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Activities for
development of

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Developing students' multiple intelligences in the classroom can be a

complicated task when planning courses. In the same way, meeting the needs
of all students during daily lessons is an even more significant challenge.
However, through the use of different activities, the development of students'
intelligences can be promoted, while meeting the objectives of the lesson.

The theory of multiple intelligences can serve as a complement and help when
planning the courses. The theory was developed by Harvard University
psychologist Howard Gardner. It proposes the existence of eight types of
intelligences in the human being and the capacity we all have for their
development, which allows us to understand why we learn in different ways.

In this document, you will find 48 activities that you can use your daily classes
and integrate them into the curriculum. However, we recommend considering
the following:

1. Howard Gardner recommends us to individualize and pluralize the

information when using the theory of multiple intelligences in the classroom.
Individualize- Learn as much as possible about each student and teach
them in a way that is comfortable and effective for them.
Pluralize- Teach relevant material in several ways.

For more information on the use of the theory of multiple intelligences in the
classroom visit our website:

Empower education to change the world.

We can find this intelligence in
students who can understand, use,
and manipulate written or spoken

1. Story reading
2. Oral presentations
3. Speech competitions
(speeches in 3 minutes)
4. Reflective diaries
5. Perform podcasts on
studied topics.
6. Debates
It is distinguished in students who can
use numbers correctly and
understand abstract relationships.

1. Computer programming
activities (Scratch App)
2. Use of puzzles
3. Solution of verbal problems
4. Use of scientific method
5. Use of Socratic questions
6. Finance planning activities
It is defined by the ability to form a
mental model of a space world and to
maneuver using this model.

1. Use of concept maps

2. Activities that involve the use
of maps
3. Pictionary game
4. Minecraft use
5. Activities with modeling clay,
paint, and collages
6. Production and taking photos,
videos, and short films
We can find it in those students with
the ability to perceive, distinguish,
transform, express sounds, and
musical forms.

1. Listen to musical pieces

2. Music appreciation activities
3. Play instruments
4. Create songs and rhythms
5. Measure the musical time
using the metronome
6. Create melodies to learn
It is defined as the ability to solve
problems or develop products using
the body or parts of it.

1. Theater production
2. Craft use
3. Learning by discovery
4. Use of Legos
5. Body movement activities (dance,
pantomime, role play, acting)
6. Activities related to physical
education (play, jumping, sport,
physical exercises)
It is defined by the ability to self-
discipline and self-understanding.
Together with interpersonal
intelligence, it is called emotional
1. Use of 1 minute reflection periods
2. Activities that integrate the
independent study
3. Provide classroom spaces for
individual study
4. Activities related to the theme of
5. Self-taught readings
6. Application of learning centers
It can be found in students who can
understand other people: what
motivates them, how they work, and
how to work with them

1. Use of board games

2. Role-play activities
3. Peer tutoring
4. Creation of academic clubs
5. Community support activities
6. Use of scenario simulations
It is the ability to appreciate,
categorize, classify, explain, and
connect everyday life with nature.

1. Have pets or plants in the classroom

2. Make orchards or gardens
3. Cleaning activities in community
4. Walks in natural environments
5. Show videos, films or documentaries
related to nature
6. Use of binoculars, microscope, and

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