Proportional Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand Control Using Multi-Regression Model Estimator With Pattern Classifier Selector

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Proportional myoelectric prosthetic hand control using multi-regression model

estimator with pattern classifier selector

Conference Paper · March 2017

DOI: 10.1109/ARSO.2017.8025199


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3 authors, including:

Mostafa Ahmed Arafa Mohammed Ibrahim Awad

University of Lincoln Ain Shams University


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Proportional myoelectric prosthetic hand control using multi-
regression model estimator with pattern classifier selector
Mostafa A. Arafa*, Mohammed I. Awad, Member, IEEE, and Farid A. Tolbah
For the sake of accuracy improvement of kinematic

Abstract— Myoelectric hand prostheses using pattern

recognition control scheme lack simultaneous motion, and proportional control, L. Pan [5] introduced a 14 state space
perform robotic unnatural inter-pattern motion. Accordingly, models describing two joint variables of a finger, with a
the use of regression models for the estimation of hand classifier to select the appropriate two models for estimation
kinematics proportionally to sEMG (surface electromyography) of joint variables.
signals has proved more simultaneous and natural motion. The
objective of this study is to introduce proportional speed control Analogous to pattern recognition control schemes,
on robotic hand motion, where each finger has its own estimator dimensionality reduction was studied for the proportional
model to achieve non-robotic performance of the hand. Each controllers to improve estimation robustness and achieve
finger has four regression models to cover the motion of the better computational performance [6].
finger over four patterns. A pattern recognition classifier is
trained to classify four hand gestures, accordingly, the
Consequently, it was needed to use pattern recognition
regression models of the fingers is to be altered according to the based strategies to predict the motor function and a
classifier decision. Commercial sEMG sensing armband was proportional controller to control this function proportionally.
used in the acquisition of training data that can be used later in Proportional mutex control methods [7] included both discrete
the development of the prosthetic control system. The and proportional elements, so that the grasping force can be
reproduction of data for linear (least-square fitted model) and proportionally controlled along with the recognition of the
non-linear (ANN) regression models are investigated, where the grasping pattern. With the increased interest in proportional
ANN proved better reproducibility of finger speeds. The models control, an online database of sEMG signals and hand
also are trained on reduced RMS features, where the selected kinematics as well as force measurements was published [8].
features are only the channels that are allocated over the active
muscles during performing the patterns which resulted The purpose of this study is to design a simultaneous
reproducibility of 89.27±1.92%. These results demonstrate the natural myoelectric controller for the prosthetic hand of trans-
robustness of the multi-regression models system over wide radial amputees. Subsequently, the paper proposes a finger
range of motion. based proportional speed controller using multi regression
Index terms – Regression models, sEMG, commercial, model estimation. The system will depend on a pattern
myoelectric prosthetic hand, proportional myoelectric control. recognition classifier to determine the hand gesture pattern for
better reproduction models over wide range of motion.
I. INTRODUCTION Accordingly, the classifier will select a regression model to
The appeal of myoelectric control for multifunctional estimate the speed with which the robotic limb will move to
artificial limb prostheses backs to 1970’s [1], where pattern perform the recognized pattern. In this study commercial
recognition and signal parameterization approaches were used sensors are used for the acquisition of sEMG and kinematic
to discriminate between the desired functions of the robotic data. The use of such a commercial sEMG wearable armband
limb. Recently myoelectric control strategies have been advocates the low cost development of the myoelectric robotic
divided in pattern recognition and non-pattern recognition limb. Furthermore, linear (least-square fitted model) and non-
based control strategies [2]. The later strategy includes linear (ANN) regression models are assessed for the full range
proportional control, which uses the strength of the muscle of finger models along four hand gestures. Finally, the models
contraction to determine the speed or force of the limb are trained with less features dependent on the active muscles
function. performing the pattern, to improve robustness of the
Since pattern recognition based systems performed
repeatable patterns of hand motion, they don’t satisfy the II. METHODS
simultaneous natural motion required to be performed by the This work aimed at controlling prosthetic hand gestures
prosthesis to achieve day to day activities. Hence, kinematic speeds proportionally to achieve simultaneous motion of the
proportional control introduced a simultaneous natural control robotic limb. Therefore, a hybrid method of pattern
of hand degrees of freedom by means of linear regression recognition and proportional regression models was developed
models or artificial neural networks [3]. The kinematic to control finger speeds during inter-gesture motions.
proportional control has been developed for 1 DOF wrist
motion and 1 DOF finger flexion and extension. However, A. Experimental Setup
others [4] worked on the kinematic control of each finger The experimental setup architecture (Figure 1) includes a
independently, creating an estimation model per finger. commercial sEMG gesture control armband made by Thalmic
labs named Myo – typically uses sEMG signals to perform

*Mostafa A. Arafa, Mohammed I. Aawad and Farid A. Tolbah are with 11517 Cairo, Egypt. Corresponding author: Mostafa A. Arafa (e-mail:
the faculty of Engineering, Mechatronics department, Ain Shams University, mostafa.a.arafa91@
C. Experimental Protocol
In this work, all subjects performed the training patterns
with their right hands, they were required to rest their elbows
onto the same level of the kinematic sensor. The graphical
interface was designed as a visual feedback for the
experimenter, to make sure about data continuity and that the
user places his hand in the capturing zone of the kinematic
sensor – 150° width capturing zone (Figure 2). The GUI allows
the experimenter to start recording data and stops when the
subject ends performing the specified gesture. Moreover, raw
sEMG data recorded as well as finger-tips speeds are visually
plotted vs. time. The subjects were asked to perform five
Figure 1 Experimental setup. Myo armband streams raw sEMG repeated recordings for the same hand movement gesture, with
data from the user's forearm, Leapmotion sensor streams hand altering the speed of each recording, starting from fastest speed
kinematic data from dual infrared cameras. The GUI is designed they can perform. After three recordings the subject was asked
to log data from both sensors during performing of the training to take off the sEMG sensor and have a rest for ten minutes,
session, with graphical feedback displays on the screen to assure then get back for two more recordings. Such condition was
data continuity and acceptable readings. specified to consider electrode shift effect on the robustness of
gesture control on PC applications, which is used in this study data.
to stream sEMG raw data at 200 Hz. The armband consists of D. Signal Processing
eight sEMG electrodes placed equidistantly around the user’s
To achieve simultaneous trans-gesture motion for the
forearm. Via a Bluetooth 4.0 connection the sEMG data are
artificial limb, it’s required to alternate the finger-tip speed
streamed to a Windows operating PC for training of the
while moving from one pattern into another several times a
classifier and regression models. Consequently, for the sake of
second. Accordingly, sEMG signals were segmented into
proportional control of pattern speeds, finger-tip speeds were
250ms sliding windows, with 80% window overlap [9],
recorded using Leapmotion sensor – a commercial kinematic
resulting 20 changes of finger speeds per second, which shall
sensor developed for desktop control – depending on dual
satisfy natural simultaneous motion of the robotic limb. Thus
infrared cameras capturing frames of hand motion.
finger-tip speeds were similarly segmented with the same rate
Leapmotion sensor identifies hand kinematics via image
and windowing scheme, to be synchronized with sEMG data,
processing means, consequently it streams finger-tip speeds
to feed both sEMG and kinematic data with the same rate into
with 50 Hz rate via USB connection with the PC. sEMG and
the controller training system.
finger-tip speeds are recorded simultaneously from both
devices via a GUI developed using MATLAB R2013b, where The only features used for the regression model training
a single button to start recoding both signals and visually plot were the root mean squares of the eight channels sEMG signals
data as user feedback. (1). While for the gesture classifier, more discriminant features
(wavelet lengths, slope sign changes and sixth order
B. Subjects
autoregressive features) for the gestures recognition were fed
Five able bodied adult volunteers performed the training for the classifier trainer. RMS profiles exhibited similarity
sessions with ages of 19 – 56 (with mean ages of 30.4) years with finger-tip speeds rather than other features, so they were
old males. Each subject performed five repeated recordings for selected to be the input variables for the regression models for
each hand gesture divided into two sessions. All experimental speed prediction (Figure 3).
procedures were conducted in accordance to the guidelines of
local institutional ethic committee. 𝑅𝑀𝑆 = √ ∑𝑁
1 2
𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖

Finger-tips speed used in the training is the scalar value of

the x, y and z components of velocity computed by the
kinematic sensor (2). For the prosthetic controller, the scalar

Figure 2 A. The experimental setup showing the GUI and the visual
feedback to the user. B. The subject’s posture relative to the
kinematic sensor.
Figure 3 The profiles of RMS and Finger-tip speeds data for the
same recording with segmentation windows synchronized for open
hand pattern.
Figure 4 Control and training sytems data flow, starting from signal acquisition, feature extraction, feeding training models and finally
the prosthetic controller.
values of speeds predicted from the regression models will tell F. Training and control systems
the controller the speed values to drive the motors, and the In this work it’s proposed to create a hybrid system
gesture classifier will convey the directions of the motors between regression models and a pattern recognition classifier.
according to the gesture being performed. The system is based on training the classifier to discriminate
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = √𝑉𝑥2 + 𝑉𝑦2 + 𝑉𝑧2 (2) between four different hand gestures (open hand, closed hand,
index pointing and pinch grasping). Consequently, every
E. Regression Models single pattern has a corresponding group of five regression
A regression model describes a relation between predictor models. To create reliable and robust models, each group is
variables and a response variable by means of curve fitting. only trained on the data labeled by its corresponding pattern,
They can relate between the predictor and response variables e.g. for the open hand gesture, there are five regression models
linearly or non-linearly depending on the dependence between only trained on open hand data logged from the subjects.
the variables. Therefore, the regression model is only valid as long as the
classifier decision is consistent on the same pattern. Whenever
In this work both linear and non-linear regression models the classifier changes the pattern, another group of models will
were assessed for the description of the relationship between be selected to estimate the finger-tip speeds. Training data
the RMS of sEMG data and the finger-tip speeds contained holding positions for every gesture to consider zero
corresponding to these features. The linear curve fitting model speeds estimations.
was estimated by the least square method, while the non-linear
model was based on Artificial Neural Network fitting Finally, the control data to be handled to the prosthetic
technique. controller are finger directions determined from the pattern
classifier, as well as the speeds needed to drive motors are
estimated from regression models’ finger-tip speeds by means
of inverse kinematics (Figure 4).
The reproducibility – the correlation between estimated
and measured data – of the speed estimators is to be assessed
for each regression model separately, to endorse the reliability
of the system overall. For the four groups of estimators with
five regression models per group, table 1 shows the range of
reproducibility indices R for every finger; the range represents
the minimum and the maximum values of R of each regression
model per finger.
To achieve better reproduction of speeds by speed
Figure 5 Measured vs. estimated speeds for index finger estimators, linear and non-linear regression models were
regression model representing the motion in the range of the assessed and validated. Cross validation took place by dividing
open hand pattern, three regression models are trained; 1) Non- data into 70% training and 30% validation, where validation
linear model with features from 2,3 and 4 EMG electrodes, 2) data are not used in the training of the models. R is the mean
Non-linear model with features from the 8 EMG electrode and 3) value of the correlation between estimated and measured data
Linear model. Data used in this plot are from the validation for testing and validation data sets, best values for R are shown
dataset. in table 1.
TABLE 1 Moreover, it’s compatible with commercially available
Finger Rmax Rmin
This paper provides a hybrid sEMG control scheme for
Thumb 89.613% 87.236% sEMG controlled robotic prostheses, to achieve simultaneous
Index 90.543% 86.067% natural motion of the robotic limb and robust recognition of
the hand gesture. In this work training data were logged using
Middle 91.232% 89.066% commercial sEMG wearable armband named Myo, which can
Ring 90.221% 89.401% be used as the sEMG sensor for the prosthetic controller. For
the training of the speed proportional controllers, hand
Little 92.117% 87.207%
kinematics was captured using Leapmotion sensor – also a
commercial gesture controller for desktops.
For every single pattern there are dominating features
acquired from channels located directly over the working The methodology depends on training four regression
muscles of such pattern. Reducing the estimating features used models for each finger independently, and a classifier trained
for the training of the regression model resulted into better to discriminate between the four gestures specified. The
estimation as shown in Figure 5. Data in the figure represent classifier will select the appropriate regression model to
only index finger in the range of open hand pattern, and inputs estimate the finger speed, while the finger direction is to be
were reduced to take only RMS data from electrodes of determined by the gesture classifier.
numbers 2, 3 and 4 in the reduced inputs model. Reduction of The non-linear regression models based on ANN
the input RMS features is dependent on whether the pattern outperformed the linear models based on least square fitting.
uses the flexor or extensor muscles. Muscles positioning Moreover, reducing the number of inputs to the model proved
relative to sEMG electrode number and contribution in each better reproducibility compared to the model trained using all
pattern is illustrated in table 2 according to [10]. Same RMS data from all sEMG electrodes.
approach has been used to estimate the remaining regression
models for the rest fingers in the remaining patterns. VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
TABLE 2 The authors would like to thank Aliaa R. Youssef Ph.D
and Esraa A. Eissa for their comments that greatly improved
REDUCED RMS FEATURES AND THE ACTIVE MUSCLES PEFROMING EACH the manuscript and Mohammed M. El Kammash for his help
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