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Leviste, David V.

CCE – 1/ CTWS01 – A5
School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
CHAPTERS 10 - 11

Chapter 10: Tools for Analysis

1. Explain and Differentiate (Cause and Effect Wheel and The Tree Analysis)

One must not rush in trying to solve a problem or in making a big decision, since
rushing can overlook some aspects such as the possible causes or effects of the
dilemma; even the possible outcome, Carly Fiorina, a Republican candidate for United
States of Americas’ 2016 presidential elections, once quoted, “If a decision making-
making process is flawed and dysfunctional, decisions will go awry”. Therefore, in
addressing a problem or making a decision, a systematic way should be done. Tools for
analysis are useful forms of methodologies in order to come up with the right decision.
Cause and Effect Wheel and The Tree Analysis are one of the numerous tools for
analysis. These tools for analysis both have unique and interesting methodologies in
assessing problems.

Cause and Effect Wheel, also known as concentric circles, helps decision makers in
furtherance of their dilemma’s cause and effect & action and reaction. The relationship
of the four or the two pairs could lead in choosing the best decision in solving the
problem. On the other hand, The Tree Analysis allows decision makers to look at the
bigger picture of the problem. Every part of the tree has a unique representation of the
problem; the roots as the root causes, trunk as the primary problems from the roots,
braches as the off-shoots of primary concerns from the trunk, and leaves as the end
result of the last possible outcomes of the problem. In this way, a clear representation
was made with every detail noted.

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2. As an Exercise, you are required to analyze the problem situation in Barangay
Cabacnitan and Barangay Real De Cacarong.

2.1 For Barangay Cabacnitan prepare an analysis using Cause and Effect Wheel

The main problem in Baranggay Cabacnitan is that the members of the local
community have no background or access to sex education. This special type of
education is an instruction on human sexuality in general. In Baranggay Cabacnitan, the
main issue of not having an education in sex results to number of problems such as
teenage pregnancy, no family planning, and sexually transmitted diseases. The fact that
Inday’s grandfather finds her granddaughter pregnant even though she is not married
and young normal or casual is surprising. In teenage pregnancy, health issues to the
mother could be raised. Adolescents bearing a child are increases the risk of having
cervical cancer and other reproductive system infections or diseases. Moreover, not
having background in sex education can lead to irresponsible parenting, having children
beyond the parents’ capability of feeding them. Overpopulation could also be an
offshoot of not having sex education.

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2.2 For Barangay Real De Cacarong prepare an analysis using The Tree Analysis

The problem in Baranggay Real De Cacarong can be analyzed by using The

Tree Analysis; however, the representation is similar to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Theory. It
could be compared like in the tree, the roots are the main issues and the leaves are the
offshoots. In the famous hierarchy, it is impossible for an individual to achieve the higher
levels if he could not first achieve the lower ones; therefore, one must not have a major
issue in the lowest level to reach the top of the hierarchy or the positive offshoots of
achieving the lower levels. For citizens in Baranggay Real De Cacarong, most of them
already achieved the physiological level. Health, water, nutrition, and sanitation do not
have major issues, in fact, by 1999; the lowest percentage of people having issues in
the physiological level is 71.2%. Hence, most of the population could attain safety,
love/belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization, but there are still some barriers for
some family in accessing some levels. The government should help families that need
help in moving onto the next level to have an excellent and productive community.

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Chapter 11: The Community

No man is an island, meaning we belong to a certain group or community.

Communities are set of peoples in a certain geographical area that shares different
things in their lives, such as history, space relations, external relation, resources,
technology, knowledge and beliefs, values and sentiments, goals, norms, position and
roles, power, leadership, influence, social rank, and reward or punishments. To better
understand the picture, giving an example might be necessary.

People living in the great republic of the Philippines are examples of a

community. Filipinos share the same territory, the 7000 islands of the country. The
history of the country is also shared; they were occupied by colonizers, namely
Spaniards, Americans, and Japanese (WWII invasion). This is only an example of the
country’s rich history starting from ancient Filipinos who made the Manunggul Jar to the
contemporary era. Space and external relations are also shared, one of the factors in
geography. The country is divided into different main islands, to regions, to provinces, to
districts, to cities and municipalities, to baranggay, and even to sitios. Additionally,
Filipinos have their own private homes or places in each community. The Philipines is a
tropical country, making this country teeming with natural resources, and Filipinos share
these resources to satisfy their wants and needs. Technology of the country is also
shared or the same, some are embarrassingly obsolete (e.g. our railway systems and
internet connection) while some are advanced (PAGASA’s radars in tracking tropical
disturbances in the West Pacific). Knowledge and beliefs of the Filipinos are very strong
and family oriented. Values and sentiments are heavily influenced by Catholicism and
some Islam, brought by the colonizers. The goals of the Filipino people are to have a
great Republic, recovering from the label ‘sick man of Asia’. Norms, position and roles,
power, leadership, influence, social rank, and reward or punishments are shared things
of the Filipino people from the basis of their national constitution where all Filipinos are
required to follow, since no one is above the law.

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1. What are your realization, learning and insights with the modules that you read?

My insight regarding the chapters is that all problems could be solved; we just need
to really analyze the root of the problems. Through the help of tools for analysis
discussed in chapter 10, we could see the root causes of the problems and its
offshoots. On the other hand, chapter 11 made me think about my community and
immediately missed them. I am now living in Manila in a dorm, but I really reside in
Malvar, Batangas. This made me appreciate my culture in Batangas, how people talk
with their Tagalog-Batangas, ‘Ala ano gang ginagawa niyo di’ne?’. Indeed, no man is
an island.

2. How was the topics appreciated?

The topics were appreciated because it informed me as a student of Civil Welfare

Training Service in Mapua Institute of Technology. I believe that these lessons will help
me in becoming successful in my chosen field of study in this institution.

3. Were you able to comprehend the topics through the on-line activity? Or would
you appreciate more the topics if discussed in a classroom session?

I was able to comprehend the topics through the on-line activity. I strongly believe
classroom session is not necessary for these chapters (chapter 10 and chapter 11).
Some students will just find that tedious for subjects like this, since it’s quite
comprehendible through on-line session.

4. Give suggestions or comments on how to improve this type of learning?

To improve this type of learning, I believe that the instructors should inform the
students of their scores online. It’s very unfair for students to write long essays then
receive no score, at some point students will just get tired.

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