I. Answer These Questions by Crossing A, B, C, or D!

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Hari/Tgl : Jum’at, 14 Juni 2013 Nama : .............................................

Waktu : 09.30 – 11.00 WIB NIS : .............................................

I. Answer these questions by crossing a, b, c, or d!

1. A: What is this?
B: This is a ….

A. wall C. staircase
B. gate D. window

2. Farah’s house has a …, doesn’t it?

A. fence C. roof
B. gate D. curtain

3. Fanti: “The floor is clean, ….?”

Sita : “Yes it is”
A. isn’t it C. doesn’t it
B. is it D. does it

4. Kunti : “My house has …, doesn’t it?”

Fani : “Yes, it is.”
A. plafond C. pillar
B. chimney D. fence

5. Budi : “ You are a student, aren’t you?”

Faqih : “… .”
A. Yes, you are C. No, I am not
B. No, you are not D. Yes, I am
6. Mother is cooking in the … .
A. chicken C. bedroom
B. kitchen D. bathroom
7. A : “ I am not a teacher, …?”
B : “ No, you are not.”
A. am I C. aren’t I
B. am not I D. aren’t you

Text for question number 8 – 10

Santi and Sinta are sibling

But they are very different
Santi always wakes up early
She is never late for school
Sinta always wakes up late
So, she is often late for school
8. A : “Are Santi and Sinta sibling ?”
B : “….”
A. Yes, they are c. No, they are not
B. Yes, she is d. No, she is not
9. Who does always wake up late?
A. Santi C. sibling
B. school D. Sinta
10. What is the opposite of “never”?
A. ever C. sometimes
B. often D. always
11. Zainal recites Al quran … sunset prayer.
A. never C. on time
B. after D. often
12. Nina has … at 7.00 o’clock in the evening.
A. breakfast C. dinner
B. fasting D. lunch
13. After school, I usually ….
A. take a bath
B. take a nap
C. wake up
D. study

14. I perform … at 05.00 in the morning.

A. dawn prayer
B. noon prayer
C. afternoon prayer
D. sunset prayer

15. Dika :” look at the cat!”

Kamil : “ The cat looks sad too.”
Dika : “no, the cat looks angry.”
Kamil : “really?”
Dika : “yes, the cat is angry to the dog.”
Kamil : “You are right.”
How does the cat look? The cat looks … .
A. sad C. shy
B. angry D. happy
16. A : “How … I look?”
B : “You look pretty.”
A. is C. does
B. are D. do
17. Zainal gets 5,0 in science, he looks … .
A. fun C. sad
B. strong D. happy
18. Imam : “ How does the clown look?”
Afif : “The clown looks … .”
A. happy C. funny
B. weak D. shy
19. How does he looks? He looks ….
A. shy
B. strong
C. angry
D. sick

20. Tina : “Alhamdulillah, I become the champion in painting competition.”

Rani : “Congratulation, Tina.”
Tina : “ ….”
a. Thank you C. Don’t be sad
b. I’m so sorry D. Oh no
21. Sandi : “Why do you look sad Ahmad?”
Ahmad: “I lost my money.”
Sandi: “….”
A. I’m sorry to hear that C. Thank you
B. Don’t mention it D. Congratulation

Text for question number 22- 25

Today, Laila is going to have a … (22) party. She is going to invite her friends. In the
party, we are going to … (23) “happy birthday” for her. We are also going to give her
a present. She is going to … (24) the candle. We are going to eat the birthday cake
and get ice cream. Everybody is going to be … (25).
22. A.eating C. singing
B. birthday D. cake
23. A. blow C. invite
B. gives D. sing
24. A. eat C. drink
B. blow D. make
25. A.angry C. sleepy
B. sad D. happy

26. Lutfi needs some … to invite his friends to come to his birthday party
A. invitation cards C. letters
B. member cards D. cake
27. I am going to … (puasa) in my birthday.
A. candle C. fast
B. invitation cards D. party
28. Haikal … be 11 years old.
A. am going to C. is going to
B. are going to D. is go to
29. Alfi rarely does anything himself, she is … .
A. spoiled C. independent
B. stingy D. diligent
30. Alif likes to help others, he is … .
A. independent C. friendly
B. diligent D. helpful
31. Lexa always shares anything with her friends
Sifa rarely shares anything with her friends
Sifa is … than Lexa
A. more stingy C. generous
B. stingier D. more generous
32. Nina is a … girl, she always makes her bed after waking up
A. lazy C. helpful
B. spoiled D. diligent
33. Sani and Sintia always greet everyone they meet, they …
A. are clever C. are friendly
B. are generous D. are helpful
34. Sahlan rarely late comes to school
Ahwan often late comes to school
Ahwan is … than Sahlan
A. lazier C. diligent
B. more lazy D. more diligent
35. Ali often in a bad mood, he is … .
A. stingy C. moody
B. friendly D. spoiled

II. Fill in the banks correctly!

36. A : “I am clever, ….?”

B : “Yes, you are.”
37. Ulin receives his guest in the ….

38. Alfan always … in the morning and in the evening.

39. A : “Does Kamil always play football every afternoon?”

B : “No, …. ”
40. How do they look? They look ….

41. Rika : “Alhamdulilah, I become the champion in this competition.”

Fika : “ … Rika.”
Rika : “ Thank you.”
42. Father is going to put a … to the cake.
43. Filma is going to give charity to orphan in …. (panti asuhan)
44. Rahma often shares her snack to others, she is … .
45. Andi is … than budi
Andi rarely ask for help from other people
Budi rarely does anything himself

III. Answer these questions!

46. Mention 5 rooms in your house!

Answer : ___________________________________

47. Mention 5 prayer times for Muslims!

Answer : ___________________________________

48. Arrange these words into good sentences!

a. very – looks – She – pretty
Answer : ___________________________________

b. pity – a –What – you – are

Answer : ___________________________________

49. Fahmi is going to have a birthday party

He is going to invite his friends to his house
Jln. Syeh jangkung no, 10 Winong
It is on 9th june 2013
He is going to invite Kamil
The party is going to start at 03.00 in the afternoon
Some friends are going to come
They are going to eat ice creams, cakes, and snacks
It is going to be fun
Everyone is going to be happy
Fill this invitation card
A Birthday Party
On : ………………………………
At : ……………………………………..
Time : ……………………………………
From : …………………………………………
To : …………………………………………
Please come …

50. Change the sentences into correct degree of comparison forms!

a. Safa (friendly) Marwa
Answer : ___________________________________

b. Kiki (easy going) Farel

Answer : ___________________________________

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