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Quarter 1 – Module 2
How One’s Lifestyle Affect the
Functioning of Respiratory and
Circulatory Systems

Science 9
Quarter 1 – Module 2: How One's Lifestyle Affect the Functioning of
Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
First Edition, 2020

Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Zandreah D. Cunanan

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos, Jr., P II

Management Team:

ATTY. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent
Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief
Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS
Rominel S. Sobremonte, Ed.D, EPS in Charge of Science
Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II
Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II
Science 9
Quarter 1 – Module 2
How One’s Lifestyle Affect the
Functioning of Respiratory and
Circulatory System

In the previous module you have learned how the different structures of the
respiratory and circulatory systems work together to deliver oxygen rich blood and
nutrients to the different parts of the body. In this module, you will understand and
recognize the ways of prevention, detection, and treatment of diseases affecting our
respiratory and circulatory system.

In this module, you will understand and recognize the ways of prevention,
detection, and treatment of diseases affecting our respiratory and circulatory
system. Specifically, the activities in this module will enable you to explain the
negative effects of cigarette smoking on the circulatory and respiratory systems,
identify ways to detect and prevent diseases in the respiratory and circulatory
systems, and appreciate the importance of a healthy lifestyle in avoiding such

After going through this module, you are expected to attain the following

Learning Competency

 Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of the respiratory and
circulatory system. (S9LT-Ic-27)


I. Name some of the negative effects of cigarette smoking on the circulatory and
respiratory system.
II. Identify ways of detecting, preventing and treating diseases in the respiratory
and circulatory system.
III. Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of the respiratory and
circulatory systems.
IV. Conduct an information dissemination activity on effective ways of taking care
of the respiratory and circulatory system.

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
1. You regularly listen and see the explanation, “Government Caution: Cigarette
Smoking is Perilous to your health”. How does cigarette
smoking increment the hazard of creating cardiovascular infections?
A. It can harm the ordinary working of the heart and the blood
vessels counting its structure
B. The chemicals in cigarette harm the blood cells.
C. Both statement A and B are correct
D. Only A is true
2. Joshua needs to anticipate infections in his respiratory and
circulatory systems by having a healthy way of life. Which of the following
must he ignore?
A. Eating on time and adjusted count calories
B. Resting at slightest 7 hours and normal work out
C. Staying away from vices such as cigarette smoking and liquor drinking
D. Playing online games for 5 hours to relieve stress and after that taking
a shower for proper hygiene
3. Which of the following is a negative impact of cigarette smoking on the
circulatory system?
A. Atherosclerosis C. Emphysema
B. Chronic Bronchitis D. Tuberculosis
4. Several lifestyle can influence a person’s hazard of developing disorder in the
respiratory and circulatory system. All of the following are a negative way of
life except _____________.
A. keeping awake until midnight
B. eating junkfoods
C. living in an upsetting environment
D. avoiding vices such as cigarette smoking and drinking liquoir
5. Cristina is a grade nine student who is positive in life and has a desire to take
care of her respiratory and circulatory systems. Which lifestyle must
she embrace to attain her goal?
A. Junk food and fast food diet
B. Regular exercise and healthy diet
C. Drinking liquoir and smoking cigarette
D.Watching Korean Drama until late night
6. Which of the following isn't an impact of cigarette smoking? Cigarette can
A. be an addictive habit.
B. cause lung cancer.
C. harm the lungs and air sacs (alveoli).
D. boost immune system to fight infection and other infections.
7. It is a chemical stimulant within the cigarettes that can be exceedingly
A. Ammonia C. Nicotine
B. Carbon monoxide D. Tar

8. Richard begun smoking when he was in high school and was diagnosed with
a respiratory illness 10 years later. Which of the following best portrays
A. He has great body posture.
B. He can stand long hours of work.
C. He is exceptionally dynamic in sports
D. He is thin, powerless, and continuously coughing
9. To avoid irresistible illnesses the following practices should be watched.
A. Wearing of face mask.
B. Boost Immune system.
C. Washing hands frequently.
D. All of the above are correct.
10. Diana had a pneumonia for , she incline toward to be treated at home.Which
of the following is the perfect way of treatment?
A. Taking of inhalers and nebulizers.
B. Early discovery and suitable antibiotics.
C. Taking of antibiotic once a week for 12 weeks or each day for 9 months.
D. Eating vegetables and immersing in regular work out so she can be free
from infections.

True or False. Read the statement carefully; write True if the statement is correct
and False if the statement is wrong.

_________1. Most patients or persons having a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

Disease (COPD) have a history of cigarette smoking.
_________2. Circulatory and respiratory disease cannot easily be detected with
regular health check-up and physical screening.
_________3. Regular exercise, eating balanced diet, and regular check-up can offer
assistance in maintaining healthy respiratory and circulatory system.
_________4. As a learner you cannot promote healthy way of living in your
_________5. Upgraded information dispersal about the negative effects of cigarette
smoking advances mindfulness of individuals within the community.

Lesson Negative Effects of
1 Cigarette Smoking
The respiratory and circulatory systems are useful within the trade of gases. It
cannot work alone and function properly, which are genuinely subordinate on each
other. The advantage of one system is beneficial to the other, and the threat of one
system is a threat to the other. A healthy lifestyle is fundamental in overseeing and
taking care of the respiratory system, enhancement of health, and well-being of an
individual. Smoking is dangerous to one’s wellbeing which is the driving cause of
death and sickness in public health around the world.



I. Objective: Name some of the negative effects of cigarette smoking on the

circulatory and respiratory systems.

II. Procedure:
1. Look at the picture of the smoker’s body below and take note of the diseases that
might develop due to cigarette smoking.

3.Fill/Complete the table below.

Direction: Categorize the diseases properly. Write them on the correct column.


GUIDE QUESTIONS: After accomplishing the activity, answer the guide questions
1. What can harm the respiratory system?
2. What happens if the respiratory system is not working properly?
3. What are the physiological effects of smoking to the respiratory and
circulatory systems?


Negative Effects of Cigarette Smoking

Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, causing many diseases
and affecting health in general. The negative effects of smoking on circulatory system
include increased heart rate and blood pressure, coronary heart disease,
arteriosclerosis, and vascular diseases. The respiratory diseases caused by smoking
are chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, cough, colds, tuberculosis, lung cancer
and other respiratory infections.

The leading causes of death around the world are diseases affecting the
respiratory and circulatory systems. However, they can be prevented simply by
having a lifestyle that promotes wellness. Circulatory and respiratory diseases begin
to develop with unhealthy lifestyle. Symptoms of these illnesses must not be
neglected and appropriate cure must be given immediately.Depending on the
respiratory and circulatory condition, medications are based on the severity of the
diseases as recommended by doctors.

Emphysema is a lung condition that causes shortness of breath. Emphysema
and chronic bronchitis are two conditions that make up chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD).Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of COPD, as well
as marijuana smoke, air pollution and chemical fumes and dust. A person with
emphysema could be treated using prescribed medication and supportive therapy
that includes oxygen and smoking cessation therapy.

Atherosclerosis happens when the plaque collects and causes arteries to narrow
and harden due to factors such as smoking, high blood pressure and cholesterol in
the blood. The difference between Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis is that
Atherosclerosis refers to buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances that
triggers to blood clot while the Arteriosclerosis occurs when the blood vessels that
carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart and to the rest of the body become
thickens and hardens. A person with atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis is advised to
undergo medication and surgical procedure and treatment to change lifestyle.


Coronary heart disease develops when the major blood vessels that supply our
heart with blood, oxygen and nutrients become damaged. This disease can be caused
by high cholesterol foods, diabetes, family history and smoking. Coronary Heart
Disease is commonly treated with a combination of change in lifestyle, prescribed
medication and in some cases through surgery.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucus membrane that lines the bronchial
tubes. The thick mucus build up causing coughing, difficulty of breathing and heavy
feeling in the chest. Bronchitis may be caused by bacteria, viruses or irritants in the
air. There is no cure for chronic bronchitis, but there are several medications to help
relieve symptoms. It is also important to avoid smoking and smoky environments,
and to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest.

Pneumonia is an infection in one or both lungs which causes inflammation of the
air sacs. The infection is caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. Treatment for
pneumonia involves curing the infection and preventing complications. People who
have community-acquired pneumonia usually can be treated at home with
medication such as antibiotics and pain reliever recommended by the doctor.

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder caused by inflammation and narrowing
of the bronchial tubes. An asthma triggered by airborne substances, certain foods,
common bacteria and viruses. Inhalers and nebulizers are key components of
asthma treatment.

Tuberculosis is a disease caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but they can also damage other parts of the
body. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are spread from one person to another
person through tiny droplets released into the air via coughs and sneezes. With early
detection and appropriate antibiotics, TB is treatable. Treatment for TB can vary. It
may involve taking an antibiotic once a week for 12 weeks or every day for 9 months.
Treatment for active TB may involve taking several drugs for 6–9 months. TB Dots is
a short-course treatment given to the tuberculosis (TB) control strategy
recommended by the World Health Organization. According to WHO, "The most
cost-effective way to stop the spread of TB in communities with a high incidence is by
curing it.


The following could help prevent diseases related to the circulatory and
respiratory systems: quit/stop smoking, eat healthy foods, maintain a healthy weight,
enough rest/sleep and take vitamin C to improve immune system.


Activity 1 : Fill in the box

I. Objective: Determine the causes, treatments and preventions of some

respiratory and circulatory diseases.

II. Procedure: Write three respiratory and three circulatory diseases on the
primary column and fill out the desired information. Write your answer on a
bond paper and submit to your teacher.


Activity 2: Inside the Smoker’s Lungs (Critical Thinking)

I. Objective: This activity will let you recall the effects of cigarette smoking on
the respiratory system. It will assess your understanding of the topic.

II. Procedure: Compare the illustrations of healthy from unhealthy lungs of a

smoker. Give your own observation and analysis. Provide a written output of
the activity. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.


A. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. (Character)

1. Why is it important to have healthy lungs?

2. Enumerate five ways on how to take care of your lungs and live a healthy life.
3. Do you have a relative or friend who smokes? What advice/s can you give
them to eliminate their habit in smoking?
B. In a piece of paper, list down at least 10 Reminders that you think everyone
at home and even those who are going out should practice in order to prevent
the spread of virus and so as not being infected by COVID-19. Then post it near
your entryway where everyone can notice and read.


Respiratory and Circulatory System Diseases

Direction: Identify the following respiratory and circulatory diseases. Write the letter
of the disease that matches the description on a clean sheet of paper.

A. Coronary heart disease F. Bronchitis K. Tuberculosis

B. Asthma G. 9months L. Arteriosclerosis
C. Atherosclerosis H. Pneumonia M. Surgery
D. Inhalers and nebulizer I. TB Dots N. Antibiotics
E. 10 months Steroid

_______________ 1. This disease develops when the major blood vessels that supply
our heart with blood, oxygen and nutrients become damaged.
_______________ 2. This refers to buildup of fats, cholesterol and other
substances that triggers to blood clot
_______________ 3. Can be triggered by airborne substances, foods, or common
bacteria and viruses.
_______________ 4. This is a short-course treatment given to the tuberculosis (TB)
control strategy recommended by the World Health Organization.
_______________ 5. A chronic respiratory disorder caused by inflammation of the
mucus membrane that lines the bronchial tubes.
_______________ 6. This are the key components in treating asthma
_______________ 7. This a disease caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but they can
also damage other parts of the body.
_______________ 8.This diseases happens when the plaque collects and causes

arteries to narrow and harden due to factors such as smoking,
high blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood.
_______________ 9. What type of medication is important to a person having
pneumonia that the doctor recommended.
_______________ 10. How many weeks/months of prescribe antibiotic given to
a person having tuberculosis

Lesson Detecting and Preventing

2 Diseases in the Circulatory
and Respiratory Systems
The driving causes of death around the world are diseases influencing the
respiratory and circulatory systems, In any case, they can be avoided basically by
having a lifestyle that promotes wellness. Circulatory and Respiratory diseases start
to develop with an unhealthy living. Indications of these diseases must not be
neglected and appropriate remedy must be given immediately. What are the ways of
preventing such diseases. Carry out the next lesson to further broaden your learning
and to identify ways on preventing diseases in the Circulatory and Respiratory



I. Objective: Identify ways of preventing diseases in the respiratory and

circulatory systems

II. Procedure: Below are different pictures, name the pictures that depicts ways
of preventing diseases in the respiratory and circulatory system.



In order for you to understand on how to detect and protect the

diseases of the circulatory system and respiratory system you must familiarize
first what are the common diseases and their symptoms. Here is an overview of
some of the diseases or problems and symptoms that affect these systems.

Respiratory Diseases, Symptoms and Preventions

1. Asthma is a severe allergic reaction that causes wheezing, coughing and

breathing difficulties. During an asthma attack, the bronchioles go into spasms,
squeezing the air passages. While there's no cure, there are steps you can take to
keep your asthma in control and prevent an attack. Identify asthma triggers, stay
away from allergens and avoid smoke of any type.

2. Bronchitis is a condition in which the linings of the bronchial tubes become
irritated and swollen. The passageways to the alveoli may swell and clog with mucus.
This often causes severe coughing and makes it hard to breathe. To prevent
bronchitis, don't smoke, insist that others do not smoke in your home, stay away
from or try to reduce your time around things that irritate your airway (nose, throat,
and lungs)and if you catch a cold, get plenty of rest.

3. Emphysema is a condition in which the lungs lose their elasticity. It causes

shortness of breath. To prevent emphysema, don't smoke and avoid breathing
secondhand smoke, wear a mask to protect your lungs if you work with chemical
fumes or dust.

4. Pneumonia is a condition in which the alveoli become filled with fluid. This
prevents the exchange of gases in the lungs. Besides getting shots, you can lower
your risk of getting bacterial pneumonia by doing these things: washing hands
regularly, especially after you go to the bathroom and before you eat, eat right with
plenty of fruits and vegetables, exercise, get enough sleep, quit smoking and stay
away from sick people, if possible.

5. Lung cancer is a disease in which tumors formed as a result of irregular and

uncontrolled cell growth. Many studies have shown a relationship between lung
cancer and smoking. There's no sure way to prevent lung cancer, but you can reduce
your risk if you: don't smoke, if you've never smoked, don't start.

Circulatory Diseases, Symptoms and Preventions

1. Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries develops when arteries become

too rigid and narrow to ease the pressure of blood pumped out of the heart. Lifestyle
changes can help you prevent or slow the progression of atherosclerosis. Stop
smoking, smoking damages your arteries. Exercise most days of the week. Regular
exercise can condition your muscles to use oxygen more efficiently.

2. Hypertension or high blood pressure increase in blood pressure that does not
go away even when the body is at rest. It develops from excessive constriction of the
arterioles. Severe hypertension is likely to cause heart failure or kidney failure. To
prevent hypertension eat a healthy diet, choose healthy meal and snack options to
help you avoid high blood pressure and its complications.

3. Myocarditis is the inflammation of the lining outside the heart due to infection.
There's no specific prevention for myocarditis. However, taking these steps to
prevent infections might help: avoid people who have a viral or flu-like illness until
they've recovered. If you're sick with viral symptoms, try to avoid exposing others.

4. Stroke is a sudden interruption in the blood supply of brain. Most strokes are
caused by an abrupt blockage of arteries leading to the brain. The best way to help
prevent a stroke is to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking and
drinking too much alcohol.

5. Aneurysm is the enlargement of an artery caused by weakness in the arterial

wall. Often there are no symptoms but a rupture aneurym may lead to fatal
complications. You can't always prevent brain aneurysms, but you can lower your
risk by not smoking and reducing high blood pressure.


Activity: Should I or Shouldn’t?

I. Objective: Differentiate practices that prevent diseases and promote diseases

in the respiratory and circulatory systems.

II. Procedure: Study and analyze the statements below. Put an (x) mark if it
promotes disease and (  ) if it prevents the disease. Then if it promotes
disease, identify what system (Circulatory or Respiratory) is being
associated in each scenario. Put your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

__________ 1. Avoid indoor and outdoor air pollution.

__________ 2. Control your blood pressure
__________ 3. Don’t keep your cholesterol levels under control
__________ 4. Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
__________ 5. Sneezing in public places without covering the nose
__________ 6. Get regular exercise.
__________ 7. Maintain a healthy weight.
__________ 8. Touching your eyes, nose and mouth
__________ 9. Drinking alcohol as a habit.
__________ 10. See your doctor for an annual check-up.
__________ 11. Spitting anywhere.
__________ 12. Always wash your hands with soap/sanitzer.
__________ 13. Continue smoking and stay near from secondhand smoke.
__________ 14. Wearing of facemask specially in crowded places.
__________ 15. Expose yourself to people who have flu or other viral infections.

GUIDE QUESTIONS: After accomplishing the activity, answer the guide questions
below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What idea is common in each statement?

2. How can habits and practices affect the proper functioning of the respiratory
and circulatory?
3. How can these negative habits be changed?


Prevention is Better than Cure!

Direction: As a student, you can keep your respiratory and circulatory systems
healthy. What are the various ways that you know in detecting and preventing
diseases in the respiratory and circulatory systems? You may present your ideas in
your most creative way. You may choose one of the following to express your ideas.

a. Slogan Campaign
b. Song adoptation
c. Create a short video using clips (photo and video) and sounds found in the
d. Essay or Blog

Consider the following criteria to serve as your guide in completing the given task.

Content 35%
Achievement of Objective 30%
Graphics-Relevance 20%
Creativity 15%
TOTAL 100%

Arrange that Word!

Direction: Arrange the jumbled letters in the first column to form the right words
pertaining the different diseases of respiratory and circulatory systems. Write each
disease with its corresponding symptoms and preventions in the table provided



Lesson Lifestyle Affecting the
3 Functioning of Respiratory
and Circulatory Systems
Do you know how great your lifestyle is? Lifestyle refers to the health exercise
you are doing in your daily life. Several lifestyle choices can affect a person’s risk for
developing respiratory and circulatory diseases. Negative lifestyle weakens your
system while healthy lifestyle leads to complete wellness. Vices, stressful
environments, and unhealthy eating habits can cause various diseases, specifically
of the respiratory and circulatory systems. The best way to prevent diseases in the
respiratory and circulatory systems is to have a healthy lifestyle.



I. Objective: Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of the
respiratory and circulatory systems.

II. Procedure: All four pictures in each given set depict negative ways of living.
They are connected by one common word that indicates the effect of one’s
lifestyle on the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory systems. The
expected answers are illnesses that are brought by the negative lifestyles.
Write your answers in the box provided for each number.


What’s the word?



What’s the word?



What’s the word?


GUIDE QUESTIONS: After accomplishing the activity, answer the guide questions
below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What idea is common in each set of pictures?

2. What are the negative lifestyles that are depicted in the pictures?
3. How can lifestyle affect the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory
4. How can these negative lifestyles be changed?
5. What might happen if a person’s goes on with a negative lifestyle such as
what were seen in the activity?


Lifestyle that Affects You

The following are some examples of your daily activities that have impact on
your body in general.
1. Drinking of water. Take at least 8 glasses of water. Water is necessary for
carrying out of bodily functions, removing waste and transporting nutrients and
oxygen throughout the body. Lack of water may lead to dehydration, headache,
sickness and waste build up in the body.
2. Sleeping. Get enough sleep. During this time the body works in repairing tissues
and organs. Chemicals that strengthen the immune system start to circulate in your
blood. When you sleep, levels of growth hormone go up and stress hormone goes
down. Sleep deprivation can also cause adverse effect to your health.
3. Eating habits. Have a balanced diet. What we eat is very important as the body
gets its required energy and nutrition from food we eat. It is suggested that we
consume 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Unhealthy snacks like junk
foods and sweetened beverages and processed foods are simply not good for you.
Most nutritional value is lost in the making of processed foods and the added
preservatives are bad for your health. These foods contain a high amount of salt,
which leads to high blood pressure and heart disease.
4. Exercise. By moving your body for 30 minutes a day, you strengthen
your lungs and you will lower your risk of disease, create a higher bone density and
potentially increase your life span. Inadequate exercise may lead into heart disease,
colon cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even colds or flue.
5. Healthy body weight, defined as a normal body mass index (BMI),
which is between 18.5 and 24.9. Specifically, people with obesity considered to be
healthy were 49 percent more likely to develop coronary heart disease, as well as 96
percent more likely to have heart failure. Additionally, people with obesity had a 7
percent higher chance of having a stroke.
6. Cigarette smoking. Smoking is bad, period. Smokers are more likely
than non-smokers to develop heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. If you’re a
smoker, quit for better health—not just for yourself, but for your family and friends.
If you don’t smoke, stay that way.

7. Alcohol drinking. Drinking too much over time can cause chronic
physical and mental health issues. Heavy drinking can cause or contribute to
liver damage, cardiovascular disease, and multiple types of cancer.
Choose healthy lifestyle…
Healthy habits make a big difference. People who have healthy lifestyle enjoy
impressively longer lives than those who are not. They reduced the risk of getting
terminal illnesses and diseases such as cancer, diabetes and their energy is boosts
and their moods improve. Those who have the bad habits were far more likely to die
prematurely from cancer or cardiovascular disease. Being healthy also means getting
annual physical and any recommended medical tests and immunization at the
doctor’s clinic.
If you are not following the healthy lifestyle, making even a little change now
can really make a difference to your health. Gradually make changes toward a
healthier lifestyle like walking to school, preparing your own meal, cutting down of
processed food and drinking lots of water. It is better to practice good habits one at a
time rather than trying to change everything at once.


Activity: A Healthy Lifestyle

I. Objective: Analyze how a healthy lifestyle affect the functioning of the

respiratory and circulatory systems.
II. Procedure: Reflect on your own lifestyle habits. Complete the following
according to how it relates to your current health.

1. A healthy lifestyle includes: ______________________________________________


2. How would you rate your current lifestyle?



3. My number one healthy behavior is:


4. I will try to improve my health by:


5. Attaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will affect the functioning of my

respiratory and circulatory systems in the following ways:

Self-Checked. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down your answers.
1. Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? Can you think of any positive influence
or hope you could bring to the lives of people to changed their bad lifestyle habits to
healthful ones?
2. If you changed your lifestyle to improve your health, how might your health be
different in 10, 20, or 30 plus years, compared to how it would be if you made no
3. As a student, how can you promote an active/healthy lifestyle despite
the current situation with COVID-19?


MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Read each statement below carefully. Write T if the
statement is True and if it is False change the underlined word to make the
statement correct. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down your answers.

___________ 1. Healthy lifestyle is the best way to promote diseases in the respiratory
and circulatory systems.
___________ 2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body.
____________ 3. People who have unhealthy lifestyle enjoy impressively longer lives
than those who are not.
___________ 4. Eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and being active every day
can help keep your respiratory system and cardiovascular system strong.
___________ 5. Drinking too much water over time can cause chronic physical and
mental health issues.
____________ 6. For respiratory health, avoid trans fats and saturated fats, which are
often found in processed foods and fast food.
___________ 7. Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to develop heart disease,
stroke, and lung cancer.
___________ 8. Unhealthy snacks like junk foods and sweetened beverages and
processed foods are simply not good for you.
___________ 9. By moving your body for 30 minutes a day, you weaken your lungs
and you will lower your risk of disease
___________ 10. Those who have the bad habits were far more likely to die
prematurely from cancer or cardiovascular disease.

Lesson Information and Dissemination
4 on the Effective Ways of Taking
Care of the Respiratory and
Circulatory System
Appropriate dissemination of information promotes awareness among
individual in the community about the right way of taking good care of the
respiratory and circulatory system. Using some campaign materials like poster,
slogan and even the mass and multimedia will elevate the awareness of the people
and it might help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. Everybody has its own essential
role in disseminating information in promoting health education even in a small
group of people or within your community.



Come to think of your community. Are the individuals practicing the right way
of taking good care of their body most especially their respiratory and circulatory
systems? Device a plan that you will use at the latter part of this lesson and try to
utilize your creativity in creating your own campaign or dissemination materials. You
will create an effective way or technique of informing, influencing and motivating
individual or public audience about the importance of having healthy lifestyle in
avoiding such diseases of the respiratory and circulatory system.


Health is Wealth

“Health (World Health Organization- WHO) a state of complete of physical,

mental, and social wellbeing and not simply the absence of disease.”
According to study the leading causes of death among Filipinos are the
diseases to the heart, diseases of the vascular system, pneumonias, and all form of
tuberculosis. Poor and unhealthy lifestyle is the common causes of the diseases of
the respiratory and circulatory systems.

The best way to prevent diseases of the respiratory and circulatory systems
is to have a healthy lifestyle, which includes proper exercise, enough rest, proper
hygiene, balanced diet and avoiding vices such as cigarette smoking and drinking
alcohol. Diseases can also be detected with regular health check-up and physical
Why Information Dissemination is Important in Maintaining a Healthy
Information dissemination is a key or a strategy used to inform the public
about the health concern and to maintain important health issues within the
community. The used of mass and multi- media and other technological
innovations to disseminate useful health information to the public, increase the
awareness of specific aspects of individual and collective health as well as the
importance of health in development. Rapid and effective dissemination of
information is critical during health crisis and one of the most effective ways of
disseminating information is the use mass media or multimedia.


Information Dissemination on How to Take Care of the Respiratory and

Circulatory Systems (Collaboration and Leadership)

Goal: Your objective is to create helpful information to inform the public about
effective ways of taking care of the respiratory and circulatory system. The challenge
is how you will able to convince and lead the people to take action rather than merely
accepting the presented information. The obstacle to attain your goal is the
reluctance and preconceived notion of the people against changing their lifestyle to
promote health.

Role: You are a student. There is a responsibility given to you that is to create public
information materials. You are asked to disseminate information to the public
regarding a lifestyle that ensures healthy condition of the respiratory and circulatory

Audience: Your target individuals to receive the information that you will provide are
the people in your community. Therefore, it is important that you convince them to
consider the ways of taking care their bodies, especially the respiratory and
circulatory systems.

Situation: Upon gathering information from the local health workers, you have
found out that poor lifestyle affects the performance of the respiratory and
circulatory systems. Many people are unaware of this, so they simply continue with
their busy lifestyle, neglecting their health, and exploiting their bodies. The challenge
involves dealing with this by creating a poster that will stir up the people’s
consciousness in having a healthy lifestyle.

Product: Design a wall poster or placard that will make members of your community
aware of how they can effectively take care of their respiratory and circulatory
systems. You may use any medium for your artwork.

Standard: You will be given three days to conceptualized and execute your ideas
through poster-making. Once the product is finished, post it in a conspicuous place
in your community or barangay where everyone can see it.

Your output will be assessed in accordance with the following RUBRICS.

Poster Making: Information Dissemination on the Effective Ways of

Taking Good Care of the Respiratory and Circulatory Systems

CATEGORY 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points

The poster The poster The poster The poster
clearly communicates indirectly does not
communicates some of the communicates sufficiently
Presentation the main idea important the idea and communicate
and strongly ideas and hardly any idea that
promotes slightly promotes can promote
awareness promotes awareness. awareness.

All the graphic Most of the The graphics The graphics

used on the graphics used were made by were not
poster reflect on the poster the student made by the
Creativity an exceptional reflect student but were student.
and degree of ingenuity in copied from
Originality student their creation. the designs or
ingenuity in ideas of

their creation. others.

All graphic in Most graphic Some graphics The graphics

Accuracy the poster are in the poster in the poster in the poster
and accurate and are accurate are accurate are neither
Relevance of related to the and related to and related to accurate nor
the Content topic. the topic. the topic. related to the

The poster All required Few required Required

includes all elements era elements are elements are
Required required included included. missing.
Elements elements as


Self-Checked: Reflect on your own lifestyle habits. Read the following questions
below and answer briefly what is being asked. Use a separate sheet of paper to write
down your answers.

1. If you are practicing unhealthy lifestyle, will it be possible for you to

acquire diseases of the respiratory and circulatory system? Why?
2. Aside from “Poster Making”, what are the possible solutions can you
suggest in your community or school to protect them from acquiring these
3. Cite some worthy activities that are more interesting to your community
across all ages.


What Can you Say?

Directions: Study the pictures below and answer the questions that follow.

A. B.

C. D.

GUIDE QUESTIONS: After studying the following signages, answer the guide
questions below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What idea can you get from the signages? Write a short description of each
signages given in the activity.

PICTURE A:_________________________________________________________________

PICTURE B:_________________________________________________________________

PICTURE C:_________________________________________________________________

PICTURE D:_________________________________________________________________

2. What do you think is the importance of having such signages like this most
especially in public areas?

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
1. You regularly listen and see the explanation, “Government Caution: Cigarette
Smoking is Perilous to your health”. How does cigarette
smoking increment the hazard of creating cardiovascular infections?
A. It can harm the ordinary working of the heart and the blood
vessels counting its structure
B. The chemicals in cigarette harm the blood cells.
C. Both statement A and B are correct
D. Only A is true
2. Joshua needs to anticipate infections in his respiratory and
circulatory systems by having a healthy way of life. Which of the following
must he ignore?
A. Eating on time and adjusted count calories
B. Resting at slightest 7 hours and normal work out
C. Staying away from vices such as cigarette smoking and liquor drinking
D. Playing online games for 5 hours to relieve stress and after that taking
a shower for proper hygiene
3. Which of the following is a negative impact of cigarette smoking on the
circulatory system?
A. Atherosclerosis C. Emphysema
B. Chronic Bronchitis D. Tuberculosis
4. A few ways of life can influence a person’s hazard of creating disorder in the
respiratory and circulatory system. All of the following are a negative way of
life except _____________.
A. keeping awake until midnight
B. eating junkfoods
C. living in an upsetting environment
D. avoiding vices such as cigarette smoking and drinking liquor

5. Cristina is a grade nine student who is positive in life and has a desire to take
care of her respiratory and circulatory systems. Which way of life must
she embrace to attain her goal?
A. Junk food and fast food diet
B. Regular exercise and healthy diet
C. Drinking liquoir and smoking cigarette
D. Watching Korean Drama until late night
6. Which of the taking after isn't an impact of cigarette smoking? Cigarette can
A. be an addictive habit.
B. cause lung cancer.
C. harm the lungs and air sacs (alveoli).
D. boost immune system to fight infection and other infections.
7. It is a chemical stimulant within the cigarettes that can be exceedingly
A. Ammonia C. Nicotine
B. Carbon monoxide D. Tar
8. Richard begun smoking when he was in high school and was diagnosed with
a respiratory illness 10 years later. Which of the following best portrays
A. He has great body posture.
B. He can stand long hours of work.
C. He is exceptionally dynamic in sports
D. He is thin, powerless, and continuously coughing
9. To avoid irresistible illnesses the following practices should be watched.
A. Wearing of face mask.
B. Boost Immune system.
C. Washing hands frequently.
D.All of the above are correct.
10. Diana had a pneumonia for , she incline toward to be treated at home. Which
of the following is the perfect way of treatment?
A. Taking of inhalers and nebulizers.
B. Early discovery and suitable antibiotics.
C. Taking of antibiotic once a week for 12 weeks or each day for 9 months.
D. Eating vegetables and immersing in regular work out so she can be free
from infections.

True or False. Read the statement carefully; write True if the statement is correct
and False if the statement is wrong.

_________1. Most patients or persons having a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

Disease (COPD) have a history of cigarette smoking.
_________2. Circulatory and respiratory disease cannot easily be detected with
regular health check-up and physical screening.
_________3. Regular exercise, eating balanced diet, and regular check-up can offer
assistance in maintaining healthy respiratory and circulatory system.
_________4. As a learner you cannot promote healthy way of living in your
_________5. Upgraded information dispersal about the negative effects of cigarette
smoking advances mindfulness of individuals within the community.

Answer Key

Learner’s Material, K-12 Grade 9 Science (First Quarter, Science 9).

Teaching Guide, K-12 Grade 9 Science (First Quarter, Science 9).

Symptoms of Pneumonia and Remedies (2018, October 31). Retrieved May 9, 2020,

World Health Organization 2019. Retrieved May 8, 2020, from https://www.who.



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