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What Do Different Food Items Contain?

 Food is the basic requirement for all living organisms.
 It provides energy for carrying out the normal physiological activities.

Components of Food
 Different components have different nutrients.
 They all come together to provide wholesome nourishment to us.
 E.g. Rotis and rice contain predominantly carbohydrates.
 Dal, eggs, meat etc contain proteins.
 Oil, ghee contain fat.

Sources of Carbohydrates,
Proteins, Vitamins & Minerals and Fats
 (Clockwise, from the left upper corner)

What Do Various Nutrients Do for Our Body?

 Carbohydrates are present mostly as starch.
 They provide us energy and are thus energy giving food.
 Wheat, Potato, Rice etc. are good sources of carbohydrates.
 Carbohydrates present in any food item are tested by Iodine test.
 Few drops of dilute iodine solution are added to the sample food item.
 If the colour changes from brown to blue-black, the presence of starch is confirmed.
Iodine test for the presence of Starch

 Proteins are the bodybuilding nutrients.
 They are needed to build every single part and organ of the body.
 They help in growth and repair of our body.
 Eggs, Meat, Lentils etc are good sources of proteins.
 Proteins in the sample food are tested by copper sulfate and caustic soda solutions.
 Sample food item is made into very dilute paste and above solutions are added to it.
 If the colour of the resulting solution changes to purple, presence of protein is

Test for Protein

 Fats are high energy nutrients.
 They are needed in a moderate amount by the body.
 Fats are the reserved food material of our body.
 Oils, ghee, butter etc are the sources of fat.
 Fats in the food are tested by a simple paper test.
 A little amount of sample food is wrapped in a paper and crushed.
 If the paper gets an oily patch, the presence of fat in the food is confirmed.
Patch test for Fats

 Fibres are materials that add bulk to the food.
 Humans cannot use fibres as a nutrient.
 But they help in the easy movement of the food along the digestive system.

Deficiency Diseases
Balanced Diet
 A balanced diet is a diet that has all the necessary nutrients in the amount that is
needed for normal body functioning.

 A Balanced Diet for Healthy Body

Deficiency Diseases
 Deficiency diseases are caused by the lack of certain nutrients.
 These diseases can be treated by a properly balanced diet.
 If the body is deficient in vitamin we get vitamin deficiency diseases.
 E.g. scurvy, pellagra, Rickets etc.
 If minerals are deficient, then we get mineral deficiency diseases.
 E.g. iron deficiency leads to anaemia, phosphorus deficiency leads to weak bones and

Food Sources
 Vitamins are the essential nutrients that help us in maintaining normal body functions
and also fight off infections.
 Fruits and vegetables are the major sources of vitamins.
 Vitamins also keep our eyes, bones, teeth, gums and skin healthy.
 A, B complex, C, D, E and K are the vitamins we get from different foods.      
 Minerals are important substances that help your body's form and function on many
different levels.
 Minerals are essential for various metabolic functions including growth and organ
 Important minerals required for our body are sodium, potassium, calcium,
zinc,iron, phosphorus, magnesium etc.

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