Executive Summary

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Steven Shearing

Executive Summary
Due: 5/17/11

The French Imperialism of Morocco

Before the 20th century, Morocco has been a country ruled by many different dynasties,
similar to China, and has had many periods of times where there was not even a unified
government, but rather times of war and separate rulers. Due to the fact there have been many
different rulers and dynasties in Morocco, times of power militarily and the state of the economy
radically changes. There were times when the military of Morocco was strong enough to take
down invaders and challenge Spain, and other times where Morocco is crushed by invading
forces. Due to the ever constant change of power and the attacks from the Arabs in 700 A.D.,
The French, the Spanish, the Portuguese, and others, the economy as well in Morocco was never
truly stable.
Just like the government, military, and economy, Morocco’s culture has been ever
changing and always affected by its invaders. In the 700s, Morocco lost nearly all of its traces of
the Romans and Christianity and became an Islamic country ever since. There were Muslim
Dynasties and times of turmoil with no ruling power, no religion to rally behind. Due to the same
causes that always ravaged and changed Morocco’s government and economy, its culture
changed radically as well.
However, this all changed when the French imperialized Morocco. Right before this had
occurred; Morocco had lost wars with both the Spanish and the French and lost much of its land.
Soon, it became a French Protectorate, but only after the occurrence of two Moroccan crises, in
which Europe was nearly brought to the beginning of World War I, which would happen soon
after. During the time where Morocco was a French protectorate, many things were changed.
The first major impact that France had was on the economy. France immediately swept in
and stabilized the economy and society through many ways. One of these was building many
railroads and connecting the 5 major trading sites in Morocco. France also began much work on
fixing the problems they saw within society. Soon, the economy was thriving and society had
never been more unified. Another major impact France had was on the government. They
stabilized it and ruled Morocco strongly, but gave them much freedom and voice. France had
strengthened the government while staying popular with the people.
Even though Morocco got many benefits from France, France also got many benefits.
They obtained many raw materials from Morocco, as well as getting much more trade from
places such as Casablanca. Also, France increased its International Trade Reputation. While
Morocco may have gotten the better end of the deal, France also was given benefits to help
bolster its pride after having faced such pride-crushing defeats. France and Morocco should now
treat each other as equals, nothing more than gratitude from Morocco is needed.

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