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1.1. what phenomena/issues, the importance of where; what supporting
data; what do the experts say
1.2. what have people written about the phenomenon, where are the
1.3. How does this paper respond to that deficiency, what are its specific
1.4. What is the hypothesis/argument that you want to go to to achieve that

2.1. 1 relevant concept that usually helps answer the problem, define
describe the categories 2 /aspects of concept 1
2.3. _______________

3.1. Explain the reasons for choosing the site, place, case, focus, unit of
analysis referred to
3.2. emphasize the type or type of research and data (primary / secondary)
used. 3.3. state the data source; respondent/informal & how to choose
3.4. What research techniques have been used?
3.5. the analytical technique used

4.1. Description of results/research 1 (what is seen, heard, read).
4.2. description of the results/findings of 2 studies (what do you see
4.3. explain the results/findings of 3 studies (what do you see _________)

5.1. if the fact 4.1. shows the picture so-what? What does it mean
5.2. if fact 4.2 shows such a picture _________________
5.3. if fact 4.3 shows such a picture_________________

What are the most important results without this research it would be impossible to
Are the theories/concepts and methods used able to answer the problem?
What are the shortcomings of this study, what are the suggestions for further
1. title , Contents, overview, the opening chapter contains the
background,importance of research,ad well as detailed explanation,arguments,
current ideas and structure of the dissertation . literature review and bibliography
and sources of data and information research methods findings from research
discussion conclusion, summary of research results,evaluation of thesis content
and other research bibliography and reverence
What’s on my mind or more simple
Well find interesting topics and study reverence to make it easy to write article.

2. Idioms

3. Explain the reasons for choosing the site, place, case, focus, unit of analysis
referred to
emphasize the type or type of research and data (primary / secondary) used.
state the data source; respondent/informal & how to choose
What research techniques have been used?
the analytical technique used

4. idioms are a series of words whose meaning cannot be taken litterally but
represents a certain exspression that is implied in it All kinds of idioms I know

• idioms as keen as mustard

•idioms color

• idioms body

• idioms about personality

•political idioms And many more idioms


Idioms is the expressional words use in

daily speech and it basically appeared in

every written text in novels, short stories,

poetry, etc) . Idioms make the language

richer and more colorful . Learning idioms

are important to make our knowledge about

language more rich.
In idioms, there also have a rule to be an
idioms .

Novel is an invented prose narrative of
Considerable length and a certain complexity
That deals imaginatively with human
Experience, usually through a connected
Sequence of events involving a group of
Person in a specific setting . And there are
Several elements of novel :
1. Plot
The novel is propelled through its hundred
Or thousand pages by a device known as the
Story or plot.
The object of the study was English
Idioms on 6 Novels ; The Adventure of Tom
Sawyer, Father, Fly Away Home, The
Ascension, Ruby the Red Fairy and Dracula
. The data were phrases or words found in
The novel . Novel was picked because novel
Idioms found in 6 Novels ; The
Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Father, Fly
Away Home, The Ascension, Ruby the Red
Fairy and Dracula .
By referring to the result of the research,
We present the following conclusion.

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