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A survey among the people in Dhaka


A survey among the people in Dhaka

A report submitted to the BRAC Institute of Languages in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the Business and Human Communication course, Spring 2021

Prepared and submitted by

Alim Aldin Rohan - 17101202
Arja Paul - 17301006
Ritu Porna Roy - 16109022
Alethea Prity Gomes - 17304038
Maisha Mumtahana - 17104144

Submitted to
Dr. Faheem Hasan Shahed
Associate Professor
BRAC Institute of Languages

Date of Submission
20th May, 2021

BRAC University

20 May 2021

Dr. Faheem Hasan Shahed

Associate Professor
BRAC Institute of Languages
BRAC University
66, Mohakhali, Dhaka 1212, Dhaka

Subject: Submission of report

Dear Sir,

We have the pleasure and honor of submitting our study "The impact of technology on business
and society: A survey among the people in Bangladesh," which provided us with an excellent
opportunity to gain research and survey experience.

Technology has changed the way businesses operate by allowing small businesses to compete on
an equal level with larger corporations. We have yet to adopt this modern technology because we
are used to the conventional way of doing business. So, in this paper, we conducted a survey to
determine how much of an impact technology has on business and whether or not it is beneficial
to people.

We hope you will find this article interesting to read. Please feel free to contact us with any
questions or clarifications you might have. Please excuse us for any slight errors that we might
have made. We appreciate your cooperation.

Best Regards,
Alim Aldin Rohan (17101202)
Arja Paul (17301006)
Ritu Porna Roy (16109022)
Alethea Prity Gomes (17304038)
Maisha Mumtahana (17104144)

In modern days, technology has a great impact on how we work and conduct businesses. Even

during the pandemic period, many people had to work from home and had to get used to modern

technology to continue their work. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the impact of

technology. This study was conducted in May 2021. The survey was conducted on the people of

Bangladesh and their thoughts about the impact of technology on business are reflected in this

report. Hence, we have decided to conduct a comparative study on how much positive and

negative effect technology has on businesses.

With the blessing of almighty Allah, we finally finished our report on the topic named the impact
of technology on business and society: A survey among the people in Bangladesh. It was an
excellent experience for all of us.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Faheem Shahed sir, our
honorable course instructor, for this wonderful opportunity. We have learned and experienced
many important things through this mission that will undoubtedly assist us in the future.

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who has taken the time to support us
with the report by providing all of the information we need.

Table of Contents
Page no.
Forwarding letter
Table of contents
List of illustrations

1.0 Introduction 9

1.1 Background 9

1.1.1 History of technology in Bangladesh 9

1.1.2 Technological Influence on Business 9
1.1.3 Technological Influence on Society 9

1.2 Objectives 10
1.3 Scope 10
1.4 Research Methodology 11
1.4.1 Survey 11

1.5 Limitations 12

2.0 Findings and Analysis 13

2.1 Technology’s effects on Business 13

2.2 Technology and the Future of Human Work
2.3 Technology’s effects on society 27

3.0 Conclusion 29

4.0 Recommendations 30


List of Illustrations
Page no.

2.1 Technology’s effects on Business

Pie Chart: 2.1.1 Customer preference analysis 13

Pie Chart: 2.1.2 Targeting customer with technology 14

Pie Chart: 2.1.3 Identifying product’s demand with technology 15

Pie Chart: 2.1.4 Efficiency of technology 16

Pie Chart: 2.1.5 Positive effects of technology 17

Pie Chart: 2.1.6 Technology’s impact on small businesses 18

Pie Chart: 2.1.7 Technology’s impact on human interaction 19

Pie Chart: 2.1.8 Technology’s impact on building trust with clients 20

2.2 Technology and the Future of Human Work

Pie Chart: 2.2.1 Scope of new job opportunities 21

Bar Chart: 2.2.2 Impact of technology on economic growth 22

Pie Chart: 2.2.3 Technology’s impact on people’s productivity 23

Pie Chart: 2.2.4 Privacy of data 24

Pie Chart: 2.2.5 Impact of technology on labor class people 25

Pie Chart: 2.2.6 People’s adaptability with technology 26

2.3 Technology’s effects on society

Pie Chart: 2.3.1 Impact of technology on social life 27

Pie Chart: 2.3.2 Impact of technology on Unemployment 28


Artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and the Internet of things (IoT) are both driving
technology's potential to help companies achieve more with less and deliver better performance.
Businesses can use technology to reduce the time it takes from product concept to product
development, as well as the time it takes from product creation to consumer delivery while
employing fewer people. When automation and robotics take the place of humans who need
salaries and benefits, costs can be reduced. Although this may result in more goods and services
being available at cheaper costs, it can also result in a reduction in the number of customers for
such products and services. There has been a lot of research into which occupations and tasks
can be automated now and in the future. With employment vanishing, a new economy is
emerging, one in which employees are transformed into contract workers who move from gig to
gig in solitude. While this new work paradigm may allow some people to achieve a work/life
balance and follow their creative ambitions, it may also mean a life without stability or a future
for others. The outcome may be a two-tiered society in which the wealthy can afford high-priced
goods and services, while the poor need government aid because, despite the fact that items can
be made more easily, they cannot afford them and hence do not exist.

1.0 Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1.1 History of technology in Bangladesh

Bangladesh's working industry is undergoing a technological transformation. Nowadays

Computers are used in almost every office. The first computer in East Pakistan was an IBM
mainframe 1620 series, which was installed in 1964 at the Pakistan Atomic Energy
Commission's Dhaka headquarters (later the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission). In the
years that followed, particularly after Bangladesh's independence in 1971, computer use grew,
and more advanced IT equipment was installed in various educational, scientific, and financial
institutions. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) founded a computer
center in 1979, later renamed the Department of Computer Science & Engineering. The center
has played a key role in Bangladeshi IT education since its inception. Today many software are
built to make people's jobs easier, and many activities are being automated on a daily basis.

1.1.2 Technological Influence on Business

Since the Industrial Revolution and the invention of the assembly line, the industry has never
changed as rapidly as it has since the birth of the Internet. The technological transformation of
the last 20 years has radically altered how companies interact with one another, their consumers,
suppliers, and partners. Customers' access to a company's items, goods, and services are no
longer restricted by geography. Now Bangladeshis can shop around the world for products and
services that suit their needs at a price they can afford. Companies like backpack BD links to buy
products from Amazon, eBay, and other US and UK stores. Other companies like AliExpress are
also recognized by Bangladeshi customers for their support of direct shipment of foreign
products to Bangladesh.

1.1.3 Technological Influence on Society

Technology has an effect on how people interact, read, and think. It contributes to culture and
influences how people communicate on a regular basis. In today's world, technology plays a

critical role. It has both positive and negative effects on the environment, as well as a direct
influence on people's lives. Learning is one form of technology that has had a significant effect
on society. Learning has become more engaging and collaborative, allowing people to better
connect with the content they are learning and having difficulty with. It also improves your
access to services. Another area where technology has had an effect on culture is connectivity, or
how we speak and interact with one another across the world. Many modern forms of electronic
communication, such as emails and social networking, have emerged as a result of technological
advancements. However, studies show that mobile communication has a negative impact on
people's ability to be sociable and make face-to-face interaction. Mobile technology has the
potential to reduce interpersonal contact and relationships. There is less personal time, and you
may feel as though you don't have enough time for yourself because you are always in touch
with others. Finally, all of these technological influences have an effect on how people behave

1.2 Objectives
The study was conducted with the following primary goal in mind:

● To evaluate the impact of technology on the business and the society

The study also had the following secondary goals:

● To find the positive and negative impacts of technology on people

● To find out if technology can actually replace humans and whether people are ready to

accept it or not.

1.3 Scope
This report is focused on how Bangladeshi people are using technology in their workplaces. Our
research was conducted to find out whether technology is beneficial for business workers and job
holders and how much impact technology has on them. This report can help the people of the
country to change their point of view towards technological advancement in the business field.

Furthermore, people can recognize the benefits of technology in their daily work and how
efficiently people can work with the help of technology.

Moreover, people can also know the limitations of their knowledge in the technological field and
identify where they are lacking behind. They can also take the necessary steps to overcome it as
there are a lot of new job opportunities in the technological field.

Then again well-known technologically advanced companies can train people to get used to
modern technology and make people it for their own benefits

Lastly, our research will be beneficial for the working-class people and will benefit the people to
make their daily work easier and more efficient and make the business field more advanced and

1.4 Research Methodology:

As the research demands a review of largely secondary data, information has been gathered from

some books, journals, and mostly from surveys through Google Form. Where we chose Dhaka

city as the survey ground. Because the maximum data that we have collected from surveys

through Google form is from various workplaces within this city.

1.4.1 Survey:

To gather data and facts, the report used a Google form survey. The Google form survey was

chosen because it was the most efficient way to meet people in a short period. It was also easy

for respondents because the questions weren't really difficult to answer. There were various kinds

of questionnaires in the study. The majority of the questions were question-oriented, which

indicates that respondents had to fill out the questionnaire with yes and no or agree and disagree.

The survey questions were mostly focused on the audience's feedback. The total number of

questions was 16 about the point of view of people of ages around 20-59 years old on THE


total regarding the impact of technology on business and society. More or less, we have invited

all the senior employers, junior employees, even the apprentices, that means people of every age

to participate equally and to give their responses to the google form survey and some of them

gave us their opinion as most of them were unavailable due to pandemic and closure. There were

27 responses to this survey.

1.5 Limitations:

As we are doing this research through an online process due to the pandemic situation that’s why

we had to face some limitations or restrictions,

● Could not take mass interviews all over Bangladesh or even in Dhaka due to lockdown

● The report is mainly based on the opinion of the Dhaka based working class people

● The survey was based on only Private companies and farms

● Due to the pandemic and closure, we couldn’t reach many people to survey their opinion

● Shortage of time.

2.0 Chapter 2: Findings and Analysis

2.1 Technology’s effects on Business

Our first question was about technology is allowing companies to find new ways to understand
the preferences of customers. The survey shows that 100% of respondents agreed and 0% of
respondents disagreed.

Pie Chart: 2.1.1 Customer preference analysis

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. The respondents agreed with the fact that technology is allowing companies to
understand the preferences of customers. It seems that all the people who work are aware of the
technology’s impact on business. Overall, our focus was on the opinion of people who work in
private companies and firms.

Our second question was that by using technology, businesses can gather the attention of their
targeted and potential customers. The survey shows that 100% of people responded yes and 0%
of people responded no

Pie Chart: 2.1.2 Targeting customer with technology

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. The respondents agreed with the fact that businesses can gather the attention of
their targeted and potential customers by using technology. It seems that all the people who work
are aware of the positive impacts of technology. Our focus was mainly on the opinion of people
who work in private companies and firms.

Our third question was that businesses can identify the product’s demand in the market by using
technology. The survey shows that 85.2% people responded agree, 11.1% people responded
neutral and 3.7% people responded disagree.

Pie Chart: 2.1.3 Identifying product’s demand with technology

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents agreed with the fact that businesses can identify the
product’s demand in the market by using technology, but some of them were being neutral and a
very small part of the respondents disagreed with the fact. Our focus was mainly on the opinion
of people who work in private companies and firms as they are well aware of the impacts of
technology on business and society.

Our fourth question was that Artificial Intelligence can improve the overall efficiency of
production. The survey shows that 59.3% of respondents agreed, 25.9% of respondents strongly
agreed, 14.8% of respondents disagreed.

Pie Chart: 2.1.4 Efficiency of technology

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents agreed with the fact that A. I and robots can improve the
overall efficiency of the production, some of the respondents strongly agreed, and less of the
respondents disagreed with the fact. Our focus was mainly on the opinion of people who work in
private companies and firms because they are familiar with the efficiency of artificial
intelligence and robots and they are also aware of how they can improve production.

Our fifth question was about technologies having positive effects on business. The survey shows
that around 81.5% of people responded yes and around 18.5% of people responded no.

Pie Chart: 2.1.5 Positive effects of technology

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents agreed with the fact that technologies have positive effects
on business but some of the respondents were neutral with this particular fact. Our focus was on
the opinion of people who work in private companies and firms as they are aware of the positive
and negative impacts of technology on business and society. It seems that most of the working
people think that technologies have positive effects on business.

Our sixth question was about technologies that can help small businesses to compete with multi-
million-dollar corporations. The survey shows that around 44.4% of people respondents agree,
33.3% respondents disagreed, 18.5% respondents strongly agreed and the rest of the respondents
strongly disagreed.

Pie Chart 2.1.6 Technology’s impact on small businesses

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents agreed with the fact that technologies can help small
businesses to compete with multi-million-dollar corporations, some of the respondents strongly
agreed with the fact but some of them disagreed with this particular fact. It seems that most of
the working people think technologies can help small businesses to compete with multi-million-
dollar corporations for real. Our focus was on the opinion of people who work in private
companies and firms as they are concerned about the impacts of technology on business.

Our seventh question was that the biggest complaint about technology’s effect on the business is
the lack of human interaction. The survey shows that around 48.1% people responded yes, 29.6%
people responded neutral and 22.2% people responded no.

Pie Chart 2.1.7 Technology’s impact on human interaction

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents agreed with the fact that the biggest complaint about
technology’s effect on the business is the lack of human interaction. It seems that most of the
working people agree with the fact, some of them are neutral and the rest of them disagree with
this particular fact. Our focus was on the opinion of people who work in private companies and
firms as they know the negative impacts of technology as well.

Our eighth question was about whether it's more difficult to build a loyal and trusting
relationship with clients and business contacts by using technology. The survey shows that
around 48.1% of respondents agreed, 33.3% of respondents were neutral and 18.5% of
respondents disagreed.

Pie Chart 2.1.8 Technology’s impact on building trust with clients

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents agreed with the fact that it's more difficult to build a loyal
and trusting relationship with clients and business contacts by using technology. It seems that
most of the working people agree with the fact, some of them are neutral and the rest of them
disagree with this particular fact. Our focus was on the opinion of people who work in private
companies and firms as they know the negative impacts of technology as well.

2.2 Technology and the Future of Human Work

Our ninth question was that due to the technological revolution job opportunities can be created.
The survey shows that around 63% of people answered yes, 14.8% of people answered neutral
and 22.2% of people answered no.

Pie Chart: 2.2.1 Scope of new job opportunities

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents agreed with the fact that revolutionary technologies can
create new job opportunities, some of them remained neutral and the rest of them disagreed with
the fact. It seems that most of the working people think the revolution of technologies can create
new job opportunities. Overall, our focus was on the opinion of people who work in private
companies and firms as they know about how the technological revolution creates new job

Our tenth question was about how much impact technological advancement has on economic
growth. The survey shows that on a scale of 1 to 5, around 3.7% of people responded with less
impact, 14.8% people responded with neutral impact, 33.3% people responded with more
impact, and 48.1% people responded most impact.

Bar Chart: 2.2.2 Impact of technology on economic growth

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents agreed with the fact that technological advancement has
the most impact on economic growth, some of the respondents thought that technological
advancement has more impact, some of the respondents were neutral about the fact and the rest
of the respondents thought that technological advancement has lesser impact on economic
growth. It seems that most of the working people agree with the fact that technological
advancement has a greater impact on economic growth.

Our eleventh question was about people becoming less productive due to dependence on
technology. The survey shows that around 74.1% of people responded yes and around 25.9% of
people responded no.

Pie Chart: 2.2.3 Technology’s impact on people’s productivity

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents agreed with the fact that people are becoming less
productive due to dependence on technology. It seems that most of the respondents think that
people are becoming less productive as they are being more dependent on technology and the
rest of them think that people are not being less productive due to dependency on technology.
Our focus was on the opinion of people who work in private companies and firms as they have to
depend on technology most of the time and they will be able to justify the fact.

Our twelfth question was about whether the privacy of sensitive data will be compromised due to
automated tasks. The survey shows that around 70.4% of respondents voted yes, 22.2% of people
respondents voted neutral and the rest of them voted no.

Pie Chart: 2.2.4 Privacy of data

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents agreed with the fact that the privacy of sensitive data will
be compromised due to automated tasks. It seems that most of the respondents agree with the
fact, some of them are neutral and the rest of them disagree with the fact. Our overall focus was
on the opinion of people who work in private companies and firms as they will understand how
the privacy of sensitive data will be compromised due to automated tasks.

Our thirteenth question was about whether labor class people will be more affected by
technological advancement due to lack of technological knowledge. The survey shows that
around 85.2% of people responded yes, 7.4% of people responded neutral and the rest of them
responded no.

Pie Chart: 2.2.5 Impact of technology on labor class people

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents agreed with the fact that labor class people will be more
affected by technological advancement due to lack of technological knowledge. It seems that
most of the respondents think labor class people will be more affected by technological
advancement due to lack of technological knowledge, some of them are neutral about the fact,
and the rest of them think that labor class people will not be more affected by technological
advancement due to lack of technological knowledge. Our focus was on the opinion of people
who work in private companies and firms as they are knowledgeable about the negative impacts
of technological advancement due to a lack of technological knowledge.

Our fourteenth question was about whether all the people are ready to adjust to all the available
technology. The survey shows that around 85.2% of people responded no and only 14.8% of
people responded yes.

Pie Chart: 2.2.6 People’s adaptability with technology

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents disagreed with the fact that all the people are ready to
adjust to all the available technology and a few respondents agreed with the fact that all the
people are ready to adjust to all the available technology. It seems that most of the respondents
think all the people are not ready to adjust to all the available technology. Our overall focus was
on the opinion of people who work in private companies and firms as they are more
knowledgeable about technological advancement.

2.3 Technology’s effects on society

Our fifteenth question was about whether technology makes our social life complicated. The
survey shows that around 44.4% of respondents agreed, 44.4% of respondents disagreed, 7.4% of
respondents strongly agreed and the rest of them strongly disagreed.

Pie Chart: 2.3.1 Impact of technology on social life

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. An equal percentage of the respondents agreed and disagreed with the fact that
technology makes our social life more complicated, some of the respondents strongly agreed
with the fact and the rest of them strongly disagreed. It seems that some respondents think that
technology makes our social life more complicated and some respondents think that technology
doesn’t make our social life more complicated. Our overall focus was on the opinion of people
who work in private companies and firms as they use more technology in their daily life.

Our sixteenth question was whether technology is the biggest reason behind employment in
society. The survey shows that around 44.4% of respondents disagreed, 33.3% of respondents
agreed, 18.5% of respondents strongly disagreed and the rest of them strongly agreed.

Pie Chart: 2.3.2 Impact of technology on Unemployment

Analysis: In the data, we came to know that 27 working class people responded to the google
form survey. Most of the respondents disagreed with the fact that technology is the biggest
reason behind unemployment in society, some of the respondents strongly disagreed with the
fact, some of them agreed and a few of them strongly agreed. It seems that the respondents don’t
think that technology is the biggest reason behind unemployment in society. Our overall focus
was on the opinion of people who work in private companies and firms as they are well aware of
the impacts of technology on business and society.

3.0 Conclusion

Organizations will have to become significantly more flexible in the way they think about
handling people's jobs and the workforce as a whole as physical and organizational boundaries
become increasingly blurred. Work is defined by what people do, not by where they do it.
Businesses will increasingly connect and collaborate remotely with freelancers and independent
professionals thanks to digital talent networks. Modern forms of association, such as digital
freelancers' unions and updated labor market laws, will eventually evolve to accompany these
new organizational frameworks. A significant collection of regulations for policymakers
concerns the portability of protections and benefits between jobs, as well as the legal treatment of
various categories of labor and employment types. The demand must exist even though an
organization is fully automated.3D printers may enable artisans to create their own goods, and
eBay may enable them to be sold B2B, but the demand must still exist. As more people are able
to pursue their dreams, supply will increase. Renting your room or apartment is better until the
area becomes a destination for tourists, as people who use Airbnb have discovered. You will face
more competition as a result, and you will need to spend money updating your home. You may
also have so many clients that you waste more time and money cleaning than doing what you
really want to do, which is what the room rental was intended to help you with. Many artists and
musicians have worked other jobs in order to support themselves while pursuing their passion for
art and music. Now that those jobs are gone, more people will try to make money through artistic
endeavors. Also, for robots, there must be a market for every good or service. Creativity and
innovation that raises the value of human labor would provide the best solutions. These will
create new responsibilities for the business leaders. The hard work that must be done to plan and
adapt human resources to work in complementary ways with technology is perhaps the most
important component of being effective at implementing automation.

4.0 Recommendation

The impact of technology on business and society will be increased day by day. Technology will
bring evolutionary change in business and society.

● Using digital talent networks, businesses can increasingly communicate and collaborate
remotely with freelancers and independent professionals. To complement these new
organizational structures, modern forms of association such as digital freelancers' unions
and revised labor market regulations will gradually emerge.

● Automation will emerge in the business which will create a new type of business. The
advantages and effectiveness of these automation-enabled process transformations could
then be used to determine which processes should be automated. In order to better place
their companies to take advantage of automation, business leaders and their organizations
would need to become more informed about the development of the technologies
themselves, recognizing the art of the possible, and the potential for the future.

● we need to be prepared for the new evolution in the business. The new business model
will change the lifestyle of the whole society. It will change the structure of the society
and the lifestyle of the society.

● In the future people will be more dependent on technology. Technology will make the
lifestyle easier. People will be more dependent on online shopping rather than visiting
shopping malls. Business production will be run by Artificial intelligence
So, in last we have to be more prepared for our future life and need to be more aware about


It has been more than half a year since we have been carrying on more or less all kinds of curriculum online due to
the Covid-19 pandemic. Please take a few minutes to fill up this form about your opinion regarding the impact of
technology on business and society. We will be using this information for our research purposes only.

1. Do you think technology is allowing companies to find new ways to understand the

preferences of customers?

a) Agree

b) Disagree

2. Do you think that by using technology, businesses can gather attention of their targeted and

potential customers?

a) Yes

b) No

3. By using technology, businesses can identify the product's demand in the market.

a) Agree

b) Disagree

c) Neutral

4. A.I and robots can improve overall efficiency of the production.

a) Agree

b) Strongly Agree

c) Disagree

d) Strongly Disagree

5. Do you think technologies have positive effects on business?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Neutral

6. Do you think technologies can help small businesses to compete with multi-million dollar


a) Agree

b) Strongly Agree

c) Disagree

d) Strongly Disagree

7. Do you think one of the biggest complaints about technology's effect on business is the lack of

human interaction?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Neutral

8. It's more difficult to build a loyal and trusting relationship with clients and business contacts

by using technology.

a) Agree

b) Disagree

c) Neutral

9. Due to technological revelation do you think new job opportunities can be created?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Neutral

10. On a scale of 1 to 5, how much impact do you think technological advancement has on

economic growth?

(Bad) 1 . . . . .
2 3 4 5 (Good)

11. Do you think people are becoming less productive due to dependence on technology?

a) Yes

b) No

12. Do you think the privacy of sensitive data will be compromised due to automated tasks?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Neutral

13. Do you think labor class people will be more affected by technological advancement due to

lack of technological knowledge?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Neutral

14. Do you think all the people are ready to adjust to all the available technology?

a) Yes

b) No

15. Do you think technology makes our social life more complicated?

a) Agree

b) Strongly Agree

c) Disagree

d) Strongly Disagree

16. Technology is the biggest reason behind unemployment in the society.

a) Agree

b) Strongly Agree

c) Disagree

d) Strongly Disagree.












● Manyika, J., Chui, M., Miremadi, M., Bughin, J.; George, K., Willmott, P., &. Dewhurst,

M. (2017, January). “A Future that Works: Automation, Employment, and Productivity.”

McKinsey&Co. Retrieved




Big data - Big data is an area that deals with methods for analyzing, systematically extracting
information from, or otherwise dealing with data sets that are too large or complex for
conventional data-processing application software to handle.

Internet of things (IoT) - The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects (also
known as "things") that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies in order to
communicate and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet.

Paradigm - In science and philosophy, a paradigm is a distinct set of concepts or thought

patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes
legitimate contributions to a field.

Automation - Automation is the development and implementation of technologies that enable

products and services to be produced and delivered with little or no human intervention. Many
tasks that were previously performed by humans are now more effective, reliable, and/or fast
thanks to the use of automation technologies, techniques, and processes.

Solitude - Solitude is described as a state of seclusion, isolation, or lack of social interaction.


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