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What impact do you think Women in STEM are making in the corporate world today?

Although there are more men in STEM fields, women have some huge contributions in this field
as well. There are plenty of female programmers today who provide YouTube tutorials; many
female employees like scientists and engineers work in Google, Microsoft, NASA and other
renowned companies making significant impact. In fact, numerous women are associated with
NASA STEM engagement and NASA Mars Exploration Program and they are known as Women
of STEM and Women of Mars respectively. Also, in medical fields, women have taken over.
Even as entrepreneurs, women are emerging successful. One such example is Bonton connect
which is an internet service provider and whose founder and CEO is a female. Furthermore, there
are other influential women scientists who have made a mark with their research and inventions,
e.g. Jennifer Doudna for inventing a technology for editing genomes, Sunehra Gupta who is a
professor of Theoretical Epidiomology at Oxford University, biomedical engineer Nina Tandon,
and many more. Thus, from finding reasons behind neurological disorders, researching on ways
to live better and longer lives, building a 3D map of the human brain to developing theories
about a new type of star, working to explain some complex mathematical relationships and so
on, women have been indeed bringing in new ideas to the world to make it better for everyone in
the corporate world today.

Participated on Mathematical Olympiad of International Day of Mathematics 2021, 4th Women's

Mathematics Olympiad 2020, intra-university programming contest; Daily Star Award.

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