NHT Manual Updated 08032017

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HPCL- Visakh Refinery


Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery

The principal objective of the operating manual is to describe relevant operating procedures,
instructions and process safety information in an orderly manner for use by operating
personnel for safe and efficient operation of the plant. These operating procedures and
instructions shall be up-to-date reflecting changes in plant hardware and operating practices
carried out from time to time.
Naphtha Hydrotreater (NHT) unit was commissioned in the year 2009-10 under the Visakh
Refinery Clean Fuels Project (VRCFP). The Process Licensor for the plant was M/s UOP
LLC and Project Management Consultant (PMC) was M/s EIL.

The present edition of the operating manual of Naphtha Hydrotreater (NHT) is the revised
version of earlier operating manual prepared in July 2013. The operating procedures are
prepared / updated basis the inputs available in the Process Design Package, Equipment
Vendor Manuals, Process Safety Information received from other concerned departments,
Plant Standing Instructions (PSI) issued and the past operating experiences. However,
detailed operating and maintenance instructions issued by the licensor and equipment
vendors are available separately and may be referred as and when required.

Primary purpose of this revised operating manual is to consolidate, improve and upgrade all
the operating procedures fulfilling the requirements of Process Safety Management (PSM)
standard. HPCL Visakh Refinery adopted OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health
Administration) PSM Standard 29-CFR-1910.119 (PSM for highly hazardous chemicals) in
2013 and released the “PSM Procedure for preparation of Operating Procedures” (PSM-PR-
4) in the refinery. The present version of the NHT Plant operating manual is prepared as per
PSM-PR-4 (rev.1) and PSM audit observations in order to make the Operating Manual
OSHA PSM Standard compliant.

Operating procedures & conditions given in this manual are indicative and general guide for
routine start-up and operation of the unit. Vendor’s manual can be referred for detailed
operating instructions and precautions. Efforts have been made to include the relevant
information in a concise, step-by-step, easy-to-read format so that they are within the
comprehension of the readers. The users of this manual are encouraged to read the operating
manual and provide suggestions for further improvements of the manual.

Date of this Revision 01.10.2016
Designation DGM-Operations

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:1 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 1 of 406
HPCL- Visakh Refinery
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery

Administrative Requirements of the Manual
♦ Section A : Preface
♦ Section B : Table of Contents
♦ Section C: Records of revision, validation and
1 Plant Standing Instructions. 1 0
♦ Section D : Document control & list of copy
♦ Section E : Procedure for revision of the Manual
♦ Section F : List of Abbreviations
2 Introduction 14 0
3 Basis of Design 17 0
4 Feed and Product Characteristics 21 0
5 Process Principle and Process Chemistry 29 0
6 Process Description and Configuration 38 0
7 List of Plant Equipment 74 0
8 Description of critical control schemes and Interlocks 80 0
9 Description of Distributed Control System 86 0
10 Description of Advanced Process control 111 0
11 Initial Start-up Procedure (for New Plant) 112 0
Start-up Procedure after Short shutdown or, emergency
12 174 0
13 Start-up Procedure after T&I shutdown 176 0
14 Normal Operation of the Plant 179 0
15 Operating Limits & Consequences of Deviations 186 0
Operating Procedure for Critical Equipment and
16 195 0
Common Process Equipment
17 Plant upset conditions, stabilization and avoiding upsets. 223 0
18 Emergency handling procedures and Shutdowns 232 0
19 Normal Shutdown Procedure 240 0
20 Temporary Operations 244 0
Process Safety Information (PSI documents):
 List of PSI documents
 Details of PSI documents
21 a) Information of plant Relief System - (PSM/FR/2.7) 271 0
b) Information on Plant Holdups - (PSM/FR/2.5)
c) List of Enclosed (& underground) Facilities -
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HPCL- Visakh Refinery
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery

22 Sampling requirement and Sampling procedures 291 0
Plant Chemicals and Catalysts
a) Withdrawal management
b) Max Storage allowable in the Plant
c) Storage precautions
23 d) Loading procedures 301 0
e) Empty container disposal
f) Handling Precautions
g) Chemical spillage handling
h) Description of Chemical dosing system.
Occupational Safety & Health
a) Chemical Hazards
b) Special or Unique Hazards
24 307 0
c) First aid Procedures
d) PPE requirements, type and usage
e) Fire Fighting System & equipment
25 Plant Drainage System Description 337 0
Environmental Management
a) Effluent Generation and Control
26 344 0
b) Plant Emissions
c) Solid Waste
Safe Work Practices
a. Work Permit Procedures
27 b. Confined Space Entry procedure 348 0
c. SWP for plant access / entry control
d. Opening Process equipment & Piping
Unit Blind’s List
28  Master list 375 0
 Individual equipment blind list
Annexures :
1. Check List for Plant Start-up (after short S/D)
29 400 0
2. Check List for Plant Start-up (after T&I S/D)
3. Check List for Planned S/D

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:1 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 3 of 406
HPCL- Visakh Refinery
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


The Operating Procedures and Practices w.r.to unit start up, normal operation, non-routine
operations, normal shutdown and emergency shutdown are periodically reviewed for
improvements based on experiences, new requirements and better understanding of the
process. Accordingly, operating manuals are validated every year and revised once in 5 years.

The yearly validation and revision details of the manual are as below:

 The present edition of unit operating manual is reviewed and validated for the current
operation of the plant as indicated in the Table-1 below.
 A record of Plant Standing Instructions (PSI) issued in the intervening period is listed
in Table-2.
 The PSIs issued since last revision till the date of next revision (after 5 years) of the
operating manual is reviewed for its applicability in the current operation during
yearly validation and the same is indicated during validation. During revision of the
manual after 5 years, all the applicable PSIs are properly integrated in the revised

Table-1: Records of revision & validation

Rev. Validation Validation Validated Designation Signature Remarks

No. No. Date By (Name)
Div. Head –
1 1 MS Block,

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

Note : The PSI is available in …… (file name) at Unit Field Room and office of Div. Head

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HPCL- Visakh Refinery
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery

Table-2: Records of Plant Standing Instructions (PSIs) issued

Issued Comments by
Validity Rema
Sl. PSI Ref. No. Title of PSI on (signature,
(Till date) rks
(Date) date, name)
1. OPRN/MSB/NHT- Start-up, monitoring and shut 19/08/10
CCR/PSI-1* down of 74-K-01 CCR RGC
2. OPRN/MSB/NHT- 08/04/11
Sensitivity of NIU process
3. OPRN/MSB/NHT- Set point high and low limits 06/03/11
CCR/PSI-3* of closed loop controllers
4. Prevention of human error
while carrying out
DCS/PLC/Rack room jobs
5. OPRN/MSB/NHT- Unit seniority for NHT-CCR 31/03/11
CCR/PSI-5 officers
6. OPRN/MSB/NHT- 31/03/11
High noise areas in MS Block
7. Sensitize NHT personnel to
OPRN/MSB/NHT- prevent CCR feed failure in
CCR/PSI-7* case of NHT Splitter process
8. OPRN/MSB/NHT- Effective monitoring of fuel 26/04/11
CCR/PSI-8* gas system at NHT CCR
9. OPRN/MSB/NHT- NHT RGC changeover to its 13/05/11
CCR/PSI-9* standby compressor
10. OPRN/MSB/NHT- Prevention of water ingress 18/07/11
CCR/PSI-10* into compressor internals
11. OPRN/MSB/NHT- Operating philosophy of 09/08/11
CCR/PSI-11* Pressure safety valves
12. OPRN/MSB/NHT- 15/09/11
Car seals management
13. Checking the burner
OPRN/MSB/NHT- 30/09/11
components after dropping the
burner from heater
14. OPRN/MSB/NHT- Monitoring & control of 07/10/11
CCR/PSI-14 flaring from MS Block
15. Storage of F-keys at
OPRN/MSB/NHT- 24/10/11
designated locations in
NHTCCR section
16. Restarting the pump or fans
OPRN/MSB/NHT- 14/02/12
which are idle for more than 2
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:1 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 5 of 406
HPCL- Visakh Refinery
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery

17. Reciprocating compressors

OPRN/MSB/NHT- 18/05/12
cooling system water pumps
change over
18. Sustaining plant NHT
OPRN/MSB/NHT- 19/09/12
operation below turndown
during feed failure
19. Procedure for placing
OPRN/MSB/NHT- 11/12/12
vibrations trip of (74-K-01)
CCR RGC in service
20. OPRN/MSB/NHT- Switching from black burn to 21/01/13
CCR/PSI-20 white burn in cycle max
21. OPRN/MSB/NHT- De-energization of electric 28/03/13
CCR/PSI-21 drive and electric equipment
22. Isolation of Lock Hopper to
OPRN/MSB/NHT- 29/03/13
product condensers during
equipment outage
23. OPRN/MSB/NHT- Compressor checklist and 31/03/13
CCR/PSI-23 barring requirements
24. OPRN/MSB/NHT- 28/06/13
Critical pump change over*
25. OPRN/MSB/NHT- CCR start up with reduced 18/08/13
CCR/PSI-25 load of RGC
26. OPRN/MSB/NHT- 21/11/13
Portable igniter operation
27. Operation of NHT CCR during
OPRN/MSB/NHT- 20/12/13
non-availability of Net Gas
28. OPRN/MSB/NHT- Effective housekeeping in MS 04/01/14
29. OPRN/MSB/NHT- 01/01/14
EOT Crane Operation
30. OPRN/MSB/NHT- Preventing pyrophoric fires in
Fuel oil commissioning 30/10/15
32. OPRN/MSB/NHT- CCR PSA tail gas compressor
CCR/SI/33 operating philosophy
33. Procedure for DMDS drums
loading to sulphide storage 04/03/16
drum 74-V-ll
34. Procedure to release
Gauge glass cleaning and acid 04/03/16
35. OPRN/MSB/NHT Commissioning of salt 05/03/16

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HPCL- Visakh Refinery
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery

CCR/SI/36 Water line (both supply and

36. OPRN/MSB/NHT Releasing CBD pump for
CCR/SI/37 maintenance"
37. OPRN/MSB/NHT PSA 6 bed to 5 bed operation
CCR/SI/38 change over
38. OPRN/MSB/NHT Blinding of flare line before
CCR/SI/39 handing over the unit to T &1"
39. OPRN/MSB/NHT Changeover of OWS to surface
CCR/SI/40 drain during heavy rain
40. OPRN/MSB/NHT Handing over of rotary
CCR/SI/41 equipment to maintenance"
Loading of propane into chiller 15/03/16










*PSIs incorporated in MS Block Operating Manuals.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:1 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 7 of 406
HPCL- Visakh Refinery
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


• The administrative sections (Chapter 1 of PSM/GL/4.1) are approved by Division
Head- Operations.
• The original operating manual in file and tab format is maintained with the Division
• Three hard bound copies of the manual are issued as “Controlled Copy” to the
respective plants-one for plant Manager, one for DCS and one for Field room.
Controlled copy stamping is done on the following pages: “Title Page”, “Table of
Contents” and First Page of every chapter.
• Uncontrolled hard bound copies are made available to the plant personnel, Section
Head, “Disaster Control Room” (formerly “Central Control Centre”), Refinery
Engineering Documentation, Technical Department , HOD-Operations & RSM as
training copies. The training copies are marked as “Training Copy”
• In case of any doubt regarding the latest revision, the Original Copy is the reference
document for confirmation.
• All obsolete sections/chapters are removed by the Respective Division Heads.
Revisions & additions are managed by way of “Plant Standing Instructions” which are
annually integrated with the manual.


S.NO Identification no. Issued to Issued on (date)
0 Original MS Block –Division Head-Operations
1 Controlled Copy No. 1 Section Head – NHT-CCR, MS-Block
2 Controlled Copy No. 2 Plant Field Room
3 Controlled Copy No. 3 NHT/CCR-DCS
4 Controlled Copy No. 4 Office of HOD - Operations
NHT/CCR-Section Head
HOD-F&S (Disaster Control Room)
Training Copy Technical Services
(Hard Copy) Refinery Engineering Documentation.
All Plant Personnel
1. “Controlled Copy” means that the Plant Division Head will monitor it for its status,
incorporate changes as & when required, ensures its applicability and accessibility.
2. Training copy will be available in soft as well as hard copies.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:1 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 8 of 406
HPCL- Visakh Refinery
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


1. This Operating Manual is revised for the following:

• Change in Operating practice in any part of the Plant.

• Implementation of changes in Hardware and/or software systems of the Plant
which have impact on procedure.
• Change in Chemicals.
• Changes in Safety systems.

2. The revision of the Operating Manual is done in two stages :

• Managing changes (revisions) in the Operating Manual within 5 year cycle.

• Validating Operating Manual annually.

3. The revisions are issued as “Plant Standing Instructions”. The list of Plant Standing
Instructions is maintained in Section-C of Chapter 1-Administrative Requirements of
the Manual”.

4. The Plant Standing Instructions are backward integrated into the Operating Manual
once in 5 years.

5. The chapters which get revised at the time of revising operating manual, the Revision
number of the Chapter which is revised is increased by “1”.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

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HPCL- Visakh Refinery
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


AAG Amine Acid Gas
AAU Amine Absorption Unit
AI/AO Analog Input/ Analog Output
ACPDB AC power distribution
AM Arab Mix
APC Advanced Process Control
APM Advanced Process Manager
ARU Amine Regeneration Unit
ATP Additional Tank age Project
BA Breathing Apparatus
BCW Bearing Cooling Water
BFW Boiler Feed Water
BH Bombay High
B/L Battery Limit
CCR Continuous Catalytic Reformer
CAS Cascade
CBD Closed Blow Down
CCTV Closed Circuit Tele Vision
CDU Crude distillation Unit
CFC Continuous Film Contactor
CISF Central Industrial Security Force
CPP Captive Power Plant
CRWETP Contaminated Rain Water Effluent Treatment Plant
CS Copper Strip
CV Controlled Variable
DCP Dry Chemical Powder
DCPDB DC power distribution
DCS Distributed Control System
DDS Detailed Design Specification
DEA Di Ethanol Amine
DHDS Diesel Hydro- Desulphurization Section
DI/DO Data Input/Data Output
DIH Deisohexanizer
DMDS Di Methlyl Di Sulphide
DMW De Mineralized Water
DOB Daily Order Book
DRN Disposal Requirement Notice
DSO Di-Sulfide Oil
DV Disturbance Variable
EHS Environment Health Safety
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HPCL- Visakh Refinery
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery

ELCB Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
EOR End of Run
EMS Environmental Management System
E&P Economics & Planning
ESA External Safety Audit
ETP Effluent Treatment Plant
FCCU Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit
FCCNHT Fluid Catalytic Cracked Naphtha Hydro Treating
FGAAU Fuel Gas Amine Absorption Unit
FGD Fuel Gas Desulphurization
FSC Fail Safe Controller
FTE Fault Tolerant Ethernet
FV Full Vacuum
GUS Global User Station
HC Hydro Carbon
HI Heavy Isomerate
HLPH High Lift Pump House
HM History Module
HMI Human Machine Interface
HP High Pressure
HPM High performance Process Manager
HSD High Speed Diesel
IA Instrument air
I/O Input/Output
ISA Internal Safety Audit
IWL Inspection Work List
IFO Internal Fuel Oil
KOD Knock Out Drum
LAN Local Area Network
LCN Light Cracked Naphtha
LCO Light Cycle Oil
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LI Light Isomerate
LLPH Low Lift Pump House
LP Low Pressure
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LPH Liter Per Hour
LSHS Low Sulfur Heavy Stock
MCC Motor Control Centre
MEROX Mercaptan Oxidation
MES Mechanical Engineering Services
MOC Management of Change
MOV Motor Operated Valve
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HPCL- Visakh Refinery
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery

MMTPA Million Metric Tones Per Anum
MP Medium Pressure
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MS Motor Spirit
MSB Motor Spirit Block
MV Manipulated Variable
NDT Non-Destructive Test
NHT Naphtha Hydro-Treater
NIM Network Interface Module
NIT Notice Inviting Tender
NIU Naphtha Isomerization Unit
NLU Non Licensed Unit
NRV Non return Valve
NTP Network Time Protocol
OISD Oil Industry Safety Directorate
OCP Operational Control Procedure
OPC Outside Purchaser Client
OSTT Off Shore Tanker Terminal
OWS Operator Work Station
OWS Oil Water Sewer
P&ID Piping & Instrumentation Diagram
PFD Process Flow Diagram
PLC Programmable Logic Control
PMC Project Management Consultant
PSI Plant Standing Instructions
PP Power Plant
ppm Parts Per Million
ppb Parts Per Billion
PSI Process Safety Information
PS&E Process Safety & Environment
PSV Pressure Safety Valve
PHA Process Hazard Analysis
PAD Process Analysis & Design
PDI Plant Daily Instructions
PA Paging Announcement
PPE Personnel Protective Equipment
PMS Process Management System
PRU Propylene Recovery Unit
PSMS Process safety management system
PIN Process Information Network
QRA Quantitative Risk Analysis
RCA Root Cause Analysis
RCW Re-circulating Cooling Water
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:1 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 12 of 406
HPCL- Visakh Refinery
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 1 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery

RED Refinery Engineering Documentation
RSM Refinery Shift Manager
STEL Short Term Exposure Limit
SSA Surprise Safety Audit
SDV Shut Down Valve
SOR Start of Run
SOV Solenoid Valve
SRU Sulfur Recovery Unit
SWP Safe Work Practice
SWSU Sour Water Stripping Unit
T&I Turnaround & Inspection
TLV Threshold Limit Value
TPS Total Plant Solution
TSV Thermal Safety Valve
TC Turnaround Cycle
TOB Turnover Book
TBP True Boiling Point
UCN Universal Control Network
UEL Upper Explosive Limit
UHN Unit History Node
UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply
VBU Visbreaker Unit
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
VGO Vacuum Gas Oil
VHP Very High Pressure
VREP Visakh Refinery Expansion Project
VRCFP Visakh Refinery Clean Fuels Project
VD Vacuum Diesel

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:1 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 13 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 2 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section No. Title / Heading Page No.
Section No.
2.0. Introduction 15
2.1. General 15
2.2. NHT 16

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Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 2 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


Under VRCFP, MS Block facilities consisting of the following plants were installed
and commissioned for processing various Naphtha streams of the refinery with the
over-all objective of meeting EURO-III/EURO-IV specifications for MS.

• NHT (72)
• CCR – Platformer (74)
• Cycle Max (74)
• NIU (73)
• FCC – NHT (75)



Sulphur, ppmw, max 150 50
Benzene %, max 1.0 1.0
Aromatics%, max 42 35
Olefins%, max 18 18
95 premium 95 premium
RON, min
91 regular 91 regular
85 premium 85 premium
MON, min
81 regular 81 regular
RVP, kpa, max 70 60
Lead content, g/l max 0.013 0.013
Oxygen%, max 2.7 2.7
Ethers% containing 5 or
15 15
more C atoms
% Distilled at 100 deg C 46 46
% Distilled at 150 deg C 75 75

NHT, with a capacity of 1.15 MMTPA, is a UOP licensed hydro-treating unit that
treats SRN & Heavy Naphtha from CDUs and VBN from VBU for removal of
Sulphur, Nitrogen and other impurities. Provision is given to route heart cut naphtha
from FCCNHT and contaminated DSO from CFC to NHT feed.

CCR – Platformer licensed by UOP, with a capacity of 0.77 MMTPA, processes HN

from NHT and produces high Octane Reformate along with by-products LPG and
Hydrogen-rich ‘Net Gas’. NIU licensed by Axens, with a capacity of 0.23 MMTPA,
processes LN from NHT to produce Benzene free high Octane Isomerate. LPG is
produced as a by-product. FCC – NHT, with a capacity of 0.89 MMTPA, is an Axens
licensed hydro-processing unit that processes CRN from FCCU – I & II to yield LCN
& HCN.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:2 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 15 of 406
Facilities like AAU/ARU (76) and CFC (77) for treating additional LPG produced in
FCCU-I/II post revamp and, a two-stage SWSU (78) for processing sour water from
MS Block and other units of the refinery were also set up at MS Block area.

2.2. NHT:

Purpose of the “Naphtha Hydrotreater" is to produce clean hydro treated feed stocks
to feed the isomerization unit and Platforming unit. NHT unit reduces the level of
contaminants such as sulfur, nitrogen, water, halogens, di-olefins, olefins, arsenic,
mercury and other metals to very low level so as not to affect the downstream unit
Hydrotreating process involves the treatment of the naphtha in an adiabatic reactor
over a fixed bimetallic catalyst bed with in a hydrogen environment. The catalyst used
in Naphtha Hydrotreating reactor HC-K is composed of alumina base impregnated
with compounds of nickel and molybdenum. A moderately high temperature in the
range of 280- 310°C is required to promote the chemical reactions.
After the reaction process, the naphtha is stripped to remove light ends, gaseous
products including H2S and water. The naphtha from stripper bottom is the feed to the
naphtha splitter. LN from splitter top is fed to the Isomerization unit and HN from
splitter bottom is fed to the Platforming unit. The performances of the isomerization
and Platforming units are very much dependent upon the efficiency of the Naphtha

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:2 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 16 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 3 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
1. 3.0 DESIGN BASIS 18
5. 3.4 FEED 18
6. 3.5 PRODUCTS 19

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:3 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 17 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 3 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery
The unit is designed for two different cases. Case-I, is the proposal feed case which was
based on feed supplied in HPCL (NIT case) and Case-II is Bombay High (BH Case). The
purpose of the NHT unit is to produce clean de-sulfurized naphtha cut to be processed in the
Platformer unit and Naphtha Isomerisation Unit (NIU) after removal of all impurities which
are poisons (sulfur, nitrogen, water, halogens, diolefins, olefins, arsenic, mercury and other
metals) for catalysts. Important content of design basis is given below.


NHT Unit is designed for a capacity of 1,154,000 MT per annum.


The facility is capable of operating at 50 percent of design feed capacity, while Maintaining
the designated product specification.


Unit on stream factor is considered as 8000hrs/annum.

3.4 FEED:

Naphtha hydrotreater feed is a blend of full boiling range straight run naphthas (97.6 wt %)
and vis-breaker naphtha (2.4 wt% maximum, end point: 166 deg C). The straight run naphtha
from CDU-1, CDU-2, CDU-3 and vis-breaker naphtha from VBU. Apart from this FCC heart
cut naphtha, Contaminated Disulphide oil (DSO) from CFC and naphtha from storage can
also be processed. All these feeds contain various levels of Contaminants, which would be
detrimental to the Platformer/ NIU catalysts and therefore pretreatment is necessary.


Charge stock name : NIT case /BH case {SRN (97.6 wt %) / VB naphtha
(2.4 wt %) blend}
Flow rate : 144270 Kg/ hr/ 144316 Kg/hr
API : 63.49/60.83
Specific gravity : 0.7257/0.7357
Sulfur, ppm-wt : 670/ 378
Nitrogen, ppm-wt : 2.2/2.2
Oxygen, ppm-wt : 0.00/0.0
Bromine No. : 2.34/0.0
Diene Value : 1.00/0.02
Metals, ppb-wt : 120
% Cracked stock : 2.4/ 2.7

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:3 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 18 of 406
Paraffins, wt% : 60.72/ 48.66
Olefins, wt% : 1.03/1.03
Naphthenes, wt% : 27.80/ 28.74
Aromatics, wt% : 10.45/ 21.57

ASTM D-86, Deg F

IBP 121.0/116.2
10% 161.0/ 161.3
30% 191.0/ 189.9
50% 218.0/ 212.3
70% 245.0/ 231.9
90% 287.0/ 260.3
FBP 370.0/ 319.8


Total Sulfur, wt ppm : 670 max

Total Nitrogen, wt ppm : 2.2 max
Total Oxygen, wt ppm : 2.0 max
Bromine no. : 2.34 max
Fluoride, wt ppm : 0.5 max
Chloride, wt ppm : 2.0 max
Silicon, wt ppm : 0.1 max
Arsenic, wt ppb : 10.0max
Lead, wt ppb : 20.0max
Copper, wt ppb : 20.0max
Nickel, wt ppb : 20.0max
Mercury, wt ppb : 2.0max


The NHT unit shall produce hydrotreated and stripped light naphtha and heavy naphtha
suitable from downstream processing. The light hydrotreated naphtha will be used as feed to
isomerization unit and heavy naphtha will act as feed to Platformer. The hydrotreated light
naphtha from the NHT unit shall have the following specs:-

Sulfur wt ppm 0.5max
Nitrogen wt ppm 0.1max
Metals wt ppb NIL
Chlorides wt ppb NIL

The hydro treated heavy naphtha from the NHT unit shall be designed to meet the following
required product properties and conditions:

Sulfur wt ppm 0.5max
Nitrogen wt ppm 0.5max

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:3 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 19 of 406
Stripper column off gases are routed to amine treating (by others) and then to the refinery fuel
gas system. Sour water from the separator and stripper column is sent to sour water stripping
and then to the refinery.


Catalyst type : HC-K

Fresh feed : 30033BPSD (199 m3/hr)/ 29625BPSD (196.3m3/hr)
Hydrogen to reactor : 1000.0 SCFB(178.1 Nm3/m3)/ 1000 SCFB
Pressure at separator : 21.1 / 21.1 Kg/cm2g
Mini. reactor outlet temp. : 315.5/ 315.5 deg C
Max. reactor outlet temp. : 343.3/ 343.3 deg C
Max. Allowable reactor delta-T : 10/ 10 deg C
Heat of reaction on fresh feed : 16.4 / 10.3 BTU/lb FF
LHSV on fresh feed : 10.0/ 9.9 hr-1
Min. Hydrogen in Recycle gas : 70/ 70 %
Wash water injection, Vol% : 3.00/ 3.0%
Volume of catalyst : 19.9 m3
Weight of catalyst : 15503 Kg

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Officer Section Head Div. Head

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Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 4 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



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4.1 22
4.3 24

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Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 4 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery




from from from from from from VBN TOTAL

BPSD 6810 1358 12340 3368 3920 1421 721 29938

MTPD 810.00 171.00 1377.99 408.99 438.00 173.01 83.01 3462.00
(8000 270.00 57.00 459.33 136.33 146.00 57.67 27.67 1154.00
LV% 22.75% 4.54% 41.22% 11.25% 13.09% 4.75% 2.41% 100.00%
wt% 23.40% 4.94% 39.80% 11.81% 12.65% 5.00% 2.40% 100.00%
API 57.47 47.03 69.78 53.61 69.67 53.06 63.67 62.87
sp.gr. 0.7488 0.7926 0.7030 0.7644 0.7034 0.7667 0.7250 0.7280
S, wt- 94 182 278 684 384 727 15105 669.5
N, wt- 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 30.0 2.2
P 35.7 28.6 76.9 58.8 76.1 57.6 37.0 60.71
O 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 43.0 1.03
N 52.7 40.9 17.0 24.6 16.6 26.4 15.0 27.80
A 11.6 30.5 6.1 16.6 7.3 16.0 5.0 10.45
TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

MCP 2.3 4.24 2.37 2.15 2.58

CH 2.04 8.77 2.11 1.9 4.28
BZ 1.13 2.51 1.29 0.9 1.45


Hydrogen make-up to this unit is needed for naphtha hydro treatment. Hydrogen is supplied
from Net Gas Chloride Treater at Platforming unit through a 2” header to upstream of
product condenser 72-A-01.Start up hydrogen requirement will meet from DHDS-H2 unit
through 2” line.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:4 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 22 of 406

The NHT unit shall produce hydrotreated light naphtha and heavy naphtha suitable for
downstream processing. The light hydrotreated naphtha will be used as feed to NIU and
heavy naphtha will be fed to Platformer.


The hydrotreated Light Naphtha (LN) from the NHT unit shall have the following specs:-

Flow rate : 47436 Kg/hr (NIT)/ 49792 Kg/hr (BH)

Pressure : 6.1 Kg/Cm2 g
Temperature : 40 deg C
Molecular Weight : 83.44/ 80.04
Density : 687.1 Kg/ m3 / 678.2 Kg/m3
Sulfur, wt ppm, max : 0.5
Nitrogen, wt ppm, max : 0.1
Metals, wt ppb : NIL
Chlorides, wt ppb : NIL
Bromine No. : 0.0


The hydrotreated Heavy Naphtha (HN) from the NHT unit shall be designed to meet the
following required product properties and conditions:
Flow rate : 96204 Kg/hr (NIT)/ 93973Kg/hr (BH)
Pressure : 9.6 Kg/Cm2 g
Temperature : 93/ 90 deg C ( Up stream of Coolers)
Molecular Weight : 110.66/ 105.16
Density : 681.7 Kg/ m3 / 706.9 Kg/m3
Sulfur, wt ppm, max : 0.5
Nitrogen, wt ppm, max : 0.5
Bromine no. : 0.00

4.2.3 OTHERS:
Stripper column off gases are routed to Fuel gas Amine Absorption Unit treating and then to
the refinery fuel gas system. Sour water from the separator and stripper receiver is sent to
sour water stripper unit.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:4 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 23 of 406
4.2.4 YIELD:
Yield summary, wt% Fresh feed basis (NIT/ BH case):

Oil charge : 100/100

H2 make up : 0.09 (43.60 SCFB)/ 0.06 (27.7 SCFB)



H2O 0.0/0.0
NH3 0.0/0.0
H2S 0.07/0.04
C1 0.01/0.01
C2 0.01/ 0.01
C3 0.02/ 0.01
i-C4 0.00 0.01/ 0.01
n-C4 0.00 0.00/ 0.00
C4 Olefin 0.00 0.00/ 0.00
i-C5 2.83/7.32 2.82/ 7.45
n-C5 3.17/4.96 3.23/5.10
CP 0.39/0.04 0.39/0.4
C5 Olefin 0.11/0.26 0.0/0.0
C6 Plus 93.50/87.42 93.44/ 87.33
Total 100.00 100.00/100.00




HN CDU-I,II&III 4.5 75
VB Naphtha VBU 4.5 75
FCC Heart Cut Naphtha FCC-NHT 6.0 40
Naphtha From Storage Tank-189/190 10.0 40
Naphtha With
CFC 5.0 47
Contaminated DSO
Start Up Hydrogen DHDS-H2 20.0 45



Light Naphtha Isomerization unit 6.0 40
Heavy naphtha Storage 7.0 40

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:4 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 24 of 406
Sour water
NHT sour water 5.0 55
NHT stripper off gas SRU 5.5 53



Min Norm Max Min Nor Max
Kg/cm2g deg C

VVHP steam 43.5 43.5 43.5 264 264 264 50.5 395
VHP steam 33 35 38 340 360 380 40 400
MP steam 9 10 11 Satd. 250 280 12.5 300
LP steam 2.5 3.0 4.0 Satd. 150 170 5.5 190


Destination for two phase condensate from steam traps or control valves at steam heater
exchanger outlets

TABLE 4.6:


HP, MP HP,MP 5.5
LP LP 1.5

TABLE 4.7:

10 wt% 3.0 40

Spent caustic has to be routed to ETP, destination pressure: 6.0Kg/cm2g.


Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:4 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 25 of 406
TABLE 4.8:


Supply header Max
operating Press, Normal 50 20.5
Kg/cm2g Min 47 17.5
Supply header Max
operating Temp., deg Normal 120 120
C Min 110 110
Mechanical design Press. Kg/cm2g 71 29
conditions Temp. deg C 155 155
Ph 8.5-9.5
Total Hardness as
CaCO3, ppmw
<5@ 25 degC
Total Fe, mg/l 0.03


TABLE 4.9:

Source Cooling tower
Supply press., Kg/cm2g 5.3
Return press., Kg/cm2g 3.5
Supply temp., deg C 33
Return temp., deg C 44 max.
Exchanger Water Side mech. design Cond. Press : 7.6 Kg/cm2g, Temp.: 65 deg C


TABLE 4.10:

Supply header 7 8 11 160 170 17 200
Return header 2.5


API : 13.5-18.5
Net heating value, Kcal/Kg : 9480
Viscosity, cSt : 111.1 @ 98.9 deg C& 250.7 @ 82.2 deg C
Flash point, deg C : 208
Pour point, deg C : 24-60

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:4 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 26 of 406
TABLE 4.11

Supply header 2.5 3.0 3.5 30 40 60 9.0 100


TABLE 4.12
H2O 3.02 - -
O2 - - -
N2 13.42 - -
CO 1.17 - -
CO2 1.28 - -
H2S 0.0091 - -
H2 16.7 92.16 67.78
C1 13.7 2.54 10.24
C2= 6.42 - -
C2 11.89 2.8 11.62
C3= 7.62 - -
C3 15.64 1.54 6.39
iC4 3.26 - -
nC4 5.33 0.8 3.3
C5= - - -
iC5= - - -
nC5 0.27 0.16 0.66
C6+ - - -
Mol.Wt 28.55 4.34 11.64
LHV, Kcal/Kg 10129 18646 13211

UNIT ELEVATION: Refinery site is 2.7m above sea level


TABLE 4.13:

BCW supply 5.3 33 7.6 65
BCW return 3.5 3.5 44 65

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:4 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 27 of 406
DM water 3.0 9.0 65
Service water 2.5 3.0 3.5 65
Nitrogen 5.0 6.0 7.0 10.5
Instrument air 4.0 5.0 6.0 Dew point: -40 deg C 9.0
Plant air 3.0 4.0 5.0 Dew point: Saturated 9.0

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Officer Section Head Div. Head

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Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 5 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



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No. No.
5.0 30

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Chapter No: 5 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery




Feed Naphtha blend from CDUs & storage is routed to the feed surge drum. Any water
collected in the feed surge drum is routed to the OWS. The naphtha is charged to the reactor
section by the charge pumps (72-P-01A/B).


Naphtha from the charge pumps is combined with hydrogen rich recycle gas from the
Recycle gas compressor. The combined feed is preheated in combined feed exchangers (72-
E-01A~G) by the reactor effluent stream. The combined feed is then further heated to the
required reaction temperature in the charge heater (72-F-01), before going to NHT reactor. In
the reactor sulfur, nitrogen and other contaminants from the feed gets removed in a down
flow catalyst bed.

The reactor effluent exchanges heat with the reactor feed in the combined feed exchanger.
Cold condensate is then continuously injected by the wash water injection pump from the
water break tank (72-V-03), to prevent the deposition of salt. Reactor effluent passes through
the product condenser to condense the naphtha vapors to low enough temperature to recover
the naphtha and enters the separator (72-V-04). Separator ensures separation of liquid
naphtha, sour water and hydrogen rich recycle gas. The separator is provided with water
boot to collect the water injected for salt removal. Sour water is routed to Sour water stripper
unit under a level controller. The hydrogen rich gas is recycled via the recycle compressor
suction drum and recycle compressor, to upstream of the combined feed exchanger.
Hydrocarbon liquid from the separator under level controller and any entrained liquid from
the RGC suction drum are combined and routed to the stripping section through stripper feed-
bottom exchangers(72-E-03 A/B) where it is pre heated.


In the stripper hydrocarbon liquid is re-boiled in the re-boiler with VHP steam. Stripper
strips off H2S, any water traces, light hydrocarbons and any dissolved hydrogen in the
hydrocarbon. The over head vapor from the stripper passes through an air fin fan cooler and
enters the stripper receiver. Light hydrocarbon collected in the stripper receiver is returned to
the stripper as reflux by the stripper reflux pump. Normally, no net over head liquid product
is drawn, although a line is provided to allow draining of accumulated light hydrocarbon
liquid over a period of time to CBD. Any water condensing in the stripper receiver collects
in the boot and is removed and routed to sour water stripper. Off gas from the stripper
receiver is removed under pressure control to SRU. Stripper bottom liquid is cooled in the
stripper feed- bottom exchangers and then passes to Splitter column.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:5 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 30 of 406

Splitter splits the hydrotreated naphtha to Light Naphtha (LN) which is NIU unit feed and
Heavy Naphtha(HN) which is feed to Platforming unit. A re-boiler heater is provided for
necessary heat of vaporization. Splitter over head vapors leaving from the top of the naphtha
splitter under pressure control are cooled in over head condensers and passes to splitter over
head receiver. Part of the over head liquid is drawn as over head product (LN) and the
remaining liquid is pumped back to the splitter as reflux.

Splitter bottom liquid splits into two streams, one stream to splitter reboiler and the second
stream is cooled in the stripper feed- splitter bottom exchangers and routed to salt water
coolers to drop the HN temperature to atmosphere temperature before routing to storage. A
provision is given for routing HN to Platforming unit as hot feed, upstream of salt water


Naphtha, like other petroleum fractions, contains varying amounts of naturally occurring
contaminants including organic sulfur, nitrogen, and metal compounds. These contaminants
are removed by Hydrotreating process which is a fixed bed, catalytic hydrogenation method
to upgrade the quality of naphtha with a negligible effect on the boiling range of naphtha
product. Hydrotreating is designed primarily to remove sulfur and nitrogen. In addition, the
process does an excellent job of saturating olefinic and aromatic compounds and removing
other contaminants such as oxygenates, halides and organo-metallic compounds.
Hydrotreating of naphtha is carried out at elevated temperatures and pressures in a hydrogen
atmosphere to make it suitable for CCR. Catalysts of naphtha hydrotreater are formulated by
compositing varying amounts of nickel and cobalt with molybdenum oxides on an alumina
base. Design of the unit is based on feed quality, desired product properties, ease of
operation, desired cycle length, operating flexibility and operating costs. The following
chemical steps and / or reactions occur during hydrotreating of naphtha:


Naphtha feedstock to the unit contains simple mercaptans, sulfides and disulfides. These
compounds are easily converted to H2S. However, feed stocks containing heteroatomic
aromatic molecules are more difficult to process. Desulfurization of these compounds
proceeds by initial ring opening and sulfur removal followed by saturation of the resulting
olefin. Benzothiophene is considered 15 times more difficult to process compared to
diethylsulfide. Desulfurization reaction takes place with sulfur removal followed by olefin
saturation. At high conversion level, desulfurization reactions follow first order kinetics.

The comparison of the relative difficulty of hydrotreating different classes of sulfur

containing compounds is shown in figure 5-1.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:5 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 31 of 406

Denitrogenation is generally more difficult than desulfurization. Side reactions may yield
nitrogen compounds more difficult to hydrogenate than the original reactant. Nitrogen
removal follows closely first order kinetics. Both increasing temperature and increasing
hydrogen pressure enhance the removal of total nitrogen. The reaction mechanism steps are
different compared to desulfurization. The denitrogenation of pyridine proceeds by aromatic
ring saturation, ring hydrogenolysis, and finally denitrogenation.

Saturation of heterocyclic nitrogen–containing rings is also hindered by large attached groups

as shown in the figure 5-2.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:5 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 32 of 406
Organically combined oxygen is removed by hydrogenation of the carbon–hydroxyl bond
forming water and the corresponding hydrocarbon.


Olefin saturation reactions proceed very rapidly and have a high heat of reaction than other
hydrotreating reactions.

A. Linear Olefin

B. Cyclic Olefins

+ H2


Aromatic saturation reactions are the most difficult. The reactions are influenced by process
conditions and are often equilibrium limited. Unit design parameters would consider the
desired degree of saturation for each specific unit. The saturation reaction is very exothermic.


Typical organic metals native to most crude oils are nickel and vanadium. Iron can be found
concentrated at the top of catalyst beds as iron sulfides that are corrosion products. Sodium,
calcium and magnesium are due to contact of the feed with salt water or additives.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:5 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 33 of 406
Lead may also deposit on the hydrotreating catalyst from reprocessing leaded gasoline
through the crude unit. Lead has a large effect on the catalyst activity. Arsenic occurs
naturally in certain crude oil and is observed in all crude oil fractions. It is even more severe
poison than lead.
Improper use of additives (used to protect fractionator overhead system from corrosion, and
to control foaming) account for the presence of phosphorus and silicon. Metal removal is
essentially complete above temperatures of 315 0C to a metals loading of 2-3 wt% of the total
catalyst. Above this level, the catalyst begins to approach equilibrium saturation and metals
breakthrough is likely.
The total metals retention of the catalyst system can be increased by using a guard reactor or
a guard bed of catalyst specifically designed for demetallization. Some demetallization
catalysts may retain as much as 100 wt% metals based on fresh catalyst weight. Such
catalysts typically have a lower activity for desulfurization and denitrogenation.


Organic halides, such as chlorides and bromides, present in naphtha are decomposed in the
reactor. The inorganic ammonium halide salts that are produced when the reactants are
cooled are then dissolved by injecting water into the reactor effluent or leave with the stripper
off-gas. Decomposition of organic halides is considered difficult with a maximum removal of
approximately 90%.

C C -C-C-C-Cl C C -C-C-C
+ H2 HCl +

HCl + NH3 NH4Cl


The relative reaction difficulty for several major hydrotreating reactions are indicated in
figure 5-3.
The approximate relative heats of reaction per unit of hydrogen consumption for these
reactions are shown below

Hydroprocessing reaction Relative heat of reaction

Desulfurization 1

Olefin Saturation 2

Denitrogenation 1

Aromatics Saturation 1

All of the reactions discussed above are exothermic and result in a temperature rise across the
reactor. Olefin saturation and some desulfurization reactions have similarly rapid reaction
rates, but it is the saturation of olefins, which generates the greatest amount of heat than any
other hydrotreating reactions.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:5 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 34 of 406

The products of the hydrotreating reactions are of a lower density than that of the feedstock.
Therefore, the total liquid yield will be greater than the feed and may be as high as 102 LV%.
Some hydrocracking may take place in the hydrotreating process. This is especially evident
toward the end of an operating cycle when reactor temperatures are raised to compensate for
lower catalyst activity. Total liquid yield and hydrogen consumption will increase as
hydrocracking reactions preceed. Most of the increase in liquid volume yield will come from
more net stripper overheads at the expense of lower stripper bottoms product. Economic
considerations will determine the amount of bottoms product that can be lost before the unit
is shutdown for regeneration or catalyst change. Under normal operation, the net stripper
overhead liquid produced in the unit should not exceed 2 LV% of the unit feed.

Catalyst activity can be lost by several mechanisms. Under normal circumstances, the catalyst
should deactivate continuously and gradually throughout the entire run period due to coke
formation. However, several mechanisms exist for deactivation which can cause unusually
high deactivation rates.


The catalyst system is designed to promote selective hydrogenation reactions while

suppressing undesirable reactions. The most undesirable side reaction is the condensation of
poly-nuclear and olefinic compounds into high molecular weight, low hydrogen content
compounds commonly referred to as coke.
Coke formation begins with adsorption of high molecular weight molecules and proceeds
with further loss of hydrogen. The coke can cover active sites and / or prevent access to these
sites by physical blockage of the entrance to the pores leading to the sites. Coke deposition is
a time-temperature phenomenon. Deactivation increases with time and temperature of the
catalyst. Coke deposition occurs at a relatively slow rate and the catalyst is able to operate for
periods of one year or more before regeneration becomes necessary. Reactor temperatures
must be increased to compensate for the slow decline in activity caused by the accumulation
of coke on the catalyst.
During upsets or when catalyst is subjected to operating conditions beyond the operating
limits of the unit, coke formation accelerates and catalyst life is reduced. Most of the catalyst
activity can usually be recovered by regeneration by oxidizing the coke to carbon dioxide gas
and hence coke deposition can be considered as temporary deactivation of catalyst. However,
when deactivation is caused by extreme conditions, such as very high reactor temperatures or
high end point feed, regeneration may not be successful.

Metals may come into the system via organometallic compounds (Ni, Va), feed stock
contaminants ( Pb, Fe, As, P, Na, Ca, Mg ) and additives such as anti-foaming agents. The
deposition of metals usually occurs at the pore entrances or near the outer surface of the
catalyst. This deposition creates a layer affecting the accessibility to the catalyst interior and
active sites. These metals are non-regenerable poisons to the catalyst and hence metals
accumulation can lead to permanent deactivation of catalyst.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:5 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 35 of 406

Catalyst supports and active metal sites can be sintered upon exposure to high temperatures.
High water partial pressures contribute to this effect as well. The active metals can become
mobile and agglomerate under these conditions. The resulting loss in active surface reduces
catalyst activity. The catalyst support will also lose surface area from the collapse of pores or
from an increase in pore diameter with pore volume remaining constant.



Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:5 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 36 of 406


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Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:5 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 37 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 6 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



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No. No.
6.0 39

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Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 6 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


Naphtha hydrotreater unit consists of a feed section, a high pressure reactor section, medium
pressure stripper section and a low pressure splitter section.
− Feed section: Cold/hot feed lines at battery limit → feed surge drum (72-V-01) → charge
pumps suction.

− High pressure reactor section: Charge Pump (72-P-01 A/B) → Feed Filter (73-X-01) →
Combined Feed Exchanger (72-E-01 A to G) → Charge Heater (72-F-01) → Reactor (72-
R-01) → Separator (72-V-04) → recycle gas compressor knockout drum (72-V-05) →
recycle gas compressors (72-K-01 A/B).

− MP Stripper Section Stripper Feed Naphtha Splitter Bottom Exchanger (72-E-02) →

Stripper Feed Bottom Exchange (72-E-03) → Stripper (72-C-01) → Stripper Re-boiler
(72-E-04) → Stripper condenser (72-A-02) → Stripper Receiver (72-V-06) → Stripper
Reflux Pumps (72-P-04 A/B).

Naphtha Splitter Bottom pumps (72-P-05 A/B) → Stripper Feed Naphtha Splitter Bottom
Exchanger tube side (72-E-02) → battery limit.

Naphtha Splitter Overhead pumps 72-P-06 A/B → Naphtha Splitter Overhead Cooler
(72-E-05 A/B) → battery limit.

− Low pressure product fractionation section: Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) → Naphtha

Splitter Re-boiler Heater (72-F-02) → Naphtha Splitter Condenser (72-A-03) → Naphtha
Splitter Receiver (72-V-07).

6.1.1 FEED:
The feed to the Naphtha Hydrotreater unit is a blend of full boiling range straight run naphtha
(SRN/HN) from CDU-1, CDU-2, CDU-3 and naphtha from visbreaker unit, FCC heart cut
naphtha & Disulphide oil (DSO) from CFC.
Cold feed is taken from the offsite tanks 120-T-189(capcity-14600m3) &120-T-190
(capacity-17560m3). These tanks are floating cum fixed roof tanks with nitrogen blanketing
facility to prevent oxygen from being dissolved in the naphtha. Even trace quantities of
oxygen and/or olefin in the feed can cause polymerization of olefins in the storage tank when
stored for long periods or in the combined feed/ reactor effluent exchangers if the feed is not
pre-stripped. Cold feed pumps (120-P-43A/B) of maximum discharge capacity 246 m3/hr
will pump the sour naphtha feed at a pressure 10Kg/cm2g.
In order to maximize energy efficiency, Naphtha Hydrotreater unit will be normally
processing hot straight run naphtha at 75 °C and pressure of 4.5 Kg/cm2g from exiting CDU-
1, CDU-2 and CDU-3. VB naphtha from visbreaking unit line (2”), FCC heart cut Naphtha
(4”) from FCC-NHT, Naphtha from storage tank line (8”), 2” Naphtha with contaminated
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 39 of 406
DSO from CFC will join the feed surge drum inlet line (8”) in the unit. All these lines are
provided with flow transmitters (except for DSO line) and local pressure gauges. Feed low/
high flow alarm provision given in DCS for each of the feed FTs to alert the DCS operator.
Check valves are provided on individual lines for avoiding back up of one feed to the other.
During NHT startup the Splitter bottoms stream can be received in the Feed Surge Drum.
Similarly it is also provided to receive stabilizer bottoms during Platforming unit start up.
Sample points are provided on Feed from storage, FCC heart cut naphtha line and on hot feed
Naphtha hydrotreater unit will be processing cold feed from storage during unit start up, and
during normal operation if necessary. Cold feed line is provided with a flow transmitter (FT-
0601) and a flow control valve 72-FV-0601 for controlling the cold feed. Low cold feed
alarm is provided in DCS.


Typically, all the feeds are collected in the feed surge drum where the rates are leveled out in
the surge drum. Feed is routed to feed surge drum (72-V-01) from battery limit. The Feed
Surge Drum provides the necessary inventory for the sour naphtha feed to the reactor section
hold up having a residence time of approx. 15 minutes (at 50% full).
The feed naphtha inlet connection is provided at one end of the drum, the boot and the feed
draw off connection being provided at the other end. The Feed Surge Drum can be drained to
the closed drained system or to the oily sewer through boot drain line at the bottom of the
boot. The Feed Surge Drum is fuel gas blanketed under pressure control. Two nos. of
pressure safety valves 72-PSV-01A/B are provided on the feed surge drum which is set at
16.0 Kg/Cm2g. These pressure safety valves safeguard the vessel during external fire case.
Feed surge drum is provided with a water boot to remove any free water that comes in with
the feed. Feed surge drum operating pressure& temperatures are 2.0 Kg/cm2g & 75 °C

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 40 of 406


• Feed surge drum has a level transmitter LT-0602. Surge drum Level is controlled by
the level controller LIC-0602, that takes signal from LT-0602& adjusts the cold feed
flow control valve (FV-0601) in cascade mode. Level alarm high& low are provided
for surge at the level of 80&30% respectively.
• FI-0602 is provided on the SRN& HN from CDU-I, II&III line, with indication in
DCS. Also, VB naphtha flow is shown by FI-0604. These two combined streams
temperature is measured by TE-0603 & indication is given to DCS.
• FI-0603 is provided on FCC heart cut naphtha line, with indication in DCS.
Temperature of this stream is measured by TE-0602 & indication is given to DCS.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 41 of 406
• Feed surge drum boot is having an interface level transmitter LT-0601. Boot level is
controlled by the interface level controller LIC0601, which takes signal from LT-0601
and adjusts the boot drain control valve LV-0601. Level alarm high& low are
provided for boot at the level of 90%&10% respectively. The controller LIC-0601
output is maximum, if the interface level is above 80%& output will become
minimum at 20% level.
• Another interface LT (LT-0603) on feed surge drum boot is provided for closing the
boot drain control valve, which gets activated at the trip value of 50% signal from
LT-0603. If the boot water level comes to trip value, tracked by LT-0603(LALL-
0603), closes the level control valve LV-0601 by activating the SOV LY-0601. When
the LT-0603 level reads above 50%, the field operator has to “RESET” the SOV-LY-
0601, by pressing the switch in the field near control valve (LV-0601), which will
energize the SOV and makes control valve to operate.
• Feed surge drum is pressure is controlled by the split range pressure controller PIC-
0601, which gets signal from PT-0601 on the surge drum. If the pressure of the surge
drum exceeds the set point, high pressure signal goes to the PY-0601B, which gives
output signal to PV-0601B going to flare. Low pressure signal from PIC-0601 first
closes the flare control valve and opens the fuel gas control valve (PV-0601A) via

6.1.3 CHARGE PUMPS (72-P-01A/B):

Naphtha is routed out of the feed surge drum bottom to the charge pumps. At the suction of
the charge pumps (72-P-01A/B) there is a Di-methyl Disulfide (DMDS) injection connection
from sulfide injection pump 72-P-09, for the sulfiding of the catalyst during the initial startup
which will normally be blank-off when not in use. When very low sulfur feeds are fed to the
reactor, the sulfide injection rate is set to maintain at least 15-20 weight ppm of feed. This is
required to keep the catalyst metals in their optimum state.
Charge pumps are five multi-stage centrifugal pumps of capacity 236m3/hr& develop a
discharge pressure of 37.8Kg/cm2g. A sample point is provided on discharge of the pump.
Sample point outlet line is given to the pump suction. These pumps run indication is
provided in DCS. The charge pumps are provided with two flushing plans for the seals i.e.,
API plan-11& APIplan-52. It takes suction from feed surge drum (72-V-01) and charge the
reactor (72-R-01) with naphtha through feed filter (72-X-01), Combined Feed Exchanger (72-
E-01) and charge heater (72-F-01). A start up by pass line is provided to route naphtha
directly to stripper, during initial startup of the plant.

I&C of charge pumps:

• Feed pump suction strainers are provided with differential pressure transmitters (PDT-
0701/0702) for monitoring the plugging of the strainers. High differential pressure
alarm (PDAH) is provided in DCS at a pressure of 0.1 Kg/cm2.
• Charge naphtha temperature is indicated by TI-0701 in the control room (DCS).
• Each mechanical seal reservoir is provided with low level switch &alarm (LSL/LAL-
9001/9002) as well as high level switch and alarm (LSH/LAH-9001/9002) in case of
failure of any of the seals with the consequent level increase or decrease in the
corresponding seal reservoir.
• Start up by pass line at charge pumps discharge is provided with a flow control valve
FV-0702 along with FT-0702 for measuring the flow with the help of FIC-0702.
• Feed pumps motor running indication is provided in the DCS.
• FIC-0701 installed on the discharge of the pumps, measures the total flow in the pump
discharge line and returns excess flow to the surge drum by acting on FV-0701
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 42 of 406
located on spill back line. Low flow alarm is provided in DCS at a flow less than 142


Straight run naphtha is clean product and doesn’t contain much of contaminants viz., pipe
scale, dirt, and degradation products. However, small quantities of contaminants are always
present. These contaminants, if enter the reactor along with naphtha, accumulate in the
reactor catalyst beds. This accumulation of particulate matter in the catalyst beds builds up
the pressure drop across the reactor. Naphtha Hydrotreater unit has continuous magnetic feed
filter (72-X-01). It contains 69 no’s filter elements made up of glass fiber and can filter
particles size up to 50 microns. Maximum clean pressure drop across these filters is 0.2
kg/cm2 (g) and maximum dirty pressure drop across these filters is 1.8 kg/cm2(g).
The pressure drop across the filters is measured by transmitter 72-PDT-0703 in the field and
by 72-PDI-0703 on DCS panel. Feed filter differential pressure high alarm (PDAH) is
provided in DCS if the DP exceeds 1.0Kg/cm2. A ¾” nitrogen supply line connection is
given to the inlet line of the filter for purging purpose, and also to drain the filter in a short
period of time under nitrogen pressure.


Combined feed exchangers (72-E-01 A~G) are train of 7 nos. of exchangers connected in
series. Recycle gas from recycle gas compressor (72-K-01 A/B) discharge is mixed with
naphtha from charge pumps. The combined feed and gas is preheated on shell-side from 79
°C to 287°C with hot reactor effluent on tube-side cooling from 343 °C to 128 °C. This cold
feed flows from shells (G→F→E→D→ C→ B→A) and then to the Charge Heater (72-F-01).
On the tube side of the CFE, hot reactor effluent gases flow from exchanger shells (A→B→C
→D → E → F → G) and then to the Product Condenser (72-A-01 A to G).

Shell side 79°C → 287°C

Tube side 343°C → 128°C

The combined feed leaving the exchanger is all vapor and flows to the charge heater (72-F-
01) where it is heated to the required reaction temperature. A slip stream of combined feed
by-passes the combined feed exchanger by 72-HV -1003. This is done when:

a. The furnace duty is too low for stable firing as during a start-up/shutdown operation
b. When the CFE is new & clean.

However, care must be taken to ensure that too much naphtha is not bypassed, as it is
essential to completely vaporize the naphtha before it goes to the Charge Heater.
A 2” wash water connection is provided on downstream of the combined feed exchanger
tubes, to dissolve the ammonium salts before they solidify in the overhead condenser tubes.
Out of 7 exchangers in combined feed exchangers, 72-E-01A&B are made of austenitic steel
grade & remaining exchangers are made of Killed Carbon Steel.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 43 of 406

• Naphtha Feed to CFE is measured by FT-1003& controlled by the FIC-1003 through

control valve FV-1003. Three flow transmitters FT-1001A/B/C also measure the feed
flow. If 2 out of 3 of the above transmitters shows a low flow of 65m3/hr, then feed
flow to CFE will close (UV-0701closes). UV-0701 can be opened after pushing the
reset button in the field. Low flow alarm is provided in DCS at a flow rate of 110
(LO) &78 (LOW-LOW) m3/hr.

• During initial startup of the unit, to avoid Low-Low feed naphtha flow interlock (UC-
001) activation, a flow by pass switch (HS-1001) is provided at auxiliary console
panel. UV-0701 control valve will open only when interlock UC-001 is healthy or
UC-001 is in by pass. During start up, turn the start up by pass switch in ON position
and RESET the UV-0701 control valve by pressing the switch located in the field at
the control valve. UV-0701 valve open/ close indication is given in DCS through
feedback switches (ZLL/ZLH-0701).
• Recycle gas to CFE is measured by FT-1002A/B/C. If 2 out of 3 of these transmitters
measure a low flow of 15000Nm3/hr, activates the trip interlock UC-002. Due to the
activation of the interlock, Charge heater fuel gas SDVs (UV-2503&UV-2504) & fuel
oil SDVs (UV-2501A/B&UV-2502) will get closed. Also, it activates interlock UC-
001, due to which the Naphtha feed to CFE and wash water injection will be closed.
Low flow alarm is provided in DCS at a flow rate of 20000Nm3/hr.
• TI-1003 is provided on combined charge (naphtha + H2 gas) charge line to CFE.
• HIC-1003 (DCS) is provided on the bypass line around CFE from the naphtha charge
line earlier discussed. It acts on HV-1003 installed in the bypass line.
• TI-1001 is provided on the charge line from CFE going to the Charge Heater.
• TI-1004 indicates tube side outlet temperature for the CFE.

6.1.6 CHARGE HEATER (72-F-01):

Charge Heater (72-F-01) function is to raise the temperature of the preheated feed plus
recycle hydrogen, to the reactor temperature of 315 (SOR)-337(EOR) °C. Preheated
combined feed is further heated from 278 °C to 332 °C. The combined feed enters the heater
at a pressure of 30.0 kg/cm2 (g) and exits at a pressure of 24.9 Kg/cm2 (g) read by indicators
72-PI-0803 & 72-PI-0804 respectively. A 3” multipurpose point is provided at inlet and
outlet of both the passes for neutralization purposes. Charge heater outlet temperature i.e.
reactor inlet temperature is an important control parameter for the reactor performance and is
controlled by 72-TIC-0809. This temperature control is being achieved by cascading 72-TIC-
0809 with the fuel oil / fuel gas pressure or flow controllers which are acting on 72-PV-
2503/72-PV-2506. Detailed heater firing control scheme is discussed in “Chapter-7”.

• Charge heater inlet pressure is measured by PI-0803 in DCS.

• The two pass flows outlet temperature& pressures are measured. For pass-A: TI-
0810& PI-0805& for Pass-B: TI-0811& PI-0806.
• Radiation section outlet temperature for each pass is also measured with high pass
flow temperature alarm. For pass-A: TI-0807A& for Pass-B: TI-0807B.
• For each pass flow tube wall (skin) temperature is measured with skin thermocouples.
The maximum design skin temperature is 645 °C. For pass-A: TXI-0801A through
0806A & for Pass-B: TXI-0801B thru TXI-0806B.
• Charge heater outlet temperature is measured and controlled by TIC-0809. Heater
firing and heater outlet temperature control are discussed in Section-7.

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• At heater outlet three thermocouples (TE-0808/0812/0813) are provided in addition to
the above. If the heater outlet temperature increase more than 352 °C detected by any
of the above two thermocouples, heater will trip, i.e. fuel gas to heater valves will
close and feed to CFE valve (UV-0701) also will close.

6.1.7 REACTOR (72-R-01):

The combined feed from heater enters the top of the reactor at a temperature of 332 oC and at
a pressure of 24.9 Kg/cm2 (g) flows down through the catalyst bed. As the reaction mixture
flows down through the catalyst beds impurities in the feed naphtha like sulfur, nitrogen,
oxygen& metals compounds etc. are decomposed in the reactor to forms H2S and ammonia,
which in turn forms ammonium chloride reacting with the chlorine in the recycle gas loop.
These impurities are removed in subsequent processing steps. As the reactions are
exothermic, there is a temperature rise in the reactor and the exit gases are at 343°C. The
pressure at reactor outlet is 24.4 Kg/cm2 (g) indicated by 72-PI-0905 and it decreases
towards EOR.

The reactor is a solid bed down flow reactor with one bed of catalyst. At the top of the reactor
the combined feed inlet nozzle is provided with a distributor which breaks up the momentum
of the combined feed to eliminate channeling. Catalyst is loaded from the top. Two catalyst
withdrawal nozzles are provided at the bottom of the reactor. These nozzles are filled with
ceramic/alumina balls. The bottom portion of the reactor is filled with grade inert ceramic
balls in three layers for supporting the catalyst bed. Catalyst is loaded 3.7 meters height
above that of bottom ceramic balls layers. The top of the catalyst bed is provided with a deep
guard bed in three layers of graded inert ceramic balls. Distributor basket is provided in
concentric arrangement in the top portion of the catalyst bed, extending slightly above the
ceramic alumina balls. As the gas flow is downwards through the reactor, an inverted slotted
basket is provided in the reactor effluent nozzle to prevent escape of ceramic alumina balls.
The reactor effluent hydrotreated naphtha vapors with H2S, NH3, H2 etc. are led to the
Combined Feed Exchanger (72-E-01A ~ G) tube side.

• TI-0901 is provided on the reactor effluent gas line. This instrument again is mounted
close to the reactor to closely monitor the performance of the reactor. High alarm
TAH-0901is provided in the control room (DCS) at 327 (HI) & 332 (HI-HI) °C.
• Local instruments are provided to measure the reactor inlet and outlet pressures.
• Provision is made for connecting a portable oxygen analyzer to the reactor effluent
line, to periodically analyze the oxygen levels in the reactor effluent gases.
• The pressure drop across the reactor is monitored by 72-PDI-0903 which gets the
input from 72-PI-0901 and 72-PI-0902. High DP across reactor alarm (PDAH-0903)
is also provided in DCS at 1.5(HI) & 3.5(HI-HI) Kg/cm2g.
• The temperature rise across the reactor is monitored by 72-TDI-0903 which gets the
input from 72-TI0901 and 72-TI-0808. High DT across reactor alarm (TDAH-
0903/TDAHH-0903) is also provided in DCS at 10 &15°C.


Due to the exothermic nature of hydroprocessing reactions, the reactor effluent is at a high
temperature of 343 °C. Reactor effluent is send to the combined feed exchangers tube side, to
preheat the combined feed. At the outlet of combined feed exchangers reactor effluents
temperature will be 128 °C. This stream is a 2-phase mixture of hydrocarbon liquids and H2
rich hydrocarbon gas. Wash water injection provision is given at the outlet of 72-E-01E
exchanger tube side, to dilute any hydrogen chloride, ammonium bisulfides, ammonium

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 45 of 406
chloride are present and to prevent salt build up in the line or the condenser tubes. Wash
water injection to reactor effluent brings down its temperature from 128 °C to 114 °C. The
reactor effluent is further cooled down in tube side in product condenser (72-A-01) from
114°C to 55 °C. Hydrogen is added to reactor effluent stream upstream of product condenser
It is recognized that the inherent corrosivity of the reactor effluent stream is a function of the
ammonia and hydrogen sulfide content. The primary corrosive component in the system is
aqueous ammonium bisulfide formed when the process stream is condensed. Presence of
oxygen in the system may aggravate the corrosion problem. It is also noted that the corrosive
medium acts in conjunction with high tube velocities, generally in excess of 4-6 m/sec. This
subjects the tube to corrosion-erosion type of attack. Areas of high velocity and high
turbulence, such as tube ends, return bends and downstream pipe bends are most prone to
attack with the corrosion occurring in a highly localized, random manner. Thus the specific
design of the air cooler restricts the velocities to 6 m/sec max and 3 m/sec min from common
junction at inlet and to the common junction at the outlet. Uneven distribution of flow to the
condenser may result in tube velocities in excess of the recommended maximum limit of 4-6
m/sec. The importance of the good distribution has been recognized and symmetrical
manifolding at the condenser inlet and outlet is provided. A constant supply of wash water is
necessary to dissolve ammonium bisulfide and ammonium chloride salts from the reaction
products. Both ammonium bisulfide and ammonium chloride can solidify and precipitate on
cold surfaces in the combined feed exchangers if the ammonium concentration is allowed to
build up in the recycle gas.

Low condenser temperatures may result in tube plugging due to the precipitation of solid
ammonium bisulfide, ammonium chloride that can corrode/foul the product condenser tubes.
If the temperature in any of the bundles drop below the salt deposition temperature, tube
plugging can occur which in turn increases the velocity through the tubes exposing them to
attack by corrosion-erosion. It is not sufficient to measure and control the temperature of the
combined stream leaving the condenser, since the outlet temperature from some of the
bundles may be considerably lower as a result of uneven flow distribution or excessive air
flow to some areas. The Product Condenser is a forced draft type air cooled exchanger with
two tube bundles, each of them provided with a fan. A UOP type 'C' manifold piping
arrangement is provided with line sizes gradually reduced to the cooler inlet connections and
draining towards the tube bundles. The individual outlets are connected to a header (both
ends capped) equal in size to the outlet line for the 2-phase going to Separator. Product
condenser consists of total 8 bundles coolers and 4 nos. fans. Out of 4 fans, 2 fans are
provided with variable motor speed controls at DCS.

I&C of Air Fin fan Coolers:

• Process outlet temperature is indicated by TI-1202 in DCS, with high alarm.

• Run indication for all fans is given in DCS.
• On high vibration of the product condenser activated by 72-VAHH-1202A/B/C/D,
that particular fan will be stopped.
• Manual loading station HIC-1202 is provided in the DCS for automatically regulating
the speed of the fans. One fan is the auto-variable type where fan motor speed is
automatically adjusted to desired speed by HIC. The other fan is the standard type
where the fan speed cannot be adjusted manually.

This arrangement is suggested for two reasons:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 46 of 406
1. To provide means for rough control of process fluid outlet temperature, including
loading fluctuations.
2. Conservation of electric power when colder ambient air temperature prevails.

Such control is not automatic: IT REQUIRES ATTENTION BY THE PROCESS



The sulfur, chlorides and nitrogen contained in the naphtha feed are converted to hydrogen
sulfide, hydrogen chloride and ammonia by desulfurization and denitrogenation reactions in
the reactor. These three reaction products combine to form ammonium salts viz. ammonium
bi-sulfide and ammonium chloride, which are insoluble in hydrocarbon, solidify and
precipitate as the reactor effluent is cooled. Ammonium Chloride may be formed if there is
any chloride in the system.
The purpose of the wash water injection is to dissolve these salts before they precipitate in
tube surfaces in exchangers and piping surfaces and to avoid the precipitation of these salts
that can corrode and foul cooler tubes. There are three injection points on reactor effluent
side. One at the upstream of 72-E-01G exchanger, other at the downstream of 72-E-01G and
the third one at the inlet of all tube bundles of product condenser (72-A-01). Wash water is
injected in a vertical run of pipe through an injection quill that facilitates mixing. Specially
fabricated slotted pipe injectors are used for injection to the CFE and its downstream pipe.
The slotted pipe is positioned midstream in the pipe with the slot facing upwards in the
direction of flow Following are the guidelines to determine wash water rate and quality:
a. Sufficient water should be injected to ensure at least 20% of water remains liquid after
injection. This is to avoid flashing of the water and creating an acidic environment
when the first drop of water begins to condense or a localized high concentration of
b. Sufficient water should be injected to maintain the concentration of ammonium
bisulfide in the sour water below 8 wt%. This will minimize the potential corrosivity
of the sour water in the air cooler tubes and outlet piping.
c. The minimum wash water injection rate is 3 vol% of the fresh feed.
d. Wash water should be clean condensate.
e. The product condenser inlet and outlet piping should be symmetrical to ensure even
distribution of flow through each tube bundle. The velocity through the tubes should
be in the range of 3-6 m/sec.

Clean condensate water is injected into the reactor effluent gas stream. Condensate from LP
condensate pumps (74-P-51A/B) gets cooled in condensate coolers (72-E-07A/B) to 40 °C
and enters water break tank (72-V-03). The tank is an atmospheric tank, provided with a
removable cover. Wash water pumps (72-P-02A/B) take suction from water break. Wash
water pumps are vertical centrifugal pumps with rated capacity of 6.6m3/hr at a discharge
pressure of 25Kg/cm2g. Wash water injection provision is given to CFE, to recycle
compressor suction drum& to Platforming unit.
The separator sour water should be monitored regularly, to insure that proper corrosion
control is occurring. The goal is to keep the separator sour water between 5.5 - 6.5 pH.
Failure to do so can result in corrosion, and possible line rupture, in reactor effluent piping
and equipment as the process stream cools. Achieving the proper pH is normally not difficult
when the feed chloride levels are less than 20 weight ppm. Some adjustment to the wash
water injection rate can be made to further dilute the hydrogen chloride. Decrease the wash

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 47 of 406
water injection when pH is more than 6.5. However, the rate should not be decreased below
3 liquid volume percent of the feed rate. If the injection point is changed to a "hotter" location
then the rate will need to be changed to a “hottest” location then the rate will need to be
increased. It is important that at least 25% of the water injected remains in the liquid phase.


• Condensate from LP condensate pumps discharge is pumped under a pressure

controller PIC-1101 measured by PT-1101& controlled by PV-1101.
• Water break tank is (72-V-03) provided with a level transmitter LT-1101& level is
maintained by level controller LIC-1101 through level control valve LV-1101. Level
alarm high (LAH) & level alarm low is provided at 80%& 20% respectively.
• Wash water injection pumps running indication is provided in the DCS.
• FIC-1101 installed on the discharge of the wash water pumps (72-P02A/B), measures
the total flow in the pump discharge line and returns excess flow to the water break
tank by acting on FV-1101 located on spill back line. Low flow alarm is provided in
DCS at a flow less than3.9 m3/hr.
• Wash water injection flow is measured by FT-1201/1202. FIC-1202 controls the
wash water injection flow rate through FV-1202. Low flow alarm is provided in DCS
at 3.2m3/hr.
• Low low flow of wash water to CFE activates FALL-1201 at 2.4m3/hr. Low low flow
activates interlock UC-001, which will close wash water control valve FV-1202, which will
open after resetting in the field.


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The 2-phase mixture from the Product Condenser (72-A-01) enters Separator (72-V-04).
Separator is a long horizontal Killed Carbon Steel drum designed to separate the gases,
hydrocarbon liquid and water present. The reactor effluent enters separator through a slotted
inlet distributor at one end. A Monel mesh blanket is provided downstream of the distributor
at about middle of the drum for improving the separation by coalescing water from liquid
phase and knocking out droplets from vapor phase.
The bottom half of the separator is lined with 3mm layer of SS for corrosion protection. A
boot is provided towards the other end. As water is injected into the reactor effluent line
coming from CFE, aqueous phase collects in the boot, from where it is piped to the sour
water header in the refinery. Hydrocarbon liquids separated are transferred by the drum
pressure to the Splitter bottom /stripper feed exchanger (72-E-02) & to Stripper Feed/
Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-03A/B) as feed to the Stripper (72-C-01). The drum is also
connected to a Caustic Circulation Pump (72-P-13), which is part of regeneration equipment
provided for the regeneration of spent NHT catalyst.
The gas phase separated in the drum is connected to the Recycle Compressor (72-K-01A/B)
suction drum (72-V-05). A separate line of 1.5” from separator (72-V-04) off gas to stripper
receiver (72-V-06) off gas is provided. This line is not used usually during the normal
operation and is kept blocked and blanked off during the NHT regeneration. This line can be
used during normal operation for depressurizing the reaction system or alternatively bleed the
recycle gas to sour fuel gas, when its H2S level goes up above the design setting. A globe
valve and a local flow indicator are provided on this line.

• The drum hydrocarbon level is controlled by LIC-1302 which acts on LV-1302
installed on the naphtha feed line to the stripping section. High alarm (LAH-1302)
and low alarm (LAL-1302) are annunciated in the DCS at a level of 80%&20%
• The drum boot level is controlled by interface level controller LIC-1301 which acts
on LV-1301 coming on the sour water discharge line from the boot. LAH-1301 and
LAL-1301 are provided in the DCS at a level of 80%& 20% respectively.
• A selector switch LY-1301A is provided between LIC-1302 (drum level) and LIC-
1301 (boot level) for selection of either of these controllers to act on LV-1301. During
normal operation LIC-1301 is connected to LV-1301 as drum boot receives water
continuously. During NHT catalyst regeneration, LIC-1302 will be hooked with LV-
1301, to discharge the spent caustic to the spent caustic pump (72-P-13).
• PIC-1301 controls the Separator pressure, by adjusting the net gas make up to the
Product Condenser. The Recycle Gas Compressor (72-K-01A/B) operates in a
recycle loop comprising gas from Separator (72-V-04) through CFE (72-E-01A~G)
shell side, Charge Heater (72-F-01), Reactor (72-R-01), CFE tube side, Product
Condenser (72-A-01) back to separator and then to the Recycle Compressor.

Any pressure variation in this recycle gas loop is controlled by the drum pressure
controller (PIC-1301). As the reaction system receives the makeup H2 gas necessary
for NHT reactions from the Platforming Section Net Gas Compressor discharge, the
drum pressure controller effectively controls the recycle loop pressure by
manipulating the makeup H2 rich net gas inflow.
• Separator boot has interface low level critical alarm 72-LALL-1303, this signal
initiates logic system UC-006 closes 72-LV-1301 on separator water boot drain to

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 49 of 406
sour water unit. This is to avoid entry of hydrocarbon to sour water system. Once the
interface level comes back to healthy (LI-1303>50%), pressing the reset button
located at the control valve LV-1301 to energize the SOV, will allow instrument air to
open the valve.
• Separator has a hand control valve HV-1301, on the gas effluent line, which is
normally closed, that can be used to de-pressure the unit to the relief header in case of
emergency. An Instrument air accumulator is provided for keeping HV-1301 in open
position for at least 20 minutes in the event of Instrument Air failure.
• Separator hydrocarbon draw off line is provided with an ON-OFF control valve (UV-
1302), which will close when the hydrocarbon level in the separator comes to 50%
detected by two out of three radar type LTs(LT-1304A/B/C).If these LTs are
healthy(>50%), then a reset button provided at the valve UV-1302 to be pressed to
open it.


The Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-05) is provided between the Separator (72-V-
04) and the Recycle Compressor (72-K-01A/B) suction. It is a vertical cylindrical vessel
with a flanged top. This drum serves to knock out any accompanying mist in the recycle gas
stream coming from the separator (72-V-04). A mist eliminator (240 mm thick mesh
blanket) is provided at the gas outlet from the vessel to doubly ensure no mist carry over and
condensation would occur in the compressor suction. The mesh blanket is made of Monel, to
take care of the probable presence of chlorides in the recycle gas stream. To further avoid
any eventuality of mist condensation, the recycle gas line to the Compressor is steam traced.
The drum has two numbers bubble cap trays meant for use in the regeneration operation for
water washing the recycle gas streams. This is to dissolve out salts from the recycle gas
stream so as to prevent deposition in the compressor and consequent plugging problems.
Process gas inlet is below the trayed section of the drum and is provided with a distributor.
Entrained liquid is routed to separator hydrocarbon to stripper line via 1.5” line from the
bottom of the drum periodically. Level indicator LI1401 provides high/low level alarm in the
DCS control room.


• Recycle compressor suction drum level is drained through level control valve LV-1402,
controlled by LIC-1402. Level alarm high/ low is annunciated at DCS at 90%/10%.
LIC-1402 is differential gap controller, for on-off service, shall have an adjustable gap of
approximately 20-40%. Controller output shall be maximum at 40% level and minimum
at 20% level.
• High level switches LT-1401A/B/C are provided on recycle compressor suction drum,
will give DCS alarm at 40%. High-high level in the recycle compressor suction drum
alarm is at 50%. If 2 out of 3 in LT-1401A/B/C switches shows high-high, activates
interlock UC-004. Due to activation of interlock UC-004, recycle compressor will get

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 50 of 406


The Recycle Compressor takes suction from the Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-
05). It handles hydrogen rich hydrocarbon gas (containing light hydrocarbons) which is
corrosive due to presence of wet H2S. Molecular weight of the gas is 4.75. The recycle
stage has an inlet pressure& temperature of 21.1 kg/cm2g & 55 °C and a discharge pressure
& temperature 36.3 kg/cm2g & 108 °C. Its rated capacity is 39302 Nm3/h of process gas.
The compressed gas joins the cold feed naphtha line in the inlet piping to the Combined Feed
Exchanger (72-E-01A∼G). A check valve is provided in the gas line just before it is joined to
the naphtha stream.

I&C of Recycle Compressor (72-K-01A/B):

The Compressor has a local gauge board, local panel for providing the necessary control
facilities for its operation. Also certain facilities are provided in the main control room.

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Process Gas System:

1. Suction and discharge pressures are indicated in the local gauge board.
2. Local Control Panel/DCS.

The following indications/alarms are provided.

72K-01A 72-K-01B Values

a. Suction Temperature TI-1515 TI-1516 55 °C

b. Discharge Temperature TI-1502A/B TI-1503A/B 108 °C
TAH-1502A/B TAH-1503A/B 128 °C
TAHH-1523A/B TAHH-1524A/B 138 °C

TAHH1523A/B & TAHH-1524A/B activates the interlock and trips the Compressor.

Rod packing temperature indications (TI1517A/TI-1519B & TI-1516A/TI 1520B) are given
to DCS.


Stripper feed i.e. hydrocarbon exiting the high pressure separator is first preheated on shell
side of stripper feed naphtha splitter bottom exchanger (72-E-02) from 55 °C to 93 °C. This
heated stream is further heated in stripper feed bottom exchanger (72-E-03 A/B) to a
temperature of 166 °C before entering the stripper between tray 20th and 21st. Provision is
given to directly take cold feed from storage tank to stripper through a 6” line which is
joining, at upstream of 72-E-02. Also, during cold/ hot oil circulation, feed from charge
pumps can be directly routed to stripper through 72-FV-0702 control valve, by passing the
reactor circuit.

6.1.14 STRIPPER:
Stripper (72-C-01) is a vertical cylindrical column made of killed carbon steel. It has 25 nos.
valve trays and is approximately 21.9 meters height. Preheated feed is introduced into the
stripper at 166 0C, on the 20th tray via distributor. A natural circulation (thermo-siphon type)
re-boiler (72-E-04) is provided to supply the required heat input for generating vapor. This
vapor strips off H2S, water, dissolved hydrogen and lighter hydrocarbon components from
the hydro treated naphtha. From re-boiler a two phase vapor-liquid stream (50%-50%) is
admitted below the bottom tray i.e. 1st tray. Unstabilized naphtha from stripper reflux pumps
is introduced on the top tray i.e. 25th tray as cold reflux to control stripper overhead
temperature and to achieve product specifications. The column operates at 10.9 kg/cm2G and
122°C in the top and 11.1 kg/cm2g and 206°C in the bottom. Two nos. of pressure safety
valves of type pilot operated (PSV05A/B) are provided (set pressure 14.5Kg/cm2g) on the
stripper to relieve the pressure build up by loss of reflux due to partial power failure/cooling
water failure.
A VHP steam reboiler (72-E-04) is provided to supply necessary reboiling heat to strip off
H2S and lighter hydrocarbons. The vapors generated in stripper re-boiler are routed to
stripper below 1st tray at a temperature of 210 0C. A temperature controller is not used since
there is typically little temperature change in vaporization, but steam shutdown valve 72-UV-
1701 closes by stripper overhead pressure switches 72-PSHH-1705 A/B/C (2 out of 3) are
active. The stripper bottoms are routed to naphtha splitter (72-C-02) through stripper feed
bottom exchangers (72-E-03 A/B) under level controller LIC-1701 acting on control valve

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I&C of stripper:

• Stripper feed is provided with temperature indication (TI-1701) at DCS.

• Stripper bottom level is controlled by the level controller LIC-1701 which will be
controlling splitter feed control valve LV-1701. Low level/ high level in the stripper
bottom are annunciated at DCS at 80%/ 20%.
• Pressure drop across the stripper trays indication (PDI-1703) is given in DCS.
• Stripper overhead temperature indication (TI-1702) is given to DCS.
• Stripper overhead pressure is measured by PT-1705A/B/C. High-high pressure (PAHH)
in the overhead is will activate the interlock UC-007, which will close stripper re-boiler
steam inlet Shutoff valve (UV-1701). Reset button to be pressed in the field to open the
shut off valve.
• Stripper re-boiler inlet & outlet temperatures of naphtha are measured and indications are
given to DCS.
• VHP condensate from stripper re-boiler is measured and controlled by FIC-1701 via FV-


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6.1.15 STRIPPER CONDENSER (72-A-02):
The Stripper Condenser is an air cooled exchanger cooling the Stripper overhead gas coming
at 122°C to a temperature of 55°C. A major part of the inflow condenses and a 2-phase
mixture of hydrocarbon liquids and a gas phase of hydrocarbons, H2, H2S and small
quantities of water leave the Condenser.
The air fin coolers are having 2 sets of tube bundles with inlet and outlet headers. There are
eight inlets to the coolers and eight numbers outlets. Two numbers fans are provided for each
set of tube bundle. The fans are equipped with vibration switches for the protection of the
fans. Out of 4 fans, 2 fans are provided with variable motor speed controls at DCS. On high
vibration of the product condenser fans activated by 72-VAHH-1803A/B/C/D, that particular
fan will be stopped. High vibration alarm/ switch is provided at DCS. Manual loading station
HIC-1801 is provided in the DCS for manually regulating the fan speed.
This arrangement is suggested for two reasons:

1. To provide means for rough control of process fluid outlet temperature, including
loading fluctuations, and/or
2. Conservation of electric power when cooler ambient air temperature prevails.

Such control is not automatic: IT REQUIRES ATTENTION BY THE


6.1.16 STRIPPER RECIEVER (72-V-06):

The two phase mixture coming from the Product Condenser (72-A-02) separates in Stripper
Receiver. Stripper overhead receiver (72-V-06) is a horizontal vessel constructed of KCS. It
operates at a pressure of 10.6 kg/cm2G and 55°C. The 2-phase mixture enters through a feed
distributor at one end of the drum. Vapor outlet is provided from the other end, which also
has a boot section. In flowing along the drum separation of the hydrocarbons and water phase
takes place. The aqueous phase collects in the boot, whereas the sour hydrocarbon liquid is
in the main drum, which is pumped back as reflux to the column. Normally, no overhead
liquid product is produced, and all of the liquid in the receiver is pumped back to the stripper
as reflux. A reflux/ feed ratio of approximately 0.25 is sufficient to strip the light ends and
water. To increase the amount of reflux, the re-boiler heat input must be increased to provide
more overhead material. The sour water from the boot is occasionally drained when there's a
high level of the HC/water interface in the boot, using boot level control controller LIC-1801
acting on control valve LV-1801.
A 2" net overhead liquid draw off line from stripper receiver is provided to CBD which is a
normally no flow line. This line can be used to drain the net overhead liquid accumulated in
the receiver over a period of time.
The sour fuel gas separated is normally sent to the SRU unit by the stripper receiver pressure
controller PIC1801, via pressure control valve PV-1801. When the SRU cannot receive the
gas, provision is provided to route the stripper off gas to flare. A sample point is provided in
the off gas line to periodically analyze the H2S content in the sour gas stream. Stripper
receiver is provided with 1.5” nitrogen connection for pressurization during unit start-up.
Sour liquid from the Stripper Receiver (72-V-06) which is at 55 °C is pumped by the Stripper
Reflux Pumps (72-P-04A/B) to the Stripper (72-C-01). Normally all the liquid is returned to
the column as reflux. The pumps are single stage centrifugal pumps. The pumps have a

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 54 of 406
rated capacity of 107.2m3/h with a discharge pressure of 14.5 kg/cm2G. The pumps are
equipped with permanent T-type strainers in the suction lines.
Reflux flows to the column enter the top tray (tray No.25) through an inlet distributor.
A small bleed of the overhead liquid stream is taken to be used as carrier liquid for the
inhibitor feeding system.
A sampling point is provided in the discharge line of the pump for periodically analyzing the
constituents of the sour liquid stream.


• The drum level is controlled by LIC-1802 which acts on LV-1802 installed on the
naphtha reflux to stripper. High alarm (LAH-1802) and low alarm (LAL-1802) are
annunciated in the DCS at a level of 80% & 20% respectively.
• The drum boot level is controlled by interface level controller LIC-1801 which acts on
LV-1801 on the sour water drain line from the boot.LIC-1801 is a differential gap
controller for on off service, shall have an adjustable gap of approximately 20-80%.
Controller output shall be maximum ay 80% level & minimum at 20% level. LAH-1301
and LAL-1301 are provided in the DCS at a level of 90% & 10% respectively.
• Another stripper receiver interface LT-1803 shall initiate the interlock UC-006 at a level
of 50%. Low alarm is annunciated at 60%. Due to activation of interlock, boot drain
control valve LV-1801 will gets closed. Field reset has to be for opening the valve.
• Stripper receiver net overhead liquid to CBD line is provided with FT-1803, with
indication to DCS & field.
• Stripper reflux pumps (72-P-04A/B) running indication is given in DCS.
• Each mechanical seal reservoir of the pump is provided with level switch& pressure
• FIC-1804 installed on the discharge of the stripper reflux pumps, measures the total flow
in the pump discharge line and returns excess flow to the stripper receiver by acting on
FV-1804 located on spill back line. Low flow alarm is provided in DCS. Stripper reflux
flow is measured and indication (FI-1801) is given to DCS.
• Stripper pressure is controlled by PIC-1801, acting on PV-1801 on sour fuel gas line.


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The stripper overhead system is equipped with inhibitor addition facilities to prevent
corrosion of the process lines and equipment by hydrogen sulfide in the overhead vapor. The
corrosion inhibitor is pumped directly from a drum, diluted with a small slipstream of reflux,
and injected directly into the overhead vapor line at the top the stripper. The typical injection
rate is 5 ppm wt (0.2868Kg/ hr) on total overhead liquid.
Low temperature corrosion problems in Hydrotreater fall in following two major categories:
− Aqueous HCl or Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) corrosion.
− Aqueous H2S or Ammonium Bisulfide (NH4HS) corrosion.
In the stripper overhead these components combine and will condense as solid NH4Cl /
NH4HS on stripper condenser 72-A-02 tubes. However in presence of water vapor, NH4HS
will cause corrosion in condenser and the associated piping. This corrosion is highly localized
in area of high turbulence. Attack is often limited to the inlet ends of the tubes and localized
attack on the tube sheet. Chloride accelerates the corrosion rate tremendously. Filming amine
type corrosion inhibitors are excellent and have good light hydrocarbon solubility. UOP has
recommended dosing of UNICOR C at the rate of 7.87 L/hr on total overhead vapor. The
very low nitrogen content and high solubility in C4+ distillates permits easy application in
hydrotreater stripper overhead without fear of contamination to downstream products. It has
minimal surfactant properties, which eliminates foaming or potential emulsion. The low
viscosity and pour point permit easy application in low temperature climates.
Inhibitor injection package consists of two nos. of inhibitor injection pumps (72-P-12 A/B).
They are reciprocating pumps, which take suction from the inhibitor drum. Inhibitor is
injected to the stripper overhead vapor line through a ½” line which expands to 1” before
connecting to stripper overhead line.


Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) is a vertical column having 50 nos. of valve trays and is
approximately 32.2 meters height. The function of the splitter is to split the full range naphtha
into light naphtha, sent to isomerization unit and heavy naphtha to feed the Reforming unit.
The split is controlled to eliminate the benzene and its precursors to the reforming unit. Feed
is introduced on the 24th tray via distributor. The feed to splitter is fed at the temperature of
118°C. A re-boiler heater (72-F-02) is provided to split the naphtha to lighter and heavier
fraction by providing necessary heat of vaporization. From re-boiler a two phase vapor-liquid
stream (50%-50%) is admitted below the bottom tray i.e. 1st tray Light naphtha from naphtha
splitter overhead pumps is introduced on the top tray i.e. 50th tray as cold reflux to control
splitter overhead temperature.

The column operates at 1.1 kg/cm2G and 92°C in the top and 1.6 kg/cm2G and 146°C in the
bottom. Splitter pressure is controlled by pressure controller PIC-2201 via. Pressure control
valve PV-2201 on splitter overhead gas line.
Splitter top temperature (tray 40temperature) is controlled by 72-TIC-1904 cascaded with 72-
FIC-2101 which acts on 72-FV-2101 sending light isomerate to Isomerization unit as feed.
Three nos. of pressure safety valves of type pilot operated (PSV-06 A/B/C) are provided on
the splitter, which is set at a pressure of 3.5Kg/cm2 g, to relieve the pressure build up by loss
of reflux due to partial power failure / cooling water failure.

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The Splitter Re-boiler Pumps are single stage center line mounted centrifugal pumps
equipped with tandem mechanical seals. The pump has a rated capacity of 657.2 m3/h. It
takes suction from the splitter bottom at 1.6 kg/cm2G and 146°C. It discharges at 9.4
kg/cm2G. The Splitter Re-boiler pump has the function of providing forced circulation for
the column bottoms through the Splitter Re-boiler Heater back to the splitter.


• Splitter feed temperature is measured and indication (TI-1901) is given to DCS.

• Splitter top temperature (40th tray) is controlled by temperature controller TIC-1904.
TIC-1904 signal sent to top product rundown controller (FIC-2101), which acts on FV-
1201. The top product rundown flow value is given to summer FY-2103. Splitter reflux
flow is measured by FT-2102 and its value is also given to summer FY-2103. The
summer (FY-2103) adds the both flow rates and gives its output to splitter reflux
controller (FIC-2103). FIC-2103 gets the set point from the splitter level controller LIC-
The function of this system is to automatically increase or decrease the reflux flow by the
same quantity as any decrease or increase of the net overhead liquid flow (FIC-2101).
Thus the total overhead liquid flow rate is unchanged unless the level in the splitter
receiver changes. A change in the net overhead liquid flow rate will result in an
immediate corresponding change in the reflux flow rate.
• Pressure drop across Splitter trays is measured and indication (PDI-1902) given to DCS.
• Splitter overhead vapor temperature is measured by TE-1903 and indication given to
• Splitter bottom level is controlled by LIC-1901. It is having high/ low level alarm at
80%/20%. Splitter bottoms flow to storage is controlled by FIC- 1601 acting on FV-
1601. Splitter level control LIC-1901 can be cascaded with splitter bottom flow control
• FIC-1901 installed on the discharge of the splitter bottom product draw off pumps 72-P-
05A/B, measures the total flow in the pump discharge line and returns excess flow to the
splitter by acting on FV-1901 located on spill back line. Low flow alarm is provided in
DCS at a flow less than 64 m3/hr.
• Splitter bottom temperature is measured by TE-1905 and indication is given to DCS.


A re-boiler fired heater (72-F-02) is provided with heat duty of 17.16 MMKCal/Hr to supply
necessary re-boiling heat to split off lighter and heavier fraction. It is a cylindrical updraft
type having vertical tubes in the radiant section and horizontal tubes in the convection
section. Flue gas from the Charge Heater (72-F-01) is ducted below the Splitter Re-boiler
Heater convection bank. There are radiant tubes. The convection bank has tube rows, having
extended studs for increasing the heat transfer area. Carbon steel tubes are used. The heater
has flanged inlet and outlet connections. A 3" flanged nozzle with blank off is provided at the
inlet and outlet for the purpose of cleaning the tube bank during a maintenance shutdown.
The heater is provided with 10 natural draft low NOx gas burners. Each burner is provided
with a gas fueled inspiriting type pilot burner. The heater is fuel gas/fuel oil fired. The same
fuel gas is used in the pilot burners also. Observation doors are provided in the radiant wall
of the heater one per burner to view the burner area, to monitor the tube and flame interaction
at burner level.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 57 of 406
As described earlier, the stack is common for the Charge Heater (72-F-01) and the Stripper
Re-boiler Heater (72-F-02). Snuffing steam connections are provided at convection &
radiation zones. Soot blowers of 6 nos. are provided at convection zone.
Naphtha splitter bottom pumps 72-P-07A/B take suction from splitter bottom. The discharge
of 72-P-07 A/B is divided into 6 passes which enter the re-boiler heater through pass flow
control valves FV2001 A/B/C/D/E/F first in convection section and then in radiation section.
The vapors generated in re-boiler heater are routed to naphtha splitter below 1st tray. The re-
boiler firing is controlled by the re-boiler stream pressure differential controller (PDIC-2201),
to set the amount of vaporization of the bottom stream. A temperature controller is not
used since there is typically little temperature change in vaporization. The
differential pressure controller (PDIC2001) controls the firing duty of the heater based on
degree of vaporization at the outlet of heater. This is being achieved by adjusting the fuel gas
/fuel oil and combustion air flow rates to the re-boiler cascaded through fuel gas flow
Splitter bottom level is controlled by LIC1901 cascaded with FIC1601 controlling flow to
storage. Naphtha splitter bottom is routed to CCR unit through stripper feed splitter bottom
exchanger tube side (72-E-02).
Splitter re-boiler firing control is explained in Chapter-7.

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Splitter overhead vapors leaving the top of the naphtha splitter are cooled in naphtha splitter
overhead condenser (72-A-03) from 92 oC to 76 oC. Overhead product exiting overhead
condenser is routed to naphtha splitter receiver (72-V-07).The Splitter Condenser is an air
cooled. A major part of the inflow condenses and hydrocarbon liquid leaves the Condenser.
At the end of each condenser tube bundle, one 1” non-condensable vent line is provided for
venting purpose.
The air fin coolers are having 12 sets of tube bundles with inlet and outlet headers. There are

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 59 of 406
24 inlets to the coolers and 24 numbers outlets. Two numbers fans are provided for each set
of tube bundle. The fans are equipped with vibration switches for the protection of the fans.
Out of 12 fans, 6 fans are provided with variable motor speed controls at DCS. On high
vibration of the product condenser fans activated by 72-VAHH-2201A~L, that particular fan
will be stopped. High vibration alarm/ switch are provided at DCS. Manual loading station
HIC-2201 is provided in the DCS for automatically regulating the fan speed.
This arrangement is suggested for two (2) reasons:

1. To provide means for rough control of process fluid outlet temperature, including
loading fluctuations, and/or
2. Conservation of electric power when cooler ambient air temperature prevails.

Such control is not automatic: IT REQUIRES ATTENTION BY THE


6.1.21 SPLITTER RECIEVER (72-V-07):

Splitter receiver is a horizontal vessel constructed of Carbon Steel. The condensed liquid
enters through a feed distributor at one end of the drum. The hydrocarbon outlet is at the
opposite end of the vessel from the inlet distributor. Pressure deferential controller 72-PDIC-
2202 is provided on splitter overhead line to maintain the pressure of naphtha splitter
receiver, by acting on 72-PDV-2202. One 3” pressure equalizing line from splitter overhead
condenser outlet line to the splitter receiver is provided. Naphtha splitter receiver is provided
with 1.5” fuel gas connection for pressurization during unit startup. One 2” line is connected
from receiver to flare for release of non-condensable to flare. One PSV (72-PSV-07) is
provided on the receiver, set at a pressure of 4.0 Kg/cm2g.
A splitter overhead pump (72-P-06A/B) take suction from splitter receiver and pumps the
liquid as reflux to the splitter and part of the reflux stream is cooled in salt water coolers (72-
E-05A/B/C/D) and routed as rundown product to isomerization unit. Splitter overhead
pumps has the rated capacity of 361.8m3/hr and has the discharge pressure of 8.4 Kg/cm2g.
Splitter overhead coolers bring down the rundown stream temperature to 40 °C.
The total net overhead liquid (i.e., reflux + rundown product) flow controller (72-FIC-2103)
controls the reflux flow to the splitter & splitter receiver level. Light naphtha product (i.e.,
ISOM feed) flow is cascaded to a temperature controller (72-TIC-1904) at 40th tray of the
splitter. Provision is given to route light naphtha to storage tank & to slop.


• Naphtha Splitter overhead vapor pressure is control by PIC-2201 on overhead vapor

line acting on pressure control valve PV-2201 on the same line going to Naphtha
Splitter condenser.
• Naphtha Splitter hot vapor bypass to Receiver controlled by PDIC-2202 output goes
to pressure differential control valve PDV-2202.
• Receiver level is controlled by LIC-2201. It has a High level and Low level alarms at
80% and 20% respectively.


Part of the Splitter bottoms (heavy naphtha) are taken as splitter bottom pumps (72-P-05A/B)
suction, and sent to stripper feed- splitter bottom exchanger (72-E-02) tube side for heat
recovery and cooling the heavy naphtha to 76 °C. Heavy naphtha downstream of 72-E-02

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 60 of 406
splits into two streams. One stream goes to Reforming unit as feed. Other stream goes to the
splitter bottom coolers (72-E-06A/B/C/D) for cooling the liquid further to 40 °C and goes to
the CCR feed tank storage. During start up a 4”start up by pass is given downstream of
splitter bottom coolers for circulation.


Dedicated common utilities are provided which cater the needs of Unit 72and unit 74.
Individual branch lines, from the main header, lead to the corresponding equipment/utility
stations of Naphtha hydrotreater unit.
Utilities VVHP, MP, LP steams, steam condensate; water streams - cooling water, DM water,
service water and Boiler feed water; fuel gas, H2; plant air, instrument air and nitrogen are
discussed. Plant flare and closed drain system details are also discussed.
The above utilities are common to the NHT, Platforming and Regeneration sections, though
this description is included here in the manual for NHT section for convenience, based on the
item numbers adopted for utility facilities.

a Sea cooling water system:

Sea cooling water to Naphtha hydrotreater is supplied to NHT / CCR ISBL through 26”
header. A 24” cooling water supply header supplies cooling water in Unit 72 to exchangers
(72-E-06 A/B/C/D), (72-E-05 A/B/C/D) and compressor (72-K-01 A/B).

b Bearing cooling Water System:

Bearing cooling water to Naphtha hydrotreater is supplied to NHT / CCR ISBL through
8”header. Bearing cooling water is supplied to all the pumps of NHT and compressor 72-K-
01 A/B.

c Service Water System:

A 3” service water header in Naphtha hydrotreater supplies service water in Unit 72 to hose
stations. The header pressure and temperature are indicated by PI8305 and by PI8302 with
low pressure alarm on DCS at the battery limit. Temperature at battery limit is indicated by

d. Instrument Air System:

A 6” header supplies instrument air to Naphtha hydrotreater. The pressure of the instrument
air header at the battery limit is indicated by PI8301 and by PI8302 with high & low pressure
alarm on DCS. A 1” instrument air line is going to recycle gas compressor.

e. Plant Air System:

In naphtha hydrotreater, the plant air header is of 4” size. A 2” branch line supplies plant air
to all hose stations in naphtha hydrotreater. The pressure of Plant air header at the battery
limit is indicated by PI8303 and by PI8304 with high & low pressure alarm on DCS.

f. Fuel Gas System:

Fuel gas from different units is received into a mixing drum (260-V-101) via 16” pipe where
the different gas streams with varying degree of composition are mixed thoroughly and
resultant gas is sent to various consumers via common outlet 16” pipe.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 61 of 406
The incoming streams to mixing drum are:
a. 4” Sweet FG from NIU (Stabilizer off gas)
b. 12” Sweet FG from NHT /CCR (Net gas before PSA via 74-PV-2008, Stabilizer off
gas & de-ethanizer off gas)
c. 8” Sweet FG from FCCNHT (splitter off gas)
d. 8” Make up FG line from existing refinery FG header via 260-PV-7101

The outgoing streams from mixing drum are:

a 12” sweet FG to V-08 and MSB consumers.

b 8” sweet FG to other FCCNHT unit.
c 2” sweet FG to NIU
d 10” sweet FG to existing refinery FG network via 260-PV-7102A
e 8” sweet FG to Flare via 260-PV-7102B

Note: Set point of 260-PIC7102 is 4.5 kg/cm2. It is higher than set point of 260-PIC-7101
which is set at 3.7kg/cm2 so that always fuel gas generated within MS block is mostly
consumed with in MS block. Also an output lock provided on this control valve at 35% to
restrict the Hydrogen content in refinery FG.

The pressure and temperature of the FG supply header at the battery limit are indicated by
PI8409 and TI8409 respectively. Fuel gas consumption rate is indicated by FI8405. Line is
steam traced in order to avoid condensation in the line

Mixing drum is provided with a demister in the exit to remove any liquid entrained in gas
leaving. It is provided with two level indicators and a draining provision to drain the liquid to
either Flare or CBD/OWS. It is also provided with RVs 260-PSV-7101/7102 set at 6.4
kg/cm2 to release excess pressure to flare.

A flow totalizer is provided at the outlet of the mixing drum (260-FQI-7101) which
cumulates the flow exiting the drum. Another flow transmitter (260-FT-7102) is provided in
the 10” FG export line to existing refinery/ flare which accounts for FG exported or flared
from MS block. An online density analyzer (260-AT-7101) is provided in the outlet stream.

12” FG originating from mixing drum goes to FG K.O.D (72-V-08) which serves to remove
the bulk liquid if any. 72-V-08 is provided with two LTs, LT-2401 and LT-2403 and an LG-
2404 provided to alert the operator in case of level build up. A drain provision to CBD/OWS
allows draining the contents safely. PSV-08 provided in the outlet line set at 9.0kg/cm2 to
release excess pressure to flare.
Outlet from FG KOD passes through FG basket strainer (72-M-01A/B) and enters the
Coalescer (72-M-02). PDT2401 across the basket strainers generates a high alarm in case of
plugging of the strainers. FG Coalescer separates any liquid entrained off the KOD by
process of coalysis and makes the gas free of liquid traces.PDT2402 alerts the operator in
case of a high DP across Coalescer. A level indicator LT2402 and LG2405 are provided to
monitor the liquid collected at the bottom of M-02.A drain with a valve provided to drain the
contents to Flare. A Bypass is provided across Coalescer to allow for cleaning in case of DP
build up. A PSV (PSV-015) is provided in the immediate outlet of coalescer to release gas to
flare in case of over pressurization. Another PSV-016 is provided in the outlet line before 72-
E-08 (FG heater) set at 6.4 kg/cm2g to release excess pressure in the header.

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Gas exiting the Coalescer enters the FG heater (72-E-08) where it is heated to required
temperature using LP steam. LP condensate is either routed to recovery system or to SS
depending on the conductivity measured by online analyzer AT-2402. E-08 inlet and outlet
gas temperatures are measured by TE-2401 and TE-2402 respectively.
An online FG density meter AT-2401 mounted in the gas line outlet of E-08 measures the
density of the gas and sends signal for flow compensation for changes in composition. The
gas from exit of E-08 splits to various consumers. 10” header supplies gas to all heaters in
CCR unit, a 4” header supplies gas to NHT Splitter reboiler F-02, whereas a 3” header
supplies gas to NHT charge heater F-01.
A 4” header from V-101 outlet supplies fuel gas various users in NHTCCR
Fuel gas is supplied to the following equipments:-
− Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01)
− Stripper Receiver (72-V-06)
− Naphtha Splitter Receiver (72-V-07)
− 74V08
− 3 no Flare header purge points

g. Fuel Oil System:

A 4” header in naphtha hydrotreater supplies fuel oil in Unit 72 to charge heater 72-F-01 and
naphtha splitter reboiler heater 72-F-02. The pressure and temperature of the header at the
battery limit are indicated by PI8401 and TI8401 respectively. Fuel oil consumption rate is
indicated by FI8401. Line is steam traced in order to avoid congealing in the line.

h. Nitrogen System:
A 6” nitrogen header in naphtha hydrotreater supplies nitrogen in Unit 72 to:-
− Feed Filter (72-X-01).
− Recycle gas compressors (72-K-01 A/B).
− Stripper Receiver (72-V-06).
− To motors of recycle gas compressors as purge gas.
The pressure of the header is indicated at battery limit by PI8602 with high & low pressure
alarm on DCS. The flow of nitrogen is indicated at battery limit by FI8601.

i. VHP Steam System:

VHP steam desuperheated in platformer is supplied through 8” header to stripper reboiler. It
is used as reboiling media in the stripper reboiler 72-E-04 tube side. VHP condensate
downstream of the reboiler is routed to LP condensate flash vessel located in unit 74 to give
LP steam and LP condensate.

j. MP Steam System:
MP steam to the Naphtha hydrotreating unit is supplied to charge heater 72-F-01 and naphtha
splitter reboiler heater 72-F-02 as atomization steam during firing with fuel oil. MP steam is
also provided to ejector 72-J-01 for making unit oxygen free at the time of start-up.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 63 of 406
k. LP Steam System:
A 14” LP steam header is provided in naphtha hydrotreater, which can either import or export
LP steam. LP steam header is supplying LP steam to Steam hose stations, snuffing steam
rings and also to vessels for steaming out. The pressure and temperature of the header at the
battery limit are indicated by PI8801 and TI8801 respectively. LP steam consumption rate or
export rate and quantity are indicated by FI8801.

l. DM Water System:
DM water is supplied through 2” header to neutralization storage tank& as make up to
cooling water make up to NHT RGC cooling water tank.


The proper operation of the unit will depend on the careful selection and control of the
processing conditions. Process variables are of utmost importance to the performance of the
unit and hence care to be taken to maintain them within acceptable limits.


The reactor inlet temperature is the process variable most easily and commonly controlled by
the operator to adjust the amount of sulfur (or nitrogen) removed from the feed. The reactor
outlet temperature is a function of the feed quality and cannot be easily varied except by
changing the reactor inlet temperature. The inlet temperature must be controlled at the
minimum required to achieve the desired product properties.


Temperatures above this minimum will only lead to higher rates of coke formation and a
reduced cycle length. Guidelines for temperature adjustments are summarized below.

− Do not exceed an average temperature rise (average outlet temperature-average inlet

temperature) of 42°C (75°F) per bed of catalyst. When making changes in feed rate,
increase feed rate first, then increase catalyst temperature. Conversely, decrease
catalyst temperature first, then decrease feed rate.
− Always make catalyst temperature increases gradually and smoothly. The rate at
which temperatures can be safely increased will depend on the age of the catalyst and

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 64 of 406
the severity of the operation. Fresh catalyst is very sensitive to temperature. Increase
above 315°C (600°F) on fresh catalyst should not exceed 3°C/hour (5°F/hour).
− If any upsets in flows are observed, immediately reduce reactor inlet temperature.
Loss of any of the streams flowing through the reactors will result in less heat
removal capability and could lead to a temperature runaway.
− All operating personnel should be thoroughly familiar with the Emergency.
− The weight average bed temperature (WABT) is typically used to compare the
relative activity of the catalyst. The WABT can be calculated as indicated in Figure 6-

Weight Average Bed Temperature

The rate of increase in WABT is referred to as the deactivation rate expressed as °C per m3 of
feed per kilogram of catalyst (°F per barrel of feed per pound of catalyst), or more simply as
°C per day (°F per day). During the course of an operating cycle, the temperature required to
obtain the desired product quality will increase as a result of catalyst deactivation (See Figure
6-9). The gradual loss in catalyst activity can be compensated for by increasing reactor
temperatures. In general, above a certain level, cracking and coke formation become very
rapid and little improvement in performance is obtained.
Catalyst bed thermocouples are extremely useful for judging the effective utilization of the
catalyst. However, it must be remembered that the bed couple is measuring the temperature at
one point in a large cross sectional area. If temperature mal-distribution is occurring, then the
bed couple may not necessarily be representative of the average catalyst temperature. Causes
of temperature mal-distribution include poor catalyst loading, mechanical problems with
internals or coke formation resulting from unit upsets or a temperature excursion.


Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 65 of 406





0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Life, M3/kg
A reactor temperature profile plot is a useful tool for evaluating catalyst performance,
effectiveness of quench, and reactor flow patterns. A temperature profile can be constructed
by plotting the catalyst temperature versus distance into the catalyst bed (or more accurately
versus weight percent of catalyst). In addition to monitoring the temperature profile, the
radial temperature spread needs to be monitored.
The reactor temperature profile should be adjusted to maintain equal peak temperatures
across each catalyst bed. This ensures equal utilization of the catalyst inventory. The design
temperatures of the reactor and charge heater will also determine the maximum allowable
operating values. The temperature rise across the reactors must be monitored continuously in
order to assure that the design limitation of the unit is not exceeded. This can be especially
important when increasing the ratio of cracked stock to straight run material in the feed since
olefin saturation results in considerably higher heats of reaction. Units are typically designed
for a maximum reactor bed temperature rise of <42°C (75°F).


The amount of catalyst loaded into the reactors as well as other design parameters are based
on the quantity and quality of feedstock the unit is designed to process. While minor changes
in feed type and charge rate can be tolerated, wide variations should not be tolerated since
they will tend to reduce the useful life of the catalyst.

a) Distillation range
Increase in the end point of the feed will make sulfur and nitrogen removal more difficult,
thus requiring higher reactor temperature with more coke deposition. High boiling fractions
also contain increased quantities of metals, which lead to higher reactor bed pressure drop
and rapid catalyst deactivation.

b) API gravity
Reduction in API gravity of the feed for the same boiling range is an indication of higher
unsaturates present in the feed. This will result in increased hydrogen consumption and
higher temperature rise across the reactor bed. This will also enhance the condensation
reaction which leads to more coke formation.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 66 of 406
c) UOP K
Higher UOP K of the feed stock is an indication of higher paraffinicity of the feed stock. The
feed with lower UOP K will result in increased hydrogen consumption and higher
temperature rise across the reactor bed.

d) Bromine number
Higher bromine number of the feed stock is an indication of higher unsaturates content. The
feed with higher bromine number will result in increased hydrogen consumption and higher
temperature rise across the reactor bed. This will also enhance the condensation reaction to
form more coke in the reactor. This will reduce the cycle length.

e) Sulfur content
Higher sulfur content increases operating severity and increases hydrogen consumption. Also
reactor temperatures should be increased, which will lead to coke formation, to achieve the
required product sulfur.
f) Nitrogen content
Higher nitrogen content demands high reactor temperatures which will lead to coke
formation. Also hydrogen consumption increases if feed is having higher nitrogen content.

g) Conradson carbon
Conradson carbon is a measure of residue after destructive distillation. The feed with higher
Conradson carbon is an indication of higher coking tendency and this will reduce the cycle

h) ASTM color
ASTM color is a measure of residue entrainment. Higher value will reduce the cycle length
and vice-versa.
i) Metal content
Organo-metallic compounds contained in the feed will decompose and the metals will be
retained on the catalyst, thus decreasing catalyst activity. Since metals are normally not
removable by oxidative regeneration, once a catalyst has been poisoned by metals, its activity
cannot be restored.
An increase in the charge rate will require higher reactor temperature to achieve a constant
desulfurization, as well as higher recycle gas rate to maintain a constant ratio of H2 to
hydrocarbon. The increased reactor temperatures will also lead to a faster rate of coke
formation which will reduce the period between regenerations. The reduced feed rate may
lead to bad flow distribution through the catalyst, such that higher temperatures will be
required to obtain good product quality. In order to minimize the effect of variations in
charge rate, it should be made common practice to reduce the reactor temperature before
lowering the feed rate, and conversely, to increase the feed rate before raising the reactor
temperature. The type of feed being processed is best indicated by its distillation range and
API gravity. An increase in the end point of the feed will make sulfur and nitrogen removal
more difficult, thus requiring higher reactor temperatures which then accelerates coke
formation (See Figure 6-10).

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 67 of 406

Good Bad
Feed Quality

Coke deposition is also accelerated by the fact that heavier feed contains more of the
precursors that favor coke formation. In addition to the above, high boiling fractions also
contain increased quantities of metals which lead not only to higher reactor pressure drop, but
to rapid catalyst deactivation as well. It must be remembered that regeneration will not
restore the activity of a catalyst that has been poisoned by excessive quantities of metals.
Thus, it is seen that processing higher than design end point feeds will, at best, reduce the
length of the operating cycle, and under extreme conditions, may lead to an irrecoverable loss
of catalyst activity. Therefore, every effort must be made to maintain the end point of the feed
within the design limits by operating the crude and other units such that an acceptable feed
stock is obtained. A reduction in the API gravity of the feed for the same boiling range is an
indication of higher unsaturated content. This type of feed will result in increased hydrogen
consumption and higher temperature rise across the catalyst bed. It also contains more of the
materials that easily condense to form coke in the reactor and associated equipment.
Organo-metallic compounds contained in the feed will decompose and the metals will be
retained on the catalyst, thus decreasing its activity. Since metals are normally not removable
by oxidative regeneration, once a catalyst has been poisoned by metals, its activity cannot be
restored. Therefore, metals content of the feedstock is a variable that should be monitored.
Naphtha feedstock metals contamination is rare might be some metals which are introduced
by upstream processing or contamination such as lead, sodium, silicon and phosphorous. Iron
sulfide is usually present as a corrosion product and is normally not considered as a poison to
the catalyst. Thus it is usually omitted when referring to total metals.
Hydrotreating catalysts exhibit a moderate tolerance for metals such as arsenic and lead.
Total metal content of 2-3 wt% of the Hydrotreating catalyst have been observed. However,
product analysis frequency should be increased to monitor breakthrough when calculations
show the metals level on the Hydrotreating catalyst exceeds 0.5 wt%. Catalyst replacement
should be considered when metal loadings of 1-2 wt% are exceeded on the Hydrotreating
The graded catalyst bed, if used, may contain demetallization catalysts that have a high
metals retention capacity. Some of these catalysts may retain as much as 100 wt% of the

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 68 of 406
fresh catalyst weight as metals from the feed. These demetallization catalysts typically have a
lower activity for desulfurization and denitrogenation.
Apparent catalyst deactivation may be caused by the accumulation of deposits on top of the
catalyst bed. Solid material, such as corrosion products and coke, will lead to rapid fouling of
the catalyst bed if allowed to enter the reactor. This problem is overcome by skimming a
portion of the catalyst, screening and reloading. Feed filtering is quite effective in removing
solid material, and as such results in longer operating cycles due to the lower rate of reactor
pressure drop build-up. The use of feed filtering will depend on the type of feed processed
and its source.


The amount of catalyst loaded into the reactors is based on feedstock properties, operating
conditions, and product quality required. The variable that is normally used to relate the
amount of catalyst to the amount of feed is termed liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV).
LHSV is the ratio of volumetric feed rate per hour to the catalyst volume and is defined as:

volume of charge per hour

volume of catalyst

A simplified kinetic expression based on sulfur and/or nitrogen removal determines the initial
liquid hourly space velocity for most feed stocks and processing objectives. This initial value
may be modified due to other considerations such as unit size, extended catalyst cycle life,
abnormal levels of feed metals and requirements of other processing units in the refinery flow
An increase in the LHSV will require higher reactor temperature to achieve a constant level
of desulfurization, as well as higher recycle gas rate to maintain a constant ratio of H2 to
hydrocarbon. The increased reactor temperatures will also lead to a faster rate of coke
formation that will reduce the period between regenerations. A reduction in LHSV may lead
to bad flow distribution through the catalyst, such that higher temperatures will be required to
obtain good product quality. In order to minimize the effect of variations in LHSV, it should
be made common practice to reduce the reactor temperature before lowering the feed rate,
and conversely, to increase the feed rate before raising the reactor temperature.
Unit designs are based on operational criteria to achieve optimal performance. One criterion
for hydrotreating is liquid mass flux across the catalyst bed. A mass flux of 2000 lb/hr/ft2 is
considered a reasonable minimum for adequate flow distribution. At reduced throughput, unit
operation may become difficult due to hydraulic considerations (i.e. control valves operating
closed, etc.). Also, reactant distribution in the reactor may become unequal as preferential
flow paths are established. For these reasons, the unit should not be operated below the
minimum turndown capacity for extended periods. Unit turndown will vary for each design
and is typically 50-70% of design capacity.


The reactor section operating pressure is controlled by the pressure that is maintained at the
product separator. This pressure, multiplied by the H2 purity of the recycle gas, determines
the partial pressure of H2 in the reactor. The hydrogen partial pressure required for the
operation of the unit is chosen based on the degree of sulfur (or nitrogen) removal that must
be achieved and is an economic optimum that balances initial investment and operating costs
against catalyst life (See Figure 6-11). Hydrogen partial pressure is also a critical design

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 69 of 406
parameter for achieving the desired degree of feed saturation (See Figure 6-11 and Figure 6-


H 2 P artial P ressure
H 2 C ircu lation

A reduction in operating pressure below its design will have a negative effect on the activity
of the catalyst and will accelerate catalyst deactivation due to increased coke formation.
Figure 6-12 shows the general trend in the effects of lower hydrogen partial pressure on
catalyst deactivation.
Operating at higher than design pressure may not be possible. There will be a practical
equipment limitation on most units that will not allow significantly higher pressure than
design, such as the pressure rating of the heaters, exchangers, and vessels. Also, the recycle
gas compressor usually will not be able to put up the required head on a significantly lighter,
higher purity recycle gas. The major control variable for hydrogen partial pressure is the
recycle gas purity that should be monitored closely to assure it is always maintained above
the minimum value. The hydrogen purity can be improved by increasing the hydrogen purity
of the makeup hydrogen, venting gas off the product separator, or reducing the temperature at
the product separator.


L ow H igh
H 2 P a rtial P ressu re

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 70 of 406

In addition to maintaining a prescribed partial pressure of hydrogen in the reactor section, it is

equally important to maintain the physical contact of the hydrogen with the catalyst and
hydrocarbon so that the hydrogen is available at the sites where the reaction is taking place.
This is accomplished by circulating the recycle gas throughout the reactor circuit
continuously with the recycle gas compressor. The amount of gas that must be recycled is a
design variable again set by the design severity of the operation. The standard measure of the
amount of gas required is the ratio of the gas being recycled to the rate that fresh feed is being
charged to the catalyst.
As with hydrogen partial pressure, the recycle gas to feed ratio should be maintained at the
design ratio. The definition for the gas-to-oil ratio is:

Gas to Oil Ratio = Total Circulating Gas to Reactor, Nm3 /hr

Total Fresh Feed to Reactor m3 /hr
As with hydrogen partial pressure, any reduction of the gas-to-oil ratio below the design
minimum will have adverse effects on the catalyst life Figure 6-13 gives a general
observation of this effect. The gas-to-oil ratio can be affected by several ways in the
Hydrotreating Unit.


Gas Rate, SCFB


Catalyst Life
The quantity of gas circulated from the product separator to the reactor is relatively large. The
gas flow is required for the following purposes:

− Provides the excess hydrogen needed to assure that the reactions are carried to
− Absorbs some of the heat of reaction minimizing the catalyst bed temperatures.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 71 of 406
− Minimizes charge heater and combined feed exchanger tube wall temperatures by
increasing the flow through the equipment. The excess hydrogen also prevents
formation of coke as the charge is heated to reaction temperature.

A gradual reduction in recycle gas rate may be observed during the course of an operating
period as a result of higher reactor system pressure drop. This effect is especially pronounced
on units that use a centrifugal recycle gas compressor. Such a reduction in the recycle gas rate
is acceptable as long as the calculated gas-to-oil ratio does not fall below the design value.
When it is no longer possible to maintain the minimum gas-to-oil ratio, the catalyst must be
regenerated and screened in order to reduce the reactor pressure drop. In all cases that result
in less than design gas-to-oil ratio due to pressure drop or mechanical difficulties, the raw oil
charge rate must be lowered in order to obtain the required gas-to-oil ratio. In the event of a
complete loss of recycle gas, immediate remedial action must be taken to protect the catalyst
and equipment.


The effective completion of the hydrogenation reactions occurring over the catalyst requires
that a certain quantity of hydrogen be present at a minimum partial pressure. As noted
previously, both the quantity (gas-to-oil ratio) and partial pressure are dependent upon the
hydrogen content, i.e. purity, of the recycle gas. Practical considerations, such as the cost of
compression, catalyst life, etc., limit the purity of the recycle gas to a minimum value usually
in the range of 70-80 mol%. Lower hydrogen purities are detrimental to the performance of
the unit since higher temperatures must be used to achieve the desired product quality. The
purity of the recycle gas is determined by the following factors:

− The purity of the makeup gas.

− The amounts of light hydrocarbons and H2S that are allowed to accumulate in the
recycle gas.

In most instances, the makeup gas H2 purity cannot be easily manipulated since it is fixed by
the hydrogen source, typically naphtha reforming unit or a hydrogen manufacturing plant.

The light hydrocarbons present in the recycle gas enter the system with the makeup gas in
addition to those being formed in the reactor, and must be vented from the product separator
to prevent their accumulation in the recycle gas. The amount of hydrogen required is
determined by:

− Chemical Hydrogen Consumption – The hydrogen consumed during the hydrotreating

− Solution Losses – The hydrogen that is removed from the reactor circuit dissolved in
the liquid hydrocarbon leaving the product separator.
− Mechanical Losses – The hydrogen lost through the makeup and recycle gas
compressors' packing vents and seals. This value may be roughly estimated at 3-5%
of the combined chemical consumption plus solution losses.
− Venting Losses – The hydrogen lost in the purge stream from the product separator to
maintain recycle gas purity.

The H2S formed in the reactors can reach equilibrium values as high as 5 mol% in the recycle
gas. This concentration of H2S has a depressing effect on the activity of the catalyst.
Therefore, in many cases it is desirable to remove the H2S from the recycle gas by venting it
from the product separator.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 72 of 406
The sulfur and nitrogen found in the feed can be considered as contaminants to the extent that
they produce hydrogen sulfide and ammonia which can react to form ammonium bisulfide.
The water injected into the reactor effluent dissolves the ammonium bisulfide and prevents
exchanger fouling. Organic nitrogen in the feed, if present in amounts higher than expected,
will require higher reactor temperatures for processing, and will lead to a reduction in catalyst
If the water injection should be stopped for any period of time, the H2S and NH3 may
accumulate in the recycle gas and result in a sudden loss in catalyst activity. The activity will
return to normal once wash water is reestablished. Catalyst bed temperatures should not be
increased to compensate for the temporary activity loss.
Small amounts of molecular nitrogen, CO and CO2 that enter the system with the makeup gas
are not harmful to the catalyst, but must be vented to prevent accumulation in the recycle gas.
Excessive amounts of CO and CO2 may have an adverse effect on catalyst performance as
they may be methanated by the catalyst taking up active sites and liberating heat. This will
raise the outlet temperature and reduce the apparent catalyst activity. The unit should never
be pressured up with high CO + CO2 containing makeup gas as a temperature runaway may
result. The presence of O2 could increase equipment fouling (especially the feed/effluent

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Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:6 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 73 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 7 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 25.09.2014
List of Plant Equipment
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:7 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 74 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 7 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 25.09.2014
List of Plant Equipment
Visakh Refinery

Design Operating Dimensions
Descriptions Capacity PRESS TEM PRESS Id/Height Water Boot
KG/CM2 o
SURGE 16 135 2 75 3400/10900 Y
BREAK ATM 100 ATMP 40 800/1500 N
SEPARATOR 24 120 21.1 55 3200/9900 N
24 120 21.1 55 1300/5400 N
15 225 10.6 55 1800/6200 N
SPLITTER 4 150 0.7 76 3400/11100 N
KNOCK 9 100 1800/2800 N
REACTOR 31 375 24.9 343 2900/3700 N






















HC+H2 &












& H20


















Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:7 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 75 of 406
o o M oC KG/C T mm S
2 C C CM2
STRIPPER 14.5 240 122 210 3200/21900
3.5 185 92 156 4300/32200


Charge Pump Centrifugal 214.6/236.0 528.3 293 16.4/2.3 37.8 60.8 2950
72-P- Wash Water
Centrifugal 6/6.6 251.4 17 3.7/.1 25 34.8
02 Injection Pump
Circulation Centrifugal 59.5/65.5 25.7 7 9.2/2.4 5.1 12.6 2950
72-P- Stripper Reflux
Centrifugal 97.4/107.2 63.3 14 13.8/10.8 14.5 18.4 2950
04 Pump
72-P- Naphtha Splitter
Centrifugal 152.8/168.1 170.1 75 4.4/1.8 12.5 17.8 2950
05 Bottom Pump
Napht Splitter
Over Head Centrifugal 328.9/361.8 115.8 93 4.5/1.1 8.4 13.6 2950
72-P- Naphtha
Centrifugal 657.2/657.2 113.5 180 4.4/1.8 9.2 13.7 1450
07 Reboiler Pump
72-P- Neutralization
Centrifugal 11.2/11.2 27.1 2 0.1/0.0 2.8 3.6 2950
14 Filling Pump
72-P- Neutralization
Centrifugal 11.2/11.2 27.1 2 0.1/0.0 2.8 3.6 2950
15 Return Pump

.NO E NM3/HR I/L % Cylinder Piston
SC. GE rpm
72-K-01 E RECIPRO 39302/22 37.
22.12 889 95 400 Cast Iron Cast Iron


CAP. T H2O g
above atm. o o
M3 M3 M M atm. C C
72-T- CONE
on Storage 150 107 5.6 6 150 77 120 40 CS

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:7 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 76 of 406
271/ 285/
72-F-01 Charge Heater 6.99 5.55 HC+H2 152252 152252 4.74 4.84
337 337
Splitter 143/
72-F-02 17.16 HC 430422 3.05
Reboiler 152

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:7 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 77 of 406
29.62/ 29.72/ 9.7/ 219.1/ 8.18/
72-F-01 Charge Heater
24.88 24.88 5.2 168.3 7.11
4.81/ 168.3/ 7.11/
72-F-02 Splitter Reboiler 10.5/6.4
1.76 168.3 7.11

72-X- Fiber Glass
Feed Filter Magnetic 212.5 39 75 60.8 105 0.2 1.8
01 With SS Core
Particle size to be removed: >50 MICRON


1. 72-FV-0601 Fresh feed from storage 4 FC
2. 72-PV-0601A/B Feed surge drum split range control 1.5 FC
3. 72-LV-0601 Feed surge drum boot water level control 1 FC
4. 72-FV-0701 Charge pump spillback 3 FO
5. 72-FV-0702 Startup bypass 2 FC
6. 72-UV-0701 Feed to CFE shutoff 8 FC
7. 72-FV-1003 Fresh feed to combined feed exchanger 6 FC
8. 72-FV-1101 Wash water injection pumps spillback 1 FO
9. 72-LV-1101 Condensate to water break tank 1.5 FO
10. 72-PV-1101 Condensate to condensate coolers 1 FC
11. 72-FV-1202 Wash water to combined feed exchanger 1 FC
12. 72-PV-1301 Make up hydrogen from platformer 1.5 FC
13. 72-PV-1302 Regeneration waste gas to atmosphere 1 FC
14. 72-FV-1301 Plant air to recycle compressor suction drum 1 FC
15. 72-LV-1301 Separator boot water level control 1 FC
16. 72-LV-1302 Separator hydrocarbon level control 4 FC
17. 72-UV-1302 Separator hydrocarbon to stripper feed bottom 6 FC
exchanger shutoff
18. 72-LV-1402 Recycle compressor suction drum 1 FC
19. 72-FV-1601 Naphtha splitter bottom to storage 3 FC
20. 72-FV-1701 Condensate from stripper reboiler 2 FC
21. 72-UV-1701 VHP steam to stripper shutoff 8 FC
22. 72-LV-1801 Stripper receiver boot level control 1 FC
23. 72-LV-1802 Stripper reflux pump discharge 3 FO
24. 72-FV-1804 Stripper reflux pumps spillback 1.5 FO
25. 72-PV-1801 Stripper receiver pressure control 1.5 FC
26. 72-LV-1701 Naphtha splitter feed 8 FC
27. 72-FV-1901 Naphtha splitter bottom pump spillback 2 FO

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:7 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 78 of 406
28. 72-FV-2001 A-F Naphtha splitter reboiler heater pass inlet 3 FO
29. 72-FV-2101 Naphtha splitter net overhead liquid to 4 FC
isomerization unit
30. 72-FV-2103 Naphtha splitter overhead pump discharge 4 FO
31. 72-FV-2104 Light naphtha to storage 4 FC
32. 72-PV-2201 Naphtha splitter overhead vapor 24 FO
33. 72-PDV-2202 Naphtha splitter hot vapor bypass 6 FC
34. 72-UV-2401 Steam condensate from fuel gas heater insulate 2 FO
35. 72-UV-2402 Steam condensate from fuel gas heater insulate 2 FC
36. 72-PDV-2501 Atomization steam to charge heater 1 FC
37. 72-PCV-2519 Pilot gas to charge heater 1
38. 72-PV-2503 Fuel oil to charge heater 1 FC
39. 72-PV-2506 Fuel gas to charge heater 3 FC
40. 72-UV-2501A Charge heater fuel oil supply shutoff 1.5 FC
41. 72-UV-2501B Charge heater fuel oil return shutoff 1.5 FC
42. 72-UV-2502 Charge heater fuel oil supply shutoff secondary 2 FC
43. 72-UV-2503 Charge heater fuel gas supply shutoff 3 FC
44. 72-UV-2504 Charge heater fuel gas supply shutoff secondary
45. 72-UV-2505 Charge heater pilot gas supply shutoff
46. 72-UV-2506 Charge heater pilot gas supply shutoff secondary 1 FC

47. 72-PCV-2608 Pilot gas to naphtha splitter reboiler heater 1

48. 72-PDV-2601 Atomization steam to naphtha splitter 1 FC
49. 72-PV-2603 Fuel oil to naphtha splitter reboiler heater 1 FC
50. 72-PV-2606 Fuel gas to naphtha splitter reboiler heater 4 FC
51. 72-UV-2601A Naphtha splitter reboiler heater fuel oil 2 FC
52. 72-UV-2601B Naphtha splitter reboiler heater fuel oil 2 FC
53. 72-UV-2602 Naphtha splitter reboiler heater fuel oil supply 2 FC
Shutoff secondary
54. 72-UV-2603 Naphtha splitter reboiler heater fuel gas 4 FC
55. 72-UV-2604 Naphtha splitter reboiler heater fuel gas 4 FC
supplyshutoff secondary
56. 72-UV-2605 Naphtha splitter reboiler heater pilot gas 1 FC
57. 72-UV-2606 Naphtha splitter reboiler heater pilot gas 1 FC
supplyshutoff secondary

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Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:7 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 79 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 8 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 25.09.2014
Visakh Refinery INTERLOCKS



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:8 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 80 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 8 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 25.09.2014
Visakh Refinery INTERLOCKS



Combined Feed leaving the CFE is all vapor and flow to the charge heater, where the feed is
heated to the reaction temperature. The amount of fuel burnt in the heater is controlled by the
temperature of the feed to the reactor.
The temperature controller TIC-0809 on charge heater coil outlet temperature sends the set
point to the heater firing control system. This temperature is cascaded with fuel gas or fuel
oil system by selecting the selector switch HS-2506 (Labeled: Fuel gas/ Fuel Oil). Thus
switch input is sent to fuel gas (labeled ‘GAS’) PIC/FIC switch (HS-2504A/B, labeled:
Pressure/ Flow) or to fuel oil (labeled ‘OIL’) PIC/FIC switch (HS-2505A/B).


Remote control set point from TIC-0809 send to fuel gas PIC/FIC switch HS-2504A & HS-
2504B via HS-2506. The switch HS-2504A is configured such that in position-1(labeled
‘pressure’) the switch input (i.e., set point from TIC-0809) is sent to the fuel gas pressure
controller PIC-2506A. Poistion-2 (labeled ‘FLOW’) the switch input is sent to the fuel gas
flow controller FIC-2502.
Switch HS-2504B is configured such that, in Position-1 (labeled ‘pressure’) it passes PIC-
2506A output signal to high signal selector PY-2506. In Poistion-2 (labeled ‘FLOW’) it
passes the FIC-2502 output signal to PY-2506. PIC/FIC switches HS-2504A/B are
configured such that switching one shall also switch the other at the same time automatically.

Position-1 (Labeled ‘PRESSURE’):

PIC-2506A takes input from PT-2506 on fuel gas to charge heater and remote set point TIC-
0809 via HS-2504A. PIC-2506A output is send to PIC/FIC switch (HS-2504B), whereas
PIC-2506B receives PV of fuel gas pressure through PIC-2506A. PIC-2506B output is sent
to the high signal selector PY-2506 which controls PV-2506. High signal selector PY-2506
ensures minimum gas flow pressure to burner by PIC-2506B which is set at 0.14 Kg/cm2 g.
The output of PIC-2506B shall track the high signal selector output i.e. FG pressure to
burner. Controller output shall not change when the process variable is above the set point.

Position-2 (Labeled ‘FLOW’):

If PIC/FIC switch HS-2504A/B selects flow, HS-2504B takes input signal from FIC-2502
and sends corresponding output to high signal selector PY-2506. FIC-2502 takes input from
remote set point (TIC-0809) via HS-2504A and fuel gas mass flow switch FY-2502B. FY-
2502B is compensated or uncompensated mass flow of fuel gas switch. Switch is configured
such that in position-1(labeled ‘COMPENSATED’), its output is compensated signal from
mass flow computing function. It is to compute a mass flow from input signals provided by
the fuel gas flow transmitter FT-2502 and the density analyzer AI-2401. The linearized flow
measurement signal shall be multiplied by the square root of the density measurement signal.
This resultant signal shall be scaled to produce a signal that is proportional to the mass flow

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:8 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 81 of 406
of fuel gas to the heater. Position-2(labeled ‘uncompensated’) output is the linearized signal
from the fuel gas flow transmitter FT-2502.


Charge heater coil outlet temperature can also be cascaded with fuel oil controller, by
selecting switch HS-2506 to fuel oil. Remote set point is sent to PIC/FIC switch HS-2505A
where pressure or flow control of fuel oil can be selected.
The switch HS-2505A is configured such that in Position-1 (labeled- PRESSURE), the input
(i.e, remote set point) is sent to PIC-2503A& in Position-2 (labeled-FLOW) the input is sent
to FIC-2504. Switch HS-2505B is configured such that in Position-1(Labeled-PRESSURE),
it passes the PIC-2503A output signal to high signal selector PY-2503. In Position-2(labeled-
FLOW), FIC-2504 output signal is sent to PY-2503. PIC/FIC switches (HS-2505A/B) are
configured such that switching one shall also switch the other at the same time to the same

Position-1 (Labeled ‘PRESSURE’):

Fuel oil pressure controller PIC-2503A takes input from process value PT-2503& remote set
point via HS-2505A. Controller gives three outputs, one to high selector signal PY-2503 via
HS-2505B to give output signal to pressure control valve PV-2503 on fuel oil to heater
burner. Second output (i.e., Pressure of fuel oil) goes to PIC-2503B, where fuel oil minimum
pressure to burner is ensured. Third output goes to charge heater atomizing steam/ fuel oil
differential pressure summer PDY-2501. The summer output is the difference between the
atomizing steam and fuel oil pressures send to PDY-2501. PDY-2501 output signal goes to
PDIC-2501, which controls atomizing steam pressure.

Position-2 (Labeled ‘FLOW’):

Fuel oil flow controller FIC-2504 takes inputs from TIC-0809 and charge heater net oil
summer FY-2504 and sends corresponding signal to high signal selector PY-2503 to control
PV-2503 on fuel oil to heater burners. Charge heater net oil summer FY-2504 output is the
difference between the mass flow of the fuel oil supply and fuel oil return, which is sent to
charge heater net fuel oil controller FIC-2504.
Logic System UC-002: Charge heater shut down:

• An abnormal condition for PSLL-2509A,B,C(2 out of 3,2oo3) pilot gas to Charge

heater set at 0.5 kg/cm2 after time delay of 3 seconds, or actuation of emergency
shutdown switch at filed (HS-2507B) or at DCS (HS-2507A) shall cause a
complete heater shutdown including pilot by closing UV-2505& UV-2506 on
pilot gas, UV-2503& UV-2504 on fuel gas and UV-2501 A,B & UV-2602 on fuel
oil. This will also close Naphtha feed to CFE control valve (UV-0701) and wash
water control valve (FV-1202).

• An abnormal condition of NHT recycle gas flow Low-Low FSLL-1002A/B/C (2

out of 3,2oo3) set at 15,000Nm3/hr shall cause a complete heater shutdown by
closing UV-2603, UV-2604 on fuel gas and UV-2501A/B, UV-2602 on fuel oil,
except the pilot shall remain in service. This will also close Naphtha feed to CFE
control valve (UV-0701) and wash water control valve (FV-1202).

• An abnormal condition for FSLL-2002A/B/C (2oo3) Naphtha Splitter Reboiler

Heater inlet passes (3no.) set at 39 m3/hr shall cause a complete heater shutdown

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:8 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 82 of 406
by closing UV-2603, UV-2604 on fuel gas and UV-2501A/B, UV-2602 on fuel
oil, except the pilot shall remain in service. If HS-2001 is not in ” Bypass”
position, this abnormal condition shall send a shutdown signal to CHARGE
HEATER SHUTDOWN SYSTEM,UC-002. This will also close Naphtha feed to
CFE control valve (UV-0701) and wash water control valve (FV-1202).

• An abnormal condition for PSLL-2507, fuel gas to Charge heater pressure Low-
Low at 0.07 kg/cm2 shall cause a shutdown of main fuel gas only.

• An abnormal condition for PDSLL-2502, Charge Heater Atomizing steam – Fuel

oil differential pressure set at 0.4 kg/cm2 after time delay of 30 seconds, or an
abnormal condition for PSLL-2504 fuel oil to charge heater is set at 1.8 kg/cm2
shall cause a shutdown of fuel oil only.

• An abnormal condition for PSHH-2510 A,B,C(2oo3), Arch pressure shall cause to

shutdown both fuel gas and fuel oil by closing UV-2503,UV-2504 and UV-2501
A/B, UV-2602 respectively, open stack damper control valve HV-2601. This will
also close Naphtha feed to CFE control valve (UV-0701) and wash water control
valve (FV-1202).

• An abnormal condition for TSHH-0808, 0812, 0813 (2oo3), Charge Heater coil
outlet temperature set at 352 deg C shall cause a shutdown both fuel gas and fuel
oil by closing UV-2503, UV-2504 and UV-2501 A/B, UV-2602 respectively. This
will also close Naphtha feed to CFE control valve (UV-0701) and wash water
control valve (FV-1202).

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:8 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 83 of 406


A re-boiler heater is provided to split the naphtha to lighter and heavier fractions by
providing necessary heat of vaporization. The vapor flow re-boiler heater is outlet is
controlled by PDIC-2001, which is cascaded with re-boiler heater firing control system.

• The firing control philosophy is as same as control philosophy of charge heater.

• Splitter re-boiler pump discharge is split into 6 passes before entering to re-boiler
heater. Each pass is provided with flow transmitter (FT-2001A~F) and a flow
control valve (FV-2001A~F) for controlling the pass flow. Flow control valve
controls the pass flow as per the set given to pass flow controllers (FIC-
2001A~F). Low flow alarm is given at 52m3/hr for each pass. In addition, three
Low-Low flow alarm (FALL) will be annunciated at 39 m3/hr.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:8 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 84 of 406
• Additional flow transmitters (FT-2002A/B/C) are provided for pass flows having
FTs-2001A/B/C. If 2 out of these 3 gives Low-Low flow then interlock UC-003
activates. A bypass switch for interlock UC-003 in case of Low-Low pass flow is
provided during startup.

Logic System UC-003: Re-boiler heater shut down:

• An abnormal condition of pilot gas pressure Low-Low (PSLL-2609A/B/C, 2 out

of 3) to Naphtha Splitter Re-boiler Heater set at 0.5 kg/cm2 after time delay of 3
seconds, or actuation of emergency shutdown HS-2607B from field and HS-
2607A from DCS shall cause a complete heater shutdown by closingUV-
2605,UV-2606 on pilot gas, UV-2603,UV-2604 on fuel gas and UV-2501 A,B ,
UV-2602 on fuel oil and actuates I-1 interlock of Unit-77 (CFC).

• An abnormal condition for FSLL-2002A/B/C (2out of 3) Naphtha Splitter Re-

boiler Heater inlet passes (3no.) set at 39 m3/hr shall cause heater shutdown by
closing UV-2603, UV-2604 on fuel gas and UV-2501 A, B, UV-2602 on fuel oil
& actuates I-1 interlock of Unit-77 (CFC). However, pilots shall remain in
service. If HS-2001 is not in ” Bypass” position, this abnormal condition shall
send a shutdown signal to CHARGE HEATER SHUTDOWN SYSTEM,UC-002.
• An abnormal condition for PSLL-2607 fuel gas to Naphtha Splitter Re-boiler
Heater pressure Lo- Lo at 0.07 kg/cm2 shall cause a shutdown of main fuel gas
only i.e. closing UV-2603, UV-2604.

• An abnormal condition for PDSLL-2602, Naphtha Splitter Reboiler Heater

Atomizing steam – Fuel oil differential pressure set at 0.4 kg/cm2 after time delay
of 30 seconds, or an abnormal condition for PSLL-2604 fuel oil to Naphtha
Splitter Reboiler Heater set at 1.8 kg/cm2 shall cause a shutdown of fuel oil only,
i.e. closing UV-2601A/B& UV-2602.

• An abnormal condition for PSHH-2610 A/B/C (2oo3), Arch pressure set at 6mm
H2O, shall cause to shutdown both fuel gas and fuel oil by closing UV-2603, UV-
2604 and UV-2501 A/B, UV-2602 respectively, open stack damper control valve
HV-2601 and actuates I-1 interlock of Unit-77 (CFC).

• An abnormal condition for TSHH-2002,2004,2005 (2oo3), Naphtha Splitter

Reboiler Heater coil outlet temperature set at 166 deg C shall cause a shutdown
both fuel gas and fuel oil by closing UV-2603,UV-2604 and UV-2501 A,B , UV-
2602 respectively, open stack damper control valve HV-2601 and actuates I-1
interlock of Unit-77 (CFC).

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:8 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 85 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 9 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
9.0 87
3. 9.2 DCS HARDWARE 87
5. 9.4 DELTAV ALARM 103
6. 9.5 DELTA V EVENTS 108
8. Precautions for carrying out any job on DCS
9.7 engineering station, PLC, control station or any 109
other equipment
9. Instruction on set point high and low limits of
9.8 110
closed loop controllers

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 86 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 9 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


HPCL-Visakh Refinery has set up MS Block under VRCFP along with associated utilities
and off-sites to process and upgrade both Straight Run as well as Cracked Naphtha to Euro-
III and Euro-IV specifications. Also LPG treatment facilities to facilitate additional LPG
produced in the existing units after revamp are proposed under VRCFP.

MS Block consists of new units NHT/CCR, FCCNHT, NIU and NLU (LPG CFC, AAU,
ARU & SWSU). The DCS system for the MS Block will control and monitor the above units
from new MS Block control room.


The DCS system for the above project permits control and data acquisition and shutdown
functions of distributed architecture with the operator consoles.

The total DCS system is divided group wise at controller & process level in the plant area.

The following are the groups in which they are divided.

− NHT (Unit 72), CCR plate forming / CCR CycleMax (Unit 74)
− NIU (Unit 73)
− FCCNHT (Unit 75)
− AAU/ARU (Unit 76), CFC (Unit 77), SWSU (Unit 78)

The above system in total consists of 16 Redundant Controllers which will control and
monitor the Plants or Units. Each controller is connected with different I/O system which in
turn is connected with the field instruments. The offered DCS system consists of redundant
controllers, redundant power supply system and Redundant I/O cards for CLOSED LOOPS

Total three nos. of consoles consisting of 3 nos. of 19” high resolution LCD monitors, The
system consists of one RAID V Engineering Console and Application consoles to store the
process history and an OPC server to communicate with N2 plant DCS.

The system also includes the PLC systems communicating with DCS system group wise on
serial communication .The total system will be powered by the UPS system for smooth and
uninterruptible operation of plant.

The system will provide Audible alarm management system within the DCS system which
will help to control the plant effectively and take corrective action during crucial moment.
The system also consists of Unit history node for collection of historical data and storage and
archiving for analysis.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 87 of 406

The DeltaV Control Network is an IEEE 802.3 Ethernet local area network (LAN) dedicated
to the DeltaV system. The network provides communication between controllers and

For communications reliability, Network redundancy is provided by secondary switches and

cables that establish a secondary control network identical to the primary control network.
The secondary network is connected to the redundant communication port of each
workstation and controller, and it is connected to a separate, secondary switch.

The maximum recommended Control Network cable length from the switch to a node is
100m (330 ft).

For this project 3 Nos. of Primary and 3 Nos. of Secondary Ethernet Switches having 24 ports
each have been used.


The controller performs control functions and manages communication between the I/O
subsystem and the control network. Controllers are connected to network by RJ45 shielded
connector. While a simplex controller consists of a controller card and two system power
supplies, a redundant controller consists of two controller cards and two system power
supplies. Further, for each redundant controller pair, a controller redundancy license is also

For this project Sixteen MD Redundant controllers are used. The total number of controllers
is 32.A Single MD Controller can handle up to 750 DSTs. I/O Subsystems.

The I/O subsystem contains the I/O cards in the controller. A variety of analog and discrete
I/O cards are installed in a common form factor that easily plugs into the I/O interface carrier
(a DIN rail surface mounted).The interface used is conventional I/O.

The segregation is based unit wise in which the plant is divided.


Each DeltaV workstation consists of a Dell-Make computer or server and DeltaV software
Suite. The software suite determines functionality of the workstation.

List of Delta V work stations

a Professional Plus Station/Engineering Work Station – 1 No.
• System Hardware Manufacturer – Dell, RAID V
• System Operating Software – Microsoft Windows Server 2003
• DeltaV Software – DeltaV 7.4.1

b Operator Work Station – 9 Nos.

• System Hardware Manufacturer – Dell
• System Operating Software – Microsoft Windows XP
• DeltaV Software – DeltaV 7.4.1
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 88 of 406
The nine stations are divided unit wise according to requirement in group of three in
which each group has one no of workstation with dual monitor. The unit wise groups are
mentioned below:

• NHT and CCR (Unit-72 & 74)

• NIU and FCC-NHT (PrimeG) (Unit 73 & 75)
• ARU, SWS, AAU/CFC (Unit 76,77, & 78)

Each group has ALARM EVENT Printer & Log printer attached to station as shown in
System Architecture.

c Application Work Station – 4 Nos.

• 1 No. application station for UHN (Unit History Node), connected with Existing
HPCL PIN through OPC. This workstation will be RAID V configuration.
• 2 nos. application Station for History
• 1 No. application Station for OPC connectivity with N2 plant and other 4 clients.
• System Hardware Manufacturer – Dell
• System Operating Software – Microsoft Windows Server 2003
• DeltaV Software – DeltaV 7.4.1


• Field interrogation for all Analog inputs/Outputs is 24VDC and all the AI/AO/TC
is wired through barriers, unless specified that the input is NON IS.,
• All DI Field Interrogation is 110VAC. This is achieved by introducing a OMRON
MY2N relay with 110 VAC Coil between the DeltaV DI card and the Field.
• Contact of this relay is wired to the DeltaV DI Card.
• All DOs to MCC are potential free. Suitable for 110V DC.
• All DOs to SOV in field are 110 VAC.
• All DOs from PLC to Aux console in control room are Potential free.


Power Distribution Philosophy is as follows.

AC Power Supply ( 110 V UPS)

Redundant feeders are brought in from UPS ACDB to DCS ACPDB.

There are three ACPDB of 1200 X 800 X 2100mm considered in this project.


• This ACPDB receives all feeders from UPS ACDB for DCS/PLC within the Control
Room and also for some non DCS loads used within the Control Room.
• This ACPDB essentially caters to all the AC Loads within the control room.
• The details of all the feeders through this cabinet can be found in PDB Drawing.


• This ACPDB is essentially for all the NON DCS Loads being distributed to Field
through the DCS-Rack Room.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 89 of 406
• The details of all the feeders through this cabinet can be found in PDB Drawing.


• This ACPDB is essentially for all 230 VAC Non UPS Utility loads for cabinet
lighting etc for all cabinets inside the control room.
• The details of all the feeders through this cabinet can be found in PDB Drawing.

DC Power Distribution:

• Three Nos. DC PDBS are provided and the DC bulk Power supply Units are
segregated for each unit as per segregation philosophy.
• Delta V requires two levels of DC Voltages 24VDC and 12VDC.
• A set of redundant Bulk Power supplies are provided in the DC PDB which takes care
of this requirement.
• Separate Isolated set of 24 VDC Power Supplies is provided for System power Supply
and Barrier power supply
• The input Ac supply to each set of the Bulk DC power supply is REDUNDANT. I.E
Redundant Cables are run from ACPDB TO DCPDB for 110VAC incomer.


Delta V Systems use the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize the time on all
Control Network nodes. Any Delta V workstation may be defined as the master time source
using the Physical Network Properties dialog in the DeltaV Explorer.

If a network time server is not used, a single workstation (called the master time node) keeps
time for the entire Delta V system. The Professional PLUS workstation is the master time
node by default. However, one can use the Delta V Explorer to define another workstation as
the master time node. The Set/Synchronize Network Time program (available from the Tools
menu in Delta V Explorer) determines the time and date for the Delta V System. Setting the
time while the legacy historian is running can cause unexpected results. Before setting the
time, stop the legacy historian (go to the /PI/adm directory and run pisrvstop.bat). After
setting the time, use Delta V Explorer to download the legacy historian.

The Time In Sync diagnostics parameter retains a status of 1 (good) if the time for the nodes
on the control network remains within the following specifications from the NTP server time:

Systems without a network time server - Workstations: 50ms; Controllers: 50 ms

One can set and synchronize the time from any Delta V workstation on the Control Network.
The network time is derived from the same internal clock used by the Date/Time tool in the
Windows Con


The DCS system will communicate with other sub system on serial Communication. The
plant is divided into mainly three parts or units

− The unit 72 and 74 has following PLC system with which DCS communicates on
Modbus Protocol

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 90 of 406
• The GE-Fanuc PLC system
• Analyser shelters
• Compressor PLC
• Chiller unit PLC
• Cycle max Package system PLC
• Machine monitoring System

− The unit 73 and 75 has following PLC system with which DCS communicates on
Modbus Protocol

• The GE-Fanuc PLC system

• Analyser shelters
• Compressor PLC
• Chiller unit PLC

− The unit 76,77 and 78 has following PLC system with which DCS communicates on
Modbus Protocol

• The GE-Fanuc PLC system

• Servo gauge CIU
• Radar system CIU
• Compressor PLC


The Delta V system supports redundant controllers. A redundant controller consists of a pair
of standard controllers on separate 2-wide power/controller carriers connected together. Each
controller requires a separate power supply mounted on its carrier. One of the controllers in
the pair is the active controller. The other controller is the standby controller. The standby
controller contains the same configuration as the active controller.

When an active controller fails, the standby controller takes over providing uninterrupted
control operation without user intervention. The standby controller gets updates of certain
parameter values in the active controller over the redundancy link, but does not execute
control logic. When the switchover occurs, the new active controller reads back I/O data and
the modules begin to execute.

A limited amount of re-initialization occurs in order to resume control without disruption. For
example, certain control and output function blocks begin executing in out-of-service mode
and climb to their target mode in order to force handshaking with other blocks. In most cases
control actions resume on the first scan after a switchover. For complex modules, one or a
few scans of handshaking may be required. The apparent mode change on a switchover is
expected and has no adverse effect on control.


A switchover from the active to the standby controller can occur for the following reasons:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 91 of 406
− Hardware failure within the active controller
− Communications failure between the active controller and the I/O subsystem
− Communications failure of both the primary and secondary network connections in
the active controller
− Removal of the active controller from the carrier
− Manual switchover request
− Loss of power supply for the active controller

When a switchover occurs, the node status area on the Alarm Banner indicates the status
change to the operator. Alarm events are regenerated with new timestamps. The Alarm List is
updated with the new times. The system stores a record of each switchover and the reason it
occurred (if known). The switchover is logged in the Process History event chronicle.

If the standby controller should fail, the software disables switchovers until one replace the
failed unit.


All the Closed loops & complex loops are defined in redundant Analog Input/Output cards.


The Delta V controller constantly scans both the active and standby cards and directs a
switchover from the active to the standby card when a failure occurs. Switchover is very
smooth and occurs in a matter of milliseconds. The last known good values of the output are
held during switchover. A redundancy switchover can occur under the following

− Open and short circuit faults in the channels during installation or operation
− Card errors due to external noise near the system or noise on the carriers, cards, or
− Improper grounding that might cause some channels to draw huge currents and high
− Momentary loss of field power
− Fatal condition on the active card (for example, the active card cannot communicate
with the controller)
− Non-fatal condition on the active card. These conditions are dependent upon the card
type (for example, a failure of the A/D converter on an AI card)


− Common FFU & Temp Hi Alarm will be generated in DCS for each System cabinets
of DCS & PLC.
− Common FFU & Temp Hi Alarms will be generated unit wise common for all
Marshalling cabinet.
− Each Bulk Power Supply of 24VDC and 12VDC Failure alarms will be generated in
− Each Bulk Power Supply of 24VDC Failure alarms for PLC will be generated in
− 1 Common Alarm for all Temp. /FFU to be wired to Aux. console.
− 1 No. UPS-1 & 2 trouble alarm.
− Output Voltage, Current, & Frequency Monitoring of UPS-1 & 2 to DCS.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 92 of 406


There is common CCTV system for MS control room & MOI control room, and the control
cabinets & Engineering system will located in both the control room.

Workstation & Monitor:

At Visakh refinery there are two control rooms (MS block & MOI control room) and for each
control room there is separate Engineering Station and control cabinets. The monitors are
distributed as per the requirement. 2 Nos. of 21” monitor for MS block control room & 1 no.
of 21” Monitor for MOI control room. All the monitor units will operate through remote

Co-axitron matrix system which has got 16 video input and 4 video output is the heart of the
system. All electronics such as camera, lens, matrix switcher, DVR keyboard and receiver
driver are from the PELCO make. Only Pan Tilt Head, camera enclosure is from
− There are total 11 cameras out of which 9 nos. are near to MS Block & 2 nos. in MOI
block for flare monitoring.
− 4 nos. of camera for NHT/CCR section,
− 2 nos. of camera for Prime-G section,
− 3 nos. of camera for NIU section,
− 2 nos. of camera for Flare unit.

Matrix switcher sends control signal over RG11 coaxial cable to the field receiver driver unit,
on the same cable matrix switcher receives video signal from camera. This mode of
communication in CCTV is called “Coaxitron Type Control”.

Field receiver driver decode the signal received from matrix and control the movement of pan
tilt, zoom lens, wiper & washer. Parallel looping for recording through Matrix switcher input
side “not shown in scheme” is done for the DVR. One video signal is looped from the MS
block matrix output for monitoring MOI area flare camera.


The system is designed on basis of achieving Unit wise segregation at all levels possible.
The Units segregated are as follows:

− Unit 72
− Unit 74
− Unit 73
− Unit 75 &
− Unit 76/77/78


Marshaling is carried out in the back of Deltav System Cabinets. Each Controller and its
associated I/O are mounted in front side of a 1200 MM W X 800 MM (D) x 2100 (H) Rittal
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 93 of 406
All AI/AO/TC Barriers associated to this controller are mounted on the back of this cabinet.
Field cables for all IS inputs are terminated directly on barriers.

Separate cabinet is provided for DI/DO MARSHALLING associated to each controller.

For each controller used signals and 20% spares from the field get terminated on the
Marshalling TBs.

ALL DI/DO are wired through OMRON MY2N Relays. DI relays are 110VAC Coil and DO
Relays are 24VDC coil.


− All MCC cables get terminated in Separate MCC Marshalling Cabinets.

Interconnecting cables will be laid at site from MCC cabinet to DCS/PLC cabinet as
per requirements. Inter panel Cable schedule will be made to indicate distribution of
these cabinets.

− DeltaV Serial Cards are provided for interfacing to all foreign devices. Simplex or
Redundant serial card is provided based on the requirements in the specification.
− Hardware Protocol for communication can be RS233 or RS 485/422 as per the
requirements of the foreign devices and the same is configurable in the DeltaV serial
interface card.
− Software Protocol envisaged for all foreign devices is MODBUS RTU. DeltaV is
configured as Master for all Foreign Device communications and Foreign Devices
have to be configured as slave.
− List of Foreign devices being configured in this project is listed under serial
communication section in this document.


− Separate Hardwired Console(s) are provided with Each Console.

− Console for Unit 72/74 has two Hardwired consoles. Unit 73/75 and Unit 76/77/78
have one HW console each.
− Hardwired Alarm Annunciator supplied is Insta-Alarm make with Mosaic Style
Annunciation windows.
− The Hardwired Console is a metallic console with Mauell Make MOSAIC Tiles and
IDEC IZUMI Mosaic style LAMPS/PBS/Selector Switches.


5 Nos. Corrosion Monitors are required as per specifications and we have provided 5
Nos. Purafil make ONLINE Corrosion Monitors as required by the Purchase
requisition. The detailed catalogue of the supplied Corrosion Monitor is attached.


1. Cabinets-Rittal
2. Relays – Omron MY2n
3. SIL 3 Relays- Phoenix
4. Network Switches-3 COM
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 94 of 406
5. Workstation – Dell
6. Monitor - BenQ
7. Terminals- WAGO
8. Bulk Power Supplies- Meanwell
9. Printers- HP/ WIPRO
10. Surge Protection Devices- PHOENIX
12. Barriers- MTL 5000 Series
14. UPS- Emerson Network Power
15. CCTV- Nelco
16. Interpanel Cables- Suyog
18. Corrosion Monitor – Purafil
19. FO Accessories – Dlink
20. Firewall – CISCO


Distributed Control System (DCS) is supplied by EMERSION PROCESS, AUSTIN,TX

(USA) and is called ‘’ Delta V control system’’.

9.3.1Delta V system architecture:

1. Control network—A communication network connecting various nodes in the

Delta V system. The Control network is a 10/100Base T local area network that
can be redundant

2. 10/100BaseT--- IEEE standard for a 10/100 Megabit per second baseband on

twisted-pair wiring.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 95 of 406
3. Ethernet--- Local Area network communication scheme that allows a collection
of computers to communicate between nodes. A secondary switch provides an
alternate communication path in the event of the primary network’s failure.

4. Switch--- A network device that consolidates wiring connections and routes

communications between nodes. A secondary switch provides an alternate
communication path in the event of the Primary network’s failure.



Control in the DeltaV system is based on modules. A module is the smallest logical control
entity in the system. Generally, a module contains one uniquely tagged control entity with its
associated logic such as a control loop or motor. Defining a module around a single field
device and its related control logic makes it easy to create, download, operate, debug, and
take out of service a single module without affecting other modules.

A module contains algorithms, conditions, alarms, displays, historical information, and other
characteristics that define the process equipment. Algorithms are the logical steps that define
how the module behaves.

Function blocks are building blocks for creating the continuous and discrete algorithms that
perform the control or monitoring for the process. The DeltaV Library contains function
block templates for analog control (bias/gain, lead/lag, PID, etc.), Logical, I/O (analog and
discrete input/output), and other basic functions. Each function block contains parameters
that can be modified to customize the algorithm. Algorithms range from simple input
conversions to complex control strategies. Function blocks can be combined into composite
function blocks to build complex algorithms. In addition to Function Blocks, Sequential
Function Charts (SFCs) can be used to build control algorithms. SFCs support control tasks
requiring time-variant sequencing strategies.

Parameters are the user-defined data used within a module’s algorithm to perform its
calculations and logic. Parameters can be described by the type of information they provide,
such as input or output. Tables listing the parameters and their properties are included in the
Books Online information.

The DeltaV system includes a library of pre-engineered module templates with basic
characteristics. One can customize these library modules or create own modules from scratch.
Customized modules can be added to the library, making them available for reuse in the
development of control strategy.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 96 of 406
Modules that work closely together to perform a specific process control function are
typically grouped in an area. An area is a logical division of a process control system. Areas
typically represent plant locations or main processing functions. The configuration engineer
determines how to logically divide the system into areas.

Nodes are physical pieces of equipment on the control network, such as a controller or a
workstation. One controls process by downloading modules in the controller nodes. The
configuration tells the node how to act and what information to receive or save from the

Device Tags represent the instruments, valves, and other field devices. A Device Signal Tag
consists of a Device Tag and a specific signal from that device.

Alarms alert the operator that an event has occurred. (Alarms are assigned to modules.)
Typically, one want the operator to perform some action and respond to the alarm. Alarms
can be both visible and audible.

The database contains configuration information and lets to make off-line changes without
affecting the process. Online control algorithm monitoring and modification are also

The basic Delta V control network consists of the following components:

1. Delta V workstation--- A personal computer, running the Windows XP operating

system, connected to the Delta V Control Network. This is Used for engineering
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 97 of 406
control strategies, operating the process and diagnostics of the Delta V system on-

2. Delta V Controller---The Delta V system computer running the program which

controls the process equipment. It also communicates the process data to the

3. Input/Output Subsystem---Consist of the I/O cards and terminal blocks used to

interface to the field devices such as motors, valves, transmitters.

4. Node--- A device such as a Delta V controller or workstation on the Control


Multiple Node Architecture of Delta V system:

Delta V control Network illustrated in the figure consists of 8 nodes.

Maximum it can consist of is:
100----Controllers/ Simplex or Redundant Pairs


The Delta V workstation consists of the following Hardware components:

− Monitor (single, duel, three or four)
− Keyboard
− Mouse
− Workstation processor
− Speakers (Built-in or External) Software:

The Delta V software, installed on each workstation, has various installation options that
define the workstation’s functionality. The workstations will be one of the following:

1. Professional PLUS Station----used to configure, operate and diagnose the system and
contains the system database. Only one workstation will be a Professional PLUS

2. Professional Station-----Same capabilities as a Professional PLUS station but

without Database

3. Operator Station-----Provides operator interface capabilities only.

4. Maintenance Station----Provides operator interface capabilities and the ability to

view FOUNDATION device alarms

5. Base Station---- Allows the configuration engineer to build a custom Delta V

workstation with a specific set of applications.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 98 of 406
6. Application Station----Integrates the Delta V system into the plant LAN. Also used to
support the Continuous Historian, Batch Historian, and Batch Executive products. Operating system:

The Delta V workstation uses Microsoft Windows XP as its Operating system software.

9.3.4 Delta V Controller


The Delta V controller Hardware consists of the following components:

− Controller----Receives commands from the operator interface and manipulates the
output signals to perform the requested action. The controller also monitors input
signals to confirm that the requested action was completed. The controller performs
these functions by executing hundreds of programs known as control modules. A
specific control module is created to control each piece of the process equipment. The
control module is given a Tag Name which matches the equipment it is used to
control or monitor.
− I/O card----Receives input signals from field devises and passes the information to
the controller. It also transmits output signals to field devices.
− I/O Terminal Block --- Connection point for wiring to/from field devices.
− 2-Wide power/controller carrier----Device on which the controller and power supply
modules are mounted.
− 8-Wide I/O Interface Carrier ----Device on which a maximum of eight I/O cards are
mounted and up to eight 8-wide I/O carriers can be connected to provide for a
maximum of 64 I/O cards.

Delta V Operator Interface Software:

The Delta V Operator Interface Software provides a variety of Operator tools to control and
monitor plant operations. The primary operator tool is:

− Delta V Operate--- A high –resolution, graphical operator interface permitting the

operator to interact with the process control system. This is also called as

The following operator tools also are launched from Delta V Operate.

− Process History View---provides historical trending, as well as a spread sheet-like log

of Alarms and Events occurring in the plant.
− Diagnostics-----provides information about the status and integrity of the system’s
nodes and the field devises connected to them.
− Alarm Management--- An alarm banner allowing single-click access to alarms. A list
of alarms is also available.

9.3.5 HOW TO LOG ON TO Delta V workstation operators interface:

To monitor and control the process one must LOG on to the Delta V workstation.

Once the Username and Password are established by the System Administrator, users can log
on to work station by first
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 99 of 406
STEP1: Logging on to the XP operating system by entering username and password.
Delta V logon dialog box appears on the screen, and then proceed with Delta V log on
by entering Username and Password once again.
STEP2: Logging on to the Delta V control system

This opens Delta V Operate button on pressing of which opens the Delta V Operator


Navigation within Windows XP

Delta V uses standard Windows XP operating system. Each window has a title bar at the top
to identify the name of the application. The title bar is highlighted in blue for the active
window. Located at the far right side of the title bar are the window control buttons:
minimize, maximize, restore, exit.
Delta V mouse functionality is same as most of Microsoft application. Standard Microsoft
keystroke shortcuts may also be valid within the Delta V system.


Delta V Operate tool is used to interact with the process. This application is also referred as
Operator Interface or HMI (Human Machine Interface). The DeltaV Operate application
functions in two modes. In configure mode, it is used to build high resolution, real-time
process graphics. In run mode, control system operators use these graphics in the daily
monitoring and maintenance of the process.

a. Default layout:

The Operator interface default layout consists of the three areas illustrated below:
− Tool bar—contains buttons of quick access to frequently used applications or
additional functionality within Delta V Operate.
− Working area----A graphical representation of the plant and its current operating data.
The data is automatically updated to show current process values.

Note: The operating parameters such as outputs and set points are changed from the
working area.

− Alarm Banner---Displaying, from left ot right, the five highest ranked alarms.
It dynamically changes as new alarms become active or as existing alarms
change state.

Note: Clicking on an alarm displays the Primary control display for that control

b. Pop up windows:

These provide additional operating information and detailed parameters.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 100 of 406
− Faceplate----Provides with the operating parameters for a control module.
Depending on the type of control module the operating parameters displayed
will vary
− Detail window-----provides with the parameters for a control module which
may be tuned including trip points control loop gain reset and rate .These
parameters may be changed based on the assigned security level.

c. Tool bar buttons:

Following button icons available in tool bar placed from left to right:

- ---exits the delta V operate application

- --Prints the graphic picture that is currently in the main window on the default printer.

- --opens the face plate picture of the entered module.

---opens the detail picture for the entered module.

----this opens the display directory that would the operator to open a picture for

—resets the delta V operate.

—replaces the picture in the main window with a selected picture from list of all
picture available.

- allows toggling between the previous and current picture displayed in the main

—displays the overview picture in main window.

—displays the alarm summery picture in the main window

- displays area filter window. Filters are used to enable/disable or view alarming for
specific plant areas.

---opens utilities window

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 101 of 406
Flex lock ---starts flex lock application
Delta V explorer—starts explorer application.

—starts control studio application

—starts delta V log on window which allows another user to specify username and

—launches delta V diagnostics application

- starts process history view.

—changes the Delta V system time

—launches delta V chart builder window which allows to quickly specifying

parameters to view in process history together. Only 6 selectable parameters can be viewed at
a time in one chart.
—enables operator to swap pictures between the primary and secondary monitors of the
duel monitor workstation.

e. Chart builder:

− To quickly specify a parameter open the chart builder window by clicking the chart
builder icon. Click on ‘selectable’ parameter, it will automatically be popped up in the
chart builder window
− At this point one can build the chart by ‘build chart’ option or add additional
parameters by selecting parameters in the operating environment or selecting the
associated parameters by clicking in the SP, PV, OUT or MODE buttons in the chart
− Up to Six parameters can be select at one time.
− When all he parameter selection is made click on the ‘build chart’ button. A chart
with the required parameter opens in Process history view.

e. Navigating using Picture buttons:

Various views or Pictures, of the process may be displayed using the Next or Previous picture
Next—replaces the currently displayed picture with the next picture as defined in the picture
configuration typically a view of process equipment downstream from the currently displayed
Previous--- replaces the currently displayed picture with the next picture as defined in the
picture configuration typically a view of process equipment upstream from the currently
displayed picture.

f. Navigation using replace main picture:

Replace main picture window displays a scrollable list of all the pictures that are available for
display on the workstation. Click on the name and enter will open the picture to be viewed.
The new display will appear in the main operator window.

g. Navigation using Main picture History:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 102 of 406
Various pictures may be displayed using the Main Picture History which contains the last ten
previously displayed pictures. The main picture history is updated as pictures are displayed
the currently displayed picture is added to the top of the stack while the picture from bottom
of stack is deleted.
Padlock option prevents the updation of main picture history.

h. Duel Monitor/Multiple monitor:

Delta V operate can be run on a multiple monitor workstation and the features are:
− Doubles the alarms shown in the alarm banner from five to ten. The alarm banner is
displayed across the Primary and secondary monitors
− Enables operator to drag faceplate and other pictures from one monitor to the other
− Enables operators to launch pop-up pictures such as face plates from one monitor and
display them in another monitor.
− Adds additional sets of pictures to support the additional monitors (for example
another tool bar, separate main picture history list and an additional alarm banner
− The delta V system can support up to 4 monitors that work together like one large
screen and are driven by the same workstation.
− Swap button in the tool bar enables the operator to shift the pictures between the
Primary and secondary monitors.



Workstations can read and write parameters from anywhere in the system (unless restricted in
the workstation properties dialog) and they can monitor events and maintain a list of active
alarms in plant areas that have been assigned to the workstation's Alarms and Events

Workstations also generate their own hardware alarms. The ability to report hardware alarms
must be enabled in the workstation's properties dialog. Hardware alarms can be displayed in
the alarm banner and the alarm summary control. From the alarm summary control and
DeltaV Diagnostics, one can run the Condition Summary application. This application lists
the conditions that are causing the hardware alarms. The condition can be suppressed or made
active from the Condition Summary.

Any module or device that has an alarm reports it to all workstations to which the module's
area is assigned, as long as the workstations' Alarms and Events subsystems have been
enabled. A workstation monitors (logs to the Event Chronicle) all events in the system that
are associated with the plant areas assigned to it.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 103 of 406
When one assign an area to a workstation and download it, one must log off the workstation
and log on again before one can see the associated alarms in the Alarm List.

One can add as many as 99 plant areas and assign the plant areas to specific workstations.
Make these changes through the DeltaV Explorer. To assign an area to the Alarms and Events
subsystem for a workstation, select the area and drag and drop it to the workstation's Alarms
and Events subsystem. To view the areas assigned to a workstation, click Alarms and Events
(under the workstation name).


The alarm banner appearing at the bottom of the operator interface area displays the TEN
highest ranked alarms in the descending importance from left to right.

Clicking on any of the alarms takes to the Primary control Picture for the module in the alarm
and displays the Faceplate for the control module in alarm.

The i button adjacent to highest ranked alarm is depressed or selected by default and
information relating to the highest ranked alarm is displayed in the data boxes immediately
below. Selecting an i button adjacent to any other alarms displays the information specific to
alarm whose i button was selected.de-selecting the I button dismisses the information about
the specific alarm and information about the highest ranked alarm is re-displayed.
Primary monitors alarm banner also contains following components:

Acknowledge ------- Acknowledges the alarm s on the main picture

Silence---- Silences the audible alarms horn
Enable/disable -----enables /disables horn
Enable /disable alarm ----enables /disables alarm direct access to the face plate picture
Enable/disable ---enables /disables alarm direst access to the Primary control display picture.
Secondary monitors alarm banner also contains following component
Acknowledge---acknowledges alarms on the main picture.

Managing Hardware alarms:

Clicking on delta V node status button opens the Delta V Node status Picture. The flashing
background indicates the status is not acknowledged. The node name of the highest priority is
Clicking the communication integrity status button opens delta V Diagnostics. The status
buttons visual indicators show that:
− Overall connection integrity is bad when any connection to this node is bad
− Overall link integrity is bad when all connections to this node are bad


Alarm priorities indicate to the operator the importance of an alarm. The priority affects the
order in which alarms appear in the Alarm Banner and the Alarm List pictures in DeltaV

The system presents all alarms that one configure with the same alarm priority the same way
throughout the system. If one modify the definition of a particular alarm priority, all alarms
configured using that alarm priority will use the new definition.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 104 of 406
There are 12 possible alarm priority levels: numeric values 4 through 15 plus a special log
only priority level (value 3). The highest priority value is 15 (it is used for the most important
alarms). The lowest priority value is 4.

By default, only four of the 12 (plus Log) priority levels are available for configuring alarm
parameters in the system:


15 CRITICAL No No Buzz.wav Red
11 WARNING No No Alert_tone.wav Yellow
7 ADVISORY Yes No Beep.wav Purple
3 LOG Yes No none Blue

Note: Alarms with LOG priority appear on Faceplate but ot on the Alarm Banner or the
Alarm list.

Setting Alarm Priority Properties Window

The alarm priority properties include the following:

Value - Determines the priority value of the alarm priority. The higher the number, the
greater the importance of the alarm.

Auto Acknowledge New Alarms - Determines if alarms of this priority are automatically
acknowledged at the time of alarm detection. The acknowledgment state of an alarm can
affect flashing and the order in which alarms are presented in DeltaV Operate.

Auto Acknowledge when Inactive - Determines if alarms of this priority are automatically
acknowledged when the condition causing the alarm clears. This means that the alarm would
no longer be shown in the Alarm Banner or Alarm List pictures even if the operator never
acknowledged the alarm.

Alarm Banner shows - Determines when alarms of this priority are displayed in the Alarm
Banner. The choices are Not Hidden, Unit, and Module.

− Not Hidden specifies that active alarms of this priority are always shown in the Alarm
Banner identified by its module (or device) name.
− The Module selection specifies that alarms of this priority should be identified by
their module names and are not shown in the Alarm Banner if there is a more
important alarm in Alarm Banner already showing this module name (the module
would be identified at most once in the Alarm Banner).
− The Unit selection specifies that alarms of this priority should be identified by the
name of the unit associated with this module, and these alarms are not shown in the
Alarm Banner if there is a more important alarm in Alarm Banner already showing
this the name of this unit (the unit would be identified, at most, once in the Alarm

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 105 of 406
Wave file - Determines the sound associated with active alarms of this priority. The DeltaV
system includes several WAV format files. When one download the system, these files are
copied to \DeltaV\data\sounds. When an alarm goes into the active state, the system plays a
WAV file in a loop-back mode so that it sounds until the operator acknowledges the horn.
One can disable the sound for alarms of a certain priority by deleting the WAV file reference.
Alarms that are auto-acknowledged still play their wave files.


An alarm type defines a set of characteristics that determine how alarms appear on displays
and in the Event Chronicle. Each standard alarm is associated with one of these alarm types.
If one create a custom alarm, one select or create the alarm type associated with it.

Device alarms do not require alarm types. The alarm words are defined by the device's
definition data, and the information communicated from the device is automatically
converted into device alarm messages.

There are 19 predefined alarm types. One can use these alarm types as they are, modify them,
or create additional ones. Alarm type names are case sensitive.


Adapt Alarm Active ADAPT INSTRUMENT Adapt Alarm Active %P1
Any Alarm ANY SYSTEM Any Alarm Value %P1
Change From Normal
Change From Normal CFN PROCESS
Value %P1
Change of State COS PROCESS Change of State
Communication Error COMM INSTRUMENT Communication Error
Deviation Alarm
Deviation Alarm DEV PROCESS
Target %P1 Actual %P2
Discrete Device FAILED PROCESS %P1
Floating Point Error FLT SYSTEM Floating Point Error
General I/O Failure IOF INSTRUMENT General I/O Failure
High Alarm Value %P1
Limit %P2
High High Alarm
High High Alarm HIHI PROCESS
Value %P1 Limit %P2
Inspect Limit Active INSPECT INSTRUMENT Inspect Limit Active %P1
Low Alarm Value %P1
Limit %P2
Low Low Alarm
Value %P1 Limit %P2
New Alarm NEW SYSTEM New Alarm Value %P1
Open Circuit Detected OCD INSTRUMENT Open Circuit Detected
Overrange OVER INSTRUMENT Overrange Value %P1
Rate of Change Rate %P1
Rate of Change RATE PROCESS
Limit %P2
Statistical Alarm Type %P1
Statistical Alarm ERROR SYSTEM
Value %P2

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 106 of 406
Under range UNDER INSTRUMENT Under range Value %P1

Note %P1 and %P2 represent the values of user-defined parameters. When configuring an
alarm with Control Studio, check to see if the alarm message expects any user-defined
parameters. If so, configure which parameter in that module should be read at the time of
alarm detection to replace the %P1 (and %P2) in the alarm message. User-defined parameters
typically capture the value that caused the alarm, the limit value that was in effect at the time
the alarm was detected, and so on.


Alarms are ranked based on following four criteria:

Most important
− Unacknowledged alarms
− Alarms with equal acknowledgement status ---Active alarms are more important than
− Alarms with equal acknowledgement status and active status –Alarms with highest
priority are most important
− Alarms with equal acknowledgement status and active status and priority—Newer
alarms are more important (i.e alarms with more recent time stamps)
Least important

Note: Alarms are displayed in alarm banner left to right based on the same criteria


Alarms on the list may be filtered by Plant area using the Area filters.

The area filter picture displays a summary of active, unacknowledged and suppressed alarms
by plant area. By selecting a plant area the alarms for that particular plant area are listed in
the lower portion of the window.

This Area filter picture also provides the ability to disable alarms by plant area for personal
with appropriate security privilege

Once alarms are filtered as per plant area, Alarm list can be displayed by clicking on the
Alarm list for selected area.

Once alarms list has been filtered, Ellipses button can be used to select another plant area or
all areas button to list alarms for all plant areas.

Alarms may be filtered by priority type and /or time period.


In addition to filtering, alarms can be sorted by module, time of occurrence or time of last
change by clicking on the appropriate button. By default alarms are sorted in the same ranked
order as the Alarm Banner.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 107 of 406

An alarm of interest can be further examined by selecting it from the list and clicking the
Open face plate display or open control display buttons. Or by clicking Right mouse button it
can be accessed. Selected alarm can be suppressed by clicking the Suppress alarm button.


Inactive Unacknowledged alarms--- Alarms that are no longer active but have not been
acknowledged are displayed with the cross hatch pattern on the alarm banner and as squares
in the Alarm list and faceplates.


There are two ways to acknowledge the alarms

• The acknowledge visible alarms button on the displayed page
• Individual alarms are acknowledged by clicking to the left of the alarm in the
Ack or Acknowledge single alarm column.



The event journal is displayed using process history view application. This provides a spread-
sheet like view of the events occurring in the process system. Each horizontally displayed
event is called record.

The event journal records consists of the following common fields or columns
− Date/time—measured to fraction of second
− Event type—short description
− Category
− Area ---Plant area name
− Node—name of the node where event occurred
− Unit—name of the unit where event occurred
− Module ---name of the module associated with the event
− Module description
All event Journal Records contain the following common field or column
− Parameter—identifies the event using the parameter
− State---the state of the alarm
− Level—level column field indicates priority severity of the event
− Desc1—records user name for user-initiated events
− Desc2- records a user-defined descriptor associated with alarm events


The vertical scroll bar or navigation buttons can be used to scroll through the events

Events can be sorted by alphabetically in either ascending or descending format.

Filters allow to abbreviate the list of events records in order to meet a specific criteria since a
number of events may be logged over a time can easily run into thousands.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 108 of 406
Events may be filters based n time and date using modify filter settings.

Reset filter settings restores the event window to its original state.


Process history view allow to view process data trends and events in the same place. Viewing
option can be customized either to see both or single. By default initially events will be

A preferred method is to launch trends from the faceplate for the module of interest.

Trend data represents either historical or real time data .Historical data is stored in the disc
and can be retrieved. But real time data is lost once trend is closed.

Additional modules can be added by clicking the add trend button.

X-axis represents time. Scroll back ward/forward buttons allow moving on X-axis.

<< -----scrolls back in time by 90% of the window

< ----scrolls back by 10% of the window.
>. --- Scrolls forward in time by 10%
>> -----Scrolls forward by in time 90% of the window

Configure chart button allows to view data for a day week a month. It also allows adding,
modifying remove trends. Chart builder allows to data of 6 parameters on the same chart.

9.7 Precautions for carrying out any job on DCS engineering station, PLC, control
station or any other equipment.
• This section includes instructions to prevent any “Human Error” while carrying out
any job on DCS engineering station, PLC, control station or any other equipment
located in the rack room of NHT CCR unit.
• NHT CCR unit use catalysts which are very sensitive and expensive. Any crash
shutdown or upset for any reason will adversely affect the unit performance and raise
differential pressure across the catalyst bed, thereby limiting the unit throughput or
necessitating the replacement of catalyst. Following responsibility matrix is prepared
with respect to various jobs being carried out related to DCS station:


1. Any job/activity done on DCS engineering station, Instrument Job Engineer
PLC or any other equipment in the rack room to be
done only with valid permit.
2. DCS Engineering Station Room and Rack-room to be Instrument Job Engineer
locked up except when a job/activity is to be
performed with a valid permit.
3. Permit to be taken even for any routine maintenance Instrument Job Engineer
activity being done regularly by the Instrumentation
4. DCS Engineering Changes to be allowed only through DCS Panel Officer

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 109 of 406
5. Permit to be issued even for bypassing / forcing DCS Panel Officer
trip/interlock required during a start-up or any other
6. Trip/Interlock bypass register to be updated whenever DCS Panel Officer
any interlock / trip bypassed with mentioning the
reasons there of.
7. For every job JHA to be carried out as per Instrument Job Engineer
PSM/FR/9.8A and PSM/FR/9.8B. JHA should be
given with the permit request and satisfaction of the
requirements as per the JHA.
8. Permit issuer to permit only after meeting all the DCS Panel Officer
requirements specified in JHA.

9.8 Instruction on set point high and low limits of closed loop controllers.

• This section includes the instruction to ensure that set point high and low limits for all
closed loop controllers of the unit are defined and to prevent any inadvertent plant
shutdown due to typos in entering set points with implementation of set point locks.
• There are instances of errors (typos) in entering set points to the controllers leading to
emergency plant shutdown.
• Hence set point high and set point low limits are configured for all closed loop
controllers of NHT CCR.
• The limits are not to be changed under normal circumstances without the concurrence
of section head.
• During startup/ shutdown or any unsteady conditions of the plant, the controller
concerned may be taken into manual mode if needed, rather than attempting to change
the set point limits.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:9 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 110 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 10 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



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Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:10 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 111 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 11 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



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Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 112 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 11 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


The chapter is divided into parts for briefing

i. Preparatory activities for commissioning

ii. Start-up procedure.


Prior to the commissioning of the plant there are several operations that must be conducted
by contractor and refinery personnel to prepare the plant of the actual startup; these are:

1. Commissioning of utilities
2. Final inspection of vessels
3. Pressure test of equipment
4. Acid Cleaning of Compressor Lines
5. Wash out lines and equipment and break-in pumps
6. Break in compressors
7. Service and calibrate instruments
8. Dry out fired heaters
9. Catalyst loading
10. Purging Equipment

It is important that these operations be carried out as thoroughly and as well as possible to
help achieve a smooth and trouble-free start-up and later steady normal operation. A
discussion detailing the major items to monitor in each of these operations follows. The
above outline may be expanded somewhat as follows:


The various utility lines should be tested and placed into service as soon as the construction
schedule allows. Pressure tests should be carried out on all steam condensate, air, fuel gas,
fuel oil, flare, and nitrogen lines as is done in all process lines.

The steam lines should be warmed up gradually to prevent damage by water hammer. At the
same time, all steam traps and condensate lines should be placed into service. All turbine
inlet and outlet flanges should be blinded off at this time. Scale and construction debris can
be conveniently removed from the steam lines by blowing them down as long as necessary
with steam. To gauge the effectiveness of the steam blowing (and the amount of scale left in
the lines), target plates should be installed at the blow down points. The lines should be
repeatedly blown down until virtually unmarked target plates are obtained. Condensate lines
should be continually checked and traps removed and cleaned if plugged.

The other utility lines can be cleaned by blowing with steam or air, or by water flushing if

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 113 of 406
11.1.2. Final Inspection of Vessel

All vessels should be inspected before final closing and any loose scale, dirt, etc. should be
removed. Any line coming directly off of the bottom of a dirty vessel should be removed. It
is very important that the internals of the hydrotreating reactor be inspected very carefully.
The hydrotreating reactor internals should be checked for holes and/or damage and repaired
as required. The catalyst support basket and unloading sleeve should be checked to ensure
correct fit in the nozzles.

The product separator should be checked carefully to be sure the cement lining is installed
well and that the mesh blanket is securely fastened to the support ring. There should be no
gaps in the mesh blanket.

11.1.3. Pressure Test Equipment

The following suggestions are made to help the operations to hydrostatically pressure test the
unit during construction of startup activity. Before any vessel is filled with water, the
foundation design must be checked to see if it is rated for this load. Screens should be placed
in the lines before the unit is pressure tested so that the test water can be pumped through the
lines for the purpose of washing them. Screens should be placed in a flange between the
suction valve and the pump so that the screen may be removed without depressurizing any
vessels. The flow through the screen should preferable be downward or horizontal.
Precautions should be taken to place the screen in a location where the dirt particles will not
drop into an inaccessible place in the line when the flow through the pump stops. If this
happens, it would not be possible to remove the dirt upon removal of the screen.

An air pressure test can be placed on the sections of the unit prior to a water test so that any
open lines or flanges may be discovered and taken care of before liquid is admitted. It should
be remembered that in pressure testing vessels, the test gauge should be placed at the bottom
of the vessel so that the liquid head will be taken into account. Before draining any liquid
from a vessel, a vent must be opened on top of the vessel to prevent a vacuum from pulling in
the vessel sides.

In pressure testing equipment, particularly in cold weather, care should be taken that the
testing of the vessels is not carried out at temperature levels so low that the metal becomes
brittle. As metal temperatures decreases, the tendency for brittleness increases.
Temperatures above 17°C (60°F) are considered satisfactory for testing to eliminate the
possibility of cold fracturing of equipment. Such temperatures can be attained by warming
the testing medium.

If the unit contains any austenitic stainless steel, the chloride content of the test water must be
less than 50 wt ppm. If this is not possible, the test water should have a maximum of 0.5
wt% sodium nitrate added to it.

It will not be practical to test all of the equipment together. Thus, the unit will be divided
into sections as governed by the location of the various items of equipment and the test
pressures to which each item will be subjected. Suitable blanks must be made up for
insertion on nozzles and between flanges to isolate the various sections of equipment as
required. Normally, the exchangers, receivers, etc., for the various towers will be tested
together with the main vessels. Test pressures will be determined from the pressure vessel
summary for the unit. During pressure testing, all safety valves must be blinded off since
their normal relieving pressure will be exceeded.

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It may be convenient to test the heaters and reactors in one group. A field hydrostatic test on
the gas compressor after installation could result in damage to the internals, so the
compressors must be isolated from the reactor system. As the heaters are normally tested at a
higher pressure than the reactors, it would be simplest to blind off the heaters and test them
first and test the entire system at the reactor test pressure. Blanks can be provided in
connections for introduction of water for testing and for venting of air as the system is filled
with water. It may be necessary to use thermowell connections and pressure taps for
additional vents in the reactor system. At the completion of the hydrostatic test, all water
should be removed from the equipment.

Where necessary, flanges to be break open to drain low points and the equipment air blown to
remove as much water as possible before flaming up. After hydrostatic pressure testing, a
tightness test must be conducted to check all flanges and fittings, especially the ones opened
during hydrotesting.

11.1.4. Acid Cleaning of Compressor Lines

Mill scale, dirt, heavy greases, and other foreign materials that could enter the compressor
and result in operating and maintenance problems must be removed from the reciprocating
compressor system. The following items must be acid cleaned: either shop cleaned by
pickling/shot blasting and preserved with a suitable protective coating under nitrogen
atmosphere or chemically cleaned at site.

1. Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-05)

2. Suction pulsation bottles of Recycle Compressors (72-V-25A/B)

The exact procedure to be followed should be supplied by the cleaning contractor, who must
accept the responsibility of proposing and carrying out an acceptable and proven procedure
for the entire cleaning operation. A discussion and general outline for a typical acid-cleaning
operation follows:

a. The Preparation:

1. A list of metals, alloys, and non-metallic materials in the sections to be cleaned,

including block valve trims, gaskets, valve packings, nuts, exchanger tubing, as well
as major equipment and piping must be made.
2. Assurance must be obtained from the cleaning contractor that the chemicals and
chemical solutions used in the operation will not be injurious to these materials.
3. A list must be made of the safe operating pressures of all components in the sections
to be cleaned.
4. Assurance must be obtained by the cleaning contractor, that these pressures will not
be exceeded (especially if the safety valves in these sections are going to be blinded
off; in this case the cleaning contractor should provide safety valves with his
5. Spool pieces must be made and substituted for turbine meters and for any valves that
must be protected from any chemical solutions. Valves which are removed should be
cleaned separately and their openings sealed off.
6. Orifice plates must be removed from the lines.
7. All instruments taps in the system must be disconnected or blocked off. Drain points
must be provided in the taps to drain off solution, and all instrument drain valves
should be opened.

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8. All externally mounted liquid level instruments such as displacement type level
transmitters and gauge glasses, should have all block valves adjacent to the vessel
closed, and all drain valves closed.
9. Pressure gauges and thermo wells should not be in place and their connections should
be blocked off.
10. All piping strainer screens must be removed.
11. All high points must be provided with vent valves. These vent valves should be
opened periodically during cleaning operations.
12. Major items of equipment such as compressors, pulsation dampeners, etc., must be
blinded off.
13. Cleaning circulation circuits must be determined. For a three stage make up
compressor system, this might mean four separate circulation circuits, one for each
stage, and one for the incoming fresh hydrogen line.

b. The Acid-Cleaning Operation:

The acid cleaning operations can be generally divided into the following steps:

1. Flushing: All sections should be water flushed to remove all loose dirt, debris, and other
foreign material in the lines. It should be noted that process pumps must not be used to
circulate any of the flushing, rinsing, or chemical solutions. All transfer and circulating
pumps for handling these solutions must be furnished by the chemical cleaning

2. Degreasing: All sections should be flushed with a degreasing solution (generally an

alkaline solution such as a soda ash solution) to remove all grease or oil that may have
been applied to the lines and vessels as a rust prevented measure. The cleaning contractor
should specify the type and concentration of the solution to be used.

During this and other phases of the operation, the contractor may want to heat the
circulating solutions. In doing so, reboilers or exchangers must not be used as a means of
heating them. All heating is to be done by external means to the systems being cleaned,
and by equipment furnished by the chemical cleaning contractor.

After this step, all sections should be rinsed with water.

3. Chemical Cleaning: All sections must be treated with an acid solution to remove all rust
and scale from the metal surface. There are several types of cleaning solutions that can
be used to do this step (such as inhibited hydrochloric acid, or inhibited phosphoric acid);
it is the responsibility of the cleaning contractor to select the one which has been proven
by experience. A suitable inhibitor must also be chosen to reduce the attack on metal.
The contractor should specify the concentration to be used and the percentage of metal
components (such as iron) to be allowed in the solution. Afterwards, the acid circulation
should be followed by a water rinse.

4. Neutralizing: All sections must be flushed by a neutralizing solution (perhaps a soda ash
solution) to neutralize all traces of acid left in the system. The cleaning contractor should
specify the type and concentration of the solution to be used. After this step, all sections
should be rinsed with water.

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5. Passivation: In order to form an anti-rust skin, a solution with a passivating agent must
be circulated through each section. Afterwards, each system is allowed to dry. Note that
any passivating agent used must be flushed from the system prior to startup.

After completing the cleaning operation, the vessels and lines should be inspected to
determine the quality of the cleaning. Treated surfaces should be clean, rust-free, and
dull gray in color. In-line turbine meters, valves, strainers, and all other equipment which
was removed must be installed. Afterwards, the system must be nitrogen purged, and left
under nitrogen pressure until the start-up.

11.1.5. Wash out Equipment and Break in pumps

After pressure test has been completed on any vessel with its connecting piping,
receivers, exchangers, etc., required blanks are pulled and water is circulated for the
purpose of removing any dirt, scale, etc. Much of the dirt is picked up in the pump
screens where it is taken from the system by removing and cleaning the screen.

All possible lines and pumps should be used during the washing procedure for complete
cleanout of the system. Of course, no water circulation should be carried out in the gas
sections of the unit. Vessels and Lines Flushing:

All towers and drums should be manually cleaned before flushing. The fire water system
should be flushed first and can be used to supply water for flushing the rest of the plant.
Before flushing, open overhead vents on vessels (to avoid vacuum), disconnect pump
sections and discharges, cover pump nozzles, and "drop out" or "roll" control valves and
orifice plates. Open compressor headers and blank off compressors. Fill vessels with
water and flush lines away from vessels and drums, especially is equipped with internals
that could be fouled. All the lines which are not flushed by vessel drainage must be
flushed independently.

Lines connected to exchangers should not be flushed into exchangers, but the joint
should be disconnected and the exchanger flange covered with a piece of sheet metal.
After sufficient flushing, the line can be reconnected and water flushed through the
exchanger to the next section of the line. Reconnect pump section lines after initial
flushing and insert 1mm (20 mesh) screen linings in pump strainer and continue flushing,
changing to spare pump and cleaning the strainers when plugged. This operation should
continue until no debris is collected on the strainers.

Any equipment that has had water flushed into it should be opened and cleaned
manually. Block valves or other valves not "rolled" or "dropped out" should be checked
for closure or rolled out for cleaning as required. All equipment blinds not necessary
during startup should be removed during or after the flushing operation. A mechanical
flow diagram should be used as a cleaning "checkoff" list. Inspection and Running-in of pumps:

Prior to unit startup, all centrifugal pumps should be thoroughly checked and run in properly
(after pressure testing and water flushing) as indicated in the following outline:

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CAUTION: Many high head pumps are not designed to pump water. To do so can result
in damage to the pump internals. Check the vendor's specifications before attempting to
run in pumps with water.

(a) Check to see that all necessary water piping has been made to stuffing boxes,
bearing jackets, pedestals, and quench glands. Make sure that all necessary lube oil
piping is installed, and that this piping is not mistakenly connected to the water
(b) Check arrangements to vent the pump for priming if the pump is not self-venting.
See that special connections such as bleeds and drains are properly installed.
(c) Check strainers in pump section lines. Strainers must be installed before aligning
pumps. A 4 mm (3 to 5 mesh) strainer is provided for each pump section line during
startup. To avoid pump damage during flushing with water, the strainers should
temporarily be lined with 1 mm (20 mesh) screen.
Remove this screen after water flushing in completed. All strainers should be
flagged, and a list similar to the blind list should be kept, so as to prevent a "lost"
screen from plugging and upsetting unit operation later on.
(d) Check that power or steam is available for running in the pump. Check that pressure
gauges and any special instrumentation are in working order.
(e) Water circulation on motor driven hydrocarbon pumps can result in motor
overloading if the full pumping capacity is used. In this type of equipment, the
capacity must be reduced by throttling the discharge during such periods. An
ammeter can be used to determine the required throttling.
(f) Before lubricating oil-lubricated bearings, check bearing chamber in pumps to see
that no slushing compounds or shipping grease is left in the chamber.
(g) Mechanical-type pumps should be flushed with water prior to pump operation so
that no dirt gets into the seal and scores the seal faces.
(h) It is extremely important that the proper type and viscosity oil and proper grade of
grease is used to lubricate the equipment. Refer to manufacturer's instructions and
refinery lubricating schedule for this information.
(i) See that the driver rotates the pump in the direction indicated by the arrow on the
pump casing. Rotate the pump by hand to see that it is clear before starting.
(j) Couple up and align the pumps, then check for cooling water availability and start
flow of cooling water to the pumps requiring external cooling, before they are run in.
(k) Open pump suction valve and close discharge valve (crack open the discharge valve
for high capacity, high head pumps). Make sure the pump is full of liquid.
(l) Start the pump. As the pump is motor driven, the pump will come up to speed.
Immediately check discharge pressure gauge. If no pressure is shown, stop the pump
and find the cause. If the discharge pressure is satisfactory, slowly open the
discharge valve and give the desired flow rate. Check the amperage of the motor. Do
not run the pump with the discharge block valve closed except for a very short time.
Note any unusual vibration or operation condition.
(m) Check bearings of pumps and drivers for signs of heating. Recheck all oil levels.
(n) Run the pump for approximately one hour, and then shut off to make any
adjustments necessary and check parts for tightness. Since it is not possible to run
the pump at operating temperature, a final check of alignment must be made during
normal operation by switching to the spare pump.
(o) Start the pump and run it for at least four hours.
(p) Shut the pump down and pull the strainer. Clean the strainer and replace it in the
suction line. Remove the temporary fine mesh liner from the strainer after water
flushing is complete.

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On a new unit, the screens are sometimes left in service for the first run on all locations
where spare pumps have been provided.

When water is used for pressure testing and washing, it is sometimes better to have packing
in the pumps for a seal to prevent dirt from ruining the mechanical seal.

After the lines and equipment are judged to be clean, and all the pumps have been run in, the
water should be drained from the various systems. Lines containing low spots should be
broken at the low spot if no drain is provided. Underground lines, without drains, should be
blown free of water. Before draining any vessel, a vent must be opened on that vessel so that
a vacuum will not be created on draining. If the towers are to be left standing for a long
period of time before steam drying or before operation, an inert gas such as nitrogen or sweet
fuel gas must be introduced to the vessels to prevent rusting of the internals from oxygen in
the air.

Of course, no water circulation should be carried out through the gas compressors. It is
important that the catalyst and the compressor are not exposed to excessive moisture.

11.1.6. Break in Recycle Gas Compressor & Makeup Gas Compressor

The recycle gas compressors are dry liner type with synthetically lubricated cylinders,
lubrication provided by a lubricator pump. Frame lubrication is by separate pumps. The
compressors will be started and operated as per procedure according to the manufacturer's

NOTE: Before starting any reciprocating compressor, the machine should be barred of
jacked over by hand to make certain it is free. Pre-startup Checks

There are several points that must be checked before the compressor is ready to run.

(a) The lube oil system must be cleaned and temporary 10 Angstrom filters with 20
mesh wire screen backings must be installed at the lube oil supply to each bearing.
The lube oil is then circulated with the 20 Angstrom filters being frequently
replaced. When the filters stay clean, they can be removed and the lube oil system is
ready for service. Also the lubricator oil system must be cleaned thoroughly.
(b) The compressor suction line and the suction snubbers should be acidized. This will
remove all scale and fine dirt from the suction line that could be swept into the
compressor and damage the valves.
(c) All trips and alarms, high discharge temperature, low lube oil pressure, etc., must be
checked and be operational. In addition, the auxiliary lube oil pump auto start must
be functional.
(d) The cooling water to the lube oil cooler and cylinder cooling jacket must be
(e) The oiler for the packing must be filled, and usually has to be manually cranked to
supply oil pressure before the machine can be started.
(f) A cold alignment check must be made. After the machine has been run, a hot check
must be made. For reciprocating compressors, the method for placing the machine
on line should be similar to the following:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 119 of 406 Startup Procedure for the first Compressor

(a) Purge the compressor with nitrogen, if hydrogen is to be used, thorough the suction
purge valve to the flare or the atmospheric vent line. As hydrogen may not available,
nitrogen or air probably can be used. Be sure not to overload the horse power
requirement of the motor.
(b) Roll the machine over to ensure complete purging.
(c) After nitrogen purging of the machine, introduce hydrogen to the compressor via the
hydrogen pressuring line or by cracking open the suction block valve.
(d) After partially pressuring the compressor with hydrogen, roll the machine over and
vent the hydrogen to the flare or through the atmospheric vent to displace the
nitrogen in the machine.
(e) Gradually open the compressor suction valve to pressure up the machine to line
(f) Start steam to the steam tracing or the in-line jacket heater. Drain the suction line
and snubbers of any liquid.
(g) Make sure that there are no restrictions to the gas flow from the compressor. Open
any upstream flow control valves or spillback control valves prior to starting the
(h) If the machine is fully equipped with suction unloader valves, start the second
compressor as follows.
(1) After the machine is pressured with hydrogen, close the small bypass vent line,
unload all of the suction valves, and open the compressor discharge line.
(2) Check the compressor’s lubricating oil level in the crank case or reservoir.
(3) Start the compressor and check the oil pressure.
(4) Let the compressor idle or a few minutes while closely watching the suction
temperature. Then close the suction valve loaders to put the machine on line.
Follow the manufacturer’s loading sequence. Startup Procedure for the Second and Consecutive Compressors

(a) Purge the compressor with nitrogen through the suction purge valve to the flare or
the atmospheric vent line.
(b) Roll the machine over to ensure complete purging.
(c) After nitrogen purging of the machine, introduce hydrogen to the compressor via the
hydrogen pressuring line or by cracking open the suction block valve.
(d) After partially pressuring the compressor with hydrogen, roll the machine over and
vent the hydrogen to the flare or through the atmospheric vent to displace the
nitrogen in the machine.
(e) Gradually open the compressor suction valve to pressure up the machine to line
(f) Start steam to the steam tracing or the in-line jacket heater. Drain the suction line
and snubbers of any liquid.
(g) If the machine is fully equipped with suction unloader valves, start the second
compressor as follows:
(1) After the machine is pressured with hydrogen, close the small bypass vent line,
unload all of the compressor suction valves, and unblock the compressor
discharge line. Since the compressor discharge valves will act as check valves,
the gas from the operating machine will not flow back to the suction through the
machine which is being started.
(2) Check the compressor’s lubricating oil level in the crankcase or reservoir.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 120 of 406
(3) Start the machine and check the oil pressure.
(4) Let the compressor idle for a few moments while closely watching the suction
temperature, then close the suction valve loaders to put the machine on line.
Follow the manufacturer’s loading sequence.
(h) When placing the second or additional compressors in operation in booster service,
the instrumentation must be in operation so that excess flow can be spilled back to
the suction through normal channels.
(i) Load the suction valve loaders as necessary to put the machine in operation fully Maintenance Suggestions for reciprocating compressors

During operation in naphtha hydrotreating service, a fine grey, powder-like deposit may
collect on the internals of the machines. This material is soluble in hot water. It is non-
corrosive when dry, but when exposed to the air, it absorbs moisture readily and then
becomes corrosive not only to iron and carbon steel, but also to all stainless chrome
steels, especially if they have been hardened. For protection of the valves, heads, and
cylinders, steps must be taken to avoid contact with air whenever possible. Several
precautions will assist in this matter.
The valves should be freed of salts as soon as they are removed from the machine. This
is easily done by washing in a bucket of hot water which will dissolve off the corrosive
powder. The valves can be tested for leakage with water during this procedure.
Prolonged soaking in the water should not be done, since the acidic compounds which
will build up in the water can also damage the parts. When the valves are removed from
the hot water, they will dry very quickly and are then ready for reinstallation. If the
valves are to be stored for some time, it is advisable to apply a coating of light oil to the
valve faces to prevent possible rusting. This oil should be removed before the valve is
again installed in a machine.
In order to inspect the piston and rings, it is necessary to remove the outboard head of the
cylinder, remove the road from the crosshead, and pull the piston out far enough to view
the rings. The dust should be wiped from the internal surfaces with a lint-free cloth when

If the piston is entirely removed, the exposed cylinder bore and valve seating surfaces
should be covered with a light coat of oil to avoid contact with air and thus prevent
corrosion of the honed and polished surface of the bore. All of this oil should be removed
before the piston is again installed. The bore can be plugged with a pump cup or other
similar plus to assist in protection from the atmosphere. A steam hose can be used to
remove the powder and scale from the cylinder gas passages, but before doing this, the
valve ports must be blocked to avoid getting steam or water on the highly finished
cylinder bore surface. It must be emphasized that extreme care is taken if such cleaning
is attempted.

When the machines are assembled before the rest of the plant is ready for operation, they
should be blanketed with gas to avoid contact with air. Close the block valves and fills
the compressors to about 0.3 kg/cm2g (5 psig) with nitrogen from a cylinder after
purging out all of the air in the system. Lubricating Oil - Seasonal Changes

Naphtha hydrotreating reciprocating compressors are normally installed in outdoor

locations. Therefore, the proper weight and quality of lubricating oil in the crankcase

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 121 of 406
must be used during the various seasons of the year and oil should be changed with the
seasons, particularly in cold climates. Use the manufacturer’s recommended type of oil
for the anticipated temperature.

11.1.7. Service and Calibrate Instruments

Normally, instrument lead lines will be tested hydrostatically up to block valves when
the balance of the unit is tested. Hydrostatic test pressure will not be made on
instruments which normally handle gas and no pressure-measuring element should be
subjected to test pressures above its range. Also, never pull a vacuum on a pressure
instrument or gauge unless it is specifically designed for it.

All instrument air piping should be tested at 7 kg/cm2g (100 psig) with compressed air.
Soap should be used on all joints to check for leakage. Care should be taken to ensure
that this high air pressure is not put on any instruments or control valve diaphragms.
Likewise, when pressure testing the unit, care must be taken that the fuel gas pressure
balance valves are blinded off to keep high pressure off the diaphragm. Before starting
up, all instruments should be serviced and calibrated. This includes carefully measuring
all orifice plate bores with a micrometer.

11.1.8. Dry Out Fired Heaters and Reactor Circuit

Before a heater is put into service for the first time, it will be necessary to slowly expel
the excess moisture from the insulating concrete (setting) by gradually raising its
temperature before any appreciable load is put on the heater. To be assured of a long
heater life with minimum maintenance, this work must be done with extreme care. For
dryout process, the Heater manufacturer’s drying procedures should be followed;
however, the general procedure utilized is usually similar to the following: General Procedure

During the initial heater refractory drying out period, it is preferable that no
material be flowing through the tubes.
(a) Make a temporary installation of thermocouples through the pipe sleeves in the hip
section of the heater. The tips of the thermocouples should extend 150mm (6 inches)
beyond the inside of the insulating concrete, but should not contact the tubes.

(b) It is preferable to use gaseous fuel (refinery gas or LPG) for drying the setting, If no
gas is available, liquid fuel may be used, but it should be free of sediment and heated
as required to give proper viscosity (about 200 SSU) for good atomization and clean
(c) Light one or more burners as required, in each section of the heater and fire slowly,
so that the temperature, as indicated by the hip thermocouples, is increased at a rate
of about 14°C (25°F) per hour until it reaches 482°C (900°F). Hold this temperature
for 10 hours, or 2 hours per inch of refractory thickness, whichever applies.
(d) While increasing the temperature, the burner operation should be rotated frequently
in order to distribute the heat as evenly as possible over the entire length of the
(e) After the 10-hour holding period, all burners should be shut off, and the heater
setting allowed cooling slowly by keeping the air inlet doors and stack dampers fully

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(f) After drying has been accomplished, the temporary hip thermocouples should be
removed and the plugs replaced in the pipe sleeves. If the stetting has been dried as
outlined above, temperature may subsequently be raised or lowered at any desired
rate within design limits of the heater. For Gas-Fired Heaters

(a) When unit is shut down, always blind off the fuel gas supply line because gas may
leak through the block valves at the heaters and fill a furnace.
(b) Before starting to light any pilot burner, see that all individual burner block valves
are closed add steam out firebox to remove any gas accumulation. Make sure the
damper is opened. Steam out the box until a steady plume of steam can be seen
rising out of the stack. Stop steaming and pinch in the damper.

(c) When all pilot burners are lit, light each burner individually by opening the gas
valve to each burner after the torch is inserted in front of the burner. After a few
burners are lit, it will be necessary to open the damper to provide enough draft to
light the remainder of the burners.
(d) Burners should be fired to produce a blue flame with a yellow tip, obtained by
regulating the primary and secondary air supply. The heaters should be checked
frequently for dirty burners which might give either too long, too short or a
misdirected flame. There must be some excess of air to the burners so that an
increase in fuel gas flow will have sufficient air to produce complete combustion.
(e) If for any reason, the fires in the heater go out:

(1) Shut off gas supply immediately by closing the block valves at the fuel gas
control valves. Bypass and pilot lines which might be open around the control
valves must also be closed.
(2) Put snuffing steam in the firebox.
(3) Close all individual burner valves.

(f) As in all heaters, care should be taken that no flame impingement on the tubes is

Detailed NHT Dry out Procedure:


There are 3 main purposes to the dryout of the NHT unit:

1. Refractory dryout of the Charge Heater (72-F-01) and Naphtha Splitter Reboiler (72-F-

In order to protect the refractory in 72-F-01 and 72-F-02 from damage due to the release
of moisture from the refractory, the temperature in the flue gas in the fired heaters must
be slowly raised and held at low temperatures during the initial service of the furnaces.
This process enables the moisture to vaporize and escape the refractory slowly, protecting
it from damage which may result from fast, uncontrolled moisture release.

Completing dryout with no flow through the heater tubes provides more even heating, and
improved reliability, of the castable refractory; however, no flow through the tubes also
increases the risk of damage to the tubes resulting from excessive temperatures due to

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 123 of 406
mis-operation. If the NHT Charge Heater (72-F-01) dryout is completed using nitrogen
flow through the tubes, the reactor circuit dryout can be done simultaneously. If the 72-F-
01 dryout is done with no flow through the tubes, the Reactor Circuit dryout must be done
after 72-F-01 dryout is complete.

The following procedures assume that the Charge Heater (72-F-01) refractory dryout
will be completed prior to the Reactor Circuit dryout.

The general guidelines for heater refractory dryout is provided in this document (see Part
II); For a detailed set of procedures for dryout of heater refer to vendor’s procedures
which shall include information such as refractory curves, maximum allowable tube
temperatures, tube flow or no flow, burner operation, fuel control, burner rotation, air
adjustment, monitoring of heater casing temperatures, final hold temperatures, etc.

2. Remove free standing water from the Reactor Circuit.

While the NHT catalyst is not sensitive to small amounts of moisture, it can be damaged
if it becomes wet. By performing the dryout of the unit, all significant quantities of water
can be removed from the Reactor circuit before loading catalyst. Drain all low points and
blow the lines as dry as possible. Individual heater passes should be blown clear
separately to ensure that no liquid pockets are present.

3. Check the Reactor Circuit for expansion problems & flange leaks.

During the dryout, the circulating nitrogen will be raised to normal operating temperature in
stages. Appendix A contains a plot of the suggested temperature profile for the Reactor
Circuit dryout; this plot assumes that Charge Heater (72-F-01) refractory dryout has
already been completed. This will provide an opportunity to check the circuit thoroughly for
problems resulting from the thermal expansion of the unit piping. Hot-bolting can be
completed on all necessary flanges during this time.

This dryout procedure consists of six parts as follows:

Part I Line up of the NHT Dryout Loop

Part II Recommendations for Refractory Dryout of the Charge Heater (72-F-01)
and Naphtha Splitter Reboiler (72-F-02)
Part III Preparation of the Recycle Gas Compressors (72-K-01 A/B)
Part IV Dryout of the Reactor Circuit
Part V Cool down following Dryout
Part VI Emergency Procedures during Reactor Circuit Dryout


Before beginning the refractory dryout procedure for the fired heaters, the following
conditions should exist:

1. The sections involved should be mechanically complete, including all of the following:

a. All equipment and piping has been checked for proper design, mechanical support,
installation, and operability. Any problems noted on punch lists should have been
fully investigated and rectified.
b. All lines and equipment should have been hydrostatically or pneumatically tested.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 124 of 406
c. All bolts and gaskets should be installed, tight and correct. Insulation should be
complete, except around the flanges. All flanges should be free of insulation to allow
for leak checking and hot-bolting during dryout.
d. All pressure safety valves (PSV's) must be installed, with any upstream and
downstream valves locked open and bypass block valves closed.

2. All required chemical cleaning should have been satisfactorily completed.

3. All lines should have been flushed and blown dry after flushing as best as possible.
4. All utilities should be fully commissioned, including the flare and the snuffing steam.
5. All instrumentation should be installed, fully functional, and loop-checked. PSV’s should
be bench tested and installed. Shutdown systems for 72-K-01 A/B, 72-F-01 and 72-F-02
should be tested and totally functional. Maintenance override switches must be in their
normal (not bypassed) positions.
6. All compressors, pumps, fin-fan coolers and motors should be aligned and previously run-
7. All process lines should be completely leak (tightness) tested, especially the fuel gas lines,
to ensure safety during dryout.
8. All related spring hangers and spring piping supports should be set and recorded in their
cold positions and all shipping bolts/pins must be removed.
9. All safety equipment including fire water, fire extinguishers, safety showers, hydrocarbon
and H2S detectors are ready.

Part I. Line-up of the NHT Dryout Loop:

Line-up the NHT dryout loop as follows:

72-K-01 A/B → 72-E-01 → 72-F-01 → 72-R-01 → 72-E-01 → 72-A-01 → 72-V-04 →

2150-V3 → 72-K-01 A/B

Note: The battery limits valves and blinds for all hydrocarbon streams (except for fuel
gas) to the NHT should remain closed before and throughout the dryout procedure.
These hydrocarbon streams include the makeup gas lines, naphtha feed lines, and
product lines.

A. Isolate the following sections of the plant from the dryout loop, or confirm that they are
isolated if already completed during the pressure test.

Note: A double block and bleed is considered as the minimum for positive isolation.
Insertion of a blind would be a preferable form of isolation. In the event that a double
block and bleed cannot be provided as a form of isolation, insertion of a blind will be

1. Swing all battery limit hydrogen and hydrocarbon stream blinds to the closed
2. Isolate the Combined Feed Exchanger (72-E-01) bypass (3”-P-72-1004) using the
double block and bleed around 72-HV-1003.
3. Isolate the 8” line (8”-P-72-0704) from the Charge Pumps (72-P-01 A/B) using the
double block and bleed around 72-FV-1003 and closing the bypass around this valve.
4. Isolate all water injection points and remove any injection nozzles for dryout. The
three injection points are:
a. The 2” line (2”-WP-72-1112) downstream of the Combined Feed Exchanger

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 125 of 406
b. The 2” line (2”-WP-72-1113) downstream of the Combined Feed Exchanger
(72-E-01) and upstream of the Products Condenser (72-A-01).
c. The 2” line (2”-P-72-1206) upstream of the Products Condenser (72-A-01).

5. Close the ¾” purge valve in the 6” line (6”-P-72-1501) from the Recycle Compressors
(72-K-01 A/B) to the Combined Feed Exchanger (72-E-01).
6. Isolate the Makeup Gas line (2”-P-74-2005) from the Platforming Net Gas Chloride
Treaters (74-V-05 A/B) to the inlet of the Products Condenser (72-A-01) using the
double block and bleed around 72-PV-1301 and closing the valve bypass.
7. Double block and bleed the 1½” line (1½”-P-72-1304) from the Separator (72-V-04)
to the Stripper Receiver (72-V-06) Offgas line.
8. Double block and bleed the 2” Plant Air line for Regeneration (2”-AP-72-1307).
9. Blind the 2” Regeneration Waste Gas to Atmosphere line (2”-P-72-1306).
10. Isolate the 6” outlet line (6”-P-72-1303) from the Separator (72-V-04) using the
double block and bleed around 72-LV-1302 and closing the bypass around this valve.
11. Isolate the 2” Separator (72-V-04) water boot outlet line (2”-P-72-1309) as follows:
a. Blind the 6” line (6”-CA-72-1312) from the bottom of the Separator (72-V-04)
to the Caustic Circulation Pump (72-P-03).
b. Using the double block and bleed around 72-LV-1301 and closing the bypass
around the valve.
c. Close the 2” drain valve to the oily water sewer in the 2” closed blowdown
line (2”-CBD-74-9103).
d. Blind the 2” closed blowdown line (2”-CBD-74-9103).
12. Isolate the 2” liquid outlet (2”-P-72-1411) from the Recycle Compressor Suction
Drum (72-V-05) to the Stripper Feed-Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-03 A/B) using the
double block and bleed around 72-LV-1402 and closing the bypass around the valve.
13. Blind the 2” closed blowdown line (2”-CBD-74-9104) and the 2” purge to the Oily
Water Sewer from the liquid outlet of the Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-
14. Blind the 2” line (2”-WP-72-1405) to the suction of the Regeneration Water Return
Pump (72-P-11).
15. Close the 2” valve on the Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-05) vent to
atmosphere (2”-V-72-1401).
16. Isolate the 6” line (6”-P-72-1508) to the Ejector (72-J-01).
17. Block in the suction (8”-P-72-1402) and discharge (6”-P-72-1501) of each Recycle
Compressor (72-K-01 A/B).
18. Isolate the Recycle Compressors (72-K-01 A/B) from the 1” vent to atmosphere (1”-
V-72-1506 &1523).
19. Double block and bleed the 1 ½” Nitrogen Purge at the discharge of 72-K-01 A/B (1
½”-P-72-1505) and at the inlet to this line from the Start-up Makeup Gas Header line
(1 ½”-P-72-1204).
20. Close all valves to the closed aromatics drain system.
21. Blind the CFC off Gas lines at the Naphtha Splitter Reboiler Heater (72-F-02) as well
as at the spectacle blind in the line from the CFC Knockout Drum (77-V-1009)
downstream of the shutoff valve (77-UV-1502).

B. Complete the line up of the NHT dryout loop for nitrogen circulation as follows:
1. Line up the Separator (72-V-04) overhead to the Relief Header (10”-P-72-1302 →
4”-P-72-1305 → 6”-FL-72-1303).
2. Line up the 1 ½” Nitrogen Purge line to the suction of each of the Recycle
Compressors (72-K-01 A/B).
3. Line up (open valves to) all instrumentation.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 126 of 406
Part II: Recommendations for Refractory Dryout of the Charge Heater (72-F-01) and
Naphtha Splitter Reboiler (72-F-02):

The following is a list of recommendations for completing refractory dryout of each NHT
fired heater. Follow heater vendors detailed set of procedures for completing refractory

a. The dry out of the NHT charge heater (72-F-01) and splitter re-boiler heater (72-F-02)
should be done simultaneously as 72-F-01 flue gas enters into 72-F-02 convection
b. Line up the flue gas from the Charge Heater (72-F-01) appropriately to the common
stack. Verify that the common stack cover has been removed and that the auto
dampers are fully functional.
c. Monitor the flue gas temperature during the refractory dryout.
d. Following normal refinery procedures, open the stack damper and introduce steam to
the heater to remove any gas accumulation in the heater. When a steady plume of
steam is seen out the top of the stack, discontinue the steam and pinch in the damper
to control the natural draft. The steam-out should be conducted for a sufficient length
of time to ensure that the pilots can be lighted safely.
e. Line up the fuel gas lines to the heaters.
f. The fuel gas requirement will be low during dryout. Suitable means of regulating the
fuel gas to control the temperature properly shall be provided by vendor. It is not
recommended to partially close (pinching, throttling) the individual manual block
valves at the burners because this defeats the low-low pressure fuel gas shutdown.
g. Following the light up procedures, introduce pilot gas and light each of the pilots for
the burners. The inside operator should be monitoring the flue gas temperatures
carefully during this time and should not allow this temperature to rise faster than
20°C/hr. It may or may not be possible to light all of the pilots and still control the
rate of temperature rise.
h. While raising the flue gas temperatures, monitor the skin temperatures of the heater
tubes and do not exceed the maximum tube skin temperatures.
i. To maximize the effectiveness of the dryout, do the following during the entire
refractory dryout procedure:

1. Rotate the position of the source of the heat every 1-2 hours. For example, if only
one burner is lit, change burners every 1-2 hours. When changing burners, try
not to exceed the hold temperature significantly.
2. Maximize the stack opening and draft as much as possible to help expel the
3. Keep a record of the burner/pilots that are lit throughout the refractory dryout.

Part III. Preparation of the Recycle Gas Compressors (72-K-01 A/B):

Before continuing with Part III of these procedures, the operators should carefully study the
compressor vendor’s operation and maintenance manual. While the following procedures
attempt to provide the operators with a checklist of items to complete a safe startup of 72-K-
01 A/B, they may not fully address the operation and maintenance of 72-K-01 A/B.

A. Prepare one or both of the compressors, 72-K-01 A/B, for operation as follows:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 127 of 406
Note: ALL compressor instrumentation, including emergency shutdowns, should have
already been checked and should be ready for service.

1. Check cylinder cooling water levels and top-off if necessary.

2. Check crankcase (frame reservoir) lube oil level and top-off if necessary.
3. Line up the lube oil circulation system.
4. Start the lube oil pump and slowly close the bypass. Check all lube oil pressures and
temperatures after several minutes of operation.
5. Start cooling water to lube oil cooler when the lube oil temperature has risen to near
the normal operating temperature.
6. Check the cylinder and rod packing oil level and top off if necessary.
7. Start the pump for the cylinder and rod packing oil and set the rate as per vendor
8. Hand turn in the compressor to be started several times prior to starting the
compressor to lubricate the crank shaft of the compressor and ensure the compressor
is free to rotate. Before turning the compressor, verify that there is no pressure (from
the process) in the cylinders and that the compressor is fully unloaded.

B. Purge the compressor to be operated (72-K-01 A/B) with nitrogen to air-free as follows:

1. Open the 1 ½” nitrogen lines (1 ½”-P-72-1504 & 1522) to the compressor suction
and pressure the compressor to 0.35 kg/cm (g).
2. Check for leaks. Typically, many small leaks are found on new reciprocating
3. Open the vent to atmosphere from the discharge of the compressor and depressurize
the compressor to atmospheric pressure.
4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 above two more times then pressure up to 0.35 kg/cm (g)
with nitrogen.
5. Slowly open the compressor suction and the bypass line to the compressor discharge
to equalize the pressure with the rest of the reactor circuit.
6. Drain any liquid from the suction line and the suction and discharge pulsation
7. Close the bypass line to the compressor discharge; then, slowly open the compressor
discharge block valve.

Part IV. Dryout of the Reactor Circuit:

A. Control Schemes During Dryout:

1. Reactor system Pressure control:

During the initial part of the dryout, as the temperature is being raised, the system
pressure will be controlled by venting nitrogen through 72-HV-1301 to the
atmosphere. During the cool down after dryout, the pressure control will be done
manually by introducing nitrogen to the discharge of 72-K-01 A/B through the 1 ½”
nitrogen purge line to the discharge of the compressor or through the ¾” line to the
suction (if the discharge pressure is higher than the supply nitrogen pressure). Be sure
to maintain the pressure between 4.0 – 7.0 kg/cm (g) by introducing nitrogen as the
system cools down.

2. Reactor system Temperature control:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 128 of 406
During the refractory dryout, excess air should be maximized to obtain maximum
draft and excess air; however, once the refractory dryout is complete, more efficient
(normal) operation of the heater is desired.

B. Begin nitrogen circulation as follows:

1. Start all the fans of the Products Condenser (72-A-01).

2. Make sure that all items described in Part III of these procedures are complete and set
the compressor to be started at zero percent (0%) loading.
3. Start the Recycle Compressor (72-K-01 A/B). Watch the ammeter to make sure the
horsepower requirement does not over-amp the motor. Also, watch for excessively
high suction temperatures, which could indicate a problem with the valves in the
4. Gradually load the compressor per vendor recommended procedure. Carefully
monitor the operation of the compressor during the initial period of operation. If
anything unusual develops, shutdown the compressor as per vendor recommended
5. Since the dryout uses nitrogen, a higher molecular weight gas than normal recycle
gas, the operating conditions should be close to the Inert Gas Regeneration case. The
pressure should be a minimum of 3.0 kg/cm (g), which is the Regeneration Case
suction pressure for 72-K-01 A/B. Check with the Recycle Gas Compressor vendor
to determine whether the pressure can be increased higher—to 6 or 7 kg/cm (g)—to
provide additional flow. During the dryout, it will be necessary to carefully monitor
discharge temperatures of the compressor(s).

C. Increase the Reactor Circuit temperature:

Appendix A contains a plot of the suggested temperature profile for the Reactor Circuit
dryout; this plot assumes that Charge Heater (72-F-01) refractory dryout has already been
completed and the heater is at ambient temperature. If the Reactor Circuit dryout is to be
completed simultaneously with the refractory dryout, then increase temperatures per the
refractory curve provided by the vendor.

1. Do not exceed design conditions of any equipment.

2. Check Reactor Circuit instrumentation, especially temperatures, for reasonable
3. Increase the temperature to 150°C at a rate of 20°C/hr. Hold at 150°C for 24 hours.
4. Drain all system low points every hour and record the quantity of water drained. Pay
particular attention to the Product Separator (72-V-04), Recycle Compressor Suction
Drum (72-V-05) and to the low points around the Combined Feed Exchanger (72-E-
5. Continuously trace the reactor circuit piping and check for any problems at pipe
supports or structures resulting from thermal expansion. If any problems are found,
the heat-up should stop immediately. The situation should be carefully investigated
before continuing.
6. Hot-bolting of the flanges in this circuit shall also be completed, as necessary.
7. Increase the temperature to 250°C at a rate of 20°C/hr. Hold at 250°C for 24 hours.
8. Repeat steps 4 through 6 above.
9. Increase the temperature to 343°C at a rate of 20°C/hr. Hold at 343°C for 24 hours.
10. Repeat steps 4 through 6 above.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 129 of 406
D. Recycle compressors may be switched during the dryout to provide a chance to test both
compressors and to give the operators a chance to practice this exercise. If so, then switch
compressors using the vendor recommended procedure. The following events should be
involved and are included here only as an idea of what a vendor’s procedure may include:

1. Prepare the other compressor for operation by following the vendor's recommended
procedure (should be similar to Part III of these procedures).
2. Set the loading of the new compressor at zero percent (0%).
3. Start the new compressor at zero percent (0%) loading and evaluate the operation of
the compressor.
4. Simultaneously, increase the loading of the new compressor to 50% and decrease the
loading of the old compressor to 50%.
5. Check the operation of both compressors carefully.
6. If both compressors are operating acceptably, simultaneously increase the loading of
the new compressor to 100% (or highest allowed by discharge temperature) and
decrease the loading of the old compressor to zero percent (0%).
7. Shutdown the old compressor using the vendor recommended procedures. Part V of
these procedures provides a rough outline of what compressor shutdown can entail.
Carefully monitor the initial operation of the new compressor.

Part V: Cool down Following Dryout:

Once dryout is successfully completed as approved, cool down of 72-F-01 can begin.

A. Line up nitrogen through the 1 ½” nitrogen purge line to the discharge of 72-K-01 A/B.
Before doing so, make sure that the nitrogen header pressure is higher than the 72-K-01
A/B discharge pressure. If it is not, then line up the ¾” nitrogen purge line and introduce
nitrogen to the suction of the compressor instead. Introduce nitrogen as often as necessary
during the cool down to maintain the system pressure between 3.5 – 7.0 kg/cm (g) at the
Product Separator (72-V-04).
B. After the 24 hour hold 343°C, begin reducing the flue gas temperature at 30°C/hr in a
controlled manner. Shut off the burner(s) as necessary and allow the heater to cool slowly
by closing all the openings, such as the stack damper, forced draft system, air register
inlets, etc.
C. Continue to circulate the nitrogen in the circuit until the cooling is limited by either the
discharge temperature of the compressor or the small firing in the Charge Heater (72-F-
01), or until the Reactor (72-R-01) outlet temperature reaches 60 °C, whichever comes
first. Remember that by decreasing the loading of the compressor; the discharge
temperature can be reduced, perhaps providing more cooling.

Note: Once all firing has stopped and immediately after closing the fuel gas supply,
steam-out the heater according to standard refinery procedures, then close the damper
and the air register inlets at this time.

D. Blind all of the fuel gas lines as required for safe entry following the cool down.

E. Shutdown the operating Recycle Compressor (72-K-01 A/B) as follows:

1. Decrease the loading on the compressor stepwise from 100% to 50% and finally to
0%, stopping at each stage to evaluate the compressor operation.
2. Once 0% operation has been conducted for several minutes, shutoff the motor as per
vendor recommended procedures.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 130 of 406
3. Close the compressor discharge and suction block valves.
4. Depressurize the compressor process lines to atmosphere through the 1” vent line (1”-
5. Allow the lube oil and cylinder rod packing pumps to continue operating for at least 1
hour, or as recommended by the compressor vendor.
6. Stop the nitrogen purge.

F. Shut off all the fin fans for the Product Condenser (72-A-01).

G. Depressurize the system through 72-HV-1301 to a pressure only slightly above

atmospheric (about 0.35 kg/cm (g)).

H. The Reactor (72-R-01) will be blinded off for inspection and loading. Remove the inlet
elbow and feed distributor, and install the necessary blinds. After the reactor has been
blinded, an instrument air purge can be started through the dump nozzle to assist in the
reactor cool down and to change the atmosphere in the reactor to air before loading. The
catalyst loading procedure is covered in chapter-22, temporary operations, Reactor
Loading Procedure. Once the heaters have completely cooled, prepare the heaters for
refractory inspection to ensure that no damage (large cracks or chunks displaced) has

Part VI: Emergency Procedures during Reactor Circuit Dryout

A. Should an emergency arise which requires that the dryout be stopped, shutdown the
Charge Heater (72-F-01) and Naphtha Splitter Reboiler (72-F-02) in accordingly. Allow
the Recycle Compressor (72-K-01 A/B) to run for as long as possible to carry heat away
from the furnace tubes. Then, shutdown the Recycle Compressor as recommended by the
vendor (see Part V above for a rough outline of what shutdown may entail).

B. If it is necessary to depressurize the unit, shutdown the Charge Heater (72-F-01), the
Naphtha Splitter Reboiler (72-F-02), and the Recycle Compressor (72-K-01 A/B) as per
the vendor recommended procedures, then depressurize the unit through 72-HV-1301 to
the atmosphere.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 131 of 406
Appendix A: NHT Reactor Circuit Dryout Suggested Temperature Profile

11.1.9 .Catalyst Loading:

NHT reactor Catalyst loading procedure is explained in detail in Temporary Operations,

Chapter-20.1 of this manual.

11.1.10. Purging and Gas Blanketing:

It must be remembered that oil or flammable gas should never be charged into process lines
or vessels indiscriminately. The unit must be purged before admitting hydrocarbons. There
are many ways to purge the unit and ambient conditions may dictate the procedure to be
followed: nitrogen or inert gas purging, displacement of air by liquid filling followed by gas
blanketing, or steaming followed by gas blanketing.

For the remainder of the unit other than the reactor section, steam purging followed by fuel
gas blanketing can be used to air free the unit. The following steps will briefly outline the
method. Potential problems or hazards that could develop during the steam purge are as

1. Collapse due to vacuum: some of the vessels are not designed for vacuum. This
equipment must not be allowed to stand blocked in with steam since the condensation of
the steam will develop a vacuum. Thus, the vessel must be vented during steaming, and
immediately followed up with fuel gas purge at the conclusion of the steamout.

2. Flange and gasket leaks: thermal expansion and stress during warm-up of equipment
along with dirty flange faces can cause small leaks at flanges and gasket joints. These
must be corrected tat this time.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 132 of 406
3. Water hammering: care must be taken to prevent "water hammering" when steam
purging the unit. Severe equipment damage can result from water hammering.

i. Block in the cooling water to all coolers and condensers.

ii. Shut down fans on fin-fan coolers and condensers. Open high point vents and low
point drains on the vessels to be steam purged.

iii. Start introducing steam into the bottom of the columns, towers, and at low points
of the various vessels. It may be necessary to make up additional steam
connections to properly purge some piping which may be "dead ended".

iv. Thoroughly purge all equipment and associated piping of air. Be sure to open
sufficient drains to drain condensate which will accumulate in low spots and

v. When purging is complete, close all vents and drains. Start introducing fuel gas
into all vessels and cut back the steam flow until it is stopped completely when the
systems are pressured.

vi. Regulate the fuel gas flow and the reduction of the steam so that a vacuum due to
condensing steam is not created in any vessel or that the refinery fuel gas system
pressure is not appreciably reduced.

vii. For reactor section, ejector is used for evacuating the system of air, a number of
times, each time breaking the vacuum with N2 gas. Subsequently, N2 gas is
displaced by H2 rich process Net Gas before taking the compressor in line.

Some Specific Considerations:

A. Commissioning of Utilities/Tie-in Process Lines with Refinery

For the startup of the plant all utilities are received from the refinery.

The utility piping within the plant must be ready duly installed, pressure tested and flushed
well ahead of the process facilities.

LP Steam will be required for steam out operations and process pipe tracing and for steam
purging in heater fire box.

MP steam will be required for ejector operations for evacuation of the NHT Reaction System.
Service water and plant air will be required for testing and flushing operation and N2 for
removing oxygen and inertizing the reaction and other process systems and for the purging
and starting of the compressors. DM water will be required for the startup of the Water break
Tank & Pumps. Fuel gas is used for blanketing of the Naphtha Feed Surge Drum and as fuel
in the heaters. The heater dryout operations etc. are carried out as a start-up activity for the
Heater and as such fuel gas piping also should be ready for lining up sufficiently in advance.
Cooling water should be available for the lube oil cooler of the Compressor and for the piping
plans as such, cooling water system should be ready for lining up by about the time oil will
be introduced into the process.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 133 of 406
The various process streams like feed naphtha, sweet naphtha, sour gas, fresh and spent
caustic etc. should be ready for lining up at appropriate times. For the outgoing lines (to the
refinery battery limits) the start-up activities can be carried out along with the connected
process equipment. The incoming lines have to be flushed by separate arrangement as those
are not connected to any motive equipment.
Instruments on the above lines should be installed after ensuring a satisfactory flushing of
these lines.

B. Pressure Testing/Flushing Criteria

Service water if it is low in chlorides (< 50 ppm) can be used for pressure testing for higher
level of chlorides suitable addition of inhibitor as discussed earlier will be required.
The following may be used as guidelines for pressure testing/flushing though suitable
variations may be made as necessary:
1. Utility liquid lines : Hydrotest/water flushing
Steam & Condensate liner : Hydrotest/Steam & Condensate
Plant airline : Hydrotest/pneumatic/air flushing
Fuel gas, flare : Pneumatic/air flushing
Instrument air, Nitrogen : Pneumatic/flush with air IA, N2
(After initially pressuring with air, pressure boosted upto
test pressure by use of cylinder nitrogen gas.)

2. Process Piping

Notes on flushing

a) It may be noted for flushing systems handling water or liquids with specific gravities
higher than or comparable to water, respective pump can be directly employed for
carrying out flushing. In this case Sour Water Pumps; Water Break Tank, Pumps; Water
Return Pumps and Caustic Break Tank, Pumps can be directly flushed with water.

b) For hydrocarbon service applications, as the pumps are not designed for handling water,
it may not be possible to use the pumps for flushing directly. However, it may be
possible to pump lower water flows rates (above the minimum flow rate of pump
ensuring that motor amperage is within safe limits) in some cases, where careful use of
the pumps can be made, after studying the performance curves of the pumps.

In any case, a standby arrangement may be required to flush hydrocarbon liquid piping
system. Small size lines can be directly flushed from hose stations, while pumping
arrangement may be required for larger lines/or alternatively air blowing with the use of
card boards for effective flushing.

c) Where water flushing is employed, all care must be shown to ensure that all water is
drained out completely from all the low points and air blown with large volumes of air to
ensure that water is removed. Particular care must be taken in regard to piping systems
around Reactor or Compressor. This must be ensured so that all instrumentation is
installed/purging, inertizing and receiving of H2 gas/fuel gas into the system followed by
receiving of liquids feeds into respective tanks can be smoothly carried out, to be ready
for plant startup.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 134 of 406
11.1.11 Detailed NHT Unit Pressure Test, Leak Test, and Air-free Procedure:
It is very important that a good tightness check be performed on all of the vessels and piping
in the NHT Unit. Otherwise, during normal operation, hydrogen which leaks out of the unit
could result in an almost invisible flame. Also, at a given pressure, a hydrogen leak will be
greater than a nitrogen leak.

Preparation & Planning:

1. Divide the unit into loops based on the operating pressure of the vessels and associated
piping. Vessels and piping with a similar operating pressure can be contained in the same
loops. If any leaks are found that cannot be fixed while the loop is still under pressure,
the other loops can continue being tested while this loop is depressurized. It is
recommended dividing the NHT Unit into the following four major loops:

• Feed Circuit:
Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01), Charge Pumps (72-P-01A/B) Suction, Sulfiding Pump (72-
P-09) Discharge.

• Reactor Circuit:
Charge Pumps (72-P-01A/B) Discharge, Feed Filter (72-X-01), Combined Feed
Exchanger (72-E-01), Charge Heater (72-F-01), Reactor (72-R-01), Separator (72-V-04),
Recycle Compressors (72-K-01A/B) Suction/Discharge, Recycle Compressor Suction
Drum (72-V-05).

• Stripper Circuit:
Stripper (72-C-01), Stripper Receiver (72-V-06), Stripper Reboiler (72-E-04) Shell Side,
Stripper Feed-Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-02), Stripper Feed-Bottoms
Exchanger (72-E-03).

• Naphtha Splitter Circuit:

Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02), Naphtha Splitter Receiver (72-V-07), Naphtha Splitter
Reboiler Heater (72-V-F-02), Naphtha Splitter Reboiler Pumps (72-P-07A/B)
Suction/Discharge, Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Pumps (72-P-05A/B) Suction

These loops do not include all of the NHT piping. The remaining piping must be pressure and
leak tested as well, including, but not limited to, all process, steam, condensate, air, fuel gas,
fuel oil, flare, and nitrogen lines.

2. The following vessels should be isolated from the rest of the piping and should not be
pressure tested, since they are operated at atmospheric pressure. These vessels should
only be leak tested:

• Water Break Tank (72-V-03)

• Inhibitor Drum
• Neutralization Storage Tank (72-T-01)

3. Install any pressure gauges required to ensure successful pressure test of the unit. Any
pressure transmitters or gauges with a rating lower than the pressure test pressure
should be isolated. All other transmitters and gauges (differential pressure
transmitters, flow transmitters, level transmitters, level gauges, etc.) should be

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 135 of 406
isolated, since they are not required for pressure test and the pressure rating of
these instruments may be exceeded during the pressure test.

4. All relief valves and rupture discs must be isolated if their normal relieving pressure
will be exceeded. Relief valves are not designed for on/off service. If any relief valves lift
during pressure test, they must be removed from service and shop tested to ensure they
are still working properly. If blown, rupture discs must be replaced.
5. Do not exceed design differential pressures on exchangers or other such equipment.
Differential test pressures between the tube and shell side of all heat exchangers, coolers,
condensers and combined feed exchangers must be taken into consideration and proper
testing procedures used. Generally, both the tube and shell side are raised to the lowest
test pressure at the same time. Then, while maintaining the lower test pressure on its
respective side, the higher test pressure is developed and maintained on its respective
side. Any equalization of pressure indicates a leak.

6. The following is a list of guidelines to keep in mind when preparing for and during leak

a. Have on hand a large quantity of soap, squirt bottles and colored tagging tape. Use
large quantities of soapy water when testing.
b. STAY ORGANIZED. Start at one end of a section and work your way through to
the other end, checking all flanges, valves, fittings, instruments, etc.
c. Tag each leak found. Also, log the location of the leak on a list to make it easier for
maintenance and the next shift to find it. Maintenance crews should work along with
the leak checking teams as much as possible.
d. Check pumps and compressors independently, because they have packing leaks
which could interfere with the pressure gauge check on the rest of the unit. All
pumps and compressors should be isolated at the suction and discharge.
e. It is preferable that leak checking be done shortly before startup to minimize the
chance of new leaks developing through additional maintenance.


1. Tape each flange with masking tape and poke a small hole in the tape, between the
flanges. Using masking tape instead of plastic tape is advised, since plastic tape will
burn black and produce a lot of smoke when it is heated.
2. Install all necessary blinds and block in valves to isolate each of the loops.
3. Slowly pressure each loop, except for the Naphtha Splitter Circuit, to 1.8 kg/cm2 with
nitrogen; pressure the Naphtha Splitter Circuit to 0.5 kg/cm2. Listen for large leaks or
open valves. Walk through the entire section. For the Reactor Circuit loop, nitrogen or
air should be introduced downstream of the Recycle Compressor discharge; therefore,
any leaks in the loop can be easily identified as the loop pressures from the
compressor discharge back to the suction.
4. Hold at the initial pressure for 1 hour while monitoring a low range pressure gauge. If
the leaks are minor (less than 1 psig should be lost), then continue. If the leak rate is
greater than 1 psig, check the block valves and blinds isolating this section from
others. Additionally, if they have not all been isolated, check the relief valves to
ensure that they have not lifted. If the leak rate is still greater than 1 psig, walk around
the unit and check all flanges for leaks. Spray a large amount of soapy water around
each flange. If the soap starts to bubble from the hole, the flange is leaking.
5. Continue pressuring each loop with nitrogen to the following pressures:
• Feed Circuit: 3.0 kg/cm (g)

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 136 of 406
• Reactor Circuit: 7.0 kg/cm (g)
• Stripper Circuit: 11.0 kg/cm (g)*
• Naphtha Splitter Circuit: 1.0 kg/cm (g)
*The maximum pressure of the Refinery Nitrogen Header is 7.0 kg/cm (g); therefore, the
suggested pressures may not be able to be achieved.

6. The pressure test is considered successful when the pressure decreases less than 1%
over a 2 hour period. If the pressure test is not successful, continue to check for leaks.
Repeat the pressure test until it is successful.
7. Isolate all of the instrumentation, including any of the pressure gauges used during the
pressure test.
8. Ensure the Recycle Gas Compressors (72-K-01A/B) are protected from vacuum by
closing the double block valves at the suction and discharge lines and opening the
bleed valves to allow atmosphere between them. (The compressors should already be
isolated from completing the leak and pressure testing.)
9. Air free the Reactor Circuit:

a. Depressurize primarily through the Ejector connection at the Recycle Compressor

Suction. Also, bleed down through dead ends, low points and vents.
b. Line up the Ejector at the suction side of the Recycle Gas Compressor Header.
c. Connect a vacuum gauge at a convenient location on the Recycle Loop to monitor
the evacuation.
d. Start Steam Flow to the Ejector and pull a vacuum down to about 0.1 kg/cm (a).
e. Hold and monitor the vacuum for 1 hour to verify system tightness.
f. If there is more than a 3% loss of vacuum, the leak must be located and fixed.
Once the leak is repaired, the vacuum test must be repeated until successful.
g. Break the vacuum with N2 via the N2 line to the discharge header of the Recycle
Compressors (72-K-01A/B).
h. Pressure the system to approximately 0.3 kg/cm (g) with Nitrogen.
i. Repeat the above steps a minimum of two times. If necessary, continue repeating
the steps until the oxygen content is less than 0.3 mol%. Take samples from at
least 2 dead legs to confirm that the entire circuit is air free.
10. Pressure the Reactor Circuit to 21.5 kg/cm (g) using hydrogen and leak test. The
pressure test is considered successful when the pressure decreases less than 1% over a
2 hour period. If the pressure test is not successful, continue to check for leaks. Repeat
the pressure test until it is successful.
11. Steam purge all other sections of the NHT Unit other than the Reactor Circuit and
place under a fuel gas blanket.

Some of the vessels, including the Feed Surge Drum, and heat exchangers are not
designed for full vacuum. This equipment must not be allowed to stand blocked in with
steam since the condensation of the steam will develop a vacuum. Thus, this equipment
must either be isolated or vented during steaming and immediately followed up with fuel gas
purge at the conclusion of the steam out and the following guidelines should be followed:

a. Care must be taken to prevent “water hammering” when steam purging. Severe
equipment damage can result from water hammering.
b. Block in the cooling water to all coolers and condensers.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 137 of 406
c. Shut down fans on fin-fan coolers and condensers. Open high point vents and low
point drains on the vessels to be steam purged.
d. Start introducing steam into the bottom of the columns, towers, and at low points of
the various vessels. It may be necessary to make up additional steam connections to
properly purge some piping which may be “dead-ended.”
e. Thermal expansion and stress during warm-up of equipment along with dirty
flange faces can cause small leaks at flanges and gasket joints. These leaks must
be corrected at this time.
f. Thoroughly purge all equipment and associated piping of air. Be sure to open
sufficient drains to drain condensate which will accumulate in low spots and
g. When purging is completed, close all vents and drains. Start introducing fuel gas
into all vessels and cut back the steam flow until it is stopped completely when the
systems are pressured. Regulate the fuel gas flow and the reduction of steam so that
a vacuum due to condensing steam is not created in any vessel or that the refinery
fuel gas system pressure is not appreciably reduced.
h. Once air freed, maintain the rest of the NHT Unit other than the Reactor Circuit
under a slightly positive pressure (at least 0.35 kg/cm (g)) of fuel gas.

Stripper Circuit, Leak Test, and, Air Free Procedure

a. The cold side of some of the heat exchangers is not designed for full vacuum. As a
result, be careful not to exceed design differential pressures on exchangers or other
such equipment. This equipment may need to be isolated.
b. Care must be taken to prevent “water hammering” when steam purging. Severe
equipment damage and personal injury can result from water hammering.
c. Connect a vacuum gauge at a convenient location.
d. Open the upstream gate valve on the LP steam connections to the Stripper (72-C-01)
and Stripper Receiver (72-V-06) and blowdown any debris in the steam lines (2”-SL-
72-1707 & 2”-SL-72-1811) using the ¾” P drain.
e. Start introducing steam into the bottom of the Stripper (72-C-01) and Stripper
Receiver (72-V-06) by cracking the gate valves on the 2” LP Steam lines (2”-SL-72-
1707 & 2”-SL-72-1811), and then slowly throttle the valves to full open. It may be
necessary to make up additional steam connections to properly purge some piping
which could be “dead-ended.”
f. Continue steaming the Stripper (72-C-01) and Stripper Receiver (72-V-06) while
carefully opening as many high point vents and low point drains as possible.
g. After the oxygen content is less than 0.2 vol% the steamout is complete. One way to
determine this is to fill a sample bomb, fitted with a compound gauge, with steam and
wait for the steam to condense. If the vacuum created is –725 mmHg or less, one can
be sure that the system is air free. A portable oxygen analyzer could also be used. The
steamout will last for a minimum of 3 hours.
h. Pressure up the system to 3 kg/cm (g) with LP steam by closing all of the secondary
vent and drain points and then pinching back on the top 2” vents (2”-V-72-1701 & 2”-
V-72-1801) on the Stripper (72-C-01) and Stripper Receiver (72-V-06).
i. Check for flange leaks and tighten bolts if necessary.
j. Block in the 2” LP Steam lines (2”-SL-72-1707 & 2”-SL-72-1811) and begin
depressurizing the system through the 2” vent lines (2”-V-72-1701 & 2”-V-72-1801).
Prepare to pressure up with nitrogen from the 1 ½” line (1 ½”-IG-72-1810) on the
Stripper Receiver (72-V-06).

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 138 of 406
k. Close the last remaining vents when the pressure nears 1 kg/cm (g) and fully open the
1 ½” nitrogen line (1 ½”-IG-72-1810) on the Stripper Receiver (72-V-06). The
pressure during this step should never be allowed to drop below 0 kg/cm (g) for two
reasons: the risk of collapsing the Stripper (72-C-01) and Stripper Receiver (72-V-06)
and the risk of sucking air back into the system.
l. Pressure the circuit to approximately 3.0 kg/cm (g) using the nitrogen line on the
Stripper Receiver vent (1½”-IG-72-1810). Monitor the circuit pressure for 1 hour to
verify system tightness. If there is more than a 1% loss of pressure, the leak must be
located and fixed.
m. Once the leak test is passed depressurize the Stripper Circuit to a slightly positive
pressure (at least 0.35 kg/cm (g)) of nitrogen.

Naphtha Splitter Circuit, Leak Test, and, Air Free Procedure

a. The cold side of some of the heat exchangers is not designed for full vacuum. As a
result, be careful not to exceed design differential pressures on exchangers or other
such equipment. This equipment may need to be isolated.
b. Care must be taken to prevent “water hammering” when steam purging. Severe
equipment damage and personal injury can result from water hammering.
c. Connect a vacuum gauge at a convenient location.
d. Open the upstream gate valve on the LP steam connections to the Naphtha Splitter
(72-C-02) and Naphtha Splitter Receiver (72-V-07) and blow down any debris in the
steam lines (2”-SL-72-1911 & 2”-SL-72-2208) using the ¾” P drain.
e. Start introducing steam into the bottom of the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) and
Naphtha Splitter Receiver (72-V-07) by cracking the gate valves on the 2” LP Steam
lines (2”-SL-72-1911 & 2”-SL-72-2208), and then slowly throttle the valves to full
open. It may be necessary to make up additional steam connections to properly purge
some piping which could be “dead-ended.”
f. Continue steaming the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) and Naphtha Splitter Receiver (72-
V-07) while carefully opening as many high point vents and low point drains as
g. After the oxygen content is less than 0.2 vol% the steamout is complete. One way to
determine this is to fill a sample bomb, fitted with a compound gauge, with steam and
wait for the steam to condense. If the vacuum created is –725 mmHg or less, one can
be sure that the system is air free. A portable oxygen analyzer could also be used. The
steamout will last for a minimum of 3 hours.
h. Pressure up the system to 2 kg/cm (g) with LP steam by closing all of the secondary
vent and drain points and then pinching back on the top 2” vents (2”-V-72-1901 & 2”-
V-72-2201) on the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) and Naphtha Splitter Receiver (72-V-
i. Check for flange leaks and tighten bolts if necessary.
j. Block in the 2” LP Steam lines (2”-SL-72-1911 & 2”-SL-72-2208) and begin
depressurizing the system through the 2” vent lines (2”-V-72-1901 & 2”-V-72-2201).
Prepare to pressure up with fuel gas from the 1 ½” line (1 ½”-FG-72-2209) on the
Naphtha Splitter Receiver (72-V-07).
k. Close the last remaining vents when the pressure nears 1 kg/cm (g) and fully open the
1 ½” fuel gas line (1 ½”-FG-72-2209) on the Naphtha Splitter Receiver (72-V-07).
The pressure during this step should never be allowed to drop below 0 kg/cm (g) for
two reasons: the risk of collapsing the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) and Naphtha
Splitter Receiver (72-V-07) and the risk of sucking air back into the system.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 139 of 406
l. Pressure the circuit to approximately 2.0 kg/cm (g) using the fuel gas line on the
Naphtha Splitter Receiver vent (1½”-FG-72-2209). Monitor the circuit pressure for 1
hour to verify system tightness. If there is more than a 1% loss of pressure, the leak
must be located and fixed.
m. Once the leak test is passed depressurize the Naphtha Splitter Circuit to a slightly
positive pressure (at least 0.35 kg/cm (g)) of fuel gas.

Nitrogen requirements for purging:


M3@ 15 DEG C M3/HR @ 15 DEG C
Reactor section start up
Two purges from 5in Hg
467 233(Note-1)
absolute to 5 PSIg
Loss& contingency, 15% 70
Total 537
Reactor section shut down
Three purges from 5in Hg
700 233(Note-1)
absolute to 5 PSIg
Loss& contingency, 15% 105
Total 805
Catalyst Regeneration
Three purges from 5in Hg
700 233(Note-1)
absolute to 5 PSIg
Pressure from 5 PSIg to 50
607 607(Note-1)
Two purges from 5in Hg
467 233(Note-1)
absolute to 5 PSIg(start-up)
Loss& contingency, 15% 266
TOTAL 2040

1. Maximum nitrogen rate is based on completing each operation in 30 minutes.
2. Nitrogen requirement shown are for reactor circuit only and do not include nitrogen
for purging fractionation section.



The procedure has been prepared for a start-up with fresh catalyst. The purpose of this
procedure is to provide guidelines of specific procedures for initial start-up of the unit. The
promoter metals on hydrotreating catalysts are in the oxide state. This procedure includes
steps for sulphiding where the metal oxides react with H2S to form metal sulphides, which are
the most active form for hydrogenation, denitrification and desulfurization. The source of the
H2S is derived from an easily decomposable organic sulphur compound (DMDS) which is
injected upstream of the catalyst beds.

The main objectives of the start-up procedure are:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 140 of 406
−To provide a safe and reliable way of getting the unit on stream.
−To establish the maximum initial activity on the catalyst.
−To establish the best flow patterns possible through the catalyst beds.
−To protect the high pressure, high temperature equipment during the critical period
of initial pressuring and heating up.

A successful start-up of the hydrotreating unit requires that the unit be clean and the
equipment perform reliably. Pre-start-up activities usually include hydrostatic testing of
pressure vessels and piping, heater refractory dryout, inspection and testing of rotary
equipment. The installation of reactor internals should be carefully supervised and inspected
to ensure proper assembly according to the specifications. The pre-start-up activities and
overall start-up critical path should be carefully planned.

The start-up of the unit can be undertaken following the loading of catalyst or after catalyst
regeneration. All construction or maintenance work should be completed by this time. In
general, the start-up may be divided into the following phases:

- Pre-startup Checklist
- Notification to other departments.
- Leak Test of reactor section, stripper and splitter section
- Catalyst drying ( Reactor dry out)
- Cold & Hot naphtha circulation
- Pre-wetting (Reactor Feed cut-in)
- Catalyst sulphiding.
- Establishing normal operation.

The start-up procedure outlined below assumes that all rotating equipment has been run
in, heater refractory and unit dry-out have been completed, and hydrogen is available.


Before start-up of Naphtha hydrotreater unit, interact with CPP & Utility for availability of
Power, steam, cooling water and other utilities. Ensure that start up naphtha is available at
battery limit and also confirm that product tank is ready to receive the product. Interact with
platformer unit for makeup hydrogen supply and ensure purity of Makeup Hydrogen. Inform
CDU & VB about the start-up schedule so that necessary arrangements can be made at their
end for lining up hot feed once catalyst sulphiding is completed. Inform SWS unit about the
start-up schedule so that necessary arrangements can be made at their end to receive sour


Naphtha circulation will allow flushing of any debris, scale, and other foreign materials from
the lines and testing of pumps, reboilers, instrumentation, and column operation prior to
startup of the NHT and Platforming units. During Cold Naphtha Circulation, Straight Run
Naphtha will be circulated at ambient temperatures through the NHT Feed Surge Drum (72-
V-01), to the NHT Stripper (72-C-01), to the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02), to the Stabilizer
(74-C-01), and back to 72-V-01. Then, during Hot Naphtha Circulation, the Reboilers (72-E-
04, 72-F-02, 74-E-11) will be heated to allow naphtha to flow through the overhead loops of
the columns.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 141 of 406
Circulation will be at 50 % of design flow rates for both the NHT and Platforming Units,
3 3
which corresponds to a flow of 107.3m /hr through the NHT Unit and 70.3m /hr through the
Platforming Unit. The extra 37 m /hr from the NHT Unit that does not go to the Platforming
Unit will be routed back to the NHT Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01). Case 1 feed (NIT case)
was assumed for these flows. The actual flows may differ slightly at a different feed

The NHT Reactor (72-R-01), Platforming Reactors (74-R-01/02/03/04), and LPG Chloride
Treaters (74-V-07 A/B) must be bypassed at this time to protect the catalyst and adsorbent.
The Reactors and Chloride Treaters should be positively isolated and should already be air
free and under N2 pressure to ensure that naphtha does not enter these vessels. These vessels
will be prepared separately in the NHT and Platforming startup procedures, and when ready,
they will be brought into the operating loop.
The goals of the Naphtha Circulation Procedure are to:

1. Flush the NHT Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01), NHT Stripper (72-C-01), Naphtha
Splitter (72-C-02), and Stabilizer (74-C-01) and associated pumps and piping with
cold naphtha.
2. Heat up the NHT Stripper (72-C-01), Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02), and Stabilizer (74-
C-01) to flush the overhead vessels, pumps, and associated piping.
3. Test instrumentation, equipment, pumps, etc. before startup.

Prior to the start of circulation, the following items are to be completed:

1. All piping and equipment is mechanically complete, including:

• All punch list items either resolved or accepted

• Pressure testing of all systems completed
• Insulation, bolting, and gasketing complete and correct
• All PSV’s bench tested and installed

2. All process line flushing has been completed.

3. All pumps, fin-fan coolers, and compressors have been commissioned.
4. All of the reboilers are prepared and ready for operation; specifically, dryout of the
Naphtha Splitter Reboiler (72-F-02) has been completed, per vendor recommendations.
5. All utilities including the aromatics drain, Boiler Feed Water, Startup VHP Steam,
instrument air, nitrogen, electricity, and the flare are fully commissioned.
6. All spring hangers are unpinned and set in their proper cold position.
7. A list of blinds and locked open/close valves has been prepared (refer to Appendix A), and
all blinds and valves have been verified in their correct position.
8. All instrumentation has been installed, checked, and is fully functional, including:
• All instrumentation loops checked and fully functional
• Heater O2 analyzers commissioned, calibrated, and fully functional
• All heater and compressor shutdown interlocks testing completed
• All heater and compressor shutdown interlocks maintenance overrides in their normal
(not bypassed) positions
• All control systems are in manual operation
9. All lines have been leak tested, air free, and are ready for operation.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 142 of 406
General comments regarding procedures:

• Short circulation is from the NHT Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) →Charge Pumps (72-P-
01 A/B) →Startup Bypass (4”-P-72-0711 via 72-FIC-0702) →Shell Side of Stripper
Feed-Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-02) →Shell Side of Stripper-Feed
Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-03 A/B) →NHT Stripper (72-C-01) →Tube Side of Stripper-
Feed Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-03 A/B) →Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) →Naphtha
Splitter Bottoms Pumps (72-P-05 A/B) →Tube Side of Stripper Feed-Naphtha Splitter
Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-02) →Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Coolers (72-E-06 A/B/C/D)
→Startup Bypass (4”-P-72-1610) → NHT Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01)

• Long circulation is from the NHT Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) →Charge Pumps (72-P-
01 A/B) →Startup Bypass (4”-P-72-0711 via 72-FIC-0702) →Shell Side of Stripper
Feed-Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-02) →Shell Side of Stripper-Feed
Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-03 A/B) →NHT Stripper (72-C-01) →Tube Side of Stripper-
Feed Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-03 A/B) →Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) →Naphtha
Splitter Bottoms Pumps (72-P-05 A/B) →Tube Side of Stripper Feed-Naphtha Splitter
Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-02) →Platforming Combined Feed Exchanger Startup Bypass
(4”-P-74-1006) →Shell Side of Stabilizer Feed-Bottoms Exchanger (74-E-09 A/B/C/D)
→Stabilizer (74-C-01) →Tube Side of Stabilizer Feed-Bottoms Exchanger (74-E-09
A/B/C/D) →Stabilizer Bottoms Cooler (74-A-02) →Stabilizer Bottoms Trim Cooler (74-
E-12 A/B/C/D) →Startup Bypass (4”-P-74-2108) →NHT Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01)

• However, if the NHT Unit is ready before the Platforming Unit, the same basic
procedure can be followed only for short circulation.
• The columns can operate on total reflux with or without circulation.
• These procedures assume that the naphtha being circulated will be inventoried to the
NHT Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) from the Naphtha Storage Tank. Sweet or sour naphtha
can be used for circulation. If sour naphtha is used, the Stabilizer (74-C-01) will have to
be flushed sufficiently to the slop header prior to sending product to gasoline blending or
• Pump suction screens that are a finer mesh size than normal will be used during initial
startup to help remove fine size scale and dirt and better protect the pumps. The screens
used during startup are typically 20 mesh (or whatever size is specified by the pump
manufacturer), instead of the usual 5 mesh screen. All of the pump strainers in the
Naphtha Circulation loop must be cleaned frequently, since these strainers will trap most
of the rust and dirt remaining in the vessels and associated piping. Beginning 30 minutes
after naphtha circulation is started through a pump, switch to the spare pump and inspect
the strainer to determine how frequently the strainers should be cleaned thereafter. Clean
the strainer and reinstall. Continue to repeat this process until the pump strainers no
longer accumulate solid material.
• Water should be drained from low points during Cold Circulation, but there still may be
some water in the columns; therefore, heat up the reboilers very slowly. If the water
vaporizes too quickly, the pressure surge could damage the column trays.
• The Stripper (72-C-01), Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02), and Stabilizer (74-C-01) columns
will probably not be operating at normal operating temperature and pressure, since the
circulating naphtha composition is different from that of the normal operating case.
Operators can adjust the temperatures and pressures with the following in mind:

- Do not exceed the design temperature and pressure for any pieces of equipment;
ensure that the design differential pressure between the tube and shell side of all
heat exchangers and coolers is not exceeded.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 143 of 406
- Try to establish reasonable reflux rates, which should be possible by operating at
column pressures lower than normal operating values.
- Since there are no Stabilizer Bottoms Pumps, the pressure of the Stabilizer (74-C-
01) must be maintained sufficiently higher than that of the NHT Feed Surge Drum
(72-V-01) in order to allow naphtha to flow through this circuit.
- The initial pressures recommended for the columns are as follows, but can be
adjusted as needed (within the design limitations):
 Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01): 1.5 kg/cm (g)
 Stripper (72-C-01): 7.0 kg/cm (g)
 Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02): 1.1 kg/cm (g)
 Stabilizer (74-C-01): 7.0 kg/cm (g)

The maximum pressures of the Stripper (72-C-01) and Stabilizer (74-C-01) are
limited during Cold Circulation by the nitrogen header pressure, which is about 7.0

1. Lineup the piping from the Naphtha Storage Tank to the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01).

• Verify that the drain points upstream and downstream of 72-PV-0601 A & B are
closed, the gate valves are open, and the bypass lines around these control valves
remain closed.
• Bring fuel gas into the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) via the Fuel Gas Startup line (2”-
FG-72-0610) and pressure up the vessel to about 1.5 kg/cm (g) by setting 72-PIC-
0601. The normal operating pressure of the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) is 2.0
kg/cm (g); however, during cold circulation, the Feed Surge Drum pressure may need
to be reduced to allow naphtha to flow back from the Stabilizer (74-C-01), which will
also be operating below normal operating pressure.
• Ensure that the spectacle blind at battery limits in the 8” line from storage (8”-P-72-
0602) is in the open position and the bleed valve is closed. Open the two block valves
at battery limits. Open the block valves around 72-FV-0601 and ensure that the
bypass around this valve is closed.
• Slowly open 72-FV-0601 using 72-FIC-0601 to inventory the Feed Surge Drum (72-
V-01). Check the level reading on the DCS via 72-LIC-0602 as well as the local level
gauge in the field. Close 72-FV-0601 when the level in 72-V-01 reaches 75%. If the
Feed Surge Drum pressure cannot be controlled by venting through 72-PV-0601 (i.e.
if 72-PV-0601 has a high output and 72-PT-0601 stays above the pressure set point),
reduce the filling rate by reducing the flow through 72-FV-0601.
• Monitor the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) water boot level using 72-LIC-0601 and the
local level gauge. If required, drain the water by opening the block valves upstream
and downstream of 72-LV-0601, closing the bleed, and manually opening this control
valve. Ensure that the bypass around the control valve remains closed.

2. Start the NHT Charge Pumps (72-P-01 A/B).

• Close the drain points and open the block valves around 72-FV-0701 (the Charge
Pump spillback control valve). Keep the bypass around this valve closed.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 144 of 406
• Start one of the Charge pumps (72-P-01A or B) by opening the block valves at the
suction and discharge of one of the Charge Pumps (either 72-P-01 A or 72-P-01 B) ;
continue sending naphtha through the Charge Pump spillback line (6”-P-72-0708) via
72-FIC-0701. Ensure the flow rate is above the minimum flow rate (75m3/hr.)
specified by the pump vendor to prevent damage to the pump.
• Open the gate valve in the Feed Filter bypass line (8”-P-72-0705) to bypass the Feed
Filter (72-X-01). Continue bypassing 72-X-01 until the pump strainers in the
long circulation loop no longer require frequent cleaning.

3. Inventory the Stripper (72-C-01).

• Ensure the vent and drain points upstream and downstream of 72-PV-1801 are
closed, the block valves upstream and downstream of the control valve are open, and
the bypass valve remains closed. Ensure the spectacle blind on the 1½” line to the
relief header downstream of 72-PV-1801 is in the open position. Open the 1½” globe
valve to the relief header.
• Pressure up the Stripper (72-C-01) to as near as possible to the normal operating
pressure of 10.9 kg/cm (g) by slowly opening the block valve in the 1½” Nitrogen
Startup line (1½”-IG-72-1810) and setting 72-PIC-1801 accordingly. Monitor the
pressure on the DCS via 72-PIC-1801 and 72-PI-1702 and in the field via the local
pressure gauge above the Stripper Receiver (72-V-06). The pressure should be about
7 kg/cm (g)—the maximum Nitrogen Header pressure.
• Confirm that the bleed valve in the double block and bleed assembly upstream of the
shell side of the Stripper Feed-Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-02), and
downstream of the 4” Startup Bypass line (4”-P-72-0711), is closed and the block
valves are open.
• Verify that the block valve upstream of the tube side of the Stripper Feed-Bottoms
Exchanger (72-E-03 A/B) is open.
• Ensure that the bleed valves upstream and downstream of 72-FV-0702 are closed, the
block valves are open, and the globe valve in the control valve bypass line is closed.
Slowly open the Startup Bypass Control Valve (72-FV-0702) from the DCS, via 72-
FIC-0702, to send naphtha through the shell sides of both the Stripper Feed-Naphtha
Splitter Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-02) and the Stripper Feed-Bottoms Exchanger (72-
E-03 A/B) and to the Stripper (72-C-01).
3 3
• Set 72-FIC-0701 and 72-FIC-0702 to setpoints of 107.3 m /hr = 2575.2 m /d (50% of
the normal operating flow rate). Continue to bring naphtha from storage; set the flow
controller (72-FIC-0601) in automatic control to maintain the level in the Feed Surge
Drum (72-V-01) between about 60 and 70%. Once the flow is stable, cascade the
flow controller to the Feed Surge Drum level controller (72-LIC-0602). Once the
columns have been inventoried with naphtha, the flow through 72-FIC-0602 should
fall to zero.

4. Inventory the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02).

• Pressure up the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) to the normal operating pressure of 1.1
kg/cm (g) by slowly opening the block valve in the 1½” Fuel Gas Startup line (1½”-
FG-72-2209). Ensure 72-PV-2201 is open to allow flow back through the column.
Monitor the pressure from the DCS via 72-PIC-2201 and in the field via 72-PI-2204.
If necessary, open the gate valve in the 2” line to the Relief Header located above the
Naphtha Splitter Receiver (72-V-07) and slowly open the globe valve downstream to

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 145 of 406
control the pressure. A person should be stationed in the field near the Naphtha
Splitter Receiver during filling to open the vent as required.
• Monitor the liquid level in the Stripper (72-C-01) on the DCS via 72-LIC-1701 as
well as the local level gauge in the field. When a level of 50% is established in the
column, ensure that the vent and drain valves around 72-LV-1701 are closed, and
slowly open the block valves upstream and downstream of the valve. Keep the
bypass around this valve closed. Slowly open 72-LV-1701 to 50% in manual to begin
filling the Naphtha Splitter. If the level in the NHT Stripper keeps rising, increase the
opening of 72-LV-1701, or if this gets to above 80% open, adjust 72-FIC-0701 &
1702 as necessary to reduce the feed to the Stripper. Maintain a level of around 50%
in both the Stripper and Naphtha Splitter columns.
• Ensure the vent and drain points around 72-FV-2001 A-F are closed, the block valves
upstream and downstream of these control valves are open, and the valves in the
bypasses around these control valves remain closed.
• Start one of the Naphtha splitter reboilers Pumps (72-P07A or B) by opening the
block valves at the suction and discharge. Set the reboiler flow rate at the normal
3 3
operating value of 653.1 m /h = 15674.4 m /d, using 72-FIC-2001 A-F. Increase the
flow rate from 72-C-01 by adjusting 72-LIC-1701 and the flow rate to 72-C-01 by
adjusting 72-FIC-0701 & 0702 to maintain the levels in the columns as necessary.
• Slowly open the globe valve in the 6” bypass around the tube side of the Stripper
Feed-Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-03 A/B) to flush this line as well.
• Ensure that the vent and drains are closed and the block valves are open around 72-
FV-1901 (the Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Pumps spillback control valve). Keep the
bypass around this valve closed.
• Start one of the Naphtha splitter bottom pumps (72-P-05A or B) by open the block
valves at the suction and discharge and continue sending naphtha through the
Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Pump spillback line (4”-P-72-1907) via 72-FIC-1901.

5. Lineup Naphtha to Off-Spec Slop.

• Ensure the block valves upstream and downstream of the Naphtha Splitter Bottoms
Coolers (72-E-06 A/B/C/D) are open and the spectacle blinds are in the open
• Move the blind in the 6” Naphtha Off-Spec Slop line (6”-P-72-1616) to the open
position, close the bleed valve, and open the block valves.
• Monitor the liquid level in the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) on the DCS via 72-LIC-
1901 as well as the local level gauge in the field. When a level of 50% is established
in the column, slowly open the gate valve in the 6” line (6”-72-P-1605) to the
Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Coolers (72-E-06 A/B/C/D).
• Slowly open 72-FV-1601 via 72-FIC-1601 to send the naphtha to slop.

6. Periodically open the bypass lines around all of the control valves in this loop to flush
these lines.

7. Lineup flow from the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) to the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) to
establish short naphtha circulation.

• Visually inspect the naphtha to off-spec slop. When the naphtha appears clean, re-
route the naphtha to the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) via the 4” Startup Bypass line
- Close the globe valve in the 6” bypass line around the tube side of the Stripper-
Feed Bottoms Exchanger.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 146 of 406
- Move the blind in the 4” Startup Bypass line (4”-P-72-1610) to the Feed Surge
Drum (72-V-01) to the open position, close the bleed valve, and open the block
- Close the block valves in the 6” line (6”-P-72-1616) to Naphtha Off-Spec Slop.
Open the bleed valve and install the blind.
• Gradually close 72-FV-0601 to stop naphtha flow from storage to the Feed Surge
Drum (72-V-01).
• Once the levels in the columns have stabilized, place the Stripper Bottoms Level
Controller (72-LIC-1701) in automatic at a setpoint of about 50%. Place the
Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Flow Controller (72-FIC-1601) in automatic at a setpoint
3 3
of 107.3 m /hr = 2575.2 m /d (50% of the normal operating flow rate) and, once it is
stable, cascade it to the Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Level Controller (72-LIC-1901).

8. Inventory the Stabilizer (74-C-01).

• Pressure up the Stabilizer (74-C-01) to as near as possible to the normal operating

pressure of 10.55 kg/cm (g) by slowly opening the block valve in the 1½” Nitrogen
Startup line (1½”-IG-74-2407). Monitor the pressure from the DCS via 74-PIC-2301
and in the field via 74-PI-2401. The pressure should be about 7 kg/cm (g)—the
maximum Nitrogen Header pressure.
• After the short naphtha circulation has stabilized and the circulating naphtha has been
verified clean, start sending naphtha to the Stabilizer (74-C-01).
- Ensure the blind in the 4” Platforming Startup bypass line (4”-P-74-1006) is
in the open position, the bleed is closed, the block valve open, and the globe
valve upstream is closed.
- Confirm that the gate valves upstream and downstream of the Stabilizer
Condenser (74-E-10 A/B/C/D) are open and the spectacle blinds are in the
open position.
- Move the blind in the 6” line (6”-P-72-1604) from the Naphtha Splitter (72-
C-02) bottoms to the Platforming Combined Feed Exchanger (74-E-01) to the
open position, close the bleed, and open the block valves.
- Gradually reduce the flow of naphtha through 72-FV-1601 to about 37 m /hr
3 3 3
= 888 m /d, so that 70.3 m /hr = 1687.2 m /d (50% of the Platforming normal
operating flow rate) is sent to the Platforming unit.
- Slowly open the globe valve in the 4” Platforming Startup bypass line (4”-P-
74-1006) to send naphtha to the Stabilizer (74-C-01), while monitoring 74-FI-
3 3
1001 in the field. Maintain this flow as close to 70.3 m /hr = 1687.2 m /d as
possible. Continue to monitor this flow on the DCS, via 72-FIC-1001, and
adjust the globe valve in the field if necessary.

• Gradually open 72-FIC-0601 to maintain a level in the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01).
Set the flow controller (72-FIC-0601) in automatic control to near 70.3 m /hr to
maintain the level in the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) between about 60 and 70%.
Once the flow is stable, cascade the flow controller to the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-
01) level controller (72-LIC-0602).
• Verify that the vent and drain points are closed and the block valves open around 74-
PV-2301. Keep the bypass around this control valve closed. While filling the
Stabilizer, the pressure of the vessel may increase. Until most of the nitrogen has

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 147 of 406
been purged from the system, relieve pressure to the relief header rather than the
refinery fuel gas system.
- Open the spectacle blind between the block valve and globe valve in the 1½”
line upstream of 74-FT-2401 (1.5”-FL-74-2402). Open the gate valve fully,
and throttle the globe valve to relieve pressure as necessary. This may be
necessary until shortly after the Stabilizer Receiver has been inventoried with
naphtha in the Hot Circulation portion of the procedure below.
• Ensure that the gate valves are open, the bleed valve closed, and the spectacle blind
in the open position in the double block and bleed assembly for sending the Stabilizer
Gas to the Refinery Fuel Gas System (3”-P-74-2404).

9. Lineup Naphtha to Off-Spec Reformate Storage.

• Move the blind in the 8” Off-Spec Reformate to Storage line (8”-P-74-2107) to the
open position, close the bleed valve, and open the block valves.
• Verify that the drain points upstream and downstream of 72-LV-2201 are closed, the
gate valves upstream and downstream of the control valve are open, and the valve in
the bypass around this control valve remains closed.
• Ensure the gate valves upstream and downstream of the Stabilizer Bottoms Trim
Cooler (74-E-12 A/B/C/D) are open and the spectacle blinds are in the open position.
• Monitor the liquid level in the Stabilizer (74-C-01) on the DCS via 74-LIC-2201 as
well as the local level gauge in the field. When a level of 50% is established in the
column, slowly open the gate valve in the 8” line (8”-P-74-2102) to the Stabilizer
Bottoms Cooler (74-A-02) and Stabilizer Bottoms Trim Coolers (74-E-12 A/B/C/D).
• Slowly open 72-LV-2201 to send the naphtha to off-spec storage.
• Once the level in the Stabilizer has stabilized, place the Stabilizer Bottoms Level
Controller (74-LIC-2201) in automatic at a setpoint of about 50%.
• Slowly open the globe valve in the 4” bypass (4”-P-74-2109) around the tube side of
the Stabilizer Feed-Bottoms Exchanger (74-E-09 A/B/C/D) to flush this line as well.

10. Periodically open the bypass lines around all of the control valves in this loop to flush
these lines.

11. Lineup flow from the Stabilizer (74-C-01) to the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) to
establish long naphtha circulation.

• Sample the naphtha using the closed sampling system 74-SC-07 and visually inspect
it. When the naphtha appears clean, re-route the naphtha to the Feed Surge Drum
(72-V-01) via the 4” Startup Bypass line (4”-P-74-2108).
- Close the globe valve in the 4” bypass line (4”-P-74-2109) around the tube
side of the Stabilizer Feed-Bottoms Exchanger (74-E-09 A/B/C/D).
- Move the blind in the 4” Startup Bypass line (4”-P-74-2108) to the Feed Surge
Drum (72-V-01) to the open position, close the bleed valve, and open the
block valves. Slowly open the block valve downstream, near the NHT Feed
Surge Drum (72-V-01).
- Close the block valves in the 6” line (6”-P-74-2107) to Off-Spec Reformate
Storage. Open the bleed valve and install the blind.

• Gradually close 72-FV-0601 to stop naphtha flow from storage to the Feed Surge
Drum (72-V-01).

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 148 of 406 HOT NAPHTHA CIRCULATION:

During Hot Naphtha Circulation, each of the column reboilers will be heated so that: (i) the
overhead systems can be thoroughly flushed, (ii) instrumentation can be tested, (iii) water can
be removed, and (iv) the unit can be prepared for feed-in to the NHT Reactor and the
Platforming Unit Reactors. Throughout this procedure, the columns will not be running at
normal operation, since the circulating naphtha contains less light ends than the normal feed
to the columns. As the reboilers are heated, the levels in the overhead receivers will begin to
increase; therefore, the flow rate from naphtha storage to the NHT Feed Surge Drum (72-V-
01) will need to be increased to maintain the column levels. Hot Naphtha Circulation should
not be started until the pump strainers in the cold long circulation loop do not have to be
cleaned frequently, and the NHT Feed Filters (72-X-01) have been placed into service.

Once lined out, maintain Hot Naphtha Circulation through the columns for at least 48 hours
to ensure that the columns and vessels are thoroughly flushed of all rust, scale, and debris. If
startup will not begin within a few days after the Hot Naphtha Circulation is completed, the
reboilers can be cooled down to save energy. During Hot Naphtha Circulation, pumps should
be switched and pump strainers cleaned to remove rust and debris from the system. If there
are still significant amounts of rust and debris being removed in the strainers, Hot Naphtha
Circulation should continue before proceeding with startup.

NOTE: When introducing steam to cold piping, be careful to drain any condensate in
the steam lines using all available low point drains to avoid water-hammering.

1. Prior to heating up the columns, commission all air and water cooled exchangers, if this
has not already been done.

• Start the fans on the Stripper Condenser (72-A-02).

• Start the fans on the Naphtha Splitter Condenser (72-A-03).
• Start the fans on the Stabilizer Bottoms Cooler (74-A-02).
• Open the valves in the 8” Sea Water Supply (8”-SWS-72-1611/1613) and Return (8”-
SWR-72-1612/1614) lines to establish cooling water flow through the tube side of
the Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Coolers (72-E-06 A/B/C/D).

• Open the valves in the 6” Sea Water Supply (6”-SWS-74-2111/2113) and Return (6”-
SWR-74-2112/2114) lines to establish cooling water flow through the tube side of
the Stabilizer Bottoms Trim Coolers (74-E-12 A/B/C/D).

• Open the valves in the 6” Sea Water Supply (6”-SWS-74-2307/2309) and Return (6”-
SWR-74-2308/2310) lines to establish cooling water flow through the tube side of
the Stabilizer Condenser (74-E-10 A/B/C/D).

2. Heat up the Stripper Reboiler (72-E-04) and begin total reflux operation.

• Lineup VHP steam flow to the tube side of the Stripper Reboiler (72-E-04)
• Ensure the 8” gate valve directly upstream of the reboiler on the VHP steam line is
• Ensure the drain point downstream of 72-FV-1701 is closed, the block valves around
the control valve are open, and the bypass valve remains closed.
• To prevent water hammering, drain any condensate that may be in the VHP steam
line and the drain point upstream of 72-FV-1701 in the E-assembly. Leave this valve

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 149 of 406
• Open the ¾” P on the reboiler. Slowly open the ¾” globe valve on the warm-up line
around the 8” gate valve on the steam line (4-SHH-74-2905). Allow VHP steam to
purge and warm up the reboiler through the ¾” P on the reboiler and the open drain
point upstream of 72-FV-1701 in the E-assembly. After 30 minutes, close the ¾” P
but keep the drain point upstream of 72-FV-1701 in the E-assembly open. Continue
purging steam and any condensate from the drain point upstream 72-FV-1701 until
the reboiler is warm.
• Close the drain point upstream 72-FV-1701 and fully open the VHP steam 8” gate
valve upstream of the reboiler. Close the ¾” globe valve on the warm-up line.
• Using 72-FIC-1701 to control the condensate flow rate from the reboiler, heat up the
Stripper Reboiler Return temperature (72-TI-1704) to 100°C at a rate of 20°C/hr.
• Once the Stripper Reboiler Return temperature (72-TI-1704) reaches 100°C, decrease
the heat-up rate to 10 °C/hr to allow any water in the shell side of the reboiler and in
the column to expand slowly during vaporization. If the water vaporizes too quickly,
the pressure surge could damage the column trays.
• As the temperature in the column increases, the pressure will begin to increase as
well. If necessary, vent the overhead gas to the relief header by using 72-PIC-1801 to
maintain the normal operating pressure of 10.9 kg/cm (g).
• Monitor the Stripper Receiver (72-V-06) water boot level using 72-LIC-1801 and the
local level gauge. Close the vent and drain lines around 72-LV-1801, open the gate
valves upstream and downstream of the control valve, and keep the bypass around
the control valve closed. Verify that the gate valve directly downstream of the water
boot is open. Also, ensure that the bleed valve in the double block and bleed
assembly, located at battery limits in the 2” line to Sour Water Treating (2”-P-72-
1309), is closed and the block valves are open. If required, drain the water to the Sour
Water Header by manually opening 72-LV-1801.
• Ensure the vent and drain points upstream and downstream of 72-LV-1802 are
closed, the block valves upstream and downstream of the control valve are open, and
the bypass valve remains closed.
• Monitor the Stripper Receiver (72-V-06) level on the DCS via 72-LIC-1802 and in
the field via the local level gauge. When the level reaches 50%, open the block
valves at the suction and discharge of one of the Stripper Reflux Pumps (either 72-P-
04 A or 72-P-04 B) and start per vendor procedure. Control the reflux flow rate using
3 3
72-LV-1802. The normal operating reflux rate is 86.6 m /hr = 2078.4 m /d, but it
may not be able to achieve this flow rate. Maintain the column on total reflux.
• When the level in the Stripper Receiver (72-V-06) becomes stable, set the level
controller (72-LIC-1802) in automatic.
• Use the following set of normal operating conditions as a guideline for operating the
Stripper (72-C-01). Since these parameters are based on 100% throughput and a
different feed composition, it may be necessary to operate the Stripper at a lower
pressure and a higher overhead temperature than normal in order to establish an
adequate reflux rate.
- Receiver Pressure 72-PIC-1801: 10.6 kg/cm (g)
- Overhead Temperature 72-TI-1702: 122°C
- Reflux Rate 72-FI-1801: 86.6 m /hr
- Reflux Temperature 72-TI-1801: 55°C
- Feed Temperature 72-TI-1701: 166°C
- Bottoms Temperature 72-TI-1703: 200°C
- Reboiler Return Temperature 72-TI-1704: 206°C
• Maintain the column on total reflux until startup.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 150 of 406
3. Heat up the Naphtha Splitter Reboiler (72-F-02) and begin total reflux operation.

• Startup the Naphtha Splitter Reboiler (72-F-02) using the detailed vendor procedures,
which should include the following basic guidelines:

- Check with the heater vendor to ensure that the Naphtha Splitter Reboiler can
be started up and run independently of the NHT Charge Heater.
- Following normal refinery procedures, open the stack damper and introduce
steam to the heater to remove any gas accumulation in the heater. When a
steady plume of steam is seen out the top of the stack, discontinue the steam
and pinch in the damper to control the natural draft. The steam-out should be
conducted for a sufficient length of time to ensure that the pilots can be lighted
- Lineup the fuel gas lines to the heaters.
- Following the vendor procedures, introduce pilot gas and light each of the
pilots for the burners. The inside operator should be monitoring the flue gas
temperatures carefully during this time and should not allow this temperature
to rise faster than 20°C/hr. It may or may not be possible to light all of the
pilots and still control the rate of temperature rise.

• Using 72-PDIC-2001, heat up the Naphtha Splitter Reboiler return temperature (72-
TI-2002) to 100°C at a rate of 20°C/hr.
• Once the Naphtha Splitter Reboiler return temperature (72-TI-2002) reaches 100°C,
decrease the heat-up rate to 10°C/hr to allow any water to expand slowly during
vaporization. If the water vaporizes too quickly, the pressure surge could damage the
column trays.
• Partially open each of the globe valves in the 1” non-condensable vent lines (1”-P-
72-2205) on the Naphtha Splitter Condenser (72-A-03).
• Fully open the gate valve in the 2” line to the Relief Header on top of the Naphtha
Splitter Receiver (72-V-07); then, slowly open the globe valve downstream to vent
any non-condensables. Close the valve. Monitor the Naphtha Splitter Condenser (72-
A-03) operation during heat-up of the column operation and repeat this step as
• Ensure that the vent and drain points upstream and downstream of 72-PDV-2202 are
closed, the block valves upstream and downstream of the control valve are open, and
the bypass around the control valve remains closed.
• As the temperature in the column increases, the pressure will begin to increase as
well. Set the differential pressure controller (72-PDIC-2202) in the hot vapor bypass
line at a setpoint of about 0.4 kg/cm2(g). Use 72-PIC-2201 to maintain the column
pressure at 1.1 kg/cm (g).
• Monitor the Naphtha Splitter Receiver (72-V-07) level on the DCS via 72-LIC-2201
and in the field via the local level gauge. When the level reaches 50%, open the block
valves at the suction and discharge of one of the Naphtha Splitter Overhead Pumps
(either 72-P-06 A or 72-P-06 B) and start as per vendor procedure. Control the reflux
flow rate using 72-FIC-2103 and monitor the flow via 72-FI-2102. The normal
3 3
operating reflux rate is 240.4 m /hr = 5769.6 m /d, but it may not be able to achieve
this flow rate. Maintain the column on total reflux.
• Once the reflux flow is stable, cascade the flow controller to the Naphtha Splitter
Receiver (72-V-07) level controller (72-LIC-2201).

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 151 of 406
• Use the following set of normal operating conditions as a guideline for operating the
Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02). Since these parameters are based on 100% throughput
and a different feed composition, it may be necessary to operate the Naphtha Splitter
at a lower pressure and a higher overhead temperature than normal in order to
establish an adequate reflux rate.
- Receiver Pressure 72-PI-2204: 0.7 kg/cm (g)
- Overhead Temperature 72-TI-1903: 92°C
- Reflux Rate 72-FI-2102: 240.4 m /hr
- Reflux Temperature 72-TI-2202: 76°C
- Feed Temperature 72-TI-1901: 118°C
- Bottoms Temperature 72-TI-1703: 146°C
- Reboiler Return Temperature 72-TI-1704: 156°C

• Maintain the column on total reflux until startup.

4. Heat up the Stabilizer Reboiler (74-E-11) and begin total reflux operation.

• Lineup VHP steam flow to the tube side of the Stabilizer Reboiler (74-E-11)
• Ensure the 4” gate valve directly upstream of the reboiler on the VHP steam line is
• Ensure the drain point downstream of 74-FV-2201 is closed, the block valves around
the control valve are open, and the bypass valve remains closed.
• To prevent water hammering, drain any condensate that may be in the VHP steam
line and the drain point upstream of 74-FV-2201 in the E-assembly. Leave this valve
• Open the ¾” P on the reboiler. Slowly open the ¾” globe valve on the warm-up line
around the 4” gate valve on the steam line (4-SHH-74-2903). Allow VHP steam to
purge and warm up the reboiler through the ¾” P on the reboiler and the open drain
point upstream of 74-FV-2201 in the E-assembly. After 30 minutes, close the ¾” P
but keep the drain point upstream of 74-FV-2201 in the E-assembly open. Continue
purging steam and any condensate from the drain point upstream 74-FV-2201 until
the reboiler is warm.
• Close the drain point upstream 74-FV-2201 and fully open the VHP steam 4” gate
valve upstream of the reboiler. Close the ¾” globe valve on the warm-up line.
• Using 74-FIC-2201 to control the condensate flow rate from the reboiler, heat up the
Stabilizer Reboiler Return temperature (74-TI-2206) to 100°C at a rate of 20°C/hr.
• Once the Stabilizer Reboiler Return temperature (74-TI-2206) reaches 100°C,
decrease the heat-up rate to 10°C/hr to allow any water in the shell side of the
reboiler and in the column to expand slowly during vaporization. If the water
vaporizes too quickly, the pressure surge could damage the column trays.
• As the temperature in the column increases, the pressure will begin to increase as
well. If necessary, vent the overhead gas to the Refinery Fuel Gas System by using
74-PIC-2301 to maintain the normal operating pressure of 10.55 kg/cm (g).
• Monitor the Stabilizer Receiver (74-V-06) water boot level using 74-LIC-2401 and
the local level gauge. Ensure that the gate valve downstream of the water boot and
the gate valve downstream of 74-LV-2401 are open. If required, drain the water to
the Sour Water Header by manually opening 74-LV-2401.
• Close the vent and drain and open the block valves around 74-FV-2301 (the
Stabilizer Overhead Pumps spillback control valve). Keep the bypass around this
valve closed.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 152 of 406
• Close the vent and drain and open the block valves around 74-FV-2303. Keep the
bypass around this valve closed.
• Monitor the Stabilizer Receiver (74-V-06) level on the DCS via 74-LIC-2403 and in
the field via the local level gauge. When the level reaches 50%, open the block
valves at the suction and discharge of one of the Stabilizer Overhead Pumps (either
74-P-04 A or 74-P-04 B) and start as per the vendor procedure. Control the reflux
flow rate using 74-FIC-2303 and monitor the flow via 74-FI-2302. The normal
3 3
operating reflux rate is 41.3 m /hr = 991.2 m /d, but it may not be able to achieve this
flow rate. Maintain the column on total reflux and continue sending naphtha through
the Stabilizer Overhead Pumps spillback line (4”-P-74-2306). Once the reflux flow is
stable, cascade the flow controller to the Stabilizer Receiver (74-V-06) level
controller (74-LIC-2403). Use the following set of normal operating conditions as a
guideline for operating the Stabilizer (74-C-01). Since these parameters are based on
100% throughput and a different feed composition, it may be necessary to operate the
Stabilizer at a lower pressure and a higher overhead temperature than normal in order
to establish an adequate reflux rate. At the same time, the Stabilizer pressure must be
maintained high enough to allow naphtha circulation back to the NHT Feed Surge
Drum (72-V-01).
- Receiver Pressure 74-PI-2401: 9.9 kg/cm2(g)
- Overhead Temperature 74-TI-2203: 66°C
- Reflux Rate 74-FI-2102: 41.3 m3/hr
- Reflux Temperature 74-TI-2301: 40°C
- Feed Temperature 74-TI-2208: 187°C
- Bottoms Temperature 74-TI-2207: 228°C
- Reboiler Return Temperature 74-TI-2206: 239°C
• Maintain the column on total reflux until startup.

11.2.2 List of Blinds and Valves for Confirmation During Naphtha Circulation:

It is critical that naphtha not be allowed into the NHT and Platforming Reactor sections
during this operation. All connections to the reactor sections should be positively separated
from the naphtha stream with double block and bleed and/or blinds. It is useful to have the
NHT and Platforming Reactor Sections air free and under N2 pressure [7.0 kg/cm (g) for the
NHT and 3.5 kg/cm (g) for the Platforming] to ensure that naphtha does not enter the Reactor

It is considered that a double block and bleed is the minimum for positive isolation. Insertion
of a blind would be a preferable form of isolation. In the event that a double block and bleed
cannot be provided as a form of isolation, insertion of a blind will be required.

The list of valves and blinds is given in Chapter-28, ‘start up checklist’. Ensure all are
thoroughly checked and confirmed.


Fresh or freshly regenerated HC-K catalyst is a complex of metal and nonmetal oxides.
Therefore, before initial Start-Up of the NHT Unit, the catalyst must be sulfided to convert
the metal oxides to metal sulfides, thereby making the catalyst active. Sulfiding must be
conducted in a careful, prescribed manner in order to achieve optimum catalyst activity.
Improper Sulfiding can result in depressed catalyst activity, reduced catalyst stability,
possible temperature excursions, and equipment damage. Typically, the Sulfiding procedure

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 153 of 406
should take 8-12 hours. If Sulfiding is completed too quickly, it will be difficult to properly
monitor the H2S in the recycle gas and ensure that all of the metal sites are properly sulfided.

During the Sulfiding portion of the procedure, Licensor recommends circulating the naphtha
through the Reactor circuit, instead of sending it to slops, in order to minimize production of
off-spec material. Once the catalyst is properly sulfided, the NHT Unit can be started by
further increasing the Reactor temperature and adjusting other process parameters to establish
normal operation. If the Platforming Unit is fully commissioned and ready for Start-Up, the
NHT product can be routed to the Platforming Unit once it meets the product specifications.

Prior to starting of Sulfiding procedure, the following items are to be completed:

1. All piping and equipment is mechanically complete, including:

• All punch list items either resolved or accepted

• Pressure testing of all systems completed
• Leak testing of all piping, including fuel gas and pilot gas piping, completed and any
leaks have been fixed
• Insulation, bolting, and gasketing complete and correct
• All PSV’s bench tested and installed

2. All process line flushing completed.

3. All pumps, fin-fan coolers, and compressors have been commissioned. Make-Up Gas
(hydrogen) addition from the DHDS-H2 Unit (outside of NHT battery limits) is made
4. All utilities including the aromatics drain, Boiler Feed Water, Start-Up VHP Steam,
instrument air, nitrogen, electricity, and the flare are fully commissioned.
5. All spring hangers are unpinned and set in their proper cold position.
6. A list of blinds, isolation points, and locked open/close valves has been prepared (refer to
Chapter 28), and all blinds and valves have been verified in their correct position.
7. All instrumentation has been installed, checked, and is fully functional, including:
• All instrumentation properly installed and on-line
• All instrumentation loops checked and fully functional
• Heater O2 analyzers commissioned, calibrated and fully functional
• All heater and compressor shutdown interlocks testing completed
• All heater and compressor shutdown interlocks maintenance overrides in their normal
(not bypassed) positions
8. All steam tracing is fully commissioned and any leaks have been fixed.
9. All safety items including fire water, fire extinguishers, safety showers, eye wash stations,
and hydrocarbon and H2S detectors are ready. It is strongly recommended that SCBA
equipment is available.
10. Calibrate the Sulfide Storage Vessel Level Gauge (72-LG-R-1102) and the DMDS Drum
Level Gauge (72-LG-R-1103).
11. Calibrate the Inhibitor Drum Level Gauge (72-LG-R-2302).
12. NHT Dryout has been properly completed, including refractory dryout of the Charge
Heater (72-F-01) and the Naphtha Splitter Reboiler (72-F-02), according to NHT Dryout
Procedure detailed in Chapter 11.1.8.
13. NHT Catalyst Loading has been properly completed according to NHT Reactor Loading
Procedure as detailed in Chapter-23.
14. Hot Naphtha Circulation has been properly established through the long circulation loop
according to Naphtha Circulation Procedure as detailed in Chapter 11.2.1.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 154 of 406
15. Sufficient quantities of Make-Up Hydrogen and Start-Up Naphtha are available and meet
the specifications presented in the sections of this procedure entitled ‘Make-Up Hydrogen
Requirements’ and ‘Naphtha Requirements’. Detailed laboratory analyses of the
hydrogen and naphtha shall be provided to and approved by tech-PAD before starting
this procedure.
16. As specified in the Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit Project Specification 930767-106-Sheet 5
(refer to Appendix I), 4300 kg of DMDS are available.
17. The Sulfide Storage Vessel (74-V-11) and associated piping has been air-freed and the
vessel has been filled with DMDS. Additionally, a DMDS drum is on the DMDS Drum
Rack and connected and an adequate number of DMDS drums are available nearby.
Operators are prepared to switch drums quickly during sulphiding.
18. All necessary laboratory and detection equipment is fully-functioning and test methods
are easily accessible. A sufficient number of competent laboratory technicians are readily
available and able to complete all of the required tests at the necessary frequencies (refer
to Chapter -22, ‘Sampling & Laboratory Testing’). Also, a sufficient amount of Dragger
tubes should be available and operators should be trained to correctly use them.

General comments regarding procedure:

Sampling & Laboratory Testing

During Sulfiding and Start-Up, a significant amount of samples will need to be taken and
tested to monitor unit operations. An adequate number of personnel are made available to
take these samples and a sufficient number of competent laboratory personnel are available to
perform these tests. Please refer to Chapter-22 for the sampling and laboratory testing
schedule to follow during Start-Up. As required, additional sampling and testing may need to
be completed, if necessary. All the results should be recorded properly.

Before and during Sulfiding, additional sampling and testing must be completed to diminish
the possibility of a temperature excursion and to ensure that all of the catalyst metals are
properly sulfided. Appendix D contains a copy of the logsheet that will be used to record the
sampling and testing information during Sulphiding. This logsheet includes the sample point
numbers (if applicable), descriptions of the tests to be completed, the corresponding test
methods, the units that are preferred for the test results to be reported, and the minimum
frequencies at which these tests must be completed. It also includes requirements that the
hydrogen and naphtha used for Sulphiding, Start-Up, and Normal Operation must meet,
which are discussed in further detail in the following two sections, ‘Make-Up Hydrogen
Requirements’ and ‘Naphtha Requirements’.

Make-Up Hydrogen Requirements

Once the Reactor Circuit is air-freed, hydrogen will be used to pressure test this circuit; the
circuit will also have to be re-pressurized again later during Sulfiding. Additionally, during
Sulfiding and Start-Up, some hydrogen will be consumed and some will be dissolved in the
naphtha stream, which will be lost through the Stripper Receiver (72-V-06) Off Gas. If it is
planned to start-up the NHT Unit before the Platforming Unit, ensure that a sufficient supply
of hydrogen is available from an independent source (such as DHDS-H2 Unit).

This hydrogen-rich Make-Up gas must meet the following requirements:

Hydrogen ≥ 75 mol %

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 155 of 406
Sulfur < 0.5 mol %
Carbon Oxides < 0.5 mol %
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons < 0.5 mol %
Halides < 50 mol ppm

Naphtha Requirements

Whether Feed Case 1 or Feed Case 2, the feedstock for Sulfiding, Start-Up, and Normal
Operation of the NHT Unit should be a blend of full boiling range straight run naphtha (97.6
wt%) and vis-broken naphtha (2.4 wt% maximum, 166 °C D-86 FBP maximum).
Additionally, other analyses must be completed to ensure the feedstock has substantially the
following properties:


IBP 49.5 46.8
10% 71.7 71.8
30% 88.3 87.7
50% 103.3 100.2
70% 118.3 111
90% 141.7 126.8
FBP 187.7 160
Cracked Stock, wt% 2.4 2.7
PONA, wt%
Paraffins 60.72 48.66
Olefins 1.03 1.03
Naphthenes 27.8 28.74
Aromatics 10.45 21.57

Regardless of which Feed Case is selected, the naphtha used for Sulfiding, Start-Up, and
normal Operation of the NHT Unit must also meet the following normal operating

Sulfur ≤ 670 wt ppm
Nitrogen ≤ 2.2 wt ppm
Oxygen ≤ 2.0 wt ppm
Bromine Number ≤ 2.34
Chloride ≤ 2.0 wt ppm
Fluoride ≤ 0.5 wt ppm
Silicon ≤ 0.1 wt ppm
Arsenic ≤ 10 wt ppb
Lead ≤ 20 wt ppb
Copper ≤ 20 wt ppb
Nickel ≤ 20 wt ppb
Mercury ≤ 2 wt ppb
Total Metals (including
≤ 120 wt ppb
heavy metals)

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 156 of 406
In addition to meeting the normal operating requirements, the straight run naphtha used
during Sulfiding must meet the following, more stringent, specifications to minimize the
possibility of polymerization occurring in the reactor at lower temperatures and to avoid
excessive heat of reaction due to olefin hydrogenation:

Bromine Number ≤1
End Boiling Point ≤ 205 °C

Sulfiding DMDS Injection:

Since the straight run naphtha to be used during Sulfiding contains a low amount of sulfur,
DMDS (Dimethyl Disulfide) will be injected into the feed to minimize the amount of time
required to sulfide the catalyst. The theoretical sulfur uptake of HC-K catalyst is 11.3 wt%; in
other words, the metal oxides in the catalyst should be completely sulfided once the catalyst
contains 11.3 wt% sulfur. It is recommended to procure greater than the theoretical amount
required to provide some margin in case of operational problems. To estimate the amount of
DMDS that should be injected during this procedure, 150% of the theoretical amount, or
3878 kg is used.

Sulfiding will be completed in two stages over the course of 8 to 12 hours by injecting
DMDS at different flow rates and temperatures. During the first stage, DMDS will be
injected at 230 °C at a lower flow rate, so that the total amount of sulfur (including native
sulfur) is between 0.08 and 0.10 wt% (not to exceed 0.25 wt%) of the naphtha charged to the
Reactor. In the second stage, the DMDS injection rate will be increased so that the total
amount of sulfur is between 0.15 and 0.20 wt% (not exceed 0.50 wt%) of the naphtha charge;
once the unit stabilizes, the Reactor inlet temperatures will be slowly increased to 290 °C.
Refer to Appendix B for an overview of the Sulfiding procedure and Appendix C for a graph
of the DMDS injection rates corresponding to the amount of sulfur injected into the naphtha
charged to the Reactor (expressed as wt%). It is recommended injecting 100 L DMDS/hr
(0.10 wt% sulfur in the naphtha charge) for about 3 hours during the first stage and 400 L/hr
(0.20 wt% sulfur in the naphtha charge) for about 8.5 hours during the second stage.

DMDS will be supplied to the NHT Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09) from the Sulfide Storage
Vessel (74-V-11) and the individual 55 gallon DMDS drums located in the Platforming Unit.
Appendix H shows an estimate of the volume of DMDS in the Sulfide Storage Vessel (74-V-
11) with respect to the height of the drum and the change in height per change in volume.
These curves are only estimates and were generated using the dimensions of the vessel. In
order to ensure the correct amount of sulfur is injected and accurately track the sulfur uptake
of the catalyst, the level gauges for the Sulfide Storage Vessel and the DMDS drums (74-LG-
R-1102 and 74-LG-R-1103, respectively) must by calibrated prior to starting this procedure.

The Sulfide Storage Vessel (74-V-11) holds only about 14% of the total volume of DMDS
supplied and each of the DMDS drums hold only about 6% of the total volume of DMDS
supplied. Therefore, the DMDS drums will have to be continuously changed during Sulfiding
quickly enough to ensure that the DMDS Sulfide Storage Vessel (74-V-11) is not drained. If
the inventory in the vessel is emptied, then DMDS injection will cease while the operators are
changing DMDS drums. Once the Reactor outlet temperature is increased higher than 230
°C, the un-sulfided catalyst should not be subjected to a high-temperature low-H2S
environment, which could reduce the metals. If DMDS injection is lost, cannot be restarted

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 157 of 406
promptly, and amount of H2S in the Recycle Gas decreases below about 1000 ppm, the
Reactor temperature must be cooled back to 230 °C until DMDS injection can be restarted.

H2S Detector (Dragger) Tubes

During Sulfiding, the concentration of H2S in the Separator Off Gas and the Stripper Off Gas
will be measured, using Dragger tubes, to estimate the amount of sulfide that has been laid
down on the catalyst. Please ensure that sufficient quantities of H2S detector tubes of various
ranges are available. It is advised to procure at least 100 low range (up to 1,000 vol ppm) and
100 high range (up to 10,000 vol ppm) tubes. Also, ensure that the necessary equipment is
available for taking these samples safely& reliably.


Dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) can be dangerous if personnel
handle them improperly or are unaware of the dangers these compounds may pose. As a
result, the safety procedures for handling these compounds should be reviewed with the
appropriate operating personnel before starting the Sulfiding procedure. Ensure that each
person in the operating area is familiar with the dangers of these compounds, approved
methods for handling them, and appropriate first aid procedures in case of contact with the


During sulfiding of the hydrotreating catalyst, hydrogen sulfide will be released to the gas
and liquid streams of the unit as sulfur-bearing compounds are decomposed. Breathing even
low concentrations of hydrogen sulfide gas can cause poisoning. Although H2S has a distinct
and unpleasant odor, it will frequently paralyze the olfactory nerves to the extent that the
victim does not realize that he is breathing it—particularly at high concentrations. Since
the concentration of H2S in the Separator and Stripper Off Gas streams may be as high as
8,000 to 10,000 vol ppm, it is strongly recommended that any personnel collecting samples
from the Separator Off Gas or the Stripper Off Gas wear a SCBA (self-contained breathing
apparatus) and that these personnel are trained and qualified to safely operate this
equipment. Not taking the proper precautions can result in serious injury or death.

Sulfiding Operating Pressure

Since feed must be started to the unit while the system is relatively cold, the flow through the
Charge Heater (72-F-01) will be two phase while temperatures are being increased. Since the
Charge Heater (72-F-01) is multiple pass, a coil could be damaged if it were blocked by a
liquid pocket and the heater firing continued. To ensure that the feed to the heater becomes
single phase (all vapor) at relatively low temperatures, the reactor inlet pressure is initially
limited to14 kg/cm (g).


Part I. Pressure Test, Leak Test, & Air-Free the NHT Reactor Circuit with Nitrogen:

Since the NHT Reactor was opened for loading catalyst, the NHT Reactor Circuit will have
to be air-freed again prior to introducing hydrogen into the system. Naphtha will still be

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 158 of 406
circulating through the Feed, Stripper, and Naphtha Splitter Circuits; therefore, these circuits
do not need to be pressure tested, leak tested, and air-freed again. Use Chapter-11.11, as a
guide for completing this portion of the procedure. Isolate all instrumentation that would be
damaged by a vacuum. During evacuations, isolate and maintain positive nitrogen pressure
on the Recycle Gas Compressors (72-K-01 A/B).

Part II. Pressure Test & Leak Test the NHT Reactor Circuit with Hydrogen:

In the original pressure test and leak test procedure (see chapter-11.11), it outlined the
procedure for pressure testing the Reactor Circuit with hydrogen following the tests
completed with nitrogen. Hydrogen pressure test at higher pressure can be done after rector
catalyst loading is completed. Be extremely careful when checking for hydrogen leaks.
Make sure there are no ignition sources that could spark at a hydrogen leak.

Part III. Reestablish Short Naphtha Circulation:

Since an independent source of Make-Up hydrogen will be used, circulate the naphtha used
during Sulfiding in order to minimize the amount of off-spec material produced. The naphtha
should be re-circulated from the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) back to the Feed Surge Drum
(72-V-01), as per the Short Naphtha Circulation loop (refer chapter 12.1), and additional
naphtha added as necessary. Following completion of the Naphtha Circulation Procedure,
naphtha will still be circulating through the long circulation loop; therefore, Short Naphtha
Circulation should be reestablished according to the following steps, so that naphtha is no
longer sent to the Platforming Unit.

This procedure was written assuming that hot naphtha is still being circulated through the
fractionation section. On the other hand, if the Stripper Reboiler (72-E-04) and the Naphtha
Splitter Reboiler (72-F-02) were cooled down following completion of the Hot Naphtha
Circulation procedure, reestablish Short Circulation per Steps A-H below and then refer to
Steps 1-3 of the Hot Naphtha Circulation Procedure to restart Hot Naphtha Circulation within
the Short Circulation loop. This procedure also assumes that all controls are in automatic
and/or cascade mode.

A. Ensure the naphtha feedstock meets the requirements for Sulfiding (see ‘Naphtha
Requirements’). If the feedstock does not meet these requirements, lineup naphtha to
either of the Off-Spec Slop lines (6”-P-72-1616 or 1624 – to be decided by planning)
by closing the bleed in the double block and bleed assembly, moving the blind to the
open position, and opening the block valves. Sample this stream and continue sending
it to slop until the stream meets the ‘Naphtha Requirements.’

B. Ensure sea water is flowing through the tube side of the Naphtha Splitter Bottoms
Coolers (72-E-06 A/B/C/D).

C. Once the feedstock meets the requirements, open the gate valve in the 6” line (6”-P-
72-1605) to the Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Coolers (72-E-06 A/B/C/D).

D. Close the bleed, swing the blind to the open position, and open the block valves in the
4” Start-Up Bypass line (4”-P-72-1610) in the NHT Unit.

E. Slowly close the globe valve in the 4” Start-Up Bypass line (4”-P-74-1006) in the
Platforming Unit. Continuously monitor all levels and flow rates in the circuit before
making small adjustments to the globe valve in order to ensure that this transition

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 159 of 406
occurs smoothly. Since all of the controls are in automatic mode, flow from the
Stabilizer (74-C-01) to the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) should slowly decrease, while
flow from the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) to the Feed Surge Drum should slowly

F. Once the globe valve in the 4” Start-Up Bypass line (4”-P-74-1006) in the Platforming
Unit is fully closed, close the block valves and open the bleed valve in the double-
block and bleed assembly downstream of the Stabilizer Bottoms Trim Cooler (74-E-
12 A/B/C/D), in the 4” Start-Up Bypass line (4”-P-74-2108) to the NHT Feed Surge
Drum (72-V-01). Swing the blind to the closed position.

G. Close the block valves and open the bleed valve in the double-block and bleed
assembly, located at battery limits, in the 6” line (6”-P-72-1604) from the Stripper
Feed-Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-02) to the Platforming Unit. Swing
the blind to the closed position.

H. Ensure 72-LIC-0602 is set at 50%. Make-Up naphtha should automatically be sent to

the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) to maintain this level at 50%.

I. Maintain the Stripper (72-C-01) and Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) on total reflux.
Throughout the Sulfiding procedure, maintain the Stripper (72-C-01) reflux rate as
high as possible to aid H2S and water removal. The normal operating reflux rate is
3 3
86.6 m /hr = 2078.4 m /d, but it may not be able to achieve this flow rate. If
necessary, the column pressure can be reduced to help increase the reflux rate.

J. Maintain the Stabilizer (74-C-01) on total reflux in preparation for Start-Up of the
Platforming Unit (this procedure will be issued separately). Since the Stabilizer (74-
C-01) is not part of this loop, it can be cooled down to save energy if the Platforming
Unit will not be started within a few days of the NHT Unit.

Part IV. Sulfiding

Refer to the tables located in Appendix B and the chart in Appendix C for an overview of the
Sulfiding operating parameters and the catalyst theoretical sulfur uptake over time.

A. Prepare the Recycle Gas Compressors (72-K-01 A/B) by following the guidelines and
procedures provided by the compressor vendor. Air-free the compressors by purging
them with nitrogen. Refer to Part III of Chapter-11.1.8 NHT Dryout Procedure for a
general overview of these procedures.

B. Start all the fans on the Products Condenser (72-A-01). Adjust the fan speed of the
variable speed motors using 72-HIC-1202 A/B as needed to maintain 72-TI-1202 at or
below 55 °C.

C. Decrease the Separator (72-V-04) pressure.

1. Confirm that the gate valves upstream and downstream of 72-HV-1301, in the 6”
line (6”-FL-72-1305 to the Relief Header, are locked open and that the bleed valve
between them is closed.
2. Slowly open 72-HV-1301 to decrease the Separator pressure (72-PIC-1301) to 14
kg/cm (g).

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 160 of 406
D. Establish Recycle Gas Flow.

1. Swing the blind downstream of the check valve in either of the Recycle Gas
Compressor (72-K-01 A or B) discharge lines (6”-P-72-1501 or 1519) to the open
position, and open the block valve. Also swing the blind upstream of the first
block valve on the discharge line to the open position, if it is not already. Make
sure the compressor housing is depressurized when swinging this blind.
2. For one of the Recycle Gas Compressors (72-K-01 A or B), swing the blind
upstream of the connection to the crossover line (either 1”-P-72-1502 or 1520) to
the open position, and open the block valve.
3. Ensure the 1½” Start-Up line (1½”-P-72-1204) from the Make-Up Gas Header is
isolated at the double block and bleed.
4. Ensure the 1½” line (1½”-P-72-1505) from the Nitrogen Header to the discharge
of the Recycle Gas Compressors (72-K-01 A/B) is isolated using the double block
and bleed assembly.
5. Ensure the drain and vent valves upstream and downstream of 72-PV-1301 are
closed and the block valves upstream and downstream of the control valve are
open. Keep the bypass around the control valve closed.
6. Close the bleed and open the block valves upstream and downstream of the check
valve in the 2” Make-Up Gas line (2”-P-72-1203) to the Products Condenser.
Lock open the valve downstream of the bleed valve.
7. Ensure that the Recycle Gas Compressor to be started (either 72-K-01 A or B) is
set at 0% loading.
8. Start the designated Recycle Gas Compressor (either 72-K-01 A or B) following
all vendor recommended procedures. Watch the ammeter to make sure the
horsepower requirement does not over-amp the motor. Also, watch for excessively
high suction temperatures, which could indicate a problem with the valves in the
9. Gradually increase the compressor loading per the vendor recommended
procedures. Carefully monitor the compressor operation during the initial period
of operation. If anything unusual develops, shutdown the compressor as per
vendor procedures. If the compressor is operating normally, gradually increase the
loading to 50% according to vendor procedures.
10. Continue to increase the loading to 100% as per vendor procedures.
11. Carefully monitor the discharge temperatures of the compressor throughout
Sulfiding and Start-Up.

E. Introduce Feed to the Reactor Section.

1. Ensure the Reactor (72-R-01) temperature is between ambient and 150 °C using
72-TIC-0809 and 72-TI-0901. If the temperature is above 150 °C, cool the reactor
by continuing to circulate Recycle Gas and introducing additional Make-Up Gas
as necessary until the Reactor outlet temperature is below 150 °C, before sending
naphtha through the Reactor.
2. Ensure the Separator (72-V-04) pressure is 14 kg/cm (g) using 72-PIC-1301.
3. Close the vent and bleed valves around 72-FV-1003, including the one
downstream, and open the block valves around this control valve and the block
valve downstream. Keep the bypass around this control valve closed
4. Close the bleed valve upstream of 72-HIC-1003 and open the block valves. Keep
this valve closed, unless needed.
5. Using 72-FIC-1003, slowly open 72-FV-1003 to send naphtha to the Reactor.
3 3
Maintain this flow at 107.3 m /hr = 2575.2 m /d.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 161 of 406
3 3
6. Gradually increase 72-FIC-0701 to a setpoint of 214.6 m /hr = 5150.4 m /d.
3 3
Maintain flow through 72-FIC-0702 at 107.3 m /hr = 2575.2 m /d.
7. Using 72-FIC-0601, slowly open 72-FV-0601 to maintain the Feed Surge Drum
level (72-LIC-0602) at about 50%.
8. Lineup the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) bottoms to Slops. The fresh HC-K catalyst
will contain some fines; therefore, the naphtha from the Reactor will carry these
fines downstream through the fractionation section. The Naphtha Splitter (72-C-
02) bottoms should be routed to slops, so that these fines are not routed back to
the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) and continuously re-circulated during Sulfiding.

• Close the bleed in either of the Off-Spec Slop lines (6”-P-72-1616 or 1624 –
HPCL to decide), swing the blind to the open position, and open the block
• Close the block valves in the Start-Up Bypass line (4”-P-72-1610) and open
the bleed.
• The rate of fresh naphtha addition to the Feed Surge Drum should be increased
to account for the Naphtha Splitter bottoms material being sent to slops. If 72-
FV-0601 is in automatic cascade control with the Feed Surge Drum level
controller (72-LIC-0602), fresh naphtha should be added automatically as the
drum level drops.
9. Establish flow from the Separator (72-V-04) to the Stripper (72-C-01) and stop
flow through the Start-Up Bypass (4”-P-72-0711) from the Feed Surge Drum (72-
V-01) to the Stripper.
• Close the vent and drain and open the block valves around 72-LIC-1302.
• Monitor the Separator (72-V-04) level using 72-LIC-1302 in the DCS and 72-
LG-R-1306 in the field.
• When the level reaches about 60%, gradually open 72-LV-1302 using 72-LIC-
1302 and gradually close 72-FV-0702 using 72-FIC-0702 (in the Start-Up
Bypass line) to keep a constant flow of naphtha to the Stripper (72-C-01).
Maintain the Separator level (72-LV-1302) at about 50%.
• Once full flow is established from the Separator (72-V-04) to the Stripper (72-
C-01), stop flow through the Start-Up Bypass (4”-P-72-0711) by closing 72-
3 3
• Reduce the 72-FIC-0701 setpoint to 107.3 m /hr = 2575.2 m /d.

10. Establish flow from the Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-05) to the
Stripper (72-C-01).
• Close the vent and drain and open the block valves around 72-LV-1402.
• Monitor the Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-05) level using 72-
LIC-1402 in the DCS and 72-LG-R-1403 in the field. If this level rises earlier
than anticipated, this line-up may need to be made earlier.
• When the level reaches about 60%, gradually open 72-LV-1402 using 72-LIC-
1402 to send liquid to the Stripper (72-C-01). Maintain this level at 50%.

11. Reestablish Short Naphtha Circulation.

• Visually inspect a sample of the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) bottoms stream to

slop to ensure that it is clear of catalyst fines.
• Close the bleed and open the block valves in the Start-Up Bypass line (4”-P-

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 162 of 406
• Close the block valves in whichever of the Off-Spec Slop lines (6”-P-72-1616
or 1624) that was opened in Step 8, open the bleed valve, and swing the blind
to the closed position.

12. Stabilize the unit and establish controls in ‘automatic’ mode.

• Once the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) level stabilizes at about 50%, set 72-
FIC-0601 in automatic control. Once the flow stabilizes, cascade the flow
controller to the Feed Surge Drum level controller (72-LIC-0602). This flow
will fall as the requirement for make-up naphtha to the circulation loop drops
once Short Naphtha Circulation is reestablished.
• Once the Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-05) level stabilizes, set
72-LIC-1402 in automatic at about 50%.

13. Check hydrogen to hydrocarbon ratio (H2:HC).

3 3
Throughout the Sulfiding procedure, ensure that this value is at least 35 Nm /m .
3 3
(Design value is 166.5 Nm /m .) The hydrogen concentration in the Recycle Gas
should be analyzed every hour in order to verify the H2:HC.

F. Start the NHT Charge Heater (72-F-01). Purge the firebox of the NHT Charge Heater (72-
F-01) and prepare the heater per vendor procedures; these procedures should include the
following guidelines:
1. Keep the isolation blind (72-SOB-1) between the Charge Heater (72-F-01) and the
Naphtha Splitter Reboiler (72-F-02) closed.
2. Open the small, independent stack above the Charge Heater (72-F-01).
3. Following normal refinery procedures, introduce steam to the heater to remove
any gas accumulation inside the firebox.
4. When a steady plume of steam is seen out of the stack, discontinue the steam. The
steam-out should be conducted for a sufficient length of time to ensure the pilots
can be lighted safely.
5. Close the independent stack and open the isolation blind (72-SOB-1) slightly to
control the natural draft.
6. Ensure that snuffing steam is readily available in case of emergency.
7. Lineup the fuel gas lines to the Charge Heater (72-F-01).
8. Following the vendor procedures, introduce pilot gas and light each of the pilots
for the burners. The inside operator should be monitoring the flue gas
temperatures carefully during this time and should not allow this temperature to
rise faster than 25 °C/hr. It may or may not be possible to light all of the pilots and
still control the rate of temperature rise.

G. Increase the Reactor Outlet Temperature.

1. Using 72-TIC-0809, increase the heater outlet temperature at a maximum of 25

°C/hr, to 230 °C.
2. As the heater outlet temperature is increased, check the individual Charge Heater
(72-F-01) pass outlet temperatures (using 72-TI-0807 A/B) and skin temperatures
(72-TXI-0801 through 72-TXI-0806 A/B) every 5 minutes.

NOTE: If one of the pass outlet temperatures and/or the pass skin temperatures is (are)
significantly less than the other(s), a liquid seal or pocket could be obstructing flow within
this pass. As a result, localized overheating of the tube could occur. In this case, shock the

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 163 of 406
system momentarily by abruptly changing the charge flow. If the problem persists, stop
heater firing, stop the naphtha charge, and ensure that the pass is cleared before restarting
charge to the unit. Break the liquid seal by adjusting the flow so that the Charge Heater
delta P is greater than the head developed by a liquid pocket in the pass. Ensure that the
heater is not over-fired during any of these activities.

3. While heating the Reactor, monitor the Separator (72-V-04) water boot level on
the DCS via 72-LIC-1301 and in the field via 72-LG-T-1305. When water is
detected, drain the water to the Sour Water Header.

• Swing the blind downstream of the tee connection for the 2” line (2”-CA-72-
1310) to the Spent Caustic Pump to the open position and open the block
valve. Ensure that the blind and block valve in the line to the Spent Caustic
Pump remain closed.
• Close the vent and drain lines around 72-LV-1301.
• Open the block valves upstream and downstream of 72-LV-1301.
• Verify that the gate valve directly downstream of the water boot is open.
• Place 72-LIC-1301 in automatic control to drain the water as necessary

4. Also, monitor the Stripper Receiver (72-V-06) water boot level on the DCS via
72-LIC-1802 and in the field via 72-LG-T-1804. When water is detected, drain the
water to the Sour Water Header.
• Verify that the gate valve directly downstream of the water boot is open.
• Place 72-LIC-1801 in automatic control to drain the water as necessary.

H. Monitor the Sulfur Uptake on the Catalyst. At 230 °C, Sulfiding will start to occur.
Analyze and plot the following streams at the designated frequencies (see Appendix D for a
logsheet that can be used to record this information; this logsheet also includes the
corresponding analytical methods):

Recycle Gas H2S 72-SC-06 Every 30 minutes
Stripper Off Gas H2S 72-SC-07 Every 1 hour
Feed Sulfur 72-SC-01 Every 1 hour
Circulating Naphtha Sulfur 72-SC-04 Every 1 hour
Separator Sour Water Sulfur 72-SC-05 Every 1 hour
Stripper Receiver Sour Water Sulfur 72-SC-09 Every 1 hour

Use the results from these analyses, along with the DMDS injection rate and the flow rates of
each of the streams listed, to calculate the weight percent sulfur laid down on the catalyst.
Appendices E & F contain log sheets that can be used to record this information. For
completeness, the plot should also include the sulfur injection rate, the Stripper Receiver (72-
V-06) Off Gas rate, the catalyst peak temperatures, and the calculated weight percent sulfur
laid down on the catalyst. Continue to complete these analyses and monitor the sulfur uptake
to determine when Sulfiding is complete.

I. Increase Separator (72-V-01) Pressure.

1. Monitor the Reactor outlet temperature using 72-TI-0901.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 164 of 406
2. After the Reactor outlet temperature has stabilized at 230 °C, gradually open 72-PV-
1301, using 72-PIC-1301, to increase the Separator (72-V-04) pressure to 21.1
kg/cm .

J. Start DMDS Injection.

NOTE: Once DMDS injection is started, if at any time the Reactor outlet temperature rises
above 250 °C and/or the delta temperature across the Reactor rises above 17 °C, then stop
DMDS injection immediately and reduce firing to 72-F-01 until the outlet temperature
returns and stabilizes at 230 °C and/or the delta temperature decreases and stabilizes below
17 °C.

1. Pressure the connected DMDS drum with nitrogen.

• Ensure 74-PCV-1102 is set to the appropriate pressure setting.

• Open the block valves upstream of the check valve in the ¾” Nitrogen Header
(¾”-IG-74-1101) to the DMDS drum.
• Open the block valves upstream and downstream of the flexible metal hose in
the ¾” inlet line (¾”-IG-74-1104) to the DMDS drum.

2. Lineup DMDS to the Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09).

• Open the gate valves upstream and downstream of the flexible metal hose in
the ¾” outlet line (¾”-C-74-1113) from the DMDS drum and the gate valve
directly downstream.
• Open the ¾” gate valve in the tie-in line (¾”-C-74-1115) to the suction side of
the NHT Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09).
• Open the gate valve in the 2” line (2”-C-74-1102) to the Sulfiding Pump (72-
P-09), upstream of the Sulfiding Pump Suction Filter (72-X-02).
• Ensure the bleed valve in the 1” line (1”-C-72-0504) from the discharge of the
Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09) is closed.
• Ensure the block valve in the 1” spillback line (1”-C-72-0506) from the
discharge of the Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09) to the Sulfide Storage Vessel (74-
V-11) is open.
3. Start the Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09) per vendor procedures.

4. Lineup DMDS flow to the injection point upstream of the Charge Pumps (72-P-01
• Open the block valve in the 1” line (1”-C-72-0505) at the discharge of the
Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09).
• Close the bleed downstream of the check valve at the injection point upstream
of the Charge Pumps (72-P-01 A/B), swing the blind to the open position, and
open the block valve downstream.

5. Adjust the pump stroke so that 100 L/hr of DMDS is injected into the feed. Use
the DMDS drum level gauge (74-LG-R-1103) to measure the DMDS injection

6. When necessary, change the DMDS source from the DMDS drum to the Sulfide
Storage Vessel (74-V-11).

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 165 of 406
NOTE: Once the DMDS drum is empty, the Sulfide Storage Vessel (74-V-11)
inventory must be used to continue DMDS injection while a full DMDS drum is
being loaded onto the DMDS drum rack and connected. Ensure that the Sulfide
Storage Vessel (74-V-11) is prepared before the DMDS drum is empty to ensure
that DMDS injection is not lost.

• Pressure the Sulfide Storage Vessel (74-V-11) with nitrogen.

- Ensure 72-PCV-1101 is set to the appropriate pressure setting.
- Open the block valves upstream and downstream of 72-PCV-1101 in the
¾” Nitrogen Header (¾”-IG-74-1101) to the Sulfide Storage Vessel (74-
• Open the 2” ball valve near the Sulfide Storage Vessel (74-V-11) in the 2” line
(2”-C-74-1102) to the suction side of the Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09).
• Close the ¾” gate valve in the tie-in line (¾”-C-74-1115) to the suction side of
the NHT Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09).
• Close the gate valves upstream and downstream of the flexible metal hose
connections to and from the DMDS drum.
• Disconnect the flexible hose connections from the empty DMDS drum, load a
full drum on the rack, and connect the flexible hoses to this drum.

7. Once a full DMDS drum is connected, change the DMDS source back to the
DMDS drum.

• Repeat Step 1.
• Open the gate valves upstream and downstream of the flexible metal hose in
the ¾” outlet line (¾”-C-74-1113) from the DMDS drum and the gate valve
directly downstream.
• Open the ¾” gate valve in the tie-in line (¾”-C-74-1115) to the suction side of
the NHT Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09).
• Close the 2” ball valve near the Sulfide Storage Vessel (74-V-11) in the 2”
line (2”-C-74-1102) to the suction side of the Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09).

8. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 to remove and add drums of DMDS, as required.

9. Periodically (at least every hour), use 74-LG-R-1102 and 74-LG-R-1103 to

measure the DMDS injection rate.

K. Increase Feed Rate.

1. Maintain the DMDS injection rate at 100 L/hr for about 2 hours.
2. Using 72-FIC-1003, gradually open 72-FV-1003 to increase the feed rate to 214.6
3 3
m /hr = 5150.4 m /d.
3. Ensure the Feed Surge Drum Level (72-LIC-0602) remains around 50%. If
required, place 72-FIC-0601 and 72-LIC-0602 in manual control until the vessel
level and make-up naphtha flow rate line out.

L. Increase DMDS Injection.

1. Continue DMDS injection at 100 L/hr for 1 hour.

2. Increase pump stroke to increase DMDS injection to 400 L/hr. Use 74-LG-R-
1102 and 74-LG-R-1103 to measure the DMDS injection rate.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 166 of 406
3. Continue to use the DMDS drums for injecting DMDS, while switching to the
Sulfiding Storage Vessel (74-V-11) as necessary.

M. Increase Reactor Inlet Temperature.

NOTE: Once the Reactor outlet temperature is increased higher than 230 °C, the
unsulfided catalyst should not be subjected to a high-temperature low-H2S
environment, which could reduce the metals. If DMDS injection is lost, cannot be
restarted promptly, and the amount of H2S in the Recycle Gas decreases below about
1000 ppm, the Reactor temperature must be cooled back to 230 °C until DMDS
injection can be restarted.

1. After increasing the DMDS injection rate, hold the Reactor outlet temperature at
230 °C for 1 hour.

2. Using 72-TIC-0809, increase the Reactor inlet temperature to 290 °C at about 15

°C/hr (maximum of 17 °C/hr).

3. Continue injecting DMDS at 400 L/hr.

N. Stop DMDS Injection When Sulfiding is Complete.

1. Sulfiding of the catalyst should be complete when all of the following conditions
are met:

• At least the theoretical DMDS quantity (2586 kg) has been injected.
• The calculations show that the total amount of sulfur injected has reached the
maximum for the HC-K catalyst, which is 11.3 wt%.
• The H2S content in the Recycle Gas has stabilized for about 2 hours after
increasing abruptly to a higher equilibrium concentration. (This increase in the
H2S content in the Recycle Gas is referred to as “sulfur breakthrough.”)
• No more water is being collected in the Separator (72-V-04) or Stripper
Receiver (72-V-06) water boots. (Sulfiding of the metal oxides produces
• The differential temperature across the Reactor (72-R-01) is low.
2. Once Sulfiding is complete, stop flow to the sulfide injection point upstream of
the Charge Pumps (72-P-01 A/B) and shut down the Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09).

• Ensure the block valve in the spillback line (1”-C-72-0506) at the discharge of
the Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09) is open.
• Close the block valve near the sulfide injection point upstream of the Charge
Pumps (72-P-01 A/B), close the block valve at the discharge of the Sulfiding
Pump (72-P-09), open the bleed downstream of the check valve in this line
(1”-C-72-0505), and swing the blind to the closed position.
• Shut down the Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09) per vendor procedures.
• Close the block valve in the Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09) suction line (2”-C-74-
• Use the bleed valves upstream and downstream of the Sulfiding Pump (72-P-
09) to drain the remaining DMDS in these lines.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 167 of 406
• Ensure the ball valve in the 2” line (2”-C-74-1102) from the Sulfide Storage
Vessel (74-V-11) to the Sulfiding Pump (72-P-09) and the gate valve in the ¾”
line (¾”-C-74-1102) from the DMDS drum are closed.
• Ensure the ¾” Nitrogen Header is isolated.

REMINDER: Refill the Sulfide Storage Vessel (74-V-11) with DMDS before starting the
Platforming Unit. Blanket the vessel with nitrogen.

Part V. Start-Up & Lineout the NHT Unit

A. Stop Short Naphtha Circulation.

1. Lineup Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) Bottoms to either of the Off-Spec Slop lines
(6”-P-72-1616 or 1624 – HPCL to decide).

• In one of the 6” lines (6”-P-72-1616 or 1624) to Off-Spec Slop, close the

bleed, swing the blind to the open position, and open the block valves in the
double block and bleed assembly.
• In the 4” Start-Up Bypass line (4”-P-72-1609) to the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-
01), close the block valves in the double block and bleed assembly, open the
bleed valve, and swing the blind to the closed position.

3. Start sending additional naphtha to the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) to maintain the
Feed Surge Drum Level (72-LIC-0602) at about 50% by opening 72-FV-0601 as
much as necessary. NOTE: If the normal naphtha charge (either Feed Case 1 or
Feed Case 2) is different than the naphtha charge used for Sulfiding the catalyst,
then the normal charge can now be routed to the unit. The change should be made
gradually to avoid any upsets and maintain control of the Reactor (72-R-01)

B. Increase Reactor Inlet Temperature.

1. Slowly increase the Reactor Inlet Temperature about 12-15 °C/hr to 315 °C,
which should take approximately 2 hours.
2. Maintain Separator pressure at the normal operating value of 21.1 kg/cm (g).

C. Increase H2:HC, if required.

1. Calculate the H2:HC using the results of the latest Recycle Gas analysis. The
H2:HC should be at least the normal operating value of 166.5 Nm3/m3.
2. If the H2:HC is below 166.5 Nm3/m3, increase the Recycle Gas Compressor load
and/or the Make-Up Hydrogen flow using 72-PV-1301 as necessary; be sure not
to increase the load above its operating capacity. If the H2:HC is still insufficient,
ensure that the Make-Up Hydrogen purity has not decreased significantly.

D. Start Wash Water Injection.

Normally, wash water will be injected through 2”-WP-72-1113 into the vertical run of
pipe downstream of the Combined Feed Exchanger (72-E-01 E) at a rate of 3 LV% of the
charge rate to the unit.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 168 of 406
1 Open the valves in the 4” Sea Water Supply (4”-SWS-72-1106/1108) and the
Return (4”-SWR-72-1107/1109) lines to establish cooling water flow through the
tube side of the Condensate Coolers (72-E-07 A/B).
2. Lineup condensate through the Condensate Coolers (72-E-07 A/B) to the Water
Break Tank (72-V-03).

• Close the drains and open the block valves upstream and downstream of 72-
PV-1101. Keep the bypass around this valve closed. Open the block valve
upstream of 72-PV-1101, as well.
• Swing the blinds in the 3” lines (3”-CL-72-1101/1102/1103/1104) to and from
the shell side of the Condensate Coolers (72-E-07 A/B) to the open position
and open the gate valves.
• Close the drains and open the block valves upstream and downstream of 72-
LV-1101. Keep the bypass around this valve closed. Open the block valve
upstream of 72-LV-1101, as well.

3. Start the Wash Water Injection Pump (either 72-P-02 A or B).

• Use 72-LIC-1101 and 72-LG-R-1101 to monitor the water level inside the
Water Break Tank (72-V-03).
• When the Water Break Tank Level (72-LIC-1101) is about 50%, open the
block valves at the suction and discharge of one of the Wash Water Injection
Pumps (72-P-02 A or B).
• Ensure 72-FV-1202 is closed and 72-FV-1101 (the Wash Water Injection
Pump Spillback Valve) is slightly open. Start the pump per vendor procedure.
Gradually open 72-FV-1202 to inject wash water at a rate of 3 LV% of the
charge rate to the unit. At the normal operating feed rate of 214.6 m3/hr, the
3 3
wash water injection rate should be 6.44 m /h = 154.5 m /d.
• Close the bleed valve located downstream of the check valve in the normal
wash water injection line (2”-WP-72-1113) and open the block valve.
• Slowly open 72-FV-1202 using 72-FIC-1202 to start wash water injection to
the normal wash water injection point. Set 72-FIC-1202 to a setpoint of 6.44
3 3
m /h = 154.5 m /d. When the flow rate stabilizes, place 72-FIC-1202 in
automatic control
• When the Water Break Tank (72-LIC-1101) level stabilizes, place 72-LIC-
1101 in automatic control at 50%.
• Continue sending water through the Wash Water Injection Pumps (72-P-02
A/B) spillback line (2”-WP-72-1114) via 72-FIC-1101.
• Ensure 72-LIC-1301 and 72-LIC-1801 are still in automatic control.
• Sample the sour water from the Separator (72-V-04) and Stripper Receiver
(72-V-06) using sample points 72-SC-05 and 72-SC-09, respectively, to
ensure proper corrosion control. The wash water injection rate may require
adjustments based on the Separator (72-V-04) water analysis. The Separator
water should have the following properties:

pH 6.0 ± 0.5 (avoid 6.8 – 7.3 range)
Iron ≤ 2 wt ppm
Chloride < 500 wt ppm

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 169 of 406
Failure to keep the pH within this range can result in corrosion, and possible line rupture,
in reactor effluent piping and equipment as the process stream cools. If the pH decreases
below 5.5, then increase the water injection rate to bring the pH up to the desired range.

E. Start Corrosion Inhibitor (Unicor C)Injection.

1. Load a drum of “Unicor C” inhibitor onto the Inhibitor Drum Rack and connect
the flexible metal hoses.
2. Open the block valves upstream and downstream of 72-FO-1801, located in the 1”
line (1”-P-72-1805) downstream of the Stripper Reflux Pumps (72-P-04 A/B).
3. Lineup Flow to the Inhibitor Injection Pumps (72-P-12 A/B).
• Open the block valves upstream and downstream of the flexible metal hose
• Ensure the bleed valves at the suction and discharge of the Inhibitor Injection
Pump being started (72-P-12 A or B) are closed.
• Open the block valves at the suction and discharge of the Inhibitor Injection
Pump that is being started (72-P-12 A or B).

4. Start one of the Inhibitor Injection Pumps (72-P-12 A or B) per vendor

procedures. Adjust the pump stroke so that the inhibitor injection rate will be at a
concentration of 5 wt ppm in the total overhead liquid. At normal operating
conditions, the injection rate should be 0.25 kg/hr.
5. Lineup Flow to the Stripper Overhead Line (10”-P-72-1705).

• Close the bleed and open the block valve in the ½” line (½”-C-72-2304) from
the Inhibitor Injection Pumps (72-P-12 A/B) that connects to 1”-P-72-1805.
• Close the bleed and open the block valve at the connection point of the 1” line
(1”-P-72-1805) from the Inhibitor Injection Pumps (72-P-12 A/B) to the
Stripper Overhead line (10”-P-72-1705).

6. Use the Inhibitor Drum Level Gauge (72-LG-R-2302) to measure the inhibitor
injection rate and adjust the pump stroke if necessary.

F. Establish Normal Operation of the Columns.

Make adjustments as necessary to establish Normal Operation of both the Stripper (72-C-
01) and Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) Columns. For reference, the normal operating
parameters for both these columns are provided for both Feed Case 1 & Feed Case 2:

Stripper (72-C-01)


Receiver Pressure 72-PIC-1801 2 2
10.6 kg/cm (g) 10.6 kg/cm (g)
Overhead Temperature 72-TI-1702 122 °C 122 °C
Reflux Rate 72-FI-1801 3 3
86.6 m /hr 97.4 m /hr
Reflux Temperature 72-TI-1801 55 °C 55 °C
Feed Temperature 72-TI-1701 166 °C 159 °C
Bottoms Temperature 72-TI-1703 200 °C 189 °C
Reboiler Return Temperature 72-TI-1704 206 °C 197 °C

Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02)

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 170 of 406
Receiver Pressure 72-PI-2204 2 2
0.7 kg/cm (g) 0.7 kg/cm (g)
Overhead Temperature 72-TI-1903 92 °C 84 °C
Reflux Rate 72-FI-2102 3 3
240.4 m /hr 249.7 m /hr
Reflux Temperature 72-TI-2202 76 °C 66 °C
Feed Temperature 72-TI-1901 118 °C 109 °C
Bottoms Temperature 72-TI-1905 146 °C 143 °C
Reboiler Return Temperature 72-TI-2002 156 °C 152

G. Place Controllers in Automatic Operation.

As operation of the unit lines out, place controllers in automatic operation, when possible.
Continue to monitor unit operations and make adjustments as necessary.

H. Sample the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) Bottoms.

1. Begin sampling the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) Bottoms and complete the appropriate
laboratory analyses (refer to chapter-24 of this manual for a list of the analyses and
the corresponding test methods). The laboratory results must be recorded and should
meet the requirements of CCR feed, before routing the heavy naphtha product from
the NHT Unit to the Platforming Unit. At a minimum, the heavy naphtha product
must have a water white appearance and meet the following requirements:

Total Sulfur < 0.5 wt ppm
Total Nitrogen < 0.5 wt ppm
Chlorides < 0.5 wt ppm
Lead < 20 wt ppb
Arsenic < 1 wt ppb
Iron + Chloride < 1 wt ppm
Copper + Heavy Metals < 1 wt ppm
Boiling Range As per design

Additionally, the amount of water and total oxygen in the product must be low
enough to produce less than 5 mol ppm water in the Platforming Unit Recycle Gas,
with no water injection to the Platforming Unit.

2. If the heavy naphtha product from the NHT Unit does not these specifications,
continue making adjustments to the column operation as necessary. Sample the
Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) Bottoms and completing the required analyses until
the product meets these specifications.

3. When the naphtha product meets all of the required specifications, the naphtha can
be routed to the Platforming Unit (if it is ready) by following the Platforming Unit
Start-Up procedures (Refer to CCR Platforming manual). If the Platforming Unit
is not yet ready, the naphtha product can be sent to the appropriate storage tank.

I.Sample the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) Overhead.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 171 of 406
1. Begin sampling the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) Overhead using 72-SC-10 and
complete the appropriate laboratory analyses (refer to Chapter-24 of this manual
for a list of the analyses and the corresponding test methods). Make adjustments to
the column operation as necessary.
2. Once the product meets the specifications outlined by the NIU (outside unit
battery limits), the feed can be routed to the NIU if it is ready for operation. If the
NIU is not ready, the product can be sent to storage. In either case, complete the
following steps:
• Open the valves in the 6” Sea Water Supply (6”-SWS-72-2106/2108) and the
Return (6”-SWR-72-2110/2111) lines to establish cooling water flow through
the tube side of the Naphtha Splitter Overhead Coolers (72-E-05 A/B/C/D).
• Ensure the vent and drain lines upstream and downstream of either 72-FV-
2101 or 72-FV-2104 are closed and the block valves upstream and
downstream of the control valve are open. Keep the bypass around the control
valve closed.
• Ensure the blinds upstream and downstream of the Naphtha Splitter Overhead
Coolers (72-E-05 A/B/C/D) are in the open position and the gate valves are
• Close the bleed in the appropriate line (6”-P-72-2104 to the NIU or 6”-P-72-
2111 to Storage), swing the blind to the open position, and open the block
valves in the double block and bleed assembly.
• Slowly open either 72-FV-2101 or 72-FV-2104 using either 72-FIC-2101 or
72-FIC-2104, respectively. If 72-FV-2101 is used, once the flow rate is stable,
cascade it to the Naphtha Splitter Temperature Controller (72-TIC-1904).

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 172 of 406
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Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:11 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 173 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 12 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016



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Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:12 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 174 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 12 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016


The procedure used for the initial startup should be followed except that sulfiding is not
required for used catalyst so this step should be omitted. Broadly the steps are as given:

1 . Pressure the reactor section to 14 kg/cm2g (200 psig) with H2 and establish once-
through or recycle gas flow at the maximum possible rate.

2 . If reactor temperatures are between ambient and 290°C (550°F), charge startup naphtha
to the reactor at about 50% of the design rate.

3 . Purge the charge heater firebox with steam and light fires following normal refinery
practices. Increase the reactor temperatures to 315°C (600°F) at about 40°C (75°F) per

a. The reactor inlet temperature will decrease sharply when oil is cut into the unit. Do
not over fire the charge heater in an attempt to hold the existing reactor temperature.

b. The individual charge heater pass outlet temperatures should be checked at least
every 5 minutes as the heater outlet temperature is increased. If one or more pass
outlet temperatures lag behind, this could indicate a liquid seal or pocket obstructing
flow. This may cause localized overheating of the tube(s). If this occurs, shock the
system momentarily by changing the charge flow abruptly. If the seal persists, lower
temperatures and shock the system again by abruptly changing the charge rate. If the
seal persists, stop heater firing, stop the naphtha charge and make certain the pass is
cleared before restarting charge to the unit. Ensure that the heater is not over fired
during any of these activities. A liquid seal can be broken or prevented by adjusting
the flows so that the charge heater delta P is greater than the head developed by a
liquid pocket in any pass.

4. After the reactor inlet and outlet temperatures have exceeded 260°C (500°F), increase
the reactor products separator pressure to the normal operating level.

Establish normal plant operation by increasing the charge rate to normal, increasing
the reactor inlet temperature as required to produce on-spec product, and switching to normal
feed if sweet naphtha was used for startup.

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Officer Section Head Div. Head

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Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 13 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



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Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:13 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 176 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 13 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery
The procedure used for the initial startup should be followed except that sulfiding is not
required for used catalyst so this step should be omitted.
1. Remove oxygen from the stripping section of the unit following the suggested
procedure described in the Preparatory activities for commissioning section of the
manual (Refer to Chapter-11.1.11)

2. Establish acceptable startup naphtha charge to the stripping section, and establish heat
input (if possible) to allow a sufficient reflux/feed volume ratio (0.25 on a stripper) to
remove essentially all water from the bottoms product.

3. Hydrogen-rich makeup gas supplied from an independent source should be atleast 75

mol-: hydrogen, and should be sufficient to maintain the hydrogen to hydrocarbon at a
minimum of 35 Nm3/m3 (200 SCFB) with the reactor products separator at 21
kg/cm2G. It should contain less than 0.5 mol% sulfur and carbon oxides, less than
0.5 mol% unsaturated hydrocarbons, and less than 50 mol ppm halides.

4. Evacuate the reactor section to 500-600 mm of mercury (20-25 in. of Hg) vacuum,
and hold for at least 30 minutes to check the tightness of the unit. Vacuum loss
should be less than 1- 2 inches of Hg/hour. Break the vacuum with nitrogen to 0.3
kg/cm2G (5 psig). Evacuate and purge with nitrogen a second time. Pull a third
vacuum and break with hydrogen.

NOTE: Any time the unit has been opened (i.e., for maintenance or catalyst
regeneration), a pressure test should be conducted to ensure the tightness of the

5. Pressure the reactor section to 14 kg/cm2g (200 psig) with hydrogen, and establish
once-through or recycle gas flow at the maximum possible rate.

6. If reactor temperatures are between ambient and 270°C (550°F), charge startup
naphtha to the reactor at about one-half of the design rate.

7. Purge the charge heater firebox with steam and light fires following normal refinery
practices. Increase the reactor temperatures to 315°C (600°F) at about 40°C (75°F)
per hour.

NOTE: The reactor inlet temperature will decrease sharply when oil is cut into the
unit. Do not over fire the charge heater in an attempt to hold the existing
reactor temperature.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:13 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 177 of 406
NOTE: The individual charge heater pass outlet temperatures should be checked at
least every 5 minutes as the heater outlet temperature is increased. If one or
more pass outlet temperatures lag behind, this could indicate a liquid seal or
pocket obstructing flow. This may cause localized overheating of the tube(s).
If this occurs, shock the system momentarily by changing the charge flow
abruptly. If the seal persists, lower temperatures and shock the system again by
abruptly changing the charge rate. If the seal persists, stop heater firing, stop
the naphtha charge and make certain the pass is cleared before restarting
charge to the unit. Ensure that the heater is not over fired during any of these

A liquid seal can be broken or prevented by adjusting the flows so that the charge heater
delta P is greater than the head developed by a liquid pocket in any pass.

8. After the reactor inlet and outlet temperatures have exceeded 260°C (500°F), increase
the reactor products separator pressure to the normal operating level.

9. Establish normal plant operation by increasing the charge rate to normal, increasing
the reactor inlet temperature as required to produce on-spec product, and switching to
normal feed if sweet naphtha was used for startup.

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Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:13 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 178 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 14 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
3. 14.2 Hydrogen partial pressure 180
4. 14.3 Water injection 181
5. 14.4 Hydrogen Consumption 181
6. 14.5 Reactor pressure drop 182
7. 14.6 LN quality monitoring and reporting 182

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:14 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 179 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 14 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


The Naphtha Hydrotreating unit is fairly simple to monitor from a calculation review stand
point. The chapter describes calculations that are typically done in a Naphtha Hydrotreating
After the unit has been started up and lined out, the focus shifts to reaching and maintaining a
state of optimum operation. This state of optimum operation can be achieved by establishing
a few general operating rules and being aware of potential problems which can occur. First, a
means of judging performance must be defined.
Secondly, a list of operating parameters is established. Using these operating variables, an
approach to operating the NHT unit is outlined with respect to the performance indicators.
This procedure establishes a logical method for operating the plant, increasing yields and
ensuring longer catalyst cycles.


The following calculations are typically performed on the Naphtha Hydro treating Unit daily.
Good practice dictates that calculations be performed routinely, such as once a day, so that
changes in performance can be quickly noted. Also, engineers find it very useful to have
some data and calculations plotted in order to monitor trends and maintain a unit operating
history. A good balance is one where the percentage of Kgs of products divided by the Kgs
of feed equals 100 %, plus or minus 2% maximum. If it is outside this range, the engineer
will have to try to evaluate which indicator(s) is reading wrong and have it corrected.
14.1.1 Weight Balance =((Kg/hr Products) / (Kg/hr Feed)) x 100
An acceptable weight balance is within 98-102 wt%.
14.1.2 Liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) hr-1 =
Volume of charge per hour / Volume of catalyst.
Space velocity coupled with reactor inlet temperature defines the severity of the
hydrotreatment. Severity is increased when either the space velocity is decreased or the
temperature is increased. Space velocity can be varied by changing the naphtha feed flow.
Space velocity is reduced; when the naphtha feed flow is reduced. At constant temperature
this increases the activity, as there are now catalyst active sites per unit of feed. This will
improve hydro treating efficiency.

14.2 Hydrogen partial pressure:

It is defined as the ratio of the moles of hydrogen divided by the total moles of hydrogen plus
hydrocarbons multiplied by reactor pressure. The design hydrogen partial pressure for this
unit is 12.25 kg/cm2g at the reactor effluent. The hydrogen partial pressure at reactor outlet is
a function of:
a) The total pressure (which is fixed at the design stage and is beyond the reach of operators).

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:14 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 180 of 406
b) The hydrogen excess versus the chemical consumption which depends upon the amount of
hydrogen gas and the hydrogen purity (hydrogen purity is also beyond operators reach).
Hence, the hydrogen partial pressure is achieved:
1. By a flow control of the purge gas from the separator which enables operator to vary
the hydrogen excess. All other conditions being equal, an increase of the flow
controller set point means an increased hydrogen partial pressure.
2. By the recycle flow (if the unit is equipped with a recycle compressor) which is
generally maintained at the normal operating value (100% flow) for catalyst
preservation. But it can be reduced in proportion to the naphtha feed rate, if the latter
is noticeably reduced. By feeding more or less make-up gas, to match the hydrogen
consumption, through the action of the separator pressure controller.
3. H2/HC ratio = Nm3 of H2 recycle gas / m3 per hour of naphtha feed
4. Stripper off gas = Nm3 of stripper off gas / m3 per hour of naphtha feed.
5. Stripper reflux ratio = m3 per hour of reflux / m3 per hour of naphtha charge.
6. Reactor delta Temperature =Reactor outlet temperature - Reactor Inlet temperature
For most straight run naphtha, there will be no temperature rise across the reactor, and may
actually show a loss of temperature depending on heat loss. Naphtha that contain olefins, such
as cracked naphtha, will exhibit a temperature rise. The magnitude will depend on the amount
of olefins present. As the olefin content increases so does the exotherm. As the outlet
temperature approaches 343 C (650 F) then sulfur recombination can occur.

14.3 Water injection:

The typical continuous water injection target is 3 liquid volume percent of the charge rate.
This is for when the water is injected just after the last combined- feed exchanger bundle. If
the water is injected further upstream where the process temperature is higher, then the water
rate must be increased. The goal is to maintain at least 25% of the injected water in the liquid
phase. The injection rate may require adjustments based on the separator water analysis. The
separator water should be analyzed 3 times per day to insure it has the following qualities:
pH 6.0+ 0.5 (avoid 6.8-7.3 range)

Iron 2.0 wt ppm or less

Chloride Less than 500 wt ppm
If the pH decreases below 5.5, then increase the water injection rate to bring the pH up to the
desired range. Note that different water rates change the acceptable level of iron. It is the
mass of iron being removed that is important to monitor. If increased water injection does not
bring the pH into the proper range, then a "basic" water injection may be required.

14.4 Hydrogen Consumption

(Nm 3/hr H2 make up) - (Nm 3/hrH2 out of the unit)

= --------------------------------------------------------------------
m 3/hr of naphtha charge

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:14 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 181 of 406
14.5 Reactor pressure drop = Reactor inlet pressure – reactor outlet pressure

The maximum pressure drop of the reactor is typically set by the allowable pressure drop
across the outlet basket. This is for guideline purposes only. For older units this is typically
60 psig (4.2 kg/cm2) and about 100 psig (7kg/cm2) for newer designs. However, the pressure
drop usually occurs at the top of the reactor bed. Thus, product quality and hydrogen flow are
usually the limiting factor.

14.6 LN quality monitoring and reporting:

NHT-CCR personnel should be aware of the sensitivity of Naphtha Isomerization Unit (NIU)
to the impurities in the feed streams. NHT-CCR Panel Officer shall communicate feed quality
results and any upset/disturbance in the plant operation to the NIU Panel Officer.


• NIU catalysts are Chlorided Alumina based with Platinum metal as promoter. They
are highly sensitive to impurities in the feed streams (LN and Net Gas) both supplied

• Allowable Feed (LN) Impurities:


1 Total Sulphur 0.5ppmw
2 Total Nitrogen 0.1ppmw
3 Water + Oxygenates 0.1ppmw
4 Metals 5ppbw
5 Chloride 1ppmw
6 Olefins 1 wt%
7 Arsenic 1ppbw
8 Benzene 17 wt.%

• Allowable Make-up Hydrogen (Net Gas) Impurities:


1 Total Sulphur 1.0ppmw
2 Total Nitrogen 1.0ppmw
3 Water 0.5ppmw
4 CO+CO2 10ppmw
5 Chloride 5ppmw
6 Olefins 10ppmw

• Higher than the allowed impurities can cause run-away temperatures and there by
rapid deactivation of NIU catalysts requiring either invocation of certain special
procedures or replacement of the catalysts depending on the type of impurities.

It is therefore critically important that the operating performances of NHT (72) and CCR
Chloride Treaters (74-V-7A/B) are such that the impurity levels in the feed and make-up
Hydrogen do not exceed the prescribed limits as given above

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:14 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 182 of 406

• Inform immediately NIU Panel Officer of LN Sulphur results, Net Gas H2S and HCl
results and NHT feed Sulfur and Benzene results.

• Alert NIU Panel Officer immediately in case of the following circumstances:

 High Sulphur (> 300 ppm) and Benzene (>10 wt.%) in NHT feed.
 NHT Splitter and Stripper operations are not steady.
 NHT RGC and CCR NGC have tripped
 NHT operation is sustained with H2 from DHDS
 CCR Chloride Treaters are bypassed
 Sulfur in LN is higher than the normal (>0.5 ppmw)
 H2S and HCl in Net Gas are higher than the normal (> 1 ppmw and 5 ppmw)



Cold naphtha feed FIC-0601 m3/hr 199.0
Hot Feed FI-0602 m3/hr 199.0
FCC Heart Cut Naphtha FI-0603 m3/hr NNF
Feed surge drum 72-V-01 PIC-0601 Kg/cm2 2.0
Cold Feed to Surge Drum PI-0602 Kg/cm2 4.5
Hot Feed PI-0604 Kg/cm2 4.5
Feed surge drum 72-V-01 PI-0605 Kg/cm2 2.0
VBU Naphtha Feed PI-0606 Kg/cm2 4.5
Hot Feed TI0603 oC 75.0
Charge pump discharge FIC-0701 m3/hr 214.6
Charge pump suction TI-0701 oC 75.0
Charge heater inlet PI-0801A Kg/cm2 30.0
Charge heater inlet PI-0801B Kg/cm2 30.0
Charge heater inlet PI-0803 Kg/cm2 30.0
Charge heater outlet to reactor PT-0802 Kg/cm2 24.9
Charge heater outlet to reactor PT-0804 Kg/cm2 24.9
Charge heater outlet to reactor TI-0808 oC 332.0
Charge heater outlet to reactor TIC-0809 oC 332.0
Reactor inlet PI-0904 Kg/cm2 24.9
Reactor outlet PI-0905 Kg/cm2 24.4
Reactor outlet TI-0901 oC 343.0
72-E-01 A-G shell inlet FIC-1003 Kg/hr 151835.0
Recycle gas to 72-E-01 FT-1002 A/B/C m3/hr 1531.0
Recycle gas to 72-E-01 PI-1001 Kg/cm2 32.8
Recycle gas to 72-E-01 PI-1002 Kg/cm2 32.8
72-E-01 A-G shell inlet PI-1003 Kg/cm2 32.7
72-E-01 A-G tube outlet PI-1004 Kg/cm2 21.8
72-E-01 A-G shell outlet to heater TI-1001 oC 287.0
Recycle gas to 72-E-01 TI-1002 oC 107.0
72-E-01 A-G shell inlet TI-1003 oC 79.0
72-E-01 A-G tube outlet TI-1004 oC 128.0

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:14 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 183 of 406
Wash water injection pump discharge FIC-1101 m3/hr 6.0
Cold condensate PIC-1101 Kg/cm2 4.0
Wash water to product condenser FIC-1202 m3/hr 6.0
Make-up gas from platformer FI-1203 m3/hr 99.1
Make-up gas from platformer PI-1201 Kg/cm2 23.6
Make-up gas from platformer TI-1201 oC 40.0
Product condenser 72-A-01 outlet TI-1202 oC 55.0
Separator overhead to stripper receiver
FT-1302 m3/hr NNF
off gas line
Sour water to sour water stripping unit FT-1304 Kg/hr 5898.0
Separator 72-V-04 PIC-1301 Kg/cm2 21.1
Sour water to sour water stripping unit PI-1303 Kg/cm2 5.11
Separator 72-V-04 PI-1304 Kg/cm2 21.1
Compressor 72-K-01A discharge PI-1502 Kg/cm2 32.8
Compressor 72-K-01B discharge PI-1504 Kg/cm2 32.8
Compressor 72-K-01A suction TI-1505 oC 55.0
Compressor 72-K-01A discharge TI-1521 oC 107.0
Compressor 72-K-01B suction TI-1506 oC 55.0
Compressor 72-K-01B discharge TI-1522 oC 107.0
Naphtha to storage (CCR feed tank) FIC-1601 m3/hr NNF
72-E-03 A/B tube outlet FI-1602 m3/hr 231.9
Naphtha to storage (CCR feed tank) PI-1601 Kg/cm2 9.6
Naphtha to platformer PI-1603 Kg/cm2 141.1
Sweet naphtha from storage PI-1604 Kg/cm2 4.5
72-E-03 A/B shell outlet PI-1606 Kg/cm2 12.3
72-E-03 A/B shell inlet PI-1607 Kg/cm2 13.1
72-E-03 A/B tube outlet PI-1609 Kg/cm2 10.5
72-E-03 A/B tube inlet PI-1608 Kg/cm2 11.6
72-E-02 shell inlet PI-1610 Kg/cm2 14.0
72-E-02 tube inlet PI-1611 Kg/cm2 10.3
Naphtha to storage (CCR feed tank) TI-1601 oC 40.0
72-E-02 shell outlet TI-1605 oC 93.0
72-E-03 A/B tube outlet TI-1606 oC 132.0
72-E-02 shell inlet TI-1607 C 55.0
72-E-02 tube inlet TI-1608 oC 146.0
72-E-03 A/B tube outlet TI-1609 oC 132.0
Reboiler condensate stream FIC-1701 Kg/hr 21812.0
Naphtha stripper bottom PI-1701 Kg/cm2 11.6
Naphtha stripper overhead PI-1702 Kg/cm2 10.9
Stripper reboiler 72-E-04 shell outlet PI-1706 Kg/cm2 11.1
Stripper reboiler 72-E-04 shell inlet PI-1707 Kg/cm2 11.6
Stripper feed TI-1701 oC 166.0
Stripper overhead TI-1702 oC 122.0
Stripper bottom TI-1703 oC 200.0
Stripper reboiler 72-E-04 shell outlet TI-1704 oC 206.0
Stripper reflux pump 72-P-04 A/B
FI-1801 m3/hr 97.4
Stripper receiver overhead gases FI-1802 m3/hr 168.2
Unstabilized net overhead liquid to
FI-1803 m3/hr NNF
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:14 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 184 of 406
Stripper receiver pressure PIC-1801 Kg/cm2 10.6
Stripper reflux pumps 72-P-04 A
PI-1804 Kg/cm2 14.5
Stripper reflux pumps 72-P-04 B
PI-1805 Kg/cm2 14.5
Stripper receiver pressure PI-1809 Kg/cm2 10.6
Stripper receiver inlet TI-1801 oC 55.0
Naphtha splitter bottom pumps
FIC-1901 m3/hr 152.8
Naphtha splitter bottom PI-1901 Kg/cm2 1.6
72-P-05A discharge PI-1905 Kg/cm2 12.5
72-P-05B discharge PI-1906 Kg/cm2 12.5
72-P-07 A discharge PI-1909 Kg/cm2 9.2
72-P-07 B discharge PI-1910 Kg/cm2 9.2
Naphtha splitter bottom PI-1911 Kg/cm2 1.6
Naphtha splitter feed TI-1901 oC 118.0
Naphtha Splitter overhead TI-1903 oC 92.0
Naphtha splitter bottom TI-1905 oC 146.0
72-F-02 inlet convection section FIC-2001A-F m3/hr 655.2
72-F-02 inlet PI-2002A-F Kg/cm2 9.4
72-F-02 combined outlet for all passes PI-2005 Kg/cm2 1.7
72-F-02 combined outlet for all passes TI-2002 oC 156.0
Feed to Isomerisation unit FIC-2101 m3/hr 71.2
72-P-06 A/B pump discharge to 72-C-
FI-2102 m3/hr 240.1
72-P-06 A/B pump discharge to 72-C-
FIC-2103 m3/hr 240.1
Light isomerate to storage FIC-2104 m3/hr NNF
Feed to Isomerization unit PI-2101 Kg/cm2 6.1
Light isomerate to storage PI-2102 Kg/cm2 6.1
72-P-06 A/B suction PI-2103/04 Kg/cm2 1.1
72-P-06 A/B suction PI-2105/06 Kg/cm2 8.4
72-E-05 A/B/C/D shell outlet PI-2107 Kg/cm2 6.1
72-E-05 A/B/C/D shell outlet TI-2101 oC 40.0
72-E-05 A/B/C/D shell inlet TI-2104 oC 76.0
Naphtha splitter overhead to condenser PIC-2201 Kg/cm2 1.1
Naphtha splitter receiver pressure PI-2204 Kg/cm2 0.7
Naphtha splitter condenser outlet TI-2202 oC 76.0

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Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:14 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 185 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 15 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:15 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 186 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 15 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery




Possible water carryover to feed
Feed surge drum interface LIC-0601 LAH-90%, stream resulting in water shot;
possible reactor catalyst damage.
Possible draining of HC to
Feed surge drum interface LIC-0601 LAL-10%
Possible liquid HC (SRN)
Feed surge drum LIC-0602 LAH-80%,
carryover to flare
Feed surge drum LIC-0602 LAL-20% Possible cavitations of 72P01A/B
Possible closure of 72-LV0601
Feed surge drum interface LI-0603 LAL-60%
on LSLL activation
Feed surge drum interface LI-0603 LALL-50% Closure of 72-LV-0601
Possible liquid HC (SRN)
Feed surge drum LI-0604 LAH-80%
carryover to flare
Possible plugging of strainer.
Charge pump A suction PDAH-0.1 Loss of suction and Reduced flow
strainer differential pressure Kg/cm2 from pumps and possible build up
of level in surge drum.
Possible plugging of strainer.
Charge pump A suction PDAH-0.1 Loss of suction and Reduced flow
strainer differential pressure Kg/cm2 from pumps and possible build up
of level in surge drum.
Possible overheating and
Charge pump discharge FIC-0701 cavitation of pump P01A/B due
to loss of minimum flow
Feed filter differential PDAH-
PDI-0703 Possible reduced unit through put
pressure 1.0Kg/cm2
Charge heater tube skin Pass TXE-0801A – TXAH-645 Possible damage to heater tube
A 0806A oC due to overheating
Charge heater tube skin Pass TXE-0801B – TXAH-645 Possible damage to heater tube
B 0806B oC due to overheating
High reactor inlet temperature
Charge heater Pass A outlet TI-0807A TAH-355 oC
and possible runaway
High reactor inlet temperature
Charge heater Pass B outlet TI-0807B TAH-355 oC
and possible runaway
PDAH- 3.5
Reactor differential pressure PDI-0903 Reduced throughput
Possible high temperature at CFE
Reactor outlet TI-0901 TAH-353 oC
and downstream

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:15 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 187 of 406
Fresh feed to combined feed FI-1001
FAL-78 m3/hr Reduced throughput
exchanger A/B/C
Reduced throughput and possible
Fresh feed to combined feed
FALL – 65 channelling in reactor at
exchanger low flow FI-1001 D
m3/hr turndown flows. Activation of
low low flow interlock.
Severe coking in reactor due to
Recycle gas to combined FI-1002 FAL–20,000
low H2 partial pressure and
feed exchanger A/B/C Nm3/hr
possible off-spec products.
Recycle gas to combined Activation of low low recycle gas
feed exchanger low flow FI-1002 D flow shutdown and closure of
shutdown Feed, Heater Fuel & WW UVs.
Possible loss of condensate by
Water break tank LIC-1101 LAH-80%,
overflow to SS
Possible starvation/cavitation of
Water break tank LIC-1101 LAL-20% 72-P02A/B pumps. Loss of wash
water to reactor system.
Wash water injection pumps FAL-3.9 Possible starvation/cavitation of
discharge m3/hr 72-P02A/B pumps.
Possible inadequate washing in
FAL-3.2 reactor effluent product
Wash water to CFE FI-1201
m3/hr condensers leading to plugging
and corrosion/erosion problems
Activation of WW low flow
Wash water to CFE FI-1201D shutdown leading to closure of
WW to reactor system.
Possible water carryover to
Separator interface LIC-1301 LAH-80%, stripper feed and chances of
pressure shot in stripper.
Possible HC carryover to sour
Separator interface LIC-1301 LAL-20%
water streams.
Possible carryover of liquid HC
Separator LIC-1302 LAH-80%, to RG Compressor suction K.O.D
and suction piping.
Possible gas blow by to stripper
Separator LIC-1302 LAL-20%
from high pressure separator.
Possible closure of LV1301 on
Separator interface LI-1303 LAL-60%
low level activation.
Separator interface LI-1303 LALL-50% Closure of LV1301.
LI-1304 Possible gas blow by to stripper
Separator LAL-60%
A/B/C from high pressure separator.
Closure of LV1302. Loss of feed
Separator LI-1304 D LALL-50%
to stripper.
Recycle compressor suction LI-1401 Possible liquid HC carryover to
drum A/B/C RG compressor suction lines
Recycle compressor suction Trip of RG compressor on high
LI-1401 D LAHH-50%
drum level.
Possible liquid HC carryover to
Recycle compressor suction LIC-1402 LAH-90%,
RG compressor suction lines

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:15 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 188 of 406
Possible gas blow by to stripper
Recycle compressor suction LIC-1402 LAL-10%
via LV1402.
Over heating of RG compressor
RG compressor A discharge TI-1502A TAH-135 oC
leading to trip of RGC.
Recycle compressor A
suction strainer differential PDI-1501
0.1Kg/cm2 Reduced flow of recycle gas
Over heating of RG compressor
RG compressor B discharge TI-1503A TAH-135 oC
leading to trip of RGC.
Recycle compressor B
suction strainer differential PDI-1503
0.1Kg/cm2 Reduced flow of recycle gas
Naphtha splitter bottom to Possible Increase of vapor losses
TI-1601 TAH-45 oC
storage in storage tank
Stripper LI-1701 LAH-80%, Possible flooding of 72C01
Stripper LI-1701 LAL-20% Possible gas blow by to Splitter
Possible carryover of LPG to
Stripper condenser outlet TI-1801 TAH-60 oC
Fuel gas stream
Possible water carryover to
Stripper receiver interface LIC-1801 LAH-90%,
stripper and pressure shot
Possible HC carryover to sour
Stripper receiver interface LIC-1801 LAL-10%
water streams.
Possible carryover of Naphtha to
Stripper receiver LI-1802 LAH-80%,
Stripper receiver LI-1802 LAL-20% Possible cavitations of 72P04A/B
Stripper receiver interface LI-1803 LAL-60% Possible closure of LV1801
Stripper receiver low level
LI-1803D LALL-50%
shutdown Closure of LV1801.
Naphtha splitter LIC-1901 LAH-80%, Possible flooding of 72C02
Possible cavitations of 72P05A/B
Naphtha splitter LIC-1901 LAL-20%
and 72P07A/B
Possible overheating of pump
Naphtha splitter bottom
FIC-1901 FAL-64 m3/hr 72P05A/B due to loss of
pump discharge
minimum flow
Possible overheating of pump
72P07A/B due to loss of
Naphtha splitter reboiler
FIC-2001 A-F FAL-52 m3/hr minimum flow. Possible
heater pass inlet
overheating of splitter re-boiler
heater coils.
Activation of Re-boiler heater
Naphtha splitter reboiler FALL-39 pass flow low shutdown. Possible
FI-2002 D
heater pass inlet m3/hr overheating of splitter re-boiler
heater coils.
Naphtha splitter reboiler Possible damage of heater coils
TI-2001 A-F TAH-161 oC
heater pass outlet due to overheating
Naphtha splitter reboiler Insufficient reflux in splitter and
PDIC-2001 PDAL-20%
outlet possible off spec products
Naphtha splitter net
Possible Increase of vapor losses
overhead liquid to TI-2101 TAH-45 oC
in storage tank.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:15 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 189 of 406
Possible over pressurization in
Naphtha splitter receiver LIC-2201 LAH-80%,
receiver and splitter
Naphtha splitter receiver LIC-2201 LAL-20% Possible cavitations of 72P06A/B
Neutralisation storage tank LI-2301 LAH-80%, Possible overflow of tank
Neutralisation storage tank LI-2301 LAL-20% Possible cavitations of 72P11A/B
Possible liquid HC carryover to
Fuel gas KOD LI-2401 LAH-80%
heater Burners.
Fuel gas basket strainer PDAH- Reduced Fuel gas flow to heaters
differential pressure 0.1Kg/cm2 and possible reduced throughput
Possible flame failure and
Fuel gas to charge heater PIC-2506A unburnt fuel gas accumulation
leading to explosion
PAL-0.2 Unstable fires and Possible
Fuel gas to charge heater PIC-2506A
Kg/cm2 smoky flame.
PALL-1.8 Closing of FOUVs. Possible
Fuel oil to charge heater PI-2504
Kg/cm2 back fire in FO line.
Fuel gas to charge heater PI-2507 Possible back fire in fuel gas line.
PALL-0.07 Closing of UVs. Possible back
Fuel gas to charge heater PI-2507 D
Kg/cm2 fire in fuel gas line.
PI-2509 PAL-0.6 Possible back fire in pilot gas
Pilot gas to charge heater
A/B/C Kg/cm2 line.
Pilot gas to charge heater PALL-0.5 Closing of UVs. Possible back
PI-2509 D
low pressure shutdown Kg/cm2 fire in pilot gas line.
PDAH- Reduced FO flow to heater and
Fuel oil to charge heater PDI-2505
0.1Kg/cm2 possible heater limitation
PAL-2.0 Unstable firing and Possible
Fuel oil to charge heater PI-2504
Kg/cm2 smoky flame.
Atomisation steam to charge PAL- Improper atomization and hence
heater 4.5Kg/cm2 smoky flame in heater.
Charge heater atomising
PDAL-1.0 Improper atomization and hence
stream / fuel oil differential PDIC-2501
Kg/cm2 smoky flame in heater.
Charge heater atomising
PDAH- 3.2 Possible fuel oil burner put off
stream / fuel oil differential PDI-2502
Kg/cm2, due to stopping of fuel oil flow.
Charge heater atomising
PDAL-1.0 Improper atomization and hence
stream / fuel oil differential PDI-2502
Kg/cm2 smoky flame in heater.
Charge heater atomising
stream / fuel oil differential PDI-2502 Closure of FO UVs.
Opens ID fans suction dampers
PAH- 3mm
Charge heater firebox PI-2510 wide. Possible back fire from
H2 O
heater box.
Possible Overheating of coils
Charge heater firebox TI-2501 TAH-853 oC
Naphtha splitter reboiler
heater atomising stream / PDI-2602
Kg/cm2 Closure of FO UVs.
fuel oil differential pressure

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:15 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 190 of 406
Fuel oil to naphtha splitter PALL-1.8
reboiler heater Kg/cm2 Closure of FO UVs.
Possible flame failure and
Fuel gas to naphtha splitter PAH-
PIC-2606A unburnt fuel gas accumulation
reboiler heater 1.7Kg/cm2,
leading to explosion
Fuel gas to naphtha splitter PAL-0.2 Unstable fires and Possible
reboiler heater Kg/cm2 smoky flame
Fuel gas to naphtha splitter PAL-0.1
PI-2607 Possible backfire in fuel gas line
reboiler heater Kg/cm2
Fuel gas to naphtha splitter PALL- Closing of UVs. Possible back
PI-2607 D
reboiler heater 0.07Kg/cm2 fire in fuel gas line.
Pilot gas to naphtha splitter PI-2609 PAL-0.6 Possible back fire in pilot gas
reboiler heater A/B/C Kg/cm2 line.
Pilot gas to naphtha splitter
PALL-0.5 Closing of UVs. Possible back
reboiler heater low pressure PI-2609 D
Kg/cm2 fire in pilot gas line.
Fuel oil to naphtha splitter PDAH-0.1 Reduced FO flow to heater and
reboiler heater Kg/cm2 possible heater limitation
Fuel oil to naphtha splitter PAH- Unstable firing and Possible
reboiler heater 7.0Kg/cm2 smoky flame.
Fuel oil to naphtha splitter PAL- Unstable firing and Possible
reboiler heater 2.4Kg/cm2 smoky flame.
Unstable firing and Possible
Fuel oil to naphtha splitter PAL-2.0
PI-2604 smoky flame.
reboiler heater Kg/cm2
Atomisation steam to
PAL-4.5 Improper atomization and hence
naphtha splitter reboiler PI-2601
Kg/cm2 smoky flame in heater.
Naphtha splitter reboiler
PDAL-1.0 Improper atomization and hence
heater atomising stream / PDIC-2601
Kg/cm2 smoky flame in heater.
fuel oil differential pressure
Naphtha splitter reboiler
PDAH-3.2 Possible fuel oil burner put off
heater atomising stream / PDI-2602
Kg/cm2, due to stopping of fuel oil flow.
fuel oil differential pressure
Naphtha splitter reboiler
PDAL-1.0 Improper atomization and hence
heater atomising stream / PDI-2602
Kg/cm2 smoky flame in heater.
fuel oil differential pressure
Opens ID fans suction dampers
Naphtha splitter reboiler PAH-3 mm
PI-2610 wide. Possible back fire from
heater firebox H2 O
heater box.
Naphtha splitter reboiler Possible Overheating of coils
TI-2603 TAH-743 oC
heater firebox
Combined flue gas to
naphtha splitter reboiler TI-2601 TAH-745 oC Possible Overheating of coils
convection section

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:15 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 191 of 406


1 72- Cold feed - - As it works
FIC- control in cascade
0601 with Surge
drum level,
Lo-hi set
points are
2 72- NHT Feed 230 m3/hr 80 m3/hr Pumps will Min. flow of
FIC- pump total flow trip on pump
0701 overload
3 72- NHT start up Used only
FIC- by pass during
0702 start-ups.
4 72- Feed to NHT 230 m3/hr 80 m3/hr Pumps will Turn down
FIC- CFE trip on flow of the
1003 overload. unit.
5 72- FG to Charge - - Not Not relevant These will
FIC- heater relevant be
2502 cascaded
6 72- FG to Charge - - Not Not relevant These will
FIC- heater relevant be
2504 cascaded
7 72- FG to Splitter - - Not Not relevant These will
FIC- reboiler heater relevant be
2602 cascaded
8 72- FG to Splitter - - Not Not relevant These will
FIC- reboiler heater relevant be
2604 cascaded
9 72- Wash water 8.5 m3/hr 3.0 m3/hr Max flow Minimum flow
FIC- pump total flow of pump. of the pump.
10 72- Wash water 8.5 m3/hr 3.0 m3/hr Max flow Minimum flow
FIC- injection flow of pump. of the pump.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:15 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 192 of 406
11 72- VHP stripper 30 m3/hr 0 m3/hr During
FIC- condensate start-up
1701 time flow
will be
12 72- Stripper reflux 107 m3/hr 22 m3/hr Maximum Minimum flow
FIC- pump total flow flow of the of pumps
1804 pumps
13 72- HN to storage 170 m3/hr 0 m3/hr Maximum Shutdown
FIC- design flow condition
14 72- Splitter re- 108 m3/hr 55 m3/hr Maximum To protect the
FIC- boiler pass design flow heater tubes
2001A- flows.
15 72- LN run down 115 m3/hr 0 m3/hr Unit design Unit design
FIC- flow maximum minimum flow
2101 flow
16 72- LN run down 115 m3/hr 0 m3/hr Unit design Unit design
FIC- flow maximum minimum flow
2104 flow
17 72- NHT Feed 75% 50% Maximum To protect
LIC- surge drum operating NHT feed
0602 level range. pump.
18 72- Wash water 90% 50% To protect
LIC- drum level wash water
1101 pumps
19 72- Separator HC 60% 25% To prevent To ensure
LIC- level liquid carry liquid entry
1302 over to into Stripper
NHT RGC. column.
20 72- Separator boot 60% 25% To prevent To prevent HC
LIC- level water carry carry over into
1301 over into down stream
Stripper. SWSU.
21 72- Stripper bottom 70% 40% To prevent To ensure
LIC- level column liquid level in
1701 flooding Stripper
22 72- Stripper 60% 25% To prevent To protect
LIC- Receiver level liquid carry stripper reflux
1702 over into pumps and
DHDS maintain stable
SRU. column

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:15 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 193 of 406
23 72- Splitter bottom 70% 25% To prevent To protect Re-
LIC- level column boiler pass
1901 flooding. flows.

24 72- Charge heater 350deg C 260deg C Max NHT Feed cut

TIC- COT reactor in temp
0809 inlet temp

25 72- Splitter tray-40 103 98 HN carry LN carry over

TIC- temp. over into into HN
1904 LN
26 72- Feed surge 3 kg/cm2 1.5 Maximum To protect
PIC- drum Pressure kg/cm2 operating NHT feed
0601 range pump
27 72- FG to Charge 1.7 kg/cm2 0.2 High alarm Lo alarm
PIC- heater kg/cm2
28 72- FG to Splitter 1.7 kg/cm2 0.2 kg/m2 High alarm Lo alarm
PIC- heater
29 72- Condensate 18 kg/cm2 1.0
PIC- from 74-P- kg/cm2
1101 51A/B
30 72- Separator 21.5 14 kg/cm2 Max design During heating
PIC- Pressure kg/cm2 operating of Rx circuit
1301 pressure
31 72- Stripper 11.5 6 kg/cm2 Max design During start-up
PIC- Receiver kg/cm2 operating time
1801 pressure pressure
32 72- Splitter O/H 1.5 kg/cm2 0.9 Max design
PIC- pressure kg/cm2 operating
2201 pressure
33 72- Splitter hot 0.4 0.3 Max Low operating
PDIC- vapour by pass operating range
2202 range
34 72- Splitter re- 100% 20% Max Low operating
PDIC- boiler O/L % operating range
2001 vaporization range

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:15 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 194 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 16 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
2. 16.1 FEED FILTER 196
3. 16.2 HEATERS 197
5. 16.4 REACTOR 222

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 195 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 16 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016



This section describes the construction and operation of some of the equipment in the reactor
and product recovery sections.

• Feed Filter
• Heaters
• Recycle gas compressor
• Reactor


Naphtha Hydrotreater unit has continuous magnetic feed filter (72-X-01). It contains 69 no’s
filter elements made up of glass fiber and can able to filter particles size up to 50 microns.


Type : Simplex Vertical
Fluid handled : Feed (Hydrocarbon)
Flow (m3/hr) : 212.5
Operating pressure, kg/cm2g : 39.0

Operating Temp, oC : 75.0

Particle size to be removed : 50 µm and above
Allowable pressure drop,clean, kg/cm2g :0.2
Allowable pressure drop, Dirty, kg/cm2g :1.8
Anticipated filter cleaning : Feed solid content 35 ppm
Size (inlet/outlet) in inches : 6”
Filter element MOC : Fibre glass with Stainless Steel core
Magnetic elements MOC : AlNiCO
Design Pressure, kg/cm2g : 60.8

Design Temp, oC : 105

Vacuum design : NO
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 196 of 406
No of Cartridge elements : 69 nos
Cartridge element ODxIDx Length,mm : 2 ½ “ x 1”x 40”
Cartridge element burst pressure, kg/cm2g : 2.0
Magnetic element make : MULTITEX

No of Magnetic elements : 128

Dirt holding capacity of each magnetic element : ~ 1.0 kg
Total Gross area of magnetic filters : 5.1 m2
Vessel Empty weight : 3400 kgs
Vessel Operating wt :3800kgs
MULTITEX MAGNECTIC FEED FILTER is a compactly made mechanical device
manufactured to a high degree of acuracy to give a trouble free services for a very long
When pressure drop reaches 1.5 kg/cm2 filter elements should be cleaned to avoid damage /
Filter element should be changed and magnetic elements should be cleaned.
16.1.3 CLEANING:
Open flanges cover of Filter and take out dirty basket outside. Before cover opening ensure
that system is completely depressurised. Clean basket in clean service fluid/solvent and use
compressed air flow for total cleaning.
Flush out any debris/ dust from housing and fit basket again into housing. Ensure that basket
should be 100% dry after cleaning. Use same operation method to put filters into service.

Charge Heater (72-F-01) function is to raise the temperature of the preheated feed plus
recycle hydrogen, to the reactor temperature of 315 (SOR)-337(EOR) °C. The heater has a
design heat absorption duty of 6.99x106 kcal/hr. Feed splits into 2 passes before entering
convection section. It is vertical cylindrical type having two pass vertical tubes in the radiant
section. Flue gas leaving the convection section of charge heater shall be ducted beneath the
common convection section of stripper re-boiler heater (72-F-02). It has 6 nos. of low NOX
combination of fuel oil and fuel gas burners. Each burner is supplied with a gas fueled
inspiriting type pilot burner.

The heater is dual (fuel gas &fuel oil) fired. The fuel gas is used for the pilot burners also.
One observation door per burner is provided on the radiant wall to view the burner area. Six
observation openings with swing covers are provided on the floor to monitor tube and flame
interaction at burner level. Charge heater consists of two sections; convection section and
radiation section. Coil arrangements in both the sections are different. In convection section
charge heater has horizontal orientation with 18nos of tubes, 6 tubes per row. The effective
lube length is 5200mm with an OD of 168.3mm. In radiation section, coil orientation is
vertical with 32 nos. of tubes. Over all tube length in radiation section is 9700mm with the

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 197 of 406
tube OD of 219.1mm. 3" flanged nozzle connections with blank off are provided at the inlet
and outlet for the purpose of neutralization chemical circulation.
Splitter Re-boiler is a fired heater (72-F-02 with heat duty of 17.16 MMkCal/hr to supply
necessary re-boiling heat to split off lighter and heavier fraction. It is a cylindrical updraft
type having vertical tubes in the radiant section and horizontal tubes in the convection
section. Flue gas from the Charge Heater (72-F-01) is ducted below the Splitter Re-boiler
Heater convection bank. There are radiant tubes. The convection bank has tube rows, having
extended studs for increasing the heat transfer area. Carbon steel tubes are used. The heater
has flanged inlet and outlet connections. A 3" flanged nozzle with blank off is provided at the
inlet and outlet for the purpose of cleaning the tube bank during a maintenance shutdown.
The heater is provided with 10 natural draft low NOx gas burners. Each burner is provided
with a gas fueled inspiriting type pilot burner. The heater is fuel/fuel oil fired. The same fuel
gas is used in the pilot burners also. Observation doors are provided in the radiant wall of
the heater one per burner to view the burner area, to monitor the tube and flame interaction at
burner level.
As described earlier, the stack is common for the Charge Heater (72-F-01) and the Stripper
Re-boiler Heater (72-F-02). Snuffing steam connections are provided at convection &
radiation zones. Soot blowers of 6 nos. are provided at convection zone.


The burner is of rugged construction specially designed to give long and reliable continuous
operation under arduous conditions. It is suitable for plenum chamber installation and the
complete register may be removed for maintenance without disturbing the plenum casing.
The register back plate is refractory lined.

a. Air Register:

The air register features double block construction to ensure the optimum division between
the Primary and A Secondary air, hence ensuring optimum combustion conditions.

The muffle block, supplied in segments is installed on the furnace floor, to which the
remainder of the register is also secured. The primary block (encased burner block) consists
of a profiled castable refractory encased in a metal container for maximum durability.

These burners are fitted in an air plenum chamber and are designed for natural draught
operation. The combustion air to each burner is controlled by a number of doors linked by
cables to allow operation with a single handle. Care should be taken when adjusting the air
flow to an individual burner to ensure that the air flow is uniform between all burners in
operation, therefore the air register doors should be set in a similar position on all burners.
Needless to say when the burners are mounted in a plenum particular attention should be paid
to obtaining good air distribution between burners when the plenum is designed.

b. Central gas burner assembly:

This is designed so that it can be adjusted, relative to the encased burner block, during
installation and in order to preserve the correct relationship. To enable burner removal all
rigid piping must be arranged with the connections clear of the burner mounting plate.

c. Gas pilot:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 198 of 406
An inspirited gas Smart Pilot is fitted to the burner supplied by Ham worthy. It comprises of a
gas tube that is fitted with a ‘venturi’ (air entrainment) injector and a gas nozzle. Ignition of
the pilot is via its integral ignition electrode, which is connected to the ignition unit located
on the back of the Smat pilot via a fitted grommet. The Ignition unit consists of HT
transformer for electrode sparking. It also contains the flame ionization detection unit which
detects flame on when the electrode ionizes. Air is mixed with the incoming gas via the
entrainment stage of the injector. After passing through the gas tube the gas/air mixture enters
the burner via the gas nozzle calibrated central orifice. The gas nozzle is also formed with an
integral outer sleeve wand one set of 8 holes to ensure flame stability. In order to maintain
efficient combustion the gas nozzle should be serviced regularly.

Prior to start up the air pilot control setting on each pilot burners must be determined and set.
A series of ignition trails should be undertaken to determine the optimum operating position
of the air control.

16.2.2 Burners commissioning and operation checks:

a. Furnace checks:

Before attempting to ignite the burner the following procedure should be followed:

1. Check that the stack cover has been removed and the stack is free of obstruction
2. Open the stack damper and ensure that there is negative pressure in the furnace.
Allow the heater air purge to at least five times.
3. The furnace inside and outside should be checked using the gas detection equipment
to make sure that no leaks have occurred and that no combustible gases are present.

b. Cleaning of burner pipe work:

1. Before any attempt is made, to fire the burners check that the pipe work has been
blown out to remove pipe scale and other debris. This is necessary to minimize the
possibility of the nozzle blocking by material which any accumulate in pipe lines
during the course of construction. If necessary remove any protective covering s that
was applied to the pilot venture air inlet and to the burner nozzles.

c. Light up and flow adjustments:

1. It is essential to ensure, prior to commissioning , that all the control valves regulators
proportioning valves and similar devices ,especially where gas fired equipment is
involved ,are set at their minimum flow positions before any source of ignition is
introduced in to the combustion space.
2. Initial flow adjustment necessary in order to provide light up conditions must be only
is made whilst the burner is off. Subsequent light up attempts being made each time
progressing from a fuel lean condition until a good light up is achieved.
3. Once adequate fuel flow exists to enable the burner light up then the flow to the flame
may be optimized whilst a burner is lit.

d. Safety- Operators:

1. All plant operators and personnel take sufficient care to avoid the possibility of a
dangerous situation. In particular they should avoid being in the vicinity of the burner

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 199 of 406
or burner sight ports during the ignition period. No personnel should be near any of
the burner inlets or openings. Only suitably qualified personnel should be allowed
to commission and operate the equipment.
2. Always ensure that the furnace is air purged and that no unburnt fuel is present before
attempting to start or re-start a burner.
3. Always ensure that source of ignition and combustion air is present before attempting
to start a burner.
4. Always ensure that a burner’s fuel supply is at the minimum setting possible before
attempting to start the burner for the first time.
5. If the burner does not have the automatic ignition or flame scanning devices extreme
caution should be exercised to safe operating procedures. At least two people should
be controlling the ignition sequence from a suitably remote position which ensures
that they can observe the ignition process and operate fuel valve system.
6. If the manual igniters are used, apparatus should be obtained to ensure that the manual
igniter is maintained in its correct position for ignition of the pilot/ burner firing the
ignition period and without the necessity of operator being beside the burner.

e. Pilot operation and Ignition:

1. The pilots are designed to operate at a gas pressure of 0.5 barg. The pilot light up
sequence should be started only after the furnace air purge is complete.
2. If the pilot does not light up within 5 seconds, stop the pilot gas supply, stop the
ignition spark and wait for a period of approximately 10 seconds.
3. Repeat the pilot ignition procedure to ignite the pilot. If the pilot does not light after
the 3rd attempt, allow the heater to air purge and clear all combustible gases before
further attempts at pilot ignition. If the pilot still fails to light, investigate that the
ignition and gas supplies are correct and check that the gas jet and air inlet are clear.

f. Burner ignition- Gas only

The burner should be started at minimum load / liberation (0.76 MW). Proceed using the
following sequence after ensuring that the checks detailed at the beginning of this section
have been completed.


2. Remove blind from the main gas supply
3. The main gas burner may now be ignited. Set the combustion air slow to
approximately 50%
4. Ensure that the Pilot flame is lit and is stable.
5. With the pilot lit the main gas isolation valve may now be opened slowly. Ignition
should be immediate.
6. Adjust the combustion air flow to give good hard small flame and leave until the
refractory blocks have become hot. The burner may then be operated over its full
design range with the main fuel gas isolating valves local to burner fully open and
control of fuel flow being done via main fuel flow control.
7. IMPORTANT NOTE: If for any reason the main flame does not ignite within first
three or four seconds, shut the main gas isolating valve immediately and extinguish
the pilot. Allow the furnace purge for at least five minutes to ensure that no unburnt
hydrocarbons are present before re-attempting.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 200 of 406
g. Burner shutdown-gas only:

1. Reduce the liberation of the burner, which is to be stopped and take the load on the
other burners if applicable. The gas gun is shut down by shutting the main gas
isolating valve.
2. If the heater is to be shutdown, stop the pilot by shutting the pilot gas isolating valve.

16.2.3 Maintenance instructions:

Correct maintenance is essential to ensure safety and maintain a high operating efficiency and
minimize costs. Worn parts should be promptly replaced with new spare parts. The following
checks should be made at recommended intervals:

A. Checks per shift:

1. Visually inspect the burner and pilot to ensure that it is functioning correctly e.g. the
flame is correctly shaped and stable.
2. The gas pressure should be checked.
3. Any leaks from the gas pipes must be attended immediately. Ensure pilot venturi air
inlet ports are clean the unobstructed.

B. Weekly checks and inspection

1. The gas tip and pilot nozzle should be inspected visually through whatever opening s
are available in the burner and furnace to ensure that they are functioning correctly. If
a nozzle is suspect, the burner should be shut down and the gas gun / pilot removed so
the nozzle is inspected.
2. When removing Smart pilot from one of the burner s there will be inter furnace from
an air duct. To overcome this, the burner mounting plates on this have been modified.
The collar that secures Smartpilot in position is mounted on a detachable plate. The
detachable plate is attached to the burner mounting plate with two M10 nuts. by
unbolting the detachable plate it is possible to angle the Smartpilot as it is withdrawn
in order to miss the air ductwork.
3. If any wear has taken place or any tip or nozzle is damaged the defective parts must
be replaced immediately.

C. Monthly checks:

1. Check for free operation of the air register damper assembly and grease if necessary

D. Shutdown checks

1. Inspect the burner primary and muffle blocks and replace if significant deterioration
has taken place.
2. Remove, check and replace as necessary the gas tip and pilot nozzle.

E. Safety:

1. Before commencing maintenance of burners ensure all personnel should be equipped

with adequate safety requirements.
2. Manually isolate and fix blinds in the fuel supplies before commencing maintenance.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 201 of 406
3. Ensure that furnace maintains a negative pressure during any period which the gas
gun or pilot assembly are removed from the burner.
4. Physically disconnect the electricity supplies from the burner before carrying out any
maintenance operation.

16.2.4 Heater General Operating Instructions

1. It is normally desirable to fire all burners even when running at reduced capacity to
assure a uniform heat distribution to all tubes.
2. Never allow the flames to impinge on the tubes. The burners should be operated with
uniform flame length and size.
3. Proper control on excess air supply is desired as this increases furnace efficiency.
However, if the gas analysis indicates presence of carbon monoxide in the flue gas,
the excess air must be increased to ensure complete combustion.
4. The burners require sufficient draft to meet the heat liberation requirement of the
furnace, arch it should be maintained at minus 3.0 mmWC (max) by adjusting stack
5. Maintaining of adequate process fluid flow through the coils is important to prevent
tube damages.
6. Extreme case must be exercised to be certain that equal flow distribution is
established to all passes, during operation. This is achieved by symmetric piping
arrangement for all passes. Equal flow distribution is indicated by equal individual
pass outlet temperatures.
7. All doors shall be tightly closed to prevent air infiltration, which will result in a
decreased thermal efficiency

16.2.5 Heater common problems and troubleshooting:


• Stack damper excessively closed.
• Excessive firing rates
1. Positive pressure at top of fire box
• Excessive fouling or blockage of
convection section.
Excessive temperature in fire box • Overfiring
• Low excess air flow
• Heat release too high
High flue gas temperature
3 • Incorrect combustion air flow
• Dirty or blocked burners.
• Unequal flow distribution
Variation in outlet temperature of
• Flame impingement
4 different passes
• Uneven firing
• Partial coking
High pressure drop through tubes • Coke build up
• High flow rate
6 Low pressure loop • Low flow rate
External oxidation with fine • Oxidation from furnace atmosphere
powdery oxide on tube surface • Improper decoking operation
External scaling and bulging of • Flame impingement
8 tubes • Over firing
• Fouling of tube

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 202 of 406
• Failure of tube supports
Sagging of tubes
9 • Unequal tube metal temperature
• Over heating
• Unequal tube metal temperature due to
Bowing of tubes
10 coke/scale formation.
• Flame impingement
Creep in tubes • Faulty material selection for high
temperature service
• Formation of acid due to sulfur presence
External corrosion of tubes
12 in fuel
• Presence of vanadium in fuel
Coil leakage • Thermal upsets during operation
• Defective fabrication procedure.
Cracked fittings • Corrosion
• Improper handling.

16.2.6 General Maintenance instructions:

1. Maintenance of furnace equipment should be practiced on a fixed program. This

should be a result of regular inspection during operation, when the extent of general
damage may be visually determined.
2. It is important to have a regularly scheduled shutdown to make a detailed mechanical
inspection and to repair or replace any equipment which does not meet the minimum
3. Visual inspection of heater should be performed on a frequent schedule and particular
emphasis placed upon tubes, fitting and settings.
4. Any flame impingement and hot spots should be noted and the exact location
recorded. Any indication of tube bowing or refractory surface damages shall be
5. An ORSAT analysis should be made for flue gas at regular intervals to find out the
amount of excess air. Any unusual change in operating loads should be checked by
means of heater log sheets.
6. The entire records including operating inspection & maintenance details should be
summarized in a report for each inspection period. The heater operational information
shall be compound with design conditions to identify any deviation and corrective
actions shall be initiated using the trouble shooting chart.
7. The tube coil is the most critical item of the furnace. The main reasons for coil
damage are either over capacity or flame impingement.
8. The coils should be carefully inspected for minimum thickness. This may be due to
internal corrosion or external scaling.
9. Hammer tests may be used to determine the changes in metal structure.
10. The fittings shall be carefully checked by visual inspection for any cracks or defects.
11. Cracks or openings in the external housing of the heater can allow rain or moisture to
attack the refractory material particularly when the heater is not in operation
12. The refractories will deteriorate by spalling as a result of long time exposure, failure
of binding material, melting and loss of mechanical strength.
13. If cracks or openings are present in refractory linings, corrosive gases can reach the
metal surface and can cause damage.
14. The insulation concrete and expansion joints should be carefully checked for damage.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 203 of 406
15. Bending or deflection of steel members may result from overloading, overheating or
forces due to expansion of some element in the furnace.
16. The connection between column beams and girders should be checked for proper
bolting and welding especially where corrosion is a major problem.
17. Tube supports should be visually examined for cracks, oxidation and for corrosion.
18. The dampers should be checked for corrosion and smooth operation.


Total 6 numbers of Long Retract Soot Blowers are provided for the cleaning of fire side
deposits. MP Steam is used as Soot Blowing medium.



The panel is suitable for Automatic Sequential operation of Soot blowers with single Push
Button impulse OR manual operation from control panel OR manual operation of Soot
blowers from Local when the Main valve is opened and steam temperature is OK.

PSS,PSS-1,PSS-2 ,etc -------- power supply ON/OFFF switches for Incoming , individual
Blower motors.
LRS----- Local/Remote selector switch to select either Local operation or Remote operation
(switch is lockable in Local position only)
CSS-----Control supply ON/OFF switch for AC control supply.
SCS-----sequence ON/OFF switch (this switch should be in OFF position for manual
operation from control panel)
ABMS 1, ABMS 2 ----- Auto/Bypass/Manual selector switch for selecting Automatic or
Manual operation for each blower. Faulty Blower can be Bypassed by putting the switch in
bypass position (this switch is spring return to Auto position from manual)

SSPB-----Sequence start push button for automatic sequential operation of soot blowers
RRPB---- Remote Retract Push button to interact the soot blower sequence when it operates
under sequential operation and retract the operating blower to home position
RPB------Reset Push button for getting ready the panel for further operation
ACPB----Alarm cancel push button



Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 204 of 406
• AC control supply ON
• Blower in operation
• SB steam valve opened
• Local operation selected


• All blowers in home position

• Uniselector relay in zero position
• Sequence completed
• Soot blower over run
• Steam pressure low
• Sequence interruption
• Steam temperature low
• Blower mechanical jamming
• Blower motor overload
• Steam flow low


• Remote operation selected


The panel will consist of the following other components

• Timers
• CT
• Power & auxiliary contractors & overload Relays
• Hooters
• Fuses & links


Put ‘ON’ the incoming power supply switch and individual blower motor power supply
switches. Put ‘ON’ AC control supply switch (CSS). The red lamp in the starter –cum-control
panel for AC control supply ‘ON’ indication glows.

1. Soot blowing steam Main valve shall be in closed position

2. All the soot blowers shall be in the initial position
3. Steam drain valve shall be in opened position
A. Checkup initial condition

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 205 of 406
B. Open the SB steam valve and allow the steam to drain for required time to removing
the condensate if any and to warm up the line.
C. As soon as the drain temperature rises, approximately to the required temperature,
close the steam drain valve manually.

1. Select the ‘Local/Remote’ selector switch (LRS) for remote operation

2. Put ‘ON’ the sequence cutoff switches (SCS)
3. Auto/bypass/manual selector switches of the Soot blowers are kept in ‘AUTO’
position except for those intended to be bypassed for which Auto/By-
pass/Manual selector switches are kept in ‘BY-PASS’ position.
4. Press the sequence Start push button SSPB. When the First blower gets the pulse,
the lance of the Long Retract Blower-1 moves in forward direction. The limit
switch ‘LS2’ resets as soon as blower starts moving in forward direction. The
Red lamp glows to indicate the blower moving in forward direction.
At the end of the forward motion ‘LS1’ trips and the lance of the blower retracts. The Red
lamp glows to indicate the blower retracts. When the lance reaches the home position, the
limit switch ‘LS2’ trips and the blower stops. Blowing medium admission is controlled
through a mechanically operated valve in the head. As soon as it comes to home position,
operating lamp goes off. Now the next blower gets eh pulse and starts operating and the
sequence continues. When all the blowers complete one operation the audible and visual
alarm functions to indicate the completion of the sequence. The completion alarm and
indication lamp will go off when the alarm cancel push button ACPB is pressed. The circuit
is designed such that it will be possible to maintain the complete sequence of operation of all
the soot blowers by-passing the faulty one, if any.

Select the ‘Local/Remote’ Selector Switch (LRS) for remote operation. Put the sequence cut
off switch (SCS) in off position. Bring the Auto./By-pass/Manual selector switch to Manual
position for the Particular blower to be operated. The blower operates. When the handle is
released the switch comes back to the Auto position. The blower operates and completes its
operation and comes back to the initial position.

Select the Local /Remote switch (LRS) for the Local operation in the panel. Red lamp glows.
Press the local start push button (LSPB) for the particular blower at site which is to be
operated. The blower operates. Facility is available in the push button box to retract the
blower in case the operator wants to do so through local retract push button (LRPB).



1. Soot blower Over Run

2. Steam temperature low

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 206 of 406
3. Steam pressure low
4. Blower mechanical jamming
5. Steam flow low
6. Any blower motor over load

7. Sequence interruption
When any of the above faults occurs, the hooter and the fault annunciation lamp will function
to alert the operator about the fault. Hooter can be acknowledged by the alarm cancel push
button. The fault will indication lamp can be erased after the fault is rectified. Further
sequence can be continued by the operation reset push button.
When the automatic sequential operation of Blower is completed an indication lamp and a
hooter will be on to indicate the completion of operation. The hooter and the lamp can be
cancelled by acknowledging the same.
After completion of soot blower operation close SB steam valve.
a. At a time only one blower should be operated either from remote or from local
b. To stop the operation in the middle of the sequence, put ‘OFF’ the sequence
cut off switch (SCS).
During commissioning, steam blower should be in the intermediate position when the drive is
started. This will enable to check up the phase sequence for correct operation.


16.3.1 General:
The reciprocating compressor 2 HE/1 with Horizontal balanced opposed crank is designed to
compress gas mixture (H2 +HC) from suction pressure of 21.98 kg/cm2 abs. to discharge
pressure 37.56 kg/cm2 abs.
The cylinders and packing are lubricated. Gas compression is carried out in single stage by
double acting cylinder.
The crank mechanism has two opposed cranks in order to balance the forces of inertia caused
by reciprocating masses.
The compressor is driven by BHEL make 1200 kW, 18 pole, 3ph, single bearing synchronous
motor through right coupling. The compressor rotation is clock wise when viewed from its
drive end.

16.3.2 Design data:

Make : BPCL, Bharat Pumps& compressors ltd, Naini-
Type : 2HE/1, Two Crank, Horizontal Balanced
Cylinders : Double Acting, Lubricated
No of Cylinders : TWO
No of stages : ONE

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 207 of 406
Service : Hydrogen Recycle gas compressor


Stages 1 1
Gas handled H2 + HC Nitrogen
CP/CV 1.348 1.4
MOL. WT 4.75 29.2
Suction Temp, oC 55 40
Suction pressure, kg/cm2,g 21.98 3.0
Discharge pressure, kg/cm2,g 37.56 4.7
Discharge Temp, oC 108 87
Gas inlet volume, m3/hr 2303.9 2346.2
Capacity , Nm3/hr 39302 5596
SRV set pressure, kg/cm2 g 40.3
Compressor BKW 955 171
Capacity control in steps 0%--50%---100%
Drive arrangement Direct through rigid coupling
Compressor speed (RPM) 333.33 RPM
Driver Motor 1200kw, 18P, 3PH, Single bearing, Sync.
*Refer compressor Data sheets

16.3.3 Description of various circuits

a) Process Gas System:

The Recycle Compressor takes suction from the Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-
05). It handles hydrogen rich hydrocarbon gas (containing light hydrocarbons) which is
corrosive due to presence of wet H2S. Molecular weight of the gas is 4.75. The recycle
stage has an inlet pressure& temperature of 21.1 kg/cm2g& 55 °C and a discharge pressure
&temperature 36.3 kg/cm2g& 108 °C. Its rated capacity is 39302 Nm3/h of process gas.
The compressed gas joins the cold feed naphtha line in the inlet piping to the Combined Feed
Exchanger (72-E-01A∼G). A check valve is provided in the gas line just before it is joined to
the naphtha stream.

Suction line is installed with a conical strainer to protect the machine from line rust and scale.
During the startup a fine mesh overlay will be used on the conical strainer body as lots of
muck and scale could be expected. After initial operations the mesh overlay is replaced with
a coarser one. The operator should have a close watch on the PDI across the strainer during
his rounds so as to know the condition of the strainer (whether fouled). The machine suction
and discharge stages are provided with pulsation bottles to cushion out flow pulsation
inherent in a reciprocating compressor. The compressor discharge is provided with a check
valve. A PSV is provided to protect the machine from a blocked outlet operation.

b) Capacity control Mechanism:

Compressor capacity control is by means of pneumatically operated suction valve un-loaders

provided on the cylinders. These valve un-loaders are designed to un-load automatically upon
air/power failure. The Compressor has 0%, 50% and 100% capacity loading steps. Loading is
achieved by air-in to un-loader and unloading is achieved by air-out from un-loader. During
the start-up of the Compressor the valves will be kept in unloaded condition for a maximum
of 5 minutes operation.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 208 of 406
The end unloading is carried out by locking the suction valves in open position so that the gas
during the piston compression stroke, comes back to suction pulsation dampener/pipe instead
of going out through discharge valves.

The device actuating the suction valve opening consists of a multi-pronged fork arranged
behind each suction valve and kept for from the valve rings /plate by means of a return
spring. This fork is operated manually or by pneumatically control actuator consisting of a
piston sliding inside cylinder.

In case of pneumatic control, instrument being used should be dry to avoid the jamming of
the devices due to humidity.

c) Lube Oil System:

The Compressor cylinders are lubricated type with synthetic lube oil by forced feed
arrangement provided by a motor driven Lubrication pumps (72-LM-30A/B).It takes suction
from an Oil Head Tank and pumps it to the Compressor cylinder and packing sections.
Compressor bearing lube oil system comprises a reservoir (capacity 145 liters) in the
Compressor body, a shaft driven Main Lube Oil Pump (72-P-05A/B), Lube Oil cooler (72-E-
25A/B), Lube Oil Filter (72-X-25A/B) and the compressor bearings. Oil from the bearings
returns to the reservoir.

The Lube Oil Cooler (72-E-25A/B) is provided with salt water. A temperature controller
TIC-1531, along with a 3- way control valve is provided to maintain the temperature of the
lube oil. The control valve allows lube oil to pass through the coolers (72-E-25A/B) or will
bypass the cooler as per the set point given to TIC-1531. Normal operating lube oil
temperature is 50 °C. Electric heaters (72-EH-25A/B) are given in compressor frame for
heating the lube oil. This heater are having auto cut in (20 °C) & auto cut off facility (50 °C).

Pre lubrication system:

Crank mechanism of compressor prior to each start up is lubricated by separate Auxiliary oil
pump which is driven by electric motor. An Auxiliary Lube Oil Pump (72-P-26A/B) is
provided which is motor driven. This pump operates when the Compressor trips causing the
trip of the Main Lube Oil Pump or during the startup of the Compressor till the Main Lube
Oil Pump is stabilized. The Auxiliary Lube Oil Pump is connected to the emergency power.

AOP features:
Make : DEL Pd pumps& Gears pvt ltd.
Type : Gear pump
Model : RDRN 150M
Maximum capacity : 100 LPM
Speed : 1440 RPM

d) Cooling System:

The rod packing/ cylinders are cooled by circulated cooling water system. Circulated cooling
water system comprises of cooling water tank (72-T-25), cooling water pumps (72-P-27A/B),
and cooling water coolers (72-E-26A/B). Cooling water tank capacity is 1000 liters.
Cooling water pumps take suction from cooling water tank, and pumps to the coolers (72-E-
06A/B). A temperature controller TIC-1541 along with a 3-way control valve (TCV-1541) is

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 209 of 406
provided to control & maintain the temperature at around 61 °C. Cooling water will return to
the tank (72-T-25) from the rod packing and cylinders. Cooling water tank is provided with
an electric heater (72-EH-27) which will cut in at temp of 61 °C& cut off at 65 °C.

e) Vent, Purge and Drain System:

The Compressor distance pieces are vented to atmosphere and drains connected to oily sewer.
The compressor distance pieces are purged with nitrogen gas. Nitrogen gas from header is
used for this purpose after dropping the pressure to 0.03-0.05 kg/cm2G using PCV-
1515/1516. Compressor rod packing is vented to a Drain Pot (72-V-29). This pot is vented to
the flare system, and drain connected to oily sewer/CBD.

f) I&C of Recycle Compressor (72-K-01A/B):

The Compressor has a local gauge board, local panel for providing the necessary control
facilities for its operation. Also certain facilities are provided in the main control room.

Process Gas System:

1. Suction and discharge pressures are indicated in the local gauge board.
2. Local Control Panel/DCS.
The following indications/alarms are provided.
72K-01A 72-K-01B Values

a) Suction Temp. TI-15155 TI-1516 55 °C

b) Disch. Temp. TI-1502A/B TI-1503A/B 108 °C
TAH-1502A/B TAH-1503A/B 128 °C
TAHH-1523A/B TAHH-1524A/B 138 °C

TAHH1523A/B& TAHH-1524A/B activates the interlock and trips the Compressor.

Rod packing temperature indications (TI1517A/TI-1519B& TI-1516A/TI 1520B) are
given to DCS.

The compressor distance pieces are purged with nitrogen. Nitrogen gas from header is used
for this purpose after dropping the pressure to 0.03-0.05 kg/cm2G using self-actuated
pressure regulating valve (PCV-1515/1516). Flow of nitrogen indication (FI-1515A/B& FI
1516A/B) is given to the local panel. Differential pressure across nitrogen supply & vent is
measured indication (PDI-1515A/B& PDI 1516A/B) is given to DCS. Low differential
pressure alarm will annunciate at DCS at 100 mm of WC.

Lube Oil System:


1) The bearing lube oil supply header pressure (after the cooler and the filter) is
indicated in the local gauge board (PI-1531/1532).
2) A low pressure alarm, PAL-1533/1534 respectively for machines A and B, is
annunciated at a pressure of 1.8 kg/cm2G in the LCP and DCS. At this pressure,
the Auxiliary Oil Pump will get started to back up the lube oil system.
3) Pressure switch (PALL-1535/1536) is provided for very low pressure condition of
the lube oil header set at 1.5 kg/cm2G to trip the main motor. Alarm PALL-
1535/1536 is provided in the DCS/ Auxiliary Panel.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 210 of 406
4) Differential pressure across lube oil filter is measured indication is given to DCS
(PDI-1531/1532). Alarms for high differential pressure across the filters are
annunciated in DCS and LCP by PDAH-1531/1532 respectively for 72-K-01A
and B.

Temperatures: Lube Oil supply temperature is indicated in the LCP and the
DCS by TI-1533/1534. High alarms are also provided in the LCP and DCS.

Lube oil sump level indication (LI-1531/1532) is provided in DCS. Low level in
the Oil sump LAL-1531/1532 is annunciated in the LCP and DCS.

Cooling Water System:

• Cooling of cylinder jackets and packing cooling achieved by circulation of BCW. A

temperature gauge, pressure and pressure transmitters for low pressure alarm and very
low trip are installed on BCW inlet to compressor. The water outlet piping from
cylinder jacket, oil cooler are provided with TG and thermal relief valves.
• EH-27 (CW Tank) cut in/out : 61/65
• CW pump 72- P-27 A/B : flow 10 m3/hr ( flow to Cylinders)
• Head : 40 meters
• BCW Cooler O/L temp. : 61 oC
• Motor : 5.5 kw,2 pole,3 PH,415 volt,50 Hz
• Cooling water tank capacity : 1000 Lt
• TIC-1541 normal setting : 61 o C

Trips and alarms on cooling water system:

• I1 : Compressor Trip
Cooling water pressure very low PALL-1543 at 1.0 kg/cm2.
• I5: Tank Heater interlock with water low level in tank (LT-1541).
• I6 : Startup of stand by cooling water motor.
PAL-1541 at 1.5 kg/cm2or TAH-1542 at 68oc.
PDAH-1541 cooler DP set at 1.0 kg/cm2.
All TSVs on CW O/L from cylinders set at 7.0 kg/cm2

16.3.4 Compressor component Description:

Frame i.e., crankcase is made of special grade, high strength gray cast iron. It is well
dimensioned and ribbed to have maximum strength, and accurately machined to ensure the
accurate alignment of main bearing and positioning of Cross head guides (X Hd. Guides).
At the main bearing supports, the lateral walls of frame are connected by cross pieces, inside
each cross piece there is a tie rod, which balances the opposing forces imposed by the
compressor cylinders on the walls of the frame. The bottom of the frame serves as an oil
pump. In order to prevent dirty oil entering the gear pump, oil level must be maintained
within a certain limit. For checking the level, an oil level gauge is provided. On the frame
bottom a drain cock is provided to drain the lubrication oil when this is to be changed.
Frame is covered at the top with suitable cover. A breather /crankcase explosion relief valve
is provided on the cover. The crankshaft is supported at the two main bearing.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 211 of 406
The frame is enclosed at the two shields –one at the coupling / fly wheel end and the other at
the pump end. The shield at coupling end also incorporates a seal to prevent any oil leakage
along the shaft.

The Frame extensions are bolted to the side of the crank case. They are internally ribbed and
the sliding surfaces of the crosshead guides are machined and grounded. The frame
extensions are provided with Distance piece which forms a separation chamber between
cylinder and crosshead guide.

The one-piece crankshaft is made of forged carbon for low power/carbon vanadium steel for
medium and high power compressors. It is supported at two or more bearings with anti-
friction metal lining. It is positioned by two semi-circular bronze thrust ring (also called half
abutment ring) which locates the main bearing at the coupling end. These thrust rings
controls the axial movement of crankshaft.

The main bearings are of tri-metallic type. The parent metal being steel with an inner lining
of leaded bronze with anti-friction white metal layer. No shim or scrapper adjustments are
used. New bearings can be fitted without removing the crankshaft. To axially position the
bearings and to prevent their rotation a pin in the bearing cap locates with a hole in each
upper half of the bearing. The two half bearings are located by two dowels.

The maximum allowable bearing temperature is 65oC. An approximate 10oC increase in the
temperature w.r.t the standard operating conditions (40 to 50oC) already shows the presence
of phenomenon to be considered an abnormal.


The connecting rod is made of forged high strength steel and fitted with big end bearing and
small end bearings. The big end bearing is similar to that of main bearing and the small end
bearing is of bush type with antifriction metal linings. The two end half bearings are located
together by pins. The connecting rod is drilled all over its axial length to allow passage of oil
from the big end to small end.


The crossheads are provided with replaceable white metal lined shoes. Oil ways are provided
in the shoes to allow uniform lubricant distribution. The connecting rod is linked to the
crosshead by a crosshead pin, made of case hardened steel. Crosshead pin is held in two
tapered seats. One directly drilled in the crosshead and the other pin of a taper ring radially
cut for elasticity purpose. The crosshead pin is locked in position by plate clamps and screws.
The piston rod is secured to the crosshead by two nuts, one in side and one outside. These
nuts, besides locking the rod to the crosshead allow the bumping clearance to be adjusted.
The piston is held in the right position by a key set in the rod. Crosshead shoes are pressure
lubricated by the crank gear oil pump which supplies oil to the upper and lower crosshead

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 212 of 406

To prevent oil leakages from the crankcase along the piston rod, a set of oil wiper rings are
installed in the distance piece. An intermediate distance piece is provided between the
compressor cylinder and standard distance piece (i.e. distance piece attached with slide
body). The intermediate distance piece is provided with additional piston rod packing, which
prevents the leakage of process gas along the piston rod to crankcase side distance piece (i.e.
distance piece attached with slide body). The oil scrapped by the last scrapper ring are
collected in the distance piece of the slide body and from there periodically drained out.

The crank gear lubrication is of oil force –feed type; oil is supplied by a gear pump. The
pump is driven by compressor shaft. The pump is installed on a driver box which is self-
installed on the frame opposite to the coupling side. The lube oil is sucked from the crank
case sump through a strainer by the gear pump, which force the oil to oil cooler and then to a
duplex filter. The lube oil is then fed to a different main bearing and crosshead guides by
means if different tubing.
From the main bearings the oil reaches to the connecting rod big end bearing through the
drilled holes in the crankshaft. From the big end bearing oil reaches to small end bearing
through a hole made in the connecting rod.
A check valve which prevents the pump from losing priming is placed on the pump suction
line. A plugged hole is provided near the pump suction for initial priming. A bypass relief
valve is mounted on the pump outlet to bypass excessive oil to the crank case sump.


A motor driven oil pump is installed parallel to the main oi pump for crank gear lubrication
before compressor start up. The motor driven pump can also be used in case of failure of
main oil pump.

The oil filter is a duplex filter type. One cartridge can be cleaned while other is in operating
condition. The filter is of wall mounting type. The duplex filter is provided with a plugged
vent for each cartridge.
Filter Line Up: When first commissioning the filters, fill the vessel at a reduced rate of flow
and ensure that the vent plug is slackened or removed to permit the free escape of the air.
While filling duplex filter, it is advisable to operate the valves several times to complete
removal of trapped air.
Cleaning Frequency: First servicing should be done after approximately 50hrs of use and
second after approximately 200 hrs. Thereafter as a general rule, it is recommended that the
filter should be cleaned after every 500 hrs. A DP indicator mounted on the filter will show
the actual clogging condition of the filter.
Cleaning & Maintenance
When particular filter housing requires servicing do the following:-

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 213 of 406
1. Move the changeover handle to make the subject filter housing non-operating.
2. Open the vent plug and rotate the cartridge box to open it. Put the oil in pot.
3. Draw the cartridge, clean by agitating it in cold solvent such as petrol,
trichloroethylene etc. Finally, carefully blow with an airline from inside-to-out to
dislodge remaining contaminants.


To make sure that the impurities or dust do not alter the oil characteristics, the lube oil should
be frequently checked during machine operation. Beside purity, it is also important that oil
pressure and temperature kept within the given data. Change the crank gear lube oil after first
1000 hrs of compressor running on load. Then the oil must be changed after every 4000

Type IOC SERVO SYSTEM 220 (equivalent oil =

Viscosity at 40oC ,cst 210-230
Viscosity index, (min.) 90
Flame point (min), oC 230
Pour point (max), oC -3
Quantity of charge, lts 145

During normal operation, following are the normal lubrication data:

Lube oil pressure at bearings , kg/cm2g 2.5-3.0

Low pressure alarm , kg/cm2g 1.8
Low pressure trip, kg/cm2g 1.5
Max . Pressure drop (clean filter), kg/cm2g 0.35
Lube oil inlet temperature oC 40-50

The compressor is equipped with two cylinders. Cylinders are double-acting and are non-
lubricated. They are fitted with shrink fitted liners. Each cylinder is cast with double wall and
cooling water circulates in the jacket thus formed. Side doors give access to water chamber
and permit the removal of dirt and slurry, which is formed in due course of time. For a good
cooling it is recommended to let plenty of water flow in case it is available.

Piston is made of steel fabrication. Piston is locked to the piston rod by means of special
locking nut. Locking nut is prevented from unscrewing by means of a caulked set screw.
Adequate number of piston rings and rider bands made of Teflon are provided. By using rider
bands, sufficient bearing area is obtained so as to keep specific pressure of the contact surface
within limits thus resulting in minimum wear of rider bands.


Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 214 of 406
Piston rod is stainless steel forging. Rubbing surface in contact with packing and separation
cover ring are suitably hardened and smooth to reduce wear of sealing elements.


Pistons are equipped with rider rings and piston rings both made of PTFE based material. The
application (lubricated or non-lubricated, and type of gas) determine the choice of the specific
material. Both rider- and piston rings are split to facilitate easy installation.

The function of the rider ring is to carry the weight and to guide the piston. Locating pins
prevent the rider rings from rotating during operation. When the rider rings are worn to the
minimum clearance between piston and liner, the piston can be rotated 180° so using the
unworn part of the rider rings as bearing surface. The seal between head end and crank end
cylinder compartments is obtained by piston rings. The pressure difference between suction
and discharge determines the number of piston rings.
The piston rings will wear in time Piston rings should be changed if the radial thickness
reduces to half of original dimension or less. The piston rider band wear can be checked by
measuring the clearance ‘B’ between piston and cylinder / liner in the vertical plane. For rider
band in TEFLON this valve B> 0.5mm.


The purpose of the stuffing boxes installed in reciprocating compressors is to prevent leakage
of gas from cylinder into crankcase and atmosphere. The compressed gas seal around the
passage hole for piston rod is accomplished by a packing with floating sealing elements. The
packing consists of a set of cups each containing a pair of seal rings. Packing consists of 7
pairs of seal rings (5 pairs of TR type [T-tangential Cut type & R- Radial cut] and 2 pairs of
TT type [T-Tangential cut] rings).

The ends of rings are not in contact with each other, but they are slightly spaced to permit the
rings to be always in contact with piston rod, taking up progressive wear by continuous
sliding. The segments are held together garter spring, fitted in groove on the outer surface of
each ring. The whole set of cups is held together by long studs fastened to the packing closing
flange. Flange is provided with drilled holes for:

• Gas recovery
• Water inlet
• Water outlet
• N2 pressure

As stuffing boxes are never absolute gastight, a gas vent connection is present at the crank-
end side of the stuffing box. Leak gas is vented to the flare system, or to the side of a lower
pressure cylinder. Stuffing box leak gas and distance piece vents are connected to safe
location via flame arresters. Distance piece protection covers have been designed to
withstand internal compartment pressures not exceeding 3.5 bar (gauge). It is user's
responsibility to ensure that back-pressure build-up from the flare-system shall not exceed
this value.

Suction and discharge valves are of Hoerbiger make. These operate on pressure differential
between the gas within the cylinder and gas in the valve chamber. These valves are having

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 215 of 406
highly efficient dampening system, preventing hard impacts by means of separately spring
loaded damper plate. This double damping system guarantees durability of all components,
even under severest conditions.



The unit is run in at Zero load completely assembled except for the suction and
discharge valves and for the pipes connected to the cylinder suction and discharge
manifolds to:-

a. Check that the oil in the crankcase sump is at the correct level,
b. Check that the control and safety devices of the oil and water circuits outlet
c. Open the cooling water isolation valves located on the lube oil cooler outlet piping

During the normal running adjust the water flow to the oil cooler in order to maintain
the lube oil temperature at the cooler outlet from 35 to 40oC. This prevents in special
conditions (e.g. very cold water) excessive lowering of the oil temperature with
consequent considerable increase of pressure drop through the cooler.

d. Make sure that the oil gear pump (compressor shaft driven) is primed.
e. Operate the motor driven oil pump for crank gears lube oil in order to oil the
bearings of the shaft and connecting rods before the compressor starts. Moreover
fill both the portions of the duplex filter.
f. Turn the compressor crankshaft one complete revolution and check that all
moving parts function correctly.
g. Start the compressor and when the compressor is running at full speed stop the
motor driven pump (AOP).
h. Adjust the oil pressure regulating valve (fitted in the bypass pipe between the
cooler outlet and suction) to maintain the oil pressure at 2.5 to 3.0 kg/cm2g.
Subsequently, when the oil has reached normal temperature, readjust the valve
again to maintain the oil pressure at the same level.
i. Carefully check the piston movement through the valve openings , and check that
the pistons do not score the cylinders
j. After 2 or 3 minutes, stop the compressor, remove the frame cover plate and check
that the main and connecting rod bearings are not overheated, and that the piston
rods are not overheated. Check that there are not any white metal particles in the
k. If everything is satisfactory, refit the cover plate and restart the compressor. After
five minutes, repeat the checks as in point-j above.
l. At this point the compressor should be run first for 10, then for 30 and finally for
60minutes periods. After each of these periods make further inspections and
checks to ensure that the machine functions normally.
m. Finally, the compressor should be run-in at zero load for about 4 hours after which
the checking operations as detailed in above paragraphs should be carried out.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 216 of 406

The running –in at load is carried out to verify the good operation of all the compressor parts.
It could be carried out also in case of packing of piston ring replacement to let these parts
run-in. in this event the running in will be shorter and will merely consist in checking the
parts concerned.
Should the process type require the elimination of air from the gas system the plant shall be
flushed by inert gas. To this purpose suction line was provided with a connection for the inert
gas inlet while the discharge one was provided with a gas outlet pipe for the elimination of
the air from the cylinders and piping.
Should the air have to be eliminated, the inert gas will be conveyed into the system opening
all available drains. Subsequently the drains will be gradually closed, beginning from those
up streams letting the vent valve only open.
After flushing; the bypass, if any, can be opened and the vent valve closed. If there is no
bypass, the plant air put on valve is kept open, letting the inert gas exhaust to avoid any air
back. The running in at load can be carried out even with the same process gas.
After prearranging the machine as indicated in initial run-in, operate as indicated here below:

a. Open the bypass or throttling valve arranged on the connection to the flare or
b. Open the cutout valve at suction to fill the whole system with the gas
c. Opening the cut-out valve at discharge. The gas back flow is avoided by the
check valve
d. Put the compressor into operation
e. Put the crank mechanism lube oil system under pressure as stated earlier in point
f. Stop the pre lubrication pump if driven by a separate motor
g. Operate the bypass valve of the crank mechanism lube oil pump to maintain its
pressure at about 2.5 to 3.0 kg/cm2g
h. Let the compressor take almost half of the load gradually, releasing the suction
valves, when the compressor is provided with valve un-loaders, or by adjusting
the by-pass or throttling valve. Run under these conditions for about 8 hours,
checking the gas pressure and temperature before and after the compression.
i. Let the compressor take the maximum load. Run under these conditions for about
24 hours and check the pressures and temperatures as stated above.

-Do not run with temperatures and pressures higher than the normal. Operating
parameters are indicated in point

-It is important that the temperatures of main and connecting rod bearings crossheads
and packing s are kept under control.

-The trouble causes shall be identified among the following ones:

1. Dirt lube oil

2. Dirt on the mechanical parts in relative motion
3. Clearance beyond the allowed limits
4. Imperfect assembly of the various parts

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 217 of 406

1. Be sure that the gas isolation valves in the compressor inlet and delivery lines are

2. Check that the oil level is maintained in the sump of the crankcase

3. Put under pressure the circuit of crank mechanism oil as previously described

4. Open the cooling water isolation valves to oil cooler

5. If the process gas has been blown down and for particular process requirements the
compressor has to be purged with inert gas the same is done, before loading in
order to force the air out of cylinders and lines.

6. If inert gas or air is to be forced out open the suction isolation valve and open all
available drains. Then close the drains and fully open the suction isolation valve.

7. Start the compressor after electrical clearances.

8. Load the compressor slowly by slowly in steps using capacity control.


During operation of the compressor observe the following:

1. Frequently check the lube oil pressure ; this pressure should be normally about
2.5 to 3.0 atm; also check the oil temperatures before and after the cooler and that
one of the main bearings. The max. temperature of the main bearings should
never exceed 70oC. But if these temperatures settle at a lower value, for instance
50oC, and a sudden temperature rise is observed after a period of constant
temperature, investigate why this temperature rise has occurred, even if 70oC not

2. Keep oil level in the sump correct

3. Periodically clean the oil filters depending on the pressure drop. To switch over
to the standby filter element, follow the instructions given under ‘oil filter’ of this

4. Periodically check the suction and discharge pressures. Abnormal pressures

indicate leaky valves, broken plates or worn piston rings

5. Check the gas temperature before and after each stage. Abnormal temperatures
may indicate valve trouble.


1. Stop the compressor

2. Close the isolation valve on the compressor suction and discharge.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 218 of 406
3. About 10 minutes after the compressor shutdown close the isolation valves of
water-cooling system. If the compressor is expected to remain idle for more than
a few hours, take care to discharge the cooling fluid from the cylinder jackets
and coolers.

• If the compressor stop is not due to the compressor requirements, no

other operation is necessary
• If the compressor is stopped to perform some repairs it is necessary,
before dismantling , to discharge the gas and to wash the circuit with
• It is necessary to repeat this last operation before putting in operation
the compressor.


The following standing instructions are to be followed during changing over of NHT RGC to
its standby compressor.

The instructions are prepared to changeover 72K01B to 72K01A. Same procedure has
to be followed while changing over from 72K01A to 72K01B.

Status before changeover:

72 K01B (NHT RGC) is running at 100% loading while 72K01A remains as standby.

Steps to be taken for changeover:

1. 72K01A should be in lined up condition including its discharge PSV.

2. 72K01A AOP should be in running condition.
3. Confirm 72K01A power is in released condition.
4. Take Electrical clearance from SS61 as well as CPP (1.2 MW).
5. Instrument air to 72K01A motor should be lined up and purging should be
done. Purge Complete should be obtained.
6. Cooling water to 72K01A should be lined up. If required standby cooling water
pump has to be started.
7. Lube oil, Lubricator, N2 to seals and motor cooling fan for 72K01A should be
lined up and running.
8. Barring of compressor is carried out and the barring gear for 72K01A should be
in disengaged condition.
9. 72K01A loading should be in local mode at 0% and RESET the compressor
10. START PERMISSIVE should be available at LCP/DCS.
11. Reduce feed rate of NHT to 115 m3/hr.
12. The running compressor, 72K01B loading should be reduced from 100%
to 50% from DCS. This will result in decrease of recycle gas flow to reactor
13. Once start permissive is obtained and electrical clearances are available start
the compressor.
14. 72K01A loading should be increased to 50% from field after observing its
performance at 0% loading for a minute (Ensure that loading is done before
lapse of 5 minutes from compressor start time to avoid tripping at 0% load).

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 219 of 406
Note: - While compressor loading is being done care should be taken that at no
point of time combined loading for both NHT compressors should exceed 100%
to avoid high pressure at compressor discharge leading to PSV popping /process
side upsets.

15. 72K01A loading should now be handed over to remote mode (DCS).
16. After placing both NHT compressors at 50% loading wait for 10 minutes to
check all parameters of 72K01A are healthy and normal.
17. If all parameters of 72K-01A are healthy, reduce 72K01B loading to 0% from
18. Increase 72K01A loading to 100% from DCS after ensuring 72K-01B
unloaded to 0%.
19. Monitor 72K-01A performance for 1 min at 100% loading and stop 72K01B.
20. Increase the unit feed rate to normal.

The following has to be ensured after changeover:

1. 72K01B AOP should be kept in running condition.

2. 72K01A AOP should be stopped, observing the lube oil pressure, and ensure that it is
kept in ‘AUTO’ mode.
3. Cooling water standby pump if started should be stopped and kept in ‘AUTO’ mode.



• This section includes the instructions to ensure following:

a. To prevent inadvertent water –either Salt Water or BCW – into Compressor
Internals, thereby, avoiding any damage to the compressors.
b. To enforce periodic checks of lube oil and other process coolers as DRJ
c. To monitor lube oil top-up requirements for running compressors

• NHT-CCR section uses total 7 compressors for various purposes viz. 72-KM-01AB
(NHT RGC), 74-KM-01 (CCR RGC), 74-KM-02A/B (NGC) and 74-KM-801A/B
(Chiller compressors).
• Compressors -72-KM-01A/B, 74-KM-02A/B and 74-KM-801A/B uses salt water
coolers (72-E-25A/B, 74-E-30A/B and 74-E-801A/B respectively) for cooling the
circulating lube oil, while 74-KM-01 uses BCW cooler (74-E-20A/B) for lube oil
• The compressors 72-KM-01A/B and 74-KM-02A/B also use salt water coolers (72-
E-26A/B and 74-E-31A/B respectively) for cooling the circulating DM water and
Service Water.
• The compressor 72-KM-01A/B and 74-KM-2A/B, each has got independent lube salt
water cooler while DM water coolers are duplex type. BCW cooler of 74-KM-01 is
also duplex type.
• It is usual that in case of 72-KM-01A/B and 74-KM-02A/B, even the stand-by
compressor lube oil system and the corresponding lube oil cooler will be kept in
service at all the times.
• In case of 74-KM-01, at any point of one BCW cooler only will be in service and the
other cooler will be in stand-by condition.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 220 of 406
• With regard to 74-KM-801A/B, only one of them will be required to be in service.
• With regard to DM water circulation coolers of 72-KM-01A/B and 74-KM-02A/B,
only one salt water cooler will be in service for each of the running compressors.
• The reasons for the isolation are as follows:

a. For all the above mentioned coolers, process side pressure (between 6 and 12
kg/cm2g) is higher than the cooling water side (between 5 and 5.5 kg/cm2g).
b. Under normal circumstances while the circulating pumps are in service, even if
the coolers develop internal leaks, salt water and BCW shall not ingress into the
compressor internals.
c. However, in case of power failures, there is a chance of salt water /BCW
entering into the compressor internals due to a pre-existing internal leak of a
d. Ingress of water into the compressor can cause severe damage to the compressor

• Following should be the part of routine monitoring for the compressors:

a. Carry out Cooler Leak checks as per prescribe DRJ.

b. Abnormal top-up requirement of Lube Oil or DM water or Service water of a
running compressor is an indication of a possible cooler leak. Change over the
cooler or compressor at the earliest.

• Following preventive measures to be ensured in the field:


72-KM-01A/B 72-E-25A/B a. Ensure Lube Oil System in service even
for the stand-by compressor as per the
(Lube Oil) existing practice.
b. For any reason if the Lube Oil system of
stand-by compressor cannot be put in
service and the same to be stopped, salt
74-KM-02A/B 74-E-30A/B water side to be isolated and
(Lube Oil) c. In case of a power failure, since process
side pressure will drop, salt water side to
be isolated and depressurized at the
72-KM-01A/B 72-E-26A/B a. Salt water side to be isolated and
depressurized for stand-by cooler.
(DM Water) b. In case of a power failure, since process
side pressure will drop, salt water side to
74-KM-02A/B 74-E-31A/B be isolated and depressurized for both the
coolers at the earliest.

74-KM-01 74-E-20A/B a. BCW side to be isolated and

depressurized for stand-by cooler.
(Lube Oil) b. In case of a power failure, since process
side pressure will drop, BCW side to be
isolated and depressurized for both the

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 221 of 406
coolers at the earliest.
74-KM-801 A/B 74-E-801 A/B a. Salt water side to be isolated and
depressurized for stand-by cooler.
(Lube Oil) b. In case of a power failure, since process
side pressure will drop, salt water side to
be isolated and depressurized for both the
coolers at the earliest.


The Naphtha Hydro treating Unit utilizes down flow reactors. Typically this consists of one
reactor, but for certain feed stocks two reactors in series are required. In general, the
purpose of the hydro treating reactors is to allow the feed to contact the catalyst at reaction
conditions while not allowing the catalyst to leave with the product. Catalyst containment is
one of the goals of the design. Process vapors enter through the top of the reactor, via an inlet
distributor, and flow down through the catalyst bed and out the bottom of reactor.

Typically the naphtha hydrotreating reactor is constructed of killed carbon steel with an alloy
lining. The inlet distributor located at the top of the reactor prevents the vapor from
disturbing the catalyst bed and enhances the flow distribution through the catalyst. Usually
there are two layers of graded bed material on top of the catalyst bed. This aids in flow
distribution and minimizes the pressure drop across the reactor. The depth of each layer is a
function of the reactor dimensions and the feed types. The top layer is typically 4 to 6 inches
deep (100 mm to 150 mm) and consists of specially shaped inert ceramic material used to
filter larger particles from the feed. The second layer ranges from 12 to 24 inches (300 mm to
600 mm) in depth and is another specially shaped material, but includes active metals.

At the bottom of each reactor are ceramic support material (balls) of different
diameters which help in the flow distribution of the reactor effluent out of the reactor. The
varying diameters of the support material are utilized to prevent catalyst migration. An
outlet basket prevents the ceramic support material from leaving the reactor.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:16 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 222 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 17 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
6. 17.5 227
10. 17.9 230

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:17 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 223 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 17 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016


The main cause of concern for the operator of the hydrotreating unit is Sulphur breakthrough
into the hydrotreated naphtha, contaminating platformer and isomerization unit feed. If an
upset occurs, the operator must be knowledgeable and experienced enough to take the proper
corrective actions immediately and to know if he should shut-off feed to the downstream
units before any catalytic activity loss occurs. It is advisable to even shutdown the
downstream units. The seriousness of the upset and the level of contaminant breakthrough
will dictate the necessary course of action to take.
This section offers some guidelines for troubleshooting various problems that may been
encountered over the course of normal operation of a hydrotreating unit. The information is
organized under the following general subject areas of the unit:
- Reactor Temperature Increases
- Reactor Pressure Drop
- Reactor Catalyst Bed Mal-distribution
- Reactor Section Operation
- Reactor Hydrogen Partial Pressure
- Reactor Effluent Condensers
- Product Separator Level Control
- Corrosion Problems
- Stabilizer Bottoms Product


Symptom: On normal operation, the reactor top catalyst bed differential temperature


1 Feed composition changes from a. Check the operation of the upstream units.
hot feed sources causing a higher b. Check relative feed rates from upstream units
content of olefins and aromatics to determine if more cracked stock is being fed
in the feed. to the hydrotreating unit.
c. Reduce firing of charge heater, if necessary, to
control the top bed temperature rise.
d. Increase, if necessary, the reactor bed
quenches to control the Catalyst bed
temperature rise.
e. If catalyst bed temperatures cannot be brought
under control, begin decreasing reactor temp.
and unit charge after temperature adjustment.
f. If catalyst bed temperatures cannot be brought
under control, and unit is equipped with
depressurizing system, activate the emergency
depressurizing system.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:17 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 224 of 406
2 Feed composition from cold feed a. Decrease the cold feed charge to the unit if
source has changed. Unit is possible.
receiving imported stock. b. Begin checking sources to cold feed tankage.
Possibility that line up in tank farm area is
allowing other material to be routed to unit
cold feed tank.
c. Check any piping that may be connected to
unit feed supply for correct isolation.
3 The reactor charge heater has a. Check operation of reactor charge heater.
become unstable allowing a Determine the cause and correct, if possible,
higher process outlet temperature while maintaining the safe operation of the
to the reactor inlet. unit.
b. If heater operation cannot be restored, to safely
control the reactor inlet temperature, begin
shutdown of the reactor charge heater.
c. Increase, if necessary, the reactor bed quenches
to control the catalyst bed temperature rise.
d. If catalyst bed temperatures cannot be brought
under control, and unit is equipped with
depressurizing system, activate the emergency
depressurizing system.
4 Less heat removal is available a. Check the operation of the recycle gas
and residence time for feed in compressor.
contact with the catalyst has b. Check the position of the recycle gas control
increased due to low flow of valves.
recycle gas. c. If the recycle gas control valves are equipped
with solenoids, check their operation.



1 Scale is depositing on the a. If feed to unit is filtered, check operation of feed
reactor catalyst bed. filters.
b. Check feed filter internals for damage.
c. Check size of filter internals. Should be capable of
removing 50 micron particulates

2 Differential Pressure instrument a. Check DP instrument for damage and rectify if any
is plugged or damaged, giving problem.
incorrect reading.

3 Feed filter bypass line installed a. Check block valves on filter bypass line, if
is passing, causing unfiltered applicable. Repair and or replace at next unit
feed to be sent to reactors. shutdown.
b. Chain lock closed the filter bypass line block
valves, if necessary.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:17 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 225 of 406
4 Unit is feeding imported a. Imported feed stocks contacting air can form gums
feedstock that has not been from the oxidation of olefins. Check feed source
reprocessed through crude unit. for contamination.
b. Check imported feedstock storage for correct
c. Reduce imported feedstock to unit and process at a
slower rate.
d. Re-process imported feed stock in crude unit.

Symptom: Unit experience temperature excursion, which increase pressure drop in Reactor.


1 High catalyst temperature has a. Unit should be shutdown and dumped and
caused coke to be formed in the screened and or regenerat the catalyst depending
reactor catalyst bed. on the extent of the excursion and pressure drop.
b. Depending on pressure drop, decrease unit
Throughput to reduce pressure drop in system.


Symptom: Catalyst bed radial temperature profile indicating flow channeling.


1 Catalyst bed was not properly a. At next unit turnaround dump catalyst and re-load
loaded, causing distribution using proper loading techniques as described in
flow problems. chapter 23.
b. If severe misdistribution is occurring and catalyst
radial temperature spread cannot be safely
controlled, the unit should be shut down and the
catalyst to be dumped, screened or regenerated.
c. Properly load the catalyst at the next convenient
unit turnaround.


Symptom: Product Separator pressure begins to decrease.


1 Feed composition change is a. Monitor incoming feed for composition changes
causing increased hydrogen b. Check upstream units supplying feed to unit for
consumption. operational changes.
c. Reduce reactor severity to regain control of unit
d. Adjust reactor temp. for feed composition change
and available hydrogen supply.
2 Hydrogen makeup compressor a. Check spillback control valves for correct
spillback system has operation.
malfunctioned. b. Check Product Separator pressure control system
with instrumentation.
3 Hydrogen make up compressor a. Check the PSV's on each compressor suction drum
suction drums pressure safety for passing.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:17 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 226 of 406
valves passing.

4 Hydrogen supply from a. Check and correct, if possible, the upstream supply
upstream hydrogen plant has problem.
decreased. b. Check the Hydrogen pressure control system.
c. Check the hydrogen supply pressure from the
Hydrogen network. Adjust if, possible, to correct
delivery pressure.

5 Product Separator control a. Check the HIC control valve to flare, if equipped.
valves to flare passing, or b. Check the pressure safety valves on the HPS for
Leaking pressure relief valves. leakage.
Symptom: Product separator pressure decreases as catalyst temperatures increase.


1 Reactor charge heater is a. Check the operation of the charge heater.
not controlling the heater b. Check the fuel control system for proper operation.
outlet temperature, c. Reduce the reactor charge heater outlet temperature to
causing higher catalyst reduce the catalyst bed temperatures.
bed temperatures and d. Ensure that the reactor hydrogen quench facilities
increased hydrogen controlling the catalyst bed temperatures.
consumption. e. If reactor charge heater cannot be controlled, shut down
the heater and begin unit shutdown.

Symptom: Product Separator pressure begins to increase.


1 Hydrogen makeup compressor a. Check the operation of the hydrogen makeup
control system not controlling compressor's spillback control system.
the separator pressure. b. Check the product separator pressure control


Symptom: H2 partial pressure is decreasing due to increasing Product Separator temperature.


1 Product separator temp. is too a. Check the operation of the product condenser.
high, due to problem in the b. Are any fans shut down, restart as necessary.
product condenser, causing c. Are all fans operating at best efficiency
higher light hydrocarbons d. If belt driven fin fans, do the belts need
content in the recycle gas changing adjusting to give optimum driver
stream performance.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:17 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 227 of 406
2 Product separator temp. a. Check wash water quality. Be sure wash
is too high because product water is within contaminant specifications.
condenser efficiency is
decreasing, due to fouling.


Symptom: The product condenser outlet temperature begins to increase.


1 Wash water injection is too low a. Check pumps pressure safety valve for correct
to remove ammonium bisulfide lifting pressure setting.
being deposited in the b. Be sure wash water rate is as designed or above.
condenser tubes. Heat transfer c. Monitor product condenser bundle outlet
in the condenser has decreased temperatures after washing.

A. Wash water pumps not a. Check and calculate the pump capacity, Pump
pumping required flow and may be operating at upper limit.
discharge pressure. b. Check the reactor section pressure. May be higher
than indicating, causing pump to operate above
design conditions.
B. Makeup gas supply is from a. If Platformer is equipped with chloride guard bed,
off gas of Platformer, check outlet of guard bed for chloride
containing chloride, breakthrough.
resulting in NH4Cl b. Inject wash water at inlet of last reactor effluent
formation upstream of wash exchanger temporarily to remove NH4Cl deposit.
water injection point. c. Install alumina treaters, if necessary, to remove
chlorides from makeup gas.

Symptom: Product condenser outlet temperature has increased:

A. Outlet temperature is controlled a. Check the fin fan blades for correct blade pitch. Adjust
by fin fans which are having pitch for maximum cooling within limitations of fan
mechanical problems. driver.
b. If fans are equipped with variable pitch controllers,
check mechanical integrity of the variable pitch hub.
c. If fans are belt driven, check fan belt tension for
damage. Replace as necessary.

B. Atmospheric conditions are a. At next unit turnaround, hydro-blast condenser tube

causing sand, dirt to deposit on fins externally.
condenser external tube fins,
decreasing cooling efficiency.


Symptom: Failure of the Product Separator Hydrocarbon Level control valve.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:17 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 228 of 406
A. Possible wrong type of valve a. Install valves with internals of 316SS.
metallurgy and/or the wrong
type of valve.
B. Higher feed rate above design a. If the unit operation dictates continued operation at
causing increased velocity higher rates, possibility that the Product Separator
through control valve. control valve will need to be changed to accommodate
the increased rate.

Symptom: Failure of the Product Separator sour water level control valve.


A. Possibly wrong type of valve a. Change valve internals metallurgy to 316SS.
metallurgy or wrong type of


Symptom: Stabilizer Bottoms product color is going off-spec:


A. Change in feedstock quality a. Check for change in crude source since color can be
crude source dependent.
B. Increased amount of VB a. Reduce VB naphtha component of feed, if necessary.
naphtha in feed blend. Cracked
stock tends to have more
nitrogen compounds that have
been linked to color stability.
C. Feedstock endpoint has 1. Check upstream unit operations and lower the
increased. hydrotreating unit feed endpoint, if necessary.
D. Leak in stripper feed –naphtha I. Check naphtha splitter product streams for unusually
splitter bottom exchangers that high sulfur or nitrogen levels.
may allow contamination of
product with color-producing

Symptom: Naphtha splitter bottom product is off-spec on sulfur or nitrogen content.


A. Error in the sampling technique a. Check that the sample bottle or container has been
has resulted in false analysis of properly cleaned.
the naphtha product. b. Observe the laboratory testing method and confirm that
the method is current and correct.
c. Observe that the sample is being taken at the correct
sampling point.
d. If operations personnel are taking the sample, provide
adequate training in the sample analysis technique.
B. Leak in stripper feed –naphtha a. Introduce a chemical species into the feed which may
splitter bottom exchangers that be traced in order to determine if there is a leak.
may allow contamination of

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:17 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 229 of 406
C. Change in Feedstock a. Check that the new feedstock does not have above
design values of nitrogen or sulfur.
b. Increase the reactor inlet temperatures as necessary to
remove all of the sulfur and nitrogen (if there is room
to do so within temperature limitations of equipment).
c. If the above is not successful, reduce feed rates of feed
stream with higher nitrogen and/or sulfur levels until
blended stream falls within design values.
d. Consider revamping the unit if feedstock change will
be permanent.


The following section elaborates instructions for effective monitoring of fuel gas
system at NHT CCR. Objective of this section is to be provide instructions so as to
ensure that:

•Flaring and LPG vaporization at refinery gas plant at FCCU-I/II is minimized

due to fluctuations in generation and consumption of Net gas and other off gas
of MS Block
• NHT-CCR personnel are aware of the effect of fluctuations in generation and
consumption of Net gas and other off gases on the refinery fuel gas (FG) header.
• NHT-CCR Panel Officer communicates any change or upset in the Net gas and
off gases generation or consumption to the FCCU-(I/II) gas plant Panel Officer
and RSM.
• Fuel Gas Mix Drum (260-V-101) system at NHT CCR maintains MS Block Fuel
Gas header pressure. The system either exports excess Net gas or imports Fuel
Gas from the refinery fuel gas header so as to maintain the required header
• Normally, MS block Fuel gas header pressure is maintained at higher pressure
than the refinery fuel gas header so that all the gas generated in MS Block is
consumed within.
• In case of excess Net gas generation, Export to refinery FG header from mixing
drum is maintained by 260-PIC-7202, set at 4.1 kg/cm2 g. This is a split range
controller acting on an export valve (260-PV-7102A) currently locked at 35%
max and a flare valve (260-PV-7202B).
• Set point lock on 260-PV-7102A is provided to limit the Hydrogen in the
refinery fuel gas within the design limit.
• There is another pressure controller, 260-PIC-7101, in the system which is set a
pressure lower by 0.1-0.2 kg/cm2 than the refinery fuel gas. This controller
comes into line whenever gas generation inside MS Block is less than the


• Net gas export to or import from the refinery fuel gas header depends on the
many factors and operating conditions including the following:

1. Change in the CCR feed rate

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:17 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 230 of 406
2. Change in CCR Reactor Inlet Temperatures.
3. Change in NHT fed rate
4. Change in NHT Reactor Inlet Temperature
5. Change in Splitter Reboiler % Vaporization
6. Change in NHT Separator Purge gas flow
7. Change in the De-ethanizer off gases generation
8. Change in stabilizer off gases
9. Change in Net gas export to DHDS
10. Change in export to NIU MGC
11. Change in off gas generation rate from NIU

• Any change in the above factors will impact the refinery FG header and thus
calls for necessary adjustment at refinery gas plant (FCCUI/II) leading to either
flaring or LPG vaporization.

• Inform FCCU-I/II Panel Officer and RSM in case of the above mentioned
circumstances so that necessary preventive and corrective action is taken so as to
avoid the situation of flaring by increasing the fuel gas consumption at the
refinery plants.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:17 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 231 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 18 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
18.0 233
18. NHT Splitter process upset: Action required to 239
prevent CCR Feed failure

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:18 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 232 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 18 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


Emergencies that occur in hydro treating units must be recognized and acted upon
immediately. The operators and supervisory personnel should carefully study in advance, and
become thoroughly familiar with, the proper steps to be taken in such situations. Some of the
emergency conditions described here will not only result in a unit shutdown, but if the
situation is not handled properly, can lead to serious damage to the catalyst and equipment.
In general, the objective of the emergency procedures is to avoid damage to equipment and
catalyst. This is accomplished by rapid cooling of the catalyst beds below reaction
temperature and by reducing the pressure whenever there is a possibility of a temperature
In addition, specific rules cannot be made to cover all situations that might arise. Therefore,
the following procedures cover only those emergency situations that are the most common
and, for the most part, only the immediate steps to be taken are listed. It should be noted that
the procedures outlined here concentrate on the reactor section. In most cases, the corrective
actions will result in upsets in the Splitter and Stabilizer columns. It is advised that care be
taken to adjust the Stripper and Splitter columns operation whenever flows and/or severity
are reduced.
It should also be noted that the protection of austenitic stainless steel equipment must always
be kept in mind. The proper precautionary measures must be taken to prevent oxygen and
liquid water from coming into contact with any austenitic material that has sulfide scale.
These measures should not conflict with the immediate steps required as a result of the
emergency condition.
Any time an emergency situation occurs, especially when a reduction in space velocity or
capability of removing the heat of reaction from the catalyst is involved, a condition exists
which could lead to the generation of localized high temperatures. Therefore, during any type
of emergency there is a rapid temperature rise in the reactor or catalyst bed; immediate steps
should be taken to depressurize the system to suppress the reactions. The objective is to
prevent a further rise in temperature and minimize the danger of damage to the reactor and
other equipment.


Loss of feed may be due to feed pump failure with an unexpected delay in starting the spare
pump or more commonly from leaks or other difficulties in the feed line requiring an
interruption of the feed. A loss of feed from battery limits is not so severe due to the hold up
in the naphtha feed surge drum (20 minutes). Due to plugging of feed filter 72-X-01 feed may
reduce (due to sudden raise in Dp). Loss of feed from the naphtha feed pump is instantaneous
and requires immediate action:
1. Interlock UC-001 gets activated, which by passes feed to combined feed
exchangers (72-E-01A~G) by closing UV-0701 (field reset).
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:18 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 233 of 406
2. Maintain hydrogen pressure to minimize coke formation and cool the catalyst
with recycle gas.

CAUTION: Be aware of the possibility that high temperatures could be

generated rapidly in the catalyst bed, and be prepared to take appropriate
action as per the instructions in part F of this section.

3. Lower the reactor temperatures to 28 °C below their normal operating level as

rapidly as possible. Hold the system pressure at the normal level.
4. Put the spare charge pump on line as quickly as possible if available. Maintain
water injection to the reactor effluent at the same rate as before the emergency.
5. Close separator bottoms liquid outlet LV-1302 when the separator level starts
to decrease, and block in.
6. Reduce stripper bottom temperature and maintain the stripper level.
7. Reduce the splitter bottoms temperature and allow the splitter to operate on
total reflux.
8. Maintain liquid levels in all vessels.
9. Maintain pressure in the reaction section by hydrogen make up, in stripper by
nitrogen and in splitter by fuel gas.
10. After the spare charge pump is on line, continue with a normal startup. If a
pump is not available, maintain hydrogen circulation and continue lowering
Hydro treating Reactor inlet temperature to 205°C until a charge pump
becomes available. Then, line out catalyst temperatures and proceed with
normal startup.


This refers to recycle gas compressor failure due to mechanical reasons and inability to start
the standby compressor immediately.
1. Interlock UC-002 gets activated, which by passes feed to combined feed
exchangers (72-E-01A~G) by closing UV-0701 (field reset). Also, closes the Fuel
oil by closing UV-2501A/B &UV-2502(field reset) and also close fuel gas SDVs
UV-2503/04( field reset) of the charge heater.
2. Maintain hydrogen pressure to minimize coke formation and cool the catalyst as
much as possible by sweeping with makeup gas once-through the reactor.
CAUTION: Be aware of the possibility that high temperatures could be generated rapidly in
the catalyst bed, and be prepared to take appropriate action as per the instructions in part F of
this section.

3. Confirm the charge heater shut down automatically on loss of recycle gas flow.
4. Confirm that FV-1202 is closed (field reset).
5. As the makeup gas is normally sent to the suction of the recycle gas compressor,
vent gas from the reactor circuit first to lower the unit pressure. Then switch the
makeup gas destination to the discharge of the recycle gas compressor and send
makeup gas once-through the reactor to the separator.
6. Continue makeup gas injection to remove the oil from the reactors and push it over
to the separator and cool the catalyst as much as possible.
7. When the recycle gas compressor becomes available, reestablish recycle gas flow
and line out Hydrotreating Reactor inlet temperature to 205°C. Then, continue with
normal procedure for startup with used catalyst.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:18 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 234 of 406
8. Start the compressor as quickly as possible. Remember that with no flow through
the heater, the material in the tubes may become excessively hot, and if it was put
through the reactors, could result in damage to the catalyst. Thus, when the
compressor is started after such a shutdown, immediately check the reactor inlet
temperatures; if over 343°C (650°F), stop recycle flow and continue cooling the
heater with purging steam until the reactor inlet temperatures, with recycle gas
flowing, are below 343°C (650°F).


Due to loss of recycle gas flow, charge heater will shut down. The reaction system
pressure would be held at the values prevailing at the time of loss of the compressor.

The main feed to the Stripper column from the separator by Separator level control
would soon stop. However, since the Platforming section feed has mandatorily got to be
through the Stripper even in case of sweet naphtha feed from tankage, the stripper
operation has to be maintained, by switching to tankage naphtha feed.

This calls for immediately increasing the sweet naphtha flow by opening the valves at
battery limit feeding this stream to Stripper. This eventuality calls for keeping the sweet
naphtha line live by taking some naphtha feed to the unit during normal operation also.

To protect Platforming unit from shut down, temporarily hot feed from units also can be
taken directly to stripper feed/ splitter bottom exchanger (72-E-02) through charge
pumps via start up bypass (FV-0702).


The system pressure will drop as a result of continued reactions. Therefore, to reduce
hydrogen consumption and minimize coke formation, stop the liquid feed and cool the
catalyst rapidly with recycle gas to below reaction temperatures. The loss of any portion
of makeup gas hydrogen will require a feed rate reduction. The fresh feed reduction
should be proportional to the makeup gas loss. If there is a substantial loss in makeup gas,
pressure will decrease rapidly while hydrogen consumption exceeds makeup capacity. As
the system pressure declines, the capacity of the recycle gas compressor will be reduced
and control of reactor temperatures will become more difficult.
1. Lower reactor temperature sufficiently to reduce hydrogen consumption by
adjusting charge heater firing. Restore reactor pressure as quickly as possible.
After the pressure has returned to normal, adjust reactor temperature to obtain as
much desulfurization as is possible with the available hydrogen.
2. If there is a total loss of makeup hydrogen, Normal shutdown to be carried out.
Lower hydrotreating reactor inlet temperature to 205°C and follow normal
shutdown procedures as described in previous chapter.
3. If the makeup compressors shut down (i.e. due to a dip in power) and can be
immediately restarted, a shutdown may not be necessary. Lower temperatures and
feed rate as quickly as possible to minimize hydrogen consumption. Restart the
makeup gas compressors and restore system pressure as soon as possible. If the
product separator pressure drops to less than 70 percent of its normal pressure
before the compressor can be restarted, the unit must be shut down to prevent
excessive catalyst coking and deactivation.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:18 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 235 of 406

Loss of wash water for an extended period will force a shutdown. Ammonia will no
longer be removed from the reactor effluent and will begin to build up in the recycle gas
causing ammonium salts to deposit in the products condenser. Rapid fouling and tube
plugging can occur. If neither wash water pump can be started within 30 minutes,
follow the shutdown procedure presented in Normal Shutdown Procedures.


1. Reduce the Reactor inlet temperature by adjusting charge heater firing .

2. If the temperatures are not controlled by the corrective action of step (1), remove
charge heater
3. If the temperatures continue to rise 28 °C above normal, remove feed from the unit.
4. If the catalyst bed temperatures are 28°C above normal and continue to rise despite
the above corrective actions, or if the temperatures exceed the maximum allowable
operating temperature of the reactor, then depressurized the system to regain control
of the reactor. If the operator decides to manually depressurize the unit via the manual
emergency depressurizing system, the following should occur automatically:
a. The feed pump shuts down.
b. The shutoff control valves in the fuel gas and fuel oil lines to the charge heaters
close, the pilots will stay lit.
c. The wash water pump will shut down.

NOTE: If the manual depressurizing system is activated, the recycle gas compressor
will continue to operate.

5. Verify that the charge heater burners are out. Open the stack damper and all air
registers to the full open position to establish the maximum flow of cooling air
through the box. Add snuffing steam to the heater box to aid in cooling. Be sure the
steam is dry before admitting it to the heater box.
6. Put the product condenser fans on maximum cooling. Be careful not to exceed the
reactor product condenser maximum design temperature.
7. Close depressurizing valve when all reactor temperatures are at least 28°C below
normal operating temperatures. If temperatures remain high after the unit has been
depressurized, then begin purging the reactor with nitrogen at the maximum rate
8. If recycle compressor operation can be maintained, continue maximum gas circulation
and cool all catalyst temperature points and hydrotreating reactor outlet temperature
to 205°C.
9. Hold until ready for startup.

NOTE: In the event of a serious temperature excursion, the hydrotreating unit

should be completely shut down and the affected catalyst removed, screened
and reloaded. In addition, the reactor and other affected equipment should be
carefully inspected for damage.


This situation will be preceded by a low instrument air pressure alarm. Alert
MEROX, DCS about low pressure.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:18 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 236 of 406
The pressure will maintain as the emergency depressurizing valve fails closed.
Therefore, stop feed and cool the catalyst rapidly with recycle gas to below reaction
temperatures to reduce hydrogen consumption and to minimize coke formation.
1. Stop all heaters firing and maintain maximum recycle gas circulation as long as
possible to cool the catalyst rapidly. Be careful not to exceed the reactor product
condenser maximum temperature. Put the fans on maximum cooling.
2. Cut off auxiliary or plant air as soon as possible to supplement the normal
instrument air. Do not attempt to continue operations if the auxiliary air fails also.
Shut down and block in the charge pump and shut down the reactor effluent wash
water injection pump.
3. After instrument air is restored, continue to reduce all reactor temperatures to
28°C below their normal operating level.
4. Once recycle gas circulation is resumed, and all catalyst bed temperatures are
stable, pressure up the unit and continue with the normal startup procedure.


Stop all hydrogen and hydrocarbons going to the unit. Stop the fire, and then purge the
process lines with steam or nitrogen at the rupture to prevent air from entering the unit.
1. Depressurize the unit with the manual emergency depressurizing system.
2. Shut off all fuel supply and return lines to the heaters and open snuffing steam
to the box.
3. Open the stack dampers completely.
4. Shut down and block in any of the following equipment that has not already
been automatically shut down by the depressurizing interlocks: the makeup
and recycle gas compressors, the feed pump, and the reactor effluent water
injection pump.
5. After the system is depressurized, hook up steam hoses to both sides of the
heater and purge through to the rupture to prevent air from back flowing
through the rupture and forming an explosive mixture with hydrocarbons in
the system. If purging must pass through the reactor, the purging material
should be nitrogen instead of steam. In any case, nitrogen is preferred for
catalyst protection and for the protection of the austenitic stainless steel piping
or equipment in the circuit.


1. Rapidly shut down the unit and depressurize to prevent further damage.
Keep the recycle gas compressor running, if practical, to cool the reactor
and sweep oil from the high pressure system.
2. Shut down and block in the fresh feed.
3. Shut off all fuel supply and return lines to all heaters.
4. Shut down and block in the makeup gas compressor, but maintain the
recycle gas compressor operation as long as possible.
5. Cool the catalyst inlet temperature to 400°F (205°C) with recycle gas
6. Shut down and block in the reactor effluent water injection pump.
7. Depressurize to flare and purge with nitrogen as applicable to the situation.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:18 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 237 of 406
This refers to the failure of the stripper reflux pumps without restart of the standby.
Without reflux it will be difficult to maintain the stripper bottoms on spec.
1. Immediately reduce unit feed to 50% of design.
2. Reduce stripper re-boiler steam to avoid stripper receiver level high. If the
level in the stripper receiver is further increasing, drain the level to CBD.
3. Try to start the stand by reflux pump. If not proceed for stopping the feed
and continue recycle gas circulation in the reactor.
4. Maintain the levels in the splitter& splitter receiver. Plat forming feed to
be taken out. Splitter bottom & top rundowns to be switched to slop.


This refers to failure of the splitter reflux pumps without restart of the standby. Loss of
reflux means inability to meet the feed specification of the downstream units. If the full
range naphtha can be charged to the reforming unit, reduce splitter re-boiler heater
firing to reduce the over heads.
1. Immediately reduce unit feed to 50% of design.
2. Reduce stripper re-boiler steam to avoid stripper receiver level high. If the
level in the stripper receiver is further increasing, drain the level to CBD.
3. Try to start the stand by reflux pump. If not proceed for stopping the feed and
continue recycle gas circulation in the reactor.
4. Maintain the levels in the splitter& splitter receiver. Plat forming feed to be
taken out. Splitter bottom & top rundowns to be switched to slop.


If the full range naphtha can be charged to the reforming unit, reduce splitter re-boiler
heater firing to reduce the over heads. However, in the event of a tube rupture in the
re-boiler, may lead to a PSV relief in the splitter.

Proceed with cutting down the feed and circulating the recycle gas by decreasing the
reactor temperature.


1. In case of low pressure (0.5Kg/cm2) in the pilot gas, Charge heater &
splitter reboiler will get shut down due to activation of interlocks UC-002&
UC-003. Naphtha feed to combined feed exchangers will be closed.
Continue circulating the recycle gas through the reactor to sweep out the
hydrocarbons. Proceed with shut down of the unit holding the pressure and
liquid levels.
2. In case of low pressure (0.07Kg/cm2) in fuel gas, fuel gas SDVs will gets
closed. Reduced feed rate and take load in fuel oil firing.


In case of low pressure (1.8Kg/cm2) in fuel oil, fuel oil SDVs will gets closed. Take
load on fuel gas. Cut down naphtha feed to reactor to suit the reactor temperature.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:18 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 238 of 406

As there is minimal water cooling in this unit, this is not a critical event for the
naphtha hydrotreating unit.


In case of all electrical failure, all equipment in the hydrotreating unit will shut down i.e,
recycle compressor, air fin fan coolers and all pumps.

1. Immediately shut off fuel to the charge heater and splitter re-boiler.
2. Isolate the feed and product lines by closing the control valves and block
3. Watch the tube skin temperatures, if there is runaway trend open the air
damper and inject snuffing steam. Proceed for unit shut down as per normal

In case of pressure is increasing, release to flare via HV-1301 in separator. Sweep the
reactor with make-up hydrogen or start up hydrogen.

Q. NHT Splitter process upset: Action required to prevent CCR Feed failure:

- The objective of this section is to provide an instruction to prevent CCR feed failure
in case of any process upset in NHT splitter.
- NHT Splitter high bottom level can cause tripping of 72PM5A/B pumps (Heavy
naphtha rundown pumps) on high load leading to failure of feed for CCR unit.
- The details of the splitter bottom control are as follows:

a. NHT Splitter bottom level (72LIC1901) is cascaded to Heavy naphtha rundown flow
(72FIC 1601) during normal operation.
b. In case of any process upset in NHT Splitter, its bottom level (72LIC 1901) may go
up leading to high rundown flow via 72FIC1601.
c. The rated capacity of 72PM5A/B (Heavy naphtha rundown pumps) is 168m3/hr. d. In
case of any upset in the splitter column operations, in case 72PM5A/B discharge total
flow (72FIC1901) crosses 168m3/hr there is a chance that HN rundown pump may
trip on high load which may lead to CCR shutdown on high COT.
d. Once NHT Splitter level goes up, 72FIC 1601 controller should be removed from
cascade mode and kept in Auto/manual mode and its set point value should be
entered in DCS in such a way that 72FIC1901 should not cross 160 m3/hr.
e. During this period, NHT feed rate should be reduced to control NHT Splitter bottom
level if situation demands.
f. Closely monitor HN rundown pump (72PM 5A/B) amps in the field and adjust flows

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:18 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 239 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 19 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
2 19.1 241

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:19 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 240 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 19 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


The time it takes to shut down will depend on the experience of the operating personnel.
Precise control of reactor temperatures must be maintained throughout the shutdown.

1. Increase or maintain recycle gas flows hydrotreating reactors to 100% design. First
lower the reactor temperatures then lower the fresh feed rate gradually.

2. When bringing feed rate and temperature down in gradual increments, always
decrease temperature before decreasing feed rate.

3. The Charge Heater should be kept in service for as long as possible while the reactor
temperatures are being lowered, so the cool down rates will be controllable.

4. As the feed rate is reduced and the reactor temperatures are lowered, the amount of
heat released and temperature rise in the catalyst beds will decrease.

5. Lower reactor inlet temperatures slowly, at a maximum of 15 °C per hour. Lower the
reactor inlet temperatures to 316°C.

6. After the reactor inlet temperature has been reduced to 316 deg C, the feed rate should
be gradually lowered to 50% before it is completely removed. While lowering the
feed rate, also lower the levels in the splitter and feed surge drum by further reducing
fresh feed entering the unit.

7. Reduce the steam flow to the stripper reboiler and cool down naphtha splitter reboiler
heater and divert products to slop as they go off spec. Lower levels in all vessels. This
will minimize the amount of liquid to be drained or pumped out of the unit after it is
shut down.

8. Immediately after the feed has been stopped, use recycle gas to sweep residual
naphtha from the catalyst beds, transfer lines and exchangers. Continue to circulate
recycle gas for 1hour at full pressure and temperature of 260 deg C. Stop water
injection to the product condenser at the start of cooling. Remove as much water as
possible from the product separator.

NOTE: Heat exchanger temperatures may be higher at this time than normal
operations. Make sure the exchanger design temperatures are not exceeded. In order
to avoid the possibility of nickel carbonyl formation, all gas streams containing
carbon monoxide must be excluded from the system when cooling below 260 °C.

9. Continue cooling the reactors with recycle gas to as low a temperature as is possible.
Cooling should be continued till the catalyst bed temperatures reach 65 °C to allow
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:19 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 241 of 406
time for removal of heat from the reactor walls. Otherwise, after stopping the recycle
compressor, the catalyst beds will heat up again from the heat remaining in the reactor
walls. If the catalyst is to be skimmed or dumped un-regenerated, reduce the reactor
temperature to 38°C.

10. Completely depressurize the unit to flare.

11. Purge the reactor section with nitrogen until the system contains less than 1 mol
percent Hydrogen plus Hydrocarbons.


(This is to prevent burning in the catalyst bed that could lead to high localized
temperatures inside the reactor and the formation of nickel carbonyl).

12. The Splitter and Stabilizer columns should be cooled down by stopping reboiler heat
input, and should be left under positive fuel gas pressure. De-inventory Splitter and
Stabilizer columns if so desired. Divert products to slop as they go off-spec. Lower
levels in all vessels to minimize the amount of liquid to be drained or pumped out of
the unit after it is shut down. If entry into the columns is required, at a minimum, they
must be drained, steamed out, blinded off from other equipment, and air purged for
safe entry.


These procedures are intended for those cases in which the unit may have to be shut down for
a short duration. The intent is to cool the catalyst beds safely below reaction temperature and
leave them wet with oil.

Follow the Shutdown for Catalyst Removal procedure, steps 1 through 3 above.

1. Continue circulation of feed and recycle gas to cool the catalyst bed at no more than
30°C/hr in order to cool reactor inlet temperatures to 205 °C.
2. Stop wash water injection to the reactor effluent when the reactor temperature drops
below 260°C.
3. After the reactor inlet temperature has been reduced to 205 °C, the feed rate should be
gradually lowered to 50%. When all catalyst bed temperatures reach the desired
temperature, stop naphtha circulation and continue recycle gas circulation long
enough to sweep the bulk of the naphtha off of the catalyst and over to the separator.
Then shut down the recycle gas compressor.

4. The surge drum may be placed on recirculation with the Stripper & Splitter may be
placed on total reflux for the duration of the shutdown.


(80°C) in order to prevent burning in the catalyst bed and the possible formation
of nickel carbonyl (for catalyst containing nickel).

5. Maintain a positive nitrogen flow on both sides of any flanges that are to be opened
for blinding.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:19 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 242 of 406
6. During the entire shutdown period the charge heater firebox temperatures must be
maintained at 205°C for the protection of the heater tubes or they must be neutralized
as discussed in the Special Procedures section.

7. Any austenitic stainless steel equipment to be opened to the atmosphere should be

neutralized with a soda ash solution as described in the Special Procedures section.

8. The Stripper and Splitter columns and feed surge drum must be drained and steamed
out prior to opening any of the equipment. It is also recommended that the towers and
receivers be washed thoroughly with water before admitting air to prevent the ignition
of the iron sulfide scale on the walls.

NOTE: Special care must be taken during shutdown and maintenance to avoid
personnel entering an atmosphere contaminated with hydrogen sulfide or blanketed with
nitrogen. All vessels that are opened must be thoroughly tested to insure the safety of entry.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:19 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 243 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 20 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
5 20.4 262
6 20.5 269

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 244 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 20 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


Following temporary special operations are described in detail:

• Catalyst Loading
• Catalyst Unloading
• Catalyst Regeneration
• Neutralization
• Emergency Depressurization test


This procedure covers the loading of the NHT Reactor (72-R-01). As this catalyst was
provided unsulfided, it may be loaded in a normal atmosphere; however, the loading shall not
be done in the rain. In the event of rain, canvases or plastic sheets should be used to cover the
man way and catalyst drums. A transfer loading platform structure is required for the catalyst
operators to load the hoppers from the drums. The transfer loading platform area should be
large enough to accommodate two drum pallets, or 8-10 drums, sufficient to load one hopper
and to allow working room for the personnel who will do the loading.
Care should be taken when loading inert ceramic balls into the bottom head of the reactor. If
ceramic balls are loaded with the sock, it will take several men to control since the material is
heavy. The hopper control valve should also be used to control the flow—the ceramic balls
are much heavier than the catalyst and filling the hose could cause it to rip or break off from
the hopper. An alternative method of loading ceramic balls involves lowering a basket full of
balls to the bottom of the reactor on a rope or winch and dumping them.

When loading each layer of the catalyst support material, care must be taken so that the
previous layer of balls is not disturbed. Cratering of any layer may cause migration of the
balls, resulting in the migration of the catalyst bed. Each layer of inerts should be leveled
before loading the next.

20.1.1Materials and Equipment:

1. Spoon and jar with airtight lid for sampling each catalyst drum.
2. One Forklift.
3. One Crane.
4. Drums of UOP HC-K catalyst, stacked four to a pallet.
5. Drums of 3, 6, and 19 mm inert ceramic balls.
6. Two transfer hoppers with separate lifting cables.
7. One transfer hopper loading platform.
8. One loading hopper above vessel.
9. Wooden ring to protect the vessel's top flange.
10. Two 5 meter canvas loading socks.
11. Dust masks.
12. Chalk for vessel wall marking.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 245 of 406
13. Protective canvases or plastic sheets in case of rain.
14. Safe ladder.
15. Safety harness and ropes.
16. Two lights for inside the vessel.
17. Wood boards for standing on bed and leveling catalyst.
18. Measuring tape for taking vessel outages.
19. Loading diagram and documentation for records.
20. Internal withdrawal nozzle pieces to install prior to loading.

20.1.2 Safety and Personal Needs:

Safety practices for loading the reactor must be as per refinery standard safety practices and
vessel entry procedures. The following comments may be useful guidelines:
1. Before entry, ensure the reactor wall temperatures have cooled sufficiently below
35°C, and that the reactor is blinded and fully isolated from the rest of the unit. The top
elbow will be removed and the reactor purged with air.

2. Full safety equipment should be used, including coveralls, gloves, hard hat, safety
glasses, safety shoes, and safety harness. Disposable Type coveralls and facemasks are
also useful for working inside the reactor when it is very dusty.

3. An adequate water supply should be provided in case of emergencies—for example,

flushing any catalyst and dust out of the eyes.

4. Dust masks should be worn by any personnel entering the reactor. Use the half-mask
respirator type with dust cartridges as a minimum guideline. The contractor should
agree on safety guidelines for their personnel entering the reactors.

5. During catalyst loading, air movers or air horns can be attached to a rigid hose or pipe
sticking into the top nozzle, above the level where the catalyst is being loaded. When
activated, air will be drawn into the inlet nozzle and exhausted with catalyst dust
through the pipe or rigid hose. If dust levels are excessive, filters should be attached to
contain the dust. Alternatively, a vacuum evacuator can be used to provide air flow and
remove dust.

20.1.3 Loading procedure:

Careful measurements should be taken at all levels and recorded on a loading diagram. Log
sheets will be kept recording the number of each drum, the count of the drums loaded into
each transfer hopper and the number of hopper loads unloaded into the Reactor. A spoonful
of catalyst from each drum should be taken and saved as a composite for future reference.
One-half will be kept by tech-PAD on-site and the other half by Operations.
1. Do not expose the catalyst to excess ambient moisture, i.e. do not load in rain. The
vessel can be purged with instrument air before loading if desired, although not
mandatory. In any case, limit as much as possible exposure to ambient moisture.

2. Open the top man way of the reactor.

3. Confirm there is a safe atmosphere inside the reactor and get the proper work and entry

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 246 of 406
4. Confirm the cleanliness of the bottom of the reactor and confirm that the outlet collector
is properly positioned, and that no ceramic balls can go through.

5. Measure the outage from top flange to top of outlet basket.

6. Mark the vessel walls with chalk at 8 equally spaced locations (every 45° around the
circumference) to identify the proper ceramic ball and catalyst levels. See the diagrams
below for reference. Tech PAD will confirm the outage markings. Install the internal
catalyst withdrawal nozzle, and mark the nozzle piping to be filled with ceramic balls at
the same levels as are marked on the vessel wall. The withdrawal nozzle should
terminate at the height of the 3 mm ceramic balls and catalyst bed interface.

7. Using the sock lowered from the top man way, carefully load the ceramic balls to
prevent breakage. Load 19 mm ceramic balls up to the first line. (Also load 19mm
ceramic balls into the catalyst withdrawal nozzle up to this point.) Measure and record
the outage and amount of balls.

8. Load 6 mm ceramic balls up to the second line (150 mm total) through the loading
sock, being careful to not disturb the bottom bed. (Also load 6mm ceramic balls into the
catalyst withdrawal nozzle up to this point.) Measure and record the outage and amount
of balls.

9. Load 3 mm ceramic balls up to the third line (150 mm total) through the loading sock,
being careful to not disturb the bottom bed. (Also load 3mm ceramic balls into the
catalyst withdrawal nozzle up to this point. The nozzle should be completely full.)
Measure and record the outage and amount of balls.

10. The catalyst will now be sock loaded, also from the top man way. Be careful not to
disturb the layer of ceramic balls by loading the catalyst too quickly. 3.7 meters of HC-
K catalyst will be loaded into the reactor.

11. After every 1.5 m of catalyst loaded, stop, let the dust settle and then send someone
inside the reactor to smooth out the catalyst bed with leveling boards attached to their
feet and with additional boards to smooth the catalyst by hand. This practice will more
densely pack the catalyst, thereby improving flow distribution and increasing the
amount of catalyst loaded into the same volume. Walking directly on the catalyst is not
encouraged as it can lead to localized areas of different density across the bed and can
also damage the catalyst. During this time, the loading sock can be cut to account for
the rising level of catalyst in the bed.

12. As the target loading level is approached, measure the outage to confirm the total
amount required and bring up to the top of the vessel lesser filled hoppers.

13. When all alumina is loaded, smooth out the bed one more time.

14. Load an even layer of 150mm of 3 mm ceramic balls on top of the smoothed catalyst
though the loading sock, being careful not to disturb the catalyst bed. Record the outage
and amount of balls.

15. Load an even layer of 150mm of 6 mm ceramic balls though the loading sock, being
careful not to disturb the 3 mm ceramic ball layer. Record the outage and amount of

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 247 of 406
16. Load an even layer of 150mm of 19 mm ceramic balls though the loading sock, being
careful not to disturb the 6 mm ceramic ball layer. Record the outage and amount of

17. Verify that the inlet distributor is clean and that all bolts are tight.

18. Close the top flange with a final gasket and put a slight nitrogen pressure on the vessel
to keep the alumina dry until the vessels are ready for operation.


Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 248 of 406
In unloading used catalyst that has not been regenerated, special precautions must be taken to
prevent the ignition of pyrophoric iron sulphide scale deposits that can be found in the reactor
and catalyst beds. The temperature generated by this combustion can be quite high, and if left
unchecked, can result in severe damage to the catalyst, reactor internals, and catalyst handling
equipment. In addition, if the coke on the catalysts were allowed to contact air, it could burn
at an uncontrolled rate.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 249 of 406
Some catalysts, if overheated in an uncontrolled coke burn, could have a change in the
catalyst base structure, rendering it unusable. For these reasons, the entire catalyst dumping
and screening operations should be conducted under a nitrogen blanket. All personnel
involved with the unloading should be properly informed of the dangers involved, and of the
proper safety precautions to be followed.

20.2.1 Catalyst Preparation:

After oil has been cut out of the reactor and the catalyst has been thoroughly flushed in
accordance with the Normal Shutdown procedures, raise the reactor inlet temperature to 400 °C
to dry the catalyst. Throughout the catalyst drying operation continually drain hydrocarbons
from low points and dead-ended lines. Continue maximum hydrogen circulation for a minimum
of two hours after the reactor outlet and all catalyst temperatures have been heated to above 370
°C, and have been stabilized. Then cool the catalyst, depressurize and purge. The catalyst should
be cooled to less than 65 °C, and preferably to 40-50 °C. At temperatures above this level, the
combustion of iron sulfide scale in air is greatly accelerated, and, in addition, as the catalyst in
the drums cools there will be a greater tendency to draw air into the drums.

20.2.2 Catalyst Unloading:

Maintain a nitrogen blanket in the reactor at all times to prevent any air from entering the
system and contacting the catalyst. Make sure that personnel entering the top of the reactor
wear the proper safety equipment and follow all safety precautions for entering a
contaminated atmosphere. Remove enough of the hold-down ceramic balls to reach the
balls/catalyst interface. If any hard crust is present in the balls or at the balls/catalyst interface
that might be self-supporting if the catalyst below were removed, then break up this crust and
remove the material before dumping the catalyst from the bottom of the reactor.

Continue to maintain a nitrogen blanket in the reactor, and unload the catalyst from the
bottom. If the catalyst is to be reused, it should first be screened to remove dust and fines that
could cause excessive pressure drop in the reactor, resulting in mal-distribution. This can be
conveniently done during unloading by dumping the catalyst from the reactor directly into the
screening apparatus. Figure 20-1 depicts a typical layout for this operation.

For the upper beds in a multi-bed reactor, it will be necessary to use the side unloading
nozzles provided for each bed. If the reactor is equipped with angle unloading nozzles, the
catalyst should flow freely from the unloading nozzles. If the reactor is equipped with
horizontal unloading nozzles it may be necessary to use a catalyst auger or a vacuum system
to induce flow of the catalyst. Figure 20-2 depicts an auger device for catalyst unloading.


Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 250 of 406
UOP 2032-08

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 251 of 406

B To Suit
3 5/16” 1-1/2” 6” 2’-0”
3/16” PL
2” 2”

C 1/8”

Grind Bolt Heads
C Lifting Lug
3/16” PL (TYP)
as Req’d to Insert
in Top Holes
2 9/16 Hole B Section C-C
(4) 9/16 Holes for 1/2”x 1/2” Bolts
CTSK. Far Side 7/8” Dia. 4”
4” 3/16” PL Lifting Lug
Section B-B A
2” 1”
1b 6” SCH. 10 Pipe 1b Cut Corners
CL 1” Hole and Fair in
1/4 Pitch

A Discharge

1 Rotary catalyst rake complete
1d and consisting of the following=
1a Air Motor Mounting PL a Air motor-Gast no. 8AM-FRV-2A
Guard Mounting Clip Reversible rotation, base mounted
b Gast muffler # AC 990 (for above)
c Link-Belt type “C” shaft mounted
1c screw conveyor drive # 107D15
Provide 20 Ga. Steel
Belt Drive Guard for trough end mounting w/1 1/2”
1e type “B” output shaft for 6” dia.
screw complete with motor bracket
Guard Mounting Clip for # 107D15 reducer to mount air
motor (item 1a above) adapter kit
2”x2”x1/4” Angle on Dump Funnel for # 107D15 reducer with felt seals
(See drawing #E-544-P--3) to suit output shaft. Shaft kit with
type “B” output shaft complete with
Section A-A retainer and self locking cap screws.
(For arrangement “IT”)
1g Screw Conveyer Flight
Conveyer Trough d “V” belt drive sheave 4.75” O.D. - 3/4”
Air Hose bore . Standard keyway, single groove
1a Air Motor Worthington #3V-4.75
1d Pulley (4.75” O.D.)
e “V” belt drive sheave 6.50” O.D. - 3/4”
1f V-Belt bore . Standard keyway, single groove
1a Pulley (6.50” O.D.) Worthington #3V-6.50
Belt Drive Guard Platform f “V” belt - 3/8” x 45” Goodyear HY-T
1c Conveyor Drive Reactor C
L wedge belt #3V-450
Adjustable Legs
g Screw conveyer flight, 6” dia. right
To Standpipe hand with nominal 2” pipe shaft.
Link-belt helicoid type,
NOTE: Cat. # 6H-312-E
This drawing is presented for concept purposes only. h 6” SCH.10 (0.134 Wall) black wrought
Specific dimensions and equipment are for a device steel pipe.
designed by Unocal 76 Oil Company at it’s Los
Angeles refinery. UOP 3055-35


The screening apparatus should be enclosed and maintained under a nitrogen blanket to
prevent air from entering. Use the proper size screens to separate the catalyst from the
ceramic balls, and from the dust and fines. The catalyst should be dumped directly from the
screening apparatus into nitrogen blanketed metal drums. This can be accomplished by using
a copper tubing line at the unloading site to fill each drum with nitrogen before putting in
catalyst. Allow the tubing to remain in the drum as catalyst is being dumped into it to keep a
steady stream of nitrogen flowing over the catalyst.

After each drum is filled, remove the nitrogen purge line and immediately cover and tightly
seal the drum. Have CO2-type fire extinguishers and steam hoses available to quench any
burning if it should happen to occur. The CO2 is preferable if the catalyst is to be used again

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 252 of 406
because it will not wet the catalyst, and the catalyst will not, therefore, require a subsequent
drying operation.

It is expected that some of the "sparking" of the pyrites will take place in any event.
Therefore, all workmen in the area must be supplied with face and eye protection. In addition,
they should wear long sleeve shirts with the collars and cuffs tightly buttoned.

Maintain a positive flow of nitrogen out of the unloading nozzle throughout the unloading. If
the catalyst becomes bridged in the unloading nozzle or is not free flowing, break the plug
with a blast of nitrogen. Do not allow air to be drawn into the reactor.

If ignition of pyrites takes place inside a reactor, stop unloading in that reactor and increase
the nitrogen purge to maximum until burning has stopped.

20.3.1 Catalyst Sampling:

As the catalyst is dumped and screened, take samples of every 5 percent of the catalyst load
and make a composite (in a nitrogen-blanketed sample can) to use for analytical work, as
required. If more than one reactor of catalyst is dumped, obtain separate composite samples
from each reactor.

20.3.2 Catalyst regeneration:

During hydrotreating operation carbon will gradually accumulate on the catalyst. The rate of
accumulation will depend upon the type of feedstock and the type of operation to which the
catalyst is being subjected. The rate at which the carbon accumulates will increase if heavier
feedstocks are used or if improper operating conditions are employed. The accumulated
carbon, polymer, or metals deposited on the catalyst by the feed will eventually cause the
catalyst to become deactivated to the point where it will not produce acceptable product
When the catalyst does become deactivated, it must either be discarded or regenerated.
If carbon is the prime cause of the deactivation, the activity can be substantially
restored by burning off the carbon under carefully controlled conditions. It must
also be noted that the process of burning off the carbon does not remove the metals that have
been deposited on the catalyst. If the metals are the reason for the deactivation, then that
catalyst must be discarded.

Special precautions must be followed throughout the procedures if there is

austenitic stainless steel in the reactor section of the unit. Water in the liquid phase plus
oxygen should never be allowed to come in contact with austenitic stainless steel since there
will be a light deposit of iron sulfide on the metal. If water, oxygen and sulfur come in
contact with austenitic stain less steel, the areas of stress, such as welds, could suffer from
stress cracks. This hazard should at all times be considered by the supervisor and operating
personnel who will be conducting the regeneration.

The temperature of austenitic stainless steel should be kept above the dew point of water
when water and oxygen are both present to prevent stress cracking due to polyphonic acid.
Neutralization is not recommended unless absolutely necessary, such as when austenitic tube
bundles are to be pulled for maintenance
NOTE: (Only for austenitic stainless steel) if, for any reason, it is necessary to open the
reactor system prior to regeneration, the unit must first be properly evacuated and purged
with dry nitrogen. The nitrogen blanket should then be maintained with a small nitrogen
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 253 of 406
purge in the section to be opened to prevent air and moisture from entering. Other sections
should be blinded at this time.
NOTE: For the purpose of naphtha hydrotreating catalyst regeneration with
austenitic stainless steel in the reactor section, nitrogen containing 100 mol-ppm or oxygen
must be used.

20.3.3 Catalyst regeneration equipment:

The Caustic drum (73-V-09 @ NIU), Caustic Injection Pump (72-P-10@NIU), Caustic
Circulation Pump (72-P-03) and Water Return Pump (72-P-11) constituting the auxiliary
equipment are used only during the regeneration of the NHT catalyst. Ejector (72J-01) is
used for the regeneration as well as NHT startup operation. These equipments are used along
with the Water Break Tank (72-V-03), Wash Water Injection Pump (72-P-2A/B), which are
also in service during the normal operation. The regeneration equipments are kept
permanently connected to the process plant, isolated by blinds mentioned in Annexure- and
block valves. Correct positions of these are to be ensured when taking in line these
equipments, preparatory for a startup.
It will be essential to carry out pressure testing and pre-operations of the regeneration
equipments during regeneration, the Recycle Compressor (72-K-01A/B) with Suction Drum
(72-V-05), the CFE (72-E-01A ~G) shell and tube sides, Charge Heater (72-F-01), Reactor
(72-R-01), Product Condenser (72-A-01) and Separator (72-V-04), are in operation.
Reactor Catalyst can be regenerated using the inert gas technique. N2 recycle is established
in reactor section by using the Recycle Compressor. A small amount of air is injected by FV-
1301 for coke burning on the catalyst and then equivalent is vented to atmosphere through
PV-1302. Regeneration effluent is washed by circulating caustic and water before venting
for environmental consideration.
Briefly, the regeneration preliminary activities involve carrying out a planned shutdown of
the NHT unit, draining out all the liquid hydrocarbons, depressurizing the system to flare,
evacuating and breaking vacuum with N2 after isolating and inertizing the compressors. The
system is pressurized with N2 gas, the heater is fired maintaining reactor inlet and outlet
temperatures above the dew point of water (so that moisture presence is totally avoided) with
recycle compressor started and circulating the gas. Wash water is injected to Product
Condenser and the trays of the Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-05). When water
level is built up in the Separator (72-V-04), the caustic circulation pump is started, circulating
water to the reactor effluent gas pipe coming from the CFE (72-E-01A~G) tube side.
This system completely removes the SO2 gas from the recycle stream. Sufficient wash water
is injected to the Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-05), which removes the sodium
salts from the recycle stream. A Water Return Pump (72-P-11) returns this water to the
circulating caustic stream to maintain requisite concentration of NaOH in the circulating
caustic stream plus the fresh water added. With heater is in auto firing mode, air will be
admitted to the recycle gas loop on flow control to maintain the requisite O2 levels for
regeneration. End of reactions is indicated by the breakthrough in O2 concentration at the
reactor outlet. Portable Oxygen analyzer is used frequently analyzing the oxygen
concentration in the reactor.
When the regeneration starts, PH of the circulating stream will drop from 14 and stabilize.
When the PH stabilizes, it is brought down to 7.5 - 8.0 in the circulating stream which is bled
to OSBL as spent caustic. A number of burn operations are carried out on the NHT catalyst at

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 254 of 406
higher temperatures, monitoring temperature rise in the reactor, oxygen concentration in the
gas, PH of the circulating caustic.
As the reactor circuit is austenitic stainless steel upto the CFE, it is essential to maintain a
high reactor inlet temperature of 399°C after completion of regeneration. Temperature
should be above water dew point till water is removed. Depressurize the system (to minimum
required for compressor operation) and re-pressurize it a number of times till O2 is diluted to
100 ppm or less before shutting down the system. After bringing down the reactor
temperature, the heater and the compressor are shut down.

20.3.4 Process equipment in the regeneration circuit:

As only some of the equipments are used in regeneration and their description already
included in detail, some explanation is furnished below giving salient details of the manner of
using them only when different from the normal operation. Instruments requiring to be used
for regeneration are given equipment wise:
1) Charge Heater (72-F-01)
Skin Temperature Indications - TXI-0801A through 0806A&
TXI-0801B through 0806B
Process Gas Temperature - TIC- 0809, TI-0807A,
from Heater TI-0807B.
Fuel Gas to burners - PIC-2506A, PIC-2506B, FIC-2502.
Pilot gas to burners - PI-2509A/B/C
Arch pressure - PI-2510

Oxygen in Flue Gas - AI-2501

Flue Gas Temp - TI-2502

2) Reactor (72-R-01)
Inlet Temp - TIC-0809
Outlet Temp - TI-0901

3) CFE (72-E-01A~G)
a) Tube side Outlet Temp - TI-1004

4) Product Condenser (72-A-01)

a) Outlet Temp - TI-1202
b) Fan Running Indications - YL-1202 A~D
c) Fan Blade speed Adjustment - HIC-1202A/B

5) Separator (72-V-04)
a) Separator Drum Level control LIC-1302 (with high & low alarms) will be in
operation acting on LV-1301 coming on the boot discharge line. The boot discharge
level control LIC-1301 will be out of line, as this instrument is not necessary. (The
boot discharge line to sour water header will be blanked off with spectacle blind and
will be connected to the spent caustic line discharging to battery limits).

b) UV-1302& LV-1302 on separator bottom draw off line will be in closed position.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 255 of 406
c) PIC-1302 is provided for the regeneration operation mounted on gas outlet line from
the separator which controls the separator pressure during the regeneration operation,
by venting the reaction gases to atmosphere at safe location. It maintains a pressure of
2.1 kg/cm2G in the drum.PIC-1301, the separator pressure controller for normal plant
will be used for only DCS indication purpose.

6) Recycle compressor suction drum (72-V-05)

Level Indicator LIC-1402 indicates the level of wash water injected into the drum
during the regeneration operation. LV-1402 has to be closed.
7) Recycle compressor (72-K-01A/B)
The recycle compressor re-circulates the reaction gases during the regeneration operation. As
inert gas regeneration is employed, N2 gas is charged to the reactor circuit (regeneration
loop) at inlet& outlet of the recycle compressor through the line 1.5”-IG-72-1512. O2 level
desired in the NHT Reactor is maintained by injecting calculated amounts of plant air into the
gas loop and the overall reaction system pressure is maintained by PIC-1302.
a) FIC-1301 is installed on the plant air line connected to the regeneration gas loop.
This loop acts on FV-1301 coming on the plant air line, making up the O2 requirements
of the re-circulating gas loop.

b) Compr. A Compr.B
Comp disch. Press. PI-1517 PI-1518
Compressor Disch. TI-1502 TI-1503
Compressor YL-1501 YL-1503
Running Indications

c) Various other compressor machine related instrument parameters are indicated /

annunciated in DCS.

d) Cooling water& lube oil skids to be maintained as per the normal operating

e) Compressor discharge PSVs-03/04 are to be isolated during regeneration. PSVs-

31/32 are to be in service during regeneration.

8) Water break tank (72-V-03)

a) LevelLIC-1101

9) Wash water injection pump (72-P-02A/B)

a) Wash water flow FIC-1202

10) Caustic drum (73-V-09)

The Caustic drum is an atmospheric tank, located in ISOMERISATION unit. It stores 10

wt% caustic. A 2” line from tank to caustic injection pump (72-P-09) is provided.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 256 of 406
11) Caustic Injection Pump (72-P-03)

This pump is located in ISOMERISATION unit near the caustic drum (73-V-09). The
Caustic Injection Pump is a metering pump provided for injecting 10% wt caustic makeup to
the re-circulating caustic system as described above to maintain desired pH of the re-
circulating stream. The pump has a rated stream capacity of 96 2 l/h and has a differential
pressure of 5.03 kg/cm2G. Caustic is injected into the suction line of Caustic Circulation
Pump (72-P-03); the operating pressure at the injection point is 2.4 kg/cm2G. The pump is
equipped with a pulsation bottle to cushion out fluctuation of flow inherently present in the
discharge of a metering pumps.
12) Caustic Circulation Pump (72-P-03)

Caustic Circulation pump is a centrifugal pump, which takes suction from the separator (72-
V-04) and pumps the liquid to the CFE (72-E-01A~G) outlet gas line going to the product
condenser, at minimum distance from the CFE. Oxides of carbon and sulfur dissolve in the
stream along with ammonium salts. The wash water injected into the Recycle Compressor
Suction Drum (72-V-05) is returned to the discharge of the Caustic Circulation Pump. Fresh
Caustic addition is made into the suction of the pump. As the water injection into the system
increases the water level in the Separator (72-V-04), the excess liquid is sent to the spent
caustic pump suction by level controller LIC-1302 acting LV-1301.
13) Regeneration Water Return Pump (72-P-11)

The Water Return Pump is a metering pump which is employed for the purpose of returning
the water accumulating in the Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-05) due to wash
water injected during the NHT catalyst regeneration. The pump has a normal capacity of
1920 l/h and a differential pressure of 4.92 kg/cm2G and returns the water to the discharge of
the Caustic Circulation Pump (72-P-03). The pump is equipped with a pulsation dampener.
The Recycle Compressor Suction Drum (72-V-05) bottom to stripper feed/ splitter bottom
exchanger has to be kept blanked off closing the block valve and installing the spectacle
blind, before cutting in the Water Return Pump.


A. Shut Down Of The Unit:

Shut down the unit in the normal manner following the procedure detailed earlier.
Continue recycle gas circulation for at least one hour 260°C (500°F) and until no more
liquid accumulates in the product separator and the reactor section low points. Shut down
the charge heater and then the recycle compressor. IF THE CHARGE HEATER COIL IS
TEMPERATURE. Drain all liquid hydrocarbon from the system.

Depressurize the plant to fuel gas and then to the flare system. Block in the recycle and
booster compressors and purge with nitrogen Independent of the reactor system. Connect the
ejector and evacuate the reactor system two times to at least 500-635 mm of Hg (20-25 inches
of mercury), breaking each time with nitrogen.

B. Preparation:
1. With the unit under a slight positive pressure of N2 install blinds as required to isolate
the unit.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 257 of 406
2. Evacuate the unit again to at least 500-635 mm (20-25 inches) of mercury,
then pressure the plant to 3.5 kg/cm 2g (50 psig) with nitrogen and establish
maximum circulation with recycle compressor.
3. Light the fires and line out the reactor inlet temperatures at 290°C (550°F).
4. Determine the inert gas circulation rate as measured by the recycle gas meter,
correcting for pressure, temperature and density.
5. A level of water can be pumped into the high-pressure separator when the
6. Reactor inlet temperatures are stabilized at 290 deg C and the reactor outlet
temperatures reach their maximum level. Also the recycle gas flow rate should be
steady and the heater outlet temperatures must be on automatic control and steady.





7. Using the wash water pump, begin injecting clean condensate into the normal process
injection point stream of the condenser for the high pressure separator.
8. When the working level has been established in the separator, set the normal
hydrocarbon level control instrument (now connected to the normal water draw
control valve) to dump the excess.
9. Establish the design rate of water to the trays in the compressor suction drum. At no
time during the regeneration should this water rate be allowed to drop below the
design rate for the trays. This prevents any entrainment of sodium salts in the
separator gas to the recycle compressor, and keeps the total solids content in the
circulating liquid stream below 10 weight percent.
10. Start the caustic circulation pump and maximize the rate. This is to ensure complete
removal of the SO2 in the circulating gas.
11. Circulate the condensate from the compressor suction drum to the product
12. Condenser as long as long as desired to wash and flush the product condenser. Make
whatever adjustments necessary to establish steady flow rates and a steady level.
Note that the level will be held at about the same level that hydrocarbon is normally
13. Start pumping caustic into the circulating water stream prior to air injection and adjust
the injection rate such that the total concentration of NaOH circulated to the product
condenser will be about 3 wt% to 6 wt% in the beginning. The addition of fresh
caustic during the regeneration plus the water being pumped to the compressor suction
drum trays should be such that the concentration of NaOH in the total caustic plus
water added does not exceed 6 wt-% at any time. This will prevent the accumulation
of excessive amounts of dissolved salts. The total solids content of the circulating
caustic should be checked hourly during the regeneration to assure that it does not
exceed 10 wt% at any time.
14. The pH of the circulating caustic at this time will be about 14. Later when the rate of
carbon and sulfur burning has been stabilized, the pH will drop to some lower level
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 258 of 406
and also stabilize. The rate of caustic addition will then be adjusted to hold the pH of
the spent caustic dumped to disposal at 7.5 to 8.0. There will then be a continuous
withdrawal of spent caustic of 7.5 to 8.0 pH, and a continuous injection of fresh
sodium hydroxide of any convenient strength and at the required rate necessary to
control the pH of the spent caustic. The fresh NaOH may have to be diluted with
fresh water in the separator to keep below 6 wt% NaOH in the circulating water.
15. Prior to the addition of air, with the reactor inlet temperatures stable at 290°C and the
reactor outlet temperatures stable, measure and record the reactor outlet temperature.

C. Regeneration:

1. Add makeup air as necessary to increase the final stage booster discharge
pressure as required, so that when the air line block valves are opened, air will flow into
the circulating regeneration gas stream. adjust the air rate such that the oxygen content
of the gas stream is 0.8 mol-%, or the delta t is 70°c (125°f), whichever comes

2. After the burning starts, adjust the air injection rate such that the oxygen content
of the gas stream is 1.0 mol-% or the delta t is 70°c (125°f), whichever
comes first.

3. Begin checking the circulating caustic at regular intervals and record the pH and
periodically measure and record the total dissolved solids content. As the caustic
becomes spent, the pH will drop from an initial of 14 to 12, down to 7, if allowed when
the ph reaches 7.5, the co2 content, as measured by ORSAT analyses, should increase
to about 3 mol-%. Do not let the pH drop below about 7.5. Adjust the caustic addition
rate as necessary to hold the ph at 7.5 while continuously circulating caustic and
continuously discarding spent caustic.

4. ORSAT should be read and recorded at least every 30 minutes at the beginning. Finally
when the system is stabilized, ORSAT should be run about once per hour and recorded.
The use of a portable oxygen analyser for more frequent readings is recommended.

5. Continue as outlined until there is a breakthrough of oxygen at the reactor outlet.

At that time, continue to hold conditions constant, including the oxygen level in the gas
to the reactor, until the reactor outlet temperature drops back to the temperature
measured in step 12. Note that after oxygen breaks through the reactor outlet, it will be
necessary to reduce the rate of air injection to maintain the same oxygen level in the
reactor inlet.

6. Reduce or stop air addition, but maintain a minimum of 0.3 mol-% oxygen at all times,
especially during the period when reactor temperatures are being increased. If the
oxygen concentration drops to zero, it is possible that some catalyst reduction can
occur due to the presence of CO2 undesirable, an Oxidizing atmosphere should be
maintained at all times.

7. Raise the reactor inlet temperatures to 343°C (650°F).

a. The caustic addition rate will also have to be reduced or stopped
completely at this time, but continue caustic circulation.
b. Maintain 343°c (650°f) reactor inlet temperatures and wait until the reactor
outlet temperatures stabilize.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 259 of 406
c. Once these temperatures stabilize, record them.

8. Add air now for the second burn and adjust the air injection rate such that the oxygen
content of the gas stream is 0.5-1.0 mol-% or the delta t is 70°c whichever
comes first. If the caustic addition was cut back, then readjust the injection rate as
necessary when burning is again resumed.

9. When oxygen break through is observed again, continue to hold conditions

constant, including the oxygen level in the gas to the reactor, until the reactor outlet
drops back to the temperature measured in step-7. A reduction in the air injection rate
will be required.

10. Once again, do not block in air addition. Maintain an oxidizing atmosphere and do not
allow the oxygen concentration to drop below 0.3 mol%. Raise the rector inlet
temperature to 399 deg c.

11. Add air now for the third burn and adjust the air injection rate to hold about 0.5- 1.0
mol-% oxygen in the gas stream to the reactor and observe to see if any delta t results.
No delta t is expected; however, if one does occur adjust the air injection rate as required
to keep all catalyst bed temperatures below 426 deg c.

12. If a delta t is observed, reduce the air injection rate as before to maintain 0.5mol%
oxygen in the gas stream to the reactor. Continue until the reactor outlet temperature
drops back to the reactor inlet temperature or slightly below.

13. when the last burning wave is completed, maintain the 399°c (750°f) reactor inlet
temperatures and increase the oxygen content of the gas to about 1.0 mol-%.
Again, no delta t is expected; however, if one should occur, reduce the air injection rate
as required to keep all catalyst bed temperatures below 426°c (800°f). Continue the
1.0 mol-% oxygen soak until the reactor outlet temperature drops back to the
reactor inlet temperatures or slightly below. continue caustic circulation during this
entire period

14. If there is no austenitic steel in the reactor circuit after the last burning wave is
completed, cut the fires and cool the catalyst to 150°C (300°F) or less. shut down the
caustic circulation system and drain completely when SO2 is nil.

15. Flush the system as often as necessary with fresh water to remove all traces of caustic. If
the catalyst is to be removed and screened, cool down to 50°C (120°F) or less. After the
first regeneration, it is advisable to dump and screen the catalyst. This will give an
indication of the completeness of the regeneration plus an indication of the amount of
fines and scale that can be expected on future regenerations.

16. If austenitic steels are involved, maintain 399°C reactor temperatures, maintain
caustic circulation and recycle compressor operation; and depressurize to the
minimum allowable for compressor operation. Then repressurize with
nitrogen. conduct this procedure at least three times, or as necessary to reduce
the oxygen concentration by dilution, to 100 ppm or less.

17. Shut down the caustic circulation system and drain completely when SO2 is nil. Flush
the system as often as necessary with fresh water to remove all traces of
caustic. Then shut down the water wash to the separator and completely drain all

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 260 of 406
water from the system. the recycle compressor should still be running at this
time and the catalyst bed should still be at 399°C (750°F) at the inlet.

18. Reduce the reactor temperatures until the reactor outlets reach 150°C
(300°F). if the reactors are to be opened, reduce the reactor temperatures until the
reactor outlet temperatures reach 50°C (120°F).

19. Shut down the recycle compressor, and if the charge heater coil is austenitic steel,
maintain a 205 deg C temperature in the fire box.

20. If the reactors are to be opened, depressurize the unit to 0.4 to 0.7 kg/cm 2g (5 to 10
psig) and hold this pressure until the unit is opened.

21. During this period following regeneration of the catalyst, ammonia should not be used in
any purging operations conducted before the catalyst is sulfided. Equipment containing
austenitic stainless steel should be isolated from the reactor with blinds. When
isolating the equipment, maintain just enough nitrogen purges to the reactor to prevent
air from entering while blinding.

D. Dump and Screen Catalyst:

The catalyst should be dumped and screened after each regeneration or at two year intervals.
The dumping should be done under an atmosphere of nitrogen. After dumping catalyst, the
austenitic stainless steel reactor walls and internals should be washed very thoroughly with
copious amounts of 2-5 wt-% soda ash solution before allowing air to enter the reactors.
Refer to "austenitic stainless steel protection" instructions in the appendix for further
details. Note that any catalyst remaining in the bottom of the reactors, or hung up on trays
or other internals, should be discarded if it was contacted with soda ash washing

Note that any personnel entering a reactor must be aware of the hazards when entering a
vessel containing an inert atmosphere. Rigidly follow all proper safety precautions and
make sure all safety equipment is in good working order.
After the reactors have been properly washed with the soda ash solution, it can be
aerated to allow workers to enter for cleaning, inspection or maintenance. Once
again, strict safety rules should be adhered to. If a nickel-containing catalyst is being
regenerated, proper consideration should be given to the possible presence of nickel carbonyl.
The regenerated catalyst should be treated in the same manner as fresh catalyst during
the startup. Low temperature sulfiding with charge or charge with added sulphur
Compounds will be required.

Note: Although with the above procedure the regenerated catalyst might contain up to 0.5 wt-
% combustibles, this small residual carbon does not in any way adversely affect recovery of
catalytic activity.

E. Emergency Procedures during Regeneration:

1. If, at any time, the catalyst temperatures become excessive, block in the air injection
control valve immediately.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 261 of 406
2. If the recycle compressor fails or must be shut down, and if it is known that it cannot
be immediately restarted, then do the following:
i. Block air injection immediately.
ii. Cut out heater fires.
iii. Shut down the caustic circulating pump immediately.

3. In the event of caustic circulation failure, block in the air injection immediately, but
keep the system hot and continue gas circulation.

4. In general: Whatever the emergency, take steps to prevent condensation of water in

any austenitic system while oxygen is present. Also, avoid caustic into the catalyst


Proper precautions should be taken during the shutdown and dumping operation to protect
austenitic stainless steel equipment against conditions that could lead to stress corrosion
cracking. This is especially critical for reactor charge heater tubes.

After dumping the catalyst, flood the reactor with soda ash solution according to the
austenitic stainless steel procedure. Air out the reactor and inspect and clean. Any catalyst
that has remained at the bottom of the reactor during the soda ash wash operation must be
considered contaminated and should not be reused. Since corrosion cracking of austenitic
stainless steel can lead to failure of the equipment involved, it is of the utmost importance
that this equipment be properly protected to prevent corrosive environments from occurring.
Therefore, all operating personnel, and especially the supervisory personnel, must be familiar
with the locations of piping and equipment fabricated from austenitic stainless steel. They
should also recognize the need for special handling of these sections of the unit during
startup, shutdown, flushing, cleaning, maintenance and inspection, and should be thoroughly
familiar with the procedures to be used for the proper protection of the equipment.
Austenitic stainless steels are those of the "300 series," the compositions of which are
nominally 18 percent chromium and 8 percent nickel. The most common types used in the
petroleum industry are Types 304, 316, 321 and 347. Because of their inherent high
temperature strength properties and high corrosion resistance, they are particularly suitable
for use in hydrocracking units in areas of moderate and high temperature, and where
substantial resistance to hydrogen sulphide corrosion is required, such as in heater tubes,
reactors, reactor combined feed exchangers and piping.

Types 321 and 347 are stabilized to minimize intergranular carbide precipitation and are
preferred because they are more resistant to the intergranular corrosion cracking caused by
polythionic acid attack, which can occur particularly during downtime periods when exposed
to air and moisture. Since these stabilized grades are not completely immune to intergranular
corrosion cracking, special handling procedures are recommended for the protection of these
materials as well as the unstabilized grades.

20.4.1 Chloride Attack:

The presence of halides (chlorides are usually the most serious offenders) along with an aqueous
phase and tensile stresses can result in stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steels.
This type of cracking is predominantly trans-granular and is somewhat dependent on time,
temperature and chloride concentration.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 262 of 406
Therefore, precautions should be taken to minimize the amount of chloride in the process
material that will come in contact with austenitic stainless steel equipment. Under normal
shutdown period conditions, chloride cracking is not likely to be a problem as long as
chlorides are not allowed to accumulate and concentrate in hot equipment, and as long as
precautions are taken to limit the chloride content to low levels in any flushing, purging or
neutralizing agents used in the system.

20.4.2 Polythionic Acid Attack:

Once a unit has been placed on stream, even if the sulfur content of the feed stock is low, all
items made of austenitic stainless steel should be considered to contain a layer of iron sulfide
scale. Even though these layers of scale in many cases may be very thin, they represent a
potential hazard to the underlying steel. The action of water and oxygen on this sulfide scale
forms weak sulfurous type acids, commonly referred to as polythionic acids, which can attack
austenitic stainless steels and cause inter granular corrosion and cracking. These stainless
steels are vulnerable to this type of corrosion, particularly in areas of residual tensile stresses
and in areas where inter granular carbides may exist, such as the heat-affected zones adjacent
to welds. Therefore, special precautions should be taken to protect austenitic stainless steel
from this corrosive environment.

20.4.3 Protection against Polythionic Acid Attack:

Protection against polythionic acid attack can be accomplished by preventing the corrosive
environment from forming or by providing an agent that will neutralize any corrosive acids as
they are formed:

20.4.4 Preventing the Formation of Polythionic Acids:

Since these acids are formed by the action of water and oxygen with hydrogen sulfide or
sulfide scale, elimination of either liquid phase water or oxygen will prevent these acids from
being formed. Since there will usually be an equilibrium amount of water vapor present
during the normal operation of a unit, during shutdown periods this water vapor can be
prevented from condensing by maintaining the temperature of the austenitic stainless steel
equipment above the dew point of water.

Under normal operations (other than a startup immediately following a catalyst regeneration,
where there may be significant amounts of oxygen present before purging), there should be
essentially no oxygen present in the system. The only other time any significant amount of
oxygen might enter the system would be during a shutdown period when the system is
depressurized and the equipment is opened and exposed to air. Under these conditions a
suitable purge of nitrogen should be established through the equipment involved to prevent
any air from entering the system, and maintained until the system is again closed. If possible,
the equipment should be blinded or blanked-off during this period and kept under a slight
positive pressure of nitrogen.

A. Purging & Neutralizing:

Whenever austenitic stainless steel cannot be adequately protected by maintaining

temperatures above the dew point of water or by an adequate nitrogen purge, a protective
neutralizing environment should be established in this equipment prior to exposure to air. An

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 263 of 406
effective neutralizing environment can be provided by purging with and maintaining an
ammoniated nitrogen blanket, or by washing with a dilute soda ash solution.

B. Purging Nitrogen:

Nitrogen used for the purging and protection of austenitic stainless steels should be dry and
the oxygen content should be limited to a maximum of 1000 mol-ppm. The oxygen content of
the nitrogen used should be specified by the supplier, since the analysis for oxygen in this
low concentration range requires elaborate analytical equipment which may not normally be
available in the refinery laboratory. If the only nitrogen available has oxygen content in
excess of 1000 mol-ppm, or if the oxygen content is unknown, then as a safeguard,
ammoniated nitrogen should be used where possible. However, for this case, catalyst safety
considerations might be necessary.

Ammoniated Nitrogen:

To prepare ammoniated nitrogen for use in purging or blanketing an austenitic stainless steel
system, sufficient ammonia is added to the nitrogen to provide a minimum concentration of
5000 mol-ppm of ammonia. Whenever ammonia is added to the reactor system, the ammonia
content of the recycle gas should be checked frequently. It is expected that the catalyst will
absorb a considerable amount of ammonia, and, therefore, additional ammonia makeup will
be required to maintain the 5000-ppm ammonia concentration until the system reaches
equilibrium. One convenient method of adding ammonia to the system, especially when the
system is at high pressure, is to use a high pressure "blow case." With this type of
arrangement liquid ammonia is pressured into the blow case at low pressure from the
ammonia cylinder, and then the blow case is isolated. High pressure gas from the discharge
of the recycle gas compressor is then used to pressure up the blow case and to force the
ammonia into the system at a location of lower pressure.

All personnel working in the unit should be familiar with the toxic nature of ammonia, and
must follow proper safety precautions in working with the system when it contains ammonia.
For example, workers opening flanges or manways in a system containing ammonia should
be equipped with fresh air masks or other oxygen breathing equipment. In order to preserve
the activity of the catalyst in the reactors, ammonia is not to be passed over the catalyst when
it is in its oxidized form, that is, whenever the catalyst is either fresh or freshly regenerated.

Brass and most other copper alloys are subject to corrosion attack from ammonia. Therefore,
arrangements should be made to isolate this equipment from the system before admitting any

Soda Ash Solutions:

Aqueous neutralizing solutions of soda ash (Na2CO3) should be prepared in the range of 2 to
5 wt%. Preheating the water to about 40°C will facilitate dissolving all the soda ash. In this
range a sufficiently high level of alkalinity will be provided to affect neutralization of any
reasonable amount of polythionic acids which may be formed.

To avoid exposing the austenitic stainless steel equipment to a concentration of chlorides, the
chloride content of the soda ash used to prepare the solution should be limited to a maximum
of 500 wt-ppm while the chloride content of the water should not exceed 50 wt-ppm. As
added protection against chloride attack from the small amount of chloride present in the
neutralizing solution, 0.5 percent by weight of sodium nitrate should be added to the soda ash

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 264 of 406
solution. Sodium nitrate concentrations much above 0.5 wt% should not be used, however, in
order to avoid the possibility of stress corrosion cracking of carbon steel piping and
equipment in the system.

20.4.5 Soda Ash Neutralization Techniques:

Whenever a soda ash solution is used for neutralizing and protecting austenitic stainless steel,
the piping or piece of equipment involved should be filled completely full with the solution.
The equipment should then be allowed to soak for a minimum of two hours before the soda
ash solution is drained and the equipment is exposed to the air. If there are any pockets of
unvented high areas in the equipment that cannot be reached by filling with the soda ash
solution, then the solution should be vigorously circulated through the equipment to assure
thorough contact of all austenitic stainless steel surfaces.

This circulation should be continued for a minimum period of two hours before draining and
exposing the equipment to air. For extremely large surfaces, such as reactor or large vessel
walls and internals, where filling with soda ash solution is impossible because of foundation
load limitations, it is recommended to wash the areas very thoroughly by means of a high
pressure hose equipped with a spray nozzle. This type of washing will have to be done after
the vessel has been opened to allow entry. Until the soda ash washing has been completed,
the vessel should be maintained under a nitrogen blanket to prevent the entry of air.

Soda Ash Protective Film:

In all cases of flushing or washing with soda ash solution, after the solution is drained from
the equipment, the surfaces should be allowed to dry so that a film or fine deposit of soda ash
remains on all surfaces for added protection against polythionic acid formation. Therefore,
after draining the soda ash solution, do not rinse the system with steam or water.

For large accessible surfaces, such as vessels or reactor walls and internals, the excess dried
soda ash can be removed just prior to startup with a brush or dry cloths; do not use wet cloths
and do not flush with steam or water. The small amount of soda ash remaining on the reactor
surfaces, even if it were all deposited on the catalyst, would not have any significant effect on
the activity of all but the platinum-type catalysts under consideration in this paper.

20.4.6 Hydro testing New Austenitic Stainless Steel:

When conducting hydrostatic tests on new austenitic stainless steel equipment, the water used
should have a chloride content not exceeding 50 wt-ppm, in order to reduce the possibility of
concentrating chlorides in pockets or dead areas of the system. If chlorides were allowed to
accumulate and concentrate (such as during subsequent heating operations) in such areas,
stress corrosion cracking could result. If the only water available has chloride content in
excess of 50 wt-ppm, then 0.5 wt% of sodium nitrate should be used.

Hydro testing Used Austenitic Stainless Steel:

Whenever a piece of equipment has been used for the processing of hydrocarbons in hydro-
desulfurization service, it must be assumed that some degree of sulfide scale can be present.
Therefore, even if this sulfide scale is so slight that it is difficult to detect, the possibility of
polythionic acid formation with resulting intergranular corrosion cracking exists. Even if the
equipment has been cleaned by mechanical means, burning or acidizing, it is difficult to
assure that no traces of sulfide scale remain.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 265 of 406
Therefore, any hydrostatic testing (and any cleaning by hydroblasting) operations on used
equipment should be conducted using the dilute soda ash solution specified for neutralizing
this equipment. Here again, a protective film of dried soda ash should be allowed to remain
on the surfaces of the equipment while it is exposed to the air.


The austenitic stainless steel tubes in a reactor charge heater can best be protected by
maintaining a balanced set of small fires (or pilots, as applicable) in the heater box at all times,
even when there is no circulation of process material through the tubes. These small fires should
be adjusted to keep the tubes warm and dry, to maintain the environment inside the tubes above
the dew point of water. As a general rule, about 205 °C, as measured by thermocouples placed in
the hip sections of the heater and directly below any convection coils that may exist, will usually
be sufficient for this purpose.

The dew point, however, should be determined for each specific condition involved and the
temperature should be adjusted as necessary. Only fuel gas firing should be used for this
operation because of the difficulty in controlling and maintaining sufficiently small flames when
burning fuel oil. It is important during these periods of heater operation that the heater firing be
kept under strict control and that the firing pattern be properly established to provide good heat

Sufficient thermocouples should be installed throughout the hip sections of the heater to provide
a good measurement of the firebox temperatures and to monitor the distribution of heat in the
firebox. These thermocouples should be located below any convection bank in the heater, and
should be connected to a continuous recorder provided with high and low alarm points. The low
alarm point should be set at about 150 °C and the high alarm point at about 230°C.

CAUTION: Stack temperatures should never be used to control firebox temperatures.

A. To Shut Down Fires:

If it should be necessary for any reason to shut down the fires in charge heater containing
austenitic stainless steel tubes, then this should be done only when it is absolutely certain that
the environment within the tubes does not contain both oxygen and water (or water vapor).
As a result of the operation of the reactor effluent water wash facilities in units so equipped,
there will normally be an equilibrium amount of water present in the entire reactor circuit
both during normal operation and during or after a period of in situ catalyst regeneration. If
the heater fires must be shut down during a period of normal operation, it is required only that
no oxygen is present, which is usually the case during normal processing periods. As the
heater tubes cool there will be small amounts of water condensing inside the tubes; however,
this water should not be harmful in the absence of oxygen.

If the heater must be cooled down and it is suspected that trace quantities of oxygen might be
present, then before cooling the heater the system should be depressurized completely, but do
not evacuate. Evacuation at this point is perhaps possible, but not recommended because it
introduces the possibility of allowing air to enter the system. Continue to maintain the 205 °C
firebox temperatures while depressurizing and purging. After the system has been
depressurized, pressure with nitrogen to any convenient pressure level. Repeat this
depressurizing/pressuring procedure as many times as required to reduce the oxygen

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 266 of 406
concentration, by dilution, to as much below 100 mol-ppm as is possible and reasonable.
Then the fires can be shut down and the heater allowed to cool.

B. Neutralization:

If neutralization is necessary, such as when a tube or tubes are cut out of the coil, or any time
when exposure to air at temperatures below the dew point of water cannot be avoided, the
tubes should be filled with soda ash solution and allowed to soak for a minimum of two
hours. With vertical coils, where it is not possible to completely fill the unvented upper return
bends, it is necessary instead to vigorously circulate the soda ash solution through the tubes
for a minimum of two hours to assure contact of all surfaces. After draining the soda ash
solution, do not flush with steam or water but instead allow a film of protective soda ash to
remain in the tubes.

C. Exterior Surfaces:

Whenever heater fires must be shut down and the tubes are allowed to cool, it is
recommended that the exterior tube surfaces be protected, especially in heaters where fuel oil
or high sulfur content fuel gas is employed. As a result of the sulfur in the fuel, a sulfide scale
can build up on the exterior tube surfaces as well as on the inside tube surfaces. If moisture is
allowed to condense on the tubes as the heater box is cooled, the action of oxygen and
moisture on the scale can form polythionic acids which can attack the austenitic stainless
steel tube surfaces and lead to intergranular stress corrosion cracking. There are two
recommended procedures that can be followed to prevent this from occurring: First, it is
possible to prevent any moisture from condensing on the tubes, and thus prevent the
formation of polythionic acids, by purging the firebox with copious amounts of dry air.
Normal instrument air is prepared by processing through a set of driers where the dew point
is reduced to a sufficiently low level to prevent condensation from occurring at ambient
conditions. This air can be effectively used to maintain a dry air blanket in the heater box
both during cooling and throughout the entire period the fires are out. In order to minimize
the consumption of instrument air, and to prevent moist air from entering the heater box, the
stack damper, all burner air registers, and all doors and ports in the heater box should be kept

Second, an alternate method of protecting the tubes from polythionic acid attack is to cover
the exterior tube surfaces with a protective film of soda ash, which will act to neutralize any
polythionic acids as they are formed. The neutralizing soda ash should be the same dilute
solution recommended for general neutralization, and should be applied to the tube surfaces
as soon as the heater box has cooled sufficiently to prevent vaporizing the soda ash solution,
and preferably before any moisture has begun to condense out on the tube surfaces. A fairly
efficient and effective method of applying the soda ash solution is to utilize a vat or tank with
a small portable pump which can pump the solution through a hose fitted with a spray nozzle
which will produce a fairly fine mist.

A low pressure spray is advisable as high pressure may erode the refractory. Small diameter
pipe extensions can be fitted to the hose to allow reaching up to the tube areas at the top of
the heater box. This type of spray equipment will minimize the soda ash consumption and
provide a reasonable means to reach all tube surfaces that are exposed to the heater flames.
Once the soda ash solution has been applied, it should be allowed to dry to form a protective
film on the surfaces of the tubes; do not wash off this protective film.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 267 of 406
If the exterior tube surfaces are heavily coated with an oxide or carbonaceous material, it
should be removed by wire brushing or sandblasting. This cleaning, however, will also
remove any protective soda ash film that may have been applied. In this case, the tube
surfaces should be further protected by applying another film of soda ash without delay. On
the occasions when the heater fires are shut down, it is convenient to also schedule inspection
of the tubes.

Inspection should include measuring the tube outside diameters for comparison to the original
new tube ODs, dye penetrate checking of welds and heat affected zones for cracks, and
random ultrasonic flaw detection of the heat affected zones around welds. Periodic
radiographic inspection should be conducted to check for scale or deposits inside the tubes.

20.4.7 Heat Exchangers:

If lines leading to or from heat exchangers containing austenitic stainless steel are to be opened,
blinds can be rapidly inserted to isolate the exchanger, while maintaining a nitrogen purge
through the exchanger involved preventing air from entering. A nitrogen blanket or continuous
nitrogen purge should then be maintained in the exchanger during this maintenance period.
If shell and tube exchangers containing austenitic stainless steel are to be opened and inspected,
or if the tube bundles are to be pulled, then before exposing this equipment to air, both shell and
tube sides should be flooded with soda ash solution and allowed to soak for a minimum of two
hours. If there are any pockets or high areas which cannot be reached with the soda ash solution,
then the soda ash solution should be vigorously circulated through the exchanger for a minimum
of two hours. Do not rinse with water, but instead allow a film of soda to remain on the surfaces.

If tube bundles of austenitic stainless steel are to be cleaned by hydroblasting, then soda ash
solution should be used for this purpose instead of just water.

20.4.8 Reactor Internals:

Any time a reactor is to be opened, maintain sufficient nitrogen purges to prevent the entry of
air into any part of the system and isolate the charge heater coils and the reactor effluent
system with blinds. A blanket of nitrogen should also be maintained in the reactor, especially
if it contains unregenerated catalyst. A slight amount of air coming in contact with the reactor
internals for relatively short periods of time is normally not considered to be harmful to the
metal; however, precautions should be taken to prevent contact with water or moisture,
especially in the presence of air. If any exposure to air has occurred, the air should be purged
out with nitrogen as soon as possible.

When the reactor internals are to be exposed to air for a prolonged period of time, such as
during a catalyst change, the reactor walls and internals should be washed very thoroughly as
soon as possible with a high pressure hose, using copious amounts of soda ash solution. A
portable pump and a vat of soda ash solution on skids is typically used for this operation. In
order to do this washing properly, a workman equipped with a fresh air mask and following
all other proper safety precautions, might have to enter the vessel to make sure all surfaces,
including the underside of the top head, are thoroughly wetted. Be especially careful to
thoroughly soak welded areas with particular emphasis on welds normally required to support
heavy loads, such as those on support beams, grids and trays.

When the reactor contains trays, which would make wetting all surfaces with soda ash
solution difficult, a sufficient amount of soda ash solution should be sprayed around the top
of the reactor, and allowed to rain down through the reactor to wet as much of the surfaces as
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 268 of 406
possible in the areas below the top tray. Be sure to thoroughly soak and keep wetted any used
catalyst remaining in the reactor, and then air can be drawn through the reactor so that
personnel can enter. During this time, a small flow of soda ash solution to the reactor should
be maintained, and as each tray manway is removed, the vessel area beneath that tray and the
underside of the tray should be thoroughly washed with soda ash solution.

Whenever spent, unregenerated catalyst is unloaded from the reactor; some amounts of
catalyst will inadvertently remain on the trays and in the bottom of the reactor. This catalyst
must be kept wet to prevent ignition of sulfide scale when air is admitted, which is another
reason for conducting a thorough washing operation with the soda ash solution.

After washing with soda ash solution, allow the surfaces to dry with a fine deposit of soda
ash. Do not rinse this residue off with water. Later, just prior to reloading catalyst, wipe as
much excess soda ash residue from the surfaces as possible with brushes or dry cloths; do not
use water or wet cloths.

20.4.9 Cooling Catalyst after Regeneration:

When it is necessary to reduce the temperature in an austenitic stainless steel charge heater coil
below the dew point of water when oxygen is present, such as during the procedure of cooling
the catalyst bed to a temperature which would allow entering the reactor following catalyst
regeneration, the oxygen must first be reduced to an acceptable level. Maintain the final reactor
temperature used in the regeneration and continue gas circulation; and depressurize to the
minimum allowable for recycle compressor operation. Then pressure with nitrogen. Conduct this
procedure at least three times, or as necessary to reduce oxygen concentration in the circulating
gas by dilution to as much below 100 mol-ppm as is possible and reasonable. Maintain reactor
temperatures and gas circulation, after shutting down and draining the caustic and water systems,
until the reactor system is dry and no more water collects in the separator.

Then the system can be cooled to about 150°F (65°C) at the reactor outlet. At this point hut
down the recycle gas compressor but maintain heater fires sufficient to maintain about 400°F
(205°C) firebox temperatures throughout the shutdown period.


Some units are designed with one or more restriction orifices in the emergency
depressurizing line to control the rate of depressurizing. For the initial start-up of a new unit,
it is necessary to check that the restriction orifice(s) in the emergency depressurizing line
have been properly sized. The procedures below describe how to conduct the required testing.
For subsequent start-ups following turnarounds, it is only necessary to check that the
depressurizing system is functioning properly; actual depressurizing tests are not required
unless revamp work has significantly affected the system volume.

The initial tests will determine the depressurizing rates at the test conditions. From these
tests, the depressurizing rate under normal operating conditions can be calculated. The tests
will ensure that the restriction orifice has been properly sized and that there are no unusual
restrictions in the lines. It is important that the corrected depressurizing rate for normal
operating conditions match the design rate. Too high a depressurizing rate during normal
operation could lead to excessive forces being exerted on the reactor internals. Too low a
depressurizing rate could limit the ability of the unit operator to bring any unit upset safely
under control.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 269 of 406
The depressurizing tests can be done with either nitrogen or hydrogen. If nitrogen is used, the
flare may be extinguished. This may make using nitrogen impractical if other operating units
are using the same flare. Testing with hydrogen will provide an atmosphere closer to the
normal operation and will thus reduce the corrections needed to get the correct depressurizing


The reactor section should be pressured with nitrogen or makeup gas so that the product
Separator is at or near the maximum pressure (~30% of normal operating pressure) allowed
for vessels below the MPT (Minimum Pressure & Temperature). System temperatures should
be steady. The recycle gas compressor should be in operation.

 Sample gas off the product separator and determine its composition. Record
average temperatures of all equipment in the high pressure system
 Open the emergency depressurizing valve fully open. Record pressures at 15-
second intervals at three locations – preferably at the product separator and at the
reactor inlets. Compare control board readings with those obtained from field
mounted pressure gauges.
 After testing the system for 6 minutes, the depressurizing can be stopped. Again,
record temperatures of all equipment in the high pressure system. Sample gas off
the product separator if the composition has possibly changed.
 Check if all shutdown interlocks responded properly. Reset them as required.
 Re-pressurize the system and prepare for the next step.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:20 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 270 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 21 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
21.1 272
21.4 283
21.7 285
21.8 287
21.9 288
10. 21.10 Risk Analysis Recommendations 290

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 271 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 21 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery




S.N EQUPT EQPT. Design Set In/Outlet Relief Design
O NAME NO. Design
PSV Condition Sizes Capacity Basis for
(Kg/Cm2g) (Inches) (Cu.M) relief
Feed Surge 46806.
1 72-V-01 72PSV01A 16 6/10
Drum 24

Feed Surge 46806.

2 72-V-01 72PSV01B 16 6/10
Drum 24

3 Separator 72-V-04 72PSV02A 24 6/12 .98

4 Separator 72-V-04 72PSV02B 24 6/12

Recycle 02B
5 72PSV03 40.3 6/10
Compressor discharg
e line
72-K- 10712.
Recycle 02B
6 72PSV04 40.3 6/10 04
Compressor discharg kg/hr
e line
7 Stripper 72-C-01 72PSV05A 14.5 10/20
8 Stripper 72-C-01 72PSV05B 14.5
Naphtha 72-C-02
9 over 72PSV06A 3.5 10/12
Naphtha 72-C-02
10 72PSV06B 3.5
Splitter 10/12
Naphtha 72-C-02
11 72PSV06C 3.5 10/12
Splitter overhead

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 272 of 406
S.N EQUPT EQPT. Design Set In/Outlet Relief Design
O NAME NO. Design
PSV Condition Sizes Capacity Basis for
(Kg/Cm2g) (Inches) (Cu.M) relief
Naphtha 25789.
12 72-V-07 72PSV07 4 6/8
Splitter 37kg/hr

Fuel Gas
13 Knockout 72-V-08 72PSV08 9 2/4

Inlet line of
14 Slitter 72-E- 72PSV09 19 3/6
Bottom 06A

Inlet line of
15 Slitter 72-E- 72PSV010 19 3/6
Bottom 06B

Sea Cooling
Water Return
line from
16 Naphtha 72-E- 72PSV011 15 ¾ /1
Slitter 06A

Sea Cooling
Water Return
line from
17 Naphtha 72-E- 72PSV012 15 3.11
¾ /1
Slitter 06C

18 Feed Filter 72-X-01 72PSV013 1/2 8 kg/hr

Fuel Gas 4423.8

19 72-M-02 72PSV015 9 1/2
Coalescer 4kg/hr

Fuel Gas 72-E-08 120.68

20 Shell 72PSV016 6.4 2/3
Heater kg/hr
Discharge 2343.8
21 line of Spent 72-P-13 72PSV018 9.19 ¾ /1 kg/hr
Caustic Pump

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 273 of 406
S.N EQUPT EQPT. Design Set In/Outlet Relief Design
O NAME NO. Design
PSV Condition Sizes Capacity Basis for
(Kg/Cm2g) (Inches) (Cu.M) relief
line of 4399.4
22 Regeneration 72-P-11 72PSV019 15.6 ¾ /1 5 kg/hr
Water Return

Balancing 72-P-
23 line of 01A seal
A 2/2
Charge Pump balancin
g line
Balancing 72-P-
24 line of 01B seal 72PSV020
Charge Pump balancin B
g line
Sulfide 203.74
25 72-V-11 72PSV022 3.5
Storage N m3/h

26 Compressor 72-K- 5.45
72PSV031 6/8
discharge line 02A

Compressor 72-K-
27 72PSV032 5.45 6/8
discharge line 02B

Sea Cooling
Water Return
28 line from 72-E- 8 1.5
72PSV049 ¾ /1
Condensate 07A

Sea Cooling
Water Return
29 line from 72-E- 8 1.5
72PSV050 ¾ /1
Condensate 07B

Sea Cooling
Water Return
line from
30 Naphtha 72-E- 10 2.54
72PSV051 ¾ /1
Slitter 05A

Sea Cooling
31 72-E- 10
Water Return 72PSV052 ¾ /1
line from

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 274 of 406
S.N EQUPT EQPT. Design Set In/Outlet Relief Design
O NAME NO. Design
PSV Condition Sizes Capacity Basis for
(Kg/Cm2g) (Inches) (Cu.M) relief

Inlet line of 10315.

32 Condensate 72-E- 6.5 1 ½ /2 73
Cooler 07A kg/hr

Inlet line of 10315.

33 Condensate 72-E- 6.5 1 ½ /2 20
Cooler 07B kg/hr06

Fuel Oil
Return line of 3501.7
34 72-F-01 72PSV055 17 ¾ /1
Charge 3 kg/hr

Fuel Oil
Return line of
Naphtha 3501.7
35 72-F-02 72PSV056 17 ¾ /1
Splitter 3 kg/hr

line of 2823.3
36 Inhibitor 72-P- 14.4
72PSV072 ¾ /1 kg/hr
Injection 12A

line of 2823.3
37 Inhibitor 72-P- 14.4
72PSV073 ¾ /1 kg/hr
Injection 12B

line of 3313.1
38 3
Sulfiding 72-P-09 72PSV074 kg/hr
Pump ¾ /1

line of 2195.4
39 Caustic 6.89
72-P-10 72PSV075 ¾ /1 5 l/h

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 275 of 406

S.NO. EQPT. NO. (see note HOLD UP
below) (Cu.m)
1 Feed Surge Drum 72-V-01 V
2 Water Break Tank 72-V-03 V
3 Separator 72-V-04 V
4 Recycle Comp Suction Drum 72-V-05 V
5 Stripper Receiver 72-V-06 V
6 Naphtha Splitter Receiver 72-V-07 V
7 Fuel Gas Knock Out Drum 72-V-08 V
8 Stripper 72-C-01 C
9 Naphtha Splitter 72-C-02 C
10 Product Condenser 72-A-01 HE
11 Stripper Condenser 72-A-02 HE
12 Naphtha Splitter Condenser 72-A-03 HE
13 Combined Feed Exchanger 72-E-01 HE
Stripper Feed Naphtha Splitter
14 72-E-02 HE
Bottom. Exchanger
15 Stripper Feed Bottoms Exchangers 72-E-03 HE
16 Stripper Reboiler 72-E-04 HE
Naphtha Splitter Over Head
17 72-E-05 HE
18 Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Coolers 72-E-06 HE
19 Condensate Coolers 72-E-07 A/B HE
20 Fuel Gas Heater 72-E-08 HE
21 Charge Heater 72-F-01 F
22 Naphtha Splitter Reboiler Heater 72-F-02 F
23 Reactor 72-R-01 R

Note: V-Vessel; C-Column; HE-Heat Exchanger; R-Reactor; F-Furnace.


Min Consequence
Action / Effects
S. Interlock Interlock Trip on the Plant in Ref
on Actuation of
No No. Description Settings Case of Non- P&ID
A) Feed & wash water shutdown (UC-001)
1 FSLL1001 Feed to 65 Closes UV0701 Reduced 930767-
A/B/C 2 Reactor m3/hr Feed to Comb. throughput and 120-10-
out of 3 flow Low- Feed exch. possible channeling A1-
voting Low in reactor at Rev.5
turndown flows
2 FSLL1201 Wash water 2.4 Closes FV1202 Possible inadequate 930767-
to Products m3/hr Wash water to washing in reactor 120-12-
Condenser Products effluent product A1-

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 276 of 406
Min Consequence
Action / Effects
S. Interlock Interlock Trip on the Plant in Ref
on Actuation of
No No. Description Settings Case of Non- P&ID
flow Low- Condenser condensers leading Rev.5
Low to plugging and
3 UC002 Charge Feed to reactor
heater trip circuit valve
close (UV-
0701 ).
Wash water
injection valve
(FV-1202) close.
B) Charge heater shutdown (UC002)
1 HS2507A Charge 0.5 Pilot gas s/d Possible back fire 930767-
heater ESD kg/cm2 valve (UV- in pilot gas line. 120-25-
HS2507B at DCS 2505/UV2506) A1-
ESD at close. Rev.8
Pilot gas, Field near Fuel gas s/d
PSLL2509 72-F-01 valve (UV-
A/B/C 2 Pilot gas to 2503/UV2504)
out of 3 72-F-01 close.
voting Pressure FO shutdown
Low-Low valve (UV-
UV2502) close.
Tripping of feed
& wash water
shut down (UC-
2 Recycle Recycle 15000 Fuel gas Severe coking in 930767-
gas, Gas flow Nm3/hr shutdown valve reactor due to low 120-10-
FSLL1002 Low-Low (UV- H2 partial pressure A1-
A/B/C 2 2503/UV2504) and possible off- Rev.5
out of 3 close. spec products.
voting FO shutdown Possible
valve (UV- overheating of
2501A/B; heater tubes
UV2502) close.
Tripping of feed
& wash water
shut down (UC-
3 FSLL2002 Naphtha 39 Fuel gas Possible 930767-
A/B/C 2 Splitter m3/hr shutdown valve overheating of 120-20-
out of 3 reboiler (UV- splitter re-boiler A1-
voting pass flow 2503/UV2504) heater tubes. Rev.5
Low-Low close.
(if 72F02 FO shutdown
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 277 of 406
Min Consequence
Action / Effects
S. Interlock Interlock Trip on the Plant in Ref
on Actuation of
No No. Description Settings Case of Non- P&ID
pass low valve (UV-
flow 2501A/B;
shutdown is UV2502) close.
not Tripping of feed
bypassed) & wash water
shut down (UC-
4 PSLL2507 Both fuel 0.07 & Fuel gas Unstable fires and 930767-
& gas& fuel 1.8 shutdown valve Possible smoky 120-25-
PSLL2504 oil Low- Kg/cm2 (UV- flame. Possible A1-
Low 2503/UV2504) back fire in fuel gas Rev.8
close. or fuel oil lines
FO shutdown
valve (UV-
UV2502) close.
Tripping of feed
& wash water
shut down (UC-
5 PSLL2507 FG to 72-F- 0.07 Fuel gas Unstable fires and 930767-
01 Burners Kg/cm2 shutdown valve Possible smoky 120-25-
Pressure (UV-2503/ flame. Possible A1-
Low-Low UV2504) close. back fire in fuel gas Rev.8
6 PSLL2504 FO to 72-F- 1.8 FO shutdown Unstable fires and 930767-
01 Burners Kg/cm2 valve (UV- Possible smoky 120-25-
Pressure 2501A/B ; flame. Possible A1-
Low-Low UV2502) close back fire in fuel oil Rev.8
7 PDSLL25 Atomizing 0.4 FO shutdown Unstable fires and 930767-
02 Steam - FO Kg/cm2 valve (UV- Possible smoky 120-25-
DP of 72-F- 2501A/B ; flame. Possible FO A1-
01 Low- UV2502) close back up to steam Rev.8
Low lines
8 TSHH- Charge 352 oC Fuel gas High reactor inlet 930767-
0808,0812, heater COT shutdown valve temperature and 120-8-
0813 2 out hi-hi (UV- possible runaway A1-
of 3 voting 2503/UV2504) /catalyst damage Rev.4
FO shutdown
valve (UV-
UV2502) close.
Tripping of feed
& wash water
shut down (UC-
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 278 of 406
Min Consequence
Action / Effects
S. Interlock Interlock Trip on the Plant in Ref
on Actuation of
No No. Description Settings Case of Non- P&ID
9 PSHH- Charge +5 mm Fuel gas Possible back fire 930767-
2510A/B/ heater arch WC shutdown valve from heater box. 120-25-
C 2 pressure hi- (UV- A1-
out of 3 hi 2503/UV2504) Rev.8
voting close.
FO shutdown
valve (UV-
UV2502) close.
Tripping of feed
& wash water
shut down (UC-
Open HV-2601,
72-F-02 STACK
10 PSH- Charge +3 mm Opens HV-2601, Possible back fire 930767-
2510A/B/ heater arch WC 72-F-02 STACK from heater box. 120-25-
C 2 pressure hi- DAMPER A1-
out of 3 hi Rev.8
11 PSHH261 72-F-02 +5 mm Fuel gas Possible back fire 930767-
0 A/B/C Arch WC shutdown valve from heater box. 120-26-
2out of 3 Pressure hi- (UV- A1-
voting hi 2503/UV2504) Rev.8
FO shutdown
valve (UV-
UV2502) close.
Tripping of feed
& wash water
shut down (UC-
Open HV-2601,
72-F-02 STACK
C) Splitter reboiler heater shutdown (UC-003)
1 HS- Remote Pilot gas Possible back fire 930767-
2607A; ESD at shutdown valves in pilot gas line. 120-26-
DCS (UV-2605 / A1-
HS-2607B ESD at 2606) close. Rev.8
Pilot gas, FIELD 0.5 Fuel gas
PSLL- Pilot gas kg/cm2 shutdown valves
2609A,B, pressure (UV-2603 /
C (2 out of Low-Low 2604) close.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 279 of 406
Min Consequence
Action / Effects
S. Interlock Interlock Trip on the Plant in Ref
on Actuation of
No No. Description Settings Case of Non- P&ID
3) Fuel oil
shutdown valves
2602) close.
Tripping of feed
& wash water
shut down (UC-
I-1 of Unit-77
activates (CFC
off gas s/d)

2 FSLL- Naphtha 39m3/hr Fuel gas Possible 930767-

2002A,B, Splitter shutdown valves overheating of 120-20-
C (2 out of Bottoms (UV-2603 / splitter re-boiler A1-
3) reboiler 2604) close. heater tubes. Rev.5
pass flow Fuel oil
shutdown valves
2602) close.
Charge heater
shut down (UC-
3 PSLL- Fuel gas 0.07 Fuel gas Unstable fires and 930767-
2607 Press Low- kg/cm2 shutdown valves Possible smoky 120-26-
Low (UV-2603 / flame. Possible A1-
2604) close. back fire in fuel gas Rev.8
4 PSLL- FO Press 1.8 FO s/d valves Unstable fires and 930767-
2604 Low-Low kg/cm2 (UV-2601A/B, Possible smoky 120-26-
2602) close flame. Possible A1-
back fire in fuel oil Rev.8
5 PDSLL- Atomizing 0.4 FO s/d valves Unstable fires and 930767-
2602 steam-Fuel kg/cm2 (UV-2601A/B, Possible smoky 120-26-
oil, DP 2602) close. flame. Possible A1-
Low-Low back up of FO to Rev.8
steam lines.
6 PSHH- Arch +5 Fuel gas Possible back fire 930767-
2610A/B/ pressure mmWC shutdown valves from heater box 120-26-
C (2 out of (UV-2603 / A1-
3). 2604) close. Rev.8
FO shutdown
valves (UV-
2601A/B, 2602)
Stack damper
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 280 of 406
Min Consequence
Action / Effects
S. Interlock Interlock Trip on the Plant in Ref
on Actuation of
No No. Description Settings Case of Non- P&ID
7 TSHH- Naphtha 0
166 C Fuel gas Possible product 930767-
2002, splitter re- shutdown valves offspec. 120-20-
2004, boiler heater (UV-2603 / A1-
2005 (2 COT 2604) close. Rev.5
out of 3). FO shutdown
valves (UV-
2601A/B, 2602)
Stack damper
(HV-2601) open
D) Recycle gas compressors shutdown (UC004/005)
1 HS-1501 72K01A Recycle 930767-
ESD at DCS compressor, K- 120-15-
01A stop A1-
2 LSHH- Recycle 50% Recycle Possible liquid 930767-
1401A,B, compressor compressor, K- carryover to 120-14-
C (2 out of suction 01A stop. compressor A1-
3) drum Recycle Rev.5
compressor, K-
01B trip
3 HS-1502 72K01B Recycle 930767-
ESD at DCS compressor, K- 120-15-
01B stop A1-
4 LSHH- Recycle 50% Recycle Possible liquid 930767-
1401A,B, compressor compressor, K- carryover to 120-14-
C (2 out of suction 01B stop. compressor A1-
3) drum Recycle Rev.5
compressor, K-
01A trip
E) level shutdowns (UC-006)
1 LSLL- Feed surge 50% Feed surge drum Possible HC 930767-
0603 drum water water boot valve carryover to 120-06-
boot, close, LV-0601. CBD/OWS streams A1-
2 LSLL- Separator 50% Separator water Possible HC 930767-
1303 water boot, boot drain, LV- carryover to Sour 120-13-
1301. water streams A1-
3 LSLL- Separator 50% Separator Possible gases 930767-
1304A,B, bottoms blow out to low 120-13-
C (2 out of isolation, UV- pressure stripper A1-
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 281 of 406
Min Consequence
Action / Effects
S. Interlock Interlock Trip on the Plant in Ref
on Actuation of
No No. Description Settings Case of Non- P&ID
3). 1301 from HP reactor Rev.5
4 LSLL- Stripper 50% Stripper water Possible HC 930767-
1803. receiver boot drain valve carryover to Sour 120-18-
water boot close, LV-1801 water stream A1-
F) stripper reboiler steam cutoff (UC007)
1 PSHH- Stripper 13kg/cm Stripper re- Over-pressurization 930767-
1705A/B/ column 2 boiler steam of Stripper 120-17-
C (2 out of OVHD, shut down valve A1-
3). close, UV-1701. Rev.5
G) Condensate blow down shutdown (UC008)
1 HS-2401. High Condensate to Contamination of 930767-
(Activated conductivity SS UV-2401 steam circuit 120-24-
by DCS , of Open. A1-
operator) condensate Condensate to Rev.5
Recovery UV-
2402 Close.
H) AFC FANS shutdown (UC 009/010/011)
1 VAHH- Product 72A-01 Product Possible damage to 930767-
1202 condenser condenser fan fan 120-12-
A/B/C/D. trip, A/B/C/D Stop A1-
(UC-009) Rev.5
2 VAHH- Stripper 72A-02 Product Possible damage to 930767-
1803 condenser condenser fan fan 120-18-
A/B/C/D. trip, A/B/C/D Stop A1-
(UC-010) Rev.5
3 VAHH- Naphtha 72A-03 Product Possible damage to 930767-
2201 Splitter condenser fan fan 120-22-
A/B/C/D/ condenser A/B/C/D/E/F/G/ A1-
E/F/G/H/I/ trip, H/I/J/K/L Stop. Rev.5


1 PT-1535 Lube oil pr 1.5 Stop 72K01A Possible damage to 930767-
kg/cm2 compressor bearing 120-15-
2 PT-1536 Lube oil pr 1.5 Stop 72K01B Rev.5
kg/cm2 and refer
3 PT-1539 Lubricator 20 psi Stop 72K01A Improper to
pressure lubrication may compress
4 PT-1540 Lubricator 20 psi Stop 72K01B lead to compressor or
pressure component damage vendor
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 282 of 406
Min Consequence
Action / Effects
S. Interlock Interlock Trip on the Plant in Ref
on Actuation of
No No. Description Settings Case of Non- P&ID
5 PT1542 Cooling 1.0kg/cm Stop 72K01A/B Possible
water 2 overheating of
pressure compressor
6 VE-1585 NDE frame 3.0 mm/s Stop 72K01A Possible damage of
vibration compressor
7 VE-1586 NDE frame 3.0 mm/s Stop 72K01B components
8 VE-1591 Main Motor 3.5mm/s Stop 72K01A Possible damage of
bearing motor components
9 VE-1592 Main Motor 3.5mm/s Stop 72K01B
10 TE-1589 Main Motor 900C Stop 72K01A Main motor
Bearing bearing damage
11 TE1590 Main Motor 900C Stop 72K01B
12 TE-1585 Compressor 1200C Stop 72K01A Compressor DE
DE Bearing Bearing damage
13 TE-1586 Compressor 1200C Stop 72K01B
DE Bearing
14 TE-1587 Compressor 1200C Stop 72K01A Compressor NDE
NDE Bearing damage
15 TE-1588 Compressor 1200C Stop 72K01B

21.4 DESIGN CODES & STANDARDS EMPLOYED: available in PSM documents

SL.NO. (See note

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 283 of 406
Note :
1. The ‘Type’ to be filled as C-column , P-Pipeline, V-vessel , D-Drum, HE- Heat Exchanger.
2. Include plant pipelines and provide details as above.




21.6 LIST OF ENCLOSED FACILITIES available in PSM documents

(Yes / No)
Activity Hard Chemic Likely Means of
carried wares als contamin ventilation
out in used in stored ated (provide details on
no.of exhaust fans,
Enclosed the in the gases/vap windows etc)
facility activity enclose ours
. d present



Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 284 of 406
(Yes / No)
Activity Hard Chemic Likely Means of
carried wares als contamin ventilation
out in used in stored ated (provide details on
no.of exhaust fans,
Enclosed the in the gases/vap windows etc)
facility activity enclose ours
. d present


l Plants


ent &


1. 72-FV-0601 Fresh feed from storage 4 FC
2. 72-PV-0601A/B Feed surge drum split range control 1.5 FC
3. Feed surge drum boot water level
72-LV-0601 1 FC
4. 72-FV-0701 Charge pump spillback 3 FO
5. 72-FV-0702 Startup bypass 2 FC
6. 72-UV-0701 Feed to CFE shutoff 8 FC
7. Fresh feed to combined feed
72-FV-1003 6 FC
8. 72-FV-1101 Wash water injection pumps spillback 1 FO
9. 72-LV-1101 Condensate to water break tank 1.5 FO
10. 72-PV-1101 Condensate to condensate coolers 1 FC
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 285 of 406
11. Wash water to combined feed
72-FV-1202 1 FC
12. 72-PV-1301 Make up hydrogen from platformer 1.5 FC
13. 72-PV-1302 Regeneration waste gas to atmosphere 1 FC
14. Plant air to recycle compressor suction
72-FV-1301 1 FC
15. 72-LV-1301 Separator boot water level control 1 FC
16. 72-LV-1302 Separator hydrocarbon level control 4 FC
17. 72-UV-1302 Separator hydrocarbon to stripper feed
6 FC
bottom exchanger shutoff
18. 72-LV-1402 Recycle compressor suction drum 1 FC
19. 72-FV-1601 Naphtha splitter bottom to storage 3 FC
20. 72-FV-1701 Condensate from stripper reboiler 2 FC
21. 72-UV-1701 VHP steam to stripper shutoff 8 FC
22. 72-LV-1801 Stripper receiver boot level control 1 FC
23. 72-LV-1802 Stripper reflux pump discharge 3 FO
24. 72-FV-1804 Stripper reflux pumps spillback 1.5 FO
25. 72-PV-1801 Stripper receiver pressure control 1.5 FC
26. 72-LV-1701 Naphtha splitter feed 8 FC
27. Naphtha splitter bottom pump
72-FV-1901 2 FO
28. Naphtha splitter reboiler heater pass
72-FV-2001 A-F 3 FO
29. Naphtha splitter net overhead liquid to
72-FV-2101 4 FC
isomerization unit
30. Naphtha splitter overhead pump
72-FV-2103 4 FO
31. 72-FV-2104 Light naphtha to storage 4 FC
32. 72-PV-2201 Naphtha splitter overhead vapor 24 FO
33. 72-PDV-2202 Naphtha splitter hot vapor bypass 6 FC
34. Steam condensate from fuel gas heater
72-UV-2401 2 FO
35. Steam condensate from fuel gas heater
72-UV-2402 2 FC
36. 72-PDV-2501 Atomization steam to charge heater 1 FC
37. 72-PCV-2519 Pilot gas to charge heater 1
38. 72-PV-2503 Fuel oil to charge heater 1 FC
39. 72-PV-2506 Fuel gas to charge heater 3 FC
40. 72-UV-2501A Charge heater fuel oil supply shutoff 1.5 FC
41. 72-UV-2501B Charge heater fuel oil return shutoff 1.5 FC
42. Charge heater fuel oil supply shutoff
72-UV-2502 2 FC
43. 72-UV-2503 Charge heater fuel gas supply shutoff 3 FC
44. Charge heater fuel gas supply shutoff
45. 72-UV-2505 Charge heater pilot gas supply shutoff
46. 72-UV-2506 Charge heater pilot gas supply shutoff
1 FC
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 286 of 406
47. Pilot gas to naphtha splitter reboiler
72-PCV-2608 1
48. 72-PDV-2601 Atomization steam to naphtha splitter
1 FC
reboiler heater
49. Fuel oil to naphtha splitter reboiler
72-PV-2603 1 FC
50. Fuel gas to naphtha splitter reboiler
72-PV-2606 4 FC
51. 72-UV-2601A Naphtha splitter reboiler heater fuel oil
2 FC
supply shutoff
52. 72-UV-2601B Naphtha splitter reboiler heater fuel oil
2 FC
return shutoff
53. 72-UV-2602 Naphtha splitter reboiler heater fuel oil
2 FC
supply Shutoff secondary
54. 72-UV-2603 Naphtha splitter reboiler heater fuel
4 FC
gas supply shutoff
55. 72-UV-2604 Naphtha splitter reboiler heater fuel
4 FC
gas supply shutoff secondary
56. 72-UV-2605 Naphtha splitter reboiler heater pilot
1 FC
gas supply shutoff
57. 72-UV-2606 Naphtha splitter reboiler heater pilot
1 FC
gas supply shutoff secondary


In order to ensure the safety of the static equipment in the Refinery a philosophy has been
adopted as follows regarding the operation of pressure safety valves:
• This section provides instructions to ensure that PSVs are lined up according to the
philosophy specified in P&IDs and OISD - STANDARD – 106 on Pressure Relief
and Disposal System.
• To install locks or car seals on the inlet and outlet isolation valves of PSVs according
to the scheme specified in P&IDs.
• The Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) is a type of valve used to limit the pressure in a
system or vessel which can build up by a process upset, instrument or equipment
failure, or fire.
• Multiple relief valves are required for hydrocarbon processing services, if the total
relieving capacity required cannot be provided in a single valve. For NHT splitter
column, 72-C-02, three PSVs (72PSV- 06 A/B/C) are provided, one being spare.
• Spare PSVs are often installed to facilitate testing and maintenance of one safety
valve while the other is on line. These are also used for continuity of operation in case
of safety valve does not reseat after popping.
• Inadvertent isolation of a PSV will defeat its purpose and therefore periodic checks
are to be carried out to ensure line up of PSVs as per P&ID. Upstream and
downstream isolation valves are to be locked in open condition to prevent such
inadvertent closure.
Following to be ensured in the unit for various scenarios:


Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 287 of 406
• Lock open both Inlet and Outlet
CASE-I 74-K-02A
1 0 valves
(using a lock, car seal etc.)
• Keep only one PSV in service
• Lock open both Inlet and Outlet
valves of the PSV in service
72-C-01, NHT
CASE-II 2 1 • Lock open outlet valve of spare
• Lock close the inlet valve of spare
• Keep any two PSVs in service
• Lock open both Inlet and Outlet
valves of the two PSVs in service
72-C-02, NHT
CASE-III 3 1 • Lock open outlet valve of spare
• Lock close inlet valve of spare


Increase in level due to more Suitable operating • Monitor boot level (LT
flow of feed naphtha from instruction is to be 0601) of V-01 twice in a
1 B/L to Feed Surge Drum (V- developed to control the shift and log in TOB
01) due to upset in upstream feed rate from upstream
unit unit
More flow of feed naphtha Suitable operating • Take naphtha storage
from cold feed storage tank instruction is to be tank level from TPH and
to Feed Surge Drum (V-01) developed to check the log in TOB once a shift .
due to malfunction of unit naphtha storage level at
cold feed control valve 72- OSBL
More flow of water to CBD As 2oo3 voting logic is • Cross check LT-0603
/OWS from feed surge drum not applied to LALL with LG twice in a shift
boot Feed Surge Drum (V- 0603, periodic checking and log in TOB
01) due to malfunction of of LT 0603 is required • Ensure regular PM
control 0601 valve (LIC checks of LT-0603
0601) to open LV more, • Ensure regular PM
leading to HC carryover to checks of LT- 0601
OWS in extreme case.
Low pressure in feed surge Regular checking / • Monitor PT 0601 and
drum due to malfunction of servicing of PT/ PIC PIC 0601 twice in a shift
PIC 0601 to open PV0601B 0601 is required and log in TOB.
when it is required to close
which will lead to loss of FG
to flare.
Failure of sulfiding to Operator vigilance is • Check DMDS chemical
5 catalyst due to tripping of required for topping up level in the tank
Sulfiding pump (P-09) of chemicals and in periodically and log during
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 288 of 406
adjusting the dosing rate. TOB every one hour sulfiding.
• Check pump dosage rate
of DMDS chemical and
note in TOB every one
High pressure of recycle gas Periodic checking of • Ensure regular PM
to NHT Reactor (72-R-01) PT/ PIC 1301 is checks of PT/ PIC 1301
due to opening of PV 1301 required
Lower level in Recycle As 2oo3 voting logic is • Ensure regular PM
compressor suction drum not considered for LT checks of LIC 1402
(72-V-05) due to malfunction 1402 (RGC KOD • Monitor RGC KOD level
of LIC 1402 may open the level), periodic (LG 1402) twice a shift
LV 1402 fully leading to gas checking of LT 1402 is and log in TOB.
blow back. required.
Increase of Reactor effluent Proper work • Ensure regular PM
temperature to NHT instructions are to be checks of TI 1202
separator drum (V-04)which developed to meet the • HIC 1301 to be used in
will result in higher separator emergency situations. case of emergency
drum pressure and loss of
product to flare from V-04
More flow of sour water from As 2oo3 voting logic is • Continuously monitor LT
NHT separator drum (V-04) not considered for 1303 and LG 1305 and
boot due to malfunction of LALL 1303 periodic note in TOB twice a shift
9 LIC 1301 will open LV 1301 checking of LT 1303 is • Ensure regular PM
fully resulting in HC required. checks of LIC 1301
carryover to sour water in
extreme case
More flow of sour water from As 2oo3 voting logic is • Continuously monitor LT
Stripper receiver drum (V- not considered for 1803 and LG 1804 and
06) due to malfunction of LALL 1803, periodic note in TOB twice a shift
10 LIC 1803 will open LV 1803 checking of LT 1803, is • Ensure regular PM
fully resulting in HC required. checks of LIC 1803
carryover to sour water in
extreme case
Higher pressure in Stripper Suitable work •Ensure that the isolation
receiver drum (V-06) due to instruction is to be valve at SRU integration
11 inadvertent closing of developed before unit B/L is in open
isolation valve at SRU routing the off gas to condition before routing of
integration unit B/L SRU/ flare stripper off gas to SRU.
Failure of inhibitor dosing at Operator vigilance is • Check the corrosion
O/H of Stripper receiver required for topping up inhibitor drum level and
drum (V-06) of chemicals and periodically and log in
adjusting the dosing rate TOB
12 • Monitor correct dosage
rate of corrosion inhibitor
chemical by checking
performance of pump (P-
12 A/B).

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 289 of 406

Leakage of naphtha from Regular sampling of the • Send salt water return
Splitter bottom cooler (E-06) sea water quality needs sample from E-06 for
to SWC side. to be done. checking of HC contents
as per schedule.
No fuel gas flow to NHT As 2oo3 voting logic is • Monitor PT 2507 once
charge heater (F-01) not applied for fuel gas shift and note in TOB
supply pressure (PALL
2507), periodic
checking of PT 2507 is
NHT charge heater (F-02) As 2oo3 voting logic is • Monitor PT 2606 once
not applied for fuel gas shift and note in TOB
supply pressure (PALL
2606), periodic
checking of PT 2606 is

21.10 Risk Analysis Recommendations:

Critical Switches and • Keep all interlocks & trips in
Alarms should be kept on service
line • Follow the existing guidelines
while bypassing an interlock or
• Maintain and update the
Rapid Risk Analysis
1 • Do not silence audio buzzer
Fire extinguishers should • Co-ordinate with F& S for
be tested periodically and periodic checking of fire
should always be kept in extinguishers as per the
operational mode schedule
• Replenish the fire
extinguishers immediately after

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:21 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 290 of 406
Chapter No: 22 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
1. 22.0 292
2. 22.1 General 292
3. 22.2 Sampling Procedure 292
4. 22.3 Laboratory Test Method and Schedule 294

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:22 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 291 of 406
Chapter No: 22 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


22.1 General

Control tests provide the information to the operating staff for making necessary adjustments
to get the maximum output and “on-spec” quality products. The control tests are to be made
at all steps to monitor the intermediate and final products whether or not they are at the
desired specification. Samples are taken and analyzed at regular intervals such that the
operation of the plant are monitored and any deviation (from specification will indicate some
mal-operation / malfunction of the plant which can be spotted and rectified in time without
undue loss of time and product. Sometimes, samples are taken to find out the effect of certain
changes brought about in the operating conditions. The samples are to be taken with great
care so that the samples are representative samples. The frequency of sampling, the type of
analysis and points where samples are to be taken are generally specified by t he process
licensor. During guarantee tests some additional samples can be taken at higher frequencies,
which will be specified, in the technical procedures prior to test run. The following guidelines
should be followed while collecting samples.

22.2 Sampling Procedure:

22.2.1 Liquid Sampling Procedure (Non-Flashing Type):

i) The person taking samples should wear proper or appropriate safety clothing like face
shields, aprons, rubber gloves etc. to protect face, hands and body.
ii) Whenever hot samples are taken, check cooling water flow in the sample cooler is
circulating properly.
iii) Sample points usually have two valves in series. One gate valve for isolation (tight
shutoff) and other globe valve for regulating the flow. Open gate valve first and then
slowly open the globe valve after properly placing the sample containers. After the
sampling is over, close the globe valve first and then the gate. Then again open the
globe valve and drain the hold up between the gate and globe valve in case of
congealing liquid.
iv) Sample valve should be slowly opened, first slightly to check for plugging. If the
plugging is released suddenly, the liquid will escape at a dangerously uncontrolled
rate. Never tap the line to release the plugging. Call the maintenance gang to properly
unplug the line. In case of congealing type samples, sample point should be equipped
with copper coil type steam tracer. It should be ensured that steam-tracing line is
functioning normally.
v) The operator taking the sample should be careful to stand in a position such that the
liquid does not splash on him and he has unobstructed way out from the sample point
in case of accident.
vi) While taking dangerous toxic material for sampling, it will act as an observer for
safety. Proper gas mask is to be used. It is advisable to stand opposite to wind
direction in case of volatile toxic liquid.
vii) Sample should be collected in clean, dry and stoppered bottle. In case of congealing
samples use clean dry ladle.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:22 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 292 of 406
viii) Rinsing of the bottle should be thorough before actual collection.
ix) Before collecting, ensure that the line content has been drained and fresh sample is
x) Gradually warm up the sample bottle / metallic can by repeated rinsing before
collecting the sample.
xi) Stopper the bottle immediately after collection of sample.
xii) Attach a tag to the bottle indicating date, time, and name of the product and tests to be
carried out.
xiii) A few products suffer deterioration with time.
xiv) For example, the colour of the heavier distillates slowly deteriorates with time. So
these samples should be sent to laboratory at the earliest after collection.

The samples after collection should be kept away from any source of ignition to minimize
fire hazard. Volatile samples (e.g. naphtha) should be collected in bottles and kept in ice
particularly for some critical test like RVP.

22.2.2 High Pressure Hydrocarbon Liquid Samples (Flashing Type):

i) The person taking sample should use personal protection appliances like apron, gas
mask and hand gloves to protect himself.
ii) Ensure that sample bomb is empty, clean and dry.
iii) Connect the sample bomb inlet valve to the sample point with a flexible hose.
iv) Open the inlet and outlet valves of the sample bomb. Hold the sample bomb. Hold the
sample bomb outlet away from person. Keep face away from hydrocarbon vapour and
stand in such a way that prevalent wind should blow hydrocarbon vapour away. Open
the gate valve of sample point slowly till full open. Then slowly cracks open the
regulating valve. One should be careful at the time of draining, because chance of
icing is there. As a result, the formation of solid hydrates is a continuing process,
which leads to the plugging of valves.
v) When all the air in the hose and bomb are displaced as seen by the hydrocarbon
vapour rising from the outlet of sample bomb close the sample outlet valve. Allow a
little quantity of liquid to spill to make sure that the bomb is receiving liquid. Frosting
will be an indication of liquid spillage.
vi) Allow liquid hydrocarbon to fill the bomb. When the bomb is full up to the specified
level, close both the valves on sample point. Close inlet valve on the sample point.
vii) Carefully disconnect the hose from the sample bomb. To allow for some vapor space
in the bomb for thermal expansion in case of overfilling, crack open the outlet valve
of bomb and discharge a small part of the liquid. Close outlet valve.
viii) Closed sampling facilities are provided at some locations where it is not desirable to
waste the costly product or if the material is toxic. For filling the sampling bomb,
pressure drop across a control valve is usually utilized or across pump discharge &
suction. Air is expelled from the bomb after it is connected to upstream of control
valve or pump discharge side. The sample is then collected and bomb is detached
after closing valves on both sides.
ix) Send sample bomb to laboratory for analysis. Protect the bomb from heat exposure.

22.2.3 Gas Sample:

For collection of gas sample, which are not under high pressure and temperature, rubber
bladders are used. For the operations under vacuum or low pressure, aspirator is used. For
representative sample, purge the bladder 3 to 4 times with the gas and then take t he final
sample. Use of 3 ways valve with bladder / aspirator will facilitate purging and sampling.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:22 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 293 of 406
Sample bombs are to be used for taking gas samples from high pressure and high temperature
source. Procedure mentioned under high-pressure liquid sampling (flashing type) is to be

22.3 Laboratory Test Method and Schedule:

The frequencies given below are routine related to a normal operation. During start-up and
test runs more analysis will be required.


Charge from storage
ASTM D 4052 or
Gravity 1/D 3/D
ASTM D 1298
API ASTM D 287 1/D 3/D
Distillation ASTM D 86 1/D 3/D
Colour ASTM D 156 3/D 3/D
Sulfur ASTM D 4045 1/D 3/D
Chloride UOP 395 As required 1/D
Nitrogen ASTM D 4629 As required 1/D

Composition (PONA) UOP 880 As required 1/D

Paraffins UOP 690 As required 1/D

Aromatic UOP 744 As required 1/D

PNA UOP870 As required 1/D

Arsenic UOP 296 or 946 As required 1/D

Lead UOP 350 or 952 As required 1/D

Copper UOP 144 or 962 As required 1/D

Bromine Index UOP 304 As required 1/D

Dissolved Oxygen UOP 678 As required 1/D

Trace metals UOP 391 As required 1/D

72-SC-02 Charge from FCC heart

cut naphtha
ASTM D 4052 or 3/D
Gravity 1/D
ASTM D 1298
API ASTM D 287 1/D 3/D

Distillation ASTM D 86 1/D 3/D

Color ASTM D 156 3/D 3/D

Sulfur ASTM D 4045 1/D 3/D

Chloride UOP 395 As required 1/D

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:22 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 294 of 406
Nitrogen ASTM D 4629 As required 1/D
72-SC-02 Composition (PONA) UOP 880 As required 1/D
Paraffin UOP 690 As required 1/D
Aromatic UOP 744 As required 1/D
PNA UOP870 As required 1/D
Arsenic UOP 296 or 946 As required 1/D
Lead UOP 350 or 952 As required 1/D
Copper UOP 144 or 962 As required 1/D
Bromine Index UOP 304 As required 1/D
Dissolved Oxygen UOP 678 As required 1/D
Trace metals UOP 391 As required 1/D
Charge from CDU-I,II,
ASTM D 4052 or
Gravity 1/D 3/D
ASTM D 1298
API ASTM D 287 1/D 3/D
Distillation ASTM D 86 1/D 3/D
Color ASTM D 156 3/D 3/D
Sulfur ASTM D 4045 1/D 3/D
Chloride UOP 395 As required 1/D
72-SC-03 Nitrogen ASTM D 4629 As required 1/D
Composition (PONA) UOP 880 As required 1/D
Paraffin UOP 690 As required 1/D
Aromatic UOP 744 As required 1/D
PONA UOP870 As required 1/D
Arsenic UOP 296 or 946 As required 1/D
Lead UOP 350 or 952 As required 1/D
Copper UOP 144 or 962 As required 1/D
Bromine Index UOP 304 As required 1/D
Dissolved Oxygen UOP 678 As required 1/D
Trace metals UOP 391 As required 1/D
Combined feed
ASTM D 4052 or
Gravity 1/D 3/D
ASTM D 1298
API ASTM D 287 1/D 3/D
Distillation ASTM D 86 1/D 3/D
72-SC-04 Color ASTM D 156 3/D 3/D
Sulfur ASTM D 4045 1/D 3/D
Chloride UOP 395 As required 1/D
Nitrogen ASTM D 4629 As required 1/D
Composition (PONA) UOP 880 As required 1/D
Paraffin UOP 690 As required 1/D

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:22 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 295 of 406
Aromatic UOP 744 As required 1/D
PNA UOP870 As required 1/D
Arsenic UOP 296 or 946 As required 1/D
Lead UOP 350 or 952 As required 1/D
Copper UOP 144 or 962 As required 1/D
Bromine Index UOP 304 As required 1/D
Dissolved Oxygen UOP 678 As required 1/D
Trace metals UOP 391 As required 1/D
Separator water
PH, Iron, Copper UOP 314 1/D 1/W
72-SC-05 NH3 UOP 740 1/D Occas.
H2S UOP 683 1/D Occas.
Chlorides UOP 456 1/D Occas.
Recycle gas/
72-SC-06 Make up gas*
Relative Density UOP 114 1/D 3/D
Composition UOP 539 1/D 1/D
Stripper off gas
7th day of every
72-SC-07 Relative Density UOP 114 3/D
Composition 7th day of every
UOP 539 1/D
Stripper reflux
H2S UOP 212 Monday 1/D
UOP 551 Monday 1/D
high pressure sampler)
Stripper over head
72-SC-09 receiver water
PH, Iron, Copper UOP 314 Occas. 1/W
Splitter over head
ASTM D 4052 or
Gravity 3/D 3/D
72-SC-10 ASTM D 1298
API ASTM D 287 3/D 3/D
Distillation ASTM D 86 3/D 3/D
Composition UOP 551 As required 1/D
Splitter bottom
ASTM D 4052 or
Gravity 3/D 3/D
ASTM D 1298
API ASTM D 287 3/D 3/D
Distillation ASTM D 86 3/D 3/D
Sulfur ASTM D 4045 As required As required
Nitrogen ASTM D 4629 As required As required
Composition (PONA) UOP 880 As required 1/D

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:22 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 296 of 406
Paraffins UOP 690 As required 1/D
Aromatic UOP 744 As required 1/D
PNA UOP870 As required 1/D
Regeneration Case:
Reactor Effluent gas
72-SC-11 CO2 by ORSAT UOP 172 As required
O2 Portable analyzer As required
Recycle gas
72-SC-12 CO2 by ORSAT UOP 172 As required
O2 Portable analyzer As required
SO2 Detector tube As required
Spent caustic
% NaOH UOP 210 As required
pH(pH meter) ASTM D1293 As required
72-SC-13 PH Litmus paper As required
Total solids APHA 209-A 1/W
Settlable solids APHA 209-F 1/W
Circulating Caustic
% NaOH UOP 210 As required
72-SC-14 pH(pH meter) ASTM D1293 As required
PH Litmus paper As required
Total solids APHA 209-A 1/W
Austentic stainless steel
neutralization & filling
72-SC-15 liquid
Chloride content UOP 456 As required
Sodium Carbonate UOP 209 As required
NOTE: # Sample point is located in NIU (73).


1. A closed sample system is provided at each sample point as specified in P&ID
diagrams. Each system shall be complete with 500 ml sampling cylinder, shutoff
valves, pressure gauges and a heated enclosure where ever needed. The metallurgy on
all fluid handling equipment are austenitic SS when process piping is carbon, low
alloy or austenitic SS. In all other cases the metallurgy of fluid handling equipment is
same as the metallurgy of process piping. The pressure rating is 103 bar g at -29 to 66
2. The purpose of the system is to provide sampling cylinders and their corresponding
handling stations for taking samples of a designated process stream by allowing a
slipstream of process fluid to pass through the sample cylinder while the plant is on
stream without exposing the operator or environment to the contents of the process
3. When indicated as Type-A in P&IDs, the system shall be the flow through to process

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:22 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 297 of 406
The sample stream is connected to the process inlet connection, flows through the
sample cylinder and is vented to the relief header.
4. Each station will have its own valves, independent of the cylinder valves, for
controlling flow, venting and isolating system from the process. The valves specified
in P&ID are not included with sampling system and are required for installation and
emergency shut off. Connections to process are ¾”.
5. Each station has a flexible hose connection for the sample cylinder outlet and fixed
connection for the sample cylinder inlet. Quick disconnect connections are used and
are capable of self-sealing with the ability to withstand at least 150 psig (10.3 bar g)
internal pressure when disconnected from the cylinder.
6. The system shall include provisions for flow bypassing of the cylinder and for
depressuring the system before cylinder removal.
7. The system shall include provisions for securely holding the sample cylinder during
8. The system shall bear a label indicating the maximum allowable operating pressure,
which is defined as the lesser of the equipment rating or the maximum pressure of the
installed pressure gauges.
9. Sample cylinder unloading stations are provided for the laboratory.
10. Sample coolers are provided when the process material being sampled is at a
temperature of 150 °C (66 °C) or higher.

22.4.1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL 8-133 (single manifold type):

Wear appropriate protective equipment when operating the equipment .Always follow
proper safety procedures when handling chemicals.

(Refer to figure 22-1)

1. Ensure that the system is depressurized and that all valves are closed.
2. Release the hose at the bottom quick connect fitting ‘QC1’.
3. Insert the cylinder into the bottom quick connect fitting ‘QC1’
4. Connect the hose to the cylinder top quick connect fitting ‘QC2’
5. Open cylinder valves ‘A’ and ‘B’.
6. Open manifold valves ‘C’ and ‘D’.
7. Flow the sample through the cylinder for a sufficient time in order to obtain a
representative sample.
8. Close manifold valves ‘D’ and ‘C’.
9. Open manifold valves ‘E’ to reduce the pressure to less than 50 psig (3.4 bar g)
10. Close cylinder valves ‘A’ and ‘B’.
11. Fully open manifold valve ‘E’ to depressurize the manifold piping.
12. Close manifold valve ‘E’
13. Release the hose at the cylinder top quick connect fitting ‘QC2’.
14. Release the cylinder at the bottom quick connect fitting ‘QC1’ and remove the
15. Reconnect the hose to the bottom quick connect fitting ‘QC1’.

Transport sample cylinder to the laboratory and empty as soon as possible. Consider cylinder
pressurized; use caution during transport to avoid pressure increase due to rise in temperature.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:22 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 298 of 406

22.4.2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL 8-134 (single manifold style):

Wear appropriate protective equipment when operating the equipment .Always follow
proper safety procedures when handling chemicals.

(Refer to figure 22-2)

1. Ensure that the system is depressurized and that all valves are closed.
2. Release the hose at the bottom quick connect fitting ‘QC1’.
3. Insert the cylinder into the bottom quick connect fitting ‘QC1’
4. Connect the hose to the cylinder top quick connect fitting ‘QC2’
5. Open cylinder valves ‘A’ and ‘B’.
6. Open manifold valves ‘C’ and ‘D’.
7. Flow the sample through the cylinder for a sufficient time in order to obtain a
representative sample.
8. Close manifold valves ‘D’ and ‘C’ .
9. Open manifold valves ‘D’ to reduce the pressure to less than 50 psig (3.4 bar g)
10. Close cylinder valves ‘A’ and ‘B’.
11. Fully open manifold valve ‘D’ to depressurize the manifold piping.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:22 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 299 of 406
12. Close manifold valve ‘D’
13. Release the hose at the cylinder top quick connect fitting ‘QC2’.
14. Release the cylinder at the bottom quick connect fitting ‘QC1’ and remove the
15. Reconnect the hose to the bottom quick connect fitting ‘QC1’.
NOTE: transport sample cylinder to the laboratory and empty as soon as possible. Consider
cylinder pressurized; use caution during transport to avoid pressure increase due to rise in


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Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:22 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 300 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 23 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
2. 23.1 Chemicals used 302
3. Withdrawal management system (From Ware 303
4. 23.3 Max Storage allowable in the plant 303
5. 23.4 Storage Precautions 303
6. 23.5 Loading Procedures 303
7. 23.6 Empty Container disposal) 304
8. 23.7 Handling Precautions 304
9. 23.8 Chemical Spillage handling 304
10. 23.9 Description of chemical dosing system 306
11. 23.10 Consumption norm and dosing rate 306
12. 23.11 Monitoring Parameters 306

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:23 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 301 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 23 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


23.1 Chemicals used:

A) Catalyst
Required quantity: 19.9 m3, HC-K
The above quantity is for one catalyst charge only.
Additional contingency quantity for losses during
handling will be considered as per UOP

B) Caustic Lye, 10% by wt

Required Quantity: Provide 80,000 kgs of 10wt% caustic to neutralize the
reactor effluent gases for the first regeneration of the
catalyst. An equivalent amount would be required for
each subsequent catalyst regeneration.

C) Sulfiding Agent
Required Quantity: Provide 4300 kgs of dimethyl 1-di sulfide (DMDS) for
use as catalyst sulfiding agent during startup. Equivalent
amount will be required for shut down before catalyst
regeneration or catalyst change out.

D) Soda ash and sodium nitrate:

Required Quantity: Provide 750 Kgs of soda ash (Na2CO3) with 500 ppm
maximum chloride, and 75 Kgs of sodium nitrate
(NaNO3). An aqueous soda ash neutralization solution
of 90 m3 is required for neutralization. The solution shall
contain 5wt% soda ash, 0.5wt% sodiumnitrate and the
chloride content must be less than 50 ppm. This quantity
is based on the volume required to fill the rector and
subsequent reuse of this solution to neutralize all
remaining equipment.

E) Corrosion inhibitor:
Required Quantity 200 kgs of “UNICOR C” corrosion inhibitor for corrosion
protection in the stripper over head system. Typical
injection rate is approximately 5 ppm by weight, on total
over head liquid. The above quantity represents
approximately 30 days supply at normal injection rate.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:23 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 302 of 406
23.2Withdrawal management system (From Ware house):


1 Catalyst (HC-K) As per PAD section advise Occasionally

2 Caustic lye(10% wt) As per PAD section advise Occasionally
3 Sulfiding agent(DMDS) As per PAD section advise Occasionally
4 Soda ash and sodium nitrate As per PAD section advise Occasionally
5 Corrosion inhibitor ( Unicor-C) 209 kg/month (= approx 1 drum) Monthly

1. PAD section of Technical department monitors regularly & advises increase/ decrease
in dosage rates of chemicals in the unit based on unit parameters/ lab results. Basis,
above-mentioned quantities may vary.
2. Material Issue Ticket (MIT), will be raised by Plant manager (as per PAD advice if it
is a occasionally used chemical). Hard copy of MIT signed by Plant manager has to
be sent to stores for chemical withdrawal. Received chemical has to be checked by
shift in charge and to be signed in the MIT. A copy of MIT is to be filed.

23.3 Max Storage allowable in the plant :

An inventory corresponding to 30 days chemical consumption (buffer stock) is to be always

maintained in the field at any point of time.

23.4 Storage Precautions

Use lined metallic SS drums for packing with polythene joints. Avoid rubber and
plastic materials. Keep containers tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated place. Store
away from heat and ignition source. Provide impermeable floor. Provide a catch-tank
in a bunded area. Provide electrical earthing of equipment usable in explosive
atmospheres. Container is not designed for contain pressure. Do not use pressure to
empty container. It may rupture with explosive force. Empty containers retain product
residue and can be dangerous. Keep container closed when not in use.

Stored in tightly closed, properly labeled containers in a pool well ventilated area
away from all ignition sources. Store out of direct sunlight.

23.5 Loading Procedures

Sulphiding injection pumps 72P09 is used for loading the chemical from drums to the
vessel 74 V11. Drums are placed on the racks and connected through hoses (quick
connectors) and vents are connected to N2 environment.

Corrosion inhibitor drums are placed on the racks and connected through hoses (quick
connectors) and vents are connected to N2 environment.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:23 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 303 of 406
23.6 Empty Container disposal

DMDS- Used DMDS drums are sent to WWTP for safe disposal after washing

UNICOR-C: Waste material including liquids contaminated absorbent and material

from spill clean-up procedures must be incinerated.

23.7 Handling Precautions

This material presents fire hazard. Liquid quickly evaporates and forms vapor
(Fumes) which can catch fire and burn with explosive violence. Invisible vapour
spreads easily and can set on fire by many sources such as pilot lights, welding
equipment, and electrical motors and switches. Fire hazard is greater as liquid
temperature rises above 15degF. Do not breathe vapour or fume at levels above
recommended exposure limit. Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing. Wash
thoroughly after handling. Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents. Provide
appropriate exhaust ventilation at the machinery. Provide self contained breathing
apparatus nearby.

Wear appropriate PPE. Avoid inhalation of the product vapours or mist. Never use a
welding or cutting torch on or near a drum (even empty) because vapours from the
container (even residue) can ignite explosively. Follow all MSDS/label precautions
even after container is emptied because it may retain product residue.

23.8 Chemical Spillage handling

Stop the source of the release if it can be done without risk Contain release to prevent
further contamination of soil, surface water or ground water. Clean up the spill as soon as
possible, observing precautions in Exposure controls/Personal Protection. Use
appropriate techniques such as applying non-combustible sorbent materials or pumping.
All equipment used when handling the product must be grounded. A vapour suppressing
foam may be used to reduce vapours. Use clean non-sparking tools to collect absorbed
material. Where feasible and appropriate, remove contaminated soil. Place contaminated
materials in disposable containers and dispose of in a manner consistent with applicable

Completely contain spilled material with dikes, sandbags, etc. Liquid to be removed with
a vacuum truck. Remaining material may be diluted with water and neutralized with
dilute acid, then absorbed and collected. Flush spill area with water, if appropriate. Keep
product and flush water out of water supplies and sewers. Caustic is alkaline and may
raise the pH of surface waters with low buffering capacity. Wear appropriate personal
protective equipment (Chemical resistant gloves, coat, boots & Chemical safety goggles).

Large spill:
Standard hydrocarbon spill procedures apply to this product. Remove all sources of
ignition. Isolate the affected areas, confine entry into affected area to those persons

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:23 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 304 of 406
properly protected. Stop leak at the source. Cut off and redirect surface runoff by
trenching or dyking. Spills should be contained through the use of commercial oil
adsorbent, but other materials such as earth, sand or sawdust may be more expedient
to limit the extent of spill. Prevent the release of this product into waterways or sewer.
To prevent further losses, reposition, plug or place the leaking container into an
oversized recovery drum/container.

Small spill:
Wear protective equipment. Absorb spilled product using commercial oil absorbent
soaking up as much product as possible. Product must be disposed of in accordance
with the applicable governmental regulations.

Hydrocarbon spill:
“Spill” means an event of coming out of a liquid of its container especially
accidentally. In a refinery, this will mean oil coming out of any of the equipment
whether it is storage, transport, pump, processing equipment, etc. Every time a spill
occurs, it has a potential to lead to secondary events like fire, environmental damage,
personnel injuries or injury/effects on public outside the refinery. The occurrence and
extent of these events will depend on the size and type of oil spills.
The best strategy is to prevent an oil spill. In order to achieve this, the design of the
facilities needs to be in a manner that prevents oil spillage from entering any surface
drain or a water body and the mechanical integrity of the equipment will have to be
ensured all this time. This will also require proper management practices and day to
day administration in a manner that the activities are under close control. However,
residual risk always exists and inspite of all precautions and an emergency response
plan is meant to tackle and manage the residual risk.
Base on the severity, effects and logistic involved OIL spillage is categorized as:


An oil spill occurring in a paved area of a process plant or an
operating facility which is provided with ZERO OWS facility
ZERO provided the spill is of such magnitude that it is not entering any
surface drain.
An oil spill excluding Naphtha, MS, Crude (or similar lighter oils with
ONE fire hazard), occurring in any area and the oil is entering surface drain.
But there is no immediate danger of oil going out of the refinery.
An oil spill of Naphtha, MS or Crude (or similar light oils with fire
TWO hazard) occurring in any area and the oil is entering surface drain. But
there is no immediate danger of oil going out of the refinery.
An oil spill excluding Naphtha, MS or Crude (or similar lighter oils
THREE with fire hazard), occurring in any area and the oil is entering surface
drain. But there is an imminent danger of oil going out of the refinery.
• An oil spill of Naphtha, MS, Crude (or similar light oils with fire
hazard) occurring in any area and the oil is entering surface drain.
There is an imminent danger of oil going out of the refinery.
FOUR • Catastrophic failure of any of the Storage Tanks.
• If any of the oil spill is above 100 MT.
• Oil Spill due to any abnormal occurrence in wharf and/or OSTT.
FIVE • Oil Tanker capsizing or running aground.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:23 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 305 of 406
23.9 Description of chemical dosing system

Sulphide is transferred to Sulphide Storage Vessel (74-V-11) from the drums with the
help of transfer pump 72-P09 under nitrogen atmosphere. Sulphide from sulphide
storage vessel is pumped by Sulphide Injection Pumps (72-P-09) to the feed naphtha
at Feed pumps suction line.

Corrosion inhibitor from the drums is directly pumped by inhibitor injection pumps
(72-P-12A/B) to a slip stream of stripper reflux where it mixes with the reflux
thoroughly before entering the stripper overhead circuit.

23.10 Consumption norm and dosing rate:


5 ppmw on
1 Corrosion Inhibitor Unicor C stripper O/H 0.3 0.3
4 ppmw on
Nalco EC
2 Corrosion Inhibitor stripper O/H 0.13 0.13

1. Unit is considered to be in service for all days in the month.
2. Actual dosage to be monitored and recorded on daily basis.
3. Dosing rate is based on 200m3/hr NHT throughput. The same is required to be varied
based on actual throughput of the unit and monitoring parameters. Same is to be
varied based on actual throughput of the unit and monitoring parameters
4. Chemical dosing rates to be measured every shift using drawdown cylinders and
pump strokes to be adjusted to meet the required rate.

23.11 Monitoring Parameters: Target monitoring parameters are as follows:


Corrosion Iron content in stripper
1 <0.3 mg/l Weekly once
inhibitor receiver boot sour water

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Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:23 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 306 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 24 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
7. 24.6 Spill Handling 335

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 307 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 24 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery

Safety of personnel and equipment is very important. Ignorance of the details of the unit or
the techniques of safe and efficient operation reduces the margin of safety of personnel and
subjects the equipment to more hazardous conditions. All the operating and maintenance
crew therefore must be fully familiar with the equipment and materials being handled in the
unit, and recognize the hazards involved in handling them and the measures taken to ensure
safe operations. Since the unit handles with one of the most potential source of fire and
explosion, H2, Naphtha and chemical like caustic, therefore adherence of safety rules should
be given uphill importance.


Hazardous properties of chemicals and their handling procedure are available in Material
Safety Data sheet. Hazards and handling procedure of some the material is discussed below.

24.1.1 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

A hazard and handling procedures of H2S is as follows:

A) Potential for Exposure
The existence of H2S concentration with the fluids normally handled in this unit constitutes an
additional hazard to operating personnel that demands special attention. The properties of H2S
make exposure to even very low concentrations extremely dangerous. However, many years of
industry experience in handling the problems associated with H2S have resulted in procedures
which, if properly implemented, permit a reasonable level of safety for unit personnel.
The danger of exposure of H2S cannot be lessened. The potential for exposure can only be
The procedures and precautions contained within this section and elsewhere in this manual
constitute minimal requirements for dealing with H2S only. The implementation of additional
safety measures which can be found in various industry manuals is encouraged.
B) Detection and Alarm
Hydrogen sulphide detectors are located in all process areas of the unit where conditions might
occur which would permit H2S to escape into the atmosphere. The H2S detection system
includes local audio/visual alarms to alert all unit operators, should H2s be detected.
Each person in the unit must be familiar with the different alarms. Know the location of air
breathing units and portable H2S detectors and the emergency procedures to be followed.
Practice drills must be held to insure each and every person of the unit knows how to put the
breathing air unit on and adjust it for proper fit-up.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 308 of 406
C) Properties of H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide)
The chemical formula H2S represents a compound, which is made up of two hydrogen atoms
and one sulphur atom.H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide) is a colourless (transparent), gas heavier than
Hydrogen sulphide is a poisonous gas that can paralyze the breathing system and kill a person in
minutes. In small amounts it is dangerous to health. This risk is increased by heat or hot weather.
At low concentrations (small amounts) H2S has an offensive odour similar to rotten eggs. At
slightly higher concentrations (small amounts), H2S may have a sick-sweet odour. At high
concentrations no smell can be detected, because H2S rapidly deadens the sense of smell by
paralysis of the Olfactory-Nerve. Consequently the sense of smell cannot be depended upon to
detect H2S.
Property table of H2S
1. Auto ignition Temperature 260°C
2. Boiling Point @ 1 atm -60.33°C
3. Critical Density 0.349 g/ml
4. Critical Pressure 92 kg/cm2, absolute
5. Critical Temperature 100.4°C
6. Density, gas @ 0°C 1 atm 1.5392 g/l
7. Density, Liquid @ b.p. 0.993 g/l
8. Flammable Limits in Air 4.3-4.5% (by volume)
9. Freezing Point @ 1 atm -85.49°C
10. Latent Heat of Fusion @ m.p. 508 cal/mole (16.7 cal/g)
11. Latent Heat of Vaporization @ b.p. 4.463 kcal/mole (131 cal/g)
12. Molecular Weight 34.08
13. Solubility in Water @0°C 1 atm 0.672 g/100 ml water
14. Specific Heat, Gas @ 25°C 1 atm
Cp 0.240 cal/(g) (°C)
Cv 0.181 cal/(g) (°C)
15. Specific Gravity Gas 1.1895
15°C, 1 atm (Air = 1)
16. Specific Heat Ratio, Gas 1.32
@25°C, 1 atm, Cp/Cv
17. Thermal Conductivity @ 0°C 0.305 cal/(Sec) (Cm2) (°C/cm)
18. Vapor Pressure @ 70°F 252 psig (17.7 kg/cm2g)
19. Specific Volume @ 70°F, 1 atm 11.23 cu ft/lb (701 ml/g)
20. Viscosity of Gas @ 0°C 1 atm 0.01166 centipoise
21. Explosive limits: Lower 4% volume in air upper 44% volume in air

D) Effects of H2S on Personnel

Itemized concentrations of Hydrogen Sulphide as prepared by American National Standards
Institute (ANSI Standard No. Z37.2-1972) are tabled below:
0.13 ppm Minimal perceptible odour
4.60 ppm Easily detectable, moderate odour
10 ppm Beginning eye irritation
27.0 ppm Strong, unpleasant odour, but not intolerable

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 309 of 406
100 ppm Coughing, eye irritation, loss of sense of smell after 2-15
200-300 ppm Marked conjunctivitis (eye inflammation) and respiratory tact
irritation after one hour of exposure.
500-700 ppm Loss of consciousness, possible death in 30 minutes to 1 hour.
700-1000 ppm Rapid unconsciousness, cessation (stopping or pausing) of
respiration and death.
1000-2000 ppm Unconsciousness at once, with early cessation of respiration and
death in few minutes. Death may occur even if individual is
removed to fresh air at once.
E) H2S handling procedure

General Procedures:
Industry practice mandates that the following precautions procedures should be followed by all
When approaching the work area it is necessary to take the following precautions to insure safe
1. Observe “Condition” signs and observe for audio/visual alarms.
2. Check for wind direction.
3. Look for personnel and their activity.
4. Enter work area slowly.
5. Maintain mental image of two (at least) escape routes preferably cross wind.
6. Continuous atmosphere monitoring or detecting equipment is required along with and
adequate audio/visual alarm warning system. Portable detectors and combustible gas
meters give an additional degree of safety.
7. Gas ignition hazard must be eliminated and “No Smoking” regulations strictly enforced.
8. Continued observation of wind indicators, windsocks and streamers is a must. During
atmospheric contamination by H2S, move upwind/cross wind from source, not
9. Select a partner and use the “Buddy System” for mutual safety.
10. Maintain and observe warning signs.
11. Post emergency numbers in a conspicuous place. Maintain reliable communication
12. Locate emergency stations a minimum of 250 feet or as far from the H2S source as
practical. During an emergency all personnel will assemble at the briefing stations for
instructions and for refilling air bottles.
13. Hazardous concentrations of H2S can be disposed of by discharging through flare stacks
with automatic ignitions.

Burning H2S produces Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), a deadly toxic gas that is heavier than H2S.
Because of the heat it rises and disperses into the upper atmosphere.
F) Emergency Procedures
If all the above procedures have been adhered to strictly, a catastrophic release of H2S should
never occur. In the unlikely event such a release does occur, the emergency procedures detailed
in this section should be followed.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 310 of 406
a) Egress
H2S is a dangerous, deadly gas; however serious injury or death can be avoided by simply
evacuating the contaminated area and moving to a safe area upwind. Therefore, the most
important things to remember are to Stay Calm and Get Away.
Precise emergency escape procedures will be defined by the operations management of the
complex, however the following general procedures should be followed:

• Remain Calm-Do Not Panic

• Hold your breath
• Extinguish all fires
• Alert the rest of the crew
• Make a quick, cursory check of the area to see if the source of the gas is obvious.
• Do not spend time looking for a leak
• Observe windsock to determine wind direction. Move upwind or crosswind, not
downwind, until the “safe breathing area” is reached.
• Active alarms if not already done.
• Once assembled at the safe briefing area, the foreman will make a head count to
determine if all personnel have evacuated safely.

b) Rescue and First Aid

Although H2S is a dangerous, deadly gas, its effects are readily reversible provided the
appropriate action is taken in a timely manner. In the event a fellow worker is down or
overcome by H2S, the necessity of an immediate and effective rescue effort is or utmost
importance. A natural reaction is to unthinkingly rush to the side of the downed victim, which
could be a fatal action.
Instead, before proceeding into the hazardous area to rescue a downed victim, stop, think and:

• Put on an appropriate safe breathing apparatus.

• Move quickly, but carefully to the victim, side. Move the victim to a safe area;
either upwind or crosswind from the hazardous area. Do not evacuate in a
downwind direction.
• Begin mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration if the victim has stopped breathing.
Check the victim’s pulse periodically to ensure that the victim’s heart is still
beating. If the victim’s heart stops beating, administer CPR. Artificial respiration or
CPR should be continued until:

- The victim begins to breathe and, if applicable, the heart begins to beat.
- He is pronounced dead by a doctor.
- He is dead beyond any doubt.

• Seek assistance at the first opportunity and make arrangements for transportation to
a medical facility to seek medical attention by a physician.

c) Abatement Procedure
Once the safety of all personnel has been determined, the next order or business is to determine
the source of H2S and stop it, if possible.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 311 of 406
Control Room personnel

• Stay in the Control Room since it is equipped with a positive ventilation system
pulling suction from an higher elevation. Since H2S is heavier than air, the Control
Room should be safe.
• If leak can be located, activate the deluge system for that area.

Field Personnel

• Use breathing apparatus (Respirator).

• Establish communication with Control Room.
• Communicate with first personnel to sound alarm/notice of the H2S.
• To determine the general area of the source, slowly begin searching the source from the
upwind side.

24.1.2 Hydrogen
Hydrogen is a colourless, tasteless, odourless and highly flammable gas and is the lightest
element. Since hydrogen is lighter than air, less danger exists of it collecting in pockets in
low areas. However, the potential danger from fire or explosion is high. Gaseous fuels such
as hydrogen can mix with air or oxygen in all proportions. However, the proportions must be
within certain limits before those mixtures will burn. The limiting proportions are referred to
as “flammable limits” or “explosive limits” and are expressed as the percentage by volume of
the fuel in the air-fuel mixture. Fuel-air mixtures outside of the flammable range will not
explode. Hydrogen has a very wide range (4-75%) of “flammability or explosive limits” in
air at atmospheric pressure. In addition, the flammability range becomes wider at higher
pressure or if oxygen is substituted for air. Thus, explosions can occur over a very wide range
of hydrogen concentrations in air. The safest approach to safeguard against possible fires or
explosions is to make sure that hydrogen leaks do not develop.
The auto-ignition temperature of a substance is the lowest temperature required to initiate or
cause self-sustained combustion in the absence of a spark or flame. The auto-ignition
temperature of hydrogen in air is 580°C at atmospheric conditions. However, other factors
such as the nature, size, and shape of the igniting surface can affect this temperature.
Unlike most gases, which cool when expanded or bled off, hydrogen heats up when expanded
and great care must be exercised when bleeding down lines or compressors to the
atmosphere. In its pure state, hydrogen burns with a bluish white flame (almost invisible) that
is extremely hot. Such a hot flame can weaken any support beams or lines on which it may
impinge. Any leaks should be put under a steam blanket immediately to prevent the
possibility of a fire. Be aware, however, that many leaks can auto-ignite and will be difficult
to see. Replacing the source of the hydrogen with a nitrogen or steam purge is the most
effective way of combating a hydrogen fire.
Hydrogen, although a not a poisonous gas itself, is an asphyxiant (i.e. cuts off oxygen supply
to the body by displacing air in the lungs) and can cause unconsciousness and even death if
the victim falls and remains in a high hydrogen atmosphere.
Because of the small size of hydrogen molecules, a pressure check with air or nitrogen or a
hydrostatic test will not always show all leaks that will occur with hydrogen.


a) Characteristics
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 312 of 406
Appearance Pale Yellow Liquid
Odor Foul
Molecular Weight 94.2
Total Sulfur Content 68%
Freezing point -84.7°C
Boiling point (760 mm Hg) 109.6°C
Density 1.0625
Refractive index 1.526
Viscosity (20°C) 0.62 cP
Surface Tension (20°C) 33.6 dynes cm-1
Cryoscopic constant 0.03 C-1
Polar Moment 1.95 D
Dielectric constant 9.6
Heat of vaporization 9.6 m Th mole-1
Heat of combustion 665.8 m Th mole-1
Flash point 16°C
Auto ignition Temperature °C ³ 300°C

b) Stability And Reactivity

Stability : Information not available

Conditions to Avoid : Keep away from heat and sources of ignition.
incompatibility with other materials To avoid thermal
decomposition, do not overhead.
Materials to Avoid / Reactivity : Strong oxidising agents (Hydrogenperoxide,
Hypochlorites, Nitric Acid)

c) Hazard Identification

Emergency Overview :Toxic and flammable liquid

Primary Route(s) of Exposure :Eyes / Skin / Inhalation / Ingestion
Eye Contact :Irritating to eyes.
Skin Contact :Not a skin sensitizer.
Ingestion :Harmful if swallowed.
Inhalation : Risk of irritation of respiratory system.
Symptoms of Exposure : Irritation to eyes and respiratory system.

d) First Aid Measures

Eye Contact : Wash immediately, abundantly and thoroughly with water. Seek medical aid.
Skin Contact : Wash immediately and abundantly with soap and water. Seek medical aid.
Inhalation : Move to fresh air, give oxygen or artificial respiration if needed. Seek medical
Ingestion : Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical aid immediately.
Fire : Use Dry Chemical Powder, CO2 and Water spray
Exposure : Move to fresh air, give oxygen or artificial respiration if needed. Flush or wash
the affected part of the body with plenty of water and seek medical aid.
Spills : Pump into an inert labelled emergency metal container. Absorb the
remainder with an inert absorbent material.

e) Fire Fighting Measures

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 313 of 406
Flash Point : 16oC
Flammable Limits : 1.1 – 16.1
Auto ignition temperature : Information not available
Special Fire Fighting Procedures : Use personal protective equipment and self
contained breathing apparatus to handled its fire.

Hazardous thermal decomposition products :Thermal decomposition giving flammable and

toxic products like Hydrogen Sulphide, Dimethylsulphide and Methylmercaptan, etc.

f) Accidental Release Measures

Handling of Spillage :Avoid contact with skin and eyes and inhalation of vapours. Wear
personal protective equipment. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory
equipment. Evacuate non essential staff and those not equipped with individual protection
apparatus. Pump into an inert labelled emergency container. Absorb the remainder with an
inert absorbent material.

g) Handling And Storage

Keep well away from naked flames. Prohibit sources of sparks and ignition – do not smoke.
Avoid accumulation of static charges. Open drums carefully as content may be under
pressure. Keep containers tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated place. Store away from heat
and ignition sources. Provide a catch tank in a bunded area.

h) Exposure Control, Personal Protection

Eye Protection : Safety glass / goggles
Protective Gloves : Adequate gloves
Respiratory Protection : Suitable respiratory equipment
Skin and body protection : Protective clothing

i) Disposal Considerations: Destroy product by oxidation with dilute solutions of

Hydrogen peroxide, Sodium hypochlorite or Destroy the product to incineration.


Hazard is defined as a chemical or physical condition that has the potential for causing
damage to people, property or the environment. People working in the field must be well
known to the actions that need to be taken in case of such situations. The unexpected hazards
are discussed in the chapter but there are some hazards which may not be covered in the


24.2.1 Handling of Catalysts safely

If proper handling procedures and worker protective clothing/safety devices are used OSHA
exposure limits to catalyst chemical will not be exceeded. Following minimum safety
procedures be established and adhered to:

• Handle catalysts only in well ventilated area.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 314 of 406
• In areas where natural ventilation is insufficient, use local mechanical ventilation.
• Wear an approved toxic dust respirator with full face-piece, protective clothing, and
gloves for normal catalyst handling operations.
• Reactor loading and unloading operations present extraordinary health risks,
especially to personnel working in the reactor. During loading operations, large
quantities of catalyst dust may be generated. During unloading, the hazards may be
include inert (nitrogen) atmosphere, toxic feed stock, product or purge materials
present with the catalyst, or toxic forms of catalyst chemicals. Personnel working in
reactors should wear a supplied air respirator with a hood or helmet, operated in a
pressure demand or other positive pressure mode or in a continuous flow mode. This
respirator should have a primary, secondary and emergency supply of air. In addition,
personnel in the reactor should be equipped with safety harnesses and safety lines for
rescue and a means for visual, voice or signal line of communication with standby
personnel, who should be strategically located with suitable rescue equipment.
• Protective clothing and all safety devices should be thoroughly decontaminated after
each use. Worn-out, broken or defective safety equipment and clothing should be
removed from service and repaired or replaced. Good personal hygiene after handling
a catalyst or being exposed to catalyst dust is an essential part of a responsible catalyst
safety program. Do not eat, drink, or smoke in areas where the catalyst is being
handled or where exposure to catalyst dust is likely. REACTOR LOADING

Pre-sulfurized hydrotreating unit catalysts are classified as self-heating substances and must
be transported and stored in proper locations. Presulfurized catalysts should not be exposed to
air for extended periods as long term exposure to air could cause the material to generate
sulphur dioxide and heat. These catalysts should be stored in a cool, dry place. Therefore,
outside storage is not recommended. Exposure to air and water may cause discoloration and
agglomeration of the material. If the material does get wet or generates heat, the drums or
flow bins should be purged with nitrogen or dry ice and resealed.

Personal protective equipment must be worn when the material is loaded. The sulphur and
hydrocarbon dust from the material can be irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory system.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the United States
government requires that worker’s exposure to nickel dust inhalation be limited to a
concentration of 1 milligram of nickel compounds (as Ni) per cubic meter of air averaged
over an 8-hour day. Inhalation of catalyst dust in concentrations above permitted levels may
cause irritation and inflammation of the respiratory tract.

If the catalyst loading is interrupted, monitor SO2 and reactor bed thermocouples closely for
signs of reaction. If the loading will be interrupted for an extended period of time (more than
12 hours), purge the reactor with nitrogen. Appropriate measures need to be taken to protect
personnel when the reactor is being purged or has been purged with nitrogen. Once the
catalyst is loaded, blanket the reactor with nitrogen and seal the reactor. Do not allow air to
flow through the catalyst bed. If the catalyst bed begins to self-heat, purge the reactor with
nitrogen immediately.

People working in the reactor during loading or unloading operations must wear self-
contained breathing apparatus with positive pressure in full face piece or a combination
pressure demand type supplied air respirator with an auxiliary self-contained air supply. Full

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 315 of 406
protection clothing must also be worn. If dust is present and it is not certain that
concentrations are below the limit, a dust respirator should be worn.

Clean up catalyst spills and remove dust promptly. Do not wash catalyst spills or settled dust
into any public water system. Notify local authorities at once if contamination occurs.

Catalyst is typically received in sealed steel drums and/or flow bins. For destinations in North
America, the catalyst can also be transported in DOT approved supersacks. The reactors and
the loading equipment should be free of water and purged with nitrogen prior to and during
loading operations. REACTOR UNLOADING

In unloading used catalyst that has not been regenerated, special precautions must be taken to
prevent the ignition of pyrophoric iron sulphide scale deposits that can be found in the reactor
and catalyst beds. The temperature generated by this combustion can be quite high, and if left
unchecked, can result in severe damage to the catalyst, reactor internals, and catalyst handling
equipment. In addition, if the coke on the catalysts were allowed to contact air, it could burn
at an uncontrolled rate. Some catalysts, if overheated in an uncontrolled coke burn, could
have a change in the catalyst base structure, rendering it unusable. For these reasons, the
entire catalyst dumping and screening operations should be conducted under a nitrogen
blanket. All personnel involved with the unloading should be properly informed of the
dangers involved, and of the proper safety precautions to be followed

Reactor unloading can present extraordinary health risks, especially to personnel working in
the reactor. During the unloading, large quantities of catalyst dust may be generated.
Additional hazards may include a contaminated or inert atmosphere in the reactor, residual
hydrocarbons or toxic forms of catalyst chemicals reactants. The OSHA exposure limits to
catalyst chemicals will not be exceeded if proper handling procedures are followed and the
proper protective clothing and safety devices are used. It is recommended that the following
minimum safety procedures be established and adhered to:

i. Personnel working in reactors being unloaded should wear a fresh air

respirator with a hood or helmet, operated in a pressure demand or other
positive pressure mode, or in a continuous flow mode (NIOSH Respirator
Code SAFE: PD, PP, CF).This respirator should have a primary, secondary,
and emergency supply of air.

ii. Personnel in the reactor should be equipped with safety harnesses and safety
lines for rescue and a means for visual, voice or signal line communication
with standby personnel, who should be strategically located with suitable
rescue equipment.

iii. The OSHA regulations concerning use of respirators should be read and
thoroughly understood before undertaking to place personnel in reactors
during catalyst loading and unloading operations.

iv. Protective clothing and all safety devices should be thoroughly

decontaminated after each use. Worn-out, broken or defective safety
equipment and clothing should be removed from service and repaired or

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 316 of 406
replaced. Good personal hygiene after handling a catalyst or being exposed to
catalyst dust is an essential part of a responsible catalyst safety program. Do
not eat, drink, or smoke in areas where the catalyst is being handled or their
exposure to catalyst dust is likely.


One of the most common hazards that may be encountered in a Naphtha hydro treating unit is
hazards of a physical nature. These physical hazards may be encountered during inspections,
troubleshooting, or during catalyst handling. Each hazard has its own precautions and
methods of mitigation.

Inspections can present hazards not usually seen, due to their infrequent occurrence. The
construction of hydro treating equipment typically leaves very little room inside. Due to size
considerations it may be felt that some safety precautions may be put by the wayside. This is
far from the case. In fact, more attention needs to be paid to taking proper safety precautions
as these structures are typically fairly tall and have many internal components.

Due to the tight quarters ladders may not be positioned at the ideal angle, so care must be
taken when climbing ladders. Often the only ladder that will fit is a rope ladder. Harnesses
and hard hats should be worn to protect against falling and falling objects. Much of the
equipment also has few and small access points. These few and small accesses make having
adequate ventilation and light difficult. Prior to entry into a vessel ensure that it has been
adequately ventilated; sufficient lighting is available; appropriate breathing apparatus is used;
ladders and scaffolding are adequately secured; and the required PPE is available, in good
repair, and is worn. When troubleshooting has determined that there is an equipment problem
take special care during inspections as it may not be in a safe condition.



i. LEL Detectors: LEL detectors are provided at various locations in the unit at critical
locations. This will help in early identification of any hydrocarbon leaks so that
immediate responsive action can be taken. Activation of LEL detector raises alarm in
ii. The unit handles hydrocarbon liquids and gases which can cause fire and explosion if
conditions for the same are favorable. Direct contact of hydrocarbons with any source
of ignition of fire such as spark or open flame should be avoided. Sparks or open fire
should not be allowed in the operating area while the unit is operating or has potential
of hydrocarbon leakage. Even during shutdown. When an open flame work is
absolutely essential, this should be allowed with the permission of the authorized
person after suitable precautions have been taken. Approved safety & work permit
systems should be strictly followed.
iii. Propane gas is highly explosive in air mixtures containing 2.4 to 9.5 % by volume of
Propane vapors. Its concentration in air should normally be not allowed to exceed
0.4%. It must be stored in a cool, isolated and ventilated area free of acute fire hazard.
A concentration in air above 1% of Propane may have mild narcotic effect. Inhalation
of excessive amounts causes progressive aesthesia. Liquid Propane in contact with
skin will cause frostbite through rapid evaporation.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 317 of 406
iv. Improper earthing of equipment may produce static charges. All equipment must be
provided earthing connections as per standards.
v. The drain / vent valves and sample points on hot and heavy products and steam lines
are likely to get plugged, if the lines are not in constant use. Such valves should be
crack opened for a few minutes under personal supervision and only after the liquid
flow has started the opening of the valves should be adjusted as required.
vi. Leakage of hydrocarbons from equipment and pipe joints are undesirable and must be
reported to the immediate supervisor without delay.
vii. The set pressure of relief valves should never be altered without prior permission of
the authorized persons in writing.
viii. Wherever block valves are provided for isolation of relief valves, these valves should
be kept opened all the times as per stipulations in P&ID’s.
ix. The closure of block or control valves which isolate exchangers or piping from relief
protection devices can subject the equipment to possible overpressure due to thermal
expansion of the blocked fluid. The expansion may be caused by heat from the
atmosphere or adjacent hot equipment. In order to prevent such over pressurizing
some suitable drains/vents or other valves connected with some closed system in the
network should be left opened, to take care of such expansion.
x. Poor house-keeping in the operating area is a potential cause of accidents. Spillage of
oil etc. is very dangerous. Maintain a high standard of house-keeping in the work
xi. Releasing equipment for maintenance without properly preparing it e.g. blinding /
isolating & making it hydrocarbon free and electrical isolation etc. should be avoided
as this can also result in major accidents.


Statistics have shown that 90% of the furnace explosions occur during start-up or low load
operation. More than 50% of the furnace explosions happen during a start-up some years after
the initial start-up. These observations pinpoint the need for additional care, instructions and
training in start-up operations. Most explosions happen in gas-fired furnaces. Explosion theory

Three conditions must be met to get an explosion:

− A combustible gas (vapor) must be present
− The combustible gas (vapor) be mixed with oxygen (air) in the proportions required to
produce an explosive mixture.
− A source of ignition must be available to start the explosion (unless the temperature of the
mixture is above the auto-ignition temperature). Fundamental operating procedures:

Heater flame-out
The questions of what action should be taken after a flame-out of a furnace is subject to
controversial opinions resulting from different interpretations of the explosion theory. Take
care of following operation:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 318 of 406
− Shut off fuel and feed supply (this is automatically done in the case of shut-down)
− Close main hand valves
− Close individuals burner valves

24.2.5 Heater light-off:

Heater light-off after flame-out:

When the cause of the flame-out (shut-down) is such that the furnace can be re-ignited again
before it has been cooled off entirely, the recommended procedures are as follows:

− Check firebox with an explosion meter for hydrocarbons and hydrogen to make sure that
there are no explosive mixtures in any part of the firebox.
− When negative hydrocarbon tests are obtained, start re-ignition in the normal way.

Heater light-off during normal start-up:

Make sure individual burner fuel valves and registers are closed

− Open air registers

− Check furnace firebox for hydrocarbons
− Follow start-up instructions

Note: During the light-off of the burner, check very carefully through the end-wall peepholes
and/or burner peep sights to ascertain that the pertaining burners are really ignited and are not
impinging on the heater tubes.

24.2.6 Fire in the firebox of the heater:

In case of an unintended fire in the firebox, for instance caused by the tube rupture, the
following procedure is recommended :
− Shut off fuel and feed
− Close all openings (air registers) and keep the peepholes closed to prevent air introduction
− Stop forced draft fan
− Open snuffing steam to firebox



• Assess the wind direction and approach from upwind side.

• Keep all persons out of vapor cloud area. Evacuate the area in the path of vapor cloud.
• Isolate the source of vapor if possible.
• Eliminate any source of ignition in the surrounding areas (Spark arising out of operation
of electrical switches or electrical equipment, operation of i/c engines and vehicles, or any
hot job including welding and grinding).
• Stop the traffic on the road if the vapor cloud is moving towards the road.
• If the vapor cloud is moving out of the refinery, stop the traffic on the main road and alert
the nearby residents to eliminate all source of ignition. Activate mutual aid if required and

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 319 of 406
contact district authority for activating Offsite Emergency Preparedness plan. Operate
water spray system for dispersing vapor cloud and operate water monitors for dispersing
the cloud.
• Continue the water operation till the entire vapor cloud is safely dispersed into the
• In case of the escaping gas/ vapor in fire, immediately apply large quantity of water as
quickly as possible to all surface exposed to heat.


• Don’t do any hot jobs in the close vicinity.

• Don’t operate electrical switches or electrical equipment in nearby vicinity.
• Don’t approach from downwind direction.
• In case of fire, do not extinguish unless leak is stopped, if the source can not be isolated
after extinguishing the gas will continue to flow and spread over a wide area and re-
ignition can result in more hazardous situation.


The probable areas where a person can get trapped during an emergency are:

• Switch Gear room

• Within a lift and elevator
• High rise structures
• Confined space like tanks / vessels under maintenance
• Buildings
• Near to the source of release of toxic/ flammable gas leak In the process unit / pipe tracks

Search and rescue operation to be carried out with the help of following equipments:

• Self contained Breathing Apparatus sets with life line.

• Rescue tools such as hydraulic spreader/ cutter, pneumatic lifting bags, fire man hook.
• High voltage resistant safety shoes and PVC / rubber gloves
• Extension ladder
• Torch lights
• Stretchers

During the search and rescue following precautions to be taken:

• Carry out the rescue operation in a pair not as an individual.

• Proceed cautiously anticipating tripping hazard
• Keep yourself as low as possible.
• Follow the instructions of the Rescue controller.
• Cut-off the water, electricity and gas supplies of rescue operation area.
• Collect and check all equipments before returning from site.
• In case of usage of Breathing Apparatus sets follow the BA set usage instructions and in
no case the user to remain in the danger area after the sounding of warning whistle.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 320 of 406
Keep constant communication with rescue coordinator


24.3.1 Animal Bites:

In case of animal bites, the following action has to be taken:

• Calm the affected person
• Wash hands before attending to wound
• Wash wound with soap & running water
• Apply antibiotic ointment
• Dress using sterile bandage
• After first aid, medical treatment must be sought quickly
• Suturing may be required
• Tetanus booster / antibiotics required
• Treatment depends on type / location of wound

24.3.2 Back Pain:

In case of back pain, the following first aid has to be provided:

• Rest in a comfortable position.
• Apply ice pack to affected area
• Painkillers or relaxants may be used
• Avoid strenuous exercise
• Avoid pillows
• Avoid sleeping on soft mattress

24.3.3 Burns:

Burns can be of first, second and third degree. Categorization depends on severity of tissue

First Degree Burns:

Injuries are superficial / mild, swelling & redness of the injured area is observed. Pain
develops but no blisters are seen. Burned area becomes white on touching. Follow the first
aid mentioned below in this case:
• Remove patient from heat source
• Remove the burnt clothing
• Run cool water over burnt area
• Gently clean the injured area
• Gently dry
• Apply anti biotic such as silver sulpha-diazine
• Use a sterile bandage to cover burns
• Take tetanus vaccination, if required

Second-degree burns:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 321 of 406
Burns extends to middle skin layer, dermis and swelling, redness and pain is observed. Burnt
area may turn white on touching, blisters develop, that ooze a clear fluid. There are chances
of scars development. Follow the first aid mentioned below in this case:

• Clean the affected area thoroughly

• Gently dry
• Apply antibiotic cream over affected area
• Make the patient lie down
• Keep burnt body part at a raised level
• Skin graft may be required
• Physical therapy may be essential to aid mobility
• Splints may be used to rest affected joints
• Hospitalization is essential

Third-degree burns:

Damage occurs to all three skin layers and destroys adjacent hair follicles, sweat glands,
nerve endings. There is lack of pain due to destroyed nerves and injured area does not turn
white on touching. No blisters are observed and swelling occurs. The skin develops leathery
texture and discoloration of skin observed. Follow the first aid mentioned below in this case:

• Requires immediate hospital care

• Dehydration treated through intravenous fluid supply
• Oxygen is administered
• Eschars are surgically opened
• Periodically run clean cool water over burns
• Nutritious diet helps to heal quickly
• Regular monitoring essential
• Mental Depression treated by anti-depressants

24.3.4 Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR):

CPR is an emergency life-saving measure and is a combination of rescue breathing & chest
compressions. It is done on unconscious/ non-breathing patient. It is done on people suffering
from cardiac arrest and also for near-drowning/ asphyxiation/ trauma. CPR conducts
defibrillation and supports heart pumping for short duration. It allows oxygen to reach brain,
thus buying time till help arrives. It is more effective when done as early as possible

The Vital Steps:

• Clear the airway

• Assess if the person is conscious / breathing
• Lay the person on his back on a hard surface
• Using a head tilt -chin lift open his airway
• Check for breathing sound
• If not breathing, start mouth-to-mouth breathing

Mouth- to-mouth breathing:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 322 of 406
• Pinch the person's nostril shut
• Seal his mouth with your own
• Give the first breath, lasting one second
• Watch if chest rises
• If it rises, give second rescue breath
• If it does not rise, give a head tilt- chin lift
• Now give second rescue breath

Restore circulation through compression:

• Place heel of your palm on patient's chest

• Place your other hand above first
Keep elbows straight
• Push down using upper body weight (compress)
• Push hard and fast
• After 30 compressions, clear airway
• Give two rescue breaths
• This is one cycle
• Give 100 compressions /minute
• Continue CPR till medical help arrives

24.3.5 Chemical Burns:

In case of burns, the following first aid has to be provided:

• Remove patient from accident site

• Wash injury with tepid water liberally
• Identify chemical for effective therapy
• Seek medical treatment
• IV fluids need to be administered
• Pain medications and antibiotics needed
• Wounds cleaned and bandaged
• Follow -up care compulsory
• Consultation with specialist is a must

24.3.6 Chemical Splash in the Eye:

In case of Chemical splash in the eye, the following first aid has to be provided:

• Lay the person on the floor

• Keep eye lids open forcibly
• Use clean cold water to wash eyes gently
• Keep washing steadily for at least 20 minutes
• Rinse/wash hands thoroughly to remove chemical
• If wearing contact lens remove them
• Do not rub eyes
• Do not use eye drops until told
• Wear sunglasses to minimize irritation
• After these basic steps seek medical help
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 323 of 406
• Remember the name of chemical to tell doctor

24.3.7 Dislocation:

In case of dislocation, the following first aid has to be provided:

• Call medical help as soon as possible

• Do not move the joint or try to place it back
• Place ice to control swelling
• If skin is cut, clean gently and bandage with sterile gauze
• Sling or splint the injury in its original position
• If injury is serious, check for breathing
• If not breathing, provide Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Elevate the
feet up to 12 inches
• Cover the patient with a blanket

24.3.8 Electric Shock:

In case of Electric shock, the following first aid has to be provided:

• Do not attempt to move the victim from current source

• First step is to switch off the current source
• Otherwise, move the source using a wooden stick
• Attend to the victim
• Check for breathing
• No breathing, do Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
• Call emergency medical aid
• If breathing, do a physical examination
• Treat for minor burns
• Re-establish vital functions
• Excessive burns may require hospitalization/ surgery
• Supportive care must be provided

24.3.9 Foreign Object in the Ear:

In case a foreign object falls in the ear, the following first aid has to be provided:

• If object is protruding, use tweezers to remove

• If object is small, shake head with ear facing downward
• If it is insect, turn head to place affected ear upward
• Place few drops of mineral oil/baby oil inside ear
• Flush the insect out using clean water
• Use oil only in case of insect otherwise it may lead to swelling

Steps to Avoid:

• Do not push your finger into the ear

• Do not strike the head to dislodge object

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 324 of 406
• Do not shake a child to remove object
• Do not try to remove object on your own
• Do not block any discharge from ear
• Do not try to clean the ears

24.3.10Foreign Object in the Eye:

In case a foreign object falls in the eye, the following first aid has to be provided:

• Wash hands before helping the victim

• Seat the person in a lighted area
• Gently examine the eye
• Pull lower eyelid downward
• Ask the person to look upward
• Then hold upper eyelid while person looks down
• If object is floating try flushing it out
• Otherwise, touch the object with wet cotton bud
• Object should cling to the cotton bud
• If object is removed, flush eyes with saline/warm water
• If object cannot be removed, see a doctor
• If object is embedded, do not touch
• Cover the eyes with paper cups and tape it
• Consult doctor immediately

Steps to Avoid:

• Avoid rubbing eyes

• Do not remove an embedded object
• Do not try to remove a large object

24.3.11Foreign Object in the Nose:

In case a foreign object falls in the nose, the following first aid has to be provided:

• The person must be urged to breathe through mouth

• The person should avoid breathing with force
• Close the unaffected nostril
• Blow out gently through the affected nostril
• Get medical aid if this method fails

Steps to Avoid:

• Do not probe an object which is not seen

• Do not probe an object that is not easy to grasp
• Do not blow nose too hard
• Do not use sharp instruments to remove the object

24.3.12 Foreign Object in the Skin:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 325 of 406
In case a foreign object falls in the skin, the following first aid has to be provided:

• Wash hands well

• Clean the affected area using soap, water
• If object is visible above skin, squeeze the area around
• When object pops out, remove using sterile tweezer
• If embedded under skin, use a sterile needle
• Sterilize needle by flaming/wiping with alcohol
• Use needle to break skin over affected area
• Lift tip of the object
• Use a small tweezer to pull it out
• Gently squeeze the area and let bleed
• Clean the area with soap, water. Pat dry
• Apply an antibiotic

Steps to Avoid:

• Do not wet if the object is of wood

• Wet wooden objects swell- becomes difficult to remove


There are two types of fractures.

• Open fracture: Skin breaks causing open wound

• Closed fracture: Skin not broken

In case of both the fractures, the first aid differs and is followed as discussed below:

For open fractures:

• Control bleeding before treatment

• Rinse and dress the wound

For open / closed fractures:

• Check the breathing

• Calm the person
• Examine for other injuries
• Immobilize the broken wound
• Apply ice to reduce pain / swelling
• Consult a doctor

Do not:
• Massage the affected area
• Straighten the broken bone
• Move without support to broken bone

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 326 of 406
• Move joints above / below the fracture
• Give oral liquids / food

24.3.14Heart Attack:

In case of a heart attack, the following first aid has to be provided:

• Try to relax
• Loosen tight clothes
• Take medicines if any
• Pain subsides within 3 min of medicine intake
• If not, see a doctor.
• Give artificial respiration if required
• Give Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR):
a) If no pulse is detected
b) By placing palm on chest to pump
• 15 pumps are followed by 2 artificial respiration
• Continue till ambulance / doctor arrives

24.3.15 Heat Stroke:

In case of a heat stroke, the following first aid has to be provided:

• Remove the person to a shady place

• Cool the person by sponging with wet towel
• Apply ice packs in armpits and groin
• Water with electrolyte, fruit / vegetable juice should be given
• Victim must be rested

24.3.16Severe Bleeding:

In case of severe bleeding, the following first aid has to be provided:

• Wash hands well before administering to patient

• Wear synthetic gloves
• Make the victim lie down
• Slightly elevate the legs
• If possible keep the affected area elevated
• Remove any obvious debris/particle
• Apply direct pressure using clean cloth/bandage
• Use hand if cloth is not available
• Apply pressure continuously for at least 20 minutes
• Do not remove the cloth to check the bleeding
• Hold the bandage in place using an adhesive tape
• If bleeding seeps through bandage, do not remove it
• Add extra bandage on top of the first one
• Apply direct pressure on the artery if necessary
• The pressure points for arm--below arm- pit/above elbow
• For leg--behind knee/near groin
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 327 of 406
• Squeeze the artery keeping finger flat
• Continue applying pressure on the wound
• Once bleeding stops immobilize the affected part
• See a doctor

24.3.17Spinal Cord Injury:

In case of spinal cord injury, seek medical help or call for an ambulance as soon as possible.
Meanwhile the following first aid has to be provided:

• Move the person, if surrounding is not safe

• Immobilize the head, neck and body on both sides
• Movements may dislocate vertebra and cause further injury
• If there is no sign of breathing, perform CPR
• Do not tilt head backward during CPR


In case of sprain, the following first aid has to be provided:

• Apply a cold compress to injured area for 20 min

• This may be done 4-8 times a day
• Use a plastic bag with crushed ice, wrapped in a towel
• Use compression bandages to reduce swelling
• Keep the injured leg elevated on a pillow
• Take anti-inflammatory pills if necessary
• Take rest for the recommended period
• When pain/swelling is diminished, do recommended exercises

Steps To Avoid:

• Do not return to normal activities if not completely cured

• This could lead to the problem turning chronic

The contents of the First Aid box in the refinery are as follows:


1 Small Sterile Dressings 4
2 Medium Sterile Dressings 4
3 Large Sterile Dressing 4
4 Burn Dressings 4
5 Absorbent Cotton (25gm) 1 Roll
6 Dettol Bottle 1
7 Burnol 1 tube
8 Disprin Tablets 6
9 Tincture Iodine Bottle 1


Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 328 of 406
PPE are the equipment used to protect the person from hazards associated with the work
being performed. PPE acts as a barrier between the hazard and the person exposed. Each unit
and section is provided with certain PPEs depending on the layout, potential hazards and
access for firefighting. Fire & Safety carries out monthly check of all the equipments and
releases inspection report.

PPE are characterized into two categories:

a. Respiratory devices
b. Non-respiratory devices

General Guidelines:

1. All the personnel should always ensure that everyone in field is wearing required
PPE. For regular jobs like collecting H2S rich gas, heater checking, chemical
handling, etc. specific and recommended PPE is a must in an addition to safety
helmet and work gloves.
2. Breathing apparatus should be wore before attending/attempting to arrest leaks like
H2S, CO, LPG, hydrocarbon vapor leaks.
3. Breathing apparatus should be checked and ensured that accessories are maintained
in good and ready to use condition like oxygen cylinder is filled with pressure
specified and face mask is free of dust etc. Organic and ammonia canisters should not
be kept after their expiry date.
4. PPE boxes in the control rooms should be painted with a display of all the required
items in the unit. All the PPE items should be cleaned by the plant personnel twice in
week and maintain in good condition.
5. The usage of any PPE in case of any incident in the unit is to be recorded in the TOB
by the shift in charge with details of the persons.
6. All the safety showers in the unit have to be checked and ensure that both eye
washers and the shower are in working condition.
7. In every shift, it has to be recorded in every shift that “the contents of the First Aid
Box are intact”. If any item has been used in the shift, it should be recorded in shift
TOB with proper reasons.

24.4.1 Commonly Used PPE and its functions:

Safety Helmet: Helmet is one of the most important items of personal protective equipment
used by the industrial workers for protection against head injuries. The injuries can be caused
either by falling objects or by hitting inadvertently against the pipe lines.

Safety Shoes: Safety shoes are also one of the most important items of PPE used in the
industrial workers for protection against foot injuries. These injuries can be caused either by
falling objects or hitting anywhere inadvertently.

Safety Belt: It is used to protect persons from free falling while working at higher elevation.
It is a must for working above a height of two meters.

Chemical Cartridges: It will provide against low concentration of relatively non-toxic gases
and vapors as given in the table.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 329 of 406

Canisters: It can provide protection against high levels of toxic air contaminants as high as
20,000 ppm. Canisters/respirators are classified according to the type of gas and their
concentration. The most commonly used canisters are acid gas, ammonia, and hydrocarbon
vapor canisters.

Safety Gloves: Safety gloves are used to protect hands against common industrial hazard.
Asbestos gloves are used in hot work environment. It will provide protection up to 120°C.

PVC gloves/apron/shoes/suit: It provides protection against chemicals such as caustic

/acid /amine, etc. It should not be used as a protection against hydrocarbon and hot work
environment. The maximum temperature allowed is 50°C.

Ear Muffs and Ear Plugs: They are used to protect ears from high decibel noises. They
are to be used while moving in the field.

Face Shield: Face shield is used to protect face from anything falling while looking up.
Generally for checking the heaters, it has to be used to protect from any oil dripping.

24.4.2 Minimum PPE Requirements

Hazard Minimum PPE

Standard PPE -Steel toed boots

-Safety glasses (with side shields)
-Hard hat
-Fire retardant clothing (NOMEX)

Chemical handling Standard PPE

- (organic chloride, organic sulfide, and Half face respirator

with -cartridge for organic vapors) if area is not well ventilated
-Chemical goggles
-Face Shield
-Nitrile/neoprene gloves

Sampling hydrocarbons Standard PPE

-Chemical goggles
-Face Shield
-Nitrile gloves

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 330 of 406
-Half face respirator with cartridge for hydrocarbon vapors if
area is not well ventilated

Catalyst handling Standard PPE

-loading, unloading, and spills Use mechanical ventilation, other engineering

controls, or a NIOSH-approved toxic dust respirator to prevent inhalation of
catalyst dust Gloves and work uniform as necessary to prevent repeated or
prolonged skin contact
-Chemical goggles or face shield as necessary to prevent eye contact

Following minimum PPE is required to be maintained in NHT CCR field room always:

1 Water jel blanket 1 No
2 Surgical cotton mask 20 Nos
3 PVC Boot 2 pair
4 Ear Muff 8 Nos
5 Asbestos Gloves 4 pairs
6 Panoramic View Glass 8 Nos
7 Face Shield 2 Nos
8 Organic Vapor Canister 3 Nos
9 Acid Gas Canister 8 Nos
10 Ammonia Canister 4 Nos
11 Face mask 4 Nos
12 PVC Hood 1 No
13 PVC Coat and Pant 1 No
14 PVC Gloves 2 Pairs
15 BA sets 3 Nos
16 BA Cylinders 5 Nos


The operating personnel should be fully conversant with Fire Fighting system provided in the
unit. All of them should have adequate firefighting training and will serve as an auxiliary Fire
Squad in the event of a fire breakout. It will be the primary responsibility of unit personnel to
fight the fire at the very initial stage and, at the least, localize it.

Water is the most important medium available for fire protection. Water is used for fire
extinguishing, fire control, cooling of equipments and protection of equipment and personnel
from heat radiation. For these purposes water is used in various forms such as straight jet,
water jog, water curtain, water spray, deluge, sprinkler for foam making etc. The system is
designed in such a way that it can fight two fires requiring largest water demand at the same
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 331 of 406
Fire water system is designed for a minimum residual pressure of 7.0 kg/cm2 at the
hydraulically remotest point of application at the designed flow rate at that point. The fire
network shall be kept pressurized at minimum 7.0 kg/cm2 all the time.

Major Firefighting facilities provided in the unit comprise the following:

24.5.1 Hydrants:

Hydrants are located keeping in view the fire hazards at different sections of the premises to
be protected and to give most effective service. At least one hydrant post shall be provided
for every 30 meters of the perimeter of unit battery limit. The hydrants should be located at a
minimum distance of 15 meters from the periphery of hazardous equipment. Double headed
hydrants with two separate landing valves on 4”stand post should be used. All hydrant outlets
shall be situated at a workable height of about 1.20 meters above the ground level.
24.5.2 Monitors:

Monitors are located at strategic locations for protection of cluster of columns, heaters, etc.
and where it may not be possible to approach the higher levels. Monitors shall be located to
direct water on the object as well as to provide water shield to firemen approaching the fire.
The monitors should not be installed less than 15 meters from the hazardous equipment and
shall not exceed 45 meters from the hazard to be protected. The butterfly valves of the
monitors should be periodically checked for free operation and if isolation valves are gate
valves, it should be greased regularly and medium sized wheel spanner should be welded
near it. Monitor rotation levers should be periodically checked for its function.

24.5.3 Fixed Water Spray System:

Fixed water spray system is a fixed pipe system connected to a reliable source of water
supply and equipped with water spray nozzles for specific water discharge and distribution
over the surface of area to be protected. This system should be provided in high hazard areas
where immediate application of water is required.

24.5.4 Fixed Water Sprinkler System:

Fixed water sprinkler system is a fixed pipe tailor made system to which sprinklers with
fusible bulbs are attached. Each sprinkler system includes a controlling valve and a device for
actuating an alarm for the operation of the system. The system is usually activated by heat
from a fire and discharges water over the fire area automatically.

24.5.5 Carbon Dioxide System:

Carbon dioxide is an odorless and colorless inert gas and it extinguishes fire by cutting off the
oxygen and creating an inert atmosphere around the hazard. If the inert atmosphere is
maintained for a reasonable time the possibility of flash back is also reduced. Carbon dioxide
is best applied to fire hazards through the fixed system consisting of CO2 storage,
distribution and discharge nozzles.

24.5.6 Portable extinguishers:

Fire should be killed at the incipient stage. Portable fire extinguishers are very useful in
fighting small fires. All extinguishers in the unit must be located in specified places only. The
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 332 of 406
operating crew should be acquainted with exact location of the extinguishers. They also must
know most suitable type, which, when and how to use an extinguisher. For example,
electrical fires should be put out with CO2 or dry power extinguishers; water and foam
should not be used. The used extinguishers should be checked and restored by fire station

Dry Chemical Powder (DCP)-10 kg capacity:

This is the most common fire extinguishing medium in the refinery. The number should be
determined based on the maximum traveling distance of 15 meters in hazardous areas. At
least one fire extinguisher should be provided for every 250 sq.mt. of hazardous operating

Dry Chemical Powder (DCP)-75 kg capacity:

It is provided in critical operating areas. At least one fire extinguisher should be provided for
every 750sq.mt.of hazardous operating area.

Note: Any of these cylinders if used, should be immediately informed to Fire and Safety and
get a replacement cylinder. Also the same has to be mentioned in the TOB and informed to
unit manager/RSM.

24.5.7 Rubber Hose Reel (1”):

They are provided for immediate usage of fire water during fire emergency or push the
spilled oil into OWS. They are of 30 meters length as per OISD guidelines and contain a
nozzle at the open end. It should not be used for floor washing but can be used for pushing
spilled oil into nearest storm sewer/OWS. In this condition, immediately car seal should be
put back.

24.5.8 Foam System

For containing large Hydrocarbon fires, foam systems are useful. They have inherent
blanketing ability, heat resistance and security against burn back. Low expansion foam is
used for hydrocarbon oil fire. Foam can be applied over burning oil pool with the help of
foam tenders/foam delivery system..

24.5.9 Fire Signal

Break Glasses have been provided at strategic locations of unit to see fire alarm in fire
station. if a fire is sighted, glass of window should be smashed, causing fire alarm switch to
actuate. This is an emergency call & should be periodically tested for proper functioning.

24.5.10 Steam Smothering

LP Steam hose connections have been provided at every convenient point inside unit. Steam
lances of standard 15M length can be fitted with these hose stations. Wherever hydrocarbon
leakage is detected which is likely to catch fire, Steam blanketing may be done. Apart from
diluting combustible Hydrocarbons, steam prevents atmospheric oxygen from taking part in
combustion & thus helps in extinguishing fire. However, steam should never be applied on
large pool of hydrocarbon fire. Direct application of steam on burning oil may result in
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 333 of 406
spillage of burning hydrocarbon & spread of fire. Similarly use of fire water on hot oil
surfaces may cause sputtering & spread of fire.

24.5.11 Important considerations for fighting petroleum liquid fires and Gas fires:

• Approach should be made from the upwind side.

• The vehicles should be parked in such a way that in case of danger to the vehicles or
fire fighters, the vehicle can be removed immediately without any delay.
• Role clarity of all the personnel available at the emergency site is very important. The
personnel whose presence is not warranted at the fire / emergency site should be
evacuated from the site.
• Brief details of the fuel involved in fire to be collected from the Incident Controller /
operation controller/ concerned Plant In-charge.
• Cutting off the fuel supply is the best method for putting off any petroleum fire.
Before making any attempt for firefighting it is preferable to cut off the fuel supply.
• Selection of extinguishing media plays a very important role in putting off the fire.
Depending on the equipment and fuel involved in fire the extinguishing media is to be

24.5.12 Selection of extinguishing media:

The following points are to be kept in mind during selection and use of different fire
extinguishing media:

• Quantity of different extinguishing media required to be used in different type of fires

to be pre-estimated so that sufficient quantity of extinguishing media can be made
available without any delay.
• In case water attack is to be initiated, minimum two parallel lines to be put into action.
• In case Fire is to be attacked with DCP or CO2 in an enclosed chamber, proper
ventilation, evacuation of the area and means of exit to be ensured before attack.
• If foam is to be applied in low lying areas or on ground, the stream has to be applied
to the nearest smooth elevated surface, where from the foam generated will flow
down and spread over the burning liquid uniformly.
• Before applying DCP through DCP tender the downwind area is to be evacuated after
consulting the Incident Controller. DCP should be applied from the upwind direction
and preferably from hose reel hose.
• Back up of firefighting equipment and manpower is very important for firefighting
operations. While fighting with foam ensure that sufficient quantity of foam is
reaching the site to prevent the chances of re-ignition. Further there should not be any
shortage of water. After extinguishing the fire ensure the use of water/ Foam
application for some time for preventing re-ignition. The frontline fire fighters should
be given adequate protection.
• The mutual aid scheme help can be mobilized in case of requirement.


Fire in process unit can be due to leak from flanges, mechanical seal leaks and leak from
pipelines etc. It may be at ground level or at elevation. It can be a minor fire due to leak or a
major fire due to rupture and formation of pool of oil. Before attacking the fire details of the
source of fuel, isolation of the source and adjoining equipment to be essentially obtained.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 334 of 406
• If the fire is minor, it can be attacked with DCP extinguisher or fine spray of water
using spray nozzles. However DCP attack should be back-up with water spray to
prevent re-ignition.
• If the fire is major, it is to be attacked with the help of DCP from DCP tender and
with back up of foam for ground fires and back up of water for ground fire.
• Simultaneously isolation of the source of fuel to be carried out followed by isolation
of adjacent equipment, stoppage of rotary equipment, (from substation), shutdown of
fired equipment, shutdown of entire unit, isolation of power to unit etc. as per
• Water spray if provided to be operated and cooling of nearby vessels and vessels
exposed to the fire to be carried out.

Water spray protection may be provided to the operation staff to approach and close the valve
for isolation of fuel if isolation valve is on fire. The fire at a height can be fought with water
spray monitor and DCP tender.

24.6 Spill Handling

Spill handling of each chemical is described in MSDS of chemicals above.


General safety rules which shall be practiced and enforces for all personnel who enter the unit
are summarized below:

a. Safety helmets and boots shall be worn by all personnel at all times in the plant. They may
be removed when inside rooms or buildings which do not have overhead or other hazards.
b. Smoking has been banned inside refinery premises.
c. Each employees assigned to work in the unit shall know where the safety and fire
suppression equipment is located and how to operate this equipment.
d. Safety glasses, goggles or face shields shall be worn while performing work which could
result in eye or face injury.
e. High Noise Areas in NHT CCR as declared by F&S and enforce usage of required PPE
f. Operations personnel golden rule

Do not open or close any valve without first determining the effect.


F&S department periodically conducts noise survey in every quarter for all operating plants
of the refinery .Accordingly it conducted the survey in March 2011 for MS Block units and
released report of high noise areas, unit wise. At some locations noise levels are reported to
be above the TLV of 85dB and therefore necessary PPE has to be worn while working in
those areas.

The following areas have been notified as High Noise Areas:


1. Stab Feed Exchanger Area(West of Unit)
2. 74-P-51B(LP Condensate Transfer Pump)
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 335 of 406
3. 74-PV-2008 (H2 Manifold Check V/V)
4. 74-PV-1901 Area
5. 74-PM-04B(Stabilizer O/H Pump)
6. 74-PM-06A(De-Ethanizer Reflux Pump)
7. 72-P-02A (Wash Water Injection Pump)
8. 72-PM-06B (Naphtha Splitter O/H pump)
9. 74-PM-05B (BFW Booster Pump)
10. 72-F-01 (Charge Heater)
11. 72-F-02 (Splitter Re-Boiler)
12. 74-LV-2201(Reformate R/D)
13. 72-FV-0601 (NHT Fresh Feed)
14. 72-PM-07B (Naphtha Splitter Re-Boiler pump)
15. 72-PM-05B (Splitter Bottom)
16. 72-PM-01A (Charge Pump NHT)
17. 72-P-04B (Stripper Reflux)
18. 74-P-01B (Separator Pump)
19. 74-K-02A
20. 72-K-01B
21. 74-K-01 (Motor)
22. 74-F-01 (Inter Charge Heater)
23. 74-F-02 (Inter Charge Heater)
24. 74-F-03 (Inter Charge Heater)
25. 74-FM-01A (Induced Draft Fan)
26. 74-FM-01B (Induced Draft Fan)
27. Splitter Air Fin Coolers(Above Pump Bay)
28. NHT Air Fin Coolers(Above Separartor72-V-04)

• Operating personnel working in and around the notified areas have to wear ear plugs/
ear muffs always all the time.
• Ensure all the CLW, contract personnel and other department personnel working in
and around notified areas wear ear plugs/ ear muffs always all the time.
• While issuing permit for any maintenance job in the above areas, the need for usage of
PPEs shall be mentioned in the permit.
• “High Noise area” boards to be displayed at notified locations. These display boards
shall be movable type for easy portability.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:24 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 336 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 25 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
25.0 338
2. 25.1 Closed Blow Down (CBD) System 338
3. 25.2 Oily Water Sewer (OWS) 339
4. 25.3 Surface Drain System (SS) 339
5. 25.4 Contaminated Rain water system (CRWS) 339

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Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 25 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Visakh Refinery


Following Plant drainage systems are available in NHT/CCR unit:

25.1 Closed Blow Down (CBD) System:

Refer P&ID Nos. 6501-02-41-74-1191&1190A-Rev-03 and 6501-74-16-43-0901/0902/0903/

0904 Rev-03 (underground drainage drawing)

Those hydrocarbon streams that are either free of water or only slightly contaminated with
water are received in closed blow down (CBD) vessel (74-V55).Such hydrocarbon streams
are generated especially during shutdown periods when equipment and systems are drained
under gravity to clear hold up oil. The hydrocarbon in the CBD vessel should be received at a
temperature well below flash point of lightest component present inside. CBD system is an
underground system, wherein the drains of all equipment are connected thru an underground
piping network leading to underground storage vessel. The level in the vessel is pumped out
using pump discharge to slop header / OWS with auto cut-in and cut-off facility.

CBD network helps in reducing amount of hydrocarbon loss. Uncontaminated hydrocarbons

from equipment draining is collected and routed to CBD vessel via CBD headers running
across the entire unit.

One 6" underground CBD headers run across plot of NHT/CCR. Other 4” &2" CBD branch
headers run parallel to the 6" header and ultimately are routed to the main 6" header. Above
ground utility connection provisions are provided at all dead ends of CBD headers for line
cleaning using LP steam or flushing oil. The headers are finally routed to CBD drum (74-V-
55). It is an underground vessel placed horizontally. Drum is connected to piping thru a
double block valve arrangement with a provision for blinding placed in the underground
valve pit near to the drum. Drum is provided with a coil through which Bearing cooling water
is circulated. The drum caters to hydrocarbon blow down from NHT/CCR/NIU and
NHT/CCR Flare KOD. Another drum 73-V-16 is placed adjacent to the CBD drum for
collecting the liquid drains containing HCl of NIU.

74-LI-8001/LI8002 and 74-TI-8001 on 74-V55 indicates level and temperature of CBD drum
and are provided with low and high level alarms (for LI-8001) and high temperature alarm
for (TI-8001). CBD pump (74-P-52) is interlocked with high / low alarms (LAL-8001 and
LAH-8001) for high alarm and auto stop low alarm. Hydrocarbon is pumped out by CBD
pumps to slop header. A sample point is provided in the pump discharge line for collecting
CBD liquid sample.

Under normal conditions it is expected to remain at slightly above atmospheric pressure as its
vapor line will be lined up to flare. Atmospheric vent also is provided for usage during drum
outage. One service water connection is given to the drum for cleaning purpose.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:25 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 338 of 406
All underground branch connections of CBD are of 50mm diameter. All U/G CBD pipes are
painted and encased with gravel.

25.2 Oily Water Sewer (OWS)

Ref P&ID No: 6501-74-16-43-0901/0902/0903/0904 Rev-03 (underground drainage


This system also called OWS is mainly to collect water contaminated with hydrocarbon oil.
Such streams are generated during equipment draining and flushing during routine operation.
Streams suitable for OWS also generated as a result of floor washing and cleaning or spilled
oil etc. Drained streams received through OWS funnels etc. are routed to ETP-II through a
combined header. All equipment having CBD connections are normally provided with OWS
connection also. No OWS points are provided near the heater for safety reasons. The OWS
manholes are sealed and a vent pipe provided releases any hydrocarbon trapped at a higher
elevation. There are total 15 manhole points are provided in the entire circuit. All manhole
vents are of 4” diameter. OWS funnels at equipment drain points are of 6”diameter. Main
U/G OWS line is of 8” diameter and branched connections are of 6” & 4” diameter. All U/G
piping is coated with an external tape. The entire OWS system is painted with blue color for

There are two different paths covering whole area are provided. One of the final outlet of the
OWS is located at the North-West corner of the unit (West of chiller section) and other one
is from South battery limit area at south of the unit. The OWS system is common for both
NHT and CCR units. The effluent generated in the unit reaches ETP-II for treatment and oil
recovery. Care should be taken that at no time any spark reaches vapor space of OWS
funnels. This may result in explosion immediately there or elsewhere in network wherever
explosive mixture of air and hydrocarbon vapors is present in appropriate concentration for

25.3 Surface Drain System (SS)

Ref P&ID No: 6501-74-16-43-0901/0902/0903/0904 Rev-03 (underground drainage


The peripheral open surface Drain of width 500mm is laid throughout the plot of the NHT
CCR unit with a double valve arrangement at the final point to route it either to CRWS or to
Storm Sewer System depending upon its oil content. Normally, surface drain outlets are kept
floating on CRWS system. During rains, the outlet is changed over to Storm water sewer
after one hour to reduce the load on ETP-II. SS open drain channel is covered by grills right
round the unit. All SS funnels are of 6” diameter and branch connections are of 4” diameter.
The final outlet of SS drains with two valve arrangement is located at the South-West corner
of the unit (S-W of CCR Heater).

25.4 Contaminated Rain water system (CRWS)

Refer P&IDNos:6501-74-16-43-0901/0902/0903/0904 Rev-03 (underground drainage


Contaminated rain waterfrom the unit paved area is also routed CRWS System. The rain
water accumulated over the floor which will wash the oil and other chemical contaminants

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:25 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 339 of 406
present on the floor and pumps area, is collected through catch basins provided at different
locations and sent to WWTP in ETP-II. There are total 6 catch basins provided across the
plot of NHT CCR. Two different lines of CRWS run along the unit for covering the whole
area. The main lines start with 8” and in midway increase to 10” and finally led to offsite
CRW system. Total 14no manholes are provided in the circuit and the system is painted with
Green color for identity.

One stream originating at Cycle max area covers the CCR technological structure, chiller and
finally routed to offsite stream at North-west corner of the unit. Another stream originating at
North-east (74V02) area runs along the compressor and pump bay area and finally routed to
offsite stream from south of the unit near south battery limit.


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Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:25 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 343 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 26 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Environmental Management
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
Standards set by Central Pollution Control
3. 26.2 346
Board (CPCB) for Oil Refineries

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Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 26 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Environmental Management
Visakh Refinery


Emissions Volatile Organic
15.4 Continuous To atmosphere
( Leaking from compounds
H2S 222
Stripper off gas 988.4 Continuous
HC 835
Regeneration During
298 CO2 77 To atmosphere
Vent gas regeneration
SOx 565

NOx 150
To atmosphere
72-F-01/02 stack 555010 Continuous
emissions CO2 91862

Particulate 82
H2S 268ppm
Sour Water Continuous SWSU
5.9 m3/hr NH3 26ppm
Na2So3 30435ppm

Spent caustic During

1.8 m3/hr ETP
regeneration Na2CO3 9919ppm

NaHCO3 25935ppm
Spent catalyst 15487 Kg Once every 3 CO-MO on alumina Industrial land
years base fill

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:26 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 345 of 406
26.2 Standards set by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for Oil Refineries

26.2.1 EFFLUENT:

1 PH 6.0 – 8.5
2 Oil & Grease 5.0
3 BOD 15.0
4 COD 125.0
5 Suspended Solids 20.0
6 Phenols 0.35
7 Sulphides 0.5
8 CN 0.2
9 Ammonia as N 15.0
10 TKN 40.0
11 P 3.0
12 Cr (Hexavalent) 0.1
13 Cr (Total) 2.0
14 Pb 0.1
15 Hg 0.01
16 Zn 5.0
17 Ni 1.0
18 Cu 1.0
19 V 0.2
20 Benzene 0.1
21 BenzoPyrene 0.2

In case of once through cooling with sea water oil & Grease content should be lower than 1.0 mg/l.


Gas 50 50
Sulfur Dioxide
Liquid 1700 850
Gas 350 250
Oxides of Nitrogen
Liquid 450 350
Particulate Matter Gas 10 5
(PM) Liquid 100 50
Gas 150 100
Carbon Monoxide
Liquid 200 150
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:26 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 346 of 406
Nickel and Vanadium
Liquid 5 5
(Ni +V)
Hydrogen Sulfide in
Liquid / gas 150 150
Fuel gas
Sulphur content in
Liquid / Gas 1.0 0.5
Liquid Fuel (wt %)

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:26 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 347 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 27 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Safe Work Practices
Visakh Refinery



Section Sub Section

Title / Heading Page No.
No. No.
5. 27.4 362
6. 27.5 365
7. 27.6 372

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Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 27 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Safe Work Practices
Visakh Refinery



1. It is the policy of the company to ensure the safety of people, equipment and materials
when performing any work within the Refinery premises.
2. Jobs shall be performed only after obtaining the stipulated work permit.
3. Permit shall be issued / renewed and received only by personnel designated for the
same and are to be signed by the issuing / renewing and receiving personnel.
4. All necessary checks and tests shall be conducted to ensure safety of the jobs prior to
issue of permits. All precautionary measures required to be taken shall be clearly
indicated on the permit and their compliance ensured before handling over the permit
to receiver.
5. Permits shall be worded so as to limit the work to the designated areas/ equipment/
facilities, agencies and time.
6. If any of the conditions vary during the work which may affect safety of human being
s and equipment, the job is to be stopped, the permit to be withdrawn and given back
to the issuer. Reason for withdrawing the permit to be mentioned on the permit.
7. If a permit is withdrawn, the work should be restarted only after safe conditions are
established back and clearance obtained from the issuing / renewing authority and
Fire & safety.
8. Work permits shall be made readily available at the work site for verification by
concerned personnel. The permit shall be put in a plastic folder and same will be
displayed at work site. Failure to present the permit on demand for verification shall
result in stoppage of work.
9. No maintenance work should be started until a work permit has been signed and
issued by an authorized person indicating that the area to be worked in has been
properly prepared and tested in accordance with standing maintenance instructions.
10. Special permits are issued for each work category (“hot work, excavations, electrical
works, vessel entry, etc.) with all special requirements for personnel and plant
protection clearly stated. Such permits should be issued for a specific period (e.g. to
cover one operating shift) and only renewed after full re-inspection of working area.
11. Work permits are valid only for the time periods specified in the permit. Normally
the permits will be issued for the General shift timings i.e. 08:00Hrs to 16:30Hrs.
12. If the job is to be continued beyond the time limit specified in the permit, it has to be
renewed at the beginning of the next shift.
13. Extended permits can be issued for major shutdown / project jobs for a maximum
period of 30 days. Executing job supervisor is sole responsible for safe execution of
job. In case of any untoward incident, job supervisor has to report the incident.
14. While renewing a work permit that has already been issued by another issuing
authority of the concerned department, the renewing authority is no way relieved of
the duties and responsibilities specified by the original issuing authority.
15. At the time of renewal of a permit or when the job is no progress, is the issuing or
renewing authority as the case may be feel that some additional conditions or
precautions are to be stipulated or any of the conditions or precautions already
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 349 of 406
stipulated are not necessary based on the prevailing conditions, a new permit is to be
issued incorporating the changes and the previous permit should be withdrawn.
16. All work permits must be closed on completion of the job by the supervisor of the
executing department / section and the permit duly signed for closure is to be returned
to the issuer. Work permits once closed cannot to be renewed.
17. The work permit should be issued for one job only. Separate permits to be issued for
performing separate work on same equipment.
18. No hot work shall be allowed to be included in the hot work permit already issued for
other jobs.
19. Whenever there is a job in pipe track which is in close vicinity ( 5 meters ) of process
unit then prior to issuing of the clearance from the concerned unit in charge should
also be taken.
20. Each hot work permit shall have only a single job with scope written on it and the
person who is taking the gas test must sign on the permit.
21. Always “Receiver” has to sign the permit last, after taking all the necessary approvals
and understanding the necessary safety measures.
22. The job demarcation of each contractor shall be clearly defined on the permit before
hand, incase more than one contractor working in the same area.
23. Welding and cutting:
This is the only occasion where sources of ignition are deliberately introduced into
areas where flammable materials are processed. Such work should only be undertaken
after thorough cleaning, purging, and testing have been completed as described in
previous sections. A special permit should be issued for a specific time duration and
continuous checks must be made during the course of the work with a combustible
gas detector to ensure that the work area is safe for hot work. Wetted canvas or
tarpaulin screens should be erected around the work area to prevent sparks from being
carried out to adjacent areas, and a fire hose and extinguishers must be on hand as an
additional precaution.

Whether the repair work is inside or outside of the vessel purging with air should be
continued while the work is in progress.


There are six types of the permits as per PSM-PR-9

I Cold Work Permit Yellow
II Hot Work Permit Dark Pink
III Electrical Isolation / Energization Permit Dark Blue
IV Excavation Permit Light Green
V Confined Space Entry Permit Brown
VI Loading / Unloading of Hazardous Chemicals Permit Light Blue

I. Cold work Permit:

Cold work is an activity which does not produce sparks of sufficient heat to ignite a
flammable substance of which does not normally cause a serious hazard to the life or health
of people.
Examples : checking of vibration of the pump, grass cutting, housekeeping etc.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 350 of 406
II. Hot work Permit:

Hot work is an activity which produce sparks of sufficient or sufficient heal to ignite
flammable substance and the job which can cause serious hazard to the life or health of
personnel is treated as hot work.

Any job that falls under the following:

a. Arc welding equipment, gas cutting and welding torches, soldering equipment, any
type of electric heating devices, blow torches and other open flames
b. Usage of Diesel generator
c. Usage of Grinding Machines
d. Electric drills and other electric equipment including non – explosion proof lights
concoction and extension cords.
e. Shot / sand blasting and similar spark producing surface preparation.
f. Stress reliving, preheating and induction heating.
g. Electric flash unit / flash bulb for taking photographs and video photography.
Locating and operating welding equipment, internal combustion engines or any other
equipment which may create a source of ignition in hazardous areas.
h. Concrete chipping
i. Fire water usage, isolation of Fire water network
j. Driving any automotive equipment inside process and utility areas, tank farm,
adjacent to any of the sumps in the oil separator, adjacent to the hydrocarbon pump
houses and flare stack areas.
k. Vessel entry/ box up and excavation
Entry into tanks, boilers, furnaces, vessels, drums, sections of the pipelines etc. going
on the roof of floating roof tanks when product level is below three meters from top of
the tank.
l. Road closure, rock blasting, hot tapping.
m. Stopping of steam leaks on live line by using pneumatic drill.
n. Working under water.
o. Radiography, usage of Ultrasonic instruments for thickness measurements
p. Unloading of Acid tankers

III. Electrical Permit:

Any jobs related to the power supply/cutoff requires Electrical permit

I. The principal of “ one job one tag is to be followed in case an Electrical isolation is
given equipment to different agencies for different jobs then a separate electrical tag
is to be provided for individual jobs with different permit numbers.
II. The principal of tag out and tag out is to be followed .i.e., after power isolation the
equipment should be physically started in the field to check for its isolation and
provide the tag before starting the job.

IV. Excavation Permit:

Permit for an activity which involves breaking of any ground surface by person or
machinery for any purpose, including penetrating the ground surface to drive steel or
wooden pickets. Core drilling, drilling for fixings, vertical boring into decking, floor
labs etc. (Taking out layers of soil using any tool)
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 351 of 406
i. Road Cutting.
ii. Tank Dyke wall breaking.
iii. Digging for cable & pipeline laying

V. Confined pace entry Permit:

Permit for an activity within an enclosure with known or potential hazards and
restricted means of entrance and exit which is not normally occupied by people and is
usually not well ventilated.

i. Boilers Process Vessels (aboveground & under ground)

ii. Furnaces Storage tanks
iii. Large Diameter pipes
iv. OWS manholes
v. Effluent Switch pits
vi. Chemical storage room shed
vii. Chemical / Process Pump Houses
viii. Entering Excavation more than 1.2 meter deep

VI. Work Permit for Loading / Unloading of Hazardous chemicals:

Any job related to loading and unloading of Hazardous chemicals permit requires
Loading/Unloading of Hazardous chemicals Permit.

Example: Unloading of HCL, H2SO4 , NaOH, NH3, H2O2, and such other chemicals from a
tank or other containers



1. Issuing / Renewing Authority:

Cold work permits will be issued and / or renewed by authorized personnel of the department
/ section to which the equipment or area belongs. Cold work permit can be renewed for next
shift only.

2 .Receiving Authority:
a. For jobs performed departmentally, the new as well as renewed cold work permits will
be received by the concerned employee of the executing department.
b. For jobs carried out through contractors the cold work permits are to be received directly
by the supervisors of the executing department.


Duties of Issuing / Renewing Authority:

a. Hot work permits will be issued and / or renewed by duly authorized Supervisor of the
owner department of the equipment / area.
b. Identify the hazards and note on the permit. Suggest additional safety measures to carry
out the job safely.
c. Permit valid only for one shift and may be extended for one subsequent shift if condition
permits. Issuer to note the extension of the permit on his copy and in TOB.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 352 of 406
d. Issuer and receiver should be Company employees, Will arrange to deposit Fire House
copy of the permit at box provided at MOI Control room by 10.00 Hrs., 18.00 Hrs and
02.00 Hrs during Day, Evening and Night shift respectively.
e. After office hours the hot work (i.e. Welding, Gas cutting, Grinding etc) to be carried out
with a fire watch from Operations department / Executing dept. / F&S , as decided by the
permit issuing authority.
f. If the permit is renewed, issuer will inform Fire House on telephone

Duties of receiving authority:

The permits are to received by the company employee after understanding the scope of the
job and ensure that the contractor personnel also understand / follow the safety regulations
mentioned in the permit. For jobs carried out through contractors, the permits, fresh or
renewal are to be received directly by the supervisor of the executing department.


Any job related to power supply / cut off requires Electrical Work Permit

Example : Power supply cut off to motor

Duties of Permit Issuer:

The Operation department personnel / owner of the equipment will raise the permit in the
prescribed format and fill the permit as required On receipt of permit back from electrical
Section duly filled and acknowledgement then only issuer will take further action.

Duties of Electrical Section:

On receipt of the permit, Electrical Section personnel will do the needful and note the action
taken on the permit and return the permit to Operations department / permit raiser. In addition
to this the Electrical Maintenance personnel will put a TAG with required information on
electrical panel and on equipment.. On resumption of power supply TAG will be removed
and preserved for 30 days.


The check-listed items in the HOT WORK PERMIT form is elaborated below to explain the
underlying concepts and highlight their significance.

I. Excavation / Road cutting / Fire water usage / Crane operation / Radiography /

Vehicle entry into restricted areas:

1. Clearance obtained for excavation from Electrical departments& Telephone


For any excavation work which may affect underground electrical cables, Electrical
maintenance department should be consulted for obtaining the permits. The depth to which
excavation can be resorted to without damaging the existing facilities should be looked into.
Markers would be put around the area where excavation can be done and the depth should be
indicated in the work permit. Clearance from Telephone Incharge (P & A) also to be taken to
ensure that no telephone cables get damaged while excavation.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 353 of 406
2. Shoring provided
If the excavation depth is more than 2 meters, shoring is to be provided to avoid the caving in
of the earth.

3. Equipment / Area Inspected

Equipment or area where work is to be conducted, should be inspected to ensure that it is safe
to carry out work and assess other safety requirements.

4. NRV provided on fire water inlet

In case of fire water usage for filling water in the tank or flushing the pipelines, NRV is to be
provided on fire water line to avoid the back up of tank content / line content into fire water

5. Overhead HT cables isolated

In case of crane entry and crane movement, the issuer of the permit will inform the Electrical
dept. to isolate the overhead electrical cables if there is a chance of crane coming in contact
with the cables.

6. Flame arrestor on exhaust checked

Although only certified vehicles / engines are permitted in operating areas, it should be
ensured that the flame arrestor is not inadvertently removed. The contractor vehicles should
also have the flame arrestor.

7. Area cordoned off

In order to prevent the unauthorized entry of personnel and to avoid accidents due to
excavated pits, work areas to be cordoned off by Red & White tape.

8. Danger Sign Displayed

To prevent any unwanted entry in the work area and also to caution other personnel, the
danger signed boards are to be provided. For Ex : Road closed, No entry, Men at work Inside.

9. Hydrocarbon Gas Testing Reading

Hydrocarbon presence to be tested by the explosive meter to ensure that the area is free of
hydrocarbon. The gas tester has to write the percentage of gas presence in the permit and will
sign at the designated place.

10. Clearance from F&S:

In case of crane movement and road closure, the issuer of the permit will inform the Fire &
Safety Dept. and take Shift F&S Officer's signature at the prescribed place on the permit.

II. Vessel Entry / Vessel Boxup / Hot Work / Hot Tapping

1. Equipment / Area Inspected

Equipment or area where work is to be carried out, should be inspected to ensure that it is
safe to carry out work. Assess other safety requirements/ stipulations and write if any
additional safety precautions to be taken on the permit. In case of vessel box-up permit, it
should be ensured that the work is complete, all personnel are out, no maintenance gear is left
behind and debris removed.

2. Surrounding area checked / cleaned

Unsafe conditions for performance of work may arise from surrounding area which should be
cleaned up to remove flammable material such as oil, rags, grass etc.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 354 of 406
3. Sewers, Manholes, CBD etc and hot surfaces covered
There are chances of hydrocarbon vapor present in sewers, manholes and CBD, which may
get ignited during hot jobs. Therefore such areas should be covered. Hot un-insulated
surfaces/ pipelines may provide a source of ignition. Therefore these are to be properly
covered to prevent fires.

4. Consider hazard from routing / non routing operations and concerned personnel
Other activities (routine and non routine ) being carried out nearby areas, which can create
conditions unsafe for performance of the intended job. Therefore these activities should be
taken into consideration and the concerned personnel should be alerted accordingly.

5. Equipment electrically isolated and tagged

Before issuing permit for mechanical / electrical work in the operating area, it should be
ensured that the equipment is Electrically isolated and switches are locked out, cautionary
tags duly signed with date and time are attached.

6. Running water hose, Portable extinguishers provided & firewater system checked for
Running water hose and portable fire extinguishers are required respectively to flush/ dilute
in case of release of any hazardous chemical or to quench sparks and to put out small fires
immediately. In order to meet any contingency, it should be ensured that the fire water
system including fire water pumps., storage, network etc. checked and kept ready for
immediate use.

7. Equipment blinded / isolated / disconnected / closed / wedged open

Equipment / vessel on which the work permit is being issued should be completely isolated
from the rest of the plant with which it is connected during the normal operation, in order to
ensure that there is no change in the work environment with respect to presence of toxic /
flammable gases, liquids, hazardous chemicals etc. in course of the work. Blinding is one of
the most effective ways of isolation. Blind should be installed as close to the vessel as
possible. If lines cannot be blinded then it should be disconnected and the open end should be
made safe by installing caps / plugs, blind flanges, mud packing etc.

8. Equipment properly drained and depressurized

Equipment under pressure should be depressurized after the isolation. This will be followed
by draining / purging, water flushing etc. as the case may be. Equipment containing liquid
hydrocarbon should be drained completely. There may be a possibility of liquid getting
collected in pockets or inaccessible areas such as level gauges, small nozzles/ bleeders on
vessels, laterals in the pipe line etc. All low point drains should be in unplugged and kept in
open condition.

9. Equipment properly Steam purged / Water flushed

Purging of equipment (Vessels, Pipelines, Compressors etc ) is done to make them free of
flammable hydrocarbons and toxic gases. Steam/ inert gas is used for gas-freeing of vessels
and pipes in refineries and other locations. Other means of purging is by displacement with
water and final traces of gas removal by air eductor. Eductor to be placed continuously for
minimum 4 to 8hours depending upon the volume of the vessel. All high point vents should
be unplugged while purging. Purging may be done continuously or in batches to conserve
purge medium. It should be done in a systematic manner to cover the entire equipment / plant
and continued till the concentration of toxic / flammable gas is lowered to allowable level.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 355 of 406
10. Gas / Oxygen deficiency test done and found OK
Hydrocarbon presence to be tested by the explosive meter to ensure that the area is free of
hydrocarbon. In case of confined space entry, in addition to hydrocarbon, presence of oxygen
and toxic gases to be checked.

a) Hydrocarbons concentration should not be more than 20 % of LEL.

b) Oxygen content for vessel entry should be more than 19.5 %.
c) Hydrogen sulphide content should be less than 2 ppm (TLV 10 ppm) .
d) Carbon monoxide content should be less than 10 ppm (TLV 25 ppm).

Measurement of lead in air is required for entering leaded tanks and personal protective
equipment shall be worn before entering the tank. Octel/Ethyl regulations are to be followed
while handling leaded gasoline tanks. Gas tests may be specified for vessel entry including
open excavation where head of a man will be below ground level and when hot work is being
carried out. The person carrying out gas test must wear proper protective gear. Operations
Technician will take the gas tests and write the reading in the gas testing column and sign at
designated place.

11. Shield against sparks provided

In order to protect against welding sparks which can provide ignition in operating areas,
shields are to be provided. The shield material should be non-flammable and should be kept
wet with water. Preferably flame-proof tarpaulin to be used.

12. Proper ventilation and lighting provided

Where natural ventilation is not available fan / air eductor are provided. Some types of work
like welding may generate fumes. Facilities may be required for the speedy dispersal of these

Lights and plugs should be of flame-proof type. Only approved reduced voltage extension
lights ( not exceeding 24 volts ) are to be allowed for work inside vessel.

13. Proper means of exit provided

Proper means of exit is required in case of emergencies developed on account of work or
otherwise. Availability of an alternate route of escape should be considered.

14. Precautionary tags / boards provided

To prevent any unwarranted entry in the work area and also to caution other personnel taking
actions which may endanger people working on the permit job, precautionary tags/boards are
to be provided like "No Entry" or "Caution-Men at Work Inside" on the manhole of a

15. Portable equipment / Hose nozzles, properly grounded

As a precaution against static electricity generation, portable equipment / hose nozzles,
example: Nozzle of a sand blasting gun is to be grounded. Use of hydrocarbon lines for
earthing is not allowed.

16. Checked Flame / Spark arrestor on mobile equipment

No vehicle / engine without flame / spark arrestor is permitted in operating areas.

17. Welding machine checked for safe location

Welding machine should be located in a non-hazardous and ventilated area. It should have
proper supervision while welding job is in progress. It should be switched off immediately on
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 356 of 406
completion of the job.

18. Checked for earthing / return connection to the equipment being welded
Before commencing the welding job, ensure that all the cables and earthing connections are
provided as per the standard welding codes / practices.

19. Oxygen and Acetylene cylinders kept outside the vessel / tank
While performing welding / cutting jobs in confined spaces like vessel / tank, ensure that
oxygen and acetylene cylinders are kept outside and hoses for the gases are in good working
condition, without any cracks or wrinkles. Also, hoses should be tightly secured at both the
ends i.e. the torch and the cylinder.

20. Standby person provided for vessel entry

Whenever persons are entering a vessel or work is being carried out in confined space, it is
necessary to keep standby persons at the manhole or entry point holding the rope connected
to the safety belt of the person inside. In case of any emergency inside or outside the vessel,
the standby will be able to pull the person out.

21. Standby person provided for fire watch from Process / Maintenance / Contractor /
Fire & Safety Department
Depending on the criticality of the job, the work permit issuer shall decide the type of the
standby to be provided that is from which department and of what level, how many and also
additional fire fighting support facilities.

22. Iron sulphide removed / kept wet

Pyrophoric substances may be present in operating area / equipment handling hydrocarbon.
Iron sulphide scales is the most common pyrophoric substances encountered. This should be
either removed to safe location or kept wet all the time to prevent the auto ignition.

23. Checked for oil / gas trapped behind lining in equipment

Before undertaking hot jobs, a check should be done for oil / gas trapped behind lining in the
equipment. Many a times oil / gas trapped behind lining depicts itself in the form of swelling
and can be confirmed by way of drilling holes.

24. Area cordoned off

In order to prevent the un-authorized entry of people and to avoid accidents during
excavations work areas are to be cordoned off.

25. Clearance obtained for dyke cutting

When the dyke is cut, any mishap in the tank farm can lead to a free flow of oil to outside the
bund. DGM Operations is designated for authorizing dyke cutting. Further, it should be
ensured that dyke would be reconstructed in the shortest possible time. For example, if pipes
have to be laid through the dykes, the pipes should be laid quickly and plugged / capped, so
that the dyke can be closed. Thereafter, balance of pipe fabrication can continue without any
risk. Standby personnel should be available at the work site, who should possess a suitable
size steel plate for blocking the opening in case of mishap / tank failure. If no work is
undertaken in evening and night shifts, invariably the gap should be closed with steel plate
and mud packing at the end of day's work.

26. Inspection Approval

While it is presumed that modification jobs will be undertaken always with the approval of
designated authority, it is further to be noted that hot tapping shall be undertaken after an
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 357 of 406
approval by Inspection personnel. Continuous flow in the line to be ensured. Gas and airlines
are not permitted for hot tapping work.


The following areas are exempted where no work permit is required to carry out the job.

• Project Building
• Machine Shop
• Fire House
• Garage
• Contractor Yard
• Dispensary
• Administration and Technical Service Building
• South gate and Main gate

No fabrication work is allowed beyond FCCU-I. All such jobs to be done in the Contractor
Yard, which is earmarked for this purpose.


Any place is termed as confined space if it meets the following criteria:

a) It is large enough and configured such that an employee can bodily enter and perform
the assigned task.
b) And has limited or restricted means for entry or exit.
c) And is not designed for continuous employee occupancy.
d) And it may contain or produce dangerous contaminants.

The examples of confined space in refinery are vessels, tanks, furnaces, boilers, pits,
manholes, sewers, heat exchanger shells (open from one end), excavation deeper than 1.2
meters, entry on floating roof tanks when roof is more than 3 meters below from the top of
tank shell, AC ducting systems, etc.
27.3.1 Hazards Involved:

• Oxygen Deficiency (less than 19.5% volume): This leads to asphyxiation.

• Presence of toxic, corrosive, hazardous materials: Maximum allowable are H2S=
2ppm, HC=20% LEL, CO= 10 ppm, NH3=25ppm.
• Presence of flammable, combustible, explosive or pyrophoric materials: They lead to
incidents like fire, etc.
• Restricted Access- Limited number of entry, exit points: This can lead to problem of
evacuating the entrants immediately in case of an emergency.
• Restriction of freedom of movement inside confined space: This can cause unwanted
emergencies due to space constraint problem.
• Falling/tripping hazard: Falling hazards can cause injuries, accidents, etc when any
object falls from higher elevations. Uneven flooring/obstructions in the walk way etc.
Can cause tripping hazard.
• Inadequate Illumination/visibility/communication: this can cause unwanted incidents
and confusion in case of emergencies.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 358 of 406
• High temperature and humidity: Surfaces of high temperature can cause injuries
humidity/vapour can cause suffocation problems and breathing problems.
• Electrical, static or radioactive hazards: This can cause electric shocks to human life
and may create sparks/fire, etc.
• Mechanical Hazards: Mechanical hazards can cause accidents, incidents, injuries to
human life.

27.3.2 Preparatory work Before Issuing Confined Space entry Permit:

• All personnel involved with confined space entry should be aware of hazards and
no person should enter the confined space unless entry permit has been obtained
by the concerned supervisor.
• All the connected lines to the confined space have to blinded or disconnected by
blind flanges. No entry can be given without positive isolation.
• Power driven internal equipments such as mixers shall be disconnected
electrically by an authorized person.
• Mechanical ventilation equipment shall be properly grounded (earthed) to
dissipate any static charges. Pneumatic air movers (educators) and exhaust fans
are recommended for this purpose. Electrical powered fans if any shall be
explosion proof types. Air intake of forced ventilation equipment shall be from an
uncontaminated location.
• Utility or instrument air cannot be used as means of ventilation or as air supply to
breathing apparatus. All entrants shall wear personal monitors as required (H2S,
CO, O2).
• Adequate illumination shall be provided using 24V or below explosion proof
lamps. Use of any electrical equipment above 24V shall have ‘earth leakage
circuit breaker’ and also F&S department approval.
• Wherever possible, the confined space shall be adequately ventilated to enable
entry without requirement of respiratory protection equipment. At least two
manways should be open in every chamber of vessel for proper ventilation.
• Care should be taken when ventilating vessels containing ‘pyrophoric iron scales
to avoid spontaneous ignition. In such situation entry with required safety
precautions or handling pyrophoric iron in wet condition should be adopted.
• The confined area shall be made safe for entry by such methods as depressurizing,
venting, draining, steaming, washing and ventilating. Radiation sources if any
shall be removed.
• Shift in charge should be aware of possible behavioral effects of hazard exposure
in confined space area before issuing the work permit at confined space area.

27.3.3 Gas Testing Procedure:

• Shift in charge has to ensure all the meters/instruments to be used for gas test are
ready to use.
• Technicians have to ensure that the meter is in good condition and it has to be
checked and logged in TOB at the starting of the shift. If any problem is found
with the instruments, it has to be brought immediately to shift in charge’s notice.
• The gas tests have to be carried out and the testing result values have to be
recorded in the permit. F&S personnel can be called for entry into critical areas
for witnessing gas test and providing guidance as required.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 359 of 406
• First, the meter should be checked in fresh air (preferably in safe zone/field room).
Batteries should not be changed or charged in hazardous area. Testing
immediately after stopping the purge may give misleading results. Purge medium
or air mover should be stopped temporarily for 15 minute or more depending on
the size of space prior to measurement.
• Initially the test has to be done from outside the confined space, using a long
probe. If the initial gas tests indicate a concentration above the permissible limits,
further was freeing should be done until the gas concentration is within
permissible limits.
• Test result should be representative of the entire confined space. Hence the need
may arise to enter for gas testing at different locations inside large tanks or towers
and complex vessels based upon number of manways, toxic material handled, size
of vessel, etc to get a representative result. Operation shift supervisor should
decide at initial stage, the need for entering the confined space for gas testing.
• The job executing supervisor should witness or satisfy himself, that actual gas test
has been done before issuing and accepting the permit. Receiver can refuse the
permit if proper gas test was not done. For critical entries, the receiver should
accompany the gas tester upto the manway.
• At least 13% oxygen is required to obtain an accurate LEL reading from a
combustible gas meter. Hence, these cannot give a proper reading in atmospheres
such as vessel purged with steam/nitrogen. Hence LEL and O2 shall be measured
• Gas meters should be calibrated once in a month and certified by HPCL
instrumentation section. Record for each gas tester is maintained by
instrumentation section. Next calibration due date should be marked on the tester.

27.3.4 Confined Space Entry Permit:

• The permit receiver should give “safety pep-talk” to entrants about the hazards
and precautions prior to entry.
• The receiver has to provide means for easy exit and entry of personnel into and
out of the confined space. Safety rope should be provided where required.
• Hot work permit has to be issued in case of confined space entry and should be
completely filled. Non-relevant items should be struck off.
• The issuer has to make the receiver aware of the hazards involved in confined
space entry and precautions to be taken.
• Where atmosphere within confined space is initially safe, but there is a reason to
believe that it may become unsafe during the period for which entry is authorized
(from emission of fumes from sludge or deposits contained in the space or
welding fumes), continuous gas monitoring is required. The same has to be
mentioned on the permit at the time of issuing.

27.3.5 Communication at Confined Area:

• Shift in charge should make effective communication visually or by voice with the
entrants, effective means of communication should be available. Intrinsically safe
hands-free communication sets should be preferred.
• In IDLH (immediately dangerous to life or health) atmosphere, a common
communication link system should be provided and used by personnel who are
entering, standby, and maintaining the life support system. IDLH values for toxic
gases are H2S =300 ppm and CO= 1500 ppm.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 360 of 406
• Shift in charge should ensure that all the entrants should be evacuated if the
communication is interrupted.
• Shift in charge may enter a confined space to attempt a rescue with the help of
F&S personnel and co-ordinate for rescue operations.
• Shift in charge should monitor all the activities inside a confined space to
determine if it is safe for entrants to remain in the space and can order all the
entrants to evacuate in case he feels the presence of any prohibited condition.
• F & S personnel have to be communicated as soon as the shift in charge
determines that authorized entrants may need assistance to escape from confined
space hazards.

27.3.6 Requirements for Entry with Respiratory Protection:

• Entrants should wear air supplied respirators in oxygen deficient atmospheres,

when toxics are beyond TLV and where atmosphere within confined space is
initially made safe, but there is a reason to believe that it may become unsafe
during the period for which entry has been authorized.
• Under no circumstances chemical cartridge/canister type gas masks should be
used for confined space entry. Particular respirators have to be used if required.
• Receivers have to ensure that air supplied respirators are in good condition, well
maintained and inspected according to manufacturer’s specifications.
• Breathing apparatus users should be medically certified and properly trained to
use breathing apparatus.
• Entrants should wear harness attached to lifelines and be attended by an attendant
who should have breathing apparatus and clothing ready for use outside the
confined space.
• In IDLH atmospheres, entrants shall wear breathing apparatus or airline mask
attached with standby escape set. Rescue arrangements should be made ready with
the help of F&S.

27.3.7 Additional Requirements for Inert Entry:

Creating inert atmosphere is required where it is impossible to gas free below 20% LEL
and/or presence of pyrophoric material. Inert atmosphere are IDLH due to oxygen deficiency.

• Oxygen concentration in the inert confined space should not exceed 5%.
Hydrocarbon should be below 100% LEL at the manway.LEL reading inside is
not required.
• Issuer has to ensure continuous oxygen monitoring and alerting the attendant to
evacuate entrants if oxygen level is exceeded. Audio-visual alarm is
• The people not entering the confined area have to wear respiratory protection if
the effluent from the confined space contaminates the air.
• Independent source of air for different people with low pressure alarm and escape
cylinder attached to waist shall be provided.

27.3.8 Checkout Prior to New Unit Start-up

The risk of exposure to hydrocarbon, toxic or poisonous gases, and catalyst dust is low during
a new unit checkout; the primary danger is nitrogen. There will be pressure testing, line
flushing, hydro testing, and possibly chemical cleaning being conducted in the unit and
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 361 of 406
nitrogen may be used during any of these activities. Some of the equipment may have been
inventoried with nitrogen to protect the internals from corrosion. An additional hazard is
posed by operations in other parts of the plant, which may be beyond the control of the
people entering the vessel so that action taken at a remote location could admit nitrogen, fuel
gas, steam, or other dangerous material through a connecting process line into the vessel,
which is being entered. For these reasons vessel entry procedures must still be rigorously
followed during the checkout of a new unit.

Each vessel should be blinded using blinds at each vessel nozzle. However, in the event that
many vessels are to be entered in a new unit that is isolated from other plants, the entire unit
can be isolated by installing blinds at the battery limits rather than by individually isolating
every vessel nozzle. The oxygen content of the atmosphere inside a vessel should be reached
before every entry.

27.3.9 Inspections during Turnarounds

In turnaround inspections, the possibility that vessels will contain dangerous gases is much
higher. Equipment which has been in service must be thoroughly drained and purged before
entry. The vessel should have been steamed out, unless steam presents a hazard to the
internals and then fresh air circulated through it until all traces of hydrocarbons are gone. If
liquid hydrocarbon remains or if odours persist afterwards, repeat the purging procedure until
the vessel is clean. The service history of the vessel must also be investigated before entry so
that appropriate precautions may be taken. The service may require a neutralization step or a
special cleaning step to make the vessel safe. Internal scale can trap poisonous gases such as
hydrogen sulfide or hydrogen fluoride, which may be released when the scale is disturbed. If
this sort of danger is present, fresh air masks and protective clothing may be required to be
worn while working inside of the equipment. In a turnaround inspection, every vessel nozzle
must be blinded at the vessel with absolutely no exceptions. There will always be process
material at the low and high points in the lines connecting to the vessel because it is not
possible to purge them completely clean. The blinds must all be in place before the vessel is
purged. Another factor to be cautious of, especially if entering a vessel immediately after the
unit has been shut down, is heat. The internals of the vessels can still be very hot from the
steam-out procedure or from operations prior to the shutdown. If that is the case, the period of
time spent working inside of the vessel should be limited and frequent breaks should be taken
outside of the vessel.


In the refinery any maintenance job needs a preparatory work prior to conducting the job.
When any jobs (cold or hot) has to be done in areas where flammable/hazardous mixtures are
likely to be present, the isolation of equipment involved in the job, has to be done in a proper
and scientific way for the safety of the equipment and personnel.

27.4.1 Purging/ Isolation of the Equipment:

Before any maintenance job is done in the plant, it is necessary to remove all flammable or
toxic gases from the system. Inert gas, nitrogen or steam may be used for purging. Water is
used for flushing after ensuring that the equipment can carry weight of water involved. The
part of the plant or the system to be purged is to be isolated either by closing appropriate
valves or by proper blinding. No valves should be considered leak proof and in any the cases
of maintenance jobs. Isolation of equipment is to be done by blinding. A blind list should be
prepared for isolation of equipment and check shall be done to comply with it.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 362 of 406
If the line to be welded has contained flammable material it must be drained and section
should be disconnected at both ends. The whole section or the isolated portion should be then
gas freed and tested before welding commences. Where isolation and gas freeing are
impracticable, the line after draining should be washed thoroughly with water and
welding/hot job while charged with low-pressure steam or filled with water.
27.4.2 While opening any flange joint for installation of blind, the following procedure must
be followed:

• Wear protective clothing and appropriate eye/face protection.

• Ensure adequate working platform is provided.
• Initially flange bolts to be slackened slowly by standing upwind direction and
cross check for presence of flammable or toxic gas, blots opening can be
performed at a faster rate.
• Removing flange bolts leaving a minimum of two bolts, then loose last two bolts
without completely removing the nuts. Spread the flanges to install blinds. Always
open flange on the side away from the person so that any sudden release will be
directed away from the personnel.
• The presence of concerned operation technician is a must for any emergency help,
like further isolation etc.
• Hot cutting for flange nut bolts will be permitted only when presence of
flammable of toxic gases is ensured zero.

27.4.3 Mud Packing:

Most common method used for plugging the end of pipeline for hot work is “MUD
PACKING”. The main objective of mud packing is to block the hydrocarbon vapour, which
might be present in the pipeline.
Procedure for Mud Packing:

• Cold cut the line on which the flange is to be welded.

• Insert the plug into the pipe as shown in the sketch.
• The plug must have a hollow 1” pipe connected at the centre and pipe will be
extended to a distance 5 feet away from the hot work area. The purpose of hollow
pipe at the centre is to prevent any pressure build-up on the upstream. At frequent
intervals the presence of toxic/flammable gases is to be checked and recorded so
as to ensure that there is no abnormal situation at the site. The gap between the
pipe and plug shall be nicely packed with clay mud as shown in the sketch.
• The gas coming out from the vent point to be continuously monitored.
• Once the welding is completed, the plug has to be taken out along with the mud
by pulling.

Typical sketch of mud packing:

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 363 of 406
27.4.4 Removal of Scaling:

• After draining and isolation of the vessel is completed, the material left, such as
sludge has to be removed. A powerful jet of water applied through an open
manhole can remove sludge. If this is not possible, use reagent to dissolve the
sludge/scale. The liquid may be removed through the drain and the whole system
may then be flushed with water.
• Where the scaling cannot be removed by liquid, it should be chipped away. Care
in this case has to be taken that non-sparking tools are used for chipping purposes
and the area is kept wet with water if there is even a possibility of generation of
inflammable vapour.
• When process equipment is removed from a unit and must be sent elsewhere for
repair, it is operations supervisor’s responsibility to see that it is thoroughly
cleaned and/or properly tagged if it has contained flammable, corrosive or toxic
chemicals or iron sulfide.
• Equipment having contained ‘sour’ stock must be inspected by operation
personnel for iron sulphide deposits. Arrangements must be made to remove them
after wetting till such time such deposits should be kept wet to prevent
spontaneous combustion.
• Personnel entering tank which are not declared ‘free’ of hydrocarbon vapour
should wear breathing apparatus set. Personnel should enter with “Entry Permit”
and keeping a person as standby.

27.4.5 Preparation for Hot work after cleaning the equipment:

• All cold work cleaning rules must be observed in preparing equipment for hot
• When normal cold work preparation has not satisfactorily removed rust, oil or
lead sludge from internal surfaces of vessels they must be hand scrapped or if
practicable, they must be sand blasted with the nozzle bonded to the equipment
being sand blasted.
• Sewers openings in the area of hot work are to be sealed to ensure prevention of
flammable atmosphere. The seal must be removed upon job completion. Sand

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 364 of 406
should not be used for sewer sealing because vapors may escape through the
porous material. Pit covers can be sealed by mud packing.
• Lines, vessels, etc which have contained flammable, toxic or otherwise injurious
materials must be carefully checked and appropriate measures taken to ensure that
liquids or gases are not entrapped between lines and vessel shell.

27.4.6 Preparation of Equipment for return to service:

• It should be ensured that all foreign materials/scales/rust etc are removed and
equipment is properly cleaned prior to giving box-up permit.
• It has to be ensured that water or test liquid has been drained properly.
• Carefully inspect all the equipment that has been repaired before returning it to
service in order to be sure that all the guards and safety devices are placed back
and they are in safe condition to operate.



In a refinery any maintenance job needs a preparatory work prior to conducting a job. When
any job (hot or cold) had to be done in areas where flammable /hazardous mixtures are likely
to be present, the isolation of equipment is involved in the job, has to be done in a proper and
scientific way for the safety of equipment and personnel.

a) Venting and draining of Equipment and systems

If it is necessary to drain or depressurize a vessel or system containing flammable material to

drums, sewer or to atmosphere, the following precautions should be taken:

a. Remove all personnel not actually performing the operations from the area.
b. Take full measures to ensure that there are no sources of ignition in the area.
These measures should include the following:
* Prohibit welding and cutting
* Use non-sparking tools
* Cut off all electric power except that required for the operation
* Prohibit automotive vehicles in immediate area

b) Isolation and purging of equipment for removal or entry

Once a system has been depressurized, it must be purged and positively isolated from other
equipment by means of blinds. In addition block valves should be closed, where present. Do
not rely on closed block valves only for positive isolation, since there is always the
possibility of leakage or inadvertent operation. The block valve itself should be tagged “DO
NOT OPERATE”. Before breaking flanges in order to blind equipment or piping, the system
must be purged with nitrogen or steam as specified in written procedures so that blinded
installation itself is not hazardous. Purging should then be continued until the system is
acceptable for maintenance work to begin. All low points and potential pockets must be
checked and purged of all process material.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 365 of 406
c) Testing for the atmosphere

After draining, depressurizing, isolating and purging the vessel, the atmosphere in the vessel
and in the surrounding area should be tested with an approved combustible gas indicator to
make sure that a hazardous (flammable or toxic) condition does not exist. Before allowing
any working personnel to enter the area for the purpose of proceeding with inspection or
maintenance, the unit should be thoroughly ventilated with air. Frequent testing should be
performed whenever welding or burning work is carried out, and whenever vessel entry is

27.5.1 Pumps / Turbines seal repairs:

For Handing over to maintenance:

1. Isolate suction, discharge and warm up valves.
2. Allow the system to cool down and then drain to CBD through casing after removing
blinds on CBD of the concerned.
3. After ensuring the stock is empty depressurize it to CBD/Flare. Open pump vent point
valve for proper depressurizing.
4. Blinding is to be done for proper isolation on suction, discharge, warm-up, seal liquid,
and CBD lines and update blinds register.
5. Isolate power to the pump & tag.
6. Isolate steam to the turbine &depressurize and blind it on steam side (if applicable).
7. Issue permit, decouple turbine /pump after ensuring the above.
8. Keep equipment under maintenance display board.

Note: disconnect instrument thermocouples as per rotary.

After the seal replacement on pump/ Turbine:

1. Check BCW, seal system and remove any foreign materials in and around
pump/turbine basements
2. Remove blinds on suction, discharge and warm up, CBD, seal systems. Ensure proper
gaskets are installed.
3. Close pump vent, open casing drain to CBD. Throttle pump discharge High Point
Vent (HPV) valve to remove air.
4. Open suction slightly to fill casing and to remove air from downstream HPV point.
5. Once oil is coming through downstream HPV point, close it. Also close casing drain
to CBD and check pump blind flanges with suction pressure for leaks.
6. Open pump warm up valve slightly for warm up condition (only for hot service
7. Allow rotary to do hot alignment.
8. Allow maintenance to do hot bolting on blind flanges.
9. After hot alignment and coupling fixing, check for free movement of shaft.
10. Check no load and direction of motor rotation before coupling as per rotary/Electrical
and isolate power.
11. After ensuring all the jobs are over power to motor is to be released. Steam blind to
turbine is to be removed.
12. When all the above factors are ok place the pump /Turbine and see the performance.
13. Keep casing drain to CBD\OWS blind.
14. Ensure updating of gaskets and blind registers.
15. Remove equipment under maintenance display board.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 366 of 406
27.5.2 Pump \ Turbine suction strainers cleaning:

For Handing over to maintenance:

1. Isolate suction, discharge and warm up valves.

2. Allow the system to cool down and then drain to CBD through casing after removing
blinds on CBD of the concerned.
3. After ensuring the stock is drained, depressurize it to CBD/Flare. Open pump vent
point valve for proper depressurizing.
4. Blinding is to be done for proper isolation on suction, discharge, warm-up, flushing
oil, seal oil, seal steam and CBD lines and update blinds register.
5. Isolate power to the pump & tag.
6. Isolate steam to the turbine &depressurize and blind it on steam side.
7. Issue permit, decouple turbine /pump after ensuring the above.
8. Keep equipment under maintenance display board.

After the suction strainer cleaning on pump/ Turbine:

1. Check BCW, seal system and remove any foreign materials in and around
pump/turbine basements
2. Remove blinds on suction, discharge and warm up, CBD, seal systems. Ensure proper
gaskets are installed.
3. Close pump vent, open casing drain to CBD. Throttle pump discharge High Point
Vent (HPV) valve to remove air.
4. Open suction slightly to fill casing and to remove air from downstream HPV point.
5. Once oil is coming through downstream HPV point, close it. Also close casing drain
to CBD and check pump blind flanges with suction pressure for leaks.
6. Open pump warm up valve slightly for warm up condition (only for hot service
7. After ensuring all the jobs are over power to motor is to be released. Steam blind to
turbine is to be removed.
8. When all the above factors are ok place the pump/Turbine and see the performance.
9. Keep casing drain to CBD\OWS blind.
10. Ensure updating of gaskets and blind registers.
11. Remove equipment under maintenance display board.

27.5.3 LPG/ Naphtha pumps seal repairs:

1. Isolate suction, discharge and warm up valves

2. Isolate self coolant lines.
3. Depressurize the content to flare through casing vent to flare.
4. Provide steam hose connection pump D\S PG point/HPV (High Point Vent).
5. After ensuring gas is depressurized close casing vent to flare, Open casing drain to
OWS and check if any gas is coming.
6. Observe passing of valves during depress ring to flare through sweating of lines.
7. Ensuring system is depressurized blind S\C, D\S, and self coolant, casing CBD\OWS
and flare systems, update blind register.
8. Isolate power to the pump and disconnect steam hose.
9. Issue permit to rotary to carry out the seal replacement job.
10. Keep equipment under maintenance display board.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 367 of 406
Note: Inform instrument people to check and repair seal pot pressure and low level
switches if any.

After the seal replacement on pump/ Turbine:

1. Provide steam hose at pump downstream PG point.

2. Check self coolant systems.
3. Check and remove all foreign materials in and around pump basement area.
4. Remove blinds on suction, downstream and self coolant systems.
5. Open steam and pressure test the pump for blinding flange leaks.
6. Close vents and bleeders.
7. During slight steam purge open suction valve and casing vent to flare for some time,
and close steam completely.
8. Close casing vent to flare after some time.
9. Open casing drain to displace condensate if any.
10. Blind pump casing drain to OWS\CBD.
11. Check for no load test before fixing coupling as per rotary \ electrical.
12. When all jobs are over release power to motor and check direction of pump.
13. Place the pump online slowly and check the performance.
14. Ensure updation of blind and gasket registers.
15. Remove equipment under maintenance display board.

27.5.4 Releasing and commissioning of coolers, condensers and exchangers for tube leaks:


1. Isolate inlet and outlet valves on shell and tube.

2. Depressurize the hydro carbon content to CBD after removing blind.
3. Cooling water is to be de-pressured to storm sewer.
4. Provide steam connection on shell side vent and start initial steaming.
5. After ensuring sweat steam and non passing of isolation valves stop steaming and
blind both sides shell and tube inlet and outlet lines and update blind register.
6. Again carry out final steaming for 2 to 3 hrs then stop steam.
7. Again put blinds to CBD lines.
8. Allow maintenance to carry tube leak jobs.
9. Care should be taken while bundle is pulled out and when fixing and dropping of

Commissioning of cooler/condenser:

1. After the maintenance jobs are over connect steam hoses on shell side vents.
2. Deblind the shell and tube sides.
3. Carry out steam test for blinding flanges.
4. When there is no leak, deblind Flare vent and CBD blinds.
5. Drain condensate to CBD.
6. Remove all steam hoses and cap off vents.
7. Ensuring water is displaced open inlet and outlet valves slightly keeping bypass in
wide open condition. Slowly open inlet and outlet valves and slowly close bypass

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 368 of 406
8. Establish cooling water flow through cooler/condenser and close intermediate sewer
valve before establishing flow on shell side.
9. Observe pressure and temperature and slowly open valves on shell & tube.
10. Check for flange leaks if any.
11. Blind CBD\OWS lines.
12. Ensure blind and gasket registers are updated.

Air fin coolers:

1. Isolate inlet and outlet valves on tube side.

2. Depressurize the hydro carbon content to CBD after removing blind.
3. For attending the tube leak of one AFC, both the common inlet and outlet are to be
isolated. Power to AFC fans is also to be isolated.
4. Provide steam connection on tube side and start initial steaming.
5. After ensuring sweat steam and non passing of isolation valves stop steaming and
blind tube inlet and outlet lines and update blind register.
6. Carry out final steaming for 2 to 3 hrs then stop steam.
7. Put blinds to CBD lines.
8. Allow maintenance to carry tube leak jobs.
9. Care should be taken while bundle is pulled out and when fixing and dropping of
10. Other standby AFC can be placed on line as per procedure after properly isolating &
blinding the AFC handed over to maintenance.

Commissioning of Air fin cooler:

1. After the maintenance jobs are over, connect steam hoses on tube side after isolating
the common inlet and outlet valves and power to fans.
2. Deblind the tube side.
3. Carry out steam test for blinding flanges at 5 to 6 Kg\Cm2.
4. When there is no leak, deblind CBD blinds.
5. Flush to CBD.
6. Isolate all steam hoses and cap off vents.
7. After filling with product on tube during slight steam purge by opening slightly inlet
and outlet so as to displace water to CBD/OWS, remove all steam hoses.
8. After ensuring water is displaced, open inlet and outlet valves wide.
9. Restore power to the fans for starting.
10. Observe pressure and temperature and slowly open valves on tube.
11. Check for leaks for flanges if any.
12. Blind CBD\OWS lines.
13. Update gasket and blind register.

For exchangers:

1. Isolate inlet, outlet, warm up valves, TSV’s on shell and tube sides and open bypass.
2. Steam connections are to be given to vents and depressurize to CBD\OWS on both

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 369 of 406
3. Ensuring sweat steam and non passing of isolation valves blind both shell and tube
side inlet and outlet. Also carry out hot bolting of component bolts for dropping
during steaming condition.
4. Release exchanger for dropping components after closing steam valve. Disconnect it
only after final steaming for 2 to 3 hours.
5. Blind CBD lines and update blind register.

Commissioning of exchanger:

1. After the maintenance jobs are over connect steam hoses on shell and tube
side vents.
2. Deblind the shell and tube sides.
3. Carry out steam test for blinding flanges..
4. When there is no leak deblind flare vents and CBD blinds.
5. Open inlet and flush to CBD\OWS.
6. Remove all steam hoses and cap off vents.
7. After filling with process fluid to displace water/condensate to CBD\OWS
through top of the bundle on shell & tube. Open inlet and outlet valves
slightly. Keep open wide seeing the unit conditions then close bypass valve.
8. Observe pressure and temperature on both sides.
9. Slowly keep the exchanger fully in service. Check for leaks on flanges and
update blind register.


Before opening any equipment, it should be purged to render the internal Atmosphere non-
explosive and breathable.

The operations to be carried out are:

i) Isolation with valves and blinds.
ii) Draining and depressurization.
iii) Replacement of vapours or gas by steam, water or inert gas.
iv) Take care about instrument tapping.
v) Washing of towers and vessels with water.
vi) Ventilation of equipment.
vii) Opening of top manhole.
viii) Testing of inside Atmosphere inside the vessel with explosive meter.
ix) Complete opening if inside Atmosphere is satisfactory.
x) Analyze the Atmosphere inside for O2 content and any poisonous gas.


Open a vent on the upper part of the vessel to allow gases to escape during filling and to
allow air into inside the vessel during draining. Ensure proper ventilation inside the vessel by
opening all manholes. For hydrocarbon or other gases, pressurize the vessel with N2 or gas
and fill in the liquid and drain under pressure. This is to avoid hydrocarbon going to


Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 370 of 406
Following items should be checked by a responsible operating supervisor before an
equipment is handed over for maintenance after it has been purged.

a. Ascertain that equipment is isolated by proper valves and blinds.

b. Ascertain that there is no pressure of hydrocarbons in the lines, vessels and
c. Purge the system with N2 first and later by air and check for O2 content at vent and
drain to ensure that the vessel is full of air.
d. Check that steam injection lines and any inert line connections are disconnected or
isolated from the equipment.
e. Provide tags on the various blinds to avoid mistakes. Maintain a register for blinds.
f. Check for pyrophoric iron and if existing, keep this wet with water.
g. Keep the surrounding area cleaned up.
h. Get explosive meter test done in vessels, lines, equipment and surrounding areas.
i. If welding or hot work is to be done also:
j. Keep fire-fighting devices ready for use nearby.
k. Close the neighboring surface drains with wet gunny bags,
l. Keep water flowing in the neighboring area to cool down any spark bits etc.
m. Keep steam lancers ready for use.

After the above operations have been made, a safety permit should be issued for carrying out
the work. A responsible operating supervisor should be personally present at the place of hot
work till the first torch is lighted. Hot work should be immediately suspended if instructed by
the supervisor or on detecting any unsafe condition. When people have to enter a vessel for
inspection or other work, one person should stand outside near the manhole of the vessel for
any help needed by the persons working inside. The person entering the vessel should have
tied on his waist a rope to enable pulling him out in case of urgency.

27.5.6 Oil guns cleaning procedure:

• Before dropping oil gun inform to DCS supervisor.

• During oil gun dropping and placing oil fire keep stack damper wide open position to
prevent excessive pressure developing in the furnace
• Confirm with DCS about stack damper opening.
• Remove oil fire.
• Purge oil gun with steam thoroughly to prevent plugging with fuel oil and to avoid oil
spillage while dropping oil gun. This is very important in view of safety of personnel.
• Keep gas fire and pilot fires.
• Before dropping oil gun close fuel oil, purge steam valves and atomizing steam valves.
• Check burner in-side for oil accumulation through burner view ports
• Use face shield and asbestos gloves during checking and dropping of oil gun.
• While dropping slacken yoke or oil body slowly by unlocking clevis handle.
• Keep burner drain at assembly open to drain oil inside, if any.
• Do not allow oil gun more time without steam purging when gas fire is in-side as the oil
burner tip will get damage
• If oil accumulation is not there gun can be dropped safely for cleaning
• If oil accumulation is there then remove all fires and close air registers for cooling before
• After dropping gun with face shield and asbestos gloves soak it in the soaking pit after
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 371 of 406
• Remove outer barrel, inner barrel and tip etc burner parts. Check the following:
i) Inner barrel and outer barrel should be straight and bends should not be there.
If so replace the same.
ii) Check whether holes of the tip eroded or not. For this compare a new tip with a
damaged one.
iii) Check sleeve, atomizer, and holes for erosion.
iv) Check spud whether is holding tight to the spud holder or not, if not tight it.
v) Check yoke or oil body for any plugging by putting naphtha or Kerosene.
vi) If all the parts are o.k. Then keep individual parts in the soaked pit again and
make sure that all holes are clear.
vii) Replace any part if required and assemble the gun.
viii) After assembling the gun check for leaks by putting steam through inner barrel
side first and then outer barrel side. Provision for testing with steam is
available at bench wise.

• Fix the assembled gun with new lead gaskets.

• Inform DCS supervisor about placing oil fire and make sure stack damper is in wide
open position.
• Purge the gun with steam on both ensuring gas fire in side by adjusting air registers.
• After placing oil fire, check oil and steam side for testing leaks, if any.
• Ensure no leaks then keep oil fire.
• Finally, up-date burner spares register.


Multi lock system is used to prevent injuries by accidental energizing of an equipment while
it is attended by different sections/ agencies.

1. The executing authority and issuing authority will jointly decide the requirement.
2. The issuing authority issues the work permit to competent electrical person to isolate
the electrical equipment from substation.
3. The competent electrical person and the Executing Authorities install their locks in
the multi-lock pad as per the color-coding.
4. Electrical and other parties sign the Electrical isolation work permit.
Color –coding of pad locks:

a. Electrical Maintenance – Brass yellow

b. Mechanical Maintenance – Black
c. Others – Blue
5. Each lock shall be numbered and the key shall be the same number.
6. After locking, the person who installs the lock is the responsible custodian of the key.
The locks shall be removed by individual crafts after completion of their jobs.
7. If the custodian of the key has to leave the site, responsibility should transfer to next
shift person.
8. Electrical Maintenance Division shall be the last party to remove the lock only after
receiving the necessary permit.
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 372 of 406
Use of “DANGER-DO NOT OPERATE” tag with isolation by local switch shall be
limited to minor electrical jobs carried out by Electrical Maintenance division, such as re-


Electrical isolation may be required before starting work on or near electrical equipment to
avoid electric shock and other hazards. The extent of isolating required will depend on the
nature of work.

Requirement of isolation and extent of isolation shall be jointly decided by the issuing
authority and executing authority by using electrical isolation permit.
Wherever the possibility of electric shock or injury is expected due to inadvertent staring,
lock of power circuit at substation is mandatory. Locking the control circuit at local switch
shall not be considered as adequate.

When an electrical circuit/equipment is fed from two different sources of power supply, both
the source of power to be switched off to avoid back feeding

The principal of “ one job one tag is to be followed in case an Electrical isolation is given
equipment to different agencies for different jobs then a separate electrical tag is to be
provided for individual jobs with different permit numbers.

The principal of tag out and tag out is to be followed .i.e., after power isolation the equipment
should be physically started in the field to check for its isolation and provide the tag before
starting the job

Procedure for electrical isolation:

1. Operations personnel will shut off the equipment, field switch should be kept at
“OFF” position.
2. An electrical isolation permit will then be issued to Electrical to de-energize and put a
3. Electrician will prepare the tag and it will be placed on the circuit breaker after the
fuses are removed and switch is put in ‘OFF’ position.
4. Before starting any mechanical electrical work whether correct isolation has been
done or not will be confirmed by attempting restart the motor from the field switch,
this will be done by operating personnel, in presence of concerned Mechanical,
Maintenance /Electrical personnel.

After job-completion:

1. Electrical/Mechanical personnel will advise operations on completion of job.

2. Operations personnel will then check the area of equipment and if satisfied, they
would issue permit to Electrician for energizing the circuit.
3. Electrician will remove the TAG at sub-station and energizes the circuit.
4. Operations technicians will remove Field-tag. He can confirm the availability of the
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 373 of 406
a. All information on TAG should be properly filled.
b. Tags will be stored for one month from the date of removal.


1. Unauthorized entry is prohibited inside the unit.
2. Permit has to be taken for entering inside the unit except for unit operating personnel.
3. Only unit main entrance has to be used for normal access in to the unit by all
4. “No entry” area should be earmarked for operating units.
5. Chain link barriers should be kept in place.
6. Entry of vehicles in the operating area should be restricted and only vehicles with
valid pass should be allowed to ply around the operational area.
7. Vehicles must not be driven in operating area without vehicle entry permit from
authorized operations supervisor.


General safety rules, which shall be practiced and enforces for all personnel who enter the
unit are summarized below:

i. Safety helmets, goggles and boots shall be worn by all personnel at all times in the
plant. They may be removed when inside rooms or buildings which do not have
overhead or other hazards.
ii. Smoking shall be permitted only in specified areas, which are clad as non-hazardous
and are pressurized through a ventilation system. Failure of the ventilation system
automatically cancels the smoking privilege until the system is repaired, inspected
and authorized operation.
iii. Each employees assigned to work in the unit shall know where the safety and fire
suppression equipment is located and how to operate this equipment.
iv. Safety glasses, face shields shall be worn while performing work which could result
in eye or face injury.
v. Operations personnel golden rule:

Do not open or close any valve without first determining the effect.

vi. Maintenance personnel golden rule:

Treat each piece of equipment or piping as if it is under pressure.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:27 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 374 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 28 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Unit Blind List
Visakh Refinery



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No. No.
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Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 375 of 406
Plant No. 72 Plant Name: Naphtha Hydro Treater (NHT)
Chapter No: 28 Rev. No. 1 Rev. Date : 01.10.2016
Unit Blind List
Visakh Refinery

1 10wt % Caustic line 2”-CA-72-0506- 930767-120-05-
2” open close
from ISOM unit A1A A1 REV.6
2 DSO from CFC 2”
2”-P-72-0601- 930767-120-06-
close open
A1A A1 REV.5
3 Cold feed Naphtha 8”-P-72-0602- 930767-120-06-
8” close open
from storage A1A A1 REV.5
4 FCC Heart cut Naphtha 4”
4”-P-72-0603- 930767-120-06-
close open
B9A A1 REV.5
5 Hot feed naphtha from 8”-P-72-0601- 930767-120-06-
8” close open
6 Vis Breaker Naphtha 2”-P-72-0610- 930767-120-06-
2” close open
A1A A1 REV.5
7 Feed surge drum 2”-P-72-0508- 930767-120-06-
2” open close
PSV01A/B bypass A11A A1 REV.5
8 Feed surge drum boot 3”-CBD-74- 930767-120-06-
3” open open
drain to CBD 9102-A9A A1 REV.5
9 Feed surge drum boot 3”-ows-72- 930767-120-06-
3” open close
drain to OWS 0604-A9A A1 REV.5
10 Feed surge drum boot 1½”-OWS-72- 930767-120-06-
1 ½” open open
LV-0601 d/s to CBD 0606-A9A A1 REV.5
11 Feed surge drum boot 1½”-OWS-72- 930767-120-06-
1 ½” open close
LV-0601 d/s to OWS 0606-A9A A1 REV.5
12 LP steam to feed surge 2”-SL-72-0608- 930767-120-06-
2” open close
drum (SOP) A22A A1 REV.5
13 1” sulphide injection
1”-C-72-0505- 930767-120-07-
line to NHT feed pump 1” open close
A1A A1 REV.5
14 Feed filter inlet 8”
8”-P-72-0703- 930767-120-07-
close open
D5A A1 REV.5
15 Feed Filter outlet 8”
8”-P-72-0704- 930767-120-07-
close open
D5A A1 REV.5
16 Feed filter PSV-013 1”-P-72-0722- 930767-120-07-
1” open close
bypass D5A A1 REV.5
17 Nitrogen to Feed filter ¾”-IG-72-0751- 930767-120-07-
¾” open close
A3A A1 REV.5
18 4” Startup bypass line 4”-P-72-0704- 930767-120-07-
3” open Close
(72FV0702 d/s) D5A A1 REV.5
19 Portable oxygen
16”-P-72-0901- 930767-120-09-
analyzer connection to ¾” open close
B95D A1 REV.4
72R-01 effluent line

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 376 of 406
20 CFE, 72E01A shell 14”-P-72-1002- 930767-120-10-
14” close open
outlet B95D A1 REV.5
21 CFE, 72E01G shell 10”-P-72-1001- 930767-120-10-
10” close open
inlet B5A A1 REV.5
22 CFE, 72E01A Tube 16”-P-72-0901- 930767-120-10-
16” close open
inlet B95D A1 REV.5
23 CFE,72E01G Tube 14”-P-72-1003- 930767-120-10-
14” close open
outlet B95A A1 REV.5
24 Portable oxygen
6”-P-72-1501- 930767-120-10-
analyzer connection to ¾” open close
B5A A1 REV.5
RGC discharge line
25 Condensate cooler 72- 3”-CL-72-1101- 930767-120-11-
3” close open
E-07A shell inlet A1A A1 REV.5
26 Condensate cooler 72- 3”-CL-72-1103- 930767-120-11-
3” close open
E-07A shell outlet A1A A1 REV.5
27 Condensate cooler 72- 3”-CL-72-1102- 930767-120-11-
3” close open
E-07B shell inlet A1A A1 REV.5
28 Condensate cooler 72- 3”-CL-72-1104- 930767-120-11-
3” close open
E-07B shell outlet A1A A1 REV.5
29 Make up hydrogen to 2”-P-74-2005- 930767-120-12-
2” close open
72-A-01 inlet B5A A1 REV.5
30 2” Hydrogen addition 2”-P-72-1251- 930767-120-11-
2” close open
line to make up gas B5A A1 REV.5
31 Wash water to 72-V-05, 1”-WP-72- 930767-120-12-
1” open close
RGC K.O.D 1207-B1A A1 REV.5
32 Wash water to stabilizer
1 ½”-WP-72- 930767-120-12-
feed bottom exchanger 1 ½” open close
1210-B1A A1 REV.5
33 Wash water to product
2”-P-72-1205- 930767-120-12-
condenser , 72-A-01 2” close open
B1A A1 REV.5
34 Spent caustic to ETP 1 ½”-CA-72- 930767-120-12-
1 ½” open close
from 72-P-13 o/l 1208-A1A A1 REV.5
35 Separator (72-V-04) 2”-P-72-1317- 930767-120-13-
2” open close
PSV-02A/B bypass B5A A1 REV.5
36 Plant air to recycle gas 10”-P-72-1302- 930767-120-13-
2” open close
compressor suction B5A A1 REV.5
37 Separator Offgas to
10”-P-72-1302- 930767-120-13-
atmosphere , 72-PV- 2” open close
B5A A1 REV.5
1302 u/s
38 Separator off gas to 10”-P-72-1302- 930767-120-13-
1 ½” close open
sour gas line B5A A1 REV.5
39 72-V-04, separator boot 2”-P-72-1308- 930767-120-13-
2” open open
drain to CBD B9A A1 REV.5
40 72-V-04, separator boot 2”-P-72-1308- 930767-120-13-
2” open close
drain to OWS B9A A1 REV.5
41 72-V-04 separator boot
2”-P-72-1309- 930767-120-13-
sour water to NLU- 2” open close
B9A A1 REV.5
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 377 of 406
42 Caustic make up to
2”-CA-72-0510- 930767-120-14-
caustic circ. Pump 72- 2” Close close
A1A A1 REV.5
44 Caustic injection to
1”-CA-72-0509- 930767-120-14-
caustic circ. Pump 72- 1” Close close
A1A A1 REV.5
45 72-V-05 RGC KOD
bottoms to 72-P-11, 2”-WP-72- 930767-120-14-
2” Close close
regen water return 1405-A1A A1 REV.5
pump suction
46 72-V-05, RGC KOD 2”-P-72-1411- 930767-120-14-
2” open open
bottoms to CBD B5A A1 REV.5
47 72-V-05, RGC KOD 2”-P-72-1411- 930767-120-14-
2” open close
bottoms to OWS B5A A1 REV.5
48 Water injection point to 1”-P-72-1404- 930767-120-14-
1” Close close
72-V05 B5A A1 REV.5
49 72-K01A suction line 8”-P-72-1402- 930767-120-15-
8” open open
B5A A1 REV.5
50 72-K-01A discharge 6”-P-72-1501- 930767-120-15-
6” open open
line B5A A1 REV.5
51 72-K-01A discharge 6”-P-72-1501- 930767-120-15-
6” open open
line check valve d/s B5A A1 REV.5
52 72-K-01A discharge to
1”-P-72-1502- 930767-120-15-
suction pressurization 1” Open Close
B5A A1 REV.5
53 72PSV-031 (72-K01A 6”-P-72-1503- 930767-120-15-
6” close Close
disch) B5A A1 REV.5
54 72-K01B suction line 8”-P-72-1525- 930767-120-15-
8” open open
B5A A1 REV.5
55 72-K-01B discharge 6”-P-72-1519- 930767-120-15-
6” open open
line B5A A1 REV.5
56 72-K-01B discharge 6”-P-72-1519- 930767-120-15-
6” open open
line check valve d/s B5A A1 REV.5
57 72-K-01B discharge to
1”-P-72-1520- 930767-120-15-
suction pressurization 1” Open Close
B5A A1 REV.5
58 72PSV-032 (72-K01B 6”-P-72-1521- 930767-120-15-
6” close Close
disch) B5A A1 REV.5
59 Nitrogen pressurization 1 ½”-IG-72- 930767-120-15-
1 ½” close Close
line to 72-K01A/B 1512-A1A A1 REV.5
60 72-E06A shell inlet 6”-P-72-1605- 930767-120-16-
6” open open
B1A A1 REV.3
61 72-E06B shell outlet 6”-P-72-1607- 930767-120-16-
6” open open
B1A A1 REV.3
62 72-E06C shell inlet 6”-P-72-1606- 930767-120-16-
6” open open
B1A A1 REV.3
63 72-E06D shell outlet 6”-P-72-1608- 930767-120-16-
6” open open
B1A A1 REV.3
64 72-PSV-09 (72E06A 2”-P-72-1623- 930767-120-16-
2” open close
inlet) bypass B1A A1 REV.3
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 378 of 406
65 72-PSV-10 (72-E-06C 2”-P-72-1622- 930767-120-16-
2” open close
inlet) bypass B1A A1 REV.3
66 72-E-06B shell outlet to 2”-P-72-1615- 930767-120-16-
2” open open
67 72-E-06B shell outlet to 2”-P-72-1615- 930767-120-16-
2” open close
68 72-E-06D shell outlet to 2”-P-72-1621- 930767-120-16-
2” open open
69 72-E-06D shell outlet to 2”-P-72-1621- 930767-120-16-
2” open close
70 Naphtha splitter
bottoms (HN) recycle 4”-P-72-1609- 930767-120-16-
4” open open
to feed surge drum 4” B1A A1 REV.3
startup line
71 Naphtha splitter
bottoms to nitrogen 6”-P-72-1607- 930767-120-16-
6” open open
blanketed storage (CCR B1A A1 REV.3
feed tank )
72 Naphtha splitter
6”-P-72-1616- 930767-120-16-
bottoms to Naphtha 6” open open
B1A A1 REV.3
pool/ off –spec slop
73 HN off spec to slop 6”-P-72-1624- 930767-120-16-
6” open Close
B1A A1 REV.3
74 Naphtha splitter
6”-P-72-1604- 930767-120-16-
bottoms to CFE (74-E- 6” open open
B1A A1 REV.3
01) at Platforming unit
75 Sweet Naphtha from
6”-P-72-1617- 930767-120-16-
Sweet Naphtha storage 6” open open
B5A A1 REV.3
(CCR feed tank)
76 Stripper 72-PSV-05A/B 2”-P-72-1712- 930767-120-17-
2” open open
bypass B5A A1 REV.3
77 Stripper bottoms drain 3”-P-72-1709- 930767-120-17-
3” open open
to CBD B1A A1 REV.3
78 Stripper bottoms drain 3”-P-72-1709- 930767-120-17-
3” open close
to OWS B1A A1 REV.3
79 LP steam to stripper 2”-SL-72-1708- 930767-120-17-
2” open close
80 Unstabilized net
overhead liquid from 2”-P-72-2806- 930767-120-18-
2” open close
stripper receiver drum B1A A1 REV.3
81 Nitrogen to stripper
1½”-IG-72- 930767-120-18-
receiver drum (72-V- 1 ½” open close
1809-B5A A1 REV.3
82 Stripper receiver Offgas
3”-P-72-1802- 930767-120-18-
to Flare (d/s of 72-PV- 1 ½” open close
B5A A1 REV.3
83 LP steam to stripper 2”-P-72-1812- 930767-120-18-
2” open close
receiver drum 72-V-06 B1A A1 REV.3
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 379 of 406
84 Stripper receiver boot 3”-P-72-1807- 930767-120-18-
3” open open
drain to CBD B9A A1 REV.3
85 Stripper receiver boot 3”-P-72-1807- 930767-120-18-
3” open close
drain to OWS B9A A1 REV.3
86 Stripper receiver boot 3”-P-72-1807- 930767-120-18-
3” open close
drain to HC drain line B9A A1 REV.3
87 Splitter 72-PSV- 2”-P-72-1915- 930767-120-19-
2” open close
06A/B/C bypass A1A A1 REV.3
88 LP stem to Splitter 2”-SL-72-1911- 930767-120-19-
2” open close
column A22A A1 REV.3
89 Splitter bottom drain to 3”-CBD-74- 930767-120-19-
3” open open
CBD 9108-A1A A1 REV.3
90 Splitter bottom drain to 3”-CBD-74- 930767-120-19-
3” open close
OWS 9108-A1A A1 REV.3
91 72-E-01B tube outlet 16”
16”-P-72-0951- 6501-02-41-72-
open open
B95D 1127-REV.01
92 72-E-01B shell inlet 14”
14”-P-72-0956- 6501-02-41-72-
open open
B5D 1127-REV.01
93 72-E-01C tube inlet 16”-P-72-0951- 6501-02-41-72-
16” open open
B95D 1127-REV.01
94 72-E-01C shell outlet 14”-P-72-0956- 6501-02-41-72-
14” open open
B5D 1127-REV.01
95 72-E-01D tube outlet 16”-P-72-0952- 6501-02-41-72-
16” open open
B95A 1127-REV.01
96 72-E-01D shell inlet 14”-P-72-0955- 6501-02-41-72-
14” open open
B5A 1127-REV.01
97 72-E-01E tube inlet 16”-P-72-0952- 6501-02-41-72-
16” open open
B95A 1127-REV.01
98 72-E-01E shell outlet 14”-P-72-0955- 6501-02-41-72-
14” open open
B5A 1127-REV.01
99 72-E-01F tube outlet 16”
16”-P-72-0953- 6501-02-41-72-
open open
B95A 1127-REV.01
100 72-E-01F shell inlet 14”
14”-P-72-0954- 6501-02-41-72-
open open
B5A 1127-REV.01
101 72-E-01G tube inlet 16”
16”-P-72-0953- 6501-02-41-72-
open open
B95A 1127-REV.01
102 72-E-01G shell outlet 14”-P-72-0954- 6501-02-41-72-
14” open open
B5A 1127-REV.01
103 72-E-05A shell inlet 6”-P-72-2102- 930767-120-21-
6” open open
A1A A1- REV.05
104 72-E-05C shell inlet 6”-P-72-2103- 930767-120-21-
6” open open
A1A A1- REV.05
105 72-E-05B shell outlet 6”-P-72-2104- 930767-120-21-
6” open open
A1A A1- REV.05
106 72-E-05D shell outlet 6”-P-72-2105- 930767-120-21-
6” open open
A1A A1- REV.05
107 72-E-05B shell outlet 2”-OWS-72- 930767-120-21-
2” open open
drain to CBD 2101-A1A A1- REV.05
108 72-E-05B shell outlet 2”-OWS-72- 930767-120-21-
2” open close
drain to OWS 2101-A1A A1- REV.05
109 72-E-05D shell outlet 2” 2”-OWS-72- 930767-120-21- open open
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 380 of 406
drain to CBD 2102-A1A A1- REV.05
110 72-E-05D shell outlet 2”-OWS-72- 930767-120-21-
2” open close
drain to OWS 2102-A1A A1- REV.05
111 Light naphtha feed to 6”-P-72-2104- 930767-120-21-
6” open open
Isomerization unit A1A A1- REV.05
112 Light naphtha to 6”-P-72-2111- 930767-120-21-
6” open open
storage A1A A1- REV.05
113 Light Naphtha off-spec 6”-P-72-2109- 930767-120-21-
6” open close
product to slop A1A A1- REV.05
114 72-PSV-07 (72-V-07) 2”-P-72-2209- 930767-120-22-
2” open close
bypass A1A A1- REV.04
115 FG make up to 72-V-07 1 ½”-FG-72- 930767-120-22-
1 ½” open close
splitter receiver drum 2209-A5A A1- REV.04
116 Splitter receiver drum 3”-P-72-9110- 930767-120-22-
3” open open
(72-V-07) drain to CBD A1A A1- REV.04
117 Splitter receiver drum
3”-P-72-9110- 930767-120-22-
(72-V-07) drain to 3” open close
A1A A1- REV.04
118 LP steam SOP to 72-V- 2-SL-72-2208- 930767-120-22-
2” open close
07 A22A A1- REV.04
119 Fuel gas from FG
12”-FG-72- 930767-120-24-
header to FG K.O.D 12” open open
2401-A5A A1- REV.06
120 72-V-08 (FG KOD) 2”-SL-72-2412- 930767-120-24-
2” open close
SOP A22A A1- REV.06
121 72-V-08 bottom drains 2”-FG-2410- 930767-120-24-
2” open close
to OWS A5A A1- REV.06
122 72-PSV-08 (V-08) 2”-FG-72-2413- 930767-120-24-
2” open close
bypass A5A A1- REV.06
123 72-PSV-15 (72-M-02 1”-FG-72-2415- 930767-120-24-
1” open close
o/l) A5A A1- REV.06
124 72-PSV-16 (72-E-08 2”-FG-72-2417- 930767-120-24-
2” open close
i/l) A5A A1- REV.06
125 Fuel oil supply to 72-F- 2”-FO-72-2502- 930767-120-25-
2” open open
01 B1A A1-REV.08
126 Fuel oil return to 72-F- 1 ½ ”-FO-72- 930767-120-25-
1½” open open
01 2503-B1A A1-REV.08
127 Flushing oil supply to
2”-FO-72-2502- 930767-120-25-
72-F-01 FO supply 1 ½” open close
B1A A1-REV.08
main line
128 Flushing oil supply to 1½”-FLO-72- 930767-120-25-
1 ½” open close
72-F-01 FO straineru/s 2505-A1A A1-REV.08
129 Flushing oil supply to 1½”-FLO-72- 930767-120-25-
1 ½” open close
72-F-01 FO strainer u/s 2507-A1A A1-REV.08
130 Flushing oil return line
1½”-FLO-72- 930767-120-25-
from 72-F-01 FO line 1 ½” open close
2502-A1A A1-REV.08
strainer d/s
131 Flushing oil return line 1½”-FLO-72- 930767-120-25-
1 ½” open close
from 72-F-01 FO line 2503-A1A A1-REV.08
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 381 of 406
strainer d/s
132 Flushing oil return from
1 ½ ”-FO-72- 930767-120-25-
72-F-01 FO return main 1 ½” open close
2503-B1A A1-REV.08
133 Fuel oil supply to 72-F- 2”-FO-72-2602- 930767-120-26-
2” open open
02 B1A A1-REV.08
134 Fuel oil return to 72-F- 2”-FO-72-2603- 930767-120-26-
2” open open
02 B1A A1-REV.08
135 Flushing oil supply to
2”-FO-72-2602- 930767-120-26-
72-F-02 FO supply 1 ½” open close
B1A A1-REV.08
main line
136 Flushing oil supply to 1½”-FLO-72- 930767-120-26-
1 ½” open close
72-F-02 FO strainer u/s 2605-A1A A1-REV.08
137 Flushing oil supply to 1½”-FLO-72- 930767-120-26-
1 ½” open close
72-F-02 FO strainer u/s 2606-A1A A1-REV.08
138 Flushing oil return line
1½”-FLO-72- 930767-120-26-
from 72-F-02 FO line 1 ½” open close
2602-A1A A1-REV.08
strainer d/s
139 Flushing oil return line
1½”-FLO-72- 930767-120-26-
from 72-F-02 FO line 1 ½” open close
2603-A1A A1-REV.08
strainer d/s
140 Flushing oil return from
2”-FO-72-2603- 930767-120-26-
72-F-02 FO return main 1½” open close
B1A A1-REV.08

1. For shutdown case position of blind may be open or close depending on situation.
Example: In case after shutdown vessel is required to be depressurized, PSV bypass
line spec blind will be in open position. In case depressurization is not required PSV
bypass line spec. blind will in closed position.



1 3"- P-74-7901- Hydrogen from HGU to AT 3" × B95A
B5A 74-K-01& 72-A-01 NHT/CCR/NIU 300 #
2 26"-SWS-74- Sea cooling water supply AT 26" × A95Y
8101-A5Y NHT/CCR/NIU 150 #
3 26"-SWR-74- Sea cooling water return AT 26" × A95Y
8101-A5Y NHT/CCR/NIU 150 #
4 3"- WS- 74- Service water AT 3" × A3A
8301-A3A NHT/CCR/NIU 150 #
5 6"-AI-74-8301- Instrument air line AT 6" × A3A
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 382 of 406
6 4"- AP-74- Utility Air AT 3" × A3A
8301-A3A NHT/CCR/NIU 150 #
7 8"- BCS-74- Bearing cooling water AT 8" × A3A
8201-A3A supply NHT/CCR/NIU 150 #
8 8"- BCR-74- Bearing cooling water AT 8" × A3A
8201-A3A Return NHT/CCR/NIU 150 #
9 4"-FO-74-8401- Fuel oil supply AT 4" × B1A
10 4"-FO-74-8402- Fuel oil return AT 4" × B1A
11 3"-FLO-74- Flushing oil AT 3" × A1A
8401-A1A NHT/CCR/NIU 150 #
12 3"-FLO-74- Flushed oil AT 3" × A1A
8403-A1A NHT/CCR/NIU 150 #
13 12"-FG-74- To Fuel gas mixing drum AT 12"x B5A
8403-B5A (within unit) NHT/CCR/NIU 300#
14 4"-FG-74-8402- To sour FG in SRU AT 4"x B5A
15 12"-FG-72- Fuel gas from header to AT 12"x A5A
2401-A5A KOD (within unit) NHT/CCR/NIU 150#
16 12"-FG-74- From Fuel gas mixing AT 12"x B5A
8401-B5A drum (within unit) NHT/CCR/NIU 300#
17 4"-IG-74-8602- N2 to CCR regenerator AT 4"x A3A
18 6"-IG-74-8601- N2 AT 6"x A3A
19 6"-WB-74- Boiler feed water AT 6"× 600 B2A
20 8"-SM-74-9501- Medium pressure steam AT 8" × B2A
21 1½ ”-WB-74- Medium pressure BFW AT 8" × B2A
8801-B2A-IH NHT/CCR/NIU 300 #

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 383 of 406
22 12"-SM-74- Medium pressure steam AT 8" × B2A
8801-B2A NHT/CCR/NIU 300 #
23 8"-SHH-74- Very high pressure steam AT 8" × D2A
8701-D2A-IH NHT/CCR/NIU 600 #
24 14"-SL-74- LP Steam AT 2" × A22A
8801-A22A-IH NHT/CCR/NIU 150 #
25 2"-WDM--74- DM water AT 2" × A1K
9401-A1K NHT/CCR/NIU 150 #
26 4"-CL-9401- Condensate to CPP AT 4" × A1A
27 1½ ”-CA-72- Sulfidic caustic to ETP AT 1½ ” × A19A
1208-A19A NHT/CCR/NIU 150 #
28 4"-P-74-2051- H2 Rich gas to FCCNHT AT 4" × B95A
B95A NHT/CCR/NIU 300 #
29 4"-P-72-2601- CFC Off gas to heater Near 72F-02 4" × A1A
A1A heater 150 #
30 8"-P-72-0602- 8" Naphtha from Storage AT 8" × A1A
31 4"-P-72-0603- FCC heat cut Naphtha AT 4" × A1A
32 8"-P-72-0601- SRN& HN from CDU-I, AT 8" × A1A
33 2"-P-72-0610- VBU Naphtha AT 2" × A1A
34 2"-P-72-0611- Naphtha with DSO AT 2" × A1A
35 2"-P-72-1309- Sour water to treatment AT 2" × B9A
36 6"-P-72-1607- Naphtha splitter bottom to AT 6" × B1A
B1A Storage NHT/CCR/NIU 300 #
37 6"-P-72-1617- Sweet naphtha from AT 6" × B5A
B5A Storage NHT/CCR/NIU 300 #
38 6"-P-72-2104- Feed to ISOM AT 6" × A1A
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 384 of 406
39 6"-P-72-2111- Light naphtha to storage AT 6" × A1A
40 8"-P-74-2020- Hydrogen to PSA unit AT 8" × B5A
41 6"-P-74-2004- H2 to FCCNHT/ISOM unit AT 6" × B5A
42 8"-P-74-2105- Reformate to Storage AT 8" × A1A
43 8"-P-74-2107- Offspec Reformate to Slop AT 8" × A1A
44 2"-P-74-2606- LPG to Storage AT 2" × B1A
45 10"-FG-260- Fuel gas to existing AT NHT FG 10" × A1A
7110-A1A Network Mixing drum 150 #
46 8"-FG-260- Fuel gas to existing AT NHT FG 8" × A1A
7118-A1A Network Mixing drum 150 #
47 16"-FG-260- Fuel gas to existing AT NHT FG 16" × A1A
7108-A1A Network Mixing drum 150 #


S. Location of Blind Line No of

Equip No Line No Description of Line
No Blind Size Spec Blinds
72V-01 (Feed surge drum)
SL-72- Feed surge
1 LP steam 2" A22A 1
0608 drum middle
Feed surge
2 P-72-0601 From CDU 8" A1A 1
drum bottom
FG-72- Feed surge
3 Fuel gas 2" A5A 1
0610 drum top
OWS-72- Feed surge
4 Drain line 1.5" A9A 1
0606 drum bottom
Feed surge
5 P-72-0605 To charge pump 10" A1A 1
drum bottom
Feed surge
6 P-72-0607 To flare header 6" A5A 1
drum top
7 V-72-0601 Vent Drum top 2" A1A 1
72V-03 (Water break tank)
WP-72- From condensate Water break
1 72-V-03 3" A1A 1
1110 coolers tank

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 385 of 406
S. Location of Blind Line No of
Equip No Line No Description of Line
No Blind Size Spec Blinds
72V-04 (Separator)
From product
1 P-72-1201 Separator top 12" B95A 1
To recycle comp
2 P-72-1302 Separator top 8" B5A 1
suction drum
72-V-04 Separator
3 P-72-1308 Drain line 3" B9A 1
To stripper feed bottom Separator
4 P-72-1314 6" B5A 1
exchanger bottom
5 P-72-1315 Flare header Separator top 6" B5A 1
72V-05 (Recycle comp suction drum)
Recycle comp
1 P-72-1302 From separator suction drum 8" B5A 1
Recycle comp
2 P-72-1402 To recycle comp suction drum 8" B5A 1
Recycle comp
To stripper feed bottom
3 P-72-1411 suction drum 2" B5A 1
Recycle comp
WP-72- From wash water
4 suction drum 1.5" B5A 1
1207 injection pump
5 V-72-1401 Vent Drum top 2" A1A 1
72V-06 (Stripper receiver)
From stripper Stripper
1 P-72-1801 6" B95A 1
condenser receiver top
2 P-72-1803 To stripper reflux pump receiver 8" B1A 1
3 72-V-06 P-72-1812 LP steam receiver 2" B1A 1
4 P-72-1802 To sour fuel gas SRU 3" B5A 1
receiver top
5 P-72-1807 Drain line receiver 3" B9A 1
6 V-72-1801 Vent Drum top 2" A1A 1
72V-07 (Naphtha splitter receiver)
1 P-72-2203 From naphtha splitter splitter 10" A1A 1
72-V-07 receiver top
2 P-72-2208 To flare header 6" A1A 1
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 386 of 406
S. Location of Blind Line No of
Equip No Line No Description of Line
No Blind Size Spec Blinds
receiver top
3 Relief header splitter 2" A1A 1
receiver top
From naphtha splitter
4 P-72-2204 splitter 3" A1A 1
receiver top
From naphtha splitter
5 P-72-2201 splitter 12" A1A 1
receiver top
SL-72- splitter
6 LP steam 2" A1A 1
2208 receiver
7 P-72-2207 Drain line 3" A1A 1
To naphtha splitter splitter
8 P-72-2202 12" A1A 1
overhead pumps receiver
9 V-72-2201 Vent Drum top 2" A1A 1
72V-08 (Fuel Gas Knock-Out Drum )
Fuel Gas
FG-72- To Fuel Gas Basket
1 Knock-Out 12" A5A 1
2402 Strainers
Drum top
Fuel Gas
2 From Fuel Gas Header Knock-Out 12" A5A 1
Drum middle
Fuel Gas
3 LP Steam Knock-Out 2" A22A 1
Drum middle
Fuel Gas
4 Drain Line Knock-Out 2" A5A 1
Drum bottom
5 V-72-2401 Vent Drum top 2" A1A 1
72-R-01 ( Reactor )
From Charge Heater
1 P-72-0801 Reactor top 24" B95D 1
72-R-01 To Combined Feed
Exchanger Reactor
2 P-72-0901 14" B95D 1

72F-01 (NHT charge heater)

1 72-F-01 SM-72- Atomising steam Charge heater 2" B2A 1

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 387 of 406
S. Location of Blind Line No of
Equip No Line No Description of Line
No Blind Size Spec Blinds
2504 bottom
FLO-72- Charge heater
2 Flushing oil return 1.5" A1A 1
2501 bottom
SM-72- Charge heater
3 MP steam 6" B2A 1
2605 bottom
F0-72- Charge heater
4 Fuel oil supply 2" B1A 1
2502 bottom
F0-72- Charge heater
5 Fuel oil return 1.5" B1A 1
2503 top
FLO-72- Charge heater
6 Flushing oil supply 1.5" A1A 5
8405 top
FG-72- upstream block
7 Fuel gas 3" A5A 1
2407 valve down
8 Snuffing steam 6" A22A 1
9 Heater inlet 6" B95D 2
10 Heater outlets 8" B95D 2
72-F-02 (Splitter re-boiler heater)
1 Soot blowing MP steam upstream block 6" B2A 1
2 FO Supply Near heater 2" B1A 1
3 FO return Near heater 2" B1A 1
4 Flushing oil Near heater 1.5" B1A 5
5 72-F-02 Flushed oil Near heater 1.5" B1A 1
6 Fuel gas Near heater 4" A5A 1
7 Snuffing steam Near heater 6" A22A 1
8 P-72-2601 Offgas from CFC Near heater 4" A1A 1
9 Heater inlets Near heater 6" A1A 6
10 Heater outlets Near heater 14" A1A 6
72-C-01 ( Stripper )
From Stripper Feed Stripper
1 P-72-1602 8" B5A 1
Bottom Exchanger middle
To Stripper Feed Stripper
2 72-C-01 P-72-1701 18" B1A 1
Bottom Exchanger Bottom
3 P-72-1704 From Stripper Reboiler 24" B1A 1
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 388 of 406
S. Location of Blind Line No of
Equip No Line No Description of Line
No Blind Size Spec Blinds
To Stripper Condenser
4 P-72-1705 Stripper Top 10" B5A 1
5 P-72-1707 LP Steam 2" B1A 1
From Stripper Reflux
6 P-72-1804 Stripper Top 6" B1A 1
7 V-72-1701 Vent line Stripper Top 2" A1A 1
72-C-02 ( Naphtha Splitter )
From Stripper feed-
1 P--72-1901 Splitter middle 16" B1A 1
Bottom Exchanger
To Naphtha Splitter
2 P-72-1902 Splitter Top 26" A1A 1
To Naphtha Splitter Splitter
3 P-72-1903 18" A22A 1
Bottom Pumps Bottom
To Stripper Feed-
4 72-C-02 P-72-1907 Splitter Bottom Splitter middle 4" A1A 1
5 LP Steam Splitter middle 2" A1A 1
From Naphtha Splitter
6 P-72-2001 Splitter middle 34" A1A 1
Reboiler Heater
From Naphtha Splitter
7 P-72-2101 Splitter Top 8" A1A 1
Overhead Pumps
8 V-72-1901 Vent line Splitter Top 2" A1A 1
72-E-07A/B ( Condensate Coolers )
CL-72- Condensate
1 Condensate 3" A1A 1
1101 Cooler Top
CL-72- Condensate to wash Condensate
2 3" A1A 1
1103 water injection pump Cooler Bottom
SWS-72- Condensate
3 Sea water Supply 4" A5Y 1
1106 Cooler Bottom
SWR-72- Condensate
4 Sea water Return 4" A5Y 1
1107 Cooler Top
CL-72- Condensate
5 Condensate 3" A1A 1
1102 Cooler Top
CL-72- Condensate to wash Condensate
6 3" A1A 1
1104 water injection pump Cooler Bottom
SWS-72- Condensate
7 Sea water Supply 4" A5Y 1
1108 Cooler Bottom
SWS-72- Condensate
8 Sea water Return 4" A5Y 1
1109 Cooler Top
72-E-06A/B/C/D( Naphtha Splitter Bottom Coolers )
Sweet Naphtha From Splitter
1 06A/B P-72-1605 6" B1A 1
Storage Bottom Cooler
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 389 of 406
S. Location of Blind Line No of
Equip No Line No Description of Line
No Blind Size Spec Blinds
To Nitrogen Blanketed Splitter
2 P-72-1607 6" B1A 1
Storage Bottom Cooler
SWS-72- Splitter
3 Sea Water Supply 8" B5Y 1
1611 Bottom Cooler
SWR-72- Splitter
4 Sea Water Return 8" B5Y 1
1612 Bottom Cooler
Sweet Naphtha From Splitter
5 P-72-1606 6" B1A 1
Storage Bottom Cooler
To Nitrogen Blanketed Splitter
6 P-72-1608 6" B1A 1
72-E- Storage Bottom Cooler
06C/D Bottom
7 Sea Water Supply Bottom Cooler 8" B5Y 1
SWR-72- Splitter
8 Sea Water Return 8" B5Y 1
1614 Bottom Cooler
72-E-02 - (Stripper Feed / Naphtha Splitter Bottom Exchanger )
From Naphtha Splitter
1 P-72-1905 Exchanger Top 6" B1A 1
Bottom Pumps
To Naphtha Splitter Exchanger
2 P-72-1604 6" B1A 1
Bottom Coolers Bottom
Sweet Naphtha From Exchanger
3 P-72-1618 6" B5A 1
Storage Bottom
To Stripper Feed
4 P-72-1601 Exchanger Top 8" B5A 1
Bottom Exchanger
72-E-03A/B ( Stripper Feed /Bottom Exchanger )
From Stripper Feed
1 P-72-1601 Naphtha Splitter 8" B5A 1
72-E- Bottom Exchanger
2 03A/B P-72-1602 To Stripper Exchanger Top 8" B5A 1
3 P-72-1701 From Stripper Exchanger Top 8" B1A 1
4 P-72-1603 To Naphtha Splitter 8" B1A 1
72-E-04 ( Stripper Reboiler )
1 72-E-04 P-72-1703 From Stripper Bottom Stripper 12" B1A 2

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 390 of 406
S. Location of Blind Line No of
Equip No Line No Description of Line
No Blind Size Spec Blinds
To Reboiler Reboiler
2 P-72-1704 To Stripper 18" B1A 2
Reboiler Top
SSH-74- Super Heated Steam To Stripper
3 8" D2A 1
2905 Reboiler Reboiler Top
SSH-72- Super Heated Steam
4 Reboiler 3" D2A 1
1710 From Reboiler
72-E-05A/B/C/D( Naphtha Splitter Overhead Coolers )
From Naphtha Splitter
1 P-72-2102 Cooler Top 6" A1A 1
Overhead Pumps
2 72-E- P-72-2104 To Isomerization Unit 6" A1A 1
Cooler Bottom
SWS-72- Overhead
3 Sea Water Supply 6" A5Y 1
2106 Cooler Bottom
SWS-72- Overhead
4 Sea Water Return 6" A5Y 1
2107 Cooler Top
From Naphtha Splitter Overhead
5 P-72-2103 6" A1A 1
Overhead Pumps Cooler Top
6 P-72-2105 To Isomerization Unit 6" A1A 1
72-E- Cooler Bottom
05C/D SWS-72- Overhead
7 Sea Water Supply 6" A5Y 1
2108 Cooler Bottom
SWS-72- Overhead
8 Sea Water Return 6" A5Y 1
2109 Cooler Top
72-E-08( Fuel Gas Heater )
FG-72- Fuel Gas FromFuel Gas
1 Heater Bottom 10" A5A 1
2404 Coalescer
FG-72- Fuel Gas To Heaters At
2 Heater Top 10" A5A 1
2405 Platforming Unit
3 LP Steam Heater Top 6" A22A 1
4 Condensate Heater Bottom 2" A1A 1
72-E-01 A to G ( Combined Feed Exchanger )
1 P-72-0901 From Reactor Feed 16" B95D 1
72-E-01A Exchanger Top
2 P-72-1002 To Charge Heater Feed 14" B95D 1
Exchanger Top
3 P-72-1003 To Product Condenser Feed 14" B95A 1
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 391 of 406
S. Location of Blind Line No of
Equip No Line No Description of Line
No Blind Size Spec Blinds
4 P-72-1001 From Charge Pump 10" B5A 1
72-A- 01 ( Product Condenser )
Product Condenser Inlet Lines
From Combined Feed Product
1 P-72-1208 6" B95A 1
Exchanger To A1 Condenser Top
From Combined Feed Product
2 P-72-1209 6" B95A 1
Exchanger To A1 Condenser Top
From Combined Feed Product
3 P-72-1210 6" B95A 1
Exchanger To A2 Condenser Top
From Combined Feed Product
4 P-72-1211 6" B95A 1
72-A-01 Exchanger To A2 Condenser Top
From Combined Feed Product
5 P-72-1212 6" B95A 1
Exchanger To B1 Condenser Top
From Combined Feed Product
6 P-72-1213 6" B95A 1
Exchanger To B1 Condenser Top
From Combined Feed Product
7 P-72-1214 6" B95A 1
Exchanger To B2 Condenser Top
From Combined Feed Product
8 P-72-1215 6" B95A 1
Exchanger To B2 Condenser Top
Product Condenser Outlet Lines
Product Condenser A1
9 P-72-1222 Condenser 6" B95A 1
To Separator
Product Condenser A1
10 P-72-1223 Condenser 6" B95A 1
To Separator
Product Condenser A2
11 P-72-1224 Condenser 6" B95A 1
To Separator
Product Condenser A2
12 P-72-1225 Condenser 6" B95A 1
To Separator
72-A-01 Bottom
Product Condenser B1
13 P-72-1226 Condenser 6" B95A 1
To Separator
Product Condenser B1
14 P-72-1227 Condenser 6" B95A 1
To Separator
Product Condenser B2
15 P-72-1230 Condenser 6" B95A 1
To Separator
Product Condenser B2
16 P-72-1228 Condenser 6" B95A 1
To Separator

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 392 of 406
S. Location of Blind Line No of
Equip No Line No Description of Line
No Blind Size Spec Blinds
72-A- 02 ( Stripper Condenser )
Stripper Condenser Inlet Lines
From Stripper Stripper
1 P-72-1816 4" B5A 1
Condenser To A1 Condenser Top
From Stripper Stripper
2 P-72-1817 4" B5A 1
Condenser To A1 Condenser Top
From Stripper Stripper
3 P-72-1818 4" B5A 1
Condenser To A2 Condenser Top
From Stripper Stripper
4 P-72-1819 4" B5A 1
72-A-02 Condenser To A2 Condenser Top
From Stripper Stripper
5 P-72-1820 4" B5A 1
Condenser To B1 Condenser Top
From Stripper Stripper
6 P-72-1821 4" B5A 1
Condenser To B1 Condenser Top
From Stripper Stripper
7 P-72-1822 4" B5A 1
Condenser To B2 Condenser Top
From Stripper Stripper
8 P-72-1823 4" B5A 1
Condenser To B2 Condenser Top
Stripper Condenser Outlet Lines
Stripper Condenser A1
9 P-72-1824 Condenser 3" B95A
To Stripper Receiver
Stripper Condenser A1
10 P-72-1825 Condenser 3" B95A 1
To Stripper Receiver
Stripper Condenser A2
11 P-72-1826 Condenser 3" B95A 1
To Stripper Receiver
Stripper Condenser A2
12 P-72-1827 Condenser 3" B95A 1
To Stripper Receiver
72-A-02 Bottom
Stripper Condenser B1
13 P-72-1828 Condenser 3" B95A 1
To Stripper Receiver
Stripper Condenser B1
14 P-72-1829 Condenser 3" B95A 1
To Stripper Receiver
Stripper Condenser B2
15 P-72-1830 Condenser 3" B95A 1
To Stripper Receiver
Stripper Condenser B2
16 P-72-1831 Condenser 3" B95A 1
To Stripper Receiver
72-A- 03 ( Naphtha Splitter Condenser inlet)
Naphtha Splitter Condenser Inlet Lines
72-A-03 Splitter condendserA1 Splitter
1 P-72-2211 8" A1A 1
inlet condendserA1

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 393 of 406
S. Location of Blind Line No of
Equip No Line No Description of Line
No Blind Size Spec Blinds
Splitter condendserA1
2 P-72-2212 condendserA1 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserA2
3 P-72-2213 condendserA2 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserA2
4 P-72-2214 condendserA2 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserB1
5 P-72-2215 condendserB1 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserB1
6 P-72-2216 condendserB1 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserB2
7 P-72-2217 condendserB2 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserB2
8 P-72-2218 condendserB2 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserC1
9 P-72-2219 condendserC1 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserC1
10 P-72-2220 condendserC1 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserC2
11 P-72-2221 condendserC2 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserC2
12 P-72-2222 condendserC2 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserD1
13 P-72-2223 condendserD1 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserD1
14 P-72-2224 condendserD1 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserD2
15 P-72-2225 condendserD2 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserD2
16 P-72-2226 condendserD2 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserE1
17 P-72-2227 condendserE1 8" A1A 1

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 394 of 406
S. Location of Blind Line No of
Equip No Line No Description of Line
No Blind Size Spec Blinds
Splitter condendserE1
18 P-72-2228 condendserE1 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserE2
19 P-72-2229 condendserE2 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserE2
20 P-72-2230 condendserE2 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserF1
21 P-72-2231 condendserF1 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserF1
22 P-72-2232 condendserF1 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserF2
23 P-72-2233 condendserF2 8" A1A 1
Splitter condendserF2
24 P-72-2234 condendserF2 8" A1A 1
72-A- 03 ( Naphtha Splitter Condenser outlet )
Naphtha Splitter Condenser Inlet Lines
Splitter condendserA1
25 P-72-2235 condendserA1 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserA1
26 P-72-2236 condendserA1 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserA2
27 P-72-2237 condendserA2 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserA2
28 P-72-2238 condendserA2 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserB1
29 P-72-2239 condendserB1 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserB1
30 P-72-2240 condendserB1 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserB2
31 P-72-2241 condendserB2 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserB2
32 P-72-2242 condendserB2 3" A1A 1
33 P-72-2243 Splitter condendserC1 Splitter 3" A1A 1

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 395 of 406
S. Location of Blind Line No of
Equip No Line No Description of Line
No Blind Size Spec Blinds
outlet condendserC1
Splitter condendserC1
34 P-72-2245 condendserC1 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserC2 condendserC2
35 P-72-2246 3" A1A 1
outlet outlet
Splitter condendserC2
36 P-72-2247 condendserC2 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserD1
37 P-72-2248 condendserD1 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserD1
38 P-72-2249 condendserD1 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserD2
39 P-72-2250 condendserD2 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserD2
40 P-72-2251 condendserD2 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserE1
41 P-72-2252 condendserE1 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserE1
42 P-72-2253 condendserE1 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserE2
43 P-72-2259 condendserE2 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserE2
44 P-72-2260 condendserE2 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserF1
45 P-72-2261 condendserF1 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserF1
46 P-72-2262 condendserF1 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserF2
47 P-72-2263 condendserF2 3" A1A 1
Splitter condendserF2
48 P-72-2264 condendserF2 3" A1A 1
Vent located at end of
72-A-03 each
49 P-72-2005 airfin cooler one for 1" A1A 12
fan outlet
each tube bundle

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 396 of 406

PO No.: 5000149-OW- Larsen &
1 72-R-01 NHT Reactor 46009, Toubro Ltd.,
Dt.: 26-12-05 New Delhi
PO No.: 5000119-OW-
2 72-C-01 Stripper 46009,
Dt. 07-06-05 Visakhapatnam
PO No.: 5000318-OW-
3 72-C-02 Naphtha Splitter 46009,
Dt. 17-08-05 Visakhapatnam
PO No.: 5000580-OW- Bharat Pumps &
NHT Recycle
4 72-K-01 A/B 46009, Compressors
Compressor Dt. 02-02-06 Ltd., Allahabad
PO No.: 5000296-OW-
Combined Feed
5 72-E-01 A/B 46009, ISGEC, Haryana
Exchanger Dt. 06-02-06
PO No.: 5000518-OW-
Combined Feed Engineering
6 72-E-01 C/D/E/F/G 46009,
Exchanger Dt.: 16-11-05 Works Ltd.,
Stripper Feed PO No.: 5000518-OW-
7 72-E-03 A/B Bottom 46009,
Dt.: 16-11-05 Works Ltd.,
PO No.: 5000518-OW-
8 72-E-04 Stripper Reboiler 46009,
Dt.: 16-11-05 Works Ltd.,
Techno Process
PO No.: 5000520-OW-
9 72-E-08 Fuel Gas Heater 46009,
Dt.: 16-11-05 (India) Ltd.,
Naphtha Splitter PO No.: 5000411-OW- Larsen &
10 72-E-05 A/B/C/D Overhead 46009, Toubro Ltd.,
Condenser Dt. 04-01-06 New Delhi
PO No.: 5000411-OW- Larsen &
Naphtha Splitter
11 72-E-06 A/B/C/D 46009, Toubro Ltd.,
Bottom Coolers Dt. 04-01-06 New Delhi
Caustic PO No.: 5000498-OW- Floserve India
12 72-P-03 Circulation 46009, Controls Pvt.
Pumps Dt. 07-11-05 Ltd., New Delhi
PO No.: 5000493-OW- Sulzer Pumps
Stripper Reflux
13 72-P-04 A/B 46009, India Ltd., New
Pumps Dt.: 07-11-05 Delhi
PO No.: 5000498-OW- Floserve India
Naphtha Splitter
14 72-P-05 A/B 46009, Controls Pvt.
Bottoms Pump Dt. 07-11-05 Ltd., New Delhi
PO No.: 5000498-OW- Floserve India
Naphtha Splitter
15 72-P-06 A/B 46009, Controls Pvt.
Ovhd. Pumps Dt. 07-11-05 Ltd., New Delhi

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 397 of 406
Milton Roy
Caustic Injection FOA No.: 5000299,
16 72-P-10 Dt.: 29-09-05
India (P) Ltd.,
Regeneration Milton Roy
FOA No.: 5000299,
17 72-P-11 Water Return Dt.: 29-09-05
India (P) Ltd.,
Pump Chennai
Milton Roy
Spent Caustic FOA No.: 5000299,
18 72-P-13 Dt.: 29-09-05
India (P) Ltd.,
PO No.: 5000496-OW- Kirloskar Ebara
19 72-P-14 46009, Pumps Ltd.,
Filling Pump Dt. 07-11-05 Pune
PO No.: 5000496-OW- Kirloskar Ebara
20 72-P-15 46009, Pumps Ltd.,
Return Pump Dt. 07-11-05 Pune
PO No.: 5000493-OW- Sulzer Pumps
Charge Pump for
21 72-P-01 A/B 46009, India Ltd., New
NHT Unit Dt.: 07-11-05 Delhi
Nikkiso -
PO No.: 5000404-OW-
Wash Water Inj. Sundstrand Co.,
22 72-P-02 A/B 46009,
Pumps Dt.: 26-09-05 Ltd, Tokyo,
PO No.: 5000495-OW- Bharat Pumps &
Naphtha Splitter
23 72-P-07 A/B 46009, Compressors
Reboiler Pumps Dt.: 07-11-05 Ltd., Allahabad
Sulphiding FOA No.: 5000484A Enpro Industries
24 72-P-09 Dt.: 12-01-06
Pump Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Inhibitor Inj. FOA No.: 5000484A Enpro Industries
25 72-P-12 A/B Dt.: 12-01-06
Pump Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Techno Process
PO No.: 5000373-OW-
Water Break Equipments
26 72-V-03 46009,
Tank Dt. 14-09-05 (India) Ltd.,
PO No.: 5000113-OW-
27 72-V-04 Separator 46009,
Dt. 22-06-05 Visakhapatnam
Techno Process
Recycle PO No.: 5000373-OW-
28 72-V-05 Compressor 46009,
Dt. 14-09-05 (India) Ltd.,
Suction Drum
PO No.: 5000372-OW- R.D.Engineers
29 72-V-06 46009, (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
Receiver Dt. 14-09-05 Mumbai
Techno Process
PO No.: 5000373-OW-
Naphtha Splitter Equipments
30 72-V-07 46009,
Receiver Dt. 14-09-05 (India) Ltd.,
PO No.: 5000373-OW- Techno Process
Fuel Gas Knock
31 72-V-08 46009, Equipments
Out Drum Dt. 14-09-05 (India) Ltd.,
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 398 of 406
PO No.: 5000313-OW- R.D.Engineers
Feed Surge
32 72-V-01 46009, (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
Drum Dt.: 17-08-05 Mumbai
PO No.: 5000501-OW- GEA Energy
33 72-A-01 A/B 46009, System (India)
Condenser Dt. 07-11-05 Ltd., Chennai
PO No.: 5000501-OW- GEA Energy
34 72-A-02 A/B 46009, System (India)
Condenser Dt. 07-11-05 Ltd., Chennai
PO No.: 5000501-OW- GEA Energy
Naphtha Splitter
35 72-A-03 A-F 46009, System (India)
Condenser Dt. 07-11-05 Ltd., Chennai
NHT Charge FOA No.: 5000165, BHPV,
36 72-F-01 Dt.: 11-08-05
Heater Visakhapatnam
Naphtha Splitter FOA No.: 5000165, BHPV,
37 72-F-02 Dt.: 11-08-05
Reboiler Heater Visakhapatnam

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Officer Section Head Div. Head

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 399 of 406

34.5.1 List of Blinds and Valves for Confirmation During Naphtha Circulation:

It is critical that naphtha not be allowed into the NHT and Platforming Reactor sections
during this operation. All connections to the reactor sections should be positively separated
from the naphtha stream with double block and bleed and/or blinds. It is useful to have the
NHT and Platforming Reactor Sections air free and under N2 pressure [7.0 kg/cm (g) for the
NHT and 3.5 kg/cm (g) for the Platforming] to ensure that naphtha does not enter the Reactor

A double block and bleed is considered as the minimum for positive isolation. Insertion of a
blind would be a preferable form of isolation. In the event that a double block and bleed
cannot be provided as a form of isolation, insertion of a blind will be required.

1. Ensure that the following lines are blinded upstream of the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01):

• FCC Heart Cut Naphtha (4”-P-72-0603)

• SRN & HN from CDU-1, CDU-2, & CDU-3 (8”-P-72-0601)
• VBU Naphtha (3”-P-72-0610)
• Naphtha with Contaminated DSO from CFC (2”-P-72-0611)

2. Confirm that all of the LP Steam lines to the vessels and columns are blinded, including:

• 2”-SL-72-0608 to the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01)

• 2”-SL-72-1707 to the Stripper (72-C-01)
• 2”-SL-72-1811 to the Stripper Receiver (72-V-06)
• 2”-SL-72-1911 to the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02)
• 2”-SL-72-2208 to the Naphtha Splitter Receiver (72-V-07)
• 2”-SL-74-2206 to the Stabilizer (74-C-01)
• 2”-SL-74-2406 to the Stabilizer Receiver (74-V-06)

3. Verify that the isolation valves at each of the vent and drain points and utility
connections not being used for positive isolation are closed and blanked off, as required.
4. Close the blinds and block valves on the drain points to OWS and Closed Blowdown
from each vessel, column, and heat exchanger in the short, long, and hot circulation
5. Close the gate valve in the 3” tie-in line between the Stripper Receiver water boot outlet
line (3”-P-72-1807) and the Stripper Receiver overhead liquid line (8”-P-72-1803).
6. Close the gate valve in the 3” tie-in line between the Naphtha Splitter Receiver drain line
(3”-P-72-2207) to the Naphtha Splitter overhead liquid line (12”-P-72-2202).
7. Close the gate valve in the 2” tie-in line between the Stabilizer Receiver water boot
outlet line (2”-OWS-74-2404) and the Stabilizer Receiver overhead liquid line (6”-P-74-
8. Ensure that the gate valves upstream of the following PSV’s are locked open and any
bypass lines around the PSV’s are blinded:

• 72-PSV-01 A/B on the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01)

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 400 of 406
• 72-PSV-013 on the Feed Filter (72-X-01)
• 72-PSV-05 A/B on the Stripper (72-C-01) overhead line
• 72-PSV-06 A/B/C on the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02) overhead line
• 72-PSV-09 & 010 on the shell-side inlet of the Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Coolers
(72-E-06 A/B/C/D)
• 72-PSV-011 & 012 on the tube-side outlet of the Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Coolers
(72-E-06 A/B/C/D)
• 72-PSV-07 at the Naphtha Splitter Receiver (72-V-07)
• 74-PSV-011A/B on the Stabilizer (74-C-01) overhead
• 74-PSV-039 & 040 on the tube-side outlet of the Stabilizer Condenser (74-E-10
• 74-PSV-012 on the Stabilizer Receiver (74-V-06)
• 74-PSV-036 & 037 on the tube-side outlet of the Stabilizer Bottoms Trim Cooler
(74-E-12 A/B/C/D)
• 74-PSV-019 A/B at the CCR Platforming Unit Fired Heater Convection Section
• 74-PSV-020 in the Boiler Feed Water line to Desuperheater No. 1 (74-M-01)
• 74-PSV-021 in the Boiler Feed Water line to Desuperheater No. 2 (74-M-02)
• 74-PSV-061 A/B at the Desuperheater No.1 (74-M-01) outlet

9. Verify that the gate valve within the NHT battery limits in the 4” Startup Bypass from
the Stabilizer Bottoms Trim Cooler (4”-P-74-2108) is closed and that this line is also
isolated at the battery limits of the CCR Platforming unit.
10. Isolate the 4” Startup Bypass from the Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Coolers (72-E-06
A/B/C/D) to the Feed Surge Drum (72-V-01) using the double block and bleed.
11. Confirm that the block valves upstream and downstream of the following control valves
are isolated, the bleed(s) is(are) open, and, if applicable, the valve in the bypass line

• 72-LV-0601 in the water boot drain line (1½”-OWS-72-0606) below the Feed Surge
Drum (72-V-01)
• 72-FV-0701 in the 6” spillback line (6”-P-72-0708) for the NHT Charge Pumps (72-
P-01 A/B)
• 72-FV-1003 in the 8” line (8”-P-72-0704) from the Charge Pumps (72-P-01 A/B) to
the Combined Feed Exchanger (72-E-01 A/B/C/D/E/F/G). Also close the
downstream block valve and open the bleed in between.
• 72-HIC-1003 in the 3” bypass (3”-P-72-1004) around the Combined Feed Exchanger
(72-E-01 A/B/C/D/E/F/G)
• 72-LV-1302 in the Separator bottoms line (6”-P-72-1303) to the Stripper Feed-
Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-02)
• 72-LV-1402 in the Recycle Compressor Suction Drum bottoms line (1½”-P-72-
1403) to the Stripper Feed-Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-02)
• 72-LV-1801 in the water boot drain line (1”-P-72-1808) below the Stripper Receiver
• 72-LV-1701 in the 8” feed line (8”-P-72-1603) to the Naphtha Splitter (72-C-02)
• 74-FV-1001 in the 6” line (6”-P-72-1604) from the Naphtha Splitter Bottoms to the
CCR Platforming Combined Feed Exchanger (74-E-01)

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 401 of 406
• 74-LV-1501 in the 2” line (2”-P-74-1413) from the First Stage Suction Drum Pumps
(74-P-02 A/B) to the Stabilizer Feed-Bottoms Exchanger (74-E-09 A/B/C/D)
• 74-LV-1802 in the 6” line (6”-P-74-1805) from the Second Stage Suction Drum (74-
V-03) to the Stabilizer Feed-Bottoms Exchanger (74-E-09 A/B/C/D)
• 74-LV-2401 in the water boot drain line (1½”-OWS-74-2404) below the Stabilizer
Receiver (74-V-06)
• 74-FV-2902 in the 4” Boiler Feed Water line (4”-WB-74-2909) to the CCR
Platforming Unit Fired Heaters Convection Section

12. Isolate the Feed Filter (72-X-01) using the double block and bleed and spectacle blinds
upstream and downstream. Confirm that the gate valve in the bypass (8”-P-72-0705)
around the Feed Filter is closed, as well.
13. Ensure that the following pumps are isolated at the suction and discharge:

• Charge Pumps (72-P-01 A/B)

• Stripper Reflux Pumps (72-P-04 A/B)
• Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Pumps (72-P-05 A/B)
• Naphtha Splitter Reboiler Pumps (72-P-07 A/B)
• Naphtha Splitter Overhead Pumps (72-P-06 A/B)
• Stabilizer Overhead Pumps (74-P-04 A/B)
• BFW Booster Pumps (74-P-05 A/B)
13. Isolate the following lines at battery limits using the double block and bleed and/or
spectacle blind:

• 6” Sweet Naphtha from Gas Blanketed Sweet Naphtha Storage (6”-P-72-1617)

• 6” Naphtha Splitter Bottoms to Combined Feed Exchangers at CCR Platforming unit
• 6” Naphtha Splitter Bottoms to Nitrogen Blanketed Storage (6”-P-72-1607)
• 6” Naphtha Splitter Bottoms to Naphtha Pool/Off-Spec Slop (6”-P-72-1616)
• 3” Off Gas to SRU Integration Project (3”-P-72-1802)
• 8” Reformate to Storage (8”-P-74-2105)
• 8” Off-Spec Reformate to Storage (8”-P-74-2107)

15. Ensure that the globe valve in the bypass line (6”-P-72-1702) around the Stripper Feed-
Bottoms Exchanger is closed.
16. Verify that the gate valve in the 6” line (6”-P-72-1605) from the Stripper Feed-Naphtha
Splitter Bottoms Exchanger (72-E-02) to the Naphtha Splitter Bottoms Coolers (72-E-06
A/B/C/D) is closed.
17. Isolate the 4” CCR Platforming Startup Bypass (4”-P-74-1006) from the feed line to the
Recontact Cooler (74-E-06 A/B/C/D) using the double block and bleed in the 4” tie-in
line (4”-P-74-1207).
18. Confirm that the block valve downstream of the tube side of the Stabilizer Feed-Bottoms
Exchanger (74-E-09 A/B/C/D) and the 4” globe valve in the bypass line (4”-P-74-2109)
around this exchanger are closed.
19. Isolate the 3” Stabilizer Receiver Gas line (3”-P-74-2401) from the First Stage Suction
Drum (74-V-02), using the double block and bleed downstream of the 3” line to the
Refinery Fuel Gas System.
20. Isolate the LPG Chloride Treaters (74-V-07 A/B) from the circulation loops, according
to the drawings attached (P&ID 930768-120-25-A1 Rev. 5)
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 402 of 406
21. Blind the following lines at the locations indicated:

• 2” Unstabilized Net Overhead Liquid to Closed Blowdown Drum (2”-P-72-1806),

downstream of 72-FE-1803
• 1½” line (1½”-P-72-1304) from the Separator (72-V-04) to the Stripper Receiver
Offgas line (3”-P-72-1802), near the Offgas line
• 2” line (2”-P-72-1309) from the Separator (72-V-04) water boot, downstream of 2”-
• 6” inlet lines (6”-P-72-2102) to each of the Naphtha Splitter Overhead Coolers (72-
E-05 A/B/C/D), downstream of the block valves
• 8” line (8”-SHH-74-2904) from the outlet of Desuperheater No. 2 (74-M-02) to the
Naphtha Stripper Reboiler (72-E-04) at the double block and bleed, upstream of the
Startup Steam Line (4”-SHH-74-2924)

22. Ensure that each of the globe valves in the 1” non-condensable vent lines (1”-P-72-2205)
for the Naphtha Splitter Condenser (72-A-03) is closed.
23. Close the gate valve downstream of Desuperheater No. 2 (74-M-02), in the 8” line (8”-
SHH-74-2903) to the Stabilizer Reboiler (74-E-11) and open the bleed valve upstream of
this gate valve.
24. Close the gate valve downstream of Desuperheater No. 1 (74-M-01) in the 8” line (8”-
SHH-74-2907) to/from the VHP Steam Header and open the bleed valve upstream of this
gate valve.
25. Isolate the 4” line (4”-WB-74-2909) from the BFW Booster Pumps (74-P-05 A/B) to the
Convection Section and Desuperheaters No. 1 & 2 using the double block and bleed
assembly upstream of 74-FE-2903.
26. Isolate the 4” VHP Steam Startup lines (4”-SHH-74-2924 & 2925) to the Stripper
Reboiler (72-E-04) and the Stabilizer Reboiler (74-E-11).
27. Isolate the 8” VHP Steam for Startup line (8”-SHH-74-2811) to the 8” Steam Outlet line
(8”-SHH-74-2811) of the Steam Disengaging Drum (74-V-09)
28. Verify that all of the chemical injection lines are isolated, as follows:

• Blind the 1” line (1”-C-72-0505) from the Sulfiding Pump to the 10” NHT Feed line
• Isolate the Inhibitor Injection Pumps (72-P-12 A/B) outlet line (¼”-C-72-2304) to the
Stripper Overhead by closing the gate valves at the pumps discharges and the gate
valve downstream of the check valve and opening the bleed valve between the two.
• Close the block valves at the discharge of the Sulfide Injection Pumps (74-P-08
A/B), close the block valve downstream of the check valve in the ½” Sulfide
Injection line (½”-C-74-1108), and open the bleed valve between the two.
• Blind the 1½” Wash Water Injection line (1½”-WP-72-1210) upstream of the shell
side of the Stabilizer Feed-Bottoms Exchanger (74-E-09 A/B/C/D)
• Blind the 1½” Wash Water Injection line (1½”-WP-74-2110) to the Stabilizer
Overhead line (8”-P-74-2201) and the 1½” Wash Water Injection line (1½”-WP-74-
2209) to the Stabilizer Overhead Reflux Control Valve (74-FV-2303) outlet.
• Close the block valves at the discharge of the Chloride Injection Pump (74-P-09),
close the block valve downstream of the check valve in the ½” Chloride Injection
line (½”-C-74-1122), and open the bleed valve between the two.

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 403 of 406


1. All utility system (Steam, IA, PA, BCW, SWC, DM water, nitrogen etc.)
headers at south battery limit have to be opened and headers have to be
pressured up.
2. All equipment in the NHT are to be thoroughly purged with nitrogen in order to
make it free of air.
3. All the connected control valve stroke check to be carried out in the unit.
4. 72K01A/B has to be de blinded, purged, lined up before start up.
5. NHT feed filter elements installed and ready to keep in service..
6. NHT heaters 72F01 and72F02 all pilot igniters are to be checked before startup.
7. Purging of the fire box with snuffing steam to be carried out before lighting up
the pilots.
8. 72F 01 & 72-F-02 main gas line blind to be removed, pilot and main gas line up
to be done before startup.
9. 72K01A & B discharge H2 side PSV blinds to be removed and nitrogen service
blinds to be installed (2nos for N2 service) before NHT compressors startup
with hydrogen.
10. H2 from DHDS at south battery limit and inside unit has to be lined up before
startup. Ensure H2 meets the specification requirements before lining up.
11. Stripper Nitrogen blind is opened and stripper pressurized.
12. Splitter FG blind is opened and Splitter pressurized.
13. Start up reactor bypass line blind is opened and ready for use.
14. Start-up blind of splitter bottom HN to feed surge drum is opened for routing
back naphtha to surge drum to establish closed loop circulation.
15. Feed surge drum and Stripper receiver boot LTs are commissioned and system
is ready for draining water if any.
16. Ensure that NHT hot feed valve at SBL is isolated.
17. NHT cold feed valve at SBL has to be lined up. Cold feed pump should be kept
running at TPH.
18. CBD pump discharge block valve has to be lined up and slop tank to be lined
19. Ensure all temporary blinds are removed and systems lined up.
20. Ensure all PSVs are lined up and Flare header is ready.
21. FG mixing drum is line up and Refinery FG is available for use.
22. All trip interlocks are checked and are in service except the start up bypasses.
23. Take cold feed from NHT feed tank to NHT Feed surge drum (72V01). Ensure
feed meets the required specifications.
Check and Drain water from feed surge drum boot.
24. Start NHT feed pump (72PM 01A/B). ).
25. NHT CFE and Reactor side should be kept isolated during cold circulation.
26. Route feed through 4” startup bypass line via 72FIC0702 to NHT stripper
27. From NHT stripper (72C01) route to Naphtha Splitter (72C02).
Establish good working level (50%).

Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 404 of 406
28. From Naphtha Splitter (72C02) bottom route to offsite rundown for at least 3 hrs
in coordination with TPH by starting 72PM5A/B pump for removing any debris.
29. After 3 hrs of routing to rundown now closed circulation can be established by
routing back from Naphtha splitter to Feed surge drum via 4” startup bypass
(ensure that the blind on the start-up bypass line is removed).
30. Continue cold circulation for 1 hr while observing feed surge drum temperature
Drain and check for water content at all low points in the circuit. Monitor
feed surge drum boot level very carefully.
Periodically open the bypass lines around all of the control valves in this
loop to flush these lines.
31. During this initial circulation bypass feed filter and carry out frequent cleaning
of pump suction strainers till the stock is clear of debris.
Note: Continue bypassing 72-X-01 until the pump strainers in the long
circulation loop no longer require frequent cleaning
32. Start Stripper and Naphtha splitter o/h all air fin fans.
33. NOTE: Hot Naphtha Circulation should not be started until the pump strainers in
the cold long circulation loop do not have to be cleaned frequently, and the NHT
Feed Filters (72-X-01) have been placed into service.
34. After this start NHT stripper and NHT Splitter re-boiling slowly and establish
hot oil circulation in both the columns with total reflux control.
NOTE: When introducing steam to cold piping, be careful to drain any condensate
in the steam lines using all available low point drains to avoid water-hammering.
35. Heat up the Stripper Reboiler Return temperature (72-TI-1704) to 100°C at a
rate of 20°C/hr. Once the Stripper Reboiler Return temperature (72-TI-1704)
reaches 100°C, decrease the heat-up rate to 10 °C/hr to allow any water in the
shell side of the reboiler and in the column to expand slowly during
vaporization. If the water vaporizes too quickly, the pressure surge could
damage the column trays.
36. Heat up the Naphtha Splitter Reboiler return temperature (72-TI-2002) to 100°C
at a rate of 20°C/hr. Once the Naphtha Splitter Reboiler return temperature (72-
TI-2002) reaches 100°C, decrease the heat-up rate to 10°C/hr to allow any water
to expand slowly during vaporization. If the water vaporizes too quickly, the
pressure surge could damage the column trays.
37. As parallel activity H2 should be taken from DHDS and NHT reactor loop
should be purged free of N2.
38. Slowly increase NHT Separator pressure to 14 kg/cm2 (gas loop) and start NHT
RGC as per procedure.
39. Before starting NHT RGC overhead air fin fans (product condenser) should be
40. Once H2 circulation is established NHT, heater o/l temperature should be
increased slowly at 150 C/hr up to 260 deg C.
NOTE: If one of the pass outlet temperatures and/or the pass skin
temperatures is (are) significantly less than the other(s), a liquid seal or
pocket could be obstructing flow within this pass. As a result, localized
Naphtha Hydrotreater Operating Manual Chapter No:28 Rev. No. 1 Page No. Page 405 of 406
overheating of the tube could occur. In this case, shock the system
momentarily by abruptly changing the charge flow. If the problem persists,
stop heater firing, stop the naphtha charge, and ensure that the pass is
cleared before restarting charge to the unit. Break the liquid seal by
adjusting the flow so that the Charge Heater delta P is greater than the
head developed by a liquid pocket in the pass. Ensure that the heater is not
over-fired during any of these activities.
41. Once NHT reactor inlet is around 260 deg C, proceed for feed cut in.
NOTE: For fresh start where the reaction circuit does not contain any H2S,
Feed to be introduced at 200 deg C to prevent Sulphur leaching by hot
Hydrogen circulation over the sulfide catalyst which will deactivate the
catalyst permanently.
42. Reaction section pressure increases after feed introduction. Watch for pressure
to stabilize and increase the pressure to normal operating pressure of 21kg/cm2
by H2 make up.
43. Increase reactor inlet temperature from 260 to 315 deg C at 15deg C/hr.
44. Start addition of wash water injection at reactor inlet temperature of 290 deg C.
Also start injection of corrosion inhibitor at stripper overhead at 290 deg C.
45. Stabilize NHT operations and route products to rundown tanks once
specifications are met after checking lab results.
46. Stripper off gas can now be routed from flare to DHDS SRU after taking their

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