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ispadece. Tees taker 27,2015 QP, Code: 23605 Hours) {Total Marks: 100 (2) Answer all questions. (@) Total marks for the questions is indicated in the right enc. 1. Answer in Short: 0 () Tdersify the kinds of legal persons (b) Define « legal right (©) What is jurisprudence? (@) Define *Secuirity" (© Define "Power". (® What is obiter dicta? @ What is *immemotial antiquity"? (8) What are rights in re aliena? Give one example (@ What do you understand by immediate possession? (b) State & explain the two kinds of interpretation of a statute, 2. Write brief notes on (any four) : 20 () Sociological theory (&) Citcumstances Destroying or weskesing precedents (©) Obligations (@ Kinds of Mediate Possession (©) Kinds of rights ( Trust and Beneficial ownership 3, Answer any two = 2 (1) Under power conferred by 8.112 of Factories Act, 1948. State government ‘as framed rules. The Act covers safety, health, working hous ee to secure labour welfare. (@ The Act and Rules form which type of scurce of law? Explain. (G@) Explain the purpose of law in the light of the above statute (2) Everest Company Ltd. is a private company. The shareholders become s0 reduced in number that there is only one of them left () What is the effect of reduction on the personality of the company? i) Distinguish « legal person from a natural person. QP. Code: 23605 2 @) "New laws do emerge from judicial decisions." @ Give examples from India to justify the above statement. (G) What is "Declaratory theory of Precedents" Explain in the light of the above statement Answerany Four: “ (© Examine the rights in re aliens bringing out the chief classes. of ‘encumbrances. (@) Discuss the legal rights in a wider sense of the term. (© What ae legal theories? Discuss imperative theory of law. (© ¥xplain judicial imerpretation of enacted law bringing out the two kinds of imerpretation & the important rules of interpretation. (© Critically evaluate the status of the unborn, dead and intoxicated persons. (9 What isthe meaning of the term ‘propety"? Discass the kinds of property. $0-Con. 4020-15. 5,

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