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if the turbine is unloaded the main steam pressure will rapidly rise and if the fast acting bypass

aren't fast enough the boiler steam drum safety valves will open to vent the excessive pressure.

During load rejection on ST, excess steam has to be bypassed(or maybe vented, though unlikely) to
prevent the over speeding of the rotor. I am not sure on how this is done.

How the boiler gets affected during house load operation of steam turbine generator?
Reply: Boiler runs at its minimum generation / stable load. the extra steam generated by boiler than
demanded by Turbine is being dumped to condenser via HP/LP bypass. this is called Parallel operation.

4. What are the expected effects on the life of steam turbine generator of prolonged house load
Reply: in addition to point 1 reply:- prolonged house load operation more than recommended duration
of OEM leads to overheating of machine. also there are many process constraint like maintaining
condenser back pressure/ condenser neck overheating)

The steam leaving the moving blades still retains a large portion of the velocity it had after leaving the
nozzle. – impulse turbine.

I don't think they do, in the way you mean. There are two interleaved sets of 'discs' of blades: one fixed,
and one rotating. As the steam expands its thermal energy is converted to kinetic energy which is
directed onto the moving blades. The blades speed up, the steam slows down, and then the next stage
of expansion occurs.

Load balancing states of droop speed control: "if the frequency decreases, the power is increased",
implying that the speed is to be maintained. The ability to return to the original speed after a change in
load is called isochronous speed

""On very large electrical grids--commonly referred to as "infinite" electrical grids--there is no single
machine operating in Isochronous Speed Control Mode which is capable of controlling the grid
frequency; all the prime movers are being operated in Droop Speed Control mode. But there are so
many of them and the electrical grid is so large that no single unit can cause the grid frequency to
increase or decrease by more than a few hundredths of a percent as it is loaded or unloaded."" ref -
droop speed control
Load balancing states of droop speed control: "if the frequency decreases, the power is increased",
implying that the speed is to be maintained. A very hasty google offers: The ability to return to the
original speed after a change in load is called isochronous speed

droop control means it is instantaneous with a governor which adjust the speed from no load to full load
with a five percent speed drop. the governor can be reset on a new set point raising this curve and
thereby changing the output of the plant. this has to be done slowly as not to disturb the stability of the

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