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Newsletter for the month of July-August

July 4

Protocols for fully vaccinated individuals finalized by Arlyn Tepace

The Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) finalized the protocols for fully vaccinated individuals in July

A fully vaccinated individual is someone who has more than or equal to 2 weeks after having
received the second dose in a 2-dose vaccine; or more than or equal to 2 weeks after having received
a single-dose vaccine.

In addition, a fully vaccinated individual must be administered with vaccines that are included in the
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) List or Compassionate Special Permit (CSP) issued by the
Philippine Food and Drug Administration or Emergency Use Listing of the World Health

 The intrazonal movement of fully vaccinated senior citizens within areas under General Community
Quarantine and Modified General Community Quarantine shall continue to be allowed. This,
however, is subject to the presentation of a COVID-19 domestic vaccination card duly issued by a
legitimate vaccinating establishment, or certificate of quarantine completion showing the holder’s
vaccination status as may be issued by the Bureau of Quarantine. 

On the other hand, for interzonal travel allowed under pertinent resolutions of the IATF and
provisions of the Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the
Philippines, as amended, the presentation of a COVID-19 domestic vaccination card duly signed by a
legitimate vaccinating establishment, or certificate of quarantine completion showing the holder’s
vaccination status as may be issued by the Bureau of Quarantine, shall be sufficient alternatives to
any testing requirement (before travel or upon arrival) which the local government of destination
may require.

This interzonal travel shall likewise apply to fully vaccinated senior citizens. Also, the traveler needs
to undergo health and exposure screening upon arrival in the local government of destination.
In situations when fully vaccinated individuals are close contacts of probable and confirmed COVID-
19 cases, they may undergo a shortened 7-day quarantine period only if they remain asymptomatic
for the duration of the 7-day period.

In case there is a need for RT-PCR testing, this may be done not earlier than the 5th day after the date
of the last exposure.

 Finally, no testing and quarantine shall be required for close contacts who may have been traced
beyond the 7th day from the last exposure and who remained asymptomatic.
Prescribed testing and isolation protocols shall be followed once the RT-PCR test yields a positive
result, or the individual becomes symptomatic.
July 5
DILG orders Philippine ID cards to be recognized as official proof of
identity in government or private transactions by Art Wenso Tan

The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), in a memorandum issued on June 10,
2021, enjoined government and private establishments to honor Phil ID card as proof of identity in
dealing with National Government Agencies (NGAs), Local Government Units (LGUs),
Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), Government Financial Institutions
(GFIs), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), and all private establishments.
DILG ordered that the Phil ID card shall be accepted as sufficient proof of identity and that no other
identification documents shall be presented. Under Republic Act No. 11055 or the Philippine
Identification System Act, the Phil ID card shall serve as the official government-issued
identification document of cardholders in transacting with government or private establishments.
Those who violate this directive, without just cause, will be fined with Php 500,000. Moreover, if the
violator is a government official or employee, the penalty includes disqualification from holding any
public office or employment in the government.
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) launched initial steps of registration for the Phil ID system
in October 2020. As of July 2021, the registration is on its third and final step.
July 7

Processed meat confiscated in Allen port by Billy Gian Orbase

A shipment of 347 packs of frozen and processed assorted meat was apprehended by the joint forces
of the Bureau of Animal Industry Region 8 (BAI) and the Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO) of
Northern Samar in Allen port last July 5, 2021.

At the quarantine checkpoint in BALWHARTECO Port, Barangay Looc, Allen, Northern Samar, a
private vehicle loaded with 12 boxes of assorted processed meat with a market value of PHP80,000
was flagged down at about 1:00 PM. The more or less 240 kilograms of confiscated items from the
National Capital Region were shipped on a van, loaded on roll-on, roll-off (RoRo) vessel and
supposed to be transported to several locations in Region VIII. The shipment which contains mostly
pork products failed to present documents or permits. The undocumented meat products were turned
over to the Department of Agriculture quarantine checkpoint in Allen port.

The BAI duty officer said, “upon inspection there were no documents presented which is required
when shipping meat products or live animals. This violates the Department of Agriculture (DA)
Administrative Order 05, and does not also comply with the existing ban on pork and pork products
which the governor issued last January.”

Governor Edwin Ongchuan ordered a temporary ban on the entry of live hogs and pork products
from other provinces as a precautionary measure against African swine fever (ASF). The official
added that this also violates Republic Act 10611 also known as the Food Safety Act of 2013. Even if
the food was preserved or processed, they must be stored in a container with a specific temperature,
chilled at least.”
In coordination with Allen Municipal Agriculture Officer Ms. Judy P. Morado and Municipal
Disaster Risk Reduction Management Officer Mr. Alberto Cabacang, the confiscated items were
immediately disposed of and buried.

The intensified quarantine checkpoints were set up in every entry point of Northern Samar which
aimed to prevent the entry of infectious diseases coming from animals and meat products and to
prevent widespread in the province particularly of ASF.
Statement of the Provincial Government on the issue of the alleged
“illegal” transfer of COVID-19 vaccines
(Press Release, July 7, 2021)
While the Provincial Government of Northern Samar (PGNS) is eager to vaccinate as many of its
constituents as possible, it recognizes the rules on COVID-19 vaccination as set forth by the National
COVID-19 Task Force. It is with regard to these rules that the provincial government hopes to
proceed with the vaccination rollout and achieve mass immunity, which has been the aim of every
and all LGUs.

The Provincial Government would like to assure the public that it is one with them in the quest for
the truth behind the alleged “illegal” transfer of (15) doses of SinoVac COVID-19 vaccine from the
Northern Samar Provincial Hospital Cold Room/Vaccination Facility.

 The Provincial Government understands that this issue, which stemmed from a Facebook post of a
concerned individual and has already been reported by the national and local media, is of
transcendental importance to the people, particularly Norte-Samarnons, considering the limited
number of COVID-19 vaccines in the province and the strict government protocols on the handling
and administration of the same.

The Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Northern Samar held a hearing last July 8, 2021 on the above
mentioned issue upon the request of Board Member Mary Ann Avalon, Chairperson of the
Committee on Health. Present during the hearing were officials and employees of the Provincial
Health Office who served as resource persons.

Parallel to the probe of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Governor Edwin Ongchuan signed Executive
Order No. 01-06-21 which created the Provincial Health Office Investigating Committee and the
Provincial Health Office Hearing Committee of the Provincial Government of Northern Samar. This
is a testament to the commitment of the provincial government to uphold integrity, honesty, and
professionalism of all its officials and employees, while at the same time acting in accordance with
the implementing rules and regulations of R.A. 7305 or The Magna Carta for Public Health Workers.
The Provincial Government assures the public that it will be objective in the treatment of the issue
and will not tolerate any abuse of authority or breach of the protocols, if proven in the course of the

As the issue has also come to the attention of the Department of Justice, the Provincial Government
welcomes its directive for the NBI to assist in the investigation.
The provincial leadership will respect the course and outcome of the investigation and shall rely on
the sound disposition of those entrusted with the process.
In the meantime, the provincial government also guarantees that the COVID-19 vaccination program
continues despite this setback. We are enjoining everyone to support the program as only with
getting the great majority of the population vaccinated will we achieve herd immunity and return to
living in normalcy.
July 13

HDPAC holds 3Q meeting to discuss updates on NSF1KD by Jillian


The members of the Human Development and Poverty Alleviation Cluster (HDPAC) convened in a
meeting last July 13, 2021 at the Ibabao Hall, Provincial Capitol to discuss updates on the
implementation of the Northern Samar First One Thousand Days of Life Program (NSF1KD).

The cluster discussed the status of profiling in the twelve targeted municipalities of Northern Samar
where the F1KD program will be implemented. Due to the problems encountered during the process
of data collection that covers pregnant women of the 12 municipalities, the Provincial Health Office
and Provincial Nutrition Action Office plan to conduct a dry run in the municipality of San Jose,
Northern Samar. The cluster also plans to coordinate with the Barangay Health Workers to hasten the
process of profiling.

In connection with the implementation of the program, the PNAO also presented updates on the
monitoring of malnutrition status in the province. As of July 2021, the nutritional assessment is being
conducted in 7 out of 24 municipalities. The PNAO, in pursuit of reducing the malnutrition problem
in the province, also discussed updates on the Nutribun Program.

Mr. Lorenzo Mahinay, Provincial Cooperative and Community Affairs Officer, suggested to identify
the prevailing issues in the province that hinder human development and poverty alleviation to know
which programs should be prioritized.

The NSF1KD aims to help mothers and their children in the province through health, nutrition,
livelihood and other development programs.

 The meeting was attended by representatives from the Provincial Health Office, Provincial Nutrition
Action Office, Provincial Population Office, Provincial Information Office, Provincial Social
Welfare and Development Office, Provincial Accountant Office, Provincial Youth Development
Office, Provincial Livelihood and Development Office and Northern Samar Public Employment
Services Office.
July 14
PGNS honors LGUs and Blood Program Partners during Blood Month
by Arlyn Tepace
To mark this year’s Blood Month, the Provincial Government recognized the support of local
government units, national government agencies, the academe and the private sector, to the national
voluntary blood service program (NVBSP) of the provincial government through a simple program
held  July 13, 2021 at the NSPH Blood Bank.

Awarded were LGUs Capul, Biri, Lapinig, San Isidro, Mapanas, San Jose and Gamay. LGU Capul
which achieved over 100% of the national target for blood donation with 1.29% blood collection in
2020 despite the COVID pandemic, topped among all LGUs in blood program support. It has
maintained its status as top performing LGU in terms of voluntary blood donation for the past 3
years. The national government has continuously urged LGUs to strengthen voluntary blood donation
and target annual blood collection of at least 1% of its total population.

LGUs which achieved 100% of its blood collection target for 2020 are: Biri, Lapinig and San Isidro.
Meanwhile, LGUs San Jose, Mapanas and Gamay were also recognized for their voluntary blood
donation of over 50% of the national target for the same year.

Program partners were likewise recognized for their regular support to the blood donation drive of
the provincial government, namely: the Northern Samar Police Provincial Office, the 43rd IB
Philippine Army, the Northern Samar Masonic Lodge 211, the Parole and Probation Office, and
Colegio de San Juan in Lavezares, Northern Samar.

In her message, Dr. Ninfa Kam, Provincial Health Officer said she is inspired by the dedication and
commitment of the awardees. “The feeling that you were able to help, that you saved lives, is already
great. Let us keep the fire burning for this activity, for we will always be needing blood.”
On the face of a challenging year, the NSPH Blood Bank with Dr. Glenn Anthony Luzano and Ms.
Jeane Pelayo at the forefront of the voluntary blood donation program, had to reach out to the
community, to respond to the cry for help by those in need of blood especially during these difficult
times of the COVID pandemic.

And as we mark Blood Month, the provincial government honors the selfless act of each of our silent
heroes, our past, present and future voluntary blood donors!
July 16

𝐏𝐒𝐀 sets up 𝐏𝐆𝐍𝐒 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐞𝐬' 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐒𝐲𝐬 by Nicole


The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Field Office in Northern Samar began catering to PGNS
employees for the registration to the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) on July 13, 2021 at
the Provincial Capitol, Catarman.
PSA Northern Samar requested PGNS to provide a secured office space with tables and chairs for the
temporary registration at the Capitol Building to cater to PGNS employees. This is in line with PSA’s
strategy to register 50 to 70 million Filipinos to PhilSys, wherein they are also instructed to conduct a
Mobile Institutional Registration.

As of  July 15, 2021, 267 out of 1,085 PGNS employees have already been registered for the PhilSys.
 According to Mr. Julian Gallano, Chief Statistics Specialist of PSA Northern Samar, “Since we were
not able to reach the quota yet, given the population of PGNS employees, we will still be accepting
registrations for PhilSys until next week.”
The PhilSys registration was made available for PGNS employees throughout the month of July.
July 19
PTFBL-ECLIP-LSIP monthly meeting was welcomed by static display
with 44 firearms turned in by former rebels by Mark Anthony Angue

Provincial Task Force Balik Loob (PTFBL) chairperson Governor Edwin Ongchuan and other
members of the task force were presented with the 44 firearms turned in by former rebels (FRs) since
2019, during the static display held before the start of the PTFBL-ECLIP-LSIP monthly meeting last
July 19, 2021 at Sophie's Farm, Mondragon, Northern Samar.

The 13 long firearms (M-14, M-16, AK-47); 28 short firearms (calibers .45, .38 and .22); and 3 sub-
machine guns (KJ-9) are all being processed under the firearms remuneration component of the
Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (ECLIP). These are presently under the custody
of the NSPPO Supply Office and will soon be delivered to the PNP Crime Lab for ballistics testing
and, finally, to the Firearms, Explosives, Ammunition Disposal Committee (FEADC) for

July 19
PTFBL focused on making the Kauswagan Village into reality by Mark
Anthony Angue

Provincial Task Force Balik-Loob (PTFBL) Chairperson Governor Edwin Ongchuan is committed to
making the Kauswagan Village in Brgy. Cablangan, Mondragon a reality. Other agencies,
particularly members of the Housing Cluster, are extending their utmost support to the program.
PhilFIDA, DENR and the Provincial Legal Office are working together to ensure the titling of the
lot. NHA/DHSUD will be funding the construction of the initial 35 housing units worth P450,000
each and the provincial government will shoulder additional expenses. The Provincial Engineering
Office and the 543rd ECB of the Philippine Army have both presented their plans with the latter
expressing their willingness to provide personnel in order to offset labor costs.

 As the essentials of the 14-hectare peace and prosperity village for former rebels and their families
are still being ironed out, other government agencies continue to provide their own services in order
to make integration easier for the FRs. These agencies and the provincial government offices, divided
into different clusters in order to streamline their efforts and consolidate their services, presented
their accomplishments for the first half of 2021 and the ways forward for the remaining semester:
- Skills, Education, Livelihood, Employment and Financial Cluster (TESDA, UEP, DOLE, DTI,
- Health Cluster (DOH, PHO, PhilHealth);
- Social Welfare and Community Cluster (DSWD, PSWDO);
- Safety and Security Cluster (NSPPO, Philippine Army);
- Strategic Communication Cluster (PIO, PIA)

 The Provincial Assessor's Office, DAR and DENR also started an inventory of landholdings in the
province for possible sites of more Kauswagan Villages. And while some of these former rebels were
still with standing warrants, the PLO is helping them qualify for the ECLIP and housing program.
 As of July, a new batch of FRs was enrolled at the Darangpan Center (halfway house for former
rebels) and went through the FR Reintegration Plan implemented through the PSWDO. Past batches
of FRs are now with their families and are living peacefully in the community.

The National Task Force Balik-Loob was created by virtue of Administrative Order No 10 dated 03
April 2018 as a central coordinating body to supervise the government's reintegration efforts for
members of the CPP-NPA-NDF including their immediate family members. The Task Force is
composed of representatives from the Department of National Defense, Department of the Interior
and Local Government, Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process, Office of the
President, and the National Housing Authority, as well as other partner government agencies.
July 23

PGNS sets up Community Pantry as part of Nutrition Month by Jillian

In celebration of the 47th Nutrition Month, the Provincial Government of Northern Samar, led local
government units in the setting up of a community pantry to benefit disadvantaged families in the

 The Provincial Health Office through the Provincial Nutrition Action Office (PNAO) led the 2-day
community pantry which started on July 21 to July 22, 2021, in front of the Provincial Capitol,
Catarman. The pantry, a partnership activity of the PHO with the Provincial Agriculture Office
(PAO) and the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO), distributed seedlings,
bangus, tilapia, 6 kilos of rice, canned goods, pakbet, sitaw, ampalaya, okra, taron and food packs to
pregnant women, lactating mothers, malnourished and street children.

“Ginpatuman ini inga aktibidad para mas mag-iban an aton malnutrition sa Northern Samar. Ngan
magpapadayon iton onwards kay may ada man liwat kita ginsusugad nga First 1000 Days Program,”
said Ms. Shirly Alba, OIC PNAO as she facilitated the said event.

 The activity was conducted in line with the theme of the Nutrition Month celebration “Malnutrisyon
Patuloy na Labanan, First 1000 Days Tutukan” and as part of the First 1000 Days of Life (F1KD)
Program, a comprehensive program implemented in 12 municipalities in the province which aims to
uplift the lives of mothers and children by providing health, nutrition, livelihood and social welfare
interventions to their families.
 Ms. Alba also added “Kaupod sini nga activity mao an pag-advocate nga an mga nanay nga
nagpapasuso magpadayon san ginsusugad nga exclusive breastfeeding sa unom kabulan nga edad sa
bata ngan mao na matikang sa ginsusugad nga complementary feeding tikang 6 months onwards
aside san pagpadayon nga pagpapasuso.”

 A total of 479 lactating mothers and malnourished children benefited from the 2-day Community
Pantry. Held for the first time due to the COVID pandemic, the provincial government decided to
mark this year’s Nutrition Month through the Community Pantry to highlight the value of healthy
food choices and engaging in farming or agriculture not only for our food needs but also to serve as
alternative livelihood especially during public emergency.
July 27
NS PTF ELCAC holds its monthly meeting in UEP Gymnatorium by
Mark Anthony Angue

 The provincial government showed its full support to the anti-insurgency program of President
Rodrigo Duterte especially with the attendance of task force chairperson Governor Edwin Ongchuan,
Vice Governor Gary Lavin, SP Committee on Peace and Order Chairperson BM Fawa Batula, and
the heads of several PGNS offices.

With National Intelligence Coordinating Agency Regional Director Eustacio Bacabac in attendance,
the municipal mayors and representatives of national government agencies were given updates on the
security situation in the province and the strategies of the communist terrorist group CPP-NPA-NDF
to counter the Retooled Community Support Program (RCSP) of the government.

 DILG Provincial Director Danilo Laguitan gave updates on the 6 recipient barangays of the Support
to Barangay Development Program (SBDP) of the NTF-ELCAC. The Barangays Hitapian, Nagoocan
and Osang of Catubig; San Miguel of Las Navas; Quezon of Catarman; and Calantiao of Bobon each
received P20-M to fund both infrastructure projects like farm-to-market roads, water supply system,
barangay health stations; and non-infra projects, such as agriculture and livelihood programs, and
skills training. Another 23 barangays were endorsed to the NTF ELCAC as possible SBDP-recipients
for 2022.

 Meanwhile, Deputy Brigade Commander Col. Efren Morados of the 803rd IB discussed the NS PTF
ELCAC Plan after giving the participants a rundown of the task force's accomplishment for the first
half of 2021. The plan aims to end insurgency in Northern Samar at the end of President Duterte's

 During the meeting, BM Fawa Batula also presented a draft of the resolution for the adoption of the
Task Force Balik-Loob at the municipal level, while PSWDO Jenny Darish discussed with the
members of the provincial task force the action plans of the MTF ELCAC of Catarman and Lope De

July 29

Department of Agriculture visits AOVR for RBMERA by Billy Gian


The Department of Agriculture (DA), in coordination with the Provincial Government of Northern
Samar through the Provincial Agriculture Office, visits Allen Organic Vegetable Raisers (AOVR) at
Brgy. Londres, Allen last July 29, 2021 for the Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Rapid
Appraisal (RBMERA) under its Special Area for Agriculture Development (SAAD) Program.
The farmer group, a recipient of the program since 2017, has received agricultural assistance
consisting of corn seeds, vegetable seeds and farm tools. They have also graduated from the Farmers
Field School (FFS), a capacity-building activity to help sustain the group’s organic vegetable

DA-Special Area for Agriculture Development Planning and Monitoring Head Darwin Pamatmat
said, “Ang objective ng program ay makatulong sa ating mga kasamahan sa pagsasaka at
pangingisda, sa mga masasabi nating mahihirap na mga lugar, at matugunan ang kanilang mga

Pamatmat also added that, "Para din mapunta ang kanilang production sa marketing, hindi lang
patungkol sa production, hanggang processing at marketing din, para tuloy tuloy at ma-sustain ng
ating mga farmers."

Meanwhile, AOVR Chairman Neal Florano said that, "Dako an bulig sini na programa sa amo nga
mga farmers, lalo na nga kita an nakakatagamtam san ato mga produkto, dire ta na kailangan mga
produkto na tikang sa guwas."

Also present in the event were Municipal Mayor of Allen, Jose Arturo "Joey" D. Suan, Vice Mayor
Arturo "On-on" Dubongco Jr., Sangguniang Bayan Member Marc Aragon, Municipal Agriculture
Officer Judy P. Morado, representatives from SAAD National Program Management Office,
Regional Program Management Office and AOVR members.

SAAD is a special project of the Department of Agriculture which focuses on providing livelihood
opportunities to identified priority areas in the province.

Statement of the Provincial Government on the Burning of Heavy
Equipment in Las Navas
(Press Release, July 29, 2021)

The Provincial Government of Northern Samar (PGNS) and the Provincial Task Force to End Local
Communist Armed Conflict (PTF-ELCAC) condemns the act of atrocity committed by the New
People’s Army in Bgy. San Francisco, Las Navas last July 29, 2021, by burning to destruction 10
units of heavy equipment being used for road construction in the area.
 This senseless act is a manifestation of the group’s unreasonable objection to the government’s
move to improve the life of our communities at the countryside by providing greater access to
government services and easier transportation of goods from and towards the market.
 We strongly denounce this atrocity which do not only result to waste of government resources, but
unjustly sow fear among fellow Nortehanons who only wanted to live in peace, with their families
and loved ones.

 This must not happen again. Despite this terrorist act, the government will not falter in its resolve to
end insurgency in Northern Samar.

 Let us all help build a peaceful and progressive province!

July 30

PIATF and PDRRMC holds joint meeting to discuss COVID-19 updates

by Jillian Morales 

CATARMAN, Northern Samar — The Provincial Inter-Agency Task Force and Provincial Disaster
Risk Reduction Management Council jointly convened on July 29, 2021 at the PDRRMO
Conference Area, Provincial Capitol to discuss the status of COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination
campaign in the province.

The Provincial Department of Health Office represented by Dr. Rommel Francisco, reported the
province's total number of COVID-19 cases at 2,642 with total recoveries at 2,393 and total deaths at
51. Moreover, as of July 29, 2021, the province has a total of 197 active COVID-19 cases.
 Based on the data provided by the Provincial DOH, Northern Samar has already received a total of
106,004 doses of COVID-19 vaccines from the national government: 77,084 of these doses are
Sinovac; 18,920 are AstraZeneca, and 10,000 are Janssen.

 Tasked to provide an update on the vaccination campaign, the Provincial DOH reported that out of
10,849 A1 or frontline medical health workers in the province, 7,849 are now fully vaccinated. While
for the A2 priority group or the Senior Citizens, 5,077 of the 52,294 total population have already
been fully vaccinated. Additionally, in the A3 priority group, which includes adults aged 18 to 59
years old with controlled comorbidities, a total of 7,255 individuals out of 38,848 target population
are now listed as fully vaccinated according to the Provincial DOH.
Meanwhile, the Department of Health - Eastern Visayas confirmed on July 29, 2021, that 10 Delta
Variant or B. cases of COVID-19 were detected in Region 8. 

 Recognizing the threats posed by the highly transmissible variant, the PIATF and the PDRRMC also
discussed several strategies to combat the potential surge in the province. The said variant was first
identified in India in late 2020.

 Accordingly, Dr. Nimfa Kam, Provincial Health Officer urged the PIATF to tighten border control
and have stricter implementation of preventive measures to avoid further spread of COVID-19.
 "Kun masulod ngani sa ato--whether it's by air, by land or by sea--mayaon either vaccination card,
kun waray vaccination card, magRT-PCR test or bisan man la Rapid Antigen Test," Dr. Kam

 The joint meeting was presided over by Vice Governor Gary Lavin. Also present during the meeting
were Senior Inspector Herme G. Bolosiño of Bureau of Fire Protection - Northern Samar, joined by
the representatives from Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office, Northern Samar
Police Provincial Office, Department of Social Welfare and Development Office, Provincial
Engineering Office Philippine Information Agency - Northern Samar, and Provincial Information

July 31
PGNS helps build capacity of LGUs on the new GAD Information
System by Arlyn Tepace

 The Provincial Government of Northern Samar through the Gender and Development Technical
Working Group (GAD TWG) convened the municipal GAD focal persons on July 29-20, 2021 to
orient them on use of the new Gender and Development Information System.

 DILG Memorandum Circular no. 2020-105 mandated LGUs to adopt the Gender and Development
Plan and Budget Monitoring System (GAD-PBMS) starting 2020, a tool to monitor LGUs’
compliance to the implementation of Gender and Development programs in their respective areas.

 The GAD-PBMS is a mechanism of the government to ensure that gender-responsive initiatives are
mainstreamed in the LGUs’ programs, projects and activities, as provided under the Magna Carta of
Women. To ease reporting, LGUs, including provinces, were directed by DILG to submit their
Annual GAD Plan and Budget and Accomplishment Reports online through the GAD PBMS.
Ms. Christine dela Rosa, DILG Northern Samar GAD Focal Person, served as resource speaker
during the training, with GAD focal persons from Northern Samar’s first district and their IT staff as

Another batch of the same training will follow, with GAD focal persons from the province's second
district as participants.

July 31
Pahayag san Gobyerno Probinsyal bahin san ginhimo nga panwakay
sin mga heavy equipment sa Las Navas 
(Press Release, July 31)

 Ginkokondenar san Gobyerno Probinsyal ngan Provincial Task Force to End Local Communist
Armed Conflict (PTF ELCAC) an dire makatawo nga ginhimo san New People’s Army sa Bgy. San
Francisco, sakop san bungto san Las Navas sa kaagahon san Hulyo 29, 2021. Tinuyo nga
ginpansunog san grupo san mga rebelde in 10 nga mga heavy equipment o mga ekipahe nga
gingagamit sa konstruksyon san sigad sa mao nga lugar.

 Ini nga kawaray kunsensiya nga binuhatan in nagpapakita la san waray sa rason nga pag-oponer san
grupo sa pitad san gobyerno nga maghikaupay an kinabuhi san mga mulopyo sa mga higrayo nga
dapit, pinaagi san paghimo sin sigad nga magpapahirani san mga serbisyo san gobyerno ngan
maghahatag sin mas masayon nga transportasyon san mga produkto tikang sa uma pakadto sa

 Hugot namon nga ginkokondenar an sugad sini nga mga binuhatan nga nagreresulta sa dire angay
nga kakawang san pondo san gobyerno, ngan dire makatarungan nga kahadok sa aton mga igkasi
Nortehanon nga hingyap la mamuruko sin himyang ngan mamingaw, kaupod an kanra pamilya ngan
mga higugmaon sa kinabuhi.

 Dire na ini angay maotro. Apisar san nahinabo, magpapadayon an gobyerno san pagpursigi nga
matapos an insurhensiya sa Norte san Samar.

 Magburublig kita pagduso sin mamurayaw ngan progresibo nga komunidad!

August 4

Provincial Tourism Office leads the unveiling of the historical marker

of the Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish Church by Nicole Consador

The Provincial Government of Northern Samar (PGNS), through the Provincial Tourism Office
(PTour), led the unveiling of the historical marker of Bobon church, the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Parish Church on August 4, 2021.

Representing PGNS, Vice Governor Gary Lavin said, "This marker will rekindle the consciousness
of every member of this community, of our history as a people, and to grow pride in our identity as
Norte Samarnons".

 Meanwhile, the Chair of the Diocesan Historical Commission, Reverend Monsignor Gaspar D.
Balerite, gave a brief account on the history of the Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish and its historical

Underscoring the significance of the event, Chief Provincial Tourism Officer Maria Josette G. Doctor
said, "There is a need to preserve and enrich the identity of the Nortehanons, and ensure the
protection and conservation of these tangible and heritage assets. Hence, in 2008, the late Mr. Perrain
E. Rebadulla, Provincial Coordinator for Culture and the Arts, initiated the study of the province's
heritage assets with the assistance of the National Historical Commission".

"The marker bears the cultural and historical significance of the church. It will remind the public of
the importance of this heritage structure to Filipino history and culture, but more importantly to the
Nortehanons", Ms. Doctor added.
Through a recorded video, executive director of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts,
Mr. Al Ryan S. Alejandre, expressed the NCCA's support and congratulations to the municipality of

 "On behalf of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts or NCCA, I would like to extend
our congratulations to the municipality of Bobon, Northern Samar, as it unveils the historical marker
of the Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish Church. Established in 1892, this church is definitely one of
Bobon's prideful heritage structures as it mirrors the people's deep enduring faith and culture”, Dir.
Alejandre said.

 Provincial Ordinance No. 5, Series of 2008, declared the churches of Bobon, Laoang, Catarman,
Pambujan, and Catubig as historical landmarks of the Province of Northern Samar. The said
ordinance was authored by Board Member Albert A. Lucero.

 The Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish Church is the fourth church to be inscribed with a historical
marker in the province. Prior to the event, landmarking was also done in 3 historical churches in the
province, the St. Ignatius De Loyola Parish Church of Capul, John the Baptist Parish Church of
Pambujan, and St. Joseph Parish Church of Catubig.

The historical marker of Bobon church was officially unveiled by Rev. Msgr. Gaspar D. Balerite and
Vice Governor Gary M. Lavin, joined by Northern Samar 1st District Congressman Paul R. Daza,
Bobon Parish Priest Rev. Father Fernando M. Bogtong, Bobon Mayor Clara C. Gremio, Bobon Vice
Mayor Elena Sia-Balite, Board Member Neil S. Hernandez, Board Member Hazel Dela Rosa, and
Provincial Tourism Officer Ms. Ma. Josette G. Doctor.

August 5

Provincial Government spearheads batch 2 of the Gender and

Development Information System Users’ Training by Arlyn Tepace

 Through the two-day training, the Municipal GAD Focal Persons and their IT assistants were taught
how to use the Gender and Development Plan and Budget Monitoring System (GADPBMS), a tool
developed by the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) to monitor the programming
and implementation of GAD projects and activities by LGUs, toward strengthening the LGUs’ level
of responsiveness and improve their performance on gender and development.

 The Magna Carta of Women (MCW), a comprehensive women’s human rights law, authorized the
development of a mechanism to ensure that LGUs’ GAD programs, projects and activities are
relevant and appropriate in responding to the gender issues and concerns of the LGUs, with the end
goal of eliminating discrimination against and promoting the fundamental rights of Filipino women.
DILG, as one of the oversight agencies, was mandated by the MCW to review the annual GAD
Plans, Programs and Budgets of LGUs and endorse the said plans for integration to the LGUs’
Annual Budget and Annual Investment Programs.

 Ms. Christine dela Rosa, Provincial Training Officer and GAD Focal Person of DILG Northern
Samar, served as resource speaker. Participants of the training came from the towns of Lapinig,
Gamay, Mapanas, San Vicente, Capul, San Roque, Catarman, Laoang, Las Navas, Catubig, Palapag
and Silvino Lubos.

The PGNS Gender and Development Technical Working Group chaired by Ma. Teresita Gacusan
and vice-chaired by Ms. Amelita Norona, organized the training held at the Ibabao Hall, Capitol on
August 4-5, 2021.

August 6

Composting Facility opens in Palapag by Art Wenso Tan 

 The Municipal Composting Facility of Palapag, Northern Samar was established with the assistance
of the Provincial Government of Northern Samar, and started its operation in January 2021.
The composting facility has been helping the municipality of  Palapag collect and divert compostable
wastes coming from households, to prevent biodegradable or organic wastes from polluting nearby
surface water, land, and air.

The stored materials from the composting facility are processed to produce vermicast. This by-
product can be used to fertilize the soil and improve the production of the local farmers, vegetable
growers and other agricultural workers.

"Sa ngayon meron na kaming binigyan, an amo demo farm. May na kami didto ginhatag na 4 sacks
para sa kanra vegetable production. Kami nag-apply din dito sa aming area, sa ampalaya production",
Palapag's Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office technician Sixto C. Ano said.
The Provincial Government, through the Provincial Government Environment and Natural Resources
Office, assisted the establishment of the facility by allocating a support fund to the municipality of
Palapag amounting to Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000).

Protecting the environment is a priority agenda of Governor Edwin Ongchuan dubbed as Continued
PROGRESS, under Sustainable Eco-Tourism and Environmental Management.

August 12

Creation of Provincial Economic Development and Investment

Promotions Office (PEDIPO) by Jhon Allen Berbon 

The creation of the Provincial Economic Development and Investment Promotions Office (PEDIPO)
is a step to realize the Provincial Government's thrust to build a strong enabling environment for
sustainable local economic development and to encourage local and/or foreign business enterprises
as well as income generating projects that will help improve the financial standing and economic
status of the Province towards the realization of it's vision, " Nortehanon: Marig-on, Mainuswagon,
Ordinance No. 11 Series of 2021 renamed the Provincial Livelihood and Development Office
(PLDO) into Provincial Economic Development and Investment Promotions Office (PEDIPO) and
elevated the same as a separate department with rank and structure equivalent and/or similar to
existing departments of the Provincial Government of Northern Samar.

 The Provincial Economic Development and Investment Promotions Office (PEDIPO) leads the LGU
investment facilitation and promotion activities, establishments of local economic enterprises,
institutionalization of support mechanisms for the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSMEs), business retention and expansion, and other business and economic activities to attract
investments and generate employment.

August 12

Northern Samar receives Excellence Award in DRRM by Nicole


The Province of Northern Samar was recognized for its excellence in Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management during the culminating activity of the National Disaster Resilience Month with the
theme: "Tamang Pamamahala't Kahandaan, Kaalaman at Pagtutulungan sa Sakuna at Pandemya'y
Kalasag ng Bayan" held virtually last August 9, 2021.

Upon assessment and validation by the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council,
the province was found to be “Beyond Compliant”, this means that the Provincial DRRM office of
Northern Samar and its council has exceeded the standards for the establishment and functionality of
the Local DRRM council and Local DRRM office as prescribed under Sections 11 and 12 of
Republic Act 10121.

Meanwhile, the municipalities of Catarman and San Roque, Northern Samar were also recognized as
Fully Compliant LGUs during the said event. The two municipalities received the award for
generally adhering to the standard for the establishment and functionality of the Local DRRM
council and office.

The province of Northern Samar was among the 3 recipients of the said award in Eastern Visayas -
together with the Province of Southern Leyte and the City of Ormoc.
The excellence award served as a proof and fruit of the Provincial Government's resiliency efforts
towards realization of Governor Edwin Ongchuan’s vision for a "Marig-on, Mainuswagon, ngan
Malipayon nga Nortehanon".
August 13

Ika-6 nga Kauswagan Caravan iguin kondukto sa Brgy. Giparayan,
Pambujan, Norte San Samar by Jillian Morales

Maabot noybi-syentos nga pamilya tikang sa upat nga mga interior barangay san bungto san
Pambujan an nagpakakarawat sin magkadurudilain nga produkto ngan serbisyo san gobyerno,
pinaagi san Kauswagan Caravan nga ginkondukto sadto Agosto 12, 2021 sa Brgy. Giparayan, bungto
san Pambujan.

Kaupod san gobyerno probinsyal san Norte san Samar, sa pangunguna ni Gobernador Edwin
Ongchuan ngan san Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office, an magkadurudilain nga
opisina san gobyerno nasyunal, lokal ngan mga pribado nga ahensya para direkta nga umatubang sa
mga residente san mga barangay san Girapayan, San Ramon, Igot ngan Inanahawan.

Makusog nga suporta ngan pagpasalamat an ginhatag san lokal nga pan-gobyernuhan san Pambujan,
kun diin nakadto sira Mayor Felipe Sosing ngan an iya asawa si Ma'am Karol Sosing, mga miyembro
san Sangguniang Bayan ngan mga Kapitanes san Barangay. Nakadto lat an mayor san bungto san
San Roque, nga si Mayor Don Abalon, kaupod an iya asawa nga si Board Member Maria Anna
Avalon, BM Florence Batula, ngan BM Neil Hernandez para magpakita sin pagsuporta sa programa
ni Gobernador Ongchuan.

Nagkayaon sin libre nga pancheck-up, panbakuna kontra COVID ngan panturi an DOH, an PHO
naman nagkamayada libre nga pan-gabot ngan libre liwat nga check-up kon diin nanhatag liwat sira
sin mga medisina ug bitamina.

 Para ma-aghat an mga residente san upat nga barangay para magpabakuna, nagparaffle nga may
cash prize si Gobernador Ongchuan, labi na sa mga priority groups, an mga senior citizens. An
nagdaog nga pinaka-arog nga nagpabakuna, sira Lourdes Atencio, nga may edad nga 82 ngan si
Lucena Galit, 79, pareho taga brgy Giparayan.

Nakaupod sa panhatag mga tsinelas an asawa san gobernador, si Ma'am Bles Ongchuan, asawa san
Mayor san Pambujan, Ma'am Karol Sosing ngan University President san UEP, Dr. Cherry Ultra,
kaupod liwat san panhatag mga tsinelas an panhatag mga uyagan ngan mga bitamina para sa
kabataan ini matikang sa mga kapulisan, Provincial Legal Office, ngan Provincial Governor's Office.
Lain pa sini, nanhatag liwat tresyentos kabug-os nga mga school supplies an opisina san NSPESO.
Nanhatag man liwat an Provincial Veterinary Office sin singkwenta kabug-os nga native nga mga
manok, ngan singkwenta kametros nga polynet green sa kada tagsa nga mga barangay ngan
nanbakuna liwat sira sa mga ayam kontra rabies.

 An Provincial Agriculture Office naman in padayon nga nanhatag sin mga itaranom nga seedlings
ngan vegetable seeds, nagparaffle liwat sira 8 nga napsack sprayer, 22 nga pala ngan 20 nga mga
sprinklers, ngan an PGENRO nanhatag liwat 10 nga hygiene kits ngan 4 nga gardening kits.
An PhilFIDA nanhatag 60 nga mga itaranom nga abaka, ngan an UEP nanhatag liwat sin 500 nga
coffee seedlings, ngan mga kawayan. An Provincial Population Office naghatag impormasyon
mahitungod sa family planning ug nanhatag mga pills ngan contraceptives, samtang an Red Cross
nagkondukta sin libre nga blood typing para sa 100 nga kliyente.
 An PSWDO nanhatag mga family food packs nga may sulod nga 6 ka-kilo nga bugas, 6 nga delata,
6 nga kape, ngan instant noodles. An mga opisina san PEO, PLO, PTourO, PDRRMO, PCCAO,
PEDIPO, naghatag libre nga konsultasyon sa kanra mga tagsa-tagsa nga ginkakaptan nga mga

Nagpa-free manicure ngan pedicure man liwat an TESDA ngan panhatag training ngan assessment
certification, lain pa sini nanhatag man liwat an Philippine Army ngan TESDA sin libre nga arot. An
kasundaluhan ngan an kapulisan san NSPPO padayon nga nagpasamwak mga impormasyon kontra
droga, kriminalidad, ngan terorismo.

 Nakadto liwat an mga representante san BFAR, BFP, DSWD, DepEd, DENR, DOLE,
NORSAMELCO, PSA, PIA, ngan PCA para maghatag san kanra mga serbisyo.
Nagpasalamat an mga kapitanes sa ngatanan nga ahensya san gobyerno nga nagpakadto sa caravan
labi na gud kay para mahiabot sa kanra barangay, kinahanglan sumakay motor para makatabok
tikang sa poblacion tikadto sa nasugad nga barangay.

An Kauswagan Caravan in sayo sa mga primero nga proyekto sa ilarom san administrasyon ni
Gobernador Edwin Ongchuan nga naghahangyo nga maipahirani an mga serbisyo san gobyerno sa
mga tawo labihan na sa mga higrayo na mga lugar para mapauswag an kalidad san kanira kinabuhi.

August 16
LGUs receive support fund from Provincial Government for
establishment of composting facilities by Chloe Galaroza

The Provincial Government of Northern Samar through the Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Office (PGENRO) distributed Support Funds to select LGUs for the Ecological Solid
Waste Management (ESWM) Program Establishment of Composting Facilities in different barangays
within the province.

Five barangays and one municipality were selected as beneficiaries of the support fund; Brgy. San
Nicolas in San Antonio, Brgy. Hinabangan in Mondragon, Brgy. Baybay in Gamay, Brgy. Mabini
and Cahagwayan in Lapinig, and lastly, the Municipality of Lapinig. The handing-over of the
financial assistance was led by Vice-Governor Gary Lavin together with SWM Coordinator, Ms.
Daisy Jazmin. According to Ms. Jazmin, the beneficiaries were identified through a set of criteria
which included a 300 sq. meter of area for a composting facility and garden, two (2) active bio-aide,
and a Barangay Solid Waste Management Action Plan. The selected LGUs were given 100,000 pesos
cash assistance for the establishment of their composting facilities within their barangays or

 The project aims to reduce or divert compostable waste from going to landfills or into final disposal.
Vice Gov. Lavin said in his message that composting facilities are important because local
governments cannot rely solely on sanitary landfills or materials recovery facilities. He also added
that solid waste management is vital for the reason that “tourism cannot co-exist with filthy
 This project is in line with the development agenda of the Provincial Government of Northern
Samar, under the Sustainable Eco-Tourism and Natural Resources Management. Together with other
initiatives, it completes the 8-point agenda of Governor Edwin Ongchuan for Northern Samar’s
continued progress.

August 18

*PRDP-PPMIU meets with ROMAT to conduct operation and

maintenance audit system for PRDP completed projects by Sylma

Philippine Rural Development Project - Provincial Project Management and Implementing Unit
(PRDP-PPMIU) Special Meeting with the Regional Operations and Maintenance Audit Team
(ROMAT) of the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office 08 headed by Engr. Alma Landia,
chairperson of the DA Civil Works and Allied Services.

The meeting’s aim was to conduct an operation and maintenance audit system for the PRDP
completed subproject particularly the Rehabilitation/Improvement of Bantayan-Malobago-Pagsang-
an Farm-to-Market Road in San Roque, Northern Samar.

 Engr. Landia presented the ROMAT headed by Engr. Jecela Demegillo, chief of the DA 08 Planning
Monitoring and Evaluation Division through an order issued by DA Regional Executive Director
Angel Enriquez.

The Audit and Maintenance Audit System (OMAS) aims to ensure the sustainability of completed
infrastructure projects. Its objectives are to improve operation and maintenance schemes
implemented by the LGUs so that better services could be provided to the public, ensure that funding
support for the operation and maintenance of subprojects rated "poor and severe" could be
prioritized, and ensure that public funds are utilized efficiently and effectively.

The 3-day activity included an on-site walk through activity of the completed projects, presentation
of findings and exit conference with ROMAT and Northern Samar PPMIU.
 Northern Samar was among the six provinces which were recipients of the PRDP being financed by
the World Bank and the Government of the Philippines.

Agricultural development is one of the priorities of Governor Edwin Ongchuan through his flagship
program Padayon nga Kauswagan.
August 18
PGNS institutionalizes benefits for Barangay Nutrition Scholars by
Mark Anthony Angue

 Governor Edwin Ongchuan recently approved the ordinance granting benefits to the Barangay
Nutrition Scholars (BNS) of the province.

The SP Ordinance, authored by Board Member Maria Ana G. Avalon, aims to ensure the continuity
of benefits provided to Barangay Nutrition Scholars. It also grants additional incentives to motivate
the BNS to sustain and improve their performance and services.

 Under the ordinance, the BNS will receive from the Province a basic monthly allowance of
PHP350.00 and additional incentive depending on their performance.

 A P700 incentive will be given to BNS with outstanding performance, which means he or she must
have more than 1 year of service and has contributed in reducing the prevalence rate of malnutrition
in their respective area of assignment by 3% or more from the previous year.

Meanwhile those with very satisfactory (VS) performance will receive P500 incentive, and P350 for
satisfactory performance. VS performance means the BNS has at least 1 year of service and has
contributed in reducing the prevalence rate of malnutrition in their respective area of assignment.
While satisfactory performance requires 1 year of service and has contributed in maintaining the
malnutrition prevalence rate per annum in their respective area of assignment.

 Moreover, all registered BNS who are actively and regularly performing their duties will have the
1. PHILHEALTH Insurance Coverage - Registered BNS will be enrolled in the National Health
Insurance program through Point of Care or Sponsorship Scheme for them to receive adequate
personal health services that include in-patient hospital care, emergency and transfer services, and
also other supplementary health benefits.
2. Free Medical Examination in any hospital owned and managed by the Provincial Government.
3. Medical and Dental Benefits - Registered BNS shall be entitled to a fifty percent (50%) discount to
the remaining balance on all charges in any hospitals, and medical and dental facilities owned,
operated, and maintained by the Provincial Government.
4. Free Legal Assistance - Legal representation and consultation services provided by the Provincial
Legal Office for any legal problems encountered in line with the performance of duties and
5. Financial Assistance - Registered Barangay Nutrition Scholars will receive financial assistance of
not less than PHP300.00 from the Provincial Government every December.
6. Loyalty Incentive - Registered BNS who have rendered cumulative service is entitled to a
certificate of recognition and an additional monetary incentive amounting to PHP1,000 for 10 years
of service, PHP2,000 for 20 years of service, PHP3,000 for 30 years of service, and PHP4,000 for 40
years of service.
7. Assistance to BNS-in-Crisis-Situation - A one-time financial assistance of not less than PHP
2,500.00 under the Assistance-to-BNS-in-Crisis-Situation through the Provincial Nutrition Office
shall be made available to qualified Registered BNS provided they fall under any of the following:
a. Burial Assistance - given to next of kin of the deceased BNS as an identified beneficiary in the
BNS master list.
b. Survivorship Assistance - given to the next of kin who is an identified beneficary of the deceased
c. Disability Assistance - given to the registered BNS provided that a letter of request, addressed to
the PHO, was given.
8. Use of Government Facilities - BNSs are allowed to use facilities owned and operated by the
9. BNS Convention - An annual convention of all BNS in the Province, with invited guests and
lecturers, funded by the PGNS.

The above-mentioned benefits are corollaries to the PGNS' commitment to continuously protect and
promote the right to health and nutrition of Nortehanons as well as to improve the social well-being
and welfare of the BNS who are at the forefront of the delivery of government programs at the
grassroots level.

August 19

MSMEs san probinsiya suportado san PGNS sa naglabay na Trade

Fair by Jhon Allen Berbon

Sa pag-selebrar san Made in the Philippines Product Week, gindara san gobyerno probinsyal san
Norte san Samar, pinaagi san bag-o nga tindog nga Provincial Economic Development and
Investment Promotions Office o (PEDIPO) ngan DTI Northern Samar an magkadurudila-in ngan
pinakamag-upay nga mga produkto san probinsya didi sa siyudad san Tacloban para sa "Gawang
Otso" Trade Fair na nagtikang yana, Agosto 19 - 22, 2021.

Ini nga trade fair usa nga baton san epekto san pandemic sa aton mga Micro, Small, ngan Meduim-
Sized Enterprises o MSMEs didi sa Rehiyon 8. An Robinsons North Tacloban, sa bulig san
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Region VIII nagkakamay-ada yana sini nga "Gawang-Otso"
para maipakita an mga produkto sa rehiyon nga ginhimo san mga exhibitors san kada probinsya.

 Dose nga mga Nortehanon an nagpartisipar sini nga Trade fair, mao an mga masunod:
Alice and Vic Food Processing, Northern Samar Indigenous Handicraft and Coco Coir Processor
Association (NSIHCCPA), Maturan Pili Candies, E. Merida's Delicacies, Weng Food Products,
SAMAKABA, DTI-Northern Samar, ARM Farm, Beata Delicacy, L'Vee Treats, ngan Ashton Food

Ginlalauman ni Gobernador Edwin Ongchuan nga pinaagi sini nga katitirok makabulig sa mga
MSMEs nga mapahaluag an abot san kanra produkto ngan sini nga suporta, mapa-uswag an lokal nga
ekonomiya bisan kun mayda pandemya.

August 22

Provincial Government condoles with family of soldier and CAFGU
Active Auxiliary Personnel slain by CPP-NPA Terrorists in San Isidro,
Northern Samar 
(Press Release, August 22)

 Governor Edwin Ongchuan expressed grief over the killing of 3 government forces on August 21,
2021 in San Isidro, Northern Samar. Cpl Jason Avestruz of the Philippine Army died in a combat
operation in Bgy. Palanit while 2 unarmed CAFGU Active Auxiliary Personnel (CAAs) were shot
along the road, vicinity of KM10, Barangay Happy Valley in San Isidro on the same day reportedly
by a group of fully armed CPP-NPA Terrorists. Governor Ongchuan directed the giving of
immediate aid by the Provincial Government to the bereaved family of the fallen soldier and the

"The assistance is a way to recognize the efforts of our people in our pursuit for peace and
develoment especially in conflict areas in the province", Governor Ongchuan stated.
The CAAs, identified as Lito Dauba of Brgy San Juan and Arcito Reyes, resident of Brgy Salvacion,
all of San Isidro, Northern Samar, while riding their motorcycle about to join the Community
Support Program (CSP) Team in conducting community work at Barangay Happy Valley, were shot
to death by an armed group of NPA-terrorists.

The Provincial Government and the Provincial Task Force ELCAC headed by Governor Ongchuan
supports the Community Support Program CSP which aims to address the root causes of insurgency
at the grassroots level.

 Despite the incident, the PTF ELCAC and the Provincial Government will continue to be firm in its
stance against insurgency and terrorism in Northern Samar. The governor believes that it is only by
ending the issue that the province can achieve true progress.

 The PGNS condoles with the family of the killed government allies who died in the service of the

Moreover, it appeals to our misled brethren to stop such senseless killings, return to the fold of law
and benefit from the services of the government.
 Magburubligay para makab-ot an kamurayawan sa probinsya.

 August 24
Gov. Edwin Ongchuan joins Mindanao execs in online Water
Management course by Jhon Allen Berbon

 Northern Samar Governor Edwin Ongchuan joined Mindanao local chief executives in the Water
Management and Conservation online course conducted by Mashav, Israel’s International
Development Agency. He was the only governor from Luzon and Visayas regions who was enrolled
in the program, the rest being from Mindanao.

 According to former Department of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, the program was originally
intended for Mindanao chief executives, as a joint undertaking of the Mindanao Development
Authority (MinDA), Mashav of Israel and the Israeli Embassy in the Philippines. But due to the
request and persistence of Governor Ongchuan, he was taken in as a participant to the course.
The program is a major step to enhance local leaders’ consciousness on the significance of water
conservation and management for sustainable agriculture and economic growth. In Northern Samar,
potable water production is a primary concern among many LGUs as it is also key for irrigation and
farm production, the province’s economy being primarily agricultural.

 Its second session was held during the afternoon of August 24 with lectures from Israeli water
experts. The course, which had a 2-hour weekly session, started on August 17, 2021 and continued
until August 31, September 14 and October 12.

August 24

Awarding of KKDAT Mural Painting Contest winners by Louana


 Governor Edwin Ongchuan and the entire Provincial Government congratulated and awarded the
winners of the Kabataan Kontra Droga at Terorismo (KKDAT) Mural Painting Contest, an initiative
of the Northern Samar Police Provincial Office supported by the Northern Samar Provincial Anti-
Illegal Drug Abuse Council (PADAC) chaired by the Governor last August 24, 2021 at Ibabao Hall
of the Provincial Capitol, Dalakit.

 The activity did not only boost the creativity and talent of the youth in the province, but more
importantly, recognized their role as partners and co-advocates in the government's continuing efforts
against illegal drugs and criminality.

 The awarding of prizes was led by PNP Provincial Director Arnel Apud and SP Committee on Peace
and Security Chair Board Member Fawa Batula representing Governor Edwin Ongchuan, with
PYDO representative and KKDAT NSamar president Louana Mae Sagadal.

August 25
Human Development and Poverty Alleviation Cluster Progress Check
Meeting with Governor Ongchuan by Sylma Lutao

Governor Edwin Ongchuan stressed the importance of having a cluster approach as a strategy for
development. He said this is one way of threshing out issues and concerns of departments in each
cluster in order to set goals to achieve the vision of the Province of Northern Samar. Likewise, he
emphasized that the cluster approach was highly regarded by the Zuellig Foundation.
The human development and poverty alleviation cluster aims to translate the gains of good
governance into prompt and substantial benefits that would empower the poor and marginalized
sectors of the province. It has four sub-clusters, namely: social protection, health and nutrition,
livelihood and employment, and education and youth.

The Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office led the cluster and the Provincial Information
Office sat as vice chair with members Provincial Health Office, Provincial Nutrition Office,
Provincial Population Office, Provincial Livelihood and Development Office, Provincial Youth
Development Office, Provincial Cooperative and Community Affairs Office, Northern Samar Public
Employment Service Office, Management Information System Office, Provincial Accounting Office,
Provincial School Board, Gender and Development and Provincial Planning and Development

The goal of the human development and poverty alleviation cluster is to improve the quality of lives
of the Nortehanons.

August 25
NSamar Local Governance Resource Center opens at newly
inaugurated DILG building by Mark Anthony Angue 

 Catarman, Northern Samar - The best practices on local governance and other knowledge resources
needed for development planning can be accessed by local government units in Northern Samar as
the Department of the Interior and Local Government -Northern Samar Provincial Office (DILG-
NSPO) launches the provincial Local Governance Resource Center (LGRC) last August 25, 2021,
coinciding with the inauguration of the new DILG office building at Brgy. Dalakit, Catarman.

 The LGRC contains a repository of books, knowledge products, exemplary and replicable practices
and audio-visual materials. It can handle public fora, conferences and round-table discussions, and
can also provide technical assistance and training, as well as give referral service to a pool of
coaches, local resource institutions and partners.

Guest speaker and DILG Regional Director Karl Caesar Rimando emphasized that the LGRC is not
only beneficial to LGUs.

“Pwede nating gamitin [ang LGRC bilang] isang merging place kung saan magtutulungan ang
university, ang provincial government, ang DILG at ang lahat ng liga. Lahat po ng capacity
development na gagawin sa Northern Samar pwede niyo pong idaan sa LGRC,” Director Rimando

 RD Rimando also stated that the Local Governance Resource Center will be able to provide both
guide and coordination for sitting and aspiring government officials.

 “Yung galing sa serbisyo na nakikita natin kay Governor Edwin Ongchuan at iba pang elected
officials, pwede po nating idokumento at ilagay po natin sa LGRC upang yung mga kabataan at yung
mga nangangarap maging lider ng ating barangay, munisipyo at lalawigan ay makikita nila na
maraming ginagawang maganda ang ating mga lingkod bayan,” RD Rimando added.
 The Local Governance Resource Center of Northern Samar is located at the Valente P. Bajet Room,
so-named in honor of the late DILG provincial director and assistant regional director who strongly
lobbied for the construction of their office building before his untimely death in October of 2019.

 ‘Informal settler’ no more

 As the opening of the LGRC was held on the same day of the blessing and inauguration of the
DILG-NSPO Building, Provincial Director Danilo Laguitan also thanked, in addition to the late
Director Bajet, Governor Edwin Ongchuan, on behalf of the provincial government, for providing
additional funding to finish the construction of their office. He also thanked the different leagues of
elected government officials in Northern Samar, and their partner local resource institution, the
University of Eastern Philippines, whose president, Dr. Cherry Ultra, was also present during the

 “Naniniwala po ang DILG Team Norte na maraming magagandang mangyayari sa bagong opisina.
Ito ay sumasagisag ng patuloy na pagtataguyod ng mga mahuhusay, matitino at maaasahang serbisyo
sa aming kagawaran,” PD Laguitan said after recalling how they have stayed for decades at their
small office building in Catarman town proper, and for years at the Senior Citizens Building of the
same town.

 Meanwhile, Governor Edwin Ongchuan was inspired by the provincial government’s vision in his
message during the event.

 “I pray that your new office building be Marig-on, Mainuswagon ngan Malipayon, as it houses the
hardworking and dedicated DILG Northern Samar workforce. May this infrastructure upgrade inspire
you more to better the lives of our fellow Nortehanons as you fulfill your mandate of promoting
peace and order, ensuring public safety, and strengthening local government capability of our
LGUs,” Governor Ongchuan

 He also shared his optimism towards the establishment of the LGRC in the province.
“May the LGRC help design and effectively implement the interventions which can be provided by
LGUs and other stakeholders, whether they be from the academe, non-government organizations, the
private sector and civil society organizations. The road to Padayon nga Kauswagan or Continued
Progress in Northern Samar is challenging, but with the intersection and cooperation of various
sectors of society, we will reach our destination,” Governor Ongchuan concluded. 

August 27, 2021

Northern Samar exceeds 100% tax collection efficiency as of Q2 of CY

2021 by Arlyn Tepace

The Province of Northern Samar achieved a collection efficiency rate of 101.55% for real property
taxes as of the second quarter of calendar year 2021, reported by the Bureau of Local Government
Finance Region 8 during the BLGF VIII Third Quarterly Conference held on August 23-24, 2021.
 The actual collection of the provincial government through the Provincial Treasurer’s Office reached
PhP70.4 million, which exceeds the target of PhP69.3 million.
"We are happy that forecasted revenue for 2021 which was not only met, but even surpassed, as early
as this 2nd Quarter. With this we are so certain that the programs and projects under the Annual
Budget of this year will be adequately funded. Thanks to the support and assistance of the Good
Governance Cluster, the Provincial Revenue Group, the Provincial and Municipal Assessors and
Treasurers", provincial treasurer Allan Valenciano said.

 At this rate, the province ranked third among the 6 provinces in the region in terms of real tax
collection efficiency.

 Likewise, the province rated 34% year-on-year growth in local tax collection for the period 2020 to
2021, with PhP53 million pesos revenue collection in the second quarter of year 2020 which
increased to PhP70 million in the second quarter of 2021. It has performed better than Southern
Leyte which has 31% year-on-year growth in the same period, and Leyte which has 8%.

 Governor Edwin Ongchuan congratulates the Finance Team for this achievement! Padayon!

August 27, 2021

*PGNS receives donation from CEMCO by Arlyn Tepace  

The Provincial Government receives a Hundred Thousand Peso donation from the Capitol
Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative (CEMCO) last August 27, 2021

CEMCO made the donation as part of its community development efforts, especially to augment
provincial government resources for its continuing COVID response and recovery initiatives in
Northern Samar where CEMCO members all hail from.

CEMCO, which has been in operation for over 2 decades and has a strong membership of PGNS
employees, has regularly undertaken community outreach programs as part of its social responsibility

Governor Edwin Ongchuan received the check on behalf of the PGNS, handed in by the Chair of the
CEMCO Board of Directors, Engr. Romeo Cardenas, in the presence of the rest of the BOD,
Provincial Accountant and BOD Treasurer Amalia Espinar and CEMCO Manager Onofria de Guia.
 Governor Ongchuan subsequently turned over the donation to Provincial Treasurer Allan
Valenciano for proper accounting and management.
PGNS thanks CEMCO for such a kind gesture!
August 31, 2021
New set of PGNS medical scholars sign contracts by Bily Gian Orbase  
The Provincial Government granted scholarship to the second batch of medical scholars through a
contract-signing ceremony at the Governor’s Conference Room, Provincial Capitol on the 31st of
August 2021.
Five (5) medical students from different towns in the province qualified for the grant after screening
and evaluation by the PGNS Medical Scholarship Board.

 The new medical scholars are:

1.       Julie Ann Mente from Capul, 1st year medical student at Bicol University, Legaspi City
2.   Juneica Midel Eulin from Lavezares, 4th Year at Dr. Remedios T. Romualdez Medical Foundation
(RTRMF), Tacloban
3.   Matt Denvher Leonor from Catubig, 1st year also at Dr. Remedios T. Romualdez Medical
Foundation (RTRMF), Tacloban
4.   Jamaica Salurio from Catarman, 2nd year at Dr. Remedios T. Romualdez Medical Foundation
(RTRMF), Tacloban
5.       Kate Lacuata from Laoang, 1st year at Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU), Valenzuela

Governor Edwin Ongchuan congratulated the scholars for making it through the PGNS MSP Board
screening and evaluation. The program is intended to help deserving medical students from the
province to complete their study and become licensed doctors, as much as help the province produce
more doctors who will serve the community through their assignment in government hospitals in
Northern Samar.

 Atty. Mary Grace Royo, member of the PGNS MSP Board, briefed the grantees of their benefits
under the scholarship and their corresponding obligations such as the need to pass all subjects to be
able to retain the scholarship and the return service obligation.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ninfa Kam, provincial health officer and chair of the MSP Board, encouraged the
scholars to take the heart for public service which is the essence of the program.

 Vice Governor Gary Lavin likewise graced the contract signing, along with Board member Mary
Ann Avalon, author of the PGNS MSP Ordinance and Vice-chair of the PGNS MSP Board;
Provincial Budget Officer Adelwisa Acebuche and PHRMDO Jocelyn Addun, members of the MSP

Following the contract signing, the scholars now become eligible to receive the benefits of the
program amounting to a maximum of P170,000 per semester. 
The program will again reopen next year for the next set of grantees.

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