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Oslob, Cebu

Written Output in Tourism Sales

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Brief History of Oslob, Cebu
Oslob is a small coastal town in Cebu with a population of 30,000. It's a hive of activity,

with a variety of tourist attractions to offer the throngs of people that come to see it.

Oslob was created as a visita of Boljoon in 1690 and became an independent parish in

1848, with the Immaculate Conception as its patroness.

It is famous for being one of the greatest places in the world to swim with whale sharks.

Locals refer to these whale sharks as "butanding." The Oslob, Cebu whale sharks

(Rhincodon typus) are the only living species of the 'world's biggest fish.' They may

grow to be up to 15 meters long.

A short story on how the name “Oslob” was derived

Bolocboloc was a famous hangout spot in town a long time ago. Because of the existing

spring beneath the seashore at the foot of the barangay, the location was given the

name Bolocboloc. The water flow was so intense that it looked like it was boiling, which

can still be observed today.

Currently, the location is known as Nigad (a name of a tree). The location was given the

name Nigad after a tree that thrived in the area and is rarely seen along the shoreline.

Due to misunderstandings between the native couple and the two guardia civil (civil

guards) in the year 1785, the word Oslob was coined from the name Nigad. While the

mentioned couple was resting under the tree and eating their brought boiled bananas

soaked in vinegar and salt, the two guardia civils approached with the words, as if they
were asking: “Como se llama esto pueblo?”, which, when translated into English,

means: “What is the name of this town?”

The couple was taken aback since they couldn't understand what the civil guards were

saying. Because the couple was soaking bananas with vinegar and salt at the time, they

assumed the civil guards were asking them what they were doing, so they replied in

unison, "Toslob," which means "soaking." The civil guards kept repeating the term

Toslob after hearing it, believing that it was the town's name. This was the beginning of

the word Toslob, which was later altered to Oslob as time passed.

1. Baluarte

This is known as a watchtower. Oslob is a seaside town and baluartes were constructed

along her coast to keep watch on raiders. One of the most accessible baluartes is the

one in the Municipal Heritage Park. There are seven of these around Oslob. The one in

the park was built around 1788.

2. Sumilon Island

This is a private island resort which can be reached with Barangay Tan-awan, Oslob as

the jump off point. From Tan-awan, you will board a boat which will take you to the

island in 15 to 20 minutes.

When you want peace and relaxation, this is one of the best places you can ask for.

You’ll love the azure waters and the collection of flora and fauna on the island.

3. Immaculate Conception Parish Church

This is one of the oldest churches in Cebu that were remnants of the Spanish

occupation. However, the church you will see today is a restored one as it has suffered

from two fires in its history. On November 7, 1955, a fire destroyed the church and

again on March 26, 2008.


1. Oslob Whale Shark Swimming

Swim with whale sharks for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. Your own guide will take you

on a scenic drive from Cebu's East Coast to Oslob, where you will be able to see this

amazing fish. In their natural habitat, snorkel and swim with these gentle giants.
2. Take photos of the Cuartel Ruins In 1860

The Cuartel was built for Spanish soldiers as a military barracks. Even after the

entrance of the Americans and Japanese, the work was never completed when Spain's

sovereignty in the Philippines ended in 1898.

The unfinished construction is now a historic landmark in Oslob. It's gorgeous,

incomplete, and eerie at night. On the other hand, the Cuartel Ruins provide a rustic

setting for pre-wedding photos all day.

3. Swim at Tumalog Falls

The Tumalog Falls in Oslob, Cebu, are the most beautiful of the several waterfalls in

the area.

A horsetail waterfall is an example of what is known as "picture-perfect natural beauty."

The falling water makes continual touch with the rocks, generating a wonderful veil-like


Because Tumalog Falls is so well-known, you'll see people taking photographs all over

the area. The water is chilly enough to swim in and the views are breathtaking from

every viewpoint.
Main Festival of Oslob, Cebu

Toslob Festival in Oslob, Cebu

The official celebration was initially known as Sadsad Festival, but during Mayor Ronald

Guaren's first time in office in 2007, it was renamed Sadsadayon Festival. The festival's

name was changed to Toslob Festival the following year, 2008, to reflect the origins of

Oslob's name.

Toslob is a kind of merrymaking and appreciation for the graces obtained in the

previous year from the town's patroness, the Immaculate Conception, during the

Municipality of Oslob's annual fiesta.

2 Main Delicacies

1. Sutukil

It stands for three (3) methods of cooking. Su stands for sugba, or grilling; popular

grilled meats in Cebu include shrimp, squid, pig belly, and tilapia. Tu stands for tula,

which means stew, and the Cebuanos love stewed Spanish mackerel (tanigue) and

chicken. Kil is used to make kilaw or to cook in vinegar, as in ceviche.

2. Dried Mangoes

In Cebu, this is perhaps the most popular and well-liked delicacy. Dried mangoes are

pieces of ripe mangoes that have been sun-dried. Dried mangoes are so addicting due

to their chewy texture and sweet flavor that you will want more.
Local Products

1. Keychains

Keychains, the ultimate keepsake, are a terrific option if you’re looking for something

that’s less bulky and less expensive. You can find keychains in a variety of shapes and

styles depending on where you go.

2. Handmade Accessories

There is an accessory shop or borloloyan close you wherever you go in Cebu. Local

entrepreneurs typically run these businesses. Native bracelets, beaded necklaces, pearl

earrings, handcrafted purses, abaca (jute) caps, coconut shell bags, and more are just a

few of the things they like to reward you with.

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