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Sunflower Language School

Communication Sheet
It’s day , 07 10 , 2017.
Class: B4 (Mikayla)

課程內容  EOW Book 4 -Unit 5 Vocabulary 單字EOW Book 4-Workbook Unit4 習作

Lesson  Grammar Book 文法書

甘藍菜 南瓜 生長

Vocabulary 洋蔥 植物;種植 新鮮的

撿;摘 寧可;較喜歡 蔬菜


It’s e_____ than you think to grow v_________. First, you d____.
Then you p_____ the seeds. you c______ your right t_____ over
Your left t______? 回家複習

<Comparative adjectives and superlative>

1. good->______ ______->______ _______

Grammar 2. bad->______ ______->______ _______


3. ugly->______ ______->______ _______

4. little->______ __________->______ ____________

Homework 1.背誦聯絡單/課文 2.CD__~__兩次 完成

Teacher’s Signature: Mikayla Parent’s Signature 家長簽名:

the box and for or since.

has studied / have been / have known / have not been

1.They stopped doing extreme sports. They ________________ kitesurfing

_______ last July.

2. They ___________ skateboarding ______ three o’clock.

3. I ___________ how to ride a bike since I was three.

4. He ___________ English ______ two years.

<Look at the picture and fill in.>

car racing/bungee jumping / surfing / kitesurfing / hang-gliding / snowboarding

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.

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