complexity
which is normally expected in tactical mobile networking; the of a CNN.
results showed that RL is a promising method of developing A CNN consists of two alternating types of layers: convo-
schemes against aggressive jamming. lutional layers and pooling layers. The convolutional layers
e) Lessons learned: In this section, we discuss the most convolute data parameters with the help of multiple fil-
promising ML algorithms in IoT security perspective together ters (kernels) of equal size [200]. The pooling layers perform
with their advantages, disadvantages and applications in IoT down-sampling to decrease the sizes of the subsequent lay-
security. The main application of ML algorithm is where the ers through max pooling or average pooling. Max pooling
data is small and limited. However, improving the accuracy divides the input into non-overlapping clusters and selects
of these algorithms require feature engineering, which is time the maximum value for each cluster in the previous layer
consuming and require domain knowledge. Table I presents [201], [202], whereas average pooling averages the values of
the advantages, disadvantages and applications of each ML each cluster in the previous layer. Another important layer
method. of a CNN is the activation unit, which performs a non-linear

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activation function on each element in the feature space. The with the activation function f (x) = max(0, x) [203].The work-
non-linear activation function is selected as the rectified lin- ing principle of CNN applied to IoT Security is shown in
ear unit (ReLU) activation function, which involves nodes Figure 8.

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Fig. 7. Illustration of NNs Working Principle for IoT Security.

The main advantage of a CNN is that it is extensively used by attackers as a weapon. A previous study [208] showed
applied to the training approaches in DL. It also allows for that a CNN algorithm can break cryptographic implementa-
the automatic learning of features from raw data with high tions successfully.
performance. However, a CNN has high computational cost; b) Recurrent neural networks (RNNs): An RNN is a vital
thus, implementing it on resource-constrained devices to sup- category of DL algorithms. RNNs were proposed to han-
port on-board security systems is challenging. Nevertheless, dle sequential data. In several applications, forecasting the
distributed architecture can solve this issue. In this architec- current output is based on the analysis of the associations
ture, a light deep neural network (DNN) is implemented and from several previous samples. Thus, the output of the neural
trained with only a subset of important output classes on- network depends on the present and past inputs. In such an
board, but the complete training of the algorithm is achieved arrangement, a feed-forward NN is inappropriate because the
at cloud level for deep classification [204]. association between the input and output layers are preserved
The development of CNNs is mainly directed towards image with no dependency [209]. Therefore, when the backpropaga-
recognition advancement. Accordingly, CNNs have become tion algorithm was introduced, its most remarkable application
widely used, leading to developing successful and effective was the training of RNNs [10], [210]. For applications that
models for image classification and recognition with the use consist of sequential inputs (e.g., speech, text and sensor data),
of large public image sources, such as ImageNet [205], [206]. RNNs are recommended [10], [210].
Furthermore, CNNs demonstrate robustness in numerous other An RNN integrates a temporal layer to capture sequential
applications. For IoT security, a study [207] proposed a CNN- data and then learns multifaceted variations through the hid-
based malware detection method for Android. With the appli- den units of the recurrent cell [211]. The hidden units are
cation of the CNN, the significant features related to malware modified according to the data presented to the network, and
detection are learnt automatically from the raw data, thereby these data are continually updated to reveal the present con-
eliminating the need for manual feature engineering. The dition of the network. The RNN processes the present hidden
key point in using a CNN is that the network is trained to state by estimating the subsequent hidden state as an acti-
learn suitable features and execute classification conjointly, vation of the formerly hidden state. RNNs are used because
thus eliminating the extraction process required in traditional of their capability of managing sequential data effectively.
ML and consequently providing an end-to-end model [207]. This capability is advantageous for various tasks, such as
However, the robust learning performance of CNNs can be threat detection, in which the patterns of the threat are time

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dependent. Therefore, using recurrent connections can improve by non-linear mapping to extract only the significant fea-
neural networks and reveal important behaviour patterns. The tures; subsequently, the DBN learning algorithm was trained
main drawback of RNNs, however, is the issue of vanishing to detect malicious code.
or exploding gradients [212]. b) Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs): RBMs
RNNs and their variants have achieved excellent are deep generative models developed for unsupervised
performance in many applications with sequential data, such learning [220]. An RBM is a completely undirected model
as machine translation and speech recognition [213]–[215]. with no link between any two nodes in the same layer. RBMs
Moreover, RNNs can be used for IoT security. IoT devices consist of two types of layers: visible and hidden layers. The
generate large amounts of sequential data from several visible layer holds the known input, whereas the hidden layer
sources, such as network traffic flows, which are among the consists of multiple layers that include the latent variables.
key features for detecting several potential network attacks. RBMs hierarchically understand features from data, and the
For example, a previous study [216] discussed the feasibility features captured in the initial layer are used as latent variables
of an RNN in examining network traffic behaviour to detect in the following layer.
potential attacks (malicious behaviour) and confirmed the The research in [221] developed a network anomaly detec-
usefulness of the RNN in classifying network traffic for tion model that can overcome the inherent challenges in
accurate malicious behaviour detection. Thus, RNNs provide developing such a model. These challenges include the gen-
a practical solution in real-world scenarios. Exploring RNNs eration of labelled data required for the effective training of
and their variants are of significance in improving IoT system the model because a network traffic dataset is multi-part and
security, specifically for time series-based threats. irregular. The second challenge is the constant evolution of
2) Unsupervised DL (Generative Learning): In this subsec- anomaly behaviour with time. Therefore, the model should be
tion, we discuss the common unsupervised DL approaches. dynamically adapted to detect any new form of attacks and
Deep autoencoders (AEs), deep belief networks (DBN), generalized to detect the anomaly in different network envi-
restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs), ronments. To solve these challenges, the researchers in [221]
a) Deep autoencoders (AEs): A deep AE is an unsuper- proposed a learning model that is based on a discriminative
vised learning neural network trained to reproduce its input to RBM, which they selected due to its capability to com-
its output. An AE has a hidden layer h, which defines a code bine generative models with suitable classification accuracy
used to represent the input [199]. An AE neural network is to detect network anomaly in a semi-supervised fashion even
divided into two parts: the encoder function h = f (x) and with incomplete training data. However, their experimental
the decoder function, which attempts to reproduce the input results showed that the classification performance of the dis-
r = g(h). The encoder obtains the input and converts it into an criminative RBM was affected when the classifier was tested
abstraction, which is generally termed as a code. Subsequently, on a network dataset that differed from the network dataset on
the decoder acquires the constructed code, which was initially which the classifier was trained. This finding should be fur-
produced to represent the input, to rebuild the original input. ther investigated, and how a classifier can be generalized to
The training process in AEs should be accomplished with min- detect an anomaly in different network environments should
imum reconstruction error [217]. However, AEs cannot learn be further studied.
to replicate the input perfectly. AEs are also restricted because The feature representation capability of a single RBM is
they can produce an approximate copy only, merely copying limited. However, RBM can be substantially applied by stack-
the inputs that are similar to the training data. The model ing two or more RBMs to form a DBN. This process is
is required to prioritise which characteristics of the inputs discussed in the following section.
should be copied; thus, it frequently learns useful charac- c) Deep belief networks (DBNs): DBNs are generative
teristics of the data [199]. AEs are potentially important for methods [222]. A DBN consists of stacked RBMs that execute
feature extraction. AEs can be successfully used for repre- greedy layer-wise training to accomplish robust performance
sentation learning to learn features (in place of the manually in an unsupervised environment. In a DBN, training is accom-
engineered features used in traditional ML) and reduce dimen- plished layer by layer, each of which is executed as an RBM
sionality with no prior data knowledge. AEs, nevertheless, trained on top of the formerly trained layer (DBNs are a set of
consume high computational time. Although AEs can effec- RBMs layers used for the pre-training phase and subsequently
tively learn to capture the characteristics of the training data, become a feed-forward network for weight fine-tuning with
they may only complicate the learning process rather than rep- contrastive convergence.) [211]. In the pre-training phase, the
resent the characteristics of the dataset if the training dataset initial features are trained through a greedy layer-wise unsu-
is not representative of the testing dataset. pervised approach, whereas a softmax layer is applied in the
AEs were used to detect network-based malware in [218]; fine-tuning phase to the top layer to fine-tune the features with
the AEs were trained to learn the latent representation of respect to the labelled samples [214].
a diverse feature set; particularly, AEs were trained on the DBNs have been successfully implemented in malicious
feature vector extracted from the cybersystems. The AEs attack detection. A previous study [223] proposed an approach
exhibited better detection performance than did the traditional to secure mobile edge computing by applying a DL-based
ML algorithms SVM and KNN [218]. In another study [219], approach to malicious attack detection. The study used
an AE was combined with a DBN to construct a malware a DBN for automatic detection, and the proposed DBN-
detection method and used for data dimensionality reduction based model showed vital improvement in malware detection

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Fig. 8. Illustration of CNN Working Principle for IoT Security.

accuracy compared with ML-based algorithms [223]. This training set, accompanied by the samples from the genera-
result demonstrated the superiority of DL, in general, and tor. The discriminator aims to classify real (from the training
DBNs in particular, to traditional manual feature engineering dataset) and unreal (from the generative model) samples. The
methods in malware detection. In another study [219], an AE performances of the discriminative and generative models are
was combined with a DBN to establish a malware detection measured by the correctly and incorrectly classified samples,
method, and an AE DL algorithm was used for the reduc- respectively. Subsequently, both models are updated for the
tion of data dimensionality by non-linear mapping to extract next iteration. The output discriminative model assists the
only the significant features; subsequently, the DBN learning generative model to enhance the samples generated for the
algorithm was trained to detect malicious code. subsequent iteration [217].
DBNs are unsupervised learning methods trained with unla- GANs have been recently implemented in IoT security.
belled data iteratively for significant feature representation. For example, the study in [225] proposed an architecture for
However, even though DBNs use contrastive convergence to securing the cyberspace of IoT systems, and the proposed
reduce computational time, these networks are still inapplica- architecture involves training DL algorithms to classify the
ble to on-board devices with limited resources. system behaviour as normal or abnormal. GAN algorithms
3) Semi-Supervised or Hybrid DL: In this subsec- were integrated into the proposed architecture for prelimi-
tion, we discuss the common hybrid DL approaches. nary study, whose evaluation results showed the effectiveness
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) and ensemble of DL of the GAN-based architecture in detecting abnormal system
networks (EDLNs) are examples of hybrid DL methods. behaviour [225].
a) Generative adversarial networks (GANs): Introduced GANs may have a potential application in IoT security
by [224], GANs have recently emerged as promising DL because they may learn different attack scenarios to generate
frameworks. A GAN framework simultaneously trains two samples similar to a zero-day attack and provide algorithms
models, namely, generative and discriminative models, via an with a set of samples beyond the existing attacks.
adversarial process as shown in Figure 9. The generative GANs are suitable for training classifiers through a semi-
model learns the data distribution and generates data sam- supervised approach.
ples, and the discriminative model predicts the possibility that GANs can generate samples more rapidly than can fully
a sample originates from the training dataset rather than the visible DBNs because the former is not required to generate
generative model (i.e., evaluates the sample for authenticity). different entries in the samples sequentially. In GANs, gener-
The objective of training the generative model is to increase ating a sample needs only one pass through the model, unlike
the probability that the discriminative model misclassifies the in RBMs, which require an unidentified number of iterations
sample [224]. In each stage, the generative model, which is of a Markov chain [224], [226].
the generator, is prepared to deceive the discriminator by gen- However, GAN training is unstable and difficult. Learning
erating a sample dataset from random noise. By contrast, the to generate discrete data, such as text, by using a GAN is
discriminator is fed with several real data samples from the a challenging task [224], [226].

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with deep RL [232] and prioritised experience replay [233].

Authors in [230] have jointly investigated access control and
computation offloading by combining blockchain and DRL for
the mobile edge-cloud computation offloading systems in IoT
networks. In other research direction, DLR has been applied
to secure cyber-security , authors in [234] have investigated
several DRL approaches established for cyber security , includ-
ing DRL-based security methods for cyber-physical systems,
autonomous intrusion detection techniques, and multi-agent
DRL-based game theory simulations for defense strategies
against cyber-attacks. Exploring these approach within IoT
eco-system holds potential future direction.
5) Lessons Learned: In this section, we discuss the most
promising DL algorithms in IoT security together with their
advantages, disadvantages and applications. DL techniques
offer a computational architecture that combines several pro-
cessing levels (layers) to learn data representations with several
Fig. 9. GAN working principle. levels of abstraction. Compared with traditional ML methods,
DL methods have considerably enhanced state-of-the-art appli-
cations. DL algorithms have a key advantage over ML, which
b) Ensemble of DL networks (EDLNs): Several DL is the capacity to eliminate the need for manual feature engi-
algorithms can work collaboratively to perform better than neering process while providing effective accuracy. However,
independently implemented algorithms. EDLNs can be accom- DL algorithms need a large dataset to learn effectively, while
plished by merging generative, discriminative or hybrid mod- several augmentation approaches may be used to compensate
els. EDLNs are often used to handle complex problems the shortage of training data. Table II presents the advantages,
with uncertainties and high-dimensional features. An EDLN disadvantages and applications of each DL method.
comprises stacked individual classifiers, either homogenous
(classifiers from the same family) or heterogeneous (classi- VI. I OT S ECURITY L AYERS BASED ON ML
fiers from different families), and is used to enhance diversity, AND DL M ETHODS
accuracy, performance and generalisation [227]. For instance,
In this section, we classify previous studies on ML and DL
authors in [228] leverage SAE for feature extraction and
methods for IoT security according to the layers that they
regression layer with softmax activation function for classifier.
were designed to protect. Although these methods may be
The experiment results demonstrated that our semi-supervised
applied to protect more than one layer or the end-to-end system
for intrusion detection approach can achieve more accurate
(which is the advantage over other methods and holds poten-
attack detection rate compared to the earlier work.
tial future uses), the following classification is proposed to
Although EDLNs have achieved remarkable success in
highlight the conceptualisation of ML and DL methods for
many applications, such as human activity recognition, EDLNs
IoT security. The technology tools that can essentially enable
application in IoT security needs further investigation, particu-
ML/DL deployment for IoT security are listed at the end of
larly the possibility of implementing light homogenous or het-
this section.
erogeneous classifiers in a distributed environment to improve
the accuracy and performance of an IoT security system and
solve challenges related to computational complexity. A. Perception Layer
Table II shows Potential DL methods for securing IoT One of the promising applications of DL methods
systems and their advantages, disadvantages and applications is physical-layer authentication. Traditional physical-layer
in IoT security. authentication techniques apply assumption checks and relate
4) Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL): Reinforcement the randomness and exclusiveness of the radio channel
Learning (RL) has developed to become an effective method between “Alice” and “Bob”, to detect spoofing attacker “Eve”
that allows a learning agent to adjust its policy and derive an in a wireless network. Nonetheless, such an approach is
optimal solution via trial and error to accomplish the optimal not always practical, specifically in dynamic networks [46].
long-term aim without requiring any prior knowledge of Wang et al. [46] used a learning model to construct a physical-
the environment [229]. Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) layer authentication model that uses past data generated from
methods such as deep Q-network (DQN) have been intro- a spoofing model as learning vectors to train an extreme
duced as a strong alternative to solve the high-dimensional learning machine. The proposed model exhibited improved
problems and establish scalability and offloading efficiency spoofing detection performance and consequently achieved
in various mobile edge computing based applications [230]. considerably enhanced authentication accuracy compared with
One of the recent successful RL methods is the deep Q that of state-of-the-art methods.
network [124]. Extensions of deep Q networks have been sug- Shi et al. [236] proved that the present Wi-Fi signals gener-
gested, including double Q-learning [231], continuous control ated by IoT objects can be adopted to detect distinctive human

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behavioural and physiological features and can be utilised devices to mine Wi-Fi channel state information and thus
to authenticate individuals on the basis of an understand- obtain the amplitude and the relative phase for precise user
ing of their daily activities. The authors proposed a scheme authentication without the need for user participation. Using
which adopts a single pair of Wi-Fi signals generated by IoT these features, the authors developed a DL model (i.e., Deep

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Neural Network (DNN)) to identify the daily human activity the perception layer, i.e., data communication and storage
distinctiveness of each individual and subsequently generate functionalities [242]. Therefore, securing the IoT network
a fingerprint for each user, called Wi-Fi fingerprint, to capture layer should be of high technical priority. Along the same
the distinct characteristics of different users; the proposed DL- line of thought, Yavuz [243] proposed a DL-based model
based authentication method exhibited high accuracy [236]. to detect the routing protocol for IoT systems and created
This study validates the potential application of DL algorithms a dataset for training and testing the DL model by using
in constructing authentication systems. the Cooja IoT simulator with simulations up to 1000 nodes
In another study [197], a scheme against aggressive jam- within 16 networks to detect three types of attacks, namely
ming was developed using RL, and jamming was considered decreased rank attack, hello flood attack and version number
activated in an aggressive environment, which is normally attack. The DNN achieved high performance in detecting the
expected in tactical mobile networking. RL was found effec- three attacks. However, the authors did not mention the statis-
tive in developing a method against aggressive jamming [197]. tics as to how many normal and anomalous samples were in
The research in [237] also considered the issue of jamming the created dataset. Precision, recall and f-measure were used
in an IoT network and introduced a centralized approach to as evaluation metrics; however, in model evaluation, they may
addressing possible jamming attacks in an IoT environment, not reflect the actual performance of the model and tend to be
which consists of resource-constrained devices. The idea of biased if the created dataset is imbalanced.
the proposed model is to use the IoT access point to pro- Nobakht et al. [244] proposed an intrusion detection frame-
tect against the jamming attacker by distributing its power work that is implemented at the network level and con-
over the sub-carriers in an intelligent manner and using an structed ML algorithms to protect smart devices installed
evolutionary-based algorithm. The proposed method can con- in home environments. They used precision and recall met-
verge in a practical iteration number; thus, it can provide rics to measure the performance of the classifiers. However,
a better solution than a random power allocation strategy. the dataset used was unbalanced, with the number of ille-
Along the same direction, two previous studies [194], [195] gal access samples forming the majority of the samples in
proposed RL-based anti-jamming schemes for WACRs. the dataset; thus, both evaluation metrics may not precisely
In [194], the authors used information about sweeping jam- reflect the model performance. In case of imbalanced data,
mer signal and unintentional interference to distinguish it other performance metrics such as the area under the receiver
from those of other WACRs. This information and RL were operating characteristic curve (AUC) can be better choice to
combined to learn a sub-band selection policy accurately to evaluate the performance than accuracy, recall and precision
evade the jammer signal and interference from other WACRs. metrics [245], [246].
Similarly, in [195], an RL method based on Q-learning was A previous study [216] discussed the viability of an RNN
trained to effectively avoid jamming attacks sweeping over (i.e., large short-term memory [LSTM] network) in the anal-
a wide spectrum of hundreds of MHz in real-time. In the same ysis of network traffic behaviour to detect potential attacks
direction, [196] used RL to develop an anti-jamming scheme (malicious behaviour) and confirmed the effectiveness of the
for cognitive radios and integrate it with deep CNN to improve RNN in precisely classifying network traffic to detect mali-
the efficiency of RL in a large number of frequency channels. cious behaviour; thus, the LSTM network can be adopted as
Incorporating cognitive radio (CR) capability into IoT a practical solution in real-world scenarios.
devices has paved the way for an innovative research on Cañedo and Skjellum [247] used ML to detect anomalies,
IoT systems [238]. Currently, many researchers are conduct- specifically training ANN algorithms to detect whether the
ing studies on communication and computing in IoT systems. data sent from an edge to the smart object in an IoT system are
According to two previous studies [239], [240], IoT systems valid or invalid. They generated the data from the edge to the
cannot be sustained without comprehensive cognitive capa- device nodes and then inserted invalid and valid data to train
bility because of growing issues. CRs are radio devices the model; the experimental results showed that the ANN can
that can learn and change in accordance with their dynamic effectively detect invalid data. However, diverse and enriched
environment [241]. The main step towards accomplishing such datasets that contain various data tampering attacks should
cognitive operation is enabling CRs to sense and understand be used to train and test the ANN to reconfirm whether
their working environment. Ideally, CRs should be able to it can maintain high accuracy in practical settings or other
work over a wide frequency range. However, sensing all advanced learning algorithms are required. An investigation in
required frequencies in real time is a challenging task, specif- this research direction is recommended to generate enriched
ically with the existence of jamming attacks. CRs can become datasets.
increasingly useful and reliable communication systems if In another study [248], an intrusion detection system (IDS)
they can eliminate the incidence of accidental interference or based on a hybrid detection method (i.e., unsupervised ML
deliberate jamming attacks [195]. method with specification-based method) was used for an
IoT system. For this purpose, the author proposed a local
intrusion detection method at the local node by using
B. Network Layer a specification-based intrusion detection approach; the method
The network layer forms the largest surface of the IoT examined the behaviour of the host nodes and sent analysis
system. This layer is responsible for transmitting and rout- results to the global node, which used an ML-based intru-
ing data. It provides a ubiquitous access environment to sion detection method (i.e., unsupervised optimum-path forest

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algorithm [249] for clustering the data from local node on the features, which are comparable to the features on which it was
basis of the MapReduce design [250]). trained [255].
A generative model (i.e., unsupervised model) using AEs Chen et al. [223] developed a DL-based model for mali-
was proposed in [218] to detect malware network-based cious attack detection to secure mobile edge computing. The
anomaly in cybersystems. The AEs were trained to learn the approach used a DBN for automatic detection, and the model
latent representation of a diverse feature set, and they received exhibited improved accuracy in malware detection compared
a feature vector extracted from the cybersystems; compared with ML-based algorithms, confirming the effectiveness of the
with SVM and KNN, the AEs exhibited improved detection automatic feature learning characteristic of DL compared with
performance [218]. traditional feature engineering methods.
Wi-Fi technology is an IoT-enabling technology, especially Meidan et al. [256] implemented ML algorithms for precise
for smart homes [251]. Wi-Fi technology is of practical impor- IoT device identification by utilising network traffic features,
tance to the expansion of IoT [252]. A previous study [253] which are then fed into a multi-stage classifier. The classi-
aimed to detect impersonation attacks in a Wi-Fi environment fier categorises the devices that are connected to the network
by developing a method called weighted feature selection for as IoT or non-IoT devices; the ML algorithms identify unau-
extracting and selecting deep features, which were combined thorised links of IoT devices automatically and accordingly
with the features generated by a stacked AE (SAE) algorithm. alleviate the disruptions that may occur due to threats.
The combined features were then fed into a neural network In a previous study [257], the abnormal behaviour of IoT
to train it for classifying the input data into two classes (i.e., objects was profiled, and the generated dataset from profiling
impersonation or normal) [253]. This combination of unsuper- was used to train the classifier to detect abnormal behaviour.
vised DL algorithm (i.e., SAE) and supervised DL algorithm The author investigated how a partial variation (assuming that
(i.e., ANN) showed high detection accuracy, confirming the the attacker can utilise such changes for malicious purposes)
potential applications of deep algorithms in securing Wi-Fi of sensed data can influence the accuracy of the learning algo-
networks from impersonation attacks. A similar study [254] rithm and used SVM and k-means clustering as experimental
used a combination of two unsupervised algorithms (SAE) for cases for examining the impact of such changes on the detec-
mining features and k-means clustering for categorising the tion accuracy of both ML algorithms. The results showed that
input into two classes: benign and malicious. both algorithms (i.e., SVM and k-means) suffered from detec-
The research in [221] developed a network anomaly detec- tion accuracy drops. The zero-day attacks are mostly variations
tion model that can overcome the inherent challenges in of existing attacks; thus, the accuracy of the classifier in detect-
developing such a model. These challenges include the gen- ing variations and changes in the dataset is research topic for
eration of labelled data required for the effective training of future investigation.
the model because a network traffic dataset is multi-part and A system called ‘IoT SENTINEL’, which is based on the RF
irregular. The second challenge is the constant evolution of classification algorithm, was proposed in [258] to recognize
anomaly behaviour with time. Therefore, the model should be the types of devices connected to an IoT system automatically
dynamically adapted to detect any new form of attacks and and execute an action to restrain any of vulnerable connec-
generalized to detect the anomaly in different network envi- tions accordingly to reduce damage that may be caused by
ronments. To solve these challenges, the researchers in [221] compromised devices.
proposed a learning model that is based on a discriminative A previous study [259] developed an IDS for IoT by com-
RBM, which they selected due to its capability to com- bining fuzzy c-means clustering [260] and the feature selection
bine generative models with suitable classification accuracy method PCA [188]. The results of the study indicated that the
to detect network anomaly in a semi-supervised fashion even proposed method can increase detection effectiveness.
with incomplete training data. However, their experimental In [261], the authors proposed a framework to recognize all
results showed that the classification performance of the dis- potential attack paths and alleviate the effects of attacks on
criminative RBM was affected when the classifier was tested the IoT system; the proposed framework contains a graphi-
on a network dataset that differed from the network dataset on cal security model. The framework consists of five connected
which the classifier was trained. This finding should be fur- stages starting with data processing, in which the information
ther investigated, and how a classifier can be generalized to from the system and the security metrics is fed and processed.
detect an anomaly in different network environments should In the second stage, which is the security model generation,
be further studied. a gap model is generated; this model contains all potential
Saied et al. [255] used an ANN to detect known and attack paths in the IoT system; an attack path identifies the
unknown DDoS attacks in a real-time environment. The structure of the nodes that the intruder can compromise to
proposed defence technique aimed to thwart fake packets and gain access to the required node. In the third and fourth stages,
permit real packets to pass through. They assessed the ANN’s the IoT network, including the attack paths, is visualised (i.e.,
performance in unknown DDoS detection when it is trained security visualisation) and analysed (i.e., security analysis),
with old and updated datasets and reported that the further they respectively. Finally, the security model is updated on the basis
trained the algorithm with the latest features of known DDoS of the analysis of the attack paths and patterns captured in
attacks, the more they improved the detection probabilities the previous stages. However, this study used basic statistical
for known and unknown DDoS attacks. The ANN algorithm analysis to obtain the security model; therefore, whether the
learns from training samples and then detects zero-day attack proposed framework can be improved by integrating it with

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intelligent methods, such as ML or DL methods, should be detection in IoT systems and verified the appropriateness of
investigated. the DL model in securing the cyberspace of IoT systems.
In [262], a solution was proposed to detect and restrain mal- Similarly, [265] proposed a distributed DL model to deliver
ware diffusion in an IoT network. The solution is based on accurate protection against cyberattacks and threats in fog-to-
fog computing, which can simultaneously maximize malware things computing and used an SAE algorithm to construct their
detection and minimize the possibility of privacy breach. The learning model. The authors confirmed that the DL models are
proposed malware detection system was constructed using an more suitable for such cyberattack protection than are tradi-
IDS, and deployment was accomplished at cloud and fog com- tional methods in terms of scalability, accuracy and false alarm
puting to avoid the restrictions on IDS deployment in smart rate.
objects [262]. The authors also presented a framework to show Tables III and IV shows the comparison and summary of
the possible application of malware dissemination restraint in studies on ML and DL for IoT security.
IoT networks.
D. Enabling Technology for ML/DL Deployment for IoT
C. Application Layer
On the one hand, realising ML/DL to construct an
Currently, most IoT services have application and user intelligence-based security for IoT systems can be practi-
interfaces; for example, the Android platform is becoming cally challenging because robust software and hardware are
a vital element for enabling the IoT system [62]. In the related required to implement such complex algorithms. On the other
security literature, a previous study [263] showed the effective hand, recent advancements in computational capability of
performance of DL in accurately detecting Android malware, tiny devices and in several ML/DL implementation platforms
and the authors of the study constructed a DL model to can result in successful implementation of these methods in
learn features from Android apps. Subsequently, the learn- onboard devices, such as smartphones [266] or in fog and edge
ing model was used to identify unspecified Android malware; computing platforms [266]. Figure 10 shows that the technol-
the authors showed the effectiveness of using DL in Android ogy tools that essentially enable ML/DL deployment for IoT
malware detection in terms of performance accuracy and time security can be generally listed as a large growth of IoT data,
efficiency, indicating that DL can be adapted to real-world robust software frameworks for facilitating the development of
applications. security models based on ML/DL methods and sophisticated
A past work [207] proposed an Android malware detection hardware equipment to deploy the developed security model.
method that utilises a CNN. With the application of the CNN, Large growth of IoT data: The large data growth results in pro-
the significant features related to malware detection are learnt ducing large-volume data, which contain useful information
automatically from the raw data, thereby eliminating the need about the system behaviour under different modes, that is,
for manual feature engineering. The main advantage of using ‘normal’ and ‘attack’ modes. The current data volume is larger
DL algorithms, such as CNNs, is that the network is trained than that in the past. Data are the main elements for successful
to learn suitable features and execute classification conjointly, implementation of ML/DL-based systems.
eliminating the extraction process required in traditional ML
and consequently providing an end-to-end model [207]. VII. I SSUES , C HALLENGES AND F UTURE D IRECTIONS
The study in [225] proposed an architecture for securing
the cyberspace of IoT systems, and the proposed architec- In this section, we present a list of Issues, challenges and
ture involves training ML algorithms to classify the system future directions for using ML and DL methods to mitigate
behaviour as normal or abnormal. They used GAN algo- security weakness IoT systems, which are classified based on
rithms, which were integrated into the proposed architecture data, learning strategies, IoT environments, inherent ML and
for preliminary study, whose results showed the effective- DL Challenges, opportunities to integrated ML/DL with other
ness of DL-based architecture in detecting abnormal system technology, computational complexity issues and security vs
behaviour. other trades off requirements. IoT data related issues.
Cybersecurity remains to be a serious challenge, especially
with the steadily increasing number of objects connecting to A. Availability of Security Related Datasets
the cyberspace, such as IoT. Cyberattacks, including zero-day The general purpose of learning algorithms is capturing
attacks, are incessantly evolving; consequently, the vulnera- the patterns from the available partial training dataset and
bilities and opportunities open to attackers increase with the then constructing a model to categorise the new inputs on
rapid growth of IoT. Many of these attacks are minor varia- the basis of the learnt patterns. In this process, a question
tions of formerly identified cyberattacks [264]. Therefore, the to investigate is the volume of training data required to train
recent improvements in effective learning algorithms are sig- the learning algorithms sufficiently for these algorithms to
nificant. Effective learning algorithms can be trained to adapt be generalised for new input in the given domain [267]. In
to attack variations in the cyberspace with high-level fea- the context of the application of ML and DL for IoT secu-
ture abstraction capability; thus, they can provide resilient rity, the major challenge encountered by ML and DL, in
solutions to the variations of formerly identified cyberat- general, and the supervised ML and DL methods in partic-
tacks or new attacks [264]. A previous study [264] proposed ular, is how to extract or generate a realistic and high-quality
a DL model to enhance cybersecurity and enable attack training dataset that contains various possible attack types.

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A high-quality training dataset is an essential ingredient to leading to the possibility of high-noise and corrupted data to
train the ML and DL algorithms accurately. The training be gathered from such systems [217], [268]. Therefore, learn-
datasets should be comprehensive and diverse. They should ing to secure IoT systems requires effective DL models that
contain information that reflects nearly all of the strategies of can handle and learn from low-quality data, particularly when
real-world attacks because these training datasets are the basis obtaining high-quality training data is practically infeasible.
for obtaining model knowledge. This condition can directly Therefore, multi-modal and effective DL models should be
influence model accuracy. Given that IoT systems generate developed to secure IoT systems with large-scale streaming,
large volumes of data, real-time data streaming data quality heterogeneous and high-noise data.
maintenance remains a challenge.
A vital future research direction is the use of crowd-sourcing
methods for generating datasets related to IoT threats and C. Augmentation of IoT Security Data to Improve Learning
attacks. Rich datasets that include nearly all attack patterns Algorithm Performance
should be generated for training ML and DL algorithms. Intuitively, richer the data that ML and DL algorithms have
Furthermore, such datasets can be used to benchmark the accu- to learn from, the more accurate they can be [269]. Although
racy of newly proposed algorithms against that of existing obtaining a large dataset is relatively easy in certain domains,
methods for attack detection. Although generating collabora- such as image and natural language processing, acquiring
tive IoT threat datasets, which can be continuously updated a large dataset for ML and DL is relatively difficult in the
with new attacks, is of great importance, it is challenging tech- domain of data security in IoT systems. Therefore, finding
nically due to the wide diversity of IoT devices. Furthermore, alternative means to obtain substantial amounts of data in this
a privacy issue prevails because datasets may contain sensitive domain is desirable. Data augmentation is used to expand lim-
or critical information that are not meant to be shared publicly, ited data by generating new samples from existing ones. In
specifically for industrial and medical IoT devices. the augmentation of IoT security data, the limited amount of
existing IoT security samples can be utilised to generate new
B. Learning to Secure IoT With Low-Quality Data The key challenge in data augmentation is producing new
Most of the proposed DL representations are generally data samples that preserve the appropriate data distribution
for high-quality data [214]. However, IoT systems comprise for each class, normally necessitating domain knowledge
heterogeneous connected devices, and large-scale streaming, [211], [270]. In view of this problem, suitable methods for

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the augmentation of IoT security data should be investigated threats [22]., such as zero-day attacks, is continuously grow-
to improve the classification accuracy of learning methods. ing at an alarming rate [22]. For example, the Mirai botnet and
its derivations are becoming an alarming threat to the secu-
rity of IoT systems [7], [9]. The development of the recent
D. Learning Strategies for Effective IoT Security derivation of the Mirai botnet, Satori, proves that other mali-
1) Zero-Day Attacks on IoT: The main advantage of ML cious IoT botnets are emerging to exploit known and zero-day
and DL methods over traditional security methods, such vulnerabilities [273].
as the threat signature-based method, is their capability to On the one hand, recent derivations of Mirai suggest that
detect zero-day attacks. Zero-day attacks, which are evolving IoT malware continues to grow because Mirai’s open source
threats, were previously anonymous to detection systems. code allows creators of IoT malware to produce new variants
These attacks have varying potentials, such as metamor- of Mirai that exploit known and zero-day vulnerabilities to
phic malware attacks that automatically reprogram themselves attack IoT devices [7], [9], [22], [273]. On the other hand,
each time they are circulated or transmitted. Consequently, intelligent monitoring and control of IoT security provides
detecting these malware attacks by traditional methods is an important solution to these new attacks or the zero-day
difficult [271], [272]. The number of emerging IoT security attack and its variations. ML and DL algorithms are powerful

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Fig. 10. Technology tools that can essentially enable ML/DL deployment for IoT security.

analysis tools for learning normal or abnormal behaviour on and understand IoT modifications. In an actual IoT environ-
the basis of interactions among the systems and devices within ment, the short-term learning of threats and attacks targeting
an IoT ecosystem. Input data from each element of an IoT IoT systems may be ineffective for long-term protection.
system and its devices can be collected and examined to deter- Consequently, the concept of lifelong learning can hold real-
mine normal patterns of interaction and consequently identify istic significance in long-term real-world applications. The
malicious behaviour at an early stage. Moreover, in view of concept of lifelong ML [120], [274], [275] is directed towards
the capability of ML and DL methods to learn from existing the construction of a model that can repeatedly perform the
samples to intelligently predict future unknown samples, these retraining process for learning new emerging patterns related
methods have the potential to predict new attacks, which, in to each behaviour. The model should be able to continuously
many cases, are simple derivations and mutations of previous adapt to and learn from new environments [120], [274], [275].
attacks. Therefore, IoT security systems need to advance Researchers have reported that the further training an algo-
from the simple facilitation of secure communication between rithm receives with the latest features of known DDoS attacks,
devices to intelligent security enabled by DL and ML methods. the more these improved the detection probabilities for known
2) Lifelong Learning for Learning IoT Threats: One of and unknown DDoS attacks. The ANN algorithm learns
main characteristics of the IoT environment is dynamism; sev- from training samples and then detects zero-day attack fea-
eral new things join and numerous objects leave the system tures, which are comparable to the features on which it was
given the numerous and diverse IoT devices used to man- trained [255]. Therefore, frequently updating training sam-
age different applications and scenarios. Given IoT’s nature, ples is important for developing effective real-world security
normal structures and patterns of IoT systems may consid- models for IoT-related threats.
erably change with time, and threats and attacks targeting 3) Transfer Learning: Transfer learning refers to the idea of
the IoT system may likewise persistently vary with time. transferring knowledge from a domain with sufficient training
Therefore, distinguishing between normal and abnormal IoT data to a domain with insufficient training data. The main
system behaviour cannot be always pre-defined. Thus, the purpose of transfer learning is to reduce the time and effort
frequent updating of security models is required to handle required for the new learning process. The main concern in

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transfer learning deals with the part of knowledge that can security and privacy concerns regarding the disclosure of
be transferred as knowledge that is common between the sensitive information related to the objects [119].
domains. Therefore, transferring such knowledge is useful. ML and DL methods can potentially contribute to securing
Meanwhile, transferring knowledge that is specific for a par- the integration of social networking into IoT. However, this
ticular domain and does not hold any importance to other direction is still in its infancy and needs further investigation.
domains must be avoided [276].
The concept of transfer learning, which consists of different
elements such as devices, WSNs and cloud computing, can be F. ML and DL Challenges
useful for securing IoT systems. The security of these elements 1) Possible Misuse of ML and DL Algorithms by Attackers
has already been extensively studied, and well-established (Breaking Cryptographic Implementations by ML and DL
training samples on different attacks have been generated. Methods): Recent advances in ML and DL algorithms have
Consequently, if transfer learning is accomplished success- enabled them to be used in breaking cryptographic implemen-
fully from IoT elements, then such learning may considerably tations. For example, two previous studies [140], [141] used
improve the security performance of an entire IoT system with ML to break cryptographic systems using SVMs, which out-
less effort and cost in constructing training samples. performed the template attack. Similarly, the authors in [208]
investigated different DL algorithms to break cryptographic
systems and reported that DL can break cryptographic systems.
E. ML and DL for IoT Security in Interdependent, Specifically, CNN and AE algorithms performed better than
Interconnected and Interactive Environments did ML algorithms (SVM and RF) and the rational profiling
In this section, we present the opportunities for using ML method template attack.
and DL methods to mitigate internal security issues arising A previous study showed that RNNs can learn decryp-
from the structures of IoT systems, which are interdependent, tion. Specifically, an RNN with a 3000-unit LSTM can learn
interconnected and interactive environments. the Enigma machine decryption function by learning effective
As explained previously, with the rapid increase in the internal representations of these ciphers; the results suggested
number of IoT devices, the collaboration among devices is that DL algorithms, such as RNNs, can capture and learn
becoming increasingly autonomous; i.e., they require reduced the algorithmic representations of polyalphabetic ciphers for
human involvement. IoT devices no longer simply interact cryptanalysis [277]. Consequently, future work should con-
with one another like devices within a network. Many current sider the ability of ML/DL as a major factor while designing
IoT devices are designed to achieve the vision of a smart city, IoT security methods.
in which many of the devices are controlled by other devices 2) Privacy of ML and DL: Recent studies [278]–[280] have
or depend on the operational condition of other devices or the shown that ML and DL algorithms can leak data. Privacy-
surrounding environment. preserving ML and DL algorithms are vulnerable to dominant
The advantage of using ML and DL in securing IoT devices attacks [278]. A study showed that federated, distributed or
in such an environment is that these methods can be developed even decentralised DL methods are easily broken and unable to
to go beyond simply understanding the operational behaviour maintain training set privately [278]. The authors developed an
of specific devices to understanding the operational behaviour attack to manipulate the real-time nature of a learning process
of entire systems and their devices. in which the adversary was allowed to train a GAN that creates
Moreover, IoT systems connect billions of devices; thus, samples similar to those in the targeted training dataset, which
not only the surface of the attack but also the magnitude of was supposed to be private; the samples produced by the GAN
the attack should be considered in IoT systems. With these were supposed to originate from the same distribution as the
densely interconnected devices, an infected thing can result training dataset [278]. Therefore, DL algorithms themselves
in a destructive attack that infects a considerable number of are vulnerable to potential attacks when generating the training
things at a large scale, even affecting a substantial part of data. Consequently, attackers can build a DL system that can
a city. recognize how DL-based detection methods work and generate
For interconnected systems, the benefit of using ML and DL attacks that cannot be detected easily. This area of research is
for securing IoT devices is that ML the DL methods can pro- still in its infancy and needs further investigation to find the
vide intelligence to systems for detecting abnormal behaviours appropriate solution to such an issue.
of a thing or groups of things and thus automatically respond 3) Security of ML and DL Methods: Researchers have
at an early stage. This strategy may mitigate the impact of the recently investigated various threats that can be launched
attack and lead to learning for the prevention of future occur- against ML and DL algorithms. These algorithms are suscep-
rences of similar attacks on the basis of a solid understanding tible to many threats that either decrease the accuracy and
of the current causes. performance of the classifiers or expose sensitive data used in
Along the same direction, ML and DL can be effective the training process of the classifiers. Examples of the poten-
for securing IoT devices in an interactive environment In tial threats that can be utilised by attackers include poisoning,
SIoT. Suitable instructions should be established for objects evasion, impersonation and inversion attacks [281]. Poisoning
to choose their appropriate friends because these instruc- is a threat in which the attacker injects malicious samples
tions impact the service outputs built on top of social with incorrect labels into the training dataset to modify train-
networks [118]. The advancement in SIoT increases critical ing data distribution, decrease the discrimination power of the

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classifier in distinguishing between the normal and abnormal near-real-time detection systems, improve energy efficiency
behaviour of the system, and ultimately decrease classifier and enhance the scalability of lightweight IoT objects. Such
accuracy and performance. Such attacks can be potentially implementation can offer an effective framework for data pro-
launched against ML algorithms that need to dynamically cessing with reduced network traffic load. However, edge
update their training sets and learning models to adapt to computing is still at its infancy, and its implementation is
the new attacks features, such as ML algorithms for mal- accompanied by several challenges. Further research needs to
ware detection [281], [282]. The second possible attack on be conducted to explore and develop effective strategies for
ML and DL is the evasion attack. This attack is based on implementing DL and ML at the edge to provide real-time
generating adversarial samples by modifying the attack fea- IoT security.
tures to be slightly different from the malicious samples used 2) Synergic Integration of ML and DL With Blockchain
to train the model; consequently, the probability of the attack for IoT Security: Blockchain is an emerging technology that
being detected by the classifier is decreased, and the attack uses cryptography to secure transactions within a network.
avoids detection, thereby reducing the performance of the A blockchain delivers a decentralised database (called ‘digital
system remarkably [281]. The third possible attack is imper- ledger’) of transactions, of which each node on the network
sonation. In this attack, the attacker attempts to mimic the is aware [289]. The network is a chain of devices (e.g., com-
data samples to deceive the ML algorithms to classifying puters) that all need to endorse a transaction before it can be
the original samples with different labels incorrectly from the verified and recorded [289]. In other words, a blockchain is
impersonated ones [281], [283], [284]. The last possible attack simply a data structure that allows the production and distribu-
is inversion, which exploits the application program interfaces tion of a ‘tamper-proof digital ledger’ of exchanges [290]. The
presented to the users by the current ML platform to collect decentralised architecture of a blockchain is antithetical to the
roughly the necessary information about the pre-trained ML security issues that are inherent in a centralised architecture.
models [280], [285]. Subsequently, this extracted information Using decentralised database architecture, transaction authen-
is used to perform reverse engineering to obtain the sensi- tication depends on the approval of many parties in systems
tive data of users. This kind of attack violates the privacy rather than of a single authority, as is common practice in
of users by exploring the data, which are sensitive in certain centralised systems. Therefore, blockchain systems can ren-
cases (e.g., patients’ medical data), inserted in the ML models der transactions relatively more secure and transparent than
[286], [287]. Consequently, the security of DL/ML methods those in centralised systems. IoT systems are distributed by
that hold potential applications to secure IoT devices should be nature. Thus, the distributed digital ledger blockchain can play
effectively and sufficiently secure against adversarial leakage a significant role in securing IoT systems.
of their training parameters. ML and DL are concerned with training machines to learn
4) Insights Into DL Architecture: ML and DL methods from real-world samples to act autonomously and intelligently.
change the means through which a computer solves a problem, The goal of ML and DL methods is to allow the machines to
from instructing the computer what to do programmatically to become smart machines. The simplified definitions of both
training the computer what to do intelligently (learning from technologies (i.e., ML/DL and blockchain) reveal that a syn-
experience). However, despite the progress achieved by DL ergic relation can be obtained by combining both technologies
algorithms in many applications, a theory that can describe to achieve a fully functional IoT security system. Firstly, ML
why and how DNNs run depending on their architecture has and DL may assist blockchain technology in realising smart
not yet been established. Such a theory can be significant in decision-making, improved evaluation, filtering and compre-
comprehending the quantity of data or the number of the lay- hension of data and devices within a network to facilitate the
ers required to achieve the desired performance. The theory effective implementation of blockchain for enhanced trust and
can also facilitate the reduction of the resources (e.g., time, security services for IoT systems. Secondly, blockchain may
energy and memory) required to construct a DL model [29], assist ML and DL by providing a large volume of data because
thereby providing a sophisticated but lightweight DL model blockchain is a decentralised database that stresses the impor-
that is useful for resource-constrained systems, such as IoT tance of data distribution among several nodes on a specific
devices. Establishing a lightweight DL model is a significant network. The availability of big data is a main factor in estab-
step towards the implementation of onboard security systems lishing an accurate ML- and DL-based model. Therefore, with
for IoT devices. Thus, this topic needs further exploration in the increase in the data volume to be analysed, particularly
future studies. security-related data, the accuracy of ML and DL methods can
be considerably increased and generalised to develop a security
model with enhanced reliability.
G. Integrating DL/ML With Other Technology for IoT
1) Implementation of ML and DL at the Edge: Edge com- H. Computational Complexity
puting has become an essential technology in providing IoT IoT devices are resource-constrained devices. The resources
services. Edge computing immigrates service provision from of IoT devices (things), such as memory, computation and
the cloud to the network edge, which holds a potential solu- energy, which are required for ML and DL deployment, are
tion in the IoT era [198], [288]. Implementing DL and ML limited and create a crucial bottleneck in the adoption of
at the edge for IoT security can minimize delays, realize DL and ML for real-time on-board implementation [291].

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The current solutions of computation offloading and execu- systems. These issues are classified based on data, learning
tion in the cloud suffer from high wireless energy overhead. strategies, IoT environments, inherent ML and DL challenges,
Moreover, the availability of the applications for such solu- opportunities to integrate ML/DL with other technology, com-
tions is based on the network conditions. Consequently, if the putational complexity issues and security versus other trade-off
network connectivity is weak, then cloud offloading will be requirements.
unattainable, leading to the unavailability of the applications.
Another recent solution which may advance the implementa- VIII. C ONCLUSION
tion of ML and DL for IoT security is the development of edge
The requirements for securing IoT devices have become
computing GPUs (mobile GPU). However, GPUs on mobile
complex because several technologies, from physical devices
can still consume considerable mobile battery reserves [291].
and wireless transmission to mobile and cloud architectures,
On the one hand, enhancing GPU-based solutions and
need to be secured and combined with other technologies. The
proposing an efficient offloading strategy are important in
advancement in ML and DL has allowed for the development
advancing the implementation of ML- and DL-based IoT secu-
of various powerful analytical methods that can be used to
rity to enhance the performance of IoT DL applications in
enhance IoT security.
IoT systems with cloud and edge computing [198]. On the
In this survey, various IoT security threats and IoT attack
other hand, ML and DL frameworks that can efficiently reduce
surfaces are discussed. A comprehensive review of the poten-
computational complexity should be developed. Developing
tial uses of ML and DL methods in IoT security is provided.
real-time detection and protection systems are important for
These methods are then compared at the end of each sub-
providing effective security mechanisms, particularly for large-
section in terms of their advantages, disadvantages and appli-
scale IoT systems. Thus, reducing computational complexity
cations in IoT security. Afterward, the uses of the ML and
holds practical importance in future research.
DL methods for securing the main IoT layers (i.e., percep-
tion, network and application layers) are reviewed. Finally,
I. Security vs Trade-Offs in IoT Applications an extensive list of issues, challenges and future directions
The existing security trade-offs, such as that between avail- related to the use of ML and DL in effectively securing IoT
ability and safety, are another challenge to the achievement systems are presented and classified according to data; learning
of a robust security scheme for IoT systems. Moreover, the strategies; ML and DL for IoT security in the interdependent,
importance of various security trade-offs differs from one IoT interconnected and interactive environments of IoT systems;
application to another. For example, an IoMT system should diverse security trade-offs in IoT applications and synergic
provide a security scheme, but it should also offer the flexibil- integration of ML and DL with blockchain for IoT security.
ity of being accessible in emergency situations. When a patient This survey aims to provide a useful manual that can encour-
with an implanted IoMT, which monitors his or her health con- age researchers to advance the security of IoT systems from
ditions, is suddenly in an emergency situation, easy access to simply enabling secure communication among IoT compo-
the IoMT device is the first priority in saving his or her life. nents to developing intelligent end-to-end IoT security-based
Therefore, creating a design that balances providing a robust approaches.
security scheme to protect the implanted IoMT and guarantee-
ing accessibility of such devices during emergency situations is L IST OF ACRONYMS
necessary. Such a trade-off between security and safety poses
Acronym Description
a critical challenge. An appropriate balance between patient
6LoWPAN Combination IPv6and Low-power Wireless
safety and device security is an important parameter to be con-
Personal Area Networks
sidered in the design phase [60], [75]. ML and DL methods
AEs Auto-encoders
mainly aim to provide intelligence and contextual awareness to
ANN Artificial Neural Network
devices; therefore, these methods can better mitigate security
CNN Convolutional Neural Network
trade-off issues than can traditional access control methods.
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television
Similarly, other applications of IoT have different security
CPS Cyber-physical System
trade-offs in accordance with diverse implemented environ-
ARs Association Rules
ments. Given the required security level and trade-offs in
DL Deep Learning
specified IoT applications, security design should satisfy dif-
DBN Deep Belief Network
ferent operation modes within the given applications. Future
DNN Deep Neural Network
research may utilise the intelligence capability of ML and DL
DoS Denial of Service
methods to design security schemes that can effectively sat-
DDoS Distributive Denial of Service
isfy various security trade-offs under different operation modes
DRL Deep Reinforcement Learning
within a specified application.
DT Decision Tree
EL Ensemble Learning
J. Summary and Discussion EDLNs Ensemble Deep Learning Networks
The major contribution of Section VII is the provision GAN Generative Adversarial Network
of the list of issues, challenges and future directions for GPS Global Positioning System
using ML and DL methods to mitigate security weakness IoT GPU Graphics Processing Unit

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[266] C. Zhang, P. Patras, and H. Haddadi, “Deep learning in mobile
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2015. with Qatar University in joint collaborative project
[268] C. Bhatt, N. Dey, and A. S. Ashour, Internet of Things and Big Data between Qatar University, University of Idaho, USA,
Technologies for Next Generation Healthcare. Cham, Switzerland: and Temple University, USA. He has published
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[269] L. Perez and J. Wang, “The effectiveness of data augmentation in conferences. His research interests include big data
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arXiv:1712.04621. security, and IoT systems. He served as a Reviewer for several journals
[270] T. T. Um et al., “Data augmentation of wearable sensor data for including, IEEE Communications Magazine, the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON
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[271] A. Lakhotia, A. Kapoor, and E. Kumar, “Are metamorphic viruses Network and Computer Applications. He also received several national and
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Amr Mohamed (Senior Member, IEEE) received Ihsan Ali received the M.S. degree in computer
the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and com- system engineering from GIK Institute in 2008. He is
puter engineering from the University of British currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Faculty
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, in 2001 and 2006, of Computer Science and Information Technology,
respectively. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
He has worked as an Advisory IT Specialist with He has been actively involved in research
IBM Innovation Centre, Vancouver, from 1998 to and teaching activities for the last 10 years in
2007, taking a leadership role in systems devel- different country, including Saudi Arabia, USA,
opment for vertical industries. He is currently a Pakistan, and Malaysia. He is currently an active
Professor with the College of Engineering, Qatar Research Associate with the Centre for Mobile
University. He has over 25 years of experience in Cloud Computing Research (C4MCCR), Faculty of
wireless networking research and industrial systems development. He has Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya. He has
authored or coauthored over 180 refereed journal and conference papers, text- published more than 40 high impact research journal papers including a highly
book, and book chapters in reputable international journals, and conferences. reputable IEEE Communication Magazine. His research interests include wire-
His research interests include wireless networking, and edge computing for less sensor networks, robotics in WSNs, sensor cloud, fog computing, IoT,
IoT applications. He holds 3 Awards from IBM Canada for his achievements and ML/DL in wireless sensor network.
and leadership, and the 4 Best Paper Awards from IEEE conferences. He Mr. Ali has served as a Technical Program Committee Member for sev-
is serving as a Technical Editor for the Journal of Internet Technology and eral well-known conferences, including IWCMC from 2017 to 2018, AINIS
the International Journal of Sensor Networks. He has served as a Technical in 2017, Future 5V in 2017, ICACCI in 2018, INAIT in 2019, DiCES-
Program Committee (TPC) Co-Chair for workshops in IEEE WCNC’16. He N19, CCNC in 2020, ICCAIS in 2020, and CSNT in 2020, and also an
has served as a Co-Chair for technical symposia of international confer- Organizer of the Special session on fog computing in Future 5V 2017. He
ences, including Globecom’16, Crowncom’15, AICCSA’14, IEEE WLN’11, is also an Active Reviewer of Computers & Electrical Engineering, the
and IEEE ICT’10. He has served on the organization committee of many KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Mobile Networks
other international conferences as a TPC Member, including the IEEE ICC, and Applications, the International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,
GLOBECOM, WCNC, LCN, and PIMRC, and a Technical Reviewer for many the Journal of Advanced Transportation, the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON
international IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, Springer, and Wiley journals. I NTELLIGENT T RANSPORTATION S YSTEMS, Computer Networks, IEEE
ACCESS, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, and IEEE
Communication Magazine.

Abdulla Khalid Al-Ali (Member, IEEE) received

the master’s degree in software design engineering
and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from
Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA, in 2008
and 2014, respectively. He is an active researcher
in cognitive radios for smart cities and vehicular
ad-hoc networks. He is currently the Head of the
Technology Innovation and Engineering Education,
College of Engineering, Qatar University. He has
published a number of peer-reviewed papers in jour-
nals and conferences. He has been awarded the
Platinum Medal in the Educational Excellence Day Prize for Ph.D. holders
in 2015.

Mohsen Guizani (Fellow, IEEE) received the

B.S. (Distinction) and M.S. degrees in electrical
engineering and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
computer engineering from Syracuse University,
Xiaojiang Du (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S. Syracuse, NY, USA, in 1984, 1986, 1987, and
and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from 1990, respectively. He is currently a Professor with
the Automation Department, Tsinghua University, the Computer Science and Engineering Department,
Beijing, China, in 1996 and 1998, respectively, Qatar University, Qatar. He was served in differ-
and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engi- ent academic and administrative positions with the
neering from the University of Maryland, College University of Idaho, Western Michigan University,
Park, in 2002 and 2003, respectively. He is a the University of West Florida, the University of
tenured Full Professor and the Director of the Missouri–Kansas City, the University of Colorado–Boulder, and Syracuse
Security and Networking Laboratory, Department University. He has authored nine books and more than 600 publications
of Computer and Information Sciences, Temple in refereed journals and conferences. His research interests include wire-
University, Philadelphia, USA. He has authored over less communications and mobile computing, computer networks, mobile
400 journal and conference papers in these areas, as well as a book pub- cloud computing, security, and smart grid. He also received the 2017 IEEE
lished by Springer. His research interests are security, wireless networks, and Communications Society WTC Recognition Award as well as the 2018 Ad
systems. He has been awarded more than 6 million U.S. Dollars research Hoc Technical Committee Recognition Award for his contribution to outstand-
grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation, Army Research Office, Air ing research in wireless communications and Ad-Hoc Sensor networks. He is
Force Research Laboratory, NASA, the State of Pennsylvania, and Amazon. currently the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Network Magazine, serves on the
He won the Best Paper Award at IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 and the Best editorial boards of several international technical journals and the Founder
Poster Runner-Up Award at the ACM MobiHoc 2014. He serves on the and the Editor-in-Chief of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
editorial boards of two international journals. He served as the Lead Chair (Wiley). He guest edited a number of special issues in IEEE journals and
of the Communication and Information Security Symposium of the IEEE magazines. He also served as a member, the chair, and the general chair of
International Communication Conference (ICC) in 2015, and the Co-Chair a number of international conferences. He received Three Teaching Awards
of Mobile and Wireless Networks Track of IEEE Wireless Communications and Four Research Awards. He was the Chair of the IEEE Communications
and Networking Conference (WCNC) in 2015. He is (was) a Technical Society Wireless Technical Committee and the Chair of the TAOS Technical
Program Committee Member of several premier ACM/IEEE conferences, such Committee. He served as the IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Speaker
as INFOCOM from 2007 to 2020, IM, NOMS, ICC, GLOBECOM, WCNC, and he is currently the IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer. He is a Senior
BroadNet, and IPCCC. He is a Life Member of ACM. Member of ACM.

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