TheCatIsBackB L26pp80-81Review6 11677

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Tom Cat Goes Fishing Look and Learn

26 1 Last Friday was a warm and sunny day. Tom Cat wanted to
I / You / He / She / It / We / You / They watched TV last night / week.
go fishing with a friend. He talked to Bella on the phone.
jump – jumped
ed live – lived
d stop
top – stopped
ped play
ay – played
ed carry
ry – carried

basket 2 Complete. 4a Listen and number.

shouted ● rained ● brushed a c
stopped ● carried

go fishing 1. I ........................ my bag to school.

Tom: Hi, Bella. It’s a beautiful day. I want to catch some
2. The boy ........................ , “Wait for me!”
fish for supper. Do you want to go fishing with me?
Bella: Sorry, Tom. I can’t. I’m busy today. 3. Sue ........................ her teeth after lunch.
Tom: OK. Never mind. What are you doing? b d
warm Bella: I’m helping my grandma. 4. The policeman ........................ the car.
Bye, Tom. Have fun! 5. It wasn’t sunny yesterday.
sunny 2 Tom Cat jumped into 3 Ratty watched Tom Cat. Then he followed him. It ........................ all day.
his boat.
I’m in my boat.
busy Look at me!
Let’s see. Here’s 3 Talk.
I’m going fishing
my basket. I’ve
Sorry. In the big, blue sea! watch TV ● talk on the phone
got a bottle of
4b Write about Max in 4a
4a. Use the Past
water, sandwiches play in the park ● listen to music
Never mind. and fruit. help my mum ● walk to school Simple.

Yesterday morning Max (1) ........................

help) his mum. They (2) ........................
wash) the car. In the afternoon Max
(3) ........................ (play
play) in the garden
I’m in my boat.
Ha, ha, hee, hee. with his brother. Then Max and his family
I’m following Tom. (4) ........................ (walk
walk) to the beach and
1 Complete. He can’t see me! (5) ........................ (sail
sail) in their boat.
basket ● go fishing ● sunny ● busy In the evening Max
1. It was a warm and ........................ day. 3. Bella was ........................ . (6) ........................
I listened to music I talked on (cook
cook) supper for
2. Tom Cat wanted to ........................ . 4. There were sandwiches and fruit yesterday. What the phone.
in Tom’s ........................ . about you?

80 81
Re 4 Talk.
view Lessons 26-30 The Summer Holidays

1 Complete. A B C D
Yesterday …

1. Pam ........................
helped her mum. (help
help) 3. We ........................ basketball. (not
not play)
2. Dad ........................ a big box. (carry 4. The car ........................ . (not
not stop)

2 Complete.
Last Sunday …

1. Sue ........................
went fishing with her dad. (go
go) 3. You ........................ emails. (not
not write)
2. Joe and I ........................ in the sea. (swim
swim) 4. We ........................ our friends. (not
not meet)
A: What will you do in the summer holidays? D: And I’ll go fishing every day.
B: I‘ll go to the beach with my family.
family What about you? A: Have fun, everyone!
3 Write questions. Use Did
Did. Then circle the correct answer. C: I’ll meet my friends at the sports centre
centre. D: Thanks. You too!
1. Maggie / clean the bathroom?
Did Maggie clean the bathroom?
5 Write what you will do in the summer holidays. Draw or find a photo.
Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.
2. Brian / leave his clothes in the living room?
In the summer holidays In the summer holidays …
I will meet my friends
Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.
and we will play football
3. Brian / fix the chair in his bedroom? every day. We will
............................................................................. have fun together! I will watch a lot of TV
Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. I won’t go to sleep early

4 4. they / wash the car?

Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.

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