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Khazar University

English Language and Literature Department

The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
English Foundations 1
Midterm / Spring 2021 (April 6)
Total 30 points

Total Score _________

You have 1,5 hour to complete this exam. There are 4 sections in the exam.
Section A: Listening (10 points; each – 1)
A. Listen to the recording. Choose the correct variant.

1. What do people sometimes fall down while walking and texting?

a) stairs
b) rabbit holes
c) wells
d) hills

2. What kinds of injuries did the professor say were worst?

a) back injuries
b) head injuries
c) eye injuries
d) fingernail injuries

3. Where did the professor say people's minds are while they are texting?

a) inside their personal problems

b) inside their mobile phones
c) somewhere else
d) asleep

4. How many reasons did a professor give for why texting makes walking difficult?

a) several
b) many
c) 17
d) countless

5. How many people visited the professor's hospital?

a) sixty million
b) 660
c) over 60 thousand
d) over six thousand

B. Listen again. Are these statements TRUE or FALSE?

1. The professor said over 66,000 people visited his hospital last year because of driving.
2. A study says people who text and walk are injured every kilometer. T/F
3. A professor said people do not focus on their feet when they text. T/F
4. It is more dangerous to text while walking than while driving. T/F
5. When a car hits someone, there is nothing to protect the head. T/F

Section B: Vocabulary (5 points; each – 0,5)

II. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from the box. There are two
extra ones.
Spreadsheet reboot maintain launch bookmark

vulnerable crucial bandwidth capture encryption

1. I created a … to help analyze the sales data.

2. We are planning to…a new Internet services company next week.
3. We have been able to ….prices for our customers at their current level.
4. If this doesn’t work, close the application and… the system.
5. You will want to… this page for regular reference.
6. Text messages require less… than phone calls.
7. It is …that the problem is tackled immediately.
8. Older people are especially …to cold temperatures even inside their homes.
9. If a computer or similar machine … information, it takes it in and stores it.
10. The records were stored using protective….

Section C: Reading (10 points; each – 1)

A roof over your head is a basic human need, but 1.2 billion people in the world have no proper
housing. A revolutionary, low-cost use of 3D printers may change this. With 3D printing,
materials are joined together by using a computer-controlled device to create three-dimensional
objects. Two companies have joined to try and ease homelessness by building affordable homes
using 3D printing. Tech company ICON has developed a method for printing a one-floor house
out of cement in a day for just $10,000. This is a fraction of the time and cost needed to build
other houses. ICON teamed up with the non-profit housing group New Story. They will start
building homes in developing countries. They will build 100 new homes in El Salvador next
year. New Story's co-founder acknowledged that the 100 homes were just a drop in the ocean.
She said: "There are over 100 million people living in slum conditions, in what we call survival
mode." She said 3D-printed houses could become common in richer countries in years to come.
For the moment, she said: "The tech is ready now to print very high-quality, safe homes in the
places we're building."

I. Read the article. Mark these statements (1-5) true (T) or false (F).

1. The article says 2.2 billion people have no proper place to live. T/F
2. The article says 3D printing is very expensive. T/F
3. A company can make a home for $10,000 in just 24 hours. T/F
4. A non-profit co-founder wants to build homes on the ocean. T/F
5. Three companies have united to make homes for the homeless. T/F

II. Read the article again. Choose the correct variant.

1. Where might 3D-printed houses become common in the future?

a) Antarctica
b) New York
c) richer countries
d) Brazil

2. What did the article say about the expense of using 3D printers?
a) they are exorbitantly priced
b) we can all afford them
c) they are expensive
d) they are low cost

3. How many homes will the joint venture build in El Salvador next year?
a) 180
b) 1,000
c) 1000
d) 100

4. What conditions did the co-founder say 100 million people lived in?
a) hopeful conditions
b) freezing conditions
c) slum conditions
d) sunny conditions

5. What did the article say 3D printers could build houses at a fraction of?
a) a half
b) per cent
c) cost and time
d) materials

Section D: Writing (5 points; 2- content and structure, 1,5– grammar, 1,5- vocabulary)

Choose ONE of the topics below and write a paragraph.

1. The impact of social media on our lives.

(no less than 70 words)

2. How has modern technology changed the way people spend their leisure time?
(no less than 70 words)
Write your paragraph here:

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