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Diploma in Management

May 2021



NO. MATRIKULASI : 950402085967001

NO. KAD PENGENALAN : 950402085967
NO. TELEFON : 0125160595


 human resource planning on a strategic level
 downsizing and recruitment
 orientation
 selection
2. Strategic Planning
Plans that incorporate the whole organisation are referred to as strategic planning. A strategic
plan describes the organization's overarching objectives and establishes the organization's
place in the organisational landscape. This type of planning focuses on the organization's
efforts to achieve its objectives. The construction of tactical plans is built on the foundation
of strategic planning.

Tactical Planning
There are three key differences between strategic and tactical planning. Strategic planning
usually entails long-term plans (five years or more), whereas tactical planning entails short-
term goals. Second, strategic planning is concerned with broad concerns, whereas tactical
planning is concerned with specifics. Finally, strategic planning involves expressing
organisational objectives whilst tactical planning implements existing objectives and sets
methods or approaches to achieve these objectives.

3. disadvantages

 It takes a long time since group unanimity is necessary.

 When a minority group wields power, it may become a victim of
circumstances.Often, the minority group in authority has sway over the final choice.
 Each member's accountability is diminished in collective choices.
 It's possible that there'll be societal pressure to agree. It promotes group thinking - a
type of group consensus in which conflicting viewpoints, small decisions, and less
popular judgments are hidden under a veil of consensus.
mechanistic organisation
 connection with a strict hierarchy
 duties that cannot be changed
 a lot of rules
 tall structures

organic organisation
 relationship of collaboration
 adapting to the job
 fewer rules
 informal channels communication

 organizational structure
 limited resources
 personality of differences
 Values conflicts are created when people have perceived or actual incompatible belief
systems. Where a person or group tries to impose its values on others or claims
exclusive right to a set of values, disputes arise. While values may be non-negotiable,
they can be discussed and people can learn to live peacefully and coherently alongside
each other.

The most important attribute associated with leaders is trust. Working with colleagues and
solving issues is a component of your job as a manager. Depending on the degree of
confidence that the workers have in you, you can receive the knowledge and innovative ideas
needed to address the problems at the same time. When your followers have faith in you, they
will willingly put their confidence in you.
 Planning
 Leading
 Organizing
 Leading

8. theory x
This idea claims that employees despise work and attempt to avoid it whenever feasible. To
attain the goals, they must be pushed, controlled, or threatened with penalty on this premise.
Workers, according to this idea, will avoid taking responsibility and instead wait for explicit
instructions whenever possible. The majority of workers place a higher value on safety than
any other aspect of their jobs.

Theory y

This idea implies that workers regard work as a normal activity, similar to relaxing or
playing. If they are active in the attainment of goals, they will practise self-direction and
control. They learn to accept, and in some cases, seek, accountability. Not just managers, but
everyone has the capacity to make decisions.

9. The concerns behind flexible working hours are understandable. Many businesses believe
it to be costly and unproductive, with a detrimental impact on the quality of work. However,
studies carried out over the last 5 years show the opposite. They resoundingly point to
flexible working hours as the indicator for increased productivity and motivation in the


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