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1. Body, Indriyas, Mind, Consciousness, together known as _ A- Ayurveda

2. What is the main therapeutic benefit of Kapalabhati practice? a) to remove kapha disorders b) to

remove pitta disorders c) to remove vata disorders d) to remove vata-pitta disorders

3. Which one of the following attributes satisfies the criteria of Sattvic Food?

a) Spicy, hot, bitter, sour and pungent, b) Pure, essential, natural, vital, energy containing

c) Unnatural, overcooked, stale, left over and processed food, d) None of the above

4. ____________is known as Father of Ayurveda A- Charak

5. Which one is not the branch of Ayurveda _A- Hitayu, Dukhayu, Samayu, Ahltayu

6. The positive attitude, happiness, lightedness, spiritual awakening and consciousness are the

characteristics of A .Rajo Guna B .Satva Guna C .Rajo and Tamo Guna D .Tamo Guna

7. Meda as one of the SaptDhatu refer to _____A – Muscles, Nerves, Fats, Tissues

8. Ayurveda is attributed to ______the physician to the Gods in Hindu mythology. A - Dhanvantari

9. Ayurveda recommends ____steps / process to be followed as a part of Dincharya A – 12

10. Which one is not a branch of Ayurveda - Grahchikitsa, Kayachikitsa, Shalyatantra, Bahyachikitsa

11. ____________Is one of the Dinacharya that involves doing massage with warm oil. A – Abhyanga

12. Ayurveda recommends “Alpa Vyayama” in ____ and ____ Ritu a) Grishma & Varsha B) Hemant and

Shishir c) Vasant and Sharad

13. Which one is not a SaptDhaatu as per Ayurveda – A- Gandh, Ras, Shukra, Arthi

14. The Gastric Digestive Fire is called as __A – Jatharagni

15. Vata dosha is best pacified by following which Dinacharya ______a) Vyayam b) Snan c) Anjana d)


16. _____is caused if Snan is taken and exercises done after consuming food a) Back Pain b) Headache c)

Fever d) Indigestion

17. ____is a term known for consuming food of opposite quality A- Virudhahar

18. Doing _________daily prevents cracking of lips, dryness of mouth, loss of voice A- Snan, Gandush,

Dhoompana, Nasya

19. The seat of _________ is Diaphragm to Umbelicus A - Saman

20. As per Ayurveda, Malotsarga Vidhi is described as a) Stool should be passed when there is an urge b)

Stool should be passed by concentrating c) Stool should be passed by keeping silent d) all of the

21. Practicing ______ relieves one from degenerative disorders of brain & sense organs A -Nasya,

Dhoomapana, Bhojan, Vyayam

22. Daily practice of ________prevents disorders of head & neck region which are caused by Vata &

Kapha Dosha. A - Nasya, Gandush, Dhoomapana, Anjana

23. _________ practiced as a part of Dinacharya opens up the skin pores & improves complexion, reduces

fat, reduces itching & skin eruptions A – Nasya, Udwartan, Gandush, Snana

24. Which is the correct sequence of the Sapt Dhatu as per Ayurveda

Asthi, Rasa Mamsa / Majja, Shukra Rakt / Rakt Mamsa Meda, / Shukra Rakt Mamsa

25. How many Malas have been defined in Ayurveda A – 3

26. Which one of the following is not a metabolic waste as per Ayurveda A – Urine, Carbondioxide, Stool,


27. What is the Vata Dosh related to _ A – Digestion, Excretion, Movement, Awakefulness

28. Which of the Pitta types relates to balancing the functions of heart in case of emotional distress –

Ranjhak, Sadhak, Alochak Bhranjak

29. What is the definition of health as per Ayurveda - Balance of Doshas, Agni, Dhatu & Malas with

Prasannata of consciousness, Indriyas and mind

30. What is the constitution of Pitta – A – Fire – 66% and Water 33%

31. The best form of treatment for Vata Imbalance is _____A – Oil Massage

32. The seat of ______is from throat to Diaphram A – Prana

33. There are __ number of Upvayus A – 3, 5, 8, 10

34. The best treatment for balancing Pitta Dosha is _________A – Virechan

35. Which one is not an Upvaayu – A – Karma, Devdatta, Brahmi, Krikala

36. Having meals with food articles as per diet restrictions / rules (Pathya) for specific disease & also

eating those restricted food items (Apathya) along with it is known as __ A- Samashanam

37. Food to be consumed with some amount of Sneha dravya is called as A – Snigdham

38. Which is the attribute of eating food as per Ayurveda – Jeerne, Ushnam, Aviruddham,All of the


39. The mention of how should one eat as described in Ayurveda is called as -A - Aahaara Vidhi


40. Which Ritu is recommended for Pitta Shamak Ahar Vihar – Sharad

41. Na ati drutam and Na ati vilasmbitam describes the speed of the food that is to be consumed
42. The indictors to check if the prior meal is digested properly is called as - A - Jeerna Aahaara

Lakshana. They are Udgarshuddhi – belching without any abnoxious smell

• Utsaaha – Enthusiasm / feeling of freshness

• Vegotsargo yathochitah – Evacuation of bowels & urine normally, without requiring any help of

any medication of any procedures like basti etc.

• Laghuta – feeling of lightness in the body

• Kshut pipasa cha – feeling hungry & thirsty

43. Which one is not the taste of food as per Ayurveda – Amla, Lavan, Laghu, Tikat

44. There are 5 types of Ahaara in Ayurveda – A – Ras, Veerya, Karma, Guna, Dosha

45. How many seasons are there as per Indian Calendar A – 4, 6, 8 2,

46. The season that falls in the month of Jaistha and Ashaad is A – Shishir, Hemant, Greeshma Sharad

47. The Sharad season falls in the month of _____& _________ A – Ashwin and Kartik

48. As per the Ayurveda Calendar, Bal (Strength) is highest in which seasons (Ritu) – Shishir and Hemant

49. As per the Ayurveda Calendar, Bal (Strength) is highest in which seasons (Ritu) – Greeshma & Varsha

50. Which is the only Ritu in which one can sleep during the day – A Greeshma

51. Which are the only Ritu in which one cannot sleep during the day – A Hemant and Shishir

52. Arrange the following Doshas as per the Age cycle (Young Age _ Middle Age_ Old Age) - Pitta, Kapha

Vata, Vatta Pitta Kapha, Kapha, Pitta Vata, Kapha, Vata Pitta

53. What is the constitution of Kapha – A – Earth– 66% and Water 33%

54. The Kapha Dosha is related to ______A- Mobility, Growth, Digestion, Metabolism

55. What are 5 types of Pitta – A - Pachak, Ranjak, Alochak, Sadhak and Bhranjak

56. Which of the following is not a Kapha type: Avalambhak, Tarpak, Rechak, Sleshak

57. _______Kapha prevents damage to soft tissues and mucous linings caused by inhaled air & other

Particle A- Avalambhak

58. Which Kapha provides nutrients to brain cells and gives lubrication & Protection to brain & Spinal cord

Tarpak, Kledak, Bodhak, Sleshak

59. _______ is located in Stomach and Helps in moistening the food. A – Kledak Kapha

60. The Dhatvagni breaks each Dhatu into 3 levels as follows – A Gross _ Mala (50%) Fine – Stays itself

(30%) and Finer goes in the formation of successive Dhatus (20%)

61. Shodhan and Shaman are 2 types of ________Internal Treatment A- Antaparimarjan Chikitsa

62. What are the 5 types of treatment in Panchkarma to balance the imbalance in Doshas – Vaman,

Virechna, Basti, Nasya and Raktamokshan

63. Shoman involves the following treatment _A – Langhan, Sunbath, Exercise, Sitting in Fresh Air and


64. What kind of food as per Ritucharya should be avoided in Varsha Ritu – A- Amla

65. Which Shuddhi Kriya should be done in Vasant Ritu – A – Vaman

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