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Name: Danny Machado

Date: 2/8/19

Fact and Opinion Directions: Read each statement and then circle whether it is a fact or opinion.
Explain your answer.

1. The fastest land dwelling creature is the Cheetah. Fact or Opinion Explain:
This is a fact because it is a statement that has been researched and proven.

2. Michael Jordan has a career average of 30.4 points per game. Fact or Opinion Explain:
This is a fact that can be proven by some research on a reliable website that has his past

3. George Washington was the first President of the United States under the Constitution. Fact
or Opinion Explain:

This is a fact that is marked in history, everyone knows about him being the first

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president and if not it can be searched up and proven that this is true information.

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4. The ugliest sea creature is the manatee. Fact or Opinion Explain:

This is an opinion, other people could think that this is the most beautiful creature on the
planet. rs e
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5. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. Fact or Opinion Explain:
This is an opinion, other people might think that another NBA basketball player was the

best player of all time, people have opinions saying that LeBron James is the best player
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of all time.
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6. There seems to be too much standardized testing in public schools. Fact or Opinion Explain:
This is an opinion because other people could think that there is just the right amount of
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standardized testing in public schools.

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7. Prison is one of the worst places on the planet. Fact or Opinion Explain:
This is an opinion, although prison might not be the best place to be, other people may
think that there are worse places to be.

8. It is wrong for people under the age of 21 to drink alcohol. Fact or Opinion Explain:
This is a fact because it a Law.

9. Sister Carrie was written by Theodore Dreiser. Fact or Opinion Explain:


This is a fact because it has been published.

10. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King won eleven Oscars (Academy Awards). Fact or
Opinion Explain:
This is a fact because it can be proven.

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11. Oranges contain both calcium and vitamin C. Fact or Opinion Explain:
This is a fact because it can be proven and has been researched.

12. The television show The Simpsons is just not as funny as it used to be. Fact or Opinion
Explain: This is an opinion because other people may think it is the funniest show.

13. Diamonds are the hardest substance on Earth. Fact or Opinion Explain:
This is a fact that has been proven and that can be tested.

14. McDonalds sells more hamburgers than any other restaurant chain in the world. Fact or
Opinion Explain: This is a fact because it can be proven.

15. Horse manure smells awful. Fact or Opinion Explain:

This is an opinion because there could be people that think the opposite of this


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16. The price of gas has grown to become too expensive. Fact or Opinion Explain:

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This is an opinion because other people may think different.

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17. KFC has engineered “chickens” that do not have beaks and are double breasted. Fact or
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Opinion Explain: This statement is an opinion because it is something that is made up and
cannot be proven.

18. The more money someone has the more successful they are. Fact or Opinion Explain:
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This is an opinion because other people may be successful by being broke.

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19. Vegetarians are healthier than people who eat meat. Fact or Opinion Explain:
This is an opinion because other people may think the meat eaters are healthier than
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20. Cell phones emit radiation that may or may not cause brain cancer. Fact or Opinion Explain:
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This is a fact because it can be proven or tested.

21. Students have a lot harder time in school than the teachers. Fact or Opinion Explain:
This is an opinion because sometimes teachers stress over certain things too.
22. Popular music today is not as good as it was in the past. Fact or Opinion Explain:

This is an opinion because other people may think that the present music is better than

the music in the past.

23. It is illegal to yell out “Fire” in a crowded movie theater. Fact or Opinion Explain:
This is a fact because it is a law.
24. People should not be allowed to talk on cell phones in a movie theater. Fact or Opinion

Explain: This is an opinion because it could be an emergency call.

25. Drug dealers belong in prison. Fact or Opinion Explain:


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