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QP Code = 13083 G Hours) [Total Marks : 100 “Answer the questions as per the instrctions given below = |. Answer in tot move than two sentences :~ 20 (a) What is parole? (b) Define juvenile delinquent. (©) What is punishment? (6) What is mens-re? {c} Any two causes of sex delinquency, (Any two causes of crime. (@) What is Ecology of erime? (i) Any two problems of prisoners (i. What is klopromania? () Define vietimology, 2. Write short notes (any four) = » (a) Clsssical schoo! (b) Positive school (6) Breud's theory (@ White collar erime () Religion and crime (8) Women and domestic violence 3, Answer any two of the following = 2 (o) *A’an insame person killed his friend and was sentenced to life imprisonment. While in prison be became mere violent and started dinanding his release on parole (i) Cam be be released? Give reasons (ii) Was the punishment justifiable? (0) A boy of 7 years found begaing on road and was in company of ‘bad people. (@) He shall be called 9s? (Gi), What is the remedy available under the Juvenile Justice ‘Act to protet such childrens? (©) Sheela was gingraped and was found in beothel house ‘G) What is rehabilitation? 4ii) How you sould help her to hecome a dignified women? (TURN OVER FN-Con, 7879-15. 3 QP Code: 43083 4 Answer in detail any four of the following: (2) Explain the following in detail 1) Prison reform in India i) The women potice (b) Explain the following in detail (i). Crime syndicate (ii), Classical theory () Explain the following in detail Gi) Parole and probation, Gi) Confit theory of erime (W Should death penalty be abolished in India? Explein in the (¢) Esplin jn detail “Tae Multiple Theory of Crime causation’ (2) What do you mean by juvenile delinquency’? Wht are its causes? ‘Suggest means to curb it.

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