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NO. MATRIK: D20102046834






This report has been written because partially to fulfill the requirement needed for the
PPG course. It required doing an interview report on a prominent person who has contributed to
the community. The interviewee could be a Headmaster, local doctor, Excellent teacher etc. It
required to do pre-interview outline to determine the objectives and scope of the interview. The
outline will consist about the appointment with the interviewee, the location of the interview,
questions that would be asked, items used in the interview (tape recorder, pen etc.), the time
frame of the interview and the interviewee himself weather he or she is the right person who
have all the information needed that reach the purpose of the interview. The outline could help
the interviewer to be more confident in doing the interview and show a little appreciation to the
interviewee that the session is done with homework, to show the integrity of the interviewer and
everything he or she said matters. It helps to identify the objectives, scope of the interview and
make the session easier.


The objectives of this report are to determine the achievements, techniques, skills,
credibility, integrity and responsibility of an excellent teacher, Tuan Haji Ahmad Bin Othman
and what he had contributed to the school, the teachers, the students and the community.
Throughout the report, the interviewee will give the steps that he took that make him a sample of
dedication as a teacher.

The first objective is to look at his teaching techniques. It consists on how he manages all
his teaching method on his students, the skills he used to overcome any obstacles in his daily
basis and as a member in the school management (Sekolah Menengah Vokasional Alor Setar).
Second objective is to know how to react as a good teacher. It consists on the ability to
give a full commitment in teaching and guiding his students to perform as a great students and a
human alike. It also is focusing on how he manages his job as a Senior Assistant Teacher to lead
the school to be a great school. It focuses on his credibility, integrity and his responsibility.

Third objective is to look at his contributions to the community. It consists on what he

had achieved throughout the years he had been a teacher. It included the achievements for the
school, the students and the community. It will show how he handled matters at hand with proper
judgement. It showed on how his profession had influenced him to be a man of dignity to the
community he served.


This report examines the advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher. It covers most
of the life of Tuan Haji Ahmad Bin Othman as a teacher.

The advantages will include everything that he had achieved as a teacher throughout the
years. It will contain on how the Falsafah Pendidikan Negara had affect his action and behaviour
as a human being. It also shows that all the skills and techniques he practices had shown
progresses after years of experimenting and experiencing himself on his subjects (students,
teachers and community) he served.

The disadvantages will include on how he react as a normal person and try so hard not to
be a teacher. The profession has taken so much of him that sometimes he cannot differentiated
between the job and the normal life (example : to be a good citizen and a father). He always had
to be a teacher in every aspect of his life. It will discuss on how he tried to overcome and solve
the problem.

It does not examine Tuan Haji Ahmad Bin Othman personal life because the interview is
only focusing him as an excellent teacher, the steps he took to be one of the best among the best.

Name : Tuan Haji Ahmad bin Othman

Current Post : Guru Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran

Date holding current post : 01.09.2005 until now

Previous Post : Guru Penolong kanan Ko Kurikulum

Date holding previous post : 01.08.2003 until 01.09.2005

Educational Information

Primary : SRK Tok Keling Alor Setar

( 01-01-1977 - November 1982)

Secondary : SMK Tajar (01.01.1983 – Nov 1987)

SMK Dato Syed Omar Alor Setar (1988-1989)

Universiti Malaya : Sarjana Muda Sastera Bahasa Melayu ( 1990-1994)

Universiti Malaya : Diploma Pendidikan (1994-1995)

Current Office : Sekolah Vokasional Alor Setar, Kompleks Pendidikan,

Jalan Stadium,05100, Alor Setar, Kedah Darul Aman.

(Since 1996)

I met Tuan Haji Ahmad bin Othman just a couple years ago. From that time I learnt a lot
in being a good teacher. He had shown all of the criteria on how exactly to be a teacher, a sample
of dedication and commitment, a true hero among all the educators all around Malaysia.

On Sunday morning, 24th April 2011, arrangement was made to interview Tuan Haji
Ahmad Bin Othman, an Excellent Teacher of Sekolah Menengah Vokasional Alor Setar and also
a Senior Assistant of Curriculum at the school. The interview had been done in a comfort of his
office in the school. It all started sharply at 8.30 am in the morning just after he had finished
preparing his lesson for his next class.

Tuan Haji Ahmad is an average good looking guy but something in him that shows the
man he had become after years being a teacher. The way he put things out shown that he is a
man of experienced in handling the interview. He liked to tell stories especially about the school
and the profession of teaching.

He had stated that teachers are among the person that probably had been chosen to be a
teacher because he said that not everybody could be an educator unless they are teachers. The
profession that put him in many situations that he could not think about before he had became a
teacher. Job that need full attention in every aspect because teachers are dealing with the nation
future assets that need good guidance and tolerance to prepare them to be a good end product to
build up the country.

It never an easy tasks, each day preparing the lessons for the classroom, most of the time
consult the students to be good, making tough decisions on the right path to take for the school
everyday could put someone into astray but not to this man, who put almost of his time making
just that because of the responsibility he had in him to see his students and his country have a
good future together. Throughout the conversation he had shown confident and thoughtful in
giving his opinions, suggestions or just telling a story. He had told the history of the school and
its achievements and its plan for the future show that he took the teaching profession seriously.
Teaching for him is not just a job but more to responsibility that he must do before
anything else. Teaching others had made him learned more about himself. It taught him how to
conduct himself properly in the school and in the community. He stated that teaching had offered
him vast of experienced than any other profession out there could. He had learned how to
communicate with others, handling things properly, managing his time accordingly and most
importantly for him is learned how to speak in public freely. He said in a free nation we could
exercise our speech freely without any doubt.

Through the interview also he had stated that in order to make education as a sole
purpose in life will take us on a never ending journey. Every day, we will learn something new
and it’s up to us to justify it whether it is good or bad. The education system in Malaysia for him
is one of the best in the world. It is because the system is for everybody and no one will be left
out. The government has given so much to make the citizen educated and nowadays it has shown
great progress that the percentage of people that still can’t read or write is too small for a big
country like Malaysia.

Vocational education for him gives big opportunities for Malaysian’s to improve
themselves and at the same time it improves the nation. It gives more selection for the students
and helps the students who did not do well in PMR examination a chance to further their study.
At the same time, the vocational schools around the country had provided skills workers that
have the abilities to do jobs as good as the foreign workers or even better. It helps the country to
decrease the need for foreign workers because we have the skill workers ourselves. The system
had stand for its name and purposes. So far, it had produces many professionals in vast selections
of work in the country.

The downside of being a teacher according to him is a teacher will always be a teacher no
matter where we are, in school, at home or in the community. In any situations or cases a teacher
will always had to do with everything. Everybody out there could tell if you are a teacher just by
the way you acted, behaved, talked or even dressed and for him it is a downside because
sometime teachers will also need some space for themselves. It is because in every level of
community teachers will play a big role, for example a wedding ceremony in a village or even
big events that need formality, teachers had a role to play. Sometimes, teachers need to be
somebody they are not just to consult or solve the problems that occur in the school and in the
community, but like he said before teachers will be teachers and there are always helping hands
if needed.

Although, the downside will sometime let him down but it is just a part of his task as a
teacher. For him that is the only thing that being bothering him in a good way. The responsibility
towards the students and the nation is much more important than to be bothered by some minor
problems. This is the way teachers suppose to be. A teacher should be tough, discipline,
responsible, do not afraid to face any obstacles, give full attention towards the job and strict to
fulfill the requirements of the education system itself. He stated in fulfilling the Education
Philosophy to build up the students physically, mentally, intellectually and discipline, teachers
need to be consistence in guiding and showing the students to reach the objective. This is the
main priority for him in doing his job for all these years. The achievements that the school get is
just bonuses for the teachers especially because it shows that the teachers had done their part to
teach and guide the students, it means the teachers had done their job properly and that is the
only point matter when the students had great achievements in their study and in their life.

The greatest achievement for him is to see his students had a successful life. It is because
he felt that he had done his job properly and he did. A teacher teaches in school and sometimes
outside the school, off the times tables a teacher still doing his job. He said it is a task for a saint
to teach people to be good, teachers do just as same as that and do the job is like planting a tree
and waiting the fruits to ripe before we can taste its sweetness. When it times to taste it, which is
the most pleasurable moment of all. The philosophies and advices given prove that Tuan Haji
Ahmad bin Othman is an Excellent Teacher, his plans and hope for a greater education for his
students will lives on. He is a good example of being a teacher in every aspect that needs to be

Question 1 : Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to you sir. First of all I would
like to say thank you for having this interview. Alright, my first question,
can you tell about the brief history of this school?

Tn. Ahmad : Waalaikumsalam, it is a great pleasure for me to do this interview. Well,

this school had a long history. It had opened occasionally on 1 st January
1973 and known as Sekolah Menengah Vokasional Alor Setar. At its early
stage of operations, the school had operated at Sekolah Menengah Teknik
Alor Setar for seven month before it was transferred its operations to
where it is now at Kompleks Pendidikan, Jalan Stadium, Alor Setar,
Kedah. The first batch had only 120 students with 20 teachers and 3 of
supporting staff. At that time, the school had offered only 1 academic
stream that was Sijil Pelajaran Vokasional Malaysia (SPVM). It contained
6 courses that were Kursus Perdagangan, Menggegas dan Memesin, Kaji
Sawat Motor, Binaan Bangunan, Pemasangan Elektrik dan Kerja
Kimpalan Logam. All the courses had been delivered in Bahasa Melayu
and English.

Question 2 : It is an interesting information to gathered. So, how the school had

evolved through the years it had operated?

Tn. Ahmad : Since 1979, every courses offered here had been delivered totally in
Bahasa Melayu. In 1983, 2 types of academic streams had been offered to
the students and the 2 courses were Sijil Pelajaran Vokasional Malaysia
(SPVM) and Aliran Kemahiran (Basic Skills) courses. In 1998, the school
had reached to its new level when it had been appointed to be Sekolah
Menengah Teknik Jalan Stadium (SMTJS) and once again the school had
more to offer to its students in Technical courses that had been introduced
to its academic streams. Some of the headmasters that had served in this
school were En. Mohd Dom bin Yunoss (1973-1977), En. Abdul Wahid
bin Ahmad (1978-1979), En. Abdul Rahman bin Abd Raof (1980-1999),
Tn. Hj. Ismail bin Hj. Saari (2000-2004), En. Mustafa bin Abd Hamid
(2004-2006),Tn. Hj. Sulaiman bin Md Zain (2006-2010) dan Pn. Maria
binti Suid (2010 – until now). Started January 2010, the school once again
had changed its name to Sekolah Menengah Vokasional Alor Setar
(SMVAS) because the government need more skills individuals in human
resource provided for the good of the growing nation. So, this school are
among the selected few being given the opportunity to perform the task. I
am very proud of it and hope i can contributed more to fill in the need of
the nation. Nowadays, Sekolah Menengah Vokasional Alor Setar
(SMVAS) have 631 students, 108 teachers and 20 supporting staff. It has
grown drastically in every aspect since the time it was born and hopefully
it will continue growing and evolving toward the demanding future.

Question 3: I hope so too. Well, the next question is what are the courses offered to the
students if they are interested to further their study here?

Tn. Ahmad: The school offer 2 academic streams if the students wanted to further their
study here. There are Aliran Kemahiran (Skills stream) and Aliran
Vokasional (Vocational stream). For Aliran Kemahiran, usually we
offered the students who do not do well in their Penilaian Menengah
Rendah (PMR) examination. They will learn basic skills in different kind
of field such as carpentry, machines, electrics etc. They will not sit for
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) but they will sit for Sijil Kemahiran
Malaysia which prepared by Department of Human Resource, Ministry of
Human Resource (Jabatan Tenaga Manusia, Kementerian Sumber
Manusia). Most of them will be offered jobs when they have finished their
study here. It is easy for them to get work with their skills already had
been developed here. For Aliran Vokasional, the Scheme of Work and
lesson plans are the same as any other schools in the country because we
are using the format provided by Ministry of Education but at the same
time the skills syllabus will be added to their classes. These students will
sit for Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) and most of them will have their
opportunity to further their study at Polytechnics all around Malaysia.

Question 4: What are the achievements of the school so far?

Tn. Ahmad: Actually, there are many glorious moments of the school that I could share
with you but some of the highest achievements of the school were the
winner for 3K Kategori Teknik dan Vokasional peringkat Kebangsaan in
1995, runner up for Anugerah Kualiti Menteri Pendidikan in 1998,
Anugerah Inovasi Sempena Hari Q Peringkat Kebangsaan, Jabatan
Pendidikan Teknikal in 1999, runner up for Anugerah Pengurusan
Kewangan dan Perakaunan Sekolah kategori SMT dan Asrama Penuh
Peringkat Kebangsaan in 2000, runner up for 3K kategori Teknik dan
Vokasional Peringkat Kebangsaan in 2003 and won the title for
Pengurusan Asrama Institusi JPT Peringkat Kebangsaan in 2003. After all
the years the school operated, I’m proudly to say that the school had
offered the best for its students and for the community. Most of the
students graduated here had achieved their target in life and I think the
school and the teachers here have done their part in making that possible.
The greatest achievement of all as an educator and a teacher is to look at
what we have done to our students whether they gained benefits from us
or not, and to see our students got what they’re here for is the highest
pleasure of all. This is important because we as the educator took full
responsiblity to our students action after they’ve finished their study
whether they are going to be able to survive out there or not, if they are
going to be able to contribute to the community and the country and
whether they are going to be a good citizens or not, these are all will be
backfire to us if they do not do well in their life afterwards. So far, all the
students here had shown good progress and dedication in every aspect of
life they are in, espeacially in serving their community and workplace. So,
I feel thankful and appreciate to them because they have shown such a
quality and it also shows that we as their teachers had done our jobs

Question 5: Well, it is a pleasure indeed to know such a fact. So, the final question,
What are the hope and the school mission for the future?

Tn. Ahmad: Well, the school will continue to trained students to be well descipline and
responsible because they are going to be an important asset for the nation.
We also hope with all the skills and knowledge gathered here would help
them to build up their career, build up strong self confidence in facing the
world, build up trust for others to receive them in workplace and in the
community, hopefully they could further their study to higher level
education such as take a degree in a university etc. And hopefully they can
fulfill the nation’s target to decrease the need of foreign workers. It is
important for us also to make sure the vision and mission of the school to
be realized because in order to deliver good education we have to be able
to stand at a certain point of quality. For example, we need to have good
facilities for the students to be able to learn in a condusive environment,
the lab need to have all the latest equipments and instruments to make sure
it has the standard of the industries out there and also to cope up with the
technologies, so, the students will be able to get the latest information of
what they are dealing with outside the school, prepare the teachers with
new informations throughout seminar, courses etc., organizing the
management to be in a good standard and make sure the school have good
environment for the students to learn and to build up themselves mentally
and physically to prepare for the future. Nowadays, Sekolah Menengah
Vokasional Alor Setar (SMVAS) is one of the well known school in the
district that offered subjects in vocational and skills streams for the
students who already took their Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR)
examination. The school mission is to get distinction result in Sijil
Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2011 and put itself in top ten position for the
best school in Kota Setar district. Hopefully, we could stand at the same
level as Sekolah Menengah Sultanah Asma, Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid
and Sekolah Menengah Sultanah Bahiyah. I do also hope that the school
could maintain and uphold its reputation as one of the greatest and
workhard to achieve more in the future.

Megat: Hopefully, it will come true for you and for the school and thank you very
much for having this interview.

Tn. Ahmad: You are welcome and it was a pleasure doing this interview.

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