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Creation & Activation
Sigil creation is a fantastic introduction into chaos magick, and a good way to begin your
exploration of occult concepts. It’s also extremely easy to do, completely safe, and only requires a
bit of time and a few items you almost certainly have readily available. Although there are many,
many variations of the rituals for creating and activating a sigil, we’re presenting the most
newcomer-friendly versions below.

We’ve also written the ideas out in plain English, and with a bit of context for why you’re doing
these specific steps at all. This isn’t to take the mystery or the “magic” out of the experience, it’s
just to give you some basic idea of what you’re trying to accomplish as you go.


A simple example of sigil creation.

A simple example of sigil creation.

A “sigil” is a symbol. In this context, it’s a symbol that represents a specific goal, desire or ambition
that you’d like to bring into your real life. Although sigils are powerful tools, it’s important to
understand that there’s nothing inherently supernatural about them. They simply give a concrete
form to an idea, and help to focus all of the power of your unconscious mind on making that idea a
The method for creating a sigil is simple, creative and generally a lot of fun. It can be done alone, or
with a small group of like-minded friends.

You will need:

Something to write with. Any normal pen or pencil will work.

Blank paper, at least three or four sheets.
A comfortable, distraction-free place to work.
About 30 minutes, including prep time.
Step 1: Create a quiet, distraction-free environment. There’s a simple reason why traditional magick
rituals are done at night, by candlelight, or under the light of the moon. It’s not that one time of day
is inherently more powerful than another, it’s simply because it’s easier to focus your attention
when you’re not distracted by the normal activities of daily life. Chaos magick is all about bringing
a desire or intention one step closer to reality, and the less distracted you are when you’re creating
and activating the sigil, the better the results will be. Turn off your phone and your TV. Turn down
the lights. Unplug or cover up anything you find distracting. Sigil rituals rarely take more than half
and hour (and often considerably less than that), so don’t worry about missing anything.

Optional: Create a focus area. One of the practical reasons for things like the “protection circles”
you see in popular occult fiction has very little to do with anything supernatural. It’s about creating
a physical area where everything around you reinforces the ritual. Creating a rough circle around
you composed of things that are important to you, or which strongly relate to the sigil you are about
to create, helps keep your mind focused during the creation process. Along the same lines, turning
off the room lights and working under the light of a few nearby candles helps to keep all of the
distracting everyday world in the shadows, at least for the duration of the ritual. Some people find
that certain music helps them focus, while others find it too distracting. As long as you’re feeling
focused, the specifics don’t matter.

Step 2: Quiet your mind. Just like you’ve removed the distractions from your environment, you
must now to the same for your mind. You don’t need to meditate or go into a trance. You just need
to close your eyes, and take a dozen or so deep breaths. Clear your mind of all thoughts, just for a
moment or two. Once you’re done, you should be able to focus a bit more on the task at hand.

Step 3: Write down your goal or desire as a sentence. Be clear, succinct and specific. It’s important
to write down the thing you truly want, rather than the thing that you think will give you want you
want. Writing “I want a raise at my job” is much less effective than “I want to make $50,000 a
year.” This is particularly true when it comes to love. “I want Brian to ask me out” is far less potent
a statement, for instance than “I want to be deeply in love with a wonderful man.” You can also
write these in the “I will” format, as in “I will open my own successful organic bakery.”

Step 4: Strike out all the vowels. Words are defined by their vowels. As long as the vowels remain
in the words, it’s hard not to see them as words rather than symbols. Without the vowels, the letters
can represent any number of ideas. We’re taking the sentence away from it’s role as a literal
transcription, and making it one step closer to being a symbolic representation of an idea. What
about “Y”? It’s up to you. If it looks or feels like a vowel, strike it. If not, keep it.

Optional: Strike out duplicate consonants. If you have a bunch of the same letters remaining, it can
be distracting. You probably won’t be using them in the final sigil, so feel free to go ahead and
remove them.

Step 5: Rewrite the remaining letters in a jumble. As you read the vowel-free sentence, you’ll find
your eye drawn to certain letters, shapes and orders. We want to break that up a little bit more. An
easy way to do this is to write them in a grid or a circle (you’ll see this method used a lot in various
forms of sigil magick). Many people also write the letters in their capital form, which helps to blur
the line between, say, the first letter of a name and some random letter from another word.

Step 6: Rearrange the letters until you have a new symbol. This is the fun part, and there’s no right
or wrong way to do it. Let yourself play with the shapes until you have one symbol that, to you,
looks right. Combine the lines of one letter and the loops of another. Place letters over each other.
Drop letters that don’t fit. Make new shapes. Don’t think too much about any of it. You have lots of
paper, so doodle until you make something you like. As soon as you make the right symbol, you’ll

Optional: Immediately activating the sigil. Creating the sigil is the first part of a two-step process.
The second part, outlined below, is called “activation” (or sometimes “investment”), and it’s distinct
from sigil creation. Some people like to activate their sigils immediately, others prefer to give the
sigil’s meaning a little time to sink in first. Activation rituals are fairly simple, but they do require
their own preparation and an additional time commitment. The sigil works the same in either case,
so it’s entirely up to you.

Step 7: Congratulate yourself, then return to the world. This isn’t an optional step. Although it may
not seem like it, you’ve just worked actual magick. Take a deep breath. Look at the sigil you’ve
created. It’s a unique work of art, containing both form and meaning. It only exists because you
invested it with your intention, and it was brought into the world by your hands. No one else in the
world knows what this new symbol means. It’s powerful, and it’s completely yours. Embrace
yourself and your new creation, if even just for a moment, and then slowly come back to the world,
observing any differences in how you now perceive your surroundings and yourself.
Additional: Once you’ve gotten the hang of making sigils, you can simplify the process. The
instructions above are intended for first-time sigil makers. Once you’ve learned the basic steps,
you’ll probably find that you don’t need all of the prep work. You will be able to put yourself in a
prime sigil-making mindset almost anywhere, even in middle of a noisy cafe. What’s more, you’ll
probably be able to make outstanding sigils in just a few moments, rather than the half-hour
estimate above. Well done! This is a great indication that you’ve mastered the basics of sigil
creation, and on a path towards a richer, more vibrant life. Just remember to be mindful as you learn
more about the mysteries of magick!


A simple sigil activation.

A simple sigil activation.

When you create a sigil, you’re investing it with a certain amount of emotional importance. When
you hear practitioners of magick referring to the “energy” of a sigil, ritual or spell, this emotional
investment is often what they’re talking about. For a sigil to be effective, however, it requires more
than just the energy invested in the creation. It needs to be “activated.”
In the creation process, you’ve built up a substantial amount of psychological, emotional and
creative tension, all around a symbol. For the sigil (and your subconscious) to do its work, you have
to release that tension. This is called “activating” the sigil, although you’ll sometimes hear this
referred to as “consecrating,” “charging” or “discharging.” There are as many methods for
activating a sigil as their are practitioners of sigil magick, but they all share a common theme of
buildup and release.

As with the sigil creation, we’re presenting the most newcomer-friendly version of the activation
process. It’s something anyone with access to basic household items can do in just a few minutes.
We’ve also written the steps out in plain English, and with a bit of context for why you’re doing
these specific actions. This isn’t intended to take the mystery or the “magic” out of the experience,
it’s just to give you some basic idea of what you’re trying to accomplish, and to make you as
comfortable as possible with the process.

You will need:

Something to write with. Any normal pen or pencil will work.

Blank paper, or tracing paper.
A candle, fireplace, or other safe, standing flame.*
A metal or ceramic bowl suitable for safely burning a small piece of paper.
A comfortable, distraction-free place to work.
About 30 minutes, including prep time.
Step 1: Create a quiet, distraction-free environment. There’s a simple reason why traditional magick
rituals are done at night, by candlelight, or under the light of the moon. It’s not that one time of day
is inherently more powerful than another, it’s simply because it’s easier to focus your attention
when you’re not distracted by the normal activities of daily life. Chaos magick is all about bringing
a desire or intention one step closer to reality, and the less distracted you are when you’re activating
the sigil, the better the results will be. Turn off your phone and your TV. Turn down the lights.
Unplug or cover up anything you find distracting. This method of Sigil activation should only take
about 15 minutes, so don’t worry about missing anything important.
Optional: Create a focus area. One of the practical reasons for things like the “protection circles”
you see in popular occult fiction has very little to do with anything supernatural. It’s about creating
a physical area where everything around you reinforces the mood and emotional state you’re trying
to evoke. Creating a rough circle around you composed of things that are important to you, or which
strongly relate to the sigil you are about activate, helps keep your mind focused during the
activation process. Along the same lines, turning off the room lights and working under the light of
a few nearby candles helps to keep all of the distracting everyday world in the shadows, at least for
the duration of the ritual. Some people find that certain kinds of music or incense helps them focus,
while others find these too distracting. You’re doing it right as long as you can completely focus on
the activation.

Step 2: Quiet your mind. Just like you’ve removed the distractions from your environment, you
must now to the same for your mind. You don’t need to meditate or go into a trance. You just need
to close your eyes, and take a dozen or so deep breaths. Clear your mind of all thoughts, just for a
moment or two. Once you’re done, you should be able to focus a bit more on the task at hand.

Step 3: Light the candle, ready the bowl. You’ll want the candle burning and the fire-safe bowl
within easy reach as you go into the next phase of the activation. Make sure to remove anything
flammable from the area.

Step 4: “Invoke” the sigil. This isn’t as arcane or mystical as it probably sounds. If you already have
the sigil you created in hand (if you’ve just created it, for instance), you’ve already “invoked” it. If
not, you’ll simply want to draw the sigil again on a new piece of paper. You can use a pen or pencil,
although some people prefer the look of charcoals, crayons or oil pastels for visual effect. Don’t
worry if you’re not much of an artist, this is about the intent behind the sigil, not being a perfect
calligrapher. As long as it looks right to you, it’ll work just fine. You can also trace an existing sigil,
which is a great way to activate a sigil that you didn’t draw yourself. (If you bought one from Sigil
Daily, or found a perfect example in a book, for instance.) The act of redrawing the sigil helps to
bring all of the emotional investment — the “energy” — back from your subconscious to the
forefront of your mind.

Optional: Tear away the edges of the paper around the sigil. Don’t worry if you accidentally rip the
sigil, or tear a small piece off of the drawing. Your goal here is to end up with a piece of paper that
“fits” the sigil, and to reduce the smoke and flame for the next step.

Step 5: Focus on what the sigil represents. Look at the symbol you’ve created, and remember the
reason you wanted it. Look at all of the shapes and angles. Does it speak to your core goal, desire or
ambition? Now that you’ve identified what it is you want, are you ready to release that “energy” —
as well as the psychological, creative and emotional tension it represents — and let the magick do
its work? Listen to your emotions. There’s always a chance that what you actually want isn’t what
the sigil represents, in which case there’s little point in activating it. (If that happens, use what
you’ve learned and repeat the sigil creation process to create a new sigil. It should only take a few
moments, and you can do it right on the spot.) Once it all feels right, move on to the next step.

Step 6: “Discharge” the Sigil. There are lots of ways to “discharge” the emotional investment of the
sigil, and in this case you’re simply going to be burning the paper you’ve drawn it on. Light one
side of it, and then place it carefully in the bowl, making sure not to singe yourself in the process.
Watch as it burns, and imagine that all of the emotional investment you’ve placed in the sigil, as
well as the idea it represents, is being transformed into a new form made of the universal forces of
light and heat. Imagine that light and heat radiating out from this moment, into your past and future.
Imagine the glow of the sigil’s tiny light spreading across your entire life. Watch it until the flame
goes out.
Note: Don’t worry if the flame accidentally goes out during this process. It doesn’t mean that the
sigil activation has has failed, or anything supernatural. Some paper burns better than others.
Simply relight the remaining paper. The power of this step comes from the intention to release the
tension behind the sigil, not on whether or not some wood pulp catches fire.

Step 7: Let it go. Once the flame of the sigil’s paper has gone out, the sigil is discharged. While the
sigil may still be a fun thing to look at or think about, the magick itself has already happened. The
process has started, and it no longer needs you attention. Let the sigil and what it represents go. It
will work the exact same, even if you never think about it again. That doesn’t mean that you should
avoid the sigil or anything. It’s a piece of art, and you made it! But now that it has been discharged,
think of it as something like a souvenir.

Take a nice, deep breath, and then congratulate yourself. You just worked actual magick! If you feel
the urge to laugh at how strange the whole idea was, do it. Put one some music or something, just to
change your state of mind. Now it’s time to return to the world. You’ll probably feel a little lighter,
and you may even notice that the world around you looks a little different. That’s perfectly normal,
so enjoy the feeling.

Additional: Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride. In the coming days, you’ll start to see little things that
are eerily evocative of the sigil you activated. Don’t deny these. Don’t dismiss them, even if they
seem minor. This is the process starting to work, bit by bit, to bring your intention into reality. The
more open you are to these changes, the faster the magick will come into effect.

It’s important, however, to note that your decisions play a hugely important part in how effective the
sigil will be. If your sigil is about meeting a new romantic partner, for instance, you might want to
think about going out to a place where that could plausibly happen. Staying inside your home, with
curtains drawn and lights out, not answering the door, is actively working against the thing you
want. Don’t count on the sigil to do the work for you. You’ve already bought the ticket, now you
have to take that next step and take the ride.

If you’re uncertain about the whole “magick thing,” start with something minor and irrelevant. In
fact, a great way to test the effectiveness of sigil magick is simply to create an activate a sigil that is
of both fairly unlikely and of absolutely no consequence. “I will meet a jolly man wearing a furry
hat,” for instance, or “I will overhear someone humming ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson.” You’ll
soon be surprised at how utterly powerful sigils can be.


There are other ways to activate a sigil. Below are brief outlines of a few of the most common
activation rituals. These are provided for reference, and to give you a starting point to find an
activation ritual that is more suited to your interests.


The ritual outlined above. There are countless variations on this, but they’re all fairly similar.


By far the easiest way to activate a sigil, although it’s not for everyone. It works by focusing the
intense power of sexual energy and orgasm into the sigil in order to activate it. This is usually done
by setting aside some time, setting the right mood, getting aroused as possible and then either
having sex with a like-minded partner or masturbating. As climax approaches, visualize the sigil
and what it represents in your mind. The orgasm provides both the energy and release required for


This technique relies on creating a meditative, trance-like state brought on by staring intensely into
a mirror. It requires more time than most rituals, and is greatly aided by a basic familiarity with
mediation and breathing techniques. It involves sitting in front of a large mirror, and starting
intensely into your own eyes in the reflection. After a few minutes of such intense focus, the
peripheral world will start to seem distorted, and soon a kind a non-thinking state will start to
develop. This is called the “void” state, in the sense of a great emptiness. Once fully in the void
state, eye contact with the reflection is broken and the sigil and its “energy” are released into that
quiet nothingness.


This activation technique has the same basic function as the Void Ritual, but uses a very different
method to get there. It uses the dramatically named “Death Posture” (popularized by influential
artist and occult thinker Austin Osman Spare) to achieve a state of “enlightenment” or “gnosis”
through physical exertion. The actual death posture requires standing on tiptoe, arms locked behind
your back, with your back fully arched and neck strained, bringing to mind someone being hung by
the neck, straining to breathe. Thankfully, you don’t actually need do this. Any reasonably intense
yoga posture will do. Once you reach an altered state of mind from the stress, focus intensely on the
sigil and what it represents, releasing all of the energy and stress you’ve built up. Immediately relax
your posture, and let go of all physical tension.

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New Sigil: The Serenity PrayerNew Sigil: The Serenity Prayer
"Ignis aurum probat - miseria fortes viros""Ignis aurum probat - miseria fortes viros"
"The past is gone, I live in the present""The past is gone, I live in the present"
Zodiac Sigils: Complete SetZodiac Sigils: Complete Set
"Prosperity in love, health, and money""Prosperity in love, health, and money"
"New Love Will Find Me""New Love Will Find Me"
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How to Draw a Sigil
How to Draw a Sigil
Want to harness the power of your intention? Consider creating a sigil. A sigil is a unique, magical
symbol created by you to symbolize your dreams, motivations, and desires, and sigil magic can be
pretty powerful.

While people have been using magical symbols for centuries, contemporary sigils were created by
early twentieth century occultist Austin Osman Spare. He developed a routine anyone can use to
imbue her own words with magic—and, unlike many magical rituals, sigilization only asks for a
pen, paper, and a flame. “Traditional sigil magic is intensely personal, as it’s about turning a desire
or hope into a symbol that only has meaning to the person who created the sigil,” explains Steve
Shanafelt, the Ashville, NC, creator of SigilDaily, a website with Sigil inspiration. “In that sense,
there’s nothing supernatural about sigilcraft. It’s about creating a deeply personal work of art, and
using that symbol to bring the idea behind that art one step closer to existing in the real world.”

Here, three steps to make and activate your own.

1. Make A Statement: Write down your goal or desire on a piece of paper—with an actual pen or
pencil (the sigil should be in your handwriting). Write your goal in the form of an “I will”
statement, and make it incredibly specific—I will create my own business selling T-shirts on Etsy
and live off that income by January or I will fall in love with someone who loves hot yoga and long
hikes. Winnow your intention—if you need help, making a collage of images can help you suss out
your true desire.

2. Turn It Into Art. Creating a sigil requires quiet, space, and an open mind. Shanafelt suggests
crossing out all the vowels in your statement with a pen. Then, cross out the consonants that appear
frequently. Finally, jumble the letters that remain. Take a new piece of paper and play around with
patterns or designs with the letters—the idea is to make the letters look less like words and more
like a symbol.

How does a sigil work? The symbol marries the intentions in your mind to the physical world in a
unique and powerful way. And don’t worry about it looking “perfect.” “The real end goal isn’t to
have a beautiful example of brushwork to mount on your wall, it’s to create a uniquely personal
symbol that crystallizes a dream, a desire, or a hope. A uniquely squiggled line created with that
intention is just as valid of a sigil as an intricate design,” says Shanafelt.

3. Activate Your Intention. Your sigil will already start its work as soon as you create it, but for
additional power, you can perform a sigil activation ritual. In a quiet spot, re-draw the sigil, then
tear the paper around the sigil. Light a candle and think of your intention as you burn the paper. The
sigil is now activated, and while you can keep the symbol (it can also be a great feng-shui tool to
add to your home) in your life, you don’t need a daily reminder for it to be doing its work.

Here’s to literally creating magic with your own two hands!

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Sigils created by Steve Shanafelt.

Sigil - Experience is the prophecy of the wise
“Experience is the prophecy of the wise.”
Here’s a bit of modern sigil update to Alphonse de Lamartine’s famous quote, “Experience is the
only prophecy of wise men.” If the language seems a little out of date, that’s probably because he
wrote that in the mid-1800s. Perhaps we can forgive the language, given that he helped to end both
the death penalty and slavery in France during the short-lived Second Republic.

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September 4, 2020

” I Organize and Manifest My Plans Easily”

by Sigilist

Sigil - I organize and manifest my plans easily

“I organize and manifest my plans easily”
A quick and simple sigil, requested by one of our Tumblr followers.

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September 4, 2020

Q&A: A Question of Intent

by Sigilist

I recently received an email asking my thoughts about one of the “rules” of sigil creation, and I
thought it worth sharing. Here’s the relevant bit from the email:

I read your post about what makes a good basis for creating the sigil and I wanted to ask if a
specific phrase would be ideal got a sigil? I’m not sure if it’s too vague, and it feels more like
present manifestation than using the “I will” format.

So the phrase is essentially “I Am A Bad Bitch”. Pardon the language.

Your input would be greatly appreciated.

Here’s my reply.

It’s important to remember that sigils are really just fancy symbols. They only have the power and
meaning that you give to them, so try not to get too hung up on doing it “right.” It’s art, first and
foremost, and there are few forces in the universe that are more powerful than that.

Do you like the phrase? Does it have meaning to you? Will the symbol you create from it resonate
with you? Does the thought of having that symbol accessible to you, whenever you need it, make
you feel stronger, more vibrant, and able to move about with newfound agency in the world?
If so, there’s not a person on this planet who can tell you that it’s wrong, too vague, or incorrectly

My opinion means less than nothing in this context. Your voice is the only one that matters. If
someone tells you differently, their world is probably far too small to fit much magick inside.

I’m not the bad bitch here, you are. Own it. Use it. That’s the real magick.

Hope that helps.

I’ve made no secret of my disdain for the “rules” of sigil creation that came from this problematic
era of occult study, and particularly the baseless 19th century assertion that all sigils must use the “I
will” or present-tense formats. I’ve written about this weird, arbitrary limitation before, and just
how nonsensical it is from a chaos magick perspective.

Here’s the short version: The concept of “the will” was very popular among intellectuals in the late
1800s. It’s not based on very much, and virtually all of the conclusions these people came to as a
result of this theory are laughable today. When someone says “This isn’t a real sigil because it’s not
in present tense,” or whatever variation, all I hear is a pedantic “um, actually” that, in addition to
being completely outdated, brings very little insight or value to conversation. Or to the art of
sigilcraft, for that matter.

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September 3, 2020

“My Heart Will Stop Aching”

by Sigilist

Sigil - My heart will stop aching

“My heart will stop aching.”
We all know that intense feeling of heartbreak and pain. It seems to bubble up from an endless well,
so cold to the touch that it burns. It’s a wound you can’t touch, and at time it seems like the ache
will never fade. But it does. Numb at first. Then roaring back to life when even accidentally
touched. Eventually, it becomes a dull bruise, reminding you to step gingerly around it.

And then, when you least expect it, the pain is replaced by something else. The memory of that pain
will always be there — it’s a scar, and a part of you — but it’s no longer the burning thing it was.
That’s healing, and while it always seems to take far longer than it should, it does happen.

Sometimes you may need a little help — someone to talk to, someone to reset the break, someone to
help you stitch the wound — but as long as you’re still breathing in and out, you can heal.

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August 28, 2020
“Through the Storms and Flames of Life, Our Love Continues to Grow”
by Sigilist

Sigil - Through the storms and flames of life, our love continues to grow.
“Through the storms and flames of life, our love continues to grow.”
Life is a dangerous, chaotic, and stressful experience. From that first disorienting moment of being
pulled from the warmth and safety of the womb, to those final uncertain moments before the spark
of consciousness fades, the whole thing is a hurricane of joys and heartbreaks. Thankfully, there’s
also lot of downtime. But one of the things that makes it all manageable is the strength that comes
from a solid, loving relationship.

Fires, flood, storms, droughts, economic collapse, pandemics, murder hornets … It’s all better with
someone you love at your side. With the right person, this adversity and turmoil become bearable.
In time, the become line items on a list of obstacles overcome. The bonds forged in those moments,
however, remain strong.

That bond of love and partnership — romantic or platonic — is what this sigil represents.

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August 27, 2020

Sweet Airbrushed T-Shirt

by Sigilist

If you were ever curious what one of Sigil Daily’s pieces would look like as an airbrushed flea
market t-shirt, now you know. Just a bit of fun for your Thursday.

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