Crime of Padre Amaro

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Sem. Andro Louis M.

Rulona January 25, 2017

Contemporary Philosophy Rev. Fr. Agerio Paña

Crime of Padre Amaro

The movie happened in a small parish church in Los Reyes, Mexico. A newly ordained

priest Father Amaro was sent by the bishop to assist the old aged Father Benito. Father Benito

has been having a long-time relationship with the restaurant owner Sanjuanera who have an

attractive daughter, Amelia. In the movie, Sanjuanera was always seen in the church’s convent

taking care of him like a real wife of Father Benito. There is the implication that the bishop

knows about Father Benito's sex life but doesn't care. Instead sends Father Amaro to Los Reyes

for exposure to the church's realpolitik even he (the bishop) knows Father Benito's ambitious

program of hospital construction is financed through money he launders from the local drug

lords. It seems that the bishop supports the project of Father Benito whose money came from

illegal act. On the other hand, Father Natalio another local priest, who supports the guerrillas

engaging war against the drug lords and later was excommunicated by the bishop because of


Amelia the daughter of Sanjuanera is a teacher of catechesis in the parish has been dating

a local newspaperman named Ruben. But when the moment Father Amaro expresses his love she

broke-up with him. As the affair of Father Amaro and Amelia began, only Martin the church’s

server and helper of the priests suspected their love affair. Every time Father Amaro is vacant

they went to the workshop of the parish and they do a thing that violates the church's laws of

priestly celibacy. One time after Father Benito gave a confession, Martin told Father Benito on
his suspicion on what was happening in the parish workshop’s vacant room that is why Father

Benito hurried on to the workshop and confronted Father Amora on the mistake he has done.

One day Amelia told Father Amaro that she is pregnant, the priest becomes shocked as he know

the news. They tried to solve the problem by trying to persuade Ruben to marry Amelia but they

failed to do so. They decided to abort the fetus so that their problems will be solved. They went

to an illegal abortion clinic on a back road in the jungle with the help of a parishioner. During

the operation Amelia have a extreme bleeding (hemorrhage) that causes her death.

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