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Eastern and Western Perspective

We can distinguish culture where we belong based on what country we are living
since then we build our consciousness. Indeed, it is one of the major aspect contributing
of building our concept of self. It is divided into two the Eastern and Western
perspective. Eastern self concept build with the different religious aspect in which we
build our beliefs and values or morals as a person while in western self concept is
categorized by contemporary discussion by Frank Johnson in terms of analytical,
monotheistic, individualistic and materialistic in which really focuses on mind setting and
being subjective. Moreover, in eastern culture we are interdependence that we should
listen to our authority but in western the social and cognitive skills must be integrated to
build dependent self. In the same manner, east has a high power that eastern people
show respect to everyone most especially on the person that is elder on them, hence in
western individual should earn their respect even the older one and it is obviously
contrasting to each culture.
Furthermore, east establish social relationship as formal and hierarchical in such
people must feel comfortable and know their position with in structure as they call ate
and kuya but in western they promote equality and social ranking is minimized due to
they think they are equal in all matters. In connection to that, eastern portray their self
as they think before sharing or saying something for them to not hurt someones feelings
yet in western they are more on talking, expressing immediately as they without thinking
others feelings because they are saying just like no filter at all. Yet, in eastern they are
puzzled on what we should say or expressing our opinions at the same time eastern
culture we don’t face our problems directly until we face it in worst situation while
western fix their problems directly as they could fix everything. Therefore, we eastern
and western culture have obvious differences in all aspects of seeing and
conceptualizing the self.
Collectivism vs. Individualism
In this lesson Mr. Ludwig von Mises has a great role as he contributed great idea
how to present collectivism versus individualism idea. For many times everybody is
having a hard time and continuously debating of the said topic. The collectivist position
is that the goals of many is more important to the goals of those individual while
individualist see it as individual are more important than to those collect and vice-versa.
Indeed, methodologically individual only acts and take action out distinguishing his/her
existence as individual. in result, he/she is can choose their own goals and act
accordingly. In contrast, collectivism give more importance on the goals of many as they
believe it is superior than being individual but there is social hierarchy that who is in the
highest power uses his/her own goal and see it as the goal of many were in fact it is for
his/her own good. Hence, Neitzsche is not agree on the idea of collectivism as he
emphasize collectivist people are unable to create their own goals and meaning of life.
Therefore, collectivism and individualism is everyone’s choice with in their selves even
they belong to a certain group but he/she value individuality rather than collectivism jut
to fed his/her goals. Then, it is bad to hear that but it really exist, in such it is important
to know where we belong and not be blind of reality.
Collectivism and Individualism by Michael Hogan Ph. D.
Many author trying and keeping on comparing this collectivism and individualism
differ to each other, of how this emphasize in different countries where we belong.
Indeed, in this topic the author for me focuses more on explaining collectivism impacted
people negatively that in result to collectivist people loss their individuality and fully
embracing ones individuality or rejecting the lure of collection. More likely, collectivist
values have negative effects on being creative thinking in groups yet need to follow
crowd because we believed we are part of the many so we need to go with the flow
what is the many doing and practicing. Indeed, we adopt the group norms while
reinforcing a conformity particular on our ideas or solution but we are changing our
beliefs or behavior in order for us to fit in, and by the means of group pressure. In
conclusion, we the collectivist culture forgot to express our selves that sometimes we
tend to be manipulated in our behavior and action by our group just to fit in but for me
it’s okay sometimes to take our actions differently and not adjusting for others for us to
learn something from our own and sometimes to be independent, stand with our choice
and face the consequences on our own.
Philosophies of self: East-West Distinction
West people give more value on developing their unique self by having the
essence, identity and importantly differentiate self endlessly. While, eastern people
have flexible self yet oriented more to duty than to rights because eastern people give
more value on attachment to others, our inter relationship with the people with in our
community. Therefore, western people are more prone to depression as they could only
rely on their selves and anxious to share something with his/her co-western people
while eastern people are being deprive of their rights, right to express their selves
because they are afraid to be different.

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