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Central university of South Bihar


Submitted To: Dr.Pawan kumar singh

(course instructor for political science l|)

Submitted by: Swastik

Enrollment no: CUSB2013125126
BA.LLB (2020-25)
2nd semester

Eloctoval hrscess
Electiona axe the siqnificant hart demscral
Sustom is he elections which dek INI-
hBupaLuArjul democrati. mechomism i ncolin
i s dt_ia complicated as wellas wmerLon
LSCAB, Ao it HeQuiro a mechanism_ a AIYsiem
to Lumctien dmnAsHhly

EloctouaL Lutem The Hules e 64Atem shic deal

a l tho ashrct eloctisn blUCh as LiQt o gle
Hioht to cetest 2laction electoKal mashhxu
Lenduding lleution: poatue f vating A1autuu
4 ballt dat ef othng gain 2Lesbionamd
Declasatin Posult
Sn then LOLd t is a b4stem LAhich
ies doun ules md regulatians Zhat Contro
he nLLhomis Af election

empenentsf 8LQLtoral bystem.: Lenist / three

A tnuhue obollst
b. ElectOLal fAMla
CEitiltimg- amddlstuit magnitude

St keers Abanticular mechomism }oh Co

Lotesimto- eats
Maiml it_has__}hxee uchiyhes1 o
Lonuetng totes imto2ats.-

Pualih ygtom Jhe most bresalemt Omd the-

Ldest 4stom ecistisq kmthe-

L a t o held am eloition is tenOalled

Qs ~hst past the post he KYstenm is based-
n_plwNalty kule, H_gmeams ths Uinne
iM this of 2loctionis ushg baue Qot the
mOeimum_numbrs Of pelled lLatRsLL`ksakha
Hdhomsakha onchaLyat aMA cMLmiepdl eletips
im Jadia OLe he puime Pcomples pleusollg
6ustz his jome method alsa LIAed im
hilipines nemzuelaLouue holse of thee
Jegislaliwe in Cafda lnited Kimgclen md
Unitod 4tataa. n thib. tyhe oA sijstan thieLls
Lhiuh get coteo to tbnddates not to holthcal

Moyority system.i-
his method hos beem Lsed in eleckotal systam
doLnsne that the comddateLsha is declared
pledted Aecne3 mAN ham Lh pescnt MALA-


Jhis is abplieo Am luuo aiants

11) tuo AoUAmad slyaTerm-
Lii) altermatiye pte dyston
Conditlate m u s th o u e
t _enauLrs Lhat uuimning
bOTesshare of_more tham 504 e2 precisely 5D
Called hLvnott vouing
Nhis method 2fvotimg is second
ballange he eletion broceads Zo a
AOUnd ony i in thelkat LUnd n y i -
En the,4inat na camdidate has keceed A-
Simble majasity. In the ecend AAmd moAt
ne the tuu cndidates Uho keceiused khe
LetesLN the s t ADUMd fhe hatLoumOL
hOAeAaMdidoto lLoho heLeiue h e N a t
tLotes ÚAth AeLANd LLumd_o ThoAL
Lamdidates LLLhe LLeied abae a r Lihod
potion A Otes, LuOWd be HheCaMdidates
i nlke seLond AAumd
Aopetienal Webxesenhon dusTiem

his pe f elecloal syslem in uehich diib

ioAs_m om electezate AUL, LLlected peLLhauian-
ately in the electeol bedy Zhe _CeNLaptabples
maimlu to eoqtaphucol Omd þelitical diision
the electoiate..
_n @ the eloctople zeuApoiLA a ioulan sipb
is a paaliculapoluical a s heis jauomte, them_
hoLgaly n: of Leats Lasill beweN by thatpant
he 2sseMLe G dLech sysTom ithat a l Lvste
Lentribuie t hesLl-nAt Justa pluarlity O

bare Mnajeity-
System muslued im Paopetional kepnesontahion

he mcst widely iuaed damilies o
AYstexm a e baty Aiut t h e singe
able. 3TY), Omd miced nemben puoparlisl
Uith 4pasty list PApolititaLbartiesdefime Landi=
dateLiats Ona lugtehs_LPOta feL List Zhe elaliu
LLte 4es 20chLst are actually electod,ZAt
LaM be cleed pem'; Afen lataLlauL
LLsterb to indicate_jndisdiualCamdidate pAef
LLANL m d ugte. e s Inalependent camdidate
UINa eisteut COn be sMmall f asfer GA Haee-
sLats n &eme istlct O_as lage_asa
pLoLÄnce Om 2iLe nation.
Zhe singtr }EamsdaKable_LLete LLBLs MLLLEiple
memb distiut ueith vstess Casbing @nliH-NO
MAt enLh dbet komkig enduidual Camdidate.
inDder Pf prejerenLobipeeeidirg bak
u p pzejereMes ming Lhe C ds camdiz
dates Oe electrd nmirated 1 eUmirat en
Bnplas 21eN OLibeand totes hat ALeALaZ_

e m m g CenLemsLs DLups h a t eleLt LLLni

Lomduidales,STy 2NAhle CtLIs tO_tLgZe OLOAA
bauty lime, to ohecro the met preherred ej
0 posti caMaidats amd kmoLuirrg fhatis
tho Chnddate is not electod Lf the" CLSler
| Date:

MOnks Lup backup pufercemcas en the balls
Mioced member probortioral Lepresenation
Mioe ed member. pLopotional kepuessntaHon
alsocalled the additioral member áyston-
LAMS), ds tio ties mimd eloLtsnl a4ute
Lmbining lecal nan-prephioal/pluelit-
majitDAlam 2letien Oma q CompenAak
Legional os natt'osralpartiy _st PR eleclen
ipicalluy haue fius ebA Qne the-
OntyLiát, Thepaity list wete detrraining-
|Zhe badance Dr thepaitie3 imtha elecked

epheral Repwesendation praitised i2 Fndia.

Jhe membens Sf_the Rayasabha One elected indi-

ectly kahenhambitcilizen at laugelika_hsL
hoiy it is fe the Jokkabhq. rajuyasabha pmemb
Ae electod by eoch átate's Vidlhay Beebhq
Liegjislakive 0ssembly) Auing the sigte teansjasake
l e vsta systam. Untikemoai edoxal sytems, the
nabe t membersseturnea by eoeh Jate is
DugtlyÞrspoion theis-pepulakic

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