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Assignment -4 A: Pogya. o Fiber Opes Cormmunicatton uly ECE-A 18B9;A0U03- different +ype of disperioS? 4 Explain about Dtsperson sm optical fiver bavically One of the Imiting factor which decides how renuth = dake com be sransmitted mough the opttcal. fiber bob ortesfrerte Due to dispersion — there may be tein sy ‘These ave 2 —MOJOF sources of dispersions 1 Motertal dts ps won a Waveguide despersion- Matertal lispesxon axises due to freg resporse of a ematertas aped fo manufa blben the speed Of the wae te @ woul’ sts fiequengy then wave guide dapostion 4aber place. —ythere ave a type Ff aesperstons. |. Tntamodel Dispemsfon C chromatic dtspersion) 2. Int modal pisperwov. Taharnodat Disperston : ntramodat dispersion pamarly depends on fiber motertal there are |. Matertal Oksperscon 2 Waveguide DtspessZon- which ave weny dependent ture the cable de on a types Of Intra modal Ofspersion- Matertal Qespesom : ae ar Tr fakes place due -to Ard event ; leng troneluing at different speed anstde the fibers. odd OF : bm 5 ne (| Loa = Dm= Se ae yt | t- (35) l This can be mini ted by wing Bton™ and (S000 wavelen h whith are known os -the ~oo Dis pereor ialavelength (zow) => when wsoaretength ts few thom gow wt roves low and when % ts qed than zow “dt paves Fast fo many constant spect #DM t5 needed prints dispersion docs mot occur t% sengle wrode ftber ayequide Dispersion: ee = ts caused bY athe difference the trder of refration between cove and claddirg whith qewts a dag effect between the core and cloddig potion of the power zuen by the forsale. Dio © Cw Loa of wavepetcle dtperi at 6g ww > width of BA = Speuzal ustdth of source Length of fiber cable. pulse spread becausse L= Iniernodol Dispersion: athts type of dispenscon ts cated Modal D&sper#or ‘his dfspesion takes place t case Of amulltmode Feber optec cables: with maximum speed, are hanelling axe how ebing + Some modes whtle some with omunimum speed. -prt can be reduced by choosing an OPlernun aefsanive {ado inden feber- Laan cose of graded endex -ftber 1 15 lew by ‘of (0 qurnes Ly for stage wrod feb pit ts alrnost LOO can be coluutoled 4 | > total gtsposron of Jrb& | = [tet ow = inbamodal dispersion | where oe = Intermodal dsspess(on- tn polaxizakion F°° Mode _Disperstor? A -foren of dbspenston q diffeent poloxtzakion ares of tes ~rhes FS couse by different lelo & geass $rber wn the erst: pe. whet +0 and canty worm cbt 0 Spreading of the ptt col signal els fr won do A ) oY a Faplatw about splecing Techniques or procedures wed ~ cored WO fibers opttc ott | Spltcaang ae pomanent ath ee bavte —nequinements of gpltcerg re. cables r)spltees should cate —mintrnum — power loss ay they should be ¢asy to tnstatt. *It should contain a low atlenuatton, Wad should be Strong and havtng — Itghrt wtgh ‘They ane 2 mojor spicing “Techniques: Le Fusion splteing a: Mechamical splicing Fuston Splicing : i |B Frew |L_ vs hop { ove quime sthe a ens of the ther axe rikially cleaned anc poleshed : -y-these Cables ave placed om \-shopedt groove in eolPng fiiture, we —sthen cables are fired 0” \V- shaped. groove uM 9 Clamps. then by electrodes healtng ts prourded +o jotnt two Fibers. Advantages: at ques Vow akenuatton “7Tt gues igh quality of jofMk ,and gmall Sixe of splice. Stsadvantages: Ly heat will wna Aft aplicing “Mechanical Splecing: gs renethad: the fer ove aligned and they axe postioning dootles ke -febeh weak: pLenstle swength of -febe decieases. an 4 ‘towed 19 — position ruing Vvoxious lsqthe different — types of emethantaal splicing ave |. precesion tube splice a. loose tube spltce | 3 ideo splice |W ELastomesstc spltce | 5: prtctston pty spltce | 6. Spreng groove spltce- Precision “Tube Splice: que a= | pranitiolly ends of the 4be ty cleaned and poltshed. jr sth compound hos same nepradive tdex as of -feber. feat febers tneented toto splece and outer jacket ts | creeped: [soos Tube _spltte: > Here vectangula tube (3 for spltcny yan Adhevve eatertal ts added in 4ube to jon two feber- | -frber eae e Of adherivte amaterrat two ends of frber will ge | Beaus Sotned- Leadhesive material fos sare Kinder Ff the Fiber. one greoue lee: . | fra © po* sto splice Surface grow’ such thot efter cam be Lethes fs also called as groove 18 Groowe | Lethe dimensions Of easily placed am -the ploced tr the V-gpoowe -then ts Lsthen adhestve epoxy erroten cal. >the fiber ¢s plated fn one of -the V-groove they ave buted together. ee “plod 73 i cthe seconde pla’ aligned Ord placed on i plate. 1) klostreneste, SPEC: f f DO = \ ait & another Wersion of V- groove spltce > wing ould sleeve , 400 elortomebtc parts qe compantsion of fiber aigned, am V~grooWe: spre cisiov pin _spli cer Lethe heat shrink tube fe cused to held ree a. -ythe frbe& tubes axe anserted an opentngs between thee pins: 7 wating {mdex matching epony 1 spliang %5 done- fiber smd ndytcol pins axe wed as ghrgment quide for -febe eae Spring the fiber ts pressed. tn -the groove Jioe opt 2) peswss tm detafl about Kaser diode A tas diode ts a semftconduttor deutle genitals 40a ton lo emit coherent light mm whith ‘reo 4 wes pre yan all the waves are ak ine same fequendy ond ee This coherent tga 5 produced. by Ane ose diode “wing o process sterened au deght Ainpiefecotion by Emission Of Radiation, sence we WF pn Simulated 4 t% cotled oF the deode qunction diode bs Se Ne mol (ag) = (gp) PAF PPR gO) RIDBAOAARLD]D rede 4055 bulb NNN non -0o non —6o PF LL seg fg loving of fates diode fakes place tm tree steps: Energy absorptton : the laser diode consists af a pn junction diode where holes and elecbors extst. -whena certain Volkage 1s apphed at the pn jundion , the electrons Absorbs energy and -they -tramifatim -to a higher energy levels Blectron ocecipees ha ghes Spontancous Emession : perry energy levels by Aft the upper -state lefetime of OS __ emagy — * tite es E ie excited © they recombine with holes: Dergy absorption | - the dechons fou fom higher energy level -to a Lowe maqy level» the difference tm energy $s Comveritd mtv photons ov Cle chowngmetie radiation. packs fo LWA Mmergg 5 photon Grmuared Emission : Cae pe, we need emote cohes ent photons rom the laser owode he process oF Spontaneous ‘nan the oe? ernitted through lemntssion. pavttolly aeptedingy F awed on lhe diode so that the photons meleased orn cportan cous [emission ore trapped “m the Pn undo unit( ther concenbaron reaches a 4hreshold value Thes vexils Pn hotons thot axe m exact phase TOY either stde of the ndeased Of more with the mibial photns So © fs a edd. P' Jp ts arnplttted photon a — sA®Y rT Erdstong prot c Melly enero ert ry Seven 40 e mille proler ground. Slab Consbucion Of _% Laser Dftode: 1” is de up of the | A stmple gerntcondu dor laser diode * mode up Of pants m orded folowing +» Metal comtact * P-type emateatalinbimste Ayer | P-type roatert af ae |" N-type ematssi ab Tnbtnste Rayos 3 me + metal contort N-type material the o tmput feeminals axe conmedcced - a metal plates whch gre Sandwiched +o the n-4 a and loyers (oe diode ¢ an ee ae is tmpinsic . i siege ee eee soa a eee - blu psn type is inweased £0 that o Bs can accumula at jundion : |olp power wil be imcveased whith tS 1 Hee ase, Ught | 4)| chorarckertstics | Coherence | chromad Hy spb vot ath Drusagence | ‘output power | Modes | Bit rote cosk cons budion Emisstove of oplteat sources: LeD Non -cohevent many voartelengths 36 t YO WM Coxe power disttbulim tow (pw) Feeds MM Ftber only < 100-200 Mbps Less expensive Simple “pe uncdion Spontaneous LASER. coherent | highly Monothro mate ann Nav1ow pen beam Hey chet eee > 2&bps more expensile complex —Laser cantly. Srmulated.

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