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Future of Airport Design

Project Future Airports

Client Thesis Zunya

Status On the boards


Tags Urban Design

Active Date @January 19, 2022


Related to Meeting Notes (Property)

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One major event can transform the air travel experience for years to come
Post 9/11 the implementation of High security spaces were introduced front and
center to enable much safer travel experience . It took around 5-10 years for the

Future of Airport Design 1

passengers to get used to this new procedures . Over the years, these facilities
have evolved to accommodate an ever-growing industry .

Since then the aviation industry has been very resilient to travel and gradually
gained double the demand in 15 years . However COVID -19 has compelled the
airports to try different methods to configure a smooth transition for the passengers
during the pandemic phase .
In these last 2 years , there has been a halt to the Aviation industry’s growth that has
shed light to their current inefficient and lack of functionalities to adapt to situations
like these .

To Imagine and Evolve the airports of the future by Designing more adaptive and
dynamic terminal spaces using the upcoming & future technologies both benefiting
the passenger experience and terminal function system .


Designing a Completely New Outlook for Airport Designs that incorporates the
scope of the thesis by utilizing the parameters and research of an upcoming
airport .


Understanding Architecture Space to Functionality in Airports and creating an
efficient flow for the travelers through these zones .


Providing New Evolved zones by referring to New technologies and Sociology
Requirements that are being implemented in the coming decade with seamless
transition for both travelers and authorities .


Through a thorough understanding of these Zones , Designing a terminal that
can operate on a Dynamic Flow which in return can sustain and adapt to
changes .

STRUCTURE : Conceptual Structural analysis in Designing the Terminal

INTERIOR DESIGN : Visual representation of Terminal Interiors that give the

idea of the Evolving Zones

Future of Airport Design 2

MATERIALS : Materials used will be referred from the Current and Upcoming
airports Designs enhance the zones and Facade


Resizing Terminal
Making travelers feel safer by giving them more space
“Airports try to compress as many people as they can into confined spaces because
our terminals were sized for efficiency . So we need to start to rethink how much
space we give each passenger”

- Ty Osbaugh

New Mapping of Security Zoning

Check in halls remain largely empty for most of the day

Instead of having one massive queue turning into a choke point , spreading out it
into different places throughout the terminal instead of the usual Front and

Implementing this would allow more flow for the people and will be able to use
and experience the massive airport area that is being provided

Seamless Screening
Screening has to be fast and easy walk through experience like a tunnel where
security and health screening can be done without any kind of interaction with staff
or Kiosks .

Airports around the few airports have been testing and using for Updating to the new
bio metric touch less screening technology

New Waiting Zone Ecosystem


Free movement of passengers between land-side and air-side

Reducing Congestion at departure gates

Future of Airport Design 3

Utilizing the large area of the terminal for the passengers like a public park
:outdoor terraces in the current designated waiting zone

The idea is to help the passengers spend less time in waiting lines and more
time relaxing , shopping consuming food at the airports

To make the passenger experience in these zones simple elegant so that they
have the control of planning the departure and arrival schedule .

Creating outdoor spaces , Exterior concourse hold rooms and Biophilic Elements
for enriching healthy environment spaces

Dynamic Flow Paradigm

In an emergency situations this aspect helps in segregating and implementing tasks
on the passengers without affecting the remaining airports function and flow .

Virtual Queuing
It gives the airport reliable intelligence on the demand at security operations across
the day
Controlled arrival of passengers provides a valuable piece of information that will
allow the authorities to plan and open lanes more accurately based on expected

Queues can be minimized and predicted and organized to adhere physical

More time for travelers to spend around airport spaces on their control

It opens for enhanced utilization of infrastructure and staff along with increased
passengers satisfaction

Increased Passenger’s Satisfaction through lower waiting lines

Compliance with Physical Distancing

Improved passengers flow and flattened peaks during day periods

Reliable wait line predictions

Enhanced utilization of infrastructure and staff


Future of Airport Design 4

Built Reference
Singapore Changi Airport - Moshe Safdie
Beijing Daxing international airport - Zaha Hadid

Visionary Reference
Aviation 2050: Imagining Future Adaptive Antifragile Airport Terminals - Tan Gee

Theoretical Reference
The Evolution of Airport Design: Philosophy, Function and Form - Stewart, R

To incorporate the study and design of the thesis into a Site, MOPA International
Airport , Goa was chosen , where the solutions from the final proposal could be
carried out .

Development Details
The Mopa international Airport is being developed by the Government of Goa and
GMR Goa International Airport Limited (GGIAL) under a public-private partnership

The airport is being developed in four phases, designed to accommodate

passengers a year

4.4 million - First phase

5.8 million - Second phase

9.4 million - Third phase

13.1 million -Fourth Phase (2045)

The phased development will involve the continuous expansion of terminal,

commercial and cargo aprons, taxiways, and aviation facilities.

Proposed Site
The land designated by the Government of Goa for development of the new
Greenfield airport is spread over approximately 2093 Acres and is predominantly a
table top plateau area surrounded by steep slopes that act as natural drains.

Future of Airport Design 5

Proposed Terminal
The airport will feature a single international terminal building , which will extend over
an area of 65032m² (16 Acres) and will offer the capacity to process approximately
1,000 inbound and outbound passengers an hour during peak hours.

Airside facilities
The airport will feature a single runway (09/27), which will be 3,750m-long and 60m-
wide. The runway is designed with the capacity to accommodate a Boeing 777-200.

The runway will have two rapid exit ways interconnected with taxiways. The taxiway
will be 3,750m-long and 25m-wide.
The phase one development also includes construction of a commercial aircraft
parking apron with an area of 114,000m² (28 Acres) . The apron will be equipped
with remote aircraft stands, service roads and aircraft maintenance technical kits.

The cargo apron will be built with a capacity to hold a freighter aircraft and will be
served by ramp vehicles to quickly unload the cargo.
Two hangars will be built across a 2,500m² area for general aviation purposes.

An air traffic control (ATC) tower will be built adjacent to the cargo area.

The idea is to transform the current airport designs to give the passengers a sense
of confidence to fly safe and a seamless experience moving through these mediums
while reaching their destination.

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