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Lesson Plan

P.I. – Market Leader


15.03.2004 / 12.30-14.10


By the end of my lesson the students will be better able to:

1) understand the meaning of certain lexical items concerning e-commerce and shopping AND USE THEM
2) listen to short interviews about selling online for gist and specific information
3) speak about selling online using the appropriate vocabulary


Market Leader – Course Book, Practice File, cassette, I assume that they already know:
Business Communication Games ● The basic vocabulary concerning selling online

What PROBLEMS do you anticipate the students/ you What SOLUTIONS will you use to help overcome these
might encounter during the lesson? problems?

1. LEAD-IN Ss will be tuned in to ● T - on board: SELLING ONLINE -> Questions: A. ‘What does it mean to T-S 10 min.
what they are going to you?’; B. ‘Have you ever bought anything online?’ (open discussion) S-S
● T writes on the board “…don’t get better online.” Ss suggest the beginning and
express their opinions regarding the quotation.

2. SPEAKING Ss will be better able ● Ss are divided into groups of “for” and “against” selling online – debate – T S-S 10 min. Course
to express their writes on the board arguments for and against. Book,
opinions about selling cassette

3. PRE- Ss will be better able ● Matching exercise - Handout – in pairs, Ss match the words with their S-S 5 min.
TEACH to do the vocab. definitions.
VOCAB. exercises.

4. FEEDBACK Ss will be able to 10 min.

correct their mistakes ● Ss exchange papers and check their colleagues’ answers. T assists and clarifies S-S
certain meanings if necessary.
5.VOCABULA Ss will be better able
-RY to understand the ● In pairs, Ss do ex. A, B, p. 14-15. – With feedback between them 5 min.
meaning of different
lexical items
6. FEEDBACK ● T writes the answers for A on the board. Ss check. S-S 5 min.
● For ex. B, Ss and T check together and T explains if Ss have something they
don’t understand.

7. LEAD-IN Ss will be tuned in to

TO what they are going to ● T: ‘What sites do you generally visit, do you visit any online bookshop?’ T-S 15 min.
LISTENING hear ● T writes on the board the internet address and asks Ss if they
have heard of it – short discussion.
S-S 10 min.
8. LISTENING Ss will be better able ● Ss make predictions, listen and check their predictions - Ss listen to the T-S
- GIST to listen to short interview and answer the quest: ‘What do you need to create a successful
interviews online business?’
FEEDBACK ● Ss do ex. A, p. 15. Predict then listen to check
S-S 10 min.
9. LISTENING Ss will be able to ● Ss listen to the 2nd part of the interview and answer the quest. from B / p. 15. T T-S
– Intensive task correct their mistakes and Ss talk about the answers.
● Ss listen to the 3rd part and do ex. C / p. 15 – true-false questions.
● After each ex., Ss and T check and talk about it.

10. FOLLOW- Ss will be able to S-S 10 min.

UP - express their opinion ● Ss express their opinion concerning selling online and street retailing. – they T-S
SPEAKING concerning selling work in pairs, then report to the class or check with the other pairs.
online and street

11. WRAP-UP ● T and Ss speak about the lesson – quick check. Homework: ML Pract. File, p.
8, ex. A, B, C, D

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