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There are two diametrically opposite views about the qualities of good leadership. One view is:¶
a leader is born with inborn qualities of leadership¶ and the other is µa leader is born out of an
ordinary man¶ In other words, an ordinary human being grows and gets molded into a leader.
The latter view is more plausible, because, though a child may inherit some of the leadership
qualities of his parents through genes, the background in which the child is brought up and other
interpersonal, social and economic factors actually mould him into a leader. Therefore a man
develops his leadership qualities by virtue of his education, his family background and due to
various social, political and economic factors that he is exposed to in his day today life.

The qualities of a good leadership may vary from person to person according to the background
in which he was brought up and molded. Likewise, the leadership qualities of a political leader or
a business magnet or a religious leader or a sportsman e.g. cricket captain, may vary since their
area of operation and expertise is entirely different from one another.











Charisma is an abstract and a powerful personal quality of a leader that attracts and impresses
other people. Political and religious leaders are endowed with this quality. For example,
Jawaharlal Nehru and Indhira Gandhi were said to be charismatic leaders since they were able to
attract more and more people wherever they went. In the US, Abraham Lincoln was said to be a
charismatic leader. Gautama Buddha was a charismatic religious leader who attracted more and
more people towards Buddhism. In fact this charisma played a vital role not only in attracting
more people but also hypnotized them to tow their political and religious line.


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Good leaders, in particular, the political and religious leaders have been extraordinary orators.
They not only attract the people through their speech but also able to convince them to tow their
political and religious will. A good leader is also extempore capable of speaking on any topic on
a given situation. Former US President Abraham Lincoln was a great orator and his Gettysburg
speech during the civil war was a classical example of his oratory skills and it has become part of
the American literature. µA house divided against itself cannot stand¶ was one of the famous
quotes from the master pieces of his speech. Mrs.Indira Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India
was an extempore Similarly, some good leaders have been excellent writers too. For example,
former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was a famous writer in English, whose works
won the Nobel Prize for literature. In India, there are umpteen numbers of writers besides being
successful and good political leaders. Nehru was a great writer, whose works like the Discovery
of India and the Glimpses of World History were great trend setters in historical writing.


Good leaders have been good decision makers too. For example former US President Abraham
Lincoln was great in decision making. When US were facing a political crisis during the period
of civil war, it was Lincoln¶s master stroke to declare for the emancipation of slavery. But for the
extraordinary talent and decision making powers of Winston Churchill as the Prime Minister of
England during the period of the Second World War, England could not have averted a war time
crisis. It was the extra ordinary decision making power of F.D.Roosevelt, the former U.S
President that helped US to blow away the crisis of Great Depression of 1930s.and paved the
way for a series of reforms and reconstruction.

While taking vital decisions in crisis situations good leaders have always been strategic, and
tactful; remained steadfast and committed. with an iron will. When Lincoln took the strategic and
tactical decision in favor of emancipation of slavery in the wake of fierce opposition from the
white people, he had to remain sincere, steadfast and committed with an iron will in favor of his
decision and in the end lost his life to bullets.



Resourcefulness is one of the characteristic qualities of a good leader. Coupled with his talent
and fund of common sense, a good leader always takes timely decisions in a given situation
besides tackling any tricky situation.


Good leaders do not bother about any tricky situation they may face. Their sense of humor and
wit bail them out from such tricky situations. Winston Churchill and Mahatma Gandhi were
known for their sense of humor. They also used this characteristic quality to enliven the
proceedings besides cheering up their followers.

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Good leaders, whether they have a formal education or not, always remained knowledgeable
with their voracious reading habit, besides hearing patiently what others say. Above all they have
a fine sense of memory with a capacity to recall any event that happened several years ago. With
a faithful memory, good leaders are able to keep a faithful following. A classic example of
faithful memory of a good leader is Napoleon Bonaparte, the French leader. He was such a great
organizer of human resources only with his tremendous memory. It may be astonishing to note
that he could recall the names of every one of his thousands of soldiers. personally and could
hobnob with them at ease just like an ordinary soldier.



Good leaders are also notable for their time management skills. Mahatma Gandhi was a classic
example. He was almost an addict in keeping times; always wearing a timepiece around his
waist, he was so prompt and punctual in attending his multifarious political activities.


Good leaders are fine administrators too. Being so prompt and punctual, they remain quite
efficient in the administration of an organization, whether they are political leaders or religious
leaders. Jawaharlal Nehru was a fine administrator as the Prime Minister of India as many as 17
long years between 1947 and 1964.with unflinching devotion to duty.By virtue of his
administrative skills he carried forward his country from an underdeveloped status to that of a
developing country.

Gautama Buddha or Mahavira were great administrators of their respective monasteries.

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Good leaders are flawless in their character,known for their honesty and integrity.Honesty in turn
evokes honesty from their followers. Mahatma Gandhi was the classic example of a honest
political leader besides being a man of integrity. He always spoke the truth and never gave up
that policy until his death.


Good leaders remain idealistic in their vision and in a way far advanced to their age. Despite
being a leader and having a mass following, they remain somewhat isolated by virtue of their
idealistic and advanced thinking.Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi were the classic examples for such

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It is the natural ability and talent of the good leaders to lead from the front and avert many crisis
situations.For example, in cricket many cricket captains like Ricky Ponting,Kapil
Dev,M.S.Dhoni always lead from the front with their exemplary skills in the game of cricket and
avert crisis situation when their cricket teams need them most.Similarly,in the political front
great leaders always lead from the front and change the destiny of their nations.



Good leaders are more concerned about others and always remained unselfish.They never think
about their own welfare or well being but fight for the causes and well being of others who need
them most.Mahatma Gandhi was the classic example;he never thought of his own well being and
always strived hard to achieve freedom for India.He did not hold any post when India became
Independant and remained selfless to the core.Nelson Mandela is another exemplary leader
whose selfless service to the cause of African National Congress is praiseworthy.Being unselfish
good leaders remain simple,humble and unassuming.They even hate luxurious or ostentatious
way of living.They set an example for others by their way of living.Mahatma Gandhi remained a
half naked fakir just because a common man in a remote village did not have a shirt to wear.His
food was also very simple and he remained a teetotaller.

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Endowed with a number of fine qualities, through their exemplary behaviour, good leaders set an
example for others,remain a driving force;inspire their followers towards a specific goal and lead
them for a safe journey,whether it be an organisation or a political or religious movement.

We should follow such leaders and even try to emulate them.That is the only way of thanking
and paying tribute to such great leaders

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Details of Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)
Name of the Scheme Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)
! Both: Central & State Government
;  : Central Government - 75% and State Government -25%
 <, Rural Development
Government of India has restructured the earlier poverty alleviation
programs and introduced a new program styled as Swarnjayanti Gram
Swarozgar Yojana (SGRY) w.e.f. April1, 1999. SGSY is a holistic
programme covering all aspects of self employment to BPL (below
poverty line) families such as organisation of poor into Self Help
   Groups(SHGs), imparting training for skill upgradation, infrastructure
development and marketing of products .The Central and State
Governments fund SGSY scheme in the ratio of 4:1%.The objective of
SGSY is to bring the assisted families (Swarozgaris) above the poverty
line (APL) by providing them income-generating assets through Bank
credit and Government subsidy.
Other Beneficiaries Self Help Groups

Benefit Type Material,Loan,Subsidy,

Other Benefits Income Genaration
) !      Person must be from below poverty line (BPL) families.
    Beneficiaries are selected by the Panchayat
Introduced On 01 / 04 / 1999
Valid Upto 31 / 03 / 2010

Government of Karnataka
2 2

Karnataka is considered as one of the most deserved industrial locations
for setting industries in the country. State has been consistently pursuing
progressive outlook to meet the changing needs of the State's economy and
industry. Karnataka is also considered one of the countries comprising large
public sector industrial undertakings, large privately owned industries like steel
sugar, Textiles etc., In recent times, Karnataka has emerged as the leader in IT
& BT and knowledge based industrial sector, making rapid strides in IT &
computer related industries and biotechnology with a strong research and
development base. The State has a number of traditional cottage , Handicrafts,
Micro Enterprises like Handlooms, Power looms, silk weavers , Khadi and village
Industries etc.,
With all these, the State also felt the urgency of providing stimulus
measures for industries and service sector to combat the ill effects of the
financial crisis prevailing globally. The State is committed to initiate certain
measures to provide temporary relief to the industry and service sector to
overcome the present situation.
Karnataka Government with an objective of increasing GSDP, strengthening
the manufacturing sector, generation of additional employment in different
sectors, to promote diversified Industrial base and to reduce regional imbalances
and also to increase the share of exports from Karnataka in the national exports,
has taken up number of initiatives like New Industrial Policy 2009-2014, State
Special Economic Zone Policy 2009 and Suvarna Karnataka Textile policy, and
Karnataka Mineral Policy .
The main mission of Industrial Policy 2009-14 is to:
1) To create environment for robust industrial growth
2) To ensure inclusive industrial development in the State.
3) To provide additional employment for about 10 lakh persons by 2014.
4) To enhance the contribution of manufacturing sector to the State¶s GDP from
the current level of 17% to 20% by the end of policy period.
In order to achieve the above mission, following strategies are being adopted
1. Classification of the taluks of the State in to four zones depending on
backwardness of the taluks and also based on broad guidelines of Dr.
D.M.Nanjundappa Committee Report on Redressal of Regional imbalance
2. Thrust on provision of world-class infrastructural facilities for industries with
active participation of private sector/ industry
3. Implementation of Suvarna Karnataka Development Corridor programme
(SKDCP) through length and breadth of the State and develop industries at the
potential locations along the corridor.
4) Development of sector-wise industrial zones for optimal utilization of local
natural and human resource so as to minimize migration of people to urban
5) Simplification of land acquisition procedures with emphasis on inclusive
development .
6) Safeguarding the socio-economic interest of both farmers and investors while
acquisition of land.
7) Preferential treatment for MSME sector enabling to meet the global challenges
8) Attractive employment and performance linked package of incentives and
concessions to attract investment to backward regions and also to provide a
leverage to MSME sector.
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The State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) under the Chairmanship of
Hon¶ble Chief Minister clears projects with investment above Rs. 50.00 crores> SHLCC
during 2008-09 has approved 44  : 6
with a total investment of Rs
. . These projects are likely to create employment to 4.10
lakh people. Sector wise and district wise details of project approved are
given in "@#'
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Karnataka Udyog Mitra also acts as a secretariat for State Level Single
Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) under the Chairmanship of the
Hon¶ble Minister for Large & Medium Industries, Government of Karnataka
which clears projects with investments between Rs.3.00 crores to Rs.50.00
crores. SLSWCC during 2008-09 has approved ]#? 6
with a total
investment of Rs.1#4#2'crores. These projects are likely to create
employment to 1.35 lakh people. Sector and district wise details of project
approved are given in "@]0
C) Investment approval trend in the state is as follows;
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