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Unit 9 - Quiz 2

Name & Surname : .......................................................... Class : .......................................................

Student ID Number : .......................................................... Date : .......................................................
School : .......................................................... Result : .......................................................

A Look at fact files of the superheroes and write T (TRUE) or F (FALSE). (30 pts.)


(Clark Kent) (Bruce Wayne) (Bruce Banner)


Intelligence 85% Intelligence 96% Intelligence 74%
Strength 98% Strength 70% Strength 100%
Speed 95% Speed 60% Speed 67%
Durability 95% Durability 55% Durability 99%
Power 94% Power 54% Power 82%
Combat 87% Combat 97% Combat 77%

1 Superman fights the worst of all. 9 Hulk is the least durable of all.
2 Batman is the weakest of all. 10 Superman is the most powerful of all.
3 Hulk is slower than Batman. 11 Batman is the most intelligent of all.
4 Superman fights the best of all. 12 Hulk is the least intelligent of all.
5 Batman is more durable than Superman. 13 Superman is the fastest of all.
6 Hulk is the strongest of all. 14 Batman fights worse than Hulk.
7 Superman is less powerful than Hulk. 15 Superman is stronger than Batman.
8 Batman is the slowest of all.

B Fill in the blanks with the words in the box suitably. (10 pts.)

»» durable »» powerful »» intelligent »» strong »» fastest

1 They say he is as .............................. as Hulk. But he can’t even lift my backpack.
2 Usain Bolt is one of the .............................. runners I have ever seen.
3 Steel is more .............................. to corrosion than iron. That’s why companies prefer it over kitchen
4 The USA has one of the most .............................. armies in the world. Because it has hi-tech weapons.
5 She is much more .............................. than you think. She has beaten all her rivals in the chess
tournament so far.

C Match the questions with the funny answers. (15 pts.)

1 What would you do if you were Hulk?

2 Where would you build your house if you were Superman?

3 Who would you employ as an assistant if you were Batman?

4 What business would you do if you were Spiderman?

5 What kind of places would you stay away from if you were Ironman?

a I would clean the windows of the skyscrapers in New York.

b At the top of Mount Everest.
c Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers etc. etc.
d Robin, of course!
e I would avoid wearing any kind of clothing during my anger fits.

D Read the text and answer the questions. (15 pts.)


We can see the earliest animation paintings of animals in Paleolithic Age in caves. The paintings consisted
of images of a jumping goat. Many centuries later, inventions like the Magic Lantern and the Flipbook
brought life to motion, but there was no sound. Walt Disney’s Steamboat Willie was the first short film
which contained synchronized sound. Later stop motion emerged in movies with live action. But, it was
less popular. The best example was “Wallace and Gromit” whose main characters were a man and his dog.
The famous film company “Pixar” made the first animation completely on a computer with lots of short
films. Later it joined another film company called “Disney” in order to create computer animated feature
length films. Toy Story 3, the first ever animated movie, reached $1 billion in Box Office sales. Pixar is now
the most successful computer based animation company in the world.

a Where can we see the examples of the earliest animation?


b What was missing in the Magic Lantern and the Flipbook?


c What was the name of the first short film with sound?

d Who created the first animation on a computer?


e Why did Pixar join Disney?


E Check the words in bold type in “D” again. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. (15 pts.)

»» main characters »» computer based »» motion »» image »» sound

1 One of the most important features of a superhero is their well-built .....................................
2 You can see the details of a movement in slow ..................................... pictures.
3 There is no ..................................... in silent movies. Charlie Chaplin’s most famous character of the
time was Charlot.
4 The two ..................................... of Bugs Bunny are a rabbit called Roger and the hunter, Yosemite
5 With the advancements in the techniques, ..................................... animations started to become

F Fill in the blanks with “If” or “I wish” suitably. (15 pts.)

1 ................. I could help you with your project. But I am so busy these days.
2 ................. I knew how to fix machines, I wouldn’t have to call a repairman for simple repairs.
3 ................. I were Captain America, I would wear a dark costume to look cooler.

4 ................. I had a house by Lake Van. The sunset is very beautiful there in the autumn

5 ................. I had night vision, I wouldn’t use a torch to find my way in the forest at nights.


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