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Resources for Biblical Study

Edited by
Beverly R. Gaventa

Number 43
Third Edition

Robert E. Van Voorst
Third Edition

Robert E. Van Voorst

Society of Biblical Literature

Third Edition
Robert E. Van Voorst
Copyright © 1990 by Robert E. Van Voorst
Revisions to second edition copyright © 1999 by the Society of Biblical
Literature; Revisions to the third edition copyright © 2001 by the
Society of Biblical Literature.
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by
means of any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted
by the 1976 Copyright Act or in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission
should be addressed in writing to the Rights and Permissions Office, Society of Biblical
Literature, 825 Houston Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30329, USA.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Van Voorst, Robert E.
Building your New Testament Greek vocabulary / by Robert E. Van
Voorst.--3rd ed.
pp. cm. -- (Resources for biblical study).
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-88414-042-3 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Greek language, Biblical--Vocabulary. 2. Bible. N.T.--Language,
style. I. Title. II. Series.

PA863 .V36 2001

08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper.
To My Father
Robert Van Voorst

To the Memory of My Mother

Donna Van Voorst

ÉEn ˜l˙ kard¤& dÒjason tÚn pat°ra sou ka‹ mht°ra:

t‹ éntapod≈seiw aÈto›w kay∆w aÈto‹ so¤;
Preface ..........................................................................................................ix
I. Guide to Using This Book ................................................................. 1
II. Basic Principles of Greek Word Building ....................................... 4
Word Building by Derivation ............................................................... 4
Word Building by Composition ........................................................... 7
Conclusion .......................................................................................... 10
III. New Testament Greek Vocabulary Listed by Frequency
and Cognate ..................................................................................... 12
A. Families with one or more words occurring
400 or more times.......................................................................... 12
B. Families with one or more words occurring
155–399 times ............................................................................... 19
C. Families with one or more words occurring
100–154 times ............................................................................... 25
D. Families with one or more words occurring
50–99 times ................................................................................... 32
E. Families with one or more words occurring
26–49 times ................................................................................... 41
F. Families with one or more words occurring
10–25 times ................................................................................... 51
G. Families with one or more words occurring
5–9 times ....................................................................................... 63
IV. New Testament Greek Vocabulary without Cognate,
Listed by Frequency ........................................................................ 68
A. Words occurring 400 or more times.............................................. 68
B. Words occurring 155–399 times ................................................... 68
C. Words occurring 100–154 times ................................................... 69
D. Words occurring 50–99 times ....................................................... 69

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

E. Words occurring 26–49 times ....................................................... 70

F. Words occurring 10–25 times ....................................................... 71
G. Words occurring 5–9 times ........................................................... 75
V. Proper Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs.......................................... 81
VI. Helps for Verb Analysis .................................................................. 86
A. Principal Parts, Tense Systems and Aspects of the
Regular Verb ................................................................................. 86
B. Elements of Verb Structure for Parsing......................................... 88
C. Principal Parts of Common Verbs, Arranged by Type.................. 89
VII. Helps for Translating aujtov~ and Similar Words......................... 94
VIII. Prepositions ...................................................................................... 96
IX. Conjunctions, Negatives and Adverbs ........................................... 98
X. Numbers ......................................................................................... 100
Index to Parts Two and Three ................................................................ 103

Learning a Greek vocabulary large enough for rapid reading of the New
Testament is a daunting task. While a good knowledge of Greek grammar can
be gained in a year of study, New Testament vocabulary typically demands
much longer attention. This book seeks to aid in this task by enabling the
student to build a vocabulary of New Testament Greek by using the principles
of word formation and by drawing on the cognate relationships of most
New Testament Greek words.
For more than two generations the best tool for learning the Greek
vocabulary of the New Testament has been Bruce M. Metzger’s Lexical
Aids for Students of New Testament Greek.1 This helpful book has been the
standard in its field, and rightly so. Still, Lexical Aids has shortcomings. Using
its lists of 1067 words organized by frequency in the New Testament, the
student sees no cognate relationships between words; most memorization
is rote.2 Metzger does also list 690 words, many in addition to those in the
frequency lists, by cognate. But because this cognate list does not include even
half the words that are in the frequency list, it is unsuitable for comprehensive
vocabulary learning. Moreover, my practice and that of other teachers using
Lexical Aids has been to assign the frequency lists with some thoroughness,
but the cognate list only occasionally. Hence the need for one format
combining frequency and cognate, a format that can enable the student to
memorize Greek vocabulary as easily as possible and in a pedagogically
sound manner.
Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary is organized as follows:
Part One is a guide to using this book and is directed especially to the student.
Part Two is an outline of the basic principles of word building. It should
be studied with some care before the student proceeds to the cognate lists
in Part Three, as a knowledge of the rudiments of word building will make
memorizing vocabulary easier and more effective.
1st ed., 1946; 3d ed., Grand Rapids: Baker, 1998.
Computer software programs for learning biblical Greek vocabulary are also
based on frequency.

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

Each word that appears five or more times in the New Testament appears
once in Part Three or Part Four, in Part Three if it has any cognate(s) that
also appear five or more times in the New Testament, in Part Four if it does
not. The words in Part Three are arranged by cognate families in six sections
according to the frequency of the most recurrent word in each family. Each
word is given a basic English definition based on New Testament usage, and
its frequency in the New Testament is listed. Occasionally a well-known
English derivative is given to aid in memorization.3 The lists in Part Four
of those Greek words appearing five or more times in the New Testament
without common cognates are also divided into six frequency groups. As in
Part Three, basic English definitions and occasional English derivatives are
given, and the frequency of each word is listed.
The two sections listing words occurring five to nine times (III.G. and
IV.G.) can be left aside by those who want to omit learning words of such
low frequency that do not have more common cognates. Also, the frequency
of each word in the cognate lists (Part Three) is noted, so that the teacher can
assign for study any given frequency of Greek words.
The student should alternate between the corresponding sections of Parts
Three and Four until both parts have been completed. As an aid to learning,
each frequency section is divided into groups of about 20 to 30 words, which
seems to be a good number to learn at one sitting.
Part Five gives helps for verb analysis, including lists of the principal
parts of the different types of verb. Part Six lists prepositions, both proper
and improper. Part Seven lists conjunctions and adverbs, and Part Eight lists
number-words. All of these words appear in Parts Three and Four, but they are
presented together again for the benefit of the student.
I have drawn the definitions in Parts Three and Four from the third edition
of A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian
Literature (hereafter BDAG), using the succinct (not the expanded) definitions
and keeping closely to the New Testament usage.4 For counting frequency

Metzger also includes a good number of English derivatives in his lists. However,
many of these words are unfamiliar to most students, even though they are words
that students of Bible and theology should learn (e.g., “hamartiology,” “macarism,”
“thaumaturge”). This use of unfamiliar words violates the pedagogical principle that the
unfamiliar (here Greek words) should be learned via the familiar (their English derivatives).
I have endeavored to restrict the derivatives to more familiar words.
By W. Bauer; revised and edited by F. W. Danker. Chicago and London: University


I have used the Concordance to the Novum Testamentum Graece.5 This

concordance is based on the twenty-sixth edition of the Nestle-Aland Novum
Testamentum Graece,6 the text (but not the textual apparatus) of which is
identical to that of the third edition of the United Bible Societies’ Greek
New Testament.7 In determining cognate relationships, I have used as final
authorities E. Boisacq’s Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque8 and
H. Frisk’s Griechisches etymologisches Wörterbuch.9
I should like to thank here those who helped this project along in various
ways. Professor George Landes of Union Theological Seminary (New York)
encouraged and advised me as I began this book; it is patterned somewhat
upon his Student’s Vocabulary of Biblical Hebrew Listed according to
Frequency and Cognate.10 My secretary at Lycoming College, Sheran Swank,
did a most skillful job of putting the challenging manuscript of the first
edition on disk. My student assistant, Jeremy Owens, compiled the original
index and read the proofs.
Several people wrote me to offer suggestions for improvement, many of
which were incorporated in the second edition. I extend my appreciation
to Eugene Boring of Texas Christian University, Francis Gignac of the
Catholic University of America, and Richard Carlson of Lutheran Theological
Seminary, Gettysburg, for their particularly extensive, careful comments.
My thanks also are extended to Professor Beverly Gaventa of Princeton
Theological Seminary, editor of the SBL’s Resources for Biblical Studies
series, for accepting this book for Scholars Press publication. Her peer-review
committee made several helpful suggestions for the second edition. My
student assistant, Daven Oskvig, helped to compile the new material in the
second edition. For the third edition, Bill Pinches, a doctoral candidate in
New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary, made many corrections
and additions to the word lists in Parts Three and Four, and also contributed

of Chicago Press, 2000. Copyright © 1957, 1979, 2000 by the University of Chicago. All
rights reserved. Used by permission.
Third edition. Berlin: DeGruyter, 1987.
Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelstiftung, 1979.
Stuttgart: United Bible Societies, 1983.
Heidelberg: Winter; Paris: Klincksieck, 1938.
Heidelberg: Winter, 1960.
New York: Scribners, 1961; now published by the Society of Biblical Literature
under the title Building Your Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary.

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

the list in Part Five. I owe him a special expression of gratitude for his
kind, careful work. I also thank Rachel Brownson for reading the proofs
of the third edition, and Western Theological Seminary for providing the
funds for proofreading. While all these have made this a better book, I
alone am responsible for its errors. I would be grateful if those who use
this book would continue to be so kind as to share their suggestions for
improvement with me.
This edition features, in addition to the correction of miscellaneous
mistakes, the following main additions:
• A new section listing proper nouns, adjectives and adverbs that occur
five or more times;
• A new section, “Helps for Translating aÈtÒw and Similar Words”;
• All definitions have been compared to the new edition of the Greek-
English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature,
and revised where necessary.
My special thanks go, as always, to my wife, Mary, and our sons,
Richard and Nicholas, for their constant love and encouragement that make
scholarship a happier task.
The quotation in the dedication is excerpted from Sirach 7:27-28: “With
all your heart honor your father and mother; what can you give back to them
that equals what they have given to you?”

Robert E. Van Voorst

Part One
Guide to Using This Book
In a year’s course of studying Greek grammar, students learn at most
several hundred Greek words, usually as a part of each lesson in their
textbook. But when they come to read the New Testament they find that
this vocabulary is woefully inadequate for reading it with any speed or
confidence. Often they spend more time looking up unknown words in the
lexicon than directly reading the text itself, and they soon get discouraged.
At this point in studying Greek, several hundred other words should be
learned, and the more the better.
Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary is designed to help the
student of New Testament Greek cross that gap by learning all the words that
occur five or more times in the New Testament. Such a vocabulary of New
Testament Greek is sufficient for rapid, confident reading of the text. Part One
is directed especially to the student as a brief guide to using this book to the
fullest advantage in building a large vocabulary of Greek.
This book combines the frequency method of listing vocabulary (based on
the number of times a word occurs in the New Testament) with the cognate
method (based on word families). Cognates are understood here to be words
that are related to each other by their possession of a common element, usually
called a stem or root, and that are therefore related in meaning as well. Words
that are cognate make up a word family. To take an example from English,
the words “believe,” “belief,” “unbelief,” “believable,” “believer,” etc., are
all obviously cognates. They share the root “believ-,” and make up a family
of words. Words in any language do not grow willy-nilly; they are formed
in certain regular patterns, and to know the patterns employed in Greek
word building is greatly to simplify the tedious process of memorizing
New Testament vocabulary. Therefore, the student should carefully study
Part Two, “Basic Principles of Greek Word Building,” before proceeding
to the word lists.
Each cognate group is organized as follows: Each entry in the group has
a Greek word, its English definition, an English derivative where helpful,

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

and a frequency number. The English definition is very basic, and is not at
all intended to be comprehensive; for full definitions and nuance, a lexicon
should be consulted. Where an English derivative is given, it can be used as
an aid to memorizing the particular Greek word from which it comes, but can
also sometimes be used to remember other words in the cognate group as well.
Finally, the frequency number can be noted but need not be remembered.
Each cognate group begins with the most frequent word, which is in bold
type. The group generally proceeds from there in alphabetical order, but not in
a strictly uniform way, because very similar words are kept together for ease
in memorization regardless of their alphabetical order.
The frequency lists in Part Four have the same basic entries as the
frequency and cognate lists in Part Three: the Greek word, its definition, a
derivative where helpful, and the frequency number. The Greek words in
this part are not necessarily without any cognates in the New Testament, but
those cognates that occur do so less than five times. The frequency lists in
Part Four are organized according to the same rates of frequency as the lists
in Part Three, and the student should alternate between the corresponding
sections of Parts Three and Four.
The New Testament contains 1738 words that occur five or more times, all
of which are listed here. (This does not include nouns that are always proper.)
Of these 1738 words, about 78% can be placed with cognates also occurring
five or more times. If the student omits parts III.G. and IV.G., which list most
of the words occurring 5–9 times (those that have not been grouped with more
frequent cognates), the percentage of words remaining listed with cognates
rises to 87%. That the great majority of New Testament Greek vocabulary can
thus be listed and learned together with cognates more than compensates for
the disadvantage of having to consult two sets of lists.
Although each student must find a system for learning vocabulary that
works well for her or him, these suggestions may be helpful:
(1) Begin by studying the words in this book as they are listed in their
word families. Note their relationships to each other as far as these are
evident. Take care to distinguish very similar words, which you will see
in the cognate lists. Use the margins of the pages to make notes about
the words studied.
(2) When learning Greek words, repeat the word aloud several times.
Pronouncing and hearing the words will help in memorizing them. Take care

Guide to Using This Book

to accent the right syllable, and when repeating words keep the accent on this
syllable. Not doing so complicates the task.
(3) In addition to saying the words aloud, write them out several times.
Write and pronounce them together. The more ways that words are impressed
on the memory, the more complete memorization will be.
(4) Note the English derivatives when they are given. The meaning of the
English word will be suggestive of the meaning of the Greek word. Learn the
Greek word by way of the actual English derivative before resorting to other,
nonsensical associations with English words.
(5) Some students find flash cards helpful. While commercially printed
cards are available, it is best to write out one’s own. Keep them in cognate
groups, especially at first. Then they can be rearranged as one goes along so
that more attention is devoted to new and difficult words.
(6) Words that stubbornly resist memorization—which happens to almost
every student, and for no easily discernible reason—can often be learned
by memorizing a short, familiar phrase from the Greek New Testament in
which these words occur.
(7) Using one’s actual knowledge of Greek words and the principles of
word formation, the student can often make an intelligent preliminary guess
about the meaning of unfamiliar words, especially the words of very low
frequency not presented in this book. Such guesses should, of course, be
soon checked against the lexicon.
(8) Constant review is essential to work Greek vocabulary from short-term
memory into long-term memory.

Part Two
Basic Principles of Greek Word Building
The Greek language builds words in rather regular patterns. To know these
patterns is to lighten greatly the chore of memorizing vocabulary, especially
when memorizing cognate words. We will consider here only the most basic
principles of word formation necessary for learning vocabulary. Those who
desire more detail should consult a standard Greek grammar.1 The two most
frequent methods of building words are derivation and composition.

Word Building by Derivation

In derivation suffixes are added to a word stem to form different cognate
words. For example, to the stem basil-, which carries the notion of “rule,
kingship,” is added the nominal suffix -euw to make basileÊw, “king”; the
verbal suffix -euv to make basileÊv, “I rule, am king”; and the adjectival
suffix -ikow to make basilikÒw, “royal.” In the course of this adding of
suffixes the final part of the stem often undergoes various changes. The
rules that govern these changes will not be discussed here, because students
who have had some Greek grammar are already familiar with many of these
changes as they appear in other contexts, and at any rate the stem is almost
always recognizable.
The charts that follow give the typical significance of the most important
suffixes used in building the vocabulary of the Greek New Testament. Some
uses of suffixes will vary from this typical significance, but most adhere to
it. The left-hand column lists the suffixes; suffixes for adjectives are in the

For example, H. W. Smyth, Greek Grammar (revised edition; Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1956) 225–54; or F. Blass and A. Debrunner, A Greek Grammar
of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, ed. R. W. Funk (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1961) 58–68. It is interesting to note that Blass-Debrunner-
Funk’s Greek Grammar can give a full discussion of word formation without any discussion
of roots. The best treatment, and the one relied on here, is by J. H. Moulton and W. F.
Howard, A Grammar of New Testament Greek, vol. 2, Accidence and Word Formation
(Edinburgh: Clark, 1928) 267–410.

Basic Principles of Greek Word Building

nominative case and the masculine gender only, for reasons of space. The
middle column gives the typical significance of each suffix. The right-hand
column gives well-known words from the New Testament as examples of how
particular suffixes join stems to build cognate words.2

A. Nominal Suffixes
Suffix Typical Significance Example from the New Testament
-ow person, thing yeÒw god, God
-thw person, agent kritÆw judge (cf. kr¤nv, I judge)
-thr svtÆr savior (cf. s–zv, I save)
-euw basileÊw king (cf. basileÊv, I am
-tiw activity p¤stiw faith (cf. pisteÊv, I believe)
-siw kr¤siw judging (cf. kr¤nv)
-ia ofikonom¤a management, task (cf.
ofikonom°v, I manage)
-ma result of an activity grãmma letter (cf. grãfv, I write)
-ia abstraction, quality svthr¤a salvation (cf. s–zv)
-sia §kklhs¤a church (cf. §kkal°v, I call
-sunh dikaiosÊnh righteousness (cf.
dikaiÒv, I justify)
-eia basile¤a kingdom, rule (cf.

Although we speak of “building” words from the “stem,” note that these stems
(which some grammarians call “roots”) probably never had any existence apart from the
words in their families. Stems or roots are abstractions from existing words, made for
linguistic purposes. What T. O. Lambdin says about Hebrew roots is applicable to the Greek
language: “The root is a grammatical abstraction from [cognate] words and not vice-versa;
that is, because a root has no existence apart from its incorporation into words, it leads to
a misunderstanding of the nature of language to say that words are derived from the root”
(Introduction to Biblical Hebrew [New York: Scribners, 1971] 18). If this is recognized,
the notion of stems/roots can be used as a valid grammatical construct in studying word
formation and learning the vocabulary of the Greek New Testament.

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

Suffix Typical Significance Example from the New Testament

-othw neÒthw youth, young age (cf. nean¤aw,
young man)
-ion diminution paid¤on infant (cf. pa›w, child)
-idion biblar¤dion little book (cf. b¤blow,
-iskow nean¤skow young man, boy (cf.

B. Adjectival Suffixes
Suffix Typical Significance Example from the New Testament
-iow possession t¤miow honorable (cf. timÆ, honor)
-ikow belonging to pneumatikÒw spiritual (cf. pneËma,
-inow material, type sãrkinow made of flesh, fleshly (cf.
sãrj, flesh)
-eow xrÊseow golden (cf. xrus¤on, gold)
-ow no definite meaning kalÒw good, beautiful
-low beyond a general tuflÒw blind
-(a)now quality or attribute gumnÒw naked
-row nekrÒw dead
-hw, -ew plÆrhw full

C. Adverbial Suffixes
Suffix Typical Significance Example from the New Testament
-vw (by far manner dika¤vw justly, righteously (cf.
the most d¤kaiow, just)
-yen from where §ke›yen from there (cf. §ke›, there)
-ist¤ in what language ÑEllhnist¤ in Greek

Basic Principles of Greek Word Building

D. Verbal Suffixes
Suffix Typical Significance Example from the New Testament
-v state or action êgv I lead
-°v poi°v I make, do
-ãv timãv I honor
-mi par¤sthmi I am present
-ãzv action xrãzv I cry out
-¤zv bapt¤zv I baptize
-eÊv douleÊv I serve (as a slave)
-Òv causation doulÒv I enslave
-Ênv afisxÊnv I make ashamed
-a¤nv leuka¤nv I make white

Word Building by Composition

A compound word is formed by the joining of two or more words. English
does not form compounds as readily as did Hellenistic Greek, in which word
formation through composition was very common.
The great majority of compound words in the New Testament are
compound verbs. Compound verbs have a preposition as their first member
and a verb as the second member. The precise nuance that the preposition adds
to the verb varies, because the meaning of the preposition is often modified
by the verb it joins. In addition to a local force (showing direction), several
prepositions also sometimes strengthen or perfect the force of verbs with
which they are compounded. English has a few examples of this: “eat” is
strengthened in “eat up,” “swallow” in “swallow down,” etc. The student
should be aware, though, that by Hellenistic times some of these perfectives
had lost the force they originally may have had. Failure to recognize this
when it occurs leads to “overtranslating” the verb. For example, one of the
meanings of fil°v is “I kiss,” but the compound verb katafil°v does not
signify an especially intense kiss. Here (as always) usage is determinative,
for which a good lexicon should be consulted. The prepositions most often
used as perfectives are: sun-, kata-, éna-, épo-, and §k-. They are translated
in the chart below with “thoroughly” and have their own example on a
separate line.

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

A. Compound Verbs with Prepositional Prefixes

Prefix Typical Significance Example(s) from the New Testament
éna- (én-) up, again; énaba¤nv I go up, embark
thoroughly énazht°v I search after
énti- (ént-, against, instead of éntil°gv I object to, oppose
épo- (ép-, away from; épost°llv I send away
éf-) thoroughly épÒllumi I destroy
dia- (di-) through, between di°rxomai I go through
efiw- into, in efisãgv I lead into
§k- (§j-) out of, from; §j°rxomai I go out
thoroughly §kzht°v I search out
§n- (§g-, §m-) in, into ¶neimi I am in, am inside
§pi- (§p-, §f-) on, upon §pikal°v I call upon
kata- (kat-, down, against; kataba¤nv I go down, disembark
kay-) thoroughly katesy¤v I eat up, devour
meta- (met-, with, after metano°v I repent (implies change)
para- (par-) beside, near pãreimi I am near
peri- round, about perit°mnv I circumcise (literally
“cut around”)
pro- before (of time pro°rxomai I go before
or place)
pros- to; nearby prosãgv I bring to; I come near
sun- (sug-, with, together; sunãgv I gather together
sul-, sum-) thoroughly sullambãnv I seize, catch
Íper- over, above Íperorãv I overlook, neglect
Ípo- under Ípotãssv I put under, subject

Basic Principles of Greek Word Building

The meaning that prepositional prefixes contribute to verbs can be

illustrated by the many compounds in the New Testament of bãllv, “I
put, place, throw.” épobãllv means “I throw off.” §kbãllv is “I throw
out,” hence “I expel.” §pibãllv means “I lay upon.” katabãllv means “I
throw down,” in the middle voice “I found, lay,” especially used of laying
a foundation. “I put around, clothe” is peribãllv. probãllv is “I put
forward, put out.” The meaning of sumbãllv is not readily apparent; it
is “I converse, consider, meet.” The parts of this compound are hinted at
by BDAG, which suggests that sum + ballv is paralleled by our modern
colloquial expression, “get it all together.” Finally, Íperbãllv is “I go
beyond, surpass, outdo.”

B. Compounds with Adverbial Prefixes

Compound words of all types can be formed by prefixing an adverbial
particle or an independent adverb to a word or stem. The chief adverbial
prefixes used in forming compounds in the New Testament are:
Prefix Typical Significance Example(s) from the New Testament
é- (én-) not, un-, dis- êdikow unjust
(by far épist°v I disbelieve, am unfaithful
the most
eÈ- well, good eÈagg°lion good news, gospel
eÈerget°v I do good
dus- hard, un-, mis- dusent°rion dysentery

C. Compound Nouns and Adjectives

Compound nouns and adjectives are also formed by joining two words,
one of which is usually a noun. As in word building by derivation, changes
often occur in the words joined. In compound nouns and adjectives this
change almost always occurs at or near the point of conjunction. Fortunately
for the student of Greek vocabulary, the two members of the compound are
usually recognizable despite these changes, and we will not look directly at the
separate members here. But for understanding compounds of all sorts, each

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

member of the compound must be understood and taken into account.3

The two members of compound nouns and adjectives can be viewed as
standing in various case relationships with each other. Most obvious is an
accusative case relationship, where one member of the compound receives
the action of the other as its “direct object”:
nomodidãskalow teacher of the law
pantokrãtvr ruler of all, hence “the Almighty”
ofikodespÒthw ruler of a house
érxisunãgvgow ruler of a synagogue
A dative case relationship may also be apparent:
efidvlÒyutow sacrificed to idols
yeod¤daktow taught by God
Many compounds show a nominative case relationship. That is, the members
of the compound stand in a predicate relationship, with the first usually
describing the second:
monogenÆw unique, only, one-of-a-kind
érxiereÊw chief priest, high priest
ceudoprofÆthw false prophet

To sum up this treatment of word building, perhaps it would be helpful to
offer a rather comprehensive example of word building by both derivation and
composition from one root. The root we shall employ is dik, which in its word
family signifies “right, just.” Note how this stem joins the prefixes and suffixes
listed above to form a whole family of words. (Not all word families are as
full and well-formed as this, but this one is highly illustrative of the process.)
Nouns formed by derivation and composition are:
d¤kh punishment, justice
dikastÆw judge
dikaiosÊnh justice, righteousness
dika¤vma righteous deed

In the word lists, compound verbs are listed by the second element, the verb. All
other compounds are generally listed by the first element.

Basic Principles of Greek Word Building

dika¤vsiw justification, acquittal

édik¤a unrighteousness
éd¤khma sin, crime
§kd¤khsiw retribution, punishment
dikaiokris¤a righteous judgment
Adjectives formed from this root greatly resemble the nouns:
d¤kaiow just, righteous
êdikow unjust, unrighteous
ÍpÒdikow responsible to, answerable to
The verbs of this word family are:
dikaiÒv I justify, pronounce righteous
édik°v I wrong, do harm
§kdik°v I avenge, punish
katadikãzv I condemn
Finally, the adverbs are:
dika¤vw justly, righteously
éd¤kvw unjustly, unrighteously

Part Three
New Testament Greek Vocabulary
Listed by Frequency and Cognate
III. A. Families with One or More Words
Occurring 400 or More Times
1. ékoÊv I hear (acoustic) 430
ékoÆ, -∞w, ≤ hearing, ear, report 24
efisakoÊv I listen to 5
ÍpakoÊv I obey 21
ÍpakoÆ, -∞w, ≤ obedience 15
éllã but, rather, yet 638
êllow, -h, -o another, other (alien) 155
éllÆlvn each other, one another 100
éllÒtriow, -¤a, belonging to another, 14
-on strange
éllãssv I change 6
katallãssv I reconcile 6
ênyrvpow, human being, person (anthropology) 551
-ou, ı
ényr≈pinow, -h human 7
aÈtÒw, -Æ, -Ò he, she, it; himself, herself, (automobile) 5601
itself; even, very; same
•autoË, -∞w, -oË himself, herself, itself 321
§jaut∞w at once, immediately 6

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

g¤nomai I am, become, happen 670

parag¤nomai I come, am present 37
gennãv I beget 97
geneã, -çw, ≤ family, generation (genealogy) 43
g°nesiw, -evw, ≤ beginning (genesis) 5
g°now, -ouw, tÒ race, stock (genus) 21
gone›w, -°vn, ofl parents 20
monogenÆw, -°w only, unique 9
suggenÆw, -°w related, akin to 9
2. d¤dvmi I give (cf. dose) 415
d«ron, -ou, tÒ gift (Dorothy) 19
dvreã, -çw, ≤ gift, bounty 11
dvreãn freely 9
épod¤dvmi I give away, give up; 48
I render
éntapod¤dvmi I repay, return 7
§pid¤dvmi I deliver, give away 9
metad¤dvmi I impart, share 5
parad¤dvmi I hand over, hand down, 119
parãdosiw, handing over, tradition 13
-evw, ≤
§g≈1 I (ego) 2666
§mÒw, -Æ, -Òn my, mine (cf. me, my) 76
§mautoË, -∞w myself 37
≤m°terow, -a, -on our 8
efi if 513
e‡te if, whether 65
§ãn if 351
The inflected forms of §g≈—§moË, §mo¤, etc.—are more clearly cognate to the rest
of the words in this group than is §g≈.

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary
efim¤ I am (cf. am) 2461
êpeimi I am absent 7
pãreimi I am present 24
parous¤a, -aw, ≤ presence, coming (parousia) 24
§jous¤a, -aw, ≤ power, authority 102
¶jesti it is permitted, possible 32
ˆntvw really, certainly, in truth 10
¶ni there is (used only after a 6
3. efiw into, in (eisegesis) 1768
¶sv in, inside (esoteric) 9
¶svyen inside, within; 12
from within
§k, before from, out of (exhale) 916
vowels §j
§ktÒw outside (ectoplasm) 8
¶jv outside, out 63
¶jvyen from the outside, outside 13
¶rxomai I come, go 636
ép°rxomai I go away 118
di°rxomai I go through 43
efis°rxomai I enter 194
§j°rxomai I go out, come out 218
§p°rxomai I come, come upon 9
kat°rxomai I come down 16
par°rxomai I go by, (pass.) I pass away 30
pro°rxomai I go forward, go before 9
pros°rxomai I go to, approach 86
sun°rxomai I come with, go with, assemble 30
4. ¶xv I have, hold 711
én°xomai I endure 15

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

ép°xv I receive; I am distant; I abstain 19

•j∞w on the next day 5
§p°xv I hold fast; I aim at 5
kat°xv I hold back, hold fast 18
met°xv I share, participate in 8
m°toxow, -on sharing in 6
par°xv I give, cause 16
pros°xv I pay attention 24
sun°xv I hold fast, oppress, attack 12
Íper°xv I surpass 5
kayej∞w in order, one after the other 5
·na in order that, that 663
flnat¤ why? 6
ka¤ and, also, likewise 9164
kég≈ and I, but I 84
ka¤per although 5
kéke› and there 10
kéke›yen and from there 10
kéke›now, -h, -o and that one, and he 22
kên and if, even if, if only 17
katã (with gen.) down, (catalytic) 476
against; (with acc.)
according to, along
kãtv below, downward 9
kÊriow, -ou, ı master, lord, the Lord (Kyrie) 719
kurieÊv I am lord, I lord it over 7
5. l°gv I say, tell (legend) 2358
lÒgow, -ou, ı word, Word (theology) 330
log¤zomai I reckon, think 41

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary
éntil°gv I object to 11
épolog°omai I defend myself 10
épolog¤a, -aw, ≤ defense, reply (apologetics) 8
dial°gomai I discuss, speak (dialogue) 13
diãlektow, -ou, ≤ language (dialect) 6
dialog¤zomai I consider, reason 16
dialogismÒw, -oË, ı thought, doubt, dispute 14
§kl°gomai I choose, select 22
§klektÒw, -Æ, -Òn chosen, select (eclectic) 22
§klogÆ, -∞w, ≤ election 7
eÈlog°v I bless 42
eÈloghtÒw, -Æ, -Òn blessed, praised 8
eÈlog¤a, -aw, ≤ praise, blessing (eulogy) 16
ımolog°v I confess 26
ımolog¤a, -aw, ≤ confession 6
§jomolog°omai I confess 10
prol°gv I tell beforehand (prologue) 15
sull°gv I collect 8
mÆ not 1043
mhd° and not, but not 56
mhde¤w, -dem¤a, no one, nothing 89
mhk°ti no longer 22
mÆpote that not, lest 25
mÆte and not, neither, nor 34
mÆti (a usually untranslated particle 18
in questions that expect a
negative answer)
6. metã (with gen.) with; 473
(with acc.) after, behind (metaphysics)
metajÊ between 9

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

ı, ≤, tÒ the 19904
˜de, ¥de, tÒde this 10
œde here 61
ırãv I see 449
˜rama, -atow, tÒ (a supernatural) vision (panorama) 12
éÒratow, -on unseen, invisible 5
˜w, ¥, ˜ who, which, what 1365
oÂow, -a, -on of what sort, such as 15
˜sow, -h, -on as great, how great; as 110
far, how far
˜stiw, ¥tiw, ˜ ti who, whoever 148
˜te when 103
˜ti that, because, since 1297
o where, whither 54
˜yen from where 15
oÈ, oÈk, oÈx no, not (utopia) 1613
oÈd° and not, nor; neither, nor 144
oÈde¤w, -em¤a, -°n no one, nothing 234
oÈd°pote never 16
oÈk°ti no more, no longer 47
oÎpv not yet 26
oÎte neither, nor 87
oÈx¤ not 53
§jouyen°v I despise, reject 11
7. otow, aÏth, this 1391
oÏtvw in this manner, thus, so 208
pçw, pçsa, pçn all, every (panorama) 1244
ëpaw, -asa, -an all, every 34

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

pantaxoË everywhere 7
pãntvw certainly 8
pantokrãtvr, the Almighty 10
-ou, ≤
patÆr, father (patristics) 414
patrÒw, ı
patr¤w, -¤dow, ≤ fatherland, hometown (patriot) 8
poi°v I do, make 568
peripo¤hsiw, preserving, possessing 5
-evw, ≤
poihtÆw, -oË, ı doer, maker (poet) 6
xeiropo¤htow, -on made by human hands 6
zƒopoi°v I make alive 11
polÊw, pollÆ, much, many (polygamy) 418
pollãkiw many times, often 18
prÒw (with dat.) near, at; (prosthetic) 699
(with acc.) to, toward
¶mprosyen (adverb) in front, ahead; 48
(prep., with gen.) in
front of, before
sÊ you 2913
seautoË yourself 43
sÒw, sÆ, sÒn your, yours 27
Ím°terow, -a, -on your 11
t¤w, t¤ who? which one? what? 555
tiw, ti anyone, anything; 526
someone, something

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

kayÒti as, because 6

…w as, like, so 504
kay≈w as, just as 182
…saÊtvw likewise 17
…se¤ as, like 21
Àsper (just) as 36
Àste therefore, so that 83

III. B. Families with One or More Words

Occurring 155–399 Times
1. êggelow, -ou, ı angel, messenger (angel) 176
énagg°llv I announce, proclaim 14
épagg°llv I report, proclaim 45
§paggel¤a, -aw, ≤ promise 52
§pagg°llomai I promise 15
eÈaggel¤zomai I preach the Good News (evangelize) 54
eÈagg°lion, the Good News, Gospel (evangelical) 76
-ou, tÒ
katagg°llv I proclaim 18
paragg°llv I command 32
paraggel¤a, -aw, ≤ command 5
ëgiow, -ia, -on holy 233
ègiãzv I make holy, sanctify 28
ègiasmÒw, -oË, ı holiness, sanctification 10
édelfÒw, -oË, ı brother (cf. Philadelphia) 343
édelfÆ, -∞w, ≤ sister 26
èmart¤a, -aw, ≤ sin 173
èmartãnv I sin 43
èmartvlÒw, -Òn sinful 47

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

ên (an untranslatable condi- 167

tional particle)
˜tan whenever, when 123
épokr¤nomai I answer, reply 232
kr¤nv I judge 115
énakr¤nv I question, examine 16
diakr¤nv I differentiate; (mid.) I doubt 19
katakr¤nv I condemn 18
kr¤ma, -atow, tÒ judgment, condemnation (crime) 28
kr¤siw, -evw, ≤ judging, judgment (crisis) 47
kritÆw, -oË, ı judge (critic) 19
ÍpÒkrisiw, -evw, ≤ hypocrisy (hypocrisy) 6
ÍpokritÆw, -oË, ı hypocrite (hypocrite) 18
énupÒkritow, -on genuine, sincere 6
basile¤a, -aw, ≤ kingdom, reign 162
basileËw, -°vw, ı king 115
basileÊv I rule 21
basilikÒw, -Æ, -Òn royal (basilica) 5
2. g∞, g∞w, ≤ earth (geology) 250
gevrgÒw, -oË, ı farmer (George) 19
§p¤geiow earthly 7
gin≈skv I know (cf. know) 222
gnvr¤zv I make known, reveal 25
gn«siw, -evw, ≤ knowledge (gnostic) 29
gnvstÒw, -Æ, -Òn known 15
gn≈mh, -hw, ≤ purpose, opinion 9
énagin≈skv I read 32
égno°v I do not know (agnostic) 22
§pigin≈skv I know, understand 44
§p¤gnvsiw, -evw, ≤ knowledge, understanding 20
progin≈skv I know beforehand (cf. prognosis) 5

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

grãfv I write (graph) 191
grafÆ, -∞w, ≤ writing 51
grãmma, -atow, tÒ letter (of the alphabet), (grammar) 14
grammateÊw, scribe 64
-°vw, ı
§pigrãfv I write on 5
§pigrafÆ, -∞w, ≤ inscription (epigraph) 5
dÒja, -hw, ≤ glory, brightness, splendor (doxology) 166
dojãzv I praise, honor, glorify 61
dok°v I think, believe; I seem (docetism) 63
dÒgma, -atow, tÒ decree; doctrine (dogma) 5
dokimÆ, -∞w, ≤ character 7
dÒkimow, -on approved, genuine 7
édÒkimow, -on worthless 8
dokimãzv I test, examine, approve 22
épodokimãzv I reject 9
eÈdok°v I am pleased with 21
eÈdok¤a, -aw, ≤ goodwill, favor 9
suneudok°v I agree with, approve of 6
3. dÊnamai I can (dynamic) 210
dÊnamiw, -evw, ≤ power, strength (dynamite) 119
dunatÒw, -Æ, -Òn powerful 32
édÊnatow, -on powerless 10
§ndunamÒv I strengthen; (pass.) I 7
become strong
§ke›now, -h, -o that 265
§ke› there, to that place 105
§ke›yen from there 37

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

¶rgon, -ou, tÒ work, deed (ergonomics) 169

§rgãzomai I work, do, accomplish 41
§rgas¤a, -aw, ≤ practice, trade 6
§rgãthw, -ou, ı workman, doer 16
§n°rgeia, -aw, ≤ working, action (energy) 8
§nerg°v I work, produce 21
katarg°v I make ineffective, abolish 27
katergãzomai I achieve, bring about 22
leitourg¤a, -aw, ≤ service (liturgy) 6
leitourgÒw, -oË, ı servant (liturgist) 5
panourg¤a, -aw, ≤ cunning, craftiness, trickery 5
sunerg°v I cooperate (synergy) 5
sunergÒw, -oË, ı helper, fellow-worker 13
4. §sy¤v I eat 158
katesy¤v I eat up, devour 15
sunesy¤v I eat with 5
≤m°ra, -aw, ≤ day 389
sÆmeron today 41
y°lv I wish, will 209
y°lhma, -atow, tÒ will 62
kÒsmow, -ou, ı the world (cosmos) 186
kosm°v I adorn, beautify (cosmetic) 10
lal°v I speak 296
katalal°v I speak against, slander 5
sullal°v I talk with, discuss 6
lambãnv I take, receive 260
énalambãnv I take up 13
épolambãnv I receive 10

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

§pilambãnomai I take hold of, catch 19

katalambãnv I seize, win 15
metalambãnv I receive a share 7
paralambãnv I take, take with 50
proslambãnomai I receive, accept 12
sullambãnv I seize, I conceive 16
Ípolambãnv I receive 5
5. mayhtÆw, -oË, ı learner, disciple (mathematics) 261
manyãnv I learn 25
m°gaw, -ãlh, -a large, great (megaton) 243
megalÊnv I make large, magnify 8
m°n indeed, on the one hand 180
(but often untranslatable)
m°ntoi though, indeed 8
nÒmow, -ou, ı law (antinomian) 195
nom¤zv I think, believe 15
nomikÒw, -Æ, -Òn legal; (as a noun) lawyer 9
énom¤a, -aw, ≤ lawlessness 15
ênomow, -a, -on lawless 10
o‰da I know (idea) 318
fidoÊ see! behold! 200
‡de see, here is 34
e‡dvlon, -ou, tÒ image, idol (idol) 11
efidvlÒyutow, -on offered to an idol 9
efidvlolãtrhw, idolater (idolater) 7
-ou, ı
sune¤dhsiw, -evw, ≤ conscience 30
e‰dow, -ouw, tÒ form, appearance 5

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

6. ˆnoma, -atow, name (pseudonym) 231

Ùnomãzv I name 10
eÈ≈numow, -on2 left (as opposed to right) 9
oÈranÒw, -oË, ı heaven (uranium) 274
oÈrãniow, -on heavenly 9
§pourãniow, -on heavenly 19
pisteÊv I believe (in), trust 243
p¤stiw, -evw, ≤ faith, trust 243
pistÒw, -Æ, -Òn faithful 67
épist°v I disbelieve, am unfaithful 8
épist¤a, -aw, ≤ unfaithfulness, unbelief 11
êpistow, -h, -on faithless, unbelieving 23
ÙligÒpistow, -on of little faith 5
pe¤yv I convince, persuade; I (cf. faith) 52
trust in
épeiy°v I disobey, am disobedient 14
épe¤yeia, -aw, ≤ disobedience, disbelief 7
épeiyÆw, -°w disobedient 6
pneËma, -atow, breath, spirit (pneumonia) 379

pneumatikÒw, spiritual (pneumatic) 26
-Æ, -Òn
pn°v I blow, breathe 7
7. tÒte then 160
pãntote always 41
toioËtow, -aÊth, of such a kind, such as this 57

Literally, “well-named,” a euphemism. The ancient Greeks thought the left hand
to be ill-favored.

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

tosoËtow, -aÊth, so great, so far, so much 20

uflÒw, -oË, ı son 379
ufloyes¤a, -aw, ≤ adoption 5
ÍpÒ (with gen.) by; (with (hypodermic) 220
acc.) under
Ípokãtv under 11
xãriw, -itow, ≤ grace, favor (charity) 156
xa¤rv I rejoice, am glad 74
xarã, -çw, ≤ joy 59
xar¤zomai I give freely, forgive 23
xãrisma, -atow, tÒ a gift (charismatic) 17
xãrin for the sake of 9
eÈxarist°v I give thanks 38
eÈxarist¤a, -aw, ≤ thanksgiving (Eucharist) 15
sugxa¤rv I rejoice with 7

III. C. Families With One or More Words

Occurring 100–154 Times
1. égayÒw, -Æ, -Òn good (Agatha) 102
égayopoi°v I do good 9
égapãv I love 143
égãph, -hw, ≤ love 116
égaphtÒw, -Æ, -Òn beloved, dear 61
a‡rv I lift up; I take away 101
§pa¤rv I lift up, hold up 19

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

afi≈n, -«now, ı age, eternity (eon) 122

afi≈niow, -on eternal 71
ée¤ always 7
élÆyeia, -aw, ≤ truth, truthfulness 109
élhyinÒw, -Æ, -Òn true 28
élhyÆw, -°w true 26
élhy«w truly 18
épost°llv I send away, send out 132
épÒstolow, -ou, ı apostle (apostle) 80
diast°llomai I order 8
§japost°llv I send forth 13
§pistolÆ, -∞w, ≤ letter, epistle (epistle) 24
stolÆ, -∞w, ≤ robe (stole) 9
érxiereÊw, high priest, chief priest 122
-°vw, ı
flereÊw, -°vw, ı priest (hierarchy) 31
flerÒn, -oË, tÒ temple 71
2. éf¤hmi I leave, let go, pardon 146
êfesiw, -°sevw, ≤ pardon, forgiveness 17
sun¤hmi I understand, comprehend 26
sÊnesiw, -evw, ≤ understanding 7
ênesiw, -evw, ≤ rest, relief 5
bãllv I throw, place (ballistic) 122
diãbolow, -ou, ı the devil (diabolical) 37
§kbãllv I throw out, expel 81
§pibãllv I put around, clothe 18
katabolÆ, -∞w, ≤ foundation 11
liyobol°v I stone 7
parabolÆ, -∞w, ≤ parable (parable) 50

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

parembolÆ, -∞w, ≤ camp, army 10

peribãllv I put on, clothe 23
sumbãllv I meet, discuss; (mid.) I help 6
ÍperbolÆ, -∞w, ≤ excess, abundance (hyperbole) 8
Íperbãllv I surpass 5
bl°pv I see, look 133
énabl°pv I look up, gain sight 25
§mbl°pv I look at 12
peribl°pomai I look around 7
de› it is necessary, one must 101
d°omai I ask 22
d°hsiw, -evw, ≤ prayer, entreaty 18
doËlow, -ou, ı slave 124
douleÊv I am a slave, serve 25
doulÒv I enslave 8
doule¤a, -aw, ≤ slavery 5
sÊndoulow, -ou, ı fellow-slave 10
dÊo two (duet) 132
deÊterow, -a, -on second (Deuteronomy) 43
diakÒsioi, -ai, -a two hundred 5
3. §ge¤rv I raise 144
grhgor°v I watch (Gregory) 22
diege¤rv I wake (someone) up 6
zãv I live 140
zvÆ, -∞w, ≤ life 135
z“on, -ou, tÒ living thing; animal (zoo) 23

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

zht°v I seek, look for, ask 117

zÆthma, -atow, tÒ question, issue 5
zÆthsiw, -evw, ≤ investigation 7
§kzht°v I search for 7
§pizht°v I search for, strive for 13
suzht°v I discuss, dispute 10
yãnatow, -ou, ı death (euthanasia) 120
yanatÒv I kill 11
époynπskv I die 111
ynπskv I die 9
ynhtÒw, -Æ, -Òn mortal 6
‡diow, -¤a, -on one’s own 114
fidi≈thw, -ou, ı layman, amateur (idiot) 5
4. ·sthmi I place, set, stand (stand) 154
én¤sthmi I raise, rise, stand up 108
énãstasiw, -evw, resurrection 42

ékatastas¤a, disturbance 5
-aw, ≤
ény¤sthmi I oppose, resist 14
épokay¤sthmi I restore, reestablish 8
or épokayistãnv
éf¤sthmi I go away 14
§n¤sthmi I have come, am present 7
§j¤sthmi I am amazed, astonished 17
¶kstasiw, -evw, ≤ distraction, confusion; (ecstasy) 7
§pistãthw, -ou, ı master 7
§f¤sthmi I stand by, approach, appear 21
kay¤sthmi I set, constitute 21
mey¤sthmi I remove 5
par¤sthmi I am present, stand by 41

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

pro˝sthmi I rule, direct; I care for 8

stãsiw, -evw, ≤ uprising, revolt 9
stÆkv I stand, stand firm 10
sun¤sthmi I present, introduce 16
or sunistãnv
ÍpÒstasiw, -evw, ≤ substantial nature, essence 5
kal°v I call (cf. call) 148
klÆsiw, -evw, ≤ calling, position 11
klhtÒw, -Æ, -Òn called, invited 10
én°gklhtow, -Òn blameless, irreproachable 5
§gkal°v I accuse, charge 7
§kklhs¤a, -aw, ≤ church, congregation (ecclesiastical) 114
§pikal°v I name; (mid.) I call upon 30
parakal°v I invite; I exhort; I comfort 109
parãklhsiw, exhortation, comfort 29
-evw, ≤
parãklhtow, mediator, helper (Paraclete) 5
-ou, ı
proskal°omai I call, invite 29
sugkal°v I call together; 8
(mid.) I summon
5. kalÒw, -Æ, -Òn good (calligraphy) 101
kal«w well, beautifully 37
m°nv I remain, stay (cf. remain) 118
diam°nv I remain 5
§pim°nv I remain, stay 17
prosm°nv I remain with, stay with 7
Ípom°nv I remain, endure 17
ÍpomonÆ -∞w, ≤ patience, endurance 32

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

nËn now (cf. now) 148

nun¤3 now 20
ıdÒw, -oË, ≤ way (exodus) 101
e‡sodow, -ou, ≤ entrance 5
o‰kow, -ou, ı house, dwelling 114
ofik¤a, -aw, ≤ household 94
ofik°v I live, inhabit 9
§noik°v I live in 5
katoik°v I live, dwell in 44
ofikodespÒthw, the master of the house (despot) 12
-ou, ı
ofikonom¤a, -aw, ≤ management; plan (economy) 9
oflkonÒmow, -ou, ı house steward (economist) 10
ofikoum°nh, -hw, ≤ the inhabited world (ecumenical) 15
ofikodom°v I build 40
ofikodomÆ, -∞w, ≤ building, edification; 18
a building
§poikodom°v I build on 7
ÙfyalmÒw, -oË, ı eye (ophthalmologist) 100
§n≈pion before 94
m°tvpon, -ou, tÒ forehead 8
prÒsvpon, -ou, tÒ face 76
6. poreÊomai I go, proceed 154
épor°v I am in doubt 6
efisporeÊomai I go in 18
§kporeÊomai I go out 34
¶mporow, -ou, ı merchant (emporium) 5
diaporeÊomai I go through 5
paraporeÊomai I go by, go through 5

An intensive form of nËn, but with no difference in meaning.

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

profÆthw, prophet (prophet) 144
-ou, ı
profhteÊv I prophesy 28
profhte¤a -aw, ≤ prophecy (prophecy) 19
prÒfasiw, -evw, ≤ pretext, excuse 7
fhm¤ I say 66
blasfhm°v I blaspheme (blaspheme) 34
blasfhm¤a, -aw, ≤ blasphemy (blasphemy) 18
p«w how? 103
p≈w somehow 15
˜pvw (adv.) how; (conj.) that, 53
in order that
pÒyen whence? 29
po›ow, -a, -on of what kind? which? what? 33
ıpo›ow, -¤a, -on of what sort 5
pÒsow, -h, -on how great? how much? 27
how many?
potapÒw, -Æ, -Òn of what sort, of what kind 7
pÒte when? 19
pot° once, formerly 29
p≈pote ever 6
˜pou where, insofar as 84
poË where? 48
7. sãrj, sarkÒw, ≤ flesh (sarcophagus) 147
sarkikÒw, -Æ, -Òn fleshly, in the manner of flesh 7
s–zv I save, deliver 107
svtÆr, -∞row, ı savior, deliverer 24
svthr¤a, -aw, ≤ salvation, deliverance 46
dias–zv I save 8

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

t¤yhmi I put, place (cf. theme) 100

éyet°v I reject 16
énãyema, -atow, tÒ object of a curse (anathema) 6
épot¤yemai I put off, lay aside 9
diayÆkh, -hw, ≤ will, testament, covenant 33
diat¤yhmi I decree, make a will 7
§pit¤yhmi I put upon 39
metat¤yhmi I remove, change 6
parat¤yhmi I place beside, place around 19
perit¤yhmi I put around 8
prÒyesiw, -evw, ≤ presentation; plan 12
prost¤yhmi I add 18
fvnÆ, -∞w, ≤ sound, voice (telephone) 139
fvn°v I call 43
prosfvn°v I call at, address 7
sumfvn°v I agree with (symphony) 6
cuxÆ, -∞w, ≤ soul (psychiatrist) 103
cuxikÒw, -Æ, -Òn unspiritual (psychic) 6

III. D. Families With One or More Words

Occurring 50–99 Times
1. êgv I lead (cf. pedagogical) 67
énãgv I lead up 23
épãgv I lead away 16
efisãgv I lead in 11
§jãgv I lead out 12
katãgv I lead down 9
ıdhg°v I lead, guide 5
ıdhgÒw, -oË, ı leader, guide 5
parãgv I go away, pass by 10
periãgv I lead around, go around 6
proãgv I lead forward, go before 20

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

prosãgv I bring, come near 5

sunãgv I gather together 59
§pisunãgv I gather together, congregate 8
sunagvgÆ, -∞w, ≤ synagogue (synagogue) 56
érxisunãgvgow, head of a synagogue 9
-ou, ı
Ípãgv I go, go away 79
afit°v I ask, ask for 70
afit¤a, -aw, ≤ cause, reason 20
a‡tiow, -¤a, -on responsible, guilty 5
parait°omai I ask for; I refuse 12
éno¤gv I open 77
diano¤gv I open, explain 8
épÒllumi I ruin, destroy 91
ép≈leia, -aw, ≤ destruction 18
2. êrxv I rule, am first; (mid.) I begin (oligarch) 86
érxÆ, -∞w, ≤ beginning; ruler, authority 55
êrxvn, -ontow, ı ruler, lord, authority 37
érxa›ow, -a, -on ancient, old (archaic) 11
xil¤arxow, -ou, ı leader of a thousand soldiers, 22
•katontãrxhw, centurion, captain 16
-ou, ı
•katÒntarxow, centurion, captain 7
-ou, ı
Ípãrxv I exist, am present 60
éparxÆ, -∞w, ≤ first-fruits 9
éspãzomai I greet 59
éspasmÒw, -oË, ı greeting 10

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

énaba¤nv I go up, embark 82
§mba¤nv I go in, embark 16
§piba¤nv I go up, upon 6
kataba¤nv I come down, go down 81
metaba¤nv I go over, move 12
proba¤nv I go on, advance 5
sumba¤nv I happen, come about 8
b∞ma, -atow step, judge’s bench, platform 12
parãbasiw, -evw, ≤ overstepping, transgression 7
parabãthw, -ou, ı transgressor, sinner 5
b°baiow, -a, -on firm, secure, certain 8
bebaiÒv I make firm, establish, confirm 8
b°bhlow, -on profane, godless 5
bapt¤zv I baptize (baptize) 77
bãptisma, baptism (baptism) 19
-atow, tÒ
baptistÆw, -oË, ı baptist, baptizer (Baptist) 12
daimÒnion, demon, evil spirit (demon) 63
-ou, tÒ
daimon¤zomai I am demon-possessed 13
d°xomai I take, receive 56
épekd°xomai I await eagerly 8
épod°xomai I welcome, receive 7
dektÒw, -Æ, -Òn acceptable, welcome 5
prosdokãv I wait for 16
§kd°xomai I expect 6
parad°xomai I receive 6
prosd°xomai I receive, welcome; 14
I wait for
dejiÒw, -ã, -Òn right (as opposed to left) (cf. dexterity) 54
eÈprÒsdektow, -on acceptable, welcome 5

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

didãskv I teach (cf. didactic) 97
didãskalow,-ou, ı teacher 59
didaskal¤a, -aw, ≤ teaching, instruction 21
didaxÆ, -∞w, ≤ teaching 30
3. dikaiosÊnh, righteousness 92
-hw, ≤
d¤kaiow, -a, -on righteous, just 79
dikaiÒv I justify 39
dika¤vma, requirement; righteous deed 10
-atow, tÒ
dika¤vw justly 5
édik°v I do wrong, treat unjustly 28
édik¤a, -aw, ≤ wrongdoing, unrighteousness 25
êdikow, -on unjust 12
ént¤dikow, -ou, ı opponent 5
§kdik°v I avenge someone 6
§kd¤khsiw, -evw, ≤ vengeance, punishment 9
katadikãzv I condemn 5
diÒ therefore, for this reason 53
diÒti because, therefore 23
d≈deka twelve 75
d°ka ten (decade) 24
ßndeka eleven 6
dekat°ssarew fourteen 5
§lp¤w, -¤dow, ≤ hope 53
§lp¤zv I hope, hope for 31
§ntolÆ, -∞w, ≤ commandment, order 67
§nt°llomai I command, order 15

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

énat°llv I rise up 9
énatolÆ, -∞w, ≤ rising, east 11
•ptã seven 88
ßbdomow, -h, -on seventh 9
§rvtãv I ask, request 63
§pervtãv I ask (a question) 56
4. eÈyÊw immediately 51
eÈyÊw, -e›a, -Ê straight 8
eÈy°vw immediately 36
≥dh now, already 61
dÆ indeed, now 5
yevr°v I see, perceive (theory) 58
yeãomai I see, look at (theater) 22
flmãtion, -ou, tÒ garment 60
flmatismÒw, -oË, ı clothing 5
kãyhmai I sit, sit down 91
kay¤zv I sit down, cause to sit down; 46
stay (intrans.)
kay°zomai I sit 7
kakÒw, -Æ, -Òn evil, bad 50
kak¤a, -aw, ≤ wickedness, malice 11
kakÒv I harm, mistreat 6
kak«w wickedly, badly 16
§gkak°v I become weary, lose heart 6

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

karpÒw, -ou, ı fruit 66

karpofor°v I bear fruit 8
êkarpow, -on unfruitful 7
khrÊssv I proclaim, preach 61
kÆrugma, -atow, proclamation, preaching 9

krãzv I cry, call out 56
énakrãzv I cry out 5
l¤yow, -ou, ı stone (lithography) 59
liyãzv I stone (a person) 9
5. loipÒw, -Æ, -Òn remaining, other 55
le¤pv I lack, fall short 6
épole¤pv I leave (behind); I remain 7
§gkatale¤pv I leave behind, forsake 10
katale¤pv I leave behind 24
épolÊv I set free, let go, send away 67
lÊv I loose, set free 42
épolÊtrvsiw, release, redemption 10
-evw, ≤
§klÊomai (pass.) I become weary, 5
give out
katalÊv I destroy, abolish 17
paralÊomai I am disabled 5
paralutikÒw, lame; (as a noun) a paralytic (paralytic) 10
-Æ, -Òn
mçllon more, rather 81
mãlista most of all, especially 12

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

martur°v I bear witness, testify 76
martur¤a, -aw, ≤ testimony 37
martÊrion, -ou, testimony, proof 19

martÊromai I testify, affirm 5
mãrtuw, -turow, ı witness (martyr) 35
diamartÊromai I solemnly declare 15
ceudomartur°v I bear false witness 5
m°sow, -h, -on middle, in the middle (Mesopotamia) 58
mes¤thw, -ou, ı mediator 6
6. paid¤on, -ou, tÒ infant, young child 52
pa›w, paidÒw, ı child (pediatrician) 24
paid¤skh, -hw, ≤ female slave 13
paide¤a, -aw, ≤ upbringing, training 6
paideÊv I bring up, train 13
§mpa¤zv I ridicule, mock 13
p°mpv I send 79
énap°mpv I send up 5
metap°mpomai I send for 9
prop°mpv I accompany 9
peripat°v I go about, walk around 95
pat°v I tread 5
katapat°v I trample under foot 5
p¤nv I drink 73
potÆrion, -ou, tÒ a drink (potable) 31
pot¤zv I give a drink 15
katap¤nv I drink down 7

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

p¤ptv I fall 90
énap¤ptv I lie down, recline 12
§kp¤ptv I fall off, fall from 10
§mp¤ptv I fall in, fall into 7
§pip¤ptv I fall upon 11
parãptvma, transgression, sin 20
-atow, tÒ
prosp¤ptv I fall down before, fall upon 8
pt«ma, -atow, tÒ corpse 7
7. plhrÒv I fill, make full, finish 87
plÆrvma, fullness 17
-atow, tÒ
plÆrhw, -ew full, complete 16
plhyÊnv I increase, multiply 12
pl∞yow, -ouw, tÒ crowd, multitude (plethora) 31
énaplhrÒv I fill up 6
p¤mplhmi I fill, fulfill 24
§mp¤mplhmi I fill, satisfy 5
plo›on, -ou, tÒ boat, ship 68
ploiãrion, -ou, tÒ small ship, boat 5
pl°v I sail 6
ponhrÒw, -ã, -Òn wicked, bad 78
ponhr¤a, -aw, ≤ wickedness, sinfulness 7
poÊw, podÒw, ı foot (podiatrist) 93
ÍpopÒdion, -ou, tÒ footstool 7
proseÊxomai I pray 86
proseuxÆ, -∞w, ≤ prayer 37

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

eÎxomai I pray 7
pËr, purÒw, tÒ fire (pyre) 73
puretÒw, -oË, ı fever 6
purÒomai I burn, am inflamed 6
=∞ma, -atow, tÒ word, saying; thing, matter (cf. rhetoric) 68
parrhs¤a, -aw, ≤ openness, confidence 31
parrhsiãzomai I speak freely, openly 9
shme›on, -ou, tÒ sign (semaphore) 77
shma¤nv I make known, indicate 6
sof¤a, -aw, ≤ wisdom (philosophy) 51
sofÒw, -Æ, -Òn wise 20
spe¤rv I sow 52
sp°rma, -atow, tÒ seed (sperm) 43
spÒrow, -ou, ı seed (spore) 6
8. t°knon, -ou, tÒ child 99
tekn¤on, -ou, tÒ little child 8
t¤ktv I give birth to 18
prvtÒtokow, -on first-born 8
thr°v I keep, observe 70
parathr°v I watch, observe 6
tre›w, tr¤a three (cf. trinity) 67
tr¤w three times 12
tr¤tow, -h, -on third 56
triãkonta thirty 9

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

f°rv I bear, carry (cf. fertile) 66

énaf°rv I bring up, take up 10
épof°rv I carry away 6
diaf°rv I differ, am superior 13
efisf°rv I bring in 8
§kf°rv I carry out, send out 8
plhrofor°v I fill, fulfill 6
prosf°rv I bring to, offer 47
prosforã, -çw, ≤ offering, gift 9
sumf°rv I help, am profitable 15
for°v I bear, wear 6
fÒrow, -ou, ı tribute, tax 5
fort¤on, -ou, tÒ burden, load 6
fob°omai I fear 95
fÒbow, -ou, ı fear (phobia) 47
¶mfobow, -on afraid 5
f«w, fvtÒw, tÒ light (photograph) 73
fvt¤zv I illuminate 11
fvteinÒw, -Æ, -Òn shining, bright 5

III. E. Families With One or More Words

Occurring 26–49 Times
1. égorãzv I buy 30
égorã, -çw, ≤ marketplace 11
ékãyartow, impure, unclean 32
-h, -on
ékayars¤a, -aw, ≤ impurity, immorality 10
kayar¤zv I make clean, purify (cf. catharsis) 31
kayarismÒw, -oË, ı purification 7
kayarÒw, -ã, -Òn clean, pure 27

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

êjiow, -¤a, -on worthy, fit (axiom) 41

éjiÒv I deem worthy 7
éj¤vw worthily 6
épokalÊptv I reveal (apocalyptic) 26
épokãluciw, revelation (apocalypse) 18
-evw, ≤
kalÊptv I cover, hide 8
érn°omai I deny 33
éparn°omai I deny 11
ésyen°v I am weak, sick 33
ésy°neia, -aw, ≤ weakness 24
ésyenÆw, -°w weak, powerless 26
bibl¤on, book, scroll (bibliography) 34
-ou, tÒ
b¤blow, -ou, ≤ book (Bible) 10
boÊlomai I wish, desire (cf. volition) 37
boulÆ, -∞w, ≤ purpose, counsel 12
bouleÊomai I resolve, decide 6
sumboÊlion, plan, purpose 8
-ou, tÒ
2. gam°v I marry (monogamy) 28
gãmow, -ou, ı marriage 16
gam¤zv I give in marriage 7
d°v I bind, tie 43
desmÒw, -oË, ı bond, fetter 18
d°smiow, -ou, ı prisoner 16

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

ÍpÒdhma, sandal 10
-atow, tÒ
de¤knumi4 I point out, show 33
§nde¤knumi I show, demonstrate (indication) 11
§pide¤knumi I show, point out 7
Ípode¤knumi I show, indicate 6
ÍpÒdeigma, example, pattern 6
-atow, tÒ
diakon°v I wait at table, serve 37
diakon¤a, -aw, ≤ service 34
diãkonow, -ou, ı deacon (deacon) 29
and ≤
di≈kv I hasten; I pursue, persecute 45
divgmÒw, -oË, ı persecution 10
§gg¤zv I come near 42
§ggÊw near 31
§le°v I have mercy 29
¶leow, -ouw, tÒ mercy, compassion 27
§lehmosÊnh, alms 13
-hw, ≤
3. §ndÊv I clothe (cf. endue) 27
¶nduma, -atow, tÒ garment, clothing 8
§kdÊv I strip, take off 6
dusmÆ, -∞w, ≤ going down, west 5

This word group is closely related to that of d¤kh, but for pedagogical purposes
it is listed separately.

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

§pe› because, since, for 26

§peidÆ since, because 10
§piyum¤a,-aw, ≤ desire, longing 38
§piyum°v I desire, long for 16
yumÒw, -oË, ı anger, wrath 18
ımoyumadÒn with one mind 11
proyum¤a, -aw, ≤ willingness, goodwill 5
§pistr°fv I turn, turn around, turn back 36
énastr°fv I act, live 9
énastrofÆ, -∞w, ≤ way of life, conduct 13
diastr°fv I make crooked, pervert 7
str°fv I turn, change (catastrophe) 21
épostr°fv I turn away, remove 9
Ípostr°fv I turn back, return 35
¶rhmow, -on empty, deserted; (as a noun (hermit) 48
[≤]) the desert, wilderness
§rhmÒomai (pass.) I am laid waste 5
•toimãzv I prepare 40
ßtoimow, -h, -on prepared 17
§xyrÒw, -ã, -Òn hostile; (as a noun) enemy 32
¶xyra, -aw, ≤ enmity 6
4. ≤g°omai I lead, guide; I think 28
≤gem≈n, -Ònow, ı governor, procurator (hegemony) 20
dihg°omai I tell, relate 8
§jhg°omai I explain, interpret (cf. exegesis) 6

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

yaumãzv I wonder, marvel 43

yaumastÒw, -Æ, -Òn wonderful, marvelous 6
yl›ciw, -evw, ≤ affliction, tribulation 45
yl¤bv I afflict, oppress 10
yus¤a, -aw, ≤ sacrifice, offering 28
yusiastÆrion, altar 23
-ou, tÒ
yÊv I sacrifice 14
yum¤ama, -atow, tÒ incense, incense offering 6
fiãomai I heal 26
fiatrÒw, -oË, ı physician (psychiatrist) 7
fisxurÒw, -ã, -Òn strong, powerful 29
fisxÊw, -Êow, ≤ strength, power 10
fisxÊv I am strong, powerful 28
kauxãomai I boast, glory 37
kaÊxhma, -atow, boast, object of boasting 11

kaÊxhsiw, -evw, ≤ boasting 11
kla¤v I weep, cry 40
klauymÒw, -oË, ı weeping 9
5. krat°v I take hold of, hold fast 47
krãtow, -ouw, tÒ power, rule (cf. democracy) 12
kre¤ttvn, -on better 19
and kre¤ssvn

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

lup°v I grieve; (pass.) I am sad, 26

lÊph, -hw, ≤ grief, sorrow, pain 16
per¤lupow, -on very sad, deeply sorrowed 5
m°row, -ouw, tÒ part 42
mer¤zv I divide, separate 14
diamer¤zv I distribute 11
mer¤w, -¤dow, ≤ part, share 5
metano°v I repent, am converted 34
metãnoia, -aw, ≤ repentance, conversion 22
no°v I perceive, understand (cf. paranoia) 14
katano°v I consider 14
nÒhma, -atow, tÒ thought, mind, design 6
noËw, noÒw, ı understanding, mind 24
nouyet°v I admonish, instruct 8
diãnoia, -aw, ≤ understanding, mind 12
énÒhtow, -on unintelligent, foolish 6
mnhme›on, grave, tomb 40
-ou, tÒ
mn∞ma, -atow, tÒ grave, tomb 8
mne¤a, -aw, ≤ remembrance, memory (amnesia) 7
mnhmoneÊv I remember, mention 21
mimnÆskomai I remember 23
énamimnπskv I remind 6
Ípomimnπskv I remind 7
˜moiow, -a, -on like, similar 45
ımo¤vw likewise, so, similarly 30
ımoiÒv I liken, compare 15
ımo¤vma, -atow, tÒ likeness, form 6

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

6. Ùp¤sv behind, back 35

ˆpisyen from behind 7
ÙrgÆ, -∞w, ≤ anger, indignation 36
Ùrg¤zomai I am angry, indignant 8
Ùfe¤lv I owe 35
Ùfeil°thw, -ou, ı debtor 7
pãsxv I suffer, endure 42
pãyhma, -atow, tÒ suffering (empathy) 16
peirãzv I test, tempt 38
peirasmÒw, -oË, ı test, temptation 21
p°nte five (pentagon) 36
pentÆkonta fifty 5
pentakisx¤lioi five thousand 6
perisseÊv I have an abundance, am rich 39
per¤sseuma, abundance, fullness 5
-atow, tÒ
perissÒw, -Æ, -Òn abundant, superfluous 6
perissÒterow, greater, more 17
-a, -on
perissot°rvw far greater, far more, 12
peritomÆ, -∞w, ≤ circumcision 36
perit°mnv I circumcise 17
planãv I lead astray, deceive 39
plãnh, -hw, ≤ wandering, error, deceit (planet) 10

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

plãnow, -on deceitful; (as a noun) 5

deceiver, impostor
ploÊsiow, rich 28
-¤a, -on
ploËtow, -ou, ı riches (plutocracy) 22
plout°v I am rich, become rich 12
7. prãssv I do, accomplish 39
prçjiw, -evw, ≤ acting, deed (practical) 6
prçgma, -atow, tÒ deed, thing (pragmatic) 11
prÒ (with gen.) before, (prologue) 47
in front of
prÒterow, -a, -on earlier, former (prototype) 11
skandal¤zv I cause to fall (scandalize) 29
skãndalon, -ou, tÒ that which gives offense, (scandal) 15
temptation to sin
skÒtow, -ouw, tÒ darkness 31
skot¤a, -aw, ≤ darkness 16
skot¤zomai I am/become dark 5
staurÒv I crucify 46
staurÒw, -oË, ı cross 27
sustaurÒv I crucify with 5
strati≈thw, soldier 26
-ou, ı
strãteuma, army 8
-atow, tÒ
strateÊomai I serve in the army 7

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

strathgÒw, -oË, ı praetor, captain (strategy) 10

t°low, -ouw, tÒ end 40
tel°v I finish, carry out 28
t°leiow, -a, -on complete, perfect 19
teleiÒv I complete, perfect 23
teleutãv I die 13
§pitel°v I end, complete 10
suntel°v I complete, fulfill 6
sunt°leia, -aw, ≤ completion, close 6
t°ssarew four 30
tessarãkonta forty 15
t°tartow, -h, -on fourth 10
tetrakisx¤lioi four thousand 5
efikosit°ssarew twenty-four 6
8. timÆ, -∞w, ≤ price, value, honor 41
t¤miow, -a, -on valuable, precious 13
timãv I honor (Timothy) 21
étimãzv I dishonor 7
étim¤a, -aw, ≤ dishonor 7
§pitimãv I rebuke, reprove 29
¶ntimow, -on honored, valuable 5
Ípotãssv I subject, subordinate 38
tãssv I place, order 8
tãjiw, -evw, ≤ order (syntax) 9
éntitãssomai I oppose 5
épotãssomai I say farewell, leave 6
diatãssv I order, direct 16
§pitãssv I order 10
§pitagÆ, -∞w, ≤ order 7
prostãssv I order 7

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

fanerÒv I reveal, make known 49

fa¤nv I shine; (mid.) I appear, (phantom) 31
become visible
fanerÒw, -ã, -Òn visible, clear 18
éfan¤zv I make invisible, unrecognizable 5
§mfan¤zv I reveal, make known 10
§pifãneia, -aw, ≤ appearance, appearing (epiphany) 6
feÊgv I flee (fugitive) 29
§kfeÊgv I escape 8
f¤low, -h, -on beloved, loving; (philosophy) 29
(as a noun) friend
fil°v I love, like; I kiss 25
f¤lhma, -atow, tÒ a kiss 7
katafil°v I kiss 6
filadelf¤a, -aw, ≤ love of brother or sister (Philadelphia, PA) 6
9. fron°v I think 26
frÒnimow, -on sensible, thoughtful 14
êfrvn, -on foolish, ignorant 11
eÈfra¤nv I gladden; (pass.) I am glad 14
katafron°v I despise, scorn 9
svfron°v I am of sound mind 6
fulakÆ, -∞w, ≤ watch, guard (prophylactic) 47
fulãssv I watch, guard 31
gazofulake›on, treasure room, treasury 5
-ou, tÒ
fulÆ, -∞w, ≤ tribe, nation (phylum) 31
fÊsiw, -evw, ≤ nature 14
futeÊv I plant 11

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

xre¤a, -aw, ≤ need, necessity 49

xrãomai I use 11
xrπzv I need 5
xr∞ma, -atow, tÒ property, money 6
xrhmat¤zv I reveal; I bear a name 9
xrhstÒw, -Æ, -Òn useful, good 7
xrhstÒthw, goodness, usefulness 10
-htow, ≤
paraxr∞ma immediately 18
xrÒnow, -ou, ı time (chronicle) 54
xron¤zv I take time, delay 5
x≈ra, -aw, ≤ country, land 28
xvr°v I make room, contain 10
xvr¤on, -ou, tÒ place, land, field 10
xvr¤w without, apart from 41
xvr¤zv I divide, separate 13

III. F. Families With One or More Words

Occurring 10–25 Times
1. égalliãv I exult, am glad 11
égall¤asiw, exultation, joy 5
-evw, ≤
émpel≈n, vineyard 23
-«now, ı
êmpelow, -ou, ≤ vine 9
énã (with acc.) up; (with 13
numbers) each, apiece
ênvyen from above, again 13

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

ênv above, upward 9

§pãnv above, over 19
énãgkh, -hw, ≤ necessity, distress 18
énagkãzv I compel 9
énagka›ow, -a, -on necessary 8
énair°v I take away, destroy 24
éfair°v I take away 10
§jair°v I take out; (mid.) I free 8
kayair°v I tear down, destroy 9
a·resiw, -evw, ≤ party, dissension (heresy) 9
énaxvr°v I go away, take refuge 14
per¤xvrow, -on neighboring; (as a noun) 9
ëpaj once 14
§fãpaj once for all 5
érgÊrion, silver (Argentina) 20
-ou, tÒ
êrgurow, -ou, tÒ silver 5
ér°skv I please 17
eÈãrestow, -on pleasing, acceptable 9
2. èrpãzv I seize, steal 14
ërpaj, -agow rapacious; (as a noun) robber 5
éstÆr, -°row, ı star (astronomy) 24
éstrapÆ, -∞w, ≤ lightning 9

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

basan¤zv I torture, torment 12
basanismÒw, torture, tormenting 6
-oË, ı
boãv I call, shout 12
bohy°v I aid, help 8
br«ma, -atow, food 17

br«siw, -evw, ≤ eating, rust, food 11
g°mv I am full 11
gem¤zv I fill 8
gÒnu, -atow, tÒ knee 12
gvn¤a, -aw, ≤ corner (trigonometry) 9
deËte come (on)! 12
deËro come, come here 9
§kkÒptv I cut off, cut down 10
épokÒptv I cut off 6
§gkÒptv I hinder, thwart 5
kÒptv I cut 8
prokÒptv I progress 6
proskÒptv I take offense at 8
prÒskomma, stumbling, offense 6
-atow, tÒ
3. ßktow, -h, -on sixth 14
ßj six (six) 10
•jÆkonta sixty 6

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

§kx°v I pour out 16
§kxÊnnomai I pour out 11
§la¤a, -aw, ≤ olive tree 13
¶laion, -ou, tÒ oil 11
§leÊyerow, -°ra, -on free 23
§leuyer¤a, -aw, ≤ freedom 11
§leuyerÒv I free, set free 7
§nteËyen from here 10
§nyãde here 8
¶painow, -ou, ı praise 11
§pain°v I praise 6
afin°v I praise 8
§paÊrion tomorrow 17
aÎrion tomorrow 14
¶peita then 16
e‰ta then, next 15
§pisk°ptomai I oversee, care for 11
§p¤skopow, -ou, ı overseer, bishop (episcopal) 5
skop°v I look out for, notice (cf. telescope) 6
§pitr°pv I permit 18
§ktr°pomai I turn, turn away 5
§ntr°pv I shame; (mid.) I respect 9
trÒpow, -ou, ı manner, kind 13

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

eÈs°beia, piety, godliness 15
-aw, ≤
s°bomai I worship 10
és°beia, -aw, ≤ ungodliness, impiety 6
ésebÆw, -°w godless, impious 9
4. z∞low, -ou, ı zeal, jealousy (zeal) 16
and z∞low,
-ouw, tÒ
zhlÒv I am zealous, jealous 11
zhlvtÆw, -oË, ı zealot (zealot) 8
zÊmh, -hw, ≤ yeast, leaven (enzyme) 13
êzumow, -on unleavened 9
yãptv I bury 11
tãfow, -ou, ı grave, tomb (epitaph) 7
yem°liow, foundation 15
-ou, ı
yem°lion, -ou, tÒ foundation 11
yemeliÒv I lay a foundation 5
yer¤zv I harvest 21
yerismÒw, -oË, ı harvest 13
yhsaurÒw, treasure (thesaurus) 17
-oË, ı
yhsaur¤zv I store up 8
ka¤v I burn 12
kataka¤v I burn down, consume 12

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

kataisxÊnv I put to shame, dishonor 13
afisxÊnomai I am ashamed 5
afisxÊnh, -hw, ≤ shame 6
§paisxÊnomai I am ashamed 11
katantãv I come to, approach 13
sunantãv I meet, happen 6
Ípantãv I meet, fight, oppose 10
kathgor°v I accuse (cf. categorical) 23
katÆgorow, -ou, ı accuser 5
ke›mai I lie, recline 24
énãkeimai I lie, recline 14
sunanãkeimai I recline with 7
ént¤keimai I am opposed 8
§p¤keimai I lie upon, press upon 7
katãkeimai I lie down 12
koimãomai I sleep, fall asleep, die (cemetery) 18
per¤keimai I lie around; I wear 5
prÒkeimai I lie before, am present 5
5. kenÒw, -Æ, -Òn empty 18
kenÒv I empty 5
klãv I break 14
klãsma, -atow, tÒ fragment 9
klãdow, -ou, ı branch 11
kle¤v I shut, lock 16
kle¤w, -dÒw, ≤ key 6

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

kl°pthw, -ou, ı thief (kleptomaniac) 16
kl°ptv I steal 13
klhronom°v I inherit, acquire 18
klhronom¤a, -aw, ≤ inheritance, possession 14
klhronÒmow, -ou, ı heir 15
kl∞row, -ou, ı lot, share 11
koinvn¤a, -aw, ≤ communion, fellowship, 19
koinvn°v I share, participate 8
koinvnÒw, -oË, companion, partner 10
ı and ≤
koinÒw, -Æ, -Òn communal, common (Koine Greek) 14
koinÒv I make common, defile 14
kopiãv I work 23
kÒpow, -ou, ı trouble, work 18
eÈkop≈terow, -on easier 7
krÊptv I hide 19
kruptÒw, -Æ, -Òn hidden, secret (crypt) 17
kt¤siw, -evw, ≤ creation, creature 19
kt¤zv I create 15
latreÊv I serve (cf. idolater) 21
latre¤a, -aw, ≤ service, worship 5
lÊxnow, -ou, ı lamp 14
luxn¤a, -aw, ≤ lampstand 12

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

6. makroyum¤a, patience, steadfastness 14

-aw, ≤
makroyum°v I wait patiently 10
makrãn far away 10
makrÒyen from far away 14
makrÒw, -ã, -Òn long 5
m°lei it is a care 10
metam°lomai I regret, repent 6
merimnãv I am anxious; I care for 19
m°rimna, -hw, ≤ anxiety, care 6
m°tron, -ou, tÒ measure (metric) 14
metr°v I measure 11
moixeÊv I commit adultery 15
moixal¤w, -¤dow, ≤ adulteress 7
mvrÒw, -ã, -Òn foolish, stupid (moron) 12
mvr¤a, -aw, ≤ foolishness 5
n°ow, -a, -on new, young (neoclassical) 24
nean¤skow, -ou, ı youth, young man 11
nhsteÊv I fast 20
nhste¤a, -aw, ≤ fasting 6
numf¤ow, -ou, ı bridegroom 16
nÊmfh, -hw, ≤ bride (nymph) 8
j°now, -h, -on strange, foreign 14
jen¤zv I entertain; I surprise 10

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

jhra¤nv I dry, dry up 15
jhrÒw, -ã, -Òn dry (xerography) 8
˜rion, -ou, tÒ region 12
ır¤zv I determine, appoint (horizon) 8
proor¤zv I predestine 6
7. palaiÒw, -ã, -Òn old (paleolithic) 19
pãlai long ago, for a long time 7
paÊv I cease (pause) 15
énapaÊv I give rest, refresh 12
énãpausiw, rest, resting place 5
-evw, ≤
katãpausiw, rest, resting place 9
-evw, ≤
peny°v I grieve, mourn 10
p°nyow, -ouw, tÒ grief, mourning 5
p°ran across 23
diaperãv I cross over 6
peteinÒn, bird 14
-oË, tÒ
p°tomai I fly 5
pleonej¤a, greediness, covetousness 10
-aw, ≤
pleonãzv I am/become more; I increase 9
pleonekt°v I take advantage of, outwit 5

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

plhgÆ, -∞w, ≤ blow, wound (plague) 22

§kplÆssomai I am amazed, overwhelmed 13
poimÆn, shepherd 18
-°now, ı
poima¤nv I tend, pasture 11
po¤mnh, -hw, ≤ flock 5
po¤mnion, -ou, tÒ flock 5
pÒlemow, -ou, ı war (polemics) 18
polem°v I make war 7
porne¤a, -aw, ≤ prostitution, unchastity (pornography) 25
porneÊv I practice prostitution, 8
am sexually immoral
pÒrnh, -hw, ≤ prostitute 12
pÒrnow, -ou, ı a sexually immoral person 10
8. pul≈n, -«now, gate, gateway 18
pÊlh, -hw, ≤ gate, door 10
salp¤zv I trumpet 12
sãlpigj, -iggow, ≤ trumpet 11
seismÒw, -oË, ı shaking, earthquake (seismic) 14
se¤v I shake, agitate 5
skeËow, -ouw, tÒ vessel, jar 23
kataskeuãzv I prepare, furnish 11
paraskeuÆ, -∞w, ≤ preparation 6

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

skhnÆ, -∞w, ≤ tent, dwelling, tabernacle (scene) 20

skhnÒv I live, dwell 5
splagxn¤zomai I feel sympathy for 12
splãgxnon, heart; love, sympathy 11
-ou, tÒ
9. spoudÆ, -∞w, ≤ haste; eagerness 12
spoudãzv I hasten; I am eager 11
speÊdv I hasten 6
sfrag¤w, seal 16
-›dow, ≤
sfrag¤zv I seal 15
sx¤zv I split, divide (schizophrenia) 11
sx¤sma, -atow, tÒ split, division (schism) 8
tapeinÒv I make low, humble 14
tapeinÒw, -Æ, -Òn lowly, humble 8
tapeinofrosÊnh, humility 7
-hw, ≤
tax°vw quickly 15
tãxow, -ouw, tÒ speed, quickness 8
taxËw, -e›a, -Ê quick 13
trofÆ, -∞w, ≤ food 16
tr°fv I feed, support 9
tugxãnv I meet, happen 12
§ntugxãnv I appeal to 5
§pitugxãnv I obtain, attain to 5

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

tÊpow, -ou, ı image, copy (type) 15
tÊptv I strike, beat 13
Ígia¤nv I am healthy, sound (cf. hygiene) 12
ÍgiÆw, -°w healthy, sound 12
10. Íster°v I am in need, fail; (pass.) I lack 16
Íst°rhma, -atow, need 9

Ïsterow, -a, -on second, later, finally 12
ÍcÒv I lift up 20
ÍchlÒw, -Æ, -Òn high 11
Ïcistow, -h, -on highest, most exalted 13
Ïcow, -ouw, tÒ height 6
foneÊv I murder, kill 12
fÒnow, -ou, ı murder, killing 9
foneÊw, -°vw, ı murderer 7
xiliãw, -ãdow, ≤ (a group of) a thousand 23
x¤lioi, -ai, -a thousands 8
xortãzv I feed, fill; (pass.) I eat my fill 16
xÒrtow, -ou, ı grass, hay 15
xrusoËw, -∞, golden (chrysanthemum) 18
xrus¤on, -ou, tÒ gold 12
xrusÒw, -oË, ı gold 10

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate

ceÊdomai I lie (pseudonym) 12

ceËdow, -ouw, tÒ lie 10
ceÊsthw, -ou, ı liar 10
ceudoprofÆthw, false prophet (prophet) 11
-ou, ı

III. G. Families With One or More Words

Occurring 5–9 Times
1. ègnÒw, -Æ, -Òn pure, holy 8
ègn¤zv I purify 7
égvn¤zomai I struggle, fight 8
ég≈n, -«now, ı contest, fight (cf. agony) 6
ëlaw, -atow, tÒ salt (halite) 8
èlieÊw, -°vw, ı fisherman 5
éle¤fv I anoint 9
§jale¤fv I wipe away, remove 5
êmvmow, -on unblemished, blameless 8
êmemptow, -on blameless, faultless 5
épãth, -hw, ≤ deception, deceitfulness 7
§japatãv I deceive, cheat 6
bar°v I weigh down, burden (barometer) 6
bãrow, -ouw, tÒ weight, burden 6
barÊw, -e›a, -Ê heavy 6
diar(r)Ægnumi I tear, break 5
or diarÆssv
=Ægnumi I tear, break 7

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

diaskorp¤zv I scatter, disperse 9
skorp¤zv I scatter, distribute 5
skorp¤ow, -ou, ı scorpion (scorpion) 5
diatr¤bv I spend; I stay 9
suntr¤bv I shatter, break 7
§nãntiow, -a, -on against, opposed, hostile 8
§nant¤on before, in the sight of 8
kat°nanti opposite; before 8
ép°nanti opposite, against 5
§pilanyãnomai I forget 8
lanyãnv I am hidden 6
¶riw, -idow, ≤ strife, discord 9
§riye¤a, -aw, ≤ strife; selfishness 7
2. z≈nh, -hw, ≤ belt, girdle (cf. zone) 8
periz≈nnumi I gird about 6
≤d°vw gladly 5
≤donÆ, -∞w, ≤ pleasure, lust (hedonism) 5
yars°v I am courageous, cheerful 7
yarr°v I am confident, courageous 6
yhlãzv I give suck, nurse 5
y∞luj, -eia, -u female; (as a noun) woman 5
katãra, -aw, ≤ curse 6

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate
katarãomai I curse 5
kl¤nh, -hw, ≤ bed, couch (cf. recline) 9
kl¤nv I incline, bow; I decline 7
énakl¤nv I cause to lie down; 6
(pass.) I lie down
katakl¤nv I cause to lie down; 5
(pass.) I lie down
prvtoklis¤a, the place of honor 5
-aw, ≤
kÒkkow, -ou, ı seed, grain 7
kÒkkinow, -h, -on red, scarlet 6
kraugãzv I cry out, shout 9
kraugÆ, -∞w, ≤ cry, shout 6
lampãw, -ãdow, torch, lamp (lamp) 9

lamprÒw, -ã, -Òn bright, shining 9
lãmpv I shine, shine out 7
mastigÒv I whip, scourge 7
mãstij, -igow, ≤ scourging, torment 6
3. meyermhneÊv I translate (cf. hermeneutics) 8
diermhneÊv I explain, translate 6
metasxhmat¤zv I transform 5
eÈsxÆmvn, -on prominent, of high repute 5
Ùkt≈ eight (octopus) 6
ˆgdoow, -h, -on eighth 5

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary
Ùneid¤zv I reproach, insult 9
ÙneidismÒw, -oË, ı reproach, insult 5
ÙjÊw, -e›a, -Ê sharp 8
ˆjow, -ouw, tÒ sour wine, vinegar 6
skiã, -çw, ≤ shade, shadow 7
§piskiãzv I overshadow, cover 5
sklhrÊnv I harden (multiple sclerosis) 6
sklhrÒw, -ã, -Òn hard, difficult 5
stoixe›on, element; heavenly body 7
-ou, tÒ
stoix°v I hold to, follow 5
fye¤rv I destroy, ruin 9
fyartÒw, -Æ, -Òn perishable, corruptible 6
êfyartow, -h, -on imperishable, incorruptible 8
éfyars¤a, -aw, ≤ incorruptibility, immortality 7
diafye¤rv I destroy, ruin 6
diafyorã, -çw, ≤ destruction, corruption 6
fyorã, -çw, ≤ destruction 9
xr¤v I anoint (christen) 5
ént¤xristow, antichrist5 (antichrist) 5
-ou, ı
calmÒw, -oË, ı song of praise, psalm (psalm) 7
cãllv I sing 5

Note that the proper noun XristÒw, “Messiah, Christ,” is also a member of this
word family.

Vocabulary Listed by Frequency and Cognate
”dÆ, -∞w, ≤ song (ode) 7
õdv I sing 5

Part Four
New Testament Greek Vocabulary
without Cognate, Listed by Frequency
IV. A. Words Occurring 400 or More Times
épÒ (with gen.) from, away from (apostasy) 646
gãr for 1042
d° but, and (frequently untranslated) 2801
diã (with gen.) through; (with acc.) (diameter) 668
because of, for the sake of
§n (with dat.) in (cf. in) 2757
§p¤ (with gen.) over, upon; (epigraph) 891
(with dat.) on, in;
(with acc.) on, against
yeÒw, -oË, ı God, god (theology) 1318
oÔn therefore, then 501

IV. B. Words Occurring 155–399 Times

énÆr, -drow, ı man (android) 216
gunÆ, -aikÒw, ≤ woman (gynecologist) 215
¶ynow, -ouw, tÒ nation, the Gentiles (ethnic) 162
eÂw, m¤a, ßn1 one 346
eÍr¤skv I find, discover (heuristic) 176
≥ or, either 344
kard¤a, -aw, ≤ heart (cardiologist) 157
ˆxlow, -ou, ı multitude 175
parã (with gen.) from; (with dat.) at, (parasite) 194
by; (with acc.) by, near

These three gender-forms of “one” are in reality three separate words, as can readily
be seen from their different forms. Each has its own cognates, e.g., oÈde›w, oÈdem¤a,
oÈd°n, respectively. They are shown together here to aid memorization.

Vocabulary Without Cognate, Listed by Frequency

per¤ (with gen.) about, concerning; (perimeter) 333

(with acc.) around, near
pÒliw, -evw, ≤ city (politics) 164
pr«tow, -h, -on first (prototype) 156
t° and 215
xe¤r, xeirÒw, ≤ hand 178

IV. C. Words Occurring 100–154 Times

émÆn so let it be, truly, amen (amen) 130
ßvw until 146
laÒw, -oË, ı people (cf. laity) 142
m°llv I am about to, intend 109
mÒnow, -h, -on only, alone (monotone) 115
nekrÒw, -ã, -Òn dead (necrology) 128
˜low, -h, -on whole, complete (hologram) 110
pãlin again 141
sÊn (with dat.) with (syntax) 128
s«ma, -atow, tÒ body (psychosomatic) 142
Íp°r (with gen.) on behalf of; (hyperactive) 150
(with acc.) above
Àra, -aw, ≤ hour (horoscope) 106

IV. D. Words Occurring 50–99 Times

aÂma, -atow, tÒ blood (hemoglobin) 97
ékolouy°v I follow (acolyte) 90
épokte¤nv I kill 74
êrtow, -ou, ı bread 97
gl«ssa, -hw, ≤ tongue, language (glossolalia) 50
efirÆnh, -hw, ≤ peace (irenic) 92
ßkastow, -h, -on each, every 82
¶sxatow, -h, -on last (eschatology) 52
ßterow, -a, -on other, another, different (heterosexual) 99
¶ti yet, still 93
yãlassa, -hw, ≤ sea 91
yrÒnow, -ou, ı throne (throne) 62
kairÒw, -oË, ı time, right time 86

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

kefalÆ, -∞w, ≤ head (encephalitis) 75

makãriow, -a, -on blessed, happy 50
mÆthr, -trÒw, ≤ mother (maternal) 83
nÊj, nuktÒw, ≤ night (cf . nocturnal) 61
ˆrow, -ouw, tÒ mountain, hill 63
presbÊterow, old; (as a noun) elder (Presbyterian) 66
-a, -on
proskun°v I worship 60
sãbbaton, Sabbath, week (Sabbath) 68
-ou, tÒ
stÒma, -atow, tÒ mouth (stomach) 78
tÒpow, -ou, ı place (topography) 94
tuflÒw, -Æ, -Òn blind 50
Ïdvr, -atow, tÒ water (hydroelectric) 78

IV. E. Words Occurring 26–49 Times

1. égrÒw, -oË, ı field, farm 37
ênemow, -ou, ı wind 31
ëptv I kindle; I touch, hold 39
êra so, then 49
érn¤on, -ou, tÒ sheep, lamb 30
êrti now, just 36
êxri until 49
bastãzv I bear 27
g° (usually untranslatable particle, 28
emphasizing the word it follows)
¶tow, -ouw, tÒ year 49
¥kv I have come, am present 26
¥liow, -ou, ı sun 32
yerapeÊv I care for, heal (therapeutic) 43
yhr¤on, -ou, tÒ animal 46
yugãthr, daughter (cf. daughter) 28
-trÒw, ≤
yÊra, -aw, ≤ door (cf. door) 39
flkanÒw, -Æ, -Òn sufficient, large 39
kainÒw, -Æ, -Òn new 42

Vocabulary Without Cognate, Listed by Frequency

keleÊv I command, urge 26

k≈mh, -hw, ≤ village 27
2. mãxaira, -hw, ≤ sword 29
m°low, -ouw, tÒ member, part 34
mikrÒw, -ã, -Òn small (microbe) 46
mis°v I hate (misanthrope) 40
misyÒw, -oË, ı wages 29
mustÆrion, mystery, secret rites (mystery) 28
-ou, tÒ
na¤ yes, indeed 33
naÒw, -oË, ı temple 45
nikãv I conquer 28
o‰now, -ou, ı wine (cf. wine) 34
Ùl¤gow, -h, -on few, little (oligarchy) 41
ÙmnÊv/ˆmnumi I swear, take an oath 26
oÈa¤ woe, alas 47
oÔw, »tÒw, tÒ ear 37
plÆn but, except 31
prÒbaton, -ou, tÒ sheep 39
ptvxÒw, -Æ, -Òn poor 34
xÆra, -aw, ≤ widow 27

IV. F. Words Occurring 10–25 Times

1. êkanya, -hw, ≤ thorn-plant 14
ékrobust¤a, uncircumcision, the Gentiles 20
-aw, ≤
él°ktvr, cock, rooster 12
-orow, ı
ëlusiw, -evw, ≤ chain 11
ëma together 10
émfÒteroi, both, all 14
-ai, -a
ént¤ (with gen.) in place of, for (antichrist) 22
ériymÒw, -oË, ı number (arithmetic) 18
és°lgeia, -aw, ≤ licentiousness, sensuality 10
éskÒw, -oË, ı wine-skin 12

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

éten¤zv I look intently, gaze 14

aÈlÆ, -∞w, ≤ courtyard, court 12
aÈjãnv I grow, increase 23
éfor¤zv I separate (aphorism) 10
b¤ow, -ou, ı life (biology) 10
brontÆ, -∞w, ≤ thunder (brontosaurus) 12
g°enna, -hw, ≤ Gehenna, hell (gehenna) 12
geÊomai I taste; I come to know 15
gumnÒw, -Æ, -Òn naked (gymnasium) 15
dãkruon -ou, tÒ tear 10
de›pnon, -ou, tÒ dinner, supper 16
d°ndron, -ou, tÒ tree (rhododendron) 25
d°rv I beat 15
despÒthw, -ou, ı lord, master (despot) 10
dhnãrion, -ou, tÒ denarius (denarius) 16
d¤ktuon, -ou, tÒ net 12
dicãv I thirst 16
dÒlow, -ou, ı deceit 11
drãkvn, -ontow, ı dragon (dragon) 13
2. §ãv I permit; I let go, leave alone 11
¶yow, -ouw, tÒ custom, law (ethic) 12
efik≈n -Ònow, ≤ image (icon) 23
•katÒn one hundred 11
§kte¤nv I extend 16
§lãxistow, smallest, least 14
-¤sth, -iston
§l°gxv I expose, convict, convince 17
¶natow, -h, -on ninth 10
ßneken or ßneka (with gen.) because of, 19
for the sake of
§niautÒw, -oË, ı year 14
¶noxow, -on liable, guilty 10
§p¤stamai I know, understand 14
yr¤j, trixÒw, ≤ hair 15
·ppow, -ou, ı horse (hippopotamus) 17
fixyÊw, -Êow, ı fish 20

Vocabulary Without Cognate, Listed by Frequency

kayãper as, just as 13

kayeÊdv I sleep 22
kãlamow, -ou, ı reed 12
kapnÒw, -oË, ı smoke 13
katart¤zv I mend, fit, perfect 13
k°raw, -atow, tÒ horn (triceratops) 11
kerda¤nv I gain 17
koil¤a, -aw, ≤ womb, belly 22
kollãomai I cling to, join 12
kom¤zv I receive 10
krãbattow, mattress, bed 11
-ou, ı
kvlÊv I hinder, forbid 23
kvfÒw, -Æ, -Òn mute, deaf 14
leukÒw, -Æ, -Òn white (leukemia) 25
l˙stÆw, -oË, ı robber 15
l¤an very (much) 12
l¤mnh, -hw, ≤ lake 11
limÒw, -oË, ≤ hunger, famine 12
3. m°xri until 17
mÆn, mhnÒw, ı month (menopause) 18
mÊron, -ou, tÒ ointment, perfume (myrrh) 14
nef°lh, -hw, ≤ cloud 25
nÆpiow, -¤a, -ion infant, minor 15
n¤ptv I wash 17
nÒsow, -ou, ≤ disease, illness 11
jÊlon, -ou, tÒ wood, tree; cross (xylophone) 20
ÙdoÊw, ÙdÒntow, ı tooth (orthodontist) 12
˜rkow, -ou, ı oath 10
ˆfiw, -evw, ı snake, serpent 14
Ùc¤a, -aw, ≤ evening 14
pary°now, -ou, virgin (the Parthenon) 15
≤ and ı
patãssv I strike 10
peinãv I hunger 23
peristerã, -çw, ≤ pigeon, dove 10

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

p°tra, -aw, ≤ rock, stone (Peter) 15

phgÆ, -∞w, ≤ spring, fountain 11
piãzv I seize, catch 12
plhs¤on near 17
poik¤low, -h, -on manifold 10
potamÒw, -oË, ı river, stream (hippopotamus) 17
pra@thw, -htow, ≤ gentleness, humility, 11
pr¤n before 13
proskarter°v I hold fast to 10
prv˝ early (in the morning) 12
punyãnomai I ask 12
pvl°v I sell (monopoly) 22
p«low, -ou, ≤ ass’s foal, young donkey 12
4. =abb¤ rabbi (rabbi) 15
=ãbdow, -ou, ≤ rod, staff 12
=¤za, -hw, ≤ root 17
=Êomai I save 17
saleÊv I shake 15
sigãv I am silent, still 10
s›tow, -ou, ı wheat, grain 14
sivpãv I am silent 10
st°fanow, -ou, ı crown (Stephen) 18
sthr¤zv I establish, strengthen (steroids) 13
suk∞, -∞w, ≤ fig tree 16
sfãzv I slaughter 10
sfÒdra very (much) 11
tãlanton, -ou, tÒ talent (talent) 14
tarãssv I trouble 18
tel≈nhw, -ou, ı tax collector 21
t°raw, -atow, tÒ wonder 16
tolmãv I dare 16
trãpeza, -hw, ≤ table 15
tr°xv I run (cf. trek) 20
Íphr°thw, servant, assistant 20
-ou, ı

Vocabulary Without Cognate, Listed by Frequency

fe¤domai I spare 10
fiãlh, -hw, ≤ bowl (vial) 12
xe¤rvn, -on worse 11
xit≈n, -«now, ı tunic 11
xo›row, -ou, ı swine 12
xvlÒw, -Æ, -Òn lame 14
ΠO! Oh! (O!) 17
»fel°v I help 15

IV. G. Words Occurring 5–9 Times

1. êbussow, -ou, ≤ abyss, underworld (abyss) 9
éganakt°v I am indignant 7
ég°lh, -hw, ≤ herd 7
éetÒw, -oË, ı eagle 5
éÆr, é°row, ı air (air) 7
afigialÒw, -oË, ı shore 6
ékrib«w accurately, carefully 9
êkron, -ou, tÒ high point, limit (acrophobia) 6
êmmow, -ou, ≤ sand 5
énektÒterow, -on more bearable, endurable 5
ényÊpatow, -ou, ı proconsul 5
èplÒthw, -htow, ≤ sincerity 8
épodhm°v I journey 6
époyÆkh, -hw, ≤ storehouse, barn (apothecary) 6
époster°v I steal 6
épvy°omai I repudiate 6
érgÒw, -Æ, -Òn idle 8
éretÆ, -∞w, ≤ virtue 5
érk°v I am enough, suffice 8
êrrvstow, -on sick 5
êrshn, -enow, ı male 9
ésÊnetow, -on foolish (cf. asinine) 5
ésfalÆw, -°w safe, firm 5
éformÆ, -∞w, ≤ occasion, opportunity 7
bãyow, -ouw, tÒ depth (bath) 8
bãrbarow, -on strange, foreign (barbarian) 6

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

bãtow, -ou, ≤ thornbush 5

bd°lugma, -atow, abomination 6

2. bÒskv I tend, feed 9
boËw, -Òw, ı ox; (fem.) cow (cf. bovine) 8
braxÊw, -e›a, -Ê short, little 7
br°fow, -ouw, tÒ baby 8
br°xv I send rain 7
brugmÒw, -oË, ı gnashing 7
bÊssinow, -h, -on made of fine linen 5
gãla, -aktow, tÒ milk (galaxy) 5
gastÆr, -trÒw, ≤ belly, womb (gastric) 9
goggÊzv I murmur 8
dãktulow, -ou, ı finger (pterodactyl) 8
dapanãv I spend freely 5
dhlÒv I make clear 7
d¤w twice (cf. di-) 6
dokÒw, -oË, ≤ beam 6
dr°panon, sickle 8
-ou, tÒ
d«ma, -atow, tÒ roof, housetop (dome) 7
§gkentr¤zv I graft 6
efikª in vain 6
§kmãssv I wipe 5
§laÊnv I drive, row 5
ßlkv I draw 8
§mbrimãomai I warn; I am deeply moved 5
§mptÊv I spit on (or) at 6
§ja¤fnhw suddenly, unexpectedly 5
¶peimi I come after 5
§pieikÆw, -°w gentle 5
§pipoy°v I desire 9
§pixorhg°v I provide, give, support 5
§raunãv I search, examine 6
§syÆw, -∞tow, ≤ clothing 8
eÔ well (eulogy) 6

Vocabulary Without Cognate, Listed by Frequency

eÈnoËxow, -ou, ı eunuch (eunuch) 8

¶xidna, -hw, ≤ viper 5
3. zhmiÒomai I forfeit 6
zizãnion, -ou, tÒ weed 8
zÒfow, -ou, ı darkness 5
zugÒw, -oË, ı yoke 6
≤lik¤a, -aw, ≤ age, stature 8
¥misuw, -eia, -u half (hemisphere) 5
≤suxãzv I am quiet 5
ye›on, -ou, tÒ sulphur 7
yerma¤nomai I warm myself (cf. thermometer) 6
yÒrubow, -ou, ı noise, turmoil 7
y≈raj, -akow, ı breastplate (thorax) 5
‡sow, -h, -on equal (isometrics) 8
kãmhlow, -ou, ı camel (camel) 6
kãrfow, -ouw, tÒ speck, chip 6
katap°tasma, curtain 6
-atow, tÒ
kathx°v I teach (catechize) 8
k∞pow, -ou, ı garden 5
kibvtÒw, -oË, ≤ ark 6
k¤ndunow, -ou, ı danger 9
kin°v I move (kinetic) 8
kolaf¤zv I strike 5
kÒlpow, -ou, ı breast, chest 6
koniortÒw, -oË, ı dust 5
4. korãsion, -ou, tÒ little girl 8
kÒfinow, -ou, ı basket (coffin) 6
krãspedon, -ou, tÒ hem, tassel 5
kremãnnumi I hang 7
kroÊv I knock 9
ktãomai I acquire 7
kÊklƒ (all) around (cycle) 8
kËma, -atow, tÒ wave 5
kÊvn, -nÒw, ı dog (cynic) 5

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

leprÒw, -ã, -Òn leprous (leper) 9

l°vn, -ontow, ı lion (lion) 9
lhnÒw, -oË, ≤ wine-press 5
loÊv I wash, bathe 5
lÊkow, -ou, ı wolf 6
mãgow, -ou, ı Magus; magician (magic) 6
ma¤nomai I am mad (cf. mania) 5
margar¤thw, -ou, ı pearl (Margaret) 9
mãtaiow, -a¤a, idle, useless 6
meyÊv I am drunk (methyl alcohol) 7
m°law, -aina, -an black (melancholy) 6
mestÒw, -Æ, -Òn full 9
mia¤nv I defile 5
mimhtÆw, -oË, ı imitator (cf. mime) 6
mnç, mnçw, ≤ mina 9
mÒliw with difficulty, scarcely 6
mÒsxow, -ou, ı calf 6
mËyow, -ou, ı tale, myth (myth) 5
muriãw, -ãdow, ≤ ten thousand, myriad (myriad) 8
5. n∞sow, -ou, ≤ island 9
nÆfv I am sober, self-controlled 6
nÒtow, -ou, ı south, south wind 7
ÙyÒnion, -ou, tÒ linen cloth 5
ofiktirmÒw, -oË, ı mercy 5
ˆnar, tÒ dream (only in nom. and acc.) 5
ˆnow, -ou, ı/≤ donkey 5
˜plon, -ou, tÒ weapon 6
ırmãv I set out, rush 5
˜siow, -¤a, -on devout, holy 8
ÙsmÆ, -∞w, ≤ odor 6
ÙsfËw, -Êow, ≤ waist, loins 8
oÈrã, -çw, ≤ tail 5
Ùcãrion, -ou, tÒ fish 5
pag¤w, -¤dow, ≤ trap 5
pa¤v I strike, wound 5

Vocabulary Without Cognate, Listed by Frequency

parakÊptv I bend over 5

paroim¤a, -aw, ≤ proverb, figure 5
penyerã, -çw, ≤ mother-in-law 6
pepo¤yhsiw, confidence 6
-evw, ≤
phlÒw, -oË, ı clay, mud 6
pÆra, -aw, ≤ bag 6
p¤naj, -akow, ≤ dish 5
piprãskv I sell 9
plate›a, -aw, ≤ street (place) 9
pleurã, -çw, ≤ side (pleurisy) 5
prait≈rion, -ou, praetorium 8

pr°pv I am fitting 7
6. pta¤v I stumble 5
pt°ruj, -ugow, ≤ wing (pterodactyl) 5
pvrÒv I harden 5
=¤ptv I throw down 7
=omfa¤a, -aw, ≤ sword 7
saprÒw, -ã, -Òn rotten 8
sb°nnumi I extinguish 8
selÆnh, -hw, ≤ moon 9
sidhroËw, -ç, -oËn iron 5
s¤napi, -evw, tÒ mustard 5
sind≈n, Ònow, ≤ linen cloth, tunic, shirt 6
spe›ra, -hw, ≤ cohort 7
spÆlaion, -ou, tÒ cave, den (cf. spelunker) 6
spur¤w, -¤dow, ≤ basket 5
stãdion, -ou, tÒ stade, 192 meters (stadium) 7
stãxuw, -uow, ı head, ear (of grain) 5
ste›ra, -aw, ≤ barren (cf. sterile) 5
stenãzv I sigh, groan 6
st∞yow, -ouw, tÒ chest, breast (stethoscope) 5
strvnnÊv I spread 6
sumbibãzv I unite; I conclude 7
sumpn¤gv I crowd out, choke out 5

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

sÊrv I draw 5
te›xow, -ouw, tÒ (city) wall 9
trãxhlow, -ou, ı neck, throat (trachea) 7
trÒmow, -ou, ı trembling (tremor) 5
tr≈gv I eat (audibly) 6
7. Íbr¤zv I treat arrogantly, insult (cf. hubris) 5
ÍetÒw, -oË, ı rain (cf. wet) 5
ÍperÆfanow, -on arrogant, haughty 5
Ïpnow, -ou, ı sleep (hypnotism) 6
faËlow, -h, -on worthless, evil 6
fyãnv I arrive; I precede 7
fyÒnow, -ou, ı envy 9
fimÒv I muzzle; 7
(pass.) I am silenced
flÒj, flogÒw, ≤ flame 7
fr°ar, -atow, tÒ a well 7
fÊllon, -ou, tÒ leaf (chlorophyll) 6
fÊrama, -atow, tÒ dough 5
fusiÒv I puff up, make proud 7
xalãv I let down 7
xalkÒw, -oË, ı brass, bronze, money 5
xãragma, -atow, tÒ mark, stamp (cf. character) 8
xe›low, -ouw, tÒ lip 7
xeim≈n, -«now, ı winter, stormy weather 6
…sannã hosanna! 6

Part Five
Proper Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs
Listed below in alphabetical order are the proper words that occur five or
more times in the New Testament. For most words, the student can rather
easily move from the Greek to the English with a minimum of study.

ÉAar≈n, indecl., ı Aaron 5

ÉAbraãm, indecl., ı Abraham 73
ÉAgr¤ppaw, -a, ı Agrippa 11
ÉAdãm, indecl., ı Adam 9
AfigÊptiow, -›a, -ion Egyptian 5
A‡guptow, -ou, ≤ Egypt 25
ÉAkÊlaw, acc. -an, ı Aquila 6
ÉAl°jandrow, -ou, ı Alexander 6
ÑAlfa›ow, -ou, ı Alphaeus 5
ÉAnan¤aw, -ou, ı Ananias 11
ÉAndr°aw, -ou, ı Andrew 13
ÉAntiÒxeia, -aw, ≤ Antioch 18
ÉApoll«w, -«, ı Apollos 10
ÉAr¤starxow, -ou, ı Aristarchus 5
ÖArtemiw, -idow, ≤ Artemis 5
ÉAs¤a, -aw, ≤ Asia 18
ÉAxa˝a, -aw, ≤ Achaia 10
Babul≈n, -«now, ≤ Babylon 12
Barabbçw,-ç, ı Barabbas 11
Barnabçw, -ç, ı Barnabas 28
BeelzeboÊl, indecl., ı Beelzebub 7
Bhyan¤a, -aw, ≤ Bethany 12
Bhyl°em, indecl., ≤ Bethlehem 8
BhysaÛdã, indecl., ≤ Bethsaida 7
GãÛow, -ou, ı Gaius 5

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

Galila¤a, -aw, ≤ Galilee 61

Galila›ow, -a, -on Galilean 11
DamaskÒw, -oË, ≤ Damascus 15
Dau¤d, indecl., ı David 59
ÑEbraÛst¤ in Hebrew or Aramaic 7
ÉElisãbet, indecl., ≤ Elizabeth 9
ÜEllhn, -hnow, ı a Greek 25
ÉEf°siow, -¤a, -ion Ephesian 5
ÖEfesow, -ou, ı Ephesus 16
Zaxar¤aw, -ou, ı Zechariah 11
Zebeda¤ow, -ou, ı Zebedee 12
ÉHl¤aw, -ou, ı Elijah 29
ÑHr–dhw, -ou, ı Herod 43
ÑHrƒdiãw, -ãdow, ≤ Herodias 6
ÉHsa˝aw, -ou, ı Isaiah 22
Yessalon¤kh, -hw, ≤ Thessalonica 5
Yvmçw, -ç, ı Thomas 11
ÉIak≈b, indecl., ı Jacob 27
ÉIãkvbow, -ou, ı James 42
ÉIãsvn, -onow, ı Jason 5
ÉIerix≈, indecl., ≤ Jericho 7
ÑIerosÒluma, indecl., tã / ≤ Jerusalem 62
ÉIerousalÆm, indecl., ≤ Jerusalem 77
ÉIessa¤, indecl., ı Jesse 5
ÉIhsoËw, -oË, ı Jesus, Joshua 919
ÉIkÒnion, -ou, tÒ Iconium 6
ÉIÒpph, -hw, ≤ Joppa 10
ÉIordãnhw, -ou, ı Jordan 15
ÉIouda¤a, -aw, ≤ Judea 44
ÉIouda›ow, -a›a, -a›on Judean, Jewish 195
ÉIoÊdaw, -a, ı Judah, Judas, Jude 45
ÉIsaãk, indecl., ı Isaac 20
ÉIskari≈thw, -ou, ı Iscariot 8
ÉIsraÆl, indecl., ı Israel 68

Proper Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

ÉIsrahl¤thw, -ou, ı an Israelite 9

ÉIvãnnhw, -ou, ı John 135
ÉIvnçw, -ç, ı Jonah 9
ÉIvsÆf, indecl., ı Joseph 35
KaÛãfaw, -a, ı Caiaphas 9
Ka›sar, -arow, ı emperor, Caesar 29
Kaisãreia, -aw, ≤ Caesarea 17
KafarnaoÊm, indecl., ≤ Capernaum 16
Khfçw, -ç, ı Cephas 9
Kilik¤a, -aw, ≤ Cilicia 8
KÒrinyow, -ou, ≤ Corinth 6
KornÆliow, -ou, ı Cornelius 8
KrÆth, -hw, ≤ Crete 5
KÊprow, -ou, ≤ Cyprus 5
KurÆnaiow, -ou, ı a Cyrenian 6
Lãzarow, -ou, ı Lazarus 15
Laod¤keia, -aw, ≤ Laodicea 6
Leu¤w, Leu¤, ı / Leu¤, indecl., ı Levi 6
LÊstra, ≤ / tã Lystra 6
MagdalhnÆ, -∞w, ≤ Magdalene, woman from Magdala 12
Mayya›ow, -ou, ı Matthew 5
Makedon¤a, -aw, ≤ Macedonia 22
Maked≈n -Ònow, ı a Macedonian 5
Mãrya, -aw, ≤ Martha 13
Mar¤a, -aw, ≤ Mary 27
Mariãm, indecl., ≤ Mary, Miriam 27
Mçrkow, -ou, ı Mark 8
Melxis°dek, indecl., ı Melchizedek 8
Mv#s∞w, -°vw, ı Moses 80
Nazar°y, indecl., ≤ Nazareth 6
NazarhnÒw, -Æ, -Òn coming from Nazareth; 6
(as a noun) the Nazarene,
inhabitant of Nazareth
Nazvra¤ow, -ou, ı Nazorean, Nazarene 13

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

NayanaÆl, indecl., ı Nathanael 6

NikÒdhmow, -ou, ı Nicodemus 5
N«e, indecl., ı Noah 8
Pamful¤a, -aw, ≤ Pamphylia 5
PaËlow, -ou, ı Paul 158
P°trow, -ou, ı Peter 156
Pilçtow, -ou, ı Pilate 55
ÑRvma›ow, -a, -on Roman 12
ÑR≈mh, -hw, ≤ Rome 8
Saddouka›ow, -ou, ı a Sadducee 14
Samãreia, -aw, ≤ Samaria 11
Samar¤thw, -ou, ı a Samaritan 9
SaoÊl, indecl., ı Saul 9
Satançw, -ç, ı the Adversary, Satan 36
SaËlow, -ou, ı Saul 15
Sid≈n, -«now, ≤ Sidon 9
S¤law, -a, ı Silas 13
S¤mvn, -vnow, ı Simon 75
Si≈n, indecl., ≤ Zion 7
SÒdoma, -vn, tã Sodom 9
Solom≈n, -«now, ı Solomon 12
St°fanow, -ou, ı Stephen 7
Sume≈n, indecl., ı Simeon 7
Sun°drion, -ou, tÒ council, high council, Sanhedrin 22
Sur¤a, -aw, ≤ Syria 8
TimÒyeow, -ou, ı Timothy 24
T¤tow, -ou, ı Titus 13
Trƒãw, -ãdow, ≤ Troas 6
TÊrow, -ou, ≤ Tyre 11
TuxikÒw, -oË, ı Tychicus 5
Fara≈, indecl., ı Pharaoh 5
Farisa›ow, -ou, ı a Pharisee 99
F∞lij, -ikow, ı Felix 9
F∞stow, -ou, ı Festus 13

Proper Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

F¤lippow, -ou, ı Philip 36

XristÒw, -oË, ı the Anointed One, the Messiah, 531
the Christ [cf. xr¤v and

Part Six
Helps for Verb Analysis
An important, and probably the most challenging, part of learning the
vocabulary of the Greek New Testament is learning the principal parts of
numerous verbs. The student often learns these one by one in the daily
lessons, but it is good to review them together. This section presents helps
for learning and understanding the structure of verbs. First is a chart on the
principal parts, tense systems, and aspects of the regular verb; second is an
explanation of the elements of verb structure, especially as they are used
in parsing verbs; and third is a list of the principal parts of many important
verbs, arranged by type.

A. Principal Parts, Tense Systems, and Aspects

of the Regular Verb
a. Present tense (active, middle, passive) All moods
Stem + ending (lu-omen)
Indicative – continuing action in the present time
Other forms – continuing action, time undetermined
b. Imperfect tense (active, middle, passive)
Augment + stem + ending (§-lu-omen)
In the indicative mood only (continued action in past)
Future tense (active & mid.) No subjunctive or imperative
Stem + s + ending (lu-s-omen)
Continued action or undefined action in future
1st Aorist Tense (active & middle) All moods
(Augment) + stem + s + a-type ending (§-lu-s-amen)
Indicative (with augment) – undefined action in past
Other moods (no augment) – undefined action, time
Helps for Verb Analysis


a. Perfect tense (active only) All moods
Reduplication + stem + k + a-type ending
Indicative – completed action in the present
Other moods – completed action
b. Pluperfect tense (active only)
Augment + reduplication + stem + k + ending
In the indicative mood only (completed action in the
a. Perfect tense (middle and passive) All moods
Reduplication + stem + middle-passive ending
Indicative – completed action in the present
Other moods – completed action
b. Pluperfect tense (middle and passive)
Augment + reduplication + stem + mid.-pass. ending
In the indicative mood only (completed action in the
a. Aorist tense (passive only) All moods
(Augment) + stem + yh + active ending (§-lu-yh-men)
Indicative (with augment) – undefined action in the past
Other moods (no augment) – undefined action, time
b. Future tense (passive only) No subjunctive or imperative
Stem + yh + s + passive ending (lu-yh-s-omeya)
Continued action in the future

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

B. Elements of Verb Structure for Parsing

Students are often called upon to “parse” (analyze grammatically) verbs
of all sorts. Here is an explanation of verb structure necessary for parsing
efficiently; it should be used for consolidation and review.

All verbs have some or all of the following elements:

1. Tense: Present, Imperfect, Future, Aorist, Perfect, Pluperfect, Future
Perfect (rare)
2. Aspect: Continual, Undefined, Perfective
3. Voice: Active, Middle, Passive
4. Mood: Indicative, Subjunctive, Optative, Imperative, Infinitive, Participle
(Some grammarians do not consider the infinitive and participle to be moods,
but we will consider them so here for pedagogical reasons.)
5. Person: First, Second, Third
6. Number: Singular, Plural

All tenses occur in all voices, persons, and numbers, but some of the tenses
occur in only a limited group of moods:
1. Present tense: all moods
2. Imperfect tense: Indicative mood only
3. Future tense: Indicative, Optative, Infinitive, and Participle
4. Aorist tense: all moods
5. Perfect tense: all moods
6. Pluperfect tense: Indicative mood only
7. Future Perfect tense: Indicative, Optative, Infinitive, and Participle
(This tense is seldom used, and then almost always in the passive voice.)

Aspects of verbs are directly related to tense:

1. Continual aspect: Present, Imperfect and Future tenses
2. Undefined aspect: Aorist tense only
3. Perfective aspect: Perfect and Pluperfect tenses

Helps for Verb Analysis

In order to parse and translate a verb correctly the student must be able to
give the following information:
For Finite Verbs (i.e., indicative, subjunctive, optative, imperative):
tense, aspect, voice, mood, person and number. Here, for example, is the
parsing of lÊv:
Tense Aspect Voice Mood Person Number
Present Continual Active Indicative First Singular
For Infinitives: tense, aspect, voice and “mood.” Here, for example, is
Tense Aspect Voice “Mood”
Present Continual Active Infinitive
For Participles: tense, aspect, voice, “mood,” gender, number and case.
Here, for example, is lÊvn:
Tense Aspect Voice “Mood” Gender Number Case
Present Continual Active Participle Masculine Singular Nominative

C. Principal Parts of Common Verbs, Arranged by Type

The Greek verb forms its principal parts in rather regular ways. Students
who master these patterns will have come a good distance in learning to
read rapidly, and understand, the New Testament. The following sections
contain all the verbs in the New Testament that occur fifty or more times;
they represent fully all the different types of verbs. Where no form appears,
that principal part does not occur in the New Testament. Hyphenated forms
are found only in compounds.

1. Omega-type verbs
Omega-type verbs are by far the most common type. Below are listed both active and middle forms occurring
fifty times or more. Although it does not occur more than fifty times in the New Testament apart from compounds,
lÊv is given first as paradigmatic.

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

Present Future Aorist Perfect Active Perfect Middle Aorist Passive Meaning
lÊv lÊsv ¶lusa l°luka l°lumai §lÊyhn loose
êgv êjv ≥gagon -∑gmai ≥xyhn lead
ékoÊv ékoÊsv ≥kousa ékÆkoa ±koÊsyhn listen
éno¤gv éno¤jv én°ƒja én°ƒga én°ƒgmai éne–xyhn open
êrxv êrjv ≥rja rule
éspãzomai ±spasãmhn salute

bapt¤zv bapt¤sv §bãptisa bebãptismai §bapt¤syhn baptize

bl°pv bl°cv ¶bleca see
g¤nomai genÆsomai §genÒmhn g°gona geg°nhmai §genÆyhn become
gin≈skv gn≈somai ¶gnvn ¶gnvka ¶gnvsmai §gn≈syhn know
grãfv grãcv ¶graca g°grafa g°grammai §grãfhn write
d°xomai §dejãmhn d°dhgmai §d°xyhn receive
didãskv didãjv §d¤daja §didãxyhn teach
dojãzv dojãsv §dÒjasa dedÒjasmai §dojãsyhn glorify
dÊnamai dunÆsomai §dunÆyhn be able
eÈaggel¤zv eÈhgg°lisa eÈhgg°lismai eÈhggel¤syhn preach good news
khrÊssv khrÊjv §kÆruja kekÆrugmai §khrÊxyhn proclaim
krãzv krãjv ¶kraja k°kraga shout
p°mpv p°mcv ¶pemca §p°mfyhn send
pisteÊv pisteÊsv §p¤steusa pep¤steuka pep¤steumai §pisteÊyhn believe
poreÊomai poreÊsomai pepÒreumai §poreÊyhn proceed
proseÊxomai proseÊjomai proshujãmhn worship
s–zv s≈sv ¶svsa s°svka s°svsmai §s≈yhn save
f°rv o‡sv ≥negka -enÆnoxa ±n°xyhn bring

Helps for Verb Analysis

xa¤rv xarÆsomai §xãrhn rejoice

2. Contract verbs
A. Epsilon contracts

afit°v afitÆsv æthsa æthka ºtÆyhn ask

dok°v dÒjv ¶doja seem
zht°v zhtÆsv §zÆthsa §zhtÆyhn seek
kal°v kal°sv §kãlesa k°klhka k°klhmai §klÆyhn call
lal°v lalÆsv §lãlhsa lelãlhka lelãlhmai §lalÆyhn speak
martur°v marturÆsv §martÊrhsa memartÊrhka memartÊrhmai §marturÆyhn witness
peripat°v peripatÆsv periepãthsa walk
poi°v poiÆsv §po¤hsa pepo¤hka pepo¤hmai do, make
thr°v thrÆsv §tÆrhsa tetÆrhka tetÆrhmai §thrÆyhn keep
fob°omai fobÆsomai §fobÆyhn fear
B. Alpha contracts
égapãv égapÆsv ±gãphsa ±gãphka ±gãphmai ±gapÆyhn love
gennãv gennÆsv §g°nnhsa geg°nnhka geg°nnhmai §gennÆyhn beget
C. Omicron contracts

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

plhrÒv plhr≈sv §plÆrvsa peplÆrvka peplÆrvmai §plhr≈yhn fill, fulfill

3. Liquid verbs
a‡rv ér« ∑ra ∑rka ∑rmai ≥ryhn take up
épost°llv épostel« ép°steila ép°stalka ép°stalmai épestãlhn send
§ge¤rv §ger« ≥geira §gÆgermai ±g°ryhn raise

y°lv ±y°lhsa will

kr¤nv krin« ¶krina k°krika k°krimai §kr¤yhn judge
m°nv men« ¶meina mem°nhka remain
spe¤rv sper« ¶speira ¶sparmai §spãrhn sow

4. Second Aorists
époynπskv époyanoËmai ép°yanon t°ynhka die
bãllv bal« ¶balon b°blhka b°blhmai §blÆyhn throw
¶rxomai §leÊsomai ∑lyon §lÆluya come
§sy¤v fãgomai ¶fagon eat
¶xv ßjv ¶sxon ¶sxhka have
lambãnv lÆmcomai ¶labon e‰lhfa take
l°gv §r« e‰pon e‡rhka e‡rhmai §rr°yhn say
ırãv ˆcomai e‰don •≈raka Êfyhn see
p¤nv p¤omai ¶pion p°pvka -p°pvmai -epÒyhn drink
p¤ptv pesoËmai ¶peson p°ptvka fall

5. MI-verbs
épÒllumi épol°sv ép≈lesa épÒlvla destroy
éf¤hmi éfÆsv éf∞ka éfe›ka éfe›mai éf°yhn forgive

Helps for Verb Analysis

d¤dvmi d≈sv ¶dvka d°dvka d°domai §dÒyhn give
·sthmi stÆsv ¶sthsa ¶sthka §stãyhn stand
t¤yhmi yÆsv ¶yhka t°yeika t°yeimai §t°yhn place
fhm¤ [a defective verb; the only other form that occurs in other principal parts is ¶fh,

the third singular of both the imperfect and the second aorist]
Part Seven
Helps for Translating aujtov~
and Similar Words
I. The words and their meanings
A. aÈtÒw, aÈtÆ, aÈtÒ: he, she, it (personal pronoun)
himself, herself, itself (intensive adjective
when in predicate position)
same (identical adjective when in attributive
B. •autoË, •aut∞w, •autoË: himself, herself, itself (reflexive pronoun;
in genitive, dative and accusative cases only)
C. aÏth: this (demonstrative adjective/pronoun)

II. Examples of usage

A. aÈtÒw, aÈtÆ, aÈtÒ
Personal pronoun: ı énØr égapò tØn §kklhs¤an aÈtoË.
“The man loves his church.”
aÈtÚw égapò tØn §kklhs¤an aÈtoË.
“He loves his church.”
N.B.: aÈtÒw is used by itself here, apart from any
relationship to the definite article. Its gender and
number are determined by its antecedent; its case
is determined by its use.
Intensive adjective (“-self”): ≤ gunØ aÈtØ égapò tØn §kklhs¤an.
“The woman herself loves the church.”
aÈtØ ≤ gunØ égapò tØn §kklhs¤an.
“The woman herself loves the church.”
N.B.: aÈtÒw is used in the predicate position
when used to intensify the word it modifies. It
agrees in gender, number and case with this word.

Helps for Translating aÈtÒw and Similar Words

Identical adjective (“same”): ı aÈtÚw énØr égapò tØn §kklhs¤an.

“The same man loves the church.”
ı énØr égapò tØn aÈtØn §kklhs¤an.
“The man loves the same church.”
N.B.: aÈtÒw normally is used in the attributive
position; it agrees in gender, number and case
with the noun it modifies.

B. Reflexive pronoun: ≤ gunØ égapò •autÆn.

“The woman loves herself.”
N.B.: The initial • is the definite clue.

C. Demonstrative pronoun: aÏth ≤ gunØ égapò tØn §kklhs¤an.

“This woman loves the church.”
N.B.: The rough breathing and the accent over
the initial diphthong are definite clues for the
meaning “this.” Also, only the feminine nomina-
tive forms aÏth and aÏtai look at all like aÈtÒw.

Part Eight
A. Proper Prepositions
énã (with acc.) up;
(with numbers) each, apiece
ént¤ (with gen.) in place of, for (antichrist)
épÒ (with gen.) from, away from (apostasy)
diã (with gen.) through; (diameter)
(with acc.) because of, for the sake of
efiw (with acc.) into, in (eisegesis)
§k (with gen.) from, out of (exhale)
§n (with dat.) in (in)
§p¤ (with gen.) over, upon; (epigraph)
(with dat.) on, in;
(with acc.) on, against
katã (with gen.) down, against; (catalytic)
(with acc.) according to, along
metã (with gen.) with;
(with acc.) after, behind (metaphysics)
parã (with gen.) from;
(with dat.) at, by; (paramedic)
(with acc.) by, near
per¤ (with gen.) about, concerning; (perimeter)
(with acc.) around, near
prÒ (with gen.) before, in front of (prologue)
prÒw (with dat.) near, at; (prosthetic)
(with acc.) to, toward
sÊn (with dat.) with (synthesis)
Íp°r (with gen.) on behalf of;
(with acc.) above (hyperactive)
ÍpÒ (with gen.) by;
(with acc.) under (hypodermic)


B. Improper Prepositions
ëma together
ênv above, upward
ép°nanti opposite, against
§ggÊw near
¶mprosyen in front of, before
ßneka because of, for the sake of
§n≈pion before
§ktÒw outside (ectoplasm)
¶jv outside, out
¶jvyen from outside
§pãnv above, over
¶sv in, inside (esoteric)
¶svyen inside, within; from within
ßvw until
kÊklƒ (all) around (cycle)
m°sow middle, in the middle (Mesopotamia)
metajÊ between
m°xri until
ˆpisyen from behind
Ùp¤sv behind, back
p°ran across
plÆn except
plhs¤on near
Ípokãtv under
xãrin for the sake of
xvr¤w without, apart from

Part Nine
Conjunctions, Negatives and Adverbs
A special challenge to the student of Greek is often posed by particles,
small words that are indeclinable, often compounded, and frequently similar to
each other in Greek spelling and English meaning. Few, if any, have English
derivatives. These words are important in reading and interpreting, and a little
extra study to learn them carefully will pay good dividends. Most particles
are conjunctions, negatives, or adverbs; these important particles from Parts
Three and Four are presented again here for review.
éllã but (strong adversative)
d° and, but (mild adversative; postpositive [does not stand first
in its clause]); m¢n . . . d°, “on the one hand . . . on the
other hand”
ên (usually untranslatable, but with a generally conditional
meaning such as “should, could”)
êra so, then (postpositive)
gãr for (postpositive)
g° indeed, even (postpositive)
§ãn if (takes a verb in the subjunctive mood)
e‡ if
·na in order that, that (takes a verb in the subjunctive)
ka¤ and, also, likewise (ka¤ . . . ka¤, “both . . . and”)
˜ti that, because, since
oÔn therefore
Àste therefore, so that
oÈ no, not (used with indicative verbs; emphatic form is oÈx¤)
oÈd° and not, nor (oÈd° . . . oÈd°, “neither . . . nor”;
all forms are used with indicative verbs)

Conjunctions, Negatives, and Adverbs

mÆ no, not (used with non-indicative verbs)

mhd° and not, nor yet (mhd° . . . mhd°, “neither . . . nor”;
all forms are used with non-indicative verbs)
ênvyen again, from above
eÈy°vw immediately
≥dh now, already
mãkroyen from afar
mhk°ti no longer (used with non-indicative verbs)
˜te when
oÈd°pote never
oÈk°ti no more, no longer (used with indicative verbs)
oÎpv not yet
poË where? (note that this and the next three adverbs beginning
with p are interrogatives)
pÒyen from where?
pÒte when?
p«w how?
sÆmeron today
tÒte then
pãntote always

Part Ten
The following numbers and related words from Parts Three and Four are
brought together here for greater ease in memorization and review.
eÂw, m¤a, ßn one
dÊo two (duet)
deÊterow, -a, -on second (Deuteronomy)
tre›w, tr¤a three (cf. Trinity)
tr¤w three times
tr¤tow, -h, -on third
triãkonta thirty
t°ssarew four
tessarãkonta forty
t°tartow, -h, -on fourth
tetrakisx¤lioi four thousand
efikosit°ssarew twenty-four
p°nte five (pentagon)
pentÆkonta fifty
pentakisx¤lioi five thousand
ßj six
ßktow, -h, -on sixth
•jÆkonta sixty


•ptã seven
ßbdomow, -h, -on seventh
Ùkt≈ eight (octopus)
ˆgdoow, -h, -on eighth
d°ka ten (decade)
ßndeka eleven
d≈deka twelve
dekat°ssarew fourteen
diakÒsioi, -ai, -a two hundred
xiliãw, -ãdow, ≤ (a group of) a thousand
x¤lioi, -ai, -a thousands

Index to Parts Three and Four
A õdv 67 él°ktvr 71
êbussow 75 ée¤ 26 élÆyeia 26
égayopoi°v 25 éetÒw 75 élhyÆw 26
égayÒw 25 êzumow 55 élhyinÒw 26
égall¤asiw 51 éÆr 75 élhy«w 26
égalliãv 51 éyet°v 32 èlieÊw 63
éganakt°v 75 afigialÒw 75 éllã 12
égapãv 25 aÂma 69 éllãssv 12
égãph 25 afin°v 54 éllÆlvn 12
égaphtÒw 25 a·resiw 52 êllow 12
êggelow 19 a‡rv 25 éllÒtriow 12
ég°lh 75 afisxÊnh 56 ëlusiw 71
ègiãzv 19 afisxÊnomai 56 ëma 71
ègiasmÒw 19 afit°v 33 èmartãnv 19
ëgiow 19 afit¤a 33 èmart¤a 19
ègn¤zv 63 a‡tiow 33 èmartvlÒw 19
égno°v 20 afi≈n 26 êmemptow 63
ègnÒw 63 afi≈niow 26 émÆn 69
égorã 41 ékayars¤a 41 êmmow 75
égorãzv 41 ékãyartow 41 êmpelow 51
égrÒw 70 êkanya 71 émpel≈n 51
êgv 32 êkarpow 37 émfÒteroi 71
ég≈n 63 ékatastas¤a 28 êmvmow 63
égvn¤zomai 63 ékoÆ 12 ên 20
édelfÆ 19 ékolouy°v 69 énã 51
édelfÒw 19 ékoÊv 12 énaba¤nv 34
édik°v 35 ékrib«w 75 énabl°pv 27
édik¤a 35 ékrobust¤a 71 énagg°llv 19
êdikow 35 êkron 75 énagin≈skv 20
édÒkimow 21 ëlaw 63 énagkãzv 52
édÊnatow 21 éle¤fv 63 énagka›ow 52

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

énãgkh 52 ênomow 23 épodhm°v 75

énãgv 32 éntapod¤dvmi 13 épod¤dvmi 13
énãyema 31 ént¤ 71 épodokimãzv 21
énair°v 52 ént¤dikow 35 époyÆkh 75
énãkeimai 56 ént¤keimai 56 époynπskv 28
énakl¤nv 65 éntil°gv 16 épokayistãnv 28
énakrãzv 37 éntitãssomai 49 épokay¤sthmi 28
énakr¤nv 20 ént¤xristow 66 épokalÊptv 42
énalambãnv 22 énupÒkritow 20 épokãluciw 42
énamimnπskv 46 ênv 52 épokÒptv 53
énãpausiw 59 ênvyen 51 épokr¤nomai 20
énapaÊv 59 êjiow 42 épokte¤nv 69
énap°mpv 38 éjiÒv 42 épolambãnv 22
énap¤ptv 39 éj¤vw 24 épole¤pv 37
énaplhrÒv 39 éÒratow 17 épÒllumi 33
énãstasiw 28 épagg°llv 19 épolog°omai 16
énastr°fv 44 épãgv 32 épolog¤a 16
énastrofÆ 44 ëpaj 52 épolÊtrvsiw 37
énat°llv 36 éparn°omai 42 épolÊv 37
énatolÆ 36 éparxÆ 33 épor°v 30
énaf°rv 41 ëpaw 17 épost°llv 26
énaxvr°v 52 épãth 63 époster°v 75
én°gklhtow 29 épe¤yeia 24 épÒstolow 26
énektÒterow 75 épeiy°v 24 épostr°fv 44
ênemow 70 épeiyÆw 24 épotãssomai 49
ênesiw 26 êpeimi 14 épot¤yemai 32
én°xomai 14 épekd°xomai 34 épof°rv 41
énÆr 68 ép°nanti 64 ëptv 70
ény¤sthmi 28 ép°rxomai 14 épvy°omai 75
ényr≈pinow 12 ép°xv 15 ép≈leia 33
ênyrvpow 12 épist°v 24 êra 70
ényÊpatow 75 épist¤a 24 érgÒw 75
én¤sthmi 28 êpistow 24 érgÊrion 52
énÒhtow 46 èplÒthw 75 êrgurow 52
éno¤gv 33 épÒ 68 ér°skv 52
énom¤a 23 épod°xomai 34 éretÆ 75

Index to Parts Three and Four

ériymÒw 71 éfair°v 52 b¤blow 42

érk°v 75 éfan¤zv 50 b¤ow 72
érn°omai 42 êfesiw 26 blasfhm°v 31
érn¤on 70 éfyars¤a 66 blasfhm¤a 31
èrpãzv 52 êfyartow 66 bl°pv 27
ërpaj 52 éf¤hmi 26 boãv 53
êrrvstow 75 éf¤sthmi 28 bohy°v 53
êrshn 75 éfor¤zv 72 bÒskv 76
êrti 70 éformÆ 75 bouleÊomai 42
êrtow 69 êfrvn 50 boulÆ 42
érxa›ow 33 êxri 70 boÊlomai 42
érxÆ 33 boËw 76
érxiereÊw 26 B braxÊw 76
érxisunãgvgow 33 bãyow 75 br°fow 76
êrxv 33 bãllv 26 br°xv 76
êrxvn 33 bapt¤zv 34 brontÆ 72
és°beia 55 bãptisma 34 brugmÒw 76
ésebÆw 55 baptistÆw 34 br«ma 53
és°lgeia 71 bãrbarow 75 br«siw 53
ésy°neia 42 bar°v 63 bÊssinow 76
ésyen°v 42 bãrow 63
ésyenÆw 42 barÊw 63 G
éskÒw 71 basan¤zv 53 gazofulake›on 50
éspãzomai 33 basanismÒw 53 gãla 76
éspasmÒw 33 bastãzv 70 gam°v 42
éstÆr 52 basile¤a 20 gam¤zv 42
éstrapÆ 52 basileËw 20 gãmow 42
ésÊnetow 75 basileÊv 20 gastÆr 76
ésfalÆw 75 basilikÒw 20 gãr 68
éten¤zv 72 bãtow 76 g° 70
étimãzv 49 bd°lugma 76 g°enna 72
étim¤a 49 b°baiow 34 gem¤zv 53
aÈlÆ 72 bebaiÒv 34 g°mv 53
aÈjãnv 72 b°bhlow 34 geneã 13
aÎrion 54 b∞ma 34 g°nesiw 13
aÈtÒw 12 bibl¤on 42 gennãv 13

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

g°now 13 dektÒw 34 diar(r)Ægnumi 63

geÊomai 72 d°ndron 72 diaskorp¤zv 64
gevrgÒw 20 d°omai 27 diast°llomai 26
g∞ 20 dejiÒw 34 diastr°fv 44
g¤nomai 13 d°rv 72 dias–zv 31
gin≈skv 20 d°smiow 42 diatãssv 49
gl«ssa 69 desmÒw 42 diat¤yhmi 32
gn≈mh 20 despÒthw 72 diatr¤bv 64
gnvr¤zv 20 deËro 53 diaf°rv 41
gn«siw 20 deËte 53 diafye¤rv 66
gnvstÒw 20 deÊterow 27 diafyorã 66
goggÊzv 76 d°xomai 34 didaskal¤a 35
gone›w 13 d°v 42 didãskalow 35
gÒnu 53 dÆ 36 didãskv 35
grãmma 21 dhlÒv 76 didaxÆ 35
grammateÊw 21 dhnãrion 72 d¤dvmi 13
grafÆ 21 diã 68 diege¤rv 27
grãfv 21 diãbolow 26 diermhneÊv 65
grhgor°v 27 diayÆkh 32 di°rxomai 14
gumnÒw 72 diakon°v 43 dihg°omai 44
gunÆ 68 diakon¤a 43 d¤kaiow 35
gvn¤a 53 diãkonow 43 dikaiosÊnh 35
diakÒsioi 27 dikaiÒv 35
D diakr¤nv 20 dika¤vma 35
daimon¤zomai 34 dial°gomai 16 dika¤vw 35
daimÒnion 34 diãlektow 16 d¤ktuon 72
dãkruon 72 dialog¤zomai 16 diÒ 35
dãktulow 76 dialogismÒw 16 diÒti 35
dapanãv 76 diamartÊromai 38 d¤w 76
d° 68 diam°nv 29 dicãv 72
d°hsiw 27 diamer¤zv 46 divgmÒw 43
de› 27 diãnoia 46 di≈kv 43
de¤knumi 43 diano¤gv 33 dÒgma 21
de›pnon 72 diaperãv 59 dok°v 21
d°ka 35 diaporeÊomai 30 dokimãzv 21
dekatessarew 35 diarÆssv 63 dokimÆ 21

Index to Parts Three and Four

dÒkimow 21 ¶ynow 68 §kklhs¤a 29

dokÒw 76 ¶yow 72 §kkÒptv 53
dÒlow 72 efi 13 §kl°gomai 16
dÒja 21 e‰dow 23 §klektÒw 16
dojãzv 21 efidvlÒyutow 23 §klogÆ 16
doule¤a 27 efidvlolãtrhw 23 §klÊomai 37
douleÊv 27 e‡dvlon 23 §kmãssv 76
doËlow 27 efikª 76 §kp¤ptv 39
doulÒv 27 efikosit°ssarew 49 §kplÆssomai 60
drãkvn 72 efik≈n 72 §kporeÊomai 30
dr°panon 76 efim¤ 14 ¶kstasiw 28
dÊnamai 21 efirÆnh 69 §kte¤nv 72
dÊnamiw 21 efiw 14 §ktÒw 14
dunatÒw 21 eÂw 68 ßktow 53
dÊo 27 efisãgv 32 §ktr°pomai 54
dusmÆ 43 efisakoÊv 12 §kf°rv 41
d≈deka 35 efis°rxomai 14 §kfeÊgv 50
d«ma 76 e‡sodow 30 §kx°v 54
dvreã 13 efisporeÊomai 30 §kxÊnnomai 54
dvreãn 13 efisf°rv 41 §la¤a 54
d«ron 13 e‰ta 54 ¶laion 54
e‡te 13 §laÊnv 76
E §k 14 §lãxistow 72
§ãn 13 ßkastow 69 §l°gxv 72
•autoË 12 •katÒn 72 §le°v 43
§ãv 72 •katontãrxhw 33 §lehmosÊnh 43
ßbdomow 36 •katÒntarxow 33 ¶leow 43
§gg¤zv 43 §kbãllv 26 §leuyer¤a 54
§ggÊw 43 §kd°xomai 34 §leÊyerow 54
§ge¤rv 27 §kdik°v 35 §leuyerÒv 54
§gkak°v 36 §kd¤khsiw 35 ßlkv 76
§gkal°v 29 §kdÊv 42 §lp¤zv 35
§gkatale¤pv 37 §ke› 21 §lp¤w 35
§gkentr¤zv 76 §ke›yen 21 §mautoË 13
§gkÒptv 53 §ke›now 21 §mba¤nv 34
§g≈ 13 §kzht°v 28 §mbl°pv 27

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

§mbrimãomai 76 §j 14 §piba¤nv 34
§mÒw 13 ßj 53 §pibãllv 26
§mpa¤zv 38 §jãgv 32 §p¤geiow 20
§mp¤mplhmi 39 §jair°v 52 §pigin≈skv 20
§mp¤ptv 39 §ja¤fnhw 76 §p¤gnvsiw 20
¶mporow 30 §jale¤fv 63 §pigrafÆ 21
¶mprosyen 18 §japatãv 63 §pigrãfv 21
§mptÊv 76 §japost°llv 26 §pide¤knumi 43
§mfan¤zv 50 §jaut∞w 12 §pid¤dvmi 13
¶mfobow 41 §j°rxomai 14 §pieikÆw 76
§n 68 ¶jesti 14 §pizht°v 28
§nant¤on 64 §jhg°omai 44 §piyum°v 44
§nãntiow 64 •jÆkonta 53 §piyum¤a 44
¶natow 72 •j∞w 15 §pikal°v 29
§nde¤knumi 43 §j¤sthmi 28 §p¤keimai 56
ßndeka 35 §jomolog°omai 16 §pilambãnomai 23
¶nduma 43 §jouyen°v 17 §pilanyãnomai 64
§ndunamÒv 21 §jous¤a 14 §pim°nv 29
§ndÊv 43 ¶jv 14 §pip¤ptv 39
ßneka 72 ¶jvyen 14 §pipoy°v 76
ßneken 72 §paggel¤a 19 §pisk°ptomai 54
§nerg°v 22 §pagg°llomai 19 §piskiãzv 66
§n°rgeia 22 §pain°v 54 §p¤skopow 54
§nyãde 54 ¶painow 54 §p¤stamai 72
¶ni 14 §pa¤rv 25 §pistãthw 28
§niautÒw 72 §paisxÊnomai 56 §pistolÆ 26
§n¤sthmi 28 §pãnv 52 §pistr°fv 44
§noik°v 30 §paÊrion 54 §pisunãgv 33
¶noxow 72 §pe› 44 §pitagÆ 49
§nt°llomai 35 §peidÆ 44 §pitãssv 49
§nteËyen 54 ¶peimi 76 §pit¤yhmi 32
¶ntimow 49 ¶peita 54 §pitel°v 49
§ntolÆ 35 §p°rxomai 14 §pitimãv 49
§ntr°pv 54 §pervtãv 36 §pitr°pv 54
§ntugxãnv 61 §p°xv 15 §pitugxãnv 61
§n≈pion 30 §p¤ 68 §pifãneia 50

Index to Parts Three and Four

§pixorhg°v 76 eÈloghtÒw 16 H
§poikodom°v 30 eÈnoËxow 77 ≥ 68
§pourãniow 24 eÈprÒsdektow 34 ≤gem≈n 44
•ptã 36 eÍr¤skv 68 ≤g°omai 44
§raunãv 76 eÈs°beia 55 ≤d°vw 64
§rgãzomai 22 eÈsxÆmvn 65 ≥dh 36
§rgas¤a 22 eÈfra¤nv 50 ≤donÆ 64
§rgãthw 22 eÈxarist°v 25 ¥kv 70
¶rgon 22 eÈxarist¤a 25 ≤lik¤a 77
§rhmÒomai 44 eÎxomai 40 ¥liow 70
¶rhmow 44 eÈ≈numow 24 ≤m°ra 22
§riye¤a 64 §fãpaj 52 ≤m°terow 13
¶riw 64 §f¤sthmi 28 ¥misuw 77
¶rxomai 14 ¶xyra 44 ≤suxãzv 77
§rvtãv 36 §xyrÒw 44
§syÆw 76 ¶xidna 77 Y
§sy¤v 22 ¶xv 14 yãlassa 69
¶sxatow 69 ßvw 69 yãnatow 28
¶sv 14 yanatÒv 28
¶svyen 14 Z yãptv 55
ßterow 69 zãv 27 yarr°v 64
¶ti 69 z∞low 55 yars°v 64
•toimãzv 44 zhlÒv 55 yaumãzv 45
¶toimow 44 zhlvtÆw 55 yaumastÒw 45
¶tow 70 zhmiÒomai 77 yeãomai 36
eÔ 76 zht°v 28 ye›on 77
eÈaggel¤zomai 19 zÆthma 28 y°lhma 22
eÈagg°lion 19 zÆthsiw 28 y°lv 22
eÈãrestow 52 zizãnion 77 yem°lion 55
eÈdok°v 21 zÒfow 77 yem°liow 55
eÈdok¤a 21 zugÒw 77 yemeliÒv 55
eÈy°vw 36 zÊmh 55 yeÒw 68
eÈyÊw 36 zvÆ 27 yerapeÊv 70
eÈkop≈terow 57 z≈nh 64 yer¤zv 55
eÈlog°v 16 z“on 27 yerismÒw 55
eÈlog¤a 16 zƒopoi°v 18 yerma¤nomai 77

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

yevr°v 36 ·ppow 72 kal°v 29

yhlãzv 64 ·sthmi 28 kalÒw 29
y∞luj 64 ‡sow 77 kalÊptv 42
yhr¤on 70 fisxurÒw 45 kal«w 29
yhsaur¤zv 55 fisxÊw 45 kãmhlow 77
yhsaurÒw 55 fisxÊv 45 kên 15
yl¤bv 45 fixyÊw 72 kapnÒw 73
yl›ciw 45 kard¤a 68
ynπskv 28 K karpÒw 37
ynhtÒw 28 kég≈ 15 karpofor°v 37
yÒrubow 77 kayair°v 52 kãrfow 77
yr¤j 72 kayãper 73 katã 15
yrÒnow 69 kayar¤zv 41 kataba¤nv 34
yugãthr 70 kayarismÒw 41 katabolÆ 26
yum¤ama 45 kayarÒw 41 katagg°llv 19
yumÒw 44 kay°zomai 36 katãgv 32
yÊra 70 kayeÊdv 73 katadikãzv 35
yus¤a 45 kãyhmai 36 kataisxÊnv 56
yusiastÆrion 45 kay¤zv 36 kataka¤v 55
yÊv 45 kay¤sthmi 28 katãkeimai 56
y≈raj 77 kayej∞w 15 katakl¤nv 65
kayÒti 19 katakr¤nv 20
I kay≈w 19 katalal°v 22
fiãomai 45 ka¤ 15 katalambãnv 23
fiatrÒw 45 kainÒw 70 katale¤pv 37
‡de 23 ka¤per 15 katallãssv 12
‡diow 28 kairÒw 69 katalÊv 37
fidi≈thw 28 ka¤v 55 katano°v 46
fidoÊ 23 kéke› 15 katantãv 56
flereÊw 26 kéke›yen 15 katapat°v 38
flerÒn 26 kéke›now 15 katãpausiw 59
flkanÒw 70 kak¤a 36 katap°tasma 77
flmãtion 36 kakÒw 36 katap¤nv 38
flmatismÒw 36 kakÒv 36 katãra 64
·na 15 kak«w 36 katarãomai 65
flnat¤ 15 kãlamow 73 katarg°v 22

Index to Parts Three and Four

katart¤zv 73 kle¤v 56 krãtow 45

kataskeuãzv 60 kl°pthw 57 kraugãzv 65
katafil°v 50 kl°ptv 57 kraugÆ 65
katafron°v 50 klhronom°v 57 kre¤ttvn 45
kat°nanti 64 klhronom¤a 57 kremãnnumi 77
katergãzomai 22 klhronÒmow 57 kr¤ma 20
kat°rxomai 14 kl∞row 57 kr¤nv 20
katesy¤v 22 klÆsiw 29 kr¤siw 20
kat°xv 15 klhtÒw 29 kritÆw 20
kathgor°v 56 kl¤nh 65 kroÊv 77
katÆgorow 56 kl¤nv 65 kruptÒw 57
kathx°v 77 koil¤a 73 krÊptv 57
katoik°v 30 koimãomai 56 ktãomai 77
kãtv 15 koinÒw 57 kt¤zv 57
kauxãomai 45 koinÒv 57 kt¤siw 57
kaÊxhma 45 koinvn°v 57 kÊklƒ 77
kaÊxhsiw 45 koinvn¤a 57 kËma 77
ke›mai 56 koinvnÒw 57 kurieÊv 15
keleÊv 71 kÒkkinow 65 kÊriow 15
kenÒw 56 kÒkkow 65 kÊvn 77
kenÒv 56 kolaf¤zv 77 kvlÊv 73
k°raw 73 kollãomai 73 k≈mh 71
kerda¤nv 73 kÒlpow 77 kvfÒw 73
kefalÆ 70 kom¤zv 73
k∞pow 77 koniortÒw 77 L
kÆrugma 37 kopiãv 57 lal°v 22
khrÊssv 37 kÒpow 57 lambãnv 22
kibvtÒw 77 kÒptv 53 lampãw 65
k¤ndunow 77 korãsion 77 lamprÒw 65
kin°v 77 kosm°v 22 lãmpv 65
klãdow 56 kÒsmow 22 lanyãnv 64
kla¤v 45 kÒfinow 77 laÒw 69
klãsma 56 krãbattow 73 latre¤a 57
klauymÒw 45 krãzv 37 latreÊv 57
klãv 56 krãspedon 77 l°gv 15
kle¤w 56 krat°v 45 le¤pv 37

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

leitourg¤a 22 manyãnv 23 metano°v 46

leitourgÒw 22 margar¤thw 77 metãnoia 46
leprÒw 78 martur°v 38 metajÊ 16
leukÒw 73 martur¤a 38 metap°mpomai 38
l°vn 78 martÊrion 38 metasxhmat¤zv 65
lhnÒw 78 martÊromai 38 metat¤yhmi 32
l˙stÆw 73 mãrtuw 38 met°xv 15
l¤an 73 mastigÒv 65 m°toxow 15
liyãzv 37 mãstij 65 metr°v 56
liyobol°v 26 mãtaiow 78 m°tron 56
l¤yow 37 mãxaira 71 m°tvpon 30
l¤mnh 73 megalÊnv 23 m°xri 73
limÒw 73 m°gaw 23 mÆ 16
log¤zomai 15 meyermhneÊv 65 mhd° 16
lÒgow 15 mey¤sthmi 28 mhde¤w 16
loipÒw 37 meyÊv 78 mhk°ti 16
loÊv 78 m°law 78 mÆn 73
lÊkow 78 m°lei 58 mÆpote 16
lup°v 46 m°llv 69 mÆte 16
lÊph 46 m°low 71 mÆthr 70
luxn¤a 57 m°n 23 mÆti 16
lÊxnow 57 m°ntoi 23 mia¤nv 78
lÊv 36 m°nv 29 mikrÒw 71
mer¤zv 46 mimhtÆw 78
M m°rimna 56 mimnÆskomai 46
mãgow 78 merimnãv 56 mis°v 71
mayhtÆw 23 mer¤w 46 misyÒw 71
ma¤nomai 78 m°row 46 mnç 78
makãriow 70 mes¤thw 38 mne¤a 46
makrãn 58 m°sow 38 mn∞ma 46
makrÒyen 58 mestÒw 78 mnhme›on 46
makroyum°v 58 metã 16 mnhmoneÊv 46
makroyum¤a 58 metaba¤nv 34 moixeÊv 58
makrÒw 58 metad¤dvmi 13 moixal¤w 58
mãlista 37 metalambãnv 23 mÒliw 78
mçllon 37 metam°lomai 58 monogenÆw 13

Index to Parts Three and Four

mÒnow 69 nÊj 70 ÙmnÊv/ˆmnumi 71

mÒsxow 78 ımoyumadÒn 44
mËyow 78 J ˜moiow 46
muriãw 78 jen¤zv 58 ımoiÒv 46
mÊron 73 j°now 58 ımo¤vma 46
mustÆrion 71 jhra¤nv 59 ımo¤vw 46
mvr¤a 58 jhrÒw 59 ımolog°v 16
mvrÒw 58 jÊlon 73 ımolog¤a 16
ˆnar 78
N O Ùneid¤zv 66
na¤ 71 ı, ≤, tÒ 17 ÙneidismÒw 66
naÒw 71 ˆgdoow 65 ˆnoma 24
nean¤skow 58 ˜de 17 Ùnomãzv 24
nekrÒw 69 ıdhg°v 32 ˆnow 78
n°ow 58 ıdhgÒw 32 ˆntvw 14
nef°lh 73 ıdÒw 30 ˆjow 66
nÆpiow 73 ÙdoÊw 73 ÙjÊw 66
n∞sow 78 ˜yen 17 ˆpisyen 47
nhste¤a 58 ÙyÒnion 78 Ùp¤sv 47
nhsteÊv 58 o‰da 23 ˜plon 78
nÆfv 78 ofik°v 30 ıpo›ow 31
nikãv 71 ofik¤a 30 ˜pou 31
n¤ptv 73 ofikodespÒthw 30 ˜pvw 31
no°v 46 ofikodomÆ 30 ˜rama 17
nÒhma 46 ofikodom°v 30 ırãv 17
nom¤zv 23 ofikonom¤a 30 ÙrgÆ 47
nomikÒw 23 oflkonÒmow 30 Ùrg¤zomai 47
nÒmow 23 o‰kow 30 ır¤zv 59
nÒsow 73 ofikoum°nh 30 ˜rion 59
nÒtow 78 ofiktirmÒw 78 ˜rkow 73
nouyet°v 46 o‰now 71 ırmãv 78
noËw 46 oÂow 17 ˆrow 70
nÊmfh 58 Ùkt≈ 65 ˜w 17
numf¤ow 58 ÙligÒpistow 24 ˜siow 78
nËn 30 Ùl¤gow 71 ÙsmÆ 78
nun¤ 30 ˜low 69 ˜sow 17

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

˜stiw 17 paid¤skh 38 pãreimi 14

ÙsfËw 78 pa›w 38 parembolÆ 27
˜tan 20 pa¤v 78 par°rxomai 14
˜te 17 pãlai 59 par°xv 15
˜ti 17 palaiÒw 59 pary°now 73
oÈ 17 pãlin 69 par¤sthmi 28
o 17 panourg¤a 22 paroim¤a 79
oÈa¤ 71 pantaxoË 18 parous¤a 14
oÈd° 17 pantokrãtvr 18 parrhs¤a 40
oÈde¤w 17 pãntote 24 parrhsiãzomai 40
oÈd°pote 17 pãntvw 18 pçw 17
oÈk°ti 17 parã 68 pãsxv 47
oÔn 68 parãbasiw 34 patãssv 73
oÎpv 17 parabãthw 34 pat°v 38
oÈrã 78 parabolÆ 26 patÆr 18
oÈrãniow 24 paraggel¤a 19 patr¤w 18
oÈranÒw 24 paragg°llv 19 paÊv 59
oÔw 71 parag¤nomai 13 pe¤yv 24
oÎte 17 parãgv 32 peinãv 73
otow 17 parad°xomai 34 peirãzv 47
oÏtvw 17 parad¤dvmi 13 peirasmÒw 47
oÈx¤ 17 parãdosiw 13 p°mpv 38
Ùfeil°thw 47 parait°omai 33 penyerã 79
Ùfe¤lv 47 parakal°v 29 peny°v 59
ÙfyalmÒw 30 parãklhsiw 29 p°nyow 59
ˆfiw 73 parãklhtow 29 pentakisx¤lioi 47
ˆxlow 68 parakÊptv 79 p°nte 47
Ùcãrion 78 paralambãnv 23 pentÆkonta 47
Ùc¤a 73 paralÊomai 37 pepo¤yhsiw 79
paralutikÒw 37 p°ran 59
P paraporeÊomai 30 per¤ 69
pag¤w 78 parãptvma 39 periãgv 32
pãyhma 47 paraskeuÆ 60 peribãllv 27
paide¤a 38 parathr°v 40 peribl°pomai 27
paideÊv 38 parat¤yhmi 32 periz≈nnumi 64
paid¤on 38 paraxr∞ma 51 per¤keimai 56

Index to Parts Three and Four

per¤lupow 46 pl°v 39 porneÊv 60

peripat°v 38 plhgÆ 60 pÒrnh 60
peripo¤hsiw 18 pl∞yow 39 pÒrnow 60
per¤sseuma 47 plhyÊnv 39 pÒsow 31
perisseÊv 47 plÆn 71 potamÒw 74
perissÒw 47 plÆrhw 39 potapÒw 31
perissÒterow 47 plhrofor°v 41 pÒte 31
perissot°rvw 47 plhrÒv 39 pot° 31
peristerã 73 plÆrvma 39 potÆrion 38
perit°mnv 47 plhs¤on 74 pot¤zv 38
perit¤yhmi 32 ploiãrion 39 poË 31
peritomÆ 47 plo›on 39 poÊw 39
per¤xvrow 52 ploÊsiow 48 prçgma 46
peteinÒn 59 plout°v 48 prait≈rion 79
p°tomai 59 ploËtow 48 prçjiw 48
p°tra 74 pneËma 24 pra@thw 74
phgÆ 74 pneumatikÒw 24 prãssv 48
phlÒw 79 pn°v 24 pr°pv 79
pÆra 79 pÒyen 31 presbÊterow 70
piãzv 74 poi°v 18 pr¤n 74
p¤mplhmi 39 poihtÆw 18 prÒ 48
p¤naj 79 poik¤low 74 proãgv 32
p¤nv 38 poima¤nv 60 proba¤nv 34
piprãskv 79 poimÆn 60 prÒbaton 71
p¤ptv 39 po¤mnh 60 progin≈skv 20
pisteÊv 24 po¤mnion 60 pro°rxomai 14
p¤stiw 24 po›ow 31 prÒyesiw 32
pistÒw 24 polem°v 60 proyum¤a 44
planãv 47 pÒlemow 60 pro˝sthmi 29
plãnh 47 pÒliw 69 prÒkeimai 56
plãnow 48 pollãkiw 18 prokÒptv 53
plate›a 79 polÊw 18 prol°gv 16
pleonãzv 59 ponhr¤a 39 proor¤zv 59
pleonekt°v 59 ponhrÒw 39 prop°mpv 38
pleonej¤a 59 poreÊomai 30 prÒw 18
pleurã 79 porne¤a 60 prosãgv 33

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

prosd°xomai 34 pËr 40 sÆmeron 22

prosdokãv 34 puretÒw 40 sigãv 74
pros°rxomai 14 purÒomai 40 sidhroËw 79
proseuxÆ 39 pvl°v 74 s¤napi 79
proseÊxomai 39 p«low 74 sind≈n 79
pros°xv 15 p≈pote 31 s›tow 74
proskal°omai 29 pvrÒv 79 sivpãv 74
proskarter°v 74 p≈w 31 skandal¤zv 48
prÒskomma 53 p«w 31 skãndalon 48
proskÒptv 53 skeËow 60
proskun°v 70 R skhnÆ 61
proslambãnomai 23 =abb¤ 74 skhnÒv 61
prosm°nv 29 =ãbdow 74 skiã 66
prosp¤ptv 39 =Ægnumi 63 sklhrÒw 66
prostãssv 49 =∞ma 40 sklhrÊnv 66
prost¤yhmi 32 =¤za 74 skop°v 54
prosf°rv 41 =¤ptv 79 skorp¤zv 64
prosforã 41 =omfa¤a 79 skorp¤ow 64
prosfvn°v 32 =Êomai 74 skot¤a 48
prÒsvpon 30 skot¤zomai 48
prÒterow 48 S skÒtow 48
prÒfasiw 31 sãbbaton 70 sÒw 18
profhte¤a 31 saleÊv 74 sof¤a 40
profhteÊv 31 sãlpigj 60 sofÒw 40
profÆthw 31 salp¤zv 60 spe›ra 79
prv˝ 74 saprÒw 79 spe¤rv 40
prvtoklis¤a 65 sarkikÒw 31 sp°rma 40
pr«tow 69 sãrj 31 speÊdv 61
prvtÒtokow 40 sb°nnumi 79 spÆlaion 79
pta¤v 79 seautoË 18 splagxn¤zomai 61
pt°ruj 79 s°bomai 55 splãgxnon 61
pt«ma 39 seismÒw 60 spÒrow 40
ptvxÒw 71 se¤v 60 spoudãzv 61
pÊlh 60 selÆnh 79 spoudÆ 61
pul≈n 60 shma¤nv 40 spur¤w 79
punyãnomai 74 shme›on 40 stãdion 79

Index to Parts Three and Four

stãsiw 29 sÊn 69 tãjiw 49

staurÒw 48 sunãgv 33 tapeinÒw 61
staurÒv 48 sunagvgÆ 33 tapeinofrosÊnh 61
stãxuw 79 sunanãkeimai 56 tapeinÒv 61
ste›ra 79 sunantãv 56 tarãssv 74
stenãzv 79 sÊndoulow 27 tãssv 49
st°fanow 74 sune¤dhsiw 23 tãfow 55
st∞yow 79 sunerg°v 22 tax°vw 61
stÆkv 29 sunergÒw 22 tãxow 61
sthr¤zv 74 sun°rxomai 14 taxËw 61
stoixe›on 66 sunesy¤v 22 t° 69
stoix°v 66 sÊnesiw 26 te›xow 80
stolÆ 26 suneudok°v 21 tekn¤on 40
stÒma 70 sun°xv 15 t°knon 40
strãteuma 48 sun¤hmi 26 t°leiow 49
strateÊomai 48 sunistãnv 29 teleiÒv 49
strathgÒw 49 sun¤sthmi 29 teleutãv 49
strati≈thw 48 sunt°leia 49 tel°v 49
str°fv 43 suntel°v 49 t°low 49
strvnnÊv 79 suntr¤bv 64 tel≈nhw 74
sÊ 18 sÊrv 80 t°raw 74
suggenÆw 13 sustaurÒv 48 tessarãkonta 49
sugkal°v 29 sfãzv 74 t°ssarew 49
sugxa¤rv 25 sfÒdra 74 t°tartow 49
suzht°v 28 sfrag¤zv 61 tetrakisx¤lioi 49
sukÆ 74 sfrag¤w 61 thr°v 40
sullal°v 22 sx¤zv 61 t¤yhmi 32
sullambãnv 23 sx¤sma 61 t¤ktv 40
sull°gv 16 s–zv 31 timãv 49
sumba¤nv 34 s«ma 69 timÆ 49
sumbãllv 27 svtÆr 31 t¤miow 49
sumbibãzv 79 svthr¤a 31 tiw 18
sumboÊlion 42 svfron°v 50 t¤w 18
sumpn¤gv 79 toioËtow 24
sumf°rv 41 T tolmãv 74
sumfvn°v 32 tãlanton 74 tÒpow 70

Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary

tosoËtow 25 Íper°xv 15 fyãnv 80

tÒte 24 ÍperÆfanow 80 fyartÒw 66
trãpeza 74 Íphr°thw 74 fye¤rv 66
trãxhlow 80 Ïpnow 80 fyÒnow 80
tre›w 40 ÍpÒ 25 fyorã 66
tr°fv 61 ÍpÒdeigma 43 fiãlh 75
tr°xv 74 Ípode¤knumi 43 filadelf¤a 50
triãkonta 40 ÍpÒdhma 43 fil°v 50
tr¤w 40 Ípokãtv 25 f¤lhma 50
tr¤tow 40 ÍpÒkrisiw 20 f¤low 50
trÒmow 80 ÍpokritÆw 20 fimÒv 80
trÒpow 54 Ípolambãnv 23 flÒj 80
trofÆ 61 Ípom°nv 29 fob°omai 41
tr≈gv 80 Ípomimnπskv 46 fÒbow 41
tugxãnv 61 ÍpomonÆ 29 foneÊw 62
tÊpow 62 ÍpopÒdion 39 foneÊv 62
tÊptv 62 ÍpÒstasiw 29 fÒnow 62
tuflÒw 70 Ípostr°fv 44 for°v 41
Ípotãssv 49 fÒrow 41
U Íster°v 62 fort¤on 41
Íbr¤zv 80 Íst°rhma 62 fr°ar 80
Ígia¤nv 62 Ïsterow 62 fron°v 50
ÍgiÆw 62 ÍchlÒw 62 frÒnimow 50
Ïdvr 70 Ïcistow 62 fulakÆ 50
ÍetÒw 80 Ïcow 62 fulãssv 50
ufloyes¤a 25 ÍcÒv 62 fulÆ 50
uflÒw 25 fÊllon 80
Ím°terow 18 F fÊrama 80
Ípãgv 33 fa¤nv 50 fusiÒv 80
ÍpakoÆ 12 fanerÒw 50 fÊsiw 50
ÍpakoÊv 12 fanerÒv 50 futeÊv 50
Ípantãv 56 faËlow 80 fvn°v 32
Ípãrxv 33 fe¤domai 75 fvnÆ 32
Íp°r 69 f°rv 41 f«w 41
Íperbãllv 27 feÊgv 50 fvteinÒw 41
ÍperbolÆ 27 fhm¤ 31 fvt¤zv 41

Index to Parts Three and Four

X xortãzv 62 C
xa¤rv 25 xÒrtow 62 cãllv 66
xalãv 80 xrãomai 51 calmÒw 66
xalkÒw 80 xre¤a 51 ceÊdomai 63
xarã 25 xrπzv 51 ceudomartur°v 38
xãragma 80 xr∞ma 51 ceËdow 63
xar¤zomai 25 xrhmat¤zv 51 ceudoprofÆthw 63
xãrin 25 xrhstÒw 51 ceÊsthw 63
xãriw 25 xrhstÒthw 51 cuxÆ 32
xãrisma 25 xr¤v 66 cuxikÒw 32
xe›low 80 xron¤zv 51
xeim≈n 80 xrÒnow 51 V
xe¤r 69 xrus¤on 62 Œ 75
xeiropo¤htow 18 xrusÒw 62 œde 17
xe¤rvn 75 xrusoËw 62 ”dÆ 67
xÆra 71 xvlÒw 75 Àra 69
xil¤arxow 33 x≈ra 51 …w 18
xiliãw 62 xvr°v 51 …sannã 80
x¤lioi 62 xvr¤zv 51 …saÊtvw 19
xit≈n 75 xvr¤on 51 …se¤ 19
xo›row 75 xvr¤w 51 Àsper 19
Àste 19
»fel°v 75


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