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1. My wife and I had been planning our trip to Japan for ages. Endless nights fantasising

2. on funds and that we couldn’t afford

3. about spending our honeymoon in one of the most spectacular countries on earth. We opted

4. for the hills and experience rural Japan. This turned out to be the by far the best decision we

5. to offer. However, we soon realised that we were running low

6. off guard. We spent the first 5 days seeing the sights and experiencing everything the city had

7. for a small apartment in downtown Tokyo to get the authentic experience. When you’re weighin

8. in mind just how small the apartments in Japan are and the proximity to the other people around
can really catch you

9. to spend any more time in such a pricey place. So we decided to head

10. made. We went on one hike to a hidden temple, it was so tranquil and was an unforgettable

11. up the different options, it’s worth bearing

Jumbled Version

Version 2
My wife and I had been planning our trip to Japan for …... Endless nights ………...
about spending our honeymoon in one of the most spectacular countries on earth. We
…... for a small apartment in downtown Tokyo to get the authentic experience. When
you’re ……... up the different options, it’s worth ……... in mind just how small the
apartments in Japan are and the ………. to the other people around you can really
catch you off …….. We spent the first 5 days seeing the sights and experiencing
everything the city …... to offer. However, we soon realised that we were running …...
on funds and that we couldn’t ……. to spend any more time in such a pricey place. So
we decided to ……. for the hills and experience rural Japan. This ……. out to be the by
far the best ……... we made. We went on one hike to a hidden temple, it was so
tranquil and was an unforgettable experience.

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