The Immigrated Russian Cossacks

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The immigrated

Russian Cossacks

The Preparations
Tomorrow we are going to be sailing to the USA with my two best
friends. We all are Russian Cossacks and have nished our
Cossack duties and thus have the right to retire. The Russian
Government has given us enough money to sail in economy. As
far as we know the economy section is crowded and if I
understand correctly the experience of steerage is like a
nightmare. So we three added some of our own money into it
and managed to get into 2nd class. The reason we are
immigrating you may ask. Well the Russian economy is quite
unstable and we constantly see internal ghts between people.
For example just recently the Cossacks were removed from the
Soviet Union. We also want to enjoy our lives since all our lives
have been tough. Since all of us are orphans we never really
managed to get proper education Over there I have found myself
Alaskei Dmytrovych
a chef job. My buddies on the other have found a professor and
banker. The decision to never come back to Russia unless needed Borovets
was made so we packed for the 12 Day Long Journey ahead.
r e a m co m e Tr u e
The D
The next day we arrived at the dock quite early since missing the ride would be
disastrous. We met our friends over there and waved goodbye. I immediately
changed my mind about the Second Class thing. We expected to have lots of
space however we only had enough place to sit on the chair. I while going to the
restroom ( which were highly unsanitary if I may add ) discovered the horrors of
the economy there were so many people all crammed into space so small that our
3 legged plastic chairs seemed like a dream come true. The air was foul and the
lack of any sound except groaning was chilling. These people all had to sit down
with their knees bent together I even wondered if these people got food. However
I knew that I could not help them so i returned to my seat ; Helpless.

Every single day there was the same. We wake up in our chairs and got up to the
cafeteria which was more like a lemonade stand where they handed us the food
and ordered us to go back to our seats . The food we got throughout the journey
was the same : 1 bowl of porridge , slice of bread and a bottle of water ( which was
half lled ) There was nothing we could do except wait. The rst days were kind of
interesting talking to each other however by the 6 day I noticed the pile of bodies
lying behind the cafeteria thats when I realised what we got ourselves into. My
friends after hearing news were shook and we barely talked until we got out of that

The New Beginning

6 years later we haven’t regretted a single thing about moving

here. We all here have a family. Dmitriy fell in love with the
person near his seat. Now that I think about it I am pretty sure
that he was talking to her the whole time. He has two kids
and had been promoted to the bank manager. Mikhail on the
other hand just recently got married. I married to a beautiful
woman and we have 1 son. I love him dearly.

Everyone got promoted I am now the Head Chef and Mikhail

is the Principal of a small government school.

We all still live in New York and every year go somewhere.

Like last year we went to France. This year however we are
going to Russia to refresh our memories.

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