MCQ - Cardiovasuclar System

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1. What is the PH of Blood? A - 7.5

2. The blood vessel which supply blood to kidney is called as – A Renal Artery

3. The Artery that carries deoxygenated blood into the lungs is _ A – Pulmonary Artery

4. If the radius of the blood vessel decreases, the Blood pressure will increase / decrease

/ remain unaffected – A Increase

5. The upper reading / highest point in blood pressure is called as Dystolic / Systolic – A-


6. What is the ratio of RBC to WBC in Human Body – 600:1

7. What is the other name of RBC – Erythrocytes

8. What is the other name for Platelets – Thrombocytes

9. ___ carries blood to the heart and ___ carries blood from the heart A- Veins and


10. Oxygenated blood is carried by – A- Pulmonary Vein

11. What is the primary role of Plateletes A= Clotting of Blood

12. Oxygen is transported in blood mainly by _ A – RBC / Erythrocytes

13. What gives the red color to the blood – Hemoglobin

14. In Mammals, the oxygenated blood enters the heart from A _ Left Atrium

15. Which gland regulates the calcium in blood and bone – A _ Parathyroid gland

16. Blood Pressure is controlled by which Endocrine Gland – Adrenal Gland

17. Prothrombin responsible for blood clotting is released by – A Platelets

18. In which part of the body is blood produced – A Bone Marrow

19. What is the largest WBC called as – A – Monocytes

20. Which vein is responsible for supplying nutrient rich blood to the Liver – Hepatic Portal


21. Which is the biggest pure blood Artery – Aorta

22. The wall that separates Atrium and Ventricle is called as A= Septum

23. The contraction of the heart muscle is called as A= Systolic Pressure

24. The Right Chamber of the Heart has which valve A= Tricuspid Valce

25. In Pathology, excess of RBC is called as – A _Polycythemica

26. The Dilation of the heart muscle is called as A= Dystolic pressure

27. Study of blood is known as – A – Hematology

28. Which Artery supplies blood to the heart A – Coronary Artery

29. What is the role of WBC A= Provide Immunity

30. The Smallest blood vessels which are one cell thick are called as – A- Capillaries

31. Average litre of blood in human body – 5litre

32. The heart is made up of which type of muscle : a) Skeletal muscle b) Smooth muscle c)

Cardiac muscle d) None of the above

33. Arteries carry a) Urine b) Lymph fluid c) Oxygenated blood d) Deoxygenated blood

34. The system responsible for transporting blood around the body is : a) Urinary system b)

Circulatory system c) Lymphatic system d) Digestive system

35. Which of the following is the example of connective tissue ? (A) Cardiac muscle (B)

Smooth muscle (C) Blood (D) Spleen

36. The Outermost layer of the Heart is called as A= Percardium

37. Increase in Systolic and Dystolic pressure is called as A= Hypertension or Hypotension

38. . Human heart has a. Two chambers b. Three chambers c. Four chambers d. No chambers

39. This electrical energy generated helps to pump the heart muscles also known as

Pacemaker – A – SinoAtrium Node

40. Heart creates significant force for the flow of blood to overcome what A= Peripheral


41. What is the major role of RBC A= Transportation of gases (o2 and Co2)

42. What are the 2 types of Circulation systems – Systemic (transport of blood) and

Pulmonary ( purification of blood)

43. What does Blood carry in the Arteries – Nutrients Oxygen and Hormones

44. What does blood carry in the Veins _ Vapour Co2 and Toxins

45. What is that called when 1 blood group mixes with the other – Agglutination

46. What happens in Arteriosclerosis A= Blood vessel looses its elasticity with decrease

in the diameter and increase in the resistance and blood pressure.

47. Mitrial valve is also called as A= Bicuspid Valve

48. Primary control centre of Cardiac is A – Medulla Oblongata

49. In one heart beat , how much blood is pumped out A – 70 ml

50. The Artery that supplies blood to the Brain is called as A= Carotid artery

51. The highest cardiac output distribution (blood) is to which part – A – gastro Intestinal

System and Spleen (21%)

52. The average life of RBC is A - 3 months (90 days)

53. What is the composition of blood A = 55% plasma and 45% blood cells

54. What is the biggest component of Plasma A – 92% water

55. The smallest branch of the artery is called as A= Arteriole

56. The smallest branch of the veins is called as A= Venules

57. Hypertension leads to many Cardiac ailments due to A= Stress Hormone (adrenaline

secretion) constricts blood vessels

58. Increased viscosity of blood is primarily due to presence of ___ in the blood A=

Proteins, Sodium, Fats

59. The veins that bring back blood from the legs to the heart have ____ that avoids

reverse flow of blood A= Valves

60. Weak muscles of the Leg and weak veins leads to an ailment that makes the vein Zigzag

in shape A= Variose Veins

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