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APPLICATIONS NOW AVAILABLE Post article and claimed those
who have not experienced a 6.2%
by MORGAN TAYLOR The Muscogee (Creek) Na- increase in salary this year are be-
REPORTER tion National Council passed ing affected by inflation.
NCA 21-150 which authorized “We may never have an oppor-
the expenditure of American tunity like this to give our citizens
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – Rescue Plan Act funds to pro- financial assistance,” Tiger said.
The Muscogee Nation Facebook vide a second disbursement of Reps. Travis Scott and Thom-
page has made an official an- COVID-19 Impact Relief Indi- asene Yahola-Osborn voted
nouncement regarding the 2022 vidual Assistance during a Nov. against the legislation.
Direct Assistance program. 30 Emergency Session. Rep. Yahola-Osborn claimed
The application for the sec- The law expended $192,092,309 she is not against helping the cit-
ond disbursement of ARPA funds providing another $2,000 payment izens but it was not the original
became available on the Camp- to each citizen. legislation that the two branches
house Portal Dec. 20 at 11 a.m. Tulsa District Representa- of government had been working
This application is different tive Lucian Tiger III sponsored on together since Nov. 19.
from the first and requires each the legislation. According to Yahola-Osborn
citizen to apply. “My reasoning for introducing it was just five days before the
Applications will be processed this legislation was we have in- Emergency Session that the spon-
by roll number and not by order crease cost in groceries and rent,” sor proposed NCA 21-150. Projected payment processing timeline of 2022 Direct Assistance. (The Muscogee Nation)
of the application. Tiger said. “I knew without a doubt it
According to information pro- He claimed rent has increased would pass,” Yahola-Osborn said. could potentially result in paying out following U.S. Treasury
vided by the Muscogee Nation, by 16.4% from January to Octo- She does claim it gave her feel- back the funds. guidelines it could result in what
citizens will be required to verify ber this year and fuel has doubled ings of uneasiness to vote “yes” Secretary of the Nation and Yahola-Osborn fears.
their address and household mem- over the course of the year. when the two branches had al- Commerce Terra Branson-Thomas Rep. Scott has not yet made
bers again for this application. According to Tiger, the ma- ready been working together on stated in the session that there is a a comment regarding his vote as
It also states there will be op- jority of the MCN citizens, an an original legislation. process to be done before determin- of publication.
tions to receive payment directly estimated 84%, are considered Yahola-Osborn said she was ing if funds could be allocated again. This story is developing and
to either NetSpend card, direct low-to-moderate income. thinking ahead for the tribe with According to Branson-Thom- will be updated as more informa-
deposit or check. He referenced a Washington concerns of a future audit that as, if funds are distributed with- tion becomes available.


OKLAHOMA STATE 247Sports listed Presley
as Oklahoma’s number eight
by MORGAN TAYLOR prospect for 2022.
REPORTER This season Presley ran the
football for 1,105 yards and
17 touchdowns on 109 car-
BIXBY, Oklahoma – Mus- ries for the year and caught
cogee (Creek) citizen Bray- 56 passes for 665 yards and an
lin Presley signed his Letter additional seven scores. Pres-
of Intent to play football at ley ran for 4,978 yards and 75
Oklahoma State University in touchdowns over his four-year
front of family, friends, team- career at Bixby and reeled in
mates and coaches on Dec. 15 145 catches for 1,684 yards
at the Lee Snider Field where and 23 more scores, according
he started his football career to MaxPreps.
as a Bixby Spartan. The Presley’s have a family
Presley will join his older history of attending OSU
brother Brennan as a Cowboy starting with eldest sister
and play alongside him again Brandee, who also attended
on the gridiron. Ole Miss and now University Braylin Presley signed his Letter of Intent in front of his team and classmates on Dec. 15. (Morgan Taylor)
While the pair of brothers of Georgia.
played together at Bixby, they The running back stated he coaches gave him a call. Being a Muscogee athlete is Bixby Football Head Coach
won two state championships. is very grateful for the oppor- “It has always been in the something Presley takes pride in. Loren Montgomery said coach-
After Brennan went on to tunity and support. back of mind but as the offers “I am very blessed and ing Presley has been great.
play for OSU, Braylin won “It wasn’t set in stone in started to roll in I started to fortunate to be a part of the “What he has you can’t
two more championships as a first,” Presley said. “I didn’t keep my options open,” he Nation,” Presley said. coach,” Montgomery said. “He
Spartan making him a four- know if I would get the Okla- said. “I listened to every coach Presley is wanting to major in is an electric player.”
peat gold baller. homa State offer or any Divi- and every option and Coach architecture or exercise science. He stated seeing his students
Presley is the 2021 Max- sion 1 offers at that.” Dunn and Coach Gundy Playing in the NFL is one of reach this level is rewarding.
Preps Oklahoma High School It was after the class 6A pitched it just right.” Presley’s long-term goals but The last of the Presley sib-
Football Player of the Year and state championship between He will continue as a run- he claimed he would like start lings will be starting high
will have the opportunity to Bixby and Deer Creek aired ning back but also will be learn- an architecture firm or busi- school next fall with big shoes
play in the All-State game. on ESPN that OSU football ing more about other positions. ness one day. to fill.


by MORGAN TAYLOR These findings have led the
and marijuana where K9 MCN Lighthorse Police, Okla-
REPORTER Diesel assisted other agencies homa Highway Patrol and FBI
in the findings. in an ongoing investigation.
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – The K9 Unit posted on This is a developing story.
The Muscogee (Creek) Nation their Facebook page, “All the For privacy purposes no names
Lighthorse K9 Unit spent the legalities to carry, grow and have been released at this time.
last quarter of 2021 getting distribute marijuana and if Citizens can follow the
pounds of drugs and illegal you try to do it illegally you Lighthorse K9 Unit Facebook
substances out of communities. still go to jail.” page to stay updated and follow
This includes two stops Another post stated that the canines themselves.
in early November which the canines located 20 pounds Canines include Diesel,
K9 Diesel assisted OHP in Marijuana Seizure estimated at 100 pounds. (Submission) included methamphetamine of methamphetamine from a Zero, Nitro and Mack.

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MUSKOGEE, Oklahoma –
Muscogee (Creek) citizen Patricia
Kaseca has been protesting the
City Council of Muskogee’s deci-
sion to re-zone 5028 W. Okmulgee
in order to operate a marijuana
dispensary or a grow farm at this
Kaseca will attend a meeting
Braleigh King signs her letter of intent with parents Clint and Lisa King along with
that will decide to proceed with the
Assistant Softball Coach Anthony Wisenhunt. (Morgan Taylor/Reporter)
rezone or to quit on Jan. 10.
It was sometime in August
MOSS SENIOR June 2022, announced King as a
player on Nov. 2.
when Kaseca receive a notice from
the City of Muskogee stating the

The property to be rezoned for the new development 5028 W. Okmulgee St. Muskogee,
It has been a dream of King’s property would be rezoned.
OK. (Morgan Taylor/Reporter)
to play at the next level. After attending a City Council

Over the course of her soft- meeting in September, Kaseca dis-
ball career, King has acquired covered the intentions of the city (dispensaries/grow houses) all It is Kaseca’s belief this was the
several trophies, medals, was to put in a dispensary at the site. over the city,” Kaseca said. plan all along even before notifying
FIRST BASEMAN awards and recognition. She “I signed up to talk and told Article 16, Medical Marijuana the residents.
is four-time medalist from the the council I was opposed to them - Section 22-676 cites, “Buildings “The reason I believe this is
BRALEIGH KING SIGNS Top Gun Invitation. putting a dispensary so close to my where medical marijuana is stored because at the October 12, 2021,
For the last three years, King house,” Kaseca said. “Because of or dispensed must be equipped meeting, the City Attorney stated
TO PLAY SOFTBALL AT has played on Force 03 and pre- the odor and toxic chemicals that with ventilation and air filtration several ways that he would estab-
EASTERN OKLAHOMA viously played with Angels and come out of these places.” systems so that no odors are detect- lish the marijuana dispensary at
Oklahoma Athletics. Kaseca went to City meetings able off premises.” 5028 W. Okmulgee,” she claimed.
STATE COLLEGE Parents Lisa and Clint King regularly upholding her opposi- Kaseca claimed according to “His plan involves modifying the
said Braleigh has spent her tion along with others who live in this ordinance, every marijua- ordinance pertaining to marijuana
by MORGAN TAYLOR childhood playing softball, the same neighborhood. na dispensary and grow farm in shops and grow farms that define
REPORTER starting with little league and A local neighbor partnered Muskogee is in violation of this “public nuisances,” so that they are
even playing on several travel- with Kaseca to learn the city’s ordi- ordinance because the city has an no longer nuisances.”
HOLDENVILLE, Oklahoma – ing competitive teams. nances to see what they could find. odor problem. Kaseca said her own district
Moss High School Senior and King’s father Clint remem- Kaseca claims the City of “The City Council must take ac- representative is in favor of mari-
Muscogee (Creek) citizen Bra- bers her first over-the-fence Muskogee is in violation of its own tion to correct this infraction,” she said. juana businesses in Muskogee.
leigh King spent the morning homerun when she was just eight ordinances, specifically Article 16 When Kaseca asked the City “…Which means my neighbor-
of her birthday signing her years old. - Medical Marijuana, Section 22- Council why they are violating hood,” Kaseca said. “Council Repre-
Letter of Intent to play soft- King said it was a good day to 675 and Section 22-676. their own ordinances, she said she sentatives usually try to help the resi-
ball at Eastern Oklahoma State sign her letter, which happened In her interpretation of or- did not receive an answer. dents in a community when it comes
College in Wilburton. to be her birthday. dinance 675, Kaseca said that it “This site is within 300 feet to their health, safety, and welfare.”
King is a first baseman and tal- “I am just thankful for all the specifies dispensaries and grow of my home,” Kaseca said. “The After a meeting on Nov. 22, Ka-
ented batter. She is going to major support and for everyone who farms are “public nuisances.” re-zoning order will greatly impact seca gave an oral statement in front
in Early childhood Education. has been there,” she said. “A “Public Nuisance” is one the quality of life for me by jeopar- of the council stating her opposition.
The Oklahoma Fast Pitch King stated she is nervous to that interferes with the health, dizing my health, safety and wel- The council then decided to table
Coaches Association for the All- be moving away from home but safety, and welfare of Muskogee fare. There are several reasons why the discussion until the Jan. 10 meeting.
State games which takes place in excited for her journey. citizens and there are 39 of them this entire project is out of order.” This is a developing story.

OLD FIGHTS, NEW ONE, CHANGES our fellow Americans from valu-
ing the rich histories and vibrant
cultures of the many thriving,
BATTLES WITH THE GOVERNOR, PEOPLE NEWS, contemporary sovereign nations
NAME CHANGES that still exist today.”
tribal control. More old derogatory names
by GARY FIFE Hey Man, we’ve been playing for our peoples are being tossed
RADIO COMMUNICATIONS by your rules, why can’t you abide out. A ski lodge in Maine is dis-
by them? carding its old name: “Big S…w”
Mountain Resort. A replacement
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma— On to some more stuff. has not been announced, accord-
With the start of a new year, new Native peoples have lost some ing to Native News Online.
challenges and changes face the of our treasured cultural icons.
Nation. But we still have to deal Famed ballerina Marjorie Tall- But, not everybody is happy
with some old ones and some that chief has passed on, according to on this issue. In Connecticut, a
never seem to go away. the Tulsa World. Once part of the school board member got knocked
First of all, there’s the grow- group known as the “Five Moons”, The award is given out by the Hol- used is from her album ‘Coinci- down by a community member in
ing split with Oklahoma Gover- the Osage dancer had a career that lywood Foreign Press Associa- dence and Likely Stories.’ an argument over a tomahawk.
nor Kevin Stitt. Although there are graced stages around the world. tion. It is unusual for a TV series Imagine, two stehvtke fight-
many who will still say that’s not She died at her home in Delray to receive such a nomination in its U.S. Interior Secretary Deb ing over an ‘Indian’ symbol for a
the case. There are major issues that Beach, Florida at the age of 95. first year of production. Winners Haaland has issued a directive and school logo. My, my…
have been raised in the last year. Also passing from us, singer are announced January 9th. formed a committee to eliminate
The State has called for and and musician Joanne Shenandoah Speaking of awards, Execu- the names for federal lands that use New National Council mem-
received another review of the died at the end of November. She tive Producer Sterlin Harjo has names offensive to Native Ameri- bers are being sworn in right
McGirt case by the U.S. Supreme was recognized as one of the leaders been named as one of the Tulsans cans. An Interior news release said, about now. Three incumbents
Court, questioning the legal exis- in the growth of Native music and Of The Year by the Tulsa World “Racist terms have no place in our were unseated in the last election.
tence of Mvskoke reservation philosophy. An Oneida, accord- Magazine. And, to add to that, vernacular or on our federal lands. This should produce some new
jurisdiction. Lately, it’s been new ing to a report from Native News Mvskoke Principal Chief David Our nation’s lands and waters dynamics and possibly, direction
arguments over hunting and fish- Online, Shenandoah had a string of Hill is among the local chiefs also should be places to celebrate the for our tribe.
ing licenses, oil and gas regula- honors including 14 Native Ameri- named as Tulsans of the Year. Also outdoors and our shared cultural I hope so. There are a lot of
tions, and mining authority. can Music Awards and a Grammy. named were Chuck Hoskin Jr. of heritage – not to perpetuate the leg- big and tough challenges on the
All this Stitt said, would be the Cherokee Nation and Geoffrey acies of oppression.” Her action will agenda facing them.
good for “all Oklahomans.” But On the brighter side…The new Standing Bear of the Osage. include 660 federal sites. Have a good 2022.
it seems like for that ‘benefit’ to Native produced TV series, “Res- Canada has conferred an Well done, Ms. Haaland. The Hvtvm cerecares—I will see you.
happen, tribes must give up the ervation Dogs” has been nomi- honor on Cree singer and activist National Congress of American Disclaimer: The views
right to determine what happens nated for Golden Globe Award singer. Buffy Sainte-Marie’s image Indians added its voice to the call. expressed are those of the author
on the lands that the U.S Supreme for 2022. It is in the Best Televi- has been added to a commemo- NCAI stated: “The use of hateful and not necessarily those of the
Court has reaffirmed fall under sion Series-Musical or Comedy. rative postage stamp. The image and derogatory rhetoric prevents Muscogee (Creek) Nation.

THE MVSKOKE NEWS The Mvskoke News is an editorially independent and constitutionally
protected publication. Its purpose is to meet the needs of the tribe
Angel Ellis, Director |
and its citizens through the dissemination of information. Reprint
permission is granted with credit to The Mvskoke News unless other
Like MM on Facebook: copyrights are shown.
Liz Gray, Managing Editor |
Editorial statements appearing in The Mvskoke News, guest columns
and readers’ letters reflect the opinion of the individual writer and not
Jerrad Moore, Assignment Editor | Follow MM on Twitter:
@MvskokeMedia those of The Mvskoke News, its advisors or the tribal administration
and are subject to editorial discretion. Editorials and letters must be
Lani Hansen, Senior Reporter | signed by the individual writer and include a traceable address or
Follow MM on Instagram:
@MvskokeMedia phone number to be considered for publication. Please contact our
Morgan Taylor, Reporter | office for deadline of submissions to be considered for inclusion.
Visit MM online at: The Mvskoke News reserves the right to edit all submissions for
Gary Fife, Contributor | space, style and grammar. Receipt of submissions does not obligate
The Mvskoke News in any regard. The Mvskoke News is mailed
Chelsie Rich, Mvskoke Market | from Stigler, Oklahoma to all enrolled Muscogee (Creek) citizens’
households upon request. Inquiries should be directed to Mvskoke
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Authorizing the expendi-

TO SERVE AS CHIEF JUDGE ture of funds in the amount

of $600,359 for the benefit of
the MCN Lighthorse Police
Department of Justice, Office
by MORGAN TAYLOR using any other name would of Community Oriented Polic-
REPORTER not be legal. ing Services 2021 Cops Office
Kyle Lee claimed the new Tribal Resources Grant Pro-
name Muscogee Nation is for gram – Equipment and Train-
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma branding purposes only not ing. Rep. Lowe sponsored the
- A Muscogee (Creek) Nation legal purposes. legislation, which passed 4-0.
National Council Business, Rep. Adam Jones made a Funds will be used to hire
Finance and Justice Commit- motion to postpone until Dec. two officers for a period of
tee meeting was held Dec. 13 18, which passed with a vote five years.
at the Mound Building. of 4-0.
All passed legislation is sub- NCA 21-155
A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Business, Finance and Justice Committee meeting
ject to the full council approval TR 21-165 Repealing MCNCA
was held December 13 by teleconference. (MM File)
during the regular session. Approving extension of Title 17, Chapter 8, entitled
BFJ addressed the follow- the Management Agreement “Gaming Operation Author-
ing legislation, the interpreta- between Ruth’s Hospitality ity Board.” Rep.Patrick Free- LLC.” Representative Patrick 2022 gaming revenue so that
tion of which is attributed to Group, INC and the Gaming man Jr. sponsored the legis- Freeman Jr. sponsored the leg- no funds shall be deposited
language in the bills: Operations Authority Board. lation and co-sponsored by islation and co-sponsored by into the Permanent Fund but
Rep. Patrick Freemen Jr. spon- Reps. Jones and Robert Hufft, Reps. Jones and Robert Hufft, instead shall be deposited into
NCR 21-013 sored the legislation, which which passed 4-0. which passed 4-0. the Gaming Fund.
Approving the Consult- passed 4-0. Replacing the GOAB with Creation of Muscogee
ing Agreement between the The GOAB desires to renew a Tribal Limited Liability Nation Gaming Enterprises, NCA 21-158
MCN National Council and the Management Agreement for Company to administer and LLC would contribute to the Approving a Continuing
Jeff Fife. Representative Adam an additional five-year term. manage the Nation’s gaming social, physical well-being Budget Ordinance and pro-
Jones III sponsored the legis- facilities and operations. and economic advancement of viding appropriations and
lation, which failed 1-3. Reps. TR 21-170 the citizens of the Muscogee authorization for expendi-
Patrick Freeman, Robert Hufft Confirming the nomina- NCA 21-156 (Creek) Nation by providing tures for FY 2022. Rep. Hufft
and Travis Scott voted no. tion of Roger Wiley to serve as Authorizing the Execution funds for governmental ser- sponsored the legislation,
Rep. Jones made a motion the Chief Judge of the District and File Articles of Organi- vices, programs, health centers which passed 4-0.
to go into Executive Session Trial Court for the MCN. Rep. zation with the Office of the and general welfare activities. Continuing Budget Ord-
with no action taken. Rep. Jones sponsored the legisla- Secretary of the Nation and nance is needed to provide
Jones claimed that he pro- tion, which passed 4-0. Commerce to form “Mus- NCA 21-157 funding to all three branches
posed this legislation because The National Council will cogee Nation Gaming Enter- Amending MCNCA Title of government until such time
he believes Fife has experience interview Wiley during the prises, LLC” under the MCN 37, 2-203 to alter the distribu- that the FY 2022 Comprehen-
in working with McGirt. Dec. 18 Pre-Agenda. Limited Liability Company tion of funds. Rep. Lowe spon- sive Annual Budget is approved.
Rep. Hufft said that he Act and approving the operat- sored the legislation, which Meet i ngs a nd a gen-
believes Fife would be a good NCA 21-153 ing agreement for “Muscogee passed 4-0. d a s c a n be v iewed at w w w.
asset but would like to pres- Authorizing the expendi- Nation Gaming Enterprises The amendment adds FY mcn nc .com.
ent this to the new council in ture of funds in the amount
a few weeks. of $288,413 for the bene-

TR 21-158
Upholding and enforc-
fit of the MCN Lighthorse
Police Department for the U.S.
Department of Justice, Office
ing the official name and seal of Community Oriented Polic-
of the MCN. Rep. Jones spon- ing Services 2021 Cops Office
sored the legislation, which Tribal Resources Grant Pro-
was postponed to be addressed gram – Equipment and Train-
until Dec. 18 with a vote of 4-0. ing. Rep. William Lowe spon-
According to Kyle Haskins, sored the legislation, which
he claimed since the official passed 4-0. Contact Mvskoke Creative at 918.732.7720 or at
name is the Muscogee (Creek) Funds will be used to pay
Nation that any legal bind- for trainings, vehicles, uniform
ing documents, contracts, etc. and equipment for two officers.

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be used to respond to domestic dren and Family Services Administra-

violence, dating violence, sexual tion. Rep. Mary Crawford sponsored
assault, sex trafficking and stalking the legislation, which passed 4-0.
to decrease the incidence of violent The grant funds awarded to
crime against women. the MCN Children & Family Ser-
vices Administration will be uti-
NCA 21-142 lized to promoting Safe and Stable
Authorizing the expenditure of families program.
the U.S. Department of Justice Coor-
dinated Tribal assistance solicitation NCA 21-147
purpose area 6: Children’s Justice Act Amending NCA 21-097 (A law of
Partnerships for Indian Communi- the Muscogee (Creek) Nation autho-
ties grant funds for the benefit of the rizing the expenditure of Ameri-
Muscogee (Creek) Nation Children & can Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) funds
Family Service Administration. Rep. received from the United States
Marshall sponsored the legislation, Department of the Treasury for the
which passed 4-0. Muscogee (Creek) Nation citizen vac-
The grant funds awarded to the cine incentive). Rep. William Lowe
Children and Family Services Admin- sponsored the legislation and Rep.
istration will utilize it to improve Charles McHenry co-sponsored,
child abuse or neglect investigations, which passed 4-0.
decrease caseloads, increase public The age requirement to receive
community outreach and update poli- the ARPA vaccine incentive for MCN
A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Health, Education and Welfare Committee meeting was held December 8 by teleconference. (MM File)
cies and tribal code. changes from twelve years to five years
of age or older.
NCA 21-143
the American Indian College Fund, Authorizing the expenditure of
GRANTS RECEIVED FOR ASSISTANCE OR BETTER SERVICES Native Pathways to College, 2021- funds for the benefit of the Muscogee
tims/survivors of violent crime within 2022 Higher Pathways grant for the (Creek) Nation’s Youth Services Pro-
by LANI HANSEN for networks and systems. the MCN reservation boundaries. benefit of the Youth Services. Rep. gram for the 2021 U.S. Department of
SENIOR REPORTER Tierpoint imposes an indemni- Jennings sponsored the legislation, Justice coordinated Tribal Assistance
fication obligation upon the Nation, NCA 21-140 which passed 4-0. Purpose Area 9 grant. Rep. Lucian
limits some claims and remedies, Authorizing the expenditure of The grant funds awarded will Tiger III sponsored the legislation,
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma — A requires application of the laws of the grant funds awarded from the U.S. be used to provide educational which passed 4-0.
Muscogee (Creek) Nation National State of Texas. Department of Justice Office on Vio- support and mentoring to Native The grant funds awarded to the
Council Health, Education and Wel- lence against Women for the benefit of American students at the Eufaula MCN Youth Services will be used to
fare Committee meeting was held TR 21-162 the Family Violence Prevention Pro- Dormitory, as well as other students develop a new Tribal Youth Program
Dec. 8 by teleconference. Confirming of Lucinda Myers to gram. Rep. Marshall sponsored the within the MCN reservation. to decrease juvenile court involvement
All passed legislation will go before serve on the Muscogee (Creek) Nation resolution, which passed 4-0. for Native American youth within the
the full Council during the regular Election Board. Rep. Anna Mar- The grant funds awarded will NCA 21-144 MCN Reservation by 25 percent.
session Dec. 18. shall sponsored the resolution, which be used to provide intervention, Authorizing the expenditure of
HEW addressed the following leg- passed 4-0. advocacy, accompaniment, sup- grant funds awarded from a proj- NCA 21-149
islation, the interpretation of which is MCN Election Board Position 3 is port services and related assistance ect ECHO grant for the Muscogee Authorizing the expenditure of
attributed to language in the bills: vacant. Principal Chief has nominated for adult, youth and child victims (Creek) Nation Department of the U.S. Department of Justice 2021
Muscogee (Creek) citizen Lucinda of sexual assault, non-offending Health. Rep. Jennings sponsored OJJDP FY 2021 Delinquency Pre-
TR 21-161 Myers to serve on the MCN Election family and household members the legislation, which passed 4-0. vention Grants Program funds for
Authorizing the Principal Chief to Board Position 3. of victims and those collaterally The Project Echo Grant in the benefit of the Muscogee (Creek)
execute a certain agreement between affected by the sexual assault. the amount of $6,000 is a nursing Nation Juvenile Justice program. Rep.
the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Depart- NCA 21-139 home funding for the facilities in Tiger sponsored the resolution, which
ment of Health and Tierpoint, LLC on Authorizing the expenditure of NCA 21-141 Oklahoma City. passed 4-0.
behalf of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation grant funds awarded from the District Authorizing the expenditure of The grant funds will be used to
Department of Health. Representative Attorneys Council for the benefit of grant funds awarded from the U.S. NCA 21-146 develop a strategic plan to establish
James Jennings sponsored the resolu- the Family Violence Prevention Pro- Department of Justice Office on Vio- Authorizing the expenditure of best practices for implementing ser-
tion, which passed 4-0. gram. Rep. Marshall sponsored the lence against Women for the benefit grant funds awarded from the United vices internally and hire a juvenile jus-
MCNDH desires to enter into resolution, which passed 4-0. of the Family Violence Prevention States Department of Health and tice advocate to provide assistance in
an agreement with Tierpoint, LLC The grant funds awarded will be Program. Rep. Marshall sponsored Human Services Administration for responding to youthful offender calls.
to allow MCNDH access to a certain used to expand current program ser- the legislation, which passed 4-0. Children and Families for the benefit For video of committee meetings
software for disaster recover services vices to better meet the needs of vic- The grant funds awarded will of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Chil- visit:


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• P.O. B O X 5 8 0 - O K M U LG E E , O K 74 4 4 7 • 918 .7 3 2 .7 7 2 0 • M V S K O K E M E D I A .CO M • @ M V S K O K E M E D I A



Dear Mvskoke Media, Finally, November 26, 2021 the
The following dates are of trans- card was received. I called the number
actions, applications, portals used to to activate the card, was asked for the
receive the Direct Assistance Recovery last four of my social security number.
Money from Muscogee Nation. Then was asked to ACCEPT
September 10, 2021 NetSpends terms and conditions and
Completed the direct assistance that the funds would not be released if
application on the Camphouse Portal. they were not accepted.
October 1, 2021 A threat of not receiving funds
Completed the vaccination incen- from a company that no citizen chose
tive application on the Camphouse to do business with is alarming. No cit-
Portal. izen of Muscogee Nation has applied
November 19. 2021 for a card with NetSpend for the Tribal
Many citizens have been trying Recovery money. I activated the card.
to reach the Camphouse Hot line November 29, 2021
for over a month. Calling ARPA Received an e-mail from Smar-
Direct Assistance — 918-549-2885 tOne Disbursement<cardfieinai1.
many times. November 19, 2021, my netsnend.coin asking: How was
call was answered after a 2 hour 10 your Activation? E-mail address,
minute wait. Other wait times were birthdate, social security numbers,
3, 4 5 hours without success. I veri- addresses and tribal enrollment
fied myself and asked the employee number all in the hands of NetSpend
Tatianna Duncan presents to the council on behalf of Lucinda Hickory Research Institute. (MM File) to speak with my wife about the card without authorizeation?
issue. We were told the NetSpend card November 29, 2021
We were told we must call NetSpend at
I went to my financial institution
for assistance. They do not do busi-
LUCINDA HICKORY INSTITUTE PRESENTS TO COMMITTEE 877-562-2235. After the application is ness with Netspend. They directed me
sent to NetSpend Muscogee Nation is to Arvest Bank. Went to Arvest Bank
by MORGAN TAYLOR no longer involved. and was charged $3 to get the funds.
2018, which included conceptu- indefinitely post-pone and revisit We asked about the $500 vacci- Questions:
REPORTER al plans for all tribal properties legislation at the beginning of the nation incentive. At first were told no 1. Who authorized citizens personal
with the approximate five- to sev- year. According to Allen, a sep- vaccine application was received. Then information to be given to NetSpend?
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma - A en-mile radius surrounding the arate piece of legislation is in the told no vaccine verification card had 2. Was there a contract with
Muscogee (Creek) Nation Na- existing Tribal Complex. development stages that will go been submitted. After research the NetSpend?
tional Council Land, Natural Re- The project consists of five new along with this resolution. employee found both. We asked if the 3. Who signed the contract?
sources and Cultural Preservation buildings and other associated site In other business, Tatianna $500 would be placed on the NetSpend 4. Did the National Council
Committee meeting was held Dec. elements and infrastructure as re- Duncan presented to the Coun- Card and when. The employee said the approve the contract?
7 via teleconference. quired to support the facilities and cil on behalf of Lucinda Hickory vaccination application now went to 5. How much was paid to
All passed legislation is subject connected existing building with Research Institute. Duncan is the the Vaccination Verification Depart- Netspend?
to the full council approval during central plazas, sidewalks, outdoor Founder and Executive Director ment and did not know anything else. 6. Are the millions and millions of
the regular session. gathering space, etc. in order to for the Institute. She is request- We then called NetSpend, They dollars in NetSpends control?
LNC addressed the following implement a connected, walk able ing office space from the National asked for social security number which 7. Who gets the fees charged when
legislation, the interpretation of and safer campus as described in Council for research purposes. we did not give. We did give them the using NetSpends card?
which is attributed to language the MCN Master Plan Site. MCN Cultural Preservation last four of the social security number. 8. Has the $2,000 been sitting
in the bills: The project will include Manager RaeLynn Butler and Ar- We were told the card was mailed Sep- in NetSpends account for the two
TR 21-164 a four-story Tribal Services/ chaeological Technician Turner tember 30, 2021 and had not been acti- months the card was lost?
Authorizing the construction Member Services building, a Hunt request to update the com- vated. They asked if we wanted a 2 to 3 9. If cards are not activated, where
of the Tribal Master Site Plan single-story Court House, a mittee on property in Georgia, day mail out for a fee of $25, or free for does the $2,000 go?
Capitol Complex Project for the three-story Education and Train- which went into executive session. an 8 to 10 day mail out. We opted for 10. Is there any information from
MCN. Representative Darrell ing/Cultural Archives and Pres- Yeager Mission Baptist Church the free mail out. The agent then said NetSpend on total dollars distributed
Proctor sponsored the legislation, ervation Building, a two-story sent an email to the committee she would waive the $5 fee to replace to our people?
which was postponed indefinitely Lighthorse Administration members, an email that Chairman the lost card and if a new card was not 11. Who has control of the citi-
with a 3-0 vote. Building, and a Central Utility Mark Randolph requested that received within 8 to 10 days we should zens funds since after the application
The MCN engaged New Fire Plan with size to be determined. they read and reply. call NetSpend again for yet another provess MCN is out of the loop?
Design Group PLLC to complete MCN Secretary of Interior Af- Full meetings and agendas can replacement card. Mvto,
the Tribal Master Suite Plan in fairs Jesse Allen made request to be viewed at: November 26. 2021 Former Pincipal Chief A.D. Ellis



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LETTER TO THE EDITOR tence defendants to jail or prison

for offenses that are committed on
a state does not have jurisdiction
over offenses by non- Indian against
denied, can’t file anymore on same
basis. So what gives the Attorney
Indian land or reservations. In 1990, Indian in Indian Country, the courts General the right to file 30 chal-
Dear Editor: most of the 1800s courts recognized the Supreme Court held in Duro v. would deny Oklahoma request. lenges t the Supreme Court of the
I have read articles after articles that states had no jurisdiction over Reina that tribal criminal juris- There is not basis for state of same basis? Oct 21, 2021, the Okla-
about the McGirt case ruling of the crimes committed within Indian diction only extended to Indians Oklahoma in Eastern Oklahoma homa Court of Criminal Appeals
United States Supreme Court ruling Country, in 1953, Congress enacted who were members of that tribe. In and the surrounding area for 113 made a ruling ina case involv-
on July 9th of 2020 that the State Public Law 83-280, what is com- response, Congress quickly enacted years. This is Indian Territory, Gov- ing Jeremy Lawhorn, a Cherokee
of Oklahoma does not have juris- monly referred to as the Termina- legislation clarifying that tribes have ernor Stitt and Attorney General Nation citizen. The appellate court
diction in Indian Country. Gover- tion Era, under PL 280 Note: Okla- the inherent sovereign authority to John O’Connor needs to under- agreed with Lawhorn’s assertion that
nor Stitt and now John O’Connor homa does not have PL 83-280. In prosecute any Indian, regardless of stand Precedent. 1. A judicial deci- the state did not have jurisdiction to
have been challenging the land- 1968, Congress enacted the Indian tribal affiliation. sion that should followed by a judge. try him because he was a member of
mark ruling of the U.S. Supreme Civil Rights Act ((ICRA); the act The Duro legislation fix was When deciding a later or similar a federally- recognized tribe charged
Court. There two top leaders seem extended certain federal rights to upheld in United States v. Lata in case, 2. Dictum – to serve as for a with committing a felony within
not to understand that this is Indian Indians in Indian Country, Tribal which a majority of the court held pending case, 3. state decises [ to Quapaw Nation Reservation. The
Territory before statehood (Okla- Government are not subject to the that the implicit divestiture doc- stand by things that have been set- ruling in McGirt governs this case
homa) and it will always be Indian Bill of Rights. In addition to extend- trine is a pronouncement of fed- tled] (as to prevent the perpetuation and requires us to find the State of
Country, 1907 when Oklahoma ing certain rights to Indian Country, eral common law not constitutional of injustice) of Notice; bar Attorney Oklahoma is without jurisdiction to
became statehood, state of Okla- the ICRA restricted the sentencing law. 19th of June 2021, Elizabeth General John O’Connor under friv- prosecute Lawhorn.
homa, Kansas, Louisiana, and power of tribal courts, when origi- Prelogat, in which she agreed with olous, no basis of merits in either Governor Stitt needs to stand
Nebraska overstepped its authority nally passed, the act limited tribal Bosse, that Oklahoma lacks power law or facts. A court is authorized aside and let the tribes of handle
to take over federal and tribal gov- courts sentence to six months in jail to try him for offenses against to impose sanction for violation of their business with their own tribal
ernment into their justice system and 5,000 for any offense. In 1986, Native Americans, there is no basis, the Rule 11 – federal. Oklahoma members and their justice system.
and exercise the state jurisdiction Congress increased the sentenc- Prelogat wrote to reverse the long Attorney General John O’Connor Tribal Nations can handle the case-
over Native American reservation ing authority under (ICRA) Con- held understanding of the division has filed over 30 petitions challeng- loads of Oklahoma of their wrong
and prosecute Native American and gress, reinstated felony-sentencing of federal, state and tribal jurisdic- ing the landmark ruling in the U.S. doings over 113 years. Respectfully,
non-natives for crimes that were authority, in 2010 by passing the tion in Indian Country to the con- Supreme Court. Inmates in cor- let the tribal nation run their reser-
committed in and on native reserva- Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA). trary she concluded this court has rectional centers only can file one vation as the always did.
tions for over 113 years. Throughout TLOA allows tribal courts to sen- reaffirmed the established rule that appeal to the court of appeals, if Anonymous Writer

Muscogee Nation School with take place Feb. 11,
Department of Housing Middle School Feb. 18 and Ele-
MUSCOGEE NATION mentary Feb. 25. Competition
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING Open House January 11, times will be 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

J A N UA RY 11, 2022
2022 10A.M.-2P.M.
Interested in becoming a
contractor for the Muscogee
To volunteer or for questions,
contact Volunteer Coordinator
Melinda Deeringwater at: 918-
Nation Department of Housing? 549-2522 or email at: mdeering-
10 A . M . - 2 P. M . Come and meet the staff from
Come and meet the staff from the Muscogee Nation Dept. of Housing and learn the the Muscogee Nation Dept. of
process of contracting for Housing. Housing and learn the process
This meeting will allow interested contractors to learn the process of bidding, of contracting for Housing. The
contracting, and closing out projects. meeting room-Ballroom Level
Staff will be able to answer any questions regarding the process of becoming a RIVERSPIRIT Casino Resort
contractor for the Muscogee Nation Department of Housing.
Other departments will include Contracting and Employment Support Office (CESO) Request for Volunteers:
& the Mvskoke Loan Fund.
For more information call 918.549.2548 The MCN Challenge Bowl is in
need of volunteers in all areas of
Volunteer Training will take
place at the College of the Mus-
cogee Nation Jan. 28 from 9:30
a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and Feb. 4 from
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (Attendance
is MANDATORY for Feb. 4). High

• P.O. B O X 5 8 0 - O K M U LG E E , O K 74 4 4 7 • 918 .7 3 2 .7 7 2 0 • M V S K O K E M E D I A .CO M • @ M V S K O K E M E D I A



Our program, with the
support of Southern
Plains Tribal Health

Board and Muscogee
Nation, want to make
it easier for Native
Americans in our

community to lower
their risk of stroke
and heart disease.


We offer education on If you have hypertension, We are able to

specific health risk we are available to guide accommodate patients
factors and tailor you on how to perform in Okemah, Okmulgee,
them to each home blood pressure checks Eufaula, Coweta and
individual’s need. with accuracy. We also can Sapulpa clinics. Virtual
review your blood pressure visits can be arranged
to help identify trends. if needed.

If you believe you are at risk or would like help lowering your risk factors,
please contact us for more information.



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Fiscal Year 2022

In accordance with the following legislation:
NCA 20-050 A law of the Muscogee Creek Nation amending NCA 20-038 (A law of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation authorizing the expenditures
of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) funds received from the United States Department of the Treasury to
establish the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Coronavirus Relief Fund Program.)
SECTION 7. REPORTING. A report shall be provided bi-weekly by the Office of the Principal Chief to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation National
Council and Mvskoke Media documenting all expenditures of the CARES Act funds.
Total received/earned $312,692,414.48
Total expenditures and encumbrances for FY20, FY21, and FY22 as of this report date equals, $305,507,768.16
The following report has been submitted for the publication date of JANUARY 1ST.


56010 Donations 39,187.20 - - 39,187.20
53000 Supplies 196.00 - - 196.00
54000 Contractual <5K 383,112.56 - - 383,112.56
59220 Grants 2,496.53 - - 2,496.53
59050 Food Purchases 10,981.65 - - 10,981.65
53000 Supplies 8.25 - - 8.25
55210 Communications - Other 2,919.60 - - 2,919.60
59220 Grants 1,824,856.91 - - 1,824,856.91
53000 Supplies 102,193.91 574.39 (556.20) 102,175.72
53010 Software/Licenses 804,417.40 85,036.38 179,834.75 539,546.27
55210 Communications - Other 100,000.00 12,801.60 - 87,198.40
55300 Bldg Maint/Repairs 34,291.23 - 34,221.32 69.91
85500 Equipment 100,000.67 - - 100,000.67
50000 Salary & Wages - FT 2,906.94 355.29 - 2,551.65
50020 Salary & Wages - O/T Over 1.5 3,293.77 4,693.19 - (1,399.42)
50100 Salary & Wages - PT 1,888.00 - - 1,888.00
51000 Fringe - FT 6,800.00 2,604.96 - 4,195.04
51100 Fringe - PT 290.47 - - 290.47
53000 Supplies 1,143,903.95 23,815.68 206,570.00 913,518.27
53290 Postage/Shipping 13,775.14 5,781.38 - 7,993.76
54000 Contractual <5K 16,229.80 4,474.24 3,376.78 8,378.78
55300 Bldg Maint/Repairs 1,315.00 - 800.00 515.00
57000 Indirect Costs (101.52) 430.68 - (532.20)
85400 Vehicles 5,455.00 - - 5,455.00
85500 Equipment 125,792.06 - - 125,792.06
50000 Salary & Wages - FT 885.89 - - 885.89
50020 Salary & Wages - O/T Over 1.5 4,770.59 - - 4,770.59
51000 Fringe - FT (3,950.88) - - (3,950.88)
53000 Supplies 36.00 - - 36.00
54000 Contractual <5K 9,294.24 - - 9,294.24
59040 Burial 263,370.64 262,797.97 - 572.67
59050 Food Purchases 1,423.29 1,423.29 - -
59071 Direct Assist - Income Support 223,181.41 4,425.00 - 218,756.41
59072 Direct Assist - Hardship 183,188.07 3,500.00 - 179,688.07
53000 Supplies 14,635.99 - - 14,635.99
53000 Supplies 4,784.95 - - 4,784.95
85050 Renovations 2,712.52 - - 2,712.52
85170 Construction 282,262.30 - 180,698.50 101,563.80
85500 Equipment 131,250.00 - 131,250.00 -
53000 Supplies 1,048.00 339.96 - 708.04
55100 Utilities 1,431.00 - - 1,431.00
85170 Construction 25,028.07 - - 25,028.07
50000 Salary& Wages- FT 407.67 - - 407.67
50020 Salary& Wages - O/T over 1.5 33,638.14 - - 33,638.14
51000 Fringe - FT 19,109.43 - - 19,109.43
53000 Supplies 234,396.23 - - 234,396.23
56030 Stipends/Honorariums 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00
59073 Direct Assistance - Education Support 4,506.76 - - 4,506.76
53000 Supplies 21,360.43 3,322.86 (1,722.86) 19,760.43
85010 Architect & Engineering 30,237.18 7,975.53 (7,975.53) 30,237.18
85170 Construction 1,339,411.71 - - 1,339,411.71
85500 Equipment 150,511.47 - - 150,511.47
54000 Contractual <5K 903.17 - - 903.17
59220 Grants 0.05 - - 0.05
85010 Architect & Engineering 16,082.65 - - 16,082.65
85170 Construction 124,763.00 - - 124,763.00
58010 Construction 15,665.36 - - 15,665.36
54000 Contractual <5K 10,797.00 - - 10,797.00
55300 Bldg Maintenance 1,500.00 - - 1,500.00
85500 Equipment 1.03 - - 1.03
53000 Supplies 5,813.70 - - 5,813.70
54000 Contractual <5K 88,600.00 - - 88,600.00
85500 Equipment 16,250.00 - - 16,250.00
TOTAL 8,000,517.58 424,352.40 726,496.76 6,849,668.42
59070 Direct Assistance 9,702.41 (50,691.03) - 60,393.44
99980 CHS Accrual - (922.03) - 922.03
59070 Direct Assistance 57,000.00 - - 57,000.00
85500 Equipment 6,134.68 - - 6,134.68
85010 Architect & Engineering 2,700.88 - - 2,700.88
85050 Renovations - (3,086.62) - 3,086.62
85500 Equipment 162,056.53 75,527.07 - 86,529.46
50000 Salary & Wages - FT 65,171.77 178,521.17 - (113,349.40)
51000 Fringe - FT 36,691.70 (5,401.87) - 42,093.57
53000 Supplies 0.75 475.71 (475.71) 0.75
53060 Supply - Computer/Print/Ipad 108.99 - - 108.99
53320 Software Maint Contract 109,398.36 - - 109,398.36
54100 Non-Medical Service Contract 1,317,754.52 - - 1,317,754.52
50000 Salary & Wages - FT 6,977.69 - - 6,977.69
50090 Salary & Wages-Float Pool 367.08 - - 367.08
51000 Fringe - FT 3,816.30 - - 3,816.30
51100 Fringe - PT 8.10 - - 8.10
53050 Medical Supplies Non-Billable 7,683.70 - - 7,683.70
53290 Postage/Shipping 135.26 - - 135.26
54370 Nursing Contract 205,060.18 73,181.13 - 131,879.05
57000 Indirect Costs 1,034.88 - - 1,034.88
50000 Salary & Wages - FT 107,759.64 - - 107,759.64
50010 Salary & Wages - OT 14,325.56 - - 14,325.56
50090 Salary & Wages-Float Pool 10,157.27 - - 10,157.27
51000 Fringe - FT 64,866.47 - - 64,866.47
51100 Fringe - PT 716.20 - - 716.20
53050 Medical Supplies Non-Billable 14,940.53 - - 14,940.53
53290 Postage/Shipping 4.44 - - 4.44
53490 Medical Supplied Billable 8,482.00 - - 8,482.00
54280 Medical Service Contract 16,848.09 - - 16,848.09
54370 Nursing Contract 138,935.49 55,597.29 - 83,338.20
57000 Indirect Costs 19,321.20 - - 19,321.20
85500 Equipment 1,989.63 - - 1,989.63
53420 Property Taxes 890,604.00 - - 890,604.00
53040 Pharmaceuticals 23,331.16 - - 23,331.16
TOTAL 3,304,085.46 323,200.82 (475.71) 2,981,360.35

• P.O. B O X 5 8 0 - O K M U LG E E , O K 74 4 4 7 • 918 .7 3 2 .7 7 2 0 • M V S K O K E M E D I A .CO M • @ M V S K O K E M E D I A

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