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Jatiya kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University

Trishal, Mymensingh

Assignment on

“Comparative Analysis of Bangladesh Economy from Mughal Period to Present”

“The Current Structure of Bangladesh Economy”

Course Name: Economic Of Bangladesh

Course Code: HRM-304

Submitted to Submitted by

MD. Atiqur Khan Rowshon Tabassom

Lecturer Roll: 18133023
Department of Human Resource Department of Human Resource
Management Management
Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University

Date of submission:10.2.2021
Economy of Bangladesh


It is a real pleasure to express our deepest appreciation sincere gratitude and heartiest
gratefulness to our course instructor “MD. Atiqur Khan” sir. So nice of you sir.
This assignment is an essential part of BBA program as one can gather practical knowledge
within the short period of time by observing and doing the works of chosen topic.
At first, we like to pay our thanks to almighty Allah for helping us to do all the works with
perfection. However, to complete task through different articles and magazine to learn
thoroughly regarding economic of Bangladesh. We can understand pros and cons of
Bangladesh economy.

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Economy of Bangladesh


S. N Content Page
1. Executive Summary 3

Comparative Analysis of Bangladesh Economy from Mughal

2. 4
Period to Present-
3. Introduction 4

4. Major economic sector 5

5. Agriculture 5

6. Economy 6

7. Conclusion 7

8. Reference 7

9. The Current Structure of Bangladesh Economy- 8

10. Introduction 8

11. Macroeconomic scenario 8-10

12. Social 11

13. Unemployment 11

14. Conclusion 12

15. Reference 12

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Economy of Bangladesh


Economic development is one dimession of the more inclusive concept of development.

Bangladesh has made significiant strides in its economic sector performance since
independent in 1971.The world bank has forecast that bangladeshs gross domestic product is
grow by 7.9%in the current year 2020-2021 fiscal year.

Mughal empire classical period-

1526-1530 BABUR
1539-1556 HUMAYUN
1556-1605 AKBAR
1605-1627 JAHANGIR
1628-1658 SHAH JAHAN
1659-1707 AURANGZEB

Future prospects of Bangladesh:

• To become a middle income country by the year 2021
• To become the 30th largest economy of world by the year 2030
• To the largest RMGexports in the world
• Enhancing export volume through export diversification
• Huge demand and reputation of bangladeshi pharmaceyticalls around the world
• Shipbuildinfg sector of bangfladesh
• Higher flow remitance &foreign exchange reserve

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Economy of Bangladesh

“Mughal To Present Economy of Bangladesh”

Source: Bangladesh

What is the comparative analysis of Bangladesh economy from

Mughal period to present?


The economy in Mughal was reliant on agriculture, trade and other businesses. Agriculture
contained to be an important part of the economy. But the crops methods still remained majorly
unaffected. The fabric business was thriving and later the was an incredible demand for cotton
and silk
On the other hand, present economic situation in Bangladesh has been largely driven by its
exports of ready-made garments, remittances and the domestic agriculture sector. The country
has pursued export-oriented industrialization, with its key export sectors include textiles, ship
build etc.

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Economy of Bangladesh


Mughal Economy (1526-1761)

• Agriculture
• Shipbuilding
• Business
• Textile
• Trade
• labor
Present Economy (2020)

• Readymade • Shipbuilding • Tea

• Garments • Automotive • Rice
• Domestic • Bicycle • Natural Gas and
Agriculture • Leather Crude Petroleum
• Industries • Jute • Iron and Steel
• Textiles • Glass • Food and Beverag
• Pharmaceutical • Paper es
Products • Plastic
• Electronics • Cement

We can see that present economic sector is greater than Mughal economic sector. Whereas
present economy is more technology based.

In Mughal sultan was more important role play in Mughal economy. This man-made asset had
been cleverly designed, solidly executed and carefully maintained. It has served to control
erosion, harvest maximum run off and retain highly fertile soil
• A massive outflow of labor where Female is more than total male force
• More labor is supply from rural area
• Government gave high priority in agriculture sector


Female Male



Figure 1

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Economy of Bangladesh

Difference between Mughal period Agriculture to present agriculture:

Mughal Agriculture Present Agriculture

GDP by sector- 40% GDP by sector- 14.23%


Mughal economy

The economic stability of the empire was ruined because of constant wars. Some of the wars
did not add even in inch to the Mughal emperor besides this, the Mughal rules spent lavishly
on buildings and monuments. Finally, the foreign invasions completely shattered the economy.
• The Mughals used the mansabda system to generate land revenue
• The emperor would grant revenue rights to a mamsabdar in exchange for promises of
soldiers in war time
• The mansab was both revocable and nonhereditary

Present Economy

According to the forecast related by the economist intelligence unit on 26 march, the global
economy is expected to contact by 2.2 per cent in 2020.these effects are expected to be more
exposed in major G20 economics such as
• Germany, Italy the United Kingdom and the us all countries that are major markets for
Bangladesh most vital tradable goods- readymade garments
• The depressed oil prices will also lead to a strong reversal of growth in the middle east
and north Africa region, which is also home to a large Bangladeshi diaspora who send
back close to $20 billion every year
• But in coming months there will be decreases in remittance and that these second decree
impacts will also be felt in the country

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Economy of Bangladesh

GDP Growth Rate

7.6 8 7.9
6.8 7.2
6.5 6.2 6.3
6 6

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Figure 2


In Mughal period, Seth bohria traders special sized in long distance trade, local traders were
called BANIK. Imports were raw silks, gold, ivory, valuable stones, perfumes, horses and
salves. Internal trade become more important than international trade. But in present
economy import & export both important.


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Economy of Bangladesh

What is the Current Structure of Bangladesh Economy?


The current issue of Bangladesh economic update focuses on the overall economic condition
of Bangladesh particularly in the half way of Fiscal year (1 July -30 June). To explore current
economic status, macroeconomics framework Real sector framework, social sector, poverty &
inequality and Employment. Whereas COVID-19 pandemic will more affect private sector as
well as public sector not only Bangladesh economy also world economy.



• Total population of Bangladesh 162,650,853 (2020 est).

• The total amount of gross domestic product (GDP) $338 billion (nominal ;2021 est).
• GDP rank 35th (noiminal,2020), 29th (ppp,2020)
• GDP by 3 sectors in which the contribution of agriculture sector is 14.23%, industry
sector is 33.66%, service sector is 52.11%


33.66% service

Figure 3

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Economy of Bangladesh

➢ GDP Growth

Hence, based on the economic distributions following the pandemic, GDP growth forecast of
Bangladesh by IMF, web and ADB has been revised downward FRO 7.9%,8.2%,5.20%, 3.8%
for FY’20. we can say that, this pandemic will simultaneously affect in Bangladesh economy

• GDP per capita -$2064(nominal;2020), $5139(ppp,2020 est)

• GDP per capita rank – 141th (nominal,2020), 135th (ppp,2020)

GDP Growth
7.90% 8.20%


2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021

Figure 4

➢ Inflation Rate

Current inflation rate in Bangladesh in below:

Rate of inflation
December ,2019 November,2020 December,2020
(as measured by CPI)

Point to point 5.75% 5.52% 5.29%

Monthly average Figure 5

5.59% 5.73% 5.69%

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Economy of Bangladesh

➢ Export & Import

In current year, COVID-19 will be major effect to export and import industry. we predict that
export to fall by 15.4% as well as import to slow down by 11.8% and remittance to grow at
6.0% in fiscal year 2020
The rate of point decline in current year. Bangladesh Textiles, Garments, Leather & Leather
Goods, Pharmaceuticals and other Chemical products, Ceramic Products, Bicycles, Jute and
Jute Goods, IT, Agricultural Products, Frozen Food
• In Bangladesh, 2019-2020 fiscal year export rate was $ 33.67 billion
• But 2018-2019 9(July June) $ 40.53 billion

Textiles and Textile Articles, Machinery and Mechanical Appliances, Electrical Equipment,
Mineral Products, Vegetable Products, Metal & metal products, Chemicals & Allied Products,
Vehicles & Aircraft

• In July 2019-june 2020) Bangladesh was import $46.24 billion

• But $55.44 billion 2018-2019 fiscal year.

Export Import

July 2018- June 2019 July 2018- June 2019

$40.53 billion $55.44 billion

July 2019- June 2020 July 2019- June 2020

$33.53 billion $55.44 billion

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Economy of Bangladesh


The pharmaceutical industry is among the least

effected by the pentameric disruption but the
industry’s supply chain has been stretched
dangerously thin. The industry imports over
97% of its raw materials however trade with Health
importing countries has been severely
restricted since the start of pandemic
Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal Gender
allocated Tk 66,400 crore for the Education
sector for the 2020-21 fiscal year. He allocated Education
Tk 24,937 crore for the primary and mass
education ministry, Tk 33,118 crore for
secondary and higher education division and
Tk 8,345 crore for technical and madrasa
education division.
Bd has closed over 72 % of its overall Gender
gap, while Pakistan managed less than 55 %





Figure 5

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Economy of Bangladesh


The post covid-19 world will not be the same. In the long run after taking into account the
economic situation of Bangladesh the government has targeted to achieve the targeted GDP.



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