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Science topics: EconomicsBusiness AdministrationBusiness ManagementProject

ManagementConstruction Project Management

Science topic

Construction Project Management - Science topic

Civil engineering project management

Questions (181)

Publications (38,393)


Publications related to Construction Project Management (1,604)

Sorted by most recent

Figure 1. Decision support concept for selecting optimal contractor.

Figure 2. Hierarchical goal structure procedure [37].

Figure 3. Weights of each criterion-contractors' point-of-view.

Figure 4. Weights of each criterion-clients' point-of-view.

+3Figure 7. The ranking of alternatives with the clients'...

A Multi-Criteria Decision Support Concept for Selecting the Optimal Contractor


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Feb 2021

Ivan Marović

Monika Perić

Tomas Hanak

A way to minimize uncertainty and achieve the best possible project performance in construction
project management can be achieved during the procurement process, which involves selecting an
optimal contractor according to "the most economically advantageous tender." As resources are limited,
decision-makers are often pulled apart by conflicting de...


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Deep and Machine learning approaches for Forecasting the Residual Value of Heavy Construction
Equipment: A Management Decision Support Model


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Feb 2021

Ali Shehadeh

Odey Alshboul

Rabia Almamlook[...]

Muna Alkasasbeh

Purpose-Residual value forecasting is dynamic as it relies on the age, type, brand, and model of the
equipment, ranking condition, place of sale, operating hours, and other macroeconomic gauges. The
main objective of this study is to predict the residual value of the main types of heavy equipment.
Residual Value of Heavy Construction Equipment are...


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A summary of the forecasts and the ex-post errors of the prices of...

The expected profit value [EUR] is related to the decision-maker's...

Alternative loss matrix.

Application of Game Theory against Nature in Supporting Bid Pricing in Construction


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Jan 2021

Łukasz Rzepecki

Piotr Jaskowski

The problem of setting prices for construction works is significant for both the investor and contractor
companies. The periodically occurring instabilities in the economy require investment process
participants to perform detailed market analyses and assessments, as well as to monitor price forecasts
in construction. It is only after such an asses...


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Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the study. Based on Aga et al....

Structure of IRS


Descriptive Statistics

+1Correlation, Mean, SD

Transformational leadership and project success: The mediating role of effective -communication

Conference Paper

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Jan 2021

Muazam Ali

Farooq Rasheed

This study is undertaken to investigate the direct and indirect (through effective communication) effect
of transformational leadership on project success. The relationship between transformational leadership
and project success has been established empirically. But less work has been done to understand the
processes through which this relationship...


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Improving the Labour Productivity through Other Resources in Construction Field

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Jan 2021

B Vijay

Antony Raj

Kothai P.S

Productivity remains an intriguing subject and a dominant issue in the construction sector, promising
cost savings and efficient usage of resources. Productivity is one of the most important issues in both
developed and developing countries. Human Resource Management or HRM is the process of managing
people in a company/firm as well as managing the...


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Social media categories

Gender, type of institution sector, occupation and experience of...

Questionnaire Items


Coefficients a -H1

An Investigation of the Impact of Social Media on Construction Project Management


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Jan 2021

Ansam Omar Al-Shehan

Jamal M. Assbeihat

One of the most important aspects of managing a project is communication. Although this issue has
been widely covered in management, a lack of attention has been given in the project management,
slight is known as the impact of social media tools on construction project management. The main
purpose of the present study is to explore the potential o...


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Module Design

Assessment Mode

Analysis and Consideration of Construction Project Management Course on Building Information


Conference Paper

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Jan 2021

Yunxia Jiang


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Payment Considerations in Turkish Building Construction Contracts vs. FIDIC Contracts

Conference Paper

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Dec 2020

Levent Sumer

david arditi

mert can baskaya

Contract administration is one of the most important pillars of a construction project. Its effect starts at
bidding and lasts until the end of the guarantee period. A common mistake made by construction
owners is structuring the construction contract in a way that minimizes the owner’s risks by relaxing the
timing of owner payments, including heav...


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Construction project management methodology and PMI changes


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Dec 2020

Marco Ebrahem

Change is a fact and it is something can bring value to people and organization. Smart visionary leaders
can see changes earlier than their competitors, work to get the benefits out of it. Put strategies for
effecting change, controlling change and helping people to adapt to change. With that being said, let’s
look into what changes that PMI made f...


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Crashing Construction Project Schedules by Relocating Resources


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Dec 2020

Michał Tomczak

Piotr Jaskowski

A variety of schedule compression techniques are used to get delayed construction projects ``back on
tracks''. This paper presents a new optimization approach to schedule crashing by relocating some of the
workers from non-critical to critical processes (changing composition of crews using the initial pool of
workers) and employing additional resou...


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List of the most popular journals.

Number of papers by categories and timespan of their publication.

Quality factors by types.

Understanding the Key Quality Factors in Construction Projects-A Systematic Literature Review

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Dec 2020

Sławomir Wawak

Žanesa Ljevo

Mladen Vukomanović

Project management frameworks describe the preferred approaches to project quality management, as
well as applicable methods and tools. Despite this, quality problems in the construction project are still
widespread. This study aimed to identify crucial quality-related factors in construction project
management and find relations between them, to h...


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Importance classification diagram (

Source: Sedayu 2016)

User interest classification diagram for housing construction performance

Improving the performance of construction project using green building principles


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Dec 2020

Agung Sedayu

Arief Rakhman Setiono

Agus Subaqin

Achmad Gat Gautama

Construction projects need to be effectively managed to prevent conflicts and problems between the
constructor, users, and the environment, and this requires considering the principles of eco-friendliness,
especially for housing projects. This study was, therefore, conducted to set priorities to improve the
performance of housing construction proje...


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Demographic information of the participants

Participants' responses

ANOVA on lessons learnt due to COVID-19

COVID-19 Pandemic: The Effects and Prospects in the Construction Industry


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Nov 2020

Mercy Ogunnusi

Mansur Hamma-adama

Huda Salman

Tahar Kouider

COVID-19, social distancing, self-isolation, quarantine, furlough, palliatives, and many more emerged as
the new vocabularies of the entire world, construction industry not excluded. It is precisely a decade
from the last pandemic experienced by the human race. However, the most popular disease outbreak
called Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) w...


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Incidence of Building Collapse in Nigeria.


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Nov 2020

Anya Emmanuel T.

The persistent building collapse in Nigeria which is attributed to some foundational (substructure),
structural (super-structure), and construction project management factors affecting the building
components has been a matter of great concern to the building industry, government and the general
public at large. This study therefore is designed to...


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Figure 1: Typical phases of a LL process

Figure 2 Proposed model

Figure 4 Distribution of LLs over the project life cycle in the case...

Managing the connection between project & organization levels: A case example of lessons learned
practices in building projects

Conference Paper

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Nov 2020

Halim Emre Okullu

Emrah Acar

Conversion of knowledge and experience gained in projects into organizational assets is amongst the
typical challenges of job production. Lessons Learned (LL) is a management tool which managers can
effectively use to distill experiences from past projects and turn each into a valuable learning experience
to achieve higher performance in future pro...


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Project Management 1 Project Management (Construction Project)

Research Proposal
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Nov 2020

Oselu Stephen

A literature review on the construction project management


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The essential art of construction project management


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Nov 2020

Emma Wood

Don Amila Sajeevan Samarasinghe

Every construction project has three delivery objectives – to be completed on time, within budget, and
at high quality in accordance with local regulations and standards. The role of the project manager is to
ensure all of these key goals are met.


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Figure 2: The process of conflict events (Source: Pondy, 1967)

Figure 3: Conflict as an antecedent of relationship quality

Components of relationship quality in relational marketing literature

An interdisciplinary perspective of conflict and relationships in construction procurement and logistics


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Nov 2020
Mostafa Babaeian Jelodar

Andries Hennie van Heerden

Gregory Chawynski

Due to the construction industry's eagerness to lifting adversarial trends and realising the benefits of
good relationships, the current research intends to investigate the construct of relationship quality in
construction projects; especially in the event of a conflict. An interdisciplinary construct is derived using
a three step methodology and w...


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The association of subjective fit perceptions, distress, emotional exhaustion, and work engagement,
with work functioning problems: A cross-sectional study conducted among young construction project
management professionals


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Oct 2020

Ziyang Song

Edwin J. Boezeman

Karen Nieuwenhuijsen[...]

Angela G. E. M. de Boer

Objectives: To investigate the association of subjective fit perceptions, distress, emotional exhaustion,
and work engagement, with work functioning, among young construction project management
professionals (CPMPs). Methods: The research had a cross-sectional design. Dutch young CPMPs (142
participants, age range: 20 to 30 years of age) complet...


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Figure 1. Network representation of keywords re-occurrence in literature

Figure 2. 3D Geometric model of the structure and prefabricated modules

An Analysis of 4D-BIM Construction Planning: Advantages, Risks and Challenges

Conference Paper

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Oct 2020

Pedram Farnood Ahmadi

Mehrdad Arashpour

The rapid growth on the field of project management and building information modelling (BIM) has led
not only to the enhancement of architectural/structural design, construction methodology and
operation of facilities but also to the generating of the new and exciting applications such as 4D
simulations, project scheduling and controlling. 4D plann...


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Performance of road construction infrastructural projects

Financial ability of contractors and performance of road construction...

Correlation matrix for financial ability of contractors and performance...

Evaluation of Contractors’ Financial Ability: A Remedy for Performance of Road Construction

Infrastructural Projects for Sustainable Cities


Full-text available

Oct 2020

James Mushori

Construction of roads in Kenya, particularly done by local contractors, has adversely been faced with
serious issues to do with cost overruns, longer periods in completion and above all poor quality upon
completion. However, performance of roads in the post-delivery or post construction stage has not
keenly been assessed or studied despite poor...

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Status of 4D BIM Implementation in Indian Construction

Conference Paper

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Oct 2020

V. Paul Christopher Charlesraj

Dinesh Talapaneni

Enhanced visualisation is one of the low hanging fruits of BIM implementation. It helps in improving
clarity in communications and fosters collaboration & coordination of construction projects for efficient
delivery. 4D BIM combines the proposed sequence of work in a project with the 3D parametric digital
model of the facility to be built. 4D BIM i...


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Editorial: Spatiotemporal Modelling for Construction Project Management

Research Proposal

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Oct 2020

Adel Francis

Borja García de Soto

Shabtai Isaac


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Modeling the spread of COVID-19 on construction workers: An agent-based approach


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Oct 2020
Felipe Araya

As the spread of COVID-19 has continued since December 2019, stay at home orders around the globe
have changed how we live our lives, mostly from physical to virtual interactions, such as going to college
and doing our jobs; however, some activities are basically impossible to perform virtually, such as
construction activities. Thus, the constructi...


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Risk Register for School of Financial Studies




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Oct 2020

Nebo, Ikechukwu Justus

Hkay Hubs

Assessment of risks in construction project management is usually essential to all stakeholders in a

construction project, including owner, contractor and subcontractor. The objectives of this work are
evaluate the level of occurrence of these risk factors: design development risks, construction risks,
employer change risk, employer other risks in...


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Fig. 1: Running case about the Berlin airport construction that...

Fig. 2: CoPM-system value proposition and the FLG model.

Fig. 3: CoPM-system user-asset refinement goal model.

Fig. 4: CoPM-system project refinement goal model.

+9Fig. 5: CoPM-system payment-refinement goal model.

Designing a Collaborative Construction-Project Platform on Blockchain Technology for Transparency,

Traceability and Information Symmetry - Whitepaper

Technical Report

Full-text available

Sep 2020

Alex Norta

Christoph Wenna

Chibuzor Udokwu

The construction industry is a $6 trillion industry worldwide with a prediction to grow towards $10,3
trillion by 2023 and constitutes an essential part of the global economy. Nevertheless, the management
of the construction effort is still very manual. The construction process from design, to sourcing of
material, contract management, and so on, i...


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Figure 1. A perception-based model for smart contract adoption.

Figure 2. Methodology flowchart.

Constructs and measurement items.

Regression model ANOVA.

Regression model coefficients.

Technological, organisational and environmental determinants of smart contracts adoption: UK

construction sector viewpoint


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Sep 2020

Sulafa Badi
Professor Edward Ochieng

Mohamed Nasaj

Maria Papadaki

This study aims to identify the factors that influence the adoption of smart contracts in the UK
construction sector. A deductive questionnaire-based approach informed by the technology-
organisation-environment (TOE) model is adopted. The framework is comprised of twelve independent
variables and one dependent variable of smart contracts use intent...


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Figure 2. The selection process for PDSs.

The comprehensive evaluation values with different operators.

The score functions values of all alternatives with different operators.

Decision-Making for Project Delivery System with Related-Indicators Based on Pythagorean Fuzzy
Weighted Muirhead Mean Operator


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Sep 2020

Yongchao Cao

Huimin li

Limin Su

An appropriate project delivery system plays an essential role in sustainable construction project
management. Due to the complexity of practical problems and the ambiguity of human thinking,
selecting an appropriate project delivery system (PDS) is an enormous challenge for owners. This paper
aims to develop a PDS selection method to deal with the...


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Respondent age and qualification

Courses attended and experiences

ranking of factors in planning phase

ranking of factor in design phase

+2ranking of factors in construction phase

International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology Factors Affecting the
Client's Performance in the Public Construction Projects: Case Study of Oman


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Sep 2020

Mohamed A Albarami

Sivadass Thiruchelvam

Ahmmed Saadi

Despite the vast research on construction projects management issues in the Middle-East, little is known
about client involvement in public projects. This article presents a study on identifying significant factors
affecting client participation performance in public construction projects in the Sultanate of Oman. The
study was conducted in quantit...


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Figure 1. Framework of the research study.

Figure 4. Publication based on men, women and young workers. Figure 5....

Contribution of authors to work-life balance research (authors who...

Origin of selected work-life balance research papers.

+1Research methods adopted.

A Review of Work-Life Balance in the Construction Industry


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Sep 2020

Bashir Tijani

Osei-Kyei Robert

Yingbin Feng

Over the past decade, work-life balance (WLB) has induced growing attention in the construction
industry due to the concomitant effects on the mental health of construction workers, turnover rate and
project performance. Numerous empirical studies have been conducted on various themes on WLB in
the construction industry. Nevertheless, a systematic...


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Figure 1. Adopted from McMillan (2008, 122).

Figure 2. Transition from disorder to order swimmers in the pool (From...

Figure 3. Collective mind and high performance.

Managing complex projects and systems: a literature synthesis


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Aug 2020

Vernon Ireland

Larissa Statsenko

This paper provides a comprehensive synthesis of the seminal literature in complex systems to identify a
group of key complex systems parameters and models relevant to both systems engineering and
construction project management. The key research question addressed is whether the traditional
practice of engineering, particularly as applied to proje...


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BIM's Effective Role in Enhancing Collaboration by Designing Syrian Sports Buildings


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Aug 2020

Jamal Younes Omran

Effective flow of data and communication at all stages of a construction project is important for reaching
required coordination and collaboration between all project stakeholders, leading to effective
management of the projects. In present situation, when project participants are geographically divided,
operation of information communication techn...


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Profile of Respondents

Construct Reliability and Validity

Cross Loading

Collinearity Diagnostics

Results of Bootstrapping for Structural Model Evaluation

Does government policy matter? Factors influencing contractors' risk attitudes in the Malaysian
construction industry: A structural equation modelling analysis


Full-text available

Aug 2020

Taofeeq .D. Moshood

A.Q. Adeleke

Gusman Nawanir[...]

Waliu Adeniyi Ajibike

One of the critical factors responsible for the successful management of construction projects is
individual factors. These factors play a significant role in the decision-makers' attitudes towards risks
management. Many previous studies regarding the management of construction projects have focused
on the factors contributing to the success of ris...

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Fig. 1. Answers concerning the time of BIM practice.

Fig. 2. Answers concerning the accomplishment of benefits through BIM use.

Fig. 3. Answers concerning the BIM impact over project contracts....

Fig. 5. Answers concerning the BIM impact over communication.

+9Fig. 6. Answers concerning the BIM impact over construction project...

Project Management after the BIM Introduction: Paradigm Shift or Reiteration?

Conference Paper

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Aug 2020

Raissa Freitas

Adel Francis

Edmond Miresco

Silvio Burrattino Melhado

By the early 2000s, the practical usage of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the American
construction sector was pushed by the US General Services Administration (GSA). Since then, BIM usage
has been growing all over the world and several new possibilities regarding processes integration are
emerging, as well as construction productivity enh...


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Measuring Project Performance and Success Factors of Construction Sites


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Jul 2020

Shilpi Bhuinyan

Pranav Gadekar
Nikita Agrawal[...]

Yash Sunil Raut

Project performance is crucial issue for the construction industry. The need for performance
measurement systems is critical in the construction. In projects, timely completion and client satisfaction
are often used to determine success. The effective performance of the construction project manager to
perform his job functions with intended efficac...


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Figure 1. Research framework for ANN prediction of post-contract cost...

Figure 2. Predictive pseudo-probability for the level 1 training.

Figure 3. Predictive pseudo-probability of the second level.

Figure 5. Validated predicted pseudo-probability for the professionals.

+13Figure 6. A comparison of the normalised importance for level 2 and...

An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Predicting Most Applicable Post-Contract Cost Controlling
Techniques in Construction Projects


Full-text available

Jul 2020

Temitope Omotayo

B.O Awuzie

Ayokunle Olubunmi Olanipekun

The post-contract phase of the construction process remains critical to cost management. Several
techniques have been used to facilitate effective cost management in this phase. However, the
deployment of these techniques has not caused a reduction in the incidence of cost overruns hence
casting doubts on their utility. The seeming underwhelming pe...


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Fig. 13.1 Synthesis of the key generic findings for a conceptual...

Fig. 13.2 Strategic project management system: partial framework (1....



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Jul 2020

Debu Mukerji

Transcendent Leadership for Sustainable Performance: India & China Dr Debu Mukerji PhD. MSIS
Abstract India and China have achieved spectacular economic growth. However, the process has not
always been free from problems. The drivers for growth appear to be mainly short-term economic
advantage and business models often have resulted in a signifi...


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Fig 1. BP neural network structure diagram....

Fig 2. BP neural network algorithm process....

Fig 3. MTLBO algorithm process....

Fig 8. Average training time....

+2Test functions.

Risk management system and intelligent decision-making for prefabricated building project under deep
learning modified teaching-learning-based optimization


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Jul 2020

Huazan Liu

Yukang He
Qichao Hu[...]

Lan Luo

This study establishes a model of prefabricated building project risk management system based on the
Modified Teaching-Learning-Based-Optimization (MTLBO) algorithm and a prediction model of deep
learning multilayer feedforward neural network (Backpropagation, BP neural network) to improve the
requirements of risk management during the construction...


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Figure 1. Development dynamics of investment construction projects by...

Figure 2. «Product / Technology» Matrix [4].

Figure 3. Bayesian network of the problematic situation on the project.

Capital construction projects management based on Bayesian networks integrated into the complexity


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Jul 2020

Margarita Panteleeva


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Six Sigma Project Procurement application in public procurement


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Jul 2020

Jemima Antwiwaa Ottou

B.K. Baiden
Gabriel Nani

Purpose Project management tools and techniques have been widely adopted in the construction
industry; however, its combination with Six Sigma and application in construction procurement has not
been widely researched. This paper explores the use of Six Sigma Project Procurement (SSPP) and its
potential applications in public sector construction pr...


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Figure 1: Development of collaboration in urban planning

Development of Collaboration in Planning: What Can Construction Project Management Learn From
Other Fields?

Conference Paper

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Jul 2020

Emmanuel Itodo Daniel

Christine Pasquire

Ezekiel Chinyio[...]

Subashini Suresh

This study seeks to examine how collaboration in planning has developed in the fields of urban planning
(UP), software design and lean construction and to present what construction project management can
learn from these developments. A critical literature review was adopted to achieve the aim of the study.
The study found that the prevailing ratio...


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The Impact of COVID-19 on Project Managers in the Construction Industry


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Jul 2020

Moses Nyathi

Simon Taylor

Cecile Gerwel Proches

The global COVID-19 pandemic has presented project managers with "unknown unknowns" which will
inevitably change the dynamics of risk management. Project managers in the construction industry are
usually responsible for more than one project at a time. Construction project managers in South Africa
and abroad will have to revisit and update the proj...


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Percentage of each possible issue derived from using CPM

Construction Industry Perspective on Planning and Scheduling Content

Conference Paper

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Jun 2020

Saeed Rokooei

Neil Pickavance

Alireza Shojaei

Andrew Ross

This paper succinctly reports a study performed to explore planning and scheduling as the two key
components of every project. Construction project managers devote a major portion of their daily time
to develop, revise, and update their schedules. The same emphasis exists in construction education
where the content is provided in one or two major c...


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Fig. 2. Traditional construction change management workflow.

Fig. 5. Organizational network of the construction change management...

Fig. 6. Unit centrality of each unit in networks of non-BIM and with...

Fig. 7. Unit betweenness centrality of each unit in networks of non-BIM...

Social network visual simulation for process reengineering of construction change management under
building information modelling technology


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Jun 2020

Yinglong Zhang

Hao Hu

Feng Xu

Construction change management is an important part of construction project management. Previous

studies usually focus on the various steps of construction change control: analyzing the causes of
change, avoiding the risk of change, tracking the process of change, management and feedback of
change. This study focused on improving the information fl...


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Figure 9.1.1: CPI Trend Analysis 9.2 Statement 2 The final CPI does not...

Figure 9.13.1: SPI Trend Analysis 9.14 Statement 14 EVM outcome...

Application of Earned Value Management in Indian Construction Projects Success areas and Limitations
of Application of EVM


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Jun 2020

Himel Barikder

Virendra Kumar Paul

Earned Value Management has widely been used and considered as the best approach to Measure
Performance of a Project. The reliability of EVM in measuring project's current cost performance and
forecasting its final cost at completion has been well appreciated since the concept's inception which is
considered as a success area of the concept which i...


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Council Membership

Assessing BIM Application in the South African Construction Project Management Milieu


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Jun 2020

Derick Booyens

Cole van Beek

This study aimed to identify the prevalence BIM has in South Africa. To determine the level of
understanding of BIM’s capabilities with regards to four dimensional (4D) and five dimensional (5D) BIM,
and its level of implementation amongst South Africa’s most prominent individuals in Project and
Construction Management – members of the South Africa...


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Construction Project Manager

Technical Report

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Jun 2020

Mohammed Hamed

Projects always defined by outcome requirements, the cost and time constraints, and are limited by the
environment in which is done. So, as a result, the construction project manager's works include the
scope of work, quality management, cost, schedule, time, motivation, and various administrative duties.
Construction projects are unique, which is...


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李芝兰 罗曼 杨燊-制度差异与制度创新-公共行政评论 2020.04


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Jun 2020


Shen Yang

Linda Chelan Li

Institutional Differentiation and Change: the Reform of the Greater Bay Area under Interactions of
Divergent Institutions How can the Greater Bay Area contribute to comprehensively deepening reforms
in China? What impact do the institutional differentiations between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao
have in the reform process? These critical issues a...


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Age distribution of respondent workmen

Relative Importance Index of labour productivity factors

Relative Importance Index of mitigation measures

Identifying factors affecting construction labour productivity in India and measures to improve


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Jun 2020

Aman Agarwal

Srijeet Halder

The construction industry is one of the largest industries in India. But the majority of the construction
projects have suffered from delays. Lower than expected labour productivity has been a frequent cause
of delay in construction projects. Although measuring labour productivity is easy and straightforward,
controlling it is often not so. This st...


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Figure 1. The BIM-based schedule management application framework 3.2....

Figure 3. Screenshots of construction schedule simulation tracking

Research on the Application of BIM Technology in the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Construction
Project Management


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Jun 2020

Youren Liu

A.T. Zub


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Marketing Strategies of Samsung Construction and Trading


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May 2020

B Binod Kumar Patro

This Report Contains the marketing strategy of Samsung C & T. This the assignment work of RICS School
Built Environment, Amity University , Mumbai. Department of MBA in Construction Project


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May 2020

Victor Nnannaya Okorie

Chinedu Chimdi Adindu

Nigeria's construction sector is a key to the development of national economy, especially its
contribution to employment creation and value addition to the national gross domestic product. The
mode of workforce recruitment, job retention and disengagement are largely informal with an attendant
high rate of construction site accidents often resultin...


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Figure 7. Results of a cost analysis broken down by elements of LCC for...

Starting points of the economic assessment.

Energy and Cost Analysis of Building Envelope Components Using BIM: A Systematic Approach


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May 2020

Zoran Pučko

Damjan Maučec

Nataša Šuman

The selection of cost-effective components of the building envelope plays a significant role in a
sustainable building design solution. Therefore, in terms of effective decision-making, it is important to
have a complete insight into construction and running costs throughout the lifespan of the building. A
systematic building information modelling...


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Construction Project Management (Design Project Yr 3, Part 2)

Technical Report

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May 2020

Ahmad Musa Gunter

Project Brief: 1. Produce a draft report for your managing director that can be used to inform potential
clients of the benefits of using project management consultants as project leaders on the Healthy Living
Centre project. In addition identify in particular the services your firm could offer the project’s client(s)
and provide an assessment of t...

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Figure 1-4. Project life cycle

Construction Project Management


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May 2020

Shad Muhammad


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FIGURE 1 | Illustration of the alternative solution structures in the...

Figure 2: Procedure of the applied tabu search

FIGURE 3 | 3-D model for the example.

Figure 4: Complete (a) and close-up (b) views of the convergence...

+9FIGURE 5 | 4-D simulation adopting the normal-level scheme [(A), (B)...

Spatiotemporal Modeling of Lifting Task Scheduling for Tower Cranes With a Tabu Search and 4-D


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May 2020

Keyi Wu

Borja García de Soto

Effective lifting task scheduling for tower cranes is beneficial for the smooth operation of a construction
project. Previous studies have often ignored workspace availability for lifting task scheduling.
Consequently, the pre- and post-lifting processes that are primarily caused by material preparation and
transfer times at the supply and demand p...


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Recent Advances in Mobile Applications For Construction; A Search for Cost Management of Projects


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May 2020

Igwe Uchenna Sampson

Sarajul Fikri Mohamad

Mohamed Bin Mat[...]

Johor Bahru Malaysia

Construction industry is information-oriented industry and the increasing demands for cost
effectiveness, process efficiency, and apt conveyance of information for management action resulted to
several innovations in the industry. Mobile technology is one of the new trends of industrial innovations
which has altered present day business operations...


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International Journal of All Research Writings 91 ASSESSMENT OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT



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May 2020

Olufunke Adeke Fasuyi

Bamidele Fasuyi

Olubunmi Ade-Ojo
Man's upliftment with regard to the effective and viable utilization of the numerous resources
surrounding him is the basis on which management has found its footing all over the world today.
Construction activity, which has been in existence since the caveman started building his shelter, has
created many wonders in the world and produced many fac...


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Effective Strategies of Construction Design and Management in Construction Site


Full-text available

Apr 2020

Jianhui Wang

p>At present, all walks of life are carrying out deepening reforms, and the construction industry is
exploring scientific and more feasible technical management measures to ensure the engineering quality
of enterprises. Based on this, this paper briefly expounds the problems existing in the process of
construction project management and constructio...


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Figure 2. Post-hoc Interview Results

The Participants' Demographic Information

Data Statistical Analysis Results

Construction Safety Training: Exploring Different Perspectives of Construction Managers and Workers

Conference Paper

Full-text available

Apr 2020

Mostafa Namian

Sharareh Kermanshachi
Mohammad Khalid

Ahmed Al-Bayati

The construction industry has high rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries. The number of
accidents in construction has been steadily increasing in recent years. Every year, more than 60
thousand construction fatalities happen in the world. In the United States, construction has the highest
number of fatalities among all industries. In o...


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Integration of Industry 4.0 for Advanced Construction Project Management


Full-text available

Apr 2020

Nataša Šuman

Zoran Pučko

The construction industry is facing the increasing process of integration of Industry 4.0 in all phases of
the construction project lifecycle. Its exponential growth has been detected in research efforts focused
on the usage of the building information modeling (BIM) as one of the most breakthrough innovative
approaches in the construction (AEC) in...


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Figure 2 -Procurement Lifecycle of SFS University

Procurement and Tendering Page1 MBA in Construction Project Management Subject: -Procurement
and Tendering Topic: -Understanding of Different Procurement Routes and Tendering Processes

Full-text available

Apr 2020

B Binod Kumar Patro

This was my assignment work of MBA 2nd Semester. The work is to assume a land of 0.5million sq. ft. to
construct a commercial center by the client. The main objective of the assignment is to identify the pe-
construction stage works(procurement and tendering) for the smooth functioning of the construction
work in the future. The task was given by R...


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Construction project management through BIM and knowledge technology


Full-text available

Apr 2020

Tomáš Mandičák

Peter Mesároš

Matúš Tkáč

Construction project management is difficult process and important part of efficiency and productivity in
construction industry. Currently, construction industry is increasing demands on technology,
environmental and social construction parameters in the context of maintaining the balance of
economic efficiency and sustainability of the constructio...


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Fig. 3 Working principles of time-of-flight and phase-shift laser scanners

Figure 4. Examples of three types of laser scanners according to...

Summary of data segmentation methodologies for point cloud data

Summary of literature on object recognition from point cloud data for...

Computational Methods of Acquisition and Processing of 3D Point Cloud Data for Construction


Full-text available

Apr 2020

Qian Wang

Yi Tan

Zhongya Mei

3D point cloud data from sensing technologies such as 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry are able
to capture the 3D surface geometries of target objects in an accurate and efficient manner. Due to these
advantages, the construction industry has been capturing 3D point cloud data of construction sites,
construction works, and construction equipmen...


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Figure 1. Research methodology [own elaboration].

Figure 2. Cumulative cost chart for the analyzed construction project:...

Figure 3. Charts of standardized cumulative costs for the analyzed...

Figure 4. The area of the S-curve of budgeted costs [own elaboration].

+7Figure 5. The area of the S-curve of actual costs in relation to the...

Methodology of Planning the Course of the Cumulative Cost Curve in Construction Projects


Full-text available

Mar 2020

Jarosław Konior

Mariusz Szóstak

Appropriate planning and effective monitoring of the execution of construction projects is important
with regard to their successful sustainment of implementation. Time and cost are key elements that
determine the success or failure of construction projects. The obtaining of a rational S-curve course
before the start of a construction project that...


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Figure 1. Investor’s work and expenditure schedule of the analyzed...

Figure 2. Planned and actual cumulative costs of the completed hotel...

Figure 3. Variability in the progress of construction works as a result...

Results of measurements and cost analyses of the assessed hotel...

The S-Curve as a Tool for Planning and Controlling of Construction Process-Case Study


Full-text available

Mar 2020

Jarosław Konior

Mariusz Szóstak

One of the key tasks of an investor and a contractor at the stage of planning and implementing
construction works is to measure the progress of execution with regard to the planned deadlines and
costs. During the execution of construction works, the actual progress of the works may differ
significantly from the initial plan, and it is unlikely that...


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Research sample in construction project management by construction...

Use of BIM technology in construction project management (in Slovak...

Use level of BIM technology in construction project management

Floating the resulting productivity impact values

Use of BIM technology and impact on productivity in construction project management


Full-text available

Mar 2020

Peter Mesároš

Tomáš Mandičák

Annamária Behúnová

Building information modelling is a illustration of the physical and functional characteristics of a

technology which connects project information databases in every fields. Use of building information
modelling technology represents one of the most progressive approach in construction project
management. Construction project management is a diffic...


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Fig. 1 : Typical cradle-to-grave LCA framework [30]

Use of BIM and Prefabrication to Improve Environmental Sustainability of Affordable Housing in India


Full-text available

Mar 2020

Sutapa Das

In order to meet the growing housing shortage for fast-urbanizing India, 'Housing for All by 2022'
through affordable housings has been taken up as national agenda. Unfortunately, cost reduction and
project delivery outweigh the vital issue of the environmental sustainability of such projects. As a result,
the lifecycle cost increases in terms of e...


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Figure 2. Model of PDS decision-making.

Figure 3. Virtual interface and elements of NetLogo.

Figure 4. Simulation program flow chart.

Figure 6. Evolution trend under different policies and regulations. (a)...

+9Figure 7. Evolution trend under different market environments. (a) qs1...

Decision Simulation of Construction Project Delivery System under the Sustainable Construction Project


Full-text available

Mar 2020

Jiwei Zhu

Li-Nan Zhou

Liang Li

Wajhat Ali

Choosing an appropriate project delivery system (PDS) directly affects the achievement of performance
goals, and at the same time it is of great significance for sustainable construction project management
(SCPM). This paper took the PDS of construction engineering as the research object, took the Design-
Build (DB) and the Design-Bid-Build (DBB) as...


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Early Warning Dashboard for Advanced Construction Planning Metrics

Conference Paper

Full-text available

Mar 2020

Farook Hamzeh

Ali Ezzeddine

Lynn Shehab[...]
Samir Emdanat

With the advancement of technology and computer-based tools, the methods employed in planning and
control of construction projects are becoming more potent. Throughout this technological evolvement,
researchers have introduced several metrics to guide planners in their assessment of project
performance and control as the project progresses. However...


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Background information of respondents and their organisations

Model Summary of CATPCA

Exploring anti-corruption capabilities of e-procurement in construction project delivery in Nigeria


Full-text available

Mar 2020

Egidario Aduwo

Eziyi Ibem

Afolabi Adedeji[...]

Aderonke Oni

The use of electronic (e-) procurement to support the execution of supply chain management activities
in the different industrial sectors is permeating all regions of the world. However, in countries in sub-
Saharan Africa where there is a significant level of corruption and unethical practices in the procurement
process, there is a need for a bett...


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Figure 2. AHP hierarchy figure of criteria and alternatives for project...

Figure 4. CSFs (AHP) for design consultant.

Figure 5. CSFs (AHP) for supervision consultant.

Figure 6. CSFs (AHP) for supervision PMC.

+8Figure 7. CSFs (AHP) for supervision contractor.

Critical Success Factors for Sustainable Construction Project Management


Full-text available

Mar 2020

Murat Gunduz

Mohammed Almuajebh

It is necessary to identify critical success factors (CSFs) that affect the construction process. This paper's
aim is to define the CSFs considering views of all construction project stakeholders. The contribution of
this paper is to categorize project success factors into categories and quantify the effect of each
category taking into account the...


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Figure 1: TAM 3 by Venkatesh and Bala (2008)

Respondents Demography

Regression Results of TAM3

Technology Acceptance Model for Augmented Reality and Building Information Modeling Integration in
the Construction Industry


Full-text available

Mar 2020

Abdalrahman Elshafey

saar chang CHAI

Eeydzah Aminudin[...]

Abdulrahman Usmani

The digitalization of the construction industry has immense potential for dramatically improving the
industry’s practices. Concerning current measures in construction project management, the industry is
still dependent on traditional construction methods. However, the application of fully automated
techniques within the construction industry has no...


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Figure 1. (A) Proposed project performance model (with respect to...

Figure 2. Path coefficient, R 2 , and Q 2 .

Result of Hypotheses Testing and Confidence Interval.

Impact of Skilled and Unskilled Labor on Project Performance Using Structural Equation Modeling


Full-text available

Mar 2020

Shahid Hussain

Wang Xuetong

Talib Hussain

Construction labors play critical roles in executing the project. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to
provide and review using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach that the
skilled and unskilled labor force impact on project performance which has been overlooked in the
previous literature in the context of the...


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Figure 2. Research process.

Figure 3. Force field analysis showing the pressures influencing CPMs'...

Isomorphism within risk-management practices of the Australian construction industry


Full-text available

Feb 2020

Jacqueline Mary Jepson

Konstantinos Kirytopoulos

Nicholas Chileshe

Isomorphic pressures are thought to stimulate change and adoption of best practice in risk management
(RM). Although this certainly occurs in most industries, it is not occurring in the construction industry.
This research investigates institutional isomorphism in the Australian construction industry. In-depth
interviews and surveys about the use o...


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Figure 1. Hybrid artificial intelligence model Random Forest and...

Figure 2. Structure of the delay prediction model.

Scales of probability and impact of risk delay in construction projects.

Confusion matrix from RF classifier.

Comparison of two classifiers based on performance measures for the...

Prediction of Risk Delay in Construction Projects Using a Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Model


Full-text available

Feb 2020

Zaher Mundher Yaseen

Zainab Hasan Ali

Sinan Salih

Nadhir Al-Ansari

Project delays are the major problems tackled by the construction sector owing to the associated
complexity and uncertainty in the construction activities. Artificial Intelligence (AI) models have
evidenced their capacity to solve dynamic, uncertain and complex tasks. The aim of this current study is
to develop a hybrid artificial intelligence mode...


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Figure 2 The Minamisanriku Coastline. Photo by the author.

Figure 3 Construction of a Seawall in the Shizugawa Area of...

Figure 4 Ongoing Construction in the Shizugawa Area of Minamisanriku....

Figure 5 The Border Between Ishinomaki and Minamisanriku in Togura....

+38Figure 6 2019 Road Conditions in Minamisanriku. Map by author from...

The Paradox of Community Involvement: Post-Disaster Reconstruction in Minamisanriku Japan


Full-text available

Feb 2020

Wesley Cheek

The ongoing process of global urbanization has marked the first decades of the twenty-first century. This
process is not confined to cities, it filters out to hinterlands, rural areas, and sites of extraction. The post-
disaster landscape is a facet of global urbanization that requires further inquiry. Post-disaster
reconstruction and recovery proje...


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Figure 1. Visual representation of these hypotheses.

Figure 2. Mediator effects of Perceived Organizational Prestige (PEP).

Figure 3. Mediator effects of Organizational Identification (OID).

Sample profile.

+2Fit indices for mediation models.

Determinants of the Turnover Intention of Construction Professionals: A Mediation Analysis


Full-text available

Jan 2020

Mehmet Ugural

Heyecan Giritli

Mariusz Urbański

The voluntary turnover rate of qualified professionals is both a critical issue and a priority issue that
affects organizations in different ways. The construction industry has a set of very specific and unique
characteristics that demarcates it from all other sectors. This situation is related with strong
precariousness and employee turnover, as w...


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Figure 1. A Multi-level Model for DSM step by step Analysis of...

Figure 2. Organization measurement matrix and the Organization tie...

Analysing organization-to-project interfaces in construction integration management

Conference Paper

Full-text available

Jan 2020

Qing Yang

Jialu Yu

Na Yang
To carry out the construction project management work effectively, the organization interface
management in the workflow is a fundamental challenge. In the ongoing project, multiple project teams
need to cooperate multi-party and complete project product delivery in different work interfaces. We
suggest that organizational interface and workflow wi...


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Application of Emotional Intelligence to facilitate Conflict Management in the construction company in



Full-text available

Jan 2020

Nyan Lin Thu

Emotional intelligence has been one of the most discussed topics in the literature since it had appeared
in the managerial scene. Positive aspects as well as negative aspects were pointed out throughout the
years. Construction projects, being one of the most technical projects within the field, the arguments of
the importance of emotional intellige...


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International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering 2020 Building the World with Innovative
Structures towards a Sustainable Future

Conference Paper

Full-text available

Jan 2020

Enoch Akindele

Oluwaseyi Awodele

Regardless of whether a country is emerging or developed, construction industry plays a key role in an
economy. This has jack-up national gross income and provides a measure for infrastructural evolution.
Megaprojects such as Building construction and Heavy engineering works are challenging both in terms
of managing the project and addressing the d...

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Measure for the goodness of fit (GOF)

Hypothetical path and their influences

Structure Equation Model for the Successful Implementation of ICT / Automation in Construction Project
Management in India

Conference Paper

Full-text available

Jan 2020

Saurav Dixit

Singh Priyanka

Krystyna Araszkiewicz


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Digital Technology to Enhance Project Leadership Practice: The Case of Civil Construction


Full-text available

Jan 2020

John Ekechukwu

Thorsten Lammers

Digital transformation is fundamentally influencing all aspects of business and society. It can enable
individuals and organizations to transcend from one way of working to another. In construction,
emphasis is shifting from project management to project leadership, as professionals need assisting
tools to not only aid in managing tasks and activit...

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A Systems Thinking Approach to Construction Project Management


Full-text available

Jan 2020

Joe Frederick Cobbinah

Clinton Aigbavboa

Wellington Didibhuku Thwala

Kwamina Ewur Banson

Construction projects plays an important role in nation’s development. The complexity and dynamic
environment of the construction industry characterized it frequent cost, time overruns, low quality, etc.
for construction project management. This study therefore uses a systems thinking approach to identify
the key variables that are affecting this t...


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Figure 1 Map of the Eastern Cape Province Source:...

Research Sample according to size of construction enterprises

Research Sample according to Participants of Construction Projects

Results of Research Sample distribution

Knowledge Management and BIM Technology in Construction Project Management

Conference Paper

Full-text available

Jan 2020

Tomáš Mandičák

Peter Mesároš

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Fig. 2. The Obeya of the IMV project at Toyota Thailand [18]

Fig. 3. The concept of Big Room [20]

Fig. 4. Big Room at Sutter Health's Eden Medical project (Image...

Fig. 5. Interactive study room in Big Room [31]

Fig. 6. The Mission Bay Hospitals project cost and budget tracking...

Big Room concept in project management and control


Full-text available

Dec 2019

Bayram Ali Temel

Hasan Basri Başağa

Merve Uluçay Temel[...]

Mohammad Manzoor Nasery

Especially after the 1980s, computer-aided design programs paved the way for the implementation of
unusual forms and building structures in the construction industry. This situation has increased the
necessity of process management and the development of existing systems in the field of construction
project management has become a necessity. As a r...


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Figure 1. General layout of the construction site.

Figure 2. simplified layout for analysis.

Figure 3. Resulting φ distribution for area 1.

Figure 4. Resulting φ distribution for area 2.

+7Figure 5. Resulting φ distribution for area 2.

Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flights on Construction Job Sites:
A Case Study

Full-text available

Dec 2019

Hashem Izadi Moud

Xun Zhang

Alireza Shojaei

Yuanxin Zhang

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been extensively used on construction job sites in the last ten
years. UAVs applications span from progress monitoring and site monitoring to structural health
inspection and construction safety. While different applications of UAVs on job sites have been
extensively researched, the risks and hazards of flying U...


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Figure 2. Graphs -diagrams of the need for labor resources at various...

The organizational-technological decisions acceptance support system in the investment and

construction projects management


Full-text available

Dec 2019

L B Zelentsov

L D Mayilyan

N. G. Hakobyan

D V Pirko

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Conceptual Model on roles and duties of BIM Project Stakeholders

Investigation on Comparative Roles of Major Stakeholders for BIM Implementation in A Traditional

Construction Project Environment

Conference Paper

Full-text available

Dec 2019

Akila Pramodh Rathnasinghe

Udayangani Kulatunga

The revolutionary effect of Building Information Modelling (BIM) towards the conventional Architecture
Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry has been appraised by many specialists as a constructive
force to change AEC's conformist technologies and management principles. Even though BIM has been
appraised as an integrator of technology and con...


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Mediation effect of organizational citizenship behaviour on the relationship of organizational

communication, team-cohesiveness and perceived construction project success -Sri Lankan perspective

Conference Paper

Full-text available

Dec 2019

Silva Susil Kumara

Bhadra Jinadari Hewapattu Arachchige

This study focuses on investigating the mediation effect of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) on
the relationship of organizational communication, team-cohesiveness and project success in the
construction context of Sri Lanka. This study has adopted a quantitative research strategy and used
Project Managers as respondents. The response rat...


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An Annual Growth Rate of the Malaysian Construction Industry against...

Can Project Managers' Emotional Intelligence Contribute to the Success of Construction Projects?


Full-text available

Dec 2019

Hanafi Ghafur

Mohd Nasrun Mohd Nawi

Today, the challenges faced by a construction project manager are to improve the level of efficiency and
overall productivity levels while at the same time maintaining harmonious relationships with
stakeholders. They need to be able to communicate and interact at an all level and know how to use
tools and methods to improve outcomes. Although Emoti...


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Figure 4 How Frequent Construction Businesses Rely on Mobile Apps to...

Applications and benefits of the technologies in construction and cost...

Recent Technologies in Construction; A Novel Search for Total Cost Management of Construction

Conference Paper

Full-text available

Dec 2019

Igwe Uchenna Sampson

Sarajul Fikri Mohamad

There is a continuous rise in the implementation of information-driven technology in construction,

especially for effective control and management of construction resources. However, the enormous
opportunities that these technologies provide have not been adequately utilized for construction cost
management. Information and communication technologi...


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Transfer of project management technologies from information technology to construction industry

Conference Paper

Full-text available

Dec 2019

Dmytro Lukianov

Юрий Примак

The article discusses the need for transformation of construction project management teams in
connection with the digitalization of the construction industry and the increasing use of BIM
technologies in the implementation of construction projects. The key to the successful implementation
of the project in construction during the transition from tr...


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Descriptive analysis of the sample (n = 152).

Variables and their dimensions, item numbers of the scales, and...

Result of discriminant validity.

The results of hierarchical regression analysis.

How Individual’s Proactive Behavior Helps Construction Sustainability: Exploring the Effects of Project
Citizenship Behavior on Project Performance


Full-text available

Dec 2019

Sijia Guo

Xueqing Wang

Lipeng Fu

Yunfeng Liu

Sustainable development has been commonly identified as a vital target in the construction industry.
Studies have examined different management strategies and procedures to promote resource utilization
efficiency, while the human factors in sustainable construction have received far less attention. This
paper investigates the influence of Project C...


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Figure 1. Hierarchy in the green performance evaluation system.

Figure 2. The construction layout plan for Stage 1. Figure 2. The...

The weights for categories and attributes in the case study.

Green Performance Evaluation System for Energy-Efficiency-Based Planning for Construction Site Layout


Full-text available

Dec 2019

Cynthia Changxin Wang

Samad Sepasgozar

Mudan Wang[...]

Xin Ning

The location of temporary facilities in a construction project and the entire site layout plan directly
affect project objectives such as time, labor cost, and material transportation and handling. The layout
of construction sites also affects entrainment factors such as energy consumption, carbon footprints,
and overall construction operation prod...


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Transfer of project management technologies from information technology to construction industry


Full-text available

Dec 2019

Dmytro Lukianov

Yury Prymak

The article discusses the need for transformation of construction project management teams in
connection with the digitalization of the construction industry and the increasing use of BIM
technologies in the implementation of construction projects. The key to the successful implementation
of the project in construction during the transition from tr...


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Benefits and Drivers of Implementing Green Building Projects in South Africa


Full-text available

Dec 2019

Olusegun Aanuoluwapo Oguntona

Opeoluwa Akinradewo

Dineo Ramorwalo[...]
Wellington Didibhuku Thwala

Several negative environmental issues are attributed to the activities of the construction industry (CI)
globally with South Africa as no exception. Hence, the introduction of sustainability concepts in other to
address these challenges which continually threaten the health and existence of both the human and
natural environment. Green building (GB...


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Tertiary Institutions offering Qua ntity Surveying (QSV) in Nigeria

Summary of the institutions and courses related to the knowledge areas...

Summary of the institutions and courses related to the knowledge areas...

Training of construction professionals in supply chain management: a case of Nigerian Quantity



Full-text available

Nov 2019

Alexander Omoraka

Ayodeji Emmanuel Oke

I.O. Aje

The Quantity Surveyor is published biannually (twice per year) including special issue(s) where
necessary, through the Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors. The Quantity Surveyor publishes high
quality-minimum of double-blind peer-reviewed research papers in the areas of Cost management; Cost
information management; Construction economics; Cons...


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Rank of alternatives by using different methods.

Pythagorean 2-Tuple Linguistic VIKOR Method for Evaluating Human Factors in Construction Project


Full-text available

Nov 2019


Liqing Wei

Jingyan Lu

Ching-Long Lin

Since the reform and opening up, Chinese economic and social development has undergone great
changes, and the people’s living standards have improved markedly. For the national economy, the
engineering construction is not only a carrier for specific economic tasks, but also a driving force for
rapid and sustained economic development. With the cont...


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Figure 1. The production isoquant and the cost minimum (assuming CD...

On the Cost Structures in Steel Construction

Conference Paper

Full-text available

Nov 2019
Lauri Tenhunen

This paper examines the cost structures in steel construction. Quite commonly it is argued that steel
construction manufacturing benefits from its speed and exactness, which then has direct effects on the
costs and profitability of the whole construction project in question. However, little scientific work has
been done on the research of the costs...


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… 17

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