BENI Khalled High School English Mid-Term Test N°1 Duration 1 Hour Class: 1 Form Name: Mark: Listening Comprehension: (8 Marks)

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BENI khalled High School English mid-term test n°1

Duration 1 hour Class: 1st form …

Name: .......................................................... Mark: . , . . / 20

Listening comprehension: (8 marks)

1) What is the name of the show? (1 mark)

2) Complete the following table: (2 marks)

Name Ben Lily Harry
Age ............................... 16 ...............................

3) The following statement is false. Correct it with reference to the passage: (1 mark)
a) Ben spends his pocket money on books.

4) Answer the following questions: (2 marks)

a) Where does Lily work?
b) How much money does she get?

5) Circle the right function: (1mark)

a- Contrast b- Suggestion c- Result

6) Listen and complete the missing words: (1mark)

You’ve ............................... a great way to ............................... money in your free time.
Language: (12 marks)
1) Fill in the gaps with words from the box. There are two extra words: (4 marks)

cookery / success / harder / around / best / feet / worst / aching / share / head
In 1996, I became a professional cook. Today, I would like to ............................... a few
thoughts on choosing a career in the kitchen. Cooking is fun, but kitchen work can be difficult
as you’re going to spend 10-12 hours on your ............................... every day. As a teenager, I
can recall standing peeling 50 pounds of potatoes. By the time I finished, my hands were
................................ But as I worked, I watched the line cooks, kept my ...............................
open and learned the language of the kitchen. You may wonder what the secret to any chef’s
............................... is. You must learn how to work faster and with more precision than
everyone ............................... you. When I became sous chef under Frank Stitt, it wasn’t
because I was the ............................... cook in the kitchen. In fact, I was the youngest member
and had been working there for less time than anyone else on staff. Yet, I worked
................................ To sum up, to stand out in a kitchen full of eager young cooks, there’s no
such thing as “enough”.
2) Put the words between parentheses in the correct form or tense: (4 marks)
Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955. He was the middle child of
William H. Gates II, a lawyer, and Mary Gates, who worked as a (teach) ................................
before she had kids. Bill had an older sister, Kristi, and a younger sister, Libby. Bill was an
(intelligence) ................................ student and his best subject in grade school was math.
After (graduate) ................................ from high school in 1973, Gates attended Harvard
University. In 1975, Gates (leave) ................................ Harvard to start a software company
with Paul Allen called Microsoft. Thanks to this company, Gates (become)
................................ the world's richest man in 1986. The question is Why was Bill Gates
(success) ................................? Bill Gates' success came from a combination of hard work,
intelligence and luck. Gates (usual) ................................ challenged his employees to work
harder. Gates also wasn't afraid to take risks. He had (confident) ................................ in
himself and his product. Bill Gates plans to donate his fortune to charity and wants to teach
his kids the value of hard work.
3) Circle the correct alternative: (4 marks)
Fame is not for everyone, including some celebrities who are already famous. Believe it or
not, there are many celebrities who (hate / hatred / love) being famous. That might not make
sense to some, especially when you link fame to (wealthy / wealthiest / wealth), and what
could be so horrible about that? Well, when your (personal / private / privacy) is usually
invaded and when you are criticized for your (looking / looks / looked) and opinions, it's not
really that desirable. If you look at being a celebrity in that light, I definitely would not be
(comfortable / comfort / comforting): waking up every day and having the paparazzi follow
you, (having / have / had) a busy schedule, and answering questions left and right from the
press. But, unfortunately, that's the price you pay when you want to be an actor, (music /
musician / musical), author, or whatever other high-profile profession you choose. There are
some who just cannot (like / liked / liking) it, which is totally understandable. Actually, there
are many famous faces who have spoken bluntly about the price of fame and the nightmares
they are going through.

Presenter: Hi and welcome to the Money Lily: No, they don’t. But I have a
Show! Saturday job in
This week we’re talking about pocket a restaurant and I get £20 a week from
money – that.
how much you get, how you get it and Presenter: Do you save your money or
what you spend it?
spend it on. We’re going to take some Lily: Spend it – on clothes usually.
calls from
Presenter: So you don’t put any money
listeners now and, to start with, I think in the
we’ve got
Ben on line 1. Hi Ben.
Lily: No!
Ben: Hi.
Presenter: OK. Now we’ve got another
Presenter: You’re 13 years old, right? caller
Ben: Yeah. on line 3. Harry, you’re 15 years old and
Presenter: Do you get any pocket money
from found a great way to earn money in your
your parents?
time. Can you tell us about it?
Ben: Yes, I do. But my mum and dad
also pay me Harry: Yes. I do odd jobs for other
people –
for doing chores around the house
sometimes. shopping, posting letters … that kind of
Presenter: I see. What do you spend
your Presenter: What made you start doing odd
money on?
Harry: My parents didn’t give me enough
Ben: Sweets and computer games pocket
mainly. My
parents buy all my clothes.
Presenter: I see! Do you spend the money
Presenter: OK. Thanks a lot, Ben. Let’s you
go to
line 2 now, where we’ve got our next
caller – Harry: No, I don’t. I save it.
Lily, who’s 16. Do your parents give you Presenter: Very sensible! Now it’s time for
pocket some
money, Lily? music …
Hencha High School English mid-term test n°1
Date: 16/11/2021 Duration: 60 minutes
Teacher: Nouri Chakroun Class: 1st form …
Name: .......................................................... Mark: . , . . / 20

Listening comprehension: (8 marks)

1) Circle the correct alternative: (1 mark)
The passage is:
- an interview - a biography - a newspaper article
2) Complete the following table: (3 marks)
Age Event
10 years old …………………………………………………………………………….
13 years old …………………………………………………………………………….
20 years old …………………………………………………………………………….

3) The following statement is false. Correct it with reference to the passage: (1 mark)
a) Amy Winehouse’s family loved blues music

4) Answer the following questions: (1 mark)

- How many prizes did Amy Winehouse win?

5) Circle the right function: (1mark)

a- Contrast b- Addition c- Result

6) Listen and complete the missing words: (1mark)

She was ............................... for her marvelous voice and controversial ...............................
Language: (12 marks)
1) Put the words between parentheses in the correct form or tense: (4 marks)

When I was a kid, my dream job was a chef. In 1996, I became a (profession)
............................... cook. Today, I would like to share a few thoughts on (choose)
............................... a career in the kitchen. Cooking is fun, but kitchen work can be difficult
as you’re going to spend 10-12 hours on your (foot) ............................... every day. As a
teenager, I can recall standing peeling 50 pounds of potatoes. By the time I finished, my hands
(be) ................................ aching. But as I worked, I (watch) ............................... the line
cooks, kept my eyes open and learned the language of the kitchen. You may ask what the
secret to any chef’s (succeed) ............................... is. You must (learn) ...............................
how to work faster and with more precision than everyone around you. When I became sous
chef under Frank Stitt it wasn’t because I was the (good) ............................... cook in the
kitchen. In fact, I was the youngest member and had been working there for less time than
anyone else on staff. Yet, I worked harder. To sum up, to stand out in a kitchen full of eager
young cooks, there is no such thing as “enough”.

2) Fill in the gaps with words from the box. There are two extra words: (4 marks)
teacher / computer / constantly / confidence / richest / successful / graduating / left /
younger / right

Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955. He was the middle child of
William H. Gates II, a lawyer, and Mary Gates, who worked as a ................................ before
she had kids. Bill had an older sister, Kristi, and a ................................ sister, Libby. Bill was
an intelligent student and his best subject in grade school was math. After ................................
from high school in 1973, Gates attended Harvard University. In 1975, Gates
................................ Harvard to start a software company with Paul Allen called Microsoft.
Thanks to this company, Gates became the world's ................................ man in 1986. The
question is Why was Bill Gates ................................? Bill Gates' success came from a
combination of hard work, intelligence and luck. Gates ................................ challenged his
employees to work harder. Gates also wasn't afraid to take risks. He had ................................
in himself and his product. Bill Gates plans to donate his fortune to charity and wants to teach
his kids the value of hard work.
3) Circle the correct alternative: (4 marks)
Pocket money is a small weekly sum of money given to children by their parents. This does
not have to be earned. It is money for small personal (expands / expansions / expenses). The
sum may vary depending on the (income / outcome / come) of the family. Each parent can
afford an (allowance / allow / allowed) which should be discussed with the children and
fixed. Parents should be (careless / care / careful) with spending money in front of their
children. In fact, they should forbid their kids from (squandering / squanders / squandered)
money and encourage them to help the poor. Pocket money may be stopped as a punishment
or rewarded for good behaviour. There are some (choice / choose / chores) that need to be
done at home for which you might be paid. A (rice / rises / rise) in pocket money may be
given from each Birthday. Having a limit on pocket money is (unnecessary / necessity /
necessary). Only then will the concepts of budget, saving and thinking before expenditure be


Amy Jade Winehouse was an English singer and songwriter. She was known for her
marvelous voice and controversial private life. She debuted in 2003 at the age of 20 with the
album ‘Frank’. It set her on the road to fame. Music lovers everywhere were excited about her
talents and how her career would progress. She was one of music’s hottest stars but constantly
battled against drugs and alcohol.

She grew up in a family that loved jazz. Her musical talents were clear to see from a very
young age. Aged ten, she formed a rap group called Sweet 'n' Sour with a childhood friend.
She got her first guitar when she was 13 and she began writing music. She signed to a major
record label after they heard her distinctive voice.

Winehouse’s second album “Back To Black” made her an acclaimed international star. She
won dozens of awards, including five at the 2008 Grammy’s. Some of the biggest names in
rock were waiting to collaborate with her. George Michael said: "Amy is the best female
vocalist I have ever heard in my entire career, as well as one of the best writers."
BENI khalled High School English mid-term test n°1
Date: 16/11/2021 Duration: 60 minutes
Class: 1st form …
Name: .......................................................... Mark: . , . . / 20

Listening comprehension: (8 marks)

1) Circle the correct alternative: (2 marks)
a) The passage is:
- an interview - a newspaper article - a story

b) Rebecca is:
- a waitress - a chef - a customer

3) The following statements are false. Correct them with reference to the passage:(2 marks)
a) The preparation starts in the morning.
a) The service starts at about 5 o’clock.

4) Answer the following questions: (2 marks)

a) Where did Rebecca work?

a) How does Rebecca feel about her job?


4) Circle the right function: (1mark)

a- Exclamation b- Obligation c- Prohibition

5) Listen and complete the missing words: (1mark)

you must have had a very ............................... routine. Can you ............................... what's the
typical workday?
Language: (12 marks)
1) Put the words between parentheses in the correct form or tense: (4 marks)
Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born on May 5, 1988, in North London, England. Adele is a
British (sing) ................................ and songwriter. She has sold millions of (album)
................................ worldwide. Adele's (one) ................................ album, 19, which was
named after her age when she began (record) ................................ the project, went on sale in
early 2008. So far, Adele (be) ................................ nominated for 18 Grammys and has won a
total of 15 at the awards ceremonies. In 2008, she (earn) ................................ the Critics'
Choice prize at the BRIT Awards. In 2011, Adele met her former partner Simon Konecki. She
gave (born) ................................ to her son Angelo on October 19, 2012. In 2017, she
confirmed her (marry) ................................ to Simon during a concert in Australia. In April
2019, her representatives revealed that Adele and Konecki had split.
2) Fill in the gaps with words from the box. There are two extra words: (4 marks)

younger / diploma / constantly / left / successful / graduating / intelligent / confidence /

richest / teacher /

Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955. He was the middle child of
William H. Gates II, a lawyer, and Mary Gates, who worked as a ................................ before
she had kids. Bill had an older sister, Kristi, and a ................................ sister, Libby. Bill was
an intelligent student and his best subject in grade school was math. After ................................
from high school in 1973, Gates attended Harvard University. In 1975, Gates
................................ Harvard to start a software company with Paul Allen called Microsoft.
Thanks to this company, Gates became the world's ................................ man in 1986. The
question is Why was Bill Gates ................................? Bill Gates' success came from a
combination of hard work, intelligence and luck. Gates ................................ challenged his
employees to work harder. Gates also wasn't afraid to take risks. He had ................................
in himself and his product. Bill Gates plans to donate his fortune to charity and wants to teach
his kids the value of hard work.
3) Circle the correct alternative: (4 marks)
Pocket money is a small weekly sum of money given to children by their parents. This does
not have to be earned. It is money for small personal (expand / expansion / expenses). The
sum may vary depending on the (income / outcome / come) of the family. Each parent can
afford an (allowance / allow / allowed) which should be discussed with the children and
fixed. Parents should be (careless / care / careful) with spending money in front of their
children. In fact, they should forbid their kids from (squandering / squanders / squandered)
money and encourage them to help the poor. Pocket money may be stopped as a punishment
or rewarded for good behaviour. There are some (choice / choose / chores) that need to be
done at home for which you might be paid. A (rice / rises / rise) in pocket money may be
given from each Birthday. Having a limit on pocket money is (unnecessary / necessity /
necessary). Only then will the concepts of budget, saving and thinking before expenditure be

Todd: So, Rebecca, now you were saying that were a chef, or you worked in a kitchen in your
previous job. Can you talk about that? Like where did you work and what was it like?
Rebecca: OK, I worked in a few different restaurants over several years, sometimes full-time,
sometimes part-time. Sometimes I worked in busy city restaurants, and other times just small cafes
doing breakfast, that kind of thing.
Todd: OK, so, you must have had a very busy routine. Can you describe what's the typical workday
when you are a chef?
Rebecca: Well, usually you start preparing in the afternoon and that's the quiet part of the day. You
don't have any customers. You just come in and you chop up all the vegetables and the things you
need to do like that. You cook any food that can be cooked before and organize all the ingredients for
the dishes. Then service starts at about six o'clock and that's when it gets really crazy. It's really busy
from then on and you have to be very organized and cook everything as fast as possible.
Todd: OK, sounds like a pretty busy schedule. When you're working, what do you enjoy about the
job? What makes the job fun and interesting?
Rebecca: Actually, I like the pressure of cooking. It's stressful but it's also exciting. It's like a game.
You have to organize everything, and you have to think of sixty things at once. It's a really good
Hencha High School English mid-term test n°1
Date: 16/11/2021 Duration: 60 minutes
Teacher: Nouri Chakroun Class: 1st form …
Name: .......................................................... Mark: . , . . / 20

Listening comprehension: (8 marks)

1) Circle the correct alternative: (1 mark)
a) The passage is:
- an interview - a biography - a story

2) Complete the following table with information about Jamie Oliver: (2 marks)
Place of residence Occupation Age
London …………………………….. ……………………………...

3) The following statement is false. Correct them with reference to the passage: (2 marks)
a) Jamie Oliver started cooking at the age of 18.
a) Jamie Oliver has never travelled abroad.

4) Answer the following questions: (1 marks)

a) Why did Jamie work in his parents’ pub?

5) Circle the right function: (1mark)

a- Asking about state b- Asking about place c- Asking about manner

6) Listen and complete the missing words: (1mark)

A little bit of luck, a little bit of ..............................., and a little bit of ...............................!
Language: (12 marks)
1) Put the words between parentheses in the correct form or tense: (4 marks)
Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born on May 5, 1988, in North London, England. Adele is a
British (sing) ................................ and songwriter. She has sold millions of (album)
................................ worldwide. Adele's debut album, 19, which was named after the singer's
age when she began (record) ................................ the project, went on sale in early 2008.
Adele (write) ................................ her first No. 1 Billboard single, “Rolling in the Deep,” the
day after breaking up with her “first real relationship” that she later said, “made me an adult”.
So far, Adele (be) ................................ nominated for 18 Grammys and has won a total of 15
at the awards ceremonies. In 2008, she (earn) ................................ the Critics' Choice prize at
the BRIT Awards. In 2011, Adele met her former partner Simon Konecki. She gave (born)
................................ to her son Angelo on October 19, 2012. In 2017, she confirmed her
(marry) ................................ to Simon during a concert in Australia. In April 2019, the
singer's representatives revealed that Adele and Konecki had split.
2) Fill in the gaps with words from the box. There are two extra words: (4 marks)

younger / diploma / constantly / left / successful / graduating / intelligent / confidence /

richest / teacher /

Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955. He was the middle child of
William H. Gates II, a lawyer, and Mary Gates, who worked as a ................................ before
she had kids. Bill had an older sister, Kristi, and a ................................ sister, Libby. Bill was
an intelligent student and his best subject in grade school was math. After ................................
from high school in 1973, Gates attended Harvard University. In 1975, Gates
................................ Harvard to start a software company with Paul Allen called Microsoft.
Thanks to this company, Gates became the world's ................................ man in 1986. The
question is Why was Bill Gates ................................? Bill Gates' success came from a
combination of hard work, intelligence and luck. Gates ................................ challenged his
employees to work harder. Gates also wasn't afraid to take risks. He had ................................
in himself and his product. Bill Gates plans to donate his fortune to charity and wants to teach
his kids the value of hard work.
3) Circle the correct alternative: (4 marks)
Pocket money is a small weekly sum of money given to children by their parents. This does
not have to be earned. It is money for small personal (expand / expansion / expenses). The
sum may vary depending on the (income / outcome / come) of the family. Each parent can
afford an (allowance / allow / allowed) which should be discussed with the children and
fixed. Parents should be (careless / care / careful) with spending money in front of their
children. In fact, they should forbid their kids from (squandering / squanders / squandered)
money and encourage them to help the poor. Pocket money may be stopped as a punishment
or rewarded for good behaviour. There are some (choice / choose / chores) that need to be
done at home for which you might be paid. A (rice / rises / rise) in pocket money may be
given from each Birthday. Having a limit on pocket money is (unnecessary / necessity /
necessary). Only then will the concepts of budget, saving and thinking before expenditure be

Jamie oliver
At only 28, Jamie Oliver is now an extremely successful and well-known chef, with his own
acclaimed restaurant in the centre of London. He has made five TV series, written several
books, and still does around twenty live shows a year. He doesn`t have much free time any
more. How did he make it big? Well, his rise to fame and fortune came early and swiftly. By
the age of eight he had already started cooking at his parents` pub. It was an easy way to earn
a bit of pocket money! After two years in catering college, and some time spent in France, he
started working in restaurants. He worked under three famous chefs in London before he was
spotted by TV producer at 21, and his life changed. Even though he had very little experience,
he had a great deal of enthusiasm for cooking, and was very natural in front of the camera.
His first TV programme featured him zipping around London on his scooter buying
ingredients and cooking for his friends, all to a rock and roll soundtrack. The recipes were
bare and simple - they didn`t involve complicated cooking techniques and used plenty of fresh
ingredients and herbs. It attracted a completely new audience that previously had no interest
in food programmes. Jamie Oliver became an overnight success. So what`s his recipe for
success? "A little bit of luck, a little bit of passion, and a little bit of knowledge!" he says.

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