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Vần A
1. Any employees who ........... not attended the seminar on sensitivity in the
workplace should do so before the end of the month.
A. has
B. have
C. are having
D. having
2. A full list of products that ............. developed can be found at our website, so
there is no need to include that information in your presentation.
A. will been
B. was
C. are been
D. are being
3. A lot of corporations have succeeded at saving money by costs.
A. reduced
B. reduction
C. reducing
D. reduces
4. A notice ............. today's special events is posted on the bulletin board.
A. shown
B. showed
C. showing
D. shows
5. A meeting sometime after the project deadline fits...............for my schedule than
trying to have one this week.
A. better
B. good
C. any better
D. any good
6. After several days of negotiations, Turner Associates finally made a
marketing............. with Ignatius Imports.
A recommendation
B. package
C. letter
D. deal
7. All computer programmers are required to be back ............. their desks by five
minutes after one.
A. on
B. for
C. at
D. under
8. All of the offices in the new complex ............. keyless entry systems, video
interphones, and 24-hour access to secure parking.
A. save
B. enter
C. replace
D. feature
9. After speeding to the airport and sprinting across the terminal, the Pelcro Corp.
executives arrived just ............. time to catch their flight.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. below
10. As the sales seminar ran longer than we expected, we had only a .............
period of time to brief the potential clients.
A. some
B. few
C. short
D. much
11. Alex..... that he had taken the test five times.
A. says
B. tells
C. said
D. told
12. As we............. in our guidelines for applicants, please submit documents in
triplicate before 5:00 p.m. on Friday.
A. exceeded
B. indicated
C. conducted
D. reserved
13. A new booklet explaining the process of course selection along with counseling
services is............ to any student interested in receiving help.
A. potential
B. available
C. expressed
D. approaching
14. All employees are reminded that there is much satisfaction to be gained from
.............. the community in some voluntary capacity.
A. serving
B. deserving
C. reserving
D. preserving
15. ............. company regulations, all employees will be considered for a yearly
performance-based pay raise.
A. In common with
B. According to
C. In case of
D. On behalf of
16. ...............the remodeling is finished, the office cubicles can be put back in place
and regular work hours can begin again.
A. as soon as
B. however
C. while
D. in time for
17. All the storage rooms are scheduled to undergo renovations and........
...............closed for several days next week.
A. will be
B. was
C. are
D. has been
18. ..............your application is impressive, we have found someone else who is
even more qualified than you are.
A. Until
B. Because
C. Therefore
D. Although

Vần B
1. By the time Sam got home from school, his brother .......... all the cake.
A. had eaten
B. was eating
C. has been eating
D. has eaten
2. Bedrock Supply's delivery services will be.............starting on March 7 due to
recent budget cuts.
A. complete
B. unavailable
C. eligible
D. popular
3. Before sending the order form, please make sure to include your.... at the bottom
A. signed
B. signing
C. signature
D. to sign
4. By the time he arrived at the .................., the movie had ended.
A. doctor's office
B. home
C. theater
D. dentist
5. Because of ............. exceptional durability, IXC chips are in high demand for
the new QC operating systems.
A. their
B. its
C. they
D. itself
6. Because of Valley Bank's new online banking service, paying your monthly bills
just became easier than........
A. always
B. ever
C. never
D. often
7. Before she died, the old man ............... to take a walk with his wife daily.
A. used
B. ought
C. might
D. should

Vần C
1. Customers who purchase four paperbacks may receive ..............lower-priced
paperback for free.
A. all other
B. other
C. another
D. each other
2. Customers' complaints and suggestions are the customer
service staff at Newton Graphics.
A. avoided
B. ignored
C. adapted
D. started
3. Customers need to consider carefully............ kind of interior fittings will best
satisfy both their needs and tastes.
A. which
B. since
C. that
D. as
4. Call the repair person. The ............ is tearing the papers again.
A. coffee
B. paper
C. copier
D. document

Vần D
1. …………… Easter break, a skeleton staff of volunteers will maintain all
essential services to keep the business running
A. While
B. Ahead
C. During
D. Since
2. Despite recent losses totaling millions of dollars, Bayside
Construction………… its shareholders the situation would be rectified in the near
A. assuring
B. assured
C. have assured
D. was assured
3. Despite being a newcomer to the field of shipbuilding, Upgrade Engineering
has achieved .............. results in its first year.
A. envier
B. envying
C. enviable
D. envyingly

4. Due to new environmental…………, we will have to update our waste

management system by 2018
A. regulations
B. services
C. balances
D. portfolios
5. During the month of August, customers who..................a total purchase of $100
are entitled to a 10 percent discount.
A. proceed
B. exceed
C. multiply
D. rise
6.............. recent adjustments in income tax rates, workers will find themselves
pleasantly surprised by an increase in the size of their paychecks.
A. Due to
B. While
C. In fact
D. Whether
7. enormous advertising campaign, sales of the item were incredibly
A. Unless
B. Toward
C. Through
D. Despite
8. Due to an unexpected illness, the executive officer was forced to submit a letter
announcing his.....retirement.
A. mature
B. early
C. ready
D. previous
9. .............. heavy rain, this afternoon's baseball game has been rescheduled for
A. Due to
B. Because
C. As
D. Despite
10. Don't leave your bags ....... ........, as they may be removed without notice.
A. attended
B. attending
C. unattended
D unattending
11. Director Patterson's...........was that the institute should move its headquarters
to Austin, Texas.
A. conclusion
B. conclusive
C. conclude
D. conclusively

Vần E
1. Emails and mobiles have made it much easier to ...
A. communication
B. communicate
C. communicator
D. communicative
2. Ever since September, employees ........... to log in and out at our company's
website so we could keep track of the hours that they were working.
A. requiring
B. will be required
C. have been required
D. was required
3. Employees who wish to take the day after Thanksgiving as a personal day off
............. to get managerial approval.
A. must
B. should
C. can
D. have
4. Everyone ............ been wonderful to work with, and I will sorely miss working
A. have
B. did
C. hasn't
D. has
5. Even if education is theoretically free of charge, parents................have to pay
the increasingly high cost of school clothing, books, materials and transport costs.
A. always
B. usually
C. still
D. yet
6. Exercising a healthy, productive, and free way to manage stress.
A. regularly
B. regular
C. regularness
D. more regular
7. Even professional marketers are never sure .............. some new products are
runaway successes while others fail miserably.
A. for
B. why
C. since
D. whoever
8. Employee benefits include paid holidays, medical and dental coverage, and a
A. pension
B. taxation
C. expansion
D. resignation
9. Employers............ in obtaining information concerning grants for technician
certification may contact us at the e-mail address below.
A. interested
B. listed
C. hopeful
D. enclosed
10. Employers ............ to pay their employees a decent wage.
A. must
B. ought
C. should
D. would
11. Emily ..............late every night, but now that she is more familiar with the new
software, she leaves at 5:30 every day.
A. is working
B. has to work
C. works
D. used to work

Vần F
1. Flying first class would have ............. twice as much as flying economy class.
A. cost
B. spent
C. paid
D. lasted
2. Four years ............ a long time to spend away from your friends and family.
A. need
B. have been
C. are
D. is
3. Frank has been really busy ........ the new products ready for the exhibition.
A. getting
B. get
C. to get
D. to getting
4. For the........ news and views on all important developments in the business
world, make sure you tune in to "Financial Focus" at 8:00 p.m.
A. late
B. later
C. lately
D. latest

Vần G
1. Gretchen Curtis was ............from assistant manager to manager because she
has what it takes to lead this department.
A referred
B. transferred
C. promoted
D. demoted
Vần H
1. ..........the e-mail yet to confirm the hotel reservations for the regional
conference? A. You have sent
B. Have you sent
C. Did you send
D. You have to send
2. He has traveled to Africa before...................?
A. does he
B. doesn't he
C. has he
D. hasn't he
3. he man, ................ father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.
A. whom
B. whose
C. which
D. where
4. He may ................... been there before.
A not have
B. have no
C. haven't
D. has not
5. .......... anyone listening to the speech understood its eventual importance.
A. Nearly
B. Hardly
C. Fairly
D. Actually
6. He .................. decided to quit his job and look for another one.
A. belated
B. last
C. finally
D. delayed
7. Here's the application form you .............. fill out.
A. can
B. should
C. will
D. shall
8. He will come here hour.
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. by
9. He tries hard, but I......... don't think he is doing a good job.
A. very
B. really
C. almost
D. exceptionally
10. He hasn't written to me .... .............. we met last time.
A. ago
B. for
C. since
D. before

Vần I
1. It's difficult to say exactly how many people are involve but I would say ........
A. around
B. across
C. through
D. into
2. I'm ......... Would you lend me some money?
A. borrow
B. rich
C. broke
D. poor
3. If you would like to obtain a parking permit, you should ...........a vehicle
registration number and application fees to the security director.
A. comply
B. submit
C. urge
D. advise
4. It is important to look through the documents..............that everyone in charge
can know at which stage they should be completed
A. concerning
B. over
C. so
D. since
5. If anyone needs a ride to the upcoming training seminar, they should notify the
customer service office since they ............. it.
A. was organizing
B. are organizing
C. were organized
D. have organizing
6. I'd rather .............. shopping tomorrow.
A. going
B. go
C. went
D. to go
7. ensure timely delivery of your order, be sure to thoroughly check
your address is correct.
A. Thanks
B. According
C. How
D. In order
8. If you are interested in receiving a research grant, you must submit your
proposal .............the vice president's office by the end of the month.
A. to
B. for
C. up
D. on
9. I ............... like to see his daughter right now.
A. will
B. shall
C. would
D. could
10. I ............... go to the post office this morning.
A. ought
B. have
C. must
D. used to
11. It is not very easy to make her .................. once she gets upset.
A. please
B. pleasing
C. pleased
D. pleasure
12. I would like you .................. go out with him at night.
A. no
B. not
C. no to
D. not to
13. I am hopeful that somewhere in the city ............exist a position with the hours
and benefits I seek.
A. there
B. it
C. he
D. what
14. In the interview, the director asked me several questions about my………..
A. designations
B. resume
C. entrepreneur
D. recognition
15. I don't mind staying late every now and again, ............don't expect me to be
here every evening.
A. and
B. so
C. therefore
D. but
16. I'm looking forward ................. her tomorrow.
A. to seeing
B. to see
C. seeing
D. see
17. If Mr. Singh ............ to apply for the position, he would be hired in an instant.
A. may
B. were
C. is
D. will
18. I decided to go to the library as soon as.......
A. finish what I did
B. would finish what I did
C. finished what I was doing
D. finished what I did
19. In recent years, most companies have been favoring rigid criteria systems that
require employees to.................discretion.
A. exercises
B. exercising
C. exercised
D. exercise
20. If you wish to register for State University's new Academic News Update ........,
please log in, click on the "register" box, and then list your preferences.
A. service
B. servicing
C. serviced
D. serviable
21. Intent on demonstrating its willingness to do what it takes to become a major
force in the industry, Vetcom has taken very public measures to research
and development experts away from other companies.
A. deter
B. beckon
C. lure
D. juggle
22. It is imperative that quality is not sacrificed for profits. We have ........ the best
products at the best prices.
A. provide
B. to be providing
C. to provide
D. profited
23. In order to brand your business, you'd better include every letter
you send to customers, which helps remind them of whom they do business with
A. signing
B. signed
C. signature
D. to sign
24. It is strongly advised that you check that you have all your essential documents
in a briefcase set out on an international trip.
A. upon
B. before
C. beside
D. next to
25. I talked to the girl ............. car had broken down in front of the shop.
A. whose
B. which
C. what
D. who
26. I didn't really want to go and see the film again because I .......... it twice.
A. saw
B. had seen
C. was seeing
D. had been seeing
27. In order to determine the solutions .............the problem, it is first necessary to
identify the causes.
A. at
B. about
C. to
D. for
28. ...............for the money management seminar will be forwarded to all the
managers tomorrow.
A. Invite
B. Invitations
C. Inviting
D. Invitation
29. I'm sorry, but Dr. Klinger and Dr. Moore will not ............. new patients at this
A. to accept
B. have accepted
C. be accepting
D. accepts
30. If only I ..........have to work tonight, I could ask her to the movie opening.
A. did not
B. might not
C. shall not
D. could not
31. ..................searching for long-term economic growth, the government intends
to study immediate solutions to avoid severe criticism from the public.
A. According to
B. Future
C. However
D. Instead of
32. I'm afraid we ............. the day very much.
A not enjoyed
B. enjoyed not
C. didn't enjoy
D. didn't enjoyed
33. It seems certain ...............our industry will be faced with multiple challenges
in the near and medium-term, principally because of changes in the international
political landscape.
A. because
B. that
C. for
D. so

Vần J
1. John Clarke, who is in the prime of his career, has been ranked.......... the top
10 players in tennis history by Sports Daily,
A. at
B. into
C. among
D. from
2. Johnny continued to make ................, though he was told not to.
A. noisy
B. sounded
C. loud
D. noise
3. Janet was understandably quite nervous, never ....... spoken in front of such a
large crowd before.
A has
B. had
C. have
D. having
4. Janet's ........accomplishment this year was doubling her number of accounts.
A. more significant
B. significanter
C. most significant
D. significantest
Vần K
1. Kevin has requested that all of the materials you borrowed from him ............
before he leaves for his vacation.
A. be returned
B. to return
C. returns
D. returning

Vần M
1. Many people were standing in line outside of the box office to............a limited
number of low-cost tickets, which are offered as specials each month.
A. support
B. Achieve
C. purchase
D. replace
2. .........of the people who prefer to travel by train will not be able to arrive in time
for the opening lecture.
A. More
B. One
C. Best
D. Most
3. Monarch Co. is a prominent food manufacturer that is.............around the world
for its high-quality ingredients.
A. recognizes
B. recognizing
C. recognized
D. recognize
4. My father asked us ......... too much time playing computer games.
A. not to spending
B. did not spend
C. not to spend
D. to not spend
5. Much of investors' long-held esteem in the company.................. during the
share-market boom when executives were involved in accounting irregularities.
A. losing
B. loses
C. was lost
D. is lost
6. Mike .................. repaired the car.
A. did not
B. does not have
C. did not have
D. has not
7. Mr. Hoffman, the marketing director, has ........that every department head
works collaboratively to overcome the recent financial difficulty.
A. suggestion
B. suggest
C. suggesting
D. suggested
8. Ms. Mertenson will be unavailable next week ............. you have made a previous
A. until
B. unless
C. except
D. so
9. "Midnight Special" is a weekly ............. aimed at university students and young
professionals who love the vibrant music scene offered by our city.
A. published
B. publisher `
C. publication
D. publishing
10. Ms. Griffiths was eliminated as a candidate when she answered yes to the
question, "Have you ever ............. anything from a previous employer?"
A. stolen
B. stealing
C. stole
D. steal
11. Markowitz Inc. blames its ............. in quarterly sales on a steady rise in retail
gas prices.
A. increase
B. decline
C. trade
D. production
12. My sister hopes that you will ............... her invitation.
A. accept
B. except
C. accepting
D. excepting
13. Ms. Sing .............. her new client right now, let's not disturb her.
A. calls
B. called
C. is calling
D. to call
14. Mr. Zenter explained that he ............. couldn't justify the capital expenditure
required to finance Ms. Ruble's start-up company.
A. simply
B. simplify
C. simple
D. simplicity
15. My grandfather moves slowly and speaks ................
A. quiet
B. with quiet
C. quietly
D. in quiet
16. Most volunteers ........... found that it is a good idea to read through all the
manuals that tell the history of the institution prior to starting.
A. was
B. have
C. were
D. been
17. Marion Smith of Merston Enterprises has asked me to make this presentation
here today, on .......... behalf.
A. theirs
B. my
C. her
D. hers
18. My that terrible wind this morning.
A. broke
B. was broken
C. break
D. had broken
19. Marcus refused to accept any help in writing the report: ............., he did allow
someone in the office to check it for errors.
A. moreover
B. however
C. although
D. whereas

Vần N
1. Numerous speakers came forward to express their gratitude ............. the retiring
secretary's unfailing courtesy and efficiency.
A. for
B. at
C. to
D. with
2. Next June, Avery Animation will unveil a............. new video game based on the
movie "Warlords."
A. fascinate
B. fascinating
C. fascinated
D. fascinates

Vần O
1. On your way out, please go to the front desk and ask the ............. to schedule
your next appointment.
A. janitor
B. custodian
C. defendant
D. receptionist
2. One worry is that higher tax rates will cause a slowing of the economy, which
will in tum lead to a decrease, rather than an increase in tax.........
A. ratios
B. revenue
C. regulation
D. allotment
3. Our staff prefers to fly than to use other modes of transportation since it is much
A. optional
B. protective
C. excessive
D. convenient
4. Our ongoing ......... development seminars allow staff members to develop their
skills in various directions.
A. profession
B. professionally
C. professional
D. professionalism
5. Offices that .......... well designed and pleasant to be in report less absenteeism
than those that are uncomfortable and poorly designed.
A. are
B. is
C. has
D. have
6. Our skilled and experienced service representatives will be able to resolve any
problems you might encounter by........
A. himself
B. herself
C. itself
D. themselves

Vần P
1. Please wait a moment! My manager .................... on the phone.
A. talk
B. talks
C. has talked
D. is talking
2. Please ............ when you are done with the computer.
A. lock off
B. lock on
C. log in
D. log out
3. Please fax us the information immediately because I need to...........the client
right away.
A. notify
B. speak
C. report
D. attend
4. Please note that this rider is optional in nature and does not supersede or ......
the original contract.
A. alters
B. alter
C. altering
D. altered
5. Probe Magazine conducted a survey asking one thousand employees who work
in low-paying industries to express............... their biggest concerns are.
A. how
B. when
C. what
D. which
6. Please choose............. the following alternatives: green, blue, white, or purple.
A. between
B. among
C. along
D. either of
7. ............. clients should be apprised of purchasing arrangements before they
commit to a long-term contract.
A. Prospective
B. Perspective
C. Perceptive
D. Provocative
8. Peter wanted to win the race, so he ran .........
A. fast as he could
B. so fast as he can
C. as fast as he could
D. fast as he can
9. Please...... .................any information, no matter how insufficient it may seem
to your client in the very near future.
A. forwards
B. forward
C. forwarding
D. to forward
10. People who put emphasis on the positive aspect of schools say that university
is a place where we can learn a ........range of subject.
A. big
B. broad
C. large
D. whole
11 . Please .... ........ your children in the amusement park.
A. monitoring
B. monitored
C. monitors
D. monitor
12. People who buy alcohol are............. to have proper identification.
A. require
B. requiring
C. required
D. requires

Vần R
1. Recent graduates often find it a challenge to communicate-.............
lessqualified but more-experienced workers.
A. by
B. per
C. for
D. with
2. ............. the company party will begin after the last speaker has completed her
assessment of last quarter's revenues.
A. Remember
B. Remembering
C. Remembered
D. Remembers
3. Richards was fired for abusing her .........account privileges while on her last
three business trips abroad.
A. deposit
B. expense
C. debt
D. savings

Vần S
1. Seminar……… numbers received a boost this year as they easily surpassed last
year’s figures.
A. participated
B. participation
C. participant
D. participate
2. Sandy Ducan was handpicked by the general manager to head the next project
because of ...........experience in this field.
A. her
B. hers
C. herself
D. she
3. She forced him ...... ........... the work.
A. does
B. do
C. did
D. to do
4. She ......the pile of applications.
A. recalled
B. reviewed
C. reinforced
D. reassessed

5. Secretarial interviews will be ............. at 8:30 a.m. on Oct. 3rd.

A. stationed
B. given
C. played
D. taken
6. Some customers were very .................. about the return policy.
A. confusing
B. confused
C. confuse
D. confuses
7. Since being promoted last summer, Brenda in marketing has been .............
boasting about her new boat.
A. finally
B. consecutively
C. normally
D. constantly
8. She ..........spoken to me about your proposal.
A. did
B. have
C. is
D. has

9. Satisfaction is............. or your money back when you order color prints from
Technichrome Inc.
A. happened
B. guaranteed
C. predicted
D. requested
10. Supervisors are reminded to............ all subordinates with consideration and to
remember that any discourtesy will be viewed as a serious breach of company
A. give
B. treat
C. leave
D. mention
11. She said that the report was a bit ......
A. confused
B. confuses
C. confusing
D. confuse

12. Shoppers at Grisons' Department Store ........... purchase any electronic

appliances this week will receive an adaptor free of charge.
A. who
B. whom I
C. which
D. whose
Vần T
1. ………. your order, please complete the following form, including your credit
card details, and click on the “submit” button
A. Place
B. Placed
C. Placing
D. To place
2. Two of the new inventions were introduced last month and ........ available for
inclusion in the new catalog, too.
A. is being
B. has been
C. were
D. was
3. The acting medical superintendent will be replaced by someone .............. for the
A. qualified
B. more qualified
C. most qualified
D. more qualifications
4. The purpose of this inspection is to ensure ..............with safety precautions in
our factory
A. rise
B. compliance
C. accumulation
D. probability
5. The innovative website allows a traveler to search and find locations of interest
that lie .............a fifty-mile radius of the city.
A. among
B. within
C. into
D. through
6. The lipstick samples..........back to the manufacturer when it was discovered that
a number of the lipstick cases were defective.
A. were sent
B. were sending
C. sent
D. being sent
7. The president ............. his difficult childhood with giving him the strength of
character needed to succeed in a fiercely competitive environment.
A. provides
B. credits
C. rewards
D. presents
8. The minerals boom has brought about an economic boom, which in turn has
meant that real estate values have ............. to record levels,
A. rose
B. raised
C. risen
D. been raising
9. Two teenagers were among the fourteen people.....
A. arrests
B. arrest
C. arresting
D. arrested
10. This noise is very .........
A. annoys
B. annoying
C. annoyed
D. annoy
11. The management has agreed not to take further action, ........ you do not
commit any further violations of company policy.
A. granted
B. therefore
C. provided
D. moreover
12. Thinking Machine, Inc. had to make the an entirely digital payroll.
A. location
B. transition
C. cooperation
D. suspension
13. To be valid under state law, the contract requires the ............. of the company's
CFO as well as its chairman
A. name
B. signature
C. autograph
D. moniker
14. The Board of Directors will....................a regular employment session next
Monday September 16th at 10 a.m in the board room.
A. close
B. hold
C. wait
D. meet
15. The store clerk notified security after………… the shoplifter putting several
pieces of merchandise into her purse
A. revealing
B. observing
C. alerting
D. appealing
16. The new, experience software was purchased to help to keep better............ of
the clients we have here at our company.
A. records
B. states
C. points
D. marks
17. The company president will visit our office this Friday, and all managing
editors are expected to ........... with him for lunch.
A. meet
B. met
C. have met
D. will meet
18. The latest emerge from our production lines is considered by many
to lead the field in the area of mobile communications.
A. product
B. produce
C. producing
D. productivity
19. The Travel Holiday Group offers some of the best horseback tours.................
the coast of the Eastern Mediterranean basin.
A. into
B. along
C. under
D. among
20. The ......... is best known for his large stone figures.
A. sculpture
B. sculpt
C. sculptor
D. sculpted
21. The publisher prints an apology on the second page of the magazine when
there are...........of fact in previous issues.
A. errs
B. erroneous
C. errors
D. erred
22. This notice provides general guidance on how you can obtain the best available
information ....................... other sources.
A. over
B. behind
C. from
D. out of
23. The new tax cuts are designed ............. low-income earners and those with
young families.
A. benefits
B. to benefit
C. benefited
D. benefiting
24. The job fair held in the City Center last week is considered the most...
so far, with over 3,000 people in attendance.
A. overall
B. successful
C. wealthy
D. delighted
25. The clients from Tokyo managed to catch their flight .................the terrible
traffic on the way to the airport.
A. because of
B. nevertheless
C. in spite of
D. although
26. The winner of the sales competition will receive an expense-free trip to Florida,
where the ............ will be held in January.
A. probability
B. scene
C. convenience
D. convention
27. The waiter did not deliver our............. drinks until long after the appetizers had
been eaten.
A. targeted
B. requested
C. served
D. contacted
28. They ........... together for several years.
A. haven't met
B. didn't meet
C. don't meet
D. hadn't met
29. The advertising team recently ............. a survey to find out their clients'
interests and apply the information to the next product.
A. conduct
B. conducted
C. to conduct
D. will conduct
30. The high-resolution camera introduced last December has .... been superseded
as a result of recent technological developments.
A. so
B. already
C. such
D. yet
31. The library has announced a new.................that all borrowed books must be
returned 5 business days from the checkout date.
A. accommodation
B. policy
C. handling
D. measure
32. Tatiana and I ................. to see the new documentary film about the effects of
industrialization on Chinese agriculture next Friday.
A. am going
B. will going
C. are going
D. have been going
33. The restaurant ............ we had dinner was near my company.
A. who
B. where
C. which
D. whose
34. The Rochet Organization .......... on expanding its scope of operations into the
international market.
A. are planned
B. is planning
C. will planning
D. to plan
35. Those who sign up for internet connection now will have try our
service for free.
A. opportunity
B. job
C. situation
D. progress
36. The secretary was working .................. that night.
A. overtime
B. overwork
C. extra work
37. The Daily Times reports that the bubble has burst on the............. housing
market, sending home prices spiraling sharply downward.
A. locally
B. locals
C. local
D. locality
38. The company anniversary party will take place.............. August 26, so please
mark the date on your calendars.
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. for
39. This year the car industry ..............many investors because automobiles
products now make up to 15 percent of the country's exports.
A. attract
B. has attracted
C. attracting
D. had attracted
40. The book was delivered by an international courier, but it did not............until
three weeks after the expected delivery date.
A. arrival
B. arrive
C. arriving
D. arrived
41. The librarian asked us much noise
A. not to make
B. not making
C. no make
D. don't make
42. The training department requires even seasoned employees to attend safety
courses because...............of accidents is paramount in the workplace.
A. prevent
B. prevention
C. to prevent
D. preventable
43. The Uncommon Townhouses are............. located to provide for all your living
A. center
B. central
C. centrally
D. centered
44. They explained ................. him how they should operate the machine.
A. about
B. for
C. to
D. with
45. The employees ............ by the CEO's announcement last week that she would
take a personal pay cut to preserve administrative jobs.
A. get inspired
B. inspired
C. are inspiring
D. were inspired
46. The Oliver Institute has hired a new facilitator to help train employees so they
will be up-to date on all recent studies that ........... done.
A. will being
B. is being
C. has been
D. have been
47. The tenth floor office was vacated some two years ago and has remained
...............ever since.
A. unoccupied
B. concealed
C. suppressed
D. discarded
48. The boss was. ........ to fire his secretary.
A. determine
B. determining
C. determined
D. determination
49. The secretary hopes that Mr. Black will ............her invitation.
A. excepting
B. accepting
C. except
D. accept
50. The company requires all.................for the job to have at least two years'
experience in computer programming.
A. applying
B. applications
C. applicants
D. applies
51. The extra cost of managing our accounting in house is negligible ............. its
A. equal to
B. compared to
C. seeing as
D. outweighing of
52. The general manager has......... .........that any information customers enter be
used only to respond to their inquiries and requests.
A. suggested
B. suggesting
C. suggest
D. suggestion
Vần U
1. Using a portable heater to heat a smaller area at night is probably the
............way to save big on your power bill.
A. more easily
B. most easiest
C. easiest
D. easy
2. Upon entering, proceed to the sign-in table and present your .............. form to
one of the conference administrators.
A. registering
B. registration
C. register
D. to register
Vần W
1. We cannot overemphasize the ............ of delivering the shipment by no later
than noon on Friday the 13th.
A. important
B. import
C. importance
D. importantly
2. When ...........our subsidiaries, please follow the same practices that you would
with any of our client companies.
A. invoice
B. invoicing
C. invoices
D. was invoiced
3. We receive our ..., on the last Friday of every month.
A. paydays
B. paychecks
C. payment
D. parchment
4. Wilson Electronics announced Tuesday that 500 workers will be ........... off next
month due to the slumping economy.
A. cut
B. laid
C. put
D. thrown
5. When deciding what fast food to serve guests at a party ....... is always best to
choose dishes that can be prepared ahead of time.
A. there
B. what
C. that
D. it
6. ...........renting a vehicle, verify the exact amount to be paid for licenses and
maintenance costs.
A. rather than
B. when
C. because
D. as though
7. While smokers are highly.............of the ban on smoking in workplaces, most
non-smokers support the ban.
A. critic
B. critically
C. critical
D. criticism
8. We often go fishing ................. the river bank.
A. towards
B. inside
C. along
D. with
9. We ought to cut down ........ the amount of driving to save energy.
A. on
B. off
C. to
D. out of
10. We were asked not to disturb the baby because he ................
A. is sleeping
B. slept
C. was sleeping
D. sleeping
11. When you meet Tory Staton, be sure to ask her about why she has not
responded to the ........... memo that management sent.
A. simple
B. medium
C. typical
D. last
12. Who is responsible for .................. the dishes tonight?
A. do
B. to do
C. doing
D. will do
13. We offer instructional films to new employees ............ them in understanding
our overall goals for the coming year.
A. assisted
B. was assisting
C. is assisting
D. to assist
14. Who is that man .................. the red jacket?
A. wearing
B. having
C. doing
D. inside of
15. We are very proud of our new .........., which will allow two employees to share
one full-time position.
A. theory
B. note
C. policy
D. production
16. When we ........... the door, he was working on a computer.
A. open
B. was opening
C. have opened
D. opened
17. When they are competing against brand-name chains, stores relying..............
on word-of-mouth referrals should consider purchasing a print advertisement.
A. otherwise
B. further
C. solely
D. less
18. While Steve was washing his car, he .................. some dents in the doors.
A. discovered
B. is discovering
C. was discovering
D. has discovered
19. We didn't like the club...................the poor quality of his service.
A. because of
B. however
C. so
D. because
20. We called the factory this morning because we are worried the order won't
arrive in time.
A. when
B. that
C. if
D. how
21. When the first guests came, the bride and groom .......... outside the church.
A. waited
B. had waited
C. had been waiting
D. were waiting
22. We .................. to inform you that the position has been filled.
A. sorry
B. apology
C. apologize
D. regret
23. We are sorry to tell you that your name will our mailing list since
we have not yet received your payment.
A. removed
B. replaced
C. sent
D. stored
24. We .................. her for more than twenty years.
A. Know
B. knows
C. have known
D. are known

Vần Y
1. You can reach us either by phone or e-mail when you need technical... .......or
have any questions about the product you purchased.
A. supported
B. supporter
C. supporting
D. support
2. You will find all the information you need ...........this computer disk.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. by
Câu 1: Home Furnishings up to 50% Off
Alters Department Store is having a sale on home furnishings. It's time again for our
annual sale, and you can make big savings. Alters is ......... for the high quality of its
merchandise, so you can be sure
A. know
B. knowing
C. knew
D. known
you are buying wisely. We are offering 20% off all silk cushion covers. 30% off the
price of ready-made curtains, and an incredible 50% off Persian rugs (offer applies
only to ticketed rugs). Our color specialists will be on hand to offer advice on color
coordination of the items you buy. For a special reduced fee, they will visit your
home to create a theme for the room of your choice. This service .................. costs
$50 per visit, but we are offering it for the bargain price of $75.
A. as usual
B. usually
C. unusual
D. usual
Hurry — these special offers will be for one week only!
Câu 2 : To: All Employees:
From: Janet Toulons, President, KHG Shoe
Corporation: "We Love Shoes-Do You?”
Re: Fall Fashion Show
We are preparing for our participation in the upcoming Fall Fashion Show and I
wanted to update you all on our progress. We have been fortunate enough to come
up with a new line of fabulous shoes that will appeal to older clients as well as
younger ones. Thanks to our inventive designers, these shoes are both classic and
comfortable. They will be the main feature of the fashion show and I am confident
that they will be a huge success. The best ............. is that they are all manufactured
and ready
A. ideas
B. awards
C. news
D. offerings
go and they look terrific! As you know, not all of you will be attending the show,
but I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for the hard work you have done this past
year. Our revenues show us that we have achieved the .................we set earlier in
the year.
A. goals
B. beliefs
C. testimony
D. credit
As a result, you will each be receiving a bonus, based on your salary. I am sure this
is good news for all. Again, I am very happy with our progress. We are definitely a
leader in this field.
Câu 3: Mr Albert Di Beni,
333 Spring Road
Dear Mr. Di Beni,
The Penshurst Medical Practice invites you to make an appointment for a medical
........ 1.
A. exam
B. examination
C. quiz
D. test
After the age of forty, we recommend that you have a full physical every year. Our
records show that you recently have celebrated your fiftieth birthday. However, it is
over seven years since your last appointment with our clinic. If you contact the
Penshurst Medical Practice before September 15th, you will be able to take
advantage ............... a free checkup.
A. from
B. in
C. of
D. to
In this medical we will check blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar.
For a small extra charge, it is possible to have a more detailed examination. If you
are available in this offer, please call the Medical
Practice at your earliest convenience.
Penshurst Medical Practice
Câu 4: Internal memo (Discount shoe emporium)
To: SalesStaff
From: Management B.K
Date: October 9th, 2020
Subject: Flyer misprint
Please be aware that there was a misprint in an advertisement for our store in this
week's local free press. The ad states that on Saturday all men's formal footwear is
on for 55% percent off rather ................ 15% off.
A. that
B. than
C. then
D. they're
If customers come in and ask about this sale, please ................. and explain the
printing error. Offer them an additional 5% off coupon to thank them for coming
into our store. The coupon can be given out even if the customer decides not to
purchase any shoes,
A. apologize
B. compromise
C. categorize
D. analyze
Please call a manager to the sales floor if you encounter any customers who have the
ad with them and demand to receive the 55% discount. These cases will be handled
on an individual basis.
Câu 5: From:
Subject: Out of stock
Concerning your order made May 10, I am sorry to inform you that the mouse you
are interested in purchasing is currently out of stock. However, we will be able to
order the mouse for you from the manufacturer within the next week. If you are
interested in this ............, please reply to this
A. plan
B. method
C. advantage
D. option
email and provide your telephone number. We will .............. you when the item
becomes available for delivery.
A. notify
B. notice
C. notification
D. note
I look forward to your response.
Mary Allen
Customer Service
GI Shopping Mall
Câu 6 : To: Graeme Lynch
From: Finance
Re: Taxes
It has been brought to our attention that you have been charged incorrectly for taxes
over the last five months. We apologize sincerely because this is ........... to an error
in our office. We were going
A. due
B. owed
C. indebted
D. resulted
through some personnel changes when you joined the company, and unfortunately
some incorrect data was entered into our database. We have just realized that
youhave been charged for a higher tax bracket than you should have been. We are
making rectify the situation immediately, and in
A. affords
B. results
C. designs
D. efforts
your next paycheck you will notice that less tax has been subtracted than in previous
months. You can reclaim the previous extra deductions if you file for a rebate at the
end of the financial year
Câu 7: From: Wayne Thomas (]
Kareb Russell []
Sent: Tue, March 07, 207 14:11 PM
I believe you should by now have received the copy of our company profile that we
had discussed in our last meeting. In it you will find the necessary information you
requested. If you still haven't received it, please feel to contact me.
Anyway, to keep the ball rolling, our Chairman, Mr. Langley would like to have a
meeting with Ms. Russell and/or you in Detroit on any date from March 20th to
March 24th to have a further discussion on the ....... of our cooperation.
A. most feasible
B. feasibly
C. feasibility
D. more feasible
Those dates have been chosen since Mr. Langley will be travelling extensively
in............... March and April. However,
A. neither
B. either
C. each
D. both
if our suggested dates do not suit Ms. Russell, then please let us know your preferred
date for the meeting.
Best regards,
The largest underwater research facility in the world is nearly completed. The
research facility, located near Gold Coast, Australia, is expected to be fully
functional in……….
A. after
B. just
C. when
D. from
two days, after nearly twelve years of planning and development. “A lot work has
gone into making this structure totally secure and able to withstand even the most
powerful storms” said Bobby Pogue, head engineer for the construction. He also
mentioned that technicians are adding the final touches to the emergency system
which must be ...........
A. operations
B. operate
C. operational
D. operator
before any personnel can start conducting their research.
The research facility will study underwater life forms, natural resources and conduct
experiments to determine the results of global warming.
Keiko Electronics.
Câu 9 : Dear Mr. Perez,
I am writing on behalf of the Human Resources Department of the Imperial Inn to
notify you formally of our offer of a temporary assignment at our Nova Scotia
branch. You are one of the first people we hired when the company was founded,
and we've always been ............... with your contributions.
A. impression
B. impressed
C. impressive
D. impressively
In fact, we believe that your involvement in the opening of our Nova Scotia branch
made it possible for it to become one of the largest inns in the area. We've happy to
offer you the position of executive manager at the Nova Scotia branch for nine
months If you concept the position, we expect you to reside in Nova Scotia during
the nine-month period. There is a good chance that, at the end of the period, you'll
be offered a similar position at one of the new inns currently ........... planned for the
Asian market. 2.
A. is
B. be
C. to be
D. being
Henrik Stenson
Chief Executive Offier
Câu 10: From: Richard Garfield, Vice President
To: All marketing employess
According to the latest statistics, sales figures for the past quarter were subject to a
negative trend caused by the ongoing national economic slump. The growth that we
had been........ to over the past two years has become to an abrupt end, with the public
A. familiar
B. accustomed
C. friendly
D. acquainted
already reacting by curbing their spending on high-end goods and services. The
recent decline in our sales figures is..........of this conservative consumer behavior.
A. manageable
B. thoughtful
C. possible
D. reflective
Senior management staff has therefore decided to significantly reduce our
production targets in the company's three -year development plan.
We'll be making a presentation giving detailed information about the new plan,
which all marketing department employees will be required to attend, as the
revisions will affect our advertising strategy. Check the website noticeboard for the
date, time, and venue of the presentation
Câu 11: Hello Kate,
Thank you for sending me the results of the consumer marketing survey. After
reviewing the survey's results, I think that it gives us a lot of insight into ...........
marketing trends.
A. lately
B. now
C. able
D. recent
I'm sure the trends. I'm sure the sales team will take advantage of the ................
before it
A. data
B. funds
C. time
D. other
launches the new marketing campaigns for our latest products. Furthermore, I have
some questions which need to be explained. Would you mind meeting with me one
afternoon on Tuesday?
Thanks for your hard work.
Câu 12: From: Breakgen Productions
To: Darcey Kerr
Subject: DVD order
Dear Ms. Kerr,
Thank you for your recent order for a copy of our DVD boxed set of Werewolf
Killer. Unfortunately, we have discontinued this boxed set edition and will be unable
to fulfill your order as......
A. request
B. requesting
C. requests
D. requested
We apologize for any inconvenient this may cause. We do offer an alternative
version of this DVD that contains the original broadcastsas well as other additional
features. Bonuses include.................unrelease footage, a documentary about the
making of the program, and
A. presently
B. previously
C. purposely
D. generally
an interview with the director. The only other difference between the boxed set you
ordered and this edition is the external pack-aging. Of course, should you decide to
purchase a copy of Werewolf Killer and find that it is not suitable, you may return it
for a full refund.
Elmo J. Pudd
Customer Service Department, Breakgen Productions.
Câu 13: To:
Date: Sept. 23
Subject: Complaint
Dear Sirs,
As a regular customer at Grace Brothers Department Store, I feel compelled to
complain about the recent increase in prices. I have always considered your store to
be of a high quality, but with reasonable prices. However, over the past few months,
I have noticed that your prices have been creeping up. This week I went to purchase
a cosmetic product which I buy, on .............. about
A. median
B. medium
C. average
D. usually
4 times a year. Of course I like prices to remain static, but this time the price had
risen by over 50%. I saw the same item on sale at a much lower price in a
Needless to say, I bought the
A. contender
C. peer
D. rival
cheaper item. I am not sure what explanation you can offer, but I just wanted to let
you know how I feel.
Cynthia Carter
Câu 14: Ace Supplies,
a Paris-based firm.... office supplies, announced its plan to relocate its
A. is specializing
B. specializes
C. specialize
D. specializing
headquarters. After decades of progress and growth, Ace Supplies found itself
needing extra facilities. Storage rooms are also filled to capacity...................., the
inadequate number of employees parking
A. Thus
B. To the contrary
C. Despite the fact
D. Furthermore
space is another concern of the company. But the most important challenge that lies
ahead is how to move quickly to the new headquarters without affecting work.
Câu 1 5: To:
From: Home
Date: Jan 15 2014
Subject: Order confirmation
I am sending this e-mail to confirm your recent order with Home Furnishings. Your
order has been processed, and your items will be sent on January 17th The
items.......................... arrive
A. is
B. should have
C. should
D. must to
by January 20th Please let us know if you would prefer to have the items. delivered
in the morning orthe afternoon. Thank you for .............. Home Furnishings.
A. realizing
B. seeing
C. using
D. knowing
We hope to serve you again soon.
Brenda Smith
Sales Executive
Câu 16: All employees must follow these instructions
In response to frequently-occurring computer virus problems, we will be updating
our antivirus software. Before installing the update, all staff members are required
to restart their computers. A detailed description will appear on-screen .......... the
security update has been applied.
A. following
B. after
C. next
D. soon
Please remember that to be effective, computers must be ....... prior to completing
the installation.
A. restarting
B. restart
C. restarts
D. restarted
We will send this software to any company-owned computers used remotely. Staff
members who work off-site will need to install the software themselves. If you have
questions, you can reach us at (555)689-2233.
Câu 17: For everyone else,
I will e-mail information as soon as vaccines ....... available. There is no
A. became
B. become
C. becoming
D. will come
need to e-mail me at this time, as I want to focus on the groups deemed most at risk
by public health officials. Enclosed are two copies of our standard agreement with
regard to the text for the article, Destination: Bangkok, Thailand, in the Vacation
World magazine issue # 4, 2011. I would appreciate it if you could ...........and return
one copy as soon as possible. The other copy is for your records.
A. sign
B. autograph
C. write
D. inscribe
Please mail the contract to my attention at Vacation Magazine, 22555 Paradise
Blvd., Orlando, FLA, 77666.
Câu 18: To whom it may concern,
I am writing to inquire about the openings in the help-wanted advertisement that
you placed in the China Times for a marketing department manager atWest China
Supermarkets. I have attached my resume and cover to review.
A. for
B. to
C. on
D. as
I recently graduated from Shanghai University, with a degree in marketing I've been
involved in retail food sales since I was a child. at my parents'
A. am used
B. am used to
C. use to
D. used to
fruit stand, where I first became familiar with the food industry. I hope that my
working experience and education can be of use to West China Supermarkets. I look
forward to meeting with you to discuss how I can contribute to your organization's
success in this expanding market.
Best Regards,
Câu 19: Top Researcher to Speak on Solar Power
At the National Conference on Renewable Energy in Atlanta next month, Sunbeam
Resources' top researcher, Dr. Robert Flack, will............ about recent technological
developments in
A. note
B. speak
C. say
D. express
solar power. To provide the most up-to-date information to consumers, he
A. multiplied
C. minimized
D. decreased
research data into a two-hours Presentation. He will explain how solar energy can
help preserve the global environment, and why people should convert to it. The
conference will take place at the Sunseeker Hotel on Saturday, November 17. Online
registrations are being accepted at until the November 15.
Câu 20: Community Care Meeting Nov. 2nd, 2010, 7 p.m.
Protect Your Network, and Your Business!
A security breach can result in lost productivity and compromised data. It can
damage your reputation and have a negative impact ..........profitability.
A. about
B. on
C. for
D. behind
Protect your small business from external or internal threats with security integrated
in the network.
Integration allows you to safeguard your assets without diverting ....... resources.
A. active
C. impressed
D. valuable
A Celtic Self-Defending Network can help asmall business and medium-sized
*Protect company resources
*Secure customer information
*Identify both internal and external threats
*Prevent threats before they spread
Câu 21: Date: August 12
From: Ironbinson#softhome
To: wmanalang#softhome
Re: your trip to Spain
I am really sorry that it has taken me such a long time to finalize of your planned trip
to Spain. I am expecting...........
A. receive
B. to receive
C. received
D. receives
word from our branch in Spain on our activities for the week that you will be there.
For the time being, here is an unconfirmed ............
A. date
B. procedure
C. ticket
D. schedule
August 22: Scott Beal will pick you up at the Madrid Barajas Airport and bring you
to your hotel.
August 23: The administrative Department is planning a tour of the branch in
Toledo, Spain
I will sent you an updated itinerary no later than the end of this week
Louise Robinson
Câu 22: Your account information
Your Zone number: 115-205 Your account number: 58124
Welcome, Mr. Patrick Dillon:
Thanks for choosing Zone. Our promise is simple: we always offer you the ..............
with greater choice and flexibility.
A. value
B. valor
C. valuable
D. validity
In this spirit, we invite you to get to know all about Zone.
Three easy guides! Tons of tips and rewards to discover!
This package will help you get familiar with the many privileges of your prepaid
service and the innovative services Zone offers you, from text messaging to mobile
Internet service. You’ll also discover all the ways to manage your account on You can also visit for loads of tips making the most of
A. computer
B. handset
C. textbook
D. account
If you have any questions, simply visit, or call 116, free of charge, from
our Zone, or call 1-800-7555-zone (ext.451)
Explore away!
Câu 23: Pet Dislikes of Urban Life
According to a survey conducted by the city of Boston, traffic, pollution and noise
were found to be the least desirable aspects of living in the city. The ...............,
administered as part of the city's local
A. lecture
B. conference
C. survey
D. discussion
action plan, asked the citizens of Boston about their likes and dislikes of their
surroundings. The results of the survey communicated proximity (27.02 percent) and
community character/ village feel (11.54 percent) to be at the top of the list of things
most liked about city life. The respondents felt the protection or enhancement of
heritage (16.1 percent) and open space (15.59 percent) were the two things they most
desired the city to have. On the other hand, traffic (10.22 percent), general noise
(9.98 percent), and parking (7.52 percent) within the main core of the city were the
..........attractive parts of living in the city.
A. less
B. fewer
C. a few
D. least
Câu 2 4: Ms. Sumitra Patel
148 Pont Street
London WS2
Dear Ms. Patel, Thank you for applying for the position of administrative assistant
at the South West office. After interviewing many candidates last week. We have
decided ................. you the position.
A. Offers
B. offering
C. to offer
D. to be offered
Your supervisor will be Dr. Denny Robin, who will provide you with your .............
job description.
A. collaborative
B. promising
C. exclusive
D. specific
You will be paid on a biweekly basic, and you will be eligible to receive paid
vacation and regular medical benefits. Please contact me if there is anything you
wish to clarify otherwise to accept this offer, please sign and return one copy of the
enclosed contracts. You may keep the second copy for your records. Sincerely,
David Faber
Câu 25: Welcome to Jimmy's Show!
I know many of you are probably wondering how a television program is made.
Come and see for yourself! Jimmy's Show provides you with not only educational
and ......... information, but also
A. unanimous
B. duplicate
C. identical
D. analytical
interesting stories that are happening around us. Tickets are limited to two per
.... tickets are available to those who fill out the online application
A. Active
B. Complimentary
C. Combined
D. Optimistic
Visit us at and apply now.
Câu 26: Date: August 9
Re: Policy change
Hi Frank, Please not that beginning August 15, Pantheon Furniture ..................a
policy change ensuring our customers that any
A. implements
B. have implemented
C. will implement
D. implemented
item they buy from our warehouse is of excellent quality. From that date, most
merchandise can be returned within three months. A full refund will be
A. provided
B. once
C. while
D. though
the item being returned does not show any sign of damage or overuse. We have
written up specific guidelines as to what merchandise is covered by the policy
adjustment. We request all supervisors to inform their staff of the new policy and
take steps to ensure that it will be complied with.
Câu 27: Date: September 23, 2005
Subject: Stationary Order
This is just to confirm the order placed over the telephone earlier today. As we
discussed before, I would like to order the ........... items:
A. following
B. below
C. preceding
D. under
32 boxes of A4 paper, white, recycled 20 boxes of A4 paper, white (NOT recycled)
2 packs of A4 paper, green 2 boxes of black ball point pens (the cheapest you have
in stock)
1 box of red ball point pens, 15 large glue sticks, any brand I would also like to
confirm that this order will be ........... to our account, as is our usual policy.
A. asked
B. taken
C. charged
D. bought
Please send the invoice as soon as it is ready. I need to submit it to the accounting
department before the end of the week.
Thank you for your consideration,
Hayley Mills
Câu 28 : As the largest and fastest expanding community group
, we invite qualified professionals for our urban.............project.
B. renewed
C. renewal
D. renewing
Your mandate is to set the overall strategic direction for housing development,
including sales and marketing. The ideal candidate must have a passion to deliver
results in a dynamic market environment.
You must have at least 5 years of relevant industry experience. You will be able to
demonstrate an excellent record of successful implementation and sustainable
growth. This leadership position is expected to attract candidates of the highest..........
A. Caliber
B. sought
C. statue
D. factor
To apply for the position, please submit your resume along with a cover letter by
November 17, 2017, to
Câu 29: To: Molly Green and Alistair Debrett
From: Health and Safety Department
Re: First Aid Training
It has come to our attention that you have not ................ completed a basic first aid
A. still
B. yet
C. until
D. after
course. All employees must have first aid training every two years. You must attend
a training course on March 27th. The course will start at 9 a.m. and will finish at 6
p.m. We will inform your department. You will be paid one hour of overtime because
it .................. later than your regular
A. commences
B. finishes
C. opens
D. exceeds
work hours. If you do not attend the course you will lose one day's salary. If you
really cannot attend on March 27th, you must inform us immediately or it will be
too late to change the date. Thank you for your cooperation.
Câu 30 : Would passengers please note that from October 22nd
, all seats on the Star Liner Express will require reservations between 7:30 and 9:00
a.m., andagain from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. This is due to the great ........ ...... for seats at
these times of day, and new safety regulations which restrict the number of
A. demand
B. command
C. claim
D. wish
standing passengers allowed to board the train. Reservations may be made by
telephone in.................or in person on the day of travel. Monthly rail pass holders
are also required
A. prior
B. advance
C. before
D. ahead
to make reservations for journeys made during these times. There will be no
additional price for reservations. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience
and thank you for using South Coast Railways.
Câu 31: A lot of people say that they are not interested in fishing
because it is a boring hobby. However, it continues to be popular worldwide. What
is the attraction of this pastime? Well, it is a good way to ..... from the stresses of
modern society.
A. deny
B. avoid
C. negate
D. escape
When you are fishing, you don't have to worry about deadlines, there are no emails
to write and you can turn off your cell phone. You can just sit there as long as you
want, relaxing and thinking about whatever you want. Or you can even think about
nothing. It doesn't have to be a lonely ..........
A. spend
B. visit
C. hobby
D. interesting
Some people go fishing with a big group of friends. They enjoy the peace and quiet
together, then eat dinner together after a long day of waiting for fish to bite their
Câu 32: As bank interest rates for savings accounts continue to decline,
building up a retirement fund isn't as easy today as it used to be thirty years ago.
Extensive financial knowledge is a highly beneficial ............... when dealing with
today's multitude of ways in which to develop personal investments.
A. draft
B. evaluation
C. asset
D. margin
Due to the complicated nature of the field, most people choose to enlist the services
of an experienced broker. However, personal investors are increasingly relying on
their own resources when handling their finances. They .............on media such as
online forums, business plans, and periodicals,
A. seek
B. select
C. refer
D. draw
where they read up on companies' stability and profitability in order to improve their
own expertise, rather than depending on a third party to do it for them.
Câu 33 : To whom it may concern,
Let me begin by saying thank you in advance for anything you can do to help me
out of this situation. Five months ago, I started looking for a house from Nationwide
Homes. At first……….
A. glance
B. time
C. looks
D. care
I like my sales person, Clark. He showed me home in my range, told me they had a
mortgager, and asked me to pay for the appraisal costs. These costs were $400. He
also told me that after the bank paid Nationwide Homes for the appraisal costs they
would refund my money to me. I did so as ........... But
A. request
B. requests
C. requested
D. requesting
months later, Nationwide Homes went bankrupt. I haven't received my money back
yet. I would like my money refunded don't know if you can help me, but my bad
experience might keep someone else from making the same mistake I did.
Câu 34: Dear Mr. Jack,
I am pleased to inform you that your request to transfer to the Quality Department
at our electronic materials plant in Edmonton has been ......
A. cancelled
B. interrupted
C. appreciated
D. approved
As of January, you will be in charge of the Quality Department in Edmonton, and
your main responsibility will be to ensure that all of our products meet the quality
standards set by the federal government. Also, you have to make sure that all
employees comply with the safety regulations when they are on the assembly line.
Please contact Daniel Tang, the manager of the Edmonton plant, as soon as possible
to discuss the next steps you must take. In addition, I encourage you to complete any
unfinished business at our current job and to train your ............ before
A. recipient
B. occupant
C. replacement
D. attendant
you leave your position at the end of the year.
Congratulation. I wish you all the best.
Alex Collins
Câu 35: 1. It is particularly important that we sort out this error before May first.
We are a small company that submits tax forms twice a year, and we must include
this information as part of our............... As
A. exercise
B. expenses
C. expertise
D. exchange
the accountant of Microserve, it is my duty to submit all invoices related to spending
to our head office by May 3rd at the latest.
2. We ....................your application for our advertised accounting
A. had received
B. will have received
C. should have received
D. have received
position at Accu-Counting Inc. Based on your qualifications, we would like to
schedule an interview with you the week of May 12th at our main office, 1777.
Second Ave. S.
Câu 36: We are sorry to inform you that the 9:02 a.m bus from Beldford Mall
to Glen Street will........
A. not longer
B. no longer
C. sooner
D. continue
run. As there are usually very few people on this bus, we have decided to cancel it
until further notice. Please understand that we are not doing this to inconvenience
you. In fact, this is a step to save your money. The cost of running unpopular routes
adds to overall ticket price. We would love to be able to offer you all the routes, all
the time, but sadly we are just................... to.
A. not able
B. couldn't be able
C. don't
D. didn't
Hopefully, we will be starting new route that passes both Bedford Mall and Glen
Street, though as yet that remains undecided. If anyone has any questions about this
matter, please contact the Valley buses area manager.
Câu 37: From: Wayne Thomas []
To: Terry
Cc: Kareb Russell []
Sent:Tue, March 07, 207 14:11 PM
I believe you should by now have received the copy of our company profile that we
had discussed in our last meeting. In it you will find the necessary information you
requested. If you still haven't received it, please feel to contact me.
Anyway, to keep the ball rolling, our Chairman. Mr. Langley would like to have a
meeting with Ms. Russell and/or you in Detroit on any date from March 20th to
March 24th to have a further discussion on the ....... of our cooperation.
A. most feasible
B. feasibly
C. feasibility
D. more feasible
Those dates have been chosen since Mr. Langley will be travelling extensively
in............... March and April. However,
A. neither
B. either
C. each
D. both
if our suggested dates do not suit Ms. Russell, then please let us know your preferred
date for the meeting.
Best regards,
Câu 38: Internal memo (Discount shoe emporium)

To: Sales Staff

From: Management B.K
Date: October 9th, 2020
Subject: Flyer misprint
Please be aware that there was a misprint in an advertisement for our store in this
week's local free press. The ad states that on Saturday all men's formal footwear is
on for 55% percent off rather ................ 15% off.
A. that
B. than
C. then
D. they're
If customers come in and ask about this sale, please ................ and explain the
printing error. Offer them an additional 5% off coupon to thank them for coming
into our store. The coupon can be given out even if the customer decides not to
purchase any shoes,
A. apologize
B. compromise
C. categorize
D. analyze
Câu 39: Hello Kate,
Thank you for sending me the results of the consumer marketing survey. After
reviewing thesurvey's results, I think that it gives us a lot of insight into ............
marketing trends.
A. lately
B. now
C. able
D. recent
I'm sure the trends. I'm sure the sales team will take advantage of the ..................
before it
A. data
B. funds
C. time
D. other
launches the new marketing campaigns for our latest products. Furthermore, I have
some questions which need to be explained. Would you mind meeting with me one
afternoon onTuesday?
Thanks for your hard work.
Câu 1: Mr. Thompson,
This is just a short email to update you on your medical test results from your
physical examination on January 10th. Our records show that you took a blood
pressure test. Your test this time showed that your blood pressure is doing quite well
for a man at your age. I am very pleased to note that your blood pressure is much
lower than it was last time. It seems that the medication you have been taking is
working well. Unfortunately, we do not have a record of the name of your
medication on file. Can you remember the name of the medication that you are
taking? If you could send an email to my nurse with the name of the medicine, that
would be very helpful to us. His email address is
Also, there is a note in your file stating that you want your medical test results sent
to your insurance company. Which department do you want them sent to? Please let
us know as soon as possible.
Dr. Huxley
1. What kind of test did Mr. Thompson have?
A. a stress test
B. a high blood pressure test
C. a department test
D. a blood test
2. Where will Mr. Thompson's medical test results be sent to
A. his doctor's office
B. his employer
C. his insurance company
D. the doctor's nurse
3. What is true about Mr. Thompson's blood pressure?
A. It is extremely high
B. It is normal
C. It is non-existent
D. It is very low
Câu 2 : Grocery retailer Matthison has announced a series of changes to its senior
management structure that will improve organizational efficiency.
Greg Ford, the Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, will now be
given responsibility for the company's supply chain organization.
This added responsibility includes inventory management, distribution,
warehousing, and logistics. Ford now becomes Executive Vice President, and Karen
Anderson, formerly Executive Vice President, is leaving the company to pursue
other interests. Gabriel Karros, Chief Marketing Officer, will now be responsible for
all the company's food operations. This added responsibility includes food division
operations, asset protection and customer service.
1. Who is the current Executive Vice President?
A. Gabriel Karros
B. Karen Anderson
C. Greg Ford
D. Karros Matthison
2. Which responsibility is Not included for the Executive Vice President?
A. Inventory management
B. Distribution
C. Sales
D. Logistics
3. Who is responsible for food division operations?
A. Matthison
B. Ford
C. Karros
D. Anderson
Câu 3 : Read the following agenda and e-mail
International Environmental Protection Group (IEPG)
Meeting & Awards Ceremony
Thursday, August 09:00AM_7:00 P.M.
Place: Room 1, Sofitel Hotel
1. WelcomeBirsen Aksay
2. Fall projects & plansAri Tabaku
3. Introduction of Nominating
CommitteeKazadi Koite
4. Presentation of awardJakob Skolnik
Recipient: J.S Choi, CEO
5. Reception

To: Jakob Skolnik
From: Victoria Williams
Subject: Yesterday's awards ceremony
Mr. Skolnik,
We were all concerned about your sudden illness yesterday and hope that you are
feeling better today. I know that you will feel reassured to learn that last night's
awards ceremony went very well despite your absence. We had Kazadi Koite lead
both items 3 and 4, and I am happy to report that he did an excellent job. The CEO
of B.J. Technology accepted the award for “most environmentally friendly
company” on his company's behalf and expressed great delight on receiving it. The
reception was enjoyed by all. We had reserved the room for only three hours, and
some guests stayed until the last possible moment. More guests attended than we
expected, so we barely had enough room for everyone. Perhaps we should ask for a
bigger room next year. Rooms 2 and 3 are also small, but either room 4 or room 6
would be a good size, I think. Even though the ceremony and reception were a great
success, I have several other ideas for improvements for next year ceremony. We
can discuss them when you return to work. Please rest well. We hope to see you
healthy and back at work soon.
1. What company does J.S. Choi work for?
B. B.J Technology
C. Sofitel Hotels
D. Williams Inc.
2. Who presented the award?
A. Jakob Skolnik
B. Victoria Williams
C. Kazadi Koite
D. Ari Tabaku
3. In which room was the reception held?
A. Room 1
B. Room 2
C. Room 3
D. Room 4
4. What does Victoria Williams suggest doing next year?
A. Asking Jakob Skolnik to present the award
B. Using a larger hotel
C. Inviting more guests
D. Reserving a different room
Câu 4 : 32 Turtle Rd.
Wilmont, WI 20548
August 23
Dear Mrs. Malloy,
We recently discovered that your subscription to Gourmet Chef Monthly will expire
in September and you have not decided to renew it. To encourage you to reconsider
your decision, we'd like to offer you a special, one-time-only offer: if you choose to
renew your subscription, we will give you a fifty percent discount on each monthly
issue from October to March. According to our database, you were paying $6 per
issue; with this discount you would only have to pay $3.00. This offer is only valid
if you apply to renew your subscription before September 15th. We're offering to
cut the cost of your subscription in half. Can you really ask for a better deal?
To accept our offer, please call us at 1-800-254-9864. Our office is open Monday to
Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity; call one
of our helpful customer service agents today. We look forward to your business.
Warmest Regards,
Ross Cather
Sales Director, Gourmet Chef Monthly
1. Why did Ross Cather write the letter?
A. To request some personal information
B. To encourage the customer to extend her service
C. To inquire about the bill that has not been paid
D. To introduce a new service at the restaurant
2. When will Mrs. Malloy's existing subscription expire?
A. In March
B. In August
C. In September
D. In October
3. How much is Mr. Hopkins paying per month now?
A. $3.00
B. $6.00
C. $9.00
D. $15.00
Câu 5 : To:
Subject: Recordings
Hi Samantha,
This is just a quick email to let you know that we have found enough voice actors to
make the recording for the radio advertisement. The Heartful Acting Agency is
providing us with three children who will work with the man and the woman you
had already found. They are charging $50 an hour per child, so let's try to get it done
as quickly as we can to keep costs down. I have given the agency the scripts.
See you at the studio, Brian
1. Why did Brian send this email?
A. To ask Samantha to find more actors
B. To let Samantha know they have enough actors
C. To tell Samantha about a meeting
D. To complain to Samantha
2. How many voices will be used in the advertisement?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
3. Why does Brian want to finish the recording quickly?
A. He hates recording.
B. He wants to save money.
C. He has another appointment afterwards.
D. He is impatient.
Câu 6 : Read the following two e-mails
Sorry for sending this to all the staff in the company, but my list of people who are
going to the Signmakers' Conference in Dartmouth is not up-to-date, so I thought I'd
mail it to everyone just to be on the safe side.
The company has agreed to pay for transport by rail which means you won't have to
drive there yourselves. We've booked seats on the 06.30 from Stanton Heath which
goes direct to Dartmouth. We should arrive there by 08.45, and we can then share
taxis to get to the venue, which I understand is just a 15 minute drive, so we should
easily make the 09.30 start.
Hotel accommodation has been booked at the Premium Inn, Dartmouth. The
management have agreed that all delegates should have their own rooms. It's likely
that some of you will have singles, while others will have doubles and twins. I can't
take request for double rooms, I'm afraid. It will be the luck of the draw. All rooms
will have en suites, and should be very comfortable.
We're planning return transport on the 20.10 from Dartmouth which will get us back
to Stanton Heath at 22.00.
I'll be booking transport on Friday morning (14th March), so if you have any queries
or problems, make sure you contact me before then.
James Roxford
Dear James
Sorry, I didn't get back to you in time. I was off sick last week and didn't get your
message until this morning. I hope you haven't booked the train tickets yet. I'm
planning to go to the conference by car, as I'm not returning to Stanton Heath after
the conference. I'm going on to visit my family. Is there any chance you can reserve
a double room for me at the Premium Inn? I find it hard to sleep in single beds.
Mindy Jacques
1. James's email was sent to:
A. Mindy Jacques
B. staff who are attending a conference
C. visitors to James's company
D. everyone in the company
2. Which of the following is true about the journey James has planned?
A. Delegates will take a different route on the return journey.
B. The delegates will arrive just after the conference starts.
C. The return journey is faster than the outbound journey.
D. The delegates will need to change trains on the outbound journey.
3. When did Mindy send her email?
A. Monday (17th March)
B. Thursday (13th March)
C. Friday morning (14th March)
D. Friday afternoon (14th March)
4. What is James likely to do after receiving Mindy's message?
A. reserve a double room
B. buy another conference ticket
C. phone a taxi company
D. cancel a train ticket
Julie McCoy
1411 St. Johns Bluff Road
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
Dear Ms. McCoy,
As we discussed earlier on the phone, your cruise to Tangier for August 15 has been
canceled. However, I've managed to book you on a cruise for August 18 at 10:30
a.m leaving from Miami. The journey to Tangier will last for five days and will
arrive on August 23. There will be one stop in Kingston for four hours on route to
Morocco and a tour will be provided. All prices are the same as your previous
reservation. If this booking is suitable, please contact me via fax at (607)555-4699
or by e-mail at We can arrange for Internet access in
your room on the ship as requested, as well as the vegetarian meals. Unfortunately,
Atlantis Cruise Lines cannot arrange for hotel accommodation in Tangier. However,
our partners at Global-Go Travel are offering discount hotel rates for reservations
made by July 1.
You may want to contact them as soon as possible, as hotels fill up quickly this time
of year.
Please let me know if you would like to go ahead with these travel plans. If so, you
will also need to send me passport numbers of expiration dates for both you and your
Issac Washington
1. Why did Mr. Washington write the letter?
A. To provide details of travel itinerary changes
B. To offer the services of a travel agency
C. To inform the company of dietary requirements
D. To make reservations for a hotel
2. What is Ms. McCoy's destination?
A. Jacksonville
B. Miami
C. Kingston
D. Tangier
3. What is scheduled for August 18?
A. A flight arrival
B. A ship departure
C. A dinner
D. A stay at a hotel
Câu 8 :"Are you looking for something fun to do on your weekends?
My name is Andy and I'm the captain of the River Valley Chipmunks. We are a co-
ed basketball team that is looking for new players. We practice three times a week
at the university gym, and play against other teams on Saturday afternoons. We have
players of all ages, but you must be over 18. We don't care how tall you are. We just
like to have fun. If you like basketball and have time in the evenings and on
weekends, come check us out. Become a RV Chipmunk!
1. What is the name of the basketball team?
A. Andy
B. The River Valley Chipmunks
C. The University Gym
D. Check Us Out
2. According to the advertisement, which person would probably NOT be accepted
as a member of the team?
A. A man
B. A woman
C. A short person
D. A 17year-old girl
3. What two conditions should you meet to become an RV Chipmunk?
A. Like basketball and have time in the evenings and on weekends
B. Like baseball and have time in the evenings and on weekends
C. Like basketball and go to River Valley High School
D. Like baseball and have time to practice during the week
Câu 9 : Read the letter and sign and answer the questions.
Dear Member,
We are pleased to announce the grand reopening of the City Art Gallery. The gallery
had been getting very dirty and run down, we decided to renovate it and give the city
an art gallery that looks as good as new. We know that all our members have missed
their cultural visits over the past 6 months. An opening ceremony will be held on
March 22nd, and general admission will begin March 23rd. As one of our members,
you are entitled to attend the opening ceremony and get a sneak preview of our
renovations and improvements. If you take a look at the enclosed information, you
will see the changes that have been made. I'm sure you will agree that we have
greatly improved the facilities. As a member, you will be particularly interested to
note that we have decreased the cost of the 12 month pass.
We look forward to welcoming you to the opening ceremony.
Pembroke City Art Gallery Committee
City Art Gallery: New opening hours and amenities
Opening hours
Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Closed 9-5 9-5 11-7 9-7 9-7 9-12
Admission Charges
Adults Students Children under 5 Senior Citizens
Price $5.5 $3 Free $3
New! 12-month pass $50, free admission to regular galleries and 50% discount on
temporary exhibitions
Fountains: Open all day. Serving a variety of coffees and juices, sandwiches, salads,
café and delicious homemade cakes.
Restrooms now available on every floor
All our galleries are now fully wheelchair accessible
New! Kids education Lectures open to all elementary school kids: Saturdays 10 - 11,
grades 1-3, Sundays 10-11, grades 4-61
1. Why was the City Art Gallery closed?
A. There was a fire.
B. It closed at 5 pm.
C. It had no visitors.
D. It was being renovated.
2. Which of the following changes is not mentioned?
A. 12-month passes
B. Wheelchair access
C. Lectures for senior citizens for citizens
D. A café
3. Who can attend the lectures on Sunday mornings?
A. All elementary school children
B. 1st to 3rd graders
C. 4th to 6th graders
D. There are no lectures.
4. What can be found on every floor?
A. art
B. guides
C. toilets
D. a cafe
Câu 10 : Obituary
Audrey Sarah Ives
Beloved wife of Albert, mother of Joan and George
It is with great sadness that the Ives family notes the passing of Audrey Sarah Ives.
Mrs. Ives, aged 82, died at her home on Tuesday morning, having been in bad health
for the past 18 months. She had suffered from heart trouble for the past year. She
was a well-known amateur artist and often exhibited her best works at the Greenwich
Art Society. Her paintings toured throughout Europe, and she even painted a portrait
of the Queen. Her greatest achievement was the Alford Prize, which she won in
1985. She was the younger sister of the well-known sculptor Annie Taverner.
Although not as well-known as her sister, many think her talent was greater. Mrs.
Ives was also a concert violinist in her younger days and performed with the Pinedale
Orchestra. She also served in the Peace Corps for five years as a nurse's aide in
Rwanda where she was awarded the Queen's Medal for Valor when she assisted an
injured tourist who was attacked by a tiger. Mrs. Ives fought the tiger with her bare
hands and then provided life-saving medical attention to the tourist. In addition to
her husband Albert, she is survived by a son George, a daughter Joan and four
grandchildren. Flowers can be sent to the Pine Grove Funeral Home in Spring Valley
1. Where would you expect to see this information?
A. In a romance novel
B. In a newspaper
C. In a TV magazine
D. On a poster
2. How long was Mrs. Ives ill?
A. 82 years
B. All her life
C. 18 months
D. One year
3. What did many people say about Mrs.Ives, with regard to her sister?
A. Mrs. Ives didn't like painting.
B. Mrs. Ives was a more famous painter
C. Mrs. Ives was a better artist.
D. Mrs. Ives was richer.
Câu 11: 12 Blue Bird Drive
Newark, NJ
12 May 2017

Paul Thomtree
Spotless Cleaner's
145 Market Drive
Newark, NJ
Dear Mr. Thomtree, I recently had three jackets dry cleaned at Spotless Cleaner's.
Unfortunately, when I got home and looked at one of the jackets, I noticed there was
a large rip on one of the sleeves. I immediately returned the item to your building on
Market Drive, but the sales clerk told me that the company was not responsible for
any damages incurred during cleaning. I have been doing business with Spotless
Cleaner's for three years and have always received excellent service, but I am quite
distressed about this recent incident. I would like the company to pay for the repair
of this item, and to give me a full refund on the cost of dry cleaning all three items.
Please contact me as soon as possible to discuss this matter. I can be reached Monday
to Friday after 6 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday any time. My home number is 632-
365-1456. You can also reach me at my office at 653-362-9876.
Linda Applebee
1. What is the purpose of the letter?
A. To complain about service
B. To apply for a membership
C. To discuss a late payment
D. To order a clothing item
2. What does Mrs. Applebee request from the company?
A. A receipt
B. A refund
C. An apology
D. A coupon
3. What does Mrs. Applebee say about Spotless Cleaner's?
A. It has a bad reputation.
B. It does not repair clothing.
C. It usually provides good service.
D. It is the only dry cleaner's in town.
Câu 12 : Klondike Historical Preservation Society
325 Range Road
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Joanna Saunders
7582 Swan Lake Road
Vernon, BC VOE 1W2
Dear Ms. Saunders,
I would like to extend our thanks for your support during the Klondike Historical
Preservation Society's annual fundraise. This year's country fair was even more
successful than we expected.
In the past few years, the number of people attending the fair has increased
dramatically. It is thanks to volunteers like you that we are able to host such a large
number of visitors. Without this support, we would be incredibly understaffed. I am
pleased to report that $85.000 was raised at the fair this year, which far surpasses
any record set at previous fairs. The funds will be used in the restoration of historic
buildings in the downtown area.
Thank you again for all your help and support.
Jennifer Lumley,
President, Klondike Historical Preservation Society.
1. What is the purpose of the letter?
A. To request donations
B. To thank a volunteer for support
C. To provide information about an event
D. To ask for help with a fundraise
2. Who most likely is Ms. Lumley?
A. A town official
B. A history professor
C. An administrator of an organization
D. A volunteer for the event
3. According to the letter, how was the recent event different from previous events?
A. It provided more activities
B. It was held at a larger location
C. It raised more money
D. It was held downtown.
Câu 13: Insomnia

is characterized by the inability to sleep or the inability to remain asleep for a

reasonable period. Insomniacs typically complain of being unable to close their
eyes or "rest their mind” for more than a few minutes at a time. Both organic and
non-organic insomnia constitute a sleep disorder. It is often caused by fear, stress,
anxiety, medications, herbs, caffeine, and depression or sometimes for no apparent
reason. An overactive mind or physical pain may also be causes. Finding the
underlying cause of insomnia is usually necessary to cure it.
Types of insomnia
1. Transient insomnia lasts from one night to a few weeks, but it seems longer
tosufferers. Most people occasionally suffer from transient insomnia due to
such causes as jet lag or short-term anxiety. If this form of insomnia continues
to occur from time to time, the insomnia is classified as intermittent.
2. Acute insomnia is the inability to consistently sleep well for a period of
between three weeks to six months.
3. Chronic insomnia is regarded as the most serious. It persists almost nightly
for at list a month.
1. How many types of insomnia are listed in the article?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
2. According to the article, which of the following is a cause of insomnia?
A. Caffeine
B. Stress
C. No apparent reason
D. All of the above
3. Which type of insomnia is regarded as the most serious?
A. Organic insomnia
B. Chronic insomnia
C. Acute insomnia
D. Transient insomnia
4. Which type of insomnia is regarded as the cause of jet lag?
A. Organic insomnia
B. Chronic insomnia
C. Acute insomnia
D. Transient insomnia
Câu 14: 13870 Nares Road
Bangkok Thailand 1500
June 30
Dear Ms. Baham,
I'd like to thank you for the time you spent with me discussing the marketing
researcher position at Amarin, Ltd. After interviewing with you and touring the
facility, I feel strongly that this company would be an ideal place for me to work. I
now understand why Amarin, Ltd., is considered the premier publisher of travel and
tourism books in the region. I am impressed by the fact that it has been listed as one
of Thailand's ten most successful businesses since it was founded six years ago. The
company's reputation for quality is also reflected in its outstanding record of
employee retention.
I wanted to emphasize the fact that I attended a three-week intensive seminar on
MarkTrends, the foremost marketing research software package. I know the job
description mentions the ability to use MarkTrends, and I wanted to let you know
that I am very comfortable using this software.
Again, thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon
concerning your hiring decision.
Yours truly,
Anusak Arinchai
1. What kind of business is Amarin, Ltd.?
A. A marketing firm
B. A trading company
C. A research institute
D. A publishing company
2. What is stated in the letter about Amarin, Ltd.?
A. It was started six years ago.
B. It plans to expand its operations to other countries.
C. It will be hiring several marketing researchers.
D. It has been successful because of its marketing strategies
3. What did the writer want to emphasize about his background?
A. His degree in marketing
B. His overseas travel experience
C. His familiarity with a software program
D. His presentations atprofessional seminars
4. What does the letter indicate is a sign that Amarin, Ltd., is doing very well?
A. Its large number of employees
B. Its international reputation
C. Its use of up-to-date computer technology
D. Its high ranking on a list of successful businesses
Câu 15 : To: John Miler <>
From: Linda Tillman <>
Subject: Photoss
Dearr Mr, Miller
Your customer record stated that you preferred to be contacted by email, so I am e-
mailing you to say that your photographs will not be ready for Saturday at 3 p.m. as
discussed. One of our processing machines broke down yesterday. The repairman
said the new part has to be specially ordered, and probably won't arrive for another
four to five days. This means that the Belltown branch of Ace Photos only has one
machine to process nearly 150 different orders. I noticed that you marked your order
as “URGENT” on the processing request form; however, due to the circumstances
our 24 hour service is no longer available. Your photos will probably be ready by
Tuesday morning at the earliest. If you would rather have your photos processed at
another Ace Photos location, we would be happy to mail them for you. We will cover
all the delivery charges, and have the photos mailed directly to you when they are
finished. Also, we would like to offer you $15 off the total order cost to compensate
for any inconvenience this problem may have caused. Please call me at 1-800-652-
3156 to discuss this matter further.
Linda Tillman
Director Customer Relations
1. Why will the problem take a long time to resolve?
A. The repair company is busy.
B. A part is difficult to obtain.
C. There was a shipping delay.
D. The office is closed briefly.
2. According to the e-mail, which service did Mr. Miller probably request?
A. One day processing
B. Buy one get one free
C. Poster-sized development
D. Photo editing
3. What does the company offer to do?
A. Mail the application
B. Cover all service fees
C. Accept the coupon
D. Pay for shipping
Many magazines have articles on how to be a success, but here at Business Monthly,
the Magazine for Busy Businesspeople, we thought it would be helpful if our readers
knew how to fail.
Step One:
Don't come to work on time. If you want to fail at work, then don't be on time.
Punctuality, or being where you should when you should, is a common trait of
successful people. If you don't want to succeed, be late for all of your
Step Two:
Don't ask questions. Successful people often try to learn what they don't already
know. They ask questions if they are unsure of a situation or a procedure. If
you want tofail, make sure you keep your questions to yourself.
Step Three:
Never learn new things. In order to get ahead in your career, it is necessary to
keep yourself updated on current information in your field. Information
changes quickly; if you want to be left behind, then don't keep upwith the
Step Four:
Don't mind your own business. MYOB, or Mind Your Own Business, means
not getting involved in office gossip. If you talk about others behind their backs,
then you can expect that others are talking about you as well. So if you want to
fail, stick your ose where it does not belong
1. According to the article, what does punctuality mean?
A. Having good punctuation when writing
B. Being where you should
C. Being successful
D. Being where you should, when you should
2. According to this article, what is true about successful people?
A. They are late, don't ask questions, and never learn new things.
B. They are late, don't ask questions, and try to learn new things.
C. They are late, ask questions, and try to learn new things.
D. They aren't late, ask questions, and try to learn new things
3. What does MYOB mean?
A. That you should study about business in school
B. That you should not get involved in office gossip
C. That you should prepare to own your own business
D. That you should talk a lot about other people
As part of our "Good Health" policy, we wish to inform our employees of the new
no-smoking policy in the office. In order to create a clear working environment,
smoking is no longer allowed in the office break-room or in the restrooms. All
offices, of course, remain no smoking areas. The only area in which smoking will
be allowed is the new smoking lobby near the parking area.
Although this is outdoors, it is a covered area. Therefore it is possible to use it in all
weather conditions. Also, we are not allowing smoke breaks longer than five minutes
for every one hour period. This means that smokers may take a five-minute break
each hour of work or a ten-minute break every two hours of work. We will not
bemonitoring workers, but we do expect you to stick to this timeing. For a
cooperative office atmosphere, we need workers to feel that everyone is working
equal hours. As this is the official policy for the company, no exceptions will be
allowed. From next month, we will be introducing a bonus system for all employees
who give up smoking for more than months. More information will be at a later date.
If you feel that this policy is somehow unfair or that you are being discriminated
against, we encourage you to contact your department's supervisor.
Thank you.
1. According to this notice, smoking is not allowed in which of the following?
A. The break-room
B. Restrooms
C. The parking area
D. A and B
2. What is the allowed length of time for smoke breaks?
A. Five minutes for each hour of work
B. Five minutes for every two hours work
C. Ten minutes for each hour of work
D. It is not stated in the notice.
3. If workers feel that the smoking policy is unfair, whom should they contact?
A. A co-worker
B. The company owner
C. The fire department
D. A department supervisor
The 10th annual pulp and paper week is taking place next month from March 5-10th
at the Sydney Seas Inn.
This is an excellent networking opportunity for executives in the pulp and paper
industry. Participants from around the world are invited to join in the fair and learn
more about the direction of Oceania's pulp mills and the future of the paper industry
as a whole. This year a special session on recycling will be held in addition to the
regular paper and packaging sessions. The Pulp and Paper Brunch is always the most
popular event of the fair. This year, keynote speakers at Friday's luncheon (1:00
P.M.) include Martha Evans, chairperson from the National P&P Committee; and
John Lopez, former President of the Sydney Paper Factory. Online registration
available now. Click here. For information about accommodations at the Sydney
Seas Inn or other local hotels, call 1-800-345-9900. Members of the community are
invited to come out to free events including the family picnic (Saturday afternoon)
and the children's paper festival (Sunday-all day). For a complete schedule of events
visit We have room for a few more sponsors for this year's
Please contact Amy Witherspoon, ( for more details.
1. What is being advertised?
A. A charity brunch
B. A new newspaper
C. A yearly fair
D. A stationary store
2. Which is NOT provided in the ad?
A. The website address for the Sydney Seas Inn
B. The names and titles of the main speakers
C. A partial schedule of this year's events
D. A contact number for alternate accommodations
3. Who is most likely to participate in this event?
A. Adventure-seeking teens
B. Young children from Sydney
C. Owners of pulp and paper mills
D. Environmentalists from Oceania
Câu 19: Patak - Isn't your home worth it?
In business for four generations, Patak is renowned for its high quality, its vast
knowledge of hand-knotted carpets, and its excellent customer relations. We deal
only in genuine oriental and Persian carpets and rugs of the highest quality, with
detail, workmanship, value, and hand-made beauty that machine-made imitations
simply cannot match. All of our carpets are 100% handmade and take months or
years to complete because the knots are hand-tied to a density of 400 per square
inch! Our collection consists of the finest quality rugs made by Pakistani master
weavers who have passed down the skill from generation to generation for centuries.
They are made of the highest-quality materials: 100% New Zealand wool with
highlights of silk. Isn't your home worth that kind of quality? Shop conveniently
online at our website and search through a huge selection of hand-picked oriental
carpets and rugs we have in stock! With this much selection, we're confident you
will find the carpet that's right for your home. All prices include international door-
todoor delivery, which can take as little as three days! Stop by and browse. You'll
be glad you did.
1. What products does this company offer?
A. Machine-made Persian rugs and carpets
B. New Zealand wool pile
C. Handmade rugs and carpets
D. Weaving machines
2. How can potential customers view their products?
A. At their showroom in Pakistan
B. On the Internet
C. At their workshops in New Zealand
D. In their mail-order catalog
3. Why do these rugs and carpets take so long to make according to the ad?
A. The materials are imported from New Zealand.
B. The carpets are sent from Pakistan.
C. The process involves a high degree of detail.
D. There are only a few skilled craftsmen who work on them
Câu20: Dear Editor,
For a long time, our city was without a public park that was clean and safe for
families. Now, thanks city Parks and Recreation Department and our mayor we have
a beautiful city park that every citizen can enjoy. And this was done without great
cost to our city. Some politicians suggested building a completely new park at a cost
of millions of dollars. Instead, at a much smaller cost, the mayor wisely decided to
clean up the city park that already existed.
Thepark was closed for nearly all of last year while the improvements were being
made. The City Parks and Recreation Department has done a beautiful job. They
removed all the trash, planted gardens, and installed new playground equipment. The
presence of police and the new lighting system have ensured the safety of citizens
using the park. While the park has already been open for a month, a special
celebration was held last week. There was a very large turnout. The newly improved
park is a point of pride for our city. I invite all citizens who have not yet seen it to
visit it soon.
Nicholas Charles
1. Why did Mr. Charles write the letter?
A. To praise the work done on the park
B. To suggest building another park
C. To complain about the cost of the park
D. To invite people to a picnic in the park
2. How has the park been improved?
A. It is bigger.
B. It is cleaner and safer.
C. It has more playgrounds.
D. It has new fountains
3. When was the park reopened?
A. Last year
B. A month ago
C. Last week
D. Yesterday
Câu 21: Ms. Marie Faubert
95 Jackson Crescent
Phoenix, AZ 04-55000
Dear Ms. Faubert,
On behalf of Sylvan House Wares, I would like to apologize for the damaged trays
you received. We always try to package all shipments to the best of ourabilities, but
these accidents still happen on occasion. I have asked our shipping department to
send you some replacements as soon as possible. You will find with this letter a
return kit. This includes the box, packing materials and an address label. Please use
the kit to send back the damaged goods to our company. The postage has been
prepaid so you only need to pack the trays and call the delivery company. I am also
enclosing a $20 gift certificate to make up for any inconvenience.
Again, I apologize for this inconvenience and value your business.
Sincerely yours,
Barbara Bell
Sales Manager
Sylvan House Wares.
1. What problem was reported to Ms. Bell?
A. Some merchandise was damaged
B. A shipment was lost
C. An address was incorrect
D. Postage was not paid
2. What is included with the letter?
A. A new set of trays
B. A gift certificate
C. An addressed envelope
D. A business card
3. What is Ms. Faubert instructed to do?
A. Cancel an order
B. Pay a bill
C. Call the shipping department
D. Call the delivery company
Câu 22: Store closure clearance!
Everything must go!
Don't miss out on Nerdstrom's store closure clearance! We are moving to a new
location and all current stock is on sale! Find incredible discounts on brand name
products. Don't miss out on these great savings!
-60% off all swimwear
-70% off all women's summer clothing
-70% of men's summer clothing
-50% of all seasonal footwear!
-60% of all summer beach and sports equipment!
-50% of everything in our sportswear department!
And don't forget those using their Nerdstrom's charge card will receive an additional
10 percent of their total purchase and a free catalog of our fall and winter collections.
This incredible savings event starts Saturday, March 12 until Tuesday, March 15.
Our stock is limited, so don't waste any time and head down to Nerdstrom's this
weekend! Our hours are 10 a.m to 8pm everyday. Visit our website for more information.
1. Why have prices been reduced?
A. The store is going out of business
B. The business is relocating
C. The merchandise is damaged
D. The building is renovated
2. What will customers who use a Nerdstrom's charge card receive?
A. A beach towel
B. A catalog
C. A gift certificate
D. A newspaper subscription
3. Where can customers find more information about the sale?
A. In a brochure
B. In a magazine
C. In a catalog
D. On the website
Câu 23 : Spring Art Exhibition: Work of Tampa Artists with Disabilities
USC College of Public Health
207-07-14 at 13301 Bruce B Downs Blvd, MHC 1129, Tampa.
Included in the exhibit are several pieces from USC Fine Arts Student Jessica Joy
Goldberg. Now in her last semester at USC, Jessica was recently selected as a winner
of the national art competition, "Destination Anywhere," which selected works from
15 award-winning young artists with disabilities. It was sponsored by American Art
Association and MK of America Inc.
Her winning work is part of a touring exhibit that has been on display at The
Smithsonian Institution, and now on at the Ohio Art Museum of the Miami
1. What can be inferred about the event?
A. It is for college students.
B. Many renowned artists will attend.
C. It is sponsored by the College of Public Health
D. Artists with disabilities will display their work.
2. What is true about Jessica?
A. She graduated the college last year.
B. She won a national award.
C. She will be teaching an art class.
D. She was hired by MK of America Inc.
3. Where is Jessica's work now on display?
A. At the USC College of Public Health
B. At the Ohio Art Museum
C. At the American Art Association
D. At the company lounge
Câu 24: February 5
Mr. Tatsuhiko Seo
Director, Personnel Department
Software Success
Namiki 2-8-136-101 Tokyo, Japan
Dear Mr. Seo, International Recruitment Associates (TRA) is pleased to announce
the opening of our newest branch in Tokyo. With headquarter in Singapore, IRA is
located in eight countries, including the United States and Germany. Companies
such as yours turn to us to find the best candidate for the opening in the field of
software development, technology and engineering. With our worldwide base of
operations, we have thousands of potential applicants at our fingertips. We are
enclosing our brochure, and testimonials from satisfied clients around the world.
Please contact me by phone, or fax if you have any questions. Our local
representative will contact you within the next two weeks to set up a meeting at your
Sincerely, Tony Tan
Director of Marketing
1. What is the purpose of this letter?
A. To invite Software Success to the branch inauguration
B. To recruit Mr. Seo to work for IRA
C. To interview software job seekers
D. To inform Software Success of a branch opening
2. How many branches does IRA have?
A. 2
B. 8
D. Thousands
3. How should Mr. Seo contact Mr. Tan?
A. In person
B. By e-mail
C. By phone
D. In a letter
Câu 25: DSL/JKI
From: Rudi Kok Kee
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006
To: Linda Chong
Cc: Samantha Long
Subject: Long Holiday in Indonesia
Dear colleagues,
Kindly be informed that Indonesia will be celebrating a long holiday from October
23-28,2006, for Hari Raya ledul Fitri. There will be no pick-ups and deliveries, but
clearance will still run as normal. In addition, for inbound shipments that are directed
to cities outside Jakarta, the last transshipment by local agents will be on October
20. Any shipment we receive alter that day will be on hold in our office and be sent
out after the long holiday on October 30. Furthermore, for shipments headed to
smaller towns, there will be a further delay because the holiday festivities will be
ongoing until the 4th in many rural areas. This situation will return to normal on the
6th of November. Thank you for your kind attention.
Customer Service Department
1. Why was this e-mail written?
A. To request a shipment
B. To notify someone of an upcoming schedule
C. To send an invitation for a celebration
D. To inquire about a shipment
2. What will happen to an incoming shipment heading to a small town on October
A. It will be returned to the sender
B. It will be held until the 30th.
C. It will reach its destination after the 6th of November.
D. It will be delivered the next day.
3. When was this e-mail sent?
A. October 4th
B. October 20th
C. October 30th
D. November 4th
Câu 26: Determining the success of a small business can be tricky.

A business may show a good profit, but consistently run into cash flow problems,
sometimes severe ones. The idea of profit refers to a sum of money earned at a
fixed (but sometimes imaginary) point in time. As a reference point for a business's
success, it is the standard. However, using cash flow as a reference point gives a
more dynamic picture of a business’s success based on a constant comparison of
available cash to expenses. A business owner's understanding of his own success
can depend on which of these models he works from.
The outlook on a business’s financial situation can similarly depend on whether the
business follows a cash method or an accrual method ofaccounting. In a cash method
of accounting, income is reported only aspayment is received, while the accrual
method of accounting records incomeas soon as the sale is made. So, using the
accrual method, if it takes a buyer three months to send a check for the goods and
services provided, then a business may have trouble meeting its cash flow needs in
the interim, while still showing a profit. For this reason, many small businesses
prefer to use the cash method. The cash method is simpler and offers a more realistic
picture of a business’s finances at any given moment in time. The accrual system,
however, allows for more sophisticated analysis, which can consolidate several
facets of business management into a single operation.
1. What best states what this article is mostly about?
A. how businesses can use different methods of accounting to look lessprofitable for
tax purposes
B. how the accrual method compares to the cash method of accounting
C. how understandings of profitability and methods of accounting can alter
perceptions of success
D. how the idea of profit compares with the idea of cash flow
2. According to the article, what is an advantage of using an accrual system of
A. It gives a more dynamic picture of a business's success.
B. It is simpler.
C. It reduces cash flow discrepancies.
D. It allows for more sophisticated financial analysis.
3. According to the article, what problems can arise from looking strictly at profit?
A. cash flow problems
B. accrual problems
C. accounting errors
D. imaginary problems
Câu 27: Community Care Meeting,
Nov 2nd, 2010, 7p.m.
1.Hopeshare presentation Two representatives from Hopeshare, Leslie Graves and
Rebecca Steinman,gave a presentation about their organization. Like us, they give
financial aid to low-income people and help them budget their money. But they also
provide a food bank, shelter, transitional housing, transportation program,adult
education, and an employment program. Their annual operating budget is about $10
million. Leslie said that Hopeshare wants to form a stronger partnership with
Community Care, and explore ways we canshare resources and avoid overlapping
services. She recommended that we meet together at least twice a year.
2. Treasurer's report Treasurer Jacob Hall passed out current budget figures showing
our up-to-date income and expenses. He said that we have $851.52 total liabilities
& capital. Our total revenues for Oct. Were $1,690.97.
3. Promotional plansRobin Sayers proposed that we produce a DVD promoting our
services, whichcould be shown to churches and other potential donors. Gina Mauer
said that it would also be good to make a brochure that could be handed to clients
and distributed throughout the community. We agreed that everyone should pitch in
to help write, take photos, and help with graphics and design. We set a deadline of
Dec. 4th to have preliminary plans in place. Mary Burley agreed to be in chargeof
the project and to keep everyone on track.
4. Problems and concems Community Care director Bill Lyons discussed the need
to improve coordination between team members He said he is working on upgrading
our website so everyone can have instant access to information about clients we help
and resources available to them.
5. Next meeting We agreed to meet again at 7 p.m. Dec. 4th at Bill's house, 1134
Midvale Ave. N. The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.
1. What does Community Care do?
A. It provides emergency shelter
B. It produces promotional materials
C. It helps low-income people
D. It designs company websites
2. Why does Robin Sayers mention making a DVD?
A. To give a present to Hopeshare
B. To promote Community Care
C. To sell and raise money
D. To show to Community Care clients
3. According to the minutes, what is Bill Lyons working on?
A. Improving the Community Care website
B. Planning a fund-raising dinner
C.Writing and editing a promotional brochure
D. Forming a partnership with Hopeshare
Câu 28: Sim's Super Sale!
To commemorate ten years of business, Sim's is having a giant sale. The sale starts
at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 9th, an ends at midnight 04 Sunday, July 10th All
sports equipment is 20 percent off. * All men's and women's sports apparel is 15
percent off, including the exclusive Swish brand running shoes and shorts.
Customers who have a Sim's Super Savings Card will receive an additional 10
percent off their entire purchase. (If you want to become a Sim's member, please fill
out the application on our website at Also, please bring
your children: Ron Barkley, the lead scorer for the L.A. Rockets, will be giving a
special demonstration on how to dribble a basketball. All children over the age of 8
are welcome. Entrance is free, but all children must wear sneakers and bring their
own basketball
*Offer does not apply to bikes, treadmills, or golf clubs.
1. Why did Sim's decide to have a sale this weekend?
A. To get rid of old merchandise
B. To promote a new product
C. To celebrate an anniversary
D. To advertise an upcoming race
2. Which of the following is NOT true about the sale?
A. A famous person will be present.
B. Brand name products are on sale.
C. Men's clothing is 15 percent off.
D. Golf equipment is 20 percent off.
3. What can be inferred about Ron Barkley from the advertisement?
A. He wants to open a sports store.
B. He is a successful athlete.
C. He works for Swish shoes.
D. He wants to be a college professor
Câu 29: Art in Nature
Calling all art lovers! The National Arts Development Council is bringing to you
this August a sensational art exhibition like never before! Presenting Art in Nature.
We are pleased that this exhibition is made possible by the generosity of local
enterprises, business associates, and museums from four other countries who have
contributed to Art in Nature.
The exhibit, which comes with a large variety of more than 50 world-renowned
sculptures, will be displayed in the open fields of the National Botanical Gardens.
These fine outdoor sculptures will look just as beautiful in our park and gardens as
they do in a museum or any private home because they were created to be part of
What better way is there to rest and relax than to take a walk in the "Immerse with
Art in Nature" area in the midst of these beautiful artistic sculptures? Come and join
us for afternoon tea and relax around these sculptures during this 1-month free
entrance period. We welcome children of any age, but westrongly suggest that you
leave your pets at home.
We expect you at the Botanical Gardens! See you around
1. Which of the following is NOT true about the exhibit?
A. It will simultaneously be held in four nations.
B. It is going to take place outdoors.
C. It will be an unprecedented event.
D. It is going to be sponsored by local businesses.
2. What can be inferred about this exhibition?
A. Local artists have made significant contributions.
B. It is best to view while relaxing with a cup of tea.
C. There will be an entrance fee after some time
D. Children will get the most out of the displays.
3. What restriction is mentioned in the announcement?
A. Beverages are only allowed on the patio
B. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
C. Animals are not allowed in the exhibit.
D. Visitors may not touch any of the sculptures.
Câu 30: Patel Pottery
16 Whitford Drive
Scranton, OH 40985
January 5, 2006
Mrs. Ivy Richards
209 Singlewell Road
Rochester, MD 10337
Dear Mrs. Richards
Thank you for your recent inquiry about the range of goods produced by Patel
Pottery. It is my great pleasure to send you a copy of our latest catalog. We are a
small family-run business, and as such, do not produce large quantities of any of our
items. Each item that appears in our catalog is limited to a production run of 10. This
means that only ten of each item is ever produced. On occasion, if a particular item
produces a great demand, then we may recreate it, but we prefer to keep the
individuality of our products and steer clear of mass production. This is because of
our philosophy of craftsmanship. We feel that once our potters are asked to make
things in large numbers, they risk losing the sense of craftsmanship and begin to feel
like a mass-production conveyor belt. Or course, this does mean that our prices are
somewhat higher than in the average store, but I am sure you will agree that it is
worth the cost to the able to own a more unique piece of pottery. If you see anything
in our catalog that catches your eye, or if you have a design of your own that you
would like made, the best way to place an order is to call me at 088-799-8000. You
can also check out our website at
I hope to hear from you soon
Ranjiv Patel,
Orders and Deliveries Manager
1. Why did Mrs. Richards write a letter?
A. To get information about Patel Pottery’s products
B. To place an order
C. To make a complaint
D. To ask a favor
2. What does Ranjiv Patel say about the price of their goods?
A. They are cheap
B. They are rather expensive
C. He doesn’t mention prices
D. They are the cheapest in town
3. How should Mrs. Richards place an order?
A. By email
B. By visiting the pottery
C. By letter
D. By phone
Câu 31: Memo: To All Employees
From: Andre Kang, Chief Security Officer
Subject: New Security Measures
We are no longer going to issue ID swipe cards that can be used on a 24-hour, 7-
day-a-week basis to employees. Instead, the swipe cards will be coded only for the
hours that an employee is scheduled to work. We feel this will cut down on
inappropriate use of these cards.
In addition, we are now asking employees to wear their ID swipe cards at all times.
All visitors to our facility will now be required to sign in and out in the reception
area. While on-site, guests must wear their visitor cards at all times. Visitor cards
will only work during business hours. Visitor must return their visitor cards before
leaving the building.
Employees should avoid letting anyone into the building who does not have an ID
swipe card. Instead, employees should ask the person who they are here to see and
offer to call that person for them. Anyone who senses that there is something out of
the ordinary should call security.
We are sure that these new security measures will make for a safer work area
1. What has changed about the ID swipe cards?
A. They will only be given out to visitors
B. They will not be valid all the time
C. They will have a photo and ID number
D. They will be turned in at the end of the day
2. Why is the new security plan being put into place?
A. Guests were taking the ID swipe cards home
B. Employees were misusing their ID swipe cards
C. Employees kept losing their ID swipe cards
D. Guests were not allowed in the building
3. What should employees do if they see someone trying to get in without an ID
swipe card?
A. Call the receptionist
B. Ask the person who they want to see
C. Tell the person to leave the area
D. Tell the person to go to the reception area
Câu 32: Part-time Help Wanted
School Bus Driver - Jones Transport Service
If you're a good driver who likes children, this is a great opportunity to plan ahead
for a terrific part-time job during the school year! Our small buses transport
approximately 15 students to and from Steuben County schools within the greater
Tri-State Area. At Jones Transport, you're guaranteed a minimum of 20 hours per
week at $10.00 per hour after your training is complete. We even provide state
minimum wage (currently $6.00) during training! We are now accepting
applications for our summer training course. Only five positions will be filled, so
hurry and act fast! Parents, bring up to two preschoolers with you on the bus and
save on daycare while you work! Retirees, earn extra spending money and have the
summer off to spend it! Live alone? Get out early each morning and enjoy contact
with children and their parents. All you need to bring to the job is the ability to relate
well to school-aged children, an open, honest and enthusiastic attitude, and a level
of comfortbehind the wheel of a small school bus. We bring the rest! We are an equal
opportunity employer and our training is covered by Veteran's
Call us at 355-1128.
1. What is the hourly salary for people while training at Jones Transport?
A. It is $6.00 per hour.
B. It is $10.00 per hour.
C. People who are training do not get paid.
D. It depends on the number of students per bus.
2. Why should applications be submitted as soon as possible?
A. The summer training course has already started.
B. The school year will start by the end of the month.
C. Only a limited number of positions will be filled.
D. Jones Transport buses start running early
3. How many students usually take the bus each day?
A. Five
B. Fifteen
C. Fifty
D. Fifty-five
Câu 33: Akira QuikMotion QM-208 Safety Guide
Congratulations on your purchase of an Akira QuikMotion Digital Video Camera.
With due core and proper maintenance, your video camera will provide you with
good and clear video images for many years to come. Please read the following
guidelines to ensure maximum usage of your video camera:
* Lithium-ion batteries (LI-808) have been specifically configured for this model.
Use only these batteries, and, should you need replacement batteries, contact your
local Akira dealer. Disposal of batteries should be in accordance with your local
safety regulations.
* The bundled charging unit (CH-99) and power cord (CO-22) should be the only
charger used to recharge the battery. If you observe deterioration in
batteryperformance, allow it to be fully discharged before charging again.You
should charge the battery for the full 8 hours for maximum battery life before using
it again.
* Wet conditions are not suitable for your video camera to operate. In the event that
your camera becomes wet, you should stop using it and store the camera in a dry
environment with the battery removed for 24 hours before re-using it again. * The
camera and battery should be kept, stored, and operated in an environment with a
temperature ranging from 0 to 40'C (32 and 104'F).
* Do not dismantle the camera parts under any situation or circumstances. This may
pose a possible health hazard as the camera may cause an electrical shock to the
handler. Consult your local Akira dealer for any technical assistance. Should you
have any further queries or require support, contact your local Akira dealer or email
us at:
1. Who would most likely be reading this pamphlet?
A. People who are thinking of buying a video camera
B. Anyone who is interested in taking pictures
C. People who have just purchased the video camera
D. Any individual taking a photography course at school
2. What should a user do if the video camera is accidentally dropped in water?
A. Take it apart and dry it with a dry towel
B. Take it to the nearest dealer right away
C. Remove the battery and not use it for a full day
D. Replace the battery with a dry one right away
3. What are users warned not to do?
A. Take the camera apart to see what is in it
B. Get it wet
C. Keep it in a cold place
D. Let the battery completely run out
How much coffee is too much? Most doctor say one cup a day is more than enough.
However, most people who work in offices drink two or more cups a day. Many
drink coffee during breaks, at lunch, and on the way to and from work. On the other
hand, most people don't drink enough water. This is especially a problem for coffee
drinkers. When people drink coffee, they don't drink water. Most doctors agree that
everyone should drink at least eight glasses of water every day.
1. How much coffee should people drink a day?
A. Two or more cup
B. At least three cups
C. More than one cup
D. One cup or less
2. The word especiallyis closest to
A. particularly
B. hardly
D. never
3. How much water should people drink everyday
A. No more than two glasses
B. One glass for every cup of coffee
C. Eight or more glasses
D. Less than four glasses
Câu 35: Price Savers Supermarket For one week only!
Monday, September 5th to Saturday, September 10th
We are pleased to announce another of our super bargain events. Price Savers
always saves you money, and now you can save even more.
Special offers; Dairys products:
Monday --- buy one liter of milk, get one free
Tuesday --- Cheddar cheese 50% of recommended retailer's price
Wednesday --- 6 fruit yogurts for the price of 4.
Thursday---milkshake (individual 200ml cartons) 20% off until 3 p.m.
Friday--- Price Savers' own brand real dairy ice cream (vanilla, chocolate or toffee
crunch) 30% of regular price
Saturday --- your choice of any one of the above!
Sunday--- store closed
And that's not all. There's more!
Baked goods
Monday --- Muffin variety 6 pack, buy 2 get second pack 50% off
Tuesday --- Baguettes, 3 for the price of 2
Wednesday - chocolate chip cookies --- everybody's favorite --- 8 for the price of 6
Thursday, buy one ready-sliced white loaf, get another for free
Friday, 1 pound cake free to the first 100 customers
Saturday --- your choice of any of the above (offer excludes free pound cake)
Sunday-store closed --- saving you this much money is hard work!
All offers are limited to one per customer per day. Sorry, but you can't enjoy the
same offer twice in the same day.
Price Savers Supermarket --- where prices and quality count.
1. What is the weekend special offer?
A. There is no special offer.
B. Customers can choose the offer they prefer.
C. Customers can choose free fruit and vegetables.
D. It does not say.
2. How many customers can receive a free cake?
A. All of them
B. 100
C. 8 for the price of 6
D. One
3. How many turns can one customer take advantage of each offer?
A. As many times as he or she wants.
B. Once a week
C. Once every day
D. Customers cannot take advantage of each offer.
Câu 36: Tity Tools
101 Main Street
Littleburry WJ38843
Mr. J. Bevan
234 Main Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 12244
Dear Mr. Bevan,
Thank for your recent letter regarding our All-Power vacuum cleaner. I am happy to
answer your question. The All-Power can, indeed, be used outdoors. In fact,
according to recent consumer reports, many people feel it is more efficient outdoors
than any other similar vacuum cleaner. Since the unit is cordless, it can be used
anywhere. This means there are no limitations on movement, making it perfect for
cleaning hard to reach places around the home and garden. It is also double-insulated
for safety, so it is safe to use in most weather conditions.
However, I would recommend being careful whenever you use an electrical
appliance outside. I would advise against using the All-Power in heavy rain.
Exposing it to too much moisture may harm it. I would also suggest storing itinside.
If you store it outdoors, the moisture in the atmosphere may cause the engine to rust.
While the engine is easy to replace, we want all our customers to enjoy their products
problems-free for as long as is possible. Take good care of your All-Power and it
will give you many years of service.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any more questions.
Yours sincerely
Albert R. Jones
Consumer Relations, Tidy Tools
1. What did Mr. Bevan want to know?
A. Where to buy the vacuum cleaner
B. How much the vacuum cleaner costs
C. If the vacuum could be used outside
D. If the vacuum cleaner was heavy
2. What can damage the vacuum cleaner?
A. Exposure to moisture
B. Using it outside
C. Using it indoors
D. Double insulation
3. What can customers do to protect the All-Power?
A. Use it indoors
B. Replace the engine
C. Keep it clean
D. Store it indoors
Câu 37: New Flash!
From Capital City!
World Marathon Record Beaten!
Jeanne Smedley has just set a new world record in the Capital City mini-Marathon.
Smedley, 26 and a native of Capital City, set a of 27 minutes and 14 seconds. This
is not only the fastest time ever run by a woman, but beats the fastest time for men
as well. Remarkable, only did Smedley run lost enough to win the race on beat the
record, but she also had time to stop and help another runner who had fallen down.
Said injured athlete Meg Connors of Smedly "I was amazed that she stopped to help
me. She lost a lot of time, but she is such a kind person. I've never seen her do
anything selfish”.
Beth Mulgrew, another runner, said "Jeanne is a true champion. We more people
like her in sport. She is a great role model for young people."
Smedley began running at an early age. “I used to help my father make deliveries in
our neighborhood. The faster that I could deliver things, the more money he would
pay me. So I would run as fast as I could to make each delivery. I soon got pretty
good at running."
Jeanne Smedley will be receiving her gold medal and a $ 1,000 prize in front of the
City Zoo at 2:00 pm on Monday.
1. According to the article, what is Jeanne Smedley?
A. A race car driver
B. An opera singer
C. A runner
D. A bus driver
2. What is the new record time?
A. 27 hours and 14 minutes
B. 26 years
C.27 minutes and 14 seconds
D. 26 minute
3. What is her record time for?
A. Female runners
B. Male runners
C. All runners
D. The article does not say.
Câu 38: Bolsa Report
May 11
Land donation will buffer housing from retail in Bolsa.
A deal between the City of Bolsa and a developer, Mr White will separate a retail
development from existing housing on Main Street and Star Circle with green
Linda Hamilton, through Walton Development LLC, plans to develop six lots on 12
acres into a retail center off Lampson immediately south of Harbor Lane. "The city
and developer have worked out an agreement where the city will get a portion of the
remaining property on two parcels of land which is large enough for about two
houses," said Stephanie Klee. "To build two houses on the site would probably
require the creation of a private drive." she said.
“The land donation is significant because part of the property was zoned for high
density residential, which could have ended up being apartments," said Mayor Kris
Simpson. “The city's very excited about this,” Simpson said. “Mr. White has been
very cooperative with the council."
The land being donated will be beyond a retention pond to be built for the retail
center. The retail center is adjacent to another White development of five-story
office condominiums. "It should provide a very nice buffer between the retail
developments and the residential areas," Mr White said.
1. What is the purpose of this article?
A. To introduce a new mayor
B. To announce the community leader of the year award
C. To describe the importance of the land donation
D. To talk about cases of new construction projects
2. Who is the representative of Walton Development LLC?
A. Mr. Simpson
B. Ms. Walton
C. Mr. White
D. Ms.Hamilton
3. What is Not true about this article?
A. Star Circle is a residential area
B. A pond will be built for the retail center
C. The land donation is made by the developer
D. The retail center will be built on main Street
Câu 39: Notice of Suspension of Bus Service
To all users of the buses serving this stop:
As of March 30, city bus service on the following lines will be suspended:
34 to downtown
35 from downtown
56 to the airport
57 from the airport
Riders from this neighborhood can access the downtown area on the 23 bus. The
closest stop is on the corner of Maple Avenue, three blocks to the north. Special
airport shuttles leave from the Fruitlands Shopping Mall where you can buy a bus
pass, five blocks west of here, every 30 minutes throughout the day. City bus passes
are valid on the airport shuttles.
1. What will happen on March 30?
A. Buses will be added to some routes.
B. Some bus routes will stop running.
C. The cost of bus passes will increase.
D. A new bus stop will be built.
2. What can bus riders do at the shopping mall?
A. Buy a bus pass
B. Catch the 23 bus
C. Get a ride to the airport
D. Take the bus to Maple Avenue
3. The word "access" in line 9 is closest in meaning to
A. view
B. return
C. depart
D. reach
Câu 40: This month, Rockford Sports has experienced an unexpected increase in
the sale of running shoes,

Executives feel that this was due in large part to the new ad campaign released in
February. The campaign was orchestrated by Albert Sterling, the Director of
Advertising. Mr. Sterling has dedicated twenty years of his life to Rockford Sports;
he started as a shoes salesman and has been steadily working his way up the
corporate ladder ever since. He has held his current position for the last five years.
Unfortunately, Mr. Sterling will be retiring in March so the Hiring Committee has
spent the past year trying to find a suitable replacement. Just last week, a candidate
was chosen for the position: Roy Portsmouth. For the past ten years, Mr.
Portsmouth has been the Executive Advertising Assistant at Famous Feet's
corporate headquarters in Milan. Mr. Portsmouth is respected for his keen
marketing sense and strategic planning skills. In particular, he is famous for
introducing ad campaigns that helped increase Famous Feet's international brand
power, and boosted its total retail profits by 25 percent. Clearly, Mr. Portsmouth
will be a powerful addition to our company, and we hope all employees make him
feel welcome.
1. Where might this announcement be found?
A. A product catalogue
B. A local newspaper
C. A company newsletter
D. A shoe store
2. Who is Mr. Sterling?
A. A department store clerk
B. A retiring employee
C. The Executive Advertising Assistant
D. A member of the Hiring Committee
3. What is TRUE about Mr. Sterling?
A. He worked as a salesman for a decade.
B. He knows Mr. Portsmouth personally.
C. He took the lead of a new ad campaign.
D. He introduced a successful budget plan.
Câu 41: New Students!
Welcome to Blue Oak High School!
Congratulations on being accepted to Blue Oak High School. You are about to begin
three exciting years and wake memories that will stay with you forever.
We will have our freshman student orientation next Wednesday (September 2nd) in
the school gymnasium. The opening ceremony will begin at 9 a.m. You should arrive
to check attendance at 8:30 a.m. Don't be late on your first day! You will need to
bring your student ID card and a copy of your class schedule. You will have a chance
to talk with some of your new teachers, and you can ask them questions about your
schedule and classes. It will also be a good chance to meet your new classmates.
Last year, we had the famous movie actor Tim Grimley as a guest speaker (Tim
graduated from Blue Oak High in 1990). This year, our guest speaker is a surprise!!!
If you want to know who it is, you have to come to the orientation and see
The gymnasium is easy to find. Just go to the library and turn left. The gymnasium
is the blue building next to the cafeteria. You will find a map ofthe school on the
reverse of this letter.
After the orientation you will be dismissed and classes will begin at 8:30 a.m on
1. What do the freshman students have to take with them to the orientation?
A. Their parents
B. Some money for food
C. Their ID cards and class schedules
D. Their schoolbooks
2. Where is the orientation going to be?
A. At Tim Grimley's house
B. In the cafeteria
C. In the library
D. In the gymnasium
3. Who is Tim Grimley?
A. A teacher speaking at the orientation
B. A former student from the school
C. The school's principal
D. The surprise guest at this year's orientation
Câu 42: Green hills country club
Our events for the month of April
Campfire barbecue
Date and time: 2nd, 4th Wednesday of the month, 5.00p.m-9.00 pm
Open to: members of the country club
Time details: Refreshments: 5.00 p.m
Barbecue dinner: 7.00 p.m
Special lecture: "Think like a golf pro" by John Turlington
Date and time: April 8
Open to: public
Exhibit: "History's Greatest Golfers" Exhibit and Lecture
Dr. Ed Brubaker, Lecturer, renowned sports history
Professor at Wesson University
Date and time: April 10- April 13, whole-day exhibit
Open to: public
Time details for dinner reservation on April 13
Cocktails: 5.30 p.m
Dinner: 6.30 p.m
Lecture by Dr. Ed Brubaker: 7.30
Jazz night: (Musician to be determined)
Date and time: every Wednesday, 6.00 p.m-1.00 a.m
Open to: members of the country club and their families
1. Which event takes place every other week?
A. Jazz night
B. "History's Greatest Golfers" Exhibit
C. "Think Like a Golf Pro" Lecture
D. Campfire Barbecue
2. What is the exhibition about?
A. The origin of golf as a sport
B. The Premier golf players of all time
C. How to be the best golfer
D. Wesson University's sports program
3. Who can attend Jazz night?
A Professors
B. Musicians
C. Club members
D. Anyone
Câu 43: TR Exhibition to be held
Tyler Remington, President of Tyler Remington Inc., announced that the company
would be hosting its fifth annual TR Programming Exhibition in July. The event is
held every year to give professional computer programmers a chance to test new
software developed by TR Inc. The event is also a means for the company to consult
with some of the world's most talented programmers about technology trends.
The event attracts programmers from around the world, and most of the individuals
who attend are self-employed, or own their own web design and consulting
company. Since the exhibition began five years ago, it has become known as the
single most important programming event of the years In the past, it has been hosted
in Seattle, Sydney, Berlin, and Moscow. This year's event is scheduled to take place
in Hyderabad, India, as it is rapidly becoming the technology capital of the world.
To register, simply fill out the online form which can be downloaded from the
company's website at Or, you can request a paper application
by calling 1-800-265-8795. A registration fee of $195 must also be paid by June 25
with the application. Only credit card payments are accepted.
1. What is the reason for having the exhibition?
A. To recruit employees
B. To test new computer programs
C. To help small businesses prosper
D. To display popular electronics
2. Who will most likely attend the exhibition?
A. Business owners
B. Potential investors
C. College graduates
D. Professional gamers
3. Why will the exhibition be held in Hyderabad?
A. The company just opened a consulting firm in the area.
B. The programmers decided it was the most convenient location.
C. It is known to have many established software companies.
D. Its technology shows the most rapid growth in the world.
Câu 44: Top World Travel
189th Ave Ste 6
New York, NY
Phone (212) 297-8322
Dear Mr. Springer,
Thank you for doing business with us. I am writing to give you detailed information
about your trip to Canada on June 30. I enclosed your airplane tickets and a copy of
your final itinerary. I also included the luggage tags you will need for your tour. I
strongly recommend that you arrive at the airport at least two hours before your
departure time.
As you mentioned the last time we talked on the phone, all travel expenseshave been
paid by your credit card. However, I found out that $50 has beenadded for the meal
plan because you are a vegetarian.
Please review the attached information and feel free to contact me if youhave any
Kimberly Kim
1. Who most likely wrote this letter?
A. Mr. Springer
B. A travel agent
C. A department head
D. A flight attendant
2. According to the letter, what will happen on June 302
A. The itinerary will be released
B. The tour will end
C. Mr. Springer's credit card will be charged
D. Mr. Springer will leave for Canada
3. What is NOT enclosed with the letter?
A. Suitcase labels
B. A tour schedule
C. A list of members Mr. Springer will travel with
D. Airplane tickets
Câu 45: Price Terms
Important Price Information
Unless otherwise expressly noted, all prices are per person, based on double
occupancy of the stateroom and are quoted in U.S dollars and include meal and
Alliance Cruises Inc. reserves the right to increase its prices without prior notice;
however, if you have confirmed your booking with a deposit, or if you have already
made your final payment, your price will be protected.
Alliance Cruises separately assesses airport facility charges and certain departure
taxes and other taxes/fees that are implemented by various governments or quasi-
governmental bodies.
1. What is NOT true about the price?
A. Prices are per person.
B. Prices are based on single occupancy.
C. Prices are subject to change by the company.
D. Prices are quoted in U.S dollars.
2. In which case can the company not change the price?
A. When a customer already confirmed a reservation.
B. When a customer already paid the price in full.
C. When a customer paid government taxes.
D. When a customer paid the price in U.S dollars.
3. Which of the following is included in the price?
A. Airport facility charges
B. Government taxes
C. Departure taxes
D. Meal and beverages
Câu 46: To: Fresh Food Deliveries Ltd.
From: Hazel's Coffee and Sandwiches
Re: Order placed February 20th
Date: February 22nd
I placed an order for supplies on February 20th. The order was delivered this
morning. However, some items were either missing or incorrect. This is not the first
time this has happened.
Below is a list of discrepancies:
I ordered 6 loaves of bread. I did not receive any bread. I ordered 36 eggs. I received
only a few eggs, about 6.
I ordered 5kg of tomatoes, but there weren't any tomatoes in the delivery. Also, I
ordered some mayonnaise, but there was none in the delivery
I rely on these supplies to run my business. I have no choice but to choose another
deliverer, whom I can trust to get things right every time
1. What is the purpose of this fax?
A. To say thank you for a delivery
B. To make a complaint
C. To place an order
D. To correct a mistake about a bill
2. How many items were incorrect?
A. 36 eggs
B. All of them
C. Four
D. Just the tomatoes
3. What will the the result of this fax?
A. The writer will continue to use Fresh Food deliveries.
B. The writer will use a different delivery company.
C. The writer will close her business.
D. The writer will receive some money back.
To: Marketing staff
From: Jonathan Blair
Date: August 22
RE: New Advertising Campaign
We are very excited about our new line of infant clothes this year. The following
will give you a general outline of the marketing strategies we have planned to help
promote our new clothes. As you all know, this is our first attempt in this market,
and we are anticipating great results. And to add to this, we have put together our
biggest and most expensive ad campaign in several of the country's largest media.
Everyone is encourages to submit comments and ideas to the Marketing Department
A thirty-second commercial on 3 of the largest networks during primetime hours (7-
9 p.m) for three months. A total of 4 showings on each station daily. Also 5 showings
between 9-11 p.m. on Saturdays and 6 showings on Sundays.
Will feature a three-page advertisement complete with colorful illustrations and
discount coupons. Will be inserted into the middle of all major newspapers in the
city on weekend editions for two months.
Advertising posters on major routes around the city. A total of 5,00 posters will
posted for 1 month.
1. Who is the target audience for the new products being launched?
A. Babies
B. Children
C. Adults
D. Seniors
2. What can be inferred from the memorandum?
A. Local television is airing a special on the company
B. The company is breaking into a new market.
C. An article about the company has been printed in the local paper.
D. The subway and bus strikes will affect the company.
3. How many times will the ad be aired on a weekday on one station?
A. 3 times
B. 4 times
C. 5 times
D. 6 times
Câu 48: To: all employees
From: The management
As we enter the cold and flu season, the management wants to remind all employees
to wash their hands after using the restroom and before returning hd work. This is
especially important for cooks, waiters and waitresses. As most of you are aware,
germs, viruses and bacteria are passed on mainly through hand contact. Here at The
Spring Sandwich restaurant, hygiene and cleanliness are our number one priority.
This policy will be strictly enforced. Thank you for attention in this matter.
The Management
1. What is the name of the restaurant?
A. The management
B. The Happy sandwich
C. The Winter Season
D. The Spring sandwich
2. Which season is approaching?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Fall
D. Winter
3. What is the restaurant's main priority?
A. Serving delicious food
B. Having the lowest prices in town
C. Hygiene and cleanliness
D. Having the most polite staff
Supervisor: Glenn Santos
Telephone: 508-420-2258
Fax: 508=428-9139
Office Hours: Sun thru Sat 7:30 to 3:30
Press Release (June 15]
Barnesville Transfer Station and Recycling Center
Effective July 1st we will be accepting #1 thru #7 Plastics.
In our continued effort to make recycling easier for residents of the Town of
Barnesville, all plastics, tin cans and aluminum foil will be put into one container.
All paper and cardboard will be put into another container. Glass will continue to be
separated into two containers. (Clear and Mixed)
Please visit our recycling area and see our new setup.
1. What is the main purpose of the notice?
A. To announce the opening of the community center
B. To recruit volunteers
C. To announce a schedule change
D. To inform residents of a change
2. Which of the following cannot be put together?
A. Plastics and aluminum
B. Paper and cardboard
C. Cardboard and glass
D. Tin cans and aluminum
3. What can be learned from the notice?
A. The center received an award for its recycling effort.
B. Glenn Santos is in charge of the recycling office.
C. The change will be effective June 15.
D. It is the first time for the residents to implement a recycling plan.
Câu 50: PHOTOS.
You must submit 2 identical natural color photographs of yourself taken within 30
days of this application. The photos must have a white background, be unmounted,
printed on thin paper, and not have been retouched. They should show a three-quarter
frontal profile showing the right side of your face, with your right ear visible and
with your head bare (unless you are wearing a headdress as required by a religious
order of which you are a member). The photos should be no larger than 5cm x 5cm.
With a pencil, print your name, application number, and the date taken on the back
of each submitted photograph.
1. Which of the following is NOT a requirement for the two photographs?
A. That they be taken the day before being submitted
B. That they show the right side of the applicant's face
C. That they be exactly the same D. That the date they were taken be indicated
2. What is the only requirement for which an exemption is stated in the
A. The photos must be no larger than a certain size.
B. The information on the reverse must be written in pencil.
C. The head of the applicant must be shown bare.
D. The background of the photo must be a specific color.
3. What should appear on the back of the photo?
A. The application number
B. The size of the photo
C. The photographer's name
D. The address
Сâu 51 : Dear Mr. Samuel
We are very happy to receive your letter of application for a position with First
Trading. Unfortunately, we will not open in the Concord area at this time, but we
definitely need a sales manager based in the Boston area who can be in charge of
that part of area. If you want to be considered for this position, please fill in the
application which is enclosed and return it to us. Also, please let us know if you will
able to meet with us 2:00 on Tuesday or Wednesday of the first week of February.
I look forward to your reply.
Richard Anderson
First Trading Personnel Manager
1. Why isn't Samuel being hired to work in Concord?
A. He is not qualified for the position.
B. It is too far away for him.
C. There is not a position available.
D. He is a foreigner.
2. Where does the personnel manager want Samuel to work?
A. In Cleveland
B. In Concord
C. Somewhere downtown
D. In Boston
3. What does Samuel need to do first if he wants to work in Boston?
A. Complete a survey
B. Call an office
C. Drop by an office
D. Complete the application

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